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Materials Express
                 Copyright © 2020 by American Scientific Publishers
                 All rights reserved.                                                                           doi:10.1166/mex.2020.1796
                 Printed in the United States of America                                                

Comparison of two nanocarriers for quercetin in
morphology, loading behavior, release
kinetics and cell inhibitory activity
Tao Wang1, 2 , Caie Wu1, 3, ∗ , Tingting Li1, 3 , Gongjian Fan1, 3 , Hao Gong4 , Peng Liu5 ,
Yunxiao Yang6 , and Lingling Sun7
  College of Light Industry and Food Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  Department of Chemistry Engineering, Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology, Xuzhou 221140, China
  Co-Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
  College of Food Science, Xuzhou University of Technology, Xuzhou, 221008, China
  Weifang Institute for Food and Drug Control, Weifang 261100, China
  Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, 21218, USA
  Qingdao Jimo Comprehensive Inspection and Testing Center, Qingdao 266200, China

                                           IP: On: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 09:55:29
                                              Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
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Recently, nanocarrier loading drugs have caused widespread concern. However, there are few reports about
comparison of drug loading behavior of different nanoparticles. In this study, we prepared two nanocarri-
ers (starch nanoparticles and F127 nanoparticles) for oral and intravenous injections, respectively. We used
dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy to study the morphology of the nanocarriers.
Moreover, the loading behavior of nanoparticles on quercetin (QC) and the release behavior of nanoparticles
at different pH levels were studied. In artificial gastric (pH 2.0) and intestinal (pH 6.8) juices, QC showed a
sustained release in two nanoparticles. Meanwhile starch nanoparticle-QC and F127-QC nanosystems both
showed relatively higher inhibitory activities than free QC on five kinds of cells, especially for cell A549, the
cell inhibition ratio achieved to 55.16% and 64.06%, respectively. This study provided a reference for oral and
injection of drug-loaded nanoparticles.
Keywords: Nanoparticle, Quercetin, Loading Behavior, Release Kinetics, Cell Inhibitory.

1. INTRODUCTION                                                             biocompatibility. Qin et al. prepared SNPs by nanoprecip-
Nanoparticles (NPs) have been widely used for vari-                         itation using starch with different amylose contents as a
ous biomedical and industrial applications, such as drug                    raw material [10]. Liu et al. used oxidized starch to obtain
delivery [1, 2], active material loading, material enhance-                 SNPs [11]. Debranched SNPs were obtained by nanopre-
ment [3, 4], and emulsification [5]. NPs have shown to                      cipitation [12]. Lu et al. obtained SNPs by borax crosslink-
be especially promising in drug loading, for they form                      ing for improving the strength of films [4]. All the above
small compound with highly specific surface area [6–9].                     outcomes affirmed that SNPs are suitable for delivering
Starch NPs (SNPs) have aroused great interest in aca-                       medicine into human body.
demic research because of their biodegradability and
                                                                               Pluronic F127 is a poloxamer that is biocompatible and
                                                                            widely used in clinics for various purposes [13]. Pluronics
        Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.                  are triblock copolymers composed of poly(ethylene oxide)

                                                              Mater. Express, Vol. 10, No. 10, 2020                                1589
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Materials Express                                                               Comparison of two nanocarriers for quercetin
                                                                                                                            Wang et al.

