Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care

Page created by Lillian Miller
Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care
Spring 2021

                                       Madison Community Fridges:
                                     An Experiment in Community Care

                                                         Madison community, spawning an incredible collec-
                  By Julia Levine                        tion of efforts.

  Hello neighbors! My name is Julia Levine and I’m          At first, it seemed like no one knew the fridge was
the mutual aid coordinator for Tenney-Lapham Neigh-      there, but after about a month, there were lines forming
borhood Association, and one of the Madison Com-         at the fridge, and it was clear that this project was ful-
munity Fridges advocates. As some of you may have        filling a need. Volunteers stepped up and built a shelter
seen, in late March the city has ordered the community   for the fridge, to keep the temperature stable in cold,
fridge and pantry at E. Johnson and Brearly to discon-   rainy, and hot conditions. Now, a team of neighbors
tinue food distribution, citing zoning violations.       check the fridge temperature daily, clean and sanitize,
                                                         and stock with food. We partner with the River Food
  In August 2020, a group of friends and employees       Pantry, local chefs, and several CSA farms to keep the
of Troy Farm, a small CSA farm on the north side of      fridge stocked, and end up re-stocking around every
Madison, got together to bring this community re-        72 hours.
source to the Tenney-Lapham neighborhood.
                                                           I’m sure that some of you reading this have partici-
  This project responded to an increase in food inse-    pated in using or stocking the fridge. As a host of the
curity during a time of compounding health and finan-    fridge, it has been incredible to experience the ways
cial crises. We plugged the fridge into our house, and   that neighbors have cared for this resource, and the
stocked it with excess produce from Troy Farm, and       ways it has affected people. We have gotten notes on
other small donations. Over time though, the project     our door thanking us, artwork given in exchange, and
has been embraced by our neighborhood and larger                                                 continued on page 9
Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care
Tenney Lapham Neighborhood Association Council Members                                                                                    President’s Corner

                                                                                                                                                                             but it will surely be a joyous
                                                                                                                                                                             celebration of our neighbor-
   President            Jonny Hunter     1105 E Johnson                        (608) 320-0017                                                hood and togetherness. The              A community centered in Christ,
   Vice President       Tyler Lark       842 E. Dayton                                                                                                                                   gathering in love, growing by grace,
   Secretary            Maddie Kasper    445 N. Few St.
                                                                                                                                                                             specifics of party plans will be             going forth to serve.

   Treasurer            Nick Crowley     1123 E. Mifflin St.                        (414) 350-2183                                                based on COVID-19 rates in
   Business             Gwen Shales      1221 Sherman Ave.                                  (630) 215 4153                                                the weeks before and will be
                                                                                                                                                                             shared through the TLNA list-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Walking to
                        Meghan Conlin
   Housing              Keith Wessel
                                         936 E. Dayton
                                         307 N. Ingersoll
                                                                                                               (608) 963-6580
                                                                                                               (608) 256-1480                                                serv. If you haven’t yet signed                        Worship
   Communications       Stefan Davis     815 E Johnson St,                                                                                     up for the neighborhood list-
   Events               Marta Staple     461 N. Baldwin                                                                                           serv, you can do it now by vis-                       Another way to go
   Parks                Pat Kelly        1210 E. Mifflin                          (608) 358-6603                                                iting and                                 Green!
   Transportation/Safety				                                                                                                                                                 selecting About, then Join the            Sunday Worship
   Mutual Aid Coord     Julia Levine		                                                                                                         TLNA listserv.
   Area Rep Green				                                                                                                                                                                                              8:30am Organ Pre-Service
   Area Rep Yellow      Evelyn Atkinson  414 Washburn Pl.                                                                                                                                     9am Classical Worship
   Area Rep Red         Rose Staden      333 N Baldwin St
                                                                                                                                                                               The TLNA board held a pro-         11am Contemporary Worship
   Area Rep Purple      Michael Donnelly 1141 E. Johnson                        (608) 729-5865                                                ductive virtual retreat in Feb-
                                                                                                                                                                             ruary. Board members got to            Childcare, Adult Education,
                                                                                                                                                            Jonny Hunter     know one another better and            Sunday School, Community
                                                                                                                                                                             committed to enrich and ex-
                                                                                                                                         For the first time in the           tend council efforts to develop           944 E. Gorham St.
  The newsletter of the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association is published and distributed without charge to all households in
                                                                                                                                       year-plus that I’ve written           community and support each                 Madison, 53703
the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood (delineated by Lake Mendota, North Blair Stree, East Washington Avenue and the Yahara River).
                                                                                                                                       these columns for the TLNA            other throughout the neighbor-
Requests for information regarding sumissions and advertising may be directed to the TLNA Newsletter Editor, PO BOX 703, Madi-
                                                                                                                                       newsletter, I finally feel the        hood. One way the council will             (608) 257-4845

son, WI 53701 ( or found at
                                                                                                                                       hope of seeing the end of this        achieve this is through a mutual

