Page created by Leo Aguilar
    SEPTEMBER 13-17
                                  As Lieutenant Governor of British          and community spirit that is so
                                  Columbia, it is my honour to welcome       characteristic of the people of the host
                                  you to the Greater Victoria 2022 55+       city of Greater Victoria.
                                  BC Games. As honorary patron of            On behalf of Her Majesty Queen
                                  the 55+ Games, I couldn’t be more          Elizabeth II, I wish the best of luck to
                                  delighted that the Greater Victoria        those participating, share my thanks
                                  Region will play host, welcoming           to the hardworking volunteers, and
                                  participants, volunteers, and sports       welcome all visiting Greater Victoria for
                                  fans for five days of diverse and          this fun and inspiring event.
                                  inspiring events, all in the spirit of
                                  heathy, collegial competition.
                                  The Games provide a wonderful
                                  opportunity to share the drive and                      The Honourable Janet Austin,
                                  athleticism of the 55+ community,          Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, &
                                  and showcase the joie de vivre                  Honorary Patron of the 55+ BC Games

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of          I would also like to thank our committee
the Greater Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games,           members and all our volunteers who
we are welcoming the Games to Victoria for        have worked tirelessly over the past two
the first time in their history. We welcome our   years to provide an enjoyable experience
senior athletes from all corners of our great     at the competitions, social events and
Province.                                         ceremonies. We endeavour to provide an
                                                  experience which we hope will leave you
Our Committee is committed to the
                                                  with a desire to return to Victoria in the
encouragement of a healthy lifestyle of
                                                  near future to enjoy our beautiful city and
all athletes 55 years of age and over. We
believe that sport is an integral part of our
Province and is essential for people of           On behalf of our Board of Directors I
our age group to be active and maintain a         extend to you a warm welcome to our                 Michael O’Connor
happy lifestyle both physically and mentally.     Capital City. Goodluck and enjoy the             President of Greater
                                                  competition.                             Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games

Wow! We are finally here!                                    been put on hold for two years
All together, enjoying sport and activities. Some            continue to blossom and may
thought this day would never come but thanks to many         these new connections you
hard-working individuals, here we are. Admittedly            make this week plant the seeds
the last couple of years have been difficult. Having         for future Games.
to change course in the middle of planning has been          Thank you to the Provincial
costly and frustrating for many.                             Government, Host Society,
For those who have had to adjust and readjust, please        volunteers, and staff for
accept our deepest apologies. And to those who have          believing in us, working with
persevered throughout, my sincere gratitude. Now that        us and continuing to have
we are here, we look forward to friendly competition,        faith.                        Paul Kingan, President, BC
laughter, and cheer. May those friendships that have         We will be forever grateful.     Seniors Games Society

2   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                                        For Life, Sport and Friends

                                             PREMIER JOHN HORGAN

          As Premier of the Province of British Columbia, I am pleased to welcome everyone to
          the Greater
              2022 55+Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games.
                       BC Games.

          These Games are the largest annual multi-sport event in British Columbia, offering an
          exciting opportunity to celebrate active living with participants from across the
          province. Sports teach us the value of teamwork, cooperation and respect for others,
          and our government remains committed to helping more people of all ages, abilities
          and backgrounds explore their athletic potential and experience the many benefits of
          physical activity and friendly competition.

          To the athletes, coaches, officials and my fellow sports enthusiasts, I offer a warm
          welcome to Greater Victoria. I hope you will all enjoy your time here in our vibrant and
          friendly city. I would also like to express my appreciation to the organizers, sponsors
          and volunteers who have worked hard to make the 33rd Annual 55+ BC Games a reality.
          Your contributions ensure our communities remain strong, thriving and resilient.

          Good luck to everyone participating. I hope you enjoy all that our Capital City has to
          offer, and I wish each and every one of you a wonderful 2022 55+ BC Games!

                                     HONOURABLE JOHN HORGAN
                                    PREMIER OF BRITISH COLUMBIA

Meet the Moment.                                                      Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games   3
                                            MUNICIPAL SPONSORS

            Mayor Barbara Desjardins                Mayor Stewart Young              Mayor Kevin Murdoch
             Township of Esquimalt                    City of Langford                District of Oak Bay

                                     Mayor Fred Haynes           Mayor Lisa Helps
                                     District of Saanich          City of Victoria

              Welcome athletes, coaches, officials,          you to enjoy the entertainment, sights,
              volunteers, friends and families to the        restaurants and business our communities
              Greater Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games             have to offer.
              in the Greater Victoria area and the
                                                             May the Games provide a welcome
              territories of the lək ̓ ʷəŋən and the W̱
                                                             change with lively competition, renewed
              SÁNEĆ peoples.
                                                             friendships, and a sense of community.
              As we emerge from two years of COVID
                                                             We wish you good luck and a safe and
              public health restrictions this may be
                                                             enthusiastic games while you “Meet the
              your first time travelling we encourage
                                                             Moment” in your events.

