Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...

Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...
Master’s Student
Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC)
Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Contacts and Communication.................................................................................................................................... 4
Academic Honesty and Behavioral Expectations ....................................................................................................... 5
Links ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Degree Programs and Specialties .............................................................................................................................. 7
Master’s Program Policies ......................................................................................................................................... 8
General Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Independent Study................................................................................................................................................... 11
Internships ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Pro Master’s Practicum ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Registration .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Minors and Supporting Fields .................................................................................................................................. 16
Timing Policies.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Grading Policies........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Probation and Suspension ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Course and Degree Policies...................................................................................................................................... 21
Thesis Preparation ................................................................................................................................................... 22
The Thesis................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Final Oral Examination ............................................................................................................................................. 25
The Project in Lieu of Thesis .................................................................................................................................... 26
Professional Project ................................................................................................................................................. 27
Thesis and Post-Thesis Resources ............................................................................................................................ 28
Honors and Awards .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Graduate Program History ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...
The University of Florida is a big,                      The Division of Graduate Studies and
wonderful, comprehensive university. But
sometimes its structure can be confusing.
                                                         Sometimes referred to as the graduate division, this is
Here are some basic definitions that may                 the unit within CJC that administers graduate degree
help.                                                    programs. The college awards two graduate degrees:
                                                         the Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC)
The Graduate School                                      and the Doctor of Philosophy in Mass Communication
Since 1964, overall responsibility for graduate          (Ph.D.).
education at the University of Florida has been
officially vested in the Graduate School. In 2007, the   Deans, Directors, Coordinators, Graduate
Graduate School became a unit in the Office of the       Faculty
Provost. It provides oversight for graduate education
                                                         Each track or specialization within the in-residence
university-wide, as well as standards and policies
                                                         MAMC has a faculty coordinator (or faculty director in
governing all graduate programs.                         the case of the Professional Master’s) who serves as
                                                         the initial advisor to incoming students until that
The College of Journalism and
                                                         student selects a permanent advisor from the ranks of
Communications                                           the CJC Graduate Faculty. The Associate Dean of
Also known as CJC, our college is one of 16 colleges Graduate Studies and Research reports to the college
at the University of Florida. The college is considered dean and serves as the chair of the CJC Graduate
one of the nation’s best. The strength of its programs, Committee, which includes department chairs and
faculty, students, and alumni throughout its history has faculty representatives from each department as well
earned the college ongoing recognition as one of the     as a student representative and representatives from
best journalism and communication programs in the        various tracks. The committee makes
United States. The college offers bachelor’s degrees     recommendations on admissions, curriculum, and
in advertising; journalism; public relations; and media graduate faculty status. Major recommendations of the
production, management, and technology (MPMT).           Graduate Committee, including catalog changes and
The college houses a department for each. CJC            conferral of degrees, are brought to the CJC Graduate
Graduate Faculty come from all four areas of             Faculty before forwarding to the Graduate School.

Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...
Contacts and Communication
                Tom Kelleher, Ph.D.                                  Departmental
                Associate Dean, Division of Graduate Studies         Communication
                2012 Weimer
                                                                     The Graduate Studies and Research
                                                                     Division website provides information
                                                                     including: current student forms, the
                Elizabeth Calienes                                   graduate student directory that
                Director, Professional Master’s Program              includes contact information and
                1011 Weimer                                          pictures of current students, course
                352-273-3726                                         offerings, links to the Graduate
                                           School, and other valuable
                Whitney Dotson
                Administrative Assistant                             Graduate student and faculty
                2043 Weimer                                          mailboxes are located on the second
                352-392-9961                                         floor in Weimer 2104, near the dean’s
                                      office. Graduate student mailboxes
                                                                     are separated into doctoral and
                 Kimberly Dukes                                      master’s sections with master’s
                 Academic Assistant                                  students sharing mailboxes. CJC, the
                 2014 Weimer                                         graduate division, and the Graduate
                 352-273-1632                                        School communicate with students
                                            through their GatorLink email
                                                                     accounts. Please use your GatorLink
                 Kim Holloway                                        ( email address as your
                 Administrative Specialist III                       primary email source for the
                 2018 Weimer                                         university and this college. Your
                 352-392-6557                                        postal address should be kept current
                                           in the Registrar’s database. The UF
                                                                     Identity Registry is the sole source of
                                                                     your contact information at the
                                                                     University of Florida. Make sure the
                 Daressa Howard Hope
                                                                     information is up to date by logging
                 Admissions and Enrollment Coordinator               on to the myUFL portal with your
                 2015 Weimer                                         GatorLink username and password.
                 352-273-3412                                        Navigate to My Account > Update My
                                      Directory Profile in the myUFL portal.
                                                                     Updating of information does not
                 Natalia Mojica                                      occur through the emergency contact
                 Admissions Officer                                  updates or through your program
                 2013 Weimer                                         coordinator.

Graduate Faculty
The college’s graduate faculty members, along with the undergraduate
departments in which they hold appointment, are listed on the graduate
faculty website.

Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...
Academic Honesty and Behavioral
All graduate students in the College of Journalism and Communications are expected
to conduct themselves with the highest degree of integrity. It is the students’
responsibility to ensure they know and understand the requirements of every
assignment. At a minimum, this includes avoiding the following:

