Master of Arts SUPSI in Interaction Design

Page created by Bob Sandoval
Dipartimento ambiente costruzioni e design

Master of Arts SUPSI in Interaction
Piano di studio

Tempo Pieno
Anno accademico 2022/2023

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Ciclo di conferenze pubbliche "Emergenza
Codice                           D350

Crediti                          2.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento   1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                 Opzionale

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Programming and Interactivity
Codice                           ID101.2

Crediti                          5.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento      1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                    Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID101.01
                                 Creative Coding with P5.js

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 52
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Fabio Franchino

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                     Ore SA    Ore SP
ID101.01.2                       Creative Coding with P5.js                                            52.0         -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 52.0          -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Creative Coding with P5.js
Codice                           ID101.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       52.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – Basic knowledge of programming topics and creative coding principles.
mirate                           – The basics of the P5.js environment and language.

Contenuti                        The goal of the course is to give students an introduction to coding with a special
                                 focus on graphics programming and interactivity.
                                 Every week the students will learn new principles, concepts, and language
                                 syntax of programming, using the P5.js environment and editor.
                                 The students will practice coding by means of structured exercises with
                                 continuous support from the teacher.
                                 A project brief will be given to allow the students to put into practice the learned
                                 materials, designing and prototyping a personal project that will be evaluated at
                                 the end of the course.
                                 The course follows the learn-by-doing principle featuring hands-on activities. The
                                 approach follows the step-by-step process through incremental exercises.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course assignments and the final project will be developed individually.
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures, individual incremental exercises, intermediate
insegnamento                     assignments, online support, and mentoring.

Metodo di valutazione            Final presentation on the last day of the course.

Relatore                         Fabio Franchino

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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User Experience Design
Codice                           ID111.2

Crediti                          3.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento      1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                    Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID111.01 Designing Digital Experiences

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 35
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Sarah Corti

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                     Ore SA    Ore SP
ID111.01.2                       Designing Digital Experiences                                         97.0         -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 97.0          -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Designing Digital Experiences
Codice                           ID111.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       97.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – How to design a mobile application starting from the foundation of Digital
mirate                           Experiences design
                                 – How to identify user needs and validate user behavior
                                 – Define user requirements for the creation of interactive systems with high
                                 usability and accessibility
                                 – How to define the end-users, the value proposition, and the key features of a
                                 mobile application
                                 – User Flow and Customer Experience mapping
                                 – How to generate ideas and how to translate them into experience elements
                                 (From areas of opportunity to solutions)
                                 – User Interface basics, how to put together an interface, and how to create a
                                 design library
                                 – Techniques of prototyping (from paper to service)
                                 – Interaction design and prototyping of mobile App experiences
                                 – Agile testing methodologies and techniques to validate products and services
                                 – Creating your own project from scratch and knowing how to present it in public

Contenuti                        Since the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 and the widespread use of high-
                                 speed mobile networks, smartphones have been our primary way to access
                                 information and services related to every aspect of our daily life: from social
                                 networks to media, from financial services to transportation, from healthcare to
                                 shopping. Great digital experiences today are made possible by providing highly
                                 contextual, personalized, and emotional experiences to the customers.
                                 How can we design delightful digital experiences through multiple digital
                                 touchpoints, rather than focusing just on a single product or service? How can we
                                 create mobile experiences and show relevant information on small screens?
                                 In this course, we will understand the whole UX process – from user research,
                                 requirements analysis, idea generation, and product definition to prototyping, UI
                                 design, and usability testing. We’ll learn how to design a mobile application
                                 starting from the foundation of Digital experiences design: from defining its end-
                                 users, to value proposition and key features definition, building a solid UX
                                 framework and defining the different user flows, creating a distinctive visual
                                 language to design and prototype a modern mobile User Interface.
                                 Students will be given a concrete design brief and will be asked to design,
                                 prototype, and test a mobile app. The course will mix online lectures, hands-on
                                 activities, and review moments to support students in the learn-by-doing
                                 approach through their personal projects.

Carico di lavoro dello   Workgroup-Based Course: the course assignments and the final project will be
studente / Durata lavoro developed in workgroups of max. 4 students.

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures, intermediate assignments, coaching, and mentoring.
Metodo di valutazione            Examination of final presentation on the last day of the course.

Relatore                         Sarah Corti, Alberto Andreetto, Enrico Tedoldi

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Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Digital Fabrication
Codice                           ID120.2

Crediti                          5.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento      1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                    Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID120.01
                                 Digitally Designed Objects for Fast Prototyping

                                 Documentation and Communication

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 96
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Marco Lurati

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                     Ore SA    Ore SP
ID120.01.2                       Digitally Designed Objects for Fast Prototyping                       88.0         -
ID120.02.2                       Documentation and Communication                                         8.0        -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 96.0          -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Digitally Designed Objects for Fast Prototyping
Codice                           ID120.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       88.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – Basic principles of parametric CAD.
mirate                           – How to prepare 2D and 3D files for digital manufacturing through laser cutting
                                 machines and 3D printers.
                                 – How to prototype with digital fabrication tools as interaction designers.

