Medium term strategy 2016-2021 - UNRWA

Page created by Rick James
Medium term strategy 2016-2021 - UNRWA
medium term strategy
Medium term strategy 2016-2021 - UNRWA
ii      medium term strategy 2016-2021

© 2016 UNRWA

UNRWA is a United Nations agency established by the General Assembly in 1949 and mandated to provide assistance and
protection to some 5 million registered Palestine refugees. Its mission is to help Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon,
Syria, West Bank and the Gaza Strip achieve their full human development potential, pending a just and lasting solution
to their plight. UNRWA services encompass education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and
improvement, and microfinance.

Cover photo: A schoolgirl in Am’ari Elementary Girls’ School in the West Bank. © 2013 UNRWA Photo by Alaa Ghosheh

She is one of 580,000 Palestine refugee children who will become an adult during the period 2016-2021. Unless action is taken
to improve their chances in life:
•    Over 90 per cent will complete basic education, but many will not find gainful employment;
•    Around 60 per cent will have lived through at least one conflict;
•    Over one third will be a member of a family living in poverty; and
•    A small number of girls, around 7,000, will have had their first child before turning 18.

For this schoolgirl and many like her, UNRWA will:
•    Protect her rights under international law;
•    Ensure she completes a quality basic education;
•    Ensure she receives quality primary health care;
•    Ensure she is given the opportunity to build their capabilities; and
•    Ensure she is not deprived of their basic needs of food, shelter and environmental health…

… so that she can pursue the future she wants for herself.
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                 acronyms and abbreviations

AUB        American University of Beirut                            NGO          Non-governmental organization

CBO        Community-based organization                             NRC          Norwegian Refugee Council

CERI       Consolidated Eligibility and Registration Instructions   OHCHR        Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

CEDAW      Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of            oPt          occupied Palestinian territory
           Discrimination against Women
                                                                    PCBS         Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
CIP        Camp Improvement Plan
                                                                    RBM          Results-based management
CPIS       Camp Profile Information System
                                                                    RSSP         Relief and social services programme
CRC        Convention on the Rights of the Child
                                                                    SDGs         Sustainable Development Goals
CRPD       Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
                                                                    SLA          Sustainable Livelihoods Approach
e-Health   Electronic medical information system
                                                                    SSNP         Social Safety Net Programme
EMIS       Educational Management Information System
                                                                    TVET         Technical and Vocational Education and Training
EPI        Expanded Programme on Immunization
                                                                    UNCT         UN Country Team
ERP        Enterprise Resource Planning
                                                                    UNDG         United Nations Development Group
ESF        Education Science Faculties
                                                                    UNDP         United Nations Development Programme
FESA       Faculty of Educational Sciences and Arts
                                                                    UNESCO       United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
FHT        Family Health Team                                                    Organization

GBV        Gender-based violence                                    UNFPA        United Nations Population Fund

HRCRT      Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Tolerance          UNGA         United Nations General Assembly

ICESCR     International Covenant on Economic, Social and           UNHCR        United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
           Cultural Rights
                                                                    UNICEF       United Nations Children’s Fund
IDP        Internally displaced person
                                                                    UNRWA        United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine
MCSP       Microcredit Community Support Programme                               Refugees in the Near East

MLA        Monitoring Learning Achievement                          UN WOMEN United Nations Entity on Gender Equality and the
                                                                             Empowerment of Women
MTS        Medium Term Strategy
                                                                    WFP          World Food Programme
MPI        Multidimensional Poverty Index
                                                                    WHO          World Health Organization
NCD        Non-communicable disease
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table of contents
commissioner-general’s foreword                                                                                         1
executive summary                                                                                                       3
chapter 1: context analysis and assumptions                                                                            10
chapter 2: palestine refugee needs                                                                                     12
   human development indicators                                                                                        13
   protection threats                                                                                                  20

chapter 3: an international response                                                                                   24
chapter 4: unrwa’s operational response and objectives                                                                 27
   strategic outcome 1: refugees’ rights under international law are protected and promoted                            30
   strategic outcome 2: refugees’ health is protected and the disease burden is reduced                                34
   strategic outcome 3: school-aged children complete quality, equitable and inclusive basic education                 39
   strategic outcome 4: refugee capabilities strengthened for increased livelihood opportunities                       44
   strategic outcome 5: refugees are able to meet their basic human needs of food, shelter and environmental health    49

chapter 5: management and operational effectiveness                                                                    54
chapter 6: financial requirements                                                                                      62
annex 1: common monitoring matrix 2016-2021                                                                            64
annex 2: enterprise risks by strategic outcome                                                                         78
annex 3: evaluation plan                                                                                               79
annex 4: operationalizing the strategy                                                                                 80
   strategic planning                                                                                                  80
   operational planning                                                                                                81
   emergency response                                                                                                  81

