Media and online platforms meeting on misinformation related to noncommunicable diseases and risk factors: 5 February 2021, online event
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Media and online platforms meeting on misinformation related to noncommunicable diseases and risk factors: 5 February 2021, online event 1
ABSTRACT Disinformation and so-called fake news are a growing concern, as more and more individuals obtain their information from digital venues such as search engines or social media platforms. While generally increased access to a wider range of information on health issues can be seen as positive, the spread of misinformation – or more acutely, of disinformation – is problematic, as inaccurate information can lead to consequences such as harmful lifestyle or dietary choices, self-medication, the abandonment of medical treatment or incorrect diagnoses. In February 2021, WHO convened a meeting with media stakeholders in an effort to collect more information on misinformation concerning NCDs and to develop a catalogue of policy initiatives, building on the first NCD misinformation meeting that was held in February 2020 with civil society representatives. A third and final meeting was held with WHO European Region Member States. The expected outcome of these meetings is the development of a new toolkit of policy recommendations that can be used by Member States and other stakeholders to tackle the negative impacts of NCD misinformation. Document number: WHO/EURO:2023-6889-46655-67838 © World Health Organization 2023 Some rights reserved. This work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO licence (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO; Under the terms of this licence, you may copy, redistribute and adapt the work for noncommercial purposes, provided the work is appropriately cited, as indicated below. In any use of this work, there should be no suggestion that WHO endorses any specific organization, products or services. The use of the WHO logo is not permitted. If you adapt the work, then you must license your work under the same or equivalent Creative Commons licence. If you create a translation of this work, you should add the following disclaimer along with the suggested citation: “This translation was not created by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this translation. The original English edition shall be the binding and authentic edition: Media and online platforms meeting on misinformation related to noncommunicable diseases and risk factors: 5 February 2021, online event. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2023”. Any mediation relating to disputes arising under the licence shall be conducted in accordance with the mediation rules of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Suggested citation. Media and online platforms meeting on misinformation related to noncommunicable diseases and risk factors: 5 February 2021, online event. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2023. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) data. CIP data are available at Sales, rights and licensing. To purchase WHO publications, see To submit requests for commercial use and queries on rights and licensing, see Third-party materials. If you wish to reuse material from this work that is attributed to a third party, such as tables, figures or images, it is your responsibility to determine whether permission is needed for that reuse and to obtain permission from the copyright holder. The risk of claims resulting from infringement of any third-party-owned component in the work rests solely with the user. General disclaimers. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by WHO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by WHO to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall WHO be liable for damages arising from its use. This publication contains the report Media and online platforms meeting on misinformation related to noncommunicable diseases and risk factors: 5 February 2021, online event and does not necessarily represent the decisions or policies of WHO.
CONTENTS Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The rise of disinformation and misinformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Rationale for the WHO meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Part 1. Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Business model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Cognitive dissonance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Epistemology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Part 2. Case studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Google . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The BBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The NYT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Twitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Part 3. Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Specific interventions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Convening stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Next steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Annexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Annex 1. List of participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Annex 2. Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 II
BACKGROUND The rise of disinformation and misinformation Disinformation and so-called fake news are a growing concern, as more and more individuals obtain their information from digital venues such as search engines or social media platforms. While generally increased access to a wider range of information on health issues can be seen as positive, the spread of misinformation – or more acutely, of disinformation – is problematic, as inaccurate information can lead to consequences such as harmful lifestyle or dietary choices, self-medication, the abandonment of medical treatment or incorrect diagnoses. It is important to distinguish misinformation from disinformation. While the former might simply be described as the spread of false or inaccurate information, disinformation refers to the spreading of false information deliberately (and often covertly) in order to influence public opinion or to obscure the truth (Box 1). Box 1. Definitions Disinformation is information that is created and shared with the explicit purpose to cause harm (1). WHO has also uses the definition from Merriam- Webster: ’’the proliferation of false information deliberately and