Microplastics Contamination in the Aquatic Environment of Indonesia: A Comprehensive Review

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Microplastics Contamination in the Aquatic Environment of Indonesia: A Comprehensive Review
Journal of Ecological Engineering
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140                                        Received: 2021.08.15
https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/142118                                                      Accepted: 2021.09.14
ISSN 2299-8993, License CC-BY 4.0                                                             Published: 2021.10.01

Microplastics Contamination in the Aquatic Environment
of Indonesia: A Comprehensive Review

Gina Lova Sari1*, Ahsanal Kasasiah2, Marsah Rahmawati Utami2,
Yulinah Trihadiningrum3
    Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang,
    Teluk Jambe Timur, Karawang 41361, Indonesia
    Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Teluk Jambe
    Timur, Karawang 41361, Indonesia
    Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environment, and Geoscience,
    Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
    Corresponding author’s e-mail: ginalovasari@gmail.com

The abundance of microplastics (MP) in the aquatic environment is increasingly disturbing for maritime countries,
especially Indonesia, because it has the potential to threaten the health and sustainability of aquatic ecosystems.
This review summarized and discussed the distribution of MP abundance in Indonesian aquatic ecosystems which
concluded that rivers, bays and estuaries, beaches, seas, and even fish and shellfish have been contaminated. The
highest contamination of MP was found in the waters of Jakarta, West Java, and East Java, which are densely
populated areas. The potential threat of exposure and accumulation of MP to human health was also discussed.
However, differences in the methods and units of measurement for MP as well as limited information regarding the
interaction of MP with human organ functions are weaknesses in this review. The future research on the relation-
ship between food and feeding habits of the community around contaminated waters with the accumulation of MP
in the human body is needed to identify the prevention and treatment strategies.

Keywords: aquatic environment, contamination, human exposure, Indonesia, microplastics

INTRODUCTION                                               2020; Firdaus et al., 2020; Lestari et al., 2020;
                                                           Rios Mendoza & Balcer, 2019].
    Plastic is a synthetic organic polymer that is              MP have been found in the aquatic environ-
light, strong, and easy to shape [Firdaus et al.,          ment of several countries, including Iran [Aliabad
2020], then widely used for various needs of both          et al., 2019], Bangladesh [Hossain et al., 2019], In-
domestic and industrial [Aliabad et al., 2019; Rios        dia [Sarkar et al., 2019], China [Zhu et al., 2019],
Mendoza & Balcer, 2019]. The high intensity of             Mexico [Ramírez-Álvarez et al., 2020], Canada
plastic use has not been accompanied by proper             [Anderson et al., 2016], and Indonesia [Alam et
post-use management, which has increased its               al., 2019; Firdaus et al., 2020; Lestari et al., 2020].
abundance and pollutes the environment, espe-              Therefore, other aquatic environments in Indone-
cially aquatic ecosystems. Plastics have been able         sia are also highly contaminated by MP, consid-
to undergo physical, mechanical, and biological            ered by Indonesia as one of the largest contribu-
fragmentation into smaller particles which are             tors of plastic debris to the oceans in the world,
classified into microplastics, meso-plastics, and          reaching 1.29 tons/year [Jambeck et al., 2015].
MP with a size of < 5.00 mm; 2.50–5.00 mm; and             This condition has a negative impact because MP
> 2.50 mm, respectively [Alam & Rachmawati,                is hardly degraded and able to adsorb hydrophobic

Microplastics Contamination in the Aquatic Environment of Indonesia: A Comprehensive Review
Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

