Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes

Page created by Patrick Carpenter
Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes
Making life better.

Full Year
2021 Results
Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes

Key Operational Highlights          3

Alignment With Market Opportunity   12

Enhancing Delivery Capability       18

Financial Review                    25

Outlook                             32
Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes
Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes
Key Operational Highlights
Growing A Diversified And Sustainable Business Across Three Segments
                             Suburban                           Urban                         Partnerships

 2021                1,150 units closed (+64%        Material Dublin Docklands          Two landmark           Capital Efficiency &
                     YoY)                            progress including first           agreements for over   Shareholder Returns
                                                     forward fund of PI Hotel           2,050 units

2022                 1,388 suburban unit total       HOTs signed for two                Opportunities from
                     forward order book              forward fund transactions          Housing for All       ✓   Strong Operating Profit of
                                                     for over 500 apartments                                      €51m

Our Stakeholder      •   Six sustainability pillars addressing the areas most material to our stakeholders
                                                                                                              ✓   Net Land reduction of
                                                                                                                  €57m in 2021
Expectations Drive
                     •   Governance, management systems and reporting aligned with international standards

Aligned With         •   63% of Suburban portfolio below €350k                                                ✓   Generated over €100m in
                                                                                                                  operating cash
                     •   Supportive of affordable purchase, cost-rental & social housing

Enhancing Delivery   •   Investment in manufacturing to enhance delivery capabilities                         ✓   €108m returned via share
                     •   Over 700 timber frame units in 2021 (2,000 units by 2024)                                buyback programmes

Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes
Key Operational Highlights
Suburban – Starter Homes Targeting The Broadest Segment Of Buyers
                                                ✓   902 completions in 2021 (+37% YoY), targeting
 • Attractive product offering – sustainable,       1,400 in 2022
   high-quality homes in flourishing
   communities                                  ✓   Orderbook of 1,028 for 2022 (73% of unit
 • Targeted at segments with deepest                target)
   demand by addressing the housing need
   across society                               ✓   HPI +6% in H2 2021, similar levels expected in
                                                    FY 2022
 • Building Lasting Communities
   programme enhancing attractiveness of        ✓   Increasing demand from Government for cost
   schemes                                          rental with 230 units to be delivered in 2022
 • Dedicated after-care department helped
   drive customer satisfaction rating to 89%    ✓   69% Suburban units in 2021 priced below the
   (2020: 83%)                                      median price of new homes sold in GDA & Cork
 • Customer demand supported by
   increased mortgage levels, a greater
   level of deposits and expanded
   government supports
 • HPI of 6% offsetting the impact of CPI
   with this trend expected to continue
   into 2022

                                            Continued Strong Demand In 2021 Across All Our Suburban Schemes

Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes
Key Operational Highlights
Urban – Attractive Portfolio Delivered In Capital Efficient Manner

                                              Strong Demand From Institutions¹
  Urban portfolio of 4,000

                                                                        €2.4bn                                               €2.3bn
 Over 2,400 have planning        Forward                                                           €1.6bn
   permissions in place        funding exit          €1.1bn
                                                       2018               2019                      2020                       2021
  H1 2022         H2 2022
                                maximises                                             PRS market

 Castleknock   Cluain Mhuire    return on     Affordable Rents Critical To Long-term²
and Citywest   and East Road      capital
 – 500 units    – 700 units

     Longer-term unit                                                                                                     10.3%
                                                         4.1%                         0.9%
  replacement following
  completion of existing                                 2019                          2020                               2021
       transactions                                                              Average rental growth

  6                                                                                                        Note 1: CBRE    Note 2:
Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes
Key Operational Highlights
Urban - Accelerating Returns From Docklands Portfolio
 • During 2017 and 2018, the Group made two
                                            Premier Inn Key Attractions
    attractive acquisitions at a strategic, but
    one-off, Dublin Docklands location
                                                                                             Strong              • Completed transactions totalling
 • Significant value has been added in the                                                                         almost €150m at the Castleforbes
    interim via a series of successful planning                                              financial
                                                                                             outcome               Docklands site in 2021
 • In 2021, Glenveagh monetised the majority
    of the Castleforbes site through a forward                                                                   • Return of capital 12 months earlier
    fund for the Premier Inn Hotel and the sale                                                                    vs forward fund
    of the residential and second hotel sites                                                Accelerating
                                                                                             capital-turn        • Ability to redeploy in line with
 • This accelerated profits from the                                                                               capital allocation policy
    development and provided capital and
    resources to invest in other areas of the
    business, including our share buyback                 East Road                                              • Attractive risk / return profile vis-à-
    programme                                                                                                      vis 700 unit high rise city centre
                                                                                             Reduced risk          development
 • The remaining assets in the Docklands
    portfolio are the office development in                                                                      • Legislative risk mitigated
    Castleforbes, which is due for completion in
    H1 2024, and the 550-unit East Road
                                                                                             Ability to          • 2,400 Urban units with planning
    development, which the Group hopes to
    monetise in 2022
                                                                                             capitalise on       • Heads of Terms signed on 500
                                                                                             core Urban            units with further processes
                                                                                             deliveries            ongoing

