Managing Household Ant Pests - IPM Experience House
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B-6183 12-05 Managing Household Ant Pests Bastiaan M. Drees* I n nature, ants are generally considered become queen ants in new colonies. They may to be beneficial insects. But when they choose indoor nesting sites if suitable ones are invade a home, ants can be a nuisance. not available outdoors. When she finds a nesting To manage an ant infestation in the home, site, the queen loses her wings and begins to lay you must first identify the species. The next step eggs, which hatch into legless, grub-like larvae. is to learn about the biology of that species and The queen feeds the larvae as they develop determine where the colony might be nesting. through several stages, molting and growing Some species commonly nest indoors, while oth- between each stage. Larvae then form pupae and ers nest outside and enter a home just to look for soon emerge as adult ants. Once worker ants food. have developed, the queen no longer needs to To rid your home of ants, you must eliminate care for the brood. the colonies or nests. Some treatments, such When winged ants swarm in the home, it as insecticides sprayed on ant trails, kill only a is likely that their colony is located somewhere few foraging worker ants. They do not eliminate inside. Winged ants swarming outside, such as colonies. In fact, such treatments can sometimes around porch lights, should not be a concern. make the problem worse by causing a colony to To discourage them, turn off porch lights or use split into two or more separate colonies. yellow “bug” lights. If you do see winged ants This publication can help you identify and inside, it is important to distinguish them from treat ants that invade your home. However, ant termites. The following chart will help. (Also see control can be difficult. If you are not successful, Extension publications B-6080, “Subterranean call a commercial pest control operator. Termites,” and L-1782, “Drywood Termites.”) Why Ants Enter a House Winged ants Winged termites • Two pairs of wings, • Two pairs of wings To start a new colony with the hind wings of equal size and Ants form new colonies in several ways. Some shorter shape species produce winged ants that swarm from the • Antennae usually • Hair-like antennae nest during certain times of the year, mate, and are “elbowed” then form new colonies. Newly mated females • Narrow “waist” • No narrow “waist” between abdomen *Professor and Extension Entomologist, The Texas A&M and thorax University System
Some ant colonies can have more than one crevices, and they especially like warm places queen, and mating may occur within the nest close to sources of water. They are occasionally without swarming. These ants form new colo- found outdoors. Their trails can reach 150 feet in nies when one or more of the queen ants, along length. with some workers and brood, leave the nest and Worker ants develop from eggs (5 to 6 days) move to a new location. Ant colonies do not nest through several larval stages (22 to 24 days), a in permanent locations. Often entire colonies will prepupal stage (2 to 3 days), and a pupal stage move from one nesting site to another almost (9 to 12 days) to adults. The time from egg to overnight. Ant colonies may move indoors if adult takes 38 to 45 days (4 days longer for the weather is either abnormally hot and dry or sexual forms). Colonies consist of one to sev- very wet. They may also move indoors if there is eral hundred queen ants, sterile female worker insufficient food and water outside. ants, winged male and female reproductive ants (sexuals), and immature ants. Pharaoh ants do To find food and water not swarm. Colonies multiply by “budding,” a Worker ants from outside or inside nests process whereby a large part of a colony migrates may forage for food and water inside a home. with some immatures to a new nesting site. Foraging workers of some species secrete chemi- cal (pheromone) trails to lead other ants to food Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta and water. The ants take food back to the colony and share it with the other ants, including the queen(s) and brood. In some species, such as the pharaoh ant, larvae are an essential part of the food chain; they partially digest solid food brought to them by worker ants and regurgitate it for the rest of the colony to consume. Most adult ants can not ingest solid food particles. Common Indoor Ant Species Pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis Red imported fire ant Fire ants infest the eastern two-thirds of Texas (also see Extension publication B-6043, “Managing Red Imported Fire Ants in Urban Areas”). Worker ants are 