Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019

Page created by Bill Marquez
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
Mental Health and
Well-being Activities
Programme 2019
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
Background ������������������������������ 3                   ACTIVITIES
Enrolment Guidelines ��������� 4                              PROGRAMME
York Mind ����������������������������������� 5               Guided Learning                                                    Pathways to Better Health
                                                               delivered by York Mind ���������� 13                              and Well-being ������������������������� 16
Converge ������������������������������������ 6               Mindfulness ��������������������������������� 13                  Photography for Well-being 16

Kyra Women’s Project �������� 7                               Assertiveness Skills������������������ 13                         Photography for Well-being
                                                                                                                                  course �������������������������������������������� 16
                                                               Hatha Yoga for Well-being  13
Move the Masses �������������������� 8
                                                               Creative Writing ���������������������� 14                        Guided Learning – Anger,
                                                                                                                                  Anxieties and Conflict
Refugee Action York – RAY ��                                  Well-being and Social                                              Management delivered by
��������������������������������������������������������� 9   Activities �������������������������������������� 14              Sunshine Changing Lanes ���� 16
Sunshine Changing Lanes 10                                    Arts and Craft for Well-being                                     Well-being Activities for
                                                               ������������������������������������������������������������ 14   Women delivered by Kyra ��� 17
WEA �������������������������������������������� 11           Mindful Walking Group �������� 14                                 Pause for the Menopause ���� 17
York Carers Centre ��������������� 11                         Well-being Peer Support
                                                                                                                                  Social Activities - Pop up
                                                               Group ��������������������������������������������� 14
York LGBT Forum ����������������� 12                          Sunday Coffee Club ��������������� 14                             delivered by Move the Masses �
                                                                                                                                  ������������������������������������������������������������ 18
                                                               Community Socials ���������������� 15
                                                                                                                                  Social Activities –Carers
                                                               Guided Learning
                                                                                                                                  Mental Health Hub delivered
                                                               delivered by Converge ���������� 15
                                                                                                                                  by York Carers Centre ����������� 18
                                                               Discover Theatre ��������������������� 15
                                                                                                                                  Social Activities- Well-being
                                                               Discover Cinema ���������������������� 15                         for Men
                                                               Guided Learning                                                    delivered by Refugee Action
                                                               delivered by WEA �������������������� 15                          York ������������������������������������������������� 19

                                                               Happiness and Laughter ����� 15                                   Social Activities-York LGBT+
                                                                                                                                  Choir delivered by York LGBT+
                                                               Relaxation ������������������������������������ 15                Forum ��������������������������������������������� 19

2                                                                                       Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
York Mind successfully won         creating opportunities
the tender to deliver Mental       for social interaction,
Health and Well-being              emotional support
Activities within the City of      and facilitate
York in 2017.                      opportunities to
                                   build wider, and more
The activities programme is
                                   sustainable networks of
funded for three years by City
                                   support, with both peers
of York Council.
                                   and local services.
York Mind in partnership with
                                   York Mind will provide a
Converge, Kyra, Refugee
                                   single point of access (SPA)
Action York (RAY), Move the
                                   and one key contact point for
Masses, Sunshine Changing
                                   the activities programme.
Lanes, York Carers Centre,
York LGBT Forum and the            Participants can enrol on the
WEA, will deliver a range          programme and devise and
of activities in Year 3 of the     select their own pathway
programme from July 2019-          of support from a menu of
                                                                    and span more formal
June 2020.                         activities, from each of the
                                                                    interventions such as courses,
                                   three pathways.
The model of delivery is                                            vocational learning and
based on the ethos that            A combination of activities      informal support, including
mental health and well-being       will be delivered by York Mind   drop-in events. Some activities
is supported and maintained        and partners throughout the      are linked to existing local
by a combination of activities.    week including weekends          community events, with the
These activities will fall under   and evenings, across 50          intention that annual events
three pathways: Learning and       weeks of the year. Activities    can support individuals
Development, Well-being, and       and groups will be delivered     continued participation into
Social, with the underpinning      with staggered start dates,      community events, beyond the
principles of Connect, Grow        to help reduce waiting times     lifetime of the programme.
and Hope.                          and enable access to timely
                                                                    Activities will use a variety
The ethos and values of                                             of local venues and locations
Connect, Grow and Hope aims        Activities vary in length        across the city, including
to support individual’s well-      and frequency from one-off       community centres,
being and recovery journey by      sessions to a 9 -week group      universities and parks.

Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme                                                  3
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
The activities programme is open access for
people resident in the City of York, aged 18
and over, who have a mental health and well-
being need, or are an unpaid carer where the
activities attended support their well-being.
To attend any of the activities or courses on
offer, an enrolment form needs to be completed
first. Once the enrolment form has been
received, York Mind will contact the person
named on the form to confirm if they have a
place on their chosen activity.
*We allocate places 3 weeks before the activity
 start date.
Please do not attend or advise anyone
to attend any activities before they have
confirmation of a place, as many of the courses
and groups have a limit on participants.
Whilst participants may select more than
one activity, they need to indicate which is
their priority and first choice. This will help
us manage demand if any activities are

If you have any questions, please contact us: or
   01904 643364 and select option 5.

4                                                Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
York Mind is an independent          Advocacy - York Advocacy Hub
provider of high quality             can support you to have a strong
mental health services in York       voice when you need to make an
and its surrounding area.            important decision, or are facing
                                     issues you need help with.
We offer a wide range of
services including Advocacy,         Counselling – York Mind runs
Counselling, Action towards          four counselling services:
Inclusion and Young People’s         Daytime, Evening, Young
services. We deliver a variety       People and Carers.
of training opportunities and
                                     Action Towards Inclusion –
have an active presence in
                                     This project aims to support
the local community through
                                     people who are unemployed
fundraising activities and events.
                                     and experiencing difficulties
York Mind support individuals        relating to health, social
recovering from mental ill-          exclusion, poverty and
health to achieve their goals        employability skills.
and promote social inclusion,
                                     Young People’s Service –
by raising awareness of mental
                                     This service offers Mentoring
ill-health and tackling the
                                     and Peer Support to young
stigma surrounding mental
                                     people aged 13 - 21 who are
health conditions.
                                     experiencing difficulties with
York Mind aims to be an              their emotional wellbeing.
inclusive and accessible
                                     Activities Service and
organisation, emphasising the
                                     Training – In addition to the
importance of acceptance and
                                     Mental Health and Well-being
tolerance of the beliefs, opinions
                                     Activities Programme, York
and wishes of individuals
                                     Mind runs a further programme
accessing their services.
                                     of activities internally, and
York Mind also provide the           training courses.
following services outside the
activities programme. Please         Please get in touch on:
contact us direct for more              01904 643364

Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme                       5
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
Converge is a partnership
between York St John University
and mental health service
providers in the York region.
Converge offers high quality
educational opportunities to
those who use NHS and non-
statutory mental health services
and who are 18 years and over.
Converge offers many courses
within the university setting
such as journalism, mixed
media arts, creative writing
and introduction to theatre.
Converge Discover courses,
take place in the city, offering
behind the scenes experiences
of theatre, cinema and York’s
libraries and heritage.
The Discovery Hub is a support
and signposting service. It
is an innovative partnership
with Converge based at York
St John University and is
funded by Tees, Esk and Wear
Valleys NHS Foundation Trust.
The Discovery Hub supports
people to access educational
and learning opportunities that
enhance their recovery journey,
enabling a person to rebuild       Contact:
identity, relationships and          01904 876902

