Page created by Sergio Wood
Spring/Summer 2021

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A TerraVest Industries company                                            tvkinventory.com
To advance safety by working
for a favorable environment
for propane distribution and
marketing, to increase its
application by demonstrating
                                                            4     Message From The President—Jeff Hynes
propane’s value as a clean,
reliable, efficient energy source.
                                                            7     Industry News
MPGA Office:
629 W. HIllsdale St.
                                                            14 More Food Trucks Roll Into Michigan
Lansing, MI 48933
Telephone: (517) 487-2021
Fax: (517) 485-9408
                                                            18 Propane and Pot

Propane Journal Committee:
                                                            26 The Days of Shock and Awe Climate Reporting are Over
Rob Vandemark, Industrial
  Propane Service, Inc.
David Lowe, Pro Image
                                                            30 The Blackouts Have Only Just Begun
Tom Jaenicke, ATomiK Creative
  Solutions, Consultant                                     33 Texas Energy Crisis a Warning for Michigan
MPGA Management and
Legislation Consultants:
                                                            38 Featured Supplier—Angus Energy
Kindsvatter, Dalling &
Associates, Inc.
629 W. Hillsdale St.                                        45 Renewable Propane is Coming. Are You Ready?
Lansing, MI 48933

Derek Dalling
                                                            46 Q&A with Michigan’s Power Broker of Tech,
Christian H. Kindsvatter
                                                                  Energy and Banking—Sen. Dan Lauwers
Jason Wadaga
Matthew Solak
Denise Stone
Lauren Concannon
Quintanilla Dowdell
Geri Root
Trina Miller
Erin Dalling
Melissa Travis

Propane Journal is published bi-annually by the
Michigan Propane Gas Association, 629 W. HIllsdale
St., Lansing, MI 48933. The Propane Journal is paid
for in part by a rebate grant from the National
Propane Education & Research Council and is                      MPGA’s Propane Journal is dedicated to providing education
available for free to the marketers and the public. All
inquiries and address changes should be sent to the
                                                                and safety articles for both propane consumers and marketers.
above address. Articles written by outside authors do           The Propane Journal is supported in part through a state rebate
not necessarily reflect the view or position of the
Michigan Propane Gas Association (MPGA). MPGA’s                 granted from the National Propane Education Research Council.
position on key issues will be clearly stated.
Manuscripts are accepted at the approval of MPGA                 The Propane Journal is circulated to all marketers in Michigan
who reserves the right to reject or edit. The Propane
Journal does not constitute endorsement of the
                                                                          and public interest groups across the state.
advertiser, its products or services nor does the
Propane Journal make any claims or guarantees as to
the accuracy or validity of the advertiser’s offer and
reserves the right to reject any advertising deemed
unsuitable. Advertising rates and other information
available upon request.

                                                          www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                              3

                        What a year to reflect back on! Who would have thought the Covid
                        Pandemic would change our Industry and our lives like it has? The
                        Propane Industry faced many challenges, some of which we had
                        never encountered before. Restricted access to offices, customers
                        and vendors were commonplace. Social Distancing became the
                        normal routine and masks were a way of life.

                        As we see a slow return to some normalcy, I am proud of the way the
                        Propane Industry has come through this Pandemic. Moving forward,
                        we will continue to face unknown Covid related problems. As in the
                        past, the Propane Industry will solve these problems with the same
                        relentless decision making. These adjustments have been a strength
                        of our Membership and will continue to keep Michigan a Propane
    Jeff Hynes
    MPGA President      Industry leader in the U.S.

                        Even with all of these challenges, the MPGA leadership and it’s
                        Members have moved forward on some very important Industry
                        related issues. With your help we defeated the progress of Bill 4420,
                        which would have given $250,000,000 to major Gas and Electric
                        Companies. These free funds would have been used to extend their
                        rural gas lines. This free expansion would have had a huge negative
                        affect on our rural business.

                        After many years of discussion, I am also proud to say our Propane
                        Checkoff Legislation has become reality. In record time and with your
                        support, the Propane Commission was appointed by the Governor.
                        The processes are already in motion to start the collection of funds
                        and distribution of rebates to expand our Industry’s Market.

                        During the Pandemic we have also stood beside Enbridge in support
                        of Line 5. We have worked hard to provide accurate information to
                        the residents of Michigan and others who oppose Line 5. We will
                        continue to support Line 5 as they work toward completion of the

                        In closing, I am very proud to have served as your President during
                        this “Pandemic” period and look forward to working with you in the
                        future. Rather than remember it as the “Covid Year” I will reflect on
                        how well this Industry handles change and how much progress we
                        have made on some very important issues related to the success of
                        the Michigan Propane Gas Association.

Michigan Propane Gas Association Summer Convention

July 21-23, 2021 • Great Wolf Lodge

      For more information and to register, visit mipga.org
                     www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com               5

OFFICERS                           Long Range Planning                  Government Affairs
                                   Matt Parsch                          Wayne Kohley
President                          Al Parsch Oil & Propane Co.          Excel Propane
Jeff Hynes                         matt@parschoil.com                   wkohley@excelpropane.com
                                   Marketing                            District II
1st Vice President                 Blaine Cronn                         Fritz Schinck (2021)
Rob Vandemark                      Kal Gas                              Avery Oil & Propane, Inc.
Industrial Propane Service, Inc.   bcronn@gmail.com                     fritzs@averyoilcompany.com
rob@ipsequipment.com                                                    Mike George (2022)
2nd Vice President                 Ray Duimstra
Larry Otto                         Crystal Flash
LDO Consulting                     rduimstra@crystalflash.com           District III
lotto989@charter.net                                                    Scott Fleetwood (2021)
                                   Michigan PERC                        Tri-Gas Distributing Co.
Treasurer                          Bruce Montroy                        scottf@trigasco.com
Scott Underwood                    Bergquist, Inc.
Alto LP Gas                        bruce.montroy@bergquistinc.com       Scott Overholt (2022)
sunderwood@altogas.com                                                  Tri-Gas Distributing Co.
                                   Michigan Propane PAC                 scotto@trigasco.com
Secretary                          Jason Kratt
                                                                        District IV
Randy Halstead                     Hamilton’s Propane
                                                                        Scott Gabriel (2021)
Homeworks Tri-County Propane       jasonkratt@yahoo.com
                                                                        Fick & Sons
rhalstead@homeworks.org                                                 sgabriel@fickandsons.com
                                   Propane Emergencies
NPGA State Director                Brian Lincoln                        Cindy Walker (2022)
David Long                         Stanford LP Gas                      Amerigas
Long’s Propane Gas, LLC            bjlincoln@slpg.net                   Cindy.walker@amerigas.com
                                   Propane Emergency Response Network   District V
NPGA District #5 Director          Kris Bowman                          Aaron Huizenga (2021)
Tom Jaenicke                       Bowman Gas Company                   Lakes Gas Co.
ATomiK Creative Solutions, LLC     krisbowman@centurytel.net            ahuizenga@lakesgasco.com
tom@atomikenergysolutions.com                                           Kris Bowman (2022)
                                   Regulatory Affairs
                                   Randy Halstead                       Bowman Gas Company
Immediate Past President
Matt Parsch                        Homeworks Tri-County Propane
Al Parsch Oil & Propane Co.        rhalstead@homeworks.org              Supplier Directors
matt@parschoil.com                                                      Jerry Belknap (2021)
                                   Safety & Compliance
                                                                        Bergquist, Inc.
                                   Larry Otto
COMMITTEE CHAIRS                   Angus Energy

