Mass Effect Universe Conversion for the Star Wars Saga Edition Ruleset (D20)
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Mass Effect Universe Conversion for the Star Wars Saga Edition Ruleset (D20) Version 0.1 Created By Madadh ( As always Star Wars and all rights are reserved by Lucas Arts. D20 and the Saga ruleset are property of Wizards of the Coast. Mass Effect and related characters are property of Bioware.
Races Asari Species Traits Ability Modifiers: 2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Asari are not known for their physical power but they gain great insight through their long life spans and possess an strange appeal to virtually every race in the galaxy. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Asari have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Asari base speed is 6 squares. Natural Biotics: All Asari are considered to have the Biotic Implants feat. However, biotic ability is a naturally occurring talent among all Asari and does not require implants or surgery to function. Batarian Species Traits Ability Modifiers: None Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Batarians have no special bonuses or penalties due to
their size. Speed: Batarian base speed is 6 squares. Hard Life: Life isn’t easy for most Batarians and as such they learn to take a beating, giving them a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense Superior Vision: Batarian’s four eyes give them excellent vision. They may reroll any Perception checks involving sight, keeping the better result. Bonus Feat: Spending their lives as part of a strict caste system that influences both their religion and government Batarians gain Skill Training (Knowledge: Bureaucracy) as a bonus feat. Drell Species Traits Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, 2 Constitution. Extremely dense muscle fiber gives the drell a wiry strength, but they are not known for their hardiness and have difficulty adapting to environments dissimilar from their lost homeworld. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Drell have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Drell base speed is 6 squares. Eidetic Memory: Drell remember every moment of their lives with perfect clarity. They may always take 20 on any Knowledge skill that they are trained in. This is an exception to the normal rules regarding Knowledge skills. Darkvision: Drell ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness, however they cannot perceive color in total darkness. Due to modificatio ns provided by the Hanar most drell are capable of seeing well into the infrared spectrum. Elcor Species Traits Ability Modifiers: +4 Strength, 4 Dexterity. Due to the high gravity of their homeworld the Elcor possess massive strength, but are physiologically incapable of rapid movement. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Elcor have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Elcor base speed is 4 squares. Quadruped: While technically possessing hands and feet, the Elcor support themselves on all four limbs, providing all the benefits of a four legged creature including increased stability and carrying capacity. Thick Hide: +2 natural armor bonus to Ref defense, this stacks with worn armor. Elcor have extremely thick hides that make them difficult to harm even with conventional weapons. VI Experts: Their extremely slow movement and naturally conservative nature have made it necessary for the Elcor to utilize complex VI programs for many tasks from warfare to piloting. Elcor may reroll any Use Computer check, but must accept the second result even if it is lower. Limited Manual Dexterity: Elcor do not gain Weapon Prof (Pistol, Rifle) at character creation and cannot utilize any ranged weapon of medium size or smaller. Hanar Species Traits: Ability Modifiers: 2 Strength, +2 Wisdom. Hanar physiology gives them limited strength but as
a people they are known for their deep spirituality and philosophical nature. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Hanar have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Hanar base speed is 6 squares (hover). Using mass effect fields to move out of water a Hanar never actually touches the ground, instead levitating just above it. Swim Speed: Naturally aquatic Hanar have a swim speed of 6 squares and automatically pass any swim check. In addition a Hanar can never drown. MultiLimbed: Possessing six tentacles ending in three smaller ‘fingers’ Hanar can manipulate and hold up to six items of no larger than Small size and a maximum weight of 1 kg. In addition they gain a +4 to all grapple checks. Contact Poison: Much like the jellyfish of Earth, Hanar can sting with their tentacles. A Hanar may make a melee attack against a target’s Fort Def (this attack gains a +2 bonus). If this attack hits the target is moved one step down the condition track. Krogan Species Traits: Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, 2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, 2 Wisdom, 2 Charisma. Krogan are well known as nigh unstoppable powerhouses, but not for their agility or deep insights, and especially not for their diplomacy. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Krogan have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Krogan base speed is 6 squares. Extreme Endurance: Krogan’s possess numerous redundant organs and almost miraculous regenerative abilities making them capable of healing from almost any injury. A Krogan heals at double the normal rate, in addition whenever taking a second wind he gains additional hit points equal to his Con bonus. Bonus Feat: Thanks to their decentralized nervous system Krogan are not deterred by pain in the same manner as other races and thus gain Improved Damage Threshold as a bonus feat. Superior Defenses: Krogans have adapted to the extremely harsh environment of Tuchanka and gain a +1 species bonus to all of their defenses. Quarian Species Traits: Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, 2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence. Quarians are extremely agile and possessing a keen intelligence, but centuries of living aboard sterile starships has greatly damaged their sensitive immune systems. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Quarians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Quarian base speed is 6 squares. Conditional Bonus Feat: Quarians are adept at all manner of technology due to natural ability and the necessity of their living conditions. Any Quarian trained in Mechanics gains Skill Focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat. Computer Savvy: A Quarian trained in Use Computer may reroll any result, but must accept the new roll even if it is lower.