Contenuti                        The course aims at giving the basis of one of the most widespread and versatile
                                 2D and 3D software, Fusion 360, in order to create digitally designed objects that
                                 can be fabricated through fast prototyping machines. The focus of the course is
                                 placed equally on CAD theory, Fusion 360 lessons, and practical exercises. The
                                 course provides an overview of both the Computer-Aided Design and the Fusion
                                 interface. Following the overview, students will design a small 2D file and 3D file
                                 of low or intermediate complexity and prepare it for a potential digital
                                 manufacturing process.
                                 The main goal is to introduce students to parametric CADs to build physical
                                 prototypes and to explain the different possible approaches based on the desired
                                 result. The focus of the course is the useful applications these technologies have
                                 for an interaction designer (like simplifying the hacking of existing objects or
                                 design new interfaces from scratch), that can be produced with innovative digital
                                 technologies, like laser cutting machines and 3D printers.

Carico di lavoro dello   Weekly assignments will be given to keep on practicing with Fusion 360 and the
studente / Durata lavoro use of the machines. The course assignments and the final project will be
autonomo                 developed individually or in small teams.

Metodo di                        Lessons in the classroom and at the Fablab, intermediate assignments for
insegnamento                     individual homework and practice, coaching, and mentoring.

Metodo di valutazione            Revisions during the course, intermediate assignments, final presentation on the
                                 last day of the course.

Relatore                         Marco Lurati, Giovanni Profeta

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Documentation and Communication
Codice                           ID120.02.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       8.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – To document all components of the project developed during the module.
mirate                           – To refine the documentation for the future portfolio.

Contenuti                        The course aims to produce the documentation of the project developed within
                                 the module.
                                 The student will have to write a description of the project, produce image
                                 documentation (digital outputs/screens in the case of digital software or
                                 photographs in the case of physical products), a video (the storytelling of the
                                 project), the software source files and the hardware schematics, according to the
                                 provided examples and guidelines.
                                 More specific documentation may be requested depending on the course topic.

Metodo di valutazione            Students’ evaluations will be based on the review of the requested materials. To
                                 this module, it is mandatory to hand in the project documentation.

Relatore                         Marco Lurati

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Experimental Workshop 1
Codice                           ID131.2

Crediti                          3.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento      1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                    Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID131.01
                                 Machine Learning for Designers

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 53
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Matteo Loglio

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                     Ore SA    Ore SP
ID131.01.2                       Machine Learning for Designers                                        53.0         -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 53.0          -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Machine Learning for Designers
Codice                           ID131.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       53.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – The fundamental concepts and practical applications of Machine Learning.
mirate                           – A practical way to start using this new technology in your design and creative
                                 – An overview of the current tools used in the machine learning prototyping
                                 – Simple programming tools such as ml5.js, RunwayML, and Wekinator.

Contenuti                        The acceleration of processing power, large amounts of data, and the release of
                                 open-source frameworks and research papers are only a few factors that
                                 contributed to making artificial intelligence one of the most hyped and interesting
                                 trends of the last few years.
                                 Machine learning is watching over the devices we use every day, it listens to and
                                 records our actions, learns our behaviors, and predicts our intentions. There are
                                 many branches of AI where designers could have a great impact. So far, the
                                 most obvious applications are conversational design, voice interfaces, and
                                 natural language, but we are starting to move into more experimental directions.
                                 This course provides an introduction to artificial intelligence and its relative
                                 creative applications. Participants will learn how to include AI in their projects,
                                 and experiment with some simple tools created for artists and designers.
                                 We hear news about artificial intelligence and machine learning almost every
                                 day, but what are they exactly, and how can we use them in design practice? We
                                 will look into existing projects that use this technology in the fields of art, science,
                                 design, and creativity in general. Then we will start to prototype ideas using
                                 machine learning as a design instrument. Participants will learn to use existing
                                 libraries and prototyping applications hands-on, and many examples will be
                                 provided for future reference.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course assignments and the final project will be developed in workgroups of
studente / Durata lavoro 3-4 students.

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures, intermediate assignments, coaching, and mentoring.
Metodo di valutazione            Examination: final presentation on the last day of the course.

Relatore                         Matteo Loglio

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Physical Computing
Codice                           ID140 .2

Crediti                          5.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento      1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                    Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID140.01
                                 Creating Tangible Interfaces

                                 Documentation and Communication

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 98
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Ubi De Feo

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                     Ore SA    Ore SP
ID140.01.2                       Creating Tangible Interfaces                                              -        -
ID140.02.2                       Documentation and Communication                                         8.0        -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 98.0          -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Creating Tangible Interfaces
Codice                           ID140.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       90.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – Fundamentals of electronics.
mirate                           – Programming tiny computers.
                                 – Sensing the world and reacting to it.
                                 – Creating a project using Arduino boards.
                                 – Prototyping a physical interactive object or experience.