1/16 to 3/16 inch long and are usually reddish or dark brown. Queen ants are larger (3/8 inch) and lose their wings after mating. This exotic species from South America prefers to nest outdoors in soil. The ants con- Pharaoh ant struct hills or mounds in open areas and also nest under rocks and landscape timbers, at the bases Also called “sugar ants” or “piss ants,” these of tree trunks, in decaying wood and in clogged ants are very small, about 1/12 to 1/16 inch long, rain gutters. Occasionally they are found indoors and are light tan to reddish. This exotic (non- nesting in wall voids, decaying wood or utility native) species is the ant most often seen indoors housings. in Texas. Pharaoh ants do not sting and usually When a mound or nest is disturbed, the ster- do not bite. They feed on sweets (jelly–particu- ile female worker ants respond quickly and will larly mint apple jelly, sugar, honey, etc.), cakes, run up vertical surfaces to attack the intruder. breads, and greasy or fatty foods (pies, butter, They bite and hold on to the victim with their liver and bacon). They may nest in light sock- jaws while injecting venom with stingers at the ets, potted plants, wall voids, attics, cracks and ends of their abdomens. Fire ant stings produce
a burning sensation and often cause whitish Occasionally carpenter ants, particularly C. blisters. Most people can tolerate the stings, but rasilis, nest under stones or in other places, but some people are very sensitive to fire ant venom they usually nest in dead wood, either outdoors and must seek medical attention. in old stumps, dead parts of trees, firewood and Foraging workers may enter a house in search fences, or indoors between wood shingles or in of food, moisture or nesting sites, particularly siding, beams, joists, fascia boards, etc. Colonies during hot, dry periods or during floods. Fire are often located in cracks between structural ants are omnivorous, but eat mostly insects and timbers, but the ants can also tunnel into struc- other invertebrates such as ticks, chiggers and tural wood to form nesting galleries (although caterpillars. The often feed on the sugary “honey- this is rare with the species that occur in Texas). dew” produced by aphids, mealybugs and some They may prefer moist or decaying wood, wood other insects. with dry rot, or old termite galleries. Galleries Eggs hatch in 8 to 10 days and larvae develop (nesting tunnels) usually follow the grain of the through four stages (instars) before pupating. wood and go around the annual rings. Tunnel Development from egg to adult requires 22 to 37 walls are clean and smooth. Galleries can weaken days, depending on the temperature. Each colony structural timbers. Nests can be located by contains one or more queen ants. Queen ants searching for piles of sawdust-like wood scrapings can produce about 800 eggs per day. A “mature” and dead ant parts underneath exit holes. These colony can contain more than 200,000 adult and piles accumulate as the nests are excavated. immature ants. Fire ant reproductives swarm to The development from egg to worker ant establish new colonies. takes about 2 months. A mature colony contains winged males and females (reproductives about Carpenter ants, Camponotus sp. 3 /4 inch long), sterile female workers of various sizes, and a wingless queen about 9/16 inch long. The winged reproductives swarm from May through July. If they are found in a home, it is likely that a colony is nesting indoors. (Also see Extension publication L-1783, “Carpenter Ants.”) Other species The acrobat ant, Crematogaster sp., nests Carpenter ants under stones, in stumps or in dead wood and occasionally invades homes. Some species make There are 14 species of carpenter ants in Tex- nests in trees. Foraging worker ants tend aphids as. The largest is the black carpenter ant (Cam- and other sucking insects and feed on the hon- ponotus pennsylvanicus), which is found primarily eydew the aphids produce. The acrobat ant has a in wooded areas and rarely causes a problem heart-shaped abdomen that is often held up over indoors. Common indoor species are Camponotus its body. rasilis and C. sayi. The workers of these spe- cies have dull red bodies with black abdomens. Worker ants are 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. They can be distinguished from most other large ant species because the top of the thorax is evenly convex and has no spines. Also, the attachment between the thorax and abdomen has a single flattened segment. Although these ants can bite, they do not sting. Foraging worker ants leave the nest and seek foods such as insects, decaying fruit, and honeydew. When foraging worker ants enter a Acrobat ants home they can be a nuisance.
