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Materials Chemistry C - Journal of - RSC Publishing
Volume 9
                                                                                    Number 29
                                                                                    7 August 2021
                                                                                    Pages 9031–9334

Journal of
Materials Chemistry C
Materials for optical, magnetic and electronic devices

                                  ISSN 2050-7526

                                  REVIEW ARTICLE
                                  Qianqian Yu, Paul D. Topham, Linge Wang et al.
                                  A review on electrospun magnetic nanomaterials:
                                  methods, properties and applications
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Journal of
                                                                                                               Materials Chemistry C
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                                                                                                                   REVIEW                                                                                                                  View Journal | View Issue

                                                                                                                                                          A review on electrospun magnetic nanomaterials:
                                                                                                                                                          methods, properties and applications
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Open Access Article. Published on 28 June 2021. Downloaded on 11/5/2021 9:15:02 AM.

                                                                                                               9, 9042
                                                                                                                                                          Yifan Jia,†a Congyi Yang,†a Xueyang Chen,a Wenqing Xue,a
                                                                                                                                                          Helena J. Hutchins-Crawford, b Qianqian Yu,*a Paul D. Topham                               *b and
                                                                                                                                                          Linge Wang *a

                                                                                                                                                          Magnetic materials display attractive properties for a wide range of applications. More recently, interest
                                                                                                                                                          has turned to significantly enhancing their behaviour for advanced technologies, by exploiting the
                                                                                                                                                          remarkable advantages that nanoscale materials offer over their bulk counterparts. Electrospinning is a
                                                                                                                                                          high-throughput method that can continuously produce nanoscale fibres, providing a versatile way to
                                                                                                                                                          prepare novel magnetic nanomaterials. This article reviews 20 years of magnetic nanomaterials
                                                                                                                                                          fabricated via electrospinning and introduces their two primary production methods: electrospinning
                                                                                                                                                          polymer-based magnetic fibres directly from solution and electrospinning fibrous templates for post-
                                                                                                                                                          treatment. Continual advances in electrospinning have enabled access to a variety of morphologies,
                                                                                                                                                          which has led to magnetic materials having desirable flexibility, anisotropy and high specific surface area.
                                                                                                                                                          Post-treatment methods, such as surface deposition, carbonization and calcination, further improve or even
                                                                                                                                                          create unique magnetic properties in the materials. This renders them useful in broad ranging applications,
                                                                                                               Received 31st March 2021,                  including electromagnetic interference shielding (EMS), magnetic separation, tissue engineering scaffolding,
                                                                                                               Accepted 25th June 2021                    hyperthermia treatment, drug delivery, nanogenerators and data storage. The processing methods of
                                                                                                               DOI: 10.1039/d1tc01477c                    electrospun magnetic nanofibres, their properties and related applications are discussed throughout this
                                                                                                                                                          review. Key areas for future research have been highlighted with the aim of stimulating advances in the
                                                                                                                              development of electrospun magnetic nanomaterials for a wide range of applications.

                                                                                                               1. Introduction                                                                      organic, pure inorganic and hybrid organic–inorganic composite
                                                                                                                                                                                                    materials have become of increasing interest.
                                                                                                               Materials that possess magnetic character often exhibit specific                        Within the past few decades many classic bulk materials
                                                                                                               desirable properties. This has led to the inclusion of magnetic                      (such as magnetic materials) have been processed into shapes
                                                                                                               materials in an ever-growing range of applications, including                        with one or more dimensions at the nanoscale, rendering
                                                                                                               hard magnetic materials within magneto-biology,1 magnetic                            the materials with desirable properties that nanotechnology
                                                                                                               medicine,2 magnetic separation3 and electrical machinery and                         delivers. Among these magnetic nanomaterials, materials with
                                                                                                               soft magnetic materials in stator or rotator parts of generators                     two-dimensional scale constraints such as nanofibres (NFs)
                                                                                                               and motors.4 In addition to the various types of magnetic                            achieve incredible advances due to their anisotropic nature.
                                                                                                               materials, there is also a variety of magnetic functional materials                  NFs exhibit great enhancement and control of many properties
                                                                                                               with various niche functions and applications such as giant                          with the most notable being flexibility, large specific surface
                                                                                                               magnetic resistors, magneto-strictive materials, magnetic fluids                     area, porosity and coercivity (Hc).
                                                                                                               and magnetic refrigeration materials. For these applications pure                       Electrospinning is a simple means of processing materials
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to form NFs, where polymer chains align themselves under an
                                                                                                                                                                                                    electrostatic force to form elongated, thin, filamentous nano-
                                                                                                                 South China Advanced Institute for Soft Matter Science and Technology, School of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    structures. During the process, a polymer solution (or melt) is
                                                                                                                 Molecular Science and Engineering, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of          stretched and deformed by the electrostatic force and a droplet
                                                                                                                 Functional and Intelligent Hybrid Materials and Devices, South China University    forms at the tip of needle. The shape of the droplet is determined
                                                                                                                 of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China. E-mail:,            by gravity, viscosity, surface tension and electric field. In the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    process of electrospinning, the most common droplet shape is a
                                                                                                                 Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, School of Infrastructure and
                                                                                                                 Sustainable Engineering, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Aston
                                                                                                                                                                                                    cone, referred to as the Taylor cone.5,6 When charge repulsion
                                                                                                                 University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK. E-mail:                 exceeds surface tension the polymer is pulled from the end of the
                                                                                                               † Y. Jia and C. Yang contributed equally to this work.                               Taylor cone. The modes of flow are also determined by the

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                                                                                                               Review                                                                                                       Journal of Materials Chemistry C

                                                                                                               aforementioned forces. The withdrawn flow initially experiences                  magnetic NFs (Section 3), electrospinning is a simple, available
                                                                                                               stable motion and is then forced into an unstable stage where the                tool used in the fabrication of fibrous templates with different
                                                                                                               polymer solidifies in the air to form fibres, which are then                     morphological structures enabling the user to manipulate the
                                                                                                               received by the collector.                                                       magnetic properties of the final product. The major difference
           This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.

                                                                                                                    The final properties of the fibres are influenced by three key              between these two strategies is that organic matter is removed in
                                                                                                               factors:                                                                         the latter to create the final inorganic product. In the final section
                                                                                                                    (i) solution properties (such as the viscosity, concentration,              (Section 4), we explore the various applications of these advanced
                                                                                                               polymer molecular weight and dielectric properties of the                        materials from electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding and
                                                                                                               solution);                                                                       pollutant treatment, to biomedical devices in drug delivery and
                                                                                                                    (ii) processing parameters (such as applied voltage, needle-                tissue engineering. In short, this review focuses on the processing
                                                                                                               to-collector distance and feeding rate) and                                      methods of electrospun magnetic composite NFs and pure inorganic
Open Access Article. Published on 28 June 2021. Downloaded on 11/5/2021 9:15:02 AM.

                                                                                                                    (iii) environmental conditions (such as temperature, humidity               NFs from templates, their properties and related applications.
                                                                                                               and air flow around the system).                                                     Finally, as aforementioned, we summarise the complete
                                                                                                                    These factors demonstrate the diverse range of magnetic                     literature of magnetic NFs in two comprehensive tables, where
                                                                                                               electrospun NFs that can be produced from a single chemical                      Table 1 covers systems in the category described in Section 2
                                                                                                               composition; as the structure of a single NF and the fibre assembly              [i.e. organic–inorganic hybrid magnetic nanofibrous materials
                                                                                                               can be manipulated by other means. Indeed, advances in the                       created directly from electrospinning solution(s)] and Table 2
                                                                                                               control over electrospun NFs is envisioned to vastly benefit the                 lists those systems created from electrospun fibrous templates, as
                                                                                                               magnetic material field. For example, electrospinning is the only                described in Section 3. Both tables describe the methodological
                                                                                                               known method used to prepare continuous ultra-long, thin NFs.7                   approaches used, properties obtained and potential applications,
                                                                                                                    To the best of our knowledge, there are no comprehensive                    where relevant. We anticipate that these tables will serve as a
                                                                                                               reviews of electrospun magnetic NFs that evaluate their methods                  useful repository for researchers, in addition to those new to the
                                                                                                               of production, properties and applications. Herein, we have                      field, looking to study such advanced materials.
                                                                                                               reviewed articles from 20 years of research on electrospun
                                                                                                               magnetic fibres. The review is divided into three main parts
                                                                                                               (as shown in Fig. 1): (i) electrospinning organic–inorganic                      2. Electrospinning magnetic materials:
                                                                                                               hybrid magnetic materials (summarised in Table 1); (ii) using                    reagents, methods and morphologies
                                                                                                               electrospun fibres as templates for the creation of both hybrid and
                                                                                                               solely inorganic magnetic materials (summarised in Table 2); and                 Electrospun polymer–magnetic material composite fibres have
                                                                                                               (iii) applications of magnetic nanofibrous materials. As explained               been widely reported across the literature. This section discusses
                                                                                                               in this review, organic–inorganic composite magnetic nano-                       the various electrospinning methods and parameters used to
                                                                                                               materials can be prepared via a one-step method and the                          manipulate the creation of magnetic NFs, before reviewing the
                                                                                                               resulting nanofibrous matrix can provide magnetic nanoparticles                  variety of magnetic materials that have been used. Table 1 serves
                                                                                                               (MNPs) with mechanical support, protection against oxidation and                 as a comprehensive summary of this section, listing the various
                                                                                                               favourable dispersion (Section 2). Alternatively, for pure inorganic             systems that have been explored, the magnetic reagent(s),
                                                                                                                                                                                                polymer(s), electrospinning approach, major magnetic property
                                                                                                                                                                                                and applications (where relevant) in each case.

