Masked Priming by Translation Equivalents in Pro cient Bilinguals

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    Masked Priming by Translation Equivalents in
               ProŽcient Bilinguals
           Jonathan Grainger and Cheryl Frenck-Mestre
        CNRS and Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France

   The responses of English–French bilinguals performing semantic categorisa-
   tion and lexical decision tasks were facilitated by prime stimuli that were
   non-cognate translation equivalents of the targets (e.g. arbre–tree) when
   compared to unrelated primes (e.g. balle–tree). These translation priming
   effects were observed with very brief prime exposures (29–43 msec) and
   forward and backward masking of the prime. Using the same stimuli,
   translation priming effects were signiŽcantly stronger in the semantic
   categorisation task then in the lexical decision task. This suggests that the
   translation priming effect obtained in semantic categorisation is mediated by
   semantic representations in memory and not the result of form-level
   connections between translation equivalents, at least for the highly proŽcient
   bilinguals tested in the present experiment.

Many contemporary theories of human language comprehension follow
the Saussurian principle of distinguishing between form and meaning (de
Saussure, 1972). At the level of individual words, this has led to the
development of process models that describe how semantic information is
retrieved via form (phonological and/or orthographic) representations (e.g.
Forster, 1976; McClelland & Rumelhart, 1981; Seidenberg & McClelland,
1989). This conception of lexical–semantic organisation has also greatly
inuenced theorising in the area of bilingual lexical representation. This is
particularly obvious when one examines existing accounts of how
translation equivalents are represented in bilingual memory.

  Requests for reprints should be sent to Jonathan Grainger, CREPCO, Université de
Provence, 29 Avenue Robert Schuman, 13621 Aix-en-Provence, France.
  The authors would like to thank Katy Lynch for help in preparing the stimulus materials
and Peter Prince for help in running this study. The running of the monolingual control
experiment was facilitated by a Franco-British cooperation grant ‘‘Alliance’’ No. 96063.

                              c 1998 Psychology Press Ltd

Representation of Translation Equivalents
In a model of bilingual memory where a distinction is drawn between the
representation of form and meaning, translation equivalents can either be
directly connected via form–form connections (the ‘‘word association
hypothesis’’), or indirectly connected via a shared semantic representation
(the ‘‘concept mediation hypothesis’’: Potter, So, Von Eckardt, &
Feldman, 1984). This shared semantic representation could either be
localist (i.e. a single node corresponding to the shared concept) or
distributed across a set of semantic features or meaning units (cf. de Groot,
1992), or both. Recently, a ‘‘hierarchical’’ model of bilingual processing
has been forwarded by Kroll and her colleagues (Kroll & Sholl, 1992; Kroll
& Stewart, 1994), where level of L2 proŽciency determines the degree to
which bilinguals will rely upon form–form connections as opposed to
concept mediation.1 Kroll’s model has been challenged, however, by
studies which demonstrated L2 processing in non-proŽcient learners that
was independent of translation links with L1 on the one hand (Frenck-
Mestre & Prince, 1997) and a signiŽcant contribution of conceptual
mediation in tasks where the model would not predict such on the other
(Altarriba & Mathis, 1997; de Groot, Dannenberg, & Van Hell, 1994; La
Heij, Hooglander, Kerling, & Van der Velden, 1996).

Cross-language Priming in Bilinguals
Numerous bilingual priming studies have examined cross-language
semantic priming under conditions where the prime and target words
were semantic associates (e.g. perro–cat), or category name–exemplar
pairs (e.g. furniture–chaise). These studies have systematically found that,
given sufŽcient processing time, priming is found across languages (Frenck
& Pynte, 1987; Grainger & Beauvillain, 1988; Kirsner et al., 1984;
Schwanenugel & Rey, 1986). Recently, it has been suggested that priming
is asymmetrical, of smaller magnitude from L2 to L1 than from L1 to L2,
and at times even absent from L2 to L1 (Altarriba, 1992; Fox, 1996;
Keatley & de Gelder, 1992; Keatley, Spinks, & de Gelder, 1994; Kroll &
Sholl, 1992), although it should be noted that this asymmetry is not
systematic (Tzelgov & Eben-Ezra, 1992). One reason for the reported
asymmetry may lie in the generally slower identiŽcation times for L2
words (but see Keatley et al., 1994). To identify an L2 target, participants
may rely more upon contextual information than when identifying an L1
target, the latter being accessed rapidly and largely without the beneŽt of
an L2 priming context.

