Milan 2015-2020 Food Policy guidelines

Page created by Chester Valdez
Milan 2015-2020
Food Policy

Milan 2015-2020
                                                                        Food Policy

                    Original draft: September 2015
Amended following approval of the amendments made by the City Council
   Approval: Resolution no. 25 of the Council Meeting of 05/10/2015
           Published on the Council Bulletin on 09/10/2015

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                                            Food Policy


                                                   05 Introduction

                06 The path for defining the food policy for Milan

07 Data and information on the food cycle in the Milanese contex

           09 The vision and priorities of the food policy of Milan

                                                    10 Guidelines

               10 Priority 1. Providing healthy food for everybody

    12 Priority 2. Promoting the sustainability of the food system

                                15 Priority 3. Understanding food

                             17 Priority 4. Fighting against waste

                                                          19 Tools

                                                  20 Bibliography
FOREWORD                                              THE PATH FOR DEFINING THE
                                                      FOOD POLICY FOR MILAN

Milan 2015-2020
Food Policy Paper

  • It is a tool to support city government pro-      In July 2014, the Municipality of Milan and                  also with a view to creating public goods.
    moted by the Municipality of Milan and the        Fondazione Cariplo signed a Memorandum
    Fondazione Cariplo to make the city more          of Understanding to promote and implement                At the end of this phase, a paper called “The
    sustainable starting from food-related is-        a comprehensive strategy on food for the city            10 Issues of the Milanese Food Policy” was
    sues.                                             of Milan called Milan Food Policy and promote            published, summarising the results of all the
                                                      international dialogue aimed at defining and             analyses made and highlighting ten key issues
  • It covers many aspects. Some of these as-         signing an international pact on urban Food              which contain both the condition of the food
    pects are components of the food cycle,           Policies called Milan urban Food Policy Pact             system in Milan, and stimulation for public de-
    such as cultivation, distribution and con-        (MUFPP). The MUFPP is the result of a collec-            bate.
    sumption of food, the related waste and           tive effort of 46 cities around the world and an
    its treatment. Others directly or indirectly      advisory group of institutions and foundations           The second phase was devoted to a public con-
    involve or are affected by the food chain,        operating internationally. Shared goals were             sultation in which, starting from the “10 Issues”
    such as environmental factors and terri-          identified with respect to which each signatory          paper, priorities for action were identified. The
    torial production, cultures and ways of life,     undertook to take steps according to its abili-          consultation was carried out in five months
    welfare, economy, research, infrastructure        ties, possibilities and availability.                    (February-June 2015) and involved about 700
    and others.                                       This document entitled “Guiding Principles of            people. The consultation was divided into:
                                                      the Milan Food Policy 2015- 2020” (hereafter
  • It helps to define a sistematical view of all     simply “Food Policy”) is the result of a journey           • Meetings with administrators and City
    these elements in the city of Milan and its       that lasted 12 months and was divided into two               counsellors;
    territory, carrying out a general overview        main phases: Phase 1. Analysis , Phase 2. pub-
    and promoting actions for implementing            lic consultation.                                          • Meetings with citizens in each of the 9 dis-
    this vision.                                                                                                   tricts of Milan;

  • It focuses on actions that unfold in the          The first phase, devoted to an analysis of the             • Meetings with universities and the re-
    short, medium and long term and promotes          characteristics of Milan’s food system, focused              search community, the third sector and
    anything already available that can contrib-      on:                                                          the profit and non-profit companies;
    ute to the implementation of food policies.
                                                        • The urban cycle of food exclusively (pro-              • A town meeting attended by about 150
  • It crosses ordinary and special policies that         duction, processing, logistics, distribution,            people from social, economic and institu-
    the Municipality promotes in its fields of            consumption, and waste); waste);                         tional circles of the city..
                                                        • The context in which the Milanese food               This paper summarises the results of the anal-
  • It was defined by the active involvement of           system is divided (e.g. Demography, ter-             ysis and the recommendations implemented
    citizens and all those operating in the city as       ritory, biodiversity, energy aspects, water,         during the public consultation carried out and
    part of the food system, in order to capital-         connected economies, health, culture, ed-            sets them within the objectives defined at the
    ise on the different resources (ideas, skills,        ucation, etc.);                                      international level in the Milan Urban Food Pol-
    investment, planning, etc.) able to trigger a                                                              icy Pact, identifying issues on which the Mu-
    multiplier effect.                                  • Policies and projects of the Municipality            nicipality of Milan has decided to focus efforts.
                                                          that have interrelationships with the food
  • It was inspired by existing similar experi-           system;
    ences in other major world cities.
                                                        • The planning of social and economic ac-
                                                          tors operating in the city on food matters

                                                 06                                                       07

                  08                     09
10   11
                               OF THE MILANESE FOOD POLICY

                                                            The priorities of the Milanese Food Policy are:

                                                            1. To ensure healthy food and sufficient drinking
                                                            water as primary nourishment for everybody

                                                              Ensure access to healthy drinking water and
                                                              sufficient food to all citizens as primary
                                                              nourishment in order to protect human dignity
                                                              and improve the quality of life.