often covertly in order to influence public opinion or to obscure the truth’’ (2). Misinformation is information that is inadvertently false and is shared without intent to cause harm. Considering the difficulty in distinguishing between intentional and unintentional purposes, the term misinformation is often used to mean any false information, regardless of intent to cause harm. Fake news comprises false information transmitted in the form of “news”, often by sources attempting to pass-off as online newspapers. The term has become highly politicized, most recently and notably being used to refute statements that the recipient does not like or agree with. Conspiracy theories are explanations of significant events as secret plots concocted by powerful and malevolent institutions, groups, and/or people. Misinformation and disinformation are not new or unique to the technological age; however, the Internet has led to a step-change in the speed and scale at which misinformation can spread across communities and around the world. Furthermore, the scale of the Internet materially impacts the quality of content and the trustworthiness with which it is perceived. An example can be seen in information cascades, where high numbers of reposts serve as a normative cue, indicating that the content is legitimate and worthy of further sharing (3). 1
According to a survey by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, half of all European Union (EU) residents sought health information online in 2017, a figure that has almostdoubled since 2008 (4). This points towards a growing trend whereby the young and increasingly digitally literate seek early diagnoses, lifestyle counselling or dietary advice through Internet searches and self-help tools and also rely on Internet articles as reliable sources of health information. In 2019 WHO enacted a statement on the Role of Social Media Platforms in Health Information (5) stating that “misinformation about vaccines is as contagious and dangerous as the diseases it helps to spread”. Likewise, in February 2020 WHO warned that the COVID-19 pandemic had been followed by an equally dangerous so-called infodemic – an overabundance of information, some accurate and some not – that continues to make it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it. This infodemic has had severe consequences for human health and is part of a bigger trend of health disinformation. The harmful impact of such misinformation and disinformation practices concerning noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) has not been properly studied by national and international scientific authorities, even though it has been an area where behaviour plays such a determinant role. Health misinformation is a serious problem today that is all around us in our daily lives. Myths about risk factors and treatments can spread faster than ever. – Carina Ferreira-Borges, a.i. Head of the WHO European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases Alongside infodemics, which are grounded in crises, misinformation is also disseminated in the forms of conspiracies and daily misinformation. Conspiracies lack the urgent element of infodemics and largely constitute narratives about powerful hidden forces, based on widely debunked beliefs. In contrast, daily misinformation is unprompted, ordinary, not focused on any particular event and often grounded in erroneous beliefs. Daily misinformation is the usual home of NCD misinformation: it lacks the sense of urgency of a crisis and the steady interest of a conspiracy. Alcohol provides a good example of NCD misinformation: it is easy to find articles, blogs and authentic-looking “research” summaries suggesting that alcohol is good for you. Nutrition misinformation is also widely prevalent online, with social media influencers playing a significant role in disseminating unscientific dietary advice. Misinformation can cause fear, anxiety and anger, as well as undermine public health policies. It discredits institutions and can lead to disease, disability and death. In a sobering recent example, hundreds of Iranians died after being exposed to misinformation claiming that alcohol cures COVID-19 (6). Given that NCDs are responsible for approximately 90% of all deaths in the WHO European Region (7), tackling NCD misinformation is a major public health priority. 2
Rationale for the WHO meeting WHO convened this second meeting with media stakeholders, in an effort to collect more information on misinformation concerning NCDs and to develop a catalogue of policy initiatives, building on the first NCD misinformation meeting that was held with civil society representatives. Media stakeholders have a vital role to play in sharing their perspectives and data on challenges and potential solutions; sharing data on how misinformation spreads; and in participating in efforts to counter disinformation. The specific aims of the media meeting were to: • identify barriers, challenges and possible ways to fight health disinformation through media initiatives; • discuss the role of social media platforms in combating health disinformation, including their role in preventing NCD myths and conspiracy theories from spreading; • discuss best practices against health disinformation, including fact- checking tools and algorithmic decision-making processes; • discuss how WHO and other public health communities could contribute to address this challenge; • assess the role of traditional media in fighting health disinformation and showcase successful initiatives already in peace; • discuss the impact of digital literacy on the reduction of online NCD- related disinformation; and • showcase success stories and innovative practices in the media sector. A third and final meeting was held with WHO European Region Member States. The expected outcome of these meetings is the development of a new toolkit of policy recommendations that can be used by Member States and other stakeholders to tackle the negative impacts of NCD misinformation. We need to tackle this issue at multiple different levels. Cooperation with media and social media companies is absolutely key and we are grateful for their participation here today. – From the speech by Nino Berdzuli, Director of the Division of Country Health Programmes, WHO Regional Office for Europe, read by Carina Ferreira-Borges 3