          (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) with a PEO-              was centrifuged at 3500 rpm and washed three times
          PPO-PEO structure [14–16]. Several pluronics have been         by ethanol. Eventually, the SNP products underwent
          approved by the Food and Drug Administration [17]. The         lyophilization.
          biocompatibility and relatively small size of pluronic F127
          triblock copolymer prevent their micelles from being rec-      2.3. Preparation of F127 NPs
          ognized by proteins and macrophages, thereby allowing          First dissolve 0.1 gram of Pluronic F127 into 100 mL of
          a long circulation time [18]. Gao et al. found that F127       deionized water. The solution was then sonicated by using
          NPs can used to deliver [19]. Therefore, F127 has good         ultrasonic (CPX5800H, EMERSON) and high-pressure
          prospects for loading drug and active substance.               homogenized with a high-pressure homogenizer (SMC
             Ginkgo biloba can be widely found in parts of China.        VH201-N02, AVESTIN, Canada). Eventually after dis-
          Numerous researchers have found that Ginkgo biloba stan-       solving cryoprotectants into the prepared solution, dry-
          dard extract contains flavonoids (24%) and terpenes (6%).      freeze it overnight to get solid F127 NPs.
          Flavonoids are efficient antioxidants against superoxide
          anion, hydroxyl radical, and peroxy radical. Flavonoids
                                                                         2.4. Preparation of Loaded QC NPs
          have free-radical-scavenging activity because of their
                                                                         Nanoparticles (5 mg) were incubated in 10 mL QC solu-
          ability to chelate the transition metal involved in the
                                                                         tion (2 mM) in a 50 mL centrifuge tube for different
          production of reactive oxygen species via the Fenton
                                                                         time spans from 1 min to 10 h. Moreover, nanoparticles
          reaction [20]. And Meng have reported the antioxida-
          tion of phosphites including the free phenolic hydroxyl        were in incubated 10 mL Qc solution (2–25 mM) for 2 h.
          group in polypropylene [21]. Quercetin (QC) is a flavonoid     Then under room temperature, this mixture was stirred at
          demonstrating good therapeutic effect on the treatment         300 rotation/minute. After the given contact times, cen-
          of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, cerebral arte-     trifuge the suspension fluid at 12,000 g for 10 min. Collect
          riosclerosis, and senile dement. Because of such effect        the supernatant as much as possible without disturbing the
          on treating diseases, many researchers investigated in         precipitated solid, and then wash the remaining sediment
          related application; though, unfortunately, the applica-       with deionized water meanwhile collect the supernatant

          tion of flavonoids, including QC, is limited given the         again.  Repeat the above process three times. The collected
          low amount of medicine reached blood stream. We     On: Sat, 22 Jan   2022
                                                                         supernatant  09:55:29
                                                                                      was for calculations of the loading efficiency
                                               Copyright: American Scientific
                                                                         and     Publishers
                                                                              loading  amounts. Measure the amount of free-floating
          speculate that using nano-loading materials withDelivered
                                                            good dis-by Ingenta
          persibility in water can improve the dissolution proper-       QC    with ultraviolet  spectroscopy, where the absorbance
          ties of quercetin and enhance its bioavailability. Thus,       of  the supernatant  should   be obtained at the wavelength
          we selected ginkgo starch and F127 as raw materials            of  510  nm.  Eventually,  dry  freeze sediments for further
          to prepare nanosystems with QC extracted from ginkgo           downstream    analysis.
          leaves, respectively. We prepared two nanocarriers (starch        The loading efficiency and loading amount of
          nanoparticles (SNPs) and F127 NPs) for the slow release        polyphenols    were calculated with Eqs. (1) and (2),
          of QC. Moreover, we studied the release of drug-loaded         correspondingly:
          NPs in different environments and investigated the cell
          inhibitory activity of these two kinds of NPs on five kinds      Loading efficiency %
          of cells.                                                         = total content of QC − content of QC in supernatant
                                                                             /total content of QC × 100                            (1)
          2.1. Materials                                                   Loading amount
          Damaling starch (amylose content is 26.7%) was pur-              = total content of QC − content of QC in supernatant
          chased from Ingredion China Ltd. (Guangdong, China).
          Pluronic F127 was purchased from Sigma (chemical struc-            /total weight of dry SNPs                             (2)
          tural formula was shown in Fig. 10). QC (purity > 98%)
          was supplied by Xi’an Best Technology Co., Ltd. All other      2.5. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
          chemicals were at analytical grade.                            The morphology of the SNPs was observed by TEM
                                                                         H-7650 (Hittach, Tokyo, Japan). A drop of the diluted NP
          2.2. Preparation of Damaling SNPs                              suspension was added to a 300-mesh copper grid. The cop-
          The SNPs were fabricated according to the method               per grid was freeze-dried at −40  C for analysis.
          described by Qiu et al. In brief, 10 mL DML starch
          suspension (1%, w/v) was heated in boiling water for           2.6. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
          30 min [22]. Then, ethanol (40 mL) was added drop-             The average particle diameter, diameter distribution, and
          wise to the gelatinized and cooling starch slurry imme-        polydispersity of the SNPs were measured by DLS using a
          diately and incubated for another hour. The mixture            Malvern Zetasizer Nano (Malvern, Worcestershire, U.K.).