                                                                                                                                                                                                2.1   Electrospinning methods and fibre structures
                                                                                                                                                                                                Electrospinning is a primary method used to prepare continuous
                                                                                                                                                                                                nanofibrous materials with advantages such as simple device
                                                                                                                                                                                                manufacture, material compatibility and controllable fibre
                                                                                                                                                                                                morphology. Fibres produced by electrospinning have high
                                                                                                                                                                                                surface area-to-volume ratios, tuneable surface morphology
                                                                                                                                                                                                and controlled alignment. The specific morphology of the fibre
                                                                                                                                                                                                can control the distribution of nanoparticles (NPs).8 In this
                                                                                                                                                                                                section, we discuss the various electrospinning parameters that
                                                                                                                                                                                                can be used to create an array of NFs, specifically focusing on
                                                                                                                                                                                                magnetic NFs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    2.1.1 Materials. NFs can be produced by electrospinning
                                                                                                                                                                                                from a solution or melt of a variety of materials. Adequate entangle-
                                                                                                               Fig. 1 General methods to prepare electrospun magnetic fibres, where             ment is the key for the material to be suitable for electrospinning.
                                                                                                               the area process highlighted in red is discussed in Section 2 (a) and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                Most polymeric materials produce enough entanglement to perform
                                                                                                               processes highlighted in blue are discussed in Section 3 (b and c). (a) Direct
                                                                                                               method for producing magnetic nanofibres; (b) templating procedure of
                                                                                                                                                                                                both solution and melt electrospinning. The extent of entanglement
                                                                                                               MNFs from a magnetic pre-cursor solution and (c) templating procedure            is related to the polymer molecular weight, the concentration
                                                                                                               of MNFs where the magnetic component is deposited upon them.                     and the solvent system. Sufficiently low molecular weight, low

                                                                                                               This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021                                                J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 9042–9082 | 9043
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                                                         Table 1 Organic–inorganic hybrid magnetic nanofibrous materials created directly from electrospinning solution(s) discussed in Section 2, detailing magnetic components and polymers used,
                                                         electrospinning method followed, the magnetic properties of the resulting materials and their applications, where relevant

                                                         Magnetic ingredients       Polymer             approaches                        Magnetic properties                                          Applications                            Ref.
                                                         Fe2O3                      PVP                 Uniaxial   –   blend              Hc = 327 Oe, Mr/Ms = 0.244                                                                           44
                                                                                    PMMA, PU            Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 6.172 emu g1                                                                37 and 90
                                                                                    PVA                 Uniaxial   –   deposition                                                                      EWA                                     289
                                                         g-Fe2O3                    PLA                 Uniaxial   –   blend              Paramagnetic, superparamagnetic, Ms = 0.049 emu g1          Cell culture                            88, 89, 254
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tissue engineering scaffolding           and 255
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Oil adsorption/separation, cell
                                                                                    PVA                 Coaxial                                                                                                                                290
                                                                                                        Uniaxial – blend                  Paramagnetic, superparamagnetic                              Tissue engineering scaffolding           253
                                                         Fe3O4                      CA                  Uniaxial – blend                  Superparamagnetic, Ms = 2.284 emu g1                        Water treatment                         59
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Journal of Materials Chemistry C

                                                                                    Cellulose–CS, PEO   Uniaxial – blend                  Superparamagnetic, Ms = 18.61 emu g1 (max)                  Fluorescence self-display and           60
                                                                                                                                                                                                       adsorption removal of mercury(II)
                                                                                    Cellulose           Coaxial spinning –                                                                                                                     291

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                                                                                                        post treatment
                                                                                    Cellulose pulp      Uniaxial – blend                  Ferromagnetic                                                Nanofibrous scaffolds                    292
                                                                                    CS                  Uniaxial – blend                  Superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic at different              Hyperthermia treatment of tumor         145
                                                                                                                                          temperature                                                  cells
                                                                                    CS, PEO             Uniaxial – blend                  Superparamagnetic, Ms = 8.47–7.12 emu g1                    Adsorption removal of heavy metal       293
                                                                                                                                          Superparamagnetic, Ms = 11.21–16.94 emu g1 (RT)             Hypothermic tumor cell treatment        294
                                                                                    CMC, PVA            Uniaxial   –   blend              Ferromagnetic, Hc = 216–222 Oe                                                                       295
                                                                                    CS, PVA             Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 0.67–3.19 emu g1                    Bone regeneration                       296
                                                                                    CS : PVA = 3 : 7    Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 20.98 emu g1                        Chromium(VI) removal                    22
                                                                                    CTMB                Uniaxial   –   blend                                                                           Enantioselective adsorption of          297
                                                                                                                                                                                                       racemic drug
                                                                                    DNA–CTMA            Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic                                            Water detoxification                    298
                                                                                    Gelatin             Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 3.05–12.87 emu g1                                                           20
                                                                                    HPMCP, CA           Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 0.28–0.52 emu g1                    Drug release                            18
                                                                                    MADO                Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 83.9–74.6 emu g1                    Hypothermic chemotherapy                299
                                                                                    P(AN-co-AA)         Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 27.02–30.51 emu g1                                                          300
                                                                                    PA6                 Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 1.03 emu g1                         EMS                                     301 and 302
                                                                                    PAAm, PVA           Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 16.6, 47.7, 48 emu g1,                                                      303
                                                                                                                                          Mr = 2.8  0.5 emu g1, Hc = 150 Oe
                                                                                    PAN                 Uniaxial – blend                  Superparamagnetic, Hc = 20.1–206.7 Oe, Ms = 4.67 emu g1     Magnetic separation of the photo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    21 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       sensitizers, electrets filter media
                                                                                                                                          Ms = 3.5–8.4 emu g                                           Cell separation, drug targeting
                                                                                                                                          Ferromagnetic                                                Microwave absorption         308
                                                                                                                                          Superparamagnetic, Ms = 81.389 emu g1                       Phenol removal               38
                                                                                                                                          Ms = 8.6 emu g1 (max)                                       Separation of glycoproteins  309
                                                                                                        Twisted blend                     Superparamagnetic, Ms = 10.10–28.77 emu g                                                 33
                                                                                                        Layer-by-layer                    Ms = 5.56–20.76 emu g                                                                     36
                                                                                    PAN-co-AA           Uniaxial – blend                                                                        Oil adsorption/separation           310
                                                                                                        Uniaxial – blend                  Superparamagnetic, Ms = 3.6 emu g1                   Adsorbents for removal of malachite 311
                                                                                                                                                                                                green from water and wastewaters
                                                                                    PANI, PAN           Layer-by-layer                    Ms = 10.848–21.856 emu g                                                                  67
                                                                                    PANI, PVP           Uniaxial – blend                  Superparamagnetic, Ms = 3.35–10.89 emu g1            EMS                                 16
                                                                                    PANI/PMMA           Coaxial                           Ms = 4.52 emu g1                                                                         66
                                                                                    PBT                 Uniaxial – blend                                                                        Thin film microextraction, magnetic 312 and 313
                                                                                    PCL                 Uniaxial – blend                  Paramagnetic                                          Magnetically-actuated, electro-     314
                                                                                                                                                                                                magnetic heating
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                                                                                                                                          Weak ferromagnetic or superparamagnetic, Hc B 2.5 Oe, Tissue engineering scaffold          256
                                                                                                                                          Mr B 0.27 emu g1, Ms = 1.0–11.2 emu g1
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                                                         Table 1   (continued)


                                                         Magnetic ingredients    Polymer             approaches                     Magnetic properties                                          Applications                            Ref.
                                                                                                                                    Ms = 27.7–103.9 emu g , Hc B 70 Oe                           Organic pollutants degradation          315
                                                                                                                                    Superparamagnetic                                            Drug delivery vehicle                   316
                                                                                                                                    Ferrimagnetic, Ms = 88.5 emu g1, Hc = 80 Oe                 Magnetic heating                        58
                                                                                                     Coaxial                        Superparamagnetic                                                                                    317
                                                                                                     Uniaxial – blend–UV            Superparamagnetic, Ms = 71.549 emu g1                                                               62
                                                                                                     Coaxial                                                                                     Drug release                            318
                                                                                 PCL : CS = 6 : 1    Uniaxial – blend               Superparamagnetic, Ms = 0.74–3.52 emu g1,                   Hyperthermia                            319
                                                                                                                                    Hc = 13.25–17.10 Oe
                                                                                 PEK-C               Uniaxial –     blend–thermal                                                                EWA                                     320
                                                                                 PEO                 Coaxial                                                                                                                             42
                                                                                 PEO, PVA            Janus                          Superparamagnetic                                                                                    321
                                                                                 PEO/PLLA            Uniaxial –     blend           Superparamagnetic                                            Malachite green adsorption              322
                                                                                 PEO/PVP             Uniaxial –     blend                                                                                                                323
                                                                                                                                                          1                       1
                                                                                 PET                 Uniaxial –     blend           Ms = 0.58–2.79 emu g , Mr = 0.1–0.41 emu g ,                 EMS                                     12

