Page created by Mike Carr

                                Interactive version

        August 2022
Atlas Concorde   Boost

           CO N C R ET E LOOK   P ORCE L AI N T I L E S
                                G R E S P ORCE LL AN ATO
                                Grès cérame
                                Gres porcelánico
                                Kерамический гранит

                                W H I T E - B O DY WALL T I L E S
                                R I VE ST I ME N T I I N PASTA B I AN CA
                                Revêtements en pâte blanche
                                Weißscherbige Wandfliesen
                                Revestimientos en pasta blanca
                                Haстенная плитка из белой глины



                                Atlas Concorde is one of the leading global brands in the               PRODUCT
                                production of ceramic tiles and large slabs for design and              RANGE &
                                architecture. With over 50 years of history, two production plants,     TECHNICAL
                                and numerous showrooms in the capitals of international design,
                                Atlas Concorde offers integrated and sustainable ceramic systems
                                for floors, walls, outdoor spaces, worktops, bathroom furnishings,
                                facades and special projects. Design your world with Atlas Concorde.

                                Atlas Concorde è uno dei principali brand mondiali nella
                                produzione di superfici e grandi lastre ceramiche per il design e
                                l’architettura. Con oltre cinquant’anni di storia, due stabilimenti
                                produttivi, numerose showroom nelle capitali della progettazione
                                internazionale, offriamo sistemi ceramici integrati e sostenibili per   BOOST WORLD
                                pavimenti, rivestimenti, outdoor, piani di lavoro, arredo bagno,
                                facciate e progetti speciali. Design your world with Atlas Concorde.


                                                                                                        THE BENEFITS OF
II                                                                                                      CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost

                              Index                                          INDEX

                              Overview                                       OVERVIEW

                              Image Gallery                                  IMAGE

                              Product Range &           SENSITECH
                                                        RANGE SUMMARY
                                                                             RANGE &
                              Technical Specs           TECHNICAL FEATURES   SPECS.

                              Boost World                                    BOOST WORLD

                              Sustainability                                 SUSTAINABILITY

 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                              The benefits of Ceramic Tiles                  THE BENEFITS OF
                                                                             CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde      Boost                                                                                                                            Overview


           Porcelain and wall tiles:
           a safe choice.


                                                                                                                                                                RANGE &
                 RECYCLABLE                             SAFE                                 ECO-FRIENDLY                                                       TECHNICAL
                 Riciclabile                            Sicuro                               Ama l'ambiente                                                     SPECS.

                               VERSATILE                     FIREPROOF    HYGIENIC                               LONG LASTING
                               Versatile                     Non brucia   Igienico                               Dura a lungo

                                           RESISTANT                                 EASY TO CLEAN                              ZERO PVC                        BOOST WORLD
                                           Resistente                                AND DISINFECT                              Zero PVC
                                                                                     Facile da pulire e sanificare
                                                                                                                                           page 98


 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                                THE BENEFITS OF
04                                                                                                                                                        05    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                                                                                               Overview


                              An impulse
                              of industrial chic.


                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                                                        © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                                                 RANGE &

                              In a modern metropolitan space, a surface        Dans un espace urbain moderne, la surface        En un espacio moderno metropolitano, la
                              with a troweled concrete effect becomes the      effet ciment brossé devient la toile de fond     superficie de efecto cemento espatulado
                              perfect background to show off your idea of      parfaite pour valoriser chaque idée de design    se convierte en el fondo perfecto para
                              interior design. To create environments that     d'intérieur. Pour donner naissance à des         intensificar la propia idea de diseño de
                              reflect the character of those who live there.   espaces qui reflètent parfaitement l'esprit de   interiores. Para crear ambientes según la
                                                                               ceux qui y vivent.                               personalidad de quien los vive.
                                                                                                                                                                                 BOOST WORLD

                              In un moderno spazio metropolitano, la           In einem modernen Großstadt-Ambiente             В современном городском пространстве
                              superficie a effetto cemento spatolato           wird die Optik des gespachtelten Zements         фактура разглаженного шпателем цемента
                              diventa lo sfondo perfetto per mettere in        zum perfekten Hintergrund, um eigene             становится идеальным фоном для реализации
                              risalto la propria idea di interior design.      Vorstellungen vom Innendesign zur Geltung zu     собственной идеи интерьера. И создания           SUSTAINABILITY
                              Per dare vita ad ambienti disegnati sul          bringen. Um Räume entstehen zu lassen, die       обстановки, созвучной своему характеру.
                              carattere di chi li abita.                       der Persönlichkeit ihrer Bewohner wie
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                                                               angegossen passen.