Plagiarism                              paper. And you may refer to your         recycling” policy in relation to your
                                        own work in a subsequent paper –         re-use of portions of earlier papers,
Plagiarism occurs when an
                                        simply cite that earlier paper, just     even if you were the sole author of
individual presents the ideas or
                                        as you would cite a paper written        the earlier paper.
expressions of another as his or
                                        by another scholar.
her own. Students must always
                                                                                 What types of materials must be
credit others’ ideas with accurate
                                        Many students find the concept of        cited to avoid plagiarism? In short,
citations and must use quotation
                                        self-plagiarism confusing because,       everything. Any material you use,
marks and citations when
                                        after all, if you wrote the original     from any source, MUST be
presenting the words of others. A
                                        paper, how can it be “stealing” to       properly cited. If you did not write
thorough understanding of
                                        re-use your own words? The               the material – and if you did not
plagiarism is a precondition for
                                        problem is that when readers pick        write it the way it appears in the
admittance to graduate studies in
                                        up a new paper by a scholar              paper – you must give credit to the
the college.
                                        whose previous work they have            original author or source. This
                                        read, they expect all the material to    includes material from scholarly
Self-plagiarism                         be new. They don’t expect to see         publications, social media,
Self-plagiarism is defined as an        “recycled” material. Certainly, a        webpages, videos, newspapers,
author’s re-use of portions of his or   journal editor who agrees to             magazines, advertising, press
her own earlier work without citing     publish your article expects that he     releases, TV, conference papers,
the original content. So, for           or she would not be able to find         speeches, etc.
instance, it would be considered        identical or nearly identical material
self-plagiarism if you copied the       in articles you’ve had published         Cheating
literature review you wrote for one     earlier. Self-plagiarism, therefore,
                                                                                 Cheating occurs when a student
paper and re-used it in another         can damage your reputation as a
                                                                                 circumvents or ignores the rules
related paper without substantial       scholar.
                                                                                 that govern an academic
alteration. Obviously, when you are
                                                                                 assignment such as an exam or
writing multiple papers on a similar    During your graduate program, you
                                                                                 class paper. It can include using
topic, you are likely to cite many of   may want to write more than one
                                                                                 notes (physical or electronic) in an
the same articles more than once.       paper on the same or a similar
                                                                                 exam, submitting the work of
However, to avoid self-plagiarism,      topic. When you do, you should
                                                                                 another as one’s own, or reusing a
you should write each new               discuss your plans – and any
                                                                                 paper a student has composed for
literature review independently so      previous papers you’ve written
                                                                                 one class in another class. If
that you are not repeating the          using similar materials – with the
                                                                                 students are not sure about the
same sentences in more than one         professor in the class. Although it’s
                                                                                 rules that govern an assignment, it
paper. Of course, direct quotes         expected that your work in later
                                                                                 is the students’ responsibility to ask
from other authors’ works may be        classes will build on work you’ve
                                                                                 for clarification from their instructor.
used in multiple papers, so long as     done in previous classes, most
they are cited properly in each         professors follow a fairly strict “no

Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...

Misrepresenting Research Data
The integrity of data in communication research is a paramount issue
for advancing knowledge and the credibility of our professions. For this    Deadline Dates
reason, any intentional misrepresentation of data, or misrepresentation     All graduate school deadline
of the conditions or circumstances of data collection, is considered a      dates are available online.
violation of academic integrity.
                                                                            Checklist for Master’s
Misrepresenting data reported in a thesis, project, or dissertation is a
clear violation of the rules and requirements of academic integrity and     Thesis
honesty.                                                                    This checklist is an essential
                                                                            guide to help the student
Any violation of the above stated conditions is grounds for immediate       through the thesis process and
dismissal from the program and will result in revocation of the degree if   can be found online.
the degree previously has been awarded.
                                                                            The University Calendar
Behavioral Expectations                                                     The calendar is published
As stated in the UF Student Conduct Code, “By becoming a member of          online in the graduate catalog.
the University of Florida community, a Student agrees to adhere to its
Student Honor Code and its Student Conduct Code. Students acting as         Graduate School
individuals or as members of Student Organizations are expected to
follow all applicable Laws and Regulations. University Regulations          Listserv
have been designed to promote the safety of people and the campus           The Graduate School
community, to create an environment conducive to learning, and to           maintains a listserv for all UF
achieve the mission of the Institution.” Please review the code online.     graduate students and will
                                                                            communicate only through
                                                                            your GatorLink email account.
                                                                            Please use your GatorLink
                                                                            email as your primary email
                                                                            source for the university and
                                                                            this college.

                                                                            The graduate student listserv is
                                                                            one of the primary ways the
                                                                            Graduate School keeps in
                                                                            touch with graduate students to
                                                                            share the latest information on
                                                                            academic policy and deadlines,
                                                                            financial aid news, and
                                                                            professional development

                                                                            All currently enrolled graduate
                                                                            students are added to the
                                                                            listserv automatically and
                                                                            cannot opt out. The list
                                                                            membership is adjusted nightly
                                                                            based on the UF Office of the
                                                                            Registrar’s nightly enrollment

Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...
Degree Programs and Specialties
The college offers, through its Division of Graduate Studies and Research, college-wide graduate
degree programs, with faculty members drawn from the four undergraduate departments. All college
faculty members hold an appointment in one of the undergraduate departments: Advertising;
Journalism; Public Relations; and Media Production, Management, and Technology. The master’s
program leads to a degree bearing the title Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC). The
MAMC includes both thesis and non-thesis options on campus.

 Professional Master’s (non-thesis): The Professional Master’s program is an on-campus program
 designed specifically for those who want to develop additional skills to become more competitive in the job market.
 The program’s “mix and match” coursework structure allows students to develop their own customizable degree plans,
 with 15 credits of required core courses and a wide range of electives available across the college’s four departments.
 Degree plans culminate with a capstone project, completed over at least two semesters and supervised by a Graduate
 Faculty Committee. Student projects range from documentary films and long-form journalistic narrative pieces to public
 relations and advertising campaigns, and many others in between. These projects allow students to explore various
 interests within the college and showcase a variety of skills learned during their course of studies.

 Customizable Research & Theory Master’s (thesis): In the Research and Theory track, students
 learn the ideas and skills needed for satisfying life-long careers in media and communication research. The
 customizable on-campus thesis option focuses on research and theory in communication, including courses in the
 areas of advertising; journalism; international and intercultural communication; and media production, management
 and technology. Students are required to take courses that focus on research, theory, ethics, and writing, leading to a
 master’s thesis as the capstone. This option is appropriate for students wishing to pursue careers in research or a
 Ph.D. A project in lieu of thesis option is available for some areas.

 Public Relations (thesis): The Public Relations track is an on-campus research-based program designed to
 prepare students for careers and advancement in the industry or for entering doctoral studies. Students learn the
 conceptual foundations of public relations and develop professional and research competency within the duration of
 the program. Courses in the public relations specialization focus on conceptual foundations of public relations,
 including media and society; professional and managerial skills mastery; and research expertise.