The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, is an but have a pungent “rotten coconut” smell when exotic species from South America. It is not as crushed. This species is easily identified because common in areas infested by the red imported all the workers are the same size and they are fire ant. Workers are light to dark brown and active during the day. They form large colonies, can be found both indoors and outdoors. Their and their nests contain more than one queen ant. foraging trails may be as long as 200 feet. Be- Workers of tramp cause each colony may contain several queens, ants, Tetramorium spp. the population of Argentine ants can be huge in (e.g., T. bicarinatum), also some areas. resemble the fire ant, Bigheaded ants, but if you look closely Pheidole sp., prefer to you’ll see that the head nest in soil outdoors. and thorax are rough- The heads of larger ened and have parallel (major) worker ants are grooves. The bodies of relatively large compared fire ants are smooth. to the size of their bod- Tramp ants prefer to ies. Their antennae have nest in the soil around 12 segments and “clubs” building foundations Tramp ant on the ends. They bite Bigheaded ant and will forage indoors but do not sting. Like for food. red imported fire ants, they feed on live and dead The ghost ant, Tapi- insects, seeds and honeydew outdoors. Indoors, noma melanocephalum, is they are attracted to greasy foods and sweets. also becoming a problem Workers of the in Texas. Workers are crazy ant, Paratrechina tiny (1/16 inch) with a longicornis, are grayish dark head and thorax black with long legs and a light abdomen. and antennae. They Colonies nest primar- run very fast. Although ily indoors. Foraging they mainly nest out- workers are attracted to Ghost ant doors, they will forage sweets. in homes. They are omnivorous, but are difficult to attract to ant baits. Crazy ant Help with Ant Identification The little black ant, Monomorium minimum, is If you are unable to identify ants from the a slow-moving, small and shiny black ant. Work- information in this publication, you can get ers prey on insects and feed on honeydew. help from professionals. You will need to collect Workers of the odorous house ant, Tapinoma a specimen of the ants that are infesting your sessile, look somewhat like red imported fire ants home. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and use it to collect one or more of the ants. Place the ants in an alcohol-filled vial. Your county Exten- sion agent or a pest control company representa- tive may be able to identify the ants. Texas Cooperative Extension publication B-6138, “The Common Ant Genera of Texas,” is a useful reference. It is available from the TCE Bookstore ( If you hire a pest control operator, that person will be able to identify the ants that are Little black ant Odorous house ant invading your home.
Table 1. Characteristics of some common house-infesting ants of Texas. Species Preferred Foods Swarming Sting Bite Follow Length of nest preferred season trails workers locations indoors (inches) Usually nest indoors Pharaoh ants Near heat and Grease, meats, None No No Yes 1 /16 moisture sources sweets Usually nest outdoors, but can be found in or on buildings Acrobat ants Protected Slight preference Early summer No Yes Yes/No 1 /8 to 1/4 galleries in for sweets and to early fall mortar and wood meats Carpenter ants Usually in stumps All foods, May to late July No Yes No 1 /4 to 1/2 and fences sweets (see text) Odorous Under stones or Sweets, meats, Seldom No No Yes 1 /8 house ants boards, in walls, dairy products under floors Red imported Lawns, gardens, Meats, grease, All year Yes Yes Yes/No 1 /8 to 1/4 fire ants plant beds sweets Thief ants Nests of other Grease in Late July to No No No 1 /16 ants, soil, cracks cheeses and September in wall meats, sweets Usually nest only in soil outdoors Argentine ants Lawns, plant Sweets, animal Rare, April No No Yes 1 /8 beds, leaf litter, fat and May trash piles Crazy ants Trash piles, Sweets, meat Spring No No No 1 /16 to 1/8 tree soil Little black ants Lawns, under Grease, sweets, May to No No Yes 1 /16 objects, rotten meats, fruits, September wood vegetables Tramp ants Cracks in or near Grease, meats, May to June No No Yes 1 /8 sidewalks and honey pavement