          1590                                                                                        Mater. Express, Vol. 10, 2020
Comparison of two nanocarriers for quercetin
Wang et al.
                                                                                      Materials Express
Samples re-dissolved in deionized water through sonica-          with Duncan’s test using a common threshold of p < 0.05
tion (0.05%, w/v) and analyzed at 25  C.                        via SPSS 10.0 Statistical Software Program (SPSS Inc.,
                                                                 Chicago, IL, USA).
2.7. In Vitro Release of QC
The release of free QC and SNPs was estimated with               3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the equilibrium dialysis method described by Liu et al.
                                                                 3.1. Morphology of SNPs and Loaded SNPs
with some modifications [23]. First disperse medicine-
                                                                 The TEM image and particle size distribution of the SNPs
containing SNPs into pH 2.0 and pH 6.8 phosphate buffer
                                                                 are shown in Figure 1. The size of the SNPs was about
saline (PBS), and then use a dialysis membrane (molecular
                                                                 60 nm, and the particles aggregated (Fig. 1(A)). Qin et al.
weight cut-off, 5 kDa) to seal up the suspension fluid. At
                                                                 also reported that aggregation occurs between SNPs pre-
37  C, shake the mixtures for various durations. For each
                                                                 pared by nanoprecipitation [10]. When the QC was loaded
mixture sample, 2 mL of the release medium was with-
drawn at predetermined time intervals and replaced by the        in the SNPs, the size of the loaded SNPs increased. As
same medium under the same conditions. Then use ultravi-         shown in Figure 1(B), a crown appeared around the NPs.
olet spectrophotometer to measure the amount of QC drug          We speculate that the crown was QC adsorbed on the SNP
release in each sample. Loaded F127 NPs were released            surface. This was due to the hydrogen bonding interaction
in PBS at pH 7.4. Other steps were similar to those in the       between the hydroxyl groups of SNPs and the hydroxyl
loaded SNPs. Use free-floating QC as the baseline control.       group of QC. As Table I shows that the average sizes of
                                                                 the SNPs and loaded SNPs were 93 and 212 nm, corre-
                                                                 spondingly, which are both higher than the diameter mea-
2.8. Cell Culture
                                                                 sured under TEM. During DLS measurement, the SNPs
Culture A549 in solution with 90% RPMI-1640 and 10%
                                                                 were swollen in water. Hebeish et al. also reported that the
FBS, HEPG-2 was cultured in 90% MEM with 10% FBS,
                                                                 hydraulic radius of SNPs is higher than the size from the
BGC-823 was cultured in 90% RPMI-1640 with 10% FBS,
                                                                 TEM image [24].
MCF-7 was cultured in 90% MEM (contain 0.01 mg/mL