  The deadline for the Summer 2021 issue will be July 1, 2021. Views expressed in the newsletter are the view of the writers and not
                                                                                                                                       pandemic. The last year has           aid position currently filled by
the views of the TLNA Council. The contents of this newsletter along with back issues can be found at the TLNA’s homepage: http://
                                                                                                                                       left behind so much loss — of         Julia Levine. Mutual aid is a
                                                                                                                                       family members, jobs, homes           voluntary reciprocal exchange
				                               Editors: Meghan Kelly, Stefan Davis         Circulation: 2,400
                                                                                                                                       and cherished institutions. So        of resources and services for
                                                                                                                                       many neighbors went to work           mutual benefit and is a model
				Layout: Keith Wessel			                                                    Printer: Thysse Printer Services                        every day in the face of the          the council is excited to em-
                                                                                                                                       pandemic, juggling new stresses       brace and to learn about. Julia’s
                                                                                                                                       and scheduling challenges             experience with helping run the
                                                                                                                                       along with everything else.           community fridge project and
                                                                                                                                       Currently, more than half of          connecting with neighbors on
                                                                                                                                       all adults have been vaccinated       rent assistance and other needs
                                                                                                                                       in Dane County and the state          makes her a great leader for
                                                                                                                                       just made access available to         these efforts toward building a
                                                                                                                                       anyone who wants a vaccine.           better community through sup-
                                                                                                                                       MMSD schools have started             porting one another.
                                                                                                                                       in person again and options are
                                                                                                                                       expanding to see family and             Before the pandemic hit, The
                                                                                                                                       friends safely. I can’t wait to see   Madison Youth Arts Center was
                                                                                                                                       our neighborhood’s in-person          just starting construction but in
                                                                                                                                       celebrations and traditions           early February I was able to
                                                                                                                                       restart.                              take a tour of the building and
                                                                                                                                                                             we are so lucky to have a world
                                                                                                                                         Speaking of in-person cel-          class arts center right here in
                                                                                                                                       ebrations and traditions, mark        our neighborhood. The benefits
                                                                                                                                       your calendar for June 6, 4 p.m.      of the center will be substan-
                                                                                                                                       – 7 p.m. in Reynolds Park for         tial for the whole city but I’m
                                                                                                                                       the annual Party in the Park.         incredibly excited that it is part
                                                                                                                                       This year’s version will be CO-       of Tenney-Lapham and I look
                                                                                                                                       VID-19 conscious and not the          forward to its opening this sum-
                                                                                                                                       same format as previous years,        mer and fall.
                                                                 2                                                                                                                           3
Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care
News from Patrick Heck, District 2 Alder                                                       Hunter and Patty Prime — we were            Please continue patronizing our         merly the location of Forequarter.
                                                                                                                             all quite impressed with the range of     many restaurants and taverns, all of      They are currently offering in-house
                                           have changed the dynamic of city         the arrangements on some streets         performance, rehearsal, classroom,        which have pivoted and scrambled          and pick-up — it is anticipated that
                                           meetings - alders and city staff typi-   more permanent. Staff are strategiz-     and shop/tech spaces.                     just to stay open — they all still        Hone will also have café seating
                                           cally do not see who is speaking, so     ing on whether they can rebrand                                                    desperately need your patronage.          along E. Johnson.
                                           eye-to-eye contact is lacking, as is     the program from COVID-19 re-                             Valor                    We all know that the pandemic has
                                           some conveying of emotions. One          sponse to reimagining our streets.                                                 been particularly tough on the food           Johnson Public House Plans