 Science and Health Communication (thesis): The Science and Health Communication track is an on-
 campus program designed to teach scientists and health specialists to communicate effectively via media, and to
 teach mass media specialists the background science to translate the language of science and health into meaningful
 and understandable stories for their audiences. These goals are achieved through theoretical writing and applied
 courses. At least two aspects of the program make it unique among science communication programs nationwide.
 First, other existing science communication programs in the U.S. focus on training journalists. UF’s program is open to
 journalists who want to specialize in covering science and health, offers training for people planning to work as public
 affairs or public information officers for science and health organizations, for other communication specialists, and for
 scientists who need to be able to communicate with the public about their work. Second, the program focuses on
 training students to understand and communicate effectively about science and health policy.

More Programs
The college also offers a separate online master’s program and a Ph.D. program.

A joint MA/JD is offered in conjunction with the College of Law. The joint degree plan with the College of Law
provides both a Juris Doctor and MAMC and requires a student to be admitted into the second program no
later than two semesters before graduating from the first program. The student must apply for admission to
both the College of Law and the College of Journalism and Communications.

Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...
Master’s Program Policies
Forms required by this college are available online or in the Division of Graduate Studies and Research

Degree Plans
Each student must prepare a degree plan, which includes a list of courses to be completed in partial
fulfillment of degree requirements. Plans must be signed by the student, the academic advisor, and the
                                                                               Associate Dean for
                                                                               Graduate Studies and
                                                                               Research. Degree plan
                                                                               forms are available online
                                                                               for Professional Master’s
                                                                               students and Research
                                                                               and Theory students.

                                                                              Each specialty has a
                                                                              separate form to facilitate
                                                                              preparation of the plan.
                                                                              Degree plans should be
                                                                              completed early in the
                                                                              student’s program, usually
                                                                              by the end of the student’s
                                                                              first semester or as early
                                                                              as possible in the second
                                                                              semester. Degree plans
                                                                              can be changed over the
                                                                              course of the student’s
program, but any changes must be approved by the student’s academic advisor. A signed degree plan
must be attached to the student’s supervisory committee form at the time of submission to the Division of
Graduate Studies and Research.

Academic Advisors (Research and Theory Students)
The graduate coordinator or director of the track the student initially applied for usually serves as the
initial academic advisor and is the first point of contact for assistance. This initial advisor is named in
each student’s letter of acceptance. Students may select a new advisor once research and specialty
interests have been clarified. The advisor must be a member of the college’s Graduate Faculty.

Graduate School policy requires that a supervisory committee be appointed before the completion of two
terms or 12 credits, whichever comes first. When the supervisory committee is formed, the chair of the
committee becomes the student’s official advisor. From this point on, the committee chairperson, not the
graduate coordinator or director, has primary responsibility for determining which courses the student
should take.

Academic Advisors (Professional Master’s Students)
The graduate coordinator or director of the track the student initially applied for usually serves as the
initial academic advisor and is the first point of contact for assistance. This initial advisor is named in
each student’s letter of acceptance. Professional Master’s students will continue to work with an advisor
in coordination with their selected committee chairperson throughout the program.

Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...
General Requirements
Although tracks differ in their requirements, all MAMC thesis and project students are required to earn 36
credits including 6 hours of thesis or professional project credits split over a minimum of two terms.
Undergraduate articulation courses do not count toward the 36 credits required.

Students may take additional credits of MMC 6971 (Thesis Research) or 6973 (Project in Lieu of Thesis), but
anything over six credits will not count toward the degree. All courses must be numbered 5000 or above.
Students must take all courses for a letter grade unless the course is listed in the university’s catalog as
carrying a S/U grade. See individual degree plans for total number and distribution of credits required.

  Mass Communication Background
  Students admitted to the master’s program who are judged by the appropriate graduate specialty
  coordinator to be deficient in some mass communication skills or knowledge, typically must master
  specific undergraduate articulation course material with a C or better at the same time they study in
  graduate courses. Those courses do not count toward the requirements for the master’s degree but do
  count toward the student’s GPA. No student may take undergraduate articulation courses under an MMC
  6905 or 6936 designation.

  Statistics Requirement
  Some tracks require that master’s students take a course in statistics if they have not done so in their
  undergraduate programs. The course may be taken before graduate study begins at the University of
  Florida or while in the program. Please consult with your advisor or check the degree plan for your track
  to determine if you must have statistics.

  Departmentally Controlled Classes
  If you wish to be registered in a departmentally controlled (DEPX) course, please contact the instructor
  for permission.

  Undergraduate Courses
  No undergraduate courses may be taken for credit on the degree plan. However, if students wish to take
  a 3000- or 4000-level course for graduate credit, they must secure the approvals of their advisor and the
  instructor of the course. Please be advised that faculty members are not obligated to accept the student’s
  request to take the class at the graduate level and may refuse the request. If the student’s advisor and
  the course instructor agree with the request, a graduate-level version of the course must be arranged
  (MMC 6905, or MMC 6936 for Professional Master’s students). The student will not earn credit toward
  the MAMC degree for an undergraduate course at the 3000- or 4000-level. Using the MMC 6905
  Independent Study Form or the MMC 6936 Undergraduate Class for Grad Credit form in the case of Pro
  Master’s students, the student must contract with the course professor for extra work to take the course
  to graduate level. Proposals for MMC 6936 or independent study taken as MMC 6905 must show
  evidence that the expectations will go beyond that expected for any similar courses at the undergraduate
  level. For Research and Theory students, the course instructor MUST be a Graduate Faculty member.
  All current Graduate Faculty members can be found online. For students in the Professional Master’s,
  you must have instructor and advisor approval prior to registering for these courses. Any exceptions
  must be approved by the Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.

Master's Student Handbook - 2021-2022 Master of Arts in Mass Communication (MAMC) - UF College of Journalism ...
Course Distribution Requirements
Students can earn the MAMC by completing either a research-and-theory-focused degree plan that culminates in a
thesis or a professionally oriented degree plan that culminates in a professional capstone project.