                                                            2. To promote the sustainability of the food

                                                              Facilitate the consolidation of all the compo-
                                                              nents and activities necessary for manag-
                                                              ing a sustainable food system and promote
                                                              local production and consumption of fresh
                                                              and seasonal quality food.

                                                            3. Understanding food

In its policies, the Municipality describes the               Promote a culture oriented to consumer
guiding principles and orientations encoded                   awareness of healthy, safe, culturally appro-
at international level on issues related to the               priate, sustainable food, produced and dis-
right to food, to develop a food system that is               tributed with respect for human rights and
able to ensure healthy food and drinking water                the environment.
in sufficient quantity and equally accessible to
everybody, resilience and sustainability articu-            4. Fight against waste
lated in its social, economic and environmental
components.                                                   Reduce surpluses and food waste during the
                                                              different stages of the food chain as a tool
For this reason it is committed to include the                for limiting environmental impact and to
choices which directly or indirectly affect food              contrast social and economic inequalities.
and water, in the framework of its institutional
prerogatives and in the activities of its subsidi-
ary companies, in order to improve the quality of           5. To support and promote scientific agri-
life of people and the quality of its territory and            food research
to play an innovation role on the national and in-
ternational level. The International Food Policy is           Fostering the development of Milan-
a project for the whole Municipality: the Munici-
                                                              ese agri-food scientific research with
pality, therefore, also assumes a role of support,
stimulation and facilitation of all forms of so-              connotations or implications related to
cial, technological and organisational innovation             the urban system, aiming at improving
which meet the principles set out in the Interna-             processes and developing cutting-edge
tional Food Policy itself and that can contribute to          technologies.
the implementation of the guidelines it contains.

                                                                                                                      GUIDELINES AND ACTIONS

                                                                                                                       Guidelines                          Actions

                                                                                                                       1. The Municipality shall have      a) Increase the supply of local quality, sustainable food in
                                                                                                                       an active direct or indirect role   school catering and public homes for the elderly;
Guaranteeing healthy food for everybody                   PRINCIPLESI                                                  in providing healthy food pro-      b) Increase the supply of local quality food produced in a
                                                                                                                       duced in a sustainable way          sustainable way, for the elderly and persons in need in all
To ensure that all citizens have access to                 • The municipality is aware of the impor-                   that caters to several catego-      areas of Milan, with new forms of organisation and distribu-
                                                             tance for the citizens to have “physical,                 ries: students, elderly people,     tion, also improving existing solutions (e.g. opening school
healthy food and to water to protect the
                                                             social and economical access to drinking                  vulnerable groups and city em-      canteens for elderly persons from the neighbourhood);
dignity of the person and improve the                        water as a human right, to sufficient, safe               ployees.                            c) Strategically enhance the role of community catering
quality of life.                                             and nutritious food that meets their needs                                                    agreements as a tool for guiding the development of a sus-
                                                             and preferences in order to lead an active                                                    tainable food system and being an active part in promoting
SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA                                   and healthy life”1.                                                                           healthy and sustainable eating habits.
  • In Milan, the resident population aged 65              • Access to quantitatively and qualitative-
    and over is about 320,000 people, corre-                 ly adequate food is a right for all citizens              2. The Municipality shall en-       a) Promote instruments to ensure the purchase of healthy
    sponding to 24% of the total.                            managed in different ways: some concern                   sure that in each district of the   food for the most vulnerable categories of the population
                                                             aid policies and basic assistance, others                 city affordable, healthy and        (e.g. social cards, vouchers, etc.) that at the same time pro-
  • There are about 225,000 people in rela-                  are aimed at creating social and economic                 sustainable food is available       mote sustainable local production.
    tive poverty, of which 132,000 assisted by               conditions that enable to improve access                  within short distances that can     b) Encourage a plurality of food distribution solutions in
    municipal structures and local charitable                to food.                                                  be covered by people with re-       every neighbourhood (e.g. municipal markets, shops, sus-
    organisations.                                                                                                     stricted mobility.                  tainable mobile means, collective purchases, home deliver-
                                                           • Access to healthy food for everybody must                                                     ies, etc.) and their integration as a tool to control food inse-
  • In this context, the meals on wheels pro-                take into account the beliefs, cultures, tra-                                                 curity and local coverage.
    vided by the Miunicipality for elderly or                ditions and food preferences that charac-                                                     c) Strengthen the role of social proximity services through
    dependent persons are about 250,000 per                  terise the different comunities, balancing                                                    information and training for condominium carers and social
    year, plus other forms of food aid related               the need to maintain cultural identities                                                      guardians so that they promote eating habits consistent
    to humanitarian and emergency interven-                  with the processes of integration and so-                                                     with the principles expressed in this paper.
    tions.                                                   cial cohesion.                                                                                d) Spread the adoption of similar behaviour among private
                                                                                                                                                           operators of home care services.
  • 52.7% of households are made up of sin-                • To increase access to healthy food for
    gle persons.                                             everybody, the Municipality is open to
                                                             new forms of relationship between those                   3. The Municipality shall ac-       a) Allocate all public agricultural areas to agricultural and
  • Milano Ristorazione (Milan Catering), a                  involved in production, distribution and                  tively work to promote and fa-      horticultural production, both professional and for direct
    company owned by the Municipality, pro-                  consumption, facilitating the promotion                   cilitate various forms of urban     consumption and small local businesses.
    vides about 85,000 meals a day for school                of other private initiatives and the third                agriculture and horticulture, as    b) Define with organised urban horticulture individuals,
    catering and homes for the elderly.                      sector and promoting their coordination in                well as the establishment and       guidelines shared at the city level for promoting and man-
                                                             a public and common wellbeing perspec-                    consolidation of networks and       aging horticulture both on public and on private land, ensur-
  • Milano Ristorazione, società partecipata                 tive.                                                     activities for creating social      ing that a proportion of public land is intended for gardens
    dal Comune, fornisce circa 85.000 pasti al                                                                         inclusion and providing food        for low-income people.
    giorno destinati alla ristorazione scolas-             • Water, as the basic element of life and as                to the vulnerable population        c) Integrate the applications and activities of the Forum Cit-
    tica pubblica e alle residenze per anziani.              an integral part of food, is a right that the             (community canteens, soup           tà Mondo (World Cities Forum) in guidelines for urban horti-
                                                             Municipality promotes ensuring universal                  kitchens, forms of social ag-       culture as a tool for integration and social cohesion.
  • Metropolitana Milanese provides public                   and public access to drinking water.                      gregation for sustainable food      d) Provide information and training on sustainable meth-
    water to all citizens, at a cost of 0.64 Euro/                                                                     production and consumption,         ods of cultivation aimed at existing practicing communities
    cu.m., The lowest among the major Italian                                                                          etc.).                              (gardeners) and citizens broadly speaking.
                                                                  Definition of food safety World Food Summit, 1996