Alternative Fuels                  lotto@angusenergy.com                Jim Zuck (2020)
                                                                        Marshall Excelsior
Scott Underwood
                                   Scholarship                          jzuck@marshallexcelsior.com
Alto LP Gas
                                   Ray Duimstra
sunderwood@altogas.com                                                  Executive Director
                                   Crystal Flash
                                                                        Derek Dalling
Convention                         rduimstra@crystalflash.com
                                                                        Kindsvatter Dalling & Associates
Kim Godlewski
IPS Equipment, Inc.                DISTRICT DIRECTORS                   Active Past Presidents
kim@ipsequipment.com                                                    (not listed above)
                                   District I
                                                                        Guy Bowman            Marv Ockerman
                                   Mandy Swanson (2021)
Eduction                                                                Chris DeGrote         Terry Rhoads
Tim Myers                                                               Tom Jaenicke          Don Rittersdorf
IPS Equipment, Inc.                                                     David Lowe            Kandy Scott
                                   Travis Latchaw (2022)                David Montgomery      Andrew Vanderboegh

6                                      MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
Industry News
MPGA Summer Convention—July 21-23                     ago as a concept and quickly became a unique
                                                      safety group, a one-of-a-kind in the country.
                                                      PERN’s efficient support system helps onsite fire
                                                      departments in case of a fire emergency that
                                                      may involve propane. Fire departments have
                                                      a 1-800 number to reach a PERN dispatcher
                                                      who then contacts the network direct. That
The Michigan Propane Gas Association Annual           network contact works directly with the fire
Summer Convention will be held July 21-23, at         contact to determine if a PERN trailer needs to
the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City, Mich. The      be deployed. The association is dedicated in
convention includes a number of fun activities        providing all training and financial compensation
for members and their families. Be sure to            to network members.
reserve your rooms by June 20 to receive the
                                                      Since 2000, PERN has only been deployed twice
special convention rate.
                                                      within the state. The fire department is very
PERN to Expand Manpower                               appreciative of this system and the proactive
                                                      approach the MPGA has taken to supply back up
The MPGA is looking for a few good men/women
                                                      if needed.
to become part of the association’s safety
network called PERN, or Propane Emergency             Contact Jeff Vandemark (810) 266-4687 or
Response Network. PERN began nearly 15 years          Jeff@industrialpropaneservice.com
                                                                                       continued on page 8

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                                           1-800-328-0314             www.lpgandnh3.com
                                       www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                       7
Industry News          continued from page 7

Hopsicker Acquires 100% of
Ray Murray, Inc.
On January 7, 2021, Ray Murray, Inc. announced
its acquisition by Hopsicker.

A planned transition began back in 2005
between Hopsicker and the Murray family when
they began working together on a planned
transition of ownership.

Prior to RMI, Mike Hopsicker was CEO of Agway              (back row, L to R) Jim, Ray and John Murray
Inc., and spent 8 years as the CEO of Agway                 (Front row, L to R) Jeff and Mike Hopsicker

Energy Products, one of the largest retail
marketers of propane and fuel oil in the US.          Ray Murray summarizes the milestone by stating,
                                                      “This is a momentous occasion for our families,
Over the last several years, the company and          and the entire team at RMI.We have thoroughly
its industries certainly faced their share of         enjoyed working with Mike Hopsicker on the
headwinds and challenges, but ultimately RMI          transition. His family has become our family!” Jim
was able to enjoy significant growth and expand       Murray added “Although it is a little bittersweet,
its geographic reach through a combination            our gratitude to Mike and the entire Ray Murray
of 4 acquisitions. It has grown to be one of the      Inc. team for all that has been accomplished
largest two-step distributors in both the propane     far outweighs those feelings. We are indeed a
and hearth and grill industries.                      family!”

8                                   MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
According to Mike Hopsicker,       New Corporate Vice                 During his short time with RMI,
“The Murray’s and I are            Presidents Join the                he spearheads a number of
both very excited to have          Hopsicker Team                     improvement projects.
completed the successful
                                   Two new Vice Presidents            Porter has an extensive career
transition of ownership! While
                                   were announced after the           history in operations and
it has been in process for 15+
                                   acquisition. Casey Harvey was      holding leadership roles. Just
years, it is also bittersweet.
                                   promoted to Vice President of      prior to joining RMI he was the
I am sure that the Murray’s
                                   Sales and Scott Porter is the      Director of Purchasing and
have mixed feelings regarding
                                   Vice President of Operations.      Operations with Wes-Grade
the final sale of the family
                                                                      Components in Hartford, CT.
business that they have lived
and loved for so long. But
                                                                      Porter has a BS in Geological
in the process we formed a
                                                                      Science from Bradley
very good partnership, and
                                                                      University (Peoria, IL) and
a GREAT friendship! They
                                                                      MBA from Washington
are a wonderful family, and I
                                                                      University, St. Louis, MO. Scott
hope they can look back with
                                                                      lives in Simsbury, CT with his
pride on all that they and their
                                                                      wife and two grown daughters.
family has accomplished. I am
extremely thankful for all they
have done to help me over                            Casey Harvey
these past years!”

