Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis

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Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis
Martian sulfates

                                                                                                                                                         DR ALIAN WANG
In the quest to discover more about our neighbouring planet, Dr Alian Wang
and her team are carrying out experimental investigations on the fundamental
properties of hydrous sulfates found on Mars, using laser Raman spectroscopy
                                                    of inorganic (mineral) and organic (biomarker)    rich regolith and phyllosilicate-bearing
                                                    species during robotic surface explorations       rocks, I have used data from all scientific
                                                    on Mars. Compared with other spectroscopic        instrument payloads, as well as support
                                                    techniques, LRS provides information on           from mechanical engineers and atmospheric
                                                    molecules, for example chemical bonding and       scientists. Furthermore, in order to
                                                    crystal structure. Moreover, LRS peaks are        understand our Mars observations on sulfate
                                                    much sharper and almost free of overtones         dehydration, I run laboratory experiments
                                                    and combination modes, thus giving more           on hydrous sulfates, liaise with theoretical
                                                    distinct fingerprint spectra with a very low      modelling experts, and travel to terrestrial
                                                    degree of peak-overlaps for mixtures (such        field sites like the Tibetan Plateau and the
                                                    as soils and rocks on the surface of Mars).       Atacama Desert to see analogous subsurface
                                                    LRS is extremely sensitive to carbon, and         salty layers.
                                                    can distinguish the structural variations in
                                                    carbonaceous materials, thus it can be useful     Do you have any current or future
                                                    in the search for traces of life.                 research plans?

                                                    LRS is the major phase identification tool that   My team is starting systematic experimental
                                                    my team used in the experimental study of         studies on the stability fields and reaction
                                                    fundamental properties of hydrous sulfates.       rates of hydrous Al-sulfates and chloride
Could you begin by outlining the main               Our studies demonstrated that LRS can provide     hydrates. Al-sulfates should be formed from
objectives of your research?                        conclusive characterisation of sulfates with      extensive weathering processes, thus they
                                                    various hydration degrees and solid-solution      are less likely to exist in large quantities and
Hydrous sulfates are one of the two major           sulfates with different cations.                  be widespread on Mars. However, Al-sulfates
types of secondary minerals (the other type                                                           were actually observed by orbital remote
is phyllosilicates) that have been found in         What are the difficulties associated with         sensing in localised areas, so are worth
large quantities and widely spread on the           LRS? Are there specific problems relating         more detailed study. More importantly, we
surface of Mars. The hydration degree of these      to its use in space? How do you overcome          need to compare the reaction rates among
sulfates on the martian surface is influenced       these issues?                                     the common Mg, Fe, Ca, and Al-sulfates
by environmental conditions, which are                                                                through experiments.
determined by the diurnal and seasonal              Raman scattering is intrinsically a weak
cycles, and in the long term, by the cycles of      process. We need to collect as many Raman         In addition, we propose that a subsurface layer
Mars’ obliquity.                                    photons as possible from a sample, while, at      of chloride hydrates could be the potential
                                                    the same time, reduce the photon loss in the      source for recurring slope lineae (RSL) which
The current degrees of hydration of Mg, Fe, Ca      optical train and prevent the interference from   have been observed on many equator-facing
and Al-sulfates at the surface and subsurface of    other light sources. Having good optical design   slopes during warm seasons on Mars. The
Mars can shed light on the hydrologic evolution     is the key, as well as first-class mechanical,    assesment of their stability fields under
of the planet, and provide information about        thermal and electronic subsystems to ensure       Mars’ subsurface conditions and the rate of
its current water reservoirs. Both aspects relate   a robust flight system. Our engineering team      deliquescence as a function of temperature
to the potential formation and preservation of      at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has     will help improve understanding of RSL
Martian life (if that ever happened). Laboratory    been working on these issues and have found       phenomena, and can further address questions
experimental studies on the stability fields and    good solutions.                                   about Mars’ hydrologic history and current
reaction rates of hydrous sulfates under Mars-                                                        water reservoirs.
relevant conditions can be used to explain          How important are collaboration and
phenomena observed during past and current          embracing an interdisciplinary approach to        Another even more important plan is to
exploration missions on the planet.                 the Mars Rover project?                           propose the laser Raman system that we
                                                                                                      (Washington University in St Louis and JPL)
In what ways can laser Raman spectroscopy           I benefited greatly from interdisciplinary        have been developing as a science payload
help to deepen our understanding of Mars?           collaborations during the Mars Exploration        for the NASA Mars 2020 Mission. Having this
                                                    Rover Mission. Over the past nine years, I        Raman system as a fine-scale mineralogy tool
Laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) has been             have worked mainly in a mineralogy and            will allow us to characterise – directly and in
proposed as a powerful new technique for            geochemistry ‘theme group’; while for             situ – the hydrous sulfates on Mars’ surface and
definitive identification and characterisation      my investigations on subsurface sulfate-          within the subsurface.