          Mayor Desjardins            Mayor Young           Mayor Murdoch        Mayor Haynes          Mayor Helps

4   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                                   For Life, Sport and Friends
                                        The Hon. Melanie Mark
                             Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport
                        On behalf of Premier John Horgan and the Government of British Columbia, I am delighted
                       to welcome you to the Greater Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games, taking place for the first time in
                       B.C.’s beautiful capital city of Victoria.

                       The 55+ BC Games offers a multi-sport experience with great opportunities for participants
                       to showcase their athletic abilities and demonstrate that sport participation is rewarding
                       at any age. Sport events like this, bring people together and are important contributors to
                       the tourism sector and local economies in drawing visitors from across the province, and in
                       bolstering local jobs and businesses that provide for British Columbians and their families.

                      The 55+ BC Games are also a key part of building a more inclusive, diverse and accessible
                      sport sector in British Columbia. Our government is committed to ensuring everyone has
equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of sport. Active living is an important contributor
to long-term health and social well being. It builds strength, supports mental health, boosts confidence and
engages people in their communities. For all of these benefits this is why our government is pleased to provide
financial support to BC Seniors Games Society for the 55+ BC Games.

Thank you to the Greater Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games Host Society for organizing this event. Each year these
games attract over 3,600 participants and require approximately 1,200 volunteers to stage and deliver the
games. To all the volunteers involved in making these games happen, I commend you for your service. I know
these games provide valuable opportunities for people to stay active and to pursue their passion in a variety of
sports and activities. Your contributions are an important part of making our sport sector shine.

Best wishes for a successful Greater Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games.

T’ooyaksim’ N’iisim’

                                       Paul Nursey CEO Destination Greater Victoria
                        Destination Greater Victoria is thrilled to support the 55+ BC Games. This is the first time
                        the 55+ BC Games has come to our region. It provides the opportunity to showcase our
                        fantastic venues, hotels, restaurants, and attractions to people from across BC. Greater
                        Victoria’s volunteer base is second to none, and this week you will see our community
                        spirit shine. To our hardworking volunteers—we salute your dedication and efforts!

                         I would also like to thank the sponsoring municipalities: Victoria, Esquimalt, Saanich, Oak
                         Bay, and Langford. The 55+ BC Games could not take place without your funding and
                         venues. To the sponsors and partners, your collaboration and support of the Greater
                         Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games Host Society. Specifically, I would like to thank our hotel
                         partners, who have been instrumental in bringing the 55+ BC Games to Greater Victoria.
                         This is a true community event, and your partnership is integral to delivering a successful
This will be a memorable week for the athletes, volunteers, organizers, and everyone involved.
Enjoy it! To the athletes, play your best and have fun.
We hope your stay inspires you to return to our beautiful destination.
                                                                                                          Paul Nursey
                                                                                  CEO - Destination Greater Victoria
Meet the Moment.                                                             Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games   5
S AT A GLANCE - Greater Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games - Sept 13 - 17, 2022
                                    GAMES AT A GLANCE
             Wednesday Sept 14             Thursday Sept 15           Friday Sept 16            Saturday Sept 17
                                                   8 Ball                    8 Ball
                                                 Archery                   Archery                  Archery
                 Badminton                     Badminton                 Badminton                 Badminton
                                            Carpet Bowling            Carpet Bowling
                  Cribbage                      Cribbage                  Cribbage
                                                  Cycling                   Cycling                  Cycling
                    Darts                          Darts                     Darts                    Darts
                                          Dragon Boat Racing        Dragon Boat Racing
                 Equestrian                    Equestrian                Equestrian                Equestrian
                                                    Golf                      Golf
                                              Horseshoes                Horseshoes
                 Ice Hockey                    Ice Hockey                Ice Hockey                Ice Hockey
                  Ice Curling                  Ice Curling               Ice Curling                Ice Curling
                Lawn Bowling                 Lawn Bowling              Lawn Bowling               Lawn Bowling
                   Pickleball                   Pickleball                Pickleball                 Pickleball
                   Slo-Pitch                    Slo-Pitch                 Slo-Pitch                  Slo-Pitch
                    Snooker                      Snooker                   Snooker
                     Soccer                       Soccer                    Soccer                    Soccer
                                               Swimming                  Swimming                  Swimming
                Table Tennis                  Table Tennis              Table Tennis              Table Tennis
                   Tennis                         Tennis                    Tennis                    Tennis
                Track & Field                Track & Field             Track & Field              Track & Field
                                                                                               T&F - 10 K Road Race

