Mind the GAP*! Pathological gambling, a modern defy to public health

Mind the GAP*! Pathological gambling, a modern defy to public health
Ann Ig 2020; 32(2): 186-199 doi:10.7416/ai.2020.2342

Mind the GAP*! Pathological gambling, a modern defy
to public health
M.T. Tavazzani1, G.M. Fara2, M. Marceca2

Key words: Pathological gambling, gambling addiction, problem gambling, public health,
            prevention, Essential Healthcare Levels
Parole chiave: Gioco d’azzardo patologico, dipendenza da gioco d’azzardo, gioco d’azzardo
               problematico, sanità pubblica, prevenzione, Livelli Essenziali di Assistenza

      Due to its clinical aspects, pathological gambling is of paramount interest for Psychology and Psychiatry;
      however, it also has such characteristics that call for the interest and the intervention of Public Health,
      both at national and international level. This pathology is a growing problem in our society, particularly in
      some groups of vulnerable people; has a strong psycho-social impact on the individuals, their families, their
      social environment and the society as a whole; requires an organized, competent, structured and integrated
      intervention of the Public Health care services and of specialized private organizations; and, finally, it
      represents important economic implications. As far as the Italian situation is concerned, it is estimated
      that up to 50% of the population has experienced gambling at least once; consequently, the political world
      has taken interest in the problem, producing in 2016 a governmental Report on Pathological Gambling to
      the Parliament; moreover, pathological gambling has been included into the 2017 revision of the Essential
      Levels of Health Care Regulations, whose validity is nationwide, provided that, usually, the Regions legislate
      autonomously on health assistance aspects.
      Recently, the Observatory on Contrast to Pathological Gambling and to Serious Gambling Addiction has
      published specific ad hoc guidelines and the Italian Parliament approved a law forbidding every form of
      gambling advertising (Law No. 96/2018). However, even considering the interest of the National Health
      Service in contrasting pathological gambling, the problem is far from its solution; firstly, because the
      State itself earns a considerable amount of money from the taxation of “legal” gambling, thus creating a
      resounding conflict of interest; secondly, because the peripheral branches of the National Health Service
      have responded unevenly so far when trying to organize the contrast. What is needed for the future is an
      effort of coordination between the National Health Service - at State, Region and local level - and the Non-
      Governmental Organizations, in order to face the cultural, political, communicational, organizational,
      technological and public health aspects of such a contrast, balancing incentives and disincentives wisely.

Introduction                                                     be easily recognized, the one associated
                                                                 with compulsive gambling. However, this
   The common Italian hybrid term ludopatia                      term is not a technical one and it appears in
(from the greek “ludos” or amusement and                         professional psychological, psychiatric and
“pathos” disease) defines a disease that can                     forensic literature only as a synonym for the

    Undergraduate Medical Student, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
    Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
* GAP is the acronym of the Italian translation of ‘Pathological Gambling’ (Gioco d’Azzardo Patologico)
Pathological gambling, a defy to public health                                               187

