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BigGreen at SemEval-2021 Task 1: Lexical Complexity Prediction with Assembly Models Aadil Islam, Weicheng Ma, Soroush Vosoughi Department of Computer Science Dartmouth College {aadil.islam.21,,soroush.vosoughi} Abstract 2018) and instead measures degree of complexity on a continuous scale. This choice is intriguing as This paper describes a system submitted by it mitigates a dilemma with previous approaches team BigGreen to LCP 2021 for predict- of having to treat words extremely close to a deci- ing the lexical complexity of English words sion boundary (suppose a threshold deems a word’s in a given context. We assemble a feature engineering-based model with a deep neu- difficulty) identically to those that are far away, ie. ral network model founded on BERT. While extremely easy or extremely difficult. BERT itself performs competitively, our fea- Teams are asked to submit predictions on un- ture engineering-based model helps in extreme labeled test sets for two subtasks: predicting on cases, eg. separating instances of easy and English single word and multi word expressions neutral difficulty. Our handcrafted features (MWEs). For each subtask, BigGreen presents a comprise a breadth of lexical, semantic, syn- machine learning-based approach that fuses the pre- tactic, and novel phonological measures. Vi- sualizations of BERT attention maps offer in- dictions of a feature engineering-based regressor sight into potential features that Transformers with those of a feature learning-based deep neural models may learn when fine-tuned for lexical network model founded on BERT (Devlin et al., complexity prediction. Our ensembled predic- 2018). Our code is made available on GitHub.1 tions score reasonably well for the single word subtask, and we demonstrate how they can be 2 Related Work harnessed to perform well on the multi word expression subtask too. Previous studies have looked at estimating the readability of a given text at the sentence-level. 1 Introduction Mc Laughlin (1969) regresses the number of poly- syllabic words in a given lesson against the mean Lexical simplification (LS) is the task of replacing score for students quizzed on said lesson, yielding difficult words in text with simpler alternatives. It the SMOG Readability Formula. Dale and Chall is relevant in reading comprehension, where early (1948) offer a list of 768 (later updated to 3,000) studies have shown infrequent words lead to more words familiar to grade-school students in reading, time spent by a reader fixated on it, and that ambi- which they find correlates with passage difficulty. guity in a word’s meaning adds to comprehension An issue with traditional readability metrics seems time (Rayner and Duffy, 1986). Complex word to be the loss of generality at the word-level. identification (CWI) is believed to be a fundamen- tal step in the automation of lexical simplification Shardlow (2013) tries a brute force approach (Shardlow, 2014). Early techniques for conducting where a simplification algorithm is applied to each CWI suffer from a lack of robustness, from simpli- word of a given text, deeming a word complex only fying all words to then study its efficacy (Devlin, if it is simplified. However, this suffers from the as- 1998), to applying thresholds on features like word sumption that a non-complex word does not require frequency (Zeng et al., 2005). further simplification. They also try assigning a fa- This year’s Lexical Complexity Prediction (LCP) miliarity score to a word, and determining whether shared task (Shardlow et al., 2021) forgoes the treat- the word is complex or not by applying a threshold. ment of word difficulty as a binary classification 1 task (Paetzold and Specia, 2016a; Yimam et al., BigGreen-at-LCP-2021 667 Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021), pages 667–677 Bangkok, Thailand (online), August 5–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
