Magnesium and cancer: a dangerous liason
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Magnesium Research 2011; 24 (3): S92-S100 EUROPEAN MAGNESIUM MEETING - EUROMAG BOLOGNA 2011 Magnesium and cancer: a dangerous liason Sara Castiglioni, Jeanette A.M. Maier Università di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche Luigi Sacco, Milano, Italy Correspondence: J.A.M. Maier, Università di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche Luigi Sacco, Via G.B. Grassi 74, 20157 Milano, Italy Abstract. A complex relationship links magnesium and cancer. The aim of this review is to revisit current knowledge concerning the contribution of magnesium to tumorigenesis, from transformed cells to animal models, and ending with data from human studies. Cultured neoplastic cells tend to accumulate magnesium. High intracellular levels of the cation seem to confer a metabolic advantage to the cells, contribute to alterations of the genome, and promote the acquisi- tion of an immortal phenotype. In magnesium-deficient mice, low magnesium both limits and fosters tumorigenesis, since inhibition of tumor growth at its primary site is observed in the face of increased metastatic colonization. Epide- miological studies identify magnesium deficiency as a risk factor for some types of human cancers. In addition, impaired magnesium homeostasis is reported in cancer patients, and frequently complicates therapy with some anti-cancer drugs. More studies should be undertaken in order to disclose whether a simple and inexpensive intervention to optimize magnesium intake might be helpful in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Key words: magnesium, cancer, metastasis, cetuximab, cisplatin Even though cancer-associated death rates are because of the processing of many food items and falling steadily, the global burden of cancer conti- the preference for calorie-rich, micronutrient-poor nues to increase primarily as a result of an aging foods [4]. Magnesium deficiency complicates chro- population, but also because of the adoption of nic gastrointestinal and renal diseases, diabetes cancer-causing behaviors, including smoking and mellitus, alcoholism, and therapies with some a western-type diet [1]. In particular, statistical classes of diuretics and anticancer drugs [4]. and epidemiological data point to diet as respon- A review of the literature reveals the rela- sible for about 35% of human cancer mortality [2]. tionship between magnesium and cancer, from There is general agreement about the inverse cor- the cellular level through to animal models and relation between the risk of cancer and the regular humans. Although controversy exists about the consumption of fruit, cereals and vegetables, role of magnesium in tumors, most of the results rich sources of many beneficial micronutrients, available point to low magnesium as a factor vitamins and minerals. Magnesium, which is pre- contributing to tumorigenesis. dominantly obtained by eating unprocessed grains and green leafy vegetables, is an essential micro- nutrient implicated in a wide variety of regulatory, doi:10.1684/mrh.2011.0285 metabolic and structural activities [3]. The occi- Magnesium and cancer: a focus on dental diet is relatively deficient in magnesium cultured cells Presented in part at the European Magnesium Magnesium acts as a secondary messenger, and Meeting - EUROMAG Bologna 2011, San Giovanni in activates a vast array of enzymes [3, 5]. Since Monte, Bologna, Italy, June 8-10, 2011. magnesium participates in all major metabolic S92 To cite this article: Castiglioni S, Maier JAM. Magnesium and cancer: a dangerous liason. Magnes Res 2011; 24(3): S92-S100 doi:10.1684/mrh.2011.0285
Magnesium and cancer: a dangerous liason processes, as well as redox reactions, it is no sur- On these bases, it is possible to conclude that prise that it has a direct role in controlling cell high intracellular magnesium has a role in pro- survival and growth. moting genetic instability. In normal diploid cells, the total concentration Another peculiarity of tumor cells is their limit- of magnesium increases throughout the G1 less proliferative potential [14, 15]. It is therefore and S phases of the cell cycle. Accordingly, low relevant to point out that magnesium is requi- extracellular magnesium markedly inhibits their red to activate telomerase [16-18], a specialized proliferation [3]. Conversely, neoplastic cells are DNA polymerase that extends telomeric DNA refractory to the proliferative inhibition by low and counters the progressive telomere erosion extracellular magnesium but, being extremely associated with cell duplication. The presence of avid for the cation, it accumulates in these telomerase activity correlates with a resistance to cells even when cultured in low magnesium induction of both senescence and apoptosis which levels [6]. This avidity is due, at least in part, are considered to be crucial anticancer defenses to an impairment of Na-dependent magnesium [14, 15]. extrusion [7], and to the overexpression of one These points are summarized in figure 1, which of the magnesium transporters, namely tran- also underlines the contribution of high intracellu- sient receptor potential melastatin (TRPM)7 lar magnesium to some of the hallmarks of cancer, [8]. High intracellular magnesium seems to as highlighted by Hanahan and Weinberg [14, 15]. provide a selective advantage for the transformed Mentioning only studies performed on neoplas- cells since magnesium contributes to regulating tic cells would be simplistic, since tumors are enzymes of various metabolic pathways and of more than just masses of proliferating cancer the systems involved in DNA repair. Indeed, cells. Rather, they are complex, heterotypic tissues magnesium forms complexes with ATP, ADP where normal cells in the stroma, far from being and GTP, necessary for the activity of enzymes passive bystanders, actively collaborate to can- implicated in the transfer of phosphate groups cer development and progression [14, 15]. Many such as glucokinase, phosphofructokinase, phos- of the growth signals driving the proliferation of phoglycerate kinase and pyruvate kinase [9], and invasion by carcinoma cells originate from the enzymes of glycolysis known to be the pathway stromal cell components of the tumor mass. It is used preferentially by neoplastic cells to produce therefore worth noting that low magnesium modu- energy [10]. Magnesium also forms complexes lates the functions of a variety of normal cells with DNA polymerase, ribonucleases, adenyl- present in the tumor microenvironment. In parti- cyclase, phosphodiesterases,guanylate-cyclase, cular, endothelial cells cultured in low magnesium ATPases and GTPases, being therefore implicated release higher amounts of metalloproteases and in the metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins, growth factors [19]. Similar results were obtai- and in signal transduction [9]. Since mutation is ned in cultured human fibroblasts (unpublished a driving force in the development of cancer, it is results). In addition, low magnesium promotes worth noting that magnesium is involved in the endothelial and fibroblast senescence [20], and inhibition of N-methylpurine DNA-glycosidase, senescent cells can modify the tissue environment which initiates base excision repair in DNA by in a way that synergizes with oncogenic mutations removing a wide variety of alkylated, deaminated, to promote the progression of cancers [21]. and lipid peroxidation-induced purine adducts Only the behaviour of microvascular endothelial [11]. In addition, the nuclear Ser/Thr phospha- cells cultured in low magnesium seems not to fit tase PPM1D (also known as WIP1), which is with the picture described above. It is well known overexpressed in various human primary tumors, that angiogenesis is crucial to nourish the tumor requires magnesium for its activity. PPM1D is and facilitate its spreading, but low extracellular involved in the regulation of several essential magnesium impairs acquisition of the angioge- signaling pathways implicated in tumorigenesis nic phenotype by microvascular endothelial cells. [12, 13]. In particular, PPM1D dephosphory- Exposure to low magnesium retards endothe- lates and, therefore, inactivates the p53 tumor lial proliferation, migration and differentiation suppressor gene, a canonical suppressor of proli- in vitro ([22] and manuscript submitted). Accor- feration. It also complements several oncogenes, dingly, magnesium-deficient mice develop tumors such as Ras, Myc, and HER-2/neu, for cellular which are significantly less vascularized than the transformation both in vitro and in vivo [12]. controls [23]. S93
S. CASTIGLIONI, J.A.M. MAIER REPROGRAMMING LIMITLESS CELL METABOLISM REPLICATIVE POTENTIAL Activity of enzymes Activation of telomerase of glycolysis Intracellular Mg Inhibition of Activation of PPM1D base excision repair Genome instability Inactivation of p53 Complementation of Ras, Myc, HER-2 INSENSITIVITY TO SELF-SUFFICIENCY ANTI-GROWTH SIGNAL IN GROWTH SIGNALS Figure 1. Neoplastic cells tend to have high intracellular concentrations of magnesium, which contri- bute to the regulation of various metabolic pathways and of systems involved in DNA repair, thus providing a selective advantage for the transformed cells. The figure also links the effects of high intra- cellular concentrations of magnesium on cell functions to some hallmarks of cancer as highlighted by Hanahan and Weinberg [14, 15]. Magnesium and cancer: [26]. Magnesium acts as a protective agent in colo- a focus on animal models rectal cancer by inhibiting c-myc expression and ornithine decarboxylase activity in the mucosal Several animal model studies have indicated that epithelium of the intestine [27]. Thus, it is feasible magnesium exerts a protective effect in the early to propose that magnesium acts as a chemopre- phases of chemical cancerogenesis. Magnesium ventive agent. prevents lead and nickel-induced lung tumors in We now discuss the impact of nutritionally- mice [24], inhibits nickel-induced carcinogenesis induced magnesium deficiency on tumor growth in in the rat kidney [25], and protects against 3- rodents. In young male rats with Walker 256/M1 methyl-cholantrene-induced fibrosarcomas in rats carcinosarcomas, dietary magnesium deprivation S94
