MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership

Page created by Dustin Tucker
MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
April - May 2021

                                     The Scroll Church        @ScrollChurch

                         The Scroll Church:
A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
The Scroll Church Vision and Mission Statements
Ecumenical Vision Statement
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, North Watford
Methodist Church and St Thomas’ United Reformed Church, covenant
together to serve better God’s mission in our neighbourhood and beyond by
praying together and for each other, sharing worship, sharing resources and
ministry, and making and nurturing Christian disciples, as far as the disciplines
of our Churches allow.
Vision Statement
Serving God, serving community, serving each other, every day.
Mission Statement
We believe that we have been called to serve God’s mission in our
neighbourhood and beyond through:
• Worship • Discipleship • Service and Caring • Action
Worship – we will seek to offer worship that is pleasing to God and open to
all. It will draw on the depth and breadth of our traditions, be relevant to our
world and be actively inclusive of all God’s people. We will aspire to worship
God every day through our lives, our prayers and our actions.
Discipleship – we will seek to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to our
community, and share in the Church’s mission to God’s world. We will study
the Bible together and equip people to interpret it for themselves. We will
actively encourage each other in faith and prayer. We will make our work with
young people a priority.
Service and Caring – we will seek to care for our community and one another
in God’s name. Our building will be used for ourselves and for others. We will
exercise pastoral care over one another, having special regard for the sick, the
sorrowing and the dying.
Action – we will seek to be God’s instrument in our community and in His
world. We will challenge injustice, and speak out for fairness and equality.
We will support the work of those seeking to further God’s kingdom in this
country and overseas, through our giving, campaigning and prayer.
This statement is to be reviewed at least every three years.
Agreed by the first Congregational meeting on Saturday 23rd September
2017 and endorsed on Sunday 8th October 2017 by:
Rev. Dr. Andrew Prasad,
Moderator, United Reformed Church, Thames North Synod
Rev. David Chapman,
Chair, Bedfordshire, Essex & Hertfordshire District of the Methodist Church

MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
From our Minister…
In Jeremiah 29, the prophet sends a letter to the Jewish exiles in Babylon, a letter
containing an unexpected word from God. To these homesick and discouraged
people, God gives the unusual instructions that they are to build houses and plant
gardens and to cultivate relationships with their neighbours, praying and working for
the welfare of the city in which they find themselves. They long to return home, to
resume life in familiar surroundings with familiar people. But God is instead asking
a different and harder thing of them, directing them to root themselves in the soil
of this strange land where they are foreigners, exiles, and strangers, a place they
never wanted to visit, let alone to live. In seeking its welfare, Jeremiah says, they will
also be seeking their own. Then, and only then, after 70 long years have passed will
they be allowed to return to Jerusalem, and surprisingly, some of them will instead
choose to stay in Babylon.
None of us would have willingly chosen the “exile” of the pandemic with its
challenges and fears. All of us have yearned to go back home to the safety of our
routines, and we have looked forward to doing things that haven’t been possible for
over a year. However, God has given us a similar directive, telling us to adapt and
change in order to “bloom where we are planted” in what has seemed like endless
Lent, and when the “new normal” dawns, we must apply what we’ve learned to a
new context of worship, ministry, and service. What will that look like? I haven’t a
clue, but I believe that the Spirit that has helped us to meet the challenges we have
faced is guiding us as we slowly make our way forward. That is the gift of being
Easter people and of knowing how the story ends, that although Jesus is crucified,
he is also raised again and that he lifts us up to new life again and again. We don’t
have to have all the answers; we do have to have faith and willingness to be led by
the Holy One into something new. Will you make a commitment to that as part of
your celebration of Easter this year?
Joy and peace,
                                       Remember to drop in on Donna’s Blogspot when you have a
Donna                                  moment and read her latest thoughts and reflections online:

MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
The Stone the Builders Rejected
              He was in the World - John l. Bell. Wild Goose Publications

This is the stone the builders rejected:       This is the stone that the builders
He walked through the wilderness,              rejected:
Through the dry place.                         he bent down
He was thirsty and hungry                      to touch the ground,
And all alone.                                 to cradle children
As he picked up a stone.                       to kneel with one whom all despise.
a voice said,                                  “Throw your stones”, he said
“Turn it to bread”                             “Throw them at her:
And he could have…                             and let the flawless fling theirs first”
but he let the stone be a stone.               They went away, stones in hand,
                                               for another day and for him.
This is the stone that the builders
rejected:                                      This is the stone the builder rejected:
he came to his own,                            he was edged out of the world,
but his own would not receive him.                   onto the cross,
They heard him speak,                                into a tomb.
heard him open the scripture,                  And a stone was stationed
but would not listen.                          to keep the dead from the living,
“Enough,enough”! they shouted                  but the stone was rolled away
and took him, stones in hand,                  for death was rejected.
to a hill.                                     Death died
                                               and the stone was rolled away.
This is the stone the builders rejected:
he called those
who had no calling:
he named those
who had no name.
“What you didn’t manage with fish
you’ll do with people - catch them”,
he said
They call you simple Simon,
I name you Peter, the rock…
and on the likes of you…
on the likes of you,
I’ll build my church”.

MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
You are invited to attend a Free Church Service in the Lady Chapel
             on the following Wednesdays at 11.00am

                               7th April 2021
                             Rev Simon Carver
         Senior Minister, Dagnall Street Baptist Church, Free Church
                        Chaplain, St Albans Cathedral

                              5th May 2021
                          Rev Stephen Copson
               Regional Minister, Central Baptist Association

                              2nd June 2021
                                 Doral Hayes
         Ecumenical Facilitator, Churches Together in Hertfordshire

            Free Church Ecumenical Chaplain: Rev Simon Carver

It is with sadness that we pass on the news that Barbara’s husband,
           Don Wilcox passed away on Monday 15th March.
   Please remember Barbara and all the family in your prayers.

MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
Friday 9th April 2021

The show will livestream via YouTube       Tickets are £5 per household
at 7pm, with a link that will be sent to   and there are three ways that
all those who have paid, for exclusive     you can make your payment -
access for our churches to enjoy a show    please see the next page. Once
tailored just for us.                      you have made your payment,
                                           please then email your name
So, please invite family, friends and
anyone else to join us for a fabulous
                                           to be added to the list for the
evening of entertainment from this
                                           exclusive YouTube link, which
amazing musician, performer and
                                           will be sent to you via email
composer, with oohs and aahs and lots
                                           the day before the show.
of laughs along the way.
MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
1. BANK TRANSFER online to:
The Scroll Church
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Acc. No. 00031588
using the reference SIMEON21.

2. CHEQUE made payable to The
Scroll Church, posted along with your
name and contact telephone number
or email address clearly written to:
The Treasurer
The Scroll Church-SIMEON21
30 Knutsford Avenue
Watford WD24 7EG.

3. CASH in an envelope, with
the reference ‘The Scroll Church-
SIMEON21’ with your name and
contact telephone number or email
address clearly written on the front,
delivered by hand to:
The Treasurer                               The ‘Feeling Good’
The Scroll Church-SIMEON21                  show will include lots of
30 Knutsford Avenue                         well-known songs, with
Watford WD24 7EG.
                                            time for fun, laughter
                                            and reflection. It will be
                                            presented in two halves
                                            of 50 mins each, with an
                                            interval of 20 mins.

                                            For more info on Simeon
                                            Wood you can visit his
                                            website: https://www.

MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
A Reflection on The Lord’s Prayer
                   Matthew 6 v1-18
                               by Daphne Kitching

Our Father in heaven, please help us
We, your children, learn slowly.

So often we say nothing when your name is
Often our lives do not reflect your ways
Mostly we do what we want on earth,
And this can make heaven unimaginable.

We expect so much more than we actually
need each day.
Sometimes we think we do not need
Sometimes we think we are unforgivable,
And we forget that other people make these
same errors of thinking.

When it comes to temptation, we find our own
We are confused about what is and is not evil,
We are confused about deliverance.
We are confused…

And here is the wonder, the grace and the
That you know us completely,
Our failings, our secrets,
And love us forever and ever.


MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
“We have lived through an extraordinary year that has
 demonstrated more than ever the importance of faith and religion
    in many people’s lives and that has been reflected in large
        audiences coming to our religious programming.”
          — Daisy Scalchi, BBC Commissioning Editor, Religion
   ‘BBC unveils plans to support faith communities and mark key festivals across its
    networks this spring.’ Adapted from the BBC article online - see the link below.

• More content than ever before to      Religion, says: ”We have lived through an
  mark Easter, including the first ever extraordinary year that has demonstrated
  collaboration between BBC One,        more than ever the importance of faith and
  BBC Radio 4 and local radio to        religion in many people’s lives and that has
  bring audiences a live service with   been reflected in large audiences coming
  the Archbishop of Canterbury from     to our religious programming. As faith
  Canterbury Cathedral                  communities prepare to mark key festivals
                                        under covid restrictions for a second
• Other faith festivals to be marked in
                                        time this spring, the BBC has joined up
  the coming weeks include Passover,
                                        as never before to bring audiences a
  Holi, Ramadan, Vaisakhi, Wesak Day
                                        range of content that I hope will provide
  and Eid with content on TV, radio and
                                        communities of all faiths and none the
                                        opportunity to come together and reflect
• New commissions include new           as well as look ahead with hope and
  five-part BBC One series exploring    optimism.”
  what faith means around seminal
  life moments for individuals in Sikh,
                                        Whether it’s drama,
  Hindu, Christian, Muslim and Jewish
                                        documentaries, music or
                                        interviews, find out more about
                                               what’s on at the BBC: https://
As we pass the anniversary of the    
first lockdown, faith communities are          easter/
marking key celebrations under Covid
restrictions for a second time. The BBC
is announcing a range of dedicated
content across it’s networks under the
heading Faith and Hope for Spring
2021, enabling faith communities
to reflect on the past year and the
challenges faced, but also to look
forward with hope and optimism.
Daisy Scalchi, Commissioning Editor,
MESSAGEApril - May 2021 - - The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership
A foretaste of better things
                                    from Magnet magazine

