Marketing program guide - APRIL 2020 / MARCH 2021 - Doing business with ...

Page created by Joseph Ruiz
Marketing program guide - APRIL 2020 / MARCH 2021 - Doing business with ...
program guide
AP RI L 2020 / MAR C H 202 1
Marketing program guide - APRIL 2020 / MARCH 2021 - Doing business with ...
M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

    table of contents
     D I S P L AY P R O G R A MS

         Product Spotlight                                                       6

         NEW Brand Spotlight                                                     9

         Footprint Theatre                                                       12

         Impulse Bin                                                             14

         NEW Impulse @ Cash                                                      16

         Buy Now                                                                 18

         Ad-Hoc                                                                  20

     S U PP O R T P R O GR A M S

         Refreshment Beverage Area Signage                                       22

         Shelf Talker                                                            24

         Neck Tag                                                                26

         Value Add Program                                                       28

             Rep-Applied                                                         28

             Plant-Applied                                                       29

             Free of Charge (FOC) Packaging                                      30

             Near Packs                                                          31


             Limited Time Offer                                                  33

             Hot Buy                                                             37

             Black Friday                                                        39

             Temporary Price Reduction                                           41

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M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

     AI R M I L ES ® P R O GR A M S

             AIR MILES® Bonus Miles                                                        43

             NEW AIR MILES® Bonus Buy More. Get More. Event                                45

             AIR MILES® MULTI SKU                                                          46

             AIR MILES® BUCKSLIP                                                           48

             NEW AIR MILES® MAX MILES                                                      49

             AIR MILES® 12 Days of MAX MILES                                               51

             NEW AIR MILES® Direct E-mail                                                  52

     EX PE R I EN C E P R O GR A M S

         In-Store Sampling                                                                 54

         WineStation® Sampling                                                             56

         Liquor Experience Events                                                          57

         Distinctions – Premium Spirit Week                                                62

         Winnipeg Whisky Festival                                                          63

         Winnipeg Wine Festival (WWF)                                                      64

         Flatlander's Beer Festival                                                        66

         Trade Shows                                                                       67


         12-Pack Carrier Advertising                                                       69

         NEW In-Store Audio                                                                71

         Shopping Cart Advertising                                                         73

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M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

     AP P E ND IC E S

             Appendix A: Impact Tier Structure                                                     76

             Appendix B: Marketing Program Schedule                                                78

             Appendix C: POP Material Requirements and Instructions for File Upload                79

             Appendix D: Product Category Classifications                                          80

             Appendix E: Summary of Marketing Program Application Templates                        81

             Appendix F: Liquor Mart In-Store Samplings Supplier/Sampler Guidelines and
                         Sampler Responsibilities

             Appendix G: Contests                                                                  83

             Appendix H: LX Events Application                                                     84

             Appendix I: 2020-21 MBLL Event & Festival Apllication Deadlines                       85

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Marketing program guide - APRIL 2020 / MARCH 2021 - Doing business with ...

display programs
Marketing program guide - APRIL 2020 / MARCH 2021 - Doing business with ...
M A R K E T I N G       P R O G R A M   G U I D E

         Product Spotlight provides the opportunity for suppliers to display products
         at end caps and other prime locations for a one-month period.

    A PP LICATIO N                                             PA R T I C I PAT I O N & E L I G I BI LI TY
    Suppliers may apply by completing the                      Displays will consist of no more than three
    Marketing Program Guide Application Form.                  related SKUs.
    All applications must be submitted by the
    deadline date. (Please refer to the Marketing              All regular listed products (excluding Economy*)
    Program Guide Schedule).                                   are eligible.

    Late applications will not be accepted.                    *Applications for Economy products will be considered
                                                               for Periods 10 and 11 (January and February) only.
    Liquor Marts are classified as Tiers 1 through
    4 (refer to Appendix A). Liquor Marts have                 For Privately Distributed products, the supplier
    been classified based on a combination of                  is responsible for ensuring adequate inventory is
    sales volume and availability of display space.            available to support the program.
    Suppliers must select the stores they wish to
    be featured in by Tier.

                                        Tier 1-4          Tier 1-3             Tier 1-2               Tier 1
               PERIOD                  56 Stores         41 stores            27 Stores             13 Stores
                                         100%               89%                 65%                    36%
           1            April           $4,900           $4,675                $3,550                   $1,925
           2            May             $5,600           $5,350                $4,050                   $2,200
           3            June            $7,000           $6,700                $5,075                   $2,750
           4            July            $6,300           $6,025                $4,575                   $2,475
           5            August          $7,000           $6,700                $5,075                   $2,750
           6            September       $5,600           $5,350                $4,050                   $2,200
           7            October         $5,600           $5,350                $4,050                   $2,200
           8            November        $5,600           $5,350                $4,050                   $2,200
           9            December        $9,100           $8,700                $6,600                   $3,575
          10            January         $4,200           $4,025                $3,050                   $1,650
          11            February        $4,200           $4,025                $3,050                   $1,650
          12            March           $4,900           $4,675                $3,550                   $1,925

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    SELECTION CRITERIA                                          Product Spotlight Display signage during
                                                                the month-long LTO periods, provided all
                                                                participating products are approved on LTO.
    • Seasonal/category focus                                   Reference may also be made to an approved
                                                                month-long AIR MILES® offer.
    • Good distribution in Liquor Marts
    • Overall balance of displays
                                                                CO N T E STS
    • Support of other marketing programs during
      the period (Bonus AIR MILES®, LTOs, Value Adds etc.)      Suppliers may use contests to enhance their
                                                                Product Spotlight Displays, but stores may
    • Projected sales volume                                    be unable to include the actual prize in the
                                                                display due to space limitations. If applicable,
    • Approved listing (Approval of listing must be confirmed   ballot boxes, ballots and pens/pencils must be
      prior to applying for Product Spotlight Display)          provided. The ballot box must be designed so
                                                                it does not impede product shop-ability.
                                                                See Appendix G for further contest details.

                                                                VA LU E A D DS A N D
    PRO GRA M GUID E LINE S &                                   N E A R PAC KS
                                                                If the Product Spotlight Display includes a near
    It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that          pack value add, it is expected that a enough
    all promotional activities and creative elements            quantity of the bonus item be available to
    are compliant with regulations.                             support the program for the entire month. The
                                                                supplier must provide a method of display of
                                                                the near pack, i.e. a floor-model merchandiser.
    P.O. P. SIG NAG E
                                                                All participating stores must receive the near
    Upon notification of approval, the supplier                 pack item and merchandiser 7 days prior to the
    must submit P.O.P. signage to the Liquor                    start of the period. At the time of application,
    Experience department for approval. Suppliers’              the supplier must provide an image of the
    signage creative must be 20”W x 20”H, with                  merchandiser, including the dimensions, to the
    the live viewable area being 19.25”W x 18.5”H.              Liquor Experience Department for approval.
    All critical text and artwork should be kept                The merchandiser cannot exceed 44” high x
    1” inside of live area. All signage must contain            18" wide X 18" deep, with or without a header.
    a legible social responsibility message
    (Ex. Please enjoy responsibly).                             Suppliers must deliver merchandisers
                                                                pre-assembled, or assist in building and
    Once the creative is approved, the supplier                 stocking the merchandisers, as required.
    is responsible for uploading the file to
                                                                NOTE: Rep-applied value adds and near packs
    the OneDrive folder to the deadlines and
                                                                cannot be mentioned on the Product Spotlight
    instructions outlined in Appendix C. MBLL will
                                                                Display signage. If a store runs out of the near pack
    have the signage created. Materials will be
                                                                value add, the merchandiser will be removed, and
    printed, kitted and shipped directly to Liquor              the Product Spotlight Display will remain up until the
    Marts for placement in our P.O.P. signage                   end of the period.
                                                                Reference to the near pack value add and how to
    P.O.P. must be seasonably appropriate,                      get the offer must appear on the merchandiser only
    relevant to all products on display and clearly             – either on the side panels or on a header, provided
    communicate a “reason to buy”.                              use of a header does not exceed the maximum
    Reference to price may appear on                            height of 44”.