                            Strong Operational Progress, Material Profit Contribution And Single Location Exposure Now Limited

Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes
Key Operational Highlights
Partnerships – Now A Significant Business With 2,050-Unit Pipeline
 Ballymastone                        Overall Tenure Mix
                                                                            • Selected as partner to develop approximately 1,200 homes in

                                            20%                             • Mix of social, affordable, cost rental and private homes
                                                                            • All private houses and duplexes to first time buyers and private individuals
                                           20%                              • Limited capital investment prior to construction and delivery of homes
                                                    20%                     • Planning application expected to be lodged in 2022 with construction
                                       Private       Social                    planned to commence immediately thereafter
                                       Affordable    Cost Rental

 Oscar Traynor Road                  Overall Tenure Mix
                                                                            • Selected as partner for Dublin City Council in developing 853 homes in
                                                                               Oscar Traynor Road, Dublin
                                                                            • Mix of social, affordable, and cost rental homes
                                                                            • Limited capital investment prior to construction and delivery of homes
                                       40%                40%
                                                                            • Planning application expected to be lodged in 2022 with construction
                                                                               planned to commence immediately after planning is granted


                                  Social     Affordable       Cost Rental

                             Partnerships Has Added 2,050-Units To The Land Portfolio
Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes
Key Operational Highlights
Sustainability - Continued To Be A Key Priority In 2021
                                                                    Board of Directors
 Our Ambition                                                       The Board has ultimate responsibility for sustainability. The main board receives updates on

 • ‘to set a new benchmark in our sector by delivering the          sutainability four times per year including progress against targets. It is supported by two board
                                                                    committees with specific responsibility.
   maximum possible social benefit at the lowest possible
   environmental cost’
                                                                    ESR Committee                                                    Audit & Risk Committee
                                                                    This committee is responsible for                                The Audit and Risk Committee reviews
 Governance                                                         developing and monitoring the Group’s                            sustainability risks and opportunities.

 • Strong governance in place including dedicated Environmental     approach to sustainability. The committee
                                                                    meets four times per year.
   and Social Responsibilities Board Committee and responsibility
   at Executive Committee                                           Executive Committee
                                                                    The Executive Committee has ultimate executive accountability for sustainability. The
                                                                    committee discusses sutainability issues, reviews performqance and progress against targets.
 Risk and Opportunities Management
 • Climate risks and opportunities integrated into wider Group
   risk management processes including review by the Audit and
                                                                    Sustainability Team
   Risk Committee                                                   The sustainability team, which is led by the Head of Sustainability, is responsible for the day-to-
                                                                    day management of sustainability providing a framework within which all parts of the business
                                                                    can work. The team reports to the Chief Strategy Officer, a member of the Executive Committee.
Strategy and Embedding
• Sustainability roadmap to 2030 and transition to Net Zero to      Department Leads
   be published in 2022 informed by stakeholder engagement          Lead executuion of specific sustainability commitments through
                                                                    operations, activities, projects, etc.