                                                     14                                                                                                                15

Promote the sustainability of the food                  1 IGP; 13 Traditional and 1 Slow Food Presid-       fit of the local economy and as a tool for               metropolitan context.
system                                                  ium).                                               creating environmental quality and in-
                                                                                                            creasing the overall resilience of the city.           • The Municipality shall enhance the differ-
                                                          • The DAM, along with 3 other agricultur-                                                                  ent forms of organisation starting from
Facilitate the consolidation of all the
                                                            al districts, the Municipality of Milan,      • Agriculture is a component of the city and               partnerships between those involved in
components and activities necessary to                      the Metropolitan City of Milan and the          helps to create material values and pub-                 the food chain who contribute to improv-
organise a sustainable food system and                      Lombardy Region, signed the so-called           lic goods. In this perspective the Munic-                ing the balance between the urban and ru-
promote local production and consump-                       “Milano Metropoli Rurale”, a Framework          ipality shall undertake to limit the use of              ral components of the Milanese region in-
tion of quality fresh and seasonal food.                    Agreement for Territorial Development           agricultural land and promote a reversal                 cluding, in particular, agricultural districts,
                                                            (AQST) with the aim of enhancing the rural      of trends in land degradation as part of                 civilian initiatives and of social and ethical
SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA                                  origin of the Milanese metropolitan area,       a more holistic approach to qualification                economy, and other local market systems.
                                                            promoting the economy and quality of the        and defence of the territory, which already
  • In the area of the Municipality of Milan                environmental and territorial context with      forms the basis of the Framework Agree-
    there are about 100 farms that cultivate                a view to sustainability.                       ment for Territorial Development “Milano
    2,900 hectares, of which 90% is dedicat-                                                                metopoli rurale”.
    ed to arable. In addition to this there are           • All these productions of the territory have
    around 800 surveyed orchards.                           several local distribution channels includ-   • The promotion of the entire water system
                                                            ing: 9 factory stores (and 164 in the met-      of Milan and its sustainable management
  • The Distretto Agricolo Milanese – Milan-                ropolitan area), 15 weekly, fortnightly or      is a strategic point of view for controlling
    ese Agricultural District (DAM) includes                monthly farmers markets, about 80 ethical       the delicate balance between irrigation,
    31 farms operating within the municipal                 purchasing groups (EPG) surveyed plus           sewage treatment, civilian use, agricul-
    boundaries which have established a spe-                others not officially detected, as well as      tural production, ecosystems and land-
    cial agricultural cooperative consortium                fair-trade and ethical shops and a wide         scapes.
    to promote agricultural activities and sup-             range of restaurants and bars that use lo-
    port businesses of the sector operating in              cal products.                                 • To achieve these objectives, the Munici-
    the Municipality of Milan.                                                                              pality shall operate by combining the ur-
                                                        PRINCIPLES                                          ban and territorial planning instruments,
  • Also the metropolitan context must be                                                                   rural planning and environmental and
    taken into consideration for the Milanese             • Sustainability of the food system is a goal     social policy within a unified setting for
    production, with more than 3,600 farms                  that can be pursued only by acting in a         a sustainable conversion of the territo-
    that cultivate about 67,000 hectares of ag-             coordinated manner on all system com-           ry, environment and landscape. All these
    ricultural area, with 19 certified products,            ponents.                                        policies must be seen in perspective of
    60 organic farms (including 13 in Milan)                                                                circular economy, and as a structural con-
    that cultivate a total of 1,440 hectares, as          • The Municipality shall promote local, sus-      tribution to the resilience of the city and its
    well as 19 certified products (5 DOP; Slow              tainable food systems in order to create
    Food).                                                  values social relationships for the bene-

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 Guidelines                           Actions

 1. The Municipality shall facil-     a) Introduce agricultural production qualification criteria in
 itate access to land through         assignment notices for land and municipally owned farms
 its institutional instruments,       in order to facilitate the spread of local and sustainable pro-
 the co-promotion of specific         duction.
 services (e.g. Mortgage credit,
 local land trusts, public lands,
 etc.) and the spread of mul-
 ti-functional agriculture that
 contribute to the objectives set
 out here.