How to Manage Ants Indoors If you see trails of foraging ants, follow the trails and try to determine where the ants are Ants enter a home in search of food, water or coming from. You can make food-lure bait sta- a good nesting site. There are things you can do tions to trick the ants into revealing their nest to eliminate these resources inside and outside locations. Fill small squares of aluminum foil or your home to prevent ant problems. bottle caps with sugar water, peanut butter, mint To remove food sources: apple jelly, bacon grease or some other sweet or • Keep your home clean. Clean up spilled greasy food. Watch the ants as they locate the foods and beverages and store foods in food and take it back to the nest. You may soon tightly sealed containers. see a column of foraging workers develop. • If insects are producing honeydew on Remember that foraging ants may return to plants close to the house, control them. nests indoors or outdoors. You may see the work- Ants are attracted to honeydew. ers entering and leaving the house using “high- To remove water sources: ways” such as the edges of buildings, borders • Repair dripping faucets and other plumb- around landscape beds, wires, fences, hoses and ing leaks. plumbing systems. If possible, follow them to • Replace wet or rotten wood. their outdoor nests. Unfortunately, you won’t be • Move mulch and landscape rocks away able to see most indoor nests because they are from the bottom of the foundation. in wall voids or underneath slabs. But knowing Mulch and rocks keep the soil moist, the ants are nesting only indoors will keep you which attracts ants. from making unnecessary and ineffective outdoor To remove nesting sites and keep ants from treatments. entering the house: These observations take time, but they are • Caulk cracks and crevices. Replace worn worth the effort because you will know how to weatherstripping around doors and win- treat the ants effectively. Indiscriminately spray- dows. ing insecticide on foraging ants or around your • Remove dense vegetation next to the home will do little good. house. • Remove ivy that grows on walls. • Clean out rain gutters. Ants may nest in Treat the nest gutters clogged with decomposing leaves If you do discover a nest, make note of its and other debris. location so you can treat it. Insecticides for con- • Store firewood away from the house. trolling ants are available as liquid sprays, dusts, • Trim tree limbs away from the roof and fogs, aerosols and baits. Many are labeled in a house. Ants may use them as bridges to general way to control “ants.” Some are labeled gain access. to control specific types of ants. When choosing • Before you bring firewood or potted a product, be sure to select one that will control plants into the house, be sure they are not the specific pest you have and that is labeled for infested with ants. the location where it will be used—indoors or outdoors. In addition to treating outdoor nests, you Assess the problem may also need to apply insecticide indoors to When ants are observed indoors, take some kill foraging workers, especially in winter when time to study their habits. Make observations outside treatments are less effective. both during the day and after dark (some ants Indoor nests can be treated directly with an are more active at night). Note what foods they insecticide or, if the nest is not accessible, by us- are attracted to and where most of them are ap- ing baits. Sometimes it is necessary to drill holes pearing. Note whether the ants have wings or are into wood and wall voids to reach an ant colony. wingless. The most important thing is to try to If so, you’ll want to hire a professional pest con- locate the nest, because treating the nest is the trol operator who has the skill and equipment most effective way to eliminate the ants. to do this. Ant colonies are mobile and quickly move to new locations when disturbed. Some
species have more than one nest within a struc- • Mix 1 part boric acid powder (available ture, and some have satellite colonies apart from from most pharmacies) per 100 parts bait the main nest (e.g., carpenter ants), so it may material — 1 teaspoon per 2 cups food be important to have the assistance of a profes- material (1 cup = 48 teaspoons). sional. The 1 percent bait is better than higher con- The most effective insecticide formulations centrations because it is less repellent to ants and for direct application to indoor nests are sprays kills them as efficiently. Place small quantities of or dusts. Dusts are usually preferred because bait in bottle caps or on pieces of foil, or inject it they do not stain and control ants longer than do into short (2-inch-long) sections of soda straws sprays. Dusts should be applied sparingly in thin, using a squeeze bottle. Place 20 to 30 small bait even layers in the ant nest area. stations where ants have been seen. Never place Insecticide baits may be used alone or in any baits in areas accessible to small children or combination with direct nest treatments. To be pets. If the proper food material is used and the successful, the bait must contain a food sub- bait is kept fresh and moist, the ants should be stance attractive to the target ant species so that controlled after 3 to 4 weeks of a careful, thor- foraging worker ants will collect the material, ough baiting program. return it to the colony, and feed it to the other To use baits successfully: ants. Some ant species feed mostly on sugar • Do not spray long-acting contact insecti- or sucrose, while others prefer oils or proteins. cides (often applied to control cockroaches Some species, such as imported fire ants, feed on or sprayed on ant trails). Sprays prevent many types of foods. foraging worker ants from reaching the Granular baits can be