Magnesium and cancer: a dangerous liason inhibited tumor growth by limiting the synthesis Low magnesium and cancer: of glutathione (GSH) [28] for which magnesium is a focus on human studies an obligatory cofactor. More recently, in mice sub- cutaneously injected with Lewis lung carcinoma, Several epidemiological studies have provided evi- mammary adenocarcinoma and colon carcinoma dence that a correlation exists between dietary cells, a low magnesium-containing diet was shown magnesium and various types of cancer. High to inhibit primary tumor growth, an effect levels of magnesium in drinking water protect which was promptly reversed by re-introducing against oesophageal and liver cancer [36, 37]. magnesium into the diet [29]. Two different In addition, magnesium concentration in drin- mechanisms might contribute to the inhibition of king water is inversely correlated with death from tumor growth: i) low magnesium-induced oxida- breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers, whereas no tive stress, which might exert toxic, lethal effects correlation existed for other tumors [36, 38, 39]. on the cells, and ii) impaired angiogenic switch Epidemiological studies conducted in various since, as mentioned earlier, magnesium-deficient countries demonstrate an association between low mice develop tumors which are significantly less intake of magnesium and the risk of colon can- vascularized than the controls [23]. The angiosta- cer [40-43]. In addition, a large population-based tic effect of low magnesium can be ascribed to the prospective study in Japan shows a significant direct inhibition of endothelial growth, migration inverse correlation between dietary intake of and differentiation, pivotal steps in the formation magnesium and colon cancer in men but not in of new vessels (manuscript submitted), and to the women [44]. Intriguingly, the association between suppression of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1␣ low intake of magnesium and colon cancer is activity [30], with consequent impaired release of linked to the increased formation of N-nitroso angiogenic factors. compounds, most of which are potent carcinogens Unexpectedly, magnesium-deficient mice deve- [43]. A further link between magnesium and colon loped far more lung metastases than controls [29]. neoplasia is highlighted by the association of ade- This event is mainly related the intense inflam- nomatous and hyperplastic polyps, which might matory response which occurs in magnesium- progress to carcinoma, with a genetic polymor- deficient rodents [31]. Inflammation is involved phism of TRPM7 [45], an ubiquitous ion channel not only in the early stages of tumorigene- with a central role in magnesium uptake and sis by inducing genetic instability, but also in homeostasis [46]. the late events, since inflammatory mediators Results concerning the contribution of magne- promote invasion and metastasis [32]. Tumor sium to lung cancer are controversial. A first necrosis factor (TNF) ␣, interleukins (IL) 1 and case-control study correlates low dietary magne- 6, all induced under magnesium deprivation sium with increased lung cancer risk both in [31], augment the capacity of cancer cells to men and women [47]. This link is more evident metastasize [33]. TNF␣ and IL1 also upregulate in the elderly, current smokers, drinkers and in endothelial adhesion molecules in lung capilla- those with a late-stage disease. To explain the ries, thus facilitating the tethering of metastatic protective effect of magnesium against lung can- cells to the vessel wall, their subsequent trans- cer, the authors recall that magnesium regulates migration to and colonization of the adjacent cell multiplication, protects against the oxida- tissues. tive stress invariably associated with magnesium In addition, magnesium is an absolute require- deficiency [48], and maintains genomic stability. ment for the function of the metastasis-suppressor A recent prospective analysis however, does not gene product NM23-H1 [34]. Hypomagnesemia support the previous report [49]. These contras- might therefore mimic what happens in NM23- ting data could result from recall bias, the diffi- H1 knock-out mice, which show accelerated and culty in evaluating diet composition and the fact massive metastasis [35]. that smoking is a very strong risk factor for lung Experimental evidence therefore leads to the cancer. conclusion that in rodents, magnesium defi- Apart from a contribution of altered magne- ciency participates both in early (initiation) sium homeostasis to tumorigenesis in humans, and late (progression) phases of tumorigenesis a second crucial topic should be considered, (figure 2). i.e. whether the actual presence of a tumor S95
S. CASTIGLIONI, J.A.M. MAIER INITIATION PROGRESSION INHIBITION OF PRIMARY Mg deficiency TUMOR GROWTH Oxidative stress Oxidative stress Inflammation Inflammation Further mutations Genetic instability Endothelial adhesion molecules Acquisition of an Mutation invasive phenotype INITIATED CELL METASTASIS Figure 2. In mice, magnesium deficiency participates both in early and in late phases of tumorige- nesis. Initiation: low magnesium promotes oxidative stress and inflammation, which generate genetic instability and increases the risk of mutations. Mutations might generate the so-called “initiated” cell, which is potentially capable of triggering a tumor. Progression: once the tumor has developed, the persistence of oxidative stress and inflammation might generate further mutations that facilitate metastatic spreading, in the face of an inhibition of primary tumor growth. alters magnesium homeostasis. Serum magne- tor, specifically and reversibly inhibits magnesium sium concentrations are frequently decreased in reabsorption in