Master Plan for the Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries - Berlin and Brandenburg
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Master Plan for the Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg
4 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – Contents Contents Preface����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 The Master Plan at a glance������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 1 The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg�������������������������������� 12 1.1 Self-conception of the Cluster������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 1.2 Industry dimensions���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 1.3 Player structure in Berlin and Brandenburg���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Scientific research�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Economy��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Associations, networks and initiatives�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 1.4 Role of Cluster management�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 2 The Master Plan����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 2.1 Framework�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22 2.2 Task and objective�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 2.3 Updating process�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24 3 Fields of innovation����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 3.1 Focus: Creation���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 The creative industries as an impetus provider���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 The media as a cosmos of information and experience��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31 Open IT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������33 3.2 Focus: Processing�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35 Artificial intelligence (AI)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35 Platform economy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38 Big data����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39 3.3 Focus: Networking�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41 5G applications and infrastructure�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41 Internet of Things�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Blockchain�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46 3.4 Focus: Use�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Extended reality (XR)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49 Geo IT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������51 Information security and data privacy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53 3.5 Technology monitoring�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55 High-performance computing (HPC)�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55 Quantum computing��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56 3.6 Overarching integrative and cross-sectoral topics�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57 Prioritising sustainable innovations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57 Qualified workforce����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57 Areas and locations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58 Smart city and smart country�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – Contents 5 4 Guidelines and key focal points of the Joint Innovation Strategy�������������������������������������� 62 4.1 Digitalisation��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������62 4.2 Real-world laboratories and test fields�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������63 4.3 Work 4.0 and a qualified workforce���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������63 4.4 Start-ups and new businesses�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������64 4.5 Internationalisation�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������64 4.6 Cross-cluster��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65 4.7 Aligning innovations in a broader, more sustainable and more open way�����������������������������������������������������������������67 5 Bibliography����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70 6 Imprint ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76
6 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – Contents
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – Preface 7 Preface The 2020 Master Plan of the Cluster ICT, Media and Cre- The previous Master Plan provided a five-year basis for ative Industries is the result of an interactive Cluster man- funding and the transfer of knowledge and technology. Five agement process involving stakeholders and players from years is an eternity, particularly in the ICT Cluster area. the fields of trade and industry, scientific research and ad- Topics such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and other ministration. We would like to thank these players for their non-technical innovations have come along during this time. active participation. Although these are all familiar subjects today, they were vir- tually impossible to predict when the last Master Plan was The Cluster has seen much success and the world has under- developed. gone many changes since the first Master Plan was drawn up in 2015. You are holding the updated Master Plan in The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries is assuming your hands at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has an overarching and binding role between fields of applica- unleashed enormous economic and social impacts within tion in respect of these and many other digitally instigated a period of only six months. Collection of topics and data cross-cluster issues. For this reason, the Cluster sees it- for this document and the implementation of themed work- self as a driver of this development and is supporting, fund- shops and expert questionnaires largely took place prior to ing and assisting the opportunities which are arising from it. March 2020. To this extent, they have not been influenced The premise we are following involves continuing to develop by the subsequent events. the excellence of the existing ecosystem, strengthening on- going transfer of knowledge and making the results visible Innovation, digitalisation and creativity are all integral parts of regionally, nationally and internationally. the Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries. The COVID- 9 pandemic means that greater attention is being directed Cluster management will work in conjunction with its play- to these three core elements once more. The creative in- ers and use the Master Plan for the Cluster ICT, Media and dustries, the events sector and many artists and freelance Creative Industries to increase the radiance of the Ber- performers have had their livelihoods removed overnight. lin-Brandenburg economic region at a domestic and glo- On the other hand, many start-ups and entrepreneurs who bal level. embraced digital innovation at an early stage have con- tinued to display speed and agility throughout the crisis and in some cases have even tapped into new areas of business. Signs of overall economic recovery are emerging in the sec- ond half of 2020, and the hope would be that this will endure over the present Master Plan’s period of validity. Amira Gutmann-Trieb, Head of Cluster Management Jan Marquardt, Head of Cluster Management Berlin/Potsdam, September 2020