PART 1. CHALLENGES Throughout the meeting, participants shared a number of challenges faced in countering misinformation and its spread in traditional and social media. All of these have been covered in the first meeting report; however, several resurfacing themes merit further discussion. Business model James Williams, a Research Fellow at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics reminded participants that we ought to be careful not to implicitly adopt a so-called message effects model of persuasion (i.e. a knowledge deficit model). We need to ensure that actions also consider the wider attentional environment; motivations for sharing content; industry incentives; business models; and design goals and values. There was a shared acknowledgement that countering misinformation in a comprehensive and sustainable manner requires going beyond measures that target dangerous content to engage with underlying business models that profit from the spread of misinformation. In the words of Francisco Goiana-da-Silva, “fake news has a high virality potential” and misinformation is often more appealing presented than scientific information. Media platforms generate revenue by exposing users to large volumes of content, and as long as misinformation is appealing, platforms have a financial incentive to direct users towards it, or ate least not to hide or demote it. Websites that produce the original content are financed by advertising. We need to tackle this. – Paulo Pena, Journalist, Investigate Europe Earlier this year, Apple’s boss Tim Cook challenged Facebook about prioritizing harmful content “simply because of their high rates of engagement” (8). As well as directing users towards engaging but often misleading content, the status quo business model can also drive the creation of informational bubbles: closed communities of discourse. Our civil society participants argued that search engines can similarly reinforce echo chambers by presenting highly tailored results; however, Clement Wolf, our Google representative, refuted this claim, stating that personalization of search results is limited to local components. However, the fact that web services and broader messaging can be targeted with pinpoint accuracy does erode the accountability of large platforms, as they are able to provide different messages to different people. Cognitive dissonance Miguel Poiares Maduro, Chairman of the European Digital Media Observatory, discussed how the broader technological transformation has eroded confidence in the people and institutions that have been the traditional editors of the public space. Journalists and politicians have lost their monopoly, as anyone with an 4
Internet connection can find unlimited information of varying quality on any given topic. Unfortunately, people commonly conflate having information about a topic with knowing something about the field, as evidence in the rise of so- called armchair epidemiologists during the COVID-19 pandemic. When governments are opaque about the data that they are using to inform policy, this can lead to cognitive and epistemological dissonance. Rather than openly incorporating scientific data into policy-making processes, we have witnessed politicians appealing to science with the main aim of boosting perceived legitimacy. Social media has had a corrosive effect on trust in traditional media. – Marc Lavallee, Executive Director/Head of R&D, The New York Times A further structural problem is the way that public deliberation has changed. The mismatch between the space where political participation occurs (the state) and the space where policy decisions take place (increasingly at the supranational level) can lead to cognitive and epistemological dissonance. As a result, one major aspect of addressing NCD misinformation has to be re- establishing trust in the traditional editors of the public space and promoting their use of high-quality scientific evidence. This job has been made much harder by recent political shifts, probably best crystallized in the Trump presidency’s “fake news”, “alternative facts” and interpretation of data through a tribal/identity- based prism. Epistemology The general framing and discourse of the WHO meeting was heavily based on a truth paradigm. This epistemological paradigm assets that there is one true, objectively discoverable reality that is best understood using scientific methods. The post-modern age (“your truth may be different to my truth, but equally valid”) and the trashing of scientific norms, institutions and experts in the rise of populism has made it increasingly difficult to separate high-quality information from misinformation. Misinformation has sometimes been peddled by political leaders themselves. This leads people to believe there are no reference points to truth anymore and that all statements have the same credibility. This creates a vicious cycle of misinformation. – Miguel Poiares Maduro, Chairman, European Digital Media Observatory In the present age, who has the legitimate authority to arbitrate reality? And who has the administrative power for this task? Media platforms play increasingly interventionist roles to weed out dangerous misinformation, such as adding pre-bunking warnings to misleading Tweets; however, this forces platforms into a position where they have to determine what purported version of the truth they stand behind and will side with on a range of topics. Often this process is informed by consultation with independent experts, but arbitration is ultimately an internal affair with no external accountability, unless dealing with content that breaks the law. 5
A related challenge is that for many aspects of NCDs and NCD risk factors, the truth is still a matter for debate; for example, much of our understanding of nutrition science is based on low-level observational evidence rather than clinical trials. While a large majority of adults believe that major Internet companies have an obligation to identify misinformation that appears on their platforms (9) identifying and censoring misinformation can easily become politicized and curtail freedom of expression. It is important to note that free speech is very different to free publication of speech, but there are significant epistemological, legal, political and moral complexities in developing processes to transparently and objectively identify and demote misinformation. Kate Saunders, Senior Policy Advisor at the United Kingdom’s BBC, explained that the part of the appeal of media literacy training is that it sidesteps these issues. Complexity For many NCD issues, much scientific research remains to be done, leading to an information void where disinformation can flourish. At the other