applied to inaccessible bait. indoor locations such as wall voids. Outdoors, • Follow directions carefully and use the they can be broadcast or used for spot treat- correct number of bait stations or the right ments. amount of bait material to treat the infes- Indoor baits are also formulated as liquids, tation. Also use fresh product. Some bait gels, pastes or solids. These are contained in formulations, particularly those contain- bait stations or applied by some other method. ing vegetable oil (e.g., soybean oil, peanut Effective indoor baits contain ingredients such oil), will lose attractiveness over time or if as abemectin, fipronil, hydramethylnon, sulfon- stored improperly. amide, sodium tetraborate (borax), orthoboric • Make bait more effective by removing acid, pyriproxyfen or methoprene. These are other food sources such as spilled food slow-acting pesticides. Baits should not be con- and grease. fused with “bait traps,” which kill only foraging • Be patient. It may take 3 to 4 weeks or workers and not ants in the nest. more to eliminate some colonies. Boric acid products are commonly formu- Baits usually kill many, but not all, of the lated in sugar water (25 percent sucrose) and ants in a colony, particularly when a colony is placed in a dispenser. Concentrations of 0.5 to large and cannot be treated directly as well. 3.7 percent are most attractive to Argentine ants. Higher concentrations are less attractive. Boric Use contact insecticides for barriers acid is a slow-acting stomach poison. Be careful Some contact insecticides repel ants. Exam- using it outdoors because it is toxic to plants. ples are pyrethroid insecticides (permethrin, bi- For pharaoh ants, if the nest cannot be located, fenthrin, cyfluthrin, es-fenvalerate, cypermethrin, use a bait (e.g., Drax® Ant Kill Gel containing 5 lambda-cyhalothrin). Although repellants should percent orthoboric acid or Terro®-PCO or other not be used while baits are set out, they can be products containing 5.4 percent sodium tetrabo- used after a baiting program to quickly eliminate rate or borax). Or prepare a 1 percent boric acid any remaining ants. They can also be sprayed bait using the following recipe: around cracks, openings for plumbing and other • Choose the most attractive food material places ants might enter to create an indoor bar- for the ant species (e.g., peanut butter, rier and keep ants from reinfesting a home. mint apply jelly, corn syrup, etc.).
Nonrepellant contact insecticides (such as those containing chlorfenapyr) can be used Choosing the Right Insecticide indoors by professional pest control operators to Table 2 lists some of the many products kill foraging ants when the nest is inaccessible. available for treating pest ants in and around the Outdoors, contact insecticides can be used to home. Some older contact insecticide products establish a barrier around the home. This is done have recently been removed from the market. by spraying insecticide in a 1- to 4-foot-wide Products containing bendiocarb (Ficam® and band on the soil around the entire perimeter of others), chlorpyrifos (Dursban® and others) and the home and to the lower walls of the home, as diazinon are no longer being sold, although exist- directed on the product label. This barrier will ing stocks can still be used. greatly reduce or eliminate ant invasion if treat- Some of the products and formulations listed ment is repeated periodically or whenever ants are available only to professional pest control are active. Granular insecticides can be used to operators. treat the soil instead of sprays. Water the treated For additional information, refer to the area lightly after application to release the insec- following publications, available from the ticide from the granules. Texas Cooperative Extension Bookstore at Professional pest control operators can spray Termidor® (0.6 percent fipronil) 1 foot up and B-6043, “Managing Red Imported Fire Ants in 1 foot out from the base of foundations. This is Urban Areas” a slow-acting, long-lasting contact insecticide. L-5070, “The Two-Step Method Do-It-Yourself It appears that foraging ants returning to their Fire Ant Control” nests carry the insecticide to other ants, which eliminates the colony. This may be an especially L-5314, “Red Harvester Ants” helpful product for controlling crazy ant nests outdoors, because they are harder to control with baits. Acknowledgments The entire home landscape should not be This is a revision of L-2061, authored by routinely treated unless the landscape is infested B. M. Drees and B. Summerlin. The author is with fire ants or other pest ants that continually grateful for the assistance of Anna Kjolen in enter the home. Most ant species are beneficial developing Table 2, and for reviews of the earlier in the landscape. version and this version provided by Jerry Cook (Sam Houston State University), David Oi (USDA-ARS, Gainesville, Florida), Dan Suiter (University Georgia), L. Hooper-Bui (Louisiana State University), and S. B. Vinson (Texas A&M University).
