Page created by Douglas Murphy
                                     From March 15th to 22nd, 2021

                                                    © 2021 The Casablanca Club, All rights reserved
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                   SOUTH           SUDAN        –                       NIGERIA – 03/15/2021 :
                   03/15/2021 : Allies of                               Gunmen         abduct    30
                   South Sudan           militias                       students in northwest
                   must be held accountable                             Nigeria      as     payoffs
                   : UN human rights report :                           ‘boomerang’ : Gunmen
Military and political officials in South Sudan     kidnapped around 30 students in an overnight
supporting community-based militias in the          raid on a forestry college in northwest Nigeria,
Greater Jonglei region, must be held                an official said on Friday, the fourth mass
accountable for violence that killed more than      school abduction since December in a country
700 people over a six-month period last year,       where violence is on the increase.
the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on          (Defence Web-Article Link)
Monday. (UN News-Article Link)
                                                                        CENTRAL          AFRICAN
                    GUINEA          GULF       –                        REPUBLIC – 03/15/2021 :
                    03/15/2021 : Fifteen crew                           Central African Republic
                    kidnapped in Gulf of                                votes amid tight security
                    Guinea : The Gulf of                                after December violence
                    Guinea remains one of the       : Almost all polling stations in Central African
most dangerous bodies of water worldwide for        Republic were able to open for a second
seafarers with the International Maritime           round of parliamentary elections on Sunday,
Bureau (IMB) urging ships and crew transiting       the electoral body said, amid heavy security
it to “remain alert and not let their guard down    to deter rebels who disrupted polls in
“. (Defence Web-Article Link)                       December. (Defence Web-Article Link)

                   NIGERIA – 03/15/2021 :                               LIBYA – 03/15/2021 : Irini
                   Islamist attacks kill about                                      Mediterranean
                   30 soldiers in northeast                             inspections top the two
                   Nigeria in four days :                               thousand       mark           :
                   Islamist militants have                              Operation Irini, the EU
killed about 30 government soldiers in a series     tasking enforcing a UN arms embargo on
of clashes in northeast Nigeria since               Libya, investigated over 2 000 vessels in its first
Wednesday, military and civilian militia            11 months on the Mediterranean Sea.
sources said on Sunday.                             (Defence Web-Article Link)
(Defence Web-Article Link)
                                                                       MOZAMBIQUE               –
                    SOUTH        AFRICA       –                        03/15/2021 : Triple C
                    03/15/2021 : Leadership                            threat              facing
                    integrity and the crisis in                        Mozambique : Conflict,
                    South Africa’s policing :                          COVID-19 and climate
                    Long-standing abuses in         change are, according to the UN Secretary-
the appointment of leaders are at the heart of      General, the triple threat currently faced by
the country’s failing police service.               South Africa’s eastern neighbour.
(ISS-Article Link)                                  (Defence Web-Article Link)

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UGANDA – 03/15/2021                                    NIGERIA – 03/16/2021 :
                    : Uganda’s Bobi Wine                                              Authorities
                    Briefly Detained After                                            Investigate
                    Leading Street Protest                                 Kidnapping of Three
                    :     Ugandan    police                                Teachers in Northern
                    Monday briefly detained                                Nigeria : Authorities in
opposition leader Bobi Wine as he led              northern Nigeria are investigating the armed
opposition lawmakers and supporters in a           kidnapping of three teachers from a primary
demonstration. (VOA-Article Link)                  school, four days after dozens of students
                                                   were taken from another school in Kaduna
                      MOZAMBIQUE             –     state. (VOA-Article Link)
                      03/15/2021       :   US
                      forces       to    train                          HORN OF AFRICA –
                               Mozambique's                             03/16/2021 : Kenya-
                      marines       to   fight                          Somalia          dispute
                      jihadist insurgency :                             threatens             an
US Special Operations Forces will train                                 embattled Horn of
Mozambican marines for two months to fight                              Africa : Joint IGAD–AU
against the jihadist insurgency in the                                  action    is     urgently
northeastern Cabo Delgado province, the            needed to avoid further destabilisation of a
United States Embassy in Maputo said on            region already wracked by violence.
Monday. (Africa News-Article Link)                 (ISS-Article Link)