                     Sustainability Is Fundamental To How We Set Strategy, Structure and Organise Our Business

Making life better. Full Year 2021 Results - Glenveagh Homes
Key Operational Highlights
Sustainability - Considerable Progress Across Our Six Pillars
 Customers   • 69% core units in 2021 priced below the median price     Efficient      • Achieved ISO14001 Certification
               of new homes sold in GDA & Cork.                         Operations     • Scope 1 & 2 emissions reduction achieved
             • On track to achieve ISO 9001 in 2022                                    • Net Zero commitment with roadmap publication in
             • 89% Customer Satisfaction rating                                          H2 2022

 Homes       • 82% of homes with A2 rating – Up to 50% A1 in 2022       Sourcing       • Commenced supplier engagement regarding
 and         • Innovative own-door high density housing solutions                        sustainability
 Community     developed                                                               • Vendor Code of Conduct put in place
             • Building Lasting Communities’ programme launched

 People      • 72% employee engagement score – GPTW Award               Safety         • Achieved ISO45001 Certification
             • Achieved Investors in Diversity Silver Mark                             • Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) reduced to 2.38
             • Senior Leadership Development Programme launched                        • Audit score 89%

                                     Considerable Progress Made Across Six Sustainability Pillars

Key Operational Highlights
Sustainability - Reporting, Verification And Recognition For Direction Of Travel


 Awards and

 External Ratings
 and Verification             A-                                                                   Low

                                                                  As at: November 20211             As at: 21 September 20212

                    Sustainability Progress Recognised By Increased Ratings, Certifications And Awards
                                                                                              Note 1: See “ESG Ratings Disclaimer” note 1
  11                                                                                          Note 2: See “ESG Ratings Disclaimer” note 2
With Market
Alignment With Market Opportunity
Economy, Timing And End-Markets Favourable For Long-Term Success

GDP – Ireland Best Placed in 2021      Wage Inflation Driving Affordability                     Housing Stock Now At Historic Lows

                                       2,600m                                              6%   30k
                                       2,400m                                              4%
10%                                                                                             20k
                                       2,300m                                              2%
 5%                                    2,200m                                                   10k
                                       2,100m                                              0%
                                                2018    2019     2020   2021 2022f 2023f         0k










                                                       Total at work      Wage inflation               Q4 2018          Q4 2019   Q4 2020         Q4 2021
Source: IMF                             Source: CSO, Goodbody                                    Source:

Domestic Demand Resilient In 2022      Mortgage Approvals Strengthening                         Government Policy & Spending Supportive



 0%                                                                                                           €1bn













 Source: OECD                                                                                         Avg. govt spend '16-'19     Avg. govt spend '22-'26
                                        Source: BPFI

                    Macro Tailwinds Expected To Continue To Support Strong Demand In 2022 And Beyond

Alignment With Market Opportunity
Legislation Will Support Future Housing Supply
                                                    Policy             Description
• Legislation supportive of housing
• Housing For All strategy to 2030 to
   deliver 300,000 homes and a total           1.                       • Enacted as part of the Affordable Housing Act 2021
                                                      Shared Equity
   spend of €20bn in the first five years                scheme         • The State may take up to 30% equity in a property
• Commitment to accelerate both
   private and public housing delivery         2.      Help-to-Buy      • Expansion of Help-to-Buy from €20,000 to €30,000
   reflected in the wide range of new                   Expansion       • Scheme extended in Budget 2022
• LRD planning system has replaced             3.
                                                       Cost Rental
                                                                        • New rental tenure in the Affordable Housing Act 2021
   the SHD creating greater certainty in                                • State funding to allow for subsidised rents and first units were delivered in 2021
   the planning process
                                               4.      Affordable       • 36,000 affordable units will be delivered by 2030 as part of the Housing for All programme
                                                        Purchase        • Eligible people are means tested, and / or may be current local authority tenants
     Institutional And State
     Participation In Context                  5.    Social Housing     • 5 year increase in social housing stock of > 50,000
                                                        Delivery        • Housing For All includes social housing as one of the key priorities

                           €4.0bn              6.                       • Large-scale Residential Developments system (LRD) has replaced the Strategic Housing
                                                    Planning Reforms
         €2.3bn                                                            Development (SHD) system

      PRS 2021        Average annual           7.
                                                      LDA Act 2021
                                                                        • Sets out wide-ranging functions of the Land Development Agency (LDA)
                     government spend                                   • Expected to ensure faster delivery of housing on public and private lands
                          '22 - '26