insulin) with 10% FBS, HCT116 was cultured in 90%
McCoy’s 5A with 10% FBS. AllIP:cells      were grown
                                    a 223.2.
                                                                     Morphology of F127 NPs and Loaded F127 NPs
                                                                Jan 2022 09:55:29
humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2    Copyright:
                                         at 37 C.American      The  Figure  2 suggests that F127 NPs are rod shaped with
                                                    Gently Scientific Publishers
remove cell with trypsin once they reached confluence      by  length
                                                              Ingenta  and  width   of 200–500 and 20–100 nm, respectively,
stage.                                                         and  show   rod    aggregations (Fig. 2(A)). The loaded F127
                                                               NPs are larger and irregularly shaped compared with the
2.9. Inhibition Effect on Five Different Kinds of              F127 NPs. We speculated that the hydroxyl group of QC
     Cells of F127-QC and SNPs-QC                              reacts with the C C bond of the F127 NPs. The longi-
Cells were adjusted to 5 × 10 cells/mL and planted into
                               4                               tudinal and lateral dimensions of the rod structure showed
96-well plate at the concentration of 100 L per well.         large differences. Moreover, the hydraulic radius of F127
Upon incubated in 5% CO2 atmosphere at 37 C for               NPs was similar to the TEM size. This finding indicated
24 hours, the culture liquid was discarded and various         that the F127 NPs were less swollen in water than the
concentration of F127-QC and SNPs-QC with suitable             SNPs.
medium were put into each well (100 L/well). The base-           As shown in Table I, the F127 NPs are larger than the
line control was prepared starting at the same time. Then,     SNPs.   The polydispersity index (PDI) of the loaded SNPs
incubate all plates under the same condition for 48 hours.     was  slightly  smaller than that of the SNPs. We speculated
Mix 10 mL CCK-8 solution into each well of each plate,         that the  loaded     SNPs are mutually exclusive. Thus, the
which was shaken for 10 min and continued to incubate for      adsorbed   QC     can improve the dispersibility of the SNPs.
4 h. Take photos under microscope. The absorbance was          This  result  is  consistent with the TEM image. However,
measured at 450 nm and the inhibition rate was calculated      the  PDIs  of    the  F127  NPs  and loaded F127 NPs were
as follows:                                                    similar. This    might  be related to the rod-like structure of
                                                               the F127 NPs. We speculate that repulsive force between
       Inhibition rate%                                      rod-like structures was weaker than spherical structure.
        = Negative control group − Experiment group
                                                                 3.3. Characterization of NPs Loaded with QC
          /Negative control group × 100%                         The effect of QC concentration on loading content is
                                                                 shown in Figure 3. The loading amounts of NPs on QC
2.10. Statistical Analysis                                       gradually increased with increasing QC concentration. The
All biological experiments were repeated at least three          loading amounts of NPs on QC rapidly increased as the
times. Mean and standard deviations were calculated for          QC concentration was increased from 2 mM to 14 mM.
each numerical result. Variance analyses were computed           At low QC concentration, NPs have sufficient position

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Materials Express                                                                                                            Comparison of two nanocarriers for quercetin
                                                                                                                                                                          Wang et al.

                                                A                                                                        B

                                      14                                                                            14                                      Loaded SNPs
                                                a                                       SNPs                                 b
                                      12                                                                            12

                                      10                                                                            10
                      Intensity (%)

                                                                                                  Intensity (%)
                                      8                                                                             8

                                      6                                                                             6

                                      4                                                                             4

                                      2                                                                             2

                                      0                                                                             0
                                           10                       100                        1000

                                                                                                                                 100                                  1000
                                                              Size (nm)                                                                      Size (nm)
                                                              IP: On: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 09:55:29
           Fig. 1. The morphology of SNPs (A, a) and loaded SNPsAmerican
                                                                 (B, b).              Scientific Publishers
                                                                           Delivered by Ingenta