6                                            Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
Kyra Women’s Project is the       - for example, from
only independent charity in       domestic abuse, alcohol
York dedicated to women’s         or substance misuse, or
self-development.                 mental health.
Established in November 2013,     Kyra Women’s Project
Kyra is run on a voluntary        also provide the following
basis by women, for women.        activities outside the
The Project brings together       activities programme.
women who are isolated,           Please contact us direct for
emotionally vulnerable, or        more information.
who are looking for help to
improve their well-being.         Courses at Kyra
                                   • Self-Esteem
Kyra has 800+ members who          • Assertiveness
regularly participate in a wide    • Domestic Abuse Support
variety of its activities. We        (Freedom Programme)
support women of all ages and      • Art
backgrounds to take an active      • I.T.
role in their own development
through social, creative and      Ongoing Activities at Kyra
training opportunities.            • Drop-In
We give women the                  • Counselling
opportunity to understand          • Mindfulness
the reasons underpinning           • Singing
their thinking and behaviour.      • Yoga
Enabling them to identify          • Reiki
and explore alternative ways       • Reflexology
of thinking and being, thus        • Mentoring Support
                                   • Poetry club
helping them to achieve their
                                   • Crafting
full potential, as individuals
and as members of the larger
community. Our project can        Contact:
support women who have              01904 632332
specific needs around recovery

Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme               7
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
Move the Masses is a               sessions outside
registered charity based in        of the activities
York and was founded in            programme. Please
2018. Our aim is to ensure         check our website
that there are no barriers for     or contact us
people to engage in physical       directly for more
activity and to show everyone      information.
how fun exercise can be!
                                   Move Mates -
We run free pop-up workouts        Move Mates are our
to teach people how to             volunteer walking
exercise in their local open       buddies. If you’re not
space without the need for any     getting out due to low
additional equipment. We also      confidence or social anxiety,
have online videos, so you can     our walking buddies can
view workouts for guidance         help.
and inspiration.
                                   We’ll pair you with a Move
We know that engaging in           Mate who will meet you at
physical activity helps to         your door and accompany
manage stress, low mood,           you where you want to go,
anxiety and depression. It         i.e, to the local shop, to pick
also helps with cardiovascular     up a prescription or attend
health, improving muscle           an activity. We can walk with
tone and prevents the onset        anyone to help improve your
of many diseases and health        mental and physical wellbeing.
conditions. We love getting
                                    We can also provide you
people moving and we want
                                   with minimal commitment
you to love moving too!
                                   volunteering opportunities to
Our sessions are for all ability   help others and to give you a
levels and have an informal        reason to get out walking too.
and fun feel. You can do as
much, or as little as you like.
Move the Masses provide                07415996330
several free and low cost    

8                                              Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
RAY (Refugee Action York) was       • An Information and
founded in 2002 and became a          Support service,
registered charity in 2009.           offering signposting
                                      to other services such
RAY’s aims are:
                                      as benefits, housing,
 • To advance education and
                                      mental health, debt
   relieve financial hardship
                                      management etc, with
   amongst migrants, those
                                      translation available,
   seeking asylum and those
                                      as well as support
   granted refugee status,
                                      to complete forms,
   particularly by the provision
                                      write letters and access
   of advice and guidance
 • To advance the education
                                    • A Wellbeing Café area
   of the public in general
                                      for those who need some
   about the issues relating to
                                      space to chat or relax in a
   refugees and those seeking
                                      supportive environment
RAY’s Services are focused         Through the Hub, RAY also
around The Hub - drop-in           offers other services (eg
session on Sunday afternoons.      Youth Group, mentoring,
This provides:                     hardship fund, Women’s
 • A social setting with a         Project).
   shared meal
                                   RAY aims to work with other
 • English conversation            organisations in the city to
   classes                         ensure York is a welcoming and
 • Educational and social          inclusive place, especially for
   activities for children,        those who come here fleeing
   including Turkish and           persecution. We believe that
   Arabic language lessons         asylum seekers, refugees and
 • Talks for adults from           migrants make a positive
   local service providers to      contribution to our community.
   encourage integration and
   take up of health, leisure      Contact:
   and other services      

Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme                   9
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme 2019
Sunshine Changing Lanes is a       inner critic and the self-
not for profit social enterprise   concept of worth and how
that is based in York. We are      through these personality
offering a 3 tier model for        drivers we relate with one and
changes in approaches to           other. The courses are open to
relationships with self and        all gender over 18.
                                   Sunshine Changing Lanes
The “Building Brighter             also provide the following
Esteem” model sensitively          activities outside the activities
looks at internal conflicts, our   programme. Please contact us
internal attitudes and external    direct for more information.
behaviours, how we connect
                                    • One to one therapeutic
with the world around us and
learn from our experiences
of life, past and present. We       • OGD training opportunities
share tools in learning skills        for professional capacities.
for assertiveness, ownership        • Recovery from addiction
of emotions, working through          coaching.
self-awareness and personal         • Independence enabling and
development whilst supporting         life skills support.
each other’s dignity and safety
                                    • Workshop diversity
in a unified manner.
All our participants come           • Peer group activities.
voluntarily. We underpin the
                                    • Social gatherings.
purpose that our structure
and model offers its users
the platform and baseline
to re-energise, connect,
build and maintain healthier
relationships, which internally
will help to build their self
-esteem and soften the inner       Contact:
conflict of self. Our events           07415996330
focus on the personas, the             s

10                                              Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme
WEA                                  YORK CARERS CENTRE
WEA (Workers’ Educational            York Carers Centre are a
Association) is a voluntary sector   charity providing support
provider of adult education          and advice to unpaid
dedicated to bringing high           carers who live, or care for
quality learning opportunities       someone who lives in York.
into the heart of communities        They offer free support to
and where they are needed most.      carers from age 5 upwards.
WEA supports adults of all
                                     York Carers Centre offers a
ages and all walks of life,
                                     range of support including
aiming to raise aspirations,                                        We offer carers;
                                     the Carers Emergency Card,
improve skills and enhance                                           • One to one support.
                                     benefits and rights advice,
personal health and wellbeing.
                                     one to one support, groups      • A Carers Emergency Card.
For many people WEA courses
                                     and social events.              • Regular newsletters.
provide an important second
chance to learn.                     York Carers Centre also         • Opportunities to meet up in
                                     provide the following             the community with other
WEA’s programme of Health                                              carers.
                                     activities outside the
and Well-being Engagement                                            • Benefits and rights advice.
                                     activities programme. Please
Activities and Courses will
                                     contact us direct for more      • Carers Assessments of
be delivered by a team of
                                     information.                      Need.
experienced tutors who offer a
friendly and inclusive approach                                      • Plus additional support for
in a safe environment. The                                             young carers (5 to 18).
learning will be relaxed and                                         • Young adult carers (18 to
informal with tutors supporting                                        25).
and encouraging groups and
individuals to achieve and gain
                                                                      01904 715490
Contact:                                                              e
  0114 242 3609                                                                                                                    York
Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme                                              11
LGBT stands for Lesbian,           Please contact us
Gay, Bisexual and Trans. York      direct for more
LGBT Forum use the term            information.
LGBT to include all other
                                    • A monthly
minority sexual orientations
and gender identity groups,
                                      project at the
who identify with the LGBT
                                      Human Rights
community (i.e. asexual,
                                      Garden- times vary
intersex and panromantic).
                                      so please check
The Forum strives to improve          website events page.
the social inclusion of LGBT        • A monthly support/
people in the City of York and        social group for older
beyond.                               LGBT people (Ageing
The Forum actively promotes           Without Children).
awareness and understanding         • A bi-monthly bi social-
of LGBT people’s needs, to            times vary so please check
enable full participation in          website events page.
society and works with many         • A transgender workshop
others to reduce the fear of          every 3 months, times vary,
crime and bullying, particularly      so please check website
in schools.                           events page.
It also encourages greater          • LGBT Young people’s book
participation in the prevention       club (TBC).
and detection of homophobic,        • Transgender Youth
transphobic and biphobic              Workshop (TBC).
discrimination. The forum           • Northallerton social
offers support around hate            groups- times vary so
crime, health and wellbeing,          please check website
training and education,               events page.
including in schools.
York LGBT forum also provide       Contact:
the following activities outside       07731852533
the activities programme.    

