Managing sports biggest and best

Page created by Casey Solis
Managing sports biggest and best
Educating Sport Management Professionals Since 1991
                                                                                                                                                               fall ‘14

Managing sports biggest and best
Courtesy of usf magazine

Coffee with Cal Ripken Jr., a quick call with Charles       As vice president of talent relations for Turner Sports—        That’s exactly how August wants viewers to feel when
Barkley, and a meeting with Shaquille O’Neal—that’s all     one of the largest broadcasters of televised and online         they tune in to a Turner broadcast—like they’re watching
in a day’s work for Tara August (Cohort 4S).                sports programming—August recruits and oversees                 a game with their friends. She’s always on the lookout
                                                            all on-air announcers and commentators. Her lineup              for the next great announcer or commentator. During
                                                            includes NBA, MLB, NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball,            her time at Turner, she’s developed an eye for spotting
                                                            NASCAR, and professional golf broadcasts for TNT, TBS,          talent. “You have to give people a real hard look. You
                                                            and TruTV.                                                      have to pay attention to chemistry and attitudes, whether
                                                                                                                            they’re comfortable or whether they’re holding back,”
                                                            August manages a roster of 50 on-air personalities,
                                                                                                                            she says.
                                                            including sports superstars like O’Neal, former MLB All-
                                                            Star pitcher Pedro Martinez, and outfielder Gary Shef-          One of her goals is to diversify Turner’s all-male talent
                                                            field. She juggles everything from their contract negotia-      pool. “We’re always trying to grow female talent. They
                                                            tions to their show placements and special appearances.         offer a different perspective than the men.”
                                                            And she often coaches them through broadcasts, both
                                                                                                                            The sports industry is just as male-dominated behind
                                                            on set and at some of the highest profile sports events in
                                                                                                                            the camera as it is in front of it. Turner’s production team
                                                            the U.S. and abroad.
                                                                                                                            is also mostly staffed by men.
                                                            “I’ve been to the British Open twice. I’ve been to a few
                                                                                                                            “Before I got my graduate degree at USF, I felt I had to
                                                            Super Bowls and the World Series,” says August,
                                                                                                                            prove I was knowledgeable and serious about sports,”
                                                            who completed the USF Sport Management Master’s
                                                                                                                            says August.
                                                            Program. “I love it. There’s nothing like it—that energy,
                                                            that excitement.”                                               Studying sport management at USF enabled her to build
                                                                                                                            that knowledge base and to land the job at Turner. “I
                                                            It also means long hours and many seven-day workweeks.
                                                                                                                            liked being educated about the industry,” she says. “It’s
                                                            “The days can get really grueling and long,” she says.          like any industry. You have to know your craft. Whether
                                                            “But if I’m stressed out and I’m tired, it’s still fun. These   you’re a woman or a man, you have to be credible.” n
                                                            guys have such great personalities. We’re always crack-
                                                            ing jokes. It’s hanging out with friends.”