Corpus Subtask Train Trial Test provided in Table 1. Bible Single Word 2574 143 283 Multi Word 505 29 66 3.2 External Datasets Biomed Single Word 2576 135 289 We use four additional corpora to extract term Multi Word 514 33 53 frequency-based features from: Europarl Single Word 2512 143 345 Multi Word 498 37 65 • English Gigaword Fifth Edition (Gigaword): this comprises articles from seven English Table 1: LCP train, trial, and test sets. newswires (Parker et al., 2011). • Google Books Ngrams, version 2 (GBND): We avoid thresholding our features in this study as this is used to count occurences of phrases we find it unnecessary, since raw familiarity scores across a corpus of books, accessed via the can be used as features in regression-based tasks. PhraseFinder API (Trenkmann). Results from CWI at SemEval-2016 (Zampieri et al., 2017) suggest vote ensembling predictions of • British National Corpus, version 3 (BNC): the best performing models as an effective strategy, this is a collection of written and spoken En- while several top-performing models (Paetzold and glish text (Consortium et al., 2007). Specia, 2016b; Ronzano et al., 2016; Mukherjee • SUBTLEXus: this consists of American En- et al., 2016) appear to use linguistic information be- glish subtitles, offering a multitude of word yond just word frequency. This inspires our use of frequency lists (Brysbaert and New, 2009). ensemble techniques, and a foray into phonological features as a new point of research. Results from 4 BigGreen System & Approaches CWI at SemEval-2018 show feature engineering- based models outperforming deep learning-based In this section, we overview features fed to our fea- counterparts, despite the latter having generally ture engineering-based model, as well as training better performances since SemEval-2016. techniques for the feature learning-based model. We describe our features in detail in Appendix A. 3 Data Note that fitted models for the single word subtask are then harnessed for the MWE subtask. 3.1 CompLex Dataset Shardlow et al. (2020) present CompLex, a novel 4.1 Feature Engineering-based Approach dataset in which each target expression (a single 4.1.1 Feature Extraction word or two-token MWE) is assigned a continuous We aim to capture a breadth of information pertain- label denoting its lexical complexity. Each label ing to the target word and its context. Most features lies in range 0-1, and represents the (normalized) follow heavily right-skewed distributions, prompt- average score given by employed crowd workers ing us to also consider the log-transformed version who record an expression’s difficulty on a 5-point of each feature. For the MWE subtask, features are Likert scale. We define a sample’s class as the extracted independently for head and tail words. bin to which its complexity label belongs, where bins are formed using the following mapping of Lexical Features complexity ranges: [0, 0.2) → 1, [0.2, 0.4) → 2, [0.4, 0.6) → 3, [0.6, 0.8) → 4, [0.8, 1] → 5. Tar- These are features based on lexical information get expressions in CompLex have 0.395 average about the target word: complexity and 0.115 standard deviation, reflecting • Word length: length of the target word. an imbalance in favor of class 2 and 3 samples. Each target expression is accompanied by the • Number of syllables: number of syllables in sentence it was extracted from, drawn from one of the target word, via the Syllables library.3 three corpora (Bible, Biomed, and Europarl). A summary of the train, trial,2 and test set samples is • Is acronym: whether the target word is a se- 2 quence of capital letters. In our study we avoid the trial set as we find it to be less 3 representative of the training data, opting instead for training set cross-validation (stratified by corpus and complexity label). python-syllables 668 Semantic Features Syntactic Features These features capture the target word’s meaning: These are features that assess the syntactic struc- ture of the target word’s context. We construct the • WordNet features: the number of hyponyms constituency parse tree for each sentence using a and hypernyms associated with the target Stanford CoreNLP pipeline (Manning et al., 2014). word in WordNet (Fellbaum, 2010). • GloVe word embeddings: we extract • Part of speech (POS): tag is assigned using 300-dimension embeddings pre-trained on NLTK’s pos tag method (Bird et al., 2009). Wikipedia-2014 and Gigaword (Pennington • Depth of parse tree: the parse tree’s height. et al., 2014) for each (lowercased) target word. • ELMo word embeddings: we extract for • Depth of target word: distance (in edges) be- each target word a 1024-dimension contex- tween target word and parse tree’s root node. tualized embedding pre-trained on the One • Is proper: whether the target word is a proper Billion Word Benchmark (Peters et al., 2018). noun/adjective, detected using capitalization. • GloVe context embeddings: we obtain the average 300-dimension GloVe word embed- 4.1.2 Training ding over each token in the given sentence. Prior to training, we Z-score standardize all fea- tures. For the single word subtask, we fit Lin- • InferSent context embeddings: we obtain ear, Lasso (Tibshirani, 1996), Elastic Net (Zou and 4096-dimension InferSent embeddings (Con- Hastie, 2005), Support Vector Machine (Platt et al., neau et al., 2017) for each sentence. 