end of the spectrum, some areas have received so much scientific enquiry that it can be hard to synthesize all of the information to come to a conclusion; for example, what is the best way to lose weight? Humans have a range of heuristic tools to help us to make sense of the world, and tend to favour simple conclusions with good face validity. Often the scientific truth of a matter is much more nuanced and complex, and so is impossible to encapsulate into a catchy soundbite. This creates two challenges: presenting complex scientific consensus effectively, and countering simple-but-effective misinformation. As Nils Fietje said, a good place to start is “being open and honest about acknowledging complexity”. Health information is, most of the time, incredibly complex and that very often there is no clear correct answer to a question. I would argue that a really important challenge is not just to combat misinformation in the population, but to figure out how to communicate about complexity and uncertainty. – Nils Fietje, Chair of the Behavioural and Cultural Insights Initiative, WHO Regional Office for Europe A first objective would be to focus on helping people to feel comfortable with uncertainty, rather than viewing uncertainty as a cue that information should not be trusted. There is a role for public health institutions, scientists and governments to play here in working with the media to provide them with clear explanations of research findings, so that journalists and content creators stand the best chance of communicating complex issues with clarity. One message that needs to be continually repeated is that new research findings are part of an evolving larger picture, rather than supplanting all that came before and presenting a new definitive conclusion. The rapidly changing research landscape during the COVID-19 pandemic has probably helped to advance this cause. 6
Misinformation is compelling because it presents information as a firm conclusion, whereas accurate information is often full of caveats. That won’t change because that is the nature of science, but we can help make people comfortable with such uncertainty. – Vanessa Boudewyns, Senior Scientist in the Public Sphere Program, Center for Communication Science at RTI International PART 2. CASE STUDIES Four industry representatives shared their organizations’ experiences in countering health misinformation. They used COVID-19 as a touchstone issue and presented the strategies they have developed that could be applied to the field of NCDs. Google, the New York Times (NYT), the BBC and Twitter all provided insight, covering a range of both traditional and big-technology media giants. Google Clement Wolf, Google’s Global Public Policy Lead for Information Integrity presented the company’s five approaches to combating health misinformation, with reference to the COVID-19 pandemic. Raise authoritative information from public health authorities Google has designed its ranking system to elevate authoritative information from expert sources for health topics. This has involved partnering with creators to elevate authoritative health voices. It has also used the Google Ad Grants programme to promote public service announcements from governments and health authorities during the pandemic. Reduce borderline information In order to reduce the prominence of low-quality information, the Google search and YouTube ranking systems have been designed to reduce the spread of borderline information. This has reduced the watch time of low-quality content by 70% on YouTube. Remove content harmful to users and society Long-standing company policies prohibit harmful and misleading medical or health-related content. Google now employs in-house clinicians who help to identify harmful content, and partners with external health organizations. Actions are graded according to the harmfulness of the content. 7
Incentivize creation of high-quality information experiences Google policies do not allow adverts that potentially profit from or exploit a sensitive event with significant social, cultural or political impact, such as a public health emergency. The platform has also created policies which prohibit monetization of COVID-19 misinformation, as well as pranks and challenges. Supporting quality reporting and research on vaccine misinformation Google Trends enables analysis of peoples’ search activity and the team has created a dedicated COVID-19 Trends portal (10). Google financially supports a number of fact-checking organizations and has provided training or resources to around 10 000 reporters around the world. The company also funds research on combating misinformation. This naturally carries the inherent risks of any industry-led research but is nonetheless welcomed in an under-researched field. The BBC A very high proportion of the United Kingdom population use the BBC, showing that traditional platforms still have an important role to play in providing accurate news information. The BBC employs a range of tactics for countering misinformation. Kate Saunders provided an overview of five approaches. Editorial policies The BBC has its own standards, processes, policies, frameworks and checklists that journalists use to check the reliability of data and stories, and whether presenting the information serves the public interest. The organization is also subject to independent regulation with clear sanctions for actions. Debunking The BBC has a dedicated Reality Check team that debunks fake news and misinformation. The team use a checklist to ensure that this activity does not inadvertently amplify misinformation. Anti-disinformation unit There is a dedicated anti-disinformation unit that was established to share expertise and information across the corporation. Trusted News Initiative The BBC was a founding member of this industry collaboration of major news and global technology organizations. Members alert each other when disinformation is circulating that may cause serious harm. 8