                    ETHIOPIA – 03/15/2021                             SOUTH AFRICA –
                    : Group Reports Health                            03/16/2021 : Police
                    Facilities Looted in                              deny          reports
                    Ethiopia’s Tigray :                               regarding shooting a
                    Health      facilities   in                       female protestor : The
                    Ethiopia’s       embattled                        South African Police
region of Tigray have been “looted,                                   Service (SAPS) has
vandalized and destroyed in a deliberate and       denied shooting and wounding a person
widespread attack on health care,” the             during the ongoing student protests in
humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders         Johannesburg on Monday.
said Monday. (VOA-Article Link)                    (Defence Web-Article Link)

                       D.R.     CONGO         –                           CAMEROON               –
                       03/16/2021             :                           03/16/2021               :
                       Suspected Islamists                                Cameroon           Says
                       kill at least a dozen                              Deaths             from
                       villagers in eastern                               Consuming          Fake
                       Congo : Attackers killed                           Alcohol Spike During
at least a dozen villagers in an overnight raid                           Pandemic : Authorities
on a village in eastern Democratic Republic of     in Cameroon say the coronavirus pandemic
Congo, a witness and two civil rights groups       has led to a spike in excessive drinking – and
said on Monday. (Defence Web-Article Link)         in deaths from fake alcohol. (VOA-Article Link)

 © 2021 The Casablanca Club, All rights reserved                                     3
ETHIOPIA – 03/16/2021 :                             SOUTH         SUDAN        –
                 'The fighting continues': A                         03/16/2021        :   South
                 Tigray town reels from                              Sudanese ‘one step away
                 drawn-out war : People                              from famine', as UN
react as they stand next to a mass grave                             launches humanitarian
containing the bodies of 81 victims of Eritrean    response plan : As hunger levels continue to
and Ethiopian forces, killed during violence of    deepen in South Sudan due to a combination
the previous months. (Africa News-Article Link)    of violence, climate change and COVID-19,
                                                   the 2021 South Sudan Humanitarian
                  NIGERIA – 03/16/2021 :           Response Plan was launched on Tuesday
                  Nigerian schools hit by          aiming to reach 6.6 million people – including
                  mass abductions : An             350,000 refugees - with life-saving assistance
                  armed gang abducted three        and protection. (UN News-Article Link)
primary school teachers in the northwest
Nigerian state of Kaduna on Monday.                                    NIGERIA – 03/16/2021 :
(Defence Web-Article Link)                                             UN Launches Billion-
                                                                       Dollar    Appeal      for
                 MOZAMBIQUE                 –                          Nigeria's  Victims     of
                 03/16/2021     :    Children                          Armed Conflict : The
                 among victims of jihadi           United Nations is appealing for $1 billion to
                 rebels in Mozambique :            help 6.4 million of Nigeria’s most vulnerable
Northern Mozambique’s humanitarian crisis is       people, including two million who have been
growing rapidly, with nearly 670,000 people        forced to flee their homes because of armed
displaced by the Islamic extremist insurgency      conflict. (VOA-Article Link)
in Cabo Delgado province, international aid
groups said Tuesday. (AP News-Article Link)                          SOUTH           AFRICA     –
                                                                     03/17/2021 : SANParks
                 KENYA – 03/16/2021 :                                welcomes          successful
                 Kenya's fishermen protest                           prosecution of rhino
                 tensions      in      maritime                      poachers : The South
                 dispute with Somalia :            African National Parks (SANParks) on
Fishermen of the Lamu County, on the               Wednesday commended the National
Northen coast of Kenya, took to the sea with       Prosecuting Authority in Mpumalanga on the
their dhows to protest against rising tensions     successful prosecution of two long-standing
between the Kenyan and Somalian                    rhino poaching trials in the Mhala Regional
authorities, over their long-running maritime      Court. (Defence Web-Article Link)
border dispute. (Africa News-Article Link)
                                                                     MALI – 03/17/2021 :
                 MOROCCO – 03/16/2021 :                              Militants kill 11 Malian
                 Police      break       up                          soldiers in ambush, 11
                 Moroccan        teachers’                           others missing : Eleven
                 protest for fixed jobs :                            Malian soldiers were killed
Hundreds of teachers on temporary contracts        and 11 more are missing after Islamist
protested Tuesday in the Moroccan capital to       militants ambushed a patrol in the desert
demand permanent employment.                       north, the army said on Tuesday.
(AP News-Article Link)                             (Defence Web-Article Link)