compounds which are persistent and toxic in aquat-        comes from the production of beauty/cosmetic ma-
ic environment [Rios Mendoza & Balcer, 2019].             terials, cleaners, plastic packaging, scrubbers, and
     MP also potentially becomes a vector of con-         pellets in each of their products [Alam et al., 2019;
taminants, because the particles may undergo bio-         Anderson et al., 2016]. Meanwhile, the second
magnification, i.e. pollutants transfer through the       source is the plastic debris fragmentation in the wa-
food chain [Aliabad et al., 2019; Caruso, 2019].          ters [Alam et al., 2019; Aliabad et al., 2019] which
Biomagnification has been confirmed by several            annually accumulates as much as 4.80–12.70 mil-
studies, which reported that MP was found in the          lion tons, to which Indonesia has contributed al-
fish and shellfish living in a contaminated aquatic       most 1.29 tons/year [Jambeck et al. 2015]. It in-
environment [Caruso, 2019; Hossain et al., 2019;          dicates that the abundance of MP may continue
Sarkar et al., 2019], human feces [Aliabad et al.,        to increase every year [Anderson et al., 2016].
2019; Liebmann et al., 2018], and human placen-                On the basis of the shape, MP is divided into
ta [Ragusa et al., 2021]. These conditions indicate       fragment, fiber, filament, film, foam, and pellet
that MP accumulates in human tissues, which               [Widianarko & Hantoro, 2018; Yona et al., 2020].
may cause various health problems, such as gut            MP is also classified according to the polymer
dysbiosis, impaired kidney function, and cancer           types of polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyethylene
[Carding et al., 2015].                                   (PE), polystyrene (PS), polypropylene (PP), and
     In addition, the permissible levels of MP in         polyester (PES) [Aliabad et al., 2019; Anderson
aquatic environment have not been found, pos-             et al., 2016]. Each type of polymer has a different
ing threat to the waters, biota, food security, and       density, which affects its fragmentation and posi-
public health. It has threatened Indonesia, one of        tion in the water column (Table 1). Table 1 shows
the largest maritime countries in the world, where        that PP and PE float in all types of water, but it
aquatic environment is one of the main sources            still tends to sink like PS, PVC, and PES when
of life, including base water for daily consump-          subjected to biofouling, which increase their den-
tion, aquaculture, and water recreation. The stud-        sity [Anderson et al., 2016; Andrady, 2011].
ies related to the identification of MP abundance              Plastic polymers may undergo various frag-
in the aquatic environment in Indonesia have also         mentation mechanisms, such as PE and PP can
begun, but are still partial.                             be fragmented into MP through photo-oxidation
     Comprehensive information on the abun-               and thermo-oxidation [Anderson et al., 2016;
dance of MP in the aquatic environment has not            Andrady, 2011]. Given the small size of MP, it
been found, which caused that its contamination           may be biodegraded by bacteria over a long time
characteristics in various areas could not be prop-       due to its complex structure [Barnes et al., 2009],
erly compared and identified. The information is          where the carbon is converted into carbon diox-
needed for mapping the condition of aquatic en-           ide and biomass [Andrady, 2011]. Therefore, MP
vironment in Indonesia and increasing the public          may become persistent in aquatic environment
knowledge to plan and develop mitigation of MP            and has a tendency to bioaccumulate in aquatic
contamination. Therefore, the provision of com-           biota when ingested [Anderson et al., 2016; Rios
prehensive information on the MP contamination,           Mendoza & Balcer, 2019].
including abundance, shape, and type of polymer
in aquatic environment of Indonesia is highly ur-
gent, which is also the aim of this review. In addi-      MICROPLASTIC IN INDONESIAN WATERS
tion, recommendations for units of measurement
to facilitate the compilation and comparison of               Identification of MP abundance has been car-
data were also suggested in current study.                ried out in various Indonesian aquatic environ-
                                                          ments, in terms of East Kalimantan, DKI Jakarta,
                                                          Central Java, West Java, Yogyakarta Special Re-
CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROPLASTICS                          gion, Bali, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, West
                                                          Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi,
     MP is defined as a small plastic polymer with        Southeast Sulawesi, Riau, and Maluku which
size lesser than 5.00 mm that derives from indus-         dominated by East Java (see Table 2). Table 2
trial wastewater and plastic debris that ended up in      shows that the abundance of MP has been found
aquatic environment [Anderson et al., 2016]. The          in the water column, sediment, and aquatic biota,
industrial wastewater containing MP generally             as described by [Andrady, 2011].

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

Table 1. Types and Density of Microplastic Polymers
                  Polypropylene   Polyethylene   Polystyrene     Nylon/Polyamide Polyvinylchloride
 Polymer Types                                                                                       Polyester (PES)
                      (PP)            (PE)          (PS)               (PA)           (PVC)


                      900           910-970         1050                1160           1330               1370
Density (kg/m3)
Water density
Brackish water
density (kg/m3)
Sea water
density (kg/m3)
Position              Float          Float          Float               Sink            Sink              Sink
Adapted from Anderson et al. (Anderson et al., 2016)

MICROPLASTICS IN RIVER ECOSYSTEMS                              Bengawan Solo, Ciwalengke, and Musi with a to-
                                                               tal of 0.09–0.36x103; 0.04–0.19x103; 1.95–2.70;
     The MP abundance reaching as much as                      0.30±0.16; and 1.78x10-3 particles/kg, respec-
0.55–0.90 particles/L to 0.13x106 particles/L has              tively. MP has also been found in the sediment
been found in the water column of 9 rivers in In-              of the Tuban River amounting to 0.52–5.88 x103
donesia (Table 2). The highest abundance of MP                 particles/m2, but it cannot be compared, because
in river water column was found in the Cimandiri               it has different units of measurement. This dif-
watershed, followed by the Surabaya River and                  ference is one of the main obstacles to identify
Banyuurip Estuary with the number of 3.45–                     the abundance of MP in the waters, because the
63.38x103 particles/L and 7.78x103 particles/L,                compilation and comparison cannot be carried
respectively. Meanwhile, the lowest MP abun-                   out [Rios Mendoza & Balcer, 2019].
dance was found at the Bengawan Solo River.                        The abundance of MP in the water column
     Table 2 shows that the MP abundance in the                and sediment of rivers in several areas shows dif-
Surabaya River in 2019 and 2020 was differ-                    ferent amounts due to the population and public
ent; there was an increase from 0.52–2.53x103                  activities around the area [Barnes et al., 2009;
particles/L to 0.76–43.11x103 particles/L, respec-             Joesidawati, 2018]. The higher the population
tively. The dominant shape of MP found there is                and public activities around the river, the more
fragment and film that may be formed through                   unmanaged plastic waste and laundry wastewa-
photo-degradation and thermo-oxidation of plas-                ter are generated [Manalu, 2017]. Piles of un-
tic waste in the waters [Barnes et al., 2009]. The             managed plastic waste in rivers cause a decrease
condition is relevant to the continuity of plastic             in flow velocity and water movement down to
waste that ends up in rivers every day, but this               0.00–0.10 m/s [Barnes et al., 2009], causing frag-
cannot be fully handled by the self-purification               mentation and centralized accumulation as found
ability of the river which leads to MP accumu-                 in this review in the Ciwalengke River.
lation. Continuity and accumulation due to plas-                   In the Ciwalengke River, similar shape and
tic waste disposal is in line with the predictions             polymer type of MP, namely fiber and PES, has
by World Bank as stated by Firdaus et al. [2020]               been found in water column and sediment. The
that in 2025 there will be a 76.00% increase in                accumulation of PES in the sediment of the Ci-
plastic waste, which simultaneously increases the              walengke River was caused by higher MP den-
risk of MP abundance in the Indonesian rivers.                 sity than water, amounting to 1370 kg/m3 and
This condition is emphasized by Yudhantari et al.              1000 kg/m3, respectively [Anderson et al., 2016].
[2019] that 92.40% of plastic waste particles is               This condition causes an increase in MP abun-
< 5.00 mm and categorized as MP. In addition,                  dance in waters, similarly to those found in Bei
laundry wastewater is another source of MP con-                and Huanzi Lakes [Wang et al., 2017]. In addition,
tamination in rivers[Andrady, 2011].                           the prolonged presence of MP in water column
     MP abundance in several river sediments                   may trigger microorganisms to form a biofilm on
in Indonesia were found at Deli, Muara Badak,                  the surface of particle, known as biofouling, then