Media literacy initiatives The BBC Young Reporter is a partnership with schools to encourage children to think critically about how news stories are produced. The organization has also created BBC iReporter (11). an online interactive game to help young people. Finally, Project Origin (12) is an initiative to verify the original source of content. This allows end users to see whether content has been altered or manipulated, which can help to identify deep fakes. In this work the BBC has partnered with Microsoft, the NYT and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to build a registry for platforms to perform two-factor authentication for media. The NYT Marc Lavallee is head of R&D at the NYT and a team member of the News Provenance Project (NPP). He presented the work of the NYT in accrediting information that travels around the Internet so that users can quickly and easily assess where it has come from. The NPP stemmed from the observation that legitimate media is commonly used in misleading contexts (e.g. recycled, unsourced or modified). The paper takes the view that “knowing the origin and authenticity of information is a human right and the cornerstone of re- establishing trust on the internet”. The NPP also believe that content publishers play a critical role in the information ecosystem. Partly due to the historical development of journalistic standards, all content from mainstream publishers contains the “what”, “where”, “when” and the name of the accountable journalist(s). Marc argued that while it might be impossible to accredit every single post on the Internet, if 90% of content came with accreditation it might make users question the remaining 10%. NYT qualitative research suggests that people judge the reliability of posted content by looking at the source; verification by a network of major news organizations and the presence of the original caption are the strongest markers of veracity in social media news posts. Interestingly, study participants scoffed at the notion that their friends or family should be judges of credible sources of information. Users can be segmented into four groups using two axes: those who are more or less trusting of mainstream media; and those that are more or less aware of veracity cues like source and date. Those who are less aware are likely to take content at face value, and those with low levels of trust are likely to be sceptical about all media institutions. Marc provided two figures: one showing this segmentation with trust and awareness levels (Fig. 1) and one showing strategies that might help users in the four segments (Fig. 2). 9
Fig. 1. Segmentation of users along trust and awareness axes MORE AWARE OF CONTEXT MORE CONTEXT-AWARE MORE CONTENT-AWARE, MEDIA-SKEPTIC READER MEDIA-TRUSTING READER (e.g. hyper-partisan news junkies) (e.g. techy NYT subscribers) “If I don’t understand something, I can’t “I trust [those media orgs]. It would use it to prove things for myself… I need make me trust the post even more if I more information”. saw it was marked verified by them”. LESS MEDIA TRUST MORE MEDIA TRUST LESS CONTEXT-AWARE LESS CONTENT-AWARE LESS AWARE OF CONTEXT MEDIA-SKEPTIC READER MEDIA-TRUSTING READER (e.g. emotional, reactive “local Twitter”) (e.g. people with broadcast media habits who are new to social media) “The more local it is the more credible I would just take their word for it”. “Sometimes I can’t see what other people see, I just look at photos like a little girl”. Interestingly, there was an age divide, with older users having higher levels of trust and a lower awareness of cues. This is likely because the older generation grew up with generally trustworthy major broadcasters providing news, whereas younger users face a cacophony of competing sources online. Different approaches are required to help users in each of the four groups to appraise content. The most important group to focus on is the “trusting gullible users” in the bottom left quadrant of Fig. 1. This group need content that feels authentic, with clear cues to avoid false and misleading information (Fig. 2). Fig. 2. Strategies for users in each of the four groups NEEDS HARD-EARNED TRUST NEEDS MORE CONTEXT MORE AWARE OF CONTEXT Seeks to call out bias in mainstream Alert to cues of journalistic rigor media • Digitally savvy in distinguishing true from • Uses motivated reasoning to confirm fake information, when possible ideological anti-mainstream media beliefs, especially in politics • Trusts in journalism to help them do the job • Fundamentally needs more trust in • Wants to be informed about issues and mainstream media institutions having as much content as possible LESS MEDIA TRUST MORE MEDIA TRUST NEEDS CLEAR CREDIBILITY CLUES LESS AWARE OF CONTEXT NEEDS MORE TRUST, CLEAR CREDIBILITY CUES Trusts mainstream media, but doesn’t Feels marginalized and uncritically pause to judge trustworthiness online accepts hot takes as trusts Needs more clear cues to identify false and •Needs more clear cues to identify false misleading content and misleading content •Wants news that feel local & authentic 10
Based on this research, the NPP team has developed a number of insights for credentialing visual content. • Assess visuals for source information at the time that it is uploaded. This ensures that there is clarity about the source from the very first time that the content is viewed. • Ensure that prompts induce a more critical mindset. Instead of flagging items as false, prompt users to “check for yourself – what does this photo show?” This is about introducing speedbumps rather than stop signs, as an unintended consequence of the latter can be making people curious, leading to the further propagation of misinformation. • Highlight information that users can interpret for themselves. • Provide multiple visual perspectives (i.e. include multiple photos of an event to help users build a stronger sense of what happened). • Source editorial history from multiple publishers for a wider perspective: give access to the workflow from sourcing to publication. • Use provenance to emphasize what is known, without discrediting all photos that lack provenance information. This is to avoid disadvantaging local and small-scale news groups that do not have the resources to do the same. Twitter Nick Pickles, Senior Director of Public Policy Strategy and Development, presented Twitter’s approach to tackling misinformation with a focus on COVID-19 vaccines. Twitter’s mission in this arena is to protect the public conversation, reduce the spread of harmful misinformation, elevate sources of helpful information and support the needs of customers and communities. Twitter’s policy approach can be broken down into goals and tools. Goals include addressing directly harmful information through targeted removal; limiting advertising to pre-approved advertisers; providing context and authoritative voices; and protecting robust debate and conflict about issues of public importance where the facts may not yet be clear. The platform has a range of tools at its disposal: • content removal • annotations, labelling and human-curated content • filtering and de-ampliyfing • disabled engagements (likes and retweets) • nudges (asking users “would you like to read this before sharing”) • pre-bunks (e.g. “this content contains disputed information”). 11