8 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Master Plan at a glance The Master Plan at a glance The Master Plan for the Cluster ICT, Media and Creative In- Chapter three (“Fields of innovation”) covers the key fo- dustries is the lead strategic document for the work under- cal points of the Master Plan. This chapter principally de- taken by Cluster management in close collaboration with scribes the fields of innovation of the Cluster. It places these the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and in a regional context, justifies their relevance for the region Public Enterprises, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and lists the aims of Cluster management. The itemisation or and Energy of the State of Brandenburg and the players stipulation of specific measures, projects or initiatives is not within the Cluster. It provides a framework and a joint work the intention or task of the Master Plan. Its emphasis instead basis that offers the Cluster players targeted support and al- is to offer the players a structural framework to develop their lows them to develop their competences further, to engage own projects, which in turn may be supported by the Cluster. in networking and to participate. Alongside the fields of innovation which are enumerated The Cluster is portrayed together with the players it supports in the section entitled “Technology monitoring”, further in four content-oriented chapters plus an annex, and a topics are also set out which, from today’s perspective, will categorisation of the Master Plan is also undertaken. The probably be of relevance to the region in future but which fields of innovation, the issues forming an object of obser- cannot thus far be specifically addressed within the scope vation and integrative and cross-sectoral topics are all pre- of the fields of innovation. The final section of the chap- sented. This is followed by a description of the contribution ter, “Overarching integrative and cross-sectoral topics”, lists being made by the Cluster to the guidelines and key focal themes which are of equal importance to all players within points of the Joint Innovation Strategy of the States of Ber- the Cluster rather than being capable of attribution to a cer- lin and Brandenburg (innoBB 2025). tain field of innovation or industry. The first chapter (“The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative In- dustries Berlin-Brandenburg”) provides an overview of the self-conception and structure of the Cluster and explains the role of Cluster management. The digital and creative competences of the Cluster players, both in information and communication technology and within the media and the creative industries, enable them, and by extension the Clus- ter, to exert an effect across sectoral boundaries as driving forces of digitalisation, innovation and creativity. With- in this process, Cluster management offers its support by acting as an innovation, transfer and economic develop- ment service provider at the interface between the groups of players. In the second chapter (“The Master Plan”), the Master Plan is categorised in terms of the prevailing political, techno- logical, economic and societal framework and with regard to developments. The tasks and objectives of the Master Plan are presented alongside the procedure for its updating.
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Master Plan at a glance 9 Creation • The creative industries as an impetus provider • The media as a cosmos of information and experience • Open IT Fields of innovation Processing • Artificial intelligence (AI) • Platform economy • Big data Networking • 5G applications and infrastructure • Internet of Things • Blockchain Use • Extended reality (XR) • Geo IT • Information security and data privacy Technology monitoring • High-performance computing (HPC) • Quantum computing Overarching integrative • Prioritising sustainable innovations and cross-sectoral topics • Qualified workforce • Areas and locations • Smart city and smart country The fields of innovation are subdivided into the four main The fourth and final chapter (“Guidelines and key focal focus areas of “Creation”, “Processing”, “Networking” and points of the Joint Innovation Strategy”) categorises the char- “Use”. The purpose of these categorisations is to provide acteristics and contributions of the Cluster in accordance structure, and they should not be interpreted as offering a with the guidelines and main focuses set out in the Joint In- clear-cut delineation. Both technical and non-technical innov- novation Strategy of the States of Berlin and Brandenburg ation have been identified as fields of innovation within a (innoBB 2025). participatively managed process. It is increasingly clear that players perceive innovations as being both of a technical In light of the constant change facing the industries in the type and of a non-technical, market-related social and soci- Cluster, which is frequently triggered by their innovative ideas, etally oriented nature. The fields of innovation represent a the Master Plan has been structured in a way which permits targeted key focal point which maps the technical breadth new developments to be addressed and predictable chal- of the Cluster and its players. lenges to be countered.
10 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries
1 T he Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg
12 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg 1 The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg 1.1 Self-conception of the Cluster In the Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries, innov- ation is more than just the result of research and develop- The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries in Berlin and ment in the field of digital technologies and applications and Brandenburg forms a platform for information, communi- also extends beyond the implementation and use of such cation, networking and cooperation between R&D in a knowledge-enhancing way. The players see innov- ation as having a non-technical, market-related social and • companies, societally oriented character. • scientific/research and educational institutions, Indeed, non-technical innovations also certainly have their roots in technologies. Nevertheless, the primary contribution • chambers, towards value creation stems from the ensuing novel prod- uct, service, process, organisational and marketing con- • networks and associations anpolicymakers in the form cepts and from the development of new business models. of the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy Social innovations are aligned to societal benefit because and Public Enterprises, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, they are directed towards solving problems and challenges. Labour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg and the Such innovations may, for example, involve new forms of economic development agencies of both states. social interaction, the sustainable use of resources or plat- form models for the joint exploitation of products or services. In its capacity as a supporter of economic development, the Cluster pools and fosters the digital, media and creative Information, communication and media technologies potential of players both within Berlin and Brandenburg and are omnipresent nowadays and merge into one another vir- beyond the German capital region. The numerous technolo- tually seamlessly. The opportunities afforded by the cre- gies, applications, business models and methods which the ation of new learning and experiential environments in areas players have in place and knowledge and competences such as extended reality have by no means been exhaust- stretching across sectoral boundaries enable them to use ed. They are, in fact, still in their infancy and are being put this potential to become driving forces for to successive use in various economic and scientific fields. In cross-sectoral terms, the services offered by the creative • digitalisation, industries in the region constitute an important foundation for product, service, process, organisational and marketing • (technical and non-technical) innovation, concepts. In this case, the Cluster is supporting and promot- ing networking between providers and users. • creativity. Cluster management is assisting ICT, media and creative The Cluster acts to encourage the transfer of knowledge industry players in the initiation and successful execution and technology between its players and across industries of specific projects of both a technical and non-technical (cross-cluster). Knowledge, experiences and new technolo- nature. gies and applications from the players in the cluster are de- ployed in a wide range of sectors and represent an important The driving and acceleration of innovations are not the factor in terms of increasing overall economic effective- sole point of significance of the work of the Cluster. It is ness in the region. Innovations and services emerging from also generating visibility and understanding of technical, the Cluster are in demand from players in all industries. Col- non-technical and social innovations both within its bound- laboration and cooperation formats are just one of the ve- aries and beyond and across other industries too. hicles via which the Cluster lends active support to transfer and networking.