                                          GAMES ARTIST - BUTCH DICK
                                       We are honoured to have Coast Salish artist Clarence (Butch) Dick’s original
                                       Indigenous design, Salish Seawolf, featured on our Games’ merchandise.
                                       The design comes from the following story told to him by a Saanich Elder:
                                       At one time, there was a pod of killer whales swimming in the bay.
                                       They swam in a circle, increasing their speed as they swam. Suddenly, they broke
                                       for the shore and as they did, they transformed into seawolves.
                                        At the shore, they changed into wolves of many colours and then spread
                                       throughout the land to establish communities.
                                       Butch Dick is a Lekwungen Elder, an artist and respected educator who
                                       received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Royal Roads University in
                                       2021 and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Leadership Victoria in 2015.

                                                                     Text + Phone Infoline: (250) 483-3799

                            QUESTIONS?                          (778) 440-0055                    @55plusBCgames

    6   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                                     For Life, Sport and Friends
special events Directory
     Tuesday Sept. 13                     Wednesday Sept. 14                          Thursday Sept. 15             Friday Sept. 16

      PARTICIPANT                          PARTICIPANT                            THURSDAY NIGHT                     ROCK THE
     ACCREDITATION                       ACCREDITATION                              ON THE TOWN                    ROUNDHOUSE
      9 AM - 11 AM                        11 AM - 4:00 PM                            5 PM - 8 PM                    5 PM - 11 PM
         Zone 1                              All Zones                                                            253 Esquimalt Rd.
                                          Crystal Gardens                         Government Street                Ticketed Event
      11 AM - 8 PM                        713 Douglas St.                         between Humboldt
        All Zones                                                                  and View Streets
     Crystal Gardens                    OPENING CEREMONY                                                            Presented by
     713 Douglas St.                   Save-On-Foods Memorial                                                      Bayview Place
                                           Centre (SOFMC)                        Everyone Welcome!
                                            Ticketed Event                        Presented by the                  Supported by
                                          1925 Blanshard St.                     Victoria Foundation               Fairway Market
                                       Venue Opens at 4:30 PM
                                        Participant Marshalling
                                                6:30 PM

                                              7 PM - 8:30 PM

      OF THE 55+ BC GAMES
      Held for the first time in Victoria!
      Berwick’s commitment to creating active, inspired lifestyles for seniors complements
      the mission of the games: to celebrate healthy adults 55+ years of age through fun and
      competitive sports and recreation activities.
      We are thrilled to celebrate the countdown to the 2022 Victoria 55+ BC Games!                 

      Proud to be BC Family Owned and Operated

Meet the Moment.                                                                                 Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games   7
Faces of the Games
                                                     Meet Pip Breckon from
                                              Shawnigan Lake who competed
                                                    in the Vernon and Kelowna
                                                  55+ BC Games in Equestrian
                                                 Carriage Driving (Arena Trial)
                                                and won a gold medal in both,
                                                 and a silver in Kelowna for In-
                                                  Hand Mountain Trail. Pip has
                                              been involved with showing and
                                             breeding miniature horses for 24
                                                years and carriage driving for
                                               the past seven years. This year,
                                                Pip is registered in Equestrian
                                                Arena Driving Trial with a new
                                                 small pony, Bringer (shown in
                                             photo), and looks forward to this
                                             exciting challenge for them both.

Meet Teri Cotton from Langford who
is competing in women’s ice hockey, her
third appearance in the 55+ BC Games.
                                                                                   Meet Mike Angrove from
                                                                                   Esquimalt, a seasoned curler, having
Playing defence, Teri will join her
                                                                                   played his sport for a half century!
teammates, some of whom have played
                                                                                   Mike is competing in his first 55+ BC
together in the previous two Games
                                                                                   Games this year. Holding the broom,
and some new to the Games. Teri will
                                                                                   Mike looks forward to the opening
be going after a medal this year to add
                                                                                   ceremonies with his team, which has
to her collection from past provincial
                                                                                   been together for a year. As skip, Mike
championships and tournaments. No
                                                                                   is familiar with competing, having
stranger to hockey, she has competed
                                                                                   played in a BC provincial mixed
as a AAA player, appearing at a few
                                                                                   playdowns. Mike’s most memorable
Western Canadian championships, and
                                                                                   curling shot was an angle raise
in the 60+ Women’s Ice Hockey Division
                                                                                   takeout where he hit one of his own
at the Canada 55+ Senior Games this
                                                                                   stones that was about 2’ from the
summer. Teri looks forward to laughs
                                                                                   sideboards and directed it into one of
on and off the ice, the competition and
                                                                                   the opposing stones that was on the
comradery playing with her 55+ BC
                                                                                   button. Team Angrove stole one for
Games team.
                                                                                   the win!