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                                                                                                                                    Hc = 79.94–103.9 Oe
                                                                                                                                    Ferromagnetic, near-superparamagnetic                                                                71
                                                                                                     Coaxial                        Superparamagnetic                                                                                    43
                                                                                 PF–Na, PVA          Uniaxial   –   blend           Superparamagnetic, Ms = 9.7 emu g1                                                                  324
                                                                                 PHB                 Uniaxial   –   blend           Ms = 2.4–4.9 emu g1                                         Photocatalyst                           325
                                                                                 PHB, PHVB           Uniaxial   –   blend           Superparamagnetic, Ms = 0.42–2.51 emu g1                                                            326
                                                                                 PHEMA, PLLA         Uniaxial   –   blend           Superparamagnetic                                                                                    327
                                                                                 PLA                 Uniaxial   –   blend           Paramagnetic                                                 Electromagnetic heating                 31
                                                                                 PLA, PCL            Uniaxial   –   blend                                                                        Drug delivery                           268
                                                                                 PLA, PEG            Uniaxial   –   blend           Ms = 1.26–3.37 emu g1                                       Smart clothing                          328
                                                                                 PLGA                Uniaxial   –   blend           Superparamagnetic, Ms = 3.57–10.07 emu g1                   Tissue engineering scaffolds             85
                                                                                 PLLA                Uniaxial   –   blend           Ms = 1.37–3.94 emu g1, paramagnetic,                        Tissue engineering scaffold              257 and 329
                                                                                 PMMA                Uniaxial – blend               Superparamagnetic, Ms = 5.22–23.19 emu g1                                                           55 and 330
                                                                                                     Coaxial                        Mr = 8.38 emu g1, Ms = 4.23–35.77 emu g1                                                           63, 64, 74
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and 331
                                                                                                     Janus                          Ms = 2.96–32.61 emu g1, superparamagnetic                                                           30, 65, 86
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and 332–335
                                                                                                     Janus – coaxial                Ms = 31.98 emu g1                                                                                   336
                                                                                                     Uniaxial – blend –             Ms = 3.6–24.0 emu g1                                                                                337
                                                                                 PMMA, PANI          Uniaxial – blend –             Ms = 7.69 emu g1                                                                                    338
                                                                                 PMMA/PANI           Janus                          Superparamagnetic, Ms = 23.52 emu g                                                                  28
                                                                                 PNIPAM              Uniaxial – blend –             Superparamagnetic, Ms = 7.88 and 15.80 emu g1                                                       339
                                                                                 Polythiophene, CS   Uniaxial – blend                                                                            Solid-phase extraction of triazine      340
                                                                                 PS                  Uniaxial – blend                                                                            Remote and efficient oil adsorption       57 and 341
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cancer therapy
                                                                                 PS, PVDF            Two-nozzle blend                                                                            Water oil separation                    34
                                                                                 PVA                 Uniaxial – blend               Superparamagnetic, Ms = 1.18–3.66 emu g1,                                                           46, 51 and
                                                                                                                                    coercivity = 6.14–8.98 Oe, retentivity = 1.8–8.4 Oe,                                                 342
                                                                                                                                    Ms = 2.77 emu g1, Ms = 2.42 emu g1
                                                                                                                                    Ferromagnetic, Ms = 26 emu g1, Mr = 10 emu g1,                                                     61
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                                                                                                                                    Hc = 20 Oe
                                                                                                     Twisted blend                  Superparamagnetic, Ms = 7.11–21.28 emu g1                                                           56
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                                                         Table 1   (continued)

                                                         Magnetic ingredients         Polymer             approaches                        Magnetic properties                                          Applications                            Ref.
                                                                                      PVA, guar gum       Uniaxial   –   deposition         Superparamagnetic, Ms = 0.1–5.8 emu g                                                                94
                                                                                      PVA, PAA            Uniaxial   –   blend              Ferromagnetic, Ms = 1.72–6.77 emu g1                                                                72
                                                                                      PVA : PAA = 5 : 6   Uniaxial   –   blend              Superparamagnetic, Ms = 10.9–39.9 emu g1                    Wastewater treatment                    343
                                                                                      PVA, PCL            Uniaxial   –   blend                                                                           Tissue engineering scaffolds             258
                                                                                      PVA–PHB/PCL         Coaxial                           Ms = 1.9  0.3 emu g1                                       Photocatalyst                           344
                                                                                      PVC                 Uniaxial   – blend                                                                             Microwave absorption                    345
                                                                                      PVDF                Uniaxial   – blend                Superparamagnetic, Ms = 1.93–12.5 emu g1,                   Triboelectric nanogenerator             19, 282
                                                                                                                                            Hc = 96–113 Oe, Ms = 46.5 emu g1                                                                    and 346
                                                                                                                                            Superparamagnetic                                            Hyperthermia treatment and skin         347
                                                                                                                                                                                                         wound healing applications
                                                                                      PVP                 Coaxial                                                                                                                                26, 68, 70
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Journal of Materials Chemistry C

                                                                                                                                            Superparamagnetic, Ms = 1.76–13.59 emu g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and 348–350
                                                                                                          Janus                             Ms = 1.73–18.99 emu g1                                                                              27, 35, 47, 87,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 351 and 352

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                                                                                                                                            Superparamagnetic, Ms = 2.63–10.19 emu g1                                                           14, 69, 83,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 84 and 353
                                                                                                          Janus – uniaxial – blend   Ms = 7.4–14.84 emu g1                                                                                      354
                                                                                                          Uniaxial – blend           Ms = 70.2 emu g1, Mr = 8.7 emu g1, Hc = 91 Oe                     EWA                                     355
                                                                                                                                     Superparamagnetic, Ms = 36.6 emu g1                                                                        356 and 357
                                                                                      PVP/PLLA            Uniaxial – blend           Superparamagnetic                                                                                           73
                                                                                      Silk fibroin        Uniaxial – blend & coating Superparamagnetic, Ms = 60 emu g1                                  Tissue engineering scaffolds             8
                                                                                      PS-b-PI             Coaxial                    Superparamagnetic (413 kOe), Hc = 250 Oe (5 kOe)                                                            91
                                                         Fe3O4, g-Fe2O3               P(NIPAM-co-         Uniaxial – blend & thermal                                                                     Induction of skin cancer apoptosis      259
                                                                                      HMAAm)              crosslinking
                                                         Fe3O4, Fe2O3/NiO             PAN                 Uniaxial – blend                                                                               Data storage and transfer               1
                                                         Fe–FeO                       PI                  Uniaxial – blend           Ms = 30.6 emu g1 (max), Hc = 188.2 Oe (max)                                                                50
                                                         IONPs                        PLGA                Uniaxial – blend           Superparamagnetic, Ms = 18.84 emu g1                               Hyperthermia treatment and              358
                                                                                                                                                                                                         controlled drug release
                                                                                      PVP                 Uniaxial – blend                  Soft ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.53 emu g1                                                            266
                                                                                      PCL                 Uniaxial – blend                  Superparamagnetic, Ms = 6.8 emu g1                          Mesenchymal stem cell proliferation 359
                                                         SPIONs                       PDLLA               Uniaxial – blend                  Superparamagnetic                                                                                360
                                                         CoFe2O4                      PAN                 Uniaxial – blend &                Superparamagnetic, Ms = 50 emu g1, TB = 125 K                                                   361
                                                         Nd0.05Bi0.95Fe0.95Co0.05O3   PVDF–TrFE           Uniaxial – blend                  Ferromagnetic, Mr = 0.58 emu g1, Hc = 1400 Oe                                                       362
                                                         Magnetic bioglass            PVA                 Uniaxial – blend                  Weak soft ferromagnetic, Hc B 20 Oe, Mr B 0.01 emu g1 Bone scaffolds                                 260
                                                         FePt                         PCL                 Coaxial                           Superparamagnetic                                                                                    101 and 363
                                                         Mg-ferrite                   PCL                 Uniaxial – blend                  Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.024–3.19 emu g1                 Enhanced cell attachment, growth              364
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and proliferation
                                                         Magnetic zeolite             PAN                 Uniaxial – blend                  Ms = 15 emu g1, coercivity = 97 Oe                    Determination of polycyclic aromatic          365
                                                                                                                                                                                                   hydrocarbons in water samples
                                                         Ni                           PS                 Uniaxial – blend                   Ms = 0.08–1.52 emu g1                                                                               98
                                                         SrFe12O19                    PVA                Uniaxial – blend                   Mr/Ms = 0.72, Hc = 6.3 kOe                             Remove arsenic from water                     17
                                                         Gd(DTPA)                     Eudragit S100, PEO Coaxial                                                                                   Drug delivery and MrI imaging                 265
                                                         SrTiO3/NiFe2O4               PVP                Uniaxial – blend &                 Ferromagnetic, Ms = 10–18 emu g                                                                      29
                                                         (porous nanotubes &                             side-by-side uniaxial
                                                         Fe-Doped In2O3/a-Fe2O3       PVP                 Coaxial                           Ms = 0.48–22.37 emu g1                                                                              366
                                                         CeO2-g and CoFe2O4           PVP                 Uniaxial – blend                  Hc = 320.40–541.35 Oe, Ms = 18.07–17.03 emu g1,             Solar light driven photocatalyst        367
                                                                                                                                            Mr = 3.72–4.04 emu g1
                                                         Mixture of magnetite         P(NIPAM-co-         Uniaxial – blend                                                                               Inducing cancer apoptosis               1
                                                         (Fe3O4) and maghemite        HMAAm)
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                                                                                                               Review                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Journal of Materials Chemistry C