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

Table 2. Abundance of Microplastics in Indonesian Waters
                                                                Microplastics Abundance
 Province          Area         Years                                                                                Reference
                                                River                     Bay                      Sea
              Badak                     Sediment = 0.04-
East          River, Kutai              0.19 x103 particles/                                                        [Dewi et al.,
                                2015                                        –                       –
Kalimantan    Kartanegara               kg, dominated by                                                               2015]
              District                  fragment
                                                                                          Sediment = 0.19-
              Pantai Indah                                                                                         [Hastuti et al.,
                                2014              –                         –             2.36x103 particles/kg,
              Kapuk Coast                                                                                             2014]
                                                                                          dominated by film
                                                                 Water = 2.88-7.47x106
                                                                 particles/L, dominated
                                                                 by fragment
              Jakarta Bay       2017              –              Sediment = 18.41-                  –              [Manalu, 2017]
                                                                 38.79 x103 particles/
DKI Jakarta                                                      kg, dominated by
              DKI Jakarta
              (Tiram,                   Water = 0.09-
              Ciliwung, Sunda           0.11x103 particles/L,                                                       [Rachmat et
                                2019                                        –                       –
              Kelapa, Baru,             dominated by                                                                 al., 2019]
              Karang, Angke,            fragment
              Tuban District            Sediment = 0.52-                                                            [Joesidawati,
                                2018                                        –                       –
              Estuary                   5.88x103 particles/m2                                                           2018]
              Tuban District                                                              Sediment = 73.00-         [Joesidawati,
                                2018              –                         –
              Coast                                                                       256.50 particles/m2           2018]
                                                                 Water in the
              Banyuurip                 Water = 7.78x103         mangrove area =          Water = 7.11x103
                                                                                                                 [Ayuningtyas et
              Waters, Gresik    2019    partiles/L, dominated    22.89 particles/L,       particles/L, dominated
                                                                                                                    al., 2019]
              District                  by fragment              dominated by             by fragmen
                                        Air = 7.14-32.38x103                                                          [Wijaya &
              Surabaya River,           partikel/L
                                2019                                        –                       –              Trihadiningrum,
              Surabaya City
                                                                                          Water = 1.89
              Gili Labak                                                                  particles/L, dominated
              Island,                                                                     by fiber                   [Lolodo &
                                2019               –                        –
              Sumenep                                                                     Sediment = 65.00         Nugraha, 2019]
              District                                                                    particles/kg,
East Java
                                                                                          dominated by fiber
                                                                                          Sediment = 0.02-
                                                                                          0.34 x103 particles/
                                                                                          kg, dominated by
              Mandangin                                                                   filament and PE
              Island,                                                                                              [Rahmadhani,
                                2019               –                        –             Water = 2.00-
              Sampang                                                                                                  2019]
              District                                                                    24.00x103 particles/
                                                                                          m2, dominated by
                                                                                          fragment, filament,
                                                                                          and PVC
              Bentar Island,                                                              Water = 0.42 particle/
                                                                                                                   [Germanov et
              Probolinggo       2019               –                        –             m2, dominated by film
                                                                                                                     al., 2019]
              District                                                                    dan fragment
                                                                 Sediment = 0.09-
              Jagir Estuary,                                     0.41x103 particles/kg,                            [Firdaus et al.,
                                2020               –                                                –
              Surabaya City                                      dominated by fiber                                     2020]
                                                                 and PES