                                           Meet Rosanne and Ken Quan from Saanich, B.C. You will find them
                                           volunteering during the Games at the pickleball courts. They will be
                                           at Pearkes Recreation Centre for pickleball with Roseanne as the Site
                                           Coordinator and Ken is the Results Coordinator. They also helped to
                                           promote the Games over the past few months as part of the volunteer
                                           phone committee and attended various events including a volunteer
                                           recruitment event at the Victoria HarbourCats baseball game and
                                           assisted at the Berwick Retirement Communities 100 day to the Games
                                           Ceremony. Rosanne and Ken, in their spare time, enjoy playing pickleball
                                           together four mornings a week. If you see them, please give them a high
                                           five and thank them for making these Games a huge success.

8   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                                        For Life, Sport and Friends
Meet the distinguished athletes        who carried the torch
                                                    along the paths at Berwick Royal Oak during our 99 day count-
                                                    down to the Games garden ceremony.
                                                    (Left to Right)
                                                    Robert Hutchison competed for Canada in the 100 and
                                                    200 metre sprint and in the 100 metre relay in the 1952
                                                    Amateur Olympics held in Finland.
                                                    Ann Belither competed for several years in the BC Senior
                                                    Games in golf, winning 2 bronze and 1 gold medal.
                                                    Crysta Davidson competed in the Senior Games for 25
                                                    years, including basketball and then slow pitch, winning a
                                                    gold and several other medals.
                                                    Ian Holroyd was a multi-sport senior competitor in
                                                    softball, soccer and golf.

                           Meet Tat Ma the                                           Meet this mother-and-son
                           Photography Chair for                                     duo with over 50 years of
                           the Games, who has the                                    golf experience between
                           task of ensuring all of the                               them! Pam and Ken
                           sports and special events                                 Andrews are preparing
                           are photographed. He will                                 for the Games by playing at
                           be working with over 50                                   Olympic View golf course
                           photographers from the                                    twice a week. Ken lives in
                           Victoria Camera Club to                                   Victoria, while Pam lives
                           deliver the imagery for                                   in Saanich. This is Ken’s
                           22 sports. His passion for                                first time playing in the 55+
                           photography has seen him                                  BC Games and he enters
                           volunteer at many events,                                 with a strong 7.2 index.
                           including the Mixed Curling                               Pam is making her second
                           Championships in Iqaluit                                  appearance, after winning
                           and at sports events around                               a silver medal in her age
                           Victoria. He has won many                                 group at the last Games
                           photo contests, including                                 in Kelowna. When asked
                           the Nunavut Summer Photo                                  what their most memorable
Contest and the Canadian North Calendar Contest.                                     golf moment was, they both
When he isn’t behind the lens, he can be seen                                        said qualifying for the 55+
umpiring at local table tennis tournaments. Thank you                                Games to be held here in
Tat for helping to preserve the Games for all to see.                                Victoria!

                                                Meet the family trio of Ronald, Rodger and Tracey
                                                (McRobbie) Huckerby. They are competing at the 55+ BC
                                                Games for Zone 3—Fraser Valley. Dad, Ronald, has participated
                                                in track-and-field events since these Games began in Vernon in
                                                1988, and this year, at 93 years young, he is competing in eight
                                                events. His motto is, I will run in the 100-metre when I am 100
                                                years old. Daughter Tracey, who swam in two previous Games
                                                will compete in six events, and son Rodger (a recent graduate
                                                to the 55+ crowd and competing in track and field) will compete
                                                in five events. With over 70 medals during his many years of
                                                competition, Ronald’s kids have a way to go to catch up to
                                                dad’s successes. Tracey and Ronald also just competed in the
                                                Canada 55+ Games.

Meet the Moment.                                                          Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games   9
Games Merchandise
                                                      Games merchandise available online until
                                                      September 30th and shipped to your home.
                                                      1.   Scan the QR code or go online to:
                                                      2. Choose your items and add
                                                           them to your cart
                                                      3. Securely checkout with your
                                                           credit card
            To all Participants in the
                Greater Victoria
             2022 55+ BC Games

                                             In a word, we believe in the
                                             inspiring power of athletics.
                                             They may jump higher, run or skate faster and swim farther than the rest of
                                             us, but even dedicated athletes need someone in their corner. At Raymond
                                             James, we’re familiar with helping people reach their full potential –
                                             financial and beyond. Since 1962, we’ve built on the charitable legacy
                                             of our founder Bob James in words and actions as we seek to go forward
                                             by giving back. LIFE WELL PLANNED.
                                             Good luck to all the participants in the 2022 55+ BC Games!