                                                                                                                                                                                 THE BENEFITS OF
06                                                                                                                                                                          07   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde     Boost                                                                                                                                                  Overview


Understatement as an attitude,
personality as a choice.


 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                                                     © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                                                     RANGE &

The warm shades of oxidation coexist with       Les tonalités chaudes de l'effet oxydé         Los tonos cálidos de la oxidación conviven
                                                                                                                                                                                     BOOST WORLD
the cooler hues typical of concrete,            épousent les auréoles froides typiques du      con los halos más fríos típicos del cemento
in a surface that stands out for its            ciment, pour créer une surface caractérisée    en una superficie que se destaca por su
decisive identity.                              par un grand caractère.                        fuerte identidad.

Le sfumature calde dell’ossidazione convivono   Warme Nuancen oxidierter Stellen neben         Теплые оттенки окисленного материала                                                  SUSTAINABILITY
con gli aloni più freddi tipici del cemento,    kühler wirkenden, typischen Zementschleiern.   сочетаются с холодными, характерными для
in una superficie che si distingue per la sua   Eine Oberfläche, die sich durch eine ganz      цемента штрихами неяркой по характеру
                                                                                                                                             © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
decisa identità.                                klare Identität auszeichnet.                   поверхности.

                                                                                                                                                                                     THE BENEFITS OF
08                                                                                                                                                                             09    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                                                                                              Overview


                              vivid colors.


                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                                                        © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                                                RANGE &

                              With their troweled concrete effect and soft       Le revêtement mural à l'effet brossé doux      El revestimiento de efecto espatulado y suave
                                                                                                                                                                                BOOST WORLD
                              touch, the wall tiles are energized by colors      au toucher est ravivé par des coloris qui      al tacto se enciende de colores, aumentando
                              that brighten up the rigor of metropolitan         animent la rigueur du style urbain en créant   el rigor del estilo metropolitano y creando
                              style, creating beautiful spaces to live in.       des espaces où il fait bon vivre.              ambientes en los que es agradable vivir.

                              Il rivestimento dall’effetto spatolato e morbido   Der sich weich anfühlende, wie gespachtelt     Нейтральная палитра керамогранита,              SUSTAINABILITY
                              al tatto si ravviva di colori che accendono        wirkende Wandbelag belebt mit seinen           перекликаясь с оригинальным цветом
                              il rigore dello stile metropolitano, creando       Farben den strengen Großstadtstil und lässt    стен, наполняет интерьер живой
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                              ambienti dove è bello vivere.                      schöne, wohnliche Räume entstehen.             индивидуальностью.

                                                                                                                                                                                THE BENEFITS OF
10                                                                                                                                                                         11   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde      Boost                                                                                                                                                       Overview


Ceramic excellence
made in Italy.


 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                                                         © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                                                           RANGE &

Thanks to the Italian touch and attention to    Grâce au style italien et au soin des détails      Debido al toque italiano y al cuidado de
detail, the collection surpasses the            graphiques, la collection va bien au-delà du       los detalles gráficos, la colección supera el
minimalism of industrial style to become the    minimalisme du style industriel, et devient        minimalismo del estilo industrial llegando a
                                                                                                                                                                                           BOOST WORLD
centerpiece of original environments with a     la protagoniste d'espaces originaux de             ser protagonista de ambientes originales y de
strong identity.                                grand caractère.                                   fuerte identidad.

Grazie al tocco italiano e alla cura dei        Dank des italienischen Flairs und der sorgfältig   Благодаря итальянским акцентам и
particolari grafici, la collezione supera       ausgeführten grafischen Details geht die           тщательной ухоженности рисунка коллекция                                                SUSTAINABILITY
il minimalismo dello stile industriale per      Kollektion über den Minimalismus des               преодолевает минимализм индустриального
diventare protagonista di ambienti originali,   Industriestils hinaus und wird zum Blickfang       стиля, становясь ярким декором
                                                                                                                                                   © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
con una forte identità.                         origineller Räume mit starker Identität.           оригинального интерьера.