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

Table 2. cont.
                                                                Microplastics Abundance
  Province         Area         Years                                                                                Reference
                                                River                    Bay                      Sea
                                                                                          Sediment = 0.48-
                                                                                          0.59x103 particles/kg,   [Firdaus et al.,
             Beach,             2020              –                       –
                                                                                          dominated by fiber            2020]
             Surabaya City
                                                                                          and PES
                                        Water = 3.45-
             Surabaya River,            63.38x103 particle/L,                                                      [Lestari et al.,
                                2020                                      –                         –
             Surabaya City              dominated by film                                                              2020]
                                        and PP
                                                                                          Sediment = 0.36
             Brondong                                                                     dominated by fiber
             Waters,                                                                      dan fragment              [Labibah &
                                2020              –                       –
             Lamongan                                                                                              Triajie, 2020]
             District                                                                     Water = 0.44
                                                                                          particles/L, dominated
                                                                                          by fiber dan fragment
                                                                                          Sediment = ±78.35
             Lekok Beach,
                                                                                          particles/m2,             [Yona et al.,
             Pasuruan           2020              –                       –
                                                                                          dominated by fiber           2020]
                                                                                          dan film
             Pasir Panjang                                                                Sediment = ±47.85
             Beach,                                                                       particles/m2,             [Yona et al.,
                                2020              –                       –
             Pasuruan                                                                     dominated by fiber           2020]
             District                                                                     dan film
             Watu Prapat                                                                  Sediment = ±18.67
             Beach,                                                                       particles/m2,             [Yona et al.,
                                 –                –                       –
             Pasuruan                                                                     dominated by film            2020]
             District                                                                     dan fiber
                                                                                          Sediment = ±18.29
             Kapasan Beach,
                                                                                          particles/m2,             [Yona et al.,
             Pasuruan            –                –                       –
                                                                                          dominated by film            2020]
                                                                                          dan fiber
                                                                                          Sediment = 0.17-
                                                                                          0.35x103 particles/m3,
                                                                                          dominated by fiber
             Kepetingan                                                                   dan fragment             [Firmansyah,
             Waters, Sidoarjo   2021              –                       –
                                                                                          Water = 57.00-               2021]
                                                                                          79.80x103 particles/L,
                                                                                          dominated by
                                                                                          fragment dan film
                                                                                          Water = 5.86±3.70
                                                                                          particles/L, dominated
             Semarang                                                                     by fiber                 [Widianarko &
                                2018              –                       –
             Beach                                                                        Sediment =               Hantoro, 2018]
                                                                                          3.90±5.45 particles/
                                                                                          kg, dominated by film
                                                                                          Sediment = 21.90-
             Kartini Beach,                                                               32.15 particles/         [Azizah et al.,
                                2019              –                       –
             Jepara District                                                              kg, dominated by             2020]
Central                                                                                   fragment
Java                                     - Water = 0.55-
                                            0.90 particles/L,
                                          dominated by fiber
             Bengawan Solo
                                2019    - Sediment = 1.95-                –                         –              [A’yun, 2019]
                                             2.70 particles/
                                           kg, dominated by
             Karimunjawa                                                                  Sediment of coral reef
                                                                                                                   [Muchlissin et
             Marine National    2021              –                       –               ecosystem = 11.00-
                                                                                                                     al., 2020]
             Park                                                                         96.00 particles/kg

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

Table 2. cont.
                                                              Microplastics Abundance
  Province         Area        Years                                                                              Reference
                                               River                    Bay                      Sea
                                                                                        Sediment = 26.00-
             Beach,                                                                                             [Septian et al.,
                               2018              –                       –              78.00 particles/kg,
             Pangandaran                                                                                            2018]
                                                                                        dominated by fiber
                                       Water = 3.28±5.85
                                       dominated by fiber
             Ciwalengke                and PES                                                                   [Alam et al.,
             River, Bandung    2019                                      –                        –
                                       Sediment =                                                                   2019]
West Java                              0.30±0.16 particles/
                                       kg, dominated by
                                       fiber and PES
                                       Water = 0,13x106
             Cimandiri                 particles/L,                                                            [Lodo Pe et al.,
                               2020                                      –                        –
             Watershed                 dominated by film                                                           2020]
                                       and fragmen
                                                               Water = 1.49x106
             Pelabuhan Ratu                                                                                    [Lodo Pe et al.,
                               2020              –             partikel/L, dominated              –
             Estuary                                                                                               2020]
                                                               by film dan fragment
                                                               Water = 0.43-0.58x103
                                                               particles/L, dominated
                                                               by fragment
                                                                                                               [Nugroho et al.,
             Benoa Bay         2018              –             Sediment = 0.07-                   –
                                                               0.11x103 particles/
                                                               kg, dominated by
                                                                                        Sediment =
             Doublesix                                                                  71.50±28.90
                                                                                                               [Mauludy et al.,
             Beach, Badung     2019              –                       –              particles/kg
             District                                                                   dominated by fiber
                                                                                        and PS
                                                                                        Sediment =
             Kuta Beach,                                                                particle/kg, dominated [Mauludy et al.,
                               2019              –                       –
             Badung District                                                            by fiber and PS            2019]