                  Pro Master’s – Project            Customizable          Health & Science –        Public Relations –
                                                    Research &            Thesis                    Thesis
                                                    Theory – Thesis

 Research         Select at least one (3            MMC 6421 Mass         MMC 6421 Mass             PUR 6506 PR
                  credits):                         Com Research (3)      Com Research (3)          Research (3)
                  • MMC 6936 Applied
                      Com Res
                  • PUR 6506 PR Res
                  • MMC 6135 Data Viz
                  • MMC 6426 Qualitative
 Theory           MMC 6936 Applied Com              MMC 6400 Mass         MMC 6487                  PUR 6005 PR
                  Theory (3)                        Com Theory (3)        Interpersonal Health      Theories (3)
                                                                          Com Theory (3) or
                                                                          MMC 6400 Mass
                                                                          Com Theory (3)
 Ethics/Social    MMC 6660 Com, Tech, &             MMC 6660 Com,         MMC 6409                  PUR 6206 PR
 Responsibility   Society (3)                       Tech, & Society       Science/Health Com        Ethics (3)
                                                    (3)                   (3)
 Writing          MMC 6936 Professional             MMC 6XXX              MMC 6XXX                  MMC 6XXX
                  Writing (1)                       Academic Writing      Academic Writing (3)      Academic Writing
                                                    (3)                                             (3)
 Specialization   MMC 6936 Professional             At least one          MMC 6XXX                  PUR 6607 PR
 Requirements     Master’s Seminar (2)              methods class (3)*    Health/Science Policy     Management (3)
                  and                                                                               PUR 6934 (3) OR
                                                                          At least one methods      Internship (2-3)
                  Select at least one (3                                  class (3)*
                    • MMC 6466 Digital
                        Persuasive Com (for
                        PR- or ADV-
                        interested students)
                    • MMC 6936 Digital
                        Storytelling (for JOUR
                        interested students)
                    • MMC 6936 Visual
                        Storytelling Workshop
                        (for MEDIA PROD
                        interested students)
 Electives        15 credits of electives           15 credits of         12 credits of electives   12-13 credits of
                  developed in consultation         electives             developed in              electives
                  with faculty advisor, at least    developed in          consultation with         developed in
                  3 credits should be               consultation with     faculty advisor           consultation with
                  internship, immersion, or         faculty advisor                                 faculty advisor
 Capstone (6      MMC 6973 “Professional            MMC 6971 Research for Master’s Thesis (6)
 credits)         Project” (6)                      (6 credits, split over at least two terms, requires chair and two
                  (6 credits, split over at least   additional committee members)
                  two terms, requires chair
                  and one additional
                  committee member)
 Total                                                          36 credits

Independent Study
The master’s program has four courses (other than the thesis research and project courses) that do not
normally involve classroom participation. The four are COM 6940 – Supervised Teaching (S/U grade), MMC
6905 – Individual Work (letter-graded), MMC 6910 – Supervised Research (S/U grade), and MMC 6949 –
Internship (S/U grade). Consult the graduate catalog for details about these courses. Maximum credits students
may take in the courses throughout their graduate careers are listed in the catalog. Requirements for the thesis
and internship courses are discussed in detail later in the handbook.

If a student wants to be registered for a non-classroom course, the form (available in the graduate division
office as well as on the graduate studies webpage) and an attachment describing the proposed work and
method of evaluation must be approved by the supervising professor, advisor, and Associate Dean for
Graduate Studies and Research. After receiving the appropriate approvals, the student will submit the form to
the Division of Graduate Studies and Research in Weimer 2014 or send by email to for
registration prior to the registration deadline.

Proposals for Individual                Supervised Research MMC                  •   The instructor should provide
                                                                                     tutoring in grading techniques
Work MMC 6905                           6910                                         with no actual grading
Must include:                           Max five credits, proposals must             responsibilities for the
 • the sub-topics to be studied,        include:                                     student, as well as discuss
 • the resources to be used,              • the goal of the activity,                the process with the student.
 • the requirements for                   • the specific duties to be            •   The student is not required to
    completion, and                          fulfilled,                              spend more than three hours
 • the method of evaluation               • how often and for how long               per credit per week.
    (basis on which the work will            the student will confer with the    •   Unlike TAs, this should be
    be graded).                              instructor, and                         more of a learning experience
                                          • the method of evaluation.                to help the student, not to
Typically, students taking Individual
                                                                                     provide assistance to faculty
Work must conduct original
research. Building on an                Supervised Teaching COM                      members.
                                                                                 •   The student is allowed to
exhaustive search of the literature,    6940                                         present up to 10% of lectures.
students must make an original          Max five credits, proposals must
contribution to the understanding of    include:                                TAs may not receive credit for the
mass communication. The finished          • the goal of the activity,           class to which they are assigned.
products ideally would be accepted        • specific duties to be fulfilled,    The student should discuss the
for publication or presentation at a                                            required information with the
                                          • how often and for how long
conference. Regular meetings with                                               person supervising the course and
                                             the student will confer with the
the course instructor must be                                                   present the completed form and
scheduled. The course “instructor”                                              accompanying details (typed) for
                                          • the method of evaluation,
MUST be a Graduate Faculty                                                      the supervisor’s approval. Forms
                                          • the name/number of the
member. Any exceptions to this                                                  are available in the Division of
rule must be approved by the                                                    Graduate Studies and Research
Associate Dean for Graduate             The student and instructor should       office or online. A completed
Studies and Research. Graduate          also be aware of the following          proposal, including the signed
students cannot be the instructor of    expectations for students taking        form, must be submitted to the
record for any independent study        COM 6940:                               Division of Graduate Studies
courses. The maximum number of           • The student is there for class       before the student will be
credits allowed will be six, with an         observation and does not           registered. Students must have the
additional three by petition if              have to attend every lecture.      signature of the instructor to be
necessary.                                                                      registered for the course.