Ray, Jim and John will remain
                                   Harvey began with RMI as
an important part of the
                                   a Regional Sales Manager
RMI management team as
                                   in 2008. After successfully
advisors to the business, and
                                   growing the Mid-Atlantic
will continue to assume their
                                   territory, he was promoted
current management roles for                                                            Scott Porter
                                   to RMI’s Director of Sales in
several years to come.
                                   2013. In his new role as VP
Ray Murray reflected               of Sales, he will lead RMI’s 14
“Words cannot express what         Sale representatives as well       About Ray Murray, Inc.
a privilege it has been to be      as oversee all company sales
                                                                      Ray Murray Inc. is a distributor
part of this organization since    activities as well as provide
                                                                      of propane equipment, hearth,
we opened the doors back           primary leadership to RMI’s
                                                                      heating and outdoor living
in 1973. We will be eternally      marketing.
                                                                      products headquartered in
grateful for this opportunity.”
                                   Harvey is a graduate of            Lee, MA. It currently operates
John Murray, the youngest of
                                   Townson University, Magna          through four warehouse
the Murray family, summed
                                   Cum Laude, with a BS in            locations in Flint MI, Lee MA,
it up well “I am so proud of
                                   Philosophy. He lives in the        Bensalem PA, and Goldsboro,
what has been accomplished
                                   Baltimore, MD area with            NC. It has been providing
getting to this point. Mike has
                                   his wife and his two young         propane equipment and
assembled an outstanding
                                   children.                          appliances to propane dealers
team, and I am looking
                                                                      in the Northeast since 1973.
forward to continuing to work      Porter joined RMI in 2016          For more information visit
with him and the entire team       to help optimize RMI’s ERP         www.raymurray.com.
to help RMI reach even greater     system, assist with acquisitions
heights!”                          and improve operations.                           continued on page 10

                                    www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                         9
Industry News                        continued from page 9

New Propane Commission                                                   wholesalers throughout North America.
Established by Governor                                                  The next Propane Commission will be on
                                                                         Tuesday, June 22 at 2 p.m.—held at the MPGA
The new Propane Commission was created by
                                                                         headquarters in Lansing. This meeting is open to
Public Act 332 of 2020 to educate residents,
                                                                         the public.
business owners, and other users of propane on
the safe use of propane, and promote the use                             Governor Appoints Propane Commissioners
of high efficiency appliances and equipment
                                                                         • Kristopher H. Bowman—of Gulliver—is the
through rebate and incentive programs for
                                                                           president of Bowman Gas Company. He’s a
Michigan residents.
                                                                           member of the MPGA Board of Directors and
The Commission agreed unanimously that the                                 Chair of the Propane Emergency Response
1/10 of a cent per gallon assessment on propane                            Network Committee. Bowman will serve from
consumed in Michigan will begin July 1, 2021.                              April 9, 2021 to July 1, 2024.
Therefore, beginning July 1, ALL gallons sold
                                                                         • Aaron M. Huizenga—of Kewadin—is the east
to Michigan propane companies or transported
                                                                           division manager of Lakes Gas Company and
to Michigan must be assessed the Michigan
                                                                           a member of the MPGA Board of Directors. He
assessment of 1/10 of cent per gallon.
                                                                           holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication
The MPGA encourages all Michigan retailers to                              from University of Michigan. Huizenga will
communicate this to your propane wholesaler(s)                             serve from April 9, 2021 to July 1, 2023.
immediately. Per the new Michigan statute, all
                                                                         • Wayne Kohley—of Norton Shores—is the
assessments must be remitted quarterly to the
                                                                           president of Excel Propane Company. He
Michigan Propane Commission and any late
                                                                           is a member of the MPGA and is chair of the
payments are subject to fines and penalties. The
                                                                           Governmental Affairs Committee. Kohley will
MPGA will be mailing notifications to propane
                                                                           serve from April 9, 2021 to July 1, 2022.

          ADDING VALUE
           For more than 30 years, UHY LLP has been
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           Midwest’s finest propane companies. Because we
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           Website           www.uhy-us.com                                                    The next
                                                                                               level of service
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10                                                     MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
• Thomas W. Olive—of Grand Rapids—is the                  Wheeler, MI, to be completed in the second half
   president and CEO of Crystal Flash, Inc.                of 2021.
   He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business
                                                           As a part of the acquisition, NGL and Lambda
   Administration from Drake University and
                                                           entered into a multi-year “keep dry” agreement,
   a Master of Management from Northwestern
                                                           under which NGL will be marketing Lambda’s
   University. Olive will serve from April 9, 2021 to
                                                           propane production at Kalkaska. NGL will also
   July 2, 2023.
                                                           deliver supplemental propane to Kalkaska to
 • Andrew Vanderboegh—of Grand Rapids—is                   satisfy Michigan’s robust winter demand.
   the director of advertising, marketing and
                                                           This is exciting news for Michigan propane
   sales for Altogas. He holds a Bachelor of
                                                           consumers and retailers. NGL provides a unique
   Arts in Communications from the University
                                                           offering to its customers with stability and
   of Dayton. Vanderboegh will serve from
                                                           flexibility of supply through three locations
   April 9, 2021 to July 1, 2024.
                                                           at Marysville, Wheeler, and Kalkaska. These
                                                           locations are linked together by the Ambassador
  Propane Commission Positions
                                                           Pipeline which is backed by a large storage
   • First Chairman—Andrew Venderboegh
                                                           position at Marysville and propane production at
   • Vice Chairman—Kris Bowman
                                                           Kalkaska along with rail receipts when necessary.
   • Treasurer—Tom Olive
   • Secretary—Wayne Kohley
          GRAND RAPIDS                                     NGL’s investment shows our commitment to
                                                           delivering propane across Michigan safely,
                                                           efficiently, and in an environmentally responsible
 NGL Acquires Ambassador Pipeline
 from Lambda Energy                                        way.
                                                                                                   continued on page 12

 NGL Supply Wholesale, LLC Acquires Pipeline            Ambassador Pipeline
 from Lambda Energy Resources                           Ambassador Pipeline
 NGL Supply    Wholesale, LLC (“NGL”) is excited to
 announce it has acquired a 225-mile natural gas
 liquids pipeline from Lambda Energy Resources
 (“Lambda”) that spans from Marysville, MI to

                                                                                                           LAKE HURON
 Kalkaska, MI. This is an outstanding acquisition
 for NGL that complements its existing liquids
 assets in the Upper Midwest and expands its
 presence with anchor assets in the state of
 Michigan, one of the top propane markets   in the
                                                         LAKE MICHIGAN

 United States.

