Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero

Page created by Leroy Aguilar
Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero
Mind The Gap
The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps
Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero

                                                               Centre for Net Zero is building an agent-based model
                                                               (ABM) for the energy transition to identify faster, fairer
                                                               and more affordable paths to net zero. The first release
                                                               of our simulation will inform a consolidated research
                                                               paper to be published in Autumn 2021. Ahead of this
                                                               paper’s release, we are publishing a series of interim
                                                               research findings to share our learnings as we leverage
                                                               our access to Octopus Energy data, and other public
                                                               datasets and research, and develop the simulation in

                                                               These research findings provide a unique insight into
                                                               current domestic energy behaviours and help improve
                                                               understandings of expected future behaviours. In
                                                               creating our ABM, we want to discover how a diversity of
                                                               actors within the energy landscape make autonomous
                                                               decisions that affect one another and influence the
                                                               behaviour of the overall system. These insights will
                                                               enable decision makers to take faster, bolder and more
                                                               equitable climate action.

Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                1
Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero
Key points

•     Air source heat pumps (ASHPs) are expected to be one of the dominant technologies to replace
      gas boilers, but their higher up-front cost is a commonly cited barrier to adoption.
•     While variety in Great Britain’s (GB) housing type, size and efficiency is broadly acknowledged,
      debate often centres on the ‘average’ household - comparing a £10,000 investment in a heat
      pump system to £2,000 for a replacement boiler.
•     We looked across 30m GB properties to simply estimate the distribution of costs to retrofit an
      air source heat pump.
•     We found that a £4,000 subsidy, as proposed under the Clean Heat Grant consulted on by
      government, could make air source heat pumps cheaper than gas boilers for 13% of GB homes.
      However, three-quarters of these homes are flats, for which there are currently practical
      challenges in adopting heat pumps. Excluding flats, the same subsidy will bring 3% of homes to
      cost parity.
•     Around 50,000 ASHPs have been deployed in GB to date. As with other energy technologies
      such as solar and wind, we would expect heat pump costs to fall as more are installed. In this
      way, a subsidy that affects 3% of homes in the first instance could deliver cost parity for 16% of
      homes after two years. This could lead to the uptake of around 230,000 heat pumps per year.
•     Subsidies could be reduced over time, but the government will need to balance fiscal
      responsibility against industry and household confidence, which will be essential in
      underpinning sustained innovation and demand growth. There may also be a role for the
      Government in enabling wider adoption within flats, through supporting technological
      innovation and review of regulation.
•     Up-front cost is just one factor in household decisions about heating systems. Our next step is
      to integrate this analysis into our agent-based model to consider a wider range of technologies
      and factors including running costs, technical suitability and awareness. Our model will
      consider both heat and transport, as two critical areas where we need fair and affordable
      options for households to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                           2
Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero
Context: why focus on heat pumps?
Homes account for 21% of total greenhouse gas (GHG)            A plot of RHI installation numbers (Apr 2014 - Dec 2020) by system across property types
emissions1 and 35% of total energy consumption in the
UK in 20202. 75% of the total energy demand in the UK
                                                               20000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Air source heat pump
housing stock comes from heating3.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ground source heat pump
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Biomass systems
Natural gas is the most common heating fuel in                 17500                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Solar thermal

domestic buildings, covering 80% of domestic heat
demand in the UK3. There are currently about 22
million households in the UK with gas boilers4, with 1.7       15000

million units sold in 2019.
The UK government supports the deployment of heat
pumps: in 2020, it pledged to install 600,000 heat
pumps per year by 2028. Currently fewer than only               1000
30,000 heat pumps are being installed yearly5. One of
the major reasons for this is the high up-front costs of
heat pump systems relative to gas boilers.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3068 (3.6%)
In this analysis we have focused on the difference in           5000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1867 (2.2%)
up-front cost between ASHPs and gas boilers, ignoring

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1628 (1.9%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1359 (1.6%)
                                                                                                                                                                            1675 (2%)
                                                                                                                                                  1311 (1.5%)

                                                                                                                                                                1710 (2%)
                                                                       18787 (22.2%)
other technologies and factors in decision-making.