                                           positive outcome of being in a vir-      They need to work things out with          According to Gorman & Co.,              and beverage industry, but there still              New Venture
                                           tual world, however, is that many        stakeholders, such as emergency          Valor at 1322 E. Washington will          seem to be opportunities in bustling
                                           more meetings are now stream-            response agencies, and bring this        open in September 2021. Valor is          Tenney-Lapham.                              In early summer, the JPH gang is
                                           ing live, as well as recorded and        year's project list to the Transporta-   an affordable housing development                                                   planning to open a new restaurant
                                           available anytime on Madison’s           tion Commission. They hope to start      focusing on veterans and their fami-          New Sushi Restaurant Pro-             at 824 E. Johnson, formerly the lo-
                                           City Channel. I highly recommend         implementing the first phase of this     lies and will include a first-floor lo-           posed at Arden                    cation of Dr. Wilke’s Chiroprac-
                                           watching committee and Common            year's Shared Streets program as         cation of a veterans’ support organi-                                               tic. They are planning to focus on
                                           Council meetings. Pro Tip: you can       early as May, but that will depend       zation. 50 of the 59 apartments will        Red Sushi has proposed a new            a family-friendly atmosphere and
                                           speed up the playback to save time       on how the coordination efforts go.      be for those with 60%, 50% or 30%         fast-casual restaurant at the base        propose both indoor and outdoor
                                           and avoid the tedious parts!             This is promising news, but I will       or lower of County Median Income          of Arden on E. Washington. Their          seating.
      News from Patrick Heck,                                                       reiterate that this is a citywide pro-   and support services will be avail-       plan is to focus on inside and patio
          District 2 Alder                     A few updates on city issues         gram in which equity in resource         able.                                     dining, as well as pick-up/delivery.       Please don’t hesitate to contact me
                                                        follow:                     distribution must be considered. I                                                 They hope to open in the late sum-        with questions or input.
  I am submitting this article prior                                                hope that District 2 and all of the        720 E. Dayton St. Parking Lot           mer or early fall.
to knowing the General Election re-          New Tenney Beach Shelter               city can benefit from any implemen-                                                                                            Patrick Heck
sults. If April is the last month of my      The 1970s-era Tenney Park beach        tations.                                   Last year Veritas Village opened a          Hone Opens on E. Johnson      
being District 2 Alder, many thanks        shelter is expected to be replaced                                                satellite parking lot in the 700 block                                      
to neighbors that I’ve had the plea-       beginning this fall. The new shel-              Development Updates               of E. Dayton. The lot was formerly          Mike Parks has opened a new             district2/blog/
sure of working with as your repre-        ter will include a pump room as                   12 N. Few Street                used as Reynolds Company em-              restaurant at 708 ¼ E. Johnson, for-        608-286-2260
sentative on Common Council. If,           part of the Clean Beach system that                                               ployee parking and for construction
on the other hand, I am re-elected,        is a joint project between the City        This mixed-use redevelopment           staging for nearby developments.
we have two more years of working          of Madison and Dane County. The          proposal for the site of Scooter         Veritas Village has applied for a
together to make Tenney-Lapham,            pump system will filter out con-         Therapy, could be considered by          Conditional Use Permit for the lot
District 2, and the entire city a bet-     taminants and dangerous algae be-        the Urban Design Commission in           that Plan Commission is expect-
ter place to live for all.                 tween the shoreline and an in-water      mid-May with the Plan Commission         ed to consider in late April. Some
                                           curtain wall that will surround the      considering their requested demoli-      neighbors prefer housing to be con-
  City meetings have been virtual          swimming area. A slide presenta-         tion permit later that month. The        structed on the lot while others want
since the pandemic shut us down. I         tion from the project’s Public Infor-    owner proposes to retain the major-      a properly landscaped, lighted, and
anticipate that virtual-only meetings      mation Meeting can be found at the       ity of the current structure’s shell,    fenced lot with proper drainage that
will continue into the summer, but         Parks Division’s project website:        construct an addition on the Few         can relieve pressure on street park-
as the vaccinated population grows                  Street side, and add a second floor.     ing.
and the community slowly reaches                                                    As proposed, the first floor would
herd immunity, I hope city meet-                 Shared Streets Program             contain 8 garage-like commercial              Neighborhood Restaurant
ings will have in-person participa-                                                 spaces and the second floor would                     News
tion options. It is not yet clear if and     According to City Traffic Engi-        have 8 one-bedroom apartments.
how hybrid in-person and virtual           neering, they received over 1,000        There would be four parking stalls
meeting logistics might work, but it       survey responses on the Shared           on site. TLNA Council sent a letter                                                                                           recipe: maple vinaigrette
seems unlikely we will go back to          Streets program from last year. 83%      of support to UDC in February.                    We look forward to                                                 ¼ cup maple syrup
in-person only.                            of respondents liked the program.                                                           seeing you at the                                                 ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
                                           As a result, TE is planning to bring         Madison Youth Arts Center                Dane County Farmers’ Market!
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ¼ cup olive oil
  Using Zoom has allowed many              back a bigger and better program,                                                                                                                             1 tbsp lemon juice
more folks to participate in city          with signing and public engage-            MYAC at E. Mifflin and N. In-                 Stay safe and healthy.                                               1-2 shallots or garlic cloves, minced