Italian gioco d’azzardo patologico, translated        Some features of pathological gambling,
in English as ‘pathological gambling’. This       as anonymity, accessibility through virtual
definition, together with its acronym GAP         currency and possibility to play both from
(Gioco d’Azzardo Patologico”) or DGA              home and other places, increase risks and
(Disturbo da Gioco d’Azzardo, ‘gambling           trigger loss of control, particularly among
disorder’), is preferred in all scientific        adolescents (4). Participation to this kind
classifications, as shown in the Italian          of games can be highly predictive of a
translations of both the Diagnostic and           future gambling addiction (5). Today the
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders            market offers many different gambling
(DSM-5), edited by the American Psychiatric       opportunities, easily accessible and
Association (APA) in 2013 (1), and in the         decontextualizing: the subject plays alone,
11th edition of the International Statistical     often in an isolated context, and has to follow
Classification of Diseases, Injuries and          easy and general rules, without any contact
Causes of Death (ICD-11), published in            with his counterparts (6).
2019 by the World Health Organization                 In 2011 the European Commission
(2).                                              published a Green Paper that describes
    The definition gioco d’azzardo patologico     gambling as a business that doesn’t involve
is actually more accurate than ludopatia: it      any kind of risks (7). Since this publication,
contains a specific reference to the gambling     the EC has also been paying special attention
component and therefore it constitutes, even      to online gambling, in rapid growth, and
if quite long, the recommended choice.            it has been trying to create a legislation
    The dominant influence of chance and the      that would be able to protect the gamblers,
irrelevance of personal abilities distinguish     without intruding on the sovereignty of the
gambling from any other kind of game;             Member States.
article 721 of the Italian Penal Code states
that we talk of gambling when the main aim
is profit, while winning or losing are only,      Pathological gambling: a public health
or almost entirely, aleatory.                     problem
    Pathological gambling is clearly a type
of what in Italian is called dipendenza, a           We are facing a question that appears to
term that can be translated in English into       be strictly connected to the psychological
two different words, ‘dependence’ and             and the psychiatric field; nowadays, these
‘addiction’. In this language, ‘dependence’       are the main disciplines dealing with this
is used to describe a chemical craving            phenomenon, and they do so, inevitably,
associated to substance abuse, in which           using a clinical approach. In 2013, the
the body has physical reactions due               new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
to abstinence; ‘addiction’ describes a            Mental Disorders listed gambling disorder
psychological obsession, which convince           among the substance-related and addictive
the subject that he cannot do without a           disorders and the American Psychiatric
specific something, in terms of feelings          Association (APA) explained that the
and emotions induced by it. Therefore,            diagnosis of such a “need to gamble with
‘addiction’ and ‘dependence’ don’t always         increasing amount of money to achieve the
coexist and it is possible to develop the first   desired excitement” requires the presence
one without the second: as a matter of fact,      of at least four of the following conditions
gambling addiction, as, for example, sex          (1):
and internet addiction, are not related to the       1. restless or irritable when trying to cut
abuse of substances (3).                          down or stop gambling
188                                                                           M.T. Tavazzani et al.

   2. repeated unsuccessful efforts to             (approximately the 70% of the pathological
control, cut back on or stop gambling              gamblers); (b) subjects that have familiarity
   3. frequent thoughts about gambling             with pathological gambling; (c) young people
(such as relieving past gambling experiences,      with impulse-control disorders; (d) people
planning the next gambling venture, thinking       with cognitive distortions; (e) people with
of ways to get money to gamble)                    mental disorders, alcoholics or psychotropic
   4. often gambling when feeling distressed       substances abusers; (f) divorcees; (g) adults/
   5. after losing money gambling, often           elderly people that don’t have big chances of
returning to get even (referred to as “chasing”    engaging in leisure and social activities (for
one’s losses)                                      them gambling is a way to keep boredom
   6. lying to conceal gambling activity           at bay); (h) vulnerable adolescents with
   7. jeopardizing or losing a significant         behaviour disorders and novelty-seeking
relationship, job or educational/career            temperament. By contrast, suicide risk
opportunity because of gambling                    associated with pathological gambling seems
   8. relying on others to help with money         higher among females (13).
problems caused by gambling.                           As far as the elderly population is
   Some features can be distinguished here,        concerned, the international literature
as in all dependencies: craving, the strong        identifies at least three factors of risks
and irresistible desire to play; abstinence,       that may affect it: (a) individual factors,
the state of apprehension of those who are         as the need to avert negative emotions
temporary unable to play; and tolerability,        (painful events) and everyday stress; (b)
the need to increase the amount of time spent      neurological factors, related to chronical
playing in order to reach greater euphoria         illness as Parkinson or Alzheimer; (c) social/
and pleasure (8).                                  environmental factors, as the lack of leisure
   As it happens with the substance-related        time or the feeling of being outdated and
addictions, pathological gambling is               useless. Accordingly, isolation and solitude
associated with a high degree of psychiatric       appear to be the greatest constants to push
comorbidity (9); moreover, there are studies       these subjects towards gambling, and with
that seem to show the existence of a shared        time the game assumes pathological features
genetic vulnerability (8).                         (14). The relevance of these social and
   In addition to this, it has been proved that    environmental factors seems to be confirmed
those who are addicted to gambling and to          by a recent ISTAT (National Institute of
the use of substances present an atypical          Statistics) Annual Report: according to it,
regulation of the neurotransmission system         every day people with 65 years of age or older
related to gratification (10).                     spend at least 6 hours alone (even more after
   Some gambling games have characteristics        75), from 9 to 10 hours in bed and 7, at best,
that make them especially dangerous, as            in the company of someone, compared to the
those that create the illusion that winnings are   9 or 11 hours of the younger people (15).
almost guaranteed, like lottery scratchcards           Taking a broader view, we need to
do (11). According to a neuropsychological         highlight that the WHO has been defining
study of 2014, pathological gamblers have          pathological gambling as a well-identified
a twisted perception of their possibilities        morbid dependency since the Eighties:
and they are sure that, if they continue to        a dependency that, without appropriate
play, they will be able to recover all their       knowledge and preventive measures, could
losses (12).                                       spread and become a real social illness (16).
   As shown by the international literature,           Due to its increasing diffusion, this
those more at risk seem to be: (a) males           disease is considered a matter of public
Pathological gambling, a defy to public health                                                189