1999), K-Nearest Neighbors (Wikipedia, 2021), and XGBoost (Chen and Guestrin, 2016) regres- Phonetic Features sion models. These features compute the likelihood that sound- After identifying the best performing model by able portions of the target word would arise in En- Pearson correlation, we seek to mitigate the imbal- glish language. We estimate ground truth transition anced nature of the target variable, ie. multitude of probabilities between any two units (phonemes or class 1,2,3 and lack of class 4,5 samples: we devise characters) using Gigaword: a sister version of our top-performing model, fit upon a reduced training set. For the reduced set, • Phoneme transition probability: we con- we tune percentages removed from classes 1-3 by sider the min/max/mean/standard deviation performing cross-validation on the full training set. over the set of transition probabilities for the target word’s phoneme bigrams. 4.2 Approach based on Feature Learning • Character transition probability: analogous Our handcrafted feature set relies heavily on target to that above, over character bigrams. word-specific features. Beyond N-gram and syntac- tic features, it is a cursory analysis of the context Word Frequency & N-gram Features surrounding the target word. We seek an alterna- tive, automated approach using feature learning. These features are expressly included due to their expected importance as features (Zampieri et al., 4.2.1 Architecture 2017). Gigaword is the main corpus from which LSTM-based approaches have been used to model we extract word frequency measures (for both lem- the contexts of target words in past works (Hart- matized and unlemmatized versions of the target mann and Dos Santos, 2018; De Hertog and Tack, word), summed frequency of the target word’s byte 2018). An issue with a single LSTM is its ability to pair encodings (BPEs), as well as summed frequen- read tokens of an input sentence sequentially only cies of bigrams and trigrams. We complement these in a single direction (eg. left-to-right). It inspires features with their IDF-based analogues. Lastly, we us to try a Transformer-based approach (Vaswani use the GBND, BNC, and SUBTLEXus corpora et al., 2017), architectures that process sentences as to extract secondary word frequency, bigram, and a whole (instead of word-by-word) by applying at- trigram measures. tention mechanisms upon them. Attention weights 669
are useful as they can be interpreted as learned re- Model Pearson Rank lationships between words. BERT (Devlin et al., XGBoostfull 0.7589 - 2018) is one such model used for a variety of natu- XGBoostreduced 0.7456 - ral language understanding (NLU) tasks. XGBoostfull+reduced 0.7576 - Multi-Task Deep Neural Network (MT-DNN) MT-DNN 0.7484 - proposed by Liu et al. (2019) offers state-of-the- Ensemble (submission) 0.7749 8/54 art results for multiple NLU tasks by incorporat- Best competition results 0.7886 ing benefits of both multi-task learning and lan- guage model pre-training. We are able to initialize Table 2: Test set results for single word subtask. MT-DNN’s shared text encoding layers with a pre- Model Pearson Rank trained BERT base model (cased), and fine-tune XGBoostfull+red. (head) 0.7164 - its later layers for 5 epochs, using a mean squared XGBoostfull+red. (tail) 0.7188 - error loss function and default hyperparameters. MT-DNN 0.7890 - Such hyperparameter settings are provided in Ap- Ensemble (submission) 0.7898 25/37 pendix B. Note that the model is fine-tuned on only Ensemble (improved) 0.8290 *14/37 the CompLex corpus. Best competition results 0.8612 4.2.2 Input Layer Table 3: MWE subtask test set results. (*projection) Data is fed to the model’s input layer in Premise- AndOneHypothesis format, premise and hypothesis being sentence and target word/MWE, respectively. 6 Analysis The data is preprocessed by a BERT tokenizer, backed by Hugging Face (Wolf et al., 2020). 