Message from the Directors - PRIMEWEST

Page created by Lorraine Cortez
Message from the Directors - PRIMEWEST
P R I M E W E S T N E W S L E T T E R J U LY 2 0 1 7

Message from the Directors

With the end of the Financial Year,        continue to work hard with agents,          From a staffing perspective, we are
we reflect on the last 12 months at        tenant representatives and directly         delighted to advise that Mark Werrett
Primewest. By way of an update on          with tenants to ensure that we meet         has recently joined us as Head of
some of our recently established Trusts,   the market and attract occupiers to         Capital Transactions. We have known
we are pleased to report we have now       our properties. We also continue to re-     Mark for over 20 years and he brings
fully invested the Primewest Industrial    invest into our assets and ensure that      a wealth of property experience,
Income Trust No.2 and established the      our sitting tenants are provided with       particularly retail, into the role. Mark
Primewest Diversified Income Trust         a high level of service and amenity.        will be based in Melbourne and he will
No2 with the first acquisition being       Some of our recent leasing successes        work very closely with Will Johns, our
20 Parkland Road, Herdsman and have        across the portfolio are highlighted in     Manager of Capital Transactions, who is
recently also acquired 191-197 Main        this newsletter.                            based in our Sydney office.
Road (Corner Derwent Park Road),
                                           We continue to search for new               With the recent legislation changes
Moonah, Tasmania (Harvey Norman).
                                           acquisitions and are currently looking      affecting Superannuation, we have
We have recently sold Primewest            to establish a further Industrial Trust     decided to re-value most of the assets
Midland, which we developed in             and are seeking to secure some initial      in the portfolio and these values will
2011 into a 9,727 sqm large format         suitable assets to seed this new Trust.     be advised to you in due course.
retail property and achieved a strong      In addition we have decided to look         This should then allow investors to
investment outcome for that Trust.         to invest in the US market with a view      make any necessary changes to the
                                           to establishing a US Investment Trust,      composition of their Super Funds.
Western Australia is still proving to
                                           mainly focused on industrial and
be the most challenging market.                                                        It is our intention to again be a major
                                           suburban office assets. We will keep
However, with a high degree of                                                         sponsor and organiser with the Lexus
                                           you informed in this regard.
focus from all members of our asset                                                    of Perth to support The Fathering
management team, we continue               With all the recent hype about              Project
to complete numerous new leasing           renewable energy, we thought you            Corporate Bike Ride. Last year the
transactions and have maintained very      would be interested to know that we
                                                                                       event successfully raised $40,000 and
high tenant retention.                     are piloting solar projects on a few of
                                                                                       we hope you will again support this
                                           our assets to assess their effectiveness.
Recent higher iron ore prices have                                                     charity event and perhaps even join us
                                           Primewest have engaged a power
improved sentiment in the Perth CBD                                                    in lycra for the ride. The other major
                                           and water usage consultant for many
somewhat and JLL are forecasting                                                       charity which we support is Australian
                                           years to optimise performance and our
stronger net effective rental growth                                                   Doctors for Africa and a link to their
                                           investment return across our portfolio,
to occur, greater than Sydney and                                                      website is attached for your interest
                                           but believe solar and other initiatives
Melbourne, albeit not until 2020 –                                           
                                           have the potential to make further
                                           enhancements. We will report to you         We hope you enjoy this newsletter
The other states are generally             in due course about the findings from       update and as always, we are open to
performing more strongly but we            some of these new initiatives.              your feedback or queries.