                                                                                                                                                                                                         1 tsp dried basil, crushed up
meetings, but there are downsides.         ment improvements. They are also         gersoll St. is still expected to open                                                                                salt & pepper, to taste
Those who do not have computer,            working on ways to improve equity        in the early summer, although the
smartphone, and/or internet ac-            of the program. Staff have been re-      composition of classes and perfor-                                                                                   Combine all ingredients in a jar. Cover and shake
cess are left out; folks who struggle      searching the programs in other cit-     mances are still TBD as the pub-                                                                                     vigorously.
                                                                                                                                                                     Make a superfood salad by tossing with spinach or
with technology are hamstrung, and         ies to learn from their successes.       lic health situation and restrictions                                                                                arugula, roasted beets, avocado, grapefruit
those who are not limited by those                                                  evolve. They also plan to have a                                               sections, sunflower seeds, & microgreens.
factors are perhaps overrepresented          TE also received public inquiries      grand opening in early fall. I toured
at meetings. Virtual meetings also         on whether and how they can make         the site in February with Jonny
                                                             4                                                                                                                           5
Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care
Foxes in the Hood                             Living Your Life in the Neighborhood                                       Spring into the Outdoors with Dane County                             help restore more than 143 acres to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      natural prairie, including our expan-
                                         Many of us find comfort being         for you, no matter what. Now, if                                              those difficult times, one resource      sion of the Pheasant Branch Conser-
                                      surrounded by neighbors who watch        there’s something they can’t handle                                           many of us turned to was the out-        vancy near Middleton.
                                      out for each other, share their lives    they can get a hold of someone that                                           doors—where we could unwind and            Dane County removed over
                                      and support each other in times of       can handle it.”                                                               explore Dane County’s many natural       40,000 tons of sediment from the
                                      need. As older adults choose more                                                                                      resources. Even in the midst of the      bottom of the Yahara River between
                                      frequently to age at home, some-           SAIL members volunteer to help                                              COVID-19 pandemic, Dane County           Lakes Monona and Waubesa last
                                      times a little extra help is needed      each other by providing rides, de-                                            was able to make great strides in the    year, reducing the risk of future
                                      along the way and SAIL — Sharing         livering groceries, lending a listen-                                         areas of conservation, water quality,    flooding during periods of heavy
                                      Active Independent Lives helps to        ing ear to those vulnerable to isola-                                         prairie restoration, and flood preven-   rainfall. We were also able to com-
                                      fill those gaps and also provides a      tion, and helping with light chores.                                          tion. And as the weather warms and       plete our "Suck the Muck" project in
                                      real peace of mind for seniors and       SAIL offers a pre-screened Service                                            the pandemic wanes, we are eager to      Token Creek, which will help limit
  Two fox seen in the backyard of a   their families. Since 2005, SAIL         Provider Directory, a daily Rise and                                          welcome Dane County’s many resi-         the frequency and extent of hazard-
house on the 900 block of E. Day-     has been a member-led, nonprof-          Shine automated check-in program,                                             dents back outside to explore recre-     ous algae blooms. With each pass-
ton in late January. Photos by Bob    it organization in Madison and a         social and educational program-                                               ational opportunities.                   ing year, we are improving the wa-
Shaw                                  founding member of The Village to        ming and many member-led groups                                                 In 2020, Dane County permanent-        ter quality in our local lakes, rivers,
                                      Village Network, an international        and initiatives.                                                              ly protected 600 acres of property       and streams for future generations.
                                      association of 280 villages. One                                                                                       with the Dane County Conserva-             Our accomplishment in the out-
                                      SAIL member describes the value            This issue of the TLNA newsletter                                           tion Fund. An additional 600 acres       doors—direct investments into the
                                      of her membership this way, “SAIL        celebrates Community and Connec-                                              were able to be protected through        quality of life we enjoy here in Dane
                                      is just like a village. We get to know   tion. SAIL is a community within         By Dane County Executive Joe         our increasingly popular Continu-        County—are many. Like you, I look
                                      each other by doing so many differ-      a community, offering connection        Parisi                                ous Cover Crop Program, designed         forward to warmer weather when
                                      ent things. SAIL takes care of the       and support just when you need it.                                            to mitigate flooding and reduce ero-     we can get back outside and enjoy
                                      people in our village. I tell all my     To learn more, visit www.sailtoday.        2020 will long be remembered for   sion. We were also able to collect       all that our incredible county parks
                                      friends that SAIL is always there        org or call SAIL at 608-230-4321.       its many challenges. Yet, through     over 1,700 pounds of prairie seed to     and recreation areas have to offer.