endnotes                                                                                                               82
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commissioner-general’s foreword
                               In many ways, the current        organizations (NGOs) and the broader international
                               collective predicament of        community.
                               Palestine refugees is so
                                                                The Agency’s response during the strategic period will
                               dire as to be existential
                                                                focus on its clear mandate from the General Assembly
                               in nature. The situation
                                                                and comparative advantages, which include the scale and
                               is incredibly bleak in the
                                                                geographic coverage of its operations, its coordinated and
                               region, the pressures are
                                                                diversified programming and, above all, its workforce – the
                               immense on Palestinians
                                                                majority of whom are Palestine refugees themselves and
                               and       on         Palestine
                                                                members of the communities they serve. In drawing on
                               refugees, and the threats
                                                                its operational strength, the Agency’s strategic priorities
                               to their future and the
                                                                will be to continue to provide protection to all refugees
                               unsustainability of their
                                                                including the most vulnerable; improve access to and the
situation have become increasingly visible. This is therefore
                                                                quality of primary health care in responding to the changing
the very time when hope is needed more strongly than
                                                                health needs of refugees; provide quality, inclusive and
ever and when political action is required to change the
                                                                equitable basic education; build the capacities of refugees
circumstances to bring about a fundamental change of
                                                                so they are better prepared to take advantage of livelihood
                                                                opportunities; and assist refugees to meet their basic
Halfway into the seventh decade of its existence, UNRWA is      human needs, especially in times of conflict.
both an illustration of what has been achieved for Palestine
                                                                We are conscious that a number of challenges lie ahead,
refugees over this period and a living reminder of what
                                                                including those arising from the increasingly unstable
happens when no political solutions are found to address
                                                                context in which UNRWA operates. The previous MTS
the underlying causes of a situation of historic injustice.
                                                                period saw the start of the conflict in Syria. It also saw a
While the Agency is steadfast in its commitment to provide
                                                                major conflict in Gaza during the summer of 2014. The
for the human development and protection needs of some
                                                                unacceptable loss of life, predominantly civilians including
5 million Palestine refugees in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria
                                                                hundreds of children; mass displacement; and extensive
and the West Bank including East Jerusalem, it is clearly
                                                                destruction in the Gaza conflict in 2014 have appalled
convinced that there is nothing more important for the
                                                                and shamed the world. The tragic conflict in Syria, one of
refugees themselves than a just and lasting solution to
                                                                the most catastrophic of recent times, has resulted in the
their situation.
                                                                displacement of more than half of the 560,000 registered
This Medium Term Strategy (MTS) presents the Agency’s           Palestine refugees and has seen many of the Palestine
statement of intent for UNRWA operations for the period         refugee camps embroiled in the conflict. The siege of
2016-2021. It reflects the growing and evolving needs           Yarmouk camp, which has trapped thousands of civilians
of the Palestine refugee populations and outlines the           without proper access to humanitarian assistance, has
Agency’s response to meeting these needs and providing          come to symbolize the intense human suffering and depth
access to vital services for all refugees who may need them,    of the crisis. We must not forget that behind these statistics
focusing particularly on the vulnerable who need these          are the lives of men, women and children, individual
services the most. The strategy is designed to be applicable    destinies, with hopes and aspirations for a better future.
in any security context, capturing the unique character of
                                                                Even outside of these devastating events, the situation
UNRWA which has the ability to operate in diverse contexts,
                                                                remains challenging for Palestine refugees. The occupation
including in the most intense and violent conflicts.
                                                                of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East
The MTS lays out a set of Strategic Outcomes designed to        Jerusalem, continues to constrain life for refugees in
address the needs of Palestine refugees, and UNRWA will         extreme ways. In Gaza, the illegal blockade has had a
implement a very active and committed effort to mobilize        ruinous effect on the economy and the Strip is faced with
support and resources to achieve those Outcomes. When           the prospect of becoming unliveable within the MTS period
considering the Agency’s primary achievements over              unless urgent remedial action is taken by the international
past decades, and its responsibilities moving forward, it is    community. The situation for Palestine refugees in Lebanon
important to acknowledge the remarkable contribution of         is exacerbated by a lack of rights and socioeconomic
the host and donor governments in accommodating and             exclusion. In Jordan, Palestine refugees also face hardships,
supporting Palestine refugees. At the same time, meeting        including thousands living in substandard shelters in need
the needs of all Palestine refugees requires the collective     of rehabilitation and increasing numbers living in abject
effort of many actors, including other members of the           poverty, with those living in camps particularly affected.
United Nations family in the region, non-governmental
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These factors together point to the unsustainability of the     international community can ensure that the vulnerability
Palestine refugee situation. The ongoing denial of rights,      of the Palestine refugee community is addressed and that
constrained socioeconomic conditions and exposure               refugees’ rights are protected.
to multiple crises – often spilling across borders – have
                                                                It can also ensure that the formidable human capital
severely impacted upon the ability of many refugees to
                                                                development – one that many countries in the world would
attain basic standards of human development. These
                                                                envy Palestinians for – is not lost to the corrosive effects
factors, combined with the enduring refugee condition
                                                                of occupation, conflict and neglect. UNRWA for its part is
of Palestine refugees, have posed continuous obstacles
                                                                committed to ensuring that the means made available to it
to the development of what has traditionally been a well-
                                                                are used in the most effective and efficient way possible. The
educated, highly skilled and self-sufficient population
                                                                present MTS contains specific management commitments
in the Middle East. The humanitarian cost of the present
                                                                to that effect.
situation is untenable and calls for the achievement of
a just and comprehensive solution to the situation of           I am confident that, with your help, we can deepen the
Palestine refugees. It, however, also further underlines the    needed solidarity and that my colleagues and I will ensure
critical importance of the role of UNRWA for the refugees       the Agency continues fulfilling its role to carry out its
in terms of protection and assistance. We will continue to      essential work in support of Palestine refugees, while the
honour our obligations to Palestine refugees until there is     international community more actively contributes to a
a solution to their plight.                                     final – and very long overdue – settlement to the Palestinian
                                                                issue. The time for an end to the injustice suffered by
In this context, international solidarity in support of our
                                                                Palestine refugees has come.
Agency is essential. By supporting and sustaining UNRWA
in its mission to provide health, education, social services,
protection and emergency assistance to refugees, and by                                                   Pierre Krähenbühl
providing the diplomatic and financial support necessary
for UNRWA to discharge its tasks in a landscape which is                                             Commissioner-General
complex, challenging and, in places, highly dangerous, the
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                                                                                            © 2013 UNRWA Photo by Alaa Ghosheh