    Here we use L1 and L2 to refer to a bilingual’s dominant and subordinate language
respectively, as deŽned by the authors of the studies in question.
   More directly related to the present study is research that has examined
priming for translation equivalents (Altarriba, 1992; Chen & Ng, 1989;
Cristoffanini, Kirsner, & Milech, 1986; de Groot & Nas, 1991; Gollan,
Forster, & Frost, in press; Jin, 1990; Keatley & de Gelder, 1992; Kirsner et
al., 1980; Sanchez-Casas, Davis, & Garcia-Albea, 1992; Williams, 1994).
These studies have often compared the effect of priming for cognates (i.e.
translations with similar spellings) and for non-cognates, in the aim of
elucidating the organising principles of the bilingual lexicon at both the
lexical and conceptual level. Studies using relatively long (supraliminal)
prime exposures have shown signiŽcant facilitatory effects of both types of
translation primes, provided that the translation prime immediately
precedes the target word. Studies using very short prime exposures and
visual masking of the prime stimulus (de Groot & Nas, 1991; Gollan et al.,
in press; Sanchez-Casas et al, 1992; Williams, 1994) have shown systematic
facilitation from cognate translation primes (e.g. ‘‘kalf’’–‘‘calf’’, for a
Dutch–English bilingual). However, the results concerning non-cognate
translation equivalents (e.g. ‘‘wife’’–‘‘vrouw’’) are somewhat mixed. In the
study of de Groot and Nas, non-cognate translation primes gave system-
atically smaller priming effects than cognate translations in the lexical
decision task. In this task, non-cognate translation effects were only
marginally signiŽcant when primes were presented in lower as opposed to
upper case. In the study of Sanchez-Casas et al., only cognate translations
produced signiŽcant facilitation in a semantic categorisation task. These
authors also referred to an unpublished study in which the same stimuli
gave the same pattern of results in a lexical decision task. On the basis of
these results, de Groot and Nas and Sanchez-Casas et al. argued that
cognate translations share common representations in memory (concep-
tual representations for de Groot & Nas; lexical representations for
Sanchez-Casas et al.), whereas non-cognate translation equivalents do not.
It should be noted that de Groot (1992) later qualiŽed her position with
respect to this issue, suggesting that non-cognates may simply share fewer
nodes at the conceptual level than do cognates.
   However, certain aspects of the design of the above studies render the
interpretation of the observed effects rather delicate, particularly with
respect to the existence or not of a translation priming effect for non-
cognate translations. In the study of de Groot and Nas (1991), different
target words were tested in the different priming conditions. Although
these target words were matched for average reaction time in an unprimed
preparatory study, this is no guarantee that they remained matched for a
new group of participants under different test conditions. Thus, one main
advantage of the priming paradigm (being able to test variations in
response to the same target words) was unfortunately absent in the study
of de Groot and Nas.

   In the study of Sanchez-Casas et al. (1992), the effect of translation
primes was measured relative to a nonword prime (e.g. duck–PATO vs
wuck–PATO). This is not the optimal comparison, as the lexical status of
the prime may inuence target processing (independently of the relation-
ship between the prime and the target). The appropriate control for a word
prime is indeed another word prime. This is all the more relevant in the
translation priming situation, since word primes from the non-target
language have been shown to interfere with target processing in the
masked prime paradigm (Grainger & O’Regan, 1992). At the shortest
prime exposures, these interfering effects of non-target language primes
were strongest when the prime words had language-speciŽc spellings
(which will tend to be the case with non-cognate translations). In other
words, the non-cognate translation primes may have been generating
cross-language interference, not present in the control prime condition.
This would therefore cancel out any translation priming facilitation effect
measured relative to the control condition.
   Our concern regarding the conclusions of the above studies is further
motivated by the fact that two more recent studies have obtained
signiŽcant effects of non-cognate translation primes using the masked
prime paradigm and the lexical decision task (Gollan et al. 1997; Williams,
1994). Gollan et al. suggested that it was their use of languages with
different scripts (i.e. Hebrew and English) that allowed signiŽcant effects
of non-cognate translation primes to emerge. However, Williams indicated
that this is not a necessary condition, as he obtained signiŽcant non-
cognate translation priming with Italian–English, French–English and
German–English bilinguals. Clearly, further research is required to clarify
this critical issue.

                     BILINGUAL EXPERIMENT
The present experiment provides a further test of masked translation
priming effects for non-cognate translation equivalents. Due to the null
effects reported in several previous studies, the present experiment
maximises the probability of observing an effect by testing highly skilled
bilinguals on the one hand, and using a task that necessarily requires
semantic processing on the other. In light of the Žrst factor, we engaged
English–French bilinguals who had lived for an extended period in the
country of their second language which they used daily in their
professional and personal interactions. In view of the second factor, both
a lexical decision task and a semantic categorisation task were used,
combined with the novel incremental priming technique (Jacobs, Grainger,
& Ferrand, 1995). The lexical decision and semantic categorisation tasks
were speciŽcally selected with respect to their relative sensitivity to
semantic variables. The semantic categorisation task necessarily requires
retrieval of semantic information to be successfully performed, whereas
the lexical decision task does not (Balota & Chumbley, 1984; Shelton &
Martin, 1992). If it is observed that translation priming effects are stronger
and develop earlier in the semantic categorisation task compared with the
lexical decision task, then we can conclude that such effects are indeed
mediated by shared semantic representations. However, if priming effects
are stronger and develop earlier in the lexical decision task, this could be
taken as evidence that translation priming is primarily driven by form-level
connections. The use of the incremental priming technique provides
critical data with respect to the time-course of priming effects.
Furthermore, this technique allows one to measure priming effects not
only with respect to the standard neutral or unrelated condition (across-
condition priming), but also with respect to a minimum prime intensity or
prime duration condition (within-condition priming).

  Participants. Twelve native speakers of English, including men and
women, living in France at the time of the experiment (the number of
years spent in France ranged from 10 to 25) and all highly skilled in French
(able to read, write and speak the language uently) participated
voluntarily. Each person took part in all experimental conditions and in
both experimental tasks. Two of the participants were the authors.