Clare O’Driscoll explains how               about the chocolate... but when you’re
positive childhood experiences              small and haven’t yet fully grasped
can become associated with                  the deep theological significance of
deeper truths.                              the resurrection, chocolate is a pretty
                                            good source of celebration. Making
Whenever I eat a certain brand of Swiss     unconscious connections between
chocolate, I am back in my childhood        the sweet taste and smell of a joyous
home one Easter Sunday. My parents          occasion with the deeper truths of it is
are relaxing on the sofa while my brother not such a bad thing.
and I hunt behind curtains, under
chairs and in every nook and cranny         It meant that, as young children, we
for whatever chocolate may be hidden        already knew it was a time to be happy,
there. Among the plunder, each of us        even before we understood the true
will find a gift from our grandparents:     reasons why. Gradually we learnt about
five Easter bunnies, set into a beautifully those reasons too, realising there was
designed cardboard packet. Oh the           something even better than chocolate to
smell of that chocolate. And the taste!     celebrate at Easter!

Long after the chocolate was gone, I        Here are some activities to create
would inhale the lingering aroma infused memories of taste, smell and joy in
in the empty packaging.                     children’s lives. Wherever possible,
                                            we would advocate using Fairtrade
Of course, we all know Easter is not        chocolate.
Egg hunts and clue trails                      Decorating eggs and bunnies
These can be a crazy free-for-all with mini    Using melted chocolate or icing, pipe
eggs or, you can leave a trail of clues (I     words, patterns or simply splodge dots
usually leave a small chocolate at each        onto a chocolate egg, bunny or plain
clue), possibly linking to Bible verses.       biscuit. Stick on small sweets or other
                                                   Easter nests
                                                   Mix cornflakes or Rice Krispies with
                                                   melted chocolate and shape into nests.
                                                   Put two or three speckled chocolate
                                                   eggs (and a chick) in the centre.
                                                   Dyeing and painting eggs
                                                When our neighbours kept hens, they
                                                would often ask our daughter to go
                                                and collect the eggs. When she did
                                                so at Easter, she was delighted to find
                                                the hens had laid multi-coloured ones
                                                (which my neighbour had hard boiled in
The level of difficulty should be tailored     dye and planted back in the hen house).
to the age of the children with simple         Other ideas are to decorate eggs with
clues for younger children
(e.g. “we eat here” if it’s near
the table). For older ones
you can be more cryptic
and maybe include related
Bible verses: e.g. “Do not
swerve to the right or the
left” (Proverbs 4:27) if the
next clue is straight ahead;
a food related verse if the
clue is in the kitchen; or the
verse “if anyone...takes your
coat...” (Matthew 5:40) if the
next clue is on the coat rack.
To make it more challenging
you could just give the Bible
reference for them to look up.                 paints and stickers (hard boil them or
The final clue leads to a prize for            use an empty shell by blowing the egg
everyone and an Easter card for each           or breaking it carefully and using papier-
child.                                         mâché to stick it back together before
end to the point of someone else’s
                                                  egg until one cracks. The last
                                                  person with an unbroken shell is
                                                  the winner.
                                                  There are different ways of playing
                                                  in different countries. In Greece
                                                  it’s called tsougrisma and as they
                                                  crack eggs one of them says
                                                  “Christos anesti” (Christ is risen)
                                                  and the other replies “Alithos
                                                  anesti” (He is risen indeed).
painting). Alternatively, eggs can be
                                            Share the Easter story
dipped in a mix of oil, vinegar and food
colouring to give a marbled effect.         Retell the story with the children and
                                            ask them to draw or model the part of
Hang the decorated egg shells on an
                                            the story which they like and then paste
Easter tree.
                                            the pictures on a large sheet of paper to
Blindfolded chocolate tasting               make a frieze; alternatively, they can be
                                            slipped inside jars to make a model story.
Put different brands of mini eggs or
pieces of chocolate into bowls. Blindfold Clay models can be placed alongside
each participant and ask them to rate     each other with the children telling the
each chocolate and guess which kind       story to place them in the correct order.
it is. Talk about
judging others by
Hold mini egg and
teaspoon races or
try an egg rolling
race: everyone takes
a crème egg of their
choice to the top of
a hill or slope. The
first one to guide
their egg to the
bottom is the winner.
Egg tapping
Everyone has a
hard-boiled egg and
presses the pointed
An Easter Prayer
                            by Rev Michaela Youngson

When everything was dark                    made possible through Jesus.
and it seemed that the sun would            We praise you for the light of new
never shine again,                          life
your love broke through.                    that shone on the first witnesses
                                            of resurrection.
Your love was too strong,                   We praise you for the light of new
too wide,                                   life
too deep                                    that continues to shine in our
for death to hold.                          hearts today.