The maximum number of internship credits allowed in a graduate academic degree plan is three. The field
supervisor, the chair of the student's supervisory committee, and the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and
Research must approve the internship. The field supervisor is the individual to whom the student will report
during the internship. The chair of the student's supervisory committee will act as the academic advisor and
instructor for the internship. The appropriate internship form (available in the graduate division and online)
must be completed and signed by the student, field supervisor, and instructor. Completed and signed forms
should be emailed to before the deadline for registration.

 Internship Report                      General Requirements                 Internship Criteria
 From Student:                          100 hours must be worked for         An internship provides an
  • The student must submit both        each one credit hour taken.          opportunity to test and apply
     a mid-semester and final                                                what the student has learned in
                                        Mid-semester reports are due at
     report                                                                  college courses and to enrich
                                        the end of the eighth week of
  • The report must be 1-2 pages                                             that learning with on-the-job
                                        the semester during Fall, Spring
     in length and include:                                                  training. An internship must fulfill
                                        and Summer C; and at the end
    o Location of internship                                                 certain criteria:
                                        of the third week of the
    o Supervisor                                                               • The work must be highly
                                        semester during Summer A or
    o Position title                                                               relevant to the student’s
                                        B. Final reports
    o Job description                                                              degree plan.
                                        (employer/supervisor and
    o Description of the skills                                                • A person whose
                                        student’s) are due on the last
        developed or honed during                                                  qualifications have been
                                        day of class in the semester
        the internship                                                             approved by the student’s
                                        during which internship credit
    o Description of tasks                                                         supervisory committee
                                        will be given. Copies of mid-
        completed and, in the case                                                 chair must oversee the
                                        semester and both final reports
        of mid-term reports, tasks                                                 student’s work on the job.
                                        must be given to the academic
        yet to complete                                                            The supervision should
                                        supervisor, chair of the student’s
    o Description of how these                                                     consist of conferences at
                                        committee, and the graduate
        skills or experiences will                                                 least once a week.
        likely apply to the student’s                                          • The supervisor must be
        future professional career      To be eligible for an internship,          willing to arrange for
                                        students must have completed               experiences that will be
 From Employer:
                                        two semesters of relevant                  truly educational. It is
 At the conclusion of the internship,
                                        coursework and/or have                     hoped that the student will
 the supervisor should write a letter
                                        relevant professional                      be of practical value to the
 of evaluation that details:
                                        experience. All internships must           host office, but this is at the
   • The student’s job duties
                                        be approved by the graduate                option of the student’s
   • Quality                            coordinator or assigned faculty            supervisor. Sometimes
   • Usefulness and timeliness of       member before applying. No                 well-planned observation
      work products                     retroactive credit will be                 may benefit the student
   • Work ethic                         awarded for internships.                   even more than the work.
   • Attitude                           Internships are S/U and will not
   • General expectations and the       count toward the electives on all
      degree to which those             degree plans. Please check
      expectations were met             your specific plan.

 Most students in the college have been paid at least subsistence wages while serving their internships.
 However, payment should be settled between the student and the field supervisor. An internship that consists
 mostly of highly beneficial observation may be valuable enough to justify little or no pay.

Pro Master’s Practicum
Practicums and immersion                Several options are listed here but   GatorVision
opportunities within the College of     others will be considered and are
                                                                              GatorVision is the video production
Journalism and Communications           encouraged, both within and
                                                                              arm of the University Athletic
Professional Master’s (Pro              outside the College of Journalism
                                                                              Association, providing interested
Master’s) program are hands-on          and Communications.
                                                                              students the opportunity to be a
experiences that allow students to
                                                                              part of in-house video board
both observe and participate in the     Innovation News Center
                                                                              productions as well as SEC
performance of skills that contribute
                                    The INC is home to the college’s          Network productions for many of
to their career preparation.        news, weather, and sports                 the home Gator sporting events.
                                    operations. Students can work as          From cameras to graphics, audio,
Students will observe, learn, and   reporters, photographers, anchors,
perform tasks under the supervision editors, and producers to create          and much more, this experience will
of program professors and on-site                                             prepare students for a career in
                                    content for the college’s many            live-event sports production.
staff, often in collaboration with  distribution channels, including
advanced-level graduate students. WUFT-TV, WUFT-FM 89.1, ESPN
                                                                             It is recommended that students
The course number is MMC 6936, 850 WRUF, Country 103.7 the
                                                                             interested in the ESPN Experience
and your advisor will guide you on  Gator, WRUF-TV6, and            first enroll in the graduate version of
how to register for the appropriate other affiliated websites.               RTV 3593 – Multimedia Sports
                                                                             Reporting. This can be arranged
                                        ESPN Experience                      through your graduate advisor and
Students will be allowed to enroll in
an area of specialization based on      This option is for students focused the course instructor. It is
career interests, prior experience,     on developing or enhancing multi-    recommended that students
levels of technical skills, and         platform sports reporting skills.    interested in GatorVision
practicum availability. Placement       ESPN 98.1/850 serves 13 counties opportunities should consider
decisions will be based on student      with seven hours of locally hosted   enrolling in the graduate level
interest, student discussions with      sports talk shows as well as regular version of RTV 4929C – Sports
their academic advisor, and             coverage of Gator sports. WUFT-      Production. This can be arranged
interviews with the supervisors of      TV Sports allows students to         through your graduate advisor and
the practicums.                         produce and anchor sports updates the course instructor.
                                        and/or the sports segment for the
                                        WUFT-TV evening newscast.            The Agency
                                                                               Led by professionals, staffed by
                                                                               students, and inspired by faculty,
                                                                               The Agency is a team of seasoned
                                                                               professionals and hand-selected
                                                                               students with a passion for ideas
                                                                               that resonate with emerging
                                                                               consumers. Built on a foundation of
                                                                               research, The Agency develops
                                                                               inspired and informed campaigns
                                                                               to build brand loyalty among a
                                                                               segment of the population that will
                                                                               spend trillions of dollars in their
                                                                               lifetimes. For more information, visit
                                                                               the webpage.