 The pipeline, named the Ambassador Pipeline,                                                   SAGINAW
 will be utilized for propane service on a year-
                                                                                      WHEELER                    SARNIA
 round basis. NGL is investing in incremental

 infrastructure to make the pipeline safer and
                                                                         GRAND                       MARYSVILLE
 capable to accommodate bidirectional flow.                              RAPIDS
 Once completed, propane may be injected and                                                DETROIT
 received on both the north end of the pipeline
    IOWA    T
 at Kalkaska and on the southern end of the line
 at Marysville. Concurrently with the pipeline                                                        LAKE ERIE
 upgrades, NGL has also begun constructing                               SOUTH BEND       TOLEDO
 a pipeline-supplied propane terminal near

                                         www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                                     11   CAN
Industry News                                    continued from page 11


                         RITZVILLE, WA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MONTREAL                   BANGOR
         VANCOUVER, WA
                                                                   SIDNEY, MT


                                                                                                                           BEND                                             KALKASKA                                                           WESTFIELD
                                                                                                             ROSEMOUNT                                                                                          GATEWAY ONEONTA              W. SPRINGFIELD
                                                                                                                                                      GREENBAY                             SARNIA
                                                                                                                  VERNON                                                            MARYSVILLE                    WATKINS
                                                                                                                  CENTER                        JANESVILLE                                                         GLEN
                                                                                                                  SANBORN                                                                                                               BAYWAY
                                                                                                                              CLEAR                    ROCKFORD                                                       DUBOIS
                                                                                            YANKTON              WHITING      LAKE DUBUQUE
                                                                                                                                                      LEMONT                          CANTON          HOPEDALE                          MARCUS HOOK
                                                                                            NORFOLK                               IOWA                                                                                           YORK
                                                                                                                                                                    GRIFFITH                              HOUSTON
                                                                                                                OGDEN              CITY        TAMPICO                                         SCIO
                                                                                                                                                                                       COSHOCTON                  GREENSBURG
                                                                                              PLATTSMOUTH               DES MOINES        CANTRIL
                                                                                N. PLATTE     GREENWOOD                                                                     HUNTINGTON                                       BALTIMORE
                                                                                                                                                            LEBANON                                   NATRIUM
                                                                                                                                          FARMINGTON                                                                STEPHENS CITY
                                                                                              GENEVA                                                                        TODHUNTER
                                                                                                               LECOMPTON                                      TUSCOLA
                                          SAWTOOTH                                                                   KEARNEY
                                         NGL CAVERNS                                 CLAY CENTER                                      MOBERLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WEST POINT
                                                                                     BUSHTON                            JEFFERSON
                                                                                        CONWAY                                                 E. ST. LOUIS

                                                                                                                              CARTHAGE                                                                              APEX
                                                                                                               TULSA                  LIGHT

                                                                                            KINGFISHER, OK                                                                                      LEXINGTON
                                                                                                                             LITTLE              WEST
                                                                                                                              ROCK            MEMPHIS, AR

                                                                                            THACKERVILLE, OK



                                             MAPL Pipeline                                                          MONT
                                                                                                                   BELVIEU                PORT HUDSON, LA
                                             Blue Line Pipeline

                                             TEPPCO Pipeline

                                             ONEOK Pipeline

We look forward to serving the great state of                                                                    About NGL: NGL owns and operates 27 LPG terminals
                                                                                                                 throughout the United States and Canada, including multiple
Michigan and showing our customers the NGL
                                                                                                                 terminals in the Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana and New
Difference! For more information, please contact                                                                 England, as well as being a shipper on all major United States
Skip Skalnik at skip.skalnik@nglep.com or                                                                        common carrier propane pipelines. Additional information
918-477-0549.                                                                                                    about NGL can be found at www.nglsupplywholesale.com.

                   Valve Site Pre Ownership                                                                                                         Valve Site NGL Ownership

12                                                                MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
The MPGA thanks the following individuals for their
 contributions and support to the Michigan Propane PAC
        and/or the MPGA Advocacy Fund in 2021.

   Andrew VanderBoegh                   Hamiltons Propane                     Matt Parsch
  Applebee Oil & Propane               Huron Gas Company                   Mike Vandenboom
 ATomiK Creative Solutions                IPS Equipment                  NGL Supply Company
       Bergquist, Inc.                     Jason Kratt                      Randy Halstead
   Bowman Gas Company                       Jeff Hynes                      Rob Vandemark
      Co-Alliance LLP                    Jeff Vandemark                        Rod Garst
   Coyne Oil and Propane                  Jeremy Kratt                      Scott Overholt
       CR Marketing                       Jerry Belknap                 Signature Truck Systems
       Daniel Coyne                         Joe Ross                       Stephanie Carlson
        David Long                         Kandy Scott                 Superior Gas Liquids USA
        David Lowe                 Kelsey Coyne-Quackenbush                Swan Fuel Service
    Dependable LP Gas                      Ken DuBay                         Thomas Olive
        Don Montroy                       Kim Godlewski                     Tiffany Jackson
   Endeavor Ag & Energy             Kohler’s Propane Company                   Tim Myers
       Excel Propane                      Kris Bowman                     Tri-Gas Distributing
         Gail Bailey                     Liberty Propane                     UHY Advisors
     Gerad Himebaugh                 Long’s Propane Gas, LLC                 Wayne Kohley

 The MPGA especially wants to thank those that generously donated $500 or more:

       Bergquist, Inc.                 Hamiltons Propane                 NGL Supply Company
  Bowman Gas Company                     IPS Equipment                       Thomas Olive
       Kris Bowman                       Wayne Kohley                       Scott Overholt
     Stephanie Carlson                     Jason Kratt                       Kandy Scott
    Dependable LP Gas                     Jeremy Kratt                 Signature Truck Systems
       Excel Propane                       David Lowe                  Superior Gas Liquids USA

    The MPGA needs a strong Michigan Propane PAC supported by the entire membership,
the entire Board of Directors, future leaders of the industry, and all propane industry employees.

     Please donate to the Michigan Propane PAC and/or the MPGA Advocacy Fund today!

        Donate online at: UseMichiganPropane.org
                                   www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                     13
More Food Trucks
Roll into Michigan
The propane industry has teamed up with Michigan’s fire
experts to help food truck operators follow fire safety standards.