executive summary
1.   Following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the United Nations      access to primary health-care services to families
     Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the        comprising 3.68 million individuals, which translates
     Near East (UNRWA) was established under General              into almost 9.5 million consultations annually, and
     Assembly resolution 302 (IV) of 8 December 1949              contributes towards Palestine refugees experiencing
     to provide assistance to Palestine refugees in five          health outcomes in line with host countries in areas
     fields of operations – Jordan, Lebanon, the Syrian           such as infant and maternal mortality. In 2014, the
     Arab Republic, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.            Agency provided social safety net assistance to
     The mission of UNRWA is to help Palestine refugees           294,000 persons and made a positive impact on
     achieve their full potential in human development            the lives of 730,000 people through inclusive and
     under the difficult circumstances in which they              participatory infrastructure and camp improvement
     live.1 As the General Assembly has expressed, in the         interventions. The UNRWA microfinance programme
     absence of an international political solution to the        has developed into one of the stronger institutions
     situation of Palestine refugees after over six decades,      of its type in the region, delivering over 225,000
     the Agency’s provision of services will remain               loans from 1991 to 2010 valued at almost US$ 257
     essential for the well-being, human development and          million, and was internationally recognized in 2011
     protection of the refugees.2                                 for excellence in social performance reporting.
                                                                  Furthermore, UNRWA has a well-established record
2.   UNRWA is well regarded as a pioneer in public service
                                                                  of responding rapidly and effectively to emergencies,
     delivery in both stable and fragile contexts. In 2014, the
                                                                  including in promoting protection, for example in
     Agency succeeded in educating more than 490,000
                                                                  the ongoing Syrian conflict, the two intifadas in the
     children and over the course the period 2016 – 2021,
                                                                  occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), and the Lebanese
     over 250,000 children will have completed the basic
                                                                  civil war, to name just a few.
     education cycle in UNRWA schools. UNRWA provides
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© 2014 UNRWA Photo by Shareef Sarhan
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3.   In 2015, UNRWA provided direct services through a                  including those required to develop coping strategies
     workforce of over 30,000 persons, primarily Palestine              and build resilience. Poverty rates and unemployment
     refugees themselves. This workforce includes 22,000                are particularly acute in a number of Palestine refugee
     education staff, 3,300 health staff, 1,100 sanitation              camps and gatherings.
     labourers, and over 370 social workers working in
                                                                  7.    Refugees are facing an increasing number of
     over 900 facilities (including schools, health centres,
                                                                        protection threats from armed conflicts in Syria,
     and technical and vocational training centres) across
                                                                        the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The number of
     its five fields of operations.
                                                                        refugees who are excluded from key aspects of social,
4.   The Medium Term Strategy (MTS) presents the                        political and economic life by virtue of their legal
     Agency’s strategic vision and objectives for its                   status and the fact that they do not enjoy the same
     programmes and operations for the period 2016-2021,                basic human rights as other citizens is growing. The
     with the aim of maximizing its use of resources and                vulnerability of different groups, including women,
     the impact of UNRWA operations in serving refugees.                children and persons with disabilities, to violence and
     It reaffirms the Agency’s commitment to advocating                 abuse is also increasing. Prolonged political, social
     and providing for the human development and                        and economic instability combined with repeated
     protection needs of Palestine refugees.                            and widespread violations of human rights will have
                                                                        significant adverse effects upon the mental health
5.   There is good reason to believe that the period
                                                                        and psychosocial well-being of Palestine refugees.
     2016-2021 will be one of growing complexity in the
     environment in which UNRWA operates and among                8.    Against this backdrop of growing vulnerability,
     the most difficult periods in Palestine refugee history.           UNRWA, lacking the national policy tools through
     While negotiations aiming to achieve a durable                     which states address a multiplicity of social and
     solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that                  economic challenges, must sustain its investment
     includes a final resolution to the plight of Palestine             in the human capital of the refugees through
     refugees are expected to continue during the                       continued delivery of core services. As we transition
     strategic period, it is assumed that the West Bank and             between strategic periods, this nexus of conflict, the
     the Gaza Strip will remain under Israeli occupation.               absence of a solution to the refugee question, and
     The first year of the strategic period could potentially           the profound challenges of economic development
     be the ninth year that 1.28 million refugees in the                and poverty that face the region will continue to
     Gaza Strip experience an illegal blockade leading to               increase the demand for core UNRWA services and,
     electricity, fuel and food crises and restrictions on              in crises, emergency assistance. In responding to
     Gaza’s capacity to create jobs, pushing the population             these challenges, the Agency will consider ways to
     further into poverty. The occupation in the West                   strengthen its responses to poverty through more
     Bank, the barrier and its associated regime will give              effective synergies between its existing programmes.
     rise to increased protection issues for approximately
                                                                  9.    The factors behind the human development and
     775,000 refugees. A protracted crisis, with cyclical
                                                                        protection crisis faced by refugees are beyond the
     degrees of intensity and widespread insecurity,
                                                                        control of UNRWA. It is vital that the underlying
     is expected to characterize much of the strategic
                                                                        causes are addressed by the United Nations Member
     period in Syria, affecting 450,000 Palestine refugees
                                                                        States, including the parties to the different conflicts.
     still living in the country. In Jordan, hosting some 2.1
                                                                        The consequences of inaction are unacceptable.
     million Palestine refugees along with other refugees
                                                                        Unemployment will grow, and there will be higher
     from Iraq and Syria will continue to place a huge
                                                                        health and social welfare costs, higher insecurity and
     burden on the already strained economy and natural
                                                                        lower economic growth. An impoverished, embittered
     resources, as well as the stability of the country. At the
                                                                        and isolated population will turn increasingly to risky
     start of the MTS period, more than 450,000 Palestine
                                                                        and dangerous behaviours, with implications for host
     refugees registered in Lebanon will continue to face
                                                                        communities and countries in the region.
     exclusion, discrimination and the ongoing denial of
     their rights.                                                10.   In the strategic period, UNRWA will remain the lead
                                                                        international actor in reducing the impact of the
6.   Palestine refugees are facing a human development
                                                                        above threats and will remain committed to providing
     and protection crisis. Levels of food insecurity and
                                                                        support to all Palestine refugees who register for its
     poverty are high and increasing. Rates of youth
                                                                        services. UNRWA will focus on building the capacity
     unemployment, especially affecting female youth, are
                                                                        of Palestine refugees and doing everything possible
     alarming.3 Despite Palestine refugees having strong
                                                                        to create an enabling environment for them to
     human capital as a result of the education and health
                                                                        exercise those capacities. Doing so will create greater
     structures provided by UNRWA and host authorities,
                                                                        resilience and help mitigate against the local and
     the majority of refugees do not have access to the full
                                                                        regional impact of the challenges facing refugees.
     range of assets required for sustainable livelihoods,
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11.       UNRWA has identified five strategic outcomes that it              of the Agency’s successful Family Health Team (FHT)
          will work to accomplish over the strategic period with            reforms. Through a range of initiatives, including
          the assistance of regional, national and local partners.          capacity-building of paramedical and medical staff,
          The outcomes have been identified based on an                     establishment of specialized referral mechanisms,
          understanding of the Agency’s accomplishments over                and wide-reaching health promotion and protection
          the course of the previous Medium Term Strategy for               services, it will curb the increasing prevalence of non-
          the period 2010-2015 and an appreciation of where                 communicable diseases (NCDs), mental illness and
          the Agency’s operations were less successful.                     psychosocial problems. UNRWA will ensure improved
                                                                            access for Palestine refugees to health services
12.       First, UNRWA will ensure that its own operations
                                                                            where such access is restricted by a lack of rights
          meet minimum protection standards. UNRWA will
                                                                            or restrictions on movement. In its hospitalization
          further protect and promote the rights of Palestine
                                                                            subprogramme, UNRWA will direct focus and accord
          refugees under international law. It will do so for
                                                                            highest priority to those refugees with life-threatening
          Palestine refugees whose rights under international
                                                                            illnesses requiring life-saving/life-supporting medical
          humanitarian and human rights law are being
                                                                            care, but who lack the necessary financial assets or
          violated as a consequence of armed conflict. It will
                                                                            insurance coverage to attain such treatment. UNRWA
          do so for refugees who are excluded from key aspects
                                                                            will work with partners to ensure refugees benefit
          of social, political and economic life by virtue of their
                                                                            from specialist care that UNRWA is unable to provide
          legal status and the fact that they do not enjoy the
                                                                            and to maximize opportunities to increase resource
          same human rights as other citizens. It will work
                                                                            mobilization through partnerships.
          through its programmes to provide support and
          assistance to groups who are vulnerable to violence,        14.   Third, UNRWA will ensure school-aged children
          abuse, neglect and exploitation.                                  complete quality, equitable and inclusive basic
                                                                            education to enable students, over time, to develop
13.       Second, UNRWA will protect refugees’ health and
                                                                            the cognitive, social, cultural and personal capabilities
          reduce the burden of disease. It will do so through
                                                                            to best equip them to realize their potential as an
          the continued provision of universally accessible
                                                                            individual and as a member of their society. Beyond
          quality primary health care and the implementation
                                                                            the basic education provided by UNRWA, this potential