                                                        6                                                                                                                      7
Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care
Community Fridge               made the fridge open to criticism is      accomplish as a neighborhood. This
                                                                                                                           continued from page 1        its accessibility. The fridge is locat-   effort has been a demonstration of
                                                                                                                                                        ed right next to the sidewalk on E.       the power of grassroots mutual aid
                                                                                                                                                        Johnson, thus making it a safe and        work. Hundreds of people have
                                                                                                                                                        anonymous place to pick up food.          contributed to the fridge in large
                                                                                                                                                        The fridge offers barrier-free access     and small ways. Grocery work-
                                                                                                                                                        to food that doesn’t require paper-       ers bring by excess food after their
                                                                                                                                                        work and can be used at any time,         shifts, neighbors drop off handfuls
                                                                                                                                                        day or night. Another upside to this      of produce after their weekly runs.
                                                                                                                                                        model is its simplicity. The fridge       We’ve raised over $5000 in dona-
                                                                                                                                                        allows for food “waste” to be dealt       tions, started another fridge in the
                                                                                                                                                        with in an efficient and simple man-      Regent neighborhood, and distrib-
                                                                                                                                                        ner. Much of the recovered fresh          uted thousands of pounds of food.
                                                                                                                                                        and healthy food at the fridge would      It’s been a tremendous success.
                                                                                                                                                        otherwise be composted or thrown             For now, the odds are against
                                                                                                                                                        away by the industrial food system.       community fridges working out in
                                                                                                                                                          The fridge has been cited for be-       the long term. They are currently in
                                                                                                                                                        ing in violation of zoning codes          violation of Madison zoning codes
                                                                                                                                                        and plugged into a residential lot.       and that probably won’t be chang-
                                                                                                                                                        Unfortunately, it must come down          ing soon. But from what we’ve
                                                                                                                  even a fresh dish of potatoes made    at the E. Johnson site, but we are        learned, neighbors coming together
                                                                                                                  from the fridge stock.                working with community partners           can be a powerful force for good.
                                                                                                                                                        to move the fridge to another loca-       And that won’t be changing any-
                                                                                                                    One of the most unique aspects      tion.                                     time soon.
                                                                                                                  of the Madison Community Fridge         Ultimately, we are extremely
                                                                                                                  and probably one of the things that   proud of what we have been able to