                                                                                                                                                                                           THE BENEFITS OF
12                                                                                                                                                                                    13   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Overview


                              Innovation and
                              design, together.

                              Porcelain Tiles for Floors and Walls                                                                                                                                                                                                      Wall Tiles

                                 6mm                                                                          9mm                                                                                                                                                                   8,5mm


                                  160x320 cm

                                                  120x278 cm
                                                 47 1/ 4”x109 1/ 2”

                                                                      160x160 cm

                                                                                     120x120 cm
                                                                                    47 1/ 4”x47 1/ 4”

                                                                                                             120x240 cm
                                                                                                             47 1/ 4”x941/ 2”

                                                                                                                                 120x120 cm
                                                                                                                                47 1/ 4”x47 1/ 4”

                                                                                                                                                    75x150 cm
                                                                                                                                                     29 1/ 2”x59”

                                                                                                                                                                       75x75 cm
                                                                                                                                                                    29 1/ 2”x29 1/ 2”

                                                                                                                                                                                           37,5x75 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                          143/ 4”x29 1/ 2”

                                                                                                                                                                                                              60x120 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                             23 5/ 8”x47 1/ 4”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   60x60 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 235/ 8”x235/ 8”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      30x60 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1 13/ 4”x23 5/ 8”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         40x80 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       153/ 4”x31 1/ 2”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                RANGE &
                              Technical performance and beauty coexist                           Les performances techniques et la recherche                                            Las características técnicas y la potencia                                                              TECHNICAL
                              without compromise in large slabs that                             esthétique cohabitent sans compromis                                                   estética conviven sin dificultad alguna en las                                                          SPECS.
                              achieve new levels of excellence.                                  avec les grandes plaques qui atteignent de                                             grandes placas que alcanzan nuevos niveles
                              The industrial concrete effect fills the space                     nouveaux niveaux d'excellence. L'effet ciment                                          de excelencia. El efecto cemento industrial
                              with a single continuous material, lending                         industriel contamine l'espace avec                                                     contamina el espacio con una materia única
                              itself to multiple uses like floors, walls, and                    une matière unique et continue qui se prête                                            y continua, apropiada a múltiples usos:
                              furnishing elements.                                               à de multiples utilisations : sols, murs et                                            pavimentos, revestimientos y elementos
                                                                                                 éléments d'ameublement.                                                                de decoración.

                              Le prestazioni tecniche e la ricerca estetica                      Kompromisslose technische Leistungen und                                               Высокие технические характеристики и
                              convivono senza compromessi in grandi lastre                       Ästhetik begegnen sich in großformatigen                                               превосходная эстетика сосуществуют                                                                      BOOST WORLD
                              che raggiungono nuovi livelli di eccellenza.                       Platten, mit denen ein neues Niveau der                                                без компромиссов в больших плитах,
                              L’effetto cemento industriale contamina lo                         Exzellenz erreicht wurde. Industrielle                                                 достигающих новых высот совершенства.
                              spazio con una materia unica e continua,                           Zementoptik kontaminiert den Raum mit                                                  Фактура промышленного цемента
                              che si presta a molteplici usi: pavimenti,                         einem einzigartigen und einheitlichen Material,                                        воспроизведена в керамическом материале,
                              rivestimenti ed elementi d’arredo.                                 das sich für vielerlei Aufgaben eignet: Als                                            который способен всецело украсить собой                                                                 SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                                                 Wand- oder Bodenbelag sowie                                                            пространства, поскольку может быть
                                                                                                 als Einrichtungselement.                                                               уложен на любые поверхности: полы, стены,
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                                                                                                                                                                        предметы обстановки.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                THE BENEFITS OF
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         15   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde                  Boost                                                                                                                                                                                           Overview


Inside and out,
always with style.