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    Suppliers can distribute near packs directly
    to rural stores. These items must arrive at the
    store prior to the start date of the period.
    If a supplier prefers, they may request that
    MBLL distribute the near pack items to rural
    stores. Suppliers must pre-package the items
    for each store and deliver these kits to the
    Liquor Experience Department for distribution
    30 days prior to the start of the period.
    Shipping and handling charges are $25.00 for
    the first case, $5.00 for each additional case,
    per store.

    MBLL is committed to providing the highest
    quality service to our suppliers.
    Liquor Marts will be required to list and display
    all SKUs approved for the Product Spotlight
    Display Program.
    Inventory levels will be determined by MBLL
    and enough inventory will be maintained
    for the period to support visually effective
    To ensure visual consistency, all Product
    Spotlight displays will be merchandised on
    end cap shelving, except for select boxed
    wine, beer and refreshment beverages, as
    determined by MBLL. Other exceptions
    may apply, should racking impede program
    Liquor Marts will have displays completed no
    later than end of day, on the second day of
    the period.
    The Liquor Experience team is available to
    meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
    opportunities to market their products and
    determine programs to help execute and
    maximize marketing strategies.

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M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

    Brand spotlight provides the opportunity for suppliers to showcase their brand with Liquor Mart
    customers through an elaborate 360-degree approach to drive customer acquisition.

    Brand Spotlight will progressively position your
    brand paramount to the customer’s journey
    in effort to drive significant sales volume and
    includes exclusive brand presence in focal                 The Brand Spotlight is inclusive of all
    display space, support programming, experiential           opportunities as previously outlined,
    retailing and pronounced brand positioning in              there are six opportunities per fiscal year
    Liquor Mart advertising.                                   available for a rate of:

    A PP LICATIO N                                                  PERIOD             Season             $ Rate
    Suppliers may apply by completing the Marketing
    Program Guide Application Form.
                                                                2   May
    There is one application deadline for                                              Spring             $32,500
                                                                3   June
    all periods listed below. Applications are
    due February 28, 2020.                                      4   July
                                                                                      Summer              $32,500
    Late applications will not be accepted.                     5   August
                                                                6   September
                                                                                        Fall              $30,000
                                                                7   October
                                                                8   November
                                                                                       Holiday            $35,000
                                                                9   December
                                                                10 January
                                                                                       Winter             $27,500
                                                                11 February
                                                                12 March
                                                                                        WWF               $27,500
                                                                1 April

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M A R K E T I N G     P R O G R A M       G U I D E

      SELECTION CRITERIA                                           PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
                                                                   S U PPL I E R R EQ U I R E M E N TS
      • Size of the brand and growth trend                         Upon approval, suppliers are responsible to
      • Liquor Mart benefit: Sales, up-sell potential, relevancy   provide the following:

      • Alignment with Liquor Mart seasonal themes                 • A high-resolution print ready bottle shot file
                                                                     (minimum 300 dpi) for each applied SKU.
        and key consumer occasions
                                                                   		     • The file must be uploaded to the
      • Consumer benefit: Education, solution, engagement, value            OneDrive folder to the
                                                                            deadlines and instructions outlined
                                                                            in Appendix C.
                                                                   • Key messaging and/or campaign tagline
                                                                   • Feature cocktail (if applicable)
                                                                   • Recipe (if applicable)
                                                                   • Food pairing (if applicable)
                                                                   • Tasting notes/educational content
                                                                   MBLL will have the Brand Spotlight P.O.P.
                                                                   signage created. Materials will be printed,
                                                                   kitted and shipped directly to Liquor Marts.

                                                                   L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T I ON
                                                                   MBLL is committed to providing the highest
                                                                   quality service to our suppliers.
                                                                   Liquor Marts will be required to list and display
                                                                   all SKUs approved for the Brand Spotlight
                                                                   Display Program in the respective store.
                                                                   Inventory levels will be determined by MBLL
                                                                   and enough inventory will be maintained
                                                                   for the period to support visually effective
                                                                   Liquor Marts will have displays completed no
                                                                   later than end of day, on the second day
                                                                   of the period.
                                                                   The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                                   meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
                                                                   opportunities to market their products and
                                                                   determine programs to help execute and
                                                                   maximize marketing strategies.

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M A R K E T I N G     P R O G R A M   G U I D E

     All listed products, excluding economy, are eligible for the Brand Spotlight.
     Up to 12 SKUs can be featured
     The Brand Spotlight will include the following:

              PROGRAM               Component                         Engagement        Impressions   Inventory Requirement   Details
                                    Product Spotlight                 Tier 1-3          1             1-3 SKU
                                    Impuse Bin                        Tier 1-3          1             1-2 SKU
                                    Case Stack                        Tier 1-2          1             1-4 SKU                 Exclusive to Brand Spotlight program
                                    Flagship Window                   Grant Park Only   1             1-6 SKU                 Exclusive to Brand Spotlight program
                                    Shelf Talkers                     Tier 1-4          4             N/A
                                    Shelf Blades                      Tier 1-2          4             N/A                     Exclusive to Brand Spotlight program
                Support             Vestibule Teaser Decal            Tier 1-3          1             N/A                     Exclusive to Brand Spotlight program
                                    Floor Decals                      Tier 1-3          2             N/A                     Exclusive to Brand Spotlight program
                                    LTO                               Tier 1-4          4             N/A
                                    Coordinated Sampling              Tier 1            1             N/A
                                    Supplier Lead Event               Grant Park Only   1             N/A

                                                                                                                              Exclusive to Brand Spotlight program Dedicated brand exposure in high
                                    Exterior Branding                                   10            N/A
                                                                                                                              visible, high traffic top 10 Liquor Mart stores

                                    Shopping Cart                     Tier 1-4          ~650          N/A
                                    In Store Audio                    Tier 1-4          ~720          N/A                     Dedicated brand spot in 63 stores
                                    Liquor Mart Flyer Feature                           2             N/A                     Exclusive to Brand Spotlight program
               Advertising Home Page Web
                                                                                                                              Exclusive to Brand Spotlight program Circulation includes direct to home,
                                    Banner Linking to Dedicated Web                     1             N/A
                                                                                                                              online @, mobile flyer app and in-store

                                                                                                                              Exclusive to Brand Spotlight program 8 x
                                                                                                                              Facebook 8 x
                                    Dedicated Social Media                              20            N/A
                                                                                                                              Twitter 4 x

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M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

          Footprint Theatre provides the opportunity for suppliers to create in-store
          excitement with a unique display unit that offers a small footprint with big impact
          for a one-month period.

     Suppliers may apply by completing the Marketing
     Program Guide Program Application Form. All                                          TI E R 1
     applications must be submitted by the deadline
     date. (Please refer to the Marketing Program                                      1 3 STOR ES
     Guide Schedule).                                                                      36 %
     Late applications will not be accepted.
                                                                       PERIOD                             $ Rate
     Applications MUST include an image of the actual
     display, construction material details, dimensions                1        April                      $925
     (height, width and depth), and holding power.
                                                                       2        May                       $1,075
     PA RTIC IPATIO N & E LIG IB IL I T Y                              3        June                      $1,325
     All listed products (excluding Economy) are
                                                                       4        July                      $1,200
     eligible for the Footprint Theatre.                               5        August                    $1,325
     There are up to three opportunities for Tier 1                    6        September                 $1,075
     each period.
                                                                       7        October                   $1,075
     Displays will consist of a maximum of three SKUs.
                                                                       8        November                  $1,075
                                                                       9        December                  $1,725
                                                                       10       January                   $800
                                                                       11       February                  $800
                                                                       12       March                      $925

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                                                               PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
                                                               S U PPL I E R R EQ U I R E M E NTS
     SELECTION CRITERIA                                        Suppliers will be required to produce POS
                                                               displays no larger than 2’ x 3’ (or otherwise
                                                               approved by the Liquor Experience department).
     • Seasonal/Category focus                                 Display racks should be shop-able from
     • Support of other Marketing Programs during the period   360 degrees or at a minimum have creative on
      (Bonus AIR MILES®, LTO, Value Add, etc.)                 all sides (no white space on the back).

