Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

Page created by Angela Shelton
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria
Mental Health and
Wellbeing Action Plan
Happy and healthy people delivering great care
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

    Overview                                                                                          3

    About this plan                                                                                   4

    Our challenges and opportunities                                                                  5

    Our model of mental health and wellbeing                                                          6

    Summary                                                                                           8

          Objective 1 Building resilience                                                             9

          Objective 2 Intervene early                                                                10

          Objective 3 Build on strengths                                                             11

          Objective 4 Partner for success                                                            12

    Our performance                                                                                  14

    Monitoring and reporting on our performance against this plan                                    15

    Acknowledgement of traditional custodians
    Ambulance Victoria respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land throughout
    Victoria and pays respect to their ancestors and elders, past, present and emerging.

    Ambulance Victoria Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2019-2022
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

This plan outlines the key components of the
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2019-2022
which is aligned to the Ambulance Victoria Strategic Plan
2017-2022. This plan supersedes the Mental Health and
Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2019.

 This action plan will:

 X   Consolidate and build on             X   Provide access for staff to        X   Improve engagement with a
     learnings and activities from            pilot programs that focus              wider network of internal and
     the first strategy, such as family       on prevention and early                external stakeholders.
     engagement and the provision             intervention that are considered
                                                                                 X   Programs delivered will support
     of integrated services across            best practice, and commit to
                                                                                     change in behaviour and
     Peer Support, Psychological              evaluating effectiveness.
                                                                                     attitudes towards mental health
     Services and Pastoral Care.
                                          X   Ensure programs endorsed               and wellbeing to improve the
 X   Embrace and reflect the                  and provided by internal               psychological safety climate for
     broadened focus of the                   and external providers meet            our people.
     redesigned Wellbeing and                 rigorous standards and are
                                                                                 X   Acknowledge the overlap of the
     Support Services team.                   evidence-based, or at the very
                                                                                     Mental Health and Wellbeing
                                              least evidence-informed for our
                                                                                     Action Plan with the Health and
                                                                                     Safety Action Plan to enable an
                                                                                     integrated, holistic approach,
                                                                                     for our people.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

    About this plan
    Background                                                      Strategic fit
    The AV Psychological Health and Wellbeing                       This plan is aligned with outcome three of the AV Strategic
    Consultative Committee (PHWCC) was established                  Plan 2017-2022 – ’A great place to work and volunteer’.
    in 2015, to improve the health and psychological                It also aligns with Best Care model pillar: Positive people and
    wellbeing of our people and their families.                     practices that ensure everyone has the skills, resources and
                                                                    support they need to do their job safely and well.
    Whilst working at Ambulance Victoria (AV) is rewarding,
    it also comes with challenges, which we are addressing          Its actions are aligned with goals:
    as an organisation.
                                                                    X   Building resilience
    In order to communicate this commitment, the PHWCC,
                                                                    X   Intervene early
    in collaboration with the Executive and the AV Board,
    endorsed the first AV Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy      X   Build on our strengths
    2016-2019. This was the first Mental Health and Wellbeing
    Strategy of its type to be established by any ambulance         X   Partner for success
    service in Australia.

    This action plan builds on the foundations laid by the 2016-
    2019 Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Incorporating
    knowledge from the current research, the plan is also aligned
    with the agency recommendations resulting from Beyond
    Blue’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey of Police and
    Emergency Services. An extensive consultation process has
    been undertaken within Ambulance Victoria, incorporating
    internal subject matter expertise to ensure that the actions
    are relevant to all Ambulance Victoria people.

    Ambulance Victoria Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2019-2022
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

Our challenges
and opportunities
X   Providing support to our people at the right time,
    who provide a 24 hour, statewide service.

X   Stigma, in particular self-stigma related to mental health.

X   New Wellbeing and Support Services structure has
    introduced more internal expertise and accessibility.

X   Greater engagement with external stakeholders who
    have experience and knowledge to share that will be
    of benefit to our people.

Links to other strategies and plans
Health and Safety Strategy 2019-2022

Workforce Planning Strategy 2019-2022

Best Care Framework 2017-2022

Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019-2022

AV Strategic Plan 2017-2022

Aboriginal Employment Plan 2017-2019

Cultural Safety and Equity Action Plan

AV Integrity Framework
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

    Our model of mental
    health and wellbeing

    Shared                                                                      Strengths-based
    responsibility                                                                       culture

                                          p loyee life cy cle

                                                   u i tment
                                          Re cr

                                           r   so n - c e n t re
                                        Pe                         d
                          in g




    Whole of                                                                  Modify risk and
    organisation approach                                                   protective factors

    Ambulance Victoria Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2019-2022
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

What we do….
1. Person-centred approach – with increased
   focus on reducing barriers to access and
   minimizing stigma.
2. Increased oversight around internal and
   external service provision to ensure best
   care is offered consistently to all requiring
3. Support individuals and their families
   throughout the life-cycle of their career
   and beyond – including a focus on
   recruitment and the retired and former
   employee groups.