                                                                                                       © 2014 UNRWA Photo by Alaa Ghosheh
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      is leveraged through Palestine refugee children’s
      access to education at secondary and tertiary levels
      in host authority institutions. Among other things,
      UNRWA will increase its focus on students who
      require targeted interventions, including children
      with disabilities; children from poor backgrounds;
      children with additional psychosocial needs; children
      who are underperforming in standardized tests;
      children who have experienced abuse, physical
      violence and exploitation; and children with severe
      diseases. UNRWA will ensure its school facilities are
      accessible and provide a conducive and safe learning
      environment. Through best practice emergency
                                                                     © 2014 UNRWA Photo by Shareef Sarhan
      programming, UNRWA will ensure Palestine refugee
      children who are affected by conflict are not deprived
      of the right to education. UNRWA will work with
      partners to both improve the quality of its education           addressing water resource, supply and networks,
      programme and ensure increased access of refugees               sewerage networks, and water drainage in camps
      to education providers.                                         that suffer from severe deteriorated environmental
                                                                      infrastructure conditions. UNRWA will further ensure
15.   Fourth, UNRWA will increase the capabilities of                 Palestine refugees are benefiting from the services
      refugees – particularly youth, women, the poor                  provided by others in ensuring their basic needs
      and other vulnerable groups – to take advantage                 are met. Where UNRWA is required, by necessity, to
      of livelihood opportunities. Despite the challenges             provide services itself, it will do so in the most efficient
      associated with doing so, UNRWA will work                       and effective manner possible.
      towards improving refugees’ access to livelihood
      opportunities through innovative projects, advocacy      17.    In order to achieve the above outcomes, UNRWA
      and support programmes tailored to address local                will establish a stronger foundation of efficient and
      threats and vulnerabilities. UNRWA will enhance                 effective management through three commitments.
      its work with global, regional and local partners               First, UNRWA commits to build an ambitious
      to improve refugees’ access to the human, social,               relationship and fundraising approach with the
      natural, physical and financial capital required to             express aims of maximizing resources and finding
      enhance livelihood opportunities and to ensure the              new solutions to bridge a looming financial gap
      investments made by UNRWA are not wasted through                and of transforming several existing collaborative
      inactivity and dangerous behaviour. In addition,                arrangements with partner organizations into long-
      UNRWA will identify a number of priority Palestine              term strategic engagements that enhance the
      refugee communities in which socioeconomic                      opportunities available to refugees. Second, UNRWA
      conditions are particularly dire and in which                   commits to further strengthen its management
      improvement projects have the potential to increase             systems to maximize impact and effective response,
      livelihood opportunities and reduce the incidence of            as well as to address some key sustainability
      poverty. UNRWA will continue to ensure that its own             challenges facing the Agency. Third, UNRWA commits
      human resources and procurement requirements                    to fostering and instituting a culture of partnership
      benefit Palestine refugees and local suppliers to the           with refugees and staff, including staff unions.
      maximum extent possible.                                 18.    This strategy responds to calls from the Agency’s
16.   And fifth, UNRWA will ensure refugees are able                  donors to deliver the most cost-effective and
      to meet their basic human needs of food, shelter                impactful services possible. It responds to host
      and environmental health to ensure that its efforts             governments’ insistence that they not be required to
      to build the human capability of refugees are not               bear a greater burden – a burden they cannot meet
      undermined. Refugees’ ability to meet their basic               financially – of supporting refugees. It responds
      needs has seldom been at greater threat than                    to the legitimate demands of refugees to provide
      today. UNRWA will target, first, the abject poor4               them with protection and support at this time of
      through direct cash and food assistance and through             great need. Most importantly, the MTS reiterates
      preferential treatment in other services. It will make          the unsustainability of the refugee condition and
      every effort to ensure Palestine refugees live in               impresses upon the international community the
      conditions that meet minimum acceptable standards               urgency of resolving the plight of Palestine refugees.
      of safety and health. UNRWA will prioritize projects
WEST BANK                                       SYRIA                                      LEBANON                                HQ
          JORDAN                                      GAZA

    2.11 M                                   1.28 M                                    774k                                          529k                                         453 k
           $143 M                                     $493 M                                      $153 M                                      $200 M                                       $201 M                               $50 M
              IN ANNUAL                                 IN ANNUAL                                    IN ANNUAL                                   IN ANNUAL                                    IN ANNUAL                          IN ANNUAL
            EXPENDITURE                               EXPENDITURE                                  EXPENDITURE                                 EXPENDITURE                                  EXPENDITURE                        EXPENDITURE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             medium term strategy 2016-2021

                                                                                        UNRWA services

               739            Health staff              1,016 Health staff                            789             Health staff                437              Health staff                 357             Health staff

          23 Health care facilities                   22 Health care facilities                 42 Health care facilities                     23 Health care facilities                    27 Health care facilities
          1.2 M served persons                        1.2M served person                        476 K served persons                          423k served persons                          331k served persons
             5,301                                        9,422                                      2,783                                        2,503                                        1,915
            education staff                              education staff                            education staff                              education staff                              education staff

  119K                          174          240K                          252         51K                                 97        46K                                 94       38K                                68
 pupils                         schools      pupils                        schools     pupils                             schools    pupils                             schools   pupils                            schools

          123         Relief and social               346          Relief and social            188          Relief and social                113          Relief and social          146             Relief and social
                         services staff                               services staff                            services staff                                services staff                             services staff

          267    Sanitation labourers                 269     Sanitation labourers              186 Sanitation labourers                       96     Sanitation labourers           183         Sanitation labourers

            6,890               staff                  12,518              staff                   4,844                 staff                    3,322              staff                      2,897               staff           533
                         47%                                       53%                                   50%                                              53%                                            46%                        staff