 2. The Municipality shall en-        a) Promote the diffusion and qualification of all forms of ur-
 courage agricultural activities      ban agriculture and horticulture (e.g. cultivation of crops on
 and wineries throughout the          the ground, terraces, roofs, walls, hydroponics, etc.), using
 municipal area.                      waste water wherever possible.
                                      b) Implement specific reward measures to increase the
                                      supply of local, fresh products in public procurement spec-
                                      c) Support the creation and consolidation of new forms of
                                      organisations of farmers and of those involved in the food
                                      d) Strengthen the Municipality’s commitment to enhancing
                                      local production also through diversified certification tools
                                      that help implement the guidelines of the International Food

 3. The Municipality shall sup-       a) Support the diversification of the sales channels for lo-
 port social, technological and       cal quality products (e.g. shops, restaurants, markets, etc.),
 organisational innovation in         facilitating forms of marketing that privilege sharing man-
 processing,distribution, logis-      agement responsibilities and the production of relational
 tics and trading activities to fa-   and cohesion values among those involved (e.g. farmers’
 cilitate the transition to a sus-    markets, ethical purchasing groups networks, consumer
 tainable food system..               cooperatives, etc.).
                                      b) Develop specific guidelines for reducing the environmen-
                                      tal impact of grocery supply in the food retail, catering and
                                      public venue sectors (e.g. insert dedicated measures in the
                                      PUMS - Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility).
                                      c) Promote the assignment of spaces or facilities for stor-
                                      age service and local food distribution in privately owned
                                      areas (e.g. apartment buildings), public areas and areas
                                      based on municipality agreements.

GUIDELINES                                                                                                   GUIDELINES AND ACTIONS

PRIORITY 3                                                                                                    Guidelines                         Actions