Contenuti                        The course introduces the domain of physical computing for interactive product
                                 prototyping. The focus is to create physical modalities and experiences for
                                 accessing and manipulating information through sensing artifacts. The course is
                                 based on the approach of “learning by doing”: students learn how to design and
                                 implement interactive behaviors developing basic prototypes with the using
                                 Arduino hardware and MicroPython.
                                 The goal of the course is to learn how to design and implement interactive
                                 product behaviors and interfaces through systems based on sensors and
                                 actuators controlled by Arduino and electronics. This will be achieved by learning
                                 basic notions of physical computing and working with a range of sensors and
                                 actuators which can be used and controlled through the use of Arduino as a
                                 programmable microcontroller board.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course assignments and the final project will be developed individually or in
studente / Durata lavoro small teams.

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures, intermediate assignments, coaching, and mentoring.
insegnamento                     A custom kit will be provided with a set of sensors and actuators.

Metodo di valutazione            At the end of the course, students present a summary of the project and the

Relatore                         Ubi De Feo

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Documentation and Communication
Codice                           ID140.02.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       8.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – To document all components of the project developed during the module.
mirate                           – To refine the documentation for the future portfolio.

Contenuti                        The course aims to produce the documentation of the project developed into the
                                 The student will have to write a description of the project, produce image
                                 documentation (digital outputs/screens in the case of digital software or
                                 photographs in the case of physical products), a video (the storytelling of the
                                 project), the software source files and the hardware schematics, accordingly to
                                 the provided examples and guidelines.
                                 More specific documentation may be requested depending on the course topic.

Metodo di valutazione            Students’ evaluations will be based on the review of the requested materials. To
                                 this module, it is mandatory to hand in the project documentation.

Relatore                         Ubi De Feo

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Experimental Workshop 2
Codice                           ID151.2

Crediti                          3.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento      1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                    Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID151.01
                                 Programming Interactive Objects

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 61
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Andreas Gysin

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                     Ore SA    Ore SP
ID151.01.2                       Programming Interactive Objects                                       61.0         -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 61.0          -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Programming Interactive Objects
Codice                           ID151.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       61.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – Programming praxis, mainly for the web platform but not limited to it
mirate                           – An efficient workflow
                                 – Structuring a complete application
                                 – Working with XML/JSON
                                 – Working with text
                                 – Working with pixels
                                 – Working with vectors
                                 – Transposing data to other domains (for example visualization)
                                 – Encoding and decoding information
                                 – Programming for real-time environments

Contenuti                        What is an interactive system? What is the “goal” of an interactive system? What
                                 is the role of the user in such systems? The main activity of the course is guided
                                 experimentation with code finalized for a specific assignment. Through a practical
                                 approach with a strong focus on code, the students will try to find answers to
                                 these questions by programming a complete application.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course assignments and the final project will be developed individually or in
studente / Durata lavoro small teams.

Metodo di                        Offline lectures, exercises, support, and mentoring.
Metodo di valutazione            Final presentation on the last day of the course; every student or team will
                                 present the projects developed during the course to the class: the concept, the
                                 techniques, and the presentation itself will be evaluated.

Relatore                         Andreas Gysin

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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The Field of Interaction
Codice                           ID161.2

Crediti                          2.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento      1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                    Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID161.01
                                 Thematic Seminars and Talks

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 15
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Massimo Botta

                                                                                                     Ore SA    Ore SP
ID161.01.2                       Maind-Expanding Talks                                                 15.0         -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 15.0          -

Descrittivo dei corsi
Maind-Expanding Talks
Codice                           ID161.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       15.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           The main objective of the lectures is to provide knowledge in interaction design,
mirate                           from broad topics to specific areas and skills.

Contenuti                        The course is organized into a series of talks and seminars that address issues
                                 of interest in interaction design. The lectures, taught by invited professors and
                                 professionals, have the goal of presenting theoretical and practical knowledge
                                 useful for design thinking and practice.

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures.
Metodo di valutazione            Attendance is mandatory.