                                             DEE-ANN MAYBURRY,
                                             CIM, FCSI, CIWM, CFP
                                             Senior Wealth Advisor,
                                             Private Client Group
                                             1000 - 1175 Douglas St.,                        we are a proud sponsor of...
                                             Victoria, B.C. V8W 2E1
                                             T: 250.405.2404 | TF: 1.877.405.2407

                                                  © 2022 Raymond James Ltd., member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund.
                                                         Raymond James is not affiliated with the organization listed.

 The Werner Mayburry Wealth Management team will be onsite at the Q Center each day collecting
   non-perishable food/cash donations in support of local food banks. Check out their tent for an
                    opportunity to win some great prizes for those who donate!

10   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                                         For Life, Sport and Friends
55+ BC Games                                                 Places to Celebrate Directory
                                                                                                           provided by:

                                                          Places to Celebrate provided by: Downtown Victoria Business Association

                                      to Celebrate
                         Opening Ceremony
             Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre, 1925 Blanshard St.
             Wednesday, September 14 – Venue opens at 4:30 pm
                             Participant marshalling at 6:30 pm - Ceremony 7:00 - 8:30 pm
                   This is a free ticketed event for Games’ participants, volunteers and special guests

 This Opening Ceremony will be one that                       Tickets for the Opening Ceremony are required and will
 you won’t want to miss!                                      be distributed at Accreditation.
 Celebrate the journey we have been on to MEET
 THIS MOMENT. Reconnect with friends and expect an            Marshalling will be indoors with entertainment,
 evening full of colour, music and entertainment (with        seating and food and beverage available for purchase.
 fewer speeches!).                                            Parking and shuttle details for the Opening
 Share your Selfies and tag #55plusbcgames.                   Ceremony is on page 19.

                                                                                                                 Tear out
                                                                                                                 Page for

Meet the Moment.                                                                Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games         11
55+ BC Games                                 Places to Celebrate Directory
                                                                                          provided by:

                                     to Celebrate
           Journey to Meet the Moment
        Opening Ceremony Program
     • 4:30 - 6:30 pm Doors open with entertainment
              and activities as well as food and
                   beverage for purchase.

            • 7:00 pm Parade of Participants

           • O Canada - Al Ferraby, CFAX 1070

                  • Welcome messages:
     First Nations, Province of BC, Greater Victoria
        Mayors and Destination Greater Victoria

              • Welcome to Greater Victoria
                 Vibin’ Victoria - STAGES
                 Performing Arts School

        • Welcome and sponsor recognition from
        Host Society President Michael O’Connor
             and BC Senior Games Society
                 President Paul Kingan
                                                         Evening Entertainment: BackBeat, Canada’s
                                                          most authentic 60’s Musical Tribute Band
 • British Columbia United “Re-igniting the fire of
  Sports in BC” CEO of Canadian Sport Institute
             Pacific Wendy Pattenden

           • Participant Oath of Sportsmanship

                 • Torch/Cauldron lighting

            • Finale - BackBeat Entertainment
                                                       BackBeat has graced the stages with some of
                                                       the world’s foremost artists including: Sheena
                                                       Easton, Celine Dion, Loverboy, Fee Waybill, Nigel
                                                       Olsson, Honeymoon Suite, Steven Tyler and
                                                       David Foster. BackBeat has also been a featured
                                                       opening act for Trooper and 54-40.

12    Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                        For Life, Sport and Friends
Presented by
                           55+ BC Games                                               Places to Celebrate Directory
                                                                                              provided by:

                           To Celebrate
 Thursday Night On The Town
                  September 15, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
         Government Street between Humboldt and View Streets
The Victoria Foundation has generously sponsored       Government Street and the beautiful Inner
Thursday Night on the Town with entertainment and      Harbour. Use the VIP program QR code on your
activities. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the best      accreditation badge for discounts to attractions,
of downtown Victoria with a free event for ages 5 to   restaurants, breweries and shopping at many
55+! Come and enjoy an evening of music, cultural      downtown businesses.
and interactive events in our beautiful downtown.
                                                       Downtown Victoria will be hopping so come on
Plan to bring your family and friends downtown         out and enjoy the vibe! Parking is free in all City of
to take in the sights and sounds as you stroll         Victoria parkades from 6 pm that evening.