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NIGER – 03/17/2021 :                                 SOUTH      AFRICA        –
                 Armed       men         attack                       03/17/2021 : Soldiers
                 passenger convoy and                                 confiscate dagga, stolen
                 village in Niger, killing 58 :                       weapons     on     border
                 Armed men in southwestern                            safeguarding : Border
Niger killed at least 58 people when they           safeguarding in the form of military vehicle
intercepted a convoy returning from a weekly        control points and vehicle patrols yielded
market and attacked a nearby village, the           successes in terms of narcotics, stolen
government said. (Defence Web-Article Link)         weapons and a stolen vehicle this week.
                                                    (Defence Web-Article Link)
                  MOZAMBIQUE                –
                  03/17/2021 : Mozambique                                 ETHIOPIA – 03/17/2021 :
                  militants        beheading                              Ethiopians         protest
                  children as young as 11,                                deadly Yemen migrant
                  Save the Children says :                                centre blaze : The UN on
Children as young as 11 are being beheaded                                Tuesday called for a probe
in Mozambique, UK-based aid group Save the          into a fire that killed dozens of migrants at a
Children said on Tuesday, as part of an             holding facility in Yemen's capital, after
Islamist insurgency that has killed thousands       Human Rights Watch said it was started by
and forced many magnitudes more from their          Huthi rebels. (Africa News-Article Link)
homes. (Defence Web-Article Link)
                                                                          LIBYA – 03/17/2021 :
                    AFRICA – 03/17/2021 :                                 Libya arms embargo
                    Fake           COVID-19                               ‘totally ineffective’: UN
                    vaccines seized in SA                                 expert panel : An arms
                    just the start for Africa                             embargo imposed on
                    : The lucrative market is       Libya by the Security Council in 2011 remains
                    the     latest     in    a      “totally ineffective” a UN Panel of Experts has
burgeoning counterfeit medicines trade run by       said, adding that civilians, including migrants
organised crime networks. (ISS-Article Link)        and asylum seekers, continue to suffer
                                                    widespread rights violations and abuses.
                                                    (UN News-Article Link)
                       MOZAMBIQUE               –
                       03/17/2021 : US names
                                   Mozambique                            NIGERIA – 03/17/2021 :
                       insurgency leader as it                           Abducted        Nigerian
                       sets its sights on the                            students are "safe":
                       ISIS-affiliated group :                           governor : The governor
ISIS is undeniably expanding from Iraq and                               of Nigeria's northwest
Syria to the corners of the globe. By now, it is                         state of Kaduna said on
public knowledge that ISIS is affiliated with the   Tuesday the 39 students that were kidnapped
insurgency in Northern Mozambique along             last week are "safe", but that his government
with other terrorist groups in Africa.              will not "negotiate with the bandits" for their
(Defence Web-Article Link)                          release. (CGTN-Article Link)

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ETHIOPIA – 03/17/2021 :                                   EGYPT – 03/18/2021 :
                  UN Rights Chief Agrees                                    Egypt jails activist
                  to Ethiopia Request for                                   who called to free
                  Joint Tigray Inquiry :                                    prisoners      amid
                  United Nations human                                      pandemic    :    An
rights chief Michelle Bachelet has agreed to                                Egyptian       court
an Ethiopian request for a joint investigation in    sentenced prominent female activist Sanaa
the country's northern Tigray region, where          Seif to a year and a half in prison on
Bachelet says possible war crimes may have           Wednesday for spreading false news, her
been committed. (VOA-Article Link)                   sister and judicial sources said.
                                                     (Defence Web-Article Link)