Relatore                         Invited Speakers

Responsabile                     Massimo Botta

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Design Thinking
Codice                           ID170.2

Crediti                          1.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento      1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                    Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID170.01
                                 (Co)design for Systemic Challenges

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 15
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Elena Zordan

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                     Ore SA    Ore SP
ID170.01.2                       (Co)design for Systemic Challenges                                    15.0         -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 15.0          -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
(Co)design for Systemic Challenges
Codice                           ID170.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       15.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – Discover the Design Thinking approach as a framework for disclosure and
mirate                           inquire
                                 – Experiment with proper methods, tools, and templates in a collaborative
                                 – Increase your awareness about design as a medium to entangle complex
                                 – Challenge yourself in a team within participatory processes and co-design
                                 – Reflect on new ways of interaction

Contenuti                        The increasing complexity of the context we live in the challenges design
                                 discipline and asks for new ways of disclosure. Interaction design should become
                                 a relational discipline finding new innovative ways to connect people in
                                 challenging, extreme, faraway, (...) environments. The digital turn we’re facing,
                                 accelerated unexpectedly in Covid Pandemic years, is proposing to us - as
                                 designers - new spheres of interventions, new languages, and frameworks that
                                 must be discussed from a methodological perspective.
                                 This course will focus on the Design Thinking approach, giving an overview of
                                 how this mindset can help shape solutions capable to impact on complex
                                 situations, from different perspectives, to produce systemic changes, while being
                                 at the same time inclusive and targeted.
                                 During the course, we will apply the methodology in order to experiment and
                                 reflect on new and innovative ways of interaction, and what interactivity and
                                 networked processes can add to the discipline.
                                 The classes will entail theoretical matters and practical exercises to make
                                 participants experiment and learn-by-doing Design Thinking processes in a
                                 collaborative workshop environment.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course assignments and the final project will be developed in teams.
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di                        Short theory lessons and hands-on exercises, working groups, research,
insegnamento                     discussion, and debate on single outputs.

Metodo di valutazione            Final presentation on the last half-day of the course.
                                 Students will be evaluated for their capability of applying the Design Thinking
                                 approach to the delivered initial challenge and demonstrating full confidence
                                 within processes and methods, framing problems into a personal critical
                                 perspective, and presenting their final results to open up discussion trajectories.

Relatore                         Elena Zordan, Federica Bardelli, Dario Dellanoce, Enrico Tedoldi

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Human Centered Design
Codice                           ID180.2

Crediti                          3.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento      1°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                    Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID180.01
                                 User Research Design

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 15
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Elisabeth Graf

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                     Ore SA    Ore SP
ID180.01.2                       User Research Design                                                  15.0         -

                                                                               Totale ore settimanali: 15.0          -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
User Research Design
Codice                           ID180.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       15.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – How to create a research plan and choose the right research methods
mirate                           – How to conduct research
                                 – How to synthesise research findings and communicate insights

Contenuti                        This course gives an introduction to design research. Through a learning-by-
                                 doing approach, students will get familiar with the different phases of design
                                 research. From understanding a research brief to developing a research plan.
                                 Choosing the right methods for the research questions and learning more about
                                 the different techniques and tools. During the course, students will have the
                                 opportunity to conduct small research and to learn how to capture findings and
                                 synthesise them into insights.
                                 Furthermore, we will explore how to communicate those insights effectively so
                                 that they can be used in the ideation phase of the design process.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course assignments and the final project will be developed individually or in
studente / Durata lavoro small teams.

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures, individual incremental exercises, intermediate
insegnamento                     assignments, online support, and mentoring.

Metodo di valutazione            Final presentation on the last day of the course; every student or team will
                                 present the research projects developed during the course to the class: the
                                 research plan and the presentation itself will be evaluated.

Relatore                         Elisabeth Graf

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Designing Advanced Artifacts
Codice                           ID200.2

Crediti                          7.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento   2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                 Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID200.01
                                 Multimodal User Experience Design
                                 in Products

                                 Documentation and Communication

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 108
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di                        Format: offline and online lectures, intermediate assignments, coaching and
insegnamento                     mentoring
                                 Team work: the course assignments and final project will be developed in teams

Metodo di valutazione            The work will be evaluated with the following criteria:
                                  – 10% research
                                 – 40% concept & design
                                 – 30% execution, prototyping and product design
                                 – 20% presentation and documentation communication materials

Responsabile                     Serena Cangiano

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Relatore                         Serena Cangiano
                                 Serena Cangiano is Head of FabLab SUPSI and teacher of interactive product
                                 design (MA in Interaction Design SUPSI, HSLU Lucern). As an interaction
                                 designer and a researcher, she carries out research through design projects and
                                 programs on design, open source innovation and creative technology. She
                                 develops the edtech product Ethafa Steammians Kit and works as consultant
                                 and mentor in entrepreneurship programs for creative projects (Creative Hub,
                                 Innossuisee Human Centered Design Workshop Danish Design Center
                                 REMODEL). Since 2015 she co-leads the project Re-programmed Art. Her last
                                 publications focus on design education (Critical Maker Reader, 2019), Machine
                                 Learning for Creatives (ArtMachines Conference, HK, 2019) and community
                                 driven projects in the field of healthcare (Rebelling with care, 2019).