  The gravity of Michigan’s post-COVID-economy         fire safety inspections. The Michigan Propane
  is attracting new food truck operators in droves.    Gas Association (MPGA) and the Michigan
  In recent years, the industry has outpaced the       Fire Inspectors Society are developing new
  broader food service sector. Additionally, the       procedures and opportunities for truck operators
  industry has evolved quickly, as food truck          to easily get their rigs inspected.
  operators have entered the market to cater
  to changing consumer preferences in favor of         “Michigan’s food truck operators have a good
  expensive, gourmet offerings. As a result of these   safety record, and our group is here to make
  trends, industry revenue is expected to grow at      safety inspections convenient and more
  an annualized rate of 7.5 percent.                   informative,” said Larry Otto, the MPGA’s leader
                                                       in public safety.
  Michigan food trucks are popping up in dozens
  of unique ways. They band together in groups
  like the Midland Crossroads Food Truck Park,
  where a dozen operators offer everything from
  vegetarian to BBQ.

  Other trucks offer hyper-specialized dishes, such
  as the new MI Vegan Food Truck—a haven for
  strict plant-based food lovers. This specialty-
  rolling-restaurant covers from Metro Detroit to
  Dewitt, Michigan.

                        Michigan’s Codfather,
                        Lee Burmeister (a Grand
                        Rapids diesel mechanic),
                        is now generating up to
                        300 orders of fried fish
                        every Friday during Lent,
                        from his Hard Knocks Food
Lee Burmeister          Truck in Grand Ledge,
                        Michigan.                      MPGA LAUNCHES NEW FOOD TRUCK
                                                       SAFETY SITE
  Food trucks are hitting foodie niches no one         In May, the MPGA launched MISafeFoodTruck.
  dreamed of, and that creativity is fueling a new     com, a website created to help food truck
  generation of customers constantly on the            operators know the operational rules and
  outlook for new operators.                           regulations of food truck safety, including the
                                                       proper way to handle propane.
  DEPARTMENTS TEAM UP                                  “Food truck owners use propane for its efficiency
  The growing demand for food trucks requires          and ease in cooking food fast,” says Otto. “There
  a broader effort to help truck owners with their     are national and state fire safety standards
                                                                                        continued on page 16

 14                                  MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
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                                 www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                             15
operators need to follow in order to pass their       local health departments once the establishment
fire safety inspection.”                              is ready to operate; so applications should
                                                      be made at least 30 days prior to the event.
The site includes resources covering the fire         Local health departments will issue the actual
prevention standards of the National Fire             operating permit at the time of inspection.
Protection Agency, or NFPA-58, and the
Department of Transportation Pipeline and
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.                            FOOD TRUCK START-UP COST
                                                                         $50,0000 TO $60,000
According to Lt. William Smith, Fire Prevention
                                                      A 2018 report from Mobile Food Trends and Off
Inspector for the Grand Rapids Fire Department,
                                                      the Grid said 34 percent of food truck owners
fires are most notable when operators don’t
                                                      surveyed stated that owning a mobile food
follow the standards.
                                                      truck business gives them the opportunity to
                                                      experiment and test out new menu items and
“All food truck operators need a license to
                                                      interesting concepts.
operate and must pass a fire safety inspection.
The DIY food truck operators put themselves and
                                                      •     A $100,000 investment can result in a
their teams at risk when they don’t follow the
                                                            revenue stream of $250,000 to $500,000
fire safety standards. We see this in the field and
                                                            per year.
appreciate the help of the propane industry to
help us get the word out,” says Lt. Smith.            •     The average revenue stream of a food truck is
                                                      •     The average time to acquire all needed
                                                            permits is 37 business days.
You need a plan prior to seeking licensing.
Plan reviews can be requested through the             •     The average cost of all the permits needed to
local health department. Temporary food                     operate a new food truck is over $28,000.
service licenses require an on-site inspection by

                              S                       TR
                           GA                              U



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16                                  MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
How Michigan Ranks Food Trucks, Trailers, Etc.
                            Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

•   A Temporary is a food service establishment which         •   A Special Transitory Food Unit (STFU) is a
    operates at a fixed location for a temporary period           temporary food establishment licensed to operate
    of time, not to exceed two weeks.                             throughout the state without the 14-day limits or a
                                                                  mobile food establishment that is not required to
•   A Fixed food service establishment is a facility that         return to a commissary.
    is a permanent location. This is an operation where
    food or drink is prepared for direct consumption
    through service on the premises or elsewhere,
    and any other eating or drinking establishment or
    operation where food is served or provided for the

•   A Mobile food service establishment means a food
    service establishment operating from a vehicle,
    trailer, or watercraft, which is not fully equipped
    for full food service and, therefore, must return
    to a licensed commissary at least once every
    24 hours for servicing and maintenance. The
    commissary license number must be recorded in
    the appropriate place in order for a mobile service
    establishment license application to be processed.

                                                                    2021 EMPLOYEE TRAINING
                                                            CETP, Non-Certified & Cathodic Protection
                                              For a complete schedule and to register, visit www.mipga.org.
Propane and Pot

 There is a growing interest amongst universities
 and students in the science of growing and
 processing cannabis.

 The University of Michigan’s course, PharmSci
 420, covers the underlying biology, chemistry,
 pharmacology, toxicology and epidemiology of

 Lake Superior State University included
 Cannabis Chemistry and cannabis business
 majors back in Fall 2019. Students can earn an
 associate’s or bachelor’s degree in the chemistry
 program, and can earn a bachelor’s degree in
 the business program.

 Northern Michigan University, in Marquette,
 which first launched its Medicinal Plant
 Chemistry program in 2017, is expanding its lab
 space to be able to grow and conduct research
 on hemp, as more students enroll. The program
 has grown from zero to 240 students enrolled in
 two years.

 Lake Superior State University has a new
 cannabis chemistry scholarship and new
 cannabis testing equipment. Also, the University      Lake Superior State University cutting edge
 of Michigan may soon be growing hemp.                        cannabis testing equipment

18                                 MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
FIRE OFFICIALS AND MICHIGAN’S                                               sales projections are expected to reach $1 billion
PROPANE RETAILERS BOLSTER SAFETY                                            in the near future.
OPERATIONS                                                                  EXPONENTIAL GROWTH OF NEW
                                                                            GROWERS AND PROCESSORS
The MPGA is working with fire officials on a new
initiative to help keep marijuana processing                                In 2019, Michigan approved an average of 21 new
and grow operations safe, as the demand for                                 cannabis cultivation licenses per month. That
marijuana continues to grow in Michigan.                                    number has increased to an average 39 licenses
                                                                            per month in 2020. Many of these businesses are
“Propane is used in marijuana operations and,                               small grow sites.
like all combustible fuels, it’s important that
operators respect the properties of propane,”                               Twenty-three states have legalized marijuana use
says Larry Otto, MPGA Safety Chairman.                                      for recreational and/or medical purposes. The
                                                                            demand and technology for even more potent
Michigan’s pent-up demand for marijuana is real.                            forms of cannabis are surging. Enter cannabis
Within the first eight days after legal commercial                          concentrates such as wax, budder, sugar, shatter
sales began on December 1, 2019, sales exceeded                             and oil.
$1.6 million. In 2020, sales totaled $341 million in
the state. According to a Twitter study, residents                          Propane professionals are uniquely qualified to
smoked more marijuana in Michigan than any                                  educate the cannabis industry on how to use
other state during COVID in 2020. It’s no wonder                            propane safely during the extraction process.
                                                                                                                                         continued on page 20