6.1 Performance For feature selection, we find success in selecting 4.2.3 Output Layer the top-300 features by mutual information and Our model’s output layer produces the predicted removing quasi-constant features. The pruned fea- lexical complexity for a given target word/MWE. ture set is passed to wrapper/embedded methods Additionally, we extract attention maps across each and a variety of regressors for model comparison. of the model’s attention heads, for each test set We find an XGBoost regressor (with hyperparame- sample. These will be assessed in Section 6.3. ters tuned via grid search) to excel consistently for 4.3 Ensembling the single word subtask. As shown in Table 2, we rank in the top 15% by Pearson correlation. Our best performing feature engineering-based re- For the MWE subtask, performances are re- gression model yields two sets of predictions (from ported in Table 3. Note that our submitted pre- fitting on full and reduced training sets, respec- dictions differ from post-competition predictions. tively). We default to using the full predictions, We previously used a training procedure resem- then tune a threshold, where predictions higher than bling that for the single word subtask: (1) filter the threshold (likely of class 4,5 samples) are over- methods for feature selection, (2) XGBoost for re- written with the reduced predictions. We compute gression, (3) ensembling with MT-DNN. We had a weighted average ensemble of these predictions passed the entire MWE as input to our XGBoost with those of our MT-DNN model to obtain a final and MT-DNN models. We hypothesize that the set of predictions for the single word subtask. fewer number of training samples available for this For the MWE subtask, the fitted models from the subtask contributed to the prior procedure’s lack- previous subtask are harnessed to predict lexical luster performance. This inspired us to incorporate complexities for the head and tail words. We then the predictive capabilities of our fitted single word compute a weighted average ensemble of these subtask models by applying them independently on predicted complexities and the predictions of an the MWE’s constituent head and tail words. This MT-DNN model trained on MWEs. gives us predicted complexities for the head and tail words each, which when ensembled with the pre- 5 Results dictions of our MT-DNN model (that, mind you, is We present the performances of BigGreen’s sys- trained on the entire MWE) yields superior results tem on each subtask in Tables 2 and 3. to those submitted to competition. 670
Figure 1: Feature importances for XGBoostfull . Definitions of the features are shown in Appendix A. Figure 3: Head 3-9 attention map for a random sample. 6.3 BERT Attention Attention maps have in previous works been assessed to demonstrate linguistic phenomena learned by a Transformer’s specialized attention heads (Voita et al., 2019; Clark et al., 2019). We extract attention maps from MT-DNN’s underlying fine-tuned BERT architecture. For each sample in the single word test set, we obtain an attention map from each of the BERT base model’s 144 attention heads (ie. 12 heads per 12 layers). Based on the precedence given to term frequency features by the XGBoostfull model, we hypothe- size that for certain attention heads, the degree to Figure 2: Attention head correlation between word which BPEs attend to one another varies relative to frequency and total attention received by word, their word’s rarity in lexicon. This follows the find- averaged across 100 random test set samples. ings of Voita et al. (2019), who identify heads in which lesser frequent tokens are attended to semi- uniformly by a majority of sentence tokens. 6.2 Feature Contribution To test our hypothesis, we estimate for each at- tention head the Pearson correlation between word In total we consider 110 features, in addition to frequency and average attention given to each word our multidimensional embedding-based features in the context.4 As illustrated in Figure 2, we find and log-transformed features. We inspect the esti- multiple attention heads appearing to specialize at mated feature importance scores produced by the directing attention towards the most or least fre- XGBoostfull model to find that term frequency- quent words (depending on sign of the correlation). based features (eg. unigrams, bigrams, trigrams) Vertical stripe patterns like that in Figure 3 emerge are of overwhelming importance (see Figure 1). as a result of attention originating from a spectrum This raises concern for whether the MT-DNN of tokens. The findings seem to affirm the fun- model too relies on term frequencies to make its damental relevancy of word frequency to lexical predictions, and if not, the linguistic features it may complexity prediction, corroborating our intuition. have learned upon fine-tuning. Of the remaining 4 features having non-zero feature importances, most We compute attention given to a word as the sum of attention given to its constituent BPEs. We use the GBND appear to be dimensions of target word-based se- corpus to extract word frequencies, though any large corpora mantic features (ie. GloVe or ELMo embeddings). would suffice. 671