                          The Greater Victoria Sport Tourism Commission has put together a VIP
                          discount program for all competitors and volunteers of the games. You can
                          use the VIP QR code on your accreditation badge to receive discounts at
                          local restaurants, tourism packages, breweries and more.
                          Go to the games website or to
                          for a full list of participating businesses.
                          Program expires October 2, 2022.

Meet the Moment.                                                      Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games      13
Places to Celebrate Directory

                       55+ BC Games Places
            Presented by
                                                                                                         provided by:

                           to Celebrate
                     Rock the Roundhouse
                       Presented by Bayview Place and Supported by Fairway Market
                    Friday, September 16 from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm
                                  253 Esquimalt Rd.
                                                               Get ready to rock at Victoria’s
                                                               Roundhouse. Friday night’s free ticketed party
                                                               will have lively entertainment by The LateShift
                                                               Band, dancing and prizes. Free food provided by
                                                               Fairway Market, free beer provide by Vancouver
                                                               Island Brewery and wine available.
                                                               Some of the evening highlights include: a
                                                               participant draw for a ‘Return to Victoria’ prize
                                                               package, volunteer appreciation, door prizes,
                                                               the 50-50 draw as well as the ‘Passing of the
                                                               Flag’ ceremony to Abbotsford 2023.
                                                               Come join us at this engaging and vibrant party.
                                                               Shuttles available to and from downtown partner
                                                               hotels and free parking at 355 Catherine Street.

             Do you have your                                  The BC Seniors Games
                                                               Society and the Greater
            50/50 tickets yet?                                 Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games
                                                               host are holding an online
                           Purchase your 50/50 ticket before   50/50 draw. Proceeds
                           8 pm Friday, September 16th. The    support the Give-it-a-Try
                           winner will be announced at 9       and the Step-up-your-Game
                           pm at the Rock the Roundhouse       programs which run across
                           party. You do not have to be        all provincial zones. These
                           present to win.                     programs provide the 55+ population with the chance to try
                           BC Gaming Event Licence -           new sports and increase the level of skill in various sports
                           132813                              offered in the 55+ BC Games.

14   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                                        For Life, Sport and Friends
Spend less time planning
            and more time doing!
      The friendly staff at the Destination Greater Victoria Visitor Centre can
      help you with all your trip planning needs:

                   Purchase attractions
                                                          Make reservations
                   and tour tickets

                   Book accommodation                     Arrange transportation

      Destination Greater VIctoria
      Visitor Centre
      812 Wharf Street

Meet the Moment.                                          Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games   15
Greater Victoria Venues

                     11                                                22A        15A





                                                                                                 13B 15B

                                                  13C     18A
                                                        13D 14

                                                                                        13A 12

16   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                               For Life, Sport and Friends
Greater Victoria Venues
  #     SPORT.........................VENUE/LOCATION                   #       SPORT.........................VENUE/LOCATION

  1     8 Ball...........................Peacock Billiards             16      Slo-Pitch.....................Juan de Fuca Lower Fields
        ......................................1175 Douglas St.                 ......................................1767 Island Hwy.
  2     Archery.......................Juan de Fuca Rec Lower Fields    17      Snooker......................Union Club of British Columbia
        ......................................1767 Island Hwy.                              .................805 Gordon St.
  3     Badminton..................UVIC - McKinnon Gym		               18A     Soccer.........................Juan de Fuca Lower Fields
        ......................................11 Gabriola Rd.                  ......................................1767 Island Hwy.
  4     Carpet Bowling.........Juan de Fuca Rec Centre                 18B     Soccer.........................Starlight Stadium
        ......................................1767 Island Hwy.                 ......................................Saturday only
                                                                               ......................................1089 Langford Pkwy.
  5     Cribbage.....................Monterey Rec Centre
        ......................................1442 Monterey Ave.       19      Swimming..................Juan de Fuca Rec Centre
                                                                               ......................................1767 Island Hwy.
  *     Cycling........................Metchosin
        ......................................4475 Happy Valley Rd.    20      Table Tennis...............Henderson Rec Centre
                                                                                                          2291 Cedar Hill Cross Rd.
  7     Darts............................Juan de Fuca Rec Centre
        ......................................1767 Island Hwy.
                                                                       21A     Tennis..........................Henderson Rec Centre
                                                                                                               2291 Cedar Hill Cross Rd.
  8     Dragon Boat...............Selkirk Waterfront
                                                                       21B     Tennis..........................Oak Bay Rec Centre
        ......................................2940 Jutland Rd.
                                                                                                               1975 Bee St.
  *     Equestrian..................Saanich Fair Grounds
                                                                       22A     Track & Field.............UVIC Centennial Stadium
        ......................................1528 Stellys Cross Rd.
                                                                               ......................................1901 McKenzie Ave.
        Golf..............................Cedar Hill Golf Course		     22B     Track & Field.............Lambrick Park School Field
        ......................................1400 Derby Rd.
                                                                                                         Throws Only
  *     Golf..............................Arbutus Ridge Golf Course                                      4139 Torquay Dr.
        ......................................3515 Telegraph Rd.           *    Sport outside map area
  11    Horseshoes................Horseshoe Club of Victoria
        ......................................620 Kenneth St.
  12    Ice Curling..................Archie Browning Sports Centre
        ......................................1151 Esquimalt Rd.
        Ice Hockey.................Archie Browning Sports Centre
        ......................................1151 Esquimalt Rd.
  13B   Ice Hockey.................G.R. Pearkes Rec Centre                                                
                                   Saturday only
                                   3100 Tillicum Rd.
  13C   Ice Hockey ................Juan de Fuca Rec Centre
        ......................................1767 Island Hwy.
  13D   Ice Hockey.................Q Centre, Juan de Fuca
                                   Lower Fields, 1767 Island Hwy.
  14    Lawn Bowling...........Juan de Fuca, Lower Fields,
        ......................................1767 Island Hwy.
  15A   Pickleball...................UVIC-CARSA Field House
        ......................................11 Gabriola Rd.
  15B   Pickleball...................G.R. Pearkes Rec Centre
        ......................................3100 Tillicum Rd.