Nick underlined that most of the content and exchange that occurs on the platform is healthy conversation. As such, a graded approach is required when moderating content. While the small segment of harmful false claims needs to be removed, the larger segment of decontextualized information or misleading or debated claims should be annotated and restricted rather than de-platformed (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. The graded approach to moderating Twitter content Healthy conversation Annotate & restrict Remote Discussion and debate, Decontextualized Harmful, false claims, personal accounts and information, misleading or networked bad actors anecdotes, emerging debated claims science For COVID-19, three criteria are being used: 1. Is the content advancing a claim or fact regarding COVID-19? 2. Is the claim demonstrably false or misleading? 3. Would belief in this information, as presented, lead to harm? Twitter has also proactively elevated authoritative voices by working with WHO and other global organizations. It aims to use partner organizations that are geographically local to users. The platform has also provided advertising grants for nongovernmental organizations and free access to all COVID-19 tweets for researchers. Among other things, Twitter data have been used to assess the effectiveness of different public health strategies. Nick also presented some advice for public health messaging on the platform. Users need emotionally engaging content Scientific information is often dry and quantitative; however, in the words of Matthew d’Ancona, “truth needs an emotional delivery framework”. Content needs to be presented in a way that users find compelling and will actually digest: they need to be emotionally engaged in the content. Understand your audience Ask who would be a credible voice for the relevant audience and why. This may not be a staid public health official (Fig. 4). Segment your audience and then tailor your communications to meet the different groups where they are. 12
Timing matters A simple way to reach a different audience is to tweet while your issue is being discussed in the public sphere. As Rory Sutherland said, “brands do not have target markets, they have target moments”. Be authentic and engaging High production standards and polished graphics do not always equate to more engagement. Users are looking for authenticity. Call to action It’s important not to be vague. Be clear and direct about what you want people to do. Educate people The majority of users come with an open mind to learn new things. Q&As are a helpful way of capitalising on this. Tweets that contain practical information are more likely to be passed on. Included videos or photographs Content that comes with a photograph or video is much more likely to be shared. Move away from a one platform approach Different platforms require differing content for effectiveness. Content has to be tailored based on what users are searching for. 13
PART 3. SOLUTIONS Specific interventions During the course of the meeting, a number of specific interventions and approaches were discussed that could potentially be used to address NCD misinformation. Algorithms A recurring theme was the need to amend algorithms that funnel users towards harmful misinformation. Participants suggested demoting or blocking content that misinforms; however, this is difficult to police. An alternative approach is modifying the algorithms themselves so that they direct users towards scientific-based content, or content from trustworthy sources. Participants noted that private actors should not be arbitrators of truth, but elected public authorities do not have the capacity to decide whether individual posts should be removed. Regulating algorithms may be a much more efficient way of setting and upholding standards. Note that this still requires transparent and objective criteria that distinguish between “truth”, or trustworthiness, and misinformation. Twitter already lets users “turn the algorithm off”,1 and it is likely that in the near future users will be able to select their own algorithms to use when browsing content on different platforms, imported from third-party providers. While this ameliorates the problem of scientifically agnostic, revenue-focused proprietary algorithms (designed to maximize advertisement exposure), it is possible that people may choose to plug in new algorithms that further restrict their exposure to opposing or scientific views and subsequently reinforce their prejudices or erroneous beliefs. Despite commonly espoused concerns about echo chambers, Nick Pickles noted that social media users are actually exposed to more contrasting views than people who consume traditional forms of media. Miguel Poiares Maduro suggested that it should be possible for the user to make a choice from alternative algorithms to govern the organization of the content they receive in social media. Nick Pickles shared Twitter’s openness to work towards such a possibility. Develop agnostic solutions Kremlin Wickramasinghe, WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Office) asked the media representatives whether there was value in developing approaches specifically targeted at NCD misinformation. Google’s Clement Wolf argued that misinformation should be tackled as nonspecifically as possible, treating it as a part of the much broader class containing all health misinformation. The rationale is that it is hard to predict what NCD misinformation will surface in the future; 15% of all daily searches have never been seen before, so future-proofing requires broad-based and agnostic solutions that apply to all health-related searches/content. 1. For more information on how the Twitter algorithm works, see this (unofficial) overview from Josiah Hughes: Hughes, Josiah. How the Twitter Algorithm Works [2023 GUIDE] [webpage]. Hootsuite ( Accessed on 25 May 2022. 14