Figure 1: UNRWA operations, 2014
© 2014 UNRWA Photo by Shareef Sarhan
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10        medium term strategy 2016-2021

chapter 1: context analysis and
19.   The Middle East is experiencing significant political,             pose an increasing existential threat to Gaza as a
      social and economic changes. Instability and, in some              liveable place.
      cases, active conflict are expected to characterize
                                                                   23.   In the West Bank, protection challenges as a result
      the macro-environment for most, if not all, of the
                                                                         of the occupation, including conflict-related
      strategic period. Recent events in all fields of UNRWA
                                                                         violence; detentions, including those of children;
      operations indicate that the coming strategic period
                                                                         military incursions into refugee camps; restrictions
      could herald even more complexity and uncertainty.
                                                                         on movements and access to productive resources;
20.   While a peaceful, comprehensive and durable                        forced displacement; demolitions of Palestinian-
      solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that includes         owned structures; and settler violence are expected
      a final resolution to the plight of Palestine refugees             to continue to affect the daily life of all Palestinians,
      is unlikely during the strategic period, the United                including refugees. At the same time, the economy
      Nations will remain actively engaged with all relevant             is expected to remain stagnant, contributing to high
      actors in an effort to sustain the peace process.                  rates of unemployment, poverty and food insecurity.
                                                                         Taken collectively, these challenges will not only
21.   The West Bank5 and the Gaza Strip are expected to
                                                                         undermine the ability of Palestinians, including
      remain under Israeli occupation. It is expected that
                                                                         refugees, to live in dignity, leaving them vulnerable
      the State of Palestine will continue efforts to establish
                                                                         to a loss of assets and livelihoods, but also represent
      itself as a fully functioning and self-reliant State;
                                                                         significant constraints to the Palestinian Authority
      however, it is likely that many Palestine refugees will
                                                                         in providing a full scope of services to citizens and
      remain reliant on UNRWA services.
                                                                         exercising the right to self-determination on behalf of
22.   The first year of the strategic period could potentially           the population.
      be the ninth year that the Gaza Strip experiences
                                                                   24.   The conflict in Syria continues to worsen, with
      an illegal blockade leading to electricity, fuel, food
                                                                         devastating consequences for all civilians. All twelve
      and health crises. Unless a political solution to the
                                                                         Palestine refugee camps have been directly affected,
      conflict is found in the near future, the prospect
                                                                         including by looting, indirect fire and shelling. Tens of
      remains that this blockade will continue in some form
                                                                         thousands of Palestinian homes have been destroyed.
      into the strategic period. Due to the many years of
                                                                         Damage to the economic environment and essential
      blockade, isolation and repeated intense conflicts,
                                                                         infrastructure has increased dependence on UNRWA
      the Gaza Strip will likely continue to be one of the
                                                                         and threatens to further reverse human development.
      weakest economies in the world. Barring significant
                                                                         Violence and widespread insecurity are expected
      changes in the blockade (lifting in full or a major
                                                                         to continue in Syria in the strategic period. Conflict
      easing), it is likely that the access regime will remain
                                                                         lines have shown to be dynamic, and it is expected
      challenging, with restrictions on the movement of
                                                                         that some areas in which Palestine refugees reside
      people and goods. Access to land and fishing areas
                                                                         will remain insecure or unstable and that access will
      is also likely to remain severely limited, in addition
                                                                         be restricted or interrupted at different times and at
      to renewed restrictions on imports. As the blockade
                                                                         different places. Palestinians from Syria have voiced
      continues to restrict Gaza’s capacity to create jobs,
                                                                         a deep sense of insecurity about their future in Syria
      the majority of the population will be pushed further
                                                                         and the wider region. Even in the unlikely event of a
      into poverty. The relatively short yet intense conflicts
                                                                         halt to all violence, the widespread damage to homes,
      and incursions that have characterized recent years
                                                                         as well as health and education infrastructure, will
      may continue with cross-border violence resulting
                                                                         require a considerable reconstruction effort and the
      in death and injury. The greater intensity, protraction
                                                                         challenges of economic recovery will be immense.
      and severity of the 2014 conflict in the Gaza Strip,
      which outstripped the Agency’s worst-case scenarios          25.   Lebanon’s stability, including its security and
      many times over, underlines the continued volatility               economy, are likely to continue to be negatively
      and unpredictability of the Gaza Strip and the gulf                affected by the ongoing conflict in Syria and the
      that remains before any political solution can be                  1.2 million Syrian refugees it is hosting. Despite
      found. The longer-term consequences of these                       some significant challenges, it is not expected that
      events are still unfolding at the time of publication of           there will be internal strife, although the security
      this strategy. In addition, environmental and resource             situation will remain tense. It is assumed that stresses
      concerns, including the acute water shortage, will                 generated by a large refugee population, coupled
united nations relief and works agency         11

                                                                                              © 2013 UNRWA Photo by Carole Alfarah

      with limited national resources and a challenged               strong and stable levels of peace and security above
      economy, will further negatively affect Lebanon’s              all other UNRWA fields of operations.
      border policy towards Palestinian refugees from Syria
                                                               27.   In addition to the crises and emergencies already
      (PRS), preventing them from entering and increasing
                                                                     being experienced by Palestine refugees, instability
      the risk that they will be returned by force.
                                                                     may lead to further volatility across some areas of
26.   Jordan will continue to host millions of refugees,             UNRWA operations during the strategic period. In
      whether they are Palestine refugees or from Syria and          this regard, it is assumed that the macro-environment
      Iraq. This trend generates growing challenges for the          will be characterized by a continuation of the current
      stability of the country, in particular on its economy         cycle of complex emergencies. With a growth in the
      and limited natural resources, most notably water.             number of refugees living in poverty and the absence
      Heightened external security threats are expected              of a solution to the refugee question, demand for
      to continue to pose a risk of internal conflict.               UNRWA emergency assistance will persist, combined
      Notwithstanding the aforementioned, over the                   with a rising demand for core services.
      period of the 2010-2015 MTS, Jordan has experienced
12        medium term strategy 2016-2021

© 2014 UNRWA Photo by Shareef Sarhan

     chapter 2: palestine refugee needs
     28.    In 2014, 5.15 million Palestine refugees and 439,746         representing increases of 2.9 per cent and 15.6 per
            other eligible persons were registered with UNRWA,           cent, respectively, on the 2014 population.6 Growth
            totalling 5.59 million registered persons. Projections       rates vary between fields, with the fastest growth
            suggest that, from this baseline, the total registered       expected in the Gaza Strip and more moderate
            population is expected to increase to 5.75 million           growth projected in Lebanon.
            across UNRWA fields in 2016 and 6.46 million in 2021,

                     Figure 2: Actual and projected registered UNRWA population, 2010-20217
united nations relief and works agency          13