                                                                                                     8166 (9.6% -)
                                                                                       8350 (9.9%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                       430 (0.5%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    616 (0.7%)
                                                                                                                                                                                        8169 (9.6% )
                                                                                                                     4758 (5.6%)

                                                                                                                                    14370 (17%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            8.7% - 7387

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        122 ( 0.1%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 815 (1%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                80 (0.1%)
ASHPs have made up more than 60% of accreditations

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      38 (0%)
under the UK government’s Renewable Heat Incentive
(RHI) scheme - and this trend is evident across                    0
property types, from detached homes to flats and                                Detached house                                     Semi - detached house                                           Terraced house                                          Bungalow                                             Flat or Maisonette

                                                                  Figure 1: Percentage of low carbon heating technologies installed in different UK property types 6

Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3
Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero
What drives the cost of a heat pump?
                                                               Heat pumps are sized according to forecast heating demand. Desired
                                                               temperature, weather conditions, insulation and dwelling size all play
                                                               a part. Proper sizing typically requires a site visit from a trained
                                                               heating engineer.

                                                               For the purpose of this analysis, we use the following rule of thumb:

                                                               •   kW capacity = 0.1 * Floor Area/m2 (rounded down to the nearest
                                                               •   Multiply capacity by 70% if property is ‘well insulated’ (EPC A-C).
                                                                   Note that for EPC D-G, we did not explicitly consider the trade-
                                                                   off between heat pump capacity and remedial energy efficiency
                                                               •   Limit capacity to 20kW. Cost data from the domestic RHI is
                                                                   limited for larger ASHPs (those between 20-45kW make up less
                                                                   than 2% of current accreditations) so we decided to cap at a level
                                                                   where the sample size is more robust.

                                                               Once the capacities of the heat pumps for each household have been
                                                               estimated, the Ofgem RHI database6 was used to estimate the range
                                                               of up-front costs. While this is an imperfect estimation, we believe it
                                                               is a significant improvement on reliance on average properties and
                                                               heating systems.

                                                               For gas boilers we split homes into three different categories based
                                                               on their floor area: small (including all flats); medium; and large. We
                                                               then allocated boiler costs according to an article on the Boiler Guide

Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                             4
Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero
Variety in the UK housing stock
A central foundation of this analysis has been                 The distribution of EPCs in the UK
a commercial dataset derived from the Energy
Performance Certificate (EPC) database - taking                        1e7

the data from EPCs and inferring equivalent
values for properties in England, Scotland and
Wales which do not have a certificate. An EPC
gives a property an energy efficiency rating
from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). The
distribution of ratings in Great Britain can be
found in Figure 1. Along with these ratings, the                 1.0

dataset provides information about the number
of bedrooms and the floor area of the properties.               0.8

As illustrated in Figure 2, the most common EPC                 0.6
in the GB is EPC D. Remember, an A rating is the
most energy efficient, a G rating is the least.                 0.4

                                                                                                                                      1.6% -1359
                                                                                       2.3%                                                        6.6%
                                                                         0.5%                                                                             0.1%
                                                                             G             F             E                 D      C                 B      A


                                                                  Figure 2: EPC distribution of 30 million UK households

Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                                                     5
Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero
Figure 3 illustrates that, as expected, houses are normally bigger than flats and bungalows.
   However, there is a wide variety of floor sizes per category which we have taken into account in
   estimating the costs of ASHP installations.

   The distribution of floor area (sqm), split out by property type
   Note: Properties with floor area greater than 300sqm are excluded from the plot. Horizontal lines indicate quartiles.



Floor Area (m2)




                           House                            Bungalow/Chalet                          Flat/Maisonette

   Figure 3: Floor areas for different household types

          Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                     6
Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero
In Figure 4 you can see that flats and maisonettes are more likely to be well insulated, with
               EPC C being the most common one, while houses and bungalows are mostly EPC D rated.

               A count of property types, split out by EPC


                1.0                                                                                                   E

                0.8                                                                                                   A




                                   House                         Bungalow/Chalet           Flat or Maisonette

                                                                   Property type

               Figure 4: Distribution of EPC by household type

Mind the Gap                                                                                                              7
Mind The Gap The costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps - Centre for Net Zero
What does this mean for the distribution of costs per household?
       On average, the poor insulation and larger floor space of houses will result in higher
       capital costs. On the other hand, flats and maisonettes are in a much better position,
       since their EPC ratings indicate that these types of households are better insulated,
       have less floor space and therefore would require smaller heat pumps. Our modelling of
       ASHP capacity per property type can be seen in Figure 5. In general, houses need larger
       heat pumps, while bungalows and flats require more modest devices.