The sparks cast by your love                We pray that the Easter light of
dance and spread                            life, hope and joy,
and burst forth                             will live in us each day;
with resurrection light.                    and that we will be bearers of that
Gracious God,                               into the lives of others.
We praise you for the light of              Amen.
new life

Picture Quiz
    How many denominations and ecumenical organisations can you recognise?
                                   (Answers on page 21)

   Marcus Rashford is reaching out to children who
             have never owned a book
                     April 2nd is International Children’s Book Day

“Here it is!                                     life and “discover the unstoppable
                                                 power of your own voice”.
‘YOU are a Champion’. A guide that I
hope will inspire ALL children to dream          Marcus is also launching a book club and
big and help those who need it most.             his own literature range, aiming to give
                                                 all children,
Out May 27th.
                                                 from all
Find out more and pre-order at:                  backgrounds,
                                                 the              opportunity to
Can’t wait to hear what you think”               enjoy reading
                                                 from an early
— Marcus Rashford on Twitter                     age: “Approx
The book is published on May 27th                children in the
and is aimed at children and teens. It           UK have never
includes stories from Rashford’s own life        owned a book.
experiences to show readers that with            Time for that
the right mindset and positive thinking,         to change”.
anyone can learn how to live their best
Anzac Biscuit Recipe
         This recipe was found on the Royal British Legion website in 2014.

                                               — 4 oz plain flour
                                               — 4 oz light brown sugar
                                               — 4 oz desiccated coconut
                                               — 5 oz rolled oats
                                               — 4 oz butter
                                               —2 tablespoons golden syrup
                                               — ½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
On 25 April 1915, the Australian and
                                               — 2 tablespoons boiling water
New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC)
set out to capture the Gallipoli
peninsula in Ottoman Turkey. The               Method
plan was to open the Dardanelles for
                                               Mix the flour, sugar, coconut and oats
the allied navies. It soon became the
                                               together in a large mixing bowl. Melt
day on which Australians and New               together the butter and syrup.
Zealanders remember the sacrifice
of those who had died in the war.              Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in the
A year later, on 25 April 1916, King           boiling water and add to the butter and
                                               syrup. Add butter and syrup to the flour
George V and Queen Mary attended
the first commemorative service in
Westminster Abbey and it has been              Place teaspoon-sized mounds of the
held there ever since.                         mixture on a greased baking tray large
                                               enough to hold 12. Give each mound
This recipe is for traditional ANZAC           room to expand.
biscuits which are thought to date
back to the Ottoman Turkey war                 Bake at 180C Gas Mark 4 for 15 - 20
                                               minutes, transfer to a cooling rack as
when mothers made them for their
                                               soon as cooked.
boys heading for the front line.

   Our great-grandfathers called it the holy Sabbath; our grandfathers called it the
       Sabbath; our fathers called it Sunday; today it’s known as the weekend.

  Peace may sound simple – one beautiful word – but it requires everything we have,
    every quality, every strength, every dream, every high ideal. (Yehudi Menuhin)
The Bible Garden Part 7:
              Birds in and around the garden
                               by Bob Peters, from ACE

Gazing through the window and                 in the Bible, starlings are said to be
thinking of what to do first in               ‘spiritual messengers’) were considered
                                              pests, they were everywhere, although
the Bible garden when the wet,
                                              blackbirds, thrushes (Isaiah 38:14), blue
cold weather eases, I spotted a               tits, robins and wrens all managed to
rare visitor that took me back                find a spot to feed. Then in summer
to my childhood. It was a lone                the house martins and swallows (Isaiah
sparrow.                                      38:14) arrived and, when the weather
                                              was rough, along came the seagulls —
The sparrow is one of the world’s most
                                              my garden then was near the Thames
common birds and it has been recorded
                                              Estuary, only 70 miles downstream as the
in every continent except Antarctica.
They have been around, it seems, since
time began and are mentioned several
times in the Bible: ‘Are not five sparrows
sold for two pennies? And not one of
them is forgotten before God.’ (Luke
12:6). Sparrows are, therefore, welcome
visitors to my Bible garden!
There are 25 species of birds found
only in Israel with about 400 species in
the neighbouring areas. Birds are often
mentioned in the Bible, both literally
and metaphorically.
In my younger days, sparrows and
starlings (although not mentioned
attracted another one - I
                                                              saw one this morning
                                                              flying by with twigs in its
                                                              beak, perhaps they are
                                                              setting up home nearby!
                                                               One bird, however, that
                                                               has been ever present
                                                               in my Bible garden is
                                                               the pigeon (Luke 2:24)
                                                               which can be a problem
                                                               during winter when they
                                                               attack the young broad
                                                               bean plants. In the Bible
crow flies from Charvil in Berkshire where                    pigeons were used for
I live now, so the climates were similar.  food and sacrifice. While they seem to
And yet, 60 years later, the smaller birds be ever present, they too are declining
such as sparrows and starlings have        in numbers. In America, for example, it
become rare visitors.                      has been estimated that billions of them
While the Royal Society for the            have disappeared in recent years.
Protection of Birds points out that bird   I still live in hope that spring will be
numbers vary each year according to        heralded by a bird that I have not heard
the availability of food and the climate,  for many years, the cuckoo, which some
it also records that with many species of experts suggest is one of the unclean
birds there has been a worrying steady     birds mentioned in Leviticus 11:14.
decline in numbers over the
past 30 years — sparrows have
declined by 95% and starlings
by 71%.
Interestingly, in the 10 years
I have lived in Charvil, as the
smaller birds have declined in
numbers, there has been an
obvious rise of larger birds such
as crows (same family as the
raven Genesis 8:6-7), red kites
(Leviticus 11:14) and parakeets,
all of which have larger
flocks every year. Just before
Christmas last year a peregrine
falcon (Leviticus 11:14)
appeared and seems to have
         Find and circle the words in ALL CAPITALS listed below.
     Words may be forward, backward, vertical or diagonal. Good luck!
  The word are all based on the Parables of the Wedding and the Tower, Luke 14:15-30.