                                            Positive Effect Of Policy Measures Yet To Materially Impact Housing Delivery

Alignment With Market Opportunity
Current Land Portfolio
         Land portfolio - Business segments                 Land portfolio – Potential Customer                                2021 Highlights
                                                                                                                           • 12 sites for total
                                                        Part V                                               1,100            consideration of €72m
 Suburban                                                                                                                     with capacity for
                                                        Government Initiatives                                                approximately 2,700
 Urban - Forward Funds 2022E           2,000                                                 2,800                            homes
                                                        Private                                                            • Two landmark
 Other Urban                   2,800                                                   1,200                       5,200      Partnership deals for
                                                        Forward Funds 2022E                                                   over 2,050 units, with
 Partnerships                                  10,800                                                                         minimal upfront capital
                                                        Other Institutional                  6,500                            outlay
                      1,200                                                                                                • Increase of approx. 2,700
                                                                                                                              units in the year while
                                                                                                                              reducing our land value
                                                                                                                              by €57m to €563m
                                                                                                                           • Attractive plot cost as a
                                                                                                                              % of NDV and greater
                                                                                                                              alignment with our
                                                                                                                              capital management

  15                                                                          *Land portfolio as of 31 December 2021
Alignment With Market Opportunity
Affordable Suburban Portfolio – Shared Equity Scheme
• The shared equity scheme will see the State take up to a 30% stake in the homes of first-time buyers, who will take out a mortgage with a bank for the remainder of the
  cost. The Help-to-Buy scheme can be used in conjunction with the shared equity scheme, but the limit remains 30% of the value of the home
• The scheme was part of the Affordable Housing Act and has been introduced with seven regional price caps for suburban housing ranging from €450,000 to €225,000,
  depending on location
• Glenveagh has an established suburban land portfolio aimed at the more affordable end of the market with 76% of the units in key areas (Regions 1-3) within these
  shared equity scheme price caps
• In addition to the suburban price caps, there are two additional price caps of €500,000 and €450,000 for apartments in Dublin and Cork City, in acknowledgement of the
  increased cost of delivering apartments
• Glenveagh expects its first house sale under the shared equity scheme to take place in H2 2022

Units In Our Portfolio That Will Qualify For The Shared Equity Scheme
                                74% of overall portfolio qualifies for SES                                 Region                                Areas

                76% in Regions 1-3
                    €400,000                                                                             Regions 1-3                GDA, Cork, Galway & Limerick

                                                                                                         Regions 4-7           Regional areas (e.g. Offaly, Kilkenny, etc.)

     Region 1       Region 2     Region 3     Region 4     Region 5      Region 6   Region 7

Alignment With Market Opportunity
Affordable Suburban Portfolio – Cost Rental Scheme
Cost Rental                                 Taylor Hill        Scheme structure

• Cost Rental is a proven approach                             ✓   Rents at least 25% below open market rates
  across Europe
                                                               ✓   Eligibility capped at gross household income of €82,273
• Housing for All plan provides for                                per annum
  18,000 Cost Rental homes by 2030
                                                               ✓   Single people as well as dual-income households
• Aa significant portion of our land                               earning up to this level eligible to apply
  portfolio already suitable for
  Government supported housing                                 ✓   Units to be purchased from the private market or built
• Reflecting this Glenveagh delivered the                          directly by Approved Housing Bodies (“AHBs”)
  State’s first Cost Rental units in 2021   Barnhall Meadows
                                                               ✓   AHBs will receive funding from the State for up to 30%
• Cost Rental complements existing exit                            of the cost of the new homes
  options and adds greater long-term
  resilience to our development                                ✓   AHB’s also receive significant institutional funding
  portfolio                                                        which will fund the remaining 70% of the cost of the

Enhancing Delivery
Enhancing Delivery Capability
Our Approach To The Short and Long-Term Industry Challenges

 Near-term Global Inflation                                               Internal Mitigation Measures
                                                                           Supply Chain Integration
                    Covid-19 pandemic
                                                                          • Improve construction times, increase cost control, allows for
                                                                            integration with sustainability and access to more labour
             Global supply chain constraints
                                                                          • 700+ timber frame units in 2021, expected capacity of over 2,000
                                                                            units in 2024
                 Geo-political uncertainty                                • Soil recovery facility an additional benefit during periods of
                                                                            capacity constraint and complimented by soil stabilisation onsite

                Tighter labour availability
                                                                           Centralisation And Standardisation
 Structural Industry Challenges                                           • Continued roll-out of standardised house types and development
                                                                          • Increasingly standardised process from compound set-up through
        Attracting talent to labour intensive roles                         to health and safety, and sustainability
                                                                          • Centralised procurement including the de-coupling of supply and
 Retrofitting of second-hand stock to further increase                      fit-out packages
                 competition for labour