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     concentration or poor solubility typically result in beaded

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    379 and 380
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     structures (beaded fibres or discrete microspheres) rather than
                                                                                                                                      Ref.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           long defect-free fibres. Wang et al.9 studied the effect of solvent







                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     on the preparation of fibres and beads and found that decreasing
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the compatibility between the solvent and the polymer decreased

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Stem cells osteogenic differentiation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the intermolecular entanglement, thus producing beads.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Magnetic hypothermia treatment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Nanoparticles can also be electrospun by adding nanoscale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     components into the polymer carrier. However, in order to form
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     uniform nanoparticles some materials require pre-treatment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Artificial muscles, MRI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Common examples of pre-treatment include sol–gel treatment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of the polymer solution and dispersive pre-treatment of compo-
Open Access Article. Published on 28 June 2021. Downloaded on 11/5/2021 9:15:02 AM.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     site nanoparticles, such as ultrasonic dispersion10–13 or coating


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     with oleic acid (or grafting with a coupling agent) to prevent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     undesirable aggregation.14–17

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2.1.2 Electrospinning rigs. Fig. 2 shows the wide range of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     electrospinning rigs that have been used to create various
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     nanofibrous fabrics. The most commonly used electrospinning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     rig is relatively simple and is comprised of a power supply, a
                                                                                                                                                             Hc = 4890.3–5321.9 Oe, Ms = 53.475–53.839 emu g ,

                                                                                                                                                             Ms = 45.03–55.59 emu g1, Mr = 1.2–27.12 emu g1,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     liquid supply device and a collector (Fig. 2(a)). The power
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Ms = 0.1–4.16 emu g1, Mr = 0.01–1.25 emu g1,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     supply provides sufficient electric field force to create liquid
                                                                                                                                                             Superparamagnetic, Ms = 3.87–16.99 emu g1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     filaments. Adjustment of the liquid supply parameters such as;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Superparamagnetic, Ms = 1.67–25 emu g1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     flow rate of solution, needle structure and mode of liquid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     supply, allow for continuous and uniform fibres to be formed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In addition to common single and multiple needle set-ups,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     there are also needleless devices such as silk thread, bulged
                                                                                                                                                             Mr = 28.517–28.765 emu g1

                                                                                                                                                             Ms = 20.05–20.67 emu g1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     roller and liquid pool. In these cases, the collector is usually a
                                                                                                                                                             Hc = 102.01–3761.57 Oe

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     flat plate and the morphology of the fibre mat can be regulated
                                                                                                                                      Magnetic properties

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     by changing the collection method.11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hc = 89–114 Oe

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hard magnetic

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Uniaxial electrospinning. Uniaxial electrospinning is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the most simplistic device design (Fig. 2(a)). The liquid supply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     uses a solitary nozzle to prepare a single component of solid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     micro/nanofibre.18 Fibres have been prepared, via uniaxial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     electrospinning, with different morphologies including; nano-
                                                                                                                                                                                          Uniaxial – blend & coaxial
                                                                                                                                                             Sol–gel & uniaxial – blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     belt (Fig. 3(c)), bead-on-string (Fig. 3(d)), and connected fibre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     mesh structures.19–22 The various morphologies provide different
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       & coaxial

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     characteristics, such as hydrophobicity and mechanical properties.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       – blend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       – blend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       – blend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       – blend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       – blend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       – blend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Uniaxial – blend


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Superhydrophobicity is caused by the huge specific surface area of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the fibrous mesh membrane. The large surface area of the


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     membrane can greatly reduce the contact area between the fibrous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     membrane surface and the liquid. Additionally, the micro- and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     nanoscale voids on the surface of the specimen can easily trap air,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and when water droplets come into contact with the material the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     air holds the droplets up in accordance with the typical Cassie–

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Baxster contact model.23 Additionally, it has been shown that

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PAN, PVP

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     electrospinning can be used to construct a composite structure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MnZnFe–Ni nanoparticles Estane

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of electrospun nanofibres decorated with microspheres to







                                                                                                                                                                                                                       YFe garnet, YGdFe garnet CA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     provide the superhydrophobic character. On this basis it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     becomes easier to design and control the micro–nano structure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NaYF4:Eu3+ and Fe3O4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of the surface, allowing the perfect realisation of superhydro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Strontium hexaferrite
                                                                                                                                      Magnetic ingredients

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     phobic structures.24,25

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CoFe2O4, Fe3O4
                                                                                                                                                             (RE = La, Ce)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Coaxial electrospinning. Coaxial electrospinning


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Fig. 2(b and c)) can be used to produce continuous, single-
                                                                                                                Table 1


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     channel, or multi-channel core–shell and hollow fibres. The


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     fibres are prepared by using two or more coaxial nozzles of

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                                                         Table 2 List of magnetic materials (both hybrid and solely inorganic) fabricated using a template approach discussed in Section 3, listing magnetic reagents, polymer(s) used, electrospinning and post-
                                                         treatment procedures followed, morphology and properties of the final material obtained and applications where relevant

                                                                                                       Electrospinning approach and         Morphology
                                                         Magnetic ingredients            Polymer       post-treatments                      (after post-treatment)    Magnetic properties                                               Applications            Ref.
                                                         Fe                              PVP           Uniaxial – carbonisation             Regular                   Ms = 85 emu g , Hc = 526 Oe                                       EWA                     232
                                                                                                       Multi-nozzle – calcination –         Regular                                                                                     EWA                     382
                                                                                         PAN           Uniaxial – carbonisation             Porous 3D cross-linked Ferromagnetic, Ms = 32.95 emu g1, Hc = 406 Oe                       EWA                     226
                                                                                                       Uniaxial – carbonisation–            3D non-woven network Ferromagnetic, Ms = 11.2–22.2 emu g1                                  Catalyst for PMS        383
                                                                                                       activation                                                                                                                       activation
                                                                                         PVA           Uniaxial – heating                   Regular                   Hc = 0–275.0 Oe                                                                           120
                                                         Co                              PVP           Uniaxial – stabilisation –           Regular                   Soft-magnetic, Ms = 73 emu g1                                    EWA                     227
                                                                                                       carbonisation – mixed with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Journal of Materials Chemistry C

                                                                                                       paraffin and pressed into toroidal
                                                                                                       shaped specimens
                                                                                                       Uniaxial – calcination – reduction   Necklace-like             Ferromagnetic, Ms = 28.37 emu g1 (max), Hc = 674–1016 Oe                                 384

9048 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 9042–9082
                                                                                         PVP &         Uniaxial – stabilisation –           Regular                   Ms = 60 emu g1                                           Catalysts                       385
                                                                                         PAN           carbonisation
                                                                                         PAN           Uniaxial – calcination               Fibres with deposited     Ferromagnetic, Ms = 10.1–23.9 emu g1, Hc = 504.6–701.1 Oe Microwave absorption 386
                                                                                                       Uniaxial – carbonisation             Regular                   Ms = 15 emu g1                                                   Catalyst for AR         387
                                                                                         TEOS/PVA      Uniaxial – calcination –             Fibres with deposited     Ms = 27.1 emu g1 (max)                                           Absorbents              388
                                                                                                       lyophilisation – reduction – coating particles
                                                                                         PVA           Uniaxial – carbonisation             Regular                   Ferromagnetic, Ms = 77.52 emu g1, Hc = 261.3 Oe,                                         389
                                                                                                                                                                      Mr = 7.97 emu g1, Hs = 8500 emu g1 (RT), Ms = 78.45 emu g1,
                                                                                                                                                                      Hc = 392.7 Oe, Mr = 9.26 emu g1, Hs = 8500 emu g1 (5 K)
                                                         Ni                              PVA           Uniaxial – calcination               Regular                   Ferromagnetic, Ms = 25.3 emu g1, Hc = 382.52 Oe,                                         390
                                                                                                                                                                      Mr = 10.4 emu g1, Hs = 3700 emu g1 (5 K), Ms = 23.12 emu g1,
                                                                                                                                                                      Hc = 67.66 Oe, Mr = 3.06 emu g1, Hs = 800 emu g1 (RT)
                                                                                                       Uniaxial – calcination –             Regular                   Ms = 51.9 emu g1, Hc = 185 Oe, Mr = 16.9 emu g1                                         127
                                                                                         PAN           Uniaxial – calcination               Porous                                                                                      Electromagnetic        391
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        interference shielding
                                                                                                       Uniaxial – carbonisation             Regular                                                                                     Lithium-ion batteries 392
                                                                                         PAN &         Uniaxial – carbonisation – surface   Short                                                                                       Biosensors             393
                                                                                         PDA           modification
                                                         Fe3O4                           PAN           Uniaxial – stabilisation –           Regular                   Ms = 3.32–13.53 emu g1, Hc = 1.21–274 Oe,                  EWA                           196
                                                                                                       carbonisation – mix with paraffin                              Mr = 0.05–1.8 emu g1
                                                                                                                                                                                                     1                    1
                                                                                                       Uniaxial – stabilisation –           Regular                   Ferromagnetic, Ms = 30 emu g , Mr = 2.69 emu g ,            EWA                           197
                                                                                                       carbonisation                                                  Hc = 189 Oe
                                                                                                       Uniaxial – stabilisation –           Core–shell                Ms = 4–7.5 emu g1, Hc = 180–240 Oe, Mr = 1.49–2.62 emu g1 EWA                           150
                                                                                                       carbonisation – coating
                                                                                                       Uniaxial – hydrothermal –            Nanofibres with                                                                             Adsorbents for water    112
                                                                                                       deposition                           deposited particles                                                                         purification
                                                                                                       Coaxial – carbonisation              Regular                   Ms = 10.18–39.65 emu g1                                                                  161
                                                                                                       Coaxial – carbonisation              Core–shell                Ms = 6.1–81.2 emu g1                                             Magnetic, electronic    15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and bio-applications
                                                                                         PAN/BA-a Uniaxial – stabilisation –                Hierarchical porous       Hc = 71 Oe, Mr = 0.654 emu g1                                    Absorbents for          394
                                                                                                  calcination                                                                                                                           organic dyes in water
                                                                                         PAN/PMMA Uniaxial – calcination                    Porous nanobelts          Ms = 5.54–18.49 emu g1                                           Absorbents for          111
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        organic dyes
                                                                                         PAN–PEI       Uniaxial – calcination               Sintered particles to     Superparamagnetic, Ms = 78.79 emu g1,                            Absorbent               395
                                                                                                                                            form a fibre              Mr = 0.528–10.5 emu g1
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                                                         Table 2   (continued)