       The distribution of recommended ASHP kW from our modelling, broken down by Property Type

3.0                                                                                                   Property Type

2.5                                                                                                      Flat/Maisonette





 0      1     2     3    4     5    6     7     8    9     10    11    12    13   14   15   16   17    18     19      20
                                                    ASHP kW Recommendation

      Figure 5: Distribution of recommended ASHP kW Capacity by household type

        Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                       8
Across all property types, the ASHP capacity required for households is generally between
               5 and 10 kW (as seen in Figure 6). On the right hand side you see the effect of our decision
               to limit capacity to 20kW - for these 3.5% of households the modelled costs may be

               The distribution of recommended ASHP kW from our modelling





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               755405 (2.5%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               591726 (2%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             466562 (1.6%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             375912 (1.3%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             277046 (0.9%)
                                    249848 (0.8%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             219092 (0.7%)

                                                                                                                                                          3426905 (11.5%)
                                                                                                                      2995800 (10.1%)
                                                                                                    3077910 (10.3%)

                                                                                                                                        3105519 (10.4%)

                                                                                                                                                                            2777405 (9.3%)

                                                                                                                                                                                             1938247 (6.5%)
                                                                    2132296 (7.2%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1030123 (3.5%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              1277618 (4.3%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               961558 (3.2%)
                                                                                     2692471 (9%)
                                                    1377767 (4.6)
                     28276 (0.1%)


                 0          1               2                 3               4               5               6                7                 8     9    10   11      12                                                         13             14             15             16                17              18            19             20
                                                                                                                                                  ASHP kW Recommendation

               Figure 6: Distribution of ASHP capacities to decarbonise heating in the UK household stock

Mind the Gap                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  9
Using these capacities and the costs estimated using RHI data6, we reviewed the estimated ASHP costs depending on the EPC rating and the
      number of rooms.

      A heatmap to show the cost modelling assumptions for a given EPC and numbers of bedrooms.
      The top number is the median, with the numbers in brackets being the lower and upper quartile respectively.

                      1                            2                           3                           4                 5                 6

                  £7020                        £9030                        £11330                      £13930             £14910           £15200

              (£5470-£10180)               (£6670-£12560)               (£8350-£14710)              (£10290-£17080)   (£11130-£17500    (£10910-£17500)

                   £6920                       £8870                        £11360                      £14070             £15360            £15430
               (£5470-£9670)               (£6590-£12360)               (£8410-£14680)              (£10420-£17120)   (£11470-£17500)   (£11290-£17500)

                  £6990                        £8990                       £11110                       £13600             £15140            £15270
              (£5460-£9900)                (£6680-£12430)              (£8300-£14320)               (£10130-£16730)   (£11240-£17500)   (£11220-£17500)

                   £6980                       £8500                        £10630                      £12970            £14730            £14400

               (£5510-£9700)               (£6410-£11800)               (£7960-£13790)              (£9720-£16170)    (£10910-£17500)   (£10120-£17500)

                  £5000                        £6610                        £7860                       £10900            £12910            £12600

              (£5000-£6900)                (£5320-£8760)                (£6000-£11030)              (£7990-£14270)    (£9380-£16250     (£7950-£16520)

                  £5000                        £6590                        £7930                       £10710            £13060            £12880

              (£5000-£6820)                (£5290-£8680)                (£6060-£11020)              (£7950-£13980)    (£9550-£16380)    (£7810-£16840)

                   £5000                       £6670                        £8180                       £11380            £13790            £14490

               (£5000-£6970)               (£5400-£9120)                (£6190-£11610)              (£8430-£14760)    (£9920-£17170)    (£10270-£17500)

                   £6,920                      £8,500                       £10,630                     £12,970          £14,730           £14,490

      Figure 7: Costs to purchase a heat pump per EPC and number of rooms

      Figure 7 shows that poorly insulated households will need to spend considerably more (between £12k and £15k) than households that are well
      insulated of the same size (less than £10k). Gas boiler up-front costs are much more consistent and do not vary as much depending on the
      capacity needed. In the UK, the average capital and installation cost of these boilers is around £2,0007.

       Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                                                       10
A £4,000 subsidy would make an ASHP
the cheaper option for 13% of homes

The Clean Heat Grant is expected to be
announced shortly by the UK government,                                                      A graph showing the proportion of households and the difference between the
offering households £4,000 to reduce the up-                                                 (simulated) ASHP and Gas Boiler prices (£)
front cost of low-carbon technologies like ASHPs.