     • Projected Sales Volumes                                 Suppliers will deliver POS to participating stores
                                                               7 days prior to the start of the period. If
     • Good distribution in Liquor Marts                       significant building is required, the supplier is
                                                               responsible to ensure the unit is constructed in
     • Overall balance of displays                             advance of the period start date.
                                                               If suppliers wish to augment their Footprint
                                                               Theatre with a near pack value add, the value add
                                                               item must be merchandised within the rack. Near
                                                               packs outside of the rack are not permitted.
                                                               Suppliers may use contests to enhance their
                                                               Footprint Theatre. If a display includes an in-store
                                                               draw, the prize, ballots and ballot box must be
                                                               accommodated on or within the rack. See the
                                                               Appendix G for more details.
                                                               All displays must be removed by the supplier
                                                               from stores at the end of the period. Display
                                                               units should be disposed of in an environmentally
                                                               friendly manner.

                                                               L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T ION
                                                               MBLL is committed to providing the highest
                                                               quality service to our suppliers.
                                                               Footprint Theatre displays will be placed in a high
                                                               traffic, high visibility section of the store.
                                                               Inventory levels will be determined by the MBLL
                                                               and enough inventory will be maintained for the
                                                               period to support visually effective displays.
                                                               The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                               meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
                                                               opportunities to market their products and
                                                               determine programs to help execute and
                                                               maximize marketing strategies.

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M A R K E T I N G    P R O G R A M    G U I D E

     Impulse Bin provides the opportunity for suppliers to promote
     their products in an Impulse Bin for a one-month period.

     APP LICATIO N                                           PA R T I C I PAT I O N & E L I G I B I LI TY
     Suppliers may apply by completing a Marketing           All listed products 750 ml or less (excluding
     Program Guide Application Form.                         economy) are eligible for the Impulse Bin.
     All applications must be submitted by the               SKUs cannot participate in back-to-back
     deadline date. (Please refer to the Marketing           Impulse Bin periods.
     Program Guide Schedule).
                                                             Displays will consist of a maximum of 3 SKUs
     Late applications will not be accepted.                 per display.
                                                             There are up to 4 opportunities per period:
                                                             • 2 x Tier 1-4
                                                             • 2 x Tier 1-3
                            T IER 1- 4                                              TI E R 1 -3
                           5 6 STO RE S                                             41 STOR ES
                               10 0 %                                                  89%

            PERIOD                        $ Rate                     PERIOD                           $ Rate

            1        April                 $925                      1        April                    $700
            2        May                  $1,050                     2        May                      $800
            3        June                 $1,325                     3        June                    $1,000
            4        July                 $1,200                     4        July                     $900
            5        August               $1,325                     5        August                  $1,000
            6        September            $1,050                     6        September                $800
            7        October              $1,050                     7        October                  $800
            8        November             $1,050                     8        November                 $800
            9        December             $1,725                     9        December                $1,275
            10       January               $800                      10       January                  $600
            11       February              $800                      11       February                 $600
            12       March                 $925                      12       March                    $700

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                                                                  PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
                                                                  S U PPL I E R R EQ U I R E M E N TS
                                                                  Upon approval, suppliers are required to provide
                                                                  the following:

     SELECTION CRITERIA                                           • A high-resolution print ready bottle shot file
                                                                    (minimum 300 dpi) for each approved SKU.

     Selection will be based on the theme focus for each period   • The file must be uploaded to the
     (Please refer to the Marketing Program Guide Schedule).        OneDrive folder according to the
                                                                    deadlines and instructions outlined in
                                                                    Appendix C.

                                                                  L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T I ON
                                                                  MBLL is committed to providing the highest
                                                                  quality service to our suppliers.
                                                                  Liquor Marts are required to list and display all
                                                                  approved SKUs on the Impulse Bin display for
                                                                  the duration of the period.
                                                                  Inventory levels will be determined by MBLL
                                                                  and enough inventory will be maintained for the
                                                                  period to support visually effective displays.
                                                                  Impulse Bin displays will be placed in a high
                                                                  traffic, high visibility section of the store.
                                                                  MBLL will print and distribute the Impulse Bin
                                                                  P.O.P. signage.
                                                                  Liquor Mart staff will place the P.O.P. signage
                                                                  with the Impulse Bin display for the period.
                                                                  The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                                  meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
                                                                  opportunities to market their products and
                                                                  determine programs to help execute and
                                                                  maximize marketing strategies.

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M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

     Impulse @ Cash provides suppliers the opportunity to feature convenient small
     format products at the cash register for a one-month period.

     Suppliers may apply by completing the
     Marketing Program Guide Application Form.                                     TI E R 1 -3
     All applications must be submitted by the                                    41 STOR ES
     deadline date. (Please refer to the Marketing                                    89%
     Program Guide Schedule).
     Late applications will not be accepted.                       PERIOD                           $ Rate

     PA R TIC IPATIO N & E LIG IB IL I T Y                         1        April                    $700
                                                                   2        May                      $800
     All listed single serve products, 500ml or
     less (excluding economy) are eligible for the                 3        June                    $1,000
     Impulse @ Cash Display Program.                               4        July                     $900
     SKUs cannot participate in back-to-back                       5        August                  $1,000
     Impulse @ Cash displays.
                                                                   6        September                $800
     Displays will consist of a maximum of 1 SKU.
     There is one opportunity per period.                          7        October                  $800
     Participation is limited to Tier 1 - 3 Liquor                 8        November                 $800
     Marts (124 points of distribution).                           9        December                $1,275
                                                                   10       January                  $600
                                                                   11       February                 $600
                                                                   12       March                    $700

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                                                             PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
                                                             S U PPL I E R R EQ U I R E M E N TS
                                                             Upon approval, suppliers are required to provide
                                                             the following:
     SELECTION CRITERIA                                      • A high-resolution print ready bottle shot file
                                                               (minimum 300 dpi) for each approved SKU.
     Selection will be based on the theme focus for each
                                                             • The file must be uploaded to the OneDrive
     period (Please refer to the Marketing Program Guide       folder according to the deadlines and
     Schedule).                                                instructions outlined in Appendix C.

                                                             L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T I ON
                                                             MBLL is committed to providing the highest
                                                             quality service to our suppliers.
                                                             Liquor Marts are required to list and display all
                                                             approved SKU on the Impulse @ Cash Display for
                                                             the duration of the period
                                                             Inventory levels will be determined by MBLL
                                                             and enough inventory will be maintained for the
                                                             period to support visually effective displays.
                                                             Impulse @ Cash displays will be placed at each
                                                             cash register of the respective store.
                                                             MBLL will print and distribute the Impulse @
                                                             Cash P.O.P. signage.
                                                             Liquor Mart staff will place the P.O.P. signage
                                                             with the Impulse @ Cash for the period.
                                                             The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                             meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
                                                             opportunities to market their products and
                                                             determine programs to help execute and
                                                             maximize marketing strategies.

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M A R K E T I N G          P R O G R A M   G U I D E

          BUY NOW
          Buy Now adds excitement to the Liquor Mart shopping experience by offering
          exceptional value products to retail customers on a limited opportunity basis.