                                  CPI 6% In H2 2021 With Continued Inflationary Pressure In 2022

Enhancing Delivery Capability
Manufacturing Central In Addressing Long-term Delivery Capabilities

Manufacturing Strategy Pillars              Controlling, Integrating And Innovating In The Supply Chain                        Phased
                                       Design                  Production               Distribution
 Controlling critical path                                                                                                Incrementally
 items to facilitate target           • Starts in-house with   • Focus on innovative   • Implement factory                expand timber-
 delivery                               standardisation and      technologies and        processes which are              frame production
                                        streamlining of our      methods of              ‒ Automated
                                        designs                  construction
                                                                 including               ‒ Lean
 Integration with site                • 3D modelling for                                                             2.
                                        seamless integration     ‒ Timber-frame          ‒ Quality controlled             Lock-in
 processes to increase                                                                                                    production
 speed and capture                      into manufacturing       ‒ Pre-cast concrete   • Facilitates process
                                        software                                         improvements on-
                                                                                                                          capability to
 efficiencies                                                    ‒ Other modular                                          reduce risk
                                      • Achieving simplified                             site and in the
                                                                   construction          factory
                                        execution despite of       methodologies
                                        the delivery                                                                 3.
 Innovation through                     methodology
 continuous exploration                                                                                                   Explore additional
 of innovative                                                                                                            off-site
 methodologies                                                                                                            methodologies

         We Aim To Pursue New Processes In Home Design And Factory Set-up To Assist In De-risking Output And Delivering Efficiencies

Enhancing Delivery Capability
Manufacturing Footprint – Where We’re Focusing Our Efforts And Why

                             Timber-frame                                    Light Gauge Steel (“LGS”)                       Precast Frame
Universal Benefits
✓Critical path items         Unit Typology:                                  Unit Typology:                                  Unit Typology:
  controlled                 • Low Rise Housing                              • Low to Medium Rise multi-unit homes           • Medium to High Rise multi-unit
                             • Best suited for 1 to 3 storey units                                                             apartments
✓Factory standard products                                                   • Best suited for 2 to 5 storey units
                                                                                                                             • Best suited for 4 to 10 storey units
✓Controlled manufacturing    Site Efficiency                                 Site Efficiency                                 Site Efficiency
  and production processes   • Construction program improvement of           • Construction program improvement of 6         • Construction program improvement of
✓Added resilience to           4-6 weeks for each house                        weeks for each multi unit                       1-2 weeks per floor

  delivery schedules         • Facilitates a more efficient site for other   • Facilitates a more efficient site for other   • Prestressed panels allow for
                               trades                                          trades                                          optimisation and design efficiencies
✓Mixed methodologies         • Scalable process suitable for                 • Units under 18m high with FSC                 • Facilitates a more efficient site for
  reduce risk and improve      standardisation                                 requirements and concrete floors                following trades
  delivery ability
                             Benefits:                                       Benefits:                                       Benefits:
✓Factory standard product    • Increased control of construction             • Increased control of construction             • 3D Technical Design with seamless
  and quality assurance        process                                         process                                         integration into production software
  program                    • Increasingly cost competitive following       • Reduces labour on site                        • Increased control of construction
                               changes to regulations                                                                          process
                                                                             • Stepping stone to volumetric off-site
                             • Reduces labour on site                          construction                                  • Reduces labour on site

                                               Growing Offsite Capability To > 2,000 Units By 2024

Enhancing Delivery Capability
Existing Manufacturing Footprint – Suburban North and Suburban South
                         Suburban North                                               Suburban South
✓ Two strategically
  located facilities
  acquired at an
                         •   Guaranteed long-term supply in line with growth           •   Strategically located in the southern region
  attractive cost                                                                      •   15,000 students in the nearby Carlow and
✓ Serving Suburban       •   700+ units produced in 2021 which will grow further           Waterford Institutes of Technology
  North and South            in 2022
  regions                                                                              •   120,000 workforce within 50km
                         •   Ability to mitigate against price increases
✓ Focus on offsite                                                                     •   Fully operational in 2023 reducing delivery time and
  panellised             •   Partnering with a highly-capable management team              cost to sites in the southern region
  manufacture                with significant manufacturing experience and a
                             demonstrable track record                                 •   Capacity to explore additional off-site
✓ Delivered through a                                                                      methodologies
  combination of
  exclusive supply
  agreements and
  own manufacturing
✓ Supply chain of over
  2,000 units secured
  at scale

