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54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea 30 August – 3 September 2021 METADISCOURSIVE MARKERS IN A CORPUS OF ITALIAN MIGRANTS IN MUNICH MARIAGRAZIA PALUMBO & ANNA DE MARCO
Research aims ´ The research attempts to verify how the use of DMs, in terms of their functional space and their forms, varies across three generations of Italian migrants in Germany ´ Research is restricted to metadiscoursive functions ´ Most frequent functions ´ DMs performing each function ´ Number of DMs’ types for each group ´ Data have been analysed considering the sociocultural background of participants.
Theoretical framework: DMs in migration varieties ´ The variation in the use of DMs is largely interlocutor based and the use of DMs in migration varieties is often correlated both to social factors such as generation, level of education and to the linguistic pressure of L2 (Clyne 2003 p. 215, Krefeld 2004). ´ In a bilingual context DMs are perceived as a distinct category and they are often transferred when they are used with a DMs function but they are not when they are used with a propositional meaning (Macshler 1997) ´ Data have shown that the functional and formal similarity of DMs in some languages leads to transfer processes as it happens with the German “also” and the Italian “allora” (De Marco, 2017)
DMs are characterized by some contrasting forces Independence from propositional content makes them easy to They belong to the pragmatic transfer in contact contexts level, which is less permeable to (Matras 1998) transfer in L2 Pervasiveness of use in Their polyfunctionality makes them conversation: easy to acquire and more difficult to acquire to transfer from one language to the other
Hypotheses ´ In dependence with sociocultural variables we assume that: ´ Among the various functions held by DMs, the metadiscoursive function is the most used in the three generations and it is the one which is more preserved in the first generation of migrants ´ Throughout the generations the number of DMs types with a metadiscoursive function gradually decreases due to the stronger interpersonal relationships with native speakers
General characteristics of metadiscoursive DMs ´ They gather together all the functions related to text building and production and facilitate the process of receiving or otherwise planning the speech. ´ They mark the order of different topics in the text, marking out the introduction, change and closing of discursive topics, inserting digressions, topic resumption and summing-up, marking the opening and closing of interactions, focusing relevant information and adding new information about a settled topic. ´ They represent all the functions related to the linguistic formulation of the text which includes also the reformulation function (Borreguero 2018, p. 21)
Metadiscoursive Functions (Bazzanella 2006 , Borreguero 2018) Functions Subfunctions Demarcative • Articulation in parts: Topic introduction, topic transition, topic change, addition, topic continuation, conclusion, digression (beginning and conclusion) Allora “then”, vabbé “ok”, ma “but”, comunque, “however” • List Cioè, “that is” • Marking a reported speech Dicono “ they say”, mi fa “he/she says” Focalizers • At a local level, at a global level Ecco, “so”, proprio “just”, solo “just” Riformulation markers • Paraphrasing Cioè, “that is”, diciamo “let’s say”, voglio dire, “I mean” • Indicator of correction O meglio, “better to say”, voglio dire, “I mean”, come si dice, “how do you say it” • Exemplification/ explanation Cioè, “that is”, diciamo così, “let’s say so” Other functions • Fillers Non so, “I don’t know”, insomma, “you know” • General extenders E cose così “and things like that”, via di seguito, “and so on” • Metalinguistic uncertainty/ difficulty indicators come dire, “how do you say”, cioè “that is” • Self-confirmation Sì, “yes”
Demarcatives ´ Related to the organization of textual information (Bazzanella 1995, Jafrancesco 2015, Borreguero 2018) ´ Introducing, changing, reordering, explaining, closing a topic in the text: (1) Allora era il segretario della Cisnal (Bazzanella 1995, p. 246) (introducing) “At that time he was the Cisnal secretary” ´ Marking out a reported speech: (2) Dice lì è tutta gente che viene o in treno o in aereo (Sansò 2020, p. 25) “He says: there are all people who come either by train or by plane”
Focalizers ´ Underline the most relevant part of the speech (proprio ‘really’, ‘quite’, ‘exactly’, appunto ‘precisely’, ecco “well, so, here” ) (3) Volevo proprio cominciare con la storia perché è un pochino…. (Sansò 2018, p. 24) “I really wanted to start with the story because it's a little bit…” (4) Dico ma non capite in che periodo siamo? (Bazzanella 1995, p. 247) “I say but you don't understand what period we are in?”