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg 13 1.2 Industry dimensions stories and scenarios. This cross-cutting aspect can be found in various sectors of the Cluster and demonstrates the close The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries was estab- interlinking between industries and topics in the Cluster as a lished as one of the five cross-cutting clusters within the whole. Such a mixture of a broad spectrum of topics and nar- scope of the Joint Innovation Strategy of the States of Ber- row interlocking defines the particular character of the Cluster. lin and Brandenburg1 in order to strengthen economic and scientific expertise in the capital region in a targeted man- A further dimension of the Cluster is exhibited by a differenti- ner. Such an objective supports the players which operate ation into sectors which are primarily digital in nature and along the value chains and within specific domains of know- those which are either digitalised to a lesser degree or not ledge and competence in at all. Digitalisation has become an established tool over re- cent years and determines the way in which work takes place • information and communication technology, in almost every industry. It is also increasingly defining work processes, products and thus also patterns of (digital) thought, • the media and even if an end product continues to be largely analogue, such as a book or a work of art. • the creative industries. The combination of digitalisation and creativity is leading to in- Figure 1 below provides a summary of the sectors and sub- novations outside the Cluster industries and resulting in signifi- sectors of the Cluster and highlights the intersections of the cant impetuses for application sectors in other clusters. industries within the Cluster. The computer games industry, for example, makes use of digital tools from the ICT sector to create its products. It also, however, integrates elements from the media sector, which it links in a creative way to generate Digital cluster companies ICT CREATIVE I Book ND Data processing, Software hosting, web portals Music ME USTRIES industry DI Manufacture/repair A of IT Information security Press Games Manufacture of Radio & TV Performing consumer electronics arts IT services Film Manufacture of Internet, telecommunications social media, Geo IT mobile technology Intervi Design industry Advertising Telecommunications market Art market Fig. 1: Sectors and subsectors of the Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries 1 J oint Innovation Strategy of the States of Berlin and Brandenburg (innoBB) and its continuation “innoBB 2025”, which was launched in 2019. Information available online at:
14 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktions- Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentech- anlagen und Konstruktionstechnik IPK nik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, HHI Deutsches Forschungszentrum Telekom Innovation für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) Laboratories Beuth Hochschule für Fraunhofer-Institut für Offene Technik Berlin Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS Humboldt-Universität Technische Universität zu Berlin Berlin Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin Freie Universität Berlin Fraunhofer-Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration IZM Universität der Künste UCKERMARK PRIGNITZ OSTPRIGNITZ- OBERHAVEL RUPPIN Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung Fachhochschule Potsdam BARNIM Universität Potsdam Hasso-Plattner-Institut MÄRKISCH- ODERLAND HAVELLAND Leibniz-Institut für innovative Technische Hochschule Mikroelektronik IHP Brandenburg FRANKFURT/ POTSDAM ODER ODER-SPREE BRANDENBURG A. D. H. Technische Hochschule Wildau Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) Helmholtz-Zentrum Europa-Universität Potsdam Deutsches POTSDAM-MITTELMARK Viadrina GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) DAHME- Filmuniversität SPREEWALD Babelsberg Konrad Wolf TELTOW- FLÄMING Selected main focal points of research Innovationszentrum für Moderne Industrie Brandenburg IMI Artificial intelligence IT security COTTBUS AR/VR (XR) ELBE- Brandenburgische Design and usability ELSTER SPREE- Technische Universität NEISSE Geo IT Cottbus-Senftenberg Internet of Things OBER- Blockchain SPREE- WALD- 5G mobile communications LAUSITZ Fig. 2: Summary of higher education and extra-university research institutes of relevance to the Cluster in the region (focused extract) [representation by: i-vector]