                                              Growing Offsite Capability To > 2,000 Units By 2024

Enhancing Delivery Capability
Further Regulatory Driven Thermal Efficiency Cost Increases Likely To Be Limited
                                            Existing Wall - Current Regulations               Historic Wall – Less Advanced Regulations
✓ Ireland’s energy regulations are
  one of the highest in Europe
  and with these higher
  regulations comes higher costs
✓ Unlike comparable sectors in
  other jurisdictions the
  construction sector in Ireland
  has already taken the impact of
  these additional costs
✓ Irelands energy regulations are
  already delivering homes to A2
  BER standard
✓ Glenveagh will only build A1       ✓ Greater complexity in design                        ✓ Basic structure
  and A2 rated houses in 2022        ✓ Highly insulated                                    ✓ Less complex
✓ Manufacturing automation and       ✓ Air tightness membrane                              ✓ Narrower frame
  processes already set-up to
                                     ✓ Service zones                                       ✓ Less energy efficiency
  deal with more sophisticated
  panelised production               ✓ Energy efficiency – contributes to achievement of
                                       minimum A2 BER rating

Enhancing Delivery Capability
Energy Efficient Homes Leading Our Pathway To Net Zero
                                                                           Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Scope 1, 2 and 3 – Demonstrates Progress
• Our high energy standards go beyond regulatory compliance                     Occupant energy (60 yrs) - Unregulated
                                                                                                                                   1.5%      0.1%

• Our Building Energy Ratings (BER) ratings are sector leading - in             Occupant energy (60 yrs) - Regulated                 7%      13%
       2022 up to 50% of our homes will have an A1 rating – the highest
                                                                                Purchased goods and services                                        12%
       rating                                                                                                                                              Exceptional
• A growing proportion of our houses are timber frame and                       Construction materials                       34%                           performance of
                                                                                                                                                           homes has
       manufactured off-site which serve to further reduce the emissions        Other                                                                      reduced
       of our construction materials                                                                                                                       regulated
                                                                                Scope 1 - Fuels                                               32%          energy usage
• In 2022 we will publish our pathway towards Net Zero aligned with
                                                                                Scope 2 - Electricity (market)
       stakeholder expectations and national and EU Commitments

Proportion of Offsite Manufactured Houses                                  Our Energy Performance Evolution – BER Ratings
 Share of housing

    units sold

                    24%                                      23%

                                                                            Share of all
                                                                             units sold
                                                                                                                 28%                  18%
                                                                                           62%                                                            50%
                    76%                  85%                 77%                                                                      82%
                                                                                           38%                                                            50%

                    2019                 2020                2021                          2019                  2020                 2021                2022E
                           Off-site manufactured   Masonry                                                              A1   A2     A3

Financial Review
Financial Summary

 Income                      Balance                            Cashflow                         2022
 Statement                   Sheet                              Statement                        Guidance

 €476.8m                     €562.7m                            €104.3m                          Approx. €630m
 (FY 2020: €232.3m)          (FY 2020: €619.3m)                 (FY 2020: (€11.5m))              (FY 2021: €476.8m)
 Revenue                     Development land                   Operational cashflow             Revenue

 19.6%                       €204.5m                            €261.1m                          €73m - €78m
 (FY 2020: 14.1%)            (FY 2020: €201.9m)                 (FY 2020: €162.5)                (FY 2021: €50.6m)
 Core Gross Margin           WIP Investment                     Available funds                  Operating profit

 €45.7m                      €784.1m                            €20.8m                           7.5 – 8.5 cent
 (FY 2020: Loss of €15.7m)   (FY 2020: €853.5m)                 (FY 2020: €36.7m)                (FY 2021: 4.5 cent)
 Profit before tax           Net Assets                         Net Cash                         Earnings Per Share

                              Significant Increase In Profitability And Strong Cash Generation

Financial Review
Income Statement
                                   2021      2020
                                    €’m       €’m    • Total revenue for the year was €476.8m (2020: €232.3m), of which €374.7m
Revenue                           476.8     232.3      (2020: €230.9m) relates to the completion of 1,150 units (2020: 700 units)
Cost of sales                    (397.9)   (202.5)
                                                            • €301.0m revenue from 977 core units (ASP: €308k)
Impairment reversal / (charge)      4.2     (20.3)
                                                            • €73.7m revenue from 173 non-core units in Marina Village
Gross profit                       83.1       9.5