Table 2. Examples of insecticide products for controlling ants in and around homes. Note that some products contain several ingredients. Some products are available only to professional pest control operators. Carefully follow directions on the product label. For a more detailed version of this table, visit Active ingredient Where and how used Product name examples common name (check label for details) and signal word abamectin B1 Indoors: Apply to cracks and Advance 375A Select Granular Ant Bait Advance crevices where ants are active Granular Ant Bait Formula 1 Outdoors: Broadcast around Advance Granular Carpenter Ant Bait perimeter of house; treat individual colonies and mounds CAUTION avermectin B1 Indoors and outdoors Raid Ant Baits II Raid Outdoor Ant Spikes CAUTION acephate Outdoors: Treat mounds Orthene PCO Formula II Indoors: Apply to cracks and Orthene Crack & Crevice Pressurized Residual crevices; for carpenter ants, apply Formula 1 to tunnels and cavities Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer CAUTION arsenic trioxide 0.46% Outdoors or indoors Grant’s Kills Ants Stakes Grant’s Kills Ants Bait Stations CAUTION bifenthrin Outdoors: Broadcast or treat mounds Ortho Fire Ant Killer Broadcast Granules Indoors Talstar PL Granular Insecticide (FMC) TalstarOne Multi-Insecticide Bifenthrin Pro Multi-Insecticide Golf Courses/Nursery Ortho Bug B Gone Max Insect Killer for Lawns Basic Solutions by Ortho, Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Ortho Home Defense Max CAUTION boric acid Indoors Perma-dust Pressurized Boric Acid Dust AntX 75 CAUTION chlorfenapyr 21.45% Indoors Phantom Termiticide - Insecticide CAUTION clove oil Outdoors: Broadcast or treat mounds Eco Exempt D with Hexa-Hydroxyl Indoors: Apply to cracks and crevices CAUTION CAUTION–least toxic; WARNING–moderately toxic; DANGER–most toxic of formulated product
Common name Where and how used Product name and signal word and formulation (check label for details) cyfluthrin Outdoors: Spray around doors, PowerForce Multi-Insect Killer windows, foundation and porches; Cy-Kick Crack and Crevice Pressurized Residual spray ant trails, mounds and lawns; Cy-Kick CS Crack and Crevice Pressurized Residual inject into nests Real Kill Home Insect Control Indoor Outdoor Indoors: Apply to cracks, crevices Insect Killer and wall voids PowerForce Multi-Insect Concentrate PowerForce Multi-Insect Killer Ready-to-Spray Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide Prescription Treatment Brand Cy-Kick CS Controlled Release Cyfluthrin CAUTION ß-cyfluthrin cyano Outdoors and indoors Tempo Ultra WP Tempo SC Ultra Insecticide CAUTION cypermethrin Outdoors and indoors Demon TC Hot Shot Home Insect Control Clear Formula2 CAUTION deltamethrin Outdoors: Apply around windows, DeltaDust Insecticide doors, porches, eaves, patios and DeltaGard G Insecticide Granule in crawl spaces; treat mounds Ortho Fire Ant Killer Indoors: Apply to ant trails and Suspend SC Insecticide around doors and windows CAUTION disodium octaborate Outdoors and indoors Bora-Care Termiticide, Insecticide and Fungicide tetrahydrate Concentrate Tim-bor Insecticide and Fungicide CAUTION eugenol (clove oil) + Outdoors: Treat perimeters, Eco EXEMPT G Granular Insecticide thyme oil landscapes and mounds CAUTION fenoxycarb Outdoors: Treat mounds Award Fire Ant Bait CAUTION fipronil Outdoors: Apply around doors, Ceasefire Fire Ant Bait Insecticide windows, vents, pipes and other Combat Ant Killing Gel openings Over ‘N Out Indoors Topchoice Insecticide Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide CAUTION Termidor 80 WG Termiticide/Insecticide WARNING 10