          to combine with QC. Therefore, most QC form complex                                                     force between QC and F127 was stronger than that of SNP
          with NPs. When the concentration of QC was increased                                                    and F127.
          from 14 mM to 24 mM, the loading amounts of NPs on                                                         Figure 4 delineates the effect of time on loading con-
          QC slowly increased. As QC concentration continued to                                                   tent. For the SNPs and F127 NPs, the loading content grew
          increase, the binding sites of NPs gradually became sat-                                                drastically as the time was prolonged from 0 to 250 min. In
          urated. Therefore, at high QC concentrations, excessive                                                 a short period of time, QC entered the many easily acces-
          QC was not adsorbed. When the QC concentration was                                                      sible binding sites on the surface of the SNPs and F127
          increased from 20 mM to 24 mM, the loading amount                                                       NPs. Once the time reached 250 min, the amount of the
          of NPs was stable. Qiu et al. found that the number of                                                  loaded polyphenols became relatively slow, and the reac-
          polyphenols adsorbed to amylopectin and amylose NPs                                                     tion essentially reached the state of equilibrium (Fig. 4).
          increases markedly with prolonged contact times, then the                                               This result might be due to the saturation of some reactive
          absorption rate plateaued out [25]. Moreover, the maxi-                                                 sites and repulsive forces between loaded QCand bulk-
          mum loading amounts of SNPs and F127 NPs were 1140                                                      free QC. This finding agreed with the previous studies
          and 1382 g/mg, respectively. This result indicates that the                                            where Phan found that the amount of dietary polyphe-
          F127 NPs have higher loading capacity than the SNPs. We                                                 nols adsorbed to cellulose increases markedly with pro-
          speculated that there more binding sites are available for                                              longed exposure times and then the adsorption appeared to
          the F127 NPs than for the SNPs. Moreover, the binding                                                   reach a plateau [26]. Meanwhile the loading content of the
                                                                                                                  F127 NPs was higher than that of the SNPs. This result
          Table I. The PDI, average size of NPs and F127 NPs.                                                     indicates that the F127 NPs have more binding sites than
                                                                                                                  the SNPs.
          Samples                                   Average size (nm)               PDI

          SNPs                                         80 ± 8.23d
                                                                               0.34 ± 0.08a                       3.4. In Vitro Release of QC from Loaded SNPs
          Loaded SNPs                                 165 ± 9.65c              0.28 ± 0.07a
                                                                                                                  The in vitro release behavior of the loaded SNPs in artifi-
          F127 NPs                                    262 ± 12.42b             0.32 ± 0.05a
          Loades F127 NPs                             364 ± 15.31a             0.36 ± 0.11a                       cial gastric juice (pH 2.0) and artificial intestinal juice (pH
                                                                                                                  6.8) is shown in Figures 5 and 6. The in vitro release pro-
          Note: Different letters (a–d) in each column means significant differences.
                                                                                                                  files of free QC for gastrointestinal juice showed a typical

          1592                                                                                                                                     Mater. Express, Vol. 10, 2020
Comparison of two nanocarriers for quercetin
Wang et al.
                                                                                                                                                                      Materials Express

                                                 A                                                                                             B

                                                 20                                       F127 NPs
                                                      a                                                                         20
                                                 18                                                                                                b                                     Loaded F127
                                                 14                                                  Intensity (%)              14
                                 Intensity (%)

                                                 12                                                                             12
                                                 10                                                                             10
                                                 8                                                                                        8
                                                 6                                                                                        6
                                                 4                                                                                        4

                                                 2                                                                                        2
                                                 0                        IP: On: Sat, 22 Jan0 2022 09:55:29
                                                              100             Copyright: American                      200
                                                                                               1000 Scientific Publishers                                                        400      600     800 1000

                                                                         Size (nm)      Delivered by Ingenta                                                             Size (nm)

Fig. 2. The morpology of F127 NPs (A, a) and loaded F127 NPs (B, b).