                                 Alice Mela
                                 As interaction and industrial designer at TODO, Alice has designed and
                                 produced exhibits, spaces, and installations for projects such as Cupra's Kinetic
                                 Wall and Enel's pavilion at Expo 2015. Before moving back to Italy, she lived
                                 more than 5 years in The Netherlands, where on top of her main occupation as
                                 an exhibit designer, she taught Digital Fabrication Techniques at the Willem de
                                 Kooning Academie (Rotterdam) and wrote for different blogs and for Domusweb
                                 publisher. While abroad, She collaborated with Fablab Amsterdam and Waag
                                 Society, for public presentations (Nova Iskra opening, Belgrade 2012),
                                 workshops (Picnic 2012, Dhahran 2014), and teaching (Open Design Minor,
                                 Willem de Kooning Academie 2013). Physical making remains one of her fields
                                 of interest and research to this day, keeping close connections with the Fablab

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                              Ore SA       Ore SP
ID200.01.2                       Multimodal User Experience Design in Products                     -         92.0
ID200.02.2                       Documentation and Communication                                   -         16.0

                                                                            Totale ore settimanali: -        108.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Multimodal User Experience Design in Products
Codice                           ID200.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       92.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           With a focus on the domain of conversational agents and voice user interfaces,
mirate                           the course aims to guide the students in the design process to:
                                 – ideate an interactive product based on multimodal interfaces; in particular they
                                 will concentrate on combining voice recognition and touch interfaces
                                 – design and prototype a conversational agent and a voice user interface
                                 – communicate and showcase a functioning prototype and documentation to
                                 describe the context of use and interaction modalities

Descrizione                      One of the biggest challenges for interaction designers today is to craft user
                                 experiences that leverage the power of intelligent agents as well as support
                                 people in their daily environments through different interaction modalities.
                                 Multimodal interfaces can help shape a more free and natural communication
                                 between people and devices through experiences that connect digital
                                 information, intelligent systems, and physical devices through natural modes of

Programma                        Week 1: Ideation phase, technology exploration, target definition, and low-fi
                                 Week 2: Project iteration, prototyping, and validation
                                 Week 3: Prototyping and testing, process documentation, specifications design
                                 Week 4: Product refinement, user testing, and documentation for the final

                                 The program includes a series of talks by external speakers and experts.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course assignments and the final project will be developed in teams of max.
studente / Durata lavoro 3 students.

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures, intermediate assignments, coaching, and mentoring.
Metodo di valutazione            Final presentation on the last day of the course.
                                 The work executed will be evaluated with the following criteria:
                                 – 10% research
                                 – 40% concept & design
                                 – 30% execution, prototyping, and product design
                                 – 20% presentation and documentation.

Relatore                         Serena Cangiano, Alice Mela

Bibliografia                     Diana Deibel, Rebecca Evanhoe, Conversations With Things: UX Design for
                                 Chat and Voice
                                 Christine W. Park, John Alderman, Designing Across Senses: A Multimodal
                                 Approach to Product Design
                                 Cathy Pearl, Designing Voice User Interfaces: Principles of Conversational
                                 Cheryl Platz, Design Beyond Devices: Creating Multimodal, Cross-Device

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Documentation and Communication
Codice                           ID200.02.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       16.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – To document all components of the project developed during the module.
mirate                           – To refine the documentation for the future portfolio.

Contenuti                        The course aims to produce the documentation of the project developed into the
                                 module. The student will have to write a description of the project, produce image
                                 documentation (digital outputs/screens in the case of digital software or
                                 photographs in the case of physical products), a video (the storytelling of the
                                 project), the software source files and the hardware schematics, accordingly to
                                 the provided examples and guidelines.
                                 More specific documentation may be requested depending on the course topic.

Metodo di valutazione            Students’ evaluations will be based on the review of the requested materials. To
                                 assess this module, it is mandatory to hand in the project documentation.

Relatore                         Serena Cangiano, Alice Mela

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Designing Advanced Environments
Codice                           ID211.2

Crediti                          7.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento     2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID210.01
                                 Building Interactive Installations with the Web Platform

                                 Documentation and Communication

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 66
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile modulo              Franchino Fabio

Relatore                         Fabio Franchino

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                    Ore SA    Ore SP
ID211.01 .2                      Prototyping Interactive Installations                                   -         -
ID211.02.2                       Documentation and Communication                                         -      16.0

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -      66.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Prototyping Interactive Installations
Codice                           ID211.01 .2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       50.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – The main goal is to give the students a real understanding of the complexity of
mirate                           an interactive installation as well as a common foundation to prototype it using
                                 the combination of all the technical disciplines learned during previous courses.
                                 – You will learn how to ideate, design and prototype, in a teamwork setting, an
                                 interactive installation following a given project brief.