 Tenney neighborhood yard sale is coming back on Saturday, August 7th!
  You may have been stockpiling      sale will be held on Saturday, Au-     will be plenty of neighborhood
your stuff over the past year as     gust 7th, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.              and online promotion leading up
the pandemic dragged on. Well,         To sign up as a seller visit ten-    to the date.
summer's coming and here's your and fill out the           TLNA is so glad to be getting
chance to get it out of your house   Google form under Events. We'll        back to neighborhood events!
and into the hands of someone        keep you posted about the details,       Questions? Contact Anne Katz
who's been waiting for that purple   including recommendations for          at
fringed lampshade or some such       safe and distanced yard sale-ing,
item.                                as we get closer to August. We'll       . See you at the yard sale!
  The Tenney neighborhood yard       keep promoting the sale and there

        Tenney Park Pedestrian Bridge Designer Bud Arnold Dies at 87

  There is not a more iconic         away peacefully at the age of 87 at    versity of Wisconsin buildings, as
structure in the Tenney-Lapham       home on February 2nd, 2021.            well as the Monona Terrace Con-
neighborhood than the pedestrian                                            vention Center. His involvement
bridge at Tenney Park. In fact, a      The Tenney bridge was not all        in creating the multi-government
silhouette of the bridge is embla-   the Madison native was responsi-       financing and governance concept
zoned on the masthead of this very   ble for. Arnold left his mark around   ensured that the convention center
newsletter, as well as our social    the state, contributing to many key    would successfully be completed.
media accounts and street signs      projects, including structural anal-   He went on to win many awards
around the neighborhood. The         ysis of the Camp Randall upper         for his contributions to our city
original designer of the bridge,     deck, Pettit Ice Arena, The Wis-
Orville “Bud” Arnold, passed         consin Center and multiple Uni-                       continued on page 14
                                                      8                                                                                                                   9
Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care
Pencil It In — Sunday Party in the Park is Back!                                Following in the long and wonder-       Mutual Aid Efforts in the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood                             access and the community fridge,
                                                                                          ful tradition of Cork ‘n Bottle found-                 — and how you can plug in!                                           gas cards, and direct payments to
                                                                                          ers, the TLNA hosts a neighborhood                                                                                          houseless families. If you would be
                                                                                          block party each June that is now                   By Julia Levine               those conditions and care for each        interested in supporting the Mutual
                                                                                          called Party in the Park and is held                                              other in the process.                     Aid Fund, it’s very simple. Every
                                                                                          at Reynolds Park. This neighbor-           Hello neighbors! My name is Ju-          In Madison during the COV-              donation made to the TLNA over
                                                                                          hood party is intended as a welcom-      lia Levine and I am the new “Mutu-       ID-19 crisis, these efforts were built    the next three months will go to
                                                                                          ing space for all neighbors to gather    al Aid Coordinator” for the Tenney-      upon with solidarity-based support        this fund. Just to visit our website
                                                                                          together, greet old neighbors and        Lapham Neighborhood Association          networks forming across the city.         at or send in a
                                                                                          friends, and meet new ones. Last         (TLNA). This position started at         In the initial days of the crisis, hun-   check to donate to the fund at P.O.
                                                                                          year, the event was cancelled due to     the beginning of 2021 to address         dreds of volunteers came together         Box 703, Madison, WI 53701.
                                                                                          COVID-19. It's unsure yet whether        the acute needs that neighbors           in the organization Dane County             Beyond monetary support, there
                                                                                          circumstances will allow for a safe      face during these difficult times.       Community Defense. Within two             are many other ways to contribute.
                                                                                          and fun Party in the Park gathering      Through this article, I hope to give     months, they had raised and re-dis-       Mutual aid is a dynamic process
                                                                                          this summer. For now, pencil in Sun-     some helpful background on what          tributed over $80,000 in emergency        of re-imagining neighborhood and
                                                                                          day, June 6 from 4-7 p.m. on your cal-   exactly mutual aid is and how it         assistance payments. In addition,         community relations. If you are
                                                                                          endar. Plan to bring a picnic. If you    works, and at the end of the article,    they developed a network of volun-        interested in contributing in other
                                                                                          haven't yet, subscribe to the TLNA       I will provide some ways to plug         teers to drop off groceries and pro-      ways — maybe you are willing to
                                                                                          listserv visit We'll   into the work, if you are moved to       vide emotional and legal assistance       help someone with a flat tire, or
                                                                                          keep you posted on developments as       do so.                                   to those navigating stressful cir-        give someone a ride across town
                                                                                          we get closer! Watch for updates in        Mutual aid is the practice of          cumstances. Other groups such as          in an emergency, or can cook regu-
                                                                                          the email listserv,    working collectively to meet the         Feeding the Youth, Urban Triage,          lar meals for a neighbor — please
                                                                                          neyLapham on Facebook, or follow         needs of everyone within our com-        and Freedom Inc. have implement-          email me at jlevine312@gmail.
                                                                                                                                   munities. It involves seeing our-        ed similar efforts across the city.       com. We will be building on this
                                                                                            @tenneylapham on Instagram.            selves within a common struggle            Within our own neighborhood,            work for the coming months and all
                                                                                                                                   and responding to the acute needs        we have several examples of mu-           voices are welcome.
                                                                                                      of those within that struggle. This      tual aid efforts occurring. The
                                                                                                                                   form of solidarity-based support         Lapham-Marquette Parent-Teacher
                                                                                                                                   has been practiced in resource-          Group has developed the Acute                    Have an old House?
                                                                                                                                   starved communities for centuries,       Needs Fund to distribute funding           Hire the Old House Whisperer!
                                                                                                                                   but has more recently entered the        to families with school-age chil-          ¥   Attic and Basement Finishing
                                                                                                                                   mainstream conversation with the         dren within the neighborhood that          ¥   Create more space without adding-on
                                                                                                                                   proliferation of mutual aid projects     are experiencing financial crises. In      ¥   Bathrooms: repair and update or rebuild
                                                                                                                                   in the face of Covid-19.                 addition, the Madison Community            ¥   Free consultations and brainstorming
                                                                                                                                     One of the most prominent ex-          Fridge, on E. Johnson and Brearly,
                                                                                                                                   amples of mutual aid work is from        has been established to bring eas-               FREE THIS WINTER!!
         Investing is                                                                                                              the Black Panther Party. Their late
                                                                                                                                   60s and early 70s programming
                                                                                                                                                                            ily accessible food to neighbors in
                                                                                                                                                                            a simple, effective way. This work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           One Little Free Library with Every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bathroom Remodel or Equivalent!
         about more than money ...                                                                                                 included free medical clinics and        is volunteer-based, and is a form                   I’ll Replicate Your House
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              or Create your Dream House
         Most people invest hoping to achieve something important
         for themselves or their family. That could come in the form
                                                                                                                                   testing for sickle-cell anemia, an       of direct-democracy participation,             In a Registered Little Free Library
         of financial independence, a comfortable retirement,                                                                      emergency-response         ambulance     in which people take responsibil-
                                                                                                                                   program, and, most well-known,           ity upon themselves for caring for
         paying for college or protecting your family. Have you had
         a face-to-face conversation with your financial advisor                                                                                                                                                           Historical Restoration ¥ Repairs
         about your goals?
                                                                                                                                   a Free Breakfast for Children pro-       one another, in the hope of building                  Competitive prices
                                                                                                                                   gram which fed over 20,000 youths        new social relations in the process.
         At Edward Jones, we stop to ask you the question: “What’s
         important to you?” Without that insight and a real under-