biphasic pattern. The release behavior of QC from the                                                        membrane. Given various durations, the release profile of
SNPs was consistent with previous results [27]. As shown                                                     the loaded QC SNPs was roughly divided into three stages
in Figure 5, the free QC was rapidly released in stage I and                                                 at pH 2.0. First stage (I): the QC was burst released during
more than 80% of the free QC was released during 1.0 h.                                                      0.6 h, which may be attributed to the presence of free QC
Thus, the free Qc can diffuse freely through the dialysis                                                    on the SNP surface. Chuacharoen et al. [28] reported that

                          1600                                                                                                                 1800
                                                          SNPs                                                                                                                                          F127 NPs
                          1400                            F127 NPs                                                                             1600

                                                                                                                     Loading content (µg/mg)
Loading content (µg/mg)



                          200                                                                                                                  200

                            0                                                                                                                      0
                                  0                   5             10     15        20     25                                                          0       100      200      300       400        500    600
                                                              Concentration of Qc (mM)                                                                                          Time(min)

Fig. 3.                          Effect of Qc concentration on loading amount of NPs.                          Fig. 4.                                 Effect of time on the loading content at 24 mM Qc solution.

Mater. Express, Vol. 10, 2020                                                                                                                                                                                  1593
Materials Express                                                                                                                             Comparison of two nanocarriers for quercetin
                                                                                                                                                                                          Wang et al.

                                                                                                               Free Qc
                    Cumulative release percentage (%)
                                                                    A                                          Loaded Qc SNPs




                                                                    䊠 䊡                          䊢
                                                                0           2       4        6           8        10               12
                                                                                         Time (h)

          Fig. 5. In vitro release behavior of loaded SNPs (A) and corresponding TEM image (a) in artificial gastric juice (pH = 2.0).

          the release of the non-entrapped compounds available on                                                                       the soft adsorption between QC and the SNPs. Third stage
          the particle surface at the beginning stage of the release is                                                                 (III): after 6 h, QC was released slowly possibly because
          referred to as the “initial burst release.” Second stage (II):                                                                the QC inside the SNPs was released after the SNPs were
          QC was immediately released (1–6 h), which was due to                                                                         destroyed.

                                                                                                     Free Qc
                                                                    A                                Loaded Qc SNPs
                      Cumulative release percentage (%)

                                                           80                           IP: On: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 09:55:29
                                                                                           Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                                           60                                        Delivered by Ingenta


                                                                        䊠           䊡                䊢
                                                                0           2       4    6           8          10            12
                                                                                        Time (h)

          Fig. 6. In vitro release behavior of loaded SNPs (A) and corresponding TEM image (a) in artificial intestinal juice (pH = 6.8).

                                                          100                                                Free Qc
                                                                                                             Loaded Qc F127
                        Cumulative release rate (%)





                                                                        䊠       䊡                                         䊢
                                                                0           2       4        6           8           10            12
                                                                                         Time (h)

          Fig. 7. In vitro release behavior of loaded F127 NPs (A) and corresponding TEM image (a) in artificial plasma (pH = 7.4).

          1594                                                                                                                                                      Mater. Express, Vol. 10, 2020
Comparison of two nanocarriers for quercetin
Wang et al.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Materials Express
                                                                                                         100              F127 NPs-Qc
                                                                                                                          Free Qc
                                                                                                         80               SNP

                                                                              Cell inhibition rate (%)
                                                                                                                          F127 NPs




                                                                                                               0          50          100                                        150        200
                                                                                                                         Administration concentration (ug/mL)

                                                           B      F127 NPs-Qc                                                                                                        C
                                              100                 SNP-Qc                                                                                                   100
                                                                                                                                                                                            F127 NPs-Qc
                                                                  Free Qc                                                                                                                   SNP-Qc
                                                                  SNP                                                                                                                       Free Qc
                                              80                  F127 NPs                                                                                                  80
                                                                                                                                                Cell inhibition rate (%)
     Cell inhibition rate (%)

                                                                                                                                                                                            F127 NPs

                                              60                                                                                                                            60