Bali                                                                                    Sediment =
             Pantai Melasti,                                                            67.20±46.10
                                                                                                             [Mauludy et al.,
             Kabupaten         2019              –                       –              particles/kg
             Badung                                                                     dominated by fiber,
                                                                                        PP, and PS
                                                                                        Sediment =
             Mengiat Beach,                                                                                  [Mauludy et al.,
                               2019              –                       –              particles/kg,
             Badung District                                                                                      2019]
                                                                                        dominated by fiber,
                                                                                        fragment, PP, and PS
                                                                                        Sediment =
             Tanjung Benoa                                                              70.50±29.60
                                                                                                             [Mauludy et al.,
             Beach, Badung     2019              –                       –              particles/kg
             District                                                                   dominated by fiber,
                                                                                        fragmen, and PS
                                                                                        Water = 0.04-
             Nusa Penida,
                                                                                        0.90 particles/m2,    [Germanov et
             Klungkung         2019              –                       –
                                                                                        dominated by film       al., 2019]
                                                                                        and fragmen
                                       Sediment =
South                                  1,78x10-3 particles/
             Musi Estuary      2018                                      –                        –             [Ahmad, 2018]
Sumatera                               kg, dominated by
                                       fragment and PP

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

Table 2. cont.
                                                               Microplastics Abundance
  Province         Area        Years                                                                                 Reference
                                               River                     Bay                       Sea
                                       Water = 0.07-
             Sei Babura
                                       0.16x103 particles/L,                                                         [Harahap,
             River, Medan      2021                                        –                        –
                                       dominated by film                                                               2021]
                                       and fragment
                                       Water = 0.08-
             Sei Sikambing
North                                  0.17x103 particles/L,                                                         [Harahap,
             River, Medan      2021                                        –                        –
Sumatera                               dominated by film                                                               2021]
                                       and fragmen
                                       Sediment = 0.09-
                                       0.36x103 particles/                                                         [Addauwiyah,
             Deli River        2021                                        –                        –
                                       kg, dominated by film                                                          2021]
                                       and fragment
             Naras Hilir                                                                  Sediment = 13.24
             Beach,            2020              –                         –              particles/m3,             [Yolla, 2020]
             Pariaman City                                                                dominated by film
                                                                                          Water = 18.00
East Nusa                                                                                                           [Hiwari et al.,
             Sawu Sea          2019              –                         –              particles/L, dominated
Tenggara                                                                                                                2019]
                                                                                          by fragment
             Komodo                                                                       Water = 0.24-
             National Park,                                                               0.29 particles/m2,       [Germanov et
                               2019              –                         –
             Manggarai Barat                                                              dominated by film          al., 2019]
             District                                                                     and fragment
                                                                Water = 0.10-
                                                                                                                    [Kapo et al.,
             Kupang Bay        2020              –              90.20x10-3 particles/L,             –
                                                                dominated by fiber
             Burau Sea,
South                                                                                     Water = 56.20x103         [Kama et al.,
             Luwu Timur        2021              –                         –
Sulawesi                                                                                  particlesl/L                 2021]
                                                                Sediment = 1.36-
Southeast                                                       3.52x10-3 particles/                                [Layn et al.,
             Kendari Bay       2020              –                                                  –
Sulawesi                                                        kg, dominated by                                       2020]
                                                                                          Water = 19.17-
             Island Waters,                                                                                        [Febriani et al.,
Riau                           2020              –                         –              80.83x103 particles/L,
             Bengkalis                                                                                                 2020]
                                                                                          dominated by fiber

increasing the density and accumulation of MP                     abundance of 0.10x10-3 – 7.47x106 particle/L and
[Andrady, 2011; Barnes et al., 2009; Browne et                    0.07x10-3 – 38.79x103 particle/kg. The lowest MP
al., 2011]. It can be seen at the Bengawan Solo                   abundances for water column and sediment were
River, where the dominance of MP in water col-                    found in Kupang Bay and Kendari Bay, respec-
umn (fiber) and sediment (fragment) is different.                 tively. Meanwhile, the highest MP abundance for
     If there is no accumulation of unmanaged                     water and sediment was found in Jakarta Bay,
plastic waste, rivers can act as distribution routes              with the predominance of fragments, PP, and PE,
for MP and other pollutants to other waters and                   which indicated that deposition was caused by
seas, because they are interconnected [Manalu,                    biofouling.
2017; Stolte et al., 2015]. This is due to the cur-                   The dominance of MP in Jakarta Bay is similar
rents and water velocity on river of 0.10–0.20 m/s                to the findings in DKI Jakarta River-Estuaries of
[Ayuningtyas et al., 2019; Barnes et al., 2009]. It               Angke, Baru, and Ciliwung (see Table 2), which
may contributed to the low number of MP in the                    have proven that rivers are a transport route for
water column and sediments of the Bengawan                        pollutants. As reported by Manalu [2017] there
Solo River, as sampling was carried out in the                    was a lot of unmanaged plastic waste at the river-
watershed leading to estuary.                                     estuaries of DKI Jakarta, which might be broken
                                                                  down into fragments. It was also found in Jagir
                                                                  Estuary, where 52.30–63.00% of the generated
MICROPLASTIC IN MARINE ECOSYSTEMS                                 domestic waste was not properly managed by the
                                                                  community and was disposed into rivers, thereby
    Table 2 showed that water column and sedi-                    increasing the abundance of MP in the Suraba-
ment in several bays and estuaries in Indone-                     ya River [Lestari et al., 2020] and Jagir Estuary
sia have been contaminated by MP, with an                         [Firdaus et al., 2020] which is dominated by fiber,