ALLEYS        CHILDREN         ESTIMATE        GREAT          KINGDOM         POOR
ANGRY         COST             EXCUSES         GUESTS         LAME            READY
BANQUET       COUNTRY          FATHER          HATE           LANES           ROADS
BLESSED       CRIPPLED         FEAST           HEARD          MASTER          SISTERS
BLIND         CROSS            FIELD           HOUSE          MONEY           STREETS
BRING         CROWDS           FINISH          INVITED        ORDERED         TABLE
BROTHERS      DISCIPLE         FOLLOW          JESUS          OWNER           TASTE
CERTAIN       EAT              GOD             JUST           OXEN            TOWER

      After you find all the hidden words the left over letters spell out a
           Bible verse reading from the top left to the bottom right

A couple of little gems, taken from The Times newspaper on the
               9th and 11th Oct (respectively), 2020 - kindly supplied by Stella Lane.
                                                                         Mobile blunder
Transported by Faith                                                     A Reader of The Times
                               t in Hendon,                                                     recalls a
Our Father which ar                                                      funeral he attended ma
                                                                                                ny years ago.
Harrow be thy name.
Thy Kingston come,                                                       He was sitting in the ba
                                                                                                  ck when
 Thy Wimbledon,                                                          a latecomer bustled in,
                                ndon.                                                             having
 In Erith as it is in He                                                 forgotten to turn off the
                          ou   r  Leatherhead                                                      ir phone.
 Give us this day                                                        They arrived just as the
                                    passes,                                                       coffin was
  And forgive us our by                                           us.   entering, which meant
                                  who bypass against                                             the deceased
  As we forgive those                                                   was accompanied by the
                                      es Ditton,
  Lead us not into Tham                                                 announcement: “You ha
                                 Ewell.                                                           ve reached
   But deliver us from                                                  your destination.”
   For thine is the King
   The Purley, and the
   For Esher and Esher,
    Crouch End.
                                      hus, offers
        C h a ir, S ally Churc
 ACE                               Easter:
                grams for
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World Autism Awareness Day
                                 2nd April 2021
                                             buildings, homes and communities
                                             around the world come together on April
                                             2, Autism Awareness Day, to Light It Up
                                             Blue in recognition of people with autism
                                             and those who love and support them.
                                             Autism-friendly events and educational
                                             activities take place all month, aiming to
                                             increase understanding and acceptance
                                             of people with autism, foster worldwide
                                             support and inspire a kinder, more
                                             inclusive world.
                                             Join us for World Autism Awareness
The fourteenth annual World                  Month to help us spread kindness and
Autism Awareness Day is on                   autism awareness!
Friday April 2nd, 2021.                      Find out more: https://www.
Joined by the international community,
hundreds of thousands of landmarks,          awareness-day

                       International Earth Day
                                22nd April, 2021
EARTHDAY.ORG is honoured                     Read more about climate programmes
that the Biden Administration                around the world, including: education
has decided to convene a global              and science; personal and civic action;
climate summit on Earth Day                  and conservation and restoration.
Many important environmental events
have happened on Earth Day since
1970, including the recent signing of the
Paris Agreement, as Earth Day continues
to be a momentous and unifying day
each and every year. We look forward
to this historic climate summit and to
making active progress to Restore Our

From ‘To Life’
                                by Jane Gascoine

This poem was written by Jane Gascoine, a remarkable and caring lady. Jane has
always written and recited her poems at local fundraising events but now, at 92
years old, and having suffered a stroke which affected her speech, she is unable
to recite them. However, this has not stopped her fundraising efforts. Jane has
published many of her poems in two books and makes donations from their sale
to charity. Below is an extract from a poem in her second book ‘More Doggerel

                    If you’re old at 80, you were old at 18
              It’s no good thinking of what might have been
                   Life’s for the living and all for the taking
                 No matter how sad or even heart breaking

                    And I’ve still got a lot of living to do
                          People to meet, places to see
                   I’ll try, on the way, to help others who
                     Haven’t been quite as lucky as me.

                      I hope I have the strength and will
                          To go on till I pass the post
                        So, here’s to life, I’ll take my fill
                       And the devil take the hindmost!