                                                                                                              1. The Municipality shall ex-      a) Establish guidelines on sustainable diets in order to
                                                                                                              pressed its commitment to          guide the programming of public and private operators and
Understanding food                                           very rich context, with hundreds of associ-      education either directly or       the eating habits of citizens. In defining these guidelines,
                                                             ations, groups, fairs, publishers and social     through its subsidiaries, or       take as their starting point the indications that are already
                                                             networks that are active in the field of sus-    through     agreements      with   provided by higher-order institutions regarding a healthy
Promote a culture oriented to consumer                                                                        schools, other institutions and    diet and integrate them with further elements, emphasizing
                                                             tainable and informed consumption.
awareness of healthy, safe and culturally                                                                     educational agencies and the       primarily the best Milanese experiences relating to sustain-
appropriate food that is sustainable, pro-                PRINCIPLES                                          industry, by promoting initia-     ability, ethics and justice of the food systems.
duced and distributed in respect of human                                                                     tives that increase the level of   b) Facilitate the spread of educational practices in public
rights and the environment.                                • The education, training and information          awareness of all the citizens of   and private non-conventional contexts such as city mar-
                                                             system is an essential element for the           Milan.                             kets, decentralised offices of the municipality, municipal
SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA                                   support and promotion of food culture in                                            property farmsteads, public residences, workplaces, etc.
                                                             all its dimensions.
  • The rates of obesity and related diseases
                                                                                                              2. Education and training to       a) Develop communication campaigns aimed at all citizens
    connected with food styles are slightly                • The education, training and information
                                                                                                              healthy, sustainable nutrition     in order to promote healthy and sustainable eating habits
    below the national average, but among                    system contributes to a balanced de-
                                                                                                              shall concern both the basic       and informed purchasing practices.
    adults, the percentage of obese people                   velopment of the person and increases
                                                                                                              content for all citizens, and      b) Promote access to fresh and seasonal local food, and
    surveyed is 6.5% of the total, and among                 awareness on the effects of eating hab-
                                                                                                              more specific content for op-      public water in municipal buildings and schools through
    minors it is 5%. Obesity is a problem both               its on the overall sustainability of the so-
                                                                                                              erators, which are designed to     various supply methods (e.g. fresh fruit distributors, deliv-
    for people and for the National Health Ser-              cio-economic and environmental system.
                                                                                                              accompany the sustainable          ery platforms, water containers for offices, etc.) helping to
    vice which quantifies in about 8 billion eu-
                                                                                                              innovation of all stages of the    reduce the consumption of sugary drinks, sodas and junk
    ros per year direct costs alone associated             • The education, training and information
                                                                                                              food cycle.                        food.
    with it, to which you must add related sys-              system should be integrated with all the
                                                                                                                                                 c) Promote partnerships between schools and local farms
    temic effects (e.g. cardiovascular disease,              related social and economic practices
                                                                                                                                                 with particular reference to companies that use municipal
    tumors, diabetes, etc.).                                 and processes of change that have edu-
                                                                                                                                                 property, as part of its educational strategy.
                                                             cational content (non-formal and informal
                                                                                                                                                 d) Promote direct cultivation experiments in every school
  • Nutrition education has its main local in-               education). The primary resources for this
                                                                                                                                                 as an opportunity for learning and improving curricular sub-
    stitutional channels in the Municipality, in             integration are constituted by the large
    Milano Ristorazione, in schools and in the               panorama of technical and scientific skills
                                                                                                                                                 e) Promote the use of public water in private catering, public
    NHS, which have educational programs                     available locally and by the widespread
                                                                                                                                                 events and sporting events.
    intended mainly for children and young                   presence of embedded knowledge in all
                                                                                                                                                 f) Increase the number and spread of Water Houses and
    people of school age that are managed                    parts of society that is already applied
                                                                                                                                                 public fountains.
    either directly or through agreements with               to issues related to food: associations,
                                                                                                                                                 g) Promote training initiatives on social, economic and en-
    third sector entities (associations, NGOs,               groups, fairs, ethnic communities and the
                                                                                                                                                 vironmental sustainability of all components of the food
    foundations, etc.).                                      active citizenship in general.
                                                                                                                                                 system for operators of the city’s food system.
                                                                                                                                                 h) Promote educational initiatives for vulnerable groups of
  • In Milan we have counted 120 education-                • In education processes, specific attention
                                                                                                                                                 the city (children, the elderly, migrants, etc.) and carers (car-
    al vegetable gardens run by schools and                  should be paid in preventing obesity, dis-
                                                                                                                                                 egivers, babysitters, etc.).
    associations that work with schools on                   eases and disorders that are associated
    educational projects.                                    with inadequate diets, paying particular
                                                             attention to reducing the intake of sug-         3. Spreading the contents and      a) Promote awareness-raising through partnerships with
  • 70% of projects implemented in the city by               ar, fat and meat acids and increasing the        orientations of the Food Pol-      public, private and associative entities so that the guide-
    third sector entities has implicitly or ex-              consumption of fruits, vegetables, unpro-        icy through the enhancement        lines of the Food Policy are also promoted in private retail,
    plicitly an educational content.                         cessed food and public water.                    of existing experiences con-       wholesale distribution, in markets, in private catering and
                                                                                                              sistent with the principles ex-    social and health facilities.
  • Milan has the highest concentration in It-             • In education actions, specific attention         pressed in this paper.             b) Define forms of public recognition for the people involved
    aly of educational, training and research                should be paid in preventing food waste.                                            and virtuous actions (e.g. awards, trademarks, sponsor-
    facilities related to food and in the field of                                                                                               ships, etc.).
    non-formal education, i.e. not of the for-
    mal school type but with an explicit edu-
    cational intentionality. Milan represents a

                                                     20                                                                                                      21

                                                                                                          GUIDELINES AND ACTIONS

                                                                                                           Guidelines                           Actions
Fighting waste                                         PRINCIPLES
                                                                                                           1. The Municipality, in coopera-     a) Promote information campaigns and education and
                                                        • The Municipality shall adopt and define in       tion with the local actors, shall    training actions aimed at increasing the awareness of cit-
Reduce surpluses and food waste during
                                                          its actions the classification established       promote actions devoted to the       izens in relation to purchasing, consumption, storage, in-
the different stages of the food chain as                                                                  citizens and operators involved      ventory and household waste management behaviour.
                                                          at the international level that favours, in
a form of preventing social and economic                  order of importance, the reduction of sur-       in the food cycle in order to re-    b)Identify tools for establishing and promoting activities to
inequalities and as a tool for reducing the               plus food at all stages of the food chain,       duce surpluses and waste.            reduce waste to be used by citizens and private operators in
environmental impact.                                     the recovery of surplus food for human                                                the industry (including public businesses – e.g. the “I do not
                                                          consumption, the recovery for animal                                                  waste” initiative of Milano Ristorazione - as well as large
SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA                                feed, the recovery of waste products for                                              retailers).
                                                          returning organic substance to the earth
  • In Italy, more than 40% of food surplus is            and the recovery for other non-nutritional
    related to the purchasing and consump-                purposes.                                        2. The Municipality, in coopera-     a) Establish mechanisms for comparison with other oper-
    tion habits of households and the average                                                              tion with local actors, shall pro-   ators engaged in the recovery and redistribution of surplus
    value of the domestic waste of each family          • The policies relating to the reduction of        mote the recovery and redistri-      food in order to monitor, evaluate and direct the food sys-
    is about 450 Euro per year.                           waste and surplus food should be com-            bution of surplus food.              tem towards more transparent and efficient recovery and
                                                          bined with those relating to the waste cy-                                            redistribution mechanisms of the surplus to those in need.
  • There are a number of food surplus re-                cle management to increase overall sus-                                               b) Promote mechanisms for recovery and redistribution of
    covery and redistribution projects that               tainability of the system with an approach                                            unavoidable surplus at all levels (condominiums, market,
    are handled largely by the third sector and           to circular economy (e.g. Use of fertilizers                                          distribution, canteens, etc.) and in all areas of the city.
    with respect to which there is no overall             derived from food waste, wastewater re-
                                                                                                           3. The Municipality shall pro-       a) Promote campaigns for rationalising packaging related
    monitoring from a quantitative point of               use, etc.), while ensuring that these activi-
                                                                                                           mote partnerships with insti-        to the distribution of water and food and promoting recy-
    view. The Siticibo project alone, involving           ties do not conflict with human consump-
                                                                                                           tutional, economic and so-           clable packaging.
    Milano Ristorazione and the Food Bank                 tion.
                                                                                                           cial entities to promote the         b) Encourage to disregard aesthetic standards (e.g. not lik-
    Foundation, in 2014 allowed to supply 67
                                                                                                           rationalisation of packaging         ing the colour, shape, etc.) as a criterion for selecting veg-
    charitable organisations with 54,822 kg of
                                                                                                           and the reduction of waste.          etables, through mobilisation campaigns and institutional
    bread and 100,386 kg of fruit.
                                                                                                           wastehroughout     the   food        lobbying actions, etc.
  • Finally, there is a niche of companies with
    significant growth rates that apply recov-                                                             4. The Municipality shall apply      a) Promote the reuse of organic waste to produce compost
    ery technologies to food waste by reusing                                                              the principles of material and       to be used locally, by facilitating the dissemination of com-
    it in the field of design and production                                                               energy cycle closing to the food     posting plants in the area and at the neighborhood and con-
    of natural fibres.			                                                                                  system from a circular economy       dominium level.
                                                                                                           and bio-economy perspective.