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Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis

     Mission to Mars
     Researchers at Washington University in St Louis are investigating the fundamental properties of subsurface
     materials found on Mars to shed light on its evolution and their significance to other planetary bodies

     AS ON EARTH, SULFATES and hydrated                          LASER RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY
     sulfate minerals have been found in
     abundant quantities on the surface of                       One research group studying the fundamental
     Mars; identified as a result of spectroscopic               properties of hydrous sulfates relevant to
     observations from orbital remote sensing                    Mars is based at Washington University in
     as well as landed exploration missions by                   St Louis, USA. Led by Dr Alian Wang, the
     rovers. This discovery implies that there                   group is investigating stability fields, phase
     is substantial sulfur cycling taking place                  transition pathways and reaction rates of
     among gases, liquids and solids on the                      hydrous sulfates likely to be found on the
     planet, and that Martian sulfates may have                  planet. The researchers current project is one
     played a critical role in the weathering of                 of two that has been funded by the NASA
     surface and subsurface materials, circulation               Mars Fundamental Research Program. Over
     of metals, circulation and storage of water                 eight years, Wang’s team has conducted two
     and hydroxyl, and the hydrologic processes                  sets of systematic experimental investigations                Wang’s team synthesised a set of OH-bearing ferric sulfates
     that took place over the course of Mars’                    in Earth atmospheric pressure and under Mars                  to study their thermodynamic and kinetic properties.
     long history. As many of these sulfates have                relevant atmospheric pressure into Mg and
     been found in layers that have thicknesses                  ferric sulfates, and it is currently embarking on             spectroscopic tools, LRS gives very dinstinct
     rarely seen in terrestrial deposits, scientists             a study of Al-sulfates.                                       fingerprint spectra, which permit detection of
     are keen to understand the environmental                                                                                  minor changes in hydration degree and the co-
     conditions that have enabled such large                     The group is working with information from                    existence of multiple sulfates.
     amounts of layered sulfate deposition to                    three rovers (Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity)
     take place.                                                 and three orbiters (Mars Express, ODY and
                                                                                                                               SUBSURFACE MINERAL WATER RESERVOIR
                                                                 MRO) on Mars. In the laboratory, they are using
     However, the findings from past and                         laser Raman spectroscopy (LRS) as a major                     By exploring their general hypothesis – that
     current missions to Mars revealed very little               tool to monitor the phase transitions. LRS is                 there is likely to be a subsurface mineral
     information about the degree of hydration                   a spectroscopic technique used to observe                     water reservoir on Mars – the group has
     of martian minerals; information that is                    vibrational, rotational and other low-frequency               successfully revealed stability fields and rates
     essential to enable scientists to interpret                 modes in a molecular system. Modern Raman                     of dehydration and rehydration for a range
     the hydrologic history of the planet.                       spectroscopy uses a laser to stimulate Raman                  of hydrous sulfates. Specifically, it conducted
     Consequently,      laboratory   experiments                 scattering from a sample, collect the Raman                   experiments at three different temperature
     carried out on Mars-relevant sulfates under                 photons and analyse their wavelengths. The                    scenarios with Mars-relevant atmospheric
     Mars-relevant conditions can enhance                        energy difference between the excitation laser                pressure and partial water pressure to extract
     understanding about the degree of hydration                 and the photons is called the ‘Raman shift’                   the activation energy and extrapolate the
     of different ubiquitous sulfates at various                 which is dependent entirely upon the structure                half-life of dehydration of sulfates on the
     seasons and locations and during the change                 and composition of the molecule that is                       subsurface of Mars. “At low temperature, the
     of Mars’ obliquity periods.                                 emitting the photons. Compared with other                     sulfates with a high degree of hydration have
                                                                                                                               enlarged stability fields toward low relative
                                                                                                                               humidity,” Wang elucidates. “They are capable
                                                                                                                               of maintaining high relative humidity in a
                                                                                                                               closed environment and an aqueous film at
                                                                                                                               their grain surfaces. More importantly, their
                                                                                                                               dehydration processes are much slower than
                                                                                                                               water-ice sublimation.”