Immunodeficiency: The Quarian immune system is unique in that it adapts to outside pathogens rather than combating them outright. Unfortunately time spent aboard sterile starships has damaged this delicate system. All Quarians must wear a sealed environment suit to prevent foreign bacteria and viruses from triggering a severe, and possibly fatal, allergic reaction. A Quarian that is exposed to an unsterilized environment immediately suffers an attack roll of 1d20+5 against their Fortitude Defense. If this attack hits they are moved 1 persistent step down the condition track. Each round they remain exposed this roll is made again, with an additional +5 bonus to the roll. If they reach 5 on the condition track they begin to suffer from the same rules as Suffocation due to allergic reaction. Quarian Environment Suit Light Armor Armor Bonus: +2, Equipment Bonus to Fort: +0, Max Dex: SR: 10 This suit provides a sealed environment for the wearer, doubling as a hard suit in the case of exposure to vacuum with an emergency internal air supply of one hour. The suit also includes a helmet package. A new suit costs approximately 2,000 credits (1,000 on the Flotilla). An uparmored ‘combat’ environment suit utilized by Quarian Marines is available. It increases the suit’s Armor Bonus by +1, Equipment Bonus to Fort by +1, and decreases the Max Dex to +4. This upgrade costs an additional 1,000 credits. Quarian characters begin play with a basic suit at no cost. Quarian’s wearing a custom Environment Suit may choose to use their level or armor bonus to defense as if they had the Armored Defense talent. Salarian Species Traits: Ability Modifiers: +2 Intelligence. Salarians are widely acknowledged as among the brightest minds in the galaxy. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Salarians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Salarian base speed is 6 squares. Bonus Feat: In spite of, or maybe because of, their short lives spans Salarians have a thirst for knowledge and learning. Salarians begin the game with Skill Training for any one skill (this skill can be from outside the Salarian’s class skills) as a bonus feat. Amphibious: Equally at home in or out of water Salarians cannot drown and may take 10 on any swim check. Turian Species Traits: Ability Modifiers: +2 Wisdom. The raptorlike Turians are well known for their perceptiveness and calm under fire. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Turian have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Turian base speed is 6 squares. Radiation Resistance: +5 Fort Def vs radiation effects. Discipline: Military service is a part of Turian culture and every Turian learns to work as part of a unit. Any aid another action taken by a Turian provides an additional +1 bonus.
Bonus Feat: Every Turian is trained with the basic tools of war. Turian’s gain Weapon Prof (Rifles) as a bonus feat. If they already have Weapon Prof (Rifles), they instead gain Weapon Prof (Heavy). Volus Species Traits: Ability Modifiers: 2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma. Being native to a high gravity world and restricted to bulky environment suits the Volus are not terribly quick, but make up for it with shrewd negotiation skills. Small Size: As Small creatures Volus gain a +1 size bonus to Ref Def and a +5 bonus to Stealth checks, however their carrying capacity is only ¾ that of a Medium creature. Speed: Volus base speed is 4 squares. Guile and Cunning: What the Volus lack in strength of arms they compensate for with political and economic acumen, diplomacy and deception being two sides of the same coin. When rolling a Persuasion or Deception check a Volus may reroll the result but must accept the result even if it is lower. Exotic Environment: The Volus homeworld is a high pressure, high gravity planet with an ammonia based atmosphere. To survive in the atmosphere favored by the majority of the galaxy’s races the Volus must wear specialized life support suits. If exposed to a normal oxygen based atmosphere a Volus will begin to suffer from the effects of Suffocation. In addition make an attack roll of 1d20+10 against the Volus’ Fort Def, if the attack succeeds the Volus takes 1d6 damage and moves 1 persistent step down the condition track. Volus Environment Suit Light Armor Armor Bonus: +3, Equipment Bonus to Fort: +1, Max Dex: +4 This suit is equipped to provide a pressurized environment for the wearer, along with breathable atmosphere. A new suit costs approximately 2,500 credits (1,500 on the Volus homeworld or the Citadel). Volus characters begin play with a suit at no cost. Volus wearing a custom Environment Suit may choose to use their level or armor bonus to defense as if they had the Armored Defense talent.
Classes, Feats, Talents, and Skills Jedi Jedi are a distinctive feature of the Star Wars universe and thus are not appropriate for Mass Effect. The Jedi class and talent trees are not used. Noble Starting Feats: As translation software is both amazingly effective and ubiquitous the Noble does not gain Linguist as a starting feat. Instead the Noble gains a feat chosen from the following list: Armor Proficiency (Light), Biotic Implants, Dodge, Melee Defense, Tech Specialist, or Weapon Focus (Pistol). Noble Bonus Feats: Add Biotic Training, Tech Specialist, and Tech Training to the list of available Noble bonus feats. Scoundrel Starting Feats: A Scoundrel may trade Point Blank Shot for the Biotic Implants or Tech Specialist feats at character creation. Scoundrel Bonus Feats: Add Biotic Training, Tech Specialist, and Tech Training to the list of available Scoundrel bonus feats. Scout Starting Feats: A Scout may trade Shake It Off for the Tech Specialist feat at character creation.