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

film, and PES. The dominance of MP which was              and estuaries. These conditions have an impact on
found in several estuaries and bays has shown             the deposition and accumulation of plastic waste
that the waste generated from waters utilization          and MP in the sediment as an effect of its limited
for marine transportation and aquaculture activi-         movement, as those found in Jakarta Bay, Pantai
ties is another source which exacerbates the MP           Indah Kapuk and Wonorejo Coast. It also occurs
contamination.                                            in the coral reef cultivation areas as shown in the
     Given the existence of currents and tidal            Karimun Jawa Marine National Park.
waves in estuary and bay [Bessa et al., 2018],                 Thus, it can be concluded that the main
both of them have become the entry point for              source of MP contamination in water column and
plastic waste or MP from river into the sea [An-          sediment of Indonesian Waters is disposal of un-
drady, 2011]. As reported by Andrady [2011],              managed domestic waste, especially plastic waste
80.00% of the plastic waste found in the ocean            into waters, which is indicated by fragments as
comes from rivers, which generally occur in               the dominant MP found (Figure 1). The amount
large rivers [Kama et al., 2021]. Therefore, it is        of plastic waste disposal is influenced by the pub-
well-earned that water column and sediment in             lic activities around the waters area. As shown in
the beach and the sea are contaminated by MP.             Figures 1 and 2, the aquatic environment in Indo-
On the basis of the data obtained, the abundance          nesia that are highly contaminated by MP are DKI
of MP in water column and sediment from sev-              Jakarta, West Java, and East Java, with an abun-
eral beaches and seas amounts to 1.89x10-3 –              dance of water and sediment reaching as much
80.83x103 particles/L and 8.76x10-3 – 2.36x103            as 35.46x106; 2.79x106; 0.52x106 particle/L and
particles/kg, respectively.                               77.60x103; 0.47 x103; and 3.81x103 particle/kg,
     The highest abundance of MP in seawater col-         respectively. These provinces are the areas with
umn was found in Bengkalis Island Waters which            the highest population in Indonesia. The classi-
were dominated by fibers and films, followed by           fication was carried out using the data with the
Kepetingan and Burau Waters of 57.00–79.80x103            same unit of measurement for water (particles/L)
particles/L (fragments and films) and 56.20x103           and sediment (particles/kg), according to Rios
particles/L (fragments), respectively. It is caused       Mendoza & Balcer [2019] recommendation.
by high utilization of the waters for marine trans-            Moreover, the abundance of MP in waters is
portation, coastal tourism, and aquaculture such          influenced by polymer type, pattern and speed of
as seaweed. Especially for Bengkalis Island Wa-           distribution. The type of polymer is closely re-
ters, there are also many offshore oil-rigs that may      lated to the density and buoyancy of MP in the
cause oil spills during the drilling and distribution     waters. The pattern and distribution of MP de-
activities. Meanwhile, the sediment in Pantai In-         pends on the direction and flow velocity of cur-
dah Kapuk Coast contains the highest MP, which            rents, tidal waves, density, and the geographical
is 0.19–2.36x103 particles/kg, with film as the           characteristics of the waters. In addition, the di-
dominant MP. Pantai Indah Kapuk is connected              rection and speed of wind are also the factors that
to the Angke and Cengkareng Drain Estuaries               affect the characteristics of currents and waves in
which hold a lot of plastic waste. Moreover, Pan-         the waters [Anderson et al., 2016; Andrady, 2011;
tai Indah Kapuk is a densely populated area and           Barnes et al., 2009; Bessa et al., 2018; Browne
mangrove cultivation areas [Hastuti et al., 2014].        et al., 2011; Ramírez-Álvarez et al., 2020; Rios
     When compared, the abundance of MP based             Mendoza & Balcer, 2019; Stolte et al., 2015].
on observation location has shown that bays and
estuaries have higher number of MP than rivers,
beaches, and seas in Indonesia. This is because           MICROPLASTIC IN AQUATIC BIOTA
bays and estuaries are meeting points of riv-
ers and seas, so that there are differences in the            The MP contamination was not only found in
water density and its location is protected from          the water column and sediment, but also in aquat-
waves which inhibit the plastic waste and MP              ic biota, especially pelagic and demersal fish of
distribution. The inhibition is also caused by the        2.00–95.65 particles/ind and 1.00–61.5 particles/
geographical characteristics of bays and estuaries        ind, respectively (Table 3). The pelagic fish con-
which are the habitats of mangrove, where plastic         taining the highest amount of MP was Frigate
waste and MP are trapped in the root areas. Man-          tuna from Boron Beach, followed by Anodontos-
groves are also found on the coast close to bays          toma chacunda (77.40 particles/ind) and Arius

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140



                            Figure 1. Microplastic shape in Indonesian waters

maculatus (72.22 particles/ind) that are found in      (Jakarta Bay); and Neotrygon annotate (Jakarta
Jakarta Bay and Bengkalis Island Waters. Mean-         Bay) with a total of 57.50; 56.00; and 56.00 par-
while, the demersal fish which contains the high-      ticles/ind, respectively.
est MP were Nemipterus marginatus (Jakarta                  The number of MP in two types of fish is
Bay), followed by Japanese threadfin bream             influenced by several factors, including habitat,
(Boron Beach); Eleutheronema tetradactylum             abundance of MP in the habitat (number and

           Figure 2. Distribution of microplastics abundance in aquatic environment of Indonesia