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A Feature Descriptions A.3 Phonetic Features Here, we describe in greater detail the various fea- char transition min tures that were experimented with for our feature • Minimum of the set of character transition engineering-based model. Note that while this dis- probabilities for each character bigram in the cussion regards the single word subtask, for the target word. Ground truth character transition MWE subtask we compute the same features but probabilities between any two English charac- for each of the head and tail words, respectively. ters are estimated over Gigaword. A.1 Lexical Features char transition max word len • Maximum of the set described above. • Character length of the target word. num syllables char transition mean • Number of syllables in the target word, via • Mean of the set described above. the Syllables library. char transition std is acronym • Standard deviation of the set described above. • Boolean for whether the target word is all capital letters. phoneme transition min A.2 Semantic Features • Minimum of the set of phoneme transition num hyperyms probabilities for each character bigram in the • Number of hyperyms associated with the tar- target word. Ground truth phoneme transi- get word. The target word is initially dis- tion probabilities between any two phonemes ambiguated using NLTK’s implementation of are estimated over the Gigaword corpus. The the Lesk algorithm for Word Sense Disam- phoneme set considered is that of the CMU biguation (WSD) (Lesk, 1986), which finds Pronouncing Dictionary.5 the WordNet Synset with the highest number phoneme transition max of overlapping words between the context and different definitions of each Synset. • Maximum of the set described above. num hyponyms phoneme transition mean • Number of hyponyms associated with the tar- • Mean of the set described above. get word. Procedure for finding this is analo- gous to that for num hyperyms. phoneme transition std glove word • Standard deviation of the set described above. • 300-dimension embedding for each target word, pre-trained on Wikipedia-2014 and Gi- A.4 Word Frequency & N-gram Features gaword. Target word is lowercased for ease. A.4.1 Gigaword-based elmo word tf • 1024-dimension embedding for each target • Target word term frequency. Note that all term word, pre-trained on the One Billion Word frequency-based features are computed using Benchmark corpus. Scikit-learn library’s CountVectorizer glove context (Pedregosa et al., 2011). • 300-dimension average of GloVe word em- tf lemma beddings (see glove word above) for each word in the given context. Each word is low- • Term frequency of the lemmatized target word. ercased for simplicity. Lemmatization is performed using NLTK’s WordNet Lemmatizer. infersent embeddings 5 • 4096-dimension embedding for the context. cmudict 674
tf summed bpe • Standard deviation of the set described above. • Sum of term frequencies of each BPE in the google ngram 3 head target word. BPE tokenization is performed • Term frequency of leading trigram in the con- using Hugging Face’s BERT Tokenizer. text containing the target word. tf ngram 2 google ngram 3 mid • Sum of the term frequencies of each bigram • Term frequency of middle trigram in the con- in the context containing the target word. text containing the target word. tf ngram 3 google ngram 3 tail • Sum of the term frequencies of each trigram • Term frequency of trailing trigram in the con- in the context containing the target word. text containing the target word. tfidf google ngram 3 min • Term frequency-inverse document frequency. • Minimum of set of term frequencies of tri- tfidf ngram 2 grams in the context containing target word. • Sum of the term frequency-inverse document google ngram 3 max frequencies of each bigram in the context con- • Maximum of the set described above. taining the target word. google ngram 3 mean tfidf ngram 3 • Average of the set described above. • Sum of the term frequency-inverse document frequencies of each trigram in the context con- google ngrams 3 std taining the