Scout Bonus Feats: Add the Tech Specialist and Tech Training feats to the list of available Scout bonus feats. Soldier Starting Feats: A Soldier gains the feat Weapon Proficiency (Shotguns) in addition to the normal list of starting feats. In addition a soldier may trade Weapon Proficiency (Rifles) and Armor Proficiency (Medium) to gain the Biotic Implants feat at character creation. Soldier Bonus Feats: Add the Biotic Training to the list of available Soldier bonus feats. Skills Use Biotics (Replaces Use The Force) Requires Biotic Implants feat You utilize your biotic abilities to manipulate mass effect fields, allowing you to modify gravity, physically move objects, or direct energy. You must have the Biotic Implants feat to train this skill. Activate Biotic Power (trained only): You make a Use Biotics check to use a Biotic Power in your suite. Use of this skill requires no action. Move Light Object (trained only): As the Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg. 77). Enhance Mobility (trained only): As a swift action, you make a Use Biotics check with a DC of 10 to increase your movement speed by 1 square. With a successful check of DC 15 you may instead increase the result of a Jump check by +5 or to take falling damage as if you had dropped 3 meters (2 squares) fewer than you actually did. Use Computer As Saga Edition Core Book (Pg. 75) except: Add: Activate Tech Power (trained only): You make a Use Computer check to use a Tech Power in your suite. Use of this skill requires no action. New Feats Biotic Implants You have cybernetic implants allowing you to control your biotic abilities. Prerequisites: NonGeth Benefit: You can make Use Biotics checks and Use Biotics is considered a class skill for you. In addition, whenever you gain a new talent, you may select a Biotic talent instead. You must still meet all prerequisites of the Biotic talent to select it. Special: This feat must be taken at 1st level. Biotic Training
You have mastered one or more specialized uses of your biotic abilities. Prerequisites: Biotic Implants, Trained in Use Biotics Benefit: You add to your Biotic power suite a number of powers equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier (You may select the same power more than once). Special: You may take this feat more than once. In addition, if your Wisdom modifier permanently increases you immediately gain a number of Biotic powers equal to the number of times you have taken Biotic Training. Tech Specialist You possess technical ability beyond that of a common mechanic or hacker. Prerequisites: Trained in Use Computers Benefit: You may make Use Computer checks to activate powers in your Tech Library. In addition, whenever you gain a new talent, you may select a Tech talent instead. You must still meet all prerequisites of the Tech talent to select it. Tech Training You have studied extensively to expand your knowledge of the most advanced uses of current technology. Prerequisites: Tech Specialist, Trained in Use Computers Benefit: You add to your Tech Library two powers from the Tech Powers list. Special: You may take this feat more than once, with each time after the first adding a single power to your Tech Library. Weapon Proficiency (Shotguns) Shotguns are added to the list of available weapon groups when choosing the feat Weapon Proficiency. New Talents Biotic Talent Tree Disciplined Biotic: As Disciplined Strike per Saga Core Rulebook (Pg. 100) except applies to any biotic power. Biotic Savant: As Telekinetic Savant per Saga Core Rulebook (Pg. 101) except applies to any biotic power. Biotic Vanguard: In any turn in which you use the Surge power you may make a charge (following all normal rules for charging except as noted here) against an enemy that ignores other enemies, low cover, and difficult terrain. If this attack hits you deal your standard melee damage plus 1d6. Prerequisite: Surge as part of your Biotic Power Suite. Greater Singularity: Whenever you use the Singularity power you may increase the radius by one square or reduce the damage threshold of all targets in the area of effect by 5. Prerequisite: Singularity as part of your Biotic Power Suite.
Improved Move Object: You may increase the target DC of the Move Object power by 5 to effect an additional target. Prerequisite: Move Object as part of your Biotic Power Suite. Instant Barrier: You may spend an Action point to use the Barrier power as a Reaction. Prerequisite: Barrier as part of your Biotic Power Suite. Nova Slam: When using the Slam power you may change the area of effect from a 6 square cone to a 1 square burst centered on you. Prerequisite: Slam as part of your Biotic Power Suite. Swift Power: As Swift Power in the Saga Edition Core Rulebook (pg. 101), but without any prerequisites. Wild Power: Whenever you roll a natural 20 to activate a Biotic power you may immediately use the same power again as a free action. As per the rules for natural 20’s and Biotic powers the power is not expended. Tech Specialist Talent Tree Advanced Hacking: When using the AI Hacking power you may spend an Action Point to target on additional synthetic. Concentrated Blast: Choose the Incinerate or Cryoblast power when taking this talent. When using the selected power, before rolling, you may choose to make it a ‘Concentrated’ attack. This attack does not damage adjacent enemies but deals an extra 2d4 energy damage on a successful hit. Special: This talent may be taken twice, once for each power. This talent cannot be used in conjunction with the Wide Blast talent. Drone Engineer: You gain a small Combat Drone that can aid you in combat. You gain the Blaster Turret I talent from the Saboteur talent tree Force Unleashed (pg. 57) with the following changes: The talent is renamed ‘Combat Drone I’ and as part of the free action to command the drone it may move up to 4 squares. Enhanced OmniTool: Any Tech Power with a duration + concentration now lasts for one additional round after you cease maintaining it. Hasty Programming: You may increase the difficulty of a Use Computer check to activate a Tech Power by 5 once per encounter to use the power as a swift action. Rapid Targeting Algorithms: You may increase the difficulty of a Use Computer check to activate the Synchronize power by 5 to increase the equipment bonus to attack roles by +1. Shield Assistance: Change the target of the Rapid Recharge power to read Target: Self or other touched. Wide Blast: Choose the Incinerate or Cryoblast power when taking this talent. When using the selected power, before rolling, you may choose to make it a ‘Wide’ attack. Under Target: replace ‘One enemy or object’ with ‘Two square burst’. Special: This talent may be taken twice, once for each power. This talent cannot be used in conjunction with the Concentrated Blast talent. Soldier Talents Weapon Specialist Talent Tree Carnage: By cycling additional material into your shotgun’s prefire chamber and increasing
accelerator fields to maximum you’ve learned to unleash a devastating shot at a nearby enemy. Once per encounter you can fire a single shot from a shotgun with a maximum range of 10 squares. If this attack hits it is an automatic critical and consumes two shots. Prerequisite: Weapon Focus (Shotguns) feat, Weapon Specialization (Shotguns) Concussive Shot: Once per round you can fire a shot with a mass accelerator weapon that utilizes specialized modifications to fire a concussive blast. Make a standard range attack against a single target’s Fortitude Defense. If the attack hits the target suffers 1d6 bludgeoning damage instead of the weapon’s standard type and is knocked by one square before falling prone.