12                                            Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme
Please Note: Due to
activities taking place
                                Guided Learning                   Assertiveness Skills
                                Delivered by York Mind                   Starting Friday 18th
throughout the year some
                                                                         Oct — 6th Dec 2019
activities will not have
finalised locations, start                                               York Mind, Highcliffe
                                Mindfulness                              House, Highcliffe
dates and times. These will
                                       Starting Tuesday 24th
                                Dates:	                                 Court, York YO30 6BP
be confirmed later, and
                                       Sept — 19th Nov 2019.
up-to-date information can                                        Time: 10.30am — 12 noon
                                       This is an 8 week
be obtained by emailing
                                       course.                    Participants will explore practical
                                       York Mind, Highcliffe
                                Venue:	                          ways of managing emotions,
or visiting partner’s
                                       House, Highcliffe          exploring how we think and
                                       Court, York YO30 6BP       behave and look at techniques,
Where details have been                                           to feel more assertive,
                                Time:	2 — 4pm
finalised, they will be noted                                     confident and connected. A
under each activity type.       Mindfulness is a technique,       further 8 week course will
There may be occasions          which involves paying more        commence in April 2020.
where publicised dates          attention to ourselves in the
and locations change.           present moment, our thoughts,
Any changes will be             feelings and surroundings.        Hatha Yoga for
communicated in advance         Research has shown that           Well-being
of start dates to enrolled      practicing Mindfulness can
                                                                         Starting Wednesday
participants.                   have positive benefits. Being
                                                                         9th Oct — 4th Dec 2019
                                Mindful can help people to feel
                                                                         No class 30th Oct 2019
                                calmer, manage stress better,
                                reduce anxiety, help prevent             York Mind, Highcliffe
                                depression and develop new               House, Highcliffe
                                ways of responding to difficult          Court, York YO30 6BP
                                feelings and events.              Time:	10.30am — 12 noon
                                Mindfulness can be used in a      An 8-week introduction to this
                                range of contexts, including in   form of exercise, with the aim of
                                relationships, at work and for    promoting well-being. Participants
                                general well-being. This course   are advised to wear comfortable
                                will be delivered again in        clothing and will be asked to
                                February 2020.                    complete a health questionnaire.

Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme                                                13
Creative Writing                  meet others. There will be        Well-being Peer
                                  guided sessions, as well as the
Dates:	 Starting Thursday 16th
                                  opportunity to create at your
                                                                    Support Group
         Jan — 5th Mar 2020                                         Dates:	  Starting weekly from
                                  own pace. We will be running
Venue:	 York Mind, Highcliffe    a craft stall to link into MH               Mon 22nd July 2019
         House, Highcliffe        Awareness week also.              Venue:	  York Mind, Highcliffe
         Court, York YO30 6BP                                                 House, Highcliffe
Time:	  2 — 4pm                                                              Court, York YO30 6BP
Our 8 week Creative Writing
                                  Mindful Walking Group             Time:	   2.30 — 4pm
group will look at inventing      Dates:	 Starting Thursday        The 9 week well-being group
characters to light up your                25th July — 12th Sept    will discuss a range of subjects
short stories, explore the poet            2019, running weekly     such as: managing anxiety and
within you and help you write              for 8 weeks.             low mood, building confidence
about your life experiences.      Venue:	 Locations and weekly     and self-esteem, goal
All explored in a relaxed                  meeting points will be   setting, managing setbacks
atmosphere, which is designed              provided in session 1.   and developing resilience.
to share ideas and make writing                                     In addition, other relevant
                                  Initial meeting point and wet
fun and accessible for all. No                                      related subjects identified
                                  weather venue: York Mind.
previous experience required.                                       by the facilitator and group
                                  Time:	  10.30am — 12 noon. (1
                                                                    participants will be discussed.
                                           hour walk, with social
                                                                    Members can sign up for a
Well-being and Social                      time/refreshments).
                                                                    further 9 weeks of support, if
Activities                        This group will encourage         spaces available.
will run at different times and   participants to make use
                                  of outside spaces, increase       We will deliver 4 rounds of this
locations throughout the year.
                                  exercise, meet peers and          peer group over 2019-2020.
Arts and Craft for                                                  Sunday Coffee Club
                                  Our group links in with our
Well-being                        Mindfulness courses, enabling     Dates:	 Starting Sunday 14th
Dates: Starting March 2020        participants to become                     July 2019
Venue:	 York Mind, Highcliffe    more present and self-aware                Running weekly from
         House, Highcliffe        of themselves and their                    2pm to 5pm at
         Court, York YO30 6BP     surroundings.                              30, Clarence Street,
Time:	  TBC                      Why not come along, enjoy                  York YO31 7DE
This 8 week group will offer a    the beautiful outdoor spaces      An informal coffee club, where
relaxed space for participants    York has to offer, improve your   people can drop in to meet
to make, craft, draw, sew, and    fitness levels and meet others!   people, share their experiences