                   MALI – 03/18/2021 : Death
                                                                              IVORY      COAST        –
                   toll of recent attack on
                                                                              03/18/2021              :
                   Malian army rises to 33 :
                                                                              Information        alone
                   Malian    Armed      Forces
                                                                              won’t     stop    illegal
confirmed Wednesday that the death toll of
                                                                              migration from Côte
the recent attack on Malian army in the region
                                                                              d’Ivoire : Nearly half of
of Gao rose to 33, with 14 Malian soldiers
                                                     African countries have criminalised migrant
injured, making this the deadliest attack on
                                                     smuggling, and Côte d’Ivoire should follow
Malian army this year. (CGTN-Article Link)
                                                     suit. (ISS-Article Link)

                     NIGER – 03/18/2021 :
                                                                            ALGERIA              –
                     Fifty-eight     killed     in
                                                                            03/18/2021     :    As
                     'barbarous' Niger attacks
                                                                            Algerian     protests
                     near Mali border : Scenes
                     on the street and a market
                                                                           demonstrators differ
in the Nigerien capital of Niamey. Despite little
                                                                           on goals : Abdenour
sign of the first of a three-day mourning after
                                                     Ait Said and Mohamed Chabti both helped
attacks by suspected jihadists killed 58 people
                                                     topple Algeria’s veteran president nearly two
near the Mali border, residents and a
                                                     years ago by taking part in mass street
community leader express condemnation and
                                                     demonstrations against the ruling elite but
shock at the killings. (Africa News-Article Link)
                                                     they no longer agree on the protests.
                                                     (Defence Web-Article Link)
                    MOZAMBIQUE              –
                    03/18/2021              :                                   KENYA – 03/18/2021 :
                    Humanitarian crisis on                                      Kenyan court says
                    the rise in Cabo Delgado                                    police to blame for
                    - Mozambique : There is a                                   death of girl after
growing humanitarian crisis in Cabo Delgado                                     2017 elections : A
province, in northern Mozambique. According                                     Kenyan inquest has
to the "Aid to the Church in Need" Foundation        ruled that police are to blame for the death of
, cases of cholera and malaria are increasing        a 9-year-old girl during violence after the 2017
among the more than 600 thousand displaced           elections, saying that if the police wanted to
persons fleeing the armed attacks in the             find the girl’s killer, who remains at large, they
region. (Arica News-Article Link)                    could do so in a day. (Defence Web-Article Link)

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TUNISIA – 03/18/2021 :                         AFRICA – 03/18/2021 :
                     Tunisian court frees                           Unnamed African country
                     prominent        women’s                       orders 100 DongFeng
                     activist : A Tunisian                          vehicles : An undisclosed
                     appeals court released on                      African country in 2020
                     Wednesday a prominent         ordered 100 DongFeng Warrior armoured
women’s rights defender and LGBTI activist         vehicles from China. (Defence Web-Article Link)
who had been jailed on charges of “insulting
police and abuse of morals”, her lawyers said,                       MALI – 03/18/2021 :
in a case that raised concerns about freedom                         Malians express doubt
of expression. (Defence Web-Article Link)                            over army's capacity to
                                                                     counter Jihadist fighters :
                     SOUTH       AFRICA        –   At least 33 soldiers were killed in an attack in
                     03/18/2021 : Defence          northern Mali this week after one of two
                                  Intelligence     devastating attacks in the Sahel region since
                                effectiveness      Monday. (Africa News-Article Link)
                     questioned : The lack or
                     withholding of intelligence                      NIGERIA – 03/18/2021 :
from the wider defence sector resulted in at                          Food Crisis : Igboho
least seven “disasters or embarrassments” for                         prepares to take over
Defence and Military Veterans Minister                                borders               from
Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula last year, a                                  Immigration, Customs :
contributor to a National Assembly debate on       Yoruba freedom fighter, Sunday Adeyemo,
crime and other intelligence maintains.            popularly known as Sunday Igboho, has said
(Defence Web-Article Link)
                                                   that he is going to open up the borders in the
                                                   South-West to allow foodstuffs, particularly
                    MOROCCO – 03/18/2021           rice. (Newzandar News-Article Link)
                    : Morocco orders 300
                    VLRA       light    tactical
                    vehicles : The Royal                              LIBERIA – 03/18/2021 :
                    Moroccan Armed Forces                             Victims wait for ruling in
(RMAF) has ordered 300 VLRA-2 4×4 light                               lawsuit over Liberian
tactical military vehicles from France to                             massacre : A federal judge
strengthen the firepower and mobility of its                          in Philadelphia will decide if
special forces units. (Defence Web-Article Link)   there’s enough evidence to rule in favor of
                                                   survivors of a 1990 massacre during Liberia’s
                                                   civil wars or whether a trial should take place.
                     NIGER – 03/18/2021 :          (News Break-Article Link)
                     Bandits kidnap Pastor
                     Bitrus     of     Shiyona                     MOZAMBIQUE                    –
                     Church, demand N60m                           03/18/2021         :        The
                     ransom : Hoodlums and                         Mozambique Channel is
                     illegal tax collectors in                     the next security hotspot :
Cross River have physically assaulted and                          The waters off Mozambique
dehumanised two petty traders for allegedly        are becoming a major new security hotspot in
not paying their tax. (News Break-Article Link)    the Indian Ocean. (News Break-Article Link)