   Design and Material. A total of 60 non-cognate translation equivalents
in English and French were selected to serve as prime and target in the
translation prime condition. Prime words were always presented in French
and target words in English. Prime words were either the French
translation of the target, or a French word matched in length and
frequency to the translation prime which bore no relationship to the target
(see Appendix). The target words were common nouns taken from nine
semantic categories (body parts, kitchen utensils, clothing, colours,
animals, carpenter’s tools, parts of a building, fruits, vegetables) and were
chosen according to the following criteria: they were among the Žrst 10
exemplars of the category in both languages (Battig & Montague, 1969;
Tourette, 1979; Ueda & Mandler, 1980); they had a single translation in the
other language (i.e. apple–pomme); they had very different spellings in
English and French (i.e. were non-cognates); they ranged in length
between three and 10 letters inclusive. At least four exemplars were taken
from each semantic category. In the lexical decision task, each English
target word was presented in two different lists, preceded by its French
translation prime in one and by an unrelated French prime word in the

other. In addition to the 60 primed word trials per list, there were 60
primed nonword trials in the lexical decision task. The nonwords were
preceded by frequent French common nouns and were created in the usual
manner by changing one or two letters of an English word to make strings
of letters that are orthographically legal and pronounceable in English. In
the semantic categorisation task, each target word was presented in four
different lists deŽned by the factorial combination of the factors ‘‘prime
relatedness’’ (translation of target vs unrelated) and ‘‘category member-
ship’’ of the target (exemplar vs non-exemplar). For example, the target
apple was presented both preceded by its translation and by an unrelated
prime, and both in the appropriate category ‘‘fruit’’ and in a different
category, such as ‘‘utensils’’. The target words were blocked by category
within the list, and a certain number of Žller words were presented in each
category such that there were 24 items per category (12 exemplars and 12
non-exemplars). This gave a total of 216 trials (9 24) per list, 60 of which
were experimental prime–target pairs. The words used for Žller trials met
the criteria for experimental targets with the exception that they were not
always among the top 10 exemplars of the category and were taken from a
wider range of semantic categories on non-exemplar trials. For Žller trials,
the prime was also a French word and the target an English word; the two
never bore any relationship to each other. The participants were tested on
all lists (two for lexical decision and four for semantic categorisation) at
each of the four prime exposure durations tested. The participants thus saw
each of the experimental target words a total of 24 times, 8 in lexical
decision and 16 in semantic categorisation.

  Apparatus and Procedure. Presentation of the stimuli was controlled
by a 486 IBM-compatible personal computer linked to a CRT screen. In
both the lexical decision and semantic categorisation tasks, the following
basic sequence of events occurred on each trial. First, a forward mask
composed of 13 hash marks (#) was presented with a vertical bar situated
above and below the centre of the string to indicate Žxation position. This
remained on the screen for approximately 500 msec and was replaced by
the prime stimulus. Four prime exposure durations were used: 0 msec, one
screen refresh cycle (approximately 14 msec), two refresh cycles (29 msec)
and three refresh cycles (43 msec). Prime presentation was immediately
followed by a 13-hash backward mask for one refresh cycle, and targets
were presented immediately after this. Targets remained on the screen
until participants responded by pressing one of two response keys to
indicate a positive or negative response. Both prime and target stimuli
were presented in lower-case letters. The four prime exposures deŽned
four experimental seasons for each task that were run on separate days. In
each session, the participants saw all stimulus lists (two in lexical decision
and four in semantic categorisation) at one of the four prime exposure
durations for a given task. In the lexical decision task, the order of the two
stimulus lists was counterbalanced; in the semantic categorisation task, the
four lists were presented according to a Latin square. A given participant
was always tested with the same list order at the different prime exposure
durations. Four of the participants received the four prime exposure
durations in ascending order, four in descending order, and the remaining
four with one of the two following orders (29, 0, 43, 14 msec or 14, 43, 0, 29
msec). Half of the participants were Žrst tested with the lexical decision
task and the other half were Žrst tested with the semantic categorisation
   In the lexical decision task, participants were instructed to indicate
whether the string of letters was or was not an English word that they
knew. In the semantic categorisation task, participants were told they
would see a semantic category name presented in upper-case on the CRT
screen, followed by a list of words, and that they should indicate whether
or not each word was a member of the designated category. Each of the
four lists (deŽned by prime exposure) or 216 items was presented in nine
blocks of 24 items in accordance with the nine semantic categories. The
categories themselves were presented in a Žxed order. Within a given
category, the items were presented in random order, with the constraint
that the Žrst Žve trials were always Žller items. In both tasks, participants
indicated their responses manually by means of two designated response
keys on the keyboard. Participants were requested to respond as rapidly
and as accurately as possible, and were allowed to pause between blocks
within a list as well as between the different lists. They responded
positively in each task with the foreŽnger of their preferred hand, and
negatively with the foreŽnger of the other hand. The participants were not
informed of the presence of a prime stimulus, and were simply instructed
to focus their attention at the centre of the hash marks and respond to the
target that followed. The inter-trial interval was approximately 1 sec.