Biotic Abilities Biotic powers use the same rules as Force powers per the Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg.77) with the following changes: A character cannot immediately spend an Action Point as a reaction to regain the use of a Biotic power in his or her suite. Instead a character may use a Biotic power that has been previously expended as normal for that power but immediately moves 1 step down the condition track at the action’s resolution. Rolling a natural 20 on a Use Biotic check does not immediately refresh all powers in a character’s Biotic power suite, but instead the power used on that check is not expended as per normal. Biotic powers do not have ‘Light’, ‘Dark’, or ‘Mindeffecting’ descriptors. Biotic Powers: Disarm As Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg. 97) Grip As Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg. 97) except: Increase the base DC for the power to
DC 20, with subsequent levels at DC 20 + 5. In addition changes ‘if the check exceeds the target’s fortitude defense’ to ‘if the check exceeds the target’s damage threshold’. Slam As Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg. 97) Thrust As Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg. 98) Move Object As Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg. 98) Rebuke As Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg. 100) Surge As Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg. 100) New Powers: Barrier You create a field of dark energy around your body to deflect damage. Time: Swift Action. Target: Self. Make a Use Biotics check, the result determines the effect, if any: DC 10 Gain SR 5. DC 15 Gain SR 10. DC 20 Gain SR 15. DC 25 Gain SR 20. Special: This effect does not stack with SR provided by kinetic barriers equipped to worn armor, use the better value. In addition a biotic barrier cannot be recharged in the same manner as kinetic barriers with the use of Tech Powers or other technological abilities. Singularity Generating a point of powerful gravitational forces you drag objects in the area, including individuals, towards the microsingularity. Time: Standard Action. Target: One square within line of sight. Duration: 5 rounds Make a Use Biotics check, the result determines the effect, if any: DC 20 You create a small singularity that draws in any objects or individuals within a radius of 2 squares, moving them one square closer to the singularity each round and reducing movement speed by half. If your Use Biotics check exceeds their damage threshold they are knocked prone. DC 25 As DC 20, except the radius is increased to 3 squares. In addition any individuals within the area of effect take 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage as unattended objects fly forcefully around the affected area. DC 30 As DC 25, except the radius is increased to 4 squares and the bludgeoning damage is increased to 2d6. Stasis
You encase your target in powerful mass effect fields, effectively immobilizing them completely. Time: Standard Action. Target: One target within line of sight. Duration: 1 round + result. Make a Use Biotics check, the result determines the effect, if any: DC 15 The target is Immobilized. While under the effect of Stasis the target cannot take damage. When the effect ends the target must make a Balance check, DC 15, or fall prone. DC 20 As DC 15, but increase the duration of the effect by 1 round. DC 25 As DC 15, but increase the duration of the effect by 2 rounds. Special: You may spend an Action Point when activating this power to increase the DC of the Balance check by +10. Warp You unleash a concentrated blast of dark energy at your target that rends flesh and armor, but is especially effective against biotic barriers. Time: Standard Action. Target: One target within line of sight. Make a Use Biotics check in place of your attack roll against a target’s Reflex defense, ignoring bonuses for partial cover. If the attack hits the target immediately suffers 4d6 damage. Special: If the target is current under the effect of Singularity, Grip, or Move Object when the Warp hits, then the effect of the previous power immediately ends as the mass effect fields tear themselves apart in a powerful detonation. The target and all characters within a 1 square radius immediately take 2d6 damage and are knocked prone if the Use Biotics check exceeds their Reflex Defense, otherwise they take half damage. Special: If the target is currently under the effect of the Barrier power, or a similar biotic shielding ability the SR of the barrier is reduced by 5 after the attack hits, in addition to any other reductions due to damage exceeding its rating.
Tech Abilities Tech Powers work similarly to Biotic Powers, but with one major exception. As what amounts to highly advanced programs, viruses, and microgrenades they are not limited to a number of uses per encounter. Tech Powers: AI Hacking Utilizing premade viruses designed for rapid infiltration of an AI or VI’s programming you can temporarily control their actions. As Mind Trick, Star Wars Core Rulebook (Pg. 98) with the following exceptions: Make a Use Computer Check in place of Use The Force Only affects synthetic targets with a Will Defense score (Drones, Geth, Station VIs). The suggestion can obviously threaten the target’s life. Special: If a target has been successfully targeted by this power in the same encounter it gains a +2 bonus to Will Defense for each attempt after the first. CryoBlast You fire a microgrenade of hypercooled liquid at an enemy, flash freezing anything that is touched. Time: Standard Action. Target: One person or object within line of sight.