Porcelain Tiles for Outdoor and Wet Areas

     9mm                 GRIP           20mm               OUTDOOR

      120x120 cm
     47 1/ 4”x47 1/ 4”

                                        120x240 cm
                                        47 1/ 4”x941/ 2”

                                                                 120x120 cm
                                                                47 1/ 4”x47 1/ 4”

                                                                                          60x120 cm
                                                                                         23 5/ 8”x47 1/ 4”

                                                                                                               60x60 cm
                                                                                                             235/ 8”x235/ 8”

                                                                                                                                 90x90 cm
                                                                                                                               353/ 8”x353/ 8”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           RANGE &

The concrete effect opens up multiple                                               L'effet ciment ouvre de multiples possibilités               El efecto cemento abre muchas posibilidades
avenues for design possibilities. Its versatility,                                  à la conception. Son éclectisme, grâce au                    para llevar a cabo nuevos proyectos de diseño.
thanks also to the anti-slip 120x120 cm                                             format 120x120 cm antiglisse et à l'épaisseur                Su versatilidad, también por su formato 120x120
format and to the 20 mm thickness specific                                          de 20 mm conçue pour l'extérieur, permet de                  cm antideslizante y a su grosor de 20 mm
for exteriors, allows for a total look with a                                       créer un total look de grand impact visuel.                  específico para exteriores, permite obtener un
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BOOST WORLD
powerful visual impact.                                                                                                                          total look de fuerte impacto visual.

L’effetto cemento apre molteplici strade                                            Die Zementoptik eröffnet dem Planer viele                    Фактура цемента открывает множество
alla progettazione. La sua versatilità, grazie                                      Wege. Ihre Vielseitigkeit, die auch dem                      возможностей для проектирования. Ее
anche al formato 120x120 cm antiscivolo e                                           Format 120x120 cm in rutschfester Ausführung                 универсальность, благодаря также формату                                                  SUSTAINABILITY
allo spessore 20 mm specifico per esterni,                                          und 20 mm Stärke für die Verlegung im Freien                 120x120 см с нескользкой поверхностью
permette di avere un total look dal forte                                           zu verdanken ist, ermöglicht einen optisch                   и толщине 20 мм для улицы, позволяет
                                                                                                                                                                                                   © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
impatto visivo.                                                                     beeindruckenden Total Look.                                  добиться эффектного стилевого единства.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE BENEFITS OF
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    17   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                                                                                                      Overview


                              A smooth
                              and safe effect.


                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                                                              © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                                                           RANGE &
                              Continuous technological research in Atlas          La recherche technologique continue des             La continua investigación tecnológica de los
                              Concorde’s laboratories has led to the              laboratoires Atlas Concorde a conduit au            laboratorios de Atlas Concorde ha permitido
                              development of SENSITECH, a new surface             développement de SENSITECH, une nouvelle            desarrollar SENSITECH una nueva superficie
                              with technology patented in Italy that              surface, dont la technologie a été brevetée         con tecnología patentada en Italia, que
                              combines technical characteristics with a           en Italie, qui conjugue des caractéristiques        combina características técnicas con una
                              pleasant touch. The surface is also extremely       techniques à une agréable perception tactile.       agradable percepción táctil. Esto da como
                              easy to clean and acts as a barrier against dirt.   Cette dernière se traduit en une extrême facilité   resultado una extrema facilidad de limpieza y
                                                                                  d'entretien et en barrière contre les salissures.   barrera contra la suciedad.
                                                                                                                                                                                           BOOST WORLD
                              La continua ricerca tecnologica dei laboratori      Aus der kontinuierlichen Technologieforschung       Непрерывные исследования лаборатории
                              Atlas Concorde ha portato allo sviluppo             der Atlas Concorde-Labore kommt                     Atlas Concorde привели к созданию
                              di SENSITECH, una nuova superficie, con             SENSITECH, eine neue Oberfläche mit in              SENSITECH – новой поверхности, которая
                              tecnologia brevettata in Italia, che coniuga        Italien patentierter Technologie, die               будет изготавливаться по запатентованной
                              caratteristiche tecniche a una percezione           technische Vorzüge mit einer angenehmen             в Италии технологии и сочетает высокие               SUSTAINABILITY
                              tattile piacevole. Quest’ultima si traduce in       Haptik vereint. Weitere Vorteile sind die           технические характеристики с удивительной
                              una estrema facilità di pulizia e barriera          einfache Reinigung und eine wirkungsvolle           приятностью на ощупь. Кроме того, она не
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                              contro lo sporco.                                   Barriere gegen Schmutz.                             впитывает грязь и очень проста в уходе.