                                          Answers to Picture Quiz on page 14
Pride makes us do
things well, but it
is love that makes
us do them towards
Real friendship knows
no distance.
The best vitamin for a
Christian is B1.
World Red Cross Week
                         May 4th - 9th, 2021
Red Cross Week is timed to
tie in with World Red Cross
and Red Crescent Day which
is celebrated on the 8th May
every year.
Red Cross Week is a week in which to
celebrate the charitable work of the Red
Cross and also an opportunity to get
involved in fundraising and help people    to get involved. Those who would
in Crisis all over the world.              like to support the charity can help
The Red Cross is a charity that works to   raise awareness by downloading the
help people in crisis all over the world.  Red Cross Kindness Calendar off their
Support is offered in a diverse variety of website, doing a small act of kindness
ways, from emergency help and medical every day and sharing on social media
support in times of crisis such as war,    using the hashtag #PowerofKindness.
terrorism or natural disaster to helping   There are also lots of fundraising events
those dealing with loneliness and          happening throughout the week such
supporting victims of modern slavery and as cake sales, open gardens and leisure
trafficking.                               events.
Red Cross Week is the charity’s biggest        Further information about local events
fundraising and awareness campaign             and how to get more involved can be
of the year, and there are lots of ways        found at

                       British Tomato Fortnight
                            May 25th - June 7th, 2021
In a society fraught with uncertainty          quality, reducing the need for importing
stemming from the roots of our day to          fruits and vegetables which we would
day life, the last thing we want is to have    otherwise have to go without.
to worry about the source of our food.
                                               Most of the time food which is healthy
Due to our somewhat temperamental              doesn’t actually taste that great, meaning
and stereotypically British weather,           a high prevalence of fast food and other
British tomato crops have to be grown in       foods high in sugar and far. Tomatoes
glasshouses, which provide a protective        however contain vitamins, minerals,
and warm environment in which the fruit        flavonoids, and natural pigments, making
can grow. These controlled conditions          a tasty and natural snack which not only
mean fewer pests, fewer pesticides,            tastes great, but is also good for you!
and less uncertainty as to what you are
                                          So look out for British tomatoes
actually eating.
                                          everywhere you go. Don’t forget about
Four out of five tomatoes now eaten in    other tomato products either, ketchup,
the UK are imported, which is not good soup, and puree are all important parts
news for the British tomato farmer. Crops of the British tomato world.
grown in the UK are ever increasing in
Netflix Aims to Reach game.   A Week Away is no exception, featuring
                      emerging stars including Quinn (Disney
Faith Market with     Channel’s Bunk’d) and Jahbril Cook (upcoming
                      Disney Channel movie Spin).
Inspirational Teen    “I’ve gotten a lot of people joking about how I