Make a Use Computer Check in place of your attack roll against the target’s Reflex Defense. A successful attack deals 3d4 energy damage and 1 energy damage to all adjacent targets. Any target that takes hit point damage from this attack has their movement speed reduced by half. Dampening A brute force attack against enemy electronics lets you disrupt enemy targeting and communications. Time: Standard Action. Target: Two square burst centered within 10 squares of user. Duration: Variable. Make a Use Computer Check, the result determining the effect, if any: DC 15 All enemy targets within the area of effect take a 1 to all attack rolls, Use Computer, and Mechanics checks for 2 rounds. DC 20 As DC 15, except the duration is increased to 3 rounds. DC 25 As DC 15, except the duration is increased to 3 rounds and the penalty is increased to 2. DC 30 As DC 15, except the duration is increased to 4 rounds and the penalty is increased to 2. Incinerate You fire a small burst of charged plasma at the target, burning them and possibly catching adjacent enemies on fire. Time: Standard Action. Target: One person or object within line of sight. Make a Use Computer Check in place of your attack roll against the target’s Reflex Defense. A successful attack deals 3d4 energy damage and 1 energy damage to all adjacent targets. Any target that takes hit point damage from this attack immediately catches fire, requiring a move action to put out. Neural Shock Using a micropulse of high voltage electricity you interfere with any enemy’s nervous system. Time: Standard Action. Target: One organic target within line of sight. Duration: 3 rounds. Make a Use Computer check in places of your attack roll against the target’s Damage Threshold. If the attack is successful the target suffers a 1 penalty to all defenses. If the attack exceeds to target’s Damage Threshold by more than 5 the target is stunned for 1 round. Overload You direct a powerful burst of electromagnetic energy at a specific individual or object. Time: Standard Action. Target: One person or object within line of sight. Make a Use Computer Check, the result determining the effect, if any: DC 15 Reduce the SR of the target and all adjacent enemies by 5. Unshielded synthetics take 2d6 damage. DC 25 As DC 15 except reduce the SR of the target and all adjacent enemies by 10. In addition ranged mass accelerator weapons carried by unshielded enemies overheat and require a move action be used to cool the weapon before firing.
Special: You may spend an Action Point when activating this power to cause any unshielded synthetics hit to be restricted to taking a single swift action on their next turn. Rapid Recharge Rerouting your armor’s energy you are able to give your kinetic barriers a quick boost in power. Time: Move Action. Target: Self. Make a Use Computer Check, the result determining the effect, if any: DC 15 Increase the SR of your shields by 5, up to the normal maximum. DC 30 As DC 15, but increase the SR of your shields by 10. Sabotage You send an overload of data, static, and energy at a single electronic device. Time: Standard Action. Target: One object within 10 squares. Duration: 1 round, plus concentration. Make a Use Computer Check, the result determining the effect, if any: DC 15 The device malfunctions randomly, giving a 2 penalty to anyone attempting to use it. DC 20 As DC 15, but increase the penalty to 3. DC 25 As DC 15, but increase the penalty to 5. DC 30 The device locks up completely, refusing to function. Special: You may maintain this disruption as a Move Action, but must make a new Use Computer Check each time. Synchronize You use your technological know how to link your allies’ targeting systems, increasing efficiency and accuracy. Time: Standard Action. Target: Variable. Duration: 1 round, plus concentration. Make a Use Computer Check, the result determining the effect, if any: DC 15 Grant up to two targets a +1 equipment bonus to ranged attacks. DC 20 As DC 15, but can effect up to three targets. DC 25 As DC 15, but can effect up to four targets. DC 30 As DC 15, but the number of targets is 2 + your Intelligence bonus. Special: You may maintain this power as a Move Action without making a new Use Computer check. Tech Armor Having mastered the art of manipulating kinetic barriers you reconfigure your shields to withstand even more punishment than normal. In addition by pushing the power maximum of your shield emitters you can give enemies that close with you a nasty surprise when your shields drop. Time: Standard Action. Target: Self. Duration: 10 rounds. Make a Use Computer Check, DC 25. If this check is successful increase your maximum SR by 5 for the duration of this power. Special: If your shields are reduced to 0 by an attack while this power is active make an immediate attack against all characters within 2 squares of 1d20+10 against the character’s
Fortitude Defense. If the attack hits the character takes 1d6 energy damage, is pushed back one square, and is knocked prone; otherwise the character is simply pushed back one square. Equipment Weapons Name Identifier of the weapon Cost Price in credits for a brand new example of the weapon Damage Damage dice dealt on a successful hit Ammo Number of rounds the weapon may fire before needing a fresh thermal clip RoF Modes of fire available with weapon. S (Single shot), A (Automatic fire) Wgt Weight of item in kilograms Type The subtype of the damage dealt: S, Slashing. P, Piercing. B, Bludgeoning. E, Energy. Availability Required level of authorization to purchase the weapon Ranged Weapons Shotguns* Name Cost Damage Ammo RoF Wgt Type Avail Medium