                                                                                                                                                                                           THE BENEFITS OF
18                                                                                                                                                                                    19   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                                                                                                                              Overview


A world
of design.
                                                                                                                  THE CATALOG



                                                                                                                                                                                                   RANGE &
With Boost World it's possible to combine           Avec Boost World, il est possible de combiner       Con Boost World es posible combinar
different surfaces with a similar stylistic         différentes surfaces dans la même perspective       diferentes superficies en una misma
perspective. Concrete, stone, and raw earth         stylistique. Effet béton, pierre et terre crue se   perspectiva estilística. Efecto hormigón, piedra
effects can be combined spontaneously               combinent dans des harmonies chromatiques           y tierra cruda se combinan en nuevas armonías
and naturally to create original harmonies,         inédites de manière spontanée et naturelle,         cromáticas de forma espontánea y natural,
for cohesive environments that are able to          pour des environnements cohérents capables          para lograr entornos cohesionados que hablan
speak the same language.                            de parler le même langage.                          el mismo idioma.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   BOOST WORLD
Con Boost World è possibile combinare               Mit Boost World lassen sich unterschiedliche        Разные поверхности Boost World
superfici diverse in una medesima prospettiva       Oberflächen in ein und derselben stilistischen      сосуществуют в единой стилистической
stilistica. Effetto cemento, pietra e terra cruda   Perspektive zusammenstellen. Die Optik              перспективе. Имитации цемента,
si combinano in armonie cromatiche inedite          von Zement, Stein und ungebranntem Ton              камня, сырой глины вместе создают
in modo spontaneo e naturale, per ambienti          fließt spontan und natürlich in neue, farblich      необыкновенную цветовую гармонию. В                                                        SUSTAINABILITY
coesi e in grado parlare lo stesso linguaggio.      harmonische Kompositionen ein. Daraus               украшенных этой плиткой интерьерах все
                                                    entstehen klar durchgestylte Bereiche, die eine     говорит на одном языке.
                                                                                                                                                           © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                                    gemeinsame Sprache sprechen.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   THE BENEFITS OF
20                                                                                                                                                                                            21   CERAMIC TILES

Image Gallery
Living Room - Pearl, White     Home Bathroom - 3D Urban                Showroom - Tarmac, Grey      Lounge Bar - Smoke             Restroom - 3D Urban


                                                                                                                                                                             IMAGE GALLERY
© Ceramiche Atlas Concorde      © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde             © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde   © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde     © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                                                             HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                                             SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                                                             LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                                                             RESTROOM - 3D Urban
Open Space - Grey, White       International Restroom - Pearl, Smoke   Private Pool - White         Home Kitchen - Tarmac, White   Industrial Kitchen - Tarmac, Pearl        OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                                                             INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                                                             PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                                                             HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                                                             INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                                                             LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

© Ceramiche Atlas Concorde      © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde             © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde   © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde     © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                RANGE &

Loft Kitchen - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                                                             BOOST WORLD


© Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                                             THE BENEFITS OF
                                                                                                                                                                        23   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                        Image Gallery   Living Room



                                                                                                                IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
The decisive character of the concrete effect                                                                   LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
and the neutral tones of its palette merge in a
balanced space that gives a voice to the different
personalities of those who live there.

Il carattere deciso dell’effetto cemento e i toni
neutri della sua palette si incontrano in uno
spazio equilibrato, che dà voce alle diverse                                                                    PRODUCT
personalità di chi lo abita.                                                                                    RANGE &
Le caractère vigoureux de l'effet ciment et les                                                                 TECHNICAL
tons neutres de toutes ses nuances s'épousent                                                                   SPECS.
dans un espace équilibré qui offre une grande
liberté d'expression à tous ceux qui y vivent.