Central costs                     (30.1)    (20.2)          • €102.1m revenue mainly from our Castleforbes asset
EBITDA                             53.0     (10.7)
                                                     •    The Group’s gross profit for the year amounted to €83.1 million (2020:
Depreciation and Amortisation      (2.4)     (2.0)        €9.5 million) with a corresponding margin of 17.4% (2020: 4.1%)
Operating profit/(loss)            50.6     (12.7)
                                                            • The Group’s core gross margin for the year was 19.6% (2020: 14.1%)
Finance expense                    (4.9)     (3.0)

Profit/(Loss) before tax           45.7     (15.7)          • Gross margin for suburban sites was 17.5%, which is expected to
                                                              increase to in excess of 18%, with continued margin
Income tax (charge)/credit         (8.0)      1.8
                                                              progression in 2023
Profit/(Loss) after tax            37.7     (13.9)
                                                     •    The Group’s operating profit for the year was €50.6 million (2020: Loss of
Basic EPS (cent)                    4.5      (1.6)        €12.7 million) resulting in an operating margin of 10.6%

                                                     •    The Group generated an Earnings Per Share of 4.5 cent (2020: Loss per
                                                          share of 1.6 cent). This strong EPS performance is reflective of the
                                                          increased profitability for the year as well as the impact from the Group’s
                                                          share buyback programmes

Financial Review
Balance Sheet
                                 2021    2020
                                  €’m     €’m   •   Increase in property, plant & equipment is reflective of our continued
                                                    investment in our supply chain and particularly our manufacturing
Property, plant and equipment    27.3    21.1       capabilities
Other assets                     26.6     2.8   •   Inventory is split as follows:
Non-current Assets               53.9    23.9       •    Land and development rights - €563m (2020: €619m)
                                                    •    Development expenditure (WIP) - €204m (2019: €202m)
Inventory                       767.2   821.2
Trade and other receivables      32.3    14.6
                                                •   The net reduction in land of €57m is a key component of the Group’s
                                                    strategy to improve capital efficiency. The Group expects to further
Cash and cash equivalents       116.7   137.3       reduce its net investment in land in 2022, with an expected land value
                                                    of €500m by 31 December 2022
Current Assets                  916.2   973.1
                                                •   The Group’s total work-in-progress at FY 2021 was €204m, with non-
Total Assets                    970.1   997.0       core developments contributing €15 million (FY 2020: €58m). This a
                                                    significant reduction from the prior year and demonstrates the
                                                    effectiveness of the Group’s strategy to accelerate the exit from these
Total equity                    784.1   853.5       completed non-core sites
Non-current liabilities          80.7     0.3   •   The Group’s core work-in-progress is €189 million (FY 2020: €144
                                                    million) and was spread across 24 active construction and/or selling
Trade and other payables         57.5    42.2       sites giving an average core WIP of less than €8m per active site
Income tax payable                7.7       -   •   The Group had gross borrowings of €121m (FY 2020: €100m) and cash
Loans and borrowings             40.1   100.9       balances of €142m at 31 December 2021 giving a net cash position of
                                                    €21m (FY 2020: €37m)
Current liabilities             105.3   143.2
                                                •   The Group had undrawn debt facilities of €120m at 31 December
Total liabilities and equity    970.1   997.0       2021

Financial Review
Improving Capital Efficiency of Land Investment

          €53k      €46k      €45k           €44k            €39k   €34k     €32k           • The Group is on track to reduce land
  €800m                                                                               20k       portfolio by over €200m by the end
                                                                                                of the year1

                                                                                            • Partnership wins will allow the
  €600m                                                                               15k       Group to reduce the absolute
                                                                                                amount invested in land while
                                                                                                increasing total plots controlled

  €400m                                                                               10k   • Average plot cost of €34k at 31
                                                                                                December 2021 and expected to
                                                                                                continue its downward trajectory

  €200m                                                                               5k    • Land cost as a % of NDV has been
                                                                                                below 10% in some recent land

    €0m                                                                               0k    • Targeting a maximum of 4 – 5 year
          June 19   Dec 19   June 20        Dec 20       June 21    Dec 21   Dec-22             landbank at scale

                                       Landbank      Units

                      Reduction of Net Investment in Land Generating Significant Cash Flow
                                                                                            1 Since 30 June 2019
Financial Review
Significant Cash Generation & Capital Allocation