Media provenance Marc Levalle argued that taking media provenance to scale requires two different approaches. From the bottom up, publishers already understand that search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial to their business and want to use schemes which encourage web traffic to their sites. Small publishers and content creators need cheap, user-friendly plug-ins that help them to do the heavy lifting of certifying provenance. From the top down, scaling provenance accreditation is going to be based on regulators and platforms insisting on its use. Legislation is most likely in states where governments adopt the NYT view that “knowing the origin and authenticity of information is a human right”. Synthesising complex scientific evidence Relating to the observation that much NCD research is complex, several journalists expressed their desire for public health agencies to produce clear summaries of complex topics to help content producers to represent current scientific knowledge accurately. The United Kingdom’s Science Media Centre (13) provides a good example of an organization that executes this function. WHO might be able to play a role in this space. The WHO can help journalists by providing rapid, efficient and accessible information about what is really going on. – Luisa Meireles, Director, Agência Lusa (Portuguese National News Agency) Registering users There was some discussion concerning the potential for requiring users to register on platforms using identity documents in order to reduce fake accounts and increase transparency and accountability. However, it was noted that anonymity is crucial for freedom of speech and whistleblowing. Paulo Pena, a journalist from Investigate Europe, argued that social media companies should take action to vet and filter users in order to demote content from misleading accounts. Data sharing and intellectual property At times during both the civil society and the media meetings, public health representatives expressed a desire for media platforms to share data on the size of the problem, the workings of proprietary algorithms and the (confidential) business plans that collectively underpin the spread of misinformation. A less contentious request was for industry to engage with the development of formalized communication avenues between industry, governments and civil society. To tackle the problem effectively we need to access industry data. –Francisco de Abreu Duarte, WHO Consultant, European University Institute Department of Law 15
Increase the resilience of the ecosystem Although the fundamental commercial architecture of media platforms has to be the focus of our efforts, participants agreed that there is value to be gained by improving the media literacy of end users. This can take the form of critical appraisal training and improving the transparency of sources. As well as the NYT media provenance work, other existing projects in this sphere include the Content Authenticity Initiative, a collaboration between Adobe, Twitter and the NYT to help creative tools like Photoshop to retain metadata and establish forward provenance for publishers and platforms to build a chain of custody and trust, and the Partnership on AI, with over 100 members, which focuses on detection methods for deep fakes. Convening stakeholders Specific interventions to tackle NCD misinformation can be divided into three broad levels of action: government, industry and civil society. At each level there are multiple discrete actions. WHO has developed a simple framework to illustrate the different levels of action for addressing NCD misinformation and where these currently sit within the three broad actor groups (Fig. 5). For example, Member States have taken two different approaches to removing disinformation: France and Germany have tried to tackle illegal content, taking down content that breaks the law. The alternative approach is to use fake news laws to tackle harmful content. This is much harder to define. The Russian Federation has legislated to take down “socially significant false information”. Media organizations have used fact-checking, monitoring and promotion of news literacy and media literacy training kits. Civil society engages with another set of interventions. We are all working very hard to tackle the issue, but we are working independently. – Francisco de Abreu Duarte, WHO Consultant, European University Institute Department of Law While the first meeting covered a number of different approaches that can be used to tackle misinformation, a major issue is the lack of cooperation between governments, media companies and civil society, so that interventions currently exist in insulated silos and the value that would come from sharing information, resources and approaches is yet to be harvested. 16
Fig. 4. Three levels of action for tackling NCD misinformation Governmental level Media/social level Civil society level United Nations Media Think tanks • Interagency cooperation • Fact-checking tools • Forums of discussion European Union • News literacy • Academic writing • Rapid alert systems Social media NGOs • European Digital Media • Content labelling • Counter-misinformation Observatory campaigns • Certification Member States • News literacy • Redirecting users towards • Content Laws Civil society reliable information • Anti-fake news laws • Independent fact- checkers • Media/News literacy • Online fact-checking tools WHO aims to develop a toolkit that can be used to break down silos and foster collaborative and synergistic action to address NCD disinformation. The toolkit will use a continuous improvement approach to collecting data, working with stakeholders from across the spectrum to identify learning and collaboratively promote effective policies to address misinformation. Fig. 6 presents an overview of the process. Disconnected activities can only take us so far. – João Marecos, Consultant, WHO Regional Office for Europe Fig. 5. Overview of the draft WHO toolkit Collect data Promote Learn with cooperation policies case studies Detect Engage synergies stakeholders 17