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg 15 1.3 Player structure in Berlin and Brandenburg Scientific research Economy The Berlin-Brandenburg capital region has a multitude of The Cluster is characterised by a heterogeneous company higher education and extra-university research institutes structure and consists of a broad range of companies. Archi- which operate across a broad specialist spectrum with re- tecture, software providers and games are all represented. gard to the main focal points of the Cluster. Figure 2 pro- There is also a multifarious start-up scene, which includes vides a summary. Alongside those listed, there are various FinTech (financial services), LegalTech (legal services) and other institutes active in the region which have intersections PropTech (real estate services) companies. to the main focal points of the Cluster. These cannot be item- ised individually at this juncture. Both the chambers of commerce and industry and the cham- bers of crafts and trades in the region provide central rep- resentation and lend active support to these companies by offering a wide range of services and events. The summary of the industries within the Cluster underlines its diversity. Industries represented in the Cluster • Architecture market • Book market • Performing arts • Design industry • Film industry • Information and communication technology • Art market • Music industry • Press market • Broadcasting industry • Software/games • Advertising
16 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg Music industry Book market 4% 5% Other industries Art market 4% 8% Film industry 5% Broadcasting industry Information and 4% communication technology 14% Abbildung :3Anteil der Branchen im Cluster 2017 bezogen auf die Anzahl der Unterneh- Market men [Darstellung i for performing arts - 4% Software/games Design industry 14 % 21 % Advertising market 4% Press market Architecture market 4% 4% Fig. 3: Proportion of industries in the Cluster in 2017 relating to number of companies [representation by: i-vector; data source: Cluster Monitoring] The design industry accounts for 21% of companies in the Cluster and thus makes up its largest proportion. It is fol- lowed by information and communication technology and software/games, each of which makes up 14% of the Clus- ter companies.
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg 17 49830 % 44850 + 11 45460597 1% +2 37615606 Media and Media and the creative the creative Media and industries industries the creative + 13 % Media and Cluster industries the creative + 23 % Cluster Cluster industries Cluster ICT ICT + 25 % ICT + 14 % ICT Others + 24 % Others Others + 3% Others 2014 2017 2014 2017 Fig. 4: Development of the number of companies in the Cluster from 2014 Fig. 5: Development of turnover of Cluster companies from 2014 to 2017 to 2017 [representation by: i-vector; data source: Cluster Monitoring] [representation by: i-vector; data source: Cluster Monitoring] The development of companies in the Cluster since publica- 266468 tion of the first Master Plan may be viewed as having been 4% very positive. Around 5,000 companies (11%) have joined +2 the Cluster since 2014. The Cluster ICT, Media and Cre- 214196 Media and ative Industries consists of just under 50,000 companies the creative industries and is the biggest cluster in the capital region.2 Media and the creative + 31 % Cluster The number of companies is not the only aspect which has industries seen a positive development over recent years. Turnover Cluster has also risen. Viewed across the whole of the Cluster, com- ICT panies recorded a growth in sales of around 21% (from 2014 ICT + 44 % to 2017). The differences between the industries in the Clus- ter are marginal. Others + 15 % Others The number of employees subject to mandatory social insur- ance contributions has also developed positively over the 2014 2018 past few years. An increase of around 24% took place be- tween 2014 and 2018. This means that more than 50,000 Fig. 6: Development of employees subject to mandatory social insurance additional persons found a job at a company in the Cluster contributions from 2014 to 2018 [representation by: i-vector; data source: Cluster Monitoring] in 2018 as compared to 2014. 2 The values listed here are not comparable with figures issued by other bodies because a different counting method is used.