Contenuti                        Interactivity can be everywhere and people are more and more used to
                                 interacting with digital means around them.
                                 Interactive installations have the potential to engage people, therefore, there’s
                                 increased use of them in a variety of situations, from art to advertising fields.
                                 In this context, the technologies (programming, microcontroller, fabbing, design,
                                 etc) learned during the previous courses can be used together to fast-prototyping
                                 interactive systems that can be tested with real people, the only way to discover
                                 if a project idea has positive potential or not.
                                 The course will try to provide the closest version of a real-world
                                 design/prototyping process when dealing with an interactive installation. The
                                 process will include, at least, three main phases: ideation, design, and prototype,
                                 following a typical iterative Agile process. There will be a project brief that will act
                                 as the scope of work. The activities will be defined on weekly basis in a
                                 teamwork setting from the beginning. The groups will be defined at the beginning
                                 of the course and will be strongly encouraged to be self-organized.
                                 The role of the teacher will be as supervisor and facilitator in order to get the
                                 most from each team potential.

Carico di lavoro dello   The activities will be organized in a teamwork setting from the beginning. Each
studente / Durata lavoro group will be encouraged to self-organize the activities according to the project
autonomo                 phase and the teacher's suggestions. The teacher will guide and oversees the
                         progress of each group weekly.

Metodo di                        The course will follow the typical Agile process for all the ideation, design, and
insegnamento                     prototyping phases. Each week the teacher will provide details about
                                 intermediate activities and deliverables. Each group is encouraged to meet all the
                                 deadlines and deliverables asked by the teacher. Each week a quick review will
                                 be conducted for each group's intermediate outcome.

Metodo di valutazione            Final presentation on the last day of the course.

Relatore                         Fabio Franchino

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Documentation and Communication
Codice                           ID211.02.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       16.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – To document all components of the project developed during the module.
mirate                           – To refine the documentation for the future portfolio.

Contenuti                        The course aims to produce the documentation of the project developed into the
                                 module. The student will have to write a description of the project, produce image
                                 documentation (digital outputs/screens in the case of digital software or
                                 photographs in the case of physical products), a video (the storytelling of the
                                 project), the software source files and the hardware schematics, accordingly to
                                 the provided examples and guidelines.
                                 More specific documentation may be requested depending on the course topic.

Metodo di valutazione            Students’ evaluations will be based on the review of the requested materials. To
                                 assess this module, it is mandatory to hand in the project documentation.

Relatore                         Fabio Franchino

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Designing Advanced Services
Codice                           ID220.2

Crediti                          7.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento     2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID220.01
                                 Designing Intelligent Experiences

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 88
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Giorgio Baresi

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                    Ore SA    Ore SP
ID220.01.2                       Designing Intelligent Experiences                                       -      88.0

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -      88.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Designing Intelligent Experiences
Codice                           ID220.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       88.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – Analysing a competitive landscape.
mirate                           – Conducting design research with end-users.
                                 – Synthesizing end-user observations and information into insights.
                                 – Designing an intelligent, multi-touchpoint product/service experience that
                                 delights end-users and is sustainable from a business perspective.

Contenuti                        Ubiquitous technologies have changed the way people experience services.
                                 Nowadays, the expectation is not only to have a coherent, omnichannel
                                 experience but also interactions that are personalized (only for me), intelligent
                                 (learning from me), context-aware, and, ultimately, capable of raising a brand’s
                                 relevance in an ever-changing, hyper-competitive landscape.
                                 At the same time, the new normal we are living after the pandemic is setting new
                                 challenges and new opportunities in the design of services, redefining the
                                 boundaries between physical and digital, and allowing us to re-think and evolve
                                 the concept of hybrid and ‘phygital’ experience.
                                 In this course, we will learn how to design an intelligent service experience
                                 across different touch-points and contexts: from gathering insights directly from
                                 our target users to identifying opportunity areas that satisfy unmet needs, to
                                 generating ideas that lead us to a concept that will be developed and prototyped.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course assignments and the final project will be developed in workgroups of
studente / Durata lavoro 3-4 students.

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures, intermediate assignments, coaching, and mentoring.
Metodo di valutazione            Examination of the final presentation on the last day of the course.

Relatore                         Giorgio Baresi, Nicolò Calegari, Letizia Cannerozzi, Marco Colussi, Paolo Decaro

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Entrepreneurial Skills
Codice                           ID230.2

Crediti                          5.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento     2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID230.01
                                 From Project Ideas to Market

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 32
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Leandro Bitetti

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                    Ore SA    Ore SP
ID230.01.2                       From Project Ideas to Market                                            -      32.0

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -      32.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
From Project Ideas to Market
Codice                           ID230.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       32.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           – Be able to discover Business opportunities.
mirate                           – Be able to write and describe a Business Idea.
                                 – Be able to understand who your customer really is, what she/he wants, and
                                 what customer-centricity means.
                                 – Be able to write and describe a unique Value Proposition in response to
                                 customers’ needs.
                                 – Be able to understand what market research is about.
                                 – Be able to design and test a Minimum Viable Prototype.
                                 – Be able to write, describe and discuss a Business model.
                                 – Be able to describe the main chapters of a Business Plan.
                                 – Be able to present and advocate their own business project.