                                                                                                                               Using the experimentally extracted activation
                                                                                                                               energy and half-life, they found that
                                                                                                                               subsurface hydrous Mg-sulfates which formed
                                                                                                                               during past high obliquity periods have a
                                                                                                                               high probability of maintaining mid- to high-
                                                                                                                               degrees of hydration, possibly until the present
     Wang’s team joined a field expedition to saline lakes and   Wang led a team of US scientists on a field expedition to     epoch. Among the Mg, Fe, Ca and Al-sulfates
     playas at Atacama desert, to test instruments developed     the saline lakes and playas of the Tibetan plateau to study   explored, they found that Mg varieties have the
     for future planetary missions.                              hydrous sulfates at the surface and subsurface.               lowest thermal stability, suggesting that the

Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis
                                                                                                                           EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF
                                                                                                                           SULFATES RELEVANT TO MARS: STABILITY
                                                                                                                           FIELDS, PHASE TRANSITION PATHWAYS
                                                                                                                           AND REACTION RATES
                                                                                                                           To understand the past and current status of
                                                                                                                           Subsurface Mineralogical Water Reservoirs on
Wang’s team is making measurements using laser               Wang’s team uses a new facility, laser Raman                  Mars through studying the changes of hydration
induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser              Spectroscopic imaging, to study extraterrestrial materials.   degrees of sulfates affected by atmospheric
Raman spectroscopy (LRS) of the samples in a Mars                                                                          and subsurface environmental conditions.
environmental chamber.                                                                                                     Shedding light on their evolution as influenced
                                                                                                                           by the martian obliquity cycle, this will improve
remaining sulfates on Mars must dehydrate                    steep slopes and appears to grow incrementally                understanding of Mars’ hydrologic history.
even slower.                                                 during warm seasons and reduce during cold                    KEY COLLABORATORS
                                                             seasons, possibly pointing to evidence of past
These results are consistent with an excavation              liquid water flow.                                            Scott Rudolph Professor of Earth and Planetary
                                                                                                                           Sciences Bradley L Jolliff; James S McDonnell
made by the Spirit rover at Gusev Crater on Mars,
                                                                                                                           Distinguished University Professor Raymond
where evidence of dehydration of subsurface Fe               This premise is supported by the widespread                   E Arvidson, Washington University in St Louis,
sulfates was found after their exposure at the               existence of chlorine on Mars, putative                       USA • Research Geologist I-Ming Chou, U.S.
surface. Furthermore, they are consistent with               chloride deposits in the southern hemisphere                  Geological Survey • Dr William C Feldman,
the findings of highly hydrated sulfate (epsomite)           of the planet and especially by the properties                Planetary Science Institute, New Mexico, USA
and chloride (carnallite) in the subsurface of               of chloride hydrates revealed in previous                     • Staff Scientist Michael T Mellon, Southwest
a hyper-arid Mars analogue site, the Da Lang                 studies of saline fluid inclusions within                     Research Institute, Texas, USA • Academician
Tan saline playa on the Tibetan Plateau. “Our                terrestrial rocks. Wang’s group is just beginning             MianPing Zheng, PhD, Chinese Academy of
study supports our hypothesis that subsurface                a systematic experimental study on chloride                   Geological Sciences, China
hydrated sulfates hosting large amounts of                   hydrates but their preliminary results show                   PARTNER
water are major contributors to high water-                  that the temperature dependence of their
equivalent-hydrogen (WEH) values observed at                 stability fields and the extremely fast rates of              NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
two equatorial regions on Mars,” Wang adds.                  deliquence processes when required conditions                 FUNDING
On Earth, this type of subsurface environment                are met support the hypothesis.