How we do it….
1. Shared responsibility.
2. A whole of organisation approach.
3. Build a strengths-based culture.
4. Protecting mental health (and wellbeing)
   by modifying risk and protective factors.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

    Our Goal                              Happy and healthy people delivering great care

    Our Vision                            Our priorities and actions

                                          X   Deliver evidence-based education, support and training programs to all staff
                  Building                X   SMART 2.0 rollout – evaluate and increase opportunites to access
                  resilience              X   Pilot wellbeing programs focusing on prevention and early intervention
                                          X   Improve knowledge of best practice workplace design and wellbeing interventions

                                          X   Reduce stigma, including self-stigma
                  Intervene               X   Introduce a Wellness app
                                          X   Enhance and strengthen Peer Support program
                  early                   X   Wellbeing services at all stages of the employee life-cycle

                                          X   Pastoral care – broaden access to services offered
                                          X   Strengthen, expand and ensure clinical governance of the contracted service
                                              providers that make up the Victorian Ambulance Counseling Unit
                  Build on our
                                          X   Expansion of the Peer Support Dog program
                  strengths               X   Provisional Treatment Pilot
                                          X   Collaborate with Health and Safety on initiatives that focus on reduction of
                                              psychological injury claims and improving wellbeing

                                          X   Strengthen family engagement through development of a website for families
                                              with specific resources to support them
                                          X   Research partnerships
                   Partner for
                                          X   Collaborate with key organisations (Beyond Blue, headspace, Black Dog, private
                   success                    hospitals etc.)
                                          X   Retired and Former Employees program (RAFE)
                                          X   Continue to participate in relevant State and National committees and forums

                                          1.		Person-centred approach
                                          2.		Shared responsibility

    Our principles                        3.		 A whole-of-organisation approach
                                          4.		 Build a strengths-based culture
                                          5.		 Protecting mental health (and wellbeing) by modifying risk and protective factors
                                          6.		 Needs of individuals change throughout the employee life-cycle

    Ambulance Victoria Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2019-2022
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

Objective 1 Building resilience
Our priorities

01                               02                               03                                04
    Deliver evidence-based          SMART 2.0 program                Pilot wellbeing                  Explore research
    education, support              – This is a screening            programs focusing                focusing on best
    and training programs           tool to assist staff             on prevention and                practice interventions
    to all staff. Target            to determine their               resilience – a new               and work design
    education and support           current wellbeing                initiative that focuses          initiatives that
    around recognition              status. It provides a            on building resilience           have wellbeing
    and promotion of                baseline that guides             and wellbeing will be            and resilience
    good self-care and              recommendations for              identified and piloted           outcomes relevant for
    the role prevention             support or treatment             each year of the                 consideration in the
    strategies have in              options. Included is a           strategy.                        ambulance sector. e.g.
    maintaining mentally            self-care action plan to                                          Support workforce
    healthy status. This            support wellness. This                                            planning around pre-
    includes recognising            will be evaluated and                                             screening potential
    the invaluable role             adapted over time.                                                employees.
    family members play in
    building resilience and
    supporting staff.

We will know we are successful when
X    More staff and their families receive the right information to meet their needs in regards to resilience and wellbeing.

X    Uptake of SMART 2.0 assessments has increased.

X    Three wellbeing initiatives have been piloted, evaluated and reported on (one per year).

X    We have an improved knowledge base of innovative workplace design practices influencing wellbeing.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan - 2019-2022 Happy and healthy people delivering great care - Ambulance Victoria

     Objective 2 Intervene early
     Our priorities

     01                              02                             03                            04
         Decrease stigma -             Peer Support -                  Employee life-cycle        Wellness app -
         develop and execute           implement a best                - engagement and           evidence-based
         a communication,              practice peer                   targeting information      application for all AV
         education and                 support structure               and support across         personnel providing
         implementation strategy       informed by external            the life-cycle of all      easy access to a
         to address the stigma         recommendations and             personnel. This includes   range of mental health
         surrounding mental            internal experience             pilot programs that can    strategies as part of the
         health issues, with           and knowledge of local          be accessed depending      stepped approach.
         the aim of increasing         needs. Include a clear          on baseline need
         support seeking.              governance structure,           identified in prevention
                                       education plan for              programs (i.e. SMART
                                       all peers and clear             2.0) resulting in a
                                       communication about             ’stepped’ approach to
                                       how they can support            the care of our people.
                                       our people.

     We will know we are successful when
     X    Stigma decreases, measured through the next biennial psychosocial survey.

     X    Peer review recommendations have been assessed and a new model has been implemented.

     X    We have established a baseline of data comparing years of service to services used.

     X    The Wellness app is in operation.