interest, and we are probably more aware of        delle Ricerche), the latest IPSAD (Italian
it because of its frequent depiction on social     Population Survey on Alcohol and Drugs)
media than because of our ability to measure       and ESPAD (European School Survey
its actual spreading.                              Project on Alcohol and other Drugs) data
    A systematic review on the frequency           for 2017 reveal that: “adults bet increasingly
of problem gambling, published in 2016             more, while gambling among the young,
and relating to the 2000-2015 period, has          even online gambling, is decreasing in all
revealed wide variations in prevalence rates       Italian regions. Problem gamblers among
in the world (0.12-5.8%) and in Europe             adults have quadrupled in the last 10 years,
(0.12-3.4 %). The research also highlighted        going from 100.000 (0.6%) in 2007 to
the difficulty of comparing studies with           400.000 (2.4%) in 2017. On the other hand,
each other, due to differences in their            problem gamblers have been decreasing
methodological procedures, instruments,            among students (15-19 years old), mainly
limit values and time intervals. Moreover, no      in the north and the centre of the country,
official data are available in countries where     from 8.7% in 2009 to 7.1% in 2017, but they
gambling is illegal, as China (17).                have been increasing in Sicily, Basilicata,
    We h ave t o r e m e m b e r t h a t t h i s   Calabria, Abruzzo and Molise. During 2017,
phenomenon has also other implications,            17 million of Italians gambled at least once
ethical, socio-economic, technical and             (42.8%), compared to the 10 million who did
organizational, and that these different           so in 2014 (27.9%): among them there were
dimensions raise some critical and complex         a little bit more than one million students
questions to all public institutions, not only     (36.9%), less than the 1.4 million (47.1%) of
those related to health.                           8 years before. Males usually play more than
    In addition to the physical and psycho-        females (51.1% and 34.4%) and the male
affective consequences already mentioned           percentage among students almost doubles
(apprehension and abstinence, craving,             that of females (47.3% vs 26.3%). Scratch
tolerability, suffering, lying and suicide         cards and sport betting are more and more
risk), there are also some economic effects        popular” (22).
(debt, usury and bankruptcy, even more                 In addition to these studies, a different
possible in the case of self-employment)           one was carried out to investigate the extent
and socio-behavioural repercussions on the         of the phenomenon in Italy. It produced two
job (frequent absences or theft). All these        main focuses, one on a sample of young
consequences provoke serious backlashes            adolescents (14-17 years old) and the other
also on the families of gamblers, overwhelmed      on the over 65 (23).
by the economic repercussion of their actions          The study on the Italian 14-17 years old
and often doomed to disintegration (which          students involved 15,602 subjects, 49.1%
affects also the future of their children).        male and 50.9% female, coming from 201
    Nonetheless, publications about the            different schools (187 public and 14 private):
impact of pathological gambling on public          according to the existing legislation, the
health are still few (18-21).                      minimum legal age for gambling in Italy is
                                                   18 years old.
                                                       It has been observed that Italian students
The Italian Context                                are mainly involved in instant lottery (21.1%),
                                                   sports betting (17.1%), virtual betting (8.1%)
  According to the Institute of Clinical           and slot machines (6.8%); moreover, they
Physiology of the Italian National                 often play in tobacco shops (46.7%), gambling
Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale              rooms (41.1%) and cafés (28.8%).
190                                                                            M.T. Tavazzani et al.