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GUIDELINES                                                                                                  GUIDELINES AND ACTIONS

PRIORITY 5                                                                                                   Guidelines                         Actions

                                                                                                             1. The Municipality shall pro-     a) Map the most relevant entities involved in the agri-food re-
                                                                                                             mote the development of a          search system with connotations or implications related to the
                                                                                                             system of collaboration in agri-   urban system.
Supporting and promoting scientific re-                 PRINCIPLES                                           food research involving Univer-    b) Facilitate the creation of meeting opportunities among all
search in the agri-food sector.                                                                              sities, Research and Training      those involved in the Research System in the local, national
                                                         • The Municipality builds and offers experi-        Centres, public, private and       and international agri-food sector, oriented to the exchange of
                                                           mental fields and visibility channels to re-
Fostering the development of Milanese                                                                        non-profit organisations           knowledge and the creation of multi-stakeholder projects with
                                                           search and knowledge intended as public                                              connotations or implications related to the urban system.
agri-food scientific research with con-                    assets for the citizenship;
notations or implications related to the                                                                                                        c) Develop data and information related to the agri-food sys-
                                                                                                                                                tem of the vast area of Milan for all the interested parties
urban system, aiming at improving pro-                   • The Municipality processes and intro-                                                d) Promote the meeting of resources between demand and
cesses and developing cutting-edge tech-                   jects, where possible, the contents of re-                                           supply to fund the world of agri-food research with connota-
nologies.                                                  search in order to make its policies more                                            tions or implications related to the urban system.
                                                           able to interpret social impact and inter-                                           e) Facilitate the entry of students specialised in the urban agri-
SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA                                 vene more effectively in improving the life                                          food field in public, private and non-profit organisations oper-
                                                           and development of the city;		                                                       ating in the same field.
  • There are seven universities In the Ter-                                                                                                    f) Support actions aimed at attracting international talents
    ritory of the Municipality of Milan, (the            • The exchange of information, knowledge                                               working in the research and innovation sector of urban agri-
    University of Milan, Milan Polytechnic, the            and skills among several subjects charac-                                            food, set up by public, private and non-profit organisations.
    University of Milano-Bicocca, the Univer-              terising the world of scientific research at
    sità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, the Bocconi            local, national and international level (in-
    University, the Free University of Languag-            cluding for example universities, research        2. The Municipality shall pro-     a) Provide support to organisations involved in scientific re-
    es and Communication IULM and the Vi-                  institutions and private individuals) is vital    mote the development of Mil-       search (e.g. universities, research centres, etc.), in order to identify
    ta-Salute San Raffaele University) with 44             for the development of effective and effi-        anese agri-food scientific re-     opportunities of European and national financing (with particular
    faculties, and about 174,000 new students              cient research methods;                           search with connotations or        reference to Research Programmes) and international financing
    every year, equal to 10% of the entire Ital-                                                             implications related to the ur-    through structured signalling activities and/or the creation of
    ian university population.                           • The Municipality stimulates and supports          ban system                         specific partnerships.
                                                           the creation of organisations that, lever-                                           b) Facilitate the creation of national, European and international
  • In the Territory of the City of Milan there            aging on scientific research activities, de-                                         academic networks for exchanging agri-food knowledge with
    are also more than thirty research and                 velop innovative products and services in                                            connotations or implications related to the urban system.
    training institutes.                                   the agri-food sector;			                                                             c) Promote the creation of partnerships between organisations
                                                                                                                                                involved in scientific research (e.g. universities, research centres,
  • The Parco Tecnologico Padano (PTP -                  • The development of strong relations                                                  etc.)and national, European and international technology parks
    Science Park) is a Science and Technol-                among public, private and non-profit or-                                             d) Test directly or facilitate the testing of innovations produced
    ogy Park based in Lodi engaged in the                  ganisations engaged in the food sector                                               by the agri-food research system, through the collaboration with
    agribusiness and bio-economy sectors.                  and the world of research is a necessary                                             public, private or non-profit organisations.
    The City of Milan is an honorary member                condition for the development of a collab-
    of the Foundation connected with it. The               orative system through which the results
    Parco Tecnologico Padano carries out re-               of scientific research generate impacts           3. The Municipality shall en-      a) Map the most relevant agri-food needs for new technologies
    search aimed at innovation and creation                in the urban system, supporting the im-           courage the development of         and processes with connotations or implications related to the
    of value for production chains; it develops            provement of processes and the develop-           innovative projects in the agri-   urban system and disseminate the mapping results to all inter-
    national and international R&D projects                ment of cutting-edge technologies.                food sector                        ested parties.
    and has created a network extending to                                                                                                      b) Allocate resources aimed at supporting the creation and
    over 40 countries, involving more than                                                                                                      development of innovative projects , operating or intending to
    500 research institutions. Alongside re-                                                                                                    operate at different stages of the food chain.
    search and services, the Parco Tecno-                                                                                                       c) Support the creation of competitions and awards aimed at
    logico Padano assists businesses and                                                                                                        identifying, developing, accelerating and disseminating ideas
    supports the creation of new enterprises                                                                                                    and/or organisations related to the improvement of processes
    through its business incubator and accel-                                                                                                   and cutting-edge technologies in the agri- food field with con-
    erator, Alimenta.			                                                                                                                        notations or implications related to the urban system.