Message from the Directors - PRIMEWEST

Diversified Income Trust No 2
Primewest successfully launches second diversified trust           and the Mitchell Freeway. In addition to this asset, we have
                                                                   also acquired a fully leased, high quality large format retail
Primewest is very pleased to have successfully launched
                                                                   centre in Moonah, Tasmania. The property is anchored by
the Primewest Diversified Income Trust No 2 which will
                                                                   Harvey Norman along with two other publicly listed retailers
acquire quality, income producing assets across sectors and
                                                                   providing a 8+ year WALE. The property totals 6,400 sqm
locations whilst providing a diversified income stream from
                                                                   NLA and was built in 2006. Primewest are very pleased
a range of tenants. The Trust’s initial purchase was a fully
                                                                   with these two acquisitions and it is anticipated the Trust
leased office building in Osborne Park, Perth. The building is
                                                                   will target cash returns of between 7.25 - 8.25% pa (once
a well located, modern A-Grade office building in Herdsman
                                                                   fully invested). There will be further acquisitions made by
Business Park. The building provides strong sustainability
                                                                   the Trust and we will update investors when these potential
credentials and convenient access to local public transport
                                                                   transactions are under contract.

 Staff Profile

Mark Werrett                                 properties and he brings a wealth of
                                             experience and contacts with him to
Mark joined the Primewest team in May
                                             strengthen our Capital Transactions
2017 as Head of Capital Transactions         Team.
and will be based in Melbourne. He
                                             Prior to joining Primewest Mark was
is a fully licensed agent and has over
                                             Director of Retail Investment Services
30 years experience in retail and
                                             at Colliers in Perth and was involved in
commercial property.                         property transactions across Australia.
Mark is a West Australian who has            His addition to our team will enable
worked as an agent for Primewest for         our continuing focus on identifying
many years both managing and selling         suitable acquisitions across Australia.


Primewest Midland                                                  1.73 hectare landholding was purchased from the Midland
                                                                   Redevelopment Authority for around $10 million. A further
                                                                   $10 million was spent developing the large format retail
Primewest is pleased to confirm the sale of 5 Clayton Street,
                                                                   complex over two stages. It is now fully leased to blue chip
Midland, a large format retail centre located in Western           tenants including Super Amart, Barbeques Galore, Retravision
Australia. The 9,727 sqm property sold for $30.75 million          and the Department of Transport, which we recently secured
to Australasian Property Investments Limited (APiL). The           on a new, long-term lease.


Fathering Project Corporate Ride
Primewest are once again sponsoring the Fathering Project           Last year was a great success and with only 100 places
bike ride in October this year. The 63km ride from Lexus of         available tickets will be in high demand. Included in the
Perth in Osborne Park to the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle           entry fee is a riding jersey valued at $169. All donations will
provides riders the opportunity to raise funds for the              directly benefit these programs as no administrative costs
organisation’s school program which aims to promote                 are deducted. If you would like to register please visit the
engagement in the school and community and will in                  Fathering Project Website:
particular go towards their school programs in Armadale.  
Message from the Directors - PRIMEWEST

 Exchange Tower
 The capital expenditure program on the property continues        water ingress issues into the car park and a new architectural
 following the fantastic outcome we achieved with the lobby       feature canopy. The total budget for the works is $2.7 m;
 refurbishment which was completed in late December               subject to the relevant approvals being obtained, we plan
 2016. The major projects planned for the 2017/18                 to commence construction in November 2017 and reach
 financial year includes the forecourt refurbishment and the      practical completion in February 2018.
 commencement of the lift upgrade.
                                                                  The lift tender document will be issued in July 2017, with
 The forecourt refurbishment will include the removal of the      an order to be placed in September 2017 ahead of a
 ‘glass fishbowl’ and reinstatement of the original building      commencement on site in March 2018. The lifts will be the
 façade, some re-grading of the space to incorporate new          latest generation and will feature destination controls which
 landscaping and paving including a new membrane to repair        is now an important feature for all modern office occupiers.