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

shape), feeding and food habits. Pelagic fish have        [Listiani & Nugraha, 2021; Wahdani et al., 2020].
a higher MP because their habitat is in the water         The amount of accumulated MP in a shellfish
column, which is an area with a wider distribu-           depends on their size, where the larger shellfish
tion of MP than the bottom area of waters that            size, the more MP might be accumulated, as
is the habitat of demersal fish. The dominance            found in Anadara granosa [Listiani & Nugraha,
of pelagic and demersal fish containing MP was            2021]. The A. granosa on Semarang Beach, with
found in Jakarta Bay, where the water column and          a size of less than 3.00 cm, contained 6.00±3.70
sediment were contaminated by as much as 2.88–            particles/ind of MP which were dominated by
7.47x106 item/L and 18.41–38.79x103 particles/            fiber that was similar to the findings in the wa-
kg, respectively.                                         ter column. Meanwhile, the A. granosa from
     Small pelagic fish such as A. chacunda, and          Kwanyar and Tanjung Tiram Water, with a size of
A. maculatus are classified as filter feeders, that       more than 3.00 cm, s contained 20.20–26.80 and
preys on zooplankton through water suction,               20.33–120.00 particles/ind of MP, respectively.
potentially ingesting very small MP at the same           In addition, MP was also found in other marine
time [Manalu, 2017]. Zooplankton is also a filter         organisms, namely Echinoidea of 22.30 particles/
feeder (Andrady, 2011; Germanov et al., 2019);            ind, which was also dominated by fiber.
therefore, very small MP may be consumed and                   The MP contained by aquatic biota could po-
accumulated in its tissues because there is no en-        tentially interfere with the absorption of nutrients,
zymatic reaction of digestion, which is commonly          because it is hydrophobic, since hydrocarbons as
known as bio-inert [Andrady, 2011; Carbery et al.,        polymer plastic constituent are one of the POPs
2018; Fackelmann & Sommer, 2019]. Desforges               [Andrady, 2011; Bellasi et al., 2020; Carbery et
et al. [2015] reported that the zooplankton in the        al., 2018]. Due to its hydrophobic properties, MP
Northeast Pacific Ocean contains 0.03–0.06 parti-         is able to absorb toxic compounds such as poly-
cles/ind with a size of 556.00–816.00 mm. There-          chlorinated biphenyls and dioxins from water
fore, small pelagic fish may be affected by double        column as well as act as a transporter in the food
consumption of MP. In addition, zooplankton is            chain [Engler, 2012].
able to retain MP in its tissues for up to several
hours, then die and accumulate in sediment. This
threat also concerns other organisms at different         LONG-TERM HAZARDS POTENTIAL
durations, for instance, crabs are capable of re-
taining MP for to 14 days.                                     Indonesia is one of the largest marine mega
     Meanwhile, large pelagic fish showed a high-         biodiversity areas in the world, where aquatic bi-
er level of food and feeding habits than small pe-        ota become one of the main foods for people, es-
lagic fish which are mostly omnivores preying on          pecially those on the coast and islands. On the ba-
detritus, zooplankton, small pelagic fish, insects,       sis of these food habits, biomagnification became
and shrimp. Given the shape of elongated fiber is         the main process for MP transport to human. MP
similar to that of prey, the fish tend to approach        will eventually accumulate in human body tis-
it [Foley et al., 2018] and it may be accidentally        sues, especially macrophages that affect metabol-
ingested by large pelagic fish [Andrady, 2011;            ic processes due to it is bio-inertness [Anderson et
Yudhantari et al., 2019]. A similar accident due          al., 2016; Moore, 2008; Widianarko & Hantoro,
to MP misrecognizing also occurs in demersal              2018]. The MP in the human body may become
fish [Nie et al., 2019] because its feeding habits        resistant when accumulation reaches a point of
are carried out by filtering sediment to catch the        equilibrium [Fackelmann & Sommer, 2019].
prey [Manalu, 2017]. This is consistent with the               The MP in macrophages is adsorbed and mi-
data shown in Table 3, that fiber has been demon-         grated to lymph nodes, then translocated to other
strated as dominant MP in fish. The mechanism             organs through the blood [Anderson et al., 2016].
suggests that the MP pathway in large pelagic and         The MP in the blood is able to replenish proteins
demersal fish is through the trophic transfer and         and glycoproteins, which may cause decreased im-
inadvertent ingestion of MP which is similar in           munity and intestinal dysbiosis to diarrhea [Card-
appearance to prey.                                       ing et al., 2015; Fackelmann & Sommer, 2019]. It
     MP is also found in shellfish at contaminated        has been proven by the findings of PP, PS, and PE
waters, because they are one of the filter feed-          in human feces [Liebmann et al., 2018]. Further-
ers and also act as hyperaccumulator organisms            more, MP may disrupt the reproductive system that