                                                                                           Electrospinning approach and          Morphology

                                                         Magnetic ingredients    Polymer   post-treatments                       (after post-treatment)     Magnetic properties                                           Applications            Ref.
                                                                                 PVP       Uniaxial – stabilisation –            Regular                                                                                  EWA                     148
                                                                                           calcination – mix with bismaleimide
                                                                                           Uniaxial – calcination – reduction    Necklace-like              Ferromagnetic, Ms = 58.4 emu g , Hc = 186.7 Oe                EWA                     396
                                                                                           Uniaxial – calcination – reduction    Smooth                     Ms = 57.6 emu g1, Hc = 188.4 Oe, Mr/Ms = 0.28                                        131
                                                                                           Uniaxial – oxygen plasma              Sintered particles to      Ferromagnetic, Ms = 72.4–35.51 emu g1,                                               41
                                                                                           treatment                             form a fibre               Mr = 3.15–0.07 emu g1, Hc = 24.59–1.35 Oe
                                                                                 PEO       Uniaxial – calcination                Short fibres with                                                                        EWA                     397
                                                                                 PBZ       Uniaxial – calcination                Sintered particles to      Ms = 5.95–9.22 emu g1, superparamagnetic                     Water treatment         398
                                                                                                                                 form a fibre
                                                                                 PVDF      Uniaxial – deposition                 Nanofibres with                                                                          Remote controllable     399
                                                                                                                                 clusters                                                                                 oil removal
                                                                                 PU        Uniaxial – deposition                 Fibres with deposited      Superparamagnetic, Ms = 33.12 emu g1                         Hyperthermia            107
                                                                                                                                 particles                                                                                treatment
                                                                                 PEO &     Uniaxial – crosslinking –             3D cross-linked network    Superparamagnetic, Ms = 9–18 emu g , TB = 70–75 K             Hyperthermia            109

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                                                                                 PVA       co-precipitation                      with deposited particles                                                                 treatment
                                                                                 CS        Uniaxial – deposition                 3D cross-linked            Superparamagnetic, Ms = 16.3–27.2 emu g1 (300 K),            Hyperthermia            145
                                                                                                                                 network with deposited     ferromagnetic, Hc = 284–298 Oe, Mr = 4.9–7.9 emu g1          treatment of tumour
                                                                                                                                 particles                  (10 K)                                                        cells
                                                                                 PVA       Uniaxial – carbonisation              Regular                    Ferromagnetic, Ms = 50.27–62.8 emu g1, Hc = 50.2–150.72 Oe                           400
                                                                                 PVA       Uniaxial – anneal – deposition        3D cross-link network                                                                                            168
                                                                                 PVA/PAA   Uniaxial – blend – thermal treat-     Cross-linked mat with      Superparamagnetic, Ms = 32.5 emu g                            Recyclable catalytic    401
                                                                                           ment – deposition                     deposited particles                                                                      capacities
                                                                                 PAA       Uniaxial – thermal treatment          Fibres with deposited      Ms = 1.52–10.46 emu g1                                                               187
                                                                                 PANI      Uniaxial – deposition                 Nanofibres with            Ferromagnetic, Ms = 1.9 emu g1, Hc = 930 Oe,                                         108
                                                                                                                                 deposited particles        Mr = 25.83  103 emu g1
                                                         a-Fe2O3                 PVA       Uniaxial – deposition –               Hollow                     Weak ferromagnetic, Ms = 24.4 emu g1                         Absorbents for dyes     162
                                                                                           Uniaxial – calcination                Regular                    Ms = 20 emu g1, Hc = 40 Oe (a-Fe2O3)                         Catalyst for azo dyes   245
                                                                                           Uniaxial – calcination                Nanorod                    Superparamagnetic–ferromagnetic                                                       188
                                                                                 PVP       Uniaxial – calcination                Nanotubes                  Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0–20 emu g1, Hc = 150–760 Oe,            Supercapacitor          217
                                                                                                                                                            permanent magnetic material                                   electrodes
                                                                                           Uniaxial – calcination                Nanotubes                  Ferromagnetic, Hc = 256.71–628.18 Oe,                                                 163
                                                                                                                                                            Mr = 0.2872–0.4512 emu g1
                                                         g-Fe2O3                 PLGA &    Uniaxial – deposition             Nanofibres with                Superparamagnetic, Ms = 3.56 emu g1                          Stem cell               144
                                                                                 PCL                                         deposited particles                                                                          differentiation
                                                                                 PVA       Uniaxial – hydrothermal synthesis Core–shell                     Ferromagnetic, Ms = 98.9 emu g , Hc = 175.5 Oe,               Sensors                 137
                                                                                           deposition – calcination                                         Mr = 6.9 emu g1
                                                                                           Uniaxial – calcination            Regular                        Ferromagnetic, Ms = 52.1 emu g1, Hc = 460 Oe,            Semiconductor               402
                                                                                                                                                            Mr = 16.7 emu g1, Hs = 6000 Oe (5 K); Ms = 45.2 emu g1,
                                                                                                                                                            Hc = 218 Oe, Mr = 11 emu g , Hs = 2000 Oe (RT)
                                                                                 PVP       Uniaxial – calcination                Core–shell fibres,         Ferromagnetic, Ms = 55.2 emu g1 (fibre-in-tube),                                     403
                                                                                                                                 fibre-in-tube,             Ms = 56.3 emu g1 (tube-in-tube), Mr = 5.5–15.9 emu g1,
                                                                                                                                 tube-in-tube               Hc = 78–206 Oe, Mr/Ms = 0.1–0.28
                                                         Fe2O3                   PVP       Uniaxial – calcination                Regular                    Superparamagnetic–antiferromagnetic                       Catalyst                    177
                                                                                           Uniaxial – calcination – post         Porous hollow fibres       Ms = 0.6 emu g1                                          Photocatalyst               237
                                                                                           treatment                             with nanoflakes coating
                                                                                           Uniaxial electrospinning –            Sintered particles to   Superparamagnetic, Ms = 8.42 emu g1, Mr = 1.2 emu g1, Photocatalyst                    236
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                                                                                           calcination                           form a fibre            Hc = 160 Oe
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                                                         Table 2   (continued)

                                                                                                 Electrospinning approach and        Morphology
                                                         Magnetic ingredients          Polymer   post-treatments                     (after post-treatment)    Magnetic properties                                          Applications          Ref.
                                                         FexOy                         PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Porous nanosheets,        Ferromagnetic, Ms = 2.84–18.91 emu g ,                                             105
                                                                                                                                     nanotubes                 Hc = 106.27–152.87 Oe
                                                         a-Fe2O3, Fe3O4                PAA       Uniaxial electrospinning –          Nanofibres with           Superparamagnetic, Ms = 2.8–4.0 emu g1                                            143
                                                                                                 deposition                          deposited particles
                                                         a-Fe2O3, Co3O4                PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Hollow                    Ms = 0.75–1.50 emu g1                                                             103
                                                         Co3O4                         PAN       Uniaxial – stabilisation –          Regular                   Soft ferromagnetic                                           EWA                   121
                                                         NiO                           PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Sintered particles to     Ms = 55.3 emu g1, Hc = 194.0 Oe                                                   404
                                                                                                                                     form a fibre
                                                                                       PEtOx     Uniaxial – calcination              Sintered particles to                                                                  Alcohol sensor        405
                                                                                                                                     form a fibre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Journal of Materials Chemistry C

                                                                                                 Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Ferromagnetic, Hc = 107.3 Oe (max), Mr = 0.472 emu g (max)                         203
                                                         CuO/NiO                       PVA       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Paramagnetic, M = 0.337–0.480 emu g1, Hc = 10 kOe                                 406
                                                         ZnO                           PVA       Uniaxial – anneal                   Regular                   Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.039 emu g1 (max)                                            192