Leasing update

Port Village, Port Douglas                 We agreed a lease renewal with               Primewest Auburn
We negotiated with Calypso Reef            Ambient Hair for a further five years        We successfully agreed Heads of
Charters to renew their lease for four     from February 2017.                          Agreement with major tenants Freedom
years commencing December 2016.            We negotiated with Living Emporium           (2,498sqm) and By Dezign (2,959sqm)
                                           to extend their lease for two years from     committing them both to ten years
Dernancourt Shopping Centre
                                           July 2017.                                   commencing in May and September
We successfully negotiated with
                                                                                        2017 respectively.
Dernancourt Dry Cleaners to renew          South Central
their lease for five years commencing                                                   We also agreed seven year lease
                                           We secured national retailer Nick Scali
November 2016.                                                                          renewals with The Outdoor Furniture
                                           to lease the last 1,973sqm vacancy in
                                                                                        Specialists and Supreme Furniture.
                                           the centre committing them to a new
Brassall Shopping Centre
                                           seven year lease term commencing             Bunbury Centrepoint
We have committed Brassall Butchers to
                                           January 2017.                                We committed the Biltong Kiosk
lease shop 2 for five years commencing
November 2016.                             We successfully agreed extension of          to a new five year lease in shop 43
                                           leases with Beacon Equipment, Clark          commencing June 2017. Noni B
We’ve also agreed five year lease
                                           Rubber and Curtain Wonderland.               have agreed to a new five year lease
renewals with Ipswich City Council,
Gaye’s Hair Salon and Gaye’s Barber        60 Light Square                              commencing August 2017.
Shop and Bendigo Bank from June            We agreed a new five year lease with         616 St Kilda Road
2017.                                      the University of South Australia to         We agreed a new lease with Dixon
Tyne Square                                lease the whole of level 2 commencing        Hospitality for level 3 (1,255sqm),
                                           September 2017.                              the tenant committed to five years
We successfully agreed a lease renewal
with Tyne Square Medical Centre for five   We leased the balance of level 3             commencing September 2016.
years commencing March 2017.               (343.60sqm) to the Commonwealth
                                           Government of Australia which will           607 Bourke Street
Southern River                             accommodate the Australian Building          We secured a tenant for 600sqm
We negotiated a new lease with Opal        Construction Commission. The six year        on level 16 committing Victorian
Finance to lease shop 1A for three years   and seven month lease commenced              Interpreting and Translating Services to
commencing April 2017.                     June 2017.                                   a new five year lease.
Message from the Directors - PRIMEWEST
Leasing update (Continued)