                                              40                                                                                                                            40
                                                                                     IP: On: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 09:55:29
                                                                                        Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
                                              20                                                  Delivered by Ingenta

                                               0                                                                                                                             0
                                                       0        50          100                                    150         200                                               0         50          100          150           200
                                                               Administration concentration (ug/mL)                                                                                       Administration concentration (ug/mL)

                                                                                                                                                                           100       E
                                               100                   F127 NPs-Qc                                                                                                             F127 NPs-Qc
                                                                     SNP-Qc                                                                                                                  SNP-Qc
                                                                     Free Qc                                                                                               80                Free Qc
                                                                     SNP                                                                                                                     SNP
                                                                                                                                            Cell inhibition rate (%)
                   Cell inhibition rate (%)

                                                                     F127 NPs                                                                                                                F127 NPs



                                               20                                                                                                                          20

                                                   0                                                                                                                        0
                                                       0        50          100                                    150         200                                               0        50          100         150            200
                                                               Administration concentration (ug/mL)                                                                                      Administration concentration (ug/mL)

Fig. 8. Inhibitory activity of SNPs-QC and F127-QC on different cells, (A) A549, (B) HEPG-2 (C) BGC-823, (D) MCF-7, (E) HCT116.

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Materials Express                                                                      Comparison of two nanocarriers for quercetin
                                                                                                                                    Wang et al.

             At pH 6.8, the loaded SNPs exhibited similar release             percentage increased by 31.4% in 5 h at pH 2.0. At pH 6.8,
          profiles (Fig. 6), which could be characterized by an initial       the accumulative release percentage of the loaded SNPs
          burst release within 2 h followed by an immediate release           increased by 34.2% in 5 h. This result indicates that
          (2–7 h). After 7 h, QC was sustained release. Although              QC and F127 have stronger binding ability than QC and
          the release profile of the loaded SNPs was divided into             SNPs. At stage III, the accumulative release percentage
          three stages at pH 2.0 and pH 6.8, the time intervals               of the loaded F127 NPs slowly increased. Meanwhile, the
          of the first and second stages were different. This result          amount of released QC was lower than that of free QC
          indicated that the stability of the SNPs at 2.0 and 6.8             possibly because QC has strong binding to F127 and can-
          was different. Figures 5 and 6 show the corresponding               not be completely released within 12 h. Feng et al. also
          TEM images of the loaded SNPs at different pH for 6 h.              demonstrated that the intermolecular interaction between
          The spherical loaded SNPs were destroyed. Some black                F127-CD and honokiol is strong [29]. Figure 7(a) shows
          entities corresponding to the released QC were observed             the corresponding TEM images. The morphology of the
          from the TEM image. The above results indicated that                F127 NPs was destroyed and some debris were produced.
          the QC loaded by the SNPs can be sustainably released,              We speculated that the fragments contain unreleased QC.
          which suggests an improvement made in achieving better              Therefore, the accumulative release percentage of the F127
          bioavailability. This indicated that both SNPs and F127             NPs was lower than that of the SNPs.
          NPs could achieve the slow release of QC. This laid the
          foundation for the suppression of cancer cells.               3.6. Inhibition Effect on Five Different Kinds of
                                                                              Cells of F127-QC and SNPs-QC
          3.5. In Vitro Release of QC from Loaded F127 NPs              QC was well known with it’s anti-cancer activity, in order
          The in vitro release behavior of the loaded F127 NPs          to evaluate the inhibition ratio on cancer cell of the nano-
          in pH 7.4 is shown in Figure 7(A). The accumulative           systems, five sorts of common cancer cells were selected
          release percentage of free QC was about 80% at 2 h.           and studied. As shown in Figures 8 and 9, that free QC
          However, the released rate of the loaded QC F127 NPs          and the two nano-loading systems of SNP-QC and F127-