9050 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 9042–9082
                                                         ZrO2                          PVP       Coaxial electrospinning –           Hollow                                                                                 Catalysts             166
                                                                                                 anneal – deposition
                                                                                                 Uniaxial – anneal                   Nanofibres with           Ms = 0.45–0.57 emu g1                                       Photocatalysts for the 241
                                                                                                                                     smooth surface                                                                         degradation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            organic pollutes
                                                         SnO2                          PVP       Uniaxial – anneal                   Nanotubes                Ms = 0.012–0.017 emu g1, Hc = 79–95 Oe (300 K),                                     173
                                                                                                                                                              Ms = 0.11–0.19 emu g1, Hc = 163–169 Oe (5 K)
                                                         Fe3C                          PAN       Uniaxial – carbonisation            Short                    Soft ferromagnetic, Ms = 18.0 emu g1, Hc = 108.3 Oe,         EWA                   228
                                                                                                                                                              Mr = 0.68 emu g1
                                                         Fe3O4, a-Fe2O3, Fe2N          PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Sintered particles to    Fe3O4: Ms = 82.99 emu g1, Mr = 39.27 emu g1,                High performance      134
                                                                                                                                     form a hollow fibre      Hc = 400.45 Oe a-Fe2O3: Ms = 4.34 emu g1, Fe2N:              anodes for LIBs
                                                                                                                                                              Ms 2.07 emu g1
                                                         FeC3/FeN3                     PVP       Uniaxial – stabilisation –          Branch-like (400–700 1C) Ferromagnetic, Ms = 122 emu g1 Fe, Hc = 112 Oe Fe,                                 407
                                                                                                 nitridation                                                  Mr = 10.4 emu g1 Fe
                                                         Fe@FeO                        PAN       Uniaxial – stabilisation –          Short                    Ferromagnetic, Ms = 6.8–24.1 emu g1, Hc = 45–209 Oe                                408
                                                         Pd doped Co                   PVA       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                                                                                Photocatalyst         409
                                                         Fe-Doped NiO                  PVA       Uniaxial electrospinning –          Regular                   Ferromagnetic                                                Diluted magnetic      223
                                                                                                 calcination                                                                                                                semiconductor
                                                         Fe doped ZnO                  PVA       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Tc 4 300 K                                                                         410
                                                         Co doped ZnO                  PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.05 emu g1, Hc = 53.2 Oe, magnetic     EWA                   411
                                                                                                                                                               loss factor = 0.170–0.223
                                                         Fe doped SnO2/TiO2            PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Beaded fibres             Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.02–0.37 emu g1                        Photocatalyst         412
                                                         Mn doped SnO2                 PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Hollow                    Ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, Hc = 15 kOe                                           221
                                                         Cu doped SnO2                 PVP       Coaxial – calcination               Hollow                    RT ferromagnetism                                                                  413
                                                         GO doped CoFe2O4              PVP       Uniaxial electrospinning –          Regular                   Ferrimagnetic, Ms = 79.24–82.7 emu g1, Hc = 909–1514 Oe,                          224
                                                                                                 calcination                                                   Mr = 31–39 emu g1
                                                         La-Doped TiO2/CoFe2O4         PVP       (Sol–gel) – two-spinneret           Regular                   Ms = 8.888 emu g1                                           Photocatalytic        414
                                                         Co-Doped SrTiO3               PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – anneal     Regular                   Paramagnetic–weak ferromagnetic                                                    129
                                                         Gd doped bismuth ferrite      PVP       Uniaxial – annealing                Regular                   Ms = 2.4–4.12 emu g1, Hc = 450 Oe                                                 415
                                                         Ca doped BiFeO3               PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Sintered particles to     Ferromagnetic                                                Photocatalyst         240
                                                                                                                                     form a fibre
                                                         Bi2O3 doped Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4   PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Ms = 2.6–59.1 emu g1, Hc = 32.6–112.9 Oe                                          416
                                                         FexCoy                        PAN/PBZ   Uniaxial – activation –             Regular                   Ms = 18.76 emu g1                                           Catalyst for PMS      417
                                                                                                 carbonisation                                                                                                              activation
                                                                                       PVA       Uniaxial – graphinisation           Fibres encapsulated in Ferromagnetic, Ms = 71.14 emu g1, Hc = 220 Oe (300 K),                               225
                                                                                                                                     graphite shell         Hc = 648 Oe (5 K)
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                                                         Table 2    (continued)

                                                                                              Electrospinning approach and         Morphology

                                                         Magnetic ingredients       Polymer   post-treatments                      (after post-treatment)      Magnetic properties                                           Applications         Ref.
                                                         Fe–Ni                      PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – deoxidation Regular                     Ferromagnetic, Ms = 72.54–195.06 emu g , Hc = 1.72–43.89 Oe                        128
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination –             Nanoribbons                 Soft magnetic, Ms = 145.7 emu g1 (max), Hc = 132 Oe                               126
                                                         Fe3Si                      PVP       Uniaxial – calcination               Fibres with deposited       Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0–8.4 emu g1, Hc = 50–90 Oe          Tunable EM and       418
                                                                                                                                   particles                                                                             microwave absorption
                                                         FePt                       PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – reduction Necklace-like sintered        Hard magnetic, Ms = 54.63–59.38 emu g1, Hc = 4.68–10.27                       123
                                                                                              process                              particles to form a fibre   Oe, Mr = 24.44–34.23 emu g1
                                                         CoNi                       PVA       Uniaxial – calcination               Regular                     Ferromagnetic, Ms = 47.45 emu g , Hc = 65.6 Oe, Mr = 5.94                      419
                                                                                                                                                               emu g1, Hs = 4000 Oe
                                                         CoPt                       PVA       Uniaxial – carbonisation             Bead                        Ferromagnetic, Ms = 77.3 emu g1 (Co, max), Hc = 270.9 Oe                      420
                                                                                                                                                               (Co–Pd, max), Mr = 7.98 emu g1 (Co, min)
                                                                                                                                                                                   1                       1
                                                         Sm2Co17                    PVP       Uniaxial – blend – calcination       Regular                     Ms = 55.5–106 emu g , Mr = 35.6–52.5 emu g ,                                   206
                                                                                                                                                               Hc = 5210–12 676 Oe
                                                         CoxFeyAl                   PVP &     Uniaxial – anneal                    Regular                     Ferromagnetic                                                                  421
                                                         SmCoFe                     PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – REDOX       Sintered particles toMs = 80–120 emu g1, Hc = 5–7.5 kOe, Mr = 55–69 emu g1,                                  422

 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021
                                                                                              post – treatment                     form a fibre         Mr/Ms = 0.54–0.69
                                                         Co–MnO                     PVA       Uniaxial – calcination               Regular              Ferromagnetic, Ms = 49.95 emu g1, Hc = 245 Oe,                                           423
                                                                                                                                                        Mr = 7.35 emu g1, Hs = 3000 emu g1
                                                         Zn1xCoxO                  PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – anneal      Regular              RT ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.877 emu g1, Hc = 610 Oe (max)                                   424
                                                                                    PVA       Uniaxial – sinter                    Regular              Hc = 50–75 Oe                                                                             218
                                                         Zn–Mn–O                    TPEE      Uniaxial – calcination               Microsphere composed Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.20225–0.78425 emu g1, Hc = 83.68– Photocatalyst                    425
                                                                                                                                   of micro/nanofibres  223.78 Oe, Mr = 0.010125–0.015766 emu g1
                                                         Fe2O3, Fe3O4, CuFe2O4,     PAN       Coaxial – calcination                Porous               Ferromagnetic, Ms = 2.058 emu g1, Mr = 0.28148 emu g1, EWA                              426
                                                         Cu2Fe2O4                                                                                       Hc = 167.56 Oe
                                                         Magnetically susceptible             Uniaxial – deposition – surface      Regular                                                                       Biosensor                        427
                                                         conjugation complex                  modification
                                                         CoFe2O4                    PVP       Uniaxial – anneal                   Nanotubes                    Ms = 18 emu g                                                 Photocatalysts       164
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination – (in situ)  Hollow core–double                                                                         Photocatalysts       158
                                                                                              oxidative polymerisation method     shell nanostructure
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination              Wrinkle nanofibres           Ms = 33.232 emu g1, Hc = 893.71 Oe, Mr = 10.876 emu g1 Photocatalyst             200
                                                                                                                                  with cluster
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination              Nanorod with flake           Ferromagnetism, Ms = 35.17–61.24 emu g1                      Photocatalyst        202
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination – redox post Regular                                                                                    Efficient catalysts for 428
                                                                                              – treatment                                                                                                                    the p-nitrophenol
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination               Sintered particles to                                                                                           429
                                                                                                                                   form a fibre
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination               Sintered particles to       Ms = 53.2–71.7 emu g1, Hc = 925.3–1161.7 Oe                                       106
                                                                                                                                   form a fibre
                                                                                              Uniaxial – anneal                    Janus                       Ms = 41.34 emu g1                                                                 75
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination               Sintered particles to       Soft magnetic, superparamagnetic, Ms = 28.61–67.24 emu g1,                        172
                                                                                                                                   form a fibre                Hc = 758.62–2221.51 Oe, Mr = 8.28–35.11 emu g1
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination               Sintered particles to       Ferromagnetic, Ms = 42.8 emu g1, Hc (bulk) = 750–1000 Oe,                         430
                                                                                                                                   form a fibre                Mr/Ms = 0.27–0.5
                                                                                              (Dual-channel) – calcination         Sintered particles to       Hc = 250 Oe                                                                        431
                                                                                                                                   form two phases that
                                                                                                                                   are distributed semi-
                                                                                              Uniaxial – calcination               Nanotubes                   Hc = 300 Oe (360 K), Hc = 10 400 Oe (5 K)                                          432
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Open Access Article. Published on 28 June 2021. Downloaded on 11/5/2021 9:15:02 AM.
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                                                         Table 2   (continued)