Mean reaction times (RT) for correct responses per experimental
condition and participant were calculated after removing outliers (300
msec . RT . 1000 msec; less than 1% of the data). The RT means and
percent errors averaged over participants are given in Table 1. These data
were submitted to an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with both
participants (F1) and items (F2 ) as random variables. An initial analysis
including ‘‘task’’ as a within-participant factor examined only the positive
response trials in each task (since the negative semantic categorisation
trials are not comparable to the nonword trials in lexical decision).

                                      TABLE 1
Mean Correct Response Latencies (msec) and Percent Errors (in Parentheses) on
Positive and Negative Trials in the Semantic Categorisation Task, and on Word Trials
in the Lexical Decision Task, as a Function of Prime Type (Translation or Unrelated)
                            and Prime Exposure Duration
                                          Prime Exposure (msec)
                             0              14             29               43
Semantic categorisation
Positive trials
Translation               574 (3.1)      571 (4.7)      558 (2.6)       563 (2.9)
Unrelated                 570 (2.8)      569 (3.8)      571 (2.9)       588 (2.8)

Negative trials
Translation               639 (9.4)      627 (11.1)     626 (9.4)       650 (11.4)
Unrelated                 635 (9.7)      624 (8.5)      627 (9.3)       639 (9.6)

Lexical decision
Translation               572 (1.9)      557 (1.7)      554 (2.5)       563 (1.4)
Unrelated                 568 (1.1)      554 (1.1)      556 (2.2)       573 (1.4)

   Reaction times in the semantic categorisation and lexical decision tasks
did not differ signiŽcantly [F1 , 1; F 2(1,59) = 2.62]. Translation primes
signiŽcantly facilitated responses compared to unrelated primes
[F1(1,11) = 8.08, P , 0.05; F 2(1,59) = 5.21, P , 0.05], and there was a
signiŽcant interaction between task and priming [F 1(1,11) = 6.82, P ,
0.05; F2(1,59) = 4.50, P , 0.05]. This interaction reects the fact that
robust translation priming effects were obtained in the semantic
categorisation task [F 1(1,11) = 15.55, P , 0.01; F 2(1,57) = 8.76, P , 0.01]
but not in the lexical decision task (both F , 1). There was a signiŽcant
effect of prime exposure duration in the by-item analysis [F1(3,33) = 1.59;
F2(3,177) = 11.14, P , 0.001], and translation priming effects interacted
with prime exposure duration [F1(3,33) = 11.92, P ,                     0.001;
F2(3,177) = 10.91, P , 0.001]. SigniŽcant effects of translation priming
started to appear at 29 msec prime exposures [F1(1,11) = 6.42, P , 0.05;
F2(1,59) = 8.40, P , 0.01] and were even more robust at 43 msec
exposures F 1(1,11) = 26.26, P , 0.001; F2(1,59) = 28.35, P , 0.001]. The
three-way interaction was not signiŽcant (both F , 1). Following the
signiŽcant task priming interaction, we will now examine the pattern of
effects obtained in each task in more detail.

  Semantic Categorisation. An analysis introducing type of response
(positive vs negative) as a within-participants and within-items factor
showed a main effect of this factor [F 1(1,11) = 152.84, P , 0.001;
F2(1,59) = 178.94, P , 0.001], indicating that negative categorisation
responses were slower than positive categorisation responses. Neither the
main effect of priming (both F , 1), nor the main effect of prime exposure
duration (both F , 1), was signiŽcant. There was a signiŽcant two-way
interaction between response type and priming [F 1(1,11) = 12.29,
P , 0.01; F 2(1,59) = 11.88, P , 0.01]. This reects the signiŽcant effects
of priming obtained on positive response trials (see above), but no effect
on negative response trials (both F , 1). Furthermore, there was a
signiŽcant three-way interaction between all factors [F1(3,33) = 5.03,
P , 0.01; F2(3,177) = 3.38, P , 0.05]. This reects the signiŽcant two-
way interaction between priming effects and prime exposure duration
obtained on positive response trials [F1(3,33) = 7.58, P , 0.001;
F2(3,177) = 6.73, P , 0.001], but not on negative trials (both F , 1). On
positive response trials, planned comparisons for priming effects at each
prime exposure duration showed signiŽcant effects by participants and
items at both the 29 and 43 msec exposures [0 msec: both F , 1; 14 msec:
both F , 1; 29 msec: F1(1,11) = 7.12, P , 0.05; F 2(1,59) = 10.27, P , 0.01;
43 msec: F1(1,11) = 67.51, P , 0.001; F2(1,59) = 32.08, P , 0.001]. On
negative response trials, priming effects were absent at the Žrst three
exposure durations (all F , 1), while a trend to an inhibitory effect was
observed at the longest duration [F1(1,11) = 5.05, P , 0.05;
F2(1,59) = 1.87].
   An ANOVA on the percent error data revealed that more errors were
made on negative response trials than on positive response trials
[F1(1,11) = 10.71, P , 0.01; F2(1,59) = 8.43, P , 0.01]. Moreover, targets
preceded by translation primes tended to produce more errors than the
unrelated prime condition [F 1(1,11) = 4.47, P , 0.10; F2(1,59) = 1.35].
However, this trend to an inhibitory effect of translation priming, obtained
when positive and negative trials were grouped together, totally
disappeared in an analysis of the positive trial data alone (both F , 1).
None of the other main effects or interactions were signiŽcant (all F , 1).