STEM Translational Communication
The mission of the STEM Translational
Communication Center (STCC) is to improve
human health and well-being by making
scientific research more accessible,
understandable, and usable. Properly
translated and communicated to various
audiences, basic research in science,
technology, engineering, and medicine (STEM)
can lead to enhanced individual, family, group,
and policy-level decision-making. The STCC
fosters partnerships among university
researchers, community members, and
industry. The messages, techniques, and
strategies resulting from these collaborations
can foster improved science and health
literacy. The STCC offers multiple opportunities
for portfolio development professional
students, such as visual design, social media,
videography, and event planning that advance
and enhance the STCC mission.

Public Interest                      Media Properties                    METL
Communications                       Revenue Division                    The Media Effects & Technology
                                                                         Lab is an interdisciplinary
Public Interest Communications       The college’s Division of Media
                                                                         laboratory where faculty and
(PIC) is an emerging field, and      Properties includes a Revenue
                                                                         students design, develop, and
those who practice or study it       Division responsible for sales
                                                                         disseminate the effects of media
are continuously applying new        and underwriting for several
                                                                         content and technologies to
insights and techniques to make      broadcast properties. It takes
                                                                         improve the human spirit and
their work more effective. The       teamwork, effective outreach,
                                                                         condition. From 360-degree
field borrows elements from its      and excellent communication
                                                                         video to virtual reality, the team
sister fields of public relations,   skills to engage these diverse
                                                                         explores the possibilities for new
advertising, journalism, and         audiences. Students can assist
                                                                         technologies and information
marketing, but is informed by        with social media communication
sociology, psychology, political     and other strategic
science, and neuroscience.           communication strategies to
                                                                         More Options
Public Interest Communications       advance the work of this team.
is using communications to drive                                         Other options inside or outside
social change. Students              Media Services                      of the College of Journalism and
interested in Public Interest                                            Communications are
                                     The college’s Division of Media
Communications can take                                                  encouraged, based on the
                                     Properties also includes a Media
courses to enhance their                                                 student’s area of academic
                                     Services Division that works with
knowledge and skills and/or                                              focus or career goals. Placement
                                     clients on video and studio
work with the PIC team to                                                approval will be based on
                                     projects, storytelling, and live
advance its mission.                                                     student interest, discussions with
                                     events. Students can assist with
                                                                         the academic advisor, and
                                     various phases of the planning
                                                                         interviews with the supervisors
                                     and production process.
                                                                         of the practicums.

Registration Preparation
To enable registration, students must go to to complete the Registration Preparation
requirement and update emergency contact information every term prior to registration start time. Students will
have a “registration preparation hold” until this is completed. For instructions or assistance with the registration
preparation process, please utilize the instruction guide.

Registration Process
Students are responsible for their own registration except for some departmentally controlled courses and
independent studies. For instructions or assistance with the registration process, please utilize the instruction

Summer Registration in MMC
All students planning to defend their
thesis/project during the summer
semester must meet certain criteria:

•   Have an agreement signed by every
    committee member that stipulates if
    and when he/she will be available
    during the summer for committee
    meetings, defense, reading, etc.

•   Submit a reasonable timeline as part
    of this agreement for all steps of the
    approval process (i.e., submissions to chair and/or committee, revisions, submissions to Graduate School,
    etc.) when you register for thesis/project hours. Students will not be allowed to register for thesis/project
    hours without the signed agreement and timeline.

Minors and Supporting Fields
Elective credits may be applied toward either a minor or supporting field. Elective
courses also may stand alone, without being placed into one of the groupings.

 A student may choose a minor
 as part of approved electives. A
 minor is defined by the university
 as a discipline offered by a
 department outside the college.
 For most subjects, the student
 may secure an official minor by
 taking six to nine semester hours
 in the minor department at the
 graduate level. Some
 departments require a greater
 number of credits or specific
 courses; check with the
 department in which you seek to
 complete the minor. A faculty
                                      Supporting Fields                     Graduate Certificates
 member from the minor
 department must serve on the         The student may concentrate           A certificate may be used to
 supervisory committee for the        electives in a supporting field. A    recognize that a student has
 final examination. The thesis        supporting field requires six to      completed a defined program of
 research or project must bear        nine credits outside the college.     specialized cohesive study
 relevance to the minor as well as    Unlike the minor, a supporting        consisting of for-credit UF
 the major field of study.            field does not require that a         courses. Students may earn a
                                      representative of the field serve     certificate in a particular field of
                                      on the student's supervisory          study in the discipline of their
 Minor for Students                                                         academic major or enhance their
                                      committee or that the student's
 Outside the College                  thesis or project pertain to the      major by pursuing a program
                                      field of study. Course                outside of a discipline of their
 Students from outside this
                                      combinations from more than           academic major but
 college who are pursuing a
                                      one discipline, if approved by        complementary to their major or
 minor in Mass Communication
                                      the student's academic advisor        career interests. Students who
 must have a professor from CJC
                                      and the Associate Dean for            earn a graduate certificate in the
 as a member of their supervisory
                                      Graduate Studies and                  College of Journalism and
 committee. The student must
                                      Research, may make up the             Communications complete four
 take four Mass Communication
                                      supporting field. One type of         courses or 12 to 14 credit hours in
 courses. The minor professor
                                      supporting field is the traditional   a communication specialization of
 can determine the four courses
                                      area study. The student               their choice. Visit the webpage for
 but a minimum of six credits
                                      completes courses offered by          more information on on-campus
 must be non-methodological and
                                      different departments that all        certificates in Health
 should be theoretical or
                                      focus on one geographical area.       Communication and Science
 substantive in Mass
                                      The university has strengths in       Communication, and online
                                      Latin America, Africa, and            certificates in Global Strategic
                                      Europe.                               Communication, Social Media,
                                                                            Web Design, and Audience