Der entschlossene Charakter der Zementoptik
und ihre neutralen Farbtöne begegnen sich
in einem ausgewogenen Raum, der die
verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten seiner Bewohner
zum Ausdruck bringt.
                                                                                                                BOOST WORLD
El carácter fuerte del efecto cemento y los
tonos neutros de su paleta se encuentran en un
espacio equilibrado, expresando la personalidad
de quien lo vive.
Стойкий вид цемента и нейтральные тона
гармонично сочетаются в пространстве, которое
                                                     © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
каждый может наполнить своим характером.

                                                                                                                THE BENEFITS OF
24                                                                                                        25    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                               Image Gallery   Living Room



                                                                                                                   IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                   LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                   HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                   SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                   LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                   RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                   OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                   INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                   PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                   HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                   INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                   LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                   RANGE &
                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                   BOOST WORLD

                              FLOOR                    WALL
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde   Boost Pearl Matte/Matt   Boost Pearl Mosaico Shapes
                              75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"   31x33,5 cm | 12 1/4"x131/4"

                                                                                                                   THE BENEFITS OF
26                                                                                                            27   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                                                           Image Gallery   Living Room



                                                                                                                                                   IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                                   LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                                   HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                   SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                                   LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                                   RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                   OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                                   INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                                   PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                                   HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                                   INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                                   LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                                   RANGE &
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                   BOOST WORLD

FLOOR                     WALL                         TABLE TOP
Boost Pearl Matte/Matt    Boost White Matte/Matt       AtlasPlan Calacatta Royal Silk
75x150 cm | 29 1/2"x59"   75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"       162x324 cm | 633/4"x127 1/2"                                                                SUSTAINABILITY
                          Boost Pearl Mosaico Shapes
                                                                                        © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                          31x33,5 cm | 121/4"x131/4"

                                                                                                                                                   THE BENEFITS OF
28                                                                                                                                           29    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde        Boost                                   Image Gallery   Living Room



                                                                                            IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                            LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                            HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                            SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                            LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                            RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                            OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                            INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                            PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                            HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                            INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                            LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                            RANGE &

Boost Pearl Matte/Matt
75x150 cm | 29 1/2"x59"

WALL                                                                                        BOOST WORLD
Boost White Matte/Matt
75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"

Boost Pearl Mosaico Shapes
31x33,5 cm | 121/4"x131/4"
AtlasPlan Calacatta Royal Silk   © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
162x324 cm | 633/4"x127 1/2"

                                                                                            THE BENEFITS OF
30                                                                                     31   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                                               Image Gallery   Living Room



                                                                                                                                                   IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                                   LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                                   HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                   SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                                   LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                                   RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                   OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                                   INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                                   PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                                   HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                                   INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                                   LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                                   RANGE &

                                                                                                                                                   BOOST WORLD
                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                              FLOOR                    WALL                         TABLE TOP
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde   Boost Pearl Matte/Matt   Boost Pearl Mosaico Shapes   AtlasPlan Calacatta Royal Silk
                              75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"   31x33,5 cm | 121/4"x131/4"   162x324 cm | 633/4"x127 1/2"

                                                                                                                                                   THE BENEFITS OF
32                                                                                                                                           33    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde      Boost                                                         Image Gallery   Home Bathroom


In the mood
to relax.

                                                                                                                  IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                  LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                  HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                  SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                  LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                  RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                  OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                  INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                  PRIVATE POOL - White
The three-dimensional wall tiles define                                                                           HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
the industrial mood of the bathroom.                                                                              INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
The metropolitan flavor of the environment                                                                        LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
is personalized by the touch of green concrete-
effect tiles on the wall.

Il rivestimento tridimensionale definisce il mood
industrial del bagno. Il sapore metropolitano
dell’ambiente è personalizzato dal tocco di verde
effetto cemento spatolato a parete.                                                                               PRODUCT
                                                                                                                  RANGE &
Le revêtement tridimensionnel définit le mood
industrial de la salle de bains. La saveur urbaine                                                                TECHNICAL
de la pièce est personnalisée par une touche de                                                                   SPECS.
vert effet ciment brossé sur le mur.