18 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg Associations, networks and initiatives a summary. Players are categorised according to their align- The players and topics of the Cluster are represented and ment (industry or topic related). supported by a multitude of regional associations, net- works and initiatives. The figure presented below provides Silicon Sanssouci eV Mittelstand 40-Kompetenz- Forum Digitale Technologien zentrum IT-Wirtschaft SIBB e V UVB-Digitallabor Mittelstand 40-Kompetenz- zentrum Cottbus Xinnovations e V Mittelstand 40-Kompetenz- zentrum Berlin Digitalwerk ICT DigitalAgentur Brandenburg Deep Tech Berlin Hubraum Berlin Brandenburger Agentur DAB Digitalagentur Berlin für Kultur und Projekt Zukunft Kreativwirtschaft medienboard de:hub Berlin Berlin-Brandenburg Musicboard Berlin IDZ | Internationales media:net Design Zentrum e V berlinbrandenburg e V MediaTech Hub Potsdam Creative industries Kulturprojekte Berlin Media Berlin Music Commission GeoFab-Netzwerk De:Hub Berlin ER ICT, ME IoT & FinTech ST KI Berlin AI Monday U DI CL A Berlin Artificial S AND Internet RIE intelligence of QURATOR ST Things R Wachstumskern C EA TIVE IN DU Mittelstand 40-Kompetenz- zentrum Usability Fraunhofer Leistungszentrum »Digitale Vernetzung« (IoT Lab) Design BerChain e V and IT security usability GeoKomm e V IDZ | Internationales Full Node Design Zentrum e V Blockchain it’sBB eV CURPAS e V Geo IT Movia Extended BlockchainHub reality 3D-Punktwolke VRBB Virtual Reality IOTA Foundation Berlin Brandenburg e V VR Business Club GeoITorg PositiveBlockchainio 3IT Berlin – Innovation Center for VRBLN Meetup Immersive Imaging Technologies Fig. 7: Selection of regional associations, networks and initiatives of relevance to the Cluster
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries Berlin-Brandenburg 19 1.4 Role of Cluster management Focus and cooperation The large number of industries in the Cluster and the result- The activities of the Cluster are supported by closely inter- ant diversity of the topics addressed in the fields of innov- linked work carried out within the scope of a cross-state ation create major requirements for Cluster management Cluster management system, which is jointly provided by and for the administrative bodies of the federal states in the economic development agencies of Berlin and Branden- terms of deploying available resources and capacities in burg and led by two Heads of Cluster Management. a focused way. For this reason, the emphasis needs to be on setting a smart key focal point. Cluster management Cluster management offers its support by acting as an in- therefore concentrates its work on the topics which can be novation, transfer and economic development service expected to deliver the greatest effect on economic devel- provider for the ICT, media and creative industries players opment in the region. Nevertheless, it also provides support in Berlin and Brandenburg which receive assistance from for topics to which this premise does not apply. the Cluster. Cooperation based on the principle of division of labour In its role as an interface between the groups of play- takes place with the industry-related or topic-oriented net- ers in the Cluster, Cluster management acts as an internal works and task-specific initiatives that are active in the re- and external guide and trailblazer with the goal of securing gion. This collaborative approach enables the development and further developing the innovation and competitiveness of topics which are important to the players to be driven for- of the regional economy. Its tasks in this regard include the ward in an efficient and targeted way to deliver a joint bene- following: fit. In addition to this, focused cooperation is also pursued with further domestic and international players. • etworking companies with scientific research institutes N for the purpose of the transfer of knowledge, compe- tence and technology • upport with initiation of projects in accordance with the S fields of innovation • Networking the players in the Cluster with one another and with players in regional (applied) industries and also with stakeholders operating at a national and inter- national level • xpansion of the visibility of the competences available E at the location via targeted Cluster marketing with the aim of acquiring new transfer partners • Implementation of own events and support for external events • Monitoring and evaluation of technological developments
20 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Master Plan 21 2 The Master Plan
22 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Master Plan 2 The Master Plan The Master Plan is the lead strategic document for the work The key focal points of innoBB 2025 are as follows: undertaken by Cluster management in close collaboration with the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy • Digitalisation and Public Enterprises, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, La- bour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg and the play- • Real-world laboratories and test fields ers within the Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries. It reflects the framework which applies to the players in the • Work 4.0 and a qualified workforce Cluster by providing appropriate, directional suggestions for structure and focus and for the joint work. • Start-ups and new businesses The digital policy strategies of the State of Brandenburg 2.1 Framework (2018), of the State of Berlin (under development) and of the Federal Government (“Digital Strategy”) and the industrial Master Plans for clusters are not an end in themselves. Their policy strategies of the federal states – “Master Plan In- aim is to serve as a “blueprint” and indicatory template for dustrial City Berlin” and “Guidelines for Industrial Policy in players in the region so that more can be achieved via joint Brandenburg” – are of core relevance to the Cluster ICT, endeavour – more added value, higher employment, greater Media and Creative Industries. The “Shaping Europe’s Dig- knowledge and more innovations. ital Future” Strategy, which was adopted by the European Commission in February 2020, is a key document at a Euro- In order to accomplish this, the Master Plan addresses the pean level. The “High-Tech Strategy 2025”, which was ini- needs of the companies and of the scientific research tiated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in stakeholders in the region. The political, technological, eco- September 2018, ties in with the above by forming a tech- nomic and social framework and developments exerting nology-oriented strategy aimed at target development of an effect on the players in the Cluster are also of signifi- the technologies underlying the products and applications cance in this regard. The Master Plan incorporates these of the Cluster players. Further programmes are being de- factors so that it can act as a strategic working document rived from the latter. which offers guidance and support. The “Real-World Laboratories as Test Beds for Innovation Requirements and technological, economic and social de- and Regulation Strategy”, which was launched by the Fed- velopments are reflected in the choice of topics in the fields eral Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in 2018, is one of innovation, which has been specified and set out in detail of the starting links for the key focal point of “Real-world la- via the involvement of numerous regional players. boratories and test fields” contained within the innoBB 2025. Strategic incorporation of the Master Plan As well as having its structure determined by the require- The topic of sustainability has gained greater attention in ments which emerge from within the Cluster, the Master Plan the areas of society, policymaking and the economy over re- is also aligned to central strategic documents at a region- cent years and thus has also become an increasing focus of al, national and European level. The updated Joint Innov- the Cluster. The Federal Government is using its “National ation Strategy of the States of Berlin and Brandenburg Sustainable Development Strategy” (October 2018) to place (innoBB 2025), which was adopted in January 2019, forms a policy emphasis on this issue, and this is also something an essential foundation. Its guidelines and key focal points which is being addressed by the European Commission via contain directional stipulations for the way in which the pri- the “European Green Deal” (January 2020). orities of the clusters and their Master Plans are laid out.