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Trailers — Our Smooth­RiderTM bulk tank trailers are built to make
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                                                     www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                                                              19
Propane and Pot continued from page 19
Extraction process
Solvents such as propane, butane and carbon
dioxide are often the preferred choices to coax
the cannabis oil from the plant.

In addition to non-toxicity, propane has a lower
boiling point than butane, which allows for a
                                                        Propane and butane can be used to extract
lower purging temperature.
                                                               cannabis oil from the plant.

Extraction hazards
                                                     Regulatory Agency (MRA) separates the medical
Propane and butane present potential fire
                                                     and retail cannabis sides of the business.
hazards when misused during the extraction
                                                     Medical-grown cannabis at a medically licensed
process, and many extraction operators may not
                                                     facility is then processed at a medical processor
be aware of safe propane-handling procedures.
                                                     and sold at a medical “provisioning center.”

The above “Flash Points in Safety” is according
                                                     Recreational cannabis, on the other hand, is
to retired Stuart Flatow, Propane Education &
                                                     grown, processed and made available to the
Research Council’s vice president for safety and
                                                     public. In Michigan, the medical and recreational
                                                     cannabis products have separate supply chains.
                                                     There are some exceptions when medical and
                                                     recreational retail locations can share the
For the most part, Michigan’s Marijuana              same space.

           Make a PAC
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20                                 MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
While recreational cannabis sales are legal in                     For the state of Michigan’s 2020 fiscal year, more
Michigan, the state has more registered medical                    than $31 million was collected from the 10%
patients than any other recreational-legal state;                  adult-use marijuana excise tax. Combined with
there were 249,455 as of May 2020, according to                    fees, there was a total of $45.7 million available
the MRA. This huge number of medical cannabis                      for distribution from the fund.
patients who tend to be loyal, regular customers,
has propped up a large medical cannabis                            In total, more than $341 million in adult-use
industry, while the recreational business is just                  marijuana sales was reported for fiscal year
starting to grow.                                                  2020.

MARIJUANA PAYMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO                                  “The team at the Marijuana Regulatory Agency
MUNICIPALITIES                                                     did a tremendous job getting the adult-use
                                                                   licensing program established and operating
The Michigan Department of Treasury is
                                                                   efficiently,” said MRA Executive Director Andrew
distributing nearly $10 million to more than
                                                                   Brisbo. “Infusing over $28,000 per retailer and
100 municipalities and counties as a part of the
                                                                   microbusiness into local government budgets
Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana
                                                                   across the state is very impactful and shows how
                                                                   strong and successful the industry is becoming.”
For the state’s 2020 fiscal year, this means each
                                                                   Michigan lifted its prohibition of marijuana in
eligible municipality and county will receive
                                                                   November of 2018, when Proposal 1 passed,
around $28,000 for every licensed retail store or
                                                                   making it legal for recreational use.
                                                                   Resources: Michigan.gov, mlive.com, propane.com

         PSC and JARCO now have a location in Owosso, MI

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                                             www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                              21
      Michigan Propane, Clean Burning for Over 100 Years
           According to the EPA over 60 million Americans use propane gas for
        everything from heating and cooling their homes and businesses to running
                 more than 350,000 propane vehicles on our roads today.

     The EPA says propane is the most widely used Alternative fuel in the United States.
                       Learn more: www.MiCleanPropane.com

22                              MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION

MICHIGAN                                                    Class 4 & Below

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                                                      PROPANE POWERED
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                                               Over 10,000 propane vehicles run in Michigan.
                                               Propane is easier on engines, costs less in fuel,
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                                                  exhaust systems (EPA Clean Air Act 1970).
                                                       Also, propane engines perform
                                                    equal to traditional engine systems.

                                                                  Class 6


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                         www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                      23
Thinking About Selling Your Propane Business?
        Hear from a former owner who believes he made the right choice with EDP.

       “ After narrowing it down to three
          companies, all with pretty much the
          same offer, I spent considerable time
          learning about all three. In fact, I
          called four former owners who sold
          to EDP and they all had positive
          things to say. I kept hearing about the
          support they received from EDP after
          the sale. That was a big thing for me.       ”
            Jeff Hynes, Kent Oil & Propane

     Energy Distribution Partners will value your legacy. See what other sellers have to say by visiting

                        If you’re thinking about selling your propane
                        business, contact David Stroupe, 312.254.5954
                        or dstroupe@edplp.net for a confidential
                        conversation. Dave can work with you to achieve a
                        positive outcome in transitioning your business.             E D P L P. N E T
24                                        MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
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                                   www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                 25
The Days of
                                                     Shock and Awe
                                                     Climate Reporting
                                                     May Be Over
                                                     By Joe Ross

     Al Gore pushed climate change into the news           When applied, the scientific process is very
     media and our consciousness. I thank him for it.      robust and works best when it’s not rushed.
                                                           Being rushed is what caused the Covid-19
     His writings and relentless presentations put
                                                           research team to change their minds every
     the issue on the map.
                                                           week. In that case, health science may have
     Gore’s actions, starting well over a decade           been considered more theoretical than fact.
     ago, were followed by waves of environmental
                                                           Basic forecasting reports are also displayed
     policy. State and federal governments also
                                                           in the news media as robust science. Re-
     flooded millions of climate research dollars into
                                                           porters and members of the public don’t
     universities and private sector facilities. This
                                                           realize how much guess work makes up
     didn’t go unnoticed. Researchers and grant
                                                           basic reports—especially forecasting reports.
     writers outside the field of climate science
     often complained their proposals didn’t get           During my time serving on the economic
     a second look.                                        roundtable of the Chicago Federal Reserve,
                                                           my workforce reports drew considerable
     The flood of research led to media stories
                                                           amounts of news coverage. The economy
     that favored popular, but not always accurate,
                                                           was experiencing major swings during the
     conclusions. Sadly, the sheer volume of re-
                                                           period between the late 1990s to the early
     search and attention the climate is now given
                                                           2000s. Too often, reporters defaulted to
     may be encouraging some flawed conclusions.
                                                           highlighting my extreme economic pre-
     Here’s the problem.                                   dictions, yet not including the more mod-
                                                           erate context of my reports.
     Research starts with data, and then the data is
     assembled into theories. As often happens, new        As more people become exhausted by
     data is discovered, which means new theories          today’s climate science reporting, a more
     evolve and new conclusions arise. Around and          measured view may be on the horizon.
     around it goes.