Human Development Indicators                                              concentrated in refugee camps and among refugees,
                                                                          as well as middle and southern governorates in both
29.   The concept of human development is one of the                      areas. Unchanged from the previous year, ongoing
      two foundation principles of the Agency’s vision                    high food insecurity levels represent a reversal of
      and mandate. Human development is the process                       improvements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
      of increasing the ability of people to make decisions               between 2009 and 2011 when overall food insecurity
      affecting their own lives. The three essential                      in Palestine fell to around 27 per cent. In Jordan, 13.5
      dimensions of human development are a long and                      per cent of refugees residing outside of camps live
      healthy life, acquired knowledge, and access to                     below the national poverty line (JOD 814 a year, per
      resources for a decent standard of living. Human                    person), with the poverty rate for refugees living inside
      development is nevertheless a broad and evolving                    of camps significantly higher at 30.7 per cent.10 The
      concept. Additional choices valued by people include                conflict in Syria, meanwhile, has resulted in extensive
      dignity, empowerment, and respect for human                         and ongoing damage to homes and installations, and
      rights and political freedoms. Human development                    around 5 per cent of the housing stock in Gaza was
      requires building capacities, but also requires an                  rendered uninhabitable by the conflict in 2014.11 At
      enabling environment in which refugees have access                  its height, the conflict displaced over 475,000 people
      to opportunities to exercise their capacities safely                in Gaza; nearly 300,000 took shelter in 90 UNRWA
      and freely. Palestine refugees must be able to do so                schools operating as designated emergency shelters.
      with confidence that the efforts they make today to                 An estimated 100,000 homes were damaged or
      develop themselves and their communities will not                   destroyed, affecting more than 600,000 people.
      be lost tomorrow.
                                                                    32.   Disaggregation of key indicators by gender, residence
30.   Many health- and education-related indicators for                   and socioeconomic status across all three essential
      Palestine refugees reflect significant achievements                 dimensions of human development, moreover, reveals
      in human development over time. Life expectancy                     a more complex picture of overlapping achievements
      at birth, for example, an indication of the overall                 and deprivations. Gender equality is at the core of
      mortality level of a population, is similar to host                 human development. Literacy rates among female
      populations and higher than average expectancies                    refugees, despite significant achievements over
      among both men and women in the Arab world.                         time, for example, continue to lag behind those of
      Overall achievements in literacy are also high and                  male refugees across all fields of UNRWA operations.
      generally exceed levels of high- and medium-ranked                  Refugee women also experience lower levels of
      countries on the human development index. These                     employment and higher levels of unemployment in
      achievements among others can be attributed in                      most fields of UNRWA operations.12
      large part to the strength of UNRWA programmes.
      A significant number of Palestine refugees also have          33.   Refugees living in camps are generally more
      access to other education and health services in their              vulnerable than those living outside of camps, with
      respective host countries.                                          substantial variations in health, education, livelihood
                                                                          opportunities, poverty rates and living conditions
31.   Indicators in other areas are far less positive and reflect         across camps in each field.13 Furthermore, multiple
      ongoing and in some cases increasing deprivation. In                indicator cluster surveys in Syria, Lebanon, the
      Lebanon, for example, a 2010 survey revealed two                    West Bank and the Gaza Strip highlight significant
      thirds of the Palestine refugee population as living                variations in human development achievements
      in poverty.8 Noting the correlation between money-                  and deprivations for refugee women and children in
      metric and multidimensional measures of poverty,                    camps, gatherings, and urban and rural areas.
      the study highlights the importance of securing good
      health, food security, adequate education, access to          34.   Prolonged political, social and economic instability
      stable employment, decent housing and possession                    combined with repeated and widespread violations
      of essential household assets as integral to long-                  of human rights further impair capacities and
      term poverty reduction. A recent study (2014) in the                opportunities for human development. Research
      occupied Palestinian territory found food insecurity                indicates, for example, that rates of behavioural and
      levels of 57 per cent in Gaza and 19 per cent in the West           emotional and post-traumatic stress are as high as 35
      Bank due primarily to the effects of the blockade and               to 40 per cent among Palestine refugees.14
      occupation.9 Food insecurity rates were particularly

                                                                       UNRWA CAMP PROFILE 2021
          Estimated camp population                Registered camp population                                                                  Estimated camp population                   Registered camp population

Nahr el-Bared                                                                                                                                Jenin
                                                                                           of registered      of registered                  Far'a
        Wavel                                                                              living in camps living in camps             Nur Shams
                                                                                                                                       Aqbat Jabr
 Burj Shemali                                                                                                                        Ein el-Sultan
                                                                                                                                       Camp No. 1
      El Buss
                                                                                          46% 24%                                     Deir 'Ammar
    Mieh Mieh                                                                                                                            Jalazone
 Ein El Hilweh
       Shatila                                                                                                                            Shu'fat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     medium term strategy 2016-2021

                                                                                                                                       Beit Jibrin
Burj Barajneh                                                                                                                                Aida
    Mar Elias                                                                                                                             Fawwar

                 0   10,000    20,000     30,000     40,000   50,000   60,000   70,000                                                               0       5,000      10,000    15,000     20,000     25,000   30,000     35,000

 LEBANON                                                                                                                                                                                                   WEST BANK
 GAZA                                                                                                                                                                                                            JORDAN
       Jabalia                                                                                                                                   Souf

  Khan Younis

      Maghazi                                                                                                                                   Zarqa

 Deir El-Balah                                                                                                                                 Marka


                                                                                           of registered      of registered         Amman New Camp
      Nuseirat                                                                             living in camps living in camps           Jabal el-Hussein

        Beach                                                                                                                                  Baqa'a

                 0   20,000   40,000    60,000   80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000                                                                  0           50,000      100,000      150,000      200,000        250,000

           Estimated camp population               Registered camp population             43% 18%                                            Estimated camp population                 Registered camp population

                                         Camp profile data is not included for Syria due to uncertainty in population projections as a result of the ongoing conflict

Figure 3: Projected UNRWA Camp Profiles for 2021
united nations relief and works agency                             15

35.   The demographic projections above, moreover, paint                                   The number of poor is expected to increase from 1.63
      a worrying picture about the sustainability of human                                 million (2012) to 2.17 million (2021), of whom 566,000
      development, with potential for further erosion of                                   will be abject poor. Excluding refugees ordinarily
      refugee capacities and denial of opportunities for                                   resident in Syria, the population of refugee camps
      their exercise not just today but for future generations                             is expected to be approximately 916,000 in 2021, of
      of Palestine refugees. In 2021, an estimated 1.1 million                             whom approximately 145,000 are expected to be
      Palestine refugees will be of school age – half of                                   living in 33,800 substandard shelters.
      whom are expected to be attending UNRWA schools.