 © 2021 The Casablanca Club, All rights reserved                                     7
SOUTH AFRICA –                                 ETHIOPIA – 03/19/2021 :
                        03/18/2021 : China                             Critical         Ethiopian
                        donates      learning                          diplomat urges peace
                        equipment to SA                                talks in Tigray war : An
                        National     Defence                           Ethiopian diplomat who
                        College : On 17             quit his post in the United States over
                        March, Ambassador of        concerns about atrocities in Tigray is calling
China to South Africa, Chen Xiaodong,               for peace talks between the government and
donated electronic learning equipment to the        the embattled region’s fugitive leaders.
South African National Defence College in           (AP News-Article Link)
Thaba Tshwane on behalf of the Chinese
military. (Defence Web-Article Link)                                 NIGER – 03/19/2021 :
                                                                     Niger to beef up security
                      NIGERIA – 03/19/2021                           in the west following
                      : Miyetti Allah writes                         deadly attack : Soldiers
                      Police,        reports                         have been reinforced in
                      missing 30 herdsmen,          Western Niger, where suspected jihadists
                      322 cows in Anambra           attacked on Monday. (Africa News-Article Link)
                      : The Miyetti Allah
Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria                                 CENTRAL           AFRICAN
(MACBAN) has written to the Police over                                REPUBLIC – 03/21/2021
attacks on Fulanis in Anambra State.                                   :    CAR      ex-president
(News Break-Article Link)
                                                                       takes over leadership of
                                                                       rebel group fighting the
                      SUDAN – 03/19/2021 :          govt : François Bozizé, is the new rebel
                      Fashaqa Flashpoint:           leader in the Central African Republic. The
                      Sudanese Dream Of             former president has officially taken over the
                      Reclaiming       Fertile      leadership of the CPC, the Coalition of
                      Land     :    Under    a      Patriots for Change. (Africa News-Article Link)
                      thatched            roof,
Sudanese dream of returning to farmland at                               MOZAMBIQUE              –
the heart of a decades-old dispute with                                  03/22/2021 : UNHCR
Ethiopia that has turned violent and                                     describes happenings in
threatened to ignite a wider conflict.                                   Mozambique's north as
(News Break-Article Link)
                                                                         ''humanitarian tragedy''
                                                    : Internally displaced persons in Mozambique
                        NIGERIA – 03/19/2021        have been recounting horrific stories of
                        : Banditry Will Not         beheadings and rape. (Africa News-Article Link)
                        End In Nigeria Since
                        They’ve Politicised
                        Security-    Wike       :                        MALI – 03/22/2021 :
                        Governor        Nyesom                           Mali's PM inaugurates
Ezenwo Wike of Rivers State has posited that                             new fishing port, military
the issue of banditry ravaging the nation may                            camp in war-torn region
not end soon if it continues to be politicized.                          : The town of Konna in the
(News Break-Article Link)                           Central region of Mali is an area regularly hit
                                                    by jihadist attacks. (Africa News-Article Link)

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