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Master Plan 23 The strategies and programmes listed below, which are support in further developing, networking and deploy- predominantly technology-specific in nature, are also exert- ing their competences. ing an influence on the structure of the Master Plan and on the work of the Cluster: The intention is that the Master Plan should set out key dir- ections of travel which will enable the Cluster as a whole • rtificial Intelligence Strategy of the Federal Govern- A and in particular the work it undertakes to be driven for- ment (2018) ward on an ongoing basis and in a way which is in line with requirements. • Strategic Framework “Artificial Intelligence for Europe” (2018) The fields of innovation in the four main focus areas3 • White Paper on Artificial Intelligence from the European • Creation, Commission (2020) • Processing, • 5G Strategy for Germany (2017) • Networking and • yber Security Strategy of the Federal Ministry of the C Interior (2016) • Use, • uantum Technologies Framework Programme of the Q the cross-cutting topics and the topics4 forming an object Federal Ministry of Education and Research (2018) of monitoring5 have been specified in a balanced way for many of the players. • lockchain Strategy of the Federal Ministry for Econom- B ic Affairs and Energy and the Federal Ministry of In light of the rapid manner in which technological circum- Finance (2019) stances are developing and changing and given the agility of the markets and the emergence of a new policy frame- • European Data Strategy of the European Commission work, the Master Plan cannot be seen as a document which (2020) will remain rigid over a period of years. It needs to stay alive within the framework imposed by the fields of innovation in order to be able to supply strategic responses to new chal- 2.2 Task and objective lenges when necessary. For this reason, Cluster manage- ment also faces the task of addressing developments as The Master Plan should be viewed as a strategic founda- new topics emerge in future years. tion for the tasks of the Cluster over the coming years and has an impact on cooperation between the Cluster play- However, the itemisation or stipulation of specific measures, ers. The primary function of the Master Plan is therefore to projects or initiatives is not the intention or remit of the Mas- create a joint work basis which reflects the main thematic ter Plan. Its emphasis instead is to offer the players a struc- focuses of the regional innovation landscape in ICT, media tural framework to develop their own projects, which in turn and the creative industries and also takes account of the may be supported by the Cluster. In addition to this, the Mas- needs of the application sectors for digital, media and cre- ter Plan is of relevance to decisions regarding the awarding ative services. of regional innovation funding. The goal is to provide Cluster players from trade and in- dustry and in the field of scientific research with targeted 3 See Chapter 3.1 to 3.4. 4 See Chapter 3.6. 5 See Chapter 3.5.