          In 2021...
                                                                                                470,000 will
                                                                                                be between 0-
                                                                                                3 years of age

                                      20 per cent will be
                                      between 40 - 59

                                                                                                                               1.1 million Palestine refugees
                                                                                                                               will be children of school age,

                                                                        6.45 million
                                                                                                                               of whom, approximately
                                                                                                                               570,000 are expected to be
                                                                                                                               attending UNRWA schools
                                                                       people will be
                                                                      registered with
                                                                                                    40 - 59
                                      3.9 million will be of              UNRWA
                                      working age (15 - 64)

                                                                                                         2.9 million will be
                                                                                                         children or youth
                                                                                                         (44.5 per cent of
                                                                                                         the population)
                                                  1.6 million will be women of
                                                  reproductive age (15 - 49 years)

          Figure 4: Demographic profile of registered persons in 2021

36.   UNRWA has adopted a holistic approach to addressing                            37.   The life-cycle approach to human development
      Palestine refugee needs and works to enhance their                                   is preventative and global. It includes work to
      overall well-being. For this reason, needs are assessed                              ensure health, psychosocial well-being, education
      per life-cycle stage. Early and ongoing investments                                  and employment opportunities, and an enhanced
      throughout the life cycle strengthen refugee capacities                              protection of a person’s rights. UNRWA takes advantage
      over the course of their lives. When combined with                                   of the potential it has to impact the full life of a refugee
      efforts to protect opportunities for the exercise of these                           in all these interlinked areas insofar as available
      capacities, such investments enhance individual and                                  resources allow.15
      community resilience to various shocks, from illness to
      job loss and armed conflict.

Figure 5: Stages in the life cycle
16        medium term strategy 2016-2021

                                                                       for served refugees, with somewhat lower rates for
                          © 2013 UNRWA Photo by Alaa Ghosheh
                                                                       the Palestine refugee population as a whole.20 Infant
                                                                       mortality among served refugees has fallen from 160
                                                                       per 1,000 live births during the 1950s to less than 25
                                                                       some six decades later.21 The maternal mortality ratio
                                                                       among Palestine refugees who utilize UNRWA health
                                                                       services is well below the target set by the post-2015
                                                                       sustainable development agenda.22
                                                                 40.   Although pregnant women, nursing mothers
                                                                       and infants are well served by UNRWA and other
                                                                       health services, including those provided by host
                                                                       authorities, these groups are particularly vulnerable
                                                                       in the instance of an emergency or protracted crisis.23
                                                                       Without an adequate response, there will be serious
                                                                       long-term consequences for these populations in
                                                                       the future. In addition to deaths caused by armed
                                                                       conflict, ongoing instability and insecurity can also
                                                                       contribute to shifts in mortality.24
                                                                 41.   Continuing stress and hardship caused by the
                                                                       conditions of poverty and conflict seriously endanger
Pregnancy, Birth and Infancy (-9 Months to 1 Year)                     capacities of mothers to adequately protect
38.   In 2021 there will also be an estimated 1.66 million             and enhance the development of their infants.25
      women of reproductive age (15-49) of whom around                 Prolonged situations of fear, stress and insecurity
      334,000 will utilize UNRWA services. Meeting the                 directly contravene essential psychosocial well-being
      health needs of Palestine refugee women in the pre-              needs of infants and their mothers and might have
      and post-natal periods of the life cycle is essential.           negative consequences on healthy psychosocial
      Intervention at this stage will contribute to better             development.26 The Agency’s capacity to pick up such
      human development indicators for maternal mortality              issues at present are limited, but they are particularly
      and morbidity, infant and child mortality rates, and             attended to by midwives.
      immunization rates. However, needs at this life stage
      go further, and it is essential to track children beyond   Early Childhood and Pre-School Years (1 to 5 Years)
      the initial round of immunizations and through the         42.   Focusing on the early childhood years is crucial to
      crucial first 1,000 days. Investing in the health and            ensure that children are socially and cognitively well
      nutrition of mothers and children during pregnancy               prepared for subsequent years. It is essential that
      and early childhood reduces the risk of suffering                children at risk of chronic malnutrition and exposed
      from disabilities and impairments later in life and              to situations of prolonged stress, fear, insecurity and
      dramatically increases cognitive and social abilities            trauma, as noted above, are identified and supported;
      and, therefore, performance in schooling.16 This is a            that health screenings are institutionalized; and
      key enabler to achieving access to higher education,             that psychosocial support needs are addressed
      being more productive and earning higher wages as                and resilience strengthened before the first grade.
      adults.17 Targeted ‘best practice’ programmes have               Failure to intervene during these years could have
      achieved a combined societal and individual benefit              lifelong consequences. Poor health outcomes and
      eight times greater than the cost per participant                a lack of preschool affects school attendance and
      over a 25-year period,18 with a 40-year follow-up                performance. Poverty and under-nutrition during
      highlighting even greater positive impact.19                     preschool account for a loss of more than two
39.   Palestine refugee women and infants are broadly able             school grades.27 Early childhood education has
      to access pre- and post-natal health care. Proximity             been increasingly recognized over recent decades
      of health centres and clinics to refugees living                 as helping “to improve children’s cognitive abilities
      inside camps has contributed to easy access to the               and socioemotional development, help create a
      Agency’s medical services and high utilization rates             foundation for lifelong learning, make children’s
      by refugees. Infectious and communicable diseases                learning outcomes more equitable, reduce poverty
      are under control owing to high immunization rates,              and improve social mobility from generation to
      and there has been significant progress in reducing              generation.”28 Governments are increasingly investing
      infant, child and maternal mortality over time.                  in early childhood education and care as a dimension
      Immunization for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis               of anti-poverty and educational equity measures.29
      (DTP) and measles (1-year-olds) is nearly universal        43.   Children from disadvantaged families and households
united nations relief and works agency          17