Hard work leads to big job at octagon
Michael Swenson, Cohort 33

This opportunity is the culmination of many years of        TRU had a successful first year and in October 2013 Neal
hard work which started during my first year in the Sport   Stratton of Inside The League ranked me number 1
Management program when I completed a 9-month               out of 131 first year agents with players in NFL training
internship with Octagon. Going into my 2nd year of the      camps. Once my name was starting to generate traction
program, I secured a second internship with a smaller       within the NFL circles, I began to be approached by a
agency in San Francisco called Pro One Sports. Both         handful of agencies with potential job opportunities. At
internships were great experiences and gave me the          the time I was in the middle of recruiting season for my
opportunity to expand my skill set and gain a sense of      second draft class with TRU so I declined all offers that
business practices within the sports industry. I quickly    presented themselves, as nothing felt right. At the same
learned how difficult it is to break into this industry.    time, I had always stayed in constant communication
                                                            with Octagon, the agency where I had my first taste of
With reputation holding the most weight, it can be very
                                                            football recruiting.
challenging to establish yourself as a new agent. Even
with two major internships under my belt, I still needed    In February, while attending the NFL Combine in
to prove myself. After I graduated in 2012, I started my    Indianapolis, I had the opportunity to sit down with the        Octagon four years prior, I knew this is where I ultimately
own company called TRU Sports Group with fellow Sport       Director of Football Operations at Octagon. He informed         wanted to be. It was a challenging decision to shut
Management student William Logan (Cohort 33). Wil-          me that the company was looking into bringing on a              down my company but I knew that I could not pass up
liam spearheaded the marketing, while I was in the field    younger agent and I was at the top of their list. When I        this opportunity to continue to learn and grow under the
recruiting clients.                                         returned from the Combine I accepted the offer to join          umbrella of such an elite organization. I can’t express
                                                            the Octagon team. Ever since I began my internship at           enough how blessed I am for this opportunity. n
Managing sports biggest and best
The nba pipeline
    Brian Takao, Cohort 15S & Michael Pacini, Cohort 39
                                               Michael is working for NBA Entertain-       professional branding, and an executive       the USF Sport Management network.
                                               ment with the programing department         speaker series with NBA executives,           Adam Lewis (Cohort 37) interned for the
                                               that interacts between broadcasting and     including Commissioner Adam Silver and        NBA last summer and his great work
                                               production to provide corporate partners    Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum.               opened the door for other USF Sport
                                               of the league with various media op-                                                      Management students to have the op-
                                                                                           Even though Brian and Michael had
                                               portunities to sponsor. Brian is working                                                  portunity to work for the league. Ashley
                                                                                           never met prior to arriving in New York
                                               for Global Marketing Partnerships with                                                    Atwell (Cohort 35), who works currently
                                                                                           (Brian came from the Southern California
                                               the account management team to                                                            works for the NBA, spoke with Michael
                                                                                           program and Michael came from the San
                                               activate the league’s corporate partners                                                  and Brian to prepare them for what to
                                                                                           Francisco program) the two were able
                                               across the NBA, WNBA, NBA D-League                                                        expect when they arrived in New York.
                                                                                           to forge a strong friendship, in large part
    This year, two USF Sport Management        and USA Basketball. In addition, the                                                      Crystal De Jesus (Cohort 9S) planned
                                                                                           because of the similar experiences
    students were selected to participate      two are working together on a Think                                                       a social to gather New York based
                                                                                           they have had while in the Sport
    in the 2014 NBA Summer Internship          Tank project to develop strategies for                                                    alumni and welcomed Michael and
                                                                                           Management program at USF. Together
    program, Michael Pacini of Cohort 39       the NBA’s global merchandising group.                                                     Brian to the City.
                                                                                           they have been able to explore New
    and Brian Takao of Cohort 15S. The USF     These strategies will be presented to the
                                                                                           York, take in a Mets game, and attend         The USF Sport Management program
    students are two of 14 graduate interns    executive leadership of the NBA at the
                                                                                           the Belmont Stakes.                           prepared Michael and Brian for this
    for the NBA. Other graduate schools that   end of the summer. The NBA Summer
                                                                                                                                         opportunity and they have taken full
    are represented include: Columbia, Penn,   Internship program also includes profes-    Another advantage that helped Michael
                                                                                                                                         advantage of it. n
    Cornell and Harvard.                       sional development workshops, such as       and Brian find success in New York was