     Products featured on Buy Now will be purchased                    Program Guide Schedule).
                                                                       Late applications will not be accepted.
     and sold in smaller quantities to create a “Buy Now”
                                                                       The total amount of cases available must be
     experience for Liquor Mart customers.                             indicated on the application.

     APP LICATIO N                                                     PA R T I C I PAT I O N & E L I G I B I LI TY
     Suppliers may apply by completing the                             Products from any category (Wine, Spirits,
     Marketing Program Guide Application Form.                         Beer or Refreshment Beverages) are eligible
     All applications must be submitted by the                         for this program.
     deadline date. (Please refer to the Marketing

                  PROGRAM DATE                      Occasion                       Category Focus

     April 6-13, 2020                               Easter                         Wine, Spirits, Beer, Refreshment Beverage
     May 4-10, 2020                                 Mother's Day                   Wine
     May 11-18, 2020                                Victoria Day                   Beer, Refreshment Beverage, Spirits, Wine
     June 15-21, 2020                               Father's Day                   Spirits, Beer
     June 25 - July 1, 2020                         Canada Day                     Sprits, Wine, Beer, Refreshment Beverage
     July 27 - Aug 3, 2020                          Terry Fox Day                  Beer, Refreshment Beverage, Spirits, Wine
     Aug 31-Sept 6, 2020                            Labour Day                     Spirits, Beer, Refreshment Beverage
     Oct 5-12, 2020                                 Thanksgiving Day               Wines, Spirits
     Oct 26-31, 2020                                Halloween                      Spirits, Wine
     Nov 16-22, 2020                                Grey Cup                       Beer, Spirits, Refreshment Beverage, Wine
     Dec 26-31, 2020                                Boxing Day/New Year's          Wine, Spirits, Beer, Refreshment Beverage
     Feb 1-7, 2021                                  Super Bowl                     Beer, Spirits, Refreshment Beverage, Wine
     Feb 8-15, 2021                                 Louis Riel Day/Valentine's     Wine, Spirits, Beer, Refreshment Beverage
     March 11-17, 2021                              St Patrick's Day               Spirits, Beer
     March 29 - April 5, 2021                       Easter                         Wine, Spirits, Beer, Refreshment Beverage

18                                                                                     A P R I L     2 0 2 0    –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G      P R O G R A M       G U I D E

     COST                                                   L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T ION
     There is no participation fee for the Buy Now          MBLL is committed to providing the highest
     Program.                                               quality service to our suppliers.
                                                            Inventory will be force-distributed to stores by
                                                            Inventory will be displayed in a case stack/stock

     SELECTION CRITERIA                                     pile display.
                                                            MBLL will print and distribute the Buy Now
     • Must significantly “over deliver” on quality         program P.O.P. signage.
       for the price point
                                                            Liquor Mart staff will place the P.O.P. signage with
     • Must be in good condition                            the Buy Now product for the period.
     • Supported by accolades or compelling reason to buy   The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                            meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
     • Category performance                                 opportunities to market their products and
     • Quick access to market                               determine programs to help execute and
                                                            maximize marketing strategies.

                                                            M A R K E T I N G S U PPO R T
                                                            Buy Now items will be featured in supplemental
                                                            advertising on and digital and
                                                            social media.

                                                            NOTE: Buy Now items may be purchased and made
                                                            available to Liquor Mart customers on more than one
                                                            occasion. They may also be eligible for a regular listing

19                                                                         A P R I L   2 0 2 0   –   M A R C H    2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M    G U I D E

     Ad-Hoc provides the opportunity for suppliers to display spirits and wines in the
     Fine Wines section of a Liquor Mart for a one-month period, at no charge.

     A PP LICATIO N                                           COST
     Suppliers may apply by completing an                     There is no participation fee.
     Ad Hoc Display Application Form. Application
     Forms should be submitted to the Liquor Mart

     Applications will be approved 4-5 weeks prior
     to the next period start date.                                SELECTION CRITERIA
     Suppliers must select the stores in which                     • Seasonal/Category focus
     they want their products featured. It is the
     responsibility of the supplier to ensure the                  • Overall balance of displays
     product is listed at the requested stores.
                                                                   • Support of other marketing programs during the period
                                                                    (Bonus AIR MILES®, LTO’s, Value Adds etc.)
     PA R TIC IPATIO N & E LIG IB IL I T Y                         • Projected sales volumes
     Eligible products for display:
     • Wines priced Ultra Premium and above
     • Deluxe priced spirits
     No more than three SKUs are permitted per                PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
     display. The method of display and inventory
     levels will be determined by the store
                                                              S U PPL I E R R EQ U I R E M E N TS
     management team.                                         Signage is not required; however it does
                                                              enhance the display and increase the likelihood
                                                              of being selected. Signage cannot exceed
                                                              25"W x 20"H, must be seasonally appropriate,
                                                              and where possible, be relevant to all products
                                                              on display. Pricing information may not appear
                                                              on the sign. All signage must include a social
                                                              responsibility message and be pre-approved
                                                              by the Liquor Experience Department 30 days
                                                              in advance (submit to
                                                              The supplier is responsible for the production
                                                              and distribution of signage.
                                                              It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that
                                                              all promotional activities and creative elements
                                                              are compliant with regulations.

20                                                                              A P R I L    2 0 2 0    –   M A R C H        2 0 2 1

support programs
M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

          Refreshment Beverage Area Signage provides the opportunity for suppliers to place signage over
          product in the Refreshment Beverage Area in Tier 1-3 stores for a one-month period.

     A PP LICATIO N                                           Beer, coolers and ciders (excluding Economy)
                                                              are eligible for participation in this program.
     Suppliers may apply by completing the Marketing
     Program Guide Application Form.                          For Privately Distributed products, the supplier
                                                              is responsible for ensuring adequate inventory is
     All applications must be submitted by the                available to support the program.
     deadline date (please refer to the Marketing
     Program Guide Schedule).                                 Product must be approved for pick-list prior
                                                              to application for Refreshment Beverage Area
     Late applications will not be accepted.                  Signage.
                                                              Participation is limited to 1 SKU only.
     PA R TIC IPATIO N & E LIG IB IL I T Y                    Inventory levels will be determined by MBLL.
     This program is intended for currently listed
     products regularly merchandised in refreshment
     beverage areas, with no near pack value add or
     in-store contest. Online contests are permitted;
     see the appendix G for details.
                                                                                     TI E R 1 -3
                                                                                    41 STOR ES

                                                                     PERIOD                         $ Rate

                                                                     1        April                 $2,200
                                                                     2        May                   $3,100
                                                                     3        June                  $3,700
                                                                     4        July                  $3,500
                                                                     5        August                $3,300
                                                                     6        September             $2,200
                                                                     7        October               $2,200
                                                                     8        November              $2,000
                                                                     9        December              $3,100
                                                                     10       January               $1,800
                                                                     11       February              $1,800
                                                                     12       March                 $2,200

22                                                                            A P R I L   2 0 2 0   –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G        P R O G R A M   G U I D E

                                                          PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
                                                          S U PPL I E R R EQ U I R E M E N TS

     SELECTION CRITERIA                                   Upon notification of approval, the supplier
                                                          must submit P.O.P. signage to the Liquor
                                                          Experience department for approval. Once the
     • Seasonal/Category focus                            creative is approved, the supplier is responsible
     • Good distribution in Liquor Marts                  for uploading the files to the OneDrive folder.
                                                          See Appendix C for deadlines and file upload
     • Projected sales volumes                            instructions.
     • Product is approved on Pick List
                                                          NOTE: Two different file dimensions are
                                                          required with the same creative, as there are
                                                          two different size fixtures in Liquor Marts.
                                                          Requirements are as follows:
                                                          • 34.75”W x 8”H with and 8” footer with 0.25”
                                                            bleed and 1” margin landscape orientation.
                                                          • 34.75”W x 8”H with no footer with 0.25”
                                                            bleed and 1” margin landscape orientation.
                                                          P.O.P. must be "seasonally appropriate",
                                                          relevant to the participating product, and
                                                          clearly communicate a “reason to buy”.
                                                          Reference to price may appear on Refreshment
                                                          Beverage Area Signage only during the
                                                          month-long LTO periods. Reference may also
                                                          be made to approved month-long AIR MILES®
                                                          It is the supplier's responsibility to ensure that
                                                          all promotional activities and creative elements
                                                          are compliant with regulations.