           are especially at risk with regard to health and                   social and emotional skills and attitudes and values of
           the opportunity to participate in early childhood                  responsible citizenship, innovation and leadership.
           education. This may lead to them not achieving their
                                                                        46.   Primary education, at the very minimum, is key for
           potential in school and subsequently having fewer
                                                                              individuals and societies to extricate themselves
           employment opportunities, resulting in low incomes,
                                                                              from poverty. For lower-middle-income regions (like
           high fertility rates, and an inability to properly provide
                                                                              pre-conflict Syria and the West Bank), the average
           an appropriate level of care for their children, thus
                                                                              personal income returns to primary, secondary and
           contributing to the intergenerational transmission of
                                                                              tertiary education over a ten-year period have been
           poverty. This is exacerbated by poor environmental
                                                                              measured at 10 per cent, 7 per cent and 15 per cent,
           infrastructure and health and a lack of outdoor safe
                                                                              respectively, and in upper-middle-income countries
           spaces for children.
                                                                              (like Jordan and Lebanon), the returns were 10 per
     44.   In the Palestine refugee context, health screening is              cent, 7 per cent, and 17 per cent, respectively.31
           relatively well achieved through the UNRWA health                  However, it is not only attendance levels or completed
           programme and levels of literacy among mothers are                 years of schooling that matters. Ensuring school
           relatively high. Despite these programme successes,                children are healthy and well nourished and that
           many refugees have conveyed the lack of quality                    the education provided is of high quality, relevant,
           preschooling as a concern with regard to the early                 equitable and accessible is also essential. It is also
           development of their children.30                                   key that specific and differentiated psychosocial well-
                                                                              being of children is promoted and that any needs
     Children of Basic School Age (6 to 15 Years)                             are assessed and addressed, fostering their overall
     45.   Ensuring Palestine refugee children of school age                  state of well-being and protecting them specifically
           have access to basic education is fundamental to                   in situations of extreme stress, chronic fear, loss and
           helping them gain the knowledge and skills they                    trauma. It is of critical importance that children who
           need to achieve their human development potential.                 come from disadvantaged families have full access
           Education is the development of individual and                     to quality education. It is, furthermore, vital that the
           societal capacities towards the realization of his/her             school environment is conducive to learning and
           full potential. This encapsulates developing cognitive,            provides comfort, safety and a healthy environment.

© 2014 UNRWA Photo by Alaa Ghosheh
18   medium term strategy 2016-2021

                                      © 2014 UNRWA Photo by Alaa Ghosheh
united nations relief and works agency             19

47.   Palestine refugees are relatively well served at this       51.   Despite positive achievements in primary enrolment,
      stage in life, primarily but not exclusively by the               school attendance declines significantly at the
      UNRWA education programme. Palestine refugees                     secondary level. Multiple indicator cluster surveys in
      have high rates of male and female adult literacy                 pre-conflict Syria, Palestine and Lebanon reveal that as
      across all UNRWA fields of operations.32 As noted                 few as two thirds of children and youth of secondary
      earlier, male literacy is consistently higher than female         school age are attending school.38
      literacy rates across all fields, by 5 percentage points
                                                                  52.   Gender parity in school enrolment and women’s
      or less. Enrolment levels at the primary level are also
                                                                        education levels in school, moreover, do not translate
      high, with net attendance in the mid- to high nineties
                                                                        into gains in female employment.39 In addition, female
      across all fields of UNRWA operations. Disaggregation
                                                                        labour force participation rates for all women of
      of attendance data, however, reveals significant
                                                                        working age in all UNRWA fields, as noted earlier, is
      variations by residence and socioeconomic status.33
                                                                        lower than the regional average for Arab states, which
48.   Education indicators for Palestine refugees also point            in itself is the lowest in the world.40 Early marriage is
      to gender parity in school enrolment levels and very              of great concern and is another barrier to the effective
      low school dropout rates.34 Refugee dropout rates at              participation of women in the workforce.41
      the elementary school level are particularly low and
                                                                  53.   Certain subgroups of youth are especially vulnerable
      compare favourably with national rates and regional
                                                                        due to limited opportunities resulting from exclusion,
                                                                        discrimination and the ongoing denial of their
Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood (15 to 24                          rights. In Jordan, ex-Gazan youth are vulnerable to
                                                                        impoverishment.42 In Lebanon, non-ID Palestinian
Years)                                                                  youth, who are not registered with UNRWA or the
49.   Between 2012 and 2021, the number of Palestine                    Lebanese authorities, are particularly vulnerable to
      refugee youth is estimated to increase from 1.04                  deprivation and social exclusion. In the West Bank,
      million to 1.08 million. Youth is an important transition         young men are especially vulnerable to violence, and
      period as adolescents and young adults engage with                Bedouin youth are another marginalized subgroup
      society and the world of work. The youth age group                that experiences high levels of discrimination. Given
      has specific needs for quality education, training,               the ongoing conflict in Syria, a vast proportion of youth
      sexual and reproductive health, and rights awareness,             remain socially and economically excluded and face
      in addition to livelihood/employment opportunities.               a range of protection issues.43 Youth with disabilities
      They are more likely than adults, for example, to be              lack access to education and employment, resulting in
      unemployed or underemployed due to lack of work                   greater social exclusion.
      experience, social networks, job search skills, financial
      resources and productive employment opportunities.36        Adulthood and Middle Age (25 to 59 Years)
      Failure to effectively respond to these needs will          54.   The number of Palestine refugees aged 25-59 is
      condemn a significant proportion of Palestine                     estimated to increase from 2.12 million in 2012 to 2.78
      refugees to being under-skilled and unemployed, with              million in 2021, of whom 1.29 million will have reached
      poor family planning limiting capacities and reducing             middle age (40-59). Adults are expected to provide
      opportunities for human development. This in turn                 for themselves and for their families. Employment
      will perpetuate cycles of deprivation and poverty                 is not only central to the development of capacities
      and could have destabilizing social effects, as well as           and opportunities for human development, but it is
      negatively impact on economic growth and security.                also associated with dignity and stable and cohesive
50.   The situation of ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip and           societies. Loss of jobs and unemployment impacts
      Syria; the prolonged situation of poverty in Lebanon              other dimensions of human development, from
      and Jordan; and the ongoing and fluctuating conflict              a reduction in life expectancy as a result of health
      in the West Bank imply multiple challenges for the                problems to high rates of depression and loss of
      whole population, but specifically have an adverse                educational opportunities. Children may leave school
      impact on the lives of young adults caught in between             to work, further eroding their chances of escaping
      a lack of opportunity and existence in a continuous               poverty in the future.44 Those that are in middle age are
      cycle of violence. Psychosocial well-being is often not           especially at risk of poor health outcomes and limited
      achieved, and specific psychosocial support activities            livelihood opportunities. If livelihood opportunities
      are necessary to strengthen resilience and avoid loss             are lost in the latter years of this life period because of,
      of life perspectives. The opportunity for Palestine               for example, war, it is often more difficult for a person
      refugee youth to engage in meaningful employment                  to recover and rebuild their lives than for those who
      is limited. Unemployment and joblessness is high and              are younger. In most UNRWA fields, psychosocial well-
      increasing.37                                                     being is seriously endangered and life is characterized
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