Timing Policies

Time Limit                                             seeking students at UF provided they maintain
                                                       continuous enrollment. Students who do not
All work to be counted toward the master’s degree
                                                       maintain continuous enrollment will use the catalog
must be completed within seven years immediately
                                                       in effect at the time enrollment is resumed.
preceding the date on which the degree is to be
awarded. Any transfer work must fall within the
seven years.
                                                       Transfer of Courses
                                                       Master’s students, with approval of the student’s
Readmission                                            supervisor and the Associate Dean, may petition
Graduate students who do not enroll at UF for          the Graduate School for permission to transfer up
                                                       to nine semester hours into the master’s program
three consecutive terms, including any summer
                                                       from an institution approved by the Graduate
term, must apply for readmission. Readmission is
                                                       School, or 15 semester hours from graduate work
not guaranteed and is subject to the availability of
space in the program. If applying to a different       at UF. All transferred work must have been taken
                                                       at a U.S. institution or an international institution in
program, a new application will be required. It is
                                                       which English is the first language, be at the
strongly advised that students who wish to take a
                                                       graduate (5000 or 6000) level, and carry grades of
leave of absence for two or more consecutive
terms obtain prior written approval from their         A or B. The petition form must be submitted during
                                                       the first term as a graduate student. Obtain the
department. Readmission applications are
                                                       required form in the Division of Graduate Studies
available online. There is a readmission fee. The
                                                       and Research or online.
student will be required to prepare a new degree
plan, valid for the program in effect at time of       The Graduate School computes courses
resumption of studies and any prior degree plans       transferred in from UF graduate work in the GPA.
will be considered invalid.                            Courses transferred into the program from another
Students graduate under the catalog in effect at       institution are credited to total hours but are
                                                       excluded from GPA computation
the time of their initial enrollment as degree-

Grading Policies
Computing the GPA                    as are courses at the freshman         and sophomore (1000/2000) level
                                     and sophomore (1000/2000)              courses or undergraduate courses
The Graduate School computes
                                     levels. The Graduate School also       within the college.
two GPAs for all students: overall
                                     excludes any courses at the junior
and major. For students with a
minor, the Graduate School also
                                     and senior (3000/4000) levels if in    Grades of Incomplete,
                                     a student's major. Hours at the
computes a minor GPA. The major
                                     1000/2000 level may not count          Unsatisfactory, or NG
GPA includes only graduate                                                  Grades of I (incomplete) must be
                                     toward residency or toward the
courses in the college. In                                                  removed by the date stated on the
                                     total credits required for a degree.
computing the overall GPA, the                                              Incomplete Grade Contract or the
                                     Courses designated with a grade
Graduate School counts all                                                  deadline stated in The University
                                     of H (used only in special
courses at the 5000 level or above                                          Calendar– whichever comes first.
                                     situations when the work is
and 3000/4000 level outside the                                             If grades of I or NG have not been
                                     expected to be developed over a
major taken while the student has                                           changed within 150 days, the
                                     period of time greater than a single
been classified as a 7, 8, or 9.                                            grade will be treated as an E in
                                     term) are excluded until such time
Students may repeat courses in                                              calculating the GPA and for
                                     as grade changes are processed.
which they earn failing grades.                                             suspension purposes. If the
                                     All H grades must be cleared prior
The grade points from both the                                              student receives a grade of I, U, or
                                     to graduation. The grade of H is
first and second attempts will be                                           NG while on probation, it
                                     not a substitute for a grade of S,
included in the computation of the                                          constitutes a violation of
                                     U, or I. Courses for which H
GPA, but the student will receive                                           probationary or conditional status.
                                     grades are appropriate are noted
credits only for the second
                                     in their catalog descriptions and
attempt. When computing the                                                 Grades of I cannot be given for a
                                     must be approved by the UF
GPA, the Graduate School does                                               graduate level S/U course.
                                     Graduate Curriculum Committee
not round up fractions. Thus, a
                                     and the Graduate School. Please
2.99 GPA fails to meet the 3.0                                              Courses in which students receive
                                     note that the GPA listed on
requirement.                                                                grades of U or NG do not meet the
                                     ONE.UF may not be the same as
                                     the GPA calculated by the above        Graduate Council’s standard of
Courses receiving grades of          Graduate School definitions, if the    satisfactory performance.
satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U)    student has digressed from their       Accordingly, such grades either
are excluded in GPA computation,     degree plan by taking freshman         must be changed or the Graduate
                                                                            School must approve a petition
                                                                            setting forth the reasons why the
                                                                            student should be allowed to
                                                                            graduate with the U grade on the

                                                                            Master’s students may have a
                                                                            maximum of two incompletes
                                                                            (including “no grades”) and two
                                                                            unsatisfactory grades for their
                                                                            entire academic program.

Incomplete Grade
The Incomplete Grade
Contract should be used in
                                  Probation and
every instance of assigning
an incomplete grade. The
procedure is described in
detail on the form which is
available on the graduate         Unsatisfactory Progress
studies webpage. The form
                                  Any student may be denied further registration in the university or in a
should be completed and
                                  graduate major if progress toward the completion of the planned program
filed with the graduate
                                  becomes unsatisfactory to the college or the dean of the Graduate School.
division before the end of the
                                  The Graduate School defines unsatisfactory progress as failure to maintain
semester in which the
                                  a cumulative overall GPA of 3.0 (B) or a cumulative major GPA of 3.0 (B).
incomplete grade is given.
                                  Students who declare a minor must maintain a 3.0 GPA in the minor.
Please be aware that I
grades are reserved for
                                  The college has defined unsatisfactory progress more severely than the
extraordinary circumstances
                                  Graduate School. Beyond considering a GPA of less than 3.0 as
and a majority of the course
                                  unsatisfactory, the college also considers as unsatisfactory progress
work must be completed. If
                                  receipt of grades below C+. See probation, suspension, and grades of
the student has not
                                  incomplete or unsatisfactory below.
completed the majority of
course requirements, it is
advisable that they officially    Probation
drop the course.                  Students may be placed on probation if their progress becomes
Unfortunately, this action will   unsatisfactory. The Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
result in the loss of tuition     will attempt to contact any student whose GPA has fallen below 3.0.
dollars paid if the drop          However, the student bears the responsibility of determining whether the
occurs after the drop/add         grade point average is sufficient to remain on regular status. If it is not, the
period established in UF          student must confer with the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and
registration policy. If the       Research at the start of the first term during which the GPA falls below 3.0.
student is on a graduate
assistantship, dropping           Any master’s student who earns a GPA less than 3.0 and/or receives one
credits during the semester       grade below C+ will be placed on probation, except for courses taken from
may result in the termination     the Levin College of Law, undergraduate statistics course, or articulation
of the assistantship.             classes. For these courses, any student receiving one grade below C will
                                  be placed on probation. Students on probation are not eligible to hold a
Penalty for I/U grades over       graduate assistantship.
the limit: master’s students
are allowed a maximum of          If students are placed on probation, they will need to work with their chair to
two incompletes (including        devise a plan to improve their grades. They will need to submit the plan to
“no grades”) and two U            the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research for approval, and
grades. Per the vote of the       that plan must be approved in order for the student to re-start or maintain
CJC Graduate Faculty, a           an assistantship. If students satisfy the approved plan in the term of
student who receives more         probation and their cumulative GPA is at or above a 3.0, the probation flag
than the allowed number of        will be lifted.
I/U grades will be forbidden
from registering for two
                                  If the plan or GPA requirement is not satisfied, the student will be
semesters and will be
                                  suspended. If a student satisfies the probation plan but the situation arises
required to reapply to the
                                  in future terms, the student will not be granted another probation term, they
program by submitting the
                                  will be suspended.
application for readmission
to the Graduate Committee
for approval.