                                                          L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T I ON
                                                          MBLL is committed to providing the highest
                                                          quality service to our suppliers.
                                                          MBLL will have the signage printed.
                                                          Refreshment Beverages Area materials will be
                                                          kitted and shipped directly to Liquor Marts.
                                                          Tier 1-3 stores will be required to list all SKUs
                                                          approved for the program.
                                                          The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                          meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
                                                          opportunities to market their products and
                                                          determine programs to help execute and
                                                          maximize marketing strategies.

23                                                                        A P R I L   2 0 2 0   –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G     P R O G R A M     G U I D E

     Shelf Talkers provide meaningful information to customers
     at the regular shelf location.

     Shelf Talkers should contain relevant information
     such as: drink recipes, accolades, food pairing
     recommendations and product knowledge.                                      TI E R 1 - 4
                                                                                5 6 STOR ES
     Suppliers may apply by completing the                       PERIOD                           $ Rate
     Marketing Program Guide Application Form. All
     applications must be submitted by the deadline              1        April                   $200
     date. (Please refer to the Marketing Program
     Guide Schedule).                                            2        May                     $250
     Late applications will not be accepted.                     3        June                    $300
     All applications MUST be accompanied by the                 4        July                    $275
     FINAL shelf talker creative.
                                                                 5        August                  $300
                                                                 6        September               $250
     PA R TIC IPATIO N & E LIG IB I L I T Y                      7        October                 $250
     All listed products are eligible for the Shelf
     Talker Program.                                             8        November                $250
     • SKUs cannot participate in back-to-back                   9        December                $400
       periods.                                                  10       January                 $175
     • Products participating in the Bonus AIR                   11       February                $175
       MILES or LTO programs in the same period
       are not permitted.                                        12       March                   $200
     • Suppliers are limited to a maximum of 15
       Shelf Talkers per period.

24                                                                         A P R I L    2 0 2 0    –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G       P R O G R A M        G U I D E

     SELECTION CRITERIA                                       PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
                                                              R EQ U I R E M E N TS
     The total number of Shelf Talkers may be limited.        Shelf Talker creative must:
     Selection will be made based on:                         • Be submitted as high a resolution JPEG file,
     • Seasonal/Category focus                                  5.125"W x 3"H, (landscape orientation only),
                                                                with no bleeds or crop marks.
     • Overall balance
                                                              • Include the brand number.
                                                              • Not include or refer to price, or a Bonus AIR
                                                                MILES® offer.
                                                              • Not mention the alcohol content of the
                                                                featured product. (Alcohol % on bottle image
                                                                is acceptable.)
                                                              If the Shelf Talker text mentions a vintage, it
                                                              should match the vintage of the bottle on the
                                                              shelf. If the vintages don’t match, Liquor Mart
                                                              staff reserve the right to not display the
                                                              Shelf Talker.
                                                              • The creative folder must be uploaded to the
                                                                OneDrive folder according to the deadline
                                                                and instructions outlined in Appendix C.

                                                              L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T I ON
                                                              MBLL is committed to providing the highest
                                                              quality service to our suppliers.
                                                              MBLL will print and distribute the Shelf Talkers
                                                              to Liquor Marts and stores that carry the
                                                              product will display the Shelf Talker at the
                                                              regular shelf location for the entire period.
                                                              Stores are not required to list products if they
                                                              do no regularly carry them.
                                                              The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                              meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
                                                              opportunities to market their products and
                                                              determine programs to help execute and
                                                              maximize marketing strategies.

25                                                                            A P R I L   2 0 2 0   –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

     The opportunity for suppliers to apply neck tags on corresponding
     products for a one-month period.

     Suppliers may apply by completing the
     Marketing Program Guide Application Form.                                      TI E R 1 - 4
     All applications must be submitted                                            5 6 STOR ES
     by the deadline date. (Please refer to the                                        100%
     Marketing Program Guide Schedule).
                                                                    PERIOD                           $ Rate
     Late applications will not be accepted.
     All applications must be accompanied                           1        April                    $40
     by the creative.                                               2        May                      $50
                                                                    3        June                     $60
     PA R TIC IPATIO N & E LIG IB IL I T Y                          4        July                     $50
     All listed products are eligible for the Neck Tag              5        August                   $60
     SKUs cannot participate in back-to-back Neck
                                                                    6        September                $50
     Tag periods.                                                   7        October                  $50
                                                                    8        November                 $50
                                                                    9        December                 $75
                                                                    10       January                  $35
                                                                    11       February                 $35
                                                                    12       March                    $40

26                                                                            A P R I L    2 0 2 0    –     M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G       P R O G R A M       G U I D E

                                                               PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
                                                               R EQ U I R E M E N TS
     SELECTION CRITERIA                                        It is the supplier’s responsibility to print,
                                                               distribute and place Neck Tags on approved
     The total number of neck tags may be limited. Selection   products.
     will be based on:                                         Neck Tag creative must not:
     • Seasonal/Category focus                                 • Exceed 3"W x 5"H.
     • Overall assortment                                      • Include or refer to price, price change, or a
                                                                 Bonus AIR MILES® offer.
                                                               Neck tags must be professionally produced
                                                               and must contain meaningful information, such
                                                               as food pairings, drink recipes, accolades, and/
                                                               or information about the product.
                                                               If the Neck Tag text refers to a specific vintage,
                                                               it should match the vintage of the bottle on the
                                                               shelf. If the vintages don’t match, Liquor Mart
                                                               staff reserve the right to remove the Neck Tag.
                                                               It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that
                                                               all promotional activities and creative elements
                                                               are compliant with regulations

                                                               L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T I ON
                                                               MBLL is committed to providing the highest
                                                               quality service to our suppliers.
                                                               Stores are not required to list products if they
                                                               do no regularly carry them.
                                                               Liquor Marts will receive a summary of
                                                               approved Neck Tags each period. However, it is
                                                               the supplier’s responsibility to print, distribute
                                                               and place Neck Tags on approved products.
                                                               The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                               meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
                                                               opportunities to market their products and
                                                               determine programs to help execute and
                                                               maximize marketing strategies.

27                                                                             A P R I L   2 0 2 0   –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G           P R O G R A M            G U I D E

     Value Adds provide suppliers the opportunity to entice customers to purchase
     a product with a promotional item.

     There are four different ways suppliers                            An image of the value add and/or fastener
     may apply for the Value Add program:                               must accompany the application. A physical
                                                                        sample may also be requested
     1)    REP-APPLIED                                                  PA R T I C I PAT I O N & E L I G I BI LI TY
     2)    PLANT-APPLIED                                                All listed products are eligible to participate.