Der dreidimensionale Wandbelag definiert einen
„industrial mood“ des Bads. Der großstädtische
Charakter des Raums wird durch die grüne Note
der gespachtelten Zementoptik personalisiert.

El revestimiento tridimensional define el
mood industrial del cuarto de baño. El sabor
                                                                                                                  BOOST WORLD
metropolitano del ambiente está personalizado
por el toque de verde en la pared de efecto
cemento espatulado.

Трехмерная плитка украшает ванную в                                                                               SUSTAINABILITY
индустриальном стиле. Ноту индивидуальности
урбанистическому дизайну стен
придает зеленый «цементный» штрих.                   © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                                                                                                  THE BENEFITS OF
34                                                                                                           35   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde      Boost                                                            Image Gallery   Home Bathroom



                                                                                                                     IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                     LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                     HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                     SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                     LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                     RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                     OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                     INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                     PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                     HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                     INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                     LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                     RANGE &
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                     BOOST WORLD

FLOOR                       WALL
Boost Pearl Matte/Matt      Boost Sage Matte/Matt       © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"      40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"

                                                                                                                     THE BENEFITS OF
36                                                                                                              37   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                                         Image Gallery   Home Bathroom



                                                                                                                                               IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                               LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                               HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                               SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                               LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                               RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                               OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                               PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                               HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                               INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                               LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                               RANGE &
                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                               BOOST WORLD

                              FLOOR                    WALL
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde   Boost Pearl Matte/Matt   Boost Sage Matte/Matt       Boost White Matte/Matt
                              75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"   40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"   40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"

                                                                                                                                               THE BENEFITS OF
38                                                                                                                                        39   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde         Boost                                            Image Gallery   Home Bathroom



                                                                                                        IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                        LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                        HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                        SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                        LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                        RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                        OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                        PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                        HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                        INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                        LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                        RANGE &

Boost Pearl Matte/Matt
75x150 cm | 29 1/2"x59"

WALL                                                                                                    BOOST WORLD
Boost Sage Matte/Matt
40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"

Boost 3D Urban White Matte/Matt
40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"
Marvel Statuario Select Polished/Lappato   © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
75x150 cm | 29 1/2"x59"

                                                                                                        THE BENEFITS OF
40                                                                                                 41   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde         Boost                                                                           Image Gallery   Home Bathroom



                                                                                                                                       IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                       LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                       HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                       SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                       LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                       RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                       OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                       INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                       PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                       HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                       INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                       LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                       RANGE &
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                       BOOST WORLD

WALL                           FURNITURE
Boost Sage Matte/Matt          Marvel Statuario Select Polished/Lappato
                                                                          © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"      75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"

                                                                                                                                       THE BENEFITS OF
42                                                                                                                                43   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                               Image Gallery          Showroom


The ideal
setting for
any style.

                                                                                                                               IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                               LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                               HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                               SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                               LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                               RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                               OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
The versatility of the surface lends itself to
                                                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
creating environments that reflect the taste of
                                                                                                                               PRIVATE POOL - White
those who designed them. The concrete effect
creates the ideal setting for displaying                                                                                       HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
stylish objects.                                                                                                               INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                               LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
La versatilità della superficie si presta a costruire
ambienti che rispecchiano il gusto di chi li ha
pensati. L’effetto cemento crea lo scenario ideale
per esporre oggetti di stile.

L'éclectisme de la surface se prête à la création
d'espaces qui reflètent le goût de ceux qui les                                                                                PRODUCT
ont pensés. L'effet ciment crée le scénario idéal                                                                              RANGE &
pour exposer des objets de style.                                                                                              TECHNICAL
Die vielseitige Oberfläche eignet sich zur
Gestaltung von Räumen, die den Geschmack
                                                                                     PORCELAIN TILES
ihrer Planer widerspiegeln. Zementoptik bildet
                                                                                     Boost Tarmac
das ideale Szenario für die Ausstellung                                              Matte/Matt 75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"
von Stilobjekten.
                                                                                     Boost Grey
                                                                                     Matte/Matt 75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"
Debido a la versatilidad de la superficie es                                         Boost Tarmac Mosaico Hex