    Student jobs & Internships
    Saeed Sheida C15S, Fan Relations           Dzintars Grinfelds C38, Social Media        Roderick Hunter C39, Youth Basketball         Krystal Temkin C39, Accounting Associ-
    Intern; LA Clippers                        Staff; San Francisco Giants | Community     Camps Coach; Golden State Warriors            ate; True Capital Management
    Heather Vandevanter C39, Sales Rep-        Initiatives Staff; Oakland Raiders.         Michael Pacini C39, Programming               Misa Rahm C15S, Social Media Man-
    resentative, West Coast; TRX Training      Sonia Wymiarkiewicz C40, Head Team          Intern; NBA                                   ager; Spark44
    Alyssa Nakken C39, Baseball Opera-         Development & Xcel Team Coach; San          Brian Takao C15S, Global Marketing            Ryan Morse C15S, Corporate Partner-
    tions Assistant; San Francisco Giants      Francisco Gymnastics | Personal Trainer     Partnerships Intern; NBA                      ships Coordinator; Tiger Woods Founda-
                                               & Event Coordinator; Advanced Wellness                                                    tion
    Douglas Prewitt C39, Primary Opera-                                                    William Maldonado C15S, Executive
    tions Analyst; Viagogo                     Andrew Koehler C40, Law Clerk Intern-       Producer for The Lunch Hour with Mr.          Randen Ireson C39, Inside Sales Rep;
                                               ship; San Jose Sharks                       Credit; ESPN 1700 AM San Diego                TRX Training
    Orry Night C15S, Internship; Beverly
    Hills Sports Council                       Ryan O’Bryant C38, Recruiting Intern        Spencer Serafin C39, Ballpark Opera-          Bethany Crouch C39, Assistant Director
                                               Football Department; University of Cal-     tions Inter; San Francisco Giants             of Development; Sacramento State
    Michael Lavigna C15S, Academic Men-
                                               Berkeley                                                                                  University Athletics
    tor; UCLA                                                                              Brian Thacker C40, Customer Service
                                               Tess Oliphant C40, Luxury Suite Con-        Specialist; San Francisco Giants              Thomas Sweeney C39, VIP Concierge,
    Kelly Roberts C38, Sales & Service
                                               cierge; San Francisco Giants                                                              San Jose Earthquakes
    Coordinator; San Francisco 49ers                                                       Yuta Tanaka C38, Events Intern; USA
                                               Scott May C39, Video Board Productions      Track & Field                                 Britt Burkett C15S, Founder & Master
    Mark Darrah C39, Stadium Operations;
                                               Intern; SFG Productions                                                                   Instructor; YogaFit 4 Athletes
    Oakland Athletics                                                                      Ruoyang Wu C39, Social Media Market-
                                               Doug Catanzarite C39, Corporate Spon-       ing Project Assistant; ChinaSF, Meedow        Mary Lazar C40, Intern; SF Enterprise |
    Natalie Bohonsky C39, Media Relations
                                               sorship Analyst & Service Coordinator                                                     Intern; Juma Ventures
    Assistant; San Rafael Pacifics Baseball                                                Nick Walsh C39, School Tennis Orga-
                                               Intern; Oakland Raiders
    Club                                                                                   nizer; USTA Northern California               Saeed H. Sheida C15S, Customer
                                               Stephen Ellis C39, Media Relations                                                        Service & Fulfillment Specialist; ScoreBig
    Nicole Loscavio C39, Sports Marketing                                                  Austen Powers C39, Sponsorship
                                               Intern; San Francisco Giants                                                              Inc. | Fan Services Representative; Los
    Coordinator; Levi Strauss                                                              Intern; San Francisco Giants
                                                                                                                                         Angeles Dodgers n

    alumni: Recent job changes
    Zeric Sigmon Jr. C13S, Premium Ser-        Michael Swenson C33, NFL Agent;             Wei Ping Chang C25, Account Manager;          Will Exline C12S, Account Manager for
    vices Coordinator; Oakland Raiders         Octagon                                     Zou Marketing: Strategic Sports Branding      Sports Partnerships; Twitter
    Cory Hollingsworth C10S, Assistant         Kevin Holman C29, Director of Ticket        Reggie Duan C11S, Chief Sports Writer;        Whitney Smith C24, Guest Services
    Brand Manager; Panini America              Sales & Service; Stanford University        Tencent                                       Manager; San Francisco 49ers
    Spencer Williams C31, Football Opera-      Athletics                                   Raymond Tioseco C31, Account Execu-           Brittany Merchant C28, Project Man-
    tions Assistant; Kansas City Chiefs        Alex Calderon C06S, Associate Brand         tive, Groups and Tours; Levi’s Stadium        ager, Development; Stanford University
                                               Manager; CLIF Bar & Company                 Legends Hospitality                           Athletics

Managing sports biggest and best
Educating Sport Management Professionals Since 1991