     Ambulance Victoria Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2019-2022

Objective 3 Build on strengths
Our priorities

01                                02                                  03                          04
    Promote a collaborative          Improve and broaden              Broaden pastoral care         Continue and broaden
    approach to the mental           Victorian Ambulance              network and services          the Peer Support Dog
    health care of our people        Counselling Unit – a             offered - particularly        program - into regional
    - recognise the individual       comprehensive review             in regional areas.            areas within the
    strengths that personnel         and improvement                  Utilising volunteers          coordinated program
    across the organisation          process, including               and partnerships with         of peer support.
    can provide to support           streamlining systems,            Victorian Council of
    the wellbeing of our             training the network,            Churches (VCC –
    staff. Liaison across
    peer, pastoral care
    (chaplaincy), alcohol
                                     expanding the network
                                     to cover gaps and
                                     expand on the range
                                                                      Emergency Ministry)
                                                                      and pastoral care
                                                                      networks. Educate staff
    and other drugs, health          of mental health                 in the benefits and role      Provisional Treatment
    and safety, professional         professionals offering           of pastoral care.             Pilot – being led by
    conduct unit, complex            a current best practice                                        Health and Safety -
    care, return to work             service including                                              government initiative
    and human resource               telehealth.                                                    to provide support
    partners. Work closely                                                                          immediately to
    with Complex Mental                                                                             people submitting a
    Health Partner.                                                                                 psychological claim
                                                                                                    through WorkCover,
                                                                                                    while decision is

We will know we are successful when
X     A collaborative approach has been established to work across teams for the best interest of the the individuals requiring

X     Through the improvement and broadening of VACU services, the utilisation data of face-to-face, 1800MANERS,
      telehealth and internal psychology services will be reviewed to ensure equity of service access.

X     There is a graded increase in pastoral care visits by region.

X     The Peer Support Dog program is providing improved contact across the state.

X     Reportable KPI’s for Provisional Treatment Pilot.

     Objective 4 Partner for success
     Our priorities

     01                              02                                 03                          04
         Family engagement-             Connecting with key             Research partnerships         Retired and Former
         provide opportunities          external stakeholders           - Explore opportunities       Employees (RAFE)
         for collaboration with         - a broader network             to partner with and in        Peer Support program
         and education for the          of key wellbeing                research projects that        offered and evaluated
         families of our people.        stakeholders will be            are specifically relevant     to continue to support
         Ensure education and           established and where           to the mental health          all former staff.
         support is accessible          relevant leverage               and wellbeing of our
         for families / primary         sharing of skills,              people and are in line
         carers of staff via            expertise and services.         with the 2019-2022
         electronic, face-to-           This will be broader            action plan.
         face, and group and            than the emergency
         individual modalities.         services sector.
         Engage with external
         agencies to promote
         the importance of
         prevention and early

     We will know we are successful when there is an
     X     Increase in families accessing services and the number of family education sessions implemented.

     X     Increase in external stakeholder engagement/collaboration.

     X     Increase in the number of former employees accessing supports.

     Ambulance Victoria Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2019-2022

     Our performance
     Performance and success
     Achievements of this plan will be measured against six
     key performance indicators.

     KPI 1: Increase in use              KPI 3: Increased uptake of         KPI 5: Graded increase
     of counselling services:            SMART 2.0 assessments              of pastoral care visits by
     internal face-to-face, VACU         X    Corporate                     region and percentage of
     network, 24/7 counselling           X    Operational                   workforce
     line and telehealth in areas        X    Peer Support

     of need - demonstrating
                                                                            KPI 6: Increase in families
     improved equity of service          KPI 4: 10% reduction               accessing services and
     access                              in incapacity duration,            number of family education
                                         for both physical and              sessions implemented
     KPI 2: What percentage              psychological injury over
     and what stage of career            the three year action plan
     are our people using
     support services

     Ambulance Victoria Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan 2019-2022

Monitoring and reporting on our
performance against this plan
Ambulance Victoria already reports           This plan also includes a series of
on its performance through a detailed        success statements, which will be
set of indicators aligned with our           tracked by:
legislative priorities and related
Statement of Priorities.                     X   Allocation of clear accountability
                                                 and responsibility for achievement
Measuring our progress on the
                                                 of each of the objectives and
achievement of our objectives and
                                                 priorities. All activities delegated to
priorities in this plan will be undertaken
                                                 a lead.
through regular monitoring against our
existing indicators.                         X   Establishing a relevant baseline for
                                                 each priority.
The KPI’s will be measured using our
Internal Health Management Database          X   Regular reporting and lessons
and via the biennial AV Psychosocial             learned activities through existing
Survey and already established regular           governance arrangements.
surveys of each service.
If you’re an employee or volunteer at AV and
you are concerned about your own safety or
the safety of someone else, please seek help
immediately via the VACU 24-hour counselling
service on 1800 626 377 or call 000 for
immediate assistance.
16   Ambulance Victoria Community and Consumer Engagement Action Plan 2020-2022
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