Contenuti                        Entrepreneurship is a fundamental process that promotes innovation, and growth
                                 at the corporate level as well as at the level of economic and social systems. In
                                 addition, it is also a process that leads to self-accomplishment. There are many
                                 ways to support and promote this process. One of these is to discover potential
                                 business ideas and hence interesting business opportunities by looking at the
                                 market, social, technological, institutional, and economic trends, and customer
                                 needs. This is also a way to support another fundamental process which is the
                                 knowledge and technology transfer from Science to Business.
                                 Graduates and master's students are key agents in this process. Some recent
                                 developments in the business entrepreneurship field are particularly linked to the
                                 general framework of the MA in Interaction Design. We particularly investigate
                                 the role of the “entrepreneur” considered in a broader view as a sense-maker, a
                                 language-maker, a culture-maker, and a history-maker. Moreover,
                                 entrepreneurship and innovation are increasingly customer-oriented and based
                                 on a problem-solving process. That is why we do believe that there are good
                                 chances to find interesting entrepreneurial seeds in the students’ projects, ideas,
                                 or even dreams that deserve to be nurtured, supported, and promoted
                                 throughout the module.
                                 The module aims at developing a validated customer-centric Business Concept,
                                 with particular attention to the Value Proposition and the Business Model. The
                                 module will also provide an introduction to the Business Plan document and its
                                 main chapters (the financial projections and the customers in particular).

Carico di lavoro dello   The course project may be carried out individually or in small teams of 2-3
studente / Durata lavoro students.

Metodo di                        Offline video lectures, online discussion sessions (Q&A), and coaching and
insegnamento                     mentoring concerning the individual or group project.

Metodo di valutazione            Students are expected to understand the business side of a project and be able
                                 to apply its basic concepts in their practical work.
                                 The certification of the module is composed of two main parts: the different forms
                                 (Value Proposition Canvas, Market Research Report, Business Model Canvas,
                                 and Financials) (80%) and the final oral presentation, i.e. Elevator Pitch (20%).

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Relatore                         Leandro Bitetti, Monica Mendini

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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The Business of Design
Codice                           ID241.2

Crediti                          2.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento     2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID241.01
                                 Design for... Seminars

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 28
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Massimo Banzi

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                    Ore SA    Ore SP
ID241.01.2                       Design for... Seminars                                                  -      28.0

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -      28.0

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Design for... Seminars
Codice                           ID241.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       28.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           The main objective of the course is to provide knowledge useful to develop and
mirate                           produce a physical product and to start a proper business.

Contenuti                        The course structures a series of seminars introducing some entrepreneurial
                                 aspects to consider when designing and implementing a physical product to start
                                 a new business.
                                 The lectures, taught by invited professors and professionals, have the goal of
                                 presenting theoretical and practical knowledge for building a product, focusing on
                                 salient aspects, such as how to design for hi-fi prototyping, how to design for
                                 manufacturing, and how to design for small and medium productions/series.
                                 Each seminar aims to offer contributions on topics that range from the more
                                 operational to the ethical ones.

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures.
Metodo di valutazione            Attendance is mandatory. Presentation on the last day of the course of requested

Relatore                         Massimo Banzi and Invited Speakers

Responsabile                     Massimo Banzi

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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The Field of Interaction
Codice                           ID251.2

Crediti                          2.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento     2°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Contenuti                        ID251.01
                                 Maind-Expanding Talks

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 15
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Massimo Botta

                                                                                                    Ore SA    Ore SP
ID251.01.2                       Maind-Expanding Talks                                                   -      15.0

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -      15.0

Descrittivo dei corsi
Maind-Expanding Talks
Codice                           ID251.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Ore totali                       15.0

Obiettivi / Competenze           The main objective of the lectures is to provide knowledge in interaction design,
mirate                           from broad topics to specific areas and skills

Contenuti                        The course is organized into a series of talks and seminars that address issues
                                 of interest in interaction design. The lectures, taught by invited professors and
                                 professionals, have the goal of presenting theoretical and practical knowledge
                                 useful for design thinking and practice.

Metodo di                        Offline and online lectures.
Metodo di valutazione            Attendance is mandatory.