alumni: Recent job changes
Kevin Corrigan C13S, Course Director;         Reza Marty C03S, Corporate Compen-            Matt Nuthals C22, Manager of Global          Nicholas Stromberg C13S, Player
Electric Run | Operations Manager;            sation and Rewards Analyst; Walt              Brand Team; TaylorMade-Adidas Golf           Representative-Southern California; CKM
ROC Race                                      Disney Company                                Steve West C29, Pro Scout; Tampa Bay         Sports Management
Randy Rigali C34, Customer Service            Wally Funk C11, Adjunct Professor             Buccaneers                                   Dale Milton C11, Athletic Director;
Specialist; San Francisco Giants              & Assistant Football Coach (Running           Jingyuan Gao C37, Marketing Associate;       Christian Brothers High School
Krystal Arce C13S pictured, Premium           Backs); Butte College                         MORE Health Inc.                             Mike Kovanis C28, Consultant; CKM
Seating Executive; Oakland Raiders            Cailen Wachob C23, Director of Sales          Thomas Arguello C37, Assistant Equip-        Sports Management.
(picture right)                               and Retention (NHL); Experience LLC           ment Manager; Oakland Raiders                Hans Huschit C13S, Sales Manager for
Brennan Cassidy C11S, Director of             Ronni Savage C08, Event Coordinator-          Chris Zembik C13S, Sanctioned                the RBC Heritage Classic Foundation;
Sales & Marketing; Healthy Commerce           Sunset Canyon Recreation Center; UCLA         Tournaments & Competition Coordinator;       PGA Tour n
                                                                                            California State Soccer Association

news & updates

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Yuta Tanaka C38, Emma Mills C39, and Mike Herz               Michael Pacini C39, was offered and accepted the NBA         Yuta Tanaka C38 and Michael Herz C38 pictured, At
C38 pictured, at the Boston Marathon                         Internship: “Production, Programming and Broadcasting”       the diamond league in NY for the Adidas GP. (picture 8)
Matt Andrus C28 and wife, Sarah, welcomed Miles              working under Mark Kossick.                                  Hassaan El Kamah C34 pictured, spent the summer
Pierce Andrus on January 27, 2014                            Brian Takao C15S, was offered and accepted the NBA           working the VIP hospitality management team at the
Raymond Tioseco C31 pictured, in New York at the             Internship in New York.                                      World Cup in Brazil. In this role he was in charge of VIP
MetLife Stadium for Super Bowl XLVIII (picture 2)            Brian Lewis C35 and Ruth Feldblum C04S pictured,             guests logistics including transportation, accommoda-
                                                             after running a Brew-to-Brew Fun Run in KC/Lawrence          tion, and hospitality. Some of the VIP guests FIFA presi-
Laura Nichol C38, was awarded the 2014 Pat Gallagher
                                                             in April (picture 5)                                         dent (Seb Blatter), Secretary general (Jerome Valcke),
                                                                                                                          FIFA delegates, and former players like Cannavaro,
Michael Pacini C39 and Desirae Burkley C39, attended         Yuta Tanaka C38, was selected for the 2014 USA Olym-
                                                                                                                          Veron, Figo, Henry. (picture 7)
the Sloan Conference in Boston on Sports Analytics           pic Leadership FLAME Program from July 8-18th.
                                                                                                                          Tim McBride C10S Has just started a new mobile
Ilisa Kessler C9, and adjunct professor pictured with        Jamie Cassidy (Vessey) C11S, Just won the National
                                                                                                                          software company called Pledger. This platform enables
students from cohort 37 in her elective class, Sport Event   Championship as the Head Coach of SDSU Women’s
                                                                                                                          flash crowd-funding and leverages the popularity of
Operations in the Giants locker room (picture 7)             Club Water Polo Team. (picture 1)
                                                                                                                          professional sports to create an experience that makes
Cassie Zebisch C09S, The Women in Sports & Events            Barbara Buckner C32, Has recently completed her 2            donating to causes fun and simple.
Los Angeles Board Of Directors named her Director of         year CoActive Certification through the world renowned
                                                                                                                          Grace Kinder C37 and Brandon Fleshman C37 Are
PR & Media in March 2014                                     Coaches Training Institute (CTI) in San Rafael California.
                                                                                                                          getting married on Sept. 20th, 2014.
                                                             She is now using her credential as an Academic Life
Professor and Alum Nola Agha with fellow C08                                                                              Chris Zembik C12S is engaged and will be getting mar-
members pictured at the SF Social in February 2014.                                                                       ried in August, 2014.
(picture 3)                                                  Wally Funk C11 pictured, Just won the JC National
                                                             Championship for football as the running backs coach         Jana Soethout, C39, earned All American Honors in the
Ryan Gozali C31, CEO of Liga Mahasiswa is now                                                                             fastest NCAA 10K ever raced! Learn more at
                                                             for Butte College. (picture 4)
running a new venture that is creating college sports in                                                         n
Indonesia. Read Ryan’s by visiting:         Cali Gilbert C30, Published her 6th book, It’s Simply
fall2014usf1.                                                Publishing: Step by Step Guide to Writing, Marketing &
                                                             Publishing Your First Book, in April, 2014.
Managing sports biggest and best
FACULTY updates
                                                                                                                                    For previous newsletters
    Dr. Rich Campbell is currently writ-
    ing about careers in sport for About.                                                                                              and more information:
    com. One of the first pieces was an
    interview from alum Rebecca Cor-
    man C30 of the Raiders, in which she
    prominently mentioned the Program
    and Dr. Cellini. Other Pieces from
    Dr. Campbell can be found at www. and
    Dr. Michael Goldman, has been
    active during his first year in the
                                                                                                                               USf Sport
    program. While in Johannesburg in                                                                                          Management
    February, he was interviewed for an
    educational TV channel on the domi-     Dr. Goldman’s case study on               was accepted for publication in          Dan Rascher, Ph.D
    nant satellite broadcaster in Africa,   “Business Systems Group and the           Contemporary Economic Policy.            Director of Academic Programs
    DStv. The program is about sport        Triathlon Question” was published by                                               Professor
    marketing in Africa. Watch the video                                              At the Western Academy of Manage-
                                            Ivey Publishing in April, after receiv-                                            Rich Cellini, Ph.D
    at                                                    ment Conference in March, Dr. Agha
                                            ing the award for the best case study                                              Professor
                                                                                      led a panel discussion on “Teaching
    At the Academy of Marketing             in Africa in the 2014 Emerald/AABS                                                 Nola Agha, Ph.D
                                                                                      Sport Strategy Case Studies in
    Science Conference in May,              Case Study Competition.                                                            Assistant Professor
                                                                                      Strategic Management Courses.” At
    Dr. Goldman presented a research        Dr. Goldman participated in a             the same conference, Cohort 14S          Michael Goldman, D.B.A.
    paper on “When sport fans disen-        number of media interviews about          alumni (pictured left to right) Joe      Assistant Professor
    gage.” Later that month, Dr. Gold-      the Donald Sterling and LA Clippers       Bisson, Ricky Mallot, Noah Jack-         Drew Roberts, MA
    man presented a research paper on       brand controversy, including on KGO-      son, and Will Strome received the        Director of Administration
    “I am different when I belong: Team     SF, KOFY-SF and KCBS-AM.                  Best-Mentored Sports Case Study
    identification in seeking optimal                                                                                          Brent von Forstmeyer, MA
                                                                                      award from the Western Casewriters
    psychological distinctiveness” at the   The paper “A Compensating Differ-                                                  Associate Director
                                                                                      Association for the case titled “Expe-
    North American Society for Sport        ential Approach to Valuing the Social                                              TBD
                                                                                      rience, LLC: Filling the Best Seats in
    Management Conference.                  Benefit of Minor League Baseball” by                                               Program Assistant
                                                                                      the House.” n
                                            Dr. Nola Agha and Dennis Coates                                                    San Francisco Program