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

Table 3. Microplastics in Aquatic Biota
                                                            Aquatic Organisms                                      Sumber
 Province        Area
                                   Pelagic Fish              Demersal Fish              Other Organisms
                                                         tetradactylum = 56.00
                             A. chacunda = 42.60–        particles/ind
                             77.40 particles/ind
                                                         Neotrygon annotate =
                             Selar boops = 65.00         56.00 particles/ind,
DKI Jakarta   Jakarta Bay                                                                       –              [Manalu, 2017]
                                                         Nemipterus marginatus
                             Shape dominated by          = 61.50 particles/ind
                                                         Shape dominated by
              Gili Labak
                                                                                   Echinoidea = 22.30
               Island,                                                                                           [Lolodo &
                                         –                          –              particles/ind, yang
              Sumenep                                                                                          Nugraha, 2019]
                                                                                   didominasi bentuk fiber
                                                         Epinephelus = 1.00–
                             Euthynus = 2.00–5.00
              Mandangin                                  3.00 particles/ind
               Island,                                 Nemipterus = 1.00–6.00                                  [Rahmadhani,
                             Sardinella lemuru = 3.00–                                          –
              Sampang                                  particles/ind                                               2019]
                             5.00 item particles/ind
               District                                Shape dominated by
East Java                    Shape dominated by film
              Brondong       Priacathus tayenus =
                Coast,       13.00–15.33 particles/ind                                                           [Labibah &
                                                                    –                           –
              Lamongan                                                                                          Triajie, 2020]
                District     Shape dominated by fiber
               Kwanyar                                                             A. granosa = 20.20–26.80
               Waters,                                                             particles/ind                 [Listiani &
                                         –                          –
              Bangkalan                                                                                        Nugraha, 2021]
                District                                                           Shape dominated by fiber
                             Chanos chanos =                                       A. granosa = 6.00±3.70
              Semarang       3.36±1.02 particles/ind                               particles/ind               [Widianarko &
               Beach                                                                                           Hantoro, 2018]
Central                      Shape dominated by fiber                              Shape dominated by fiber
Java                         Mugil cephalus = 3.40–
              Bengawan       6.40 particles/ind                     –                           –               [A’yun, 2019]
              Solo River
                             Shape dominated by fiber
                                                         Japanese threadfin
                        Skipjack tuna =                  bream = 57.50±37.61
           Boron Beach, 21.90±11.94 particles/ind        particles/ind
Yogyakarta Gunung Kidul Frigate tuna =                   Large–scale croaker =                  –
                                                                                                                 et al., 2020]
              District  95.65±38.80 particles/ind        7.35±4.48 particles/ind
                             Shape dominated by fiber Shape dominated by
                             S. lemuru = 7.03±0.62
                             particles/ind, shape
                             dominated by film
                                                      Trichiurus lepturus =
                             Decapterus russelli =
                                                      3.83±1.01 particles/                                     [Sarasita et al.,
Bali           Bali Strait   4.23±1.23 particles/ind,                                           –
                                                      ind, shape dominated                                         2020]
                             shape dominated fiber
                                                      by fiber
                             Rastrelliger kanagurta =
                             5.03±0.76 particles/ind,
                             shape dominated by fiber
              Maccini Baji
                Waters,                                                            V. philippinarum = 1.09–
South                                                                                                          [Wahdani et al.,
              Pangkajane                 –                          –              1.21 particles/ind, shape
Sulawesi                                                                                                           2020]
               and Island                                                          dominated by fiber
               Bengkalis     Arius maculatus = 72.22
                             particles/ind               Harpodon nehereus =
                Islands                                  55.56 particles/ind                                   [Febriani et al.,
Riau            Waters,      Setipinna breviceps rata–                                          –
               Bengkalis     rata = 61.06 particles/ind Shape dominated by
                District                                fiber
                             Shape dominated by fiber
                                                                                   A. granosa = 20.33–
                Tiram                                                                                           [Tuhumury &
Maluku                                   –                          –              120.00 particles/ind,
               Waters,                                                                                         Ritonga, 2020]
                                                                                   dominated by fiber
              Ambon Bay

Journal of Ecological Engineering 2021, 22(10), 127–140

affect the development of sex cells, embryos, hor-        compounds and cause various organ dysfunction
mone production, and organ dysfunction [Carding           for aquatic biota and humans.
et al., 2015; Fackelmann & Sommer, 2019] which                Therefore, further research about quantifica-
could potentially affect pregnant women and chil-         tion of MP abundance (amount, size, and polymer
dren. As reported by Ragusa et al. [2021], 3 par-         type) in public water sources and determination
ticles of MP-fragments were found in the placenta         of the permissible MP abundance limit are ur-
with the size of 5.00–10.00 mm.                           gently needed to reduce the health risk potential.
     Organ dysfunction is a dangerous health prob-        Therefore, the role of government and society in
lem that causes systemic inflammation and growth          managing waste is very important to reduce the
hormone resistance of IGF-1. Systemic inflamma-           plastic waste disposal in the waters.
tion may also cause anemia, which has been a trigger
for stunting [Prendergast et al., 2015]. This condi-      Acknowledgments
tion may be closely related to the high prevalence
                                                              The authors gratefully acknowledge to Insti-
of stunting in Indonesia, reaching 30.80% in 2018
                                                          tute of Research and Community Service Uni-
[Budiastutik & Rahfiludin, 2019; Rahmawati et al.,
                                                          versitas Singaperbangsa Karawang for the grant
2020], especially in coastal areas. Although the as-
                                                          which made this research work.
sociation between the MP exposure to interference
above has not been proven, but the potential of long-
term effects needs to be the focus of attention. There-   REFERENCE
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