                                                                                                                                                       • Significant cash generated by the business
                                                       €20m         (€281m)                                                                              in 2021 with gross cash inflows of €514m
                                                                                                                                                       • Considerable achievement generating
                                                                                                                                                         €182m from the accelerated monetisation
                               €82m                                                                                                                      of the Castleforbes & Marina Village assets
                                                                                                                                                       • Invested cash in line with our priorities of
                                                                                                                                                         land (€94m), working capital (€281m) and
                                                                                              (€232m)                                                    capex, mainly supply chain integration
                                                                               (€94m)                                                                    (€17m)
                                                                                                                                                       • As per our stated Capital Allocation policy
                                                                                             (€34m)                                                      our excess cash was returned to
 (€4                                                                                                       (€108m)                                       shareholders, with €108m returned in
 9m                                                                                                                                                      2021
                    €270m                                                                                                                              • The business is forecasted to generate
                                                                                                                     (€17m)   (€16m)
   €37m                                                                                                          (€67m)                                  operating cash flows of at least €75m in
                                                                                                                                                         2022, which will give great optionality for
                                                                                                                                                         further capital allocation initiatives
  Net cash 31   Core house    Non-core Castleforbes Net term loan   Working      Land      Tax (CT, VAT,    Share     Capex   Other    Net cash 31
  December         sales        Marina        land &   drawdown     capital   acquisitions     etc.)       buyback                            (€16m)
     2020                    Village sales development                        and deposits                                                2021

                        Accelerated Urban & Non-Core Asset Monetisation Funding Significant Investment In Growth & Capital Returns

Financial Review
2022 Guidance
 Our Key Priorities                                                    2021 actual                   2022 guidance           Variance
                            Revenue – suburban                               €277m                     Approx. €440m             +59%
 Increased revenue growth   Revenue - urban                                  €126m                     Approx. €190m             +51%

                            Gross Margin - suburban                           17.5%                   In excess of 18%         +50 bps
    Improved operating      Gross Margin - urban                              24.9%    15% (after forward fund coupon)        -990 bps
                            Operating profit                                €50.6m                      €73m to €78m      +44% to +54%

                            EPS                                             4.5 cent               7.5 cent to 8.5 cent   +67% to +89%
 Forward funding of Urban
                                                                       2021 actual                   2022 guidance           Variance
                            Land                                             €563m                     Approx. €500m              -11%
    Reduction in net land
        investment          WIP                                              €204m                     Approx. €275m             +35%

                                                                                          Net debt of up to 15% of net
                            Leverage                                 Net cash - €21m

                            Operating cash inflow                            €104m                      €75m - €100m       -28% to -4%
    Enhanced Return On                                                                                                      +240 bps to
          Equity            Return on Equity                                   4.6%                          7% to 8%
                                                                                                                              +340 bps

                                  Our Key Priorities Focussed on Enhancing Return on Equity


                                                   Increasing delivery capabilities
Continued revenue & profit growth                  through manufacturing                                        Improved
• 1,400-unit suburban target at improved                                                                      Profitability &
                                                   • Controlling more of the supply chain and                   Cash Flow
                                                       off-site manufacturing
• Revenue & profits from at least three            • Opportunities and capacity to explore
   forward funds in 2022
                                                       other off-site methodologies
                                                                                                             Greater Balance
                                                                                                             Sheet efficiency
Efficient use of capital
• Land will be approximately €500m by 31 December 2022
• Monetisation of urban assets through forward funds
                                                                                                            Improved Return on
• Land acquisitions with planning to ensure faster asset turn                                                     Equity
• Target of 4-5 year land portfolio at scale

                                Strong Execution Against Strategic Priorities With A Clear Focus For 2022

General Disclaimer
This presentation has been prepared by               actual performance of the Company may differ
Glenveagh Properties PLC (the “Company” or           materially from those reflected or contemplated
“Glenveagh”) for information purposes only.          in such forward-looking statements. No
                                                     representation or warranty is made as to the
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liability is accepted for any errors, omissions or   information contained in this presentation is
inaccuracies in any of the information or            subject to rounding adjustments. Accordingly,
opinions in this presentation.                       any discrepancies between the totals and the
                                                     sums of the amounts listed are due to rounding.
This presentation contains forward-looking
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