     3)    FREE OF CHARGE PACKAGING                                     Value add items must be appropriate, of good
                                                                        quality, and not obscure the UPC.
     4)   N EAR PACK                                                   The Liquor Experience Department reserves
          (in conjunction with an approved Product Spotlight display)   the right to turn down value adds that are
                                                                        considered to be unacceptable.
                                                                        Proper fasteners are required, i.e. no elastic
     Value adds are intended as incentives for customers to             bands or tape.
     purchase participating products, during the approved
     period. We ask that suppliers pick up any remaining
     value adds, including near pack items, within 7 days
     of the end of the period. Value adds not picked up
     will be disposed of. Already-applied can remain on
     product until they sell through; suppliers are not
     required to remove from product at the end of the                                         TI E R 1 - 4
     period. Value add items must not be offered to Liquor                                    5 6 STOR ES
     Mart employees, including Store Managers, under any
     circumstances.                                                                               100%
                                                                               PERIOD                           $ Rate
                                                                               1        April                    $40
     1) REP-APPLIED                                                            2        May                      $50
     Rep-Applied value adds are non-liquor bonus                               3        June                     $60
     items that are placed on product by sales                                 4        July                     $50
     representatives in store.
                                                                               5        August                   $60
     A PP LICATIO N                                                            6        September                $50
     Suppliers may apply by completing the                                     7        October                  $50
     Marketing Program Guide Application Form.
                                                                               8        November                 $50
     All applications must be submitted by the
     deadline date. (Please refer to the Marketing                             9        December                 $75
     Program Guide Schedule).                                                  10       January                  $35
     Late applications will not be accepted.                                   11       February                 $35
                                                                               12       March                    $40
28                                                                                       A P R I L    2 0 2 0    –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

     ______________________________________               All value adds are time specific, and
                                                          plant-applied value adds will be front-loaded in
     2) PLANT-APPLIED                                     the Distribution Centre approximately 3 weeks
                                                          prior to the start of the program. Requests for
     Plant-Applied value adds are liquor or non-liquor    value adds should be for amounts equivalent to
     bonus items delivered to MBLL’s warehouse with       4 weeks projected sales. MBLL will not accept
     the bonus item already fastened to the bottles.      applications for less than full pallet amounts.
                                                          The MBLL will determine final quantities required.
     AP P LICATIO N                                       Ideally, the master case configuration should not
     Suppliers may apply by completing the                change. If by nature of the value add the case
     Marketing Program Guide Application Form. All        configuration would be different from that of
     applications must be submitted by the deadline       the parent brand, i.e. 6 units per case versus the
     date (please refer to the Marketing Program          regular 12 per case, the supplier will be charged a
     Guide Schedule). Late applications will not be       $500.00 handling charge per period.
     accepted.                                            Plant-Applied value adds are bulletined
     Applications must include the plant-applied SCC      approximately five weeks prior to the period.
     number as well as the quantity of cases available    start date.
     for the period.
     An image of the value-add and/or fastener must
     accompany the application. A physical sample
     may also be requested.

     • The product must be sourced within Canada.
     • Economy products are not eligible for a
       plant-applied value add.
     • SKUs cannot participate in back-to-back
       plant-applied value add.                           COST
     • The parent brand must have wide distribution       The supplier is also responsible for the
       in Liquor Marts.                                   minimum markup and surcharges on all
                                                          value-added beverage alcohol.

     • Only high volume product submissions for
       liquor value adds will be entertained for Period          PERIOD                     $ Rate Per SKU
       9 due to logistics issues.
     • If the value add is a liquor miniature, the               1        April                     $200
       miniatures must be a Liquor Mart listed
                                                                 2        May                       $250
     All relevant UPC/SCC standards must be adhered              3        June                      $300
     to pursuant to the “Product Identification                  4        July                      $275
     Standards for Use in the Distribution of Beverage
     Alcohol” guidelines. The guidelines are available           5        August                    $300
     on-line – – on the Liquor
     Agents & Suppliers page under CALJ Product                  6        September                 $250
     Identification Standards.                                   7        October                   $250
     We are unable to approve plant-applied liquor               8        November                  $250
     value adds on products sourced outside of
     Canada. Since value adds are sold under the                 9        December                  $400
     parent brand number in Manitoba, we are unable
     to reconcile inventory pursuant to the Canada               10       January                   $175
     Border Services Agency regulations.
                                                                 11       February                  $175
     Plant-applied value adds must be clearly marked
     with the new SCC on the shipper, as well as a
                                                                 12       March                     $200
     label identifying the value add.

29                                                                        A P R I L   2 0 2 0   –    M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G           P R O G R A M     G U I D E

     ACCURACY                                                  PA R T I C I PAT I O N & E L I G I BI LI TY
     Any product received at the Distribution                  All listed products are eligible to participate.
     Centre improperly identified will be retagged             The quantity of plant-applied FOC packages
     at the Distribution Centre, for which the                 requested should be for amounts no greater
     supplier will be charged. Rates below:                    than 4 weeks projected sales. The MBLL will
                                                               determine final quantities required.

       Minimum Labour Charge                                   All relevant UPC/SCC standards must
                                                               be adhered to pursuant to the “Product
                                                               Identification Standards for Use in the
       Re-Piling/Clean Up/Wrong Pallet Patterns                Distribution of Beverage Alcohol” guidelines.
          First 40 Cases                          $100.00      The guidelines are available on–line –
          Additional Cases                        $ 0.50/cs – on the Liquor Agents
                                                               & Suppliers page under CALJ Product
                                                               Identification Standards.
       Minimum Re-Label Charge of Cases                        If the FOC packaging is plant-applied, the new
                                                               SCC, as well as a label identifying the package,
           First 40 Cases (includes re-pile)      $150.00      must be clearly marked on the shipper. Only
           Additional Cases (includes re-pile)    $ 1.00/cs    the UPC should appear on the packaging.
                                                               Cellophane wraps are permitted, provided that
                                                               the UPC is clear and scannable and matches
     NOTE: Rep-Applied value adds may be permitted on          the UPC of the bottle.
     the same SKU in the same period as Plant-Applied
     value adds. However, Rep-Applied value adds may
     only be placed on product once inventory of the
     Plant-Applied value add has depleted or placed on
     product that does not have the Plant-Applied value
                                                                                      TI E R 1 - 4
                                                                                     5 6 STOR ES
     _____________________________________                                               100%
                                                                      PERIOD                           $ Rate
     3) FREE OF CHARGE (FOC)                                          1        April                    $40
     PACKAGING                                                        2        May                      $50
     Free of Charge Packaging refers to gift boxes,                   3        June                     $60
     tins, etc. where the retail price is the same as                 4        July                     $50
     the bare bottle product. FOC packaging may
     be plant or rep-applied.                                         5        August                   $60
     A PP LICATIO N                                                   6        September                $50
                                                                      7        October                  $50
     Suppliers may apply by completing the
     Marketing Program Guide Application Form.                        8        November                 $50
     All applications must be submitted by the
     deadline date (please refer to the Marketing
                                                                      9        December                 $75
     Program Guide Schedule).                                         10       January                  $35
     Late applications will not be accepted.                          11       February                 $35
     A sample of the actual FOC packaging                             12       March                    $40
     must be provided to the Liquor Experience
     Department at least one month in advance of
     the program.