Relatore                         Invited Speakers

Responsabile                     Massimo Botta

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

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Abilitazioni alle tecnologie di fabbricazione
Codice                           D434

Crediti                          1.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento   3°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                 Opzionale

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Superfab Robotic Summer School
Codice                           D454

Crediti                          1.0 ECTS                          Semestre di riferimento   3°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                 Opzionale

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Master Thesis Project Module
Codice                           ID300.2

Crediti                          30.0 ECTS                         Semestre di riferimento     3°

Durata                           1 semestre                        Frequenza                   Obbligatorio

Obiettivi / Competenze           The thesis project module concludes the training and aims to apply the
mirate                           knowledge acquired to a complex topic over a longer period of time to create an
                                 original project in the field of interaction design.
                                 The thesis project module is organized into two parts devoted to the
                                 development of the Master Thesis Project. Students are expected to identify a
                                 thesis topic, write a short essay focusing on their research area, select a thesis
                                 advisor, and, if necessary, establish a network of people, institutions, and
                                 companies for the completion of the thesis project. Participants have to present
                                 the thesis topic to the Thesis Jury for evaluation and approval. After this step,
                                 participants will develop the thesis project and present it to the Thesis Jury for
                                 the final evaluation.

Descrizione                      Thesis Project Plan
                                 The plan of activities listed in the course descriptions represents the necessary
                                 issues/ items/points that students have to develop for the completion and the
                                 dissertation of the thesis project. The plan is organized into two main courses:
                                 the Thesis Project Definition and the Thesis Project Development.

Prerequisiti                     Before the start of the Thesis Project Development, the student must have the
                                 proposed thesis topic approved by the Thesis Jury.

Contenuti                        ID300.01
                                 Thesis Project Definition

                                 Thesis Project Development

Carico di lavoro dello   Module Hours: 560
studente / Durata lavoro

Responsabile                     Massimo Botta

Osservazioni                     Copyright
                                 The inventions or creations made by SUPSI students (who do not have an
                                 employment relationship with SUPSI) as part of their degree course, Bachelor’s
                                 or Master’s thesis, are owned by the students who hold the Copyright. The
                                 author grants SUPSI the free right of use for academic and communication
                                 purposes and the free right to keep a copy in the archives.

                                                                                                              Ore totali
ID300.01.2                       Thesis Project Definition                                                            -
ID300.02.2                       Thesis Project Development                                                           -

                                                                                 Totale ore settimanali: -             -

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Descrittivo dei corsi
Thesis Project Definition
Codice                           ID300.01.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Obiettivi / Competenze           – Define the thesis topic.
mirate                           – Develop a structured research essay.
                                 – Identify a thesis tutor.
                                 – Identify a company, organization, or institution for the development of the thesis

Contenuti                        The course provides information for writing a structured research essay for the
                                 thesis project and introduces the work plan to be carried out in the second part of
                                 the module: the Thesis Project Development.
                                 The student has to identify an area of research interest, formulate a research
                                 question and hypotheses, and describe the research aim and the expected
                                 research outcome of the thesis project.
                                 The student is responsible for identifying a tutor and planning an internship
                                 period at design practice, company, industry, or institution.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course may be carried out individually.
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di                        Offline/online lectures, presentations, and discussion sessions (Q&A).
Metodo di valutazione            Students are expected to deliver a thesis project essay and present it to the
                                 Thesis Jury. The certification of the module takes place through the approval of
                                 the Thesis Project Definition proposal.

Relatore                         Thesis Jury and Thesis Tutors

Responsabile                     Massimo Botta

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

Master of Arts SUPSI in Interaction Design TP, 2022/2023                                                      41 di 42
Dipartimento ambiente costruzioni e design - 29/03/2023 19:11:52
Thesis Project Development
Codice                           ID300.02.2

Tipo corso                       Corso

Obiettivi / Competenze           – Develop a full project, from the conceptualization to the documentation up to
mirate                           the realization of a working prototype
                                 – Apply a human-centered design methodology to a complex project and on a
                                 longer timeframe
                                 – Work and organize tasks independently
                                 – Experience a working environment

Contenuti                        This phase focuses on the development of an interaction design project which
                                 must be fully developed in all formal, behavioral, and functional details according
                                 to a plan of activities.
                                 The plan of activities represents the necessary issues/items/points that students
                                 have to develop for the completion and the dissertation of the thesis project.
                                 Students must prepare the documentation required for each stage of progress
                                 and submit it to the Thesis Jury sessions.
                                 The module ends with the delivery of the required materials, the defense of the
                                 thesis project to the Thesis Jury, and the organization of a closing exhibition of
                                 the thesis projects.

Carico di lavoro dello   The course may be carried out individually.
studente / Durata lavoro

Metodo di                        Offline/online presentation and discussion session (Q&A).
Metodo di valutazione            Students are expected to deliver and present the required documents and
                                 materials to the Thesis Jury at each stage of progress. The evaluation of the
                                 thesis project takes into account the student’s path throughout the whole module
                                 and is expressed through a grade and written evaluation.

Relatore                         Thesis Jury and Thesis Tutors

Responsabile                     Massimo Botta

Bibliografia                     References will be provided during the course.

Master of Arts SUPSI in Interaction Design TP, 2022/2023                                                      42 di 42
Dipartimento ambiente costruzioni e design - 29/03/2023 19:11:52
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