Indicators of reformulation ´ Involve two sentences E1 and E2, E2 clarifies E1 using a paraphrase, (metalinguistic) correction, exemplification ´ (5) Ho comprato gli ingredienti per la torta cioè farina, latte, uova (Sansò 2020, p. 26) “I bought the ingredients for the cake i.e/ that is flour, milk, eggs”
Fillers ´ Reflect the «difficulties to keep on track with the online planning» (Borreguero 2018, p. 47) (6) Ma l’Italia è BELLA non è che… l’Italia è bella l’Italia.. un po’ incasinata ma… cioè non …io sono sono orgoglioso di essere italiano. (E2M37A) «But Italy is beautiful, it is not that… Italy is beautiful Italy…a little bit chaotic but that is not I am proud of being Italian” (corpus, II generation informant)
General extenders ´ They introduce a hypothetical list conforming to a category created ad hoc by the speaker (Borreguero,2015) ´ The alternatives are non-exhaustive and partially implicit, assuming the value of ‘and (other) things of this type’, ‘etc.’, ‘and so on’) (7) “I don’t know I’ve always liked university and things or studying and so on” (Aijmer 2015, p. 211)
The research Methodology Participants - a corpus of about 13 ´ 35 southern Italian migrants belonging to three hours of audio recordings generations of Italian speakers living in Munich with are investigated using an different socioeconomic and cultural background onomasiological ´ I generation: 21 participants, aged between sixty and approach looking at the eighty instruction in Italy, do not regularly keep contacts functions DMs entail in with German people, they speak mainly in Italian conversation ´ II generation: 9 participants, aged between ten and fifty, - data have been elicited instruction in Germany, they do maintain regular relations through semi-structured with German people and with Italian people. They speak interviews (Topics: mainly in Italian migration, Family, ´ III generation: 5 participants, aged between eight and identity, job, Italian thirteen, instruction in Germany, they do maintain regular relations with German people, they do not have regular politics) and tasks (pictures contacts with Italian people except in the familiar domain. description) They speak mainly in German
Functions of DMs in the corpus through the generations: quantitative data 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 I Gen. II Gen. III Gen Metadiscoursive Interactional Cognitive
I Generation filler topic continuation topic closure 3% 3% 7% 20% 7% focusing device Metadiscoursive functions 5% reformulazion 19% 13% introducing an explanation 4% general extender 19% marking reported speech topic introduction other functions II Generation filler III Generation filler topic continuation topic closure topic continuation focusing device 13% 13% 2% reformulazion 27% 28% topic closure 8% 20% introducing an 1% explanation general extender consequential 15% 9% 2% 1% marking reported 16% 9% 27% 9% speech 0% focusing device topic introduction other functions reformulation
Metadiscoursive functions other functions topic int roduction general extender introducing an explanation reformulation focusing device marking reported speech topic closure t opic continuation filler 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 III Gen II Gen. I Gen.
Quantitative data: the most represented functions thought the generations I Generation 17% Filler 17% Topic 16% Focalizers 12% Reformulation continuation II Generation 20% Topic 16% Focalizers 15% introducing an 13% filler continuation explanation III Generation 28% filler 27% Topic 27% introducing an 9% Focalizers continuation explanation
Fillers: DMs types also vabbé cioè comunque proprio si magari dico così cioè vediamo ma sì non lo so ecco 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 I generation II generation III generation
Topic continuation: DMs Types insomma allora ma dico quindi comunque cioè così Niente ecco sì allora però vabbé poi 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 III generation II generation I generation
Focalizers: DMs Types si però mica solo guarda voglio dire insomma dico Proprio ecco 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 I generation II generation III generation
First generation ´ Topic continuation (8) Che ho cresciuto, sì ho cresciuto a mio fratello, a mia nipote (E1FLL56A) That I have raised, yes I have raised my brother, my niece ´ Selfconfirmation (9) E allora una fermata prima. abitiamo noi a piedi dieci minuti. No uno e si due alla seconda alla seconda ja (E1FLLIA) And then a stop before. We live there, on foot ten minutes. No one and yes two at the second at the second, ja (yes) ´ Fillers (10) Mio marito dopo 6 7 mesi di lavoro è caduto malato però non malattie dell’ernia del disco dove oggi also ha dovuto avere già tre interventi per l’ernia del disco però ringraziando dio adesso sta bene (E1F53A) My husband after 6/7 months working got ill but non deseases such as hernia where today also (well) he had tre operations for the hernia but thanks to God now he is well