26                                     MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
The Obama era Department of Energy’s                clearly the state of the planet’s future now
chief scientist, Steven Koonin, stunned the         requires a conspicuous kind of double vision,
news media in this latest book, Unsettled: What     in which a guarded optimism seems perhaps as
Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and      reasonable as panic.”
Why It Matters, when he recently wrote climate
                                                    In addition to the extreme climate science
change won’t be catastrophic. He’s joined by
                                                    reported, we are also losing sight of where
a consensus of researchers who see more
                                                    the biggest climate challenges are. Nearly “90
climate solutions than they see alarmist calls
                                                    percent of all of the planet’s global emissions
for the end of the world.
                                                    come from outside U.S. borders. We could
Climate scientists, Glen Peters and Zeke            go to zero tomorrow and the problem isn’t
Hausfather, described emissions data as             solved,” John Kerry stated in January. He
misleading, in their 2020 article in Nature,        was addressing the world’s role in the climate
Emissions – the ‘business as usual’ story is        debate when he stated the Biden green agenda
misleading, a scientific journal based in London,   will have no effect on climate unless countries
England. They suggested, “researchers and           like China and India join in.
climate media should stop using the worst-case
scenario for climate warming as the most likely
outcome—there are more realistic baselines.                               Joe Ross is a reporter
                                                                          at CR News and partner
And those baselines will make for better policy.”
                                                                          at CR Marketing (digital
                                                                          marketing firm) whose
Even the self-described climate alarmist and                              clients include the
scientist David Wallace-Wells optimistically                              propane industry.
stated in The New Yorker magazine, “seeing

                                 www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                    27
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                                       www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                       29
By Jason Hayes and Isaac Orr

  The Blackouts Have Only Just Begun
  There are more workable solutions for a strong and reliable energy future

                          Rolling blackouts have           That becomes a problem because these
                          hit millions of Texans and       reliable “baseload” plants have always been
                          people across the Great          like the pickup trucks of our electric grid — the
                          Plains, including Missouri,      consistent and powerful workhorses that always
                          Kansas and Oklahoma.             show up, functioning best at a steady rate, similar
                          Severe winter weather has        to how a car engine is most efficient at cruising
                          placed a strain on electricity   speeds. Wind and solar, on the other hand, are
                          supplies and caused              erratic and unreliable, producing electricity only
                          multiple deaths. That sad        when the weather allows.
                          situation is completely
                                                           Sometimes they generate large quantities of
                          unnecessary, but it likely
Jason Hayes                                                electricity; other times they generate nothing and
                          will increase in the coming
                                                           actually become a drag on the system. But when
                                                           heavily subsidized wind and solar are running
   Unfortunately, if President Biden gets his way,         full bore, they can generate so much electricity
   blackouts such as these may become a more               that the prices for the power they produce can
   common occurrence.                                      actually turn negative. Coal and nuclear plants
                                                           are then forced to compete with companies that
   Throughout his political career, Biden has
                                                           effectively can give their product away for free.
   advocated for exactly the sort of policies that
                                                           In fact, negative wholesale power prices are
   have Texas and the Great Plains states locked
                                                           actually becoming more frequent.
   in their current energy crisis. For more than
   30 years as a senator, during his time as vice          This may sound great at first but, in the long
   president, during his presidential campaign,            term, businesses that can’t sell their products
   and in his early days as president, Biden has           for a profit don’t survive. Eventually, the coal
   advocated policies that will leave our energy           and nuclear plants lose so much money, they
   systems fragile and unreliable. As a result, our        are forced to close permanently. Some groups
   electricity system’s reliability increasingly risks     cheer this loss to the energy system, but for the
   resembling the developing world more than a             average person, it means the reliable workhorses
   global superpower.                                      aren’t available when they may be needed most.
                                                           Texas is an early example of this scenario playing
   The Obama-Biden administration used a slew of
                                                           out during brutal winter weather.
   Environmental Protection Agency regulations
   to force coal plants off the grid. At the same          Which leads us back to Biden’s plan to spend
   time, they expanded federal subsidies for               $2 trillion building tens of thousands of wind
   wind and solar. The growing cost of regulation          turbines, installing millions of solar panels,
   was compounded by these financial favors                and extending the massive subsidies given to
   for renewable energy, causing disruptions in            renewable energy. His plan will exacerbate the
   electricity markets and slowly eroding the              impact of unreliable resources on electricity
   viability of more reliable nuclear and coal power       markets and make the nation’s electric grid even
   plants in the United States.                            more fragile and vulnerable to rolling blackouts.

  30                                     MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
Biden has claimed that extreme weather                                               If we want to avoid the dangers and hardships
events will become more common because of                                            that come with blackouts, we should target
climate change. But as we have seen in Texas                                         Biden’s spending plans toward research and
this week, California this past summer, and the                                      construction of nuclear plants, which can
Midwest during 2019’s polar vortex, wind and                                         store months of fuel on site and emit no CO2
solar can’t be trusted to work during extreme                                        emissions. Doing this would be a far more
weather. So a plan to spend $2 trillion on energy                                    workable solution for a strong and reliable
sources we know we can’t trust, just when we’ll                                      energy future.
need reliable energy most, is hard to understand.

Rolling power outages are never a good thing.
But we have been lucky in most cases to still
have reliable energy available during difficult
times. If the Biden plan is implemented, more                                        Editor’s Note:
                                                                                     This article first appeared in The Hill on February 20,
of these reliable generators soon will be                                            2021. Jason Hayes is with the The Mackinac Center for
decommissioned and gone.                                                             Public Policy. Isaac Orr is with the Center of the American

     Contact Us Today!