We recently agreed a new five year                 the site may consider taking a longer        380a Scarborough Beach Rd
lease with Selection Partners over                 term lease. We are also in discussions       We have secured a new 7 year lease
252sqm on level 4 commencing July                  with Optus who have indicated that           to Chemist Warehouse on the ground
2017.                                              they now wish to start operations within     floor of the property. Furthermore,
We agreed a new five year lease with               the town and Smoke Mart look set to          we have commenced redevelopment
Zackgroup for 350sqm on level 8                    sign a new five year lease.                  works on level 1 which will create an
commencing August 2017.                                                                         independent office entry/foyer along
                                                   Belmont Citi
                                                                                                with a lift. We are targeting office or
Exchange Tower                                     We have leased an external tenancy           medical uses for this tenancy and are
We have executed new leases with                   fronting the car park to Optus; the five     confident of a result shortly.
Kansai Electric Power on level 27                  year term commenced in April 2017.
(298sqm) and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking               We have also recently extended the           Primewest Cannington
Corporation on level 19 (179sqm).                  Millers fashion lease for two years and      Nick Scali has taken over the Rays
Both tenants have entered into new five            facilitated an assignment of lease for the   Outdoors tenancy with a seven year
year lease terms.                                  fish & chip shop.                            lease, adding another A grade listed
                                                                                                covenant to the centre. The deal to Nick
114 – 120 Old Pittwater Rd                         251 St Georges Tce
                                                                                                Scali incorporated taking approximately
Fujifilm have renewed their lease at 114           We we have secured three new tenants         300sqm from the adjoining Retravision
Old Pittwater Road for both their level            within the building. Most notable is         tenancy. Reducing the Retravision
one office space (2,826sqm) and part               ACIC (Australian Criminal Intelligence       footprint will reduce their occupancy
of their ground floor tenancy (765sqm).            Commission) who have taken 780sqm            cost and hopefully ensure their long
The remainder of their ground floor                across part level 7 on a 10 year term.       term viability and tenure.
space (1,000sqm) has been leased to                This is a great result for the asset as we
Service NSW on a new five year lease               believe long term that ACIC will grow        Primewest Melville
and we have also welcomed Polestar                 within the building. From discussions        We have finalised a five year lease to the
Pilates to the property who occupy the             with ACIC we understand that a related       national brand, The Outdoor Furniture
ex-Ripcurl tenancy.                                Federal Government agency will likely        Specialists.
                                                   require office accommodation in              We have also leased Tenancy 15 to
Ozsale have also recently signed a
                                                   the short term, of which they have           Plush furniture. Plush are a brand of
lease for level 3 of 120 Old Pittwater
                                                   earmarked the balance 387sqm on level        listed retailer Steinhoff, who also own
Road, the tenant will occupy the fully
                                                   7.                                           well known brands, Fantastic Furniture
refurbished 1,790sqm floor later in
2017.                                              Engineering consultants K2 Technology        and Freedom Furniture. Melville was
                                                   have taken part level 1 (437sqm) on a        one of their initial 3 store roll out
308 Queen & 88 Creek Street                        four year term utilising the pre-existing    trial into WA and by all reports it has
We have agreed to new leases with the              fitout on the floor. The subdivision         been successful to date. Again a great
Turner Group and Trenert Partners who              and reconfiguration of the existing full     addition to the tenancy mix.
will occupy Mezzanine level 1 in 88                floor fitout to accommodate both K2          We have leased 426sqm to Hobbytech.
Creek Street. Turner Group (191sqm)                Technology and Planning Solutions has
have agreed to a eight year lease                  resulted in a well presented, fully leased   Primewest North Lakes
and Trenert Partners (201sqm) have                 floor within the building which is a great   We have agreed terms with
committed to five years tenure.                    showcase for future leasing inspections.     international discount fashion retailer TK
                                                   We will look to undertake similar works      Maxx to occupy 2,000sqm within Stage
Primewest Northlands                               to level 2 on expiry of the Brookfield       3 adjoining the Aldi development site.
We have agreed terms with The Reject               lease to assist in leasing.                  With over 2,300 stores in 9 countries
Shop for a new five year lease. The final                                                       the additional of this retailer is a great
two vacancies at the centre are close to           619 Murray St
                                                                                                outcome for the centre and will assist in
being leased to an Asian takeaway and              We have renewed the Australian Federal       attracting strong retailers to the centre.
Smoke Mart.                                        Police (AFP) lease for a period of 3 years
                                                   from 1 March 2017. AFP retained the          Primewest Osborne Park
Primewest Gwelup                                   full 4,050sqm along with all 84 carbays.     The redevelopment works of the old
We are pleased to advise that the ex-                                                           Fantastic Furniture tenancy is now
Fruits & More tenancy has now been                 Australia Place
                                                                                                complete and King Living (1,100sqm)
filled with a commercial office tenant             We have leased 1,235sqm on level             and Plush (900sqm) have taken
at the rear, a hearing clinic and an               2 to Resolute Mining for 7 years             occupation. The refurbishment of
Italian style delicatessen adjacent to the         commencing January 2017.                     this dated building and addition of
Farmer Jacks entry.                                                                             the national retailers has significantly
Primewest Broome                                   Medtronic have executed their lease          improved the presentation and tenancy
                                                   and completed their fitout over 600sqm       mix within the centre and we are very
Retravision has agreed to fill the ex-Dick
                                                   on level 3. The modern fitout looks          pleased with the result.
Smiths tenancy. The tenant operates a
number of regional Retravision shops               great and is a showcase for future
and depending on the performance of                leasing within the building.

 Level 1 307 Murray Street Perth WA 6000
 GPO Box H555 Perth WA 6841
 Telephone: (08) 9321 7133       Facsimile: (08) 9321 7144
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