Second generation ´ Reformulation (11) È pesato quando ero ragazza c’erano un attimino queste interferenze tra le due culture perché ehm son cresciuta ecco sono stata educata in un modo molto italiano (E2F40A) «It was hard when I was a little girl there were these interfernces between the two cultures because I grew up welI have been raised in a very Italian way» ´ Explanation (12) Il tedesco sì l’ho imparato già dall’inizio ecco da quando andavo all’asilo (E2F40A) «German yes I learned it right from the start that is since I went to kindergarten» ´ Focalizers (13) Penso che se avessi qualche handicap linguistico forse sarei ecco no urtata da qualche parte avrei avuto qualche barriera però fortunatamente queste barriere non le ho dovute affrontare (E2F40A) «I think that if I had some linguistic handicap maybe I would be just bumped somewhere I would have had some barriers but fortunately I didn't have to face these barriers»
Third generation ´ Reformulation: (14) Hm perché loro c’hanno così un furgone, e lui si chiama Friz. I: Loro chi? Lu - also La famiglia sua (E3MLV12) Because they have a van and his name is Fritz I: They who? he – also his family ´ Introducing an explanation (15) E poi non c’è questo(1) (also) (1) quando- qua sempre- piove a- in Italia se- c’è sempre il sole (E3MLV12) «And then (also) here it’s always raining in Italy there is always the sun» ´ Fillers (16) Un bambino, c’ha mh non so ma cos’è, qua è un cane, questo qua un gatto no E3MLV12 «a child, (1) he has mh I don’t know but what is it, here it is a dog, this here a cat no
Conclusions: main differences and similarities The sociocultural background plays an important role I Generation II Generation III Generation • The number of metadiscoursive forms (types) and functions is higher than the interactional and cognitive ones • The most stable functions in the three generations are: fillers, focalizers and topic continuation • Higher number of DMs due to • The metadiscoursive functions are realized by a lower number a greater exposition to the of DMs linguistic input • Insertion of German DMs into • Italian DMs are used in the • Insertion of German DMs into Italian utterances (especially context of German and Italian utterances (especially at the utterance’s periphery) Italian respectively since they at the utterance’s periphery) have a more balanced competence of both language • Use of reformulations due to • More balanced use of • The third generation shows a greater competence in functions more difficulties in the online Italian planning and therefore informants use a greater number of fillers
Research limits ´ The number and the age of participants is not homogeneous for the three generations ´ The corpus should have included a higher number of recordings ´ The number of DMs has not been related to the total number of types and tokens in the entire corpus Future research ´ Increase the number of informants for the three groups ´ Improve the quantitative analysis taking into account the number of functions per each DMs type
REFERENCES ´ Aijmer K. (2015). General extenders in learner language. In Groom N., Charles M., Suganthi J. (Eds.), Corpora, Grammar and Discourse, John Benjamins Publishing Company. ´ Bazzanella C. (1995). I segnali discorsivi. In L. Renzi, G. Salvi, Cardinaletti . A. (Eds.). Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione (225-257), Il Mulino. ´ Bazzanella C. (2006). Discourse markers in Italian: towards a ‘compositional’ meaning. In K. Fischer (ed.) Approaches to discourse particles, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 449. ´ Borreguero M. Z., Pernas Izquierdo P., Gillani E. (2018). Metadiscursive functions and discourse markers in L2 Italian, ´ Clyne M. (2003). Dynamics of language contact. English and immigrant languages, Cambridge University press. ´ De Marco A. (2017). I segnali discorsivi nel parlato di emigrati italiani in Germania, Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica applicata, Vol. 1 pp. 69-89. ´ Jafrancesco E. (2015). L’acquisizione dei segnali discorsivi in italiano L2, Italiano Lingua Due, n. 1. ´ Krefeld T. (2004). Einfühung in die Migrationslinguistik. Von der Germania italiana in die Romania multipla, Gunter Narr Verlag.Mashler 1997 ´ Maschler, Yael. (1997). Discourse Markers at Frame Shis in Israeli Hebrew Talk-In-Interaction, Pragmatics, 7(2), 183–211. ´ Matras Y. (1998). Utterance modifiers and universal grammatical of borrowing, Linguistics 36 (2), pp. 282 – 331. ´ Sansò A. (2020). I segnali discorsivi, Carocci.
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