NEXT STEPS Recognizing the significance of the current problem, participants welcomed WHO’s initiative in this area. They urged the WHO team to adopt a multifaceted approach that considers the whole spectrum of factors which influence the scale and spread of misinformation, targeting multiple different actors. This is not an easy task, but a framework that does not attempt to tackle misinformation holistically is doomed to fail. At the third and the final meeting, Member States will be invited to share their perspectives and requirements for an effective and implementable framework. This is one of the most important issues in the world today in the area of health and WHO is well positioned to convene the different actors – James Williams, Research Fellow, Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics This is a broad and complex issue. We need a toolkit to target multiple levels and actors. – Alice Echtermann, Journalist and team lead, CORRECTIV.Faktencheck These remain a number of unresolved issues. The first is that, in the world of Nick Pickles, “the vast majority of content does not fall into definitely true or definitely false. People have opinions and science changes”. It is impossible to tackle misinformation without developing robust and transparent processes for reliably identifying it in the first place. Furthermore, as companies like Google grade levels of harm, robust multi-tiered systems need to be developed. Deeper philosophical answers also need attention: what should take precedence – the precautionary principle or freedom of expression? There seems to be consensus that arbitrating reality should not fall to private companies, but public authorities are unlikely to find the task much easier. For now, platforms are taking the view that the best way to intervene is by providing context, rather than establishing the veracity of every piece of information. These approaches help to address media literacy and the perceptions of users. We need to think about the underlying beliefs that drive disinformation, rather than focusing on individual misinformation posts. We need the framework to go to the foundation, including how people understand and trust science. – Vanessa Boudewyns, Senior Scientist in the Public Sphere Program, Center for Communication Science at RTI International A final issue that the meeting raised pertained to the appropriate score of actions to counter NCD misinformation. Marc Lavallee and Miguel Poiares Maduro both argued that tackling misinformation is predicated on broader actions to re- establish trust in the Internet itself, traditional editors of the public discourse and traditional sources of authority. Perceptions in the trustworthiness and legitimacy of traditional actors has (justifiably) wanted in recent years. To what extent should the WHO framework engender actions that strengthen these 18
actors? While a number of interventions exist to bolster content producers, such as media regulation, editorial standards, accountability mechanisms and objective arbitration criteria, it is less clear that WHO has a role to play in boosting trust in politicians, especially those who lack a democratic mandate. Ultimately, it will be up to Member States to decide where the limits of the framework lie. At the third and final meeting, WHO European Member States will provide their perspectives. The WHO team will refine the NCD disinformation toolkit, with an emphasis on developing pathways for intersectoral collaboration. 19
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ANNEXES Annex 1. List of participants Alice Echtermann Journalist Team lead CORRECTIV.Faktencheck Ashan Pathirana Registar in Community Medicine Health Promotion Bureau Catarina Carvalho Director A Mensagem Clement Wolf Google’s Global Public Policy Lead Information Integrity James Williams Research Fellow Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics University of Oxford Jennifer McDonald Twitter Kate Saunders Senior Policy Advisor at BBC L. Suzanne Suggs Professor of Social Marketing University of Lugano (USI) Louise Coghlin Freelance writer and editor Health and Life Sciences Luisa Meireles Director Lusa Portuguese National News Agency 21
Marc Lavallee Head of R&D The New York Times Team Member of the News Provenance Project Miguel Poiares Maduro President European Digital Media Observatorysil Nick Pickles Senior Director Public Policy Strategy and Development Twitter Paulo Pena Journalist Investigate Europe Ruth Delbaere Legal and Advocacy Officer Avaaz Silvia Caneva Twitter Vanessa Boudewyns Senior Scientist Science in the Public Sphere Program Center for Communication Science RTI International Vera Novais Journalist Observador 22
World Health Organization Carina Ferreira Borges Acting Head WHO European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases Dodkhudo Tuychiev Programme assistant WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases WHO Regional Office for Europe Eric Carlin Consultant WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases WHO Regional Office for Europe Francisco de Abreu Duarte Consultant WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases WHO Regional Office for Europe Francisco Goiana-da-Silva Consultant WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases WHO Regional Office for Europe João Marecos Consultant WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases WHO Regional Office for Europe Kremlin Wickramasinghe a.i. Programme Manager Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity WHO European Office for Prevention 23
Luke Allen Meeting rapporteur Maria Neufeld Consultant WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases WHO Regional Office for Europe Mohamed Hamad Consultant WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases WHO Regional Office for Europe Nils Fietje Research Officer Behavioural and Cultural Insights Initiative Nino Berdzuli Director Division of Country Health Programmes WHO Regional Office for Europe Olga Oleinik Consultant WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases WHO Regional Office for Europe 24
ANNEX 2. Agenda 15:00–15:15 Welcome remarks and setting the stage Nino Berdzuli Director of the Division of Country health Programmes, WHO Regional Office for Europe Carina Ferreira-Borges a.i. Head of the WHO European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases Recap of the 9 December 2020 meeting Session I. The triple entente: bringing stakeholders together to address NCD related health misinformation 15:15–15:35 Draft strategy presentation Chair: Representative of the Behavioural and Cultural Insights Initiative, WHO Regional Office for Eurpoe João Marecos Consultant, WHO Regional Office for European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases Francisco de Abreu Duarte Consultant, WHO Regional Office for European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 15:35–16:15 Plenary discussion Moderator: Francisco Goiana-da-Silva Consultant, WHO Regional Office for European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases Session II. The present situation • Identifies barriers, challenges and possible ways to fight NCD health disinformation through media/social media initiatives Discuss the spread of “fake news” related to NCDs on the different media/ social media venues 25
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