30                                                                              A P R I L    2 0 2 0    –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G          P R O G R A M     G U I D E

     ACCURACY                                                 A PPL I CAT I O N
     Any product received at the Distribution Centre          Suppliers may apply for inclusion in the program
     improperly identified will be retagged at the            by completing the Marketing Program Guide
     Distribution Centre, for which the supplier will be      Application Form.
                                                              All applications must be submitted by the
                                                              deadline date (please refer to the Marketing
      Minimum Labour Charge                                   Program Guide Schedule).
      Re-Piling/Clean Up/Wrong Pallet Patterns                Late applications will not be accepted.
         First 40 Cases                          $100.00
         Additional Cases                        $ 0.50/cs    PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
                                                              S U PPL I E R R EQ U I R E M E N TS
      Minimum Re-Label Charge of Cases                        It is expected that a enough of the bonus item be
                                                              available to support the program for the entire
          First 40 Cases (includes re-pile)      $150.00      period.
          Additional Cases (includes re-pile)    $ 1.00/cs
                                                              The supplier must provide a method to display
                                                              the near pack, i.e. a floor-model merchandiser.
                                                              All participating stores must receive the near
     4) NEAR PACKS                                            pack item and merchandiser 7 days prior to the
                                                              start of the period. At the time of application,
     Near Packs are a value add that is not attached          the supplier must provide an image of the
     to the bottle, but instead has its own                   merchandiser, including the dimensions, to the
     free-standing merchandiser. Near Pack value              Liquor Experience Department for approval.
     adds are permitted in conjunction with an                The merchandiser cannot exceed 18"W x 18"D x
     approved Product Spotlight only.                         44"H, with or without a header. Suppliers must
                                                              deliver merchandisers pre-assembled, or assist
                                                              with building and stocking the merchandisers, as
     RURA L STO RE D ISTRIB UTI O N                           required.
     Suppliers may distribute value adds directly to          NOTE: The Near Pack value add cannot be mentioned
     the rural stores.
                                                              on the Product Spotlight signage. Reference to the
     If a supplier prefers, they may request that the         near pack value add and how to get the offer must
     Liquor Experience Department distribute                  appear on the merchandiser only.
     non-liquor value adds to rural stores. Suppliers
     must pre-package the items for each store
     and deliver these kits to the Liquor Experience
     Department. Small packages of value adds                 L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T I ON
     which will fit in an envelope may be shipped             MBLL is committed to providing the highest
     to stores at no cost to the supplier. Shipping           quality service to our suppliers.
     and handling charges for larger value adds that
     cannot fit in an envelope, eg. glasses, are $25.00       If at store runs out of the near pack, the
     for the first case, $5.00 for each additional            merchandiser will be removed, and the Product
     case, per store. The value adds should be                Spotlight display will remain up until the end of
     delivered to the Liquor Experience Department            the period.
     for distribution 30 days prior to the start of the
                                                              The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                              meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
                                                              opportunities to market their products and
                                                              determine programs to help execute and
                                                              maximize marketing strategies.

31                                                                          A P R I L   2 0 2 0   –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1

limited time offer

M A R K E T I N G     P R O G R A M      G U I D E

           Limited Time Offer (LTO) are short-term discounts on products, in accordance with the
           MBLL’s Social Reference Pricing Policy.

     There are 11 month-long LTO periods this fiscal year: P2   LTO applications for two consumer-size
                                                                packages (750ml and 1140ml) of spirits will not
     May through P12 March; which start on the first of the     be considered for the same period.
     month and end on the last day of the month. There is 1     LTO applications for wine will be limited to one
                                                                package size per period.
     two-week LTO period: P1 April 1st – 15th. The Marketing
     Program Guide Schedule (see Appendix B) outlines the
     timing of the LTO events.

     Suppliers may apply by completing the
     Marketing Program Guide Application Form. All
     applications must be submitted by the deadline
     date (please refer to the Marketing Program
     Guide Schedule).
     Late applications will not be accepted.
     MBLL will entertain LTO applications for
     Privately Distributed Beer up to 6 weeks prior
     to the LTO start date, provided that the bulletin
     has not been released, as the MBLL is not
     responsible for sourcing the inventory.

     All listed products are eligible for the LTO
     program, with the exception of:
     • Economy Spirits
             • Economy Liqueurs are eligible
     		      • Some Economy Spirits may be
               permitted based on allocation
               determined by sales volumes.
     • Products participating in any AIR MILES®
       programs during the same period.
     Back-to-back LTOs on the same SKU are not

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M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M       G U I D E

                                                                   For MBLL Distributed products, suppliers will
           PERIOD                   $ Rate Per SKU                 be charged back the full amount of the retail
                                                                   discount for the sales to commercial customers
                                                                   during the pre-buy and LTO period. Suppliers
           1        April                    $125                  will also be charged back the full amount of the
           2        May                      $150                  retail discount for the sales at Liquor Marts.

           3        June                  $200                     For Privately Distributed beer, the Retail/
                                                                   Licensee price and the PO case cost are adjusted
           4        July                     $175                  for the LTO period (including pre-buy) and thus
                                                                   the supplier chargeback is only for the SKU
           5        August                $200                     participation fee.
           6        September                $150
           7        October                  $150
           8        November                 $150
           9        December              $250
           10       January                  $100
           11       February                 $100
           12       March                    $125

                                       Maximum number of SKUs available for each LTO period

           PERIOD                  Spirits               Wine                Beer                                Total # Of LTO
           1        April           69                   145                  42                  14                 270
           2        May              79                  166                  48                  16                 309
           3        June            98                   208                  60                  20                 386
           4        July            89                   187                  54                  18                 347
           5        August          98                   208                  60                  20                 386
           6        September        79                  166                  48                  16                 309
           7        October          79                  166                  48                  16                 309
           8        November         79                  166                  48                  16                 309
           9        December        128                  270                  78                  26                 502
           10       January         59                   125                  36                  12                 232
           11       February         59                  125                  36                  12                 232
           12       March           69                   145                  42                  14                 270

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M A R K E T I N G              P R O G R A M              G U I D E

                                                                                 PR O G RA M G U I D E L I N E S &
                                                                                 S U PPL I E R R EQ U I R E M E N TS
     SELECTION CRITERIA                                                          To qualify for the LTO program, the following
                                                                                 pricing guidelines apply:

     There will be a maximum number of SKUs selected                                                    Discount*                       Eligibility
     for each LTO period based on the percentage of category
     SKU count divided by the total SKU count.                                        Spirits           5% - SRP**               Premium or better
                                                                                                                                Economy is allocated
     MBLL will select the participating SKUs                                           Wine            10% - SRP**                 Popular or better
     based on the following criteria:
     • Sub-category allocation                                                         Beer            10% - SRP**†                Premium or better
     • % discount
                                                                                      Ref Bev          10% - SRP**                 Premium or better
     • Smart discounts*
     • Premiumization                                                            *Discount cannot bring the retail below Social Reference Pricing (SRP) or cost.
                                                                                 (This policy can be found on under the Liquor Suppliers &
                                                                                 Agents tab).
     • $ Sales
                                                                                 ** If the minimum discount on a spirit brings the retail price below SRP,
     • Distribution                                                              a discount less than 5% may be accepted.

     • Seasonality                                                               † For single serve beer, the discount price must not drop into economy

     • Category focus                                                            The dollars savings amount is required
     • Assortment balance and variety                                            to be filled out on the Marketing Program
                                                                                 Guide Application Form. If a product
     • Additional program participation                                          changes retail price following the application
                                                                                 approval and the discount falls outside of the
     • Additional festival/event support                                         above criteria, MBLL will adjust the discount
     • Annual marketing spend                                                    value to meet the minimum requirements.
     *Suppliers are highly encouraged to round the LTO discount to the
     nearest quarter. Ideally LTO discounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.   Suppliers will receive notification of approved or
                                                                                 declined LTO applications approximately 10 days
                                                                                 after the application deadline. Approximately 6
                                                                                 weeks prior to the LTO period starting, a final
                                                                                 summary will be sent to suppliers. Once the
                                                                                 summary is released, no changes to discounts
                                                                                 are permitted.

                                                                                 PR O D U C T W I T H D RAWA L
                                                                                 F R O M LTO
                                                                                 The supplier may request a withdrawal from the
                                                                                 LTO program prior to the LTO bulletin being
                                                                                 finalized. If approved, any costs associated
                                                                                 with the withdrawal from the LTO program
                                                                                 will be borne by the supplier. All changes to
                                                                                 the originally approved applications must be
                                                                                 submitted in writing.