  Lexical Decision. An ANOVA was performed on the RTs to correct
word responses in the lexical decision task. There was a main effect of
prime exposure duration [F1(3,33) = 3.63, P , 0.05; F 2(3,177) = 8.86,
P , 0.001]. As noted above, the main effect of translation priming was
not signiŽcant, and the interaction was not signiŽcant in the by-participant
analysis [F 1(3,23) = 2.31; F2(3,177) = 2.94, P , 0.05]. Planned comparisons
for priming effects at each prime exposure duration showed a trend to a
facilitatory effect at the 43 msec prime exposure only. All F , 1 except at
43 msec [F 1(1,11) = 4.05, P , 0.10; F 2(1,59) = 4.13, P , 0.05]. Neither the
main effects nor the interaction were signiŽcant in an ANOVA on the
percent errors (all F , 1).

   Within-condition Priming Analysis. In addition to the traditionally
performed analyses, reported above, within-condition priming (Jacobs et
al., 1995) was also examined. Since no signiŽcant translation priming
effects were observed with 14 msec prime exposures (all F , 1), within-
condition priming can be analysed by comparing performance in the 0 and
14 msec prime exposure durations to performance in the 29 and 47 msec
durations. Due to the different orders in which each participant received
the different prime exposures, a by-participant analysis cannot be applied
here (participants who received an ascending order show overall faster
RTs in the long exposure durations, whereas participants who received a
descending order show faster RTs with the shortest prime exposures).
Only a by-item analysis allows one to remove the interfering effects of
order. Note that the aim of a within-condition analysis is to examine
changes in performance in each priming condition as a function of prime
exposure duration (or intensity).
   The results of this grouped analysis for the RT data are presented in Fig.
1. It is immediately obvious from this Žgure that the only situation where
clear facilitatory within-condition (i.e. prime exposure dependent) priming
effects appear are in the positive semantic categorisation trials. The
analysis of variance conŽrms this picture. In an analysis of positive trials in
semantic categorisation, the main effect of prime exposure duration was
not signiŽcant but interacted with the main effect of priming
[F(1,59) = 16.55, P , 0.001]. In the translation prime condition, RTs
decreased as prime exposure duration was increased [F(1,59) = 13.17,
P , 0.001], while RTs signiŽcantly increased as a function of prime
exposure duration in the unrelated prime condition [F(1,59) = 7.57,
P , 0.01]. On negative semantic categorisation trials, none of these
effects reached statistical signiŽcance. In the lexical decision task, there
was also a signiŽcant interaction between prime exposure duration and
priming effects [F(1,59) = 6.95, P , 0.05]. However, prime exposure
duration did not inuence RTs signiŽcantly in either the translation prime
condition [F(1,59) = 3.35, P , 0.10] or the unrelated prime condition
[F(1,59) = 2.56]. Thus, the results of the within-condition priming analysis
conŽrm the between-condition analysis. Robust within-condition facilita-
tion effects of translation primes are obtained on positive semantic
categorisation trials. No within-condition priming was observed on
negative semantic categorisation trials, and a non-signiŽcant facilitatory
trend was observed in correct positive lexical decision responses.

Control Monolingual Experiment
As with any experiment demonstrating cross-language effects in bilingual
participants, testing the same stimuli with near monolingual participants

FIG. 1 Average RTs in the translation and unrelated priming conditions regrouping the data
for the two shortest (0 and 14 msec) and the two longest (29 and 43 msec) prime exposure
durations. The separate graphs are for positive trials in semantic categorisation (SCT
positive), negative trials in semantic categorisation (SCT negative) and positive lexical
decision trials (LDT).
N, translation; , unrelated.

allows one to control for low-level factors that might affect masked
priming (cf. Davis & Forster, 1994). Eight native English speakers
(students in psychology at the University of Glasgow, Scotland2) with, at
most, ‘‘high-school’’ knowledge of French were tested in the semantic
categorisation task at 29 msec prime exposures using exactly the same
stimuli and procedure as in the bilingual experiment. The mean RTs and
percent errors (in parentheses) for the translation prime and unrelated
prime conditions were 560 msec (4.4%) and 562 msec (4.2%) in the
positive response condition, and 617 msec (8.8%) and 625 msec (10.0%) in

    We thank Kerry Kilborn of the University of Glasgow for his help in arranging this control

the negative response condition. As expected, an analysis of variance (by
participant) on RTs and percent errors revealed no sign of translation
priming in either the positive response trials or the negative response trials
(all F , 1). Responses on positive trials were signiŽcantly faster
[F(1,7) = 86.02, P , 0.001] and more accurate [F(1,7) = 16.68, P , 0.01]
than on negative trials. It should be noted that the average RTs and error
rate were similar to those obtained with the bilingual group. The results of
the control monolingual experiment therefore indicate that the signiŽcant
differences between translation primes and unrelated primes obtained with
the bilingual participants were not due to uncontrolled differences in these
two sets of prime stimuli, which, for example, might have inuenced their
capacity to interfere with target processing in the masked prime paradigm.