                  SERVICES:                        Bulk Plant
                                                                                     Mobile Meter
                                                                                                                         Bulk Plant

                                           Central Propane Service will        Central Propane Service is        Central Propane Service can
                                           work closely with you to            registered with the State of      repair any portion of your bulk
                                           provide the right set up for your   Michigan with a 100-gallon        plant operation from a leak in
                                           needs, whether it’s building a      propane prover and a 100-gallon   the piping to a complete pump
                                           new facility or adding storage      fuel prover. We can come to       rebuild. We can service any
                                           to an existing facility. We have    your site and do a wellness       brand of propane pump. We
                                           the experience and knowledge        check on all your propane         sell and service any of the tank
                                           to help you make this an easy       bobtails, fuel delivery trucks,   equipment you may have a prob-
      7490 E Lincoln Road
                                           task. We take great pride in        and propane dispenser units.      lem with from the relief valves
     Breckenridge, MI 48615
                                           working on finishing projects       Central Propane Service can do    to the internal valves. Central
  Bulk Plant Construction/Maintenance
                                           in a timely fashion. We use         routine maintenance and repair    Propane Service is also an expert
  Pump Repair | Agriculture Operations     only quality pipe and fittings      on most meters as well. We        at converting cable operated
      Vaporizer Installation/Repair
Annual Bobtail/Transport V&K Inspections   when piping a project.              perform routine maintenance       shutdowns to a nitrogen push
  Bobtail/Fuel Truck Meter Calibration/                                        and repair on most meters         button shut down for a much
     Placed in Service | Tank Buy/Sell
                                                                               as well as place in service       cleaner and more efficient oper-
                                                                               registration with the state.      ation. Chances are if you have an
                                                                                                                 ongoing problem, we will have
     centralpropaneservice.com                              www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                           the solution for you.               31
Texas Energy Crisis a Warning for Michigan
New generation facilities should be reliable
                                                                                                                            By Jason Hayes
Editor’s Note: More complete information on                      management, maintenance and construction of
the Texas electricity grid is coming out, and                    more reliable energy sources.
the failures and rolling blackouts seem to stem
from three major issues.First, there was poor                    Even wind energy defenders are publicly
planning and slow responses on the part of                       claiming that wind generation is “reliably
ERCOT, the operator of Texas’ electricity grid                   unreliable,” meaning the system managers at
Second, decisions were made against winterizing                  ERCOT didn’t even expect wind to be operating
essential generation equipment, despite similar                  during the cold temperatures. Wind energy was
cold-related outages in 2011. Third, extreme                     every bit as reliably unreliable in the Midwest
and unusual cold weather impacted multiple                       during the January 2019 Polar Vortex event,
generation sources: wind, solar, nuclear, coal                   when it dropped to essentially no production
and natural gas.                                                 during the extreme cold.

While this new information changes the                           “Texas regulators have deliberately
immediate reporting of the energy crisis, it does                designed an electrical system
not change the long-term systemic impacts                        that prioritizes the construction
of the changes that are being made in Texas,                     of renewable energy over the
Michigan and across the nation. For more than                    management, maintenance and
a decade, Texas regulators have deliberately                     construction of more reliable
designed an electrical system that prioritizes                   energy sources.”
the construction of renewable energy over the
                                                                                                                       continued on page 34

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                                           www.USEMICHIGANPROPANE.com                                                                          33
Texas Energy Crisis a Warning for Michigan continued from page 33
“Reliably unreliable” may work in mathematical          home thermostat levels to 65° or lower. They
models or when it’s sunny and 75°, but it is            were told that the state’s energy system would
potentially dangerous when the real world gives         falter if they didn’t cut their energy use.
us cloudy and -20°. It’s also a poor argument
in favor of the drive to build more renewables.         During the 2019 Polar Vortex event, Michigan’s
Spending billions to build energy sources that          energy systems were strained by rapidly
cannot be depended on when people need them             increasing customer demand as a result of
most is irresponsible.                                  extreme cold. At the same time, a major source
                                                        of our natural gas supplies failed spectacularly,
“Even wind energy defenders are                         while wind and solar supplied vanishingly small
publicly claiming that wind generation                  amounts to the grid.
is ‘reliably unreliable.’”
                                                        The Midwest was fortunate, at that time, that we
Unfortunately, Michigan’s utilities are following       also had a substantial supply of nuclear and coal
the same path Texas has already trod. They              to supply essential energy for heating.
routinely say they are building a diverse and
trustworthy system. But their plans will remove         Unfortunately for its residents, Texas is much
coal and reduce nuclear generation, while almost        further along in its transition to an unreliable
solely focusing on building more wind, solar            renewable energy- focused system that relies
and natural gas. Yet as renewable advocates             on just-in-time natural gas back up. In fact, wind
are now admitting, we can’t count on wind               sources overtook coal in Texas for the first time
and solar when we may need them most. This              in 2020. In October, natural gas supplied Texans
means Michigan’s diverse electrical grid will           with 52% of their net electricity demand, wind
rely disproportionately on gas during extreme           22%, coal 17%, and nuclear just over 8%.
weather. The fire at the Ray Compressor Station
in 2019 demonstrates that this is not a solid plan.     Winter cold is shutting down over half of the
                                                        wind generation capacity in Texas and literally
For the good of Michigan residents, Michigan’s          freezing natural gas pipelines. The state’s
electricity utilities need to return their focus to     electricity regulator — ERCOT — has imposed
safe, reliable generation options.                      “rolling” blackouts. Similar measures are being
                                                        implemented by the Southwest Power Pool in
The following letter was addressed to Senator           Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas. Friends and
Dan Lauwers, Chair of the Senate Energy and             acquaintances living in the state of Texas are
Technology Committee, and Representative Joe            reporting that temperatures in their homes
Bellino, Chair of the House Energy Committee            have dropped below 50° and exposed pipes are
in recent months.                                       freezing.

Dear Chairmen Lauwers and Bellino,                      This is exactly the same sort of situation we
                                                        experienced during the 2019 Polar Vortex. It
The news coming out of the state of Texas this          is also the same sort of challenge we saw in
week should remind every Michigan resident of           California last summer, when higher temperatures
our own recent experience with the failure of           and nearby wildfires caused increased demands
renewable energy to provide sufficient energy to        on air conditioning. Solar generation failed
meet the state’s needs.                                 and CAISO, the state’s energy regulator, was
                                                        forced to impose rolling blackouts as demand
As you recall, the January 2019 “Polar Vortex”          outstripped supplies when the sun began to set.
event led Gov. Whitmer and utilities across the
state to ask Michigan residents to reduce their         The stories coming out of Texas, Oklahoma,

34                                    MICHIGAN PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION
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