                                                                                                                           NASA, Mars Fundamental Research Program
is life-friendly, as demonstrated by the discovery                                                                         – grant nos. NNX07AQ34G, NNX10AM89G •
of halophiles in salt-rich subsurfaces in the                                                                              NASA, Science Team support for MER mission
                                                             BROAD AND DEEP SIGNIFICANCE
Atacama Desert and Tibetan Plateau.                                                                                        and MoO support for Wang as Co-PI in ESA
                                                             The rovers and orbiters currently working at                  ExoMars rover mission • NASA’s Planetary
                                                             Mars’ surface and in orbits are generating                    Instrument Definition and Development
RECURRING SLOPE LINEAE                                                                                                     Program (PIDDP), Mars Instrument
                                                             exciting new information every day and
A related hypothesis proposed by the                         will – in the near future – study thick sulfate               Development Project (MIDP), Astrobiology
group is that chloride hydrates may exist                    deposits found at depth. Two further orbiter                  Science and Technology for Exploring Planets
in some areas within the subsurface of the                   missions to the planet (Maven 2013, Trace                     (ASTEP) and Maturation of Instruments for Solar
                                                                                                                           System Exploration (MatISSE) programmes •
southern hemisphere on Mars and that the                     Gas Orbiter 2016) and three more landed                       McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences at
deliquescence of these chloride hydrates at                  missions (InSight Mars 2016 Lander, ExoMars                   Washington University in St Louis
elevated temperatures may produce large                      2018 and Mars 2020 Mission) are currently
quantities of brine that cause an event known                under development. As a result, more                          CONTACT
as recurring slope lineae (RSL). Repeatedly                  information from the planet will be obtained,                 Dr Alian Wang
observed on Mars, this phenomenon occurs on                  enabling a deeper understanding of Mars as a                  Research Professor and Principal Investigator
                                                             dynamic system; from atmosphere, to surface
                                                             and subsurface material to interior structure.                Earth and Planetary Sciences
                                                                                                                           McDonnell Center for Space Sciences
                                                                                                                           Washington University in St Louis
                                                             The outcomes of Wang’s research have broad                    Office – Rudolph Hall, Room 338
                                                             and deep scientific significance as sulfates                  Campus Box 1169, 1 Brookings Drive
                                                             and hydrated sulfate minerals are anticipated                 Saint Louis, Missouri 63130-4899, USA
                                                             to exist not only on Mars but also on many
                                                             other planetary bodies, for example Europa,                   T +1 314 935 5671
                                                                                                                           E alianw@levee.wustl.edu
                                                             an icy-satellite of Jupiter. “Getting unaltered
                                                             records from other planets like Mars will help
Subsurface salty soils excavated by the Spirit Rover                                                                       ALIAN WANG is a Research Professor at
at ‘Tyrone’ site near Home Plate at Gusev Crater. The
                                                             us to understand the processes that our own                   Washington University in St Louis and a
yellowish salty soil enriched with ferric sulfates was dug   Earth has experienced during its early age.                   renowned laser Raman spectroscopist,
out from a deeper depth by the non-function right-front      Understanding the current status of other                     specialising in its applications for planetary
wheel of the Spirit rover. A colour change was observed      planets will help us to see the potential future              surface exploration and planetary fundamental
after ~ 200 sols.                                            of our own home,” Wang enthuses.                              science investigations. She is the Principal
                                                                                                                           Investigator of Mars Microbeam Raman
                                                                                                                           Spectrometer (MMRS) supported by NASA
                                                                                                                           PIDDP, MIDP, ASTEP and MatISSE programmes.

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Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis Understanding Martian sulfates - Washington University in St. Louis
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