                                                   24                                                                                                        25

     In order to:                                        quate space to all components of the Milanese
                                                         food system in the initial phases and periodic
        a) plan and implement measures dedicat- evaluation of the Food Policy in identifying ad-
        ed to the priorities and the mentioned ori- ditional targets and planning, acknowledging
        entations;				the value of city practices and economic and
                                                         organisational innovations as part of a design
        b) implement these orientations within all that sets the institution as a reference point.
        policies, programmes and own-initiative          This joint responsibility activity has a proce-
        projects or that refer to their subsidiaries (in dural nature and may take the form of town
        particular Sogemi, municipal markets, Mi- consultations, a steering committee or other
        lano Ristorazione, AMSA and AMAT);               similar bodies similar to food councils, food
                                                         boards or other similar tools available in other
        c) facilitate the spread and adoption of these linguistic, cultural and institutional contexts.
        guidelines also by the metropolitan cities;
                                                         2. Monitoring system.
        d) plan and implement these guidelines in
        collaboration with other levels of govern- The Food Policy actions and guidelines mon-
        ment, with private entities, with the third sec- itoring system will allow not only to analyse,
        tor, with informal social actors, with schools, evaluate and monitor over time the issues,
        universities, the research community, the guidelines and actions and their related im-
        world of innovation and start-ups, philan- pacts, but also indirectly to increase knowl-
        thropists, etc;                                  edge with respect to the issues in question.
                                                         This action responds to the need to build an
     and owing to the complexity of the issues in-       information system that enhances what is al-
     volved, the Municipality of Milan has identified ready available in the Municipality structures
     the following tools:                                and in the institutions, in the world of research
                                                         and in social bodies, and makes it accessible
     1. Metropolitan Food Council.                       and functional to support decisions and ac-
                                                         tions. The construction and dissemination of
     The Food Council shall promote co-respon- this knowledge in an open source perspective,
     sibility processes of the actors of the Milan- is functional to make the institutional action,
     ese food system (large area) through specific and that of all those involved in the city, more
     participatory processes that have an inclusive effective.
     character. This joint responsibility has its rea-
     sons in the complexity of the issues, which re-
     quire the work of many in order to ensure ade-