M22 Eviscerator 1,500 3d10** 3 S 2.1 kg S/P Restricted M23 Katana 800 3d10** 5 S 2 kg S Licensed M27 Scimitar 1,100 3d10** 8 S, A 2.5 kg S Military Large M300 Claymore 2,000 3d12+1** 1 S 10 kg S Restricted Shotgun Weapon Ranges: Point Blank 010, Short 1120, Medium 2130, Long 3140 * Shotguns cannot be equipped with scopes that modifier their target range **Shotguns operate slightly differently than other ranged weapons. Rather than receive a penalty to attack past Point Blank range, instead apply a penalty to the weapon’s damage roll equal to twice the normal ranged penalty. This penalty takes effect before any modification of the roll by critical hits or other effects. M300 Claymore Shotgun The M300 is often known as the ‘Krogan Shotgun’ due to the extreme strength needed to wield the heavy, simplistic weapon. Despite its boxy and primitive appearance few mock it due to the devastating firepower it provides. Special: A character requires a Strength score of 16 to effectively fire an M300. If they do not a 5 penalty is applied to the attack roll in addition to any other modifiers such as nonproficiency penalties and range modifiers. M22 Eviscerator Shotgun Banned from use by military services by numerous treaties due to its unique ammunition generator that shaves off serrated spikes from its ammunition block that are capable of inflicting horrific wounds. The civilian and private military market, however, has not been deterred by something as simple as treaties. Special: When firing an M22 against targets at Short range, the penalty to the damage roll is only 2, rather than 4. M23 Katana Shotgun One of the most ubiquitous examples of its type, the M23 Katana is found both in the arsenals of the Systems Alliance and organizations like CSec in addition to numerous mercenary companies or even in use by private citizens. M27 Scimitar Shotgun
The M27 Scimitar is the next logical step from the M23 with an increased rate of fire and cooling efficiency. Manufactured by the same company, Ariake Technologies, originally for the Eclipse mercenary company it has found its way into numerous other mercenary units and almost identical copies are issued to soldiers in many standing armies of the Council races. Sniper Rifles* Name Cost Damage Ammo RoF Wgt Type Avail Large M29 Incisor 1,600 3d8 15 S 3.5 kg S/P Restricted M92 Mantis 1,000 3d10 1 S 4 kg S/P Licensed M97 Viper 1,250 3d8 12 S 3.5 kg S/P Licensed M98 Widow 2,500 3d12 1 S 9.7 kg S/P Military * Sniper Rifles are classified as Rifles for proficiency purposes, but utilize the Heavy Weapons listing as found on the Range table of the Saga Edition Core Rulebook (Pg. 129) M29 Incisor Rifle, Sniper The M29 Incisor is a unique example of weapons development. Due to the nature of kinetic barriers sniper rifles have become increasingly powerful to still allow for the requirement of a 'one hit kill'. Instead of designing for increased power the Incisor fires in three round bursts to attempt to overwhelm shielded targets. Special: Each attack with the Incisor consumes three shots from it's thermal magazine rather than one. If a successful attack results in damage greater than the target's SR, reduce the target's SR by an additional 5. M92 Mantis Rifle, Sniper The most common example of a modern sniper rifle, the Mantis sacrifices cooling efficiency for a single powerful shot. These rifles are found in the service of the Systems Alliance, mercenary companies, and vigilantes across the galaxy. M97 Viper Rifle, Sniper The M97 is a rapid fire rifle that attempts to combine the accuracy of a precision weapon with the speed and additional ammo capacity of an assault rifle. A favorite of those looking to suppress an area with a larger volume of precise fire it has both its supporters and detractors.
M98 Widow Rifle, Sniper The final word in longrange firepower, the M98 Widow is a heavy antimaterial rifle. While theoretically meant to damage enemy equipment or light armor, it is also more than capable of crippling a shielded target. Special: Special: A character requires a Strength score of 16 to effectively fire an M98. If they do not a 5 penalty is applied to the attack roll in addition to any other modifiers such as nonproficiency penalties and range modifiers. Pistols Name Cost Damage Ammo RoF Wgt Type Avail Small M3 Predator 400 3d6+1 12 S 1 kg S/P Common M4 Shuriken 800 3d6 24 S, A 1.2 kg S/P Licensed Medium M6 Carnifex 800 3d8+1 6 S 1.5 kg S/P Licensed M12 Locust 1,000 3d6 20 S, A 1.2 kg S/P Licensed M5 Phalanx 1,200 3d8 6 S 1.5 kg S/P Licensed M9 Tempest 1,200 3d6 50 A 2 kg S/P Restricted M6 Carnifex Pistol, Heavy The premier heavy pistol favored by mercenary companies across the galaxy, the M6 Carnifex is much lauded for its impressive stopping power. This power comes at the expense of quickly burning through thermal magazines but most consider it a fair trade. M12 Locust Pistol, SMG An old design updated for a new era, the Locust is both infamous and effective. While this submachine gun doesn’t hit as hard as a heavier weapon it is extremely accurate and suffers from minimal recoil even when fired on full auto. Special: When using the autofire setting of the M12 reduces the autofire penalty to 2. M5 Phalanx Pistol, Heavy