                                                                                                Electrospinning approach and           Morphology
                                                         Magnetic ingredients         Polymer   post-treatments                        (after post-treatment)   Magnetic properties                                            Applications       Ref.
                                                                                                Uniaxial – ultrasonic – coaxial        Regular                  Ms = 3.65–45.80 emu g , Hc = 735–785 Oe,                                          433
                                                                                                                                                                Mr = 1.4–16.49 emu g1
                                                                                                Uniaxial – calcination                 Nanoribbons              ferromagnetic, Ms = 64.6–80.3 emu g1, Hc = 1223–1802 Oe                          119
                                                                                                Uniaxial – calcination                 Nanoribbons (400–        Ms = 76.2–85.2 emu g1 (2–300 K), Hc = 895 Oe (max),                              114
                                                                                                                                       700 1C), nanofibres      Mr/Ms = 0.75–0.89
                                                                                                                                       (900 1C)
                                                                                                Uniaxial – calcination                 Hollow                   Ferromagnetic, Ms = 9.0–34.7 emu g1, Hc = 858–1207 Oe,                           160
                                                                                                                                                                Mr = 2.7–13.1 emu g1, Mr/Ms = 0.30–0.38 (300 K),
                                                                                                                                                                Ms = 9.6–36.1 emu g1, Hc = 11 953–14 110 Oe,
                                                                                                                                                                Mr = 8.3–32.5 emu g1, Mr/Ms = 0.86–0.89 (2 K)
                                                                                                Uniaxial – calcination                 Wire-in-tube structure                                                                                     434
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Journal of Materials Chemistry C

                                                                                                                                                                Hc = 11 043 Oe (10 K), Hc = 707 Oe (300 K)
                                                                                                Coaxial – anneal                       Core–shell               Ms = 16.1 emu g1                                                                 156
                                                                                                Uniaxial – coprecipitate –             Nanofibres with depos-                                                        Photocatalyst                242
                                                                                                calcination                            ited particles

9052 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 9042–9082
                                                                                                                                                                           1                            1
                                                                                                Uniaxial – anneal                      Porous nanoribbons     Ms = 56 emu g , Hc = 757 Oe, Mr = 18 emu g (300 K),                                 115
                                                                                                                                                              Ms = 72 emu g1, Hc = 14 507 Oe, Mr = 56 emu g1 (2 K)
                                                                                      PAN       Uniaxial – carbonisation               Regular                Ms = 30 emu g1                                        Catalyst for PMs             243
                                                                                                                                                                               1                                 1
                                                                                                Uniaxial – stabilisation –             Regular                Ms = 50–63 emu g , Hc = 0–667 Oe, Mr = 0–17 emu g                                   94
                                                                                      PANI      Uniaxial – calcination – polyaniline   Hollow fibres with       Ms = 35 emu g1, Hc = 1260 Oe                                  Catalysts          244
                                                                                                assisted (self-assembly) process –     deposited particles
                                                                                      PVAc      (Sol–gel) uniaxial – calcination       Regular                  Mr = 16.1–32.5 emu g1, Hc = 611.9–786.5 Oe                                       194
                                                                                      PVDF      Uniaxial – blend – calcined –          Regular                  Ms = 10.7 emu cm3                                                                435
                                                         CoFe2O4/barium carbonate     PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – electrical    Janus                    Ferromagnetic, Ms = 60 emu g1, Hc = 800 Oe, Mr = 18 emu g1 Magnetoelectric      436
                                                                                                assembly                                                                                                                     sensors
                                                         CoFe2O4/Ag                   PVP       Uniaxial – calcination                 Sintered particles to                                                                 Catalyst for the     235
                                                                                                                                       form a hollow fibre                                                                   degradation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             organic pollutants
                                                         CoFe2O4–Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3   PS        Uniaxial – anneal                      Regular                  Ferromagnetic, Hc = 386–730 Oe, Mr = 3.3–11.3 emu g                               437
                                                                                      PVP &     Coaxial – anneal                       Core–shell               Ferromagnetic, Hc = 700 Oe, Mr = 3.40 emu g1                                     140
                                                         CoFe2O4/CoFe2                PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – partially     Regular                  Ferromagnetic, hard magnetic, Ms = 66.8–220.2 emu g1,                            124
                                                                                                reduction                                                       Hc = 0.62–1.37 Oe, Mr = 27.6–106.4 emu g1
                                                         CoFe2O4/SrFe12O19            PVP       Uniaxial – calcination                 Hollow                   Ms = 52.9–62.8 emu g1, Hc = 1089–4046 Oe,                                        438
                                                                                                                                                                Mr = 18.22–31.21 emu g1
                                                         CoFe2O4, NiFe2O4             PVP       Coaxial – calcination                  Core–shell, fibre-in-    Ms = 63.83–76.16 emu g1, Hc = 12.79–13.36 kOe                                    439
                                                                                                                                       tube, tube-in-tube
                                                                                                                                                                                      1                                 1
                                                         ZnFe2O4/CoFe2O4              PVP       Uniaxial – calcination                 Short                    Ms = 53.95–69.62 emu g , Hc = 69–110 Oe, Mr = 3.8–11 emu g ,                      440
                                                                                                                                                                Mr/Ms = 0.07043–0.15799
                                                         Mullite fibres with          AN &      Uniaxial – thermal reduction –         Regular                  Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.085–4.177 emu g1, Hc = 21.1–85.8 Oe,                       132
                                                         embedded Ni NPs              PEO       heat treatment                                                  Mr = 0.005–1.136 emu g1
                                                         Fe–Ni/NiFe2O4                PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – partially     Regular                  Soft magnetic, Ms = 49.5–109.3 emu g1, Hc = 219–460 Oe                           136
                                                         NiFe2O4 & MWCNTs             PAN       Uniaxial – stabilisation –             Regular                  Ferromagnetic, Ms = 1.5 emu g1, Hc = 47 Oe                    EM shielding       142
                                                         Spinel-NiMn2O4               PVP       Uniaxial – anneal                      Short fibres             Paramagnetic–antiferromagnetic (200–300 K), Ms = 34 emu g , Electrode material    175
                                                                                                                                                                Hc = 96.7 Oe, Mr = 13 emu g1 (5 K)                         and energy storage
                                                         NiFe2O4                      PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – atomic        Core–shell                                                                           Photocatalyst         441
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                                                                                                layer deposition
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                                                         Table 2   (continued)

                                                                                                  Electrospinning approach and      Morphology

                                                         Magnetic ingredients           Polymer   post-treatments                   (after post-treatment)      Magnetic properties                                            Applications           Ref.
                                                                                                                                                                              8         3
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – calcination            Multi-particle-chain-like   Ms = 2.7  10 emu cm , Hc = 166 Oe, Tc = 858 K                                        442
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – calcination            Sintered particles to       Soft ferromagnetic, Ms = 1.3–40 emu g1, Hc = 16–170 Oe,                              183
                                                                                                                                    form a fibre                Mr = 0.008–7.8 emu g1
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – calcination            Regular                     Hc = 30 Oe (300 K), Hc = 576 Oe (5 K)                                                 443
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – anneal                 Nanotube                    Ferromagnetic, Ms = 33.3 emu g1, Hc = 225 Oe                                         444
                                                                                        PVA       Uniaxial – anneal                 Regular                     Ferromagnetic, Hc = 60 Oe                                                             445
                                                                                        PVA &     Uniaxial – (dip-coating) –        Hierarchical porous         Soft magnetic, Ms = 14.44 emu g1                                                     110
                                                                                        TEOS      calcination                       cross-linked structure
                                                         NiCo2O4                        PAN       Uniaxial – stabilisation –        Regular                                                                                    EWA                    229
                                                         Ni0.8Co0.2Fe2O4, Ni            PVP,      Uniaxial – carbonisation – mix    Regular                     Ms = 11.9–53.4 emu g , Hc = 114.3–409 Oe                       EWA                    446
                                                                                        PAN       with paraffin
                                                         Co0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4                PVP       Uniaxial – calcination            Necklace-like               Ms = 37.5–66.2 emu g1, Hc = 78.3 Oe (max)                     EWA                    122
                                                         Co1xNixFe2O4 (x = 0.0, 0.2,   PVP       Uniaxial – stabilisation –        Regular                     Ms = 13.4–56.4 emu g1, Hc = 210–1255 Oe                                              215
                                                         0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0)                      calcination
                                                         MnFe2O4                        PVP       Uniaxial – calcination            Short fibres                                                                               Catalysts (magnetic    447