26                                                    27

                                                            the Lombardy Region in the last 50 years”:        • systems. Sustainable food consumption                     velopment (AQST) “Milan Rural Metropo-
                                                            105-116                                             in the city of Milan”                                     lis”
                                                                                                              • IPSOS, Chamber of Commerce, Municipal-                •   Milanese Agricultural District www.con-
                                                        ENVIRONMENT                                             ity of Milan (2014) Consu-MI. Observatory       
                                                          • BCFN (2014). Double pyramid Tech 2014               of resident households in the municipality            •   Rice & Frogs District – “Good, Healthy
                                                            document                                            of Milan                                                  and Near”, Studio Agronomico Magni,
                                                          • Eurispes (2013). Italy Report 2013                • Regional Observatory on Commerce of the                   15/01/2013
                                                          • INEMAR Database Region of Lombardy                  Lombardy Region                                       •   Valle Olona Agricultural District DAVO
                                                            (2010): www.ambiente.regione.lombardia.           • SO.GE.MI.                           www.
                                                          • it/inemar/webdata / main.seam (last               • Processing of Annual Survey data on road              •   DiNaMo 2020 - District Strategic Plan,
                                                          • access 20/01/2015)                                  freight, Istat                                            May 2013
                                                          • ISMEA (2009). AGRICARBON report                   • F. Dallari, (2011) “Actors, nodes and flows           •   “Atlas of typical and traditional products”
                                                          • ISTAT (National Statistical Office) (2014).         of the Milanese Logistics Region”                         2013 ERSAF
                                                            We Italy. 100 statistics to understand the        • F. Dallari, S. Curi, (2010) “Network Milan.           •   Metropolitan City of Milan - Multifunction-
                                                            country we live in 2014. Greenhouse gas             Morphology of international logistics                     ality and agricultural production: list of di-
                                                            emissions                                           flows “, Bruno Mondadori                                  rect sales companies
                                                          • Sillig C. (2014). The environmental impact        • F. Dallari, S. Curi, (2011) “The logistics            •   Dossier 2012 by AIAB Lombardia “The
Primary sources                                             of the transport of food products                   system in Lombardy: transformations in                    products of social organic farming in the
                                                                                                                progress and evolution scenarios”                         Lombardy Region”.
ACCESS TO FOOD                                          WELLNESS                                              • Processing of 9th General Census of in-               •   Social Organic Farming dossier. “Organic
  • Statistics Sector of the Municipality of Mi-         • OKkio alla salute (Watch your health)                dustry and services, 2011                                 and Social farms and their products”
    lan. “Milan 2013-2014 data. The key sta-               (2012), 2012 Results of the NHS of Milan,          •                                                       •   Slow Food - List of Slow Food presidiums
    tistics to know the City”                              available at: PASSI Project Progress of                                                                        in Italy
  • The City Council Resolution no. 2342 of                Hospitals for Health in Italy (2011), 2008-      CONSUMPTION                                               •   Agricity -
    09.11.2012 on updating the Urban Mobil-                2010 Corporate Report of Milan NHS: nu-            • C. Demaldè (2014). PhD thesis on The                  •   Chamber of Commerce/Infocamere Re-
    ity Plan                                               tritional status and dietary habits                  Quality of Life in the Information Society.               port “Dashboard of statistical indicators
  • Milan Chamber of Commerce “Productive                • Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (2009), Obe-              “Food and sustainability in urban sys-                    - Milan” year 2013
    Milan 2014” 24th Report by Milan Cham-                 sity? A “social weight”. The data in a study         tems. Sustainable food consumption in                 •   Provincial agricultural Financial State-
    ber of Commerce                                        of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna                    the city of Milan”                                        ment (2012) issued annually by the agri-
  • IPSOS, Chamber of Commerce, Municipal-               • A. C. Gatti, G. Magni, S. Montrasio, I. Ricci,                                                                 culture sector of the Province of Milan
    ity of Milan (2014) Consu-MI. Observatory              (2014), “Towards Expo 2015. The dietary          EDUCATION                                                 •   6th ISTAT Census of Agriculture 2010
    of resident households in the Municipality             habits of the Milanese”, Statistics Sector         • Statistics Sector of the Municipality of Mi-          •   9th ISTAT Census of Industry and Services
    of Milan                                               of the City of Milan, Planning and Budget            lan. “Milan 2013-2014 data. The key sta-                  2011
  • Milano Ristorazione, Annual Financial                  Controls                                             tistics to know the City “
    Statement 2013                                       • ISTAT (National Statistical Office) (2013).        • Social Affairs and Culture of Health of the         WASTE
  •                                                        Multipurpose survey on households: as-               City of Milan (2012). Welfare development            • P. Garrone, M. Melacini, A. Perego, (2012),
                                                           pects of daily life by the National Institute        plan of the City of Milan 2012-2014                    Feed the hungry. Food surpluses as an
AGRO-ECOSYSTEM                                             of Statistics                                      • Mani Tese (Outreaching hands), (2012).                 opportunity. Guerrini e Associati, Milan
  • DUSAF Database (Intended use of Ag-                  • Organisation for Economic Co-Operation               Feeding the world to educate the planet              • P. Garrone, M. Melacini, A. Perego, (2014),
    ricultural and Forestry land):                and Development (2012), OECD Health                • C. Demaldè (2014). PhD thesis on The                   Opening the black box of food waste re- (last access             Data 2012                                            quality of life in the Information Society.            duction in Food Policy
    20/12/2014)                                          • Organisation for Economic Co-Operation               “Food and sustainability in urban sys-               • IPSOS, Chamber of Commerce, Munici-
  • ERSAF (2010). Land use in the Lombardy                 and Development (2014), Obesity Update               tems. Sustainable food consumption in                  pality of Milan (2014). Consu-MI. Obser-
    Region. The DUSAF data. 2010 edition                   2014                                                 the city of Milan “                                    vatory on consumption of families in the
  • ERSAF (2012). Land use in the Lombardy                                                                                                                             Municipality of Milan
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  • INEA et al. (2014). Lombard Agriculture is            • Data processing by C. Demaldè (2014).             • IMEA, DEMM (2013). “The agri-food sys-              Fonte secondaria
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  • R. Pretolani (2012). Lombard agriculture                formation Society. “Food and sustainabili-          Pieri and Roberto Pretolani                         Le Dieci Questioni della Food Policy, EStà - Un-
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