                                                                                                                                   in 19 cities within a year of its          Recently, the TLNA has formed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Joseph Weinberg
         standing of your goals, investing holds little meaning. We
         take the time to build a relationship with our clients so
                                                                                                                                   launch. Their efforts differed from      a mutual aid working group. So
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fine Carpentry
         that we can help them work toward the things that really
         are important.

         So, what’s important to you?
                                                                                                                                   a charity model, as they aimed to        far, we have distributed $1150 of
                                                                                                                                   develop new social relations of          funds, $750 has gone to a neighbor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (608) 251-2821
         Contact us today for a face-to-face appointment
         to discuss what’s really important: Your goals.                                                                           communal care from their organiz-        facing threats of eviction, and the
                                                                                                                                   ing. As founder Huey Newton re-          rest has been distributed in the form
                         Jeffrey A Prebish
                         Financial Advisor
                         .                                                                                                         counted, “the purpose of these pro-      of eight $50 festival food gift cards.
                                                                                                                                   grams was two-fold. One to meet          Over the coming months, we hope
                         16 N Livingston St
                         Madison, WI 53703
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            see examples of my artistry at:
                                                                                                                                   people’s direct survival needs and       to expand our collection and dis-

                                                                                                                                   two, by doing so, illuminating capi-     tribution efforts. This Mutual Aid
                                                                                                                                   talism’s inability to fulfill people’s   Fund from TLNA will go to support              Inspired Answers to Your Vexing
                                                                                                                                   daily needs.” Thus, people would         the acute needs of neighbors, such                     Design Problems
                                                                                                                                   be moved to organize to change           as rent assistance, supporting food
MKD-8652-A                                                             Member SIPC
                                                                                     10                                                                                                       11
Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care
Have You Seen This?                                    can find which block!
                                                                                                                                                                                              Hopefully, the city and neighbors alike will remember as
                                                                                                                                                                                            construction occurs over the years. There are a few blocks
                                                                                                                                                                                            of Gorham to be refinished this year, so it’s a good reminder
                                                                                                                                                                                            to ask if there will be new signs with the bridge picture on
                                                                                                                                                                                            them. TLNA is lucky to have such a distinctive icon!

                                                                                                                         Have you ever noticed the street signs with pictures? There
                                                                                                                       are several at the capitol and a few in our neighborhood too!
                                                                                                                       Several years ago, TLNA learned that the city would add a
                                                                                                                       small picture on street signs representing the neighborhood,
                                                                                                                       but only if they were replacing them anyway during con-
                                                                                                                       struction. TLNA asked if they would add the bridge logo for
                                                                                                                       us. Last year, the 400 block of Ingersoll and the two blocks
                                                                                                                       of Elizabeth were redone and the city added the TLNA logo
                                                                                                                       to the new street signs. You can also see a couple of them on
                                                                                                                       Johnson Street that were added a few years ago. See if you