    stan fasci, Retiring After 15+ Years with the                                                                              Program Assistant
                                                                                                                               Southern California Program

    Sport Management Master’s Program                                                                                          San Francisco Program
                                                                                                                               Kalmanovitz Hall, Room 241
    A heartfelt farewell to Stan Fasci, the longtime Director of the Sport Management                                          2130 Fulton Street
    Master’s Program from 1999 to 2014, who retired in July. During Stan’s tenure…                                             San Francisco, CA 94117-1080
                                                                                                                               Phone: 415.422.2678
                                            Stan has reviewed nearly 5,000            During Stan’s tenure, approximately
                                            applications to the Sport                 75 students and alumni have worked
                                            Management Program                        for teams that have won national         Southern California Program
                                                                                      championships including: World Se-       480 South Batavia Street
                                            During Stan’s tenure 1,247 students                                                Orange, CA 92868
                                                                                      ries, NBA Championship, Stanley Cup,
                                            have graduated from the program                                                    Phone: 714.633.5626
                                                                                      MLS Cup, and NCAA Championship.
                                            Stan has flown approximately
                                                                                      Under Stan’s leadership, grads have
                                            500,000 miles on Southwest Airlines
                                                                                      landed great positions in many      
                                            while representing Sport Management
                                                                                      prestigious sports organizations. n 

    update your information
    Email with the subject line “alumni update” and let us know where you are professionally
    and personally. Make sure to also update us with your new address, email, or phone number. Remember to
                           The Master of
    attach pictures.The Master’s Program
    Up to date Sport Management program information can be found on our Facebook page at and Twitter @usfsportmgt. Email a blurb and pictures with the subject line
    ‘Social Media” to n