Estimate of Prime Visibility
This is perhaps one of the most delicate points in masked (‘‘subliminal’’)
priming research and has been the centre of heated debate for many years
(see, e.g. Holender, 1986). Recently, a number of authors have suggested
that prime visibility must be measured during the experiment and
therefore with the same participants and in the same conditions as used
to test the priming effects. For example, Hirshman and Durante (1992)
used an interleaving procedure whereby, on any given trial, their
participants were either asked to report the prime or respond to the
target. However, one major problem with testing participants in exactly the
same conditions as those used to test for priming effects, is the possibility
of backward (retrospective) priming effects (Dark, 1988). This is all the
more likely in the present experiment where prime and targets were
uniquely related (i.e. there was only one possible translation equivalent for
each prime/target). This is not the case in associative priming, where a
given target may have more than one strong associate (e.g. doctor–
   On the other side of the coin are the defenders of unconscious semantic
activation, who claim that traditional ‘‘direct’’ measures of conscious
processing of prime stimuli in a semantic priming experiment typically
overestimate prime visibility (e.g. Debner & Jacoby, 1994). Here, we
demonstrate that one of the conditions that gave robust translation
priming effects (the 29 msec exposure duration) shows close to null
sensitivity using a traditional direct measure of prime reportability. Using
native French speakers provides a very conservative estimate of prime
visibility in conditions very similar to those tested in the main experiment,
while minimising the problem of backward priming exaggerating the
estimate (the reduced knowledge of English of the French participants
should ensure this). The estimate should nevertheless be slightly
exaggerated in that the native French speakers will be processing the
prime stimuli in their mother tongue and will be focusing their attention
entirely on the prime stimulus.
  Ten native French speakers were tested in the lexical decision task using
exactly the same word stimuli (no nonwords were presented) and
presentation conditions as for the bilingual group. They were told to
ignore the English target words and were informed of the presence of
French words presented very briey just before the English target word.
They had to report any French word they recognised. These participants
were tested for prime report on 60 trials at two different prime exposure
durations. They were Žrst tested with the 29 msec prime exposure and then
at the 43 msec duration (these were the only exposures to show priming
effects). At the 29 msec prime exposure, two participants correctly
reported seeing one prime word, and one participant correctly reported
four prime words out of the 60. The average correct report over all 10
participants was 1.0%. At the 43 msec prime exposure, most participants
were able to report a small number of the French primes, the average
correct prime report being 29.3%.
  The results of our prime visibility estimation correspond very well with
those provided by Hirshman and Durante (1992) using their interleaving
procedure. Prime reportability was 5% at 33 msec prime exposures and
43% at 50 msec exposures in their experiment. The slightly higher values
they observe are probably due to their use of a longer inter-stimulus
interval between prime and target.

The present experiment provides clear evidence for translation priming
effects at very brief prime exposures in the semantic categorisation task,
when only trends to such effects occurred in the lexical decision task.
Indeed, a combined analysis of positive response trials to the same stimuli
tested in lexical decision and semantic categorisation revealed a signiŽcant
interaction between task and translation priming effects. A within-
condition priming analysis (Jacobs et al., 1995) conŽrmed the classical
across-condition analysis. Increasing prime exposure duration caused a
signiŽcant decrease in RTs to targets following translation primes on
positive semantic categorisation trials, and a trend to an effect in lexical
decision. These data clearly demonstrate that translation priming effects
can be obtained with non-cognate translations across languages sharing the
same script at very brief prime exposure durations (29–43 msec).
   The lexical decision results at the longest prime exposures are a
borderline case (with priming effects reaching signiŽcance at the 10%
level). This is consistent with the fact that one previous study (Williams,

1994) did observe signiŽcant effects (at the 5% level of signiŽcance) in very
similar conditions to those tested at the longest prime exposures in the
present study, while another study failed to observe signiŽcant translation
priming effects with non-cognates in the lexical decision task (de Groot &
Nas, 1991). In a series of experiments examining such effects across
languages with different scripts, Gollan et al. (1997) found stronger effects
when the prime was in L1 and the target in L2, than vice versa. This might
explain why Williams (1994) obtained robust effects (he tested primes in
L1 and targets in L2), whereas our effects failed to reach the conventional
level of signiŽcance.
   The main result of the present study is the demonstration that semantic
categorisation is more sensitive than the lexical decision task to translation
priming effects. The hypothesised extra sensitivity of the semantic
categorisation task to translation primes is critical for our proposed
interpretation of the present results. In the following discussion, we argue
that the translation priming effects observed with the highly proŽcient
bilinguals tested in the present experiment are mediated by semantic
representations shared by translation equivalents and not by excitatory
connections between distinct form representations (e.g. whole-word
orthographic representations) in memory. The more robust effects of
translation primes in semantic categorisation compared with lexical
decision follows logically from the fact that the former task requires
access to semantic information whereas the latter task does not (Balota &
Chumbley, 1984; Lupker, 1984; Shelton & Martin, 1992). As argued
recently by Grainger and Jacobs (1996), the lexical decision task can be
successfully performed by monitoring activity in whole-word orthographic
representations. The fact that masked translation primes have been shown
to have a signiŽcant inuence on performance in a lexical decision task
(Gollan et al., 1997; Williams, 1994; plus the trend to an effect in the
present experiment) can be explained by positive feedback from semantic
to whole-word orthographic representations (see also Williams, 1996). The
hypothesised role of top-down semantic feedback can explain why
translation priming effects take longer to emerge in lexical decision
(effects were robust at 29 msec prime exposures in semantic categorisation,
and only started to appear at 43 msec exposures in lexical decision).