the renal distal convoluted tubule patients with solid neoplasia, independent of the- [53]. rapies, and the decrease correlates to the stage At the moment, it is not clear whether radiation- of malignancy [50]. An explanation resides in the or drug-induced hypomagnesemia amplifies the fact that tumors behave as magnesium traps. In effect of DNA-damaging cancer treatments by addition, therapies influence magnesium homeo- acting as a chemo- and radio-sensitizer. Decrea- stasis. Serum magnesium decreases by the end sed serum magnesium has been suggested to of the first week of radiotherapy [51], as well as contribute to the therapeutic effects of cetuxi- after treatment with different chemotherapeutics mab in patients with colon carcinoma [54], and that induce magnesium waste, such as cispla- the circulating level of magnesium is proposed tin, which is nephrotoxic [52]. Recently, it became as an simple and inexpensive biomarker of effi- evident that cetuximab, a monoclonal antibody cacy and outcome in terms of time-to-progression against the epidermal growth factor (EGF) recep- and overall survival in patients with advanced S96
Magnesium and cancer: a dangerous liason colorectal adenocarcinoma treated with cetuxi- The final and most important question is: can mab [55]. However, it remains controversial the knowledge about the connection between low whether to supplement or not severely hypoma- magnesium and cancer be translated into useful gnesemic cancer patients with magnesium [6]. approaches for the prevention and treatment of A last intriguing issue to consider is the invol- cancer? Hypomagnesemia has been proposed by vement of inflammation in the initiation and some authors to be beneficial in fighting cancer by development of cancer in magnesium-deficient sensitizing neoplastic cells to radiation or chemo- individuals. A low magnesium status has been therapeutics, however, there is no consent among clearly associated with increased inflammatory clinical oncologists about using this information stress in humans [56], and the inflammation- in treating or not hypomagnesemia [6]. cancer connection is a well established paradigm [32]. Indeed, inflammation is involved in the early and late stages of the most common solid tumors because inflammatory mediators induce genetic Conclusion instability, promote metastatic colonization and impair response to therapies [32]. Although the evidence is still fragmentary, most of In spite of the wealth of information available, the data available point to magnesium as a chemo- several important questions remain unanswered. preventive agent, so that optimizing magnesium Firstly, is magnesium deficiency sufficient intake might represent an effective and low-cost for the development of cancer? Even though preventive measure to reduce cancer risk. Doubts low magnesium determines inflammation and remain about supplementing cancer patients with increases the levels of free radicals, which both magnesium. generate genetic instability, it is more likely that The recently revived interest in the relationship a low magnesium status only contributes to tumo- between magnesium and tumors, both in expe- rigenesis by synergizing with other factors. rimental and clinical oncology, should encourage Secondly, what about the aberrant calcium: more studies that would advance our understan- magnesium ratio that is inevitably associated ding of the role of magnesium in tumors, and could with magnesium deficiency? Nutritional surveys explore the possibility that optimizing magnesium performed by the United States Department homeostasis might prevent cancer or help in its of Agriculture from 1977 through 2007-8 have treatment. reported a rising calcium:magnesium ratio intake from foods for all USA adults [57]. Recently, a high calcium:magnesium ratio has been sug- gested as a novel risk factor that increases the Disclosure development of postmenopausal breast cancer [58]. In western populations, and in particular, in None of the authors has any conflict of interest postmenopausal women who are recommended or financial support to disclose. to take calcium supplements in order to prevent osteoporosis, a high calcium:magnesium intake is rather common and this induces a negative magnesium balance since the two minerals References compete for the same transporters in almost all tissues. An increased calcium:magnesium ratio 1. Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM, Ferlay J, Ward E, Forman D. Global cancer statistics. CA Cancer J Clin is also associated with an increased incidence 2011; 6: 169-90. of colorectal cancer in young adults [45, 57]. While this is a “hot” issue, studies involving 2. Doll R, Peto R. The causes of cancer: quantitative the calcium:magnesium balance and cancer are estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the US today. J Natl Cancer Inst 1981; 66: 1191-308. scarce. Thirdly, can the results obtained in mice predict 3. Wolf FI, Trapani V. Cell (patho)physiology of magne- what happens in humans? Magnesium deficiency sium. Clin Sci 2008; 114: 27-35. retards primary tumor growth, but enhances 4. Ford ES, Mokdad AH. Dietary magnesium intake metastases in mice. It would be relevant to consi- in a national sample of US adults. J Nutr der this issue also in human tumors. 2003; 133: 2879-82. S97
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