Common name Where and how used Product name and signal word and formulation (check label for details) hydramethylnon Outdoors: Broadcast, treat mounds, Amdro Fire Ant Bait Yard Treatment or use in bait stations Amdro Pro Fire Ant Bait Indoors: Apply bait only into cracks, Grant’s Kills Ants Total Ant Killer Bait crevices and other inaccessible areas Amdro Ant Block Eclipse Professional Insect Bait Maxforce Fire Ant Killer Granular Bait Maxforce Professional Insect Control Fine Granule Insect Bait Maxforce Professional Insect Control Granular Insect Bait CAUTION hydramethylnon + Outdoors and indoors Extinguish Plus s-methoprene CAUTION indoxacarb Outdoors and indoors Spectracide Fire Ant Killer Plus Preventer Bait Once and Done Advion Fire Ant Bait Real-Kill Ant Bait CAUTION lambda-cyhalothrin Outdoors: Treat mounds; treat ant Spectracide Fire Ant Killer Granules2 nests; treat carpenter ants in trees, Prescription Treatment 221 L Residual Insecticide stumps, poles and fences; apply Scimitar GC Insecticide around buildings Indoors: Treat cracks, crevices, wall CAUTION voids, and ant tunnels in wood linalool + N-octyl Indoors: Treat carpet and pet Demize Nylar Carpet Spray bicycloheptene bedding dicarboximide + CAUTION nylar: 2-(1-methyl-2- (4phenoxyphenoxy) ethoxyl pryridine + permethrin methoprene Outdoors: Treat mounds, perimeters Extinguish Professional Fire Ant Bait of buildings and other areas; Pharorid Ant Growth Regulator broadcast Indoors CAUTION n-ethyl perfluoro- Indoors Advance Dual Choice Ant Bait Stations octanesulfonamide (sulfonamide) CAUTION orthoboric acid Outdoors and indoors Snuffer Niban FG Granular Bait InTice Granular Bait Niban Granular Bait Drax NutraBait Pressurized Baiting System Hot Shot Max Attrax Roach Killing Powder CAUTION 11
Common name Where and how used Product name and signal word and formulation (check label for details) permethrin Outdoors and indoors Pounce Astro Insecticide Permethrin Pro Termite-Turf-Ornamental MasterLine Permethrin Plus-C Termiticide/Insecticide CAUTION propoxur: Outdoors and indoors 2% Prentox Larva-Lur contains Propoxur 2-(1-methylethoxy) phenol methycarbamate CAUTION pyrethrins + other Outdoors ULD HydroPy-300 Pyrethrin Concentrate ingredients Indoors: Apply to cracks and Microcare Pressurized Pyrethrum Capsule crevices Suspension 565 Plus XLO Contact Insecticide P.I. Contact Insecticide ULD BP-50 Contact Insecticide Pro-Control Plus Total Release Aerosol Insecticide Pro-Control Total Release Aerosol Insecticde Tri-Die Pressurized Silica + Pyrethrin Dust Tri-die Silica & Pyrethrum Dust Drione Insecticide Prentox Pyronyl ULD BP-100 Contact Insecticide Microcare CS Controlled Release Pyrethrum Liquid Concentrate Prentox Pyronyl 303 Emulsifiable Concentrate Prentox Pyronyl Oil Concentrate OR-3610A ULD BP-300 Contact Insecticide Prentox ExciteR Kicker CAUTION pyriproxifen (pyridine) Outdoors and indoors Distance Fire Ant Bait (Insect Growth Regulator) Archer Insect Growth Regulator Nyguard IGR Concentrate CAUTION rosemary oil (10.0%) Outdoors and indoors EcoEXEMPT IC CAUTION sodium tetraborate Outdoors and indoors 381B Advance Liquid Ant Bait decahydrate (Borax) Terro - PCO Liquid Ant Bait Stations 388B Advance Ant Gel Bait CAUTION spinosad Outdoors: Broadcast or treat New Ortho Fire Ant Killer Bait Granules mounds Fire Ant Control with Conserve (Green Light) CAUTION tau-fluvalinate Outdoors Mavrik Perimeter CAUTION 12
Common name Where and how used Product name and signal word and formulation (check label for details) thiamethoxam 25.0% Outdoors Flagship 25WG CAUTION (S)-cyano (3-phen- Outdoors and indoors Conquer Residual Insecticide Concentrate oxphenyl)methyl-(S)-4- chloro-alpha- CAUTION (1-methylethyl) 2-phenethyl propionate Indoors EcoPCO ACU Contact Insecticide CAUTION 13
2.5M, Revision
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