Meaning and Form in Cross-language Masked
To our knowledge, this is the only study to date to have examined masked
translation priming across tasks, namely lexical decision and semantic
categorisation, using the same materials and the same subject pool.
Previous studies of masked translation priming have focused on the effect
of the type of translation (i.e. whether a cognate or a non-cognate
translation) in either lexical decision (de Groot & Nas, 1991; Gollan et al.,
in press) or semantic categorisation (Sanchez-Casas et al., 1992). The
results of these studies have systematically revealed translation priming, in
both tasks, for cognate translations. For non-cognates, the effect of
translation priming is either absent in lexical decision (de Groot & Nas,
1991) and semantic categorisation (Sanchez-Casas et al., 1992) or, at least
for certain bilinguals, of lesser magnitude than for cognate translations in
lexical decision (Gollan et al., 1997). These results deviate from ours in
that we found robust facilitatory effects of non-cognate translation primes
in the semantic categorisation task, and a healthy trend for the effect at the
longest prime exposure in lexical decision.
   As concerns semantic categorisation, the reason for the prior failure
(Sanchez-Casas et al., 1992) to obtain facilitation from non-cognate
translations is not immediately clear. In the Introduction we discussed one
possible reason for the null result of Sanchez-Casas et al.—that is, the fact
that nonword rather than word primes were used as the across-condition
control. For reasons outlined in the Introduction, the comparison of word
primes to nonword primes would be least optimal in the non-cognate
conditions, given the language-speciŽc orthographies of non-cognates
(Dijkstra & Van Heuven, 1998; Grainger & Dijkstra, 1992; see Grainger &
O’Regan, 1992, for a discussion of global cross-language inhibition). In our
study, the same set of target stimuli was tested in all conditions, and the
targets themselves were always highly typical members of the semantic
category. The meagre description provided by Sanchez-Casas et al. of their
stimuli in the categorisation task does not allow one to establish whether or
not the typicality of category exemplars was taken into account, nor
whether this was controlled for across translation conditions. Furthermore,
category names were provided on each trial in the study of Sanchez-Casas
et al., a procedure that may reduce the size of priming effects. Any of these
factors may account for the failure to obtain non-cognate translation
priming in the study of Sanchez-Casas et al.
   The stronger effects of cognate translations compared to non-cognate
translations, as observed by de Groot and Nas (1991), Gollan et al. (1997)
and Sanchez-Casas et al. (1992), can be interpreted as a combination of
meaning and form priming effects. The fact that Gollan et al. (1997)
obtained a cognate advantage for languages with different scripts (Hebrew
and English) implies that shared phonology in the absence of shared
orthography also leads to greater translation priming effects. Primes
sharing orthography and/or phonology with the target word can facilitate
target processing via the partial activation of the target word’s form
representation during prime processing, as well as via activation of
sublexical representations (e.g. letters or phonemes) shared by prime and

target. In the lexical decision task, this form-based facilitation can add to
top-down semantic facilitation to increase translation priming effects with
   Previously, it has been argued on the basis of masked translation and
associative priming results that only cognate translations (e.g. bakker–
baker, for a Dutch–English bilingual) have completely overlapping
semantic (conceptual) representations in memory in bilinguals (de Groot,
1992; de Groot & Nas, 1991). The same authors hypothesised that non-
cognate translations, such as those employed herein, have only partially
overlapping semantic representations. This would account for the absence
of cross-language associative priming with such stimuli (e.g. vrouw–
husband), as the likelihood of semantically associated words from different
languages sharing semantic features is smaller in the case of non-cognate
translations than cognates. However, recent data from a study comparing
priming for various types of non-cognate cross-language pairs, allows quite
a different hypothesis to be forwarded. Using the masked prime paradigm,
Williams (1994) obtained signiŽcant effects of cross-language priming with
non-cognates when these pairs shared semantic features [e.g. fence–haie
(hedge)] but not when they were associatively related [e.g. shoe–pied
(foot)]. These results are easily explained if one assumes that associative
priming arises not, or at least not principally, through shared modal
semantic representations but via language-speciŽc knowledge of familiar
word combinations. In view of these results, it is not surprising that
associative priming has not been found for non-cognate cross-language
pairs in the lexical decision task under masking conditions. Associative
priming with very short prime exposures and visual masking of the prime
would be restricted to conditions where that associative link has been
established (i.e. within a language; see also Grainger & Beauvillain, 1988).
This further suggests that the assumed cross-language facilitation obtained
for cognate pairs (e.g. bakker–bread) under masking conditions may in fact
be the result of within-language associative priming, due to the
orthographic similarity between cognate translations. More precisely,
‘‘bakker’’ could prime ‘‘baker’’ on the basis of their orthographic overlap
(in the same way as a nonword ‘‘boker’’ could prime ‘‘baker’’),3 which
could then prime the target word ‘‘bread’’ via the within-language