14                                            Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme
and feelings, and spend time        and watch a production and           an activity before moving on
in a safe and supportive            study script design, production      to other activities, or courses
environment. There will also be     qualities and learn how to           available.
some themed sessions, which         review a performance.
will focus on a particular topic,                                        2019 Activities:
or have a presentation from a
speaker, where participants can
                                    Discover Cinema                      Happiness and
talk more in depth about their      Dates:	 Starting on Wed
                                             9th Oct 2019 (to be
experiences in a particular area.
                                             confirmed), running         A two hour Engagement
                                             weekly for eight weeks.     Activity which will help
Community Socials                                                        everyone taking part to find
                                    Venue:	 York St John
York Mind will be delivering a                                           out that laughter really is
                                             University and York
number of Community Social                                               the best medicine, how we
                                             Everyman Cinema
events at different locations                                            can find ways to bring more
in the city over the next year.     Time:	  1 — 3pm                     laughter into our lives and
Please contact us for more          Discover Cinema will include         improve our happiness and
information.                        discussions about film,              well-being.
                                    exploring ideas in film and how
                                    films are made and include
Guided Learning                     matinee cinema trips.
Delivered by Converge                                                    A two hour Engagement
                                    Taking place in cinemas in York      Activity which will help group
                                    and at York St John University,      participants to appreciate the
Discover Theatre                    this course offers an introduction   importance of relaxation for
Dates:	 Starting on Monday         to cinema around the city.           improving both physical and
         7th Oct 2019 (to be                                             emotional wellbeing. We will
                                    These courses will run again
         confirmed), running                                             look into some basic techniques
                                    in 2020.
         weekly for eight weeks.                                         and also how we can overcome
Venue:	 York St John                                                    barriers to becoming more
         University and York        Guided Learning                      relaxed in our lives.
         Theatre Royal.             Delivered by WEA                            Both engagement
Time:	  2 — 4pm                                                                sessions will
                                    The WEA will be delivering 4 x
Focusing on a local                                                             commence in Oct 2019
                                    activity engagement sessions
professional production,                                                 Time:	TBC
                                    and 2 x 6 week courses as
Discover Theatre will look          part of the programme. The                  York Mind, Highcliffe
at everything that goes into        engagement sessions provide                 House, Highcliffe
putting on a play. We will go       a taster for participants to try            Court, York YO30 6BP

Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme                                                         15
Pathways to Better                      Both engagement
                                        sessions will
                                                                  Guided Learning —
Health and Well-being                   commence in               Anger, Anxieties
A 6 week course which will              February 2020.            and Conflict
encourage group participants
to develop techniques to
                                        York Mind,
                                 Venue:	                         Management
                                        Highcliffe House,         Delivered by Sunshine
improve various aspects of
                                        Highcliffe Court,         Changing Lanes
personal health and well-being
                                        York YO30 6BP
including, Sleep, Nutrition,
Exercise, Managing Emotions,                                      Dates:
Communication and Building       Photography for                  Each workshop is delivered
Networks and making positive     Well-being Course                over a weekend
action plans for the future.     A 6 week course, which           Friday evening 6.30-8.30pm
       This course will run
Dates:	                         will help further develop        Saturday 9.30-4.30pm
       between November          photographic skills both         Sunday 9.30-4.30pm
       and December 2019.        indoors and in outdoor
                                 locations. The course will       Participants need to be able to
Time: TBC                                                         attend for the whole weekend,
                                 help participants develop a
       York Mind,
Venue:	                         critical eye in photography as   to get the full benefit of the
       Highcliffe House,         well as learning how to take     course.
       Highcliffe Court,         a mindful approach to taking
       York YO30 6BP             photographs.                     Level 1
                                                                  A free weekend workshop that
                                 Again, a camera or
                                                                  focuses on “Conflict Resolution
2020 Activities                  smartphone will be required.
                                                                  and Anger Management.”
Photography for                         This course will run
                                 Dates:	                         This course allows us to look
                                        between March and         into frustrations we feel in
Well-being                              April 2020.               ourselves and the presenting
2 x two hour Photography                                          behaviours during difficult
                                 Time: TBC
for Wellbeing Engagement                                          times and what we need.
Activities, which will give             York Mind,
group participants an                   Highcliffe House,
                                        Highcliffe Court,         Level 2
introduction to the art of
                                        York YO30 6BP             A free weekend workshop
photography and look at some
                                                                  that focuses on “Anxiety,
basic techniques for improving
                                                                  Stress and Fears.” It teaches
the images we capture.
                                                                  self -awareness and the
A camera or smartphone will                                       development of coping
be required.                                                      strategies.

16                                           Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme
Level 3                          Kyra team member who will            Time:    10am -12 noon
A free weekend workshop          facilitate small groups of
that focuses on “Overcoming      women in a safe, nurturing           Round Two
Isolation and Loneliness.”       and supportive space, as we
                                                                      Running weekly in October/
Learning the patterns and        talk about our experience
combinations from level 1 & 2    of menopause and have our
that contribute to repetitive    questions answered.                  Dates:
harm in self -esteem. Level                                           - Wednesday 2nd October–
                                 Kyra has identified this as a
3 shares tools for coping                                               27th November, (no group on
                                 pressing need for women who
and resilience for assertive                                            29th October)
                                 feel lost, or adrift at – what can
personal experiences in
                                 be for some – a challenging          Time:    10am-12 noon
life that can help us in our
                                 and isolating and confusing
                                 time.                                Dates for 2020
Dates: To start in Autumn 2019
                                 The group will be a forum to
Time: TBC                        share and learn and to support       Round Three
       York Mind,
Venue:	                         each other to thrive, during
                                                                      Running weekly in January/
       Highcliffe House,         this transition period of our
       Highcliffe Court,         lives. As well as providing
       York YO30 6BP             basic emotional support              Dates:
                                 information (not advice) on          - Wednesday 8th January 8th-
                                 treatments available.                  26th February
Well-being                                                            Time: 6-8pm
Activities for                   Dates for 2019
Women                            Round One:                           Round Four:
Delivered by Kyra                Running twice a week in
                                                                      - Friday 20th March- 2nd May,
Pause for the                    Dates:                                 (no group on 10th and 17th
                                 - Wednesday 4th and Friday            April)
Menopause                          6th September                      Time: 10am-12noon
Our 8-week menopause peer
                                 - Wednesday 11th and Friday         Venue:
support group is for women
                                   13th September                     All groups will take place at Kyra
who are experiencing peri-
menopause or menopause           -W
                                   ednesday 18th and Friday          Women’s Project, The CMC,
symptoms and would like to        20th September                      St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NQ
know more.
                                   ednesday 25th and Friday
The group will be led by a        27th September

Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme                                                    17
Social Activities —                - 1 1th September - Glen
                                     Gardens (Meet at the
                                                                     Social Activities —
Pop up Fitness                       Pavillion)                      Mental Health
Delivered by Move The
                                   - 1 8th September - Museum
                                                                     Carer Drop in
Masses                                                               Delivered by York Carers
                                     Gardens (Marygate Entrance)
Move the Masses will be            -2
                                     5th September - Heslington
delivering weekly bite size         West Campus (Outside             A monthly drop in, for carers
fitness sessions across the city    Sports Centre)                   of someone with mental ill
on Wednesdays at 2pm.                                                health.
                                     nd October – Red Tower
                                    (back of Red Tower next to       Carers can get information,
Dates for 2019:                     bar walls)                       advice and an opportunity to
- 10th July – West Bank Park                                        talk to others. This group is
  (Acomb Rd Entrance)              In addition to the individual
                                                                     aimed at those carers who are
                                   city wide sessions, they will
- 17th July – Ashton Park                                           caring for younger people in
                                   also be offering a 12 week
  (Burton Stone Lane/Link Ave                                        transition, or carers who are in
                                   fitness group at a fixed
  Entrance)                                                          the early stages of caring, or
                                   location on Mondays at 2pm.
                                                                     who might be in crisis.
- 24th July – Hull Road Park
  (Meet at the Pavillion)          Dates for 2019:                   The group is for carers only
                                   - 8th July – 23rd September -    and will be informal, providing
- 31st July – Millennium Bridge                                     a supportive environment and
                                     Homestead Park (Main Gate
  (Maple Grove side of the                                           a well- deserved break from
                                     in the Car Park)
  Bridge)                                                            often very stressful caring
                                   You can attend weekly, or on a    roles.
- 7th August – Viking Road
                                   drop in basis.
  Play Area (Main Entrance)                                                 To commence in July
                                   Further Dates for Pop up                 2019
- 14th August – Derwenthorpe
                                   Fitness sessions will follow in
  (Outside Super Sustainable                                         Venue and time:
  Centre)                                                                   TBC
- 21st August – Rowntree Park
  (Butcher Terrace Entrance)
- 28th August – Heworth
  Without Park (In Community
- 4th September - Acomb Green
  (In the Centre of the Green)

18                                             Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme
Social Activities — Social Activities —
Well-being for Men York LGBT+ Choir
Delivered by Refugee                Delivered by York LGBT+
Action York.                        Forum
       Starting Sunday 15th
Dates:	                            Colours of the Rainbow is
       September 2019,              York’s new LGBT+ community
       weekly until Sunday          choir. Come and join our
       23rd February 2020           vibrant, diverse, inclusive
       (except for during           singing community where
       school holidays when         everyone in the LGBT+
       the project will not be      community, and straight
       running)                     allies, are welcome. No prior
       Clifton Green Primary
Venue:	                            experience is required, nor
       School, Kingsway             do you need to read music.
       North, York, YO30 6JA        Everything is taught by ear,
                                    and songs will be tailored to its
Time: 1-3pm
During our regular Sunday
                                    Get those vocal cords ready
afternoon sessions for
                                    for some Whitney Houston,
refugees, asylum seekers
                                    Cher, Cyndi Lauper, and many
and migrants living in York,
Well-being for Men is a space
where men can spend time            The choir will run fortnightly
together chatting and playing       and is set to commence
board games. Staff, volunteers,     Thursday 11th July 2019.
occasionally a health
                                    Time: 6.30 pm - 8 pm.
professional, and a translator
will be available to chat and       Venue:	 York St John
offer support where needed.                  University. MB107
                                             Music Room
As part of the project there will
                                    What are you waiting for? Get
also be a few trips, including
                                    in touch and come and sing
one to the Yorkshire Museum
                                    your heart out with Colours of
of Farming. Other trips will
                                    the Rainbow!
include group cycle rides
exploring routes out into the

Mental Health and Well-being Activities Programme                      19
Mental Health
and Well-being
Programme 2019

                 Highcliffe House
                 Highcliffe Court
                 YO30 6BP
                   01904 643364
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