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M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M   G U I D E

     LIQUO R MART E X ECUTIO N                           M A R K E T I N G S U PPO R T
     MBLL is committed to providing the highest          All approved SKUs will be featured at
     quality service to our suppliers.          on the Limited Time Offers
                                                         web page.
     Products on the program will be available to all
     customer types with no limit on the purchase        Select items may be featured on Liquor Mart
     per customer. Private retailers stocking the        digital and social media platforms and/or
     product (Liquor Vendors, Beer Vendors, and          additional advertising mediums. These SKUs
     Specialty Wine Stores), must offer participating    are selected at the discretion of MBLL.
     products at the sale price for the entire LTO
     period. Private retailers will have a pre-buy
     period in advance of each LTO period.
     In Liquor Marts, LTO products will be provided
     shelf talkers, indicating the regular price,
     the sale price, the savings and the duration
     of the LTO. Liquor Vendors will be supplied
     with blank shelf talkers to use in their outlets.
     Advertising for beer vendors will be the
     responsibility of the supplier.
     The Liquor Experience team is available to
     meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
     opportunities to market their products and
     determine programs to help execute and
     maximize marketing strategies.

36                                                                     A P R I L   2 0 2 0   –   M A R C H   2 0 2 1
M A R K E T I N G     P R O G R A M      G U I D E

     HOT BUY
     Hot Buy is an extension of the LTO Program,
     where the discount offered is greater.

     The Hot Buy program runs concurrently with the LTO
     program: There are 11 month-long LTO periods this fiscal
     year: P2 May through P12 March; which start on the first of         PERIOD                    $ Rate Per SKU
     the month and end on the last day of the month. There is
     1 two-week LTO period: P1 April 1st – 15th. The Marketing           1        April                 $125
     Program Guide Schedule (see Appendix B) outlines the                2        May                   $150
     timing of the LTO events.                                           3        June                  $200
                                                                         4        July                      $175
     A PP LICATIO N                                                      5        August                $200
     Suppliers may apply by completing the                               6        September             $150
     Marketing Program Guide Application Form. All
     applications must be submitted by the deadline                      7        October               $150
     date (please refer to the Marketing Program
     Guide Schedule).
                                                                         8        November              $150

     Late applications will not be accepted.                             9        December              $250
     MBLL will entertain Hot Buy applications for                        10       January               $100
     Privately Distributed Beer up to 6 weeks prior                      11       February              $100
     to the Hot Buy start date, provided that the
     bulletin has not been released, as the MBLL is                      12       March                 $125
     not responsible for sourcing the inventory.
                                                                   For MBLL Distributed products, suppliers will
                                                                   be charged back the full amount of the retail
     PA R TIC IPATIO N & E LIG IB IL I T Y                         discount for the sales to commercial customers
                                                                   during the pre-buy and Hot Buy period.
     All listed products are eligible for the Hot Buy              Suppliers will also be charged back the full
     program, with the exception of:                               amount of the retail discount for the sales at
     • Economy Spirits (excluding spirits which are                Liquor Marts.
       allocated based on sales volume).                           For Privately Distributed beer, the Retail/
     • Economy Liqueurs are eligible.                              Licensee price and the PO case cost are
                                                                   adjusted for the Hot Buy period (including pre-
     • Products participating in any AIR MILES®                    buy) and thus the supplier chargeback is only
       programs during the same period.                            for the SKU participation fee.
     Back-to-back Hot Buys on the same SKU are not

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M A R K E T I N G              P R O G R A M              G U I D E

                                                                                       L I Q U O R M A R T E XEC U T I ON
                                                                                       MBLL is committed to providing the highest

     SELECTION CRITERIA                                                                quality service to our suppliers.
                                                                                       Hot Buy products will be featured in Liquor
     There will be a maximum number (9) of items selected for                          Marts in one of two ways: on display or at shelf.
     each Hot Buy period                                                               MBLL will select a maximum of 9 SKUs to be
                                                                                       featured on a display in Tier 1-3 stores with
     MBLL will select the participating items based on the                             Hot Buy signage.
     following criteria:                                                               Tier 1-3 stores are required to list all products on
                                                                                       Hot Buy display. Tier 4 and Liquor Mart Express
     • Sub-category allocation                                                         locations will merchandise Hot Buys at shelf
     • % discount                                                                      only, provided they carry the product.
     • Smart discount*                                                                 Suppliers will be notified if their application
                                                                                       is approved for a Hot Buy display. If the
     • Premiumization                                                                  application is not approved for the Hot Buy
     • $ Sales                                                                         display, it will be considered for LTO approval
     • Distribution
                                                                                       MBLL will provide stores with shelf talkers
     • Seasonality                                                                     indicating the Hot Buy designation, the regular
                                                                                       price, the sale price, the savings and duration of
     • Category focus                                                                  the offer.
     • Assortment balance and variety                                                  Note that there will be no Hot Buy display
     • Additional program participation                                                in Period 9, however all Hot Buy designated
                                                                                       products will be identified with a shelf talker.
     • Additional festival/event support
                                                                                       Private retailers stocking the product (Liquor
     • Annual marketing spend                                                          Vendors, Specialty Wine Stores and Licensees)
     *Suppliers are highly encouraged to round the Hot Buy discount to the
                                                                                       must offer participating products at the sale
     nearest quarter. Ideally Hot Buy discounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.     price for the duration of the promotion.
                                                                                       The Liquor Experience team is available to
                                                                                       meet with suppliers to assist in maximizing
                                                                                       opportunities to market their products and
     P RO GRA M G U ID E LINE S &                                                      determine programs to help execute and
                                                                                       maximize marketing strategies
     To qualify for the Hot Buy program, the
     following pricing guidelines apply:                                               M A R K E T I N G S U PPO R T
                                                                                       All approved Hot Buy SKUs will be featured at
                            Discount*                      Eligibility        on the Hot Buy web page.

                                                     Premium or better                 Hot Buy SKUs will be featured on Liquor Mart
          Spirits           15% - SRP               Economy is allocated               digital and social media platforms and/or
                                                                                       additional advertising mediums.
           Wine             20% - SRP                  Popular or better               Hot Buy SKUs will also be featured in the
                                                                                       monthly Liquor Mart flyer (direct to home, online
           Beer             20% - SRP                 Premium or better                @ , mobile flyer app and
      Refreshment           20% - SRP                 Premium or better                Hot Buy SKUs will also be featured in the Liquor
       Beverage                                                                        Mart E-newsletter.
     *Discount cannot bring the retail below Social Reference Pricing (SRP) or cost.
     (This policy can be found on under the Liquor Suppliers &
     Agents tab).

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M A R K E T I N G   P R O G R A M    G U I D E

          BLACK FRIDAY
          Black Friday is an opportunity for suppliers to offer a large discount
          for a 3 day period from November 27 to November 29, 2020.

     A PP LICATIO N                                              COST
     Suppliers may apply by completing the                       There is no participation fee for this program.
     Marketing Program Guide application form. All
     applications must be submitted by                           For MBLL Distributed products, Suppliers will
     June 18, 2020 (please refer to the Marketing                be charged back the full amount of the retail
     Program Guide Schedule).                                    discount for the sales to commercial customers
                                                                 during the pre-buy and Black Friday period.
     Late applications will not be accepted.                     Suppliers will also be charged back the full
                                                                 amount of the retail discount for the sales at
                                                                 Liquor Marts.
     PA R TIC IPATIO N & E LIG IB I L I T Y                      For Privately Distributed beer, the Retail/
     All listed products are eligible for the Black              Licensee price and the PO case cost are
     Friday program, with the exception of:                      adjusted for the Black Friday period (including
                                                                 pre-buy) and thus the supplier chargeback is
     • Economy Spirits                                           only for the SKU participation fee.
     • Economy Liqueurs are eligible
     Products participating in the November LTO
     Program or November B Bonus AIR MILES®
     Program are not eligible for the Black Friday

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