This powerful heavy pistol was designed by the Systems Alliance as a sidearm that would lose none of the stopping power of a soldier’s battle rifle. The result was highly successful and even includes an integrated targeting laser. Special: The integrated targeting laser makes it easy to draw a bead on a target quickly, granting a +1 equipment bonus to attack whenever the wielder takes the Aim action. M3 Predator Pistol Quite possibly the single most common weapon seen in Council space or the Terminus systems, the M3 is a basic, reliable pistol. A time tested sidearm for everyone from Alliance marines to street thugs. M4 Shuriken Pistol, SMG At a glance the Shuriken is almost identical to the often seen M3 Predator pistol, however careful examination will reveal slight differences. Favored by individuals wanting the firepower offered by an automatic weapon without appearing to be heavily armed. M9 Tempest Pistol, SMG The M9 Tempest is the best size to firepower ratio available, capable of unleashing an impressive fifty rounds of automatic fire between reloads. The weapon’s sole drawback is that to accommodate this amount of fire being put through a single thermal magazine the weapon can only fire in controlled bursts. Special: When using the autofire attack the M9 consumes only 5 rounds instead of the standard 10. Rifles Name Cost Damage Ammo RoF Wgt Type Avail Medium M8 Avenger 1,000 3d8 40 S, A 2.5 kg S/P Restricted M96 Mattock 1,000 3d8+1 16 S 3.0 kg S/P Licensed M15 Vindicator 1,400 3d8 24 S, A 2.5 kg S/P Restricted Large M76 Revenant 2,000 3d8+1 80 A 4.1 kg S/P Military
M8 Avenger Rifle The M8 favored assault rifle of the Alliance marines. Effective, deadly, and relatively inexpensive for its performance the design has proven itself in a hundred conflicts in the years since its introduction. M96 Mattock Rifle While many consider it either obsolete or oddly designed the weapon remains a favorite among elite operators and more isolated human colonies. Heavy and reliable the Mattock makes up for its lack of an automatic setting with greater power and accuracy. Special: The M96’s precision engineering grants a +1 equipment bonus to attack whenever the wielder takes the Aim action. M76 Revenant Rifle, LMG Barely fitting into the classification of a rifle, in fact listed as a light machine gun under Systems Alliance qualifications, the M76 offers the ability to lay down a withering hail of fire for anyone capable of controlling its considerable recoil. M15 Vindicator Rifle Accurate and efficient is the name of the game with the Vindicator. A midranged battle rifle the sound of it’s signature three round burst is often enough to signal to enemies in the area that someone is on the field is out for blood. Special: Using the threeround burst function of the Vindicator decreases the attack penalty for a wielder utilizing the Rapid Shot feat to 1 and eliminates the 5 penalty if the firer does not possess a 13 Strength score. Using this feature consumes 3 rounds of ammunition rather than 2 as specified by the Rapid Shot feat. Heavy Weapons Name Cost Damage Ammo RoF Wgt Type Avail Large M622 Avalanche 2,500 3d6 30 S, A 7 kg E Restricted M451 Firestorm 1,800 3d6 20 S 5 kg E Military M100 G. Launcher 1,500 4d6+1 10 S 7 kg S Restricted ML77 M. Launcher 2,400 4d8 4 S 6.5 kg S/P Military
M622 Avalanche Heavy Weapon The Avalanche is a unique weapon, its concentrated packets of supercooled subatomic particles capable of snap freezing any surface it strikes. This unconventional attack is especially effective at crippling enemy armor and shields such as kinetic barriers are ineffective against the extreme cold. Special: Damage from the M622 ignores SR rating. In addition, any DR from nonshield sources is reduced by 5 for the duration of the counter when hit. This effect does not stack. M451 Firestorm Heavy Weapon Fire has long be the most devastating weapon of war. The M451 Firestorm is the modern representation of this fact, utilizing a selfcontained canistered of pressurized fuel that makes the weapon as portable as it is deadly. Special: See Star Wars Saga Edition Core Rulebook (pg. 128) under Flamethrower. In addition, the M451 Firestorm ignores SR. M100 Grenade Launcher Heavy Weapon The M100 is an old design, often reputed to be ‘going out of production’ but its ruggedness and simple efficiency keep it in common circulation. It might not be fancy, but it still kills people. Special: See Star Wars Saga Edition Core Rulebook (pg. 128) under Grenade, Frag for rules on how the weapon’s grenades function. ML77 Missile Launcher Heavy Weapon Another common weapon, the ML77 fires seeking high explosive missiles useful for taking out light armor or entrenched positions. Special: See Star Wars Saga Edition Core Rulebook (pg. 130) under Missile Launcher. Armor Name (Check Penalty) The armor name and associated penalty for nonproficiency Cost Base price in credits Armor Armor bonus to Reflex defense the armor provides Fort Equipment bonus to Fortitude defense the armor provides SR Shield rating provided by the armor Max Dex Maximum Dexterity bonus that can be applied while wearing the armor Spd Reduction in base movement speed for heavier armors
Wgt Total weight of the armor Avail Required level of authorization to purchase the weapon Name Cost Armor Fort SR M. Dex Spd Wgt Avail Light (2) Flak Armor 500 +2 +0 +5 3 kg Light Combat Armor 1,000 +3 +1 10 +4 4 kg Licensed Quarian Environment 2,000 +2 +0 10 4 kg Rare Suit Quarian Environment 3,000 +3 +1 10 +4 4.5 Rare Suit (Armored) kg Volus Pressure Suit 2,500 +3 +1 10 +4 5 kg Rare Medium (5) Medium Combat Armor 5,000 +5 +2 15 +2 * 7 kg Restricted Heavy (10) Heavy Combat Armor 12,000 +8 +3 20 +1 4/3 11 kg Military Flak Armor Light Armor Typically worn by security officers, small time criminals, or down on their luck mercenaries Flak armor lacks an inbuilt kinetic barrier generator. The heavy vest offers little more protection that civilian clothes but something is better than nothing. Light Combat Armor Light Armor The standard armor utilized by most armed forces and mercenary companies throughout known space. It comes in a hundred different varieties tailored to everything from krogan to asari. Easy to customize and upgrade it is the first choice for anyone whose job involves being shot at. Quarian Environment Suit Light Armor Special: See the Quarian race entry for details on this armor. Quarian Environment Suit (Armored) Light Armor