Managing sports biggest and best
Welcome Cohort 16s

Tessa Aceves, Whittier College           Alejandro Lopez, University of
Tyler Armijo, Loyola Marymount           California, Santa Barbara
University                               Brandon Lovette, University of
Mina Azim, San Diego State               California, Santa Cruz
University                               Jessica Morgan, Arizona State
Tristan Baer, Cal Lutheran               University
University                               Ruben Orosco, University of Califor-
Kyle Boas, University of California,     nia, Irvine
Berkeley                                 Alex Pappas, University of Califor-
Clarence Brown Jr., Southern Con-        nia, Santa Barbara
necticut State University                Joel Pasion, CSU, Northridge
Jonathan De Leon, CSU, Los               Sagar Patel, CSU, Fullerton
Angeles                                  Demetri Payton, CSU, Fresno
Danilo (DJ) Dikitanan, CSU, Long         Samuel Shields, University of New
Beach                                    Hampshire, Durham
Patrick Drolet, University of Arizona,   Kenneth Siemers, Sonoma State
Tucson                                   University
Jordan Esparza, Chapman Uni-             Darrell Stewart, University Puget
versity                                  Sound
Francisco Flores, Arizona State          Sara Studer, Sonoma State
University, Tempe                        University
Anthony Francis, San Jose State          Matthew Sutherland, SUNY College
University                               of Technology, Canton
Xin Gao, Beijing Forestry University     Keith Yazdanseta, SUNY Stony
MJ Grogan, University of California,     Brook
Davis                                    Hurlbut Sarah, California Baptist
Jonathan Hawks, Southern Meth-           University
odist University                         Jermaine Walton, Whittier College
Elissa Ji, University of Nevada, Reno    Alex Sortino, University of Arizona,
Kassidy Kozai, University of Califor-    Tempe n
nia, Los Angeles
Emerald Leiataua, University of
California, Riverside
Managing sports biggest and best
Welcome Cohort 41

Robert Belluomini, University of         Emma Krenzin, University of
California, Santa Cruz                   California, Santa Barbara
Kristine Bill, University at Albany,     Conor Larkin, National University
SUNY                                     of Ireland
Christopher Bollinger, California        Eduardo Maisonet III, Langston
State University, Sacramento             University
Ryan Breitenbucher, Cal Poly State       John Nash, Santa Clara University
University, San Luis Obispo              Vanessa Padrones, California State
Chris Brown, California State            University, San Diego
Sacramento                               Patty Rally, University of California,
Danielle Brusnahan, California           Berekeley
State University, Sonoma                 Jason Rivas, California State Univer-
Patrick Cayabyab, Dominican              sity, Sonoma
University                               Hector Ruiz Renteria, California
Patrick Cochrane, Gonzaga                State University, Sonoma
University                               Fortune Solomon, California State
Alexandria Curtis, University of Cali-   University, Bakersfield
fornia, Merced                           Marcus Thomasson, Johnson &
Antonio De Moss Jr., California          Wales University, Charlotte
State University, East Bay               Maurita Toler, University of Califor-
Michelle Durgin, University of           nia, Berkeley
California, Davis                        Anthony Velasquez, California State
Briana Farris, St. Mary’s College of     University, Monterey Bay
California                               Zachary Vos, Grand View University
Eric Fischer, Denison University         Elliott Wagner-Rosales, California
Kayla Griffin, Cal Poly State Univer-    State University, Sonoma
sity, San Luis Obispo                    Tara Ward, California State Univer-
Kevin Hindenach, San Diego State         sity, East Bay
University                               Colin Weaver, University of Chicago
Matt Hine, California State Univer-      Taylor Williamson, Boise State
sity, Sonoma                             University n
Yuan Jia, Brigham Young University,
Managing sports biggest and best Managing sports biggest and best Managing sports biggest and best Managing sports biggest and best
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