                       Honoring a Legacy — The Linster Memorial Bike Ride

  On September 11th, 2021 the TLNA will be hold-              the bike boulevard to the Yahara river bike path end-
ing the Linster Memorial Bike ride (and membership            ing at Tenney Park. We will end the ride at the bike
drive). What better way to honor Richard Linster’s two        racks that will be newly installed in Richard’s name
interests than riding a bike and recruiting membership        where the TLNA will be serving snacks. Finally, if you
in TLNA. The event will start at 1:00 p.m. at Reynolds        choose to, you can “look like Linster” He would find
park. While there, you can renew your membership or           that amusing!
newly join. Somewhere around 1:30 p.m. we will do a             No sign up necessary just come and show your sup-
mass bike ride (or any mobility of your choice) down          port for our lost friend.
                                                         12                                                                                                                            13
Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care
Housing Listings
                                                                                                                                                                                             Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood
                                                                                                      Active                                                                                         Association
                                                                                                      Address                      Square Ft         List Price
                                                                                                      702 E. Johnson (commercial)
                                                                                                      111 N. Blair
                                                                                                                                                     $315,000                                           TLNA
                                                                                                      1019 E. Gorham                  1200           $319,000
                                                                                                      201 N. Blair, #303              1224           $425,000                                      Membership Form
                                                                                                      833 E Mifflin                   1194           $439,900
                                                                                                                                                                                                    New Member  Renewal
                                                                                                      1254 E. Washington (commercial) 2799           $529,000
                                                                                                      819 E Mifflin #304              1319           $534,900                       Annual Membership Options                     Amount
                                                                                                      648 E. Johnson                  2202           $619,000
                                                                                                                                                                                     Adult Membership (age 18-64) - $10 each     $_____
                                                                                                      Pending                                                                        Student Membership – $5 each                $_____
                                                                                                                                                                                     Senior Membership (65 or older) - $5 each   $_____
                                                                                                      37 Sherman Ter #6            852              $125,000                         Household - $20                             $_____
                                                                                                      1209 E. Mifflin              989              $289,000                         Business Membership - $20                   $_____
                                                                                                      825 E Mifflin #406           820              $310,000
                                                                                                      201 N. Blair, #202          1106              $335,000                                            Total Enclosed             $_____
                                                                                                      115 N Paterson              1166              $350,000
                                                                                                      1142 Elizabeth              1362              $374,900
                                                                                                      153 Dayton Row              1351              $379,900                        Name(s)
                                                                                                      1049 E. Gorham              2600              $539,000
                                                                                                      825 E Mifflin #312          1329              $550,000
                                                  Bud Arnold                                          123 N. Blount, #401         1014              $444,000                        Address
                                                                                                      947 E. Johnson              3504              $650,000
Please Join us for                  continued from page 8   an indelible void of knowledge
                                                            and commitment to this and other          Sold                  Days on Market                             Sale Price
 TLNA Council        and the state’s design aesthetic.      Wisconsin communities. The next           22 Sherman Ter #2           1                 $120,000            $130,000
    Meetings                                                time you are ice skating, taking a        938 E. Dayton                                                     $255,000    Phone
                       Arnold’s benefactions to our         walk, or cycling through Tenney           201 N. Blair, #106                                                $267,000
                     city’s infrastructure will be en-      Park, be sure to remember Bud             825 E Mifflin #404          44                $294,500            $291,000
                     joyed by Madisonians for years         Arnold’s contribution to this won-                                                                                      E-mail
  Meetings are       to come. His passing will leave        derful neighborhood.
                                                                                                      1158 E Washington
                                                                                                      105 N Few
                                                                                                                                                                        $317,500     Add me to the TLNA E-mail Listserv
currently held by                                                                                     825 E Mifflin #206         67                 $322,900            $319,000    I would like to be more involved it the neighborhood.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Please have someone from TLNA contact me.
                                                                                                      23 N Ingersoll               5                $299,900            $355,000
Zoom on the sec-                                                                                      819 E Mifflin #302           2                $497,000           $502,000
ond Thursday of                                                                                                                                                                              Join theTNLA Neighborhood Association

  every month.                                                                                                                Seeking Green                                                         Make checks payable to:
                                                                                                                           by Gay Davidson-Zielske

  Check out our                                                                                   Outside, the half snowman                      The pretty drifts are black and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        PO BOX 703
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Madison, WI 53701
  WEB page for                                                                                    Gives me a lascivious, melted
                                                                                                 wink                                           But when the sun struggles up
Zoom details and
the meeting agen-                                                                                  A garbage truck growls up the                And finds the aperture of my
                                                                                                 street,                                       window
       da.                                                                                        Coughs and scoops contagion,                  Finally gold, it sends me to
                                                                                                  Moves on.                                                                                                                                And I seek green the way
                                                                                                  Everywhere the late-March snow
                                                                                                                                                Crossed willow sticks seek w
                                                                                                  Is as gray as the undercarriage of            ater.
                                                                                                 my car
                                      14                                                                                                                          15
Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care Madison Community Fridges: An Experiment in Community Care
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