Meet the Moment.                                                                             Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games            17
Getting around the Games
The Victoria 2022 Host Society is providing a free shuttle from downtown partner hotels to most of the
Games’ venues. Wilson’s Transportation Ltd. and Berwick Retirement Community will provide shuttle
services. Information and updates available at accreditation and on the Games’ website. Shuttles will
start and end at Capital City Station (CCS) located at 721 Douglas Street. Check the Games’ website for transportation updates or contact us using the numbers on the back of
your accreditation badge. (exceptions are Equestrian, Horseshoes, Golf, Cycling, Snooker/8 Ball).

Shuttle Schedule
Wednesday Sept. 14 to Friday Sept. 16
AM CCS departures PM Venue departures
7:15               3:00                              Route #1 - Esquimalt/Pearkes
8:15               4:00                               • Capital City Station
9:15               5:00                               • Archie Browning Sport Centre (Hockey, Ice
Saturday Sept.17                                     Route #2 - Juan de Fuca
AM CCS departures PM Venue departures                 • Capital City Station
7:15                  1:00                            • Juan de Fuca Rec (Swimming, Darts, Carpet
8:15                  2:00                              Bowling, Hockey, Lawn Bowling, Archery)
9:15                  3:00                            * shuttle will run from Juan de Fuca lower field
*PM shuttle times may be adjusted based on sport        to Starlight Stadium on Saturday only
schedules. Check venue Host desk for departure       Route #3 - UVIC
updates. Additional transport options may be          • City Station
available.                                            • Centennial Stadium (Track and Field)
                                                      • CARSA/McKinnon (Pickleball, Badminton)
Games Hotel Shuttle available to/from                 • Henderson Rec Centre (Table Tennis,Tennis)
Capital City Station to:                              * shuttle will run from Centennial Stadium to
Hotel Grand Pacific                                     Lambrick Park school field for throwing events
Inn at Laurel Point
Huntingdon Manor Hotel                               Route #4 - Oak Bay
Coast Victoria Hotel & Marina                         • Capital City Station
                                                      • Oak Bay Rec Centre (Tennis)
The Capital City Station is just a short walk from    • Monterey Rec Centre (Cribbage)
these partner hotels:
The Parkside Hotel & Spa                             Route #5 - Selkirk on Sept 15 & 16 only
Chateau Victoria Hotel & Suites                       • Capital City Station
Victoria Marriott Inner Harbour                       • Selkirk Water Way (Dragon Boat)
Strathcona Hotel
The Magnolia Hotel & Spa                             Vehicle fleet available, with prior arrangements,
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel & Suites Victoria         from Four Points Sheraton in Langford to venues/
Hotel Fairmont Empress                               events. Check Games website for more information
                                                     or call the InfoLine at 250-483-3799.

18   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                         For Life, Sport and Friends
Getting around the Games
  All parking at Games’ venues and events are                 SEPTEMBER 13 & 14
  free. Some locations require special access                 3 hours free parking at Broughton Street Parkade
  or have limited parking.                                    entrances at 745 Broughton St. & 740 Courtney St.