          obviously decreased. After 10 h, the maximum accumula-        QC all have certain inhibitory effects on the five kinds
          tive release percentage of the loaded  QC F127 NPs
                                           IP:  On: was
                                                                 Sat, 22ofJan
                                                                              2022  among  which the effect was the most signifi-
          reached. Just like the SNPs, the loaded    QC American
                                                         F127 NPs Scientific
                                                                        cant onPublishers
                                                                                   cell A549. The effects on HEPG-2 and BGC-
          were burst released at stage I (0–2 h). QC was Delivered
                                                           immedi-by Ingenta
                                                                        823 were not as obvious, and the inhibitory impacts on
          ately released during 2–8 h. During 6 h, the accumulative     MCF-7 and HCT116 cells were the weakest. Compared
          release percentage of QC increased by 26.1%. However,         with free QC, the two nano-drug loading systems had
          at stage II, for the loaded SNPs, the accumulative release    some degree of increased inhibition effectiveness. Among

          Fig. 9. Microscope imagines of cell A549 after administration different concentrations of QC, SNPs-QC, and F127-QC. ((A) 6.25 g/mL,
          (B) 12.5 g/mL, (C) 25 g/mL, (D) 50 g/mL, (E) 100 g/mL, (F) 200 g/mL, all the images use the same scale bar).

          1596                                                                                                Mater. Express, Vol. 10, 2020
Comparison of two nanocarriers for quercetin
Wang et al.
                                                                                                  Materials Express
                                                                         spheroidal (SNPs) and rod (F127 NPs), respectively. Load-
                                                                         ing efficiency and loading amount of F127 NPs was higher
                                                                         than that of SNP at the same concentration and time. Both
                                                                         NPs have a high encapsulation rate for QC, the SNPs and
                                                                         F127 NPs could not only improve the pharmacokinetic
                                                                         behavior of QC but also reduce the release rate of QC.
Fig. 10.   The chemical structure of starch (A) and F127 (B).            Moreover, based on the cell experiments, both of the two
                                                                         NPs have better performance on cell inhibitory activity
them, F127-QC had the best efficacy, such that the rank-                 compare with free QC. The inhibitory activity of F127 NPs
ing of cell inhibitory effects was F127-QC > SNP-QC >                    was more significant than SNPs. In terms of application,
free QC. There existed a roughly positive correlation                    F127 NPs were more suitable for injection while SNPs
between the cell inhibition rate and the dose concentration.             were suitable for oral administration. Overall, we designed
When the dose concentration was 200 g/mL, the inhibi-                   and compared the embedding efficiency, release effect and
tion rates of SNP-QC and F127-QC on A549 cells were                      cell inhibitory activity of two kinds nano-drugs devel-
55.16% and 64.06%, respectively, which were significantly                oped by nanomaterial-embedded QC, which provided a
higher than free QC’s inhibition rate being 48.76%. At                   theoretical reference for the development of nanomaterial-
this concentration, the inhibition rates of F127-QC, SNP-                embedded QC-related drugs.
QC and free QC on HEPG-2 cells were 46.29%, 32.70%
and 28.16% respectively. QC and its nano-loading system           Acknowledgments: This work was supported by
appear to have a relatively weak impact on MCF-7 and              the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province
HCT116. As drug dosage increased from 6.25 g/mL to               (BE2015315) and Natural Youth Foundation of Jiangsu
200 g/mL, the cell inhibition rates of SNP-QC on MCF-7           Province (BK20150883). The authors also acknowledge
and HCT116 ranged from 1.39% to 26.30% and 7.81%–                 the support of the Priority Academic Program Develop-
27.10%, respectively. Meanwhile, the cell inhibition rates        ment of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions and Coinno-
                                                                  vation Centre for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China.

of F127-QC on MCF-7 and HCT116 ranged from 3.98%
to 28.65% and 9.56% to 29.18%.IP: On: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 09:55:29
   Given the results above, we can conclude   that American
                                      Copyright:   when free Scientific
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