Musical ‘A Week Away’ wrong,”
                      keep getting these camp roles - and they’re not
                                said Quinn. “That said, A Week Away
                      [with] its romance-teenager vibe is definitely a
Adapted from Josh Shepherd’s article on March             different world from that Disney show.”
23, 2021 - full article & movie trailer: https://www.     As with any worthwhile musical, memorable    songs are the secret sauce. One of Disney’s
market-with-inspirational-teen-musical-a-week-away/       go-to songwriters, Adam Watts (High School
Netflix’s new movie, A Week Away, is a new                Musical) helmed the music team.
faith-based musical. The writer speaks to the             He spoke in a Zoom interview from his home
cast about the movie as well as diving into the           studio. “Creating a musical, the music plays
strategy of Netflix potentially moving more into          such an important role in storytelling. Similar to
faith-based content.                                      Camp Rock, I’m starting with a script and the
                                                          songs are there to move the story from A to C,
Fans of movie musicals may be                             with B being the music.”
confused when they see the trailer for
A Week Away, showing from March 26 But     there’s a twist. Four new songs by Watts are
                                       intermixed with seven contemporary Christian
on Netflix worldwide.                  music standards from the past 30 years.
Sure, it plays like a sharply produced mash-up of Anyone remotely adjacent to evangelical
High School Musical and Camp Rock with some faith will recognize songs like “Awesome
vaguely religious elements.                       God,” “Place In This World,” and “The Great
But isn’t that Zac Efron-circa-2010 crooning,     Adventure.” While each remixed song works
jumping, and holding his love interest tightly?   in the story, it also plays on nostalgia that even
Did producers use a time machine?                 former churchgoers - and they are legion - have
                                                  for the tunes.
“I remember asking our casting director about
Kevin [Quinn],” screenwriter/producer Alan        Reaching the Faithful
Powell told me in an interview. “I said, ‘Listen, Premiering on Netflix one week prior to Easter
he’s incredible, but does he look too much like Sunday, consistently a lucrative weekend
Zac Efron?’ Because it’s not like we put that in  for faith-
the casting call.”                                based family
She shot back: “I’m sorry, are you upset with     A Week Away
me that I found you someone who looks ‘too        could be
much’ like one of the best-looking people in      viewed as the
Hollywood?”                                       top streamer’s
More than surface-level looks, A Week Away has strategic move
a lot going for it. By walking the line between   to bring back
tongue-in-cheek send-up of coming-of-age          disaffected
tropes and earnest faith-conscious storytelling,  former
this energetic musical checks all the boxes - and subscribers.
then some.                                        Last fall,
Camp Rock Meets Christ                            pushback from
For years, Netflix has pushed into tween          some U.S.
entertainment to beat Disney at their own         subscribers
                                                  about French
coming-of-age film Cuties led many to cancel            Catholic family’s crisis and ultimate hope -
Netflix according to some analysts. Recently,           became one of few films Disney Plus acquired
a scene in animated TV-MA comedy Paradise               rather than produced in-house. In November,
P.D. raised the ire of some viewers. These issues       Sony Pictures bought faith market-focused
underline how difficult it can be for any global        streamer Pure Flix where it plans to reach
entertainment studio to navigate cultural and           families with “impactful” films.
values variances.
                                                        Dozens of faith-based films are still produced
With this musical, Netflix has partnered with           annually for a small Christian subculture, yet
Hollywood veterans who happen to be true                some filmmakers in this space have honed their
believers.                                              craft and found wider success.
Powell, son of a Christian minister, has been           Producer DeVon Franklin, whose faith films have
working on this jukebox musical of Christian            earned over $175mm at the global box office,
radio hits for seven years. It finally took off when    inked a first-look agreement with Paramount
he met producer Steve Barnett, whose 25 years           in 2019. Similarly, Lionsgate struck a deal with
with major studios includes such hits as A Walk         filmmaker brothers Jon and Andrew Erwin (I
to Remember for Warner Bros.                            Can Only Imagine) for them to produce multiple
                                                        inspirational films per year for the major studio.
Their casting process landed on several stars
who profess Christian faith, notably co-lead       Eclectic upcoming projects from Monarch will
Bailee Madison. She speaks freely about how her target diverse audiences including The Black
character’s journey reflects her own.              Belt, a karate-focused comedy starring Chris
                                                   Pratt; based-on-true-events action thriller Havoc
“All of these qualities of her, I find in myself,” from South Korean director Byung-gil Jung; and
said Madison, known for her recurring role in      a musical starring country music duo Florida
ABC’s Once Upon A Time and films including         Georgia Line. Producers did not indicate whether
Brothers opposite Jake Gyllenhaal. “She has        Netflix may be a partner on future projects.
faith and that’s what she chooses to believe in,
but she’s not sure of things. She’s not by any     “As a company, we want to thread these movies
means perfect. She is messy, but she loves that with faith and inspiration,” said Barnett. “Similar
about herself.”                                    to The Greatest Showman, we see universal
                                                   themes in A Week Away that are also uniquely
Powell recognized many in the cast resonated       applicable to the Christian way of life.”
with his story “probably because of their
own faith,” though it wasn’t a mandate on          ‘Spreading Love, Hope, and Light’
filmmakers’ part. “Some productions have           It’s an undeniably fun, campy, faith-and-family
essentially required faith, but we did not. Across musical with a stellar soundtrack. Yet producers
the board, we just wanted the best people for      intend for viewers to take away more from A
the job.”                                          Week Away than singable melodies.
Responding to Evolving Faith Market             “We hope that the audience has a blast,”
A Week Away marks the first project for Monarch said Powell. “And we certainly hope that they
Media, led by producers Barnett and Powell with wrestle with things that are meaningful.”
financier Vicky Patel backing the venture.
                                                It seems poised to become a must-see for
As CEO of the “faith-friendly” studio, Barnett  musical lovers, along with current or former
notes Christian families in the U.S. are        evangelical Christians curious how this
“becoming pickier about the quality of the      subculture is portrayed to a global audience.
content” they consume. “Most of the major
studios and streamers want to be in the faith   Co-star Madison contends the message is an
market, but they don’t totally understand it,”  inclusive one. “You don’t have to be on a certain
he said.                                        path to be able to watch this movie,” she said.
                                                “You don’t have to have it all together. [Our]
Recent events confirm his take. Last year,      hope is it spreads love, hope, and light along
inspirational biopic Clouds - the story of a    the way while you watch it.”
                                Church Services
   We are still unable to meet in church, but we have a weekly Zoom service on
 Sundays at 11am. If you would like the link and you’re not already on the mailing
                     list, please email:

                             Coffee / Bible Study
   Weekly Zoom Coffee gatherings are on Wednesday mornings at 3pm, led by
    Rev Donna Fowler Marchant. Join us for chat, fellowship and Bible study.
          Email us if you would like to join in:

        - - - RESCHEDULED EVENTS FOR 2022 - - -
                               SIMEON WOOD
 Our in-church concert has now been re-booked for Saturday 30th April 2022, so
                        please put this date in your diary.
   BUT, we have booked an online show with Simeon, exclusively for our church
        members and circuit friends, and this is on Friday 9th April at 7pm.
               Please see page 6 for full details and how to book.

                             CANAL BOAT TRIP
Due to current restrictions and
uncertainty over the coming weeks, this
popular trip has been postponed once
again, so the new date is now Saturday
25th June 2022 from 12 noon until 4pm.
Please make a note and look out for
more details nearer the time.