Per the official University definition of suspension: “The student is required to leave the University for a
given or indefinite period of time, the termination of which shall depend upon specified acts of the
student's own volition related to mitigation of the offense committed. The student must comply with all
sanctions prior to readmission.” The college does not guarantee readmission; it is subject to review by
the Graduate Committee. Students on suspension are not eligible to hold a graduate assistantship.

Any master’s student who accumulates two grades below C+ (with the exclusion of courses taken from
the Levin College of Law, undergraduate background statistics class, or articulation classes) during
graduate studies will be suspended, as will any master’s student who receives one grade of D+ or lower
at any time during graduate studies.

When a student is suspended, the student's records will be flagged and future registration will be
forbidden until the Graduate Committee approves lifting the flag. To have the suspension flag lifted, the
student will need to devise a plan, in conjunction with their chair, for review and approval by the
Graduate Committee. Students who remain on suspension are not eligible to hold a graduate
assistantship. Students will be allowed only one suspension. If another suspension is necessary, the
student will be removed from the program.

If the suspension is due to a GPA
Course and Degree Policies
Dropping or Adding Courses                                policy governing the master’s program, signed and
                                                          dated written confirmation of the action is advised. A
At the beginning of a semester, during the drop/add
                                                          copy of the confirmation should be placed in the
period, students may drop or add courses to their
                                                          student's academic file. Failure to place
pre-registered courses with no fee penalty. After the
                                                          documentation of deviation from the usual policy into
drop/add period, however, students are expected to
                                                          the file may delay graduation.
complete all courses for which they are enrolled.
Students may be administratively dropped from a           Students who wish to petition for changes in grades
class if they miss the first week's meetings unless       they have received may do so through the College
they notify the instructor before the first week and      Grade Appeals Committee. The chair of the
have an acceptable excuse such as a medical or            committee should be contacted regarding procedure.
family emergency.                                         Students may obtain the chair's name through the
                                                          Office of the Dean.
Students who find it necessary to drop a course after
drop/add should visit the graduate division office or     Minimum Registration
webpage to obtain a Course Schedule Change
                                                          Students who will graduate in a fall or spring
Request form. The form requires signatures of the
                                                          semester must register for at least three credits in
student, academic advisor, and Associate Dean. To
                                                          their final term of study. August graduates need to
add a class, the student must have the signature of
                                                          sign up for only two credits during a summer term.
the instructor of the course, in addition to those
                                                          Thesis master's students must take the final term's
mentioned above. After completion of the form, the
                                                          minimum credits in MMC 6971—Thesis Research.
student should return it to the graduate division.
                                                          Project students must take the final term’s minimum
International students must receive approval from the
                                                          credits in 6973— Project in Lieu of Thesis.
UF International Center to drop a course following
the drop/add deadline.
                                                          If registering in a term, in no case may a student
                                                          register for fewer than three credits in either the
If the student is on a graduate assistantship,
                                                          spring or fall semesters or two credits in the summer
dropping credits during the semester may result in
the termination of the assistantship.
                                                          The minimum registration requirements will differ for
Excessive drops are not allowed. Ordinarily, more
                                                          students who are utilizing financial aid (i.e., student
than two drops are considered excessive.
                                                          loans). To be eligible for financial aid funding,
Remember: students are TUITION and FEE LIABLE
                                                          students must be enrolled at least half-time by the
for all courses on their schedule at the end of the
                                                          end of the drop/add period each term. For Summer B
drop/add period. Fees will not be refunded for
                                                          courses to be considered in financial aid eligibility
courses dropped after the drop/add deadline. You
                                                          determinations, students must be enrolled in those
cannot switch out one class for another. You would
                                                          courses by the end of the Summer A/C drop/add
be financially responsible for both classes.
                                                          period. To verify eligibility for financial aid, students
                                                          should contact the Office of Student Financial Aid
Miscellaneous Petitions                                   and Scholarships.
Students may petition to receive exemption from a
core course, to continue in attendance after failing to   Degree Requirements
meet criteria spelled out in a conditional admission or
                                                          Thesis and project specializations share some
probation status, or to deviate from any other rules or
                                                          requirements and differ on others. All master's
regulations regarding graduate study. The petition
                                                          students must have a supervisory committee and
form (available in the graduate division) will be
                                                          prepare a degree plan, obtain the required approvals,
placed in the student's academic file as a written
                                                          and follow the plan or modify it as changes arise.
record of action. The chair of the supervisory
                                                          Thesis students must, in the final oral examination,
committee or, if the committee has not yet been
                                                          successfully defend the thesis. Project students
named, the academic advisor, typically must act on
                                                          must, in the final oral examination, successfully
the petition before it is reviewed. Any time the
                                                          defend the project.
student receives permission to deviate from usual

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