24 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Master Plan 2.3 Updating process for the ICT industry, whilst the second looked at forthcoming issues for the media and the creative industries. One aspect The first Master Plan of the Cluster was published in 2015. included in each workshop was a discussion of eight topics This initial plan has marked out Cluster management work which had been deemed particularly relevant beforehand. conducted over the past five years. In some cases, rapid and comprehensive changes on the market and to tech- nologies, applications, business models and distribution channels have occurred since its publication. The strategic framework at a regional, national and European level has also undergone further development in line with the respect- ive requirements and objectives. Against this background, the process of updating the Mas- ter Plan commenced at the start of October 2019. Desk research Amendment process The guiding motif for structuring the amendment process was to adopt a robustly participative approach towards its implementation. For this reason, emphasis was placed on providing various formats to enable the different industries and groups of players constituting the Cluster to become involved in the procedure and to bring their wishes and re- Interviews Workshops Online quirements to bear. survey Desk research: Initial research was conducted to evalu- ate relevant political strategies, studies and scientific pub- lications within the context of the Cluster. A supplementary text mining process was carried out to assess scientific re- search publications relating to ICT. The information collect- ed served as a foundation for the derivation of trends, focus topics and main framework conditions for the three Cluster Writing the Master Plan areas. These results provided a discussion basis for the fol- lowing participatively aligned formats which were conduct- ed in parallel. Interviews: Interviews were held with specialists from com- panies, with scientific experts, with intermediaries and with representatives from the regional clusters in order to request appraisals of the topics previously collected. Coordination Online survey: An online survey afforded players within the Cluster an opportunity to evaluate, comment on and add to the topics which are relevant to them and to their work today or which may gain in significance in the coming years. Workshops: The findings from the interviews and the online survey were used to stage two workshops involving select- ed experts. The first of these concentrated on future topics Publication
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – The Master Plan 25 The following topics were discussed in the media and cre- Writing the Master Plan: The findings acquired via the pre- ative industries workshop: vious stages were written up for inclusion in the Master Plan. • Augmented reality/virtual reality Coordination: The Master Plan was coordinated with the involvement of the main Cluster stakeholders, the experts • Games who had been interviewed and the workshop participants. • Content creation Publication: The Master Plan finally entered into force upon publication. • Media distribution Further development: New topics may gain in relevance • User experience for the Cluster players over the course of the coming years. These will need to be evaluated and addressed as neces- • The creative industries as an impetus provider sary in order to continue to develop the content of the Master Plan. For this reason, the Master Plan has been designed • Sustainability to be flexible. A further intention is to establish a committee structure. The aim is for the committees to provide Clus- • New worlds of work ter management with thematic guidance and to make pro- posals as to how the content of the Master Plan can be The main topics of the ICT workshop were as follows: supplemented. • Artificial intelligence • Blockchain • 5G • Internet of Things • IT security and privacy • Geo IT • Sustainability • New worlds of work As well as the organisation of two workshops as part of the Master Plan process, there was also an opportunity to be- come actively involved in committees of the chambers of commerce and industry in Berlin and Potsdam (Berlin: Cre- ative Industries, Digital Economy and Innovation & Tech- nology; Potsdam: ICT). Within the scope of the committees, the Master Plan process was explained, and contributions made by participants were recorded.
26 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries
3 Fields of innovation
28 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – Fields of innovation 3 Fields of innovation The breadth of the task areas offers the potential to draw up will address the fields of innovation which, according to the a large number of fields of innovation containing countless present state of knowledge, offer the most (innovation) po- topics of relevance. Processing and driving this process for- tential for the Cluster areas as well as for the application ward in an appropriate way whilst keeping the Cluster play- sectors. When structuring the fields of innovation, care was ers on board represents a challenge. For this reason, useful taken to accord equal treatment to technical and non-tech- and targeted priorities have been chosen based on specif- nical topics relating to the areas of digital, media and the cre- ic regional circumstances. ative industries. Nevertheless, the selection of topics also needs to accord due consideration to the urgent require- The structural focus areas of ments regarding digitalisation which are emerging both from within and outside the Cluster. • Creation, Figure 8 below acts as an index of contents by providing an • Processing, overview of the fields of innovation. The four focus areas listed provide structure to the fields of innovation without un- • Networking and dertaking a clear-cut delineation. • Use CREATION The media as a cosmos of The creative industries information and experience as an impetus provider 5G applications and infrastructure Artificial intelligence Open IT NETWORKING PROCESSING Platform economy Internet of Things Big data Blockchain Information Geo IT security and Topic chiefly driven privacy from within the Cluster Extended reality Topic chiefly aligned to the application sector USE Fig. 8: Overview of the focus areas and fields of innovation [representation by: i-vector]
Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – Fields of innovation 29 3.1 Focus: Creation The creative industries as an impetus provider Main innovation topics User experience design Sustainable design Design thinking Gamification Fashion tech Advertising Communication Fashion industry Sustainable fashion Upcycling Wearables Digital storytelling Digital art and culture market The “Creation” focus area pools the fields of innovation use with regard to the products and services and with a cul- which concentrate on the development of new digital, media tural shift at companies (Work 4.0). and generally creatively designed products, applications and contents. One methodologically shaped part of the service provision of the creative industries is user experience design (UX). The fields of innovation denoted as “The creative indus- The focus here is on structuring the experience and feeling tries as an impetus provider” and “The media as a of a person in relation to a product, a service or an online cosmos of information and experience” deal with the de- offer. In order to achieve this, there is a need for tried-and- ployment of creative services and methods, whilst “Open tested scientific methods which can be used to analyse the IT” is concerned with the free availability and use of know- processes, products and types of behaviour of users and ledge, data and technologies. thus establish a basis to offer guidance and support and to improve usability. Especially in times of advancing and ex- Creativity is an essential foundation for innovations along- tensive digitalisation, new possibilities arise for structuring side technological excellence and an instinct for the mar- the experience of the customer in a comprehensive way. ket. The multifarious players within the creative industries This also involves marking out the experience of the cus- are able to draw up solutions for existing problems by pur- tomer with regard to various aspects of a product or service suing pathways not previously considered. They need to be by embedding the process into a rounded and interesting viewed as overall economic drivers of cross-sectoral in- story, e.g. via digital storytelling. novations rather than merely being perceived as suppliers of “beautiful things”. If impetuses are taken up by trade and Design thinking is both a multidisciplinary creativity meth- industry, this also provides an opportunity for us to learn odology and a methodological approach which aims to from one another to our mutual benefit. shape corporate culture, especially within the scope of the influence of changes being brought about by digitalisation. New products, applications and services and companies as The factors of team, space and process are at the heart of a whole nowadays need to take comprehensive require- the methodology. It addresses the question of the constel- ments into account in order to achieve success on the mar- lation which cooperation might assume in future, on where ket. Products should not solely fulfil their expected functions. this work can best take place and how processes of collab- They need to offer new functionality on a constant basis, be oration can be structured in the most effective way. capable of intuitive use and fulfil stricter ecological require- ments. Digitalisation is associated both with a change of
30 Master Plan Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries – Fields of innovation Sustainability is gaining in social significance. Sustainable The visibility and experiential tangibility of services and pro- design is one means via which the creative industries are vision are a key economic success factor for the art and cul- offering a methodological approach which enables the sus- ture market in the region, which is primarily represented tainability of a product to be influenced at an early stage of the by creative artists and distributors, suppliers and service pro- development process by undertaking design measures. This viders, book and music publishers, online portals, events and does not merely involve the application of concepts which PR agencies and the many music, dance and theatre venues. lead to a reduction in the use of resources. Recycling and The presence of art, which was previously largely analogue, later upcycling of the products are also addressed. is being supplemented by new digital forms of representation and preparation. Digital offerings such as exhibitions, guided Sustainability is also becoming more and more important in tours, concerts, readings or art-related online platforms en- the fashion industry. The fashion players in the region take able art and culture to be presented to potential customers account of sustainable fashion at an early stage by adopting via fresh channels and thus improve visibility. Non-technical a circular design approach during the concept phase. The innovations in the field of art and culture are also playing an emphasis is placed on materials that have been sourced ever larger role for the creation of added value in the region. and manufactured by sustainable means, and consideration Such innovations may involve product developers in the tour- is also given to the durability and to the reuse or recycling ism branch, content producers for the media, software and of clothing. Reuse can, for example, be achieved via sec- games industry, catalysts for the design economy, for indus- ond-hand sales. Clothing may also be returned to retailers trial and urban development and for the conquering of rural for recycling, whilst upcycling also takes place (creating new areas (smart country) and, last but not least, a location asset products from old products). for competition between regions. Fashion tech, i.e. a combination of fashion and technology, is Relevance and potential for the region also a core topic in the fashion industry. The deployment of a The spectrum of creative minds in the region is broad. There wide range of technologies opens up new pathways for de- are designers, fashion companies, advertisers, architects, art sign and distribution and for the creation of unique custom- and culture professionals and a whole host of other creative er experiences. Technology can, for example, be integrated players of various backgrounds and disciplines. Within the into garments in order to provide clothing with enhanced func- scope of the interdisciplinary cooperation which takes place, tionality (wearables). The genesis of fashion can also be in- they are able to generate new impetuses for the thought pro- fluenced by technology, for instance via the use of artificial cesses, work and design ideas which inform new products intelligence in the design phase. In sales, augmented/virtual and services. reality systems enable clothes to be tried on virtually. The new digital channels are gaining in influence at advertis- Objectives of Cluster management ing and communication agencies. Digital communication and promotion have now become an important component • S trengthen the cross-cutting visibility of the crea- of campaigns. Online or mobile online advertising (for mobile tive industries and the contribution they make to end devices) and advertising via social media are likewise innovations, e.g. via closer integration into inter- growing. The benefit and impact of online advertising are ex- sectoral events formats plored via mobile insights and analytics, which go on to in- fluence the way in which advertising concepts are structured. • F oster networking and cooperation between cre- Communication and advertising also make use of methods ative artists and other economic representatives, such as digital storytelling (see the field of innovation “The such as in special interactive types of event media as a cosmos of information and experience”) in order to make campaigns more accessible and more readily per- • S trengthen awareness of the topics and contri- ceptible. Technologies such as augmented and virtual reality butions of the creative industries, for instance to will provide further channels for advertising and communica- support sustainability and the cultural shift and tion agencies in the future. to adapt to user needs
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