  SPORT VENUE PARKING                                         PARKING CODE REQUIRED
   * Free parking (note restrictions)                         8 BALL AND SNOOKER - Use parking code
   • Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre                           provided at accreditation for City lots accessed at
   • Starlight Stadium                                        743 View St., 745 Broughton St., and 740 Courtney St.
   • Archie Browning Recreation Centre                        UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA - Use parking code
   • G.R. Pearkes Recreation Centre                           provided at accreditation for Pickleball, Badminton
   • Henderson Recreation Centre                              and Track & Field.
     (limited parking)
   • Oak Bay Recreation Centre                                OPENING CEREMONY - WED SEPT 14
     (limited parking)                                        • Continuous Shuttles between Capital City Station
   • Monteray Recreation Centre                                 and Save-on-Foods Memorial Centre will run
     (limited parking)                                          from 4:30-6:30 pm, returning from 8:30-9:30 pm.
   • Cedar Hill Golf Course                                   • Park for free at Broughton St. Parkade and catch
   • Arbutus Golf Course                                        the shuttle from Capital City Station.
   • Victoria Horeshoe Club                                   • Park near the Save-on-Foods Memorial Centre
   • Selkirk Water Way - various parking                        for free starting at 4:30 pm. Lots are located at
     options, see maps in the Welcome                           845, 853, 857, 912 and 926 Caledonia Ave.
     Package and on the Games’ website                        • Free parking on city streets in the 1000 block
                                                                of Pembroke St. and 1900 block of Cook St. are
                                                                also options.

                Help make the 2022                            THURSDAY NIGHT ON THE TOWN - SEPT 15
                                                              • All City of Victoria parkades are free from 6:00
                   55+ BC games                                 pm onwards.
                     clean and                                ROCK THE ROUNDHOUSE - FRI SEPT 16
                    eco-friendly!                             • Shuttles will run from downtown partner hotels
                                                                to the Roundhouse starting at 5 pm. The last bus
                                                                will leave the Roundhouse at 11 pm.
                                                              • Free parking at 355 Catherine St. and
   • Use public transport (using your free bus tickets
     available at accreditation!), cycle or walk instead of     neighbouring streets.
     using a vehicle.
   • Carpool to reduce your carbon footprint and               We are pleased to announce that the
     decrease parking congestion.
   • Avoid single-use items; bring your own reusable bag       Greater Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games legacy
     (like our Swag Bag) for shopping.                         partners are One Ability and Kidsport.
   • Avoid single-use items bring and use your reusable        One Ability fosters active living and sport
     water bottle.                                             participation for people with diverse abilities.
   • Buy local in-season fruit and vegetables without          Kidsport ensures that all kids have the chance
     plastic wrap or plastic bags.
   • Recycle responsibly in appropriate containers and         to play.
     recycling bins.
   • Don’t leave rubbish anywhere; it’s unsightly and can
     be dangerous for wildlife.

Meet the Moment.                                                            Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games   19
Thank      You
                                            Generous Sponsors:





20   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games               For Life, Sport and Friends

   •   BC Transit           •   McCall Gardens           •   West Shore Parks
   •   Coastal Promotions   •   Team Sales                   and Recreation
   •   Lionheart Laser      •   University of Victoria   •   Wilson’s
                                                             Transportation Ltd.
   •   Merit Travel         •   Victoria Chamber
                                of Commerce



Meet the Moment.                                     Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games   21
Abbotsford welcomes you
         in 2023 for the 55+ BC Games.

               BOOMING            HOME            RESPONSIBLE FOR                     SPECIALTY                  NEW INITIATIVES
               AGRITECH           TO 1,300+       45% OF BC’S CHICKEN                 FOOD                       IN VERTICAL
               INDUSTRY           FARMS           PRODUCTION                          PRODUCTS                   AGRICULTURE

         Learn more and explore by visiting
                                                                                                     2023 Abbotsford

     Good luck!

                                                                                          Amplifon is a global leader
                                                                                          in hearing healthcare.
                                               Wishing all participants in
                                               the Greater Victoria 2022,                 We offer a variety of hearing
                                                   55+ BC Games the                       aid brands to suit your needs,
                                                      best of luck!                       lifestyle and budget.

                                                                                          To learn more visit:
                                                                        The hearing

22   Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games                                                            For Life, Sport and Friends
Thank you to the Board of
       Directors and volunteers!
       The Greater Victoria 55+ BC Games are a
       resounding success thanks to your hard work—
       and the tireless support of hundreds of
       community volunteers.                      

       Thank you to our fellow sponsors!
       You really hit the mark.

Meet the Moment.                                      Greater Victoria | 2022 55+ BC Games   23
With thanks
The Greater Victoria 2022 55+ BC Games and the BC
Seniors Games Society wish to thank all participants,
volunteers and sponsors for all their efforts to make
the Games a great success.
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