target word. • Standard deviation of the set described above. A.4.2 Google N-gram-based A.4.3 SUBTLEXus-based google ngram 1 FREQcount • Term frequency of the target word. • Number of times target word appears in cor- google ngram 2 head pus. • Term frequency of leading bigram in the con- CDcount text containing the target word. • Number of films in which target word appears. google ngram 2 tail FREQlow • Term frequency of trailing bigram in the con- text containing the target word. • Number of times the lowercased target word appears in corpus. google ngram 2 min CDlow • Minimum of the set of term frequencies of bigrams in context containing the target word. • Number of films in which the lowercased tar- get word appears. google ngram 2 max SUBTLWF • Maximum of the set described above. • Number of times the target word appears per google ngram 2 mean million words. • Average of the set described above. SUBTLCD google ngram 2 std • Percent of films in which target word appears. 675
A.4.4 BNC-based A.7 Other Features bnc frequency: Target word term frequency. ppl A.5 Syntactic Features • Perplexity metric, as defined by the Hugging parse tree depth Face library.7 For each token in the context, • Height of context’s constituency parse tree. we use a pre-trained GPT-2 model to estimate Parse trees are obtained using a Stanford the log-likelihood of the token occurring given CoreNLP pipeline. its preceding tokens. A sliding-window ap- token depth proach is used to handle the large number of tokens in a context. The log-likelihoods are • Depth of the target word with respect to root averaged, and then exponentiated. node of the context’s constituency parse tree. num words at depth ppl aspect only • Number of words at the depth of the target word (see token depth above) in the con- • Similar approach to that described above, text’s constituency parse tree. where only log-likelihoods of tokens compris- ing the target word are averaged. is proper • Boolean for whether target word is a proper num OOV noun/adjective, based on capitalization. POS {CC, CD, DT, EX, FW, IN, JJ, • Number of words in the context that do not JJR, JJS, LS, MD, NN, NNP, NNPS, exist in the vocabulary of Gigaword. NNS, PDT, POS, PRP, PRP$, RB, RBR, RBS, RP, SYM, TO, UH, VB, corpus bible, corpus biomed, VBD, VBG, VBN, VBP, VBZ, WDT, WP, corpus europarl WP$, WRB} • Booleans indicating the sample’s domain. • Booleans indicating the target word’s part-of- speech tag. Tags considered are those used in the Penn Treebank Project.6 Tags are esti- B Model Hyperparameters mated using NLTK’s pos tag method. Here we provide optimized hyperparameter set- A.6 Readability Features tings that may help future developers with repro- automated readability index, ducing results, namely with training our models. avg character per word, avg letter per word, B.1 XGBoost avg syllables per word, Below are tuned parameters used for all of our char count, coleman liau index, XGBoost models. Parameters not listed are given crawford, fernandez huerta, default values as specified in documentation:8 flesch kincaid grade, colsample bytree: 0.7 flesch reading ease, learning rate: 0.03 gutierrez polini, max depth: 5 letter count, lexicon count, min child weight: 4 linsear write formula, lix, n estimators: 225 polysyllabcount, reading time, nthread: 4 rix, syllable count, objective: ‘reg:linear’ szigriszt pazos, SMOGIndex, silent: 1 DaleChallIndex subsample: 0.7 • Algorithms applied using Textstat library im- 7 plementations, most being readability metrics. perplexity.html 6 8 Fall_2003/ling001/penn_treebank_pos.html latest/ 676
B.2 MT-DNN MT-DNN uses yaml as its config file format. Be- low are the contents of our task config file: data format: PremiseAndOneHypothesis enable san: false metric meta: - Pearson - Spearman n class: 1 loss: MseCriterion kd loss: MseCriterion adv loss: MseCriterion task type: Regression B.3 Ensemble Threshold above which a sample is assigned its reduced prediction (ie. XGBoostreduced prediction) instead of its full prediction (ie. XGBoostfull prediction): 0.59. Note that this threshold is used to compute our XGBoostfull+reduced prediction. Weighted average ensemble (single word subtask): - Weight for XGBoostfull+reduced prediction: 0.5 - Weight for MT-DNN prediction: 0.5 Weighted average ensemble (MWE subtask): - Weight for XGBoostfull+reduced (head): 0.28 - Weight for XGBoostfull+reduced (tail): 0.17 - Weight for MT-DNN prediction: 0.55 677
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