Special: See the Quarian race entry for details on this armor. Volus Pressure Suit Light Armor Special: See the Volus race entry for details on this armor. Medium Combat Armor Medium Armor The next step in protection, featuring heavier plating and a more powerful barrier generator Medium Combat Armor is most often favored by front line troops and special forces units. Heavy Combat Armor Heavy Armor The final answer in personal protection. It’s weight and restrictions to movement are considerable but the thick armor and redundant barrier generators make the wearer a nearly unstoppable force. Needless to say krogan are fond of this armor. Ammo Upgrades The physical ammunition fired by mass accelerator weapons in Mass Effect are very small shards of metal shaved precisely off a larger, solid core of metal then propelled at extreme speeds with electromagnetic fields. Such weapons can be modified to change the final result of the impact, using techniques as complicated as superheating the projectiles before firing or as simple as substituting a block of denser metal for the usual composite alloy. A weapon may only have one ammo modification, but certain upgrades can be disabled on command. This upgrade does not count for the normal maximum upgrade slots for a weapon. Armor Piercing Rounds Utilizing a block of solid tungsten rather than the normal alloy, these rounds are extremely effective at puncturing armored targets and damaging synthetics. Increase the damage against any synthetic target or enemy with nonSR damage reduction by +3. The drawback of this particular ammo is that denser rounds pass through soft targets doing less damage, thereby reducing damage to all other targets by 2. Cost: 750 credits. Availability: Restricted. Cryo Rounds A favorite of security officers and others looking to disable as well as kill, cryo rounds are cooled by special cooling lasers that give them the chance to snap freeze impacted objects. Any
target hit by the weapon suffers an immediate attack of 1d20+10 against its Fortitude Defense, with a successful attack reducing movement speed by ½. In addition reduce the hardness of any struck object by 5 for the duration of the encounter (this attack stacks). Special: This upgrade can be disabled or enabled as a move action. Cost: 500 credits. Availability: Disruptor Rounds Designed specifically to have devastating effect on kinetic barriers, this upgrade negatively charges the fired rounds to overload shields and cripple synthetic enemies. Anytime a target with a SR takes damage from disruptor rounds and the SR of the target is reduced by 5 in addition to any normal effects. In addition, synthetic targets hit by disruptor rounds take a 1 on all d20 rolls until your next turn begins. Special: This upgrade can be disabled or enabled as a move action. Cost: 750 credits. Availability: Licensed. Explosive Rounds One of the deadliest kinds of ammunition available in mass accelerators, the small rounds shaved off the main block of material are excited to unstable levels before being fired, causing small explosions on impact. Any weapon firing explosive rounds increases the die type of the damage it deals by one step. The volatile nature of this ammunition upgrade can strain even modern thermal clips, however, and any time a 3 or less is rolled on the attack roll the weapon overheats, completely consuming any remaining shots. Special: If used in any weapon with only a single round per thermal clip, rolling a 3 or less completely melts the thermal magazine, requiring a move action to remove before the weapon can be reloaded. Cost: 2000 credits. Availability: Military Incendiary Rounds Before being loaded into the weapon’s firing chamber these rounds are coated with a microfilm of thermite paste that is ignited by the violent acceleration as the round is fired. Any time a target takes hit point damage from a weapon equipped with incendiary rounds there is a 50% chance that they will catch fire. This effect will also work on flammable objects without needing to roll. Special: This upgrade can be disabled or enabled as a move action. Cost: 1000 credits. Availability: Restricted. Fragmenting Rounds So called ‘Shredder’ ammo this upgrade makes rounds fired by the weapon fragment on impact, tearing into skin and soft tissue with deadly effectiveness. Any time a target without a SR is hit by this weapon, the target takes an additional 1d4 of damage. The fragmenting rounds are ineffective against thick armor, however, and when attacking any enemy with an armor or natural armor bonus of +5 or more the attack roll suffers a 2 penalty.
Cost: 500 credits. Availability: Licensed. Radioactive Rounds Banned in Council space and frowned upon even in the Terminus systems, this upgrade utilizes a shielded block of radioactive material instead of normal alloy. A target hit by this weapon immediately suffers the effects as if they had been exposed to Moderate radiation for one round as per the Star Wars Saga Core Rulebook (pg. 255). Cost: 2,500 credits. Availability: Illegal.
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