                               THANK YOU
     To all those who have contributed to this edition of The Scroll Message:
                  Donna Fowler-Marchant, Stella Lane, Katie Scott,
      ACE (Association of Church Editors) Ideas Forum, Catherine & Nick Baldwin

Prayer Links
                         online resources for daily prayers
                         United Reformed Church Daily Devotions
                         Methodist Church Prayer of the Day
                         United Christian Broadcasters
                         Prayerline - 01782 36 3000

          Useful links with up-to-date information
The Methodist Church website - check here for regular updates:
The United Reformed Church website - check here for regular updates:
BBC Radio 4 recorded Sunday services aired live at 8.10am on Sundays
BBC TV / BBC iPlayer recorded Sunday services aired live at 8.10am on Sundays
West Herts and Borders Methodist Circuit - for information about churches in our
Methodist Circuit with links to their websites

Need help and don’t know where to turn? Have a question or problem?
Call 0300 123 4044 or email
HertsHelp is a network of community
organisations in Hertfordshire working together.
They are there to listen and help you find
independent support, guidance and information
you need to get the most out of life.

Government Guidelines
Check back here regularly for updates and to
sign up for email notifications
Browse information related to Covid-19.

NHS Guidelines
Check back here regularly for updates
Check here for what symptoms to look out for and the advice to follow.
The Scroll Church Officers
Minister                             Rev. Donna Fowler-Marchant.........221872
  Chair                              Rev. Donna Fowler-Marchant.........221872
  Vice-Chair                         Dr Jean Stevenson...............020 8428 5199
  Secretary & Lead Trustee           Ireen Goulding................................263396
  Treasurer                          Paul Spencer....................................237275
  Vestry Steward                     Michael Hill......................................676052
  Other Trustees                     Wendy Nugent................................241466
                                     Katie Scott.......................................678683
                                     Iren Jasko.........................................240796
                                     Jim Clark..........................................234982
                                     Thelka Williams................................672983
                                     Charles Vinan...................................721557
                                     Margaret Ingram..............................227710
                                     Catherine Baldwin...........................222799
Communion Servers                    Margaret Ingram..............................227710
                                     Jim Clark..........................................234982
                                     Elisa Gusmão...................................225572
                                     Jane Vinan.......................................721557
                                     Charles Vinan...................................721557
                                     Ireen Goulding................................263396
                                     Iren Jasko.........................................240796
                                     Dr Jean Stevenson...............020 8428 5199
                                     Katie Scott.......................................678683
                                     Holly Hill..........................................676052
                                     Bill Clayton......................................461448
                                     Alice Blankson......................07950 355781
Property Booking                     Holly Hill..........................................676052
Cradle Roll                          Holly Hill..........................................676052
Sunday School Co-ordinators          Jane Vinan.......................................721557
Gift Aid                             Paul Spencer....................................237275
Church Envelope Scheme               Stella Lane.......................................243955
Safeguarding Officer                 Dr Jean Stevenson...............020 8428 5199
Organists                            Sheila Moore...................................467679
                                     Mike Hussey....................................776765
Flower Rota                          Margaret Ferrier...............................671588
                                     Alison Friend....................................672904
The Scroll Church Message Editor Catherine Baldwin...........................222799
Leadership Team Rotas                Michael Hill......................................676052
(Weekly Notices                      David Faires.................................... 244895)
During Pandemic time at home,
eMail Weekly News                    Catherine Baldwin...........................222799

At the time of publication, our Scroll Church services and
activities on church premises are still suspended as a result
of the latest government advice on the Covid-19 virus.
Please keep up to date with the latest guidelines.
We will let you know when our church situation changes.

Please stay safe.

                            Copy deadline for Jun/Jul church magazine issue:

                            Friday 21st May 2021
                            Anyone can contribute an article, a reflection,
                            an announcement, a report, an up-coming event.
                            Share YOUR news in YOUR church magazine!
                            Please pass all copy to Catherine Baldwin
                            66 Bushey Mill Lane, Watford, Herts. WD24 7QR.
                            Tel: 01923 222799

                         CHURCH LEADERSHIP GROUPS
             Helping to organise and focus our church mission and vision

 DISCIPLESHIP - covering all aspects of: Worship; Bible Study; Discipleship; Mission
 Rev Donna Fowler-Marchant - Jean Stevenson - Elisa Gusmão - Michael Hill - Katie
 Scott - Margaret Ingram
 Rev Donna Fowler-Marchant - Margaret Ingram - Katie Scott - Stella Lane
 RESOURCES - including Finance & Buildings
 Iren Jasko - Paul Spencer - Jim Clark - Vernon Lane - Charles Vinan - Geoff Brown
 SOCIAL & MISSION - including organisation & publicity for church events
 Catherine Baldwin - Elaine Faires - Frances Raymond - Wendy Nugent - Katie Scott -
 Minna Roach (catering)

     The Scroll Church         @ScrollChurch      E&OE

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