    Studies of masked orthographic priming demonstrate that this is indeed possible (e.g.
Ferrand & Grainger, 1994).
Selective Versus Non-selective Access
A continuing debate in the bilingual language comprehension literature
concerns the ability of bilinguals to use contextual cues to limit
interference from the non-target language (i.e. the irrelevant language).
According to the selective access hypothesis, incoming sensory informa-
tion could be guided to the appropriate lexical system (assuming separate
lexicons for each language) such that non-target language representations
are never contacted (e.g. Gerard & Scarborough, 1989; Macnamara &
Kushnir, 1971; Soares & Grosjean, 1984). However, the present results add
to the increasing evidence that bilingual lexical access is initially non-
selective (Beauvillain & Grainger, 1987; Bijeljac-Babic, Biardeau &
Grainger, 1997; Van Heuven, Dijkstra, & Grainger, in press). In the
present experiment, our bilingual participants never reported being aware
of the presence of French prime stimuli and continued to perform strictly
monolingual tasks. According to the selective access hypothesis, to
improve performance in these tasks (as requested by the experimenter),
participants could block access to non-target language representations (by
maintaining an input switch on the target language, for example). The very
fact that French prime words inuenced performance to English target
words implies that English language representations were not being
selectively accessed. One could argue that the experimental setting was not
strictly monolingual and that the participants may have suspected that
their bilingual capacities were being tested. Nevertheless, the highly
repetitive nature of the experiment (each participant was tested in a total
of 24 blocks) and the fact that participants never reported being aware of
the prime stimuli, would probably encourage participants to abandon any
attempt at ‘‘keeping the non-target language open’’.

Rapid Semantic Activation from Printed Words
The present results provide evidence that semantic information can be
extracted from a visual stimulus in conditions where prime visibility was
kept to a minimum (29 msec prime exposures with forward and backward
masking of the prime). In these conditions, we observed signiŽcant
facilitation of semantic categorisation responses to target words that were
the translation equivalent of the prime. Moreover, this semantic
facilitation was robust with respect to both within-condition and across-
condition measures (Jacobs et al., 1995). None of the bilingual participants
ever reported being aware of the prime stimuli in these conditions (29
msec prime exposures), and an independent group of French monolinguals
showed an average report of 1% of the French prime words while
speciŽcally asked to attend to the prime stimuli and ignore the English
target words. We argue that there are two main reasons why such robust

semantic priming was obtained in the present experiment in conditions
that have often failed to produce robust effects: (a) semantic overlap is
greater with translation equivalents than any other type of semantic
relation; and (b) the semantic categorisation task is maximally sensitive to
semantic variables (compared to such tasks as lexical decision and naming
that have been the preferred tasks in previous research). We therefore
consider the translation priming effects obtained in the present experiment
to be an extreme example of the semantic similarity priming reported in
the monolingual literature (e.g. McRae & Boisvert, 1998; Perea & Gotor,
1997). Concerning recent theoretical work on semantic representation and
the distinction between ‘‘co-occurrence’’ models (e.g. Burgess & Lund,
1997) and ‘‘feature-based’’ models (e.g. Masson, 1995), it will be
interesting in future work on masked translation priming effects to
compare the performance of expert translators (where translations do
indeed co-occur) with highly proŽcient bilinguals who rarely translate.
   Finally, the fact that translation priming effects were obtained at 29
msec prime exposures in the present experiment is relevant to the
phonological mediation debate. Indeed, the debate has recently been
resurrected by Van Orden, Lukatela and their colleagues, who claim that
access to meaning from a printed word occurs predominantly via
phonological codes (e.g. Lukatela & Turvey, 1994; Van Orden, Penning-
ton, & Stone, 1990). In favour of this, Lukatela and Turvey (1994) claim
that associative priming obtained with brief prime exposures in the word
naming task is insensitive to whether the prime is the true associate (e.g.
toad–frog), a homophone (e.g. towed–frog) or a pseudohomophone (e.g.
tode–frog) of the associated prime. However, in conditions comparable to
those used in the present experiment, several studies have reported
phonological priming effects (the primes were pseudohomophones of
target words) that only started to emerge at around 43 msec prime
exposures (Ferrand & Grainger, 1992, 1993, 1994; see also Perfetti & Bell,
1991). If one adopts stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) rather than prime
exposure as the critical variable, then the 14 msec post-mask in the present
experiment gives an SOA of 43 msec. Thus, the only conclusion one can
legitimately draw at present is that phonological priming effects do not
appear before translation priming effects. One might therefore wonder
how phonological codes could mediate semantic activation when there is
no evidence for phonological code activation before semantic activation. It
is possible, however, that semantic activation follows phonological
activation too closely in time to be experimentally separable. One
therefore needs to demonstrate semantic priming effects at prime
exposures where no phonological priming is observed. This is clearly an
issue that requires further experimentation, and applications of the
incremental priming paradigm (Jacobs et al., 1995) should prove
particularly useful here. Furthermore, the pseudohomophone priming
versus translation priming comparison is particularly interesting in that
these both reect maximum overlap on their respective dimensions
(phonological and semantic). We are currently pursuing our masked
priming work with bilinguals in this direction.

                                                       Manuscript received August 1996
                                                  Revised manuscript received May 1998

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