Figure 8 shows the difference between ASHP
costs and gas boilers across GB households.                                                  0.8
Looking at the turquoise line (which reflects
median ASHP costs reported by the RHI), 13% of

                                                               Proportion of households
households have a pre-subsidy ASHP premium                                                   0.6

less than £4,000. If average ASHP costs are
reduced to lower quartile levels, the proportion of
properties for which an ASHP is cheaper post-                                                0.4

subsidy rises to 40%, while it falls to 7% at upper
quartile cost levels.                                                                                                                                            Variable
                                                                                             0.2                                                                        ashp_cost_gbh_premium_lower_quartile


                                                                                                             0        2500          5000          7500          10000         12500        15000        17500

                                                                                                                      Price difference (£) between ASHP and Gas boiler (simulated)

                                                                                          Figure 8: Proportion of households that can benefit from government subsidy to bring ASHP to cost parity
                                                                                          with gas boilers. The vertical line represents the expected Clean Homes Grant of £4,0008

Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                                                                                                    11
As identified previously, flats will generally
require smaller ASHPs. However there are
practical challenges in installing them in ats,
particularly around space and being more likely
to be rented. To date, ASHPs have been installed                                             A graph showing the households and the difference between the (simulated) ASHP and
in around 3,000 ats, an adoption rate ve times                                               Gas Boiler prices (£), broken down by Property Type
lower than for houses and bungalows . Figure 9

below splits the turquoise line from Figure 8, to                                            1.0
show the impact of a £4,000 subsidy on different
types of home. Here we can see while 13% of all
homes may bene t, the proportion is far higher
for ats (>40%) than for houses and bungalows                                                                                                                                           Property Type

                                                               Proportion of households
(2-7%).                                                                                      0.6


                                                                                                              0        2000          4000          6000          8000          10000        12000         14000
                                                                                                                       Price difference (£) between ASHP and Gas boiler (simulated)
                                                                                          Figure 9: Proportion of households (split by property type) that can benefit from government subsidy to
                                                                                          bring ASHP to cost parity with gas boilers. The vertical line represents the proposed Clean Heat Grant of

Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                                                                                                      12
If we cannot make it easy for flats to adopt heat                  Subsidy should cause the cost of ASHPs to fall, as more are installed
pumps, either through innovation or changes in
regulation, then we may want to consider them                      Over the past two decades we have witnessed huge falls in the unit costs of solar
separately within our analysis. In the table below                 and wind generation, widely documented as ‘learning curves’ which express how
we can see how bringing a certain number of                        technologies get cheaper as they come to scale. The learning curves for solar and
homes to cost parity costs significantly more if                   wind show a 20% reduction in costs for every doubling of cumulative production.
we assume flats cannot adopt heat pumps.                           Studies in Germany and Switzerland have shown even higher learning rates for
                                                                   domestic heat pumps of 30-35%10, though these date from analysis up to 2004.

                                         Required subsidy          While we would expect global rather than GB penetration of heat pumps to shape
                                                                   the cost of the equipment itself, currently around 50% of cost relates to labour.
 % of homes at cost parity   Including flats       Excluding ats   We can expect this labour cost to reduce in line with GB adoption.
            3%                    £2200                 £4100
                                                                   In this way, stimulating demand through a subsidy can ultimately drive down
            5%                    £2400                 £4400      costs, making heat pumps affordable for more households and/or reducing the
                                                                   level of subsidy required on an ongoing basis.
           10%                    £3800                 £4800
                                                                   Of course, even where heat pumps are the cheaper option, it is still not
                                                                   guaranteed that households will choose them. Awareness is low, inertia is high.
                                                                   If we assume that one in five households will need to replace their boiler over
                                                                   the two-year life of the Clean Heat Grant and that half of those at cost parity
                                                                   would choose an ASHP, then a subsidy of £4,100 would achieve a deployment
                                                                   rate of 50,000 heat pumps per year, trebling the installed base within GB. If we
                                                                   apply a 30% learning rate to the heat pump’s labour costs then we would expect
                                                                   the overall cost of an ASHP to fall by 20%. The same subsidy that brought 3% of
                                                                   homes to cost parity now achieves the same for 16%. On the same assumptions
                                                                   as above, that could mean deployment of 230,000 heat pumps per year.

Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                                           13
Government must decide on the level & length
of investment

The Government wants to jump start the mass deployment
of heat pumps in a way that will not burden households with
exorbitant costs, whilst also demonstrating fiscal responsibility
after months of Covid-19 related expenditure. The analysis above
has shown that its proposed £4,000 subsidy could make air
source heat pumps cheaper than gas boilers for a significant
minority of properties and that this could lead to significant
cost reductions in industry. However, subsidies are likely to be
required for longer than the proposed two-year life of the Clean
Heat Grant, and it is important for households and industry alike
to have confidence as soon as possible in the plan for 2022-
24 and beyond in order for us to see sustained innovation and
demand growth for heat pumps.

In theory a larger grant could see more properties transition
away from fossil fuels, reduce ASHP costs faster and accelerate
to a time where subsidies are no longer required. Recent media
reports suggest that the Government is considering a £7,000
grant11. Given the extended period of waiting for the Heat and
Buildings Strategy, it is unclear whether industry would be ready
to deliver the volumes implied by a substantially increased grant
both in terms of capacity and capability. At this point in time a
smaller grant, while it would still support some households to
transition to low carbon heat, risks undermining confidence in
the Government’s commitment to the heating transition.

Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps        14
Limitations of this analysis

Significantly, our analysis is based purely on the                               Property Type vs Tenure
up-front cost of heat pumps. Our estimates of these                                        Owner           Tenure Social Housing            Tenant
costs depend only on the floor area of the household

and the current or estimated EPC of the property.
                                                                                          82.4%                  14.5%                      3.1%     8.8%
This analysis does not consider other factors that may
influence household heating choices, such as ongoing
costs, public acceptance and awareness, space
requirements, alternative heating technologies and

property tenure.                                                                           41.5%                 28.9%                      29.7%    24.3%

Taking the example of property tenure, in Figure 11
we can see that while almost 80% of UK houses are
owner-occupied, less than half of flats are. Tenanted
properties are likely to be subject to different, and                                      79.4%                 11.9%                      8.7%     66.9%

potentially more complex, decision-making.

                                                                                           70.5%                 16.3%                      13.3%


                                                               Figure 11: Percentages of Tenure vs Property Type

Mind theheat
How we   Gap:our
                  costs of
                           moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                                                 15

The electric heat revolution should garner optimism:
heat pumps are proven and available now. They provide
a useful tool in the decarbonisation of heat and while
they won’t be the only low-carbon technology for
households, they are likely to represent a large and
meaningful proportion of future installations2.

However, in order to enable consumer uptake of
ASHPs at scale, we need to address the up-front cost
premium, through combinations of cost reductions and
focused government subsidies. We need to improve
our understanding of how factors other than capital
cost combine with cost to impact adoption rates.

Our agent-based model will consider a diversity of
low-carbon heating alternatives with agent behaviours
dependent on a greater range of factors than cost
alone such as income, tenure and social factors, as well
as industry considerations. Understanding how these
factors interact will enable policy makers to
understand the relationship between different
intervention strategies and adoption and the rates at
which they can best be deployed.

 Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps   16

1.   2020 UK Provisional Greenhouse Gas Emissions. GOV.UK                           7.   Boiler Guide. What Size Boiler Do I Need?
     https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/                 https://www.boilerguide.co.uk/articles/what-size-boiler-needed
                                                                                    8.   Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). GOV.UK
2. National Grid. Future Energy Scenarios.
   https://www.nationalgrideso.com/document/199871/download (2021)
                                                                                    9.   RHI Statistics June 2021, Table S2.4
                                                                                         RHI monthly deployment data: June 2021 (Quarterly edition)
3.   Watson, S. D., Lomas, K. J. & Buswell, R. A. Decarbonising domestic heating:
     What is the peak GB demand? Energy Policy 126, 533–544 (2019)
                                                                                    10. Weiss et al, A review of experience curve analyses for energy demand
4. 2019 was a record year for gas boiler sales. Installer Online                        A Review of Experience Curve for Energy Demand Technologies | Request PDF
   https://www.installeronline.co.uk/2019-record-year-gas-boiler-sales/ (2020)

                                                                                    11. The Times. Green Grants of £7,000 to help households replace gas boilers
5.   Energy white paper: Powering our net zero future. GOV.UK                           https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/green-grants-of-7-000-to-help-
     https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/energy-white-paper-powering-            households-replace-gas-boilers-6j05vtmd6

6.   Public reports and data: Domestic RHI. Ofgem

      Mind the Gap: the costs of moving from boilers to heat pumps                                                                                                  17
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