 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – calcination            Nanorods                    Ms = 43.5–46.3 emu g1                                                                174
                                                                                        PVAc      Uniaxial – calcination            Regular                     M = 46.8–61.14 emu g1 (10 kOe), Hc = 607.7–642.6 Oe, Mr Magnetic recording           186
                                                                                                                                                                = 13.4–17.8 emu g1 (600–800 K)                          device, magneto-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         optical recording and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         electronic devices
                                                                                        PAN       Uniaxial – carbonisation          Regular                     Ms = 56.8 emu g (max), Hc = 998–1264 Oe,                                              185
                                                                                                                                                                Mr = 15–31.9 emu g , Mr/Ms = 0.41–0.67
                                                         Co0.5Mn0.5Fe2O4                PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – ANI      Hollow                                                                               Photocatalyst                448
                                                         CuFe2O4                        PVP       Uniaxial – calcination            Hollow                      Ferromagnetic, Ms = 18.99–25.04 emu g1,                                              159
                                                                                                                                                                Hc = 345–1451 Oe, Mr = 5.32–13.02 emu g1, Mr/Ms = 0.28–0.52
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – deposition             Nano fibres with                                                                           Visible light photo-   199
                                                                                                                                    deposited particles                                                                        catalyst (magnetic
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – calcination            Sintered particles to       Ferromagnetic, soft magnetic, Ms = 7.73–23.98 emu g1,                                182
                                                                                                                                    form a fibre or lamellar    Hc = 299–625 Oe, Mr = 6.08–9.91 emu g1,
                                                                                                                                    post sintering              Mr/Ms = 0.34–0.41
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – calcination            Sintered particles to       Ferromagnetic                                                  CR adsorption and      449
                                                                                                                                    form short or hollow                                                                       CO catalytic oxidation
                                                                                                                                    fibres                                                                                     of the samples
                                                         CuCo2O4                        PAN       Uniaxial – calcination            Regular                     Ferromagnetism – antiferromagnetism,                                                  190
                                                                                                                                                                Ms = 11.43–60.24 (103) emu g1, Hc = 107.07–734.67 Oe,
                                                                                                                                                                Mr = 4.02–25.78 (103) emu g1, Mr/Ms = 0.289–0.428
                                                         Ni1xCuxFe2O4                  PVP       Uniaxial – calcination            Regular                     Soft ferromagnetic, Ms = 15.1–37.71 emu g1,                                          210
                                                                                                                                                                Hc = 50.9–144.66 Oe
                                                         ZnFe2O4                        PVP       Uniaxial – anneal                 Porous nanotubes                                                                           Photocatalyst          450
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – calcination            Sintered particles to       Ferromagnetic, Ms = 12.4 emu g1, Hc = 48.79 Oe                EWA                    451
                                                                                                                                    form a fibre
                                                                                                  Uniaxial – calcination            Sintered particles to       Superparamagnetic – paramagnetic (calcined at 500–                                    193
                                                                                                                                    form a fibre                700 1C), Ms = 1.53–2.55 emu g1
                                                         ZnFe2O4/ZnO                    PVP       Uniaxial – calcination            Porous nanotubes                                                                        Photocatalyst             452
                                                         ZnFe2O4/Fe3O4                  PVP       Uniaxial – calcination            Regular                     Ferromagnetic, Ms = 22.9–34.2 emu g1, Hc = 208.7–425.1 Oe, Photocatalysts for        453
                                                                                                                                                                Mr = 5.8–10.1 emu g1                                       wastewater disposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            or drug release
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J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 9042–9082 | 9053
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Open Access Article. Published on 28 June 2021. Downloaded on 11/5/2021 9:15:02 AM.
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                                                         Table 2   (continued)

                                                                                                   Electrospinning approach and        Morphology
                                                         Magnetic ingredients            Polymer   post-treatments                     (after post-treatment)    Magnetic properties                                         Applications          Ref.
                                                         ZnFe2O4/g-Fe2O3                 PVA       Uniaxial – calcination              Nanoribbons               Ferromagnetic, Ms = 45 emu g (max)                                                454
                                                         Cu1xZnxFe2O4                   PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Ferromagnetic–paramagnetic, Ms = 58.4 emu g1 (max),                              216
                                                                                                                                                                 Hc = 35.2–723.5 Oe, Mr/Ms = 0.11–0.47 emu g1
                                                         Co0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4                 PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Ferromagnetic, Ms = 92.3 emu g1 (max), Hc = 338.2 Oe (max) EWA                   455
                                                         Ni0.5xCuxZn0.5Fe2O4            PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Hc = 121.6 Oe (298 K), Hc = 295.9 Oe (77 K)                                       211
                                                         Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4                 PVP       Uniaxial – anneal – calcination     Nanowires in              Ms = 61 emu g1, Hc = 43 Oe, Mr = 3 emu g1                                       456
                                                                                                   Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Soft magnetic, Ms = 78.6 emu g1, Hc = 57.4 Oe              EWA                    457
                                                         NiZn ferrite                    PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Sintered particles to     Ferromagnetic                                               DNA separation for     458
                                                                                                                                       form a fibre                                                                          clinical diagnoses and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Journal of Materials Chemistry C

                                                         MgFe2O4                         PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Sintered particles to     Ms = 17–31.1 emu g1, Hc = 35.8–98.9 Oe                                            184
                                                                                                                                       form a fibre

9054 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 9042–9082
                                                                                                   Uniaxial – anneal – sinter          Nanotubes                 Ferromagnetic                                                                     135
                                                         Mg1xZnxFe2O4                   PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Ms = 20.25 emu g1, Mr = 5.1 emu g1, Hc = 90 Oe, soft                            459
                                                         CuAl0.95Co0.05O2                PVP       Uniaxial – anneal                   Regular                   Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.012 emu g1, Hc = 65.26 Oe,                                 104
                                                                                                                                                                 Mr = 0.0015 emu g1
                                                         Fe@TiSi                         P123,     Coaxial – calcination               Core–shell                Ms = 0.0002–1.2 emu g1                                     Catalyst for waste-   249
                                                                                         PVP                                                                                                                                 water treatment
                                                         a-Fe2O3@SiO2                    TEOS      Uniaxial – calcination –            Core–shell                Ms = 14–20 emu g1, Hc = 390–400 Oe                                               151
                                                         SiO2–CoFe2O4                    PVP &     Uniaxial – anneal                   Hollow short fibres       Ferromagnetic, Ms = 56.4–80 emu g , Hc = 1477 Oe                                  201
                                                         CaFe2O4                         PVP       Uniaxial – calcination               Necklace-like            Superparamagnetic                                           Photocatalyst         238
                                                         CaFe2O4/MgFe2O4                 PVP       Uniaxial – calcination               Sintered particles to                                                                Photocatalyst         460
                                                                                                                                        form fibres
                                                         TiO2/CoFe2O4                    PVP       (Sol–gel) – vertical two – spinneret Regular                  Hc = 585.09 Oe, Mr = 3.2408 emu g1, Ms = 9.5869 emu g1 Photocatalyst            461
                                                                                                   – calcination
                                                         Ti0.9V0.1O2                     PVP       Uniaxial – calcination               Regular                  Ferromagnetic                                                                     191
                                                         Cr0.046Zn0.954O                 PVP       Uniaxial – calcination               Regular                  Weak ferrimagnetic, Hc = 73–224 Oe                                                462
                                                         SrFe12O19                       PVP       Coaxial – stabilisation – sinter     Hollow                   Ms = 30.7–57.8 emu g1, Hc = 95.3–4187.1 Oe                 EWA                   167
                                                                                                   Uniaxial – calcination – deposi-     Core–sheath              Ferromagnetic, Ms = 7.968 emu g1, Hc = 5149.7 Oe,          Photocatalyst         3
                                                                                                   tion – calcination                                            Mr = 4.235 emu g1
                                                                                                   Uniaxial – calcination               Necklace-like            Ms = 64 emu g1, Hc = 6533.3 Oe                             High density magnetic 138
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             recording and micro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             wave devices
                                                                                                   Uniaxial – anneal                   Nanoribbons               Ms = 50–67.9 emu g1, Hc = 7150–7310 Oe,                                          116
                                                                                                                                                                 Mr = 27.5–37.3 emu g1
                                                                                                   Uniaxial – calcination            Necklace-like               Ms = 59.9–60.8 emu g1, Hc = 4538.2–6565.9 Oe                                     176
                                                         SrFe12O19/FeCo                  PVP       Coaxial – calcination – reduction Core–shell                  Ms = 60.9–68.8 emu g1, Hc = 1249–3190 Oe                                         153
                                                         SrAlxFe12xO19 (x = 0–3.0)      PVP       Uniaxial – calcination            Necklace-like               Ms = 13–62 emu g1, Hc = 5668–7737 Oe (298 K),                                    209
                                                                                                                                                                 Ms = 16–85 emu g1, Hc = 6860 Oe (77 K)
                                                         SrTi1xCoxO3                    PVP       Uniaxial – calcination – anneal     Regular                   Ferromagnetic, Ms = 0.74 emu g1 (max)                                            130
                                                         SrTi1xFexO3 (SrTi0.9Fe0.1O3)   PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Paramagnetic–ferromagnetic, M = 0.46–0.82 emu g1,       Batteries                463
                                                                                                                                                                 Hc = 165–217 Oe, Mr = 0.01–0.15 emu g1, Tc 4 300 K
                                                         SrTiO3/SrFe12O19                PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Regular                   Hard magnetic, Ms = 55.1 emu g , Hc = 6523 Oe (max),                              181
                                                                                                                                                                 Mr = 5.94 emu g1
                                                         SrFe12O19, Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4      PVP       Uniaxial – calcination              Sintered particles to     Hc = 3037.1–4762.7 Oe (77–297 K), Mr = 53.5–39.1 emu g1                          464
                                                                                                                                       form a fibre              (77–297 K)
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 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021
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