    Problem gamblers are the 3% (around             Taking into consideration the social and
68,850 students) and there seems to be a link   economic dimension, it should be noted
between gambling and unhealthy lifestyles       that the gambling business is constantly
(smoking, drinking and abuse of substances);    growing and evolving, therefore its supply is
among these gamblers, the 79.6% primarily       increasingly wide and diversified (different
play sports betting and the 59% of them do      types of lotteries, gaming machines, sports
so in betting shops.                            betting, online gambling). In 2017 an
    The percentage of students who play         article from the Economist has ranked the
illegal gambling is higher than the one of      countries of the world on the basis of the
the adults; moreover, boys have a three         amount of their gambling losses during the
times higher probability of developing risky    previous year: Italy held the fourth position,
gambling behaviours than girls.                 with almost 19 billion dollars of losses in
    The study on adults involved 12,007         2016, after USA (almost 117 bn), China
subjects, 47.6% male and 52.4% female,          (above 62 bn.) and Japan (above 24 bn.).
a sex-balanced sample of the population         As an alternative, we could consider the
living in Italy.                                annual losses per resident, and Italy would
    According to the data, 36.4% of Italian     rank eight with almost 380 $ (Fig. 1) (24).
males have gambled at least once during the     According to the Customs and Monopolies
year preceding the interview (about 18.5        Agency, in 2018 the gambling business
million); gambling is more frequent among       amounted to more than 106.8 billion of euro,
those between 40 and 64 years of age and        of which 10,4 million of tax revenue (25).
it is common to start playing while being in        As it is plain to see, there is a moral question
the 18-25-year-old age group (51.8% of the      to take into account when considering
cases). This seems to happen more in the        gambling, and it doesn’t concern only the
centre of the country (42.7%) and appears       single players. As a matter of fact, the role
to be chiefly associated to instant lottery     of the State as both guardian of the health
(26.2%) and tobacco shops (82.6%), while        of its citizens (institutional role laid down
problem gambling is mainly related to slot      by article 32 of the Italian Constitution) and
machines and video lottery terminals (23).      beneficiary of gambling revenues creates a
    Problem gamblers here are the 3%            conflict of interest.
(almost 1,500,000 residents) and the main
age range is the one of those between 50 and
64 years of age (83.5%).                        National public policies to fight and
    To support the future realization of a      prevent pathological gambling
more efficient monitoring, a national hotline
has been recently activated (800558822),           The Italian Law No. 3/2012, also
operational from Monday to Friday and           known as legge salva suicidi, (‘law to avert
from 10 am to 4 pm in every part of the         suicides’), contains provisions on usury and
country. This number has been conceived         extortion, as well as on the composition of
as part of a bigger project by the Italian      over-indebtedness crises, and grants debt
National Institute of Health and the Customs    restructuring to eligible applicants. This
and Monopolies Agency and it guarantees         legislation is extremely useful, especially
immediate psychological help to the callers;    for pathological gamblers: it relieves
it also provides useful information about the   the economic pressure under which they
national resources in place to contrast this    continue to play, hoping to recover their
addiction, supporting both the gamblers and     losses, and allows the beginning of the
their families.                                 recovery (26).
Pathological gambling, a defy to public health                                                              191

Fig. 1 - Biggest annual gambling losses by country and per resident (in billion U.S. dollars) – year 2016
Source: The Economist, 2016. Fonte: The Economist, Feb 9th 2017 (data 2016)

   Another significant document is the                       Minister): it encourages the adoption of
Legislative Decree 13.09.2012 No. 158                        urgent measures to promote the development
(converted into Law 08.11.2012 No. 189),                     of the country according to higher standards
also known as Decreto Balduzzi (‘Balduzzi’s                  of health protection (27). With this law
Decree’, from the name of the then Health                    the public sector focuses its attention
192                                                                            M.T. Tavazzani et al.

on the relationship between dependency             access to the health services. Since every
and health, with special attention to the          region has to present a detailed plan on the
protection of minors. Its art. 7 brings a series   kind of actions it would like to promote
of important innovations, as a mandatory           and their costs, nowadays the use of these
distance between places with slot machines         funds is still quite complex. Recently, the
and schools, hospitals or places of worship;       Coordination of Association for the Defence
it also establishes some advertisement             of the Environment and the Rights of Users
standards and the obligation of the Customs        and Consumers (CODACONS), has filed an
and Monopolies Agency’s website to publish         appeal to the Regional Administrative Court
online the chances of winning for each             in order to prevent the use of the funds;
game.                                              they motivated their decision explaining
    The fight against pathological gambling        that some regions have presented extremely
has been included in the so-called Essential       vague plans and that this could bring to a
Levels of Assistance Regulations (Livelli          distorted use of the money destined to their
Essenziali di Assistenza or LEA), which are        realization (30).
the fundamental services that the Italian              Moreover, clause 941 of Law No.
National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario        208/2015 establishes that the Ministry of
Nazionale) must provide to its citizens; after     Health, in consultation with the Ministry of
more than 15 years, they have been finally         Education, University and Research, has to
modified with the Prime Minister’s Decree          organize awareness-raising campaigns on the
12.01.2017, and now they grant prevention,         risks associated with gambling, taking into
cure and rehabilitation. More specifically,        consideration both health consequences and
art. 28 recognizes gambling addiction as a         the possible development of a dependency.
pathological dependency of public interest         Doing so, it should pay particular attention to
and lays the groundwork for a new project          schools, of every level and type, and should
in support of its citizens: it grants the          spread information, also on its website,
establishment of individualized treatment          about the services that the public structures
plans that include specialized, diagnostic,        and the third sector supply to fight this
psychological, psychotherapeutic and               phenomenon.
rehabilitative services, with the employment           Talking about public health, the inclusion
of the most advanced scientific methods and        of pathological gambling both in the LEA
tools (28).                                        and in the National Plan for Prevention
    Concerning the resources needed to             2014-2018 shows the general awareness of
sustain the fight against pathological             facing a phenomenon that needs the direct
gambling, Law No. 208/2015, also known             involvement of the regional public health
as ‘stability law’ (Legge di stabilità 2016)       services. Paragraph 2.4 of the latter, entitled
(29), has established a fund, supervised           “Preventing substances addictions and
by the Ministry of Health, in order to             behaviours”, contains the APA definition of
support prevention, cure and rehabilitation        gambling and puts pathological gambling
expenses. This fund should finance regions         among its main targets. The Plan sustains the
and autonomous provinces on the basis              complexity of evaluating the real dimensions
of criteria established by the Ministry of         of the problem, given that those who suffer
Health, together with the State-Region             from it are often unaware of their conditions
Conference and local entities. The budget          and that reliable diagnostic criteria are really
allocated to it since 2016 amounts to €50          difficult to use (31).
million per year, and it should be distributed         Going back to Law No. 189/2012, we
according to the different possibilities of        must mention that it founded the Observatory
Pathological gambling, a defy to public health                                                193

on Contrast to Pathological Gambling and           many recommendations concerning the
to Serious Gambling Addiction, which has           reorganization of the gaming spaces, their
drawn up the National Plan of Action on            illumination, air conditioning and cash
Pathological Gambling 2013-2015; since             availability, and it supports the spread
April 2016, this Observatory has been              of detailed information on the chances
established within the Ministry of Health          of winning: these aspects are extremely
and today it is made up of representatives of      important, fundamental for the actualization
different bodies and institutions. Moreover,       of future interventions.
the Prime Minister’s Office, together with             During the last few years, waiting for
the Department for Anti-drug Policies,             the implementation of these actions at a
has published online a number of useful            local level, almost all Italian Regions have
definitions and recommendations as well            been following national laws on the topic,
as tests to recognize existing addictions;         sometimes enacting even more specific
this website, , is connected to a national network on        and, more recently, Tuscany have launched
dependencies, called DROnet (32).                  the “Slot Free” and “No Slot” brands, in
    In December 2017, the Observatory              order to reduce the number of slots and video
drafted the “Courses of action to grant            lotteries on their territory and discourage the
prevention, cure and rehabilitation to people      gamblers (34-36).
suffering from pathological gambling”. This            Taking into account the public perception
document, inclusive of six attached files,         of the phenomenon, on January 2013
goes into details and provides support to          some Italian mayors signed and published
all those who work in this field in order to       a manifesto to fight gambling and to
realize what is envisioned in the LEA (33).        promote the respect of legality (37). With
    These courses of action analyse this           this document they asked for: (a) a new
pathology taking into consideration its            national law, aimed at reducing gambling
prevention and its diagnosis. In the first case,   opportunities and containing their
they promote the realization of informative        availability, also offering an appropriate
and educative initiatives, together with the       amount of information regarding prevention
establishment of rules on the distribution of      and cure; (b) local laws able to explain the
winnings and losses; in the second case, they      role of the regions with regards to the cure
suggest a number of elements that could be         of pathological gamblers, risks prevention
useful to support both the patient and his         and support to local authorities; (c) the
family in the most suitable way, like intake,      power of determining the opening hours
assessment, diagnostic tools, psychotherapy,       of the gaming rooms and of imposing the
pharmacological treatment, tutoring and            respect of minimum distances between them
others.                                            and sensitive places; (d) the possibility of
    By way of example, sometimes the               giving their prior opinion before the creation
conditions of pathological gamblers are so         of new gambling venues.
complex that hospital care is not enough               These signatory mayors have decided
to improve them, often because in many             to build a network made of associations,
patients the gambling addiction coexists           volunteers, local police and law enforcement
with other dependences: concerning these           forces, in order to start new cultural
cases, the document usefully suggests types        initiatives and to control, prevent and fight
of interventions that can be carried on in         gambling; they are trying to do the same
outpatient clinics or care centres.                thing also at the supra-local level, where
    Moreover, the Observatory makes                they have created a network with local health
194                                                                                             M.T. Tavazzani et al.

Table 1 - Main variables and desirable outcomes in the fight against pathological gambling

Variables/determinants                                                         Desirable outcomes
Cultural (e.g. presence of qualified teachers, from primary   Collective awareness of the problem and its conse-
schools to universities)                                      quences
Legal (e.g. implementation of the Legislative Decree          Stronger sanctions and more extensive controls
13.09.2012 No. 158)
Political: policies on health promotion and prevention        New and widespread methods to encourage self-control
(e.g. counter-actions in the case of usury)                   and disincentivize pathological gambling, incentive
                                                              measures for shopkeeper
Economic (e.g. financial allocation according to the          Guaranteed financial resources for the future
‘stability law’)
Welfare (e.g. efficient public services of support, medical   Qualified experts able to take care of pathological
practitioners’ role in detecting the phenomenon)              gamblers
Social: support to patients and their families (e.g. dedi-    Welfare programs and rehabilitation projects over the
cated help desk)                                              whole country
Communicative/mediatic (e.g. widespread knowledge of          Adequate media coverage of the problem
the impact of pathological gambling on gamblers’ lives
and families)
Strategic: stronger involvement strategies, collaboration     Realization of the principle of horizontal subsidiarity
between institutions and third sector
Technological (e.g. use of a software capable of control-     Increased awareness on the part of gamblers about their
ling gambling behaviours)                                     own problem

authorities, prefectures, police headquarters                 prize-drawn lottery and supports the printing
and antimafia investigative organisms. Aware                  of tickets with messages similar to the
that culture plays an essential role in the                   warning labels on cigarettes packs. It also
comprehension of gambling, these mayors                       establishes that those who want to play
have been working hard to increase both their                 must present their own European health
knowledge on the topic and those of citizens                  insurance cards, so that minors can be easily
and store owners, in order to promote a new                   controlled. In addition, it determines that
mentality and new behaviours and to recover                   places that want to show their disapproval
the lost values of society, maximizing the use                towards gambling games can expose a “no
of the available resources.                                   slot” sign outside their properties.
    In the lights of the measures approved                       Information about the risk of developing
after this mayors’ manifesto, we assume                       this specific type of dependency is also
that many of the initiatives present in it have               provided in responsible gambling messages
already begun.                                                on electronic gambling machines.
    The approval of Law No. 96/2018
(conversion of the so-called ‘dignity decree’,
decreto dignità) represents another important                 Conclusions
institutional decision. The law intervenes to
regulate the different types of gambling in                       The complexity and the multidimension-
order to monitor the pathology associated                     ality of pathological gambling requires the
with them (38). In details, it prohibits the                  coordinated, convergent and continuative
advertisement of games and bets involving                     activation of multisectoral policies, measures
prize money, abolishes the national deferred                  and interventions, capable of acting on the
Pathological gambling, a defy to public health                                                195

various variables/determinants of health           scale to estimate overall costs and profits of
at the individual, familiar, community and         possible politics.
social levels.                                         It should also be noted that we are
    Tries to schematize (Table 1) some             facing dynamics that expose to high risks
desirable outcomes, in terms of public             already vulnerable individuals and social
health, correlated with the different variables/   groups, producing and amplifying social
determinants considered. It is with great          inequalities of individual and collective
pleasure that in a recent publication of the       health.
medical journal The Lancet we discovered               At the national level, we appreciate that
a figure which, representing the socio-            the Italian political institutions during the
ecological model proposed by the author,           last few years have been realizing actions
reflects this same point of view (20, 21). The     that aim at discouraging gambling and
challenge is clearly a difficult one, destined     its pathological consequences through
to commit us for a long time: once again,          legislative and administrative initiatives.
health promotion and protection come into          If, as many say, advertising is the soul of
conflicts with strong economic interests,          commerce, and since gambling should not be
including the public ones, demanding a             considered as a trade good, the prohibition of
continuous redefinition of the political and       gambling advertising is an important step to
social priorities.                                 keep the fragile elements of the population
    Undoubtedly, it is complicated to estimate     away from this disorder. It is now time for
the economic and social costs of the               what has been programmed and normed
gambling disorder: on one side because             to became operational and systematic,
the line between problematic and non-              overcoming the predictable resistance of
problematic gamers is blurred, on the other        antagonistic interests and the bureaucratic
because this pathology produces damages            inertia. These resistances could also arise
that affect a much larger percentage of the        from the State, bearing in mind that the
population than the one of the problematic         recent advertising ban affects above all the
gamblers and that influence entire public          legal game, from which the Ministry of
sectors (the health one of course, but also        Economy and Finance acquires considerable
the welfare and the judiciary ones).               resources: to see them fatally reduced in the
    In Great Britain, careful estimates of         straitened circumstances of our time could
social costs go from £ 200 million (€ 230          be considered an impracticable sacrifice by
million; $ 260 million) to £ 1,2 billion each      the administration.
year (39). Considering that these estimates            In the light of the diffusion and the
are believed to be highly undervalued,             significance of pathological gambling, as
it is reasonable to start thinking whether         of the lack of a methodological reaction
the gap between the amount of public               to it (based on evidence and valued for
entrances, although substantial, and that of       its effectiveness) - in Italy like elsewhere,
the social costs of pathological gambling is       for example Great Britain (21) - it is
considerably narrower than expected. The           positive to see that some great international
negative impact that pathological gambling         organizations have finally understood that
has on people’s lives and society suggests         this pathology, among other considerations,
1) the need of an in-depth public reflection       is a serious public health threat. Therefore,
and debate; 2) that each government should         the DPCM 12.01.2017, awaited for more
carry out extensive economic evaluations           than fifteen years, has been greeted with a
before making any political consideration,         smile from the stakeholders: it reformulated
preferably using a sort of socially ethical        the Essential Levels of Assistance, which in
196                                                                           M.T. Tavazzani et al.

art. 28 call for social and health assistance    institutions, the results of studies on the
to people with pathological dependencies,        phenomenon, lists of authorized treatment
gambling included.                               centres and useful websites.
    Moreover, the budget laws of the more            Furthermore, speaking of the importance
recent years have taxed these games in           of control, we should implement, as soon as
order to recover funds for the rebalancing       possible, what bravely envisioned in Law No.
of the State budget: therefore, they seem to     44/2012: article 10 paragraph 1 establishes
recognize the negative nature of pathological    that the Autonomous Administration of the
gambling, similarly to other dependencies,       State Monopolies (today the Customs and
like alcohol and smoke; these two are taxed      Monopolies Agency) is authorized to set
in order to discourage their use, which is       up, with a Decree of the General Manager
considered not only unnecessary, but also,       and making use of its own resources, a fund
and more importantly, dangerous for social       with a maximum amount of €100,000 per
health and stability.                            year, intended to control and regulate the
    We also need to take into account            gambling games (41). The members of the
the repeated occurrence of the crime of          Agency are authorized to play in premises
abandoning a minor (art. 591 of the Italian      where bets are placed or devices are installed
penal code) committed by adults who, for         (those listed in article 110, paragraph 6, letter
example, have left their children locked in      a or b, of the Royal Decree 18 June 1931,
the car to go gamble (40): it is clear that      No. 773 and subsequent amendments) for
institutions and no-profit private entities      the sole purpose of acquiring evidence of
need to work together for the realization of     any violations concerning public gaming,
a cultural intervention that should fight the    including those related to the prohibition of
inconsistent idea of an easy life-changing       underage gambling.
winning and should promote awareness                 Above all, the professional figures
on the serious risks of compulsive gaming,       involved in this specific reality should be
even if less noticeable than those of other      adequately qualified, teachers and parents
dependencies.                                    should be familiar with this phenomenon,
    We believe that the control carried          students should be sensitized, and it would
out by the State while managing public           be right not to neglect the elementary school,
gaming is still not enough and that we need      in order to avoid the development of a
policies that implement what the laws have       dependency already at an early age, bearing
already decided, especially in terms of          in mind that nowadays all children have a
prevention. The Observatory we considered        smartphone or a tablet which they constantly
above, which has periodical meetings             use to play.
during the year, is insufficient: an effective       We believe that much still can and
national coordination is required between        should be done and that we must continue
all the structures involved - Government,        to implement existing laws and to work with
Ministries, regions, local healthcare            the various sectors involved, hopefully with
companies, prevention departments and the        a role of stewardship on the part of health.
third sector - with the authority of removing    Motivation, attention and professionalism
the numerous bureaucratic resistances or         should always guide our efforts, so that
delays.                                          the game could become again a moment of
    The activation of a national website could   leisure that promotes socialization rather
be useful: together with the different type of   than a form of dependence that brings
social networks, it could provide information    each individual far from others and from
on the activities realized by structures and     himself.
Pathological gambling, a defy to public health                                                                       197

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Corresponding author: Prof. Maurizio Marceca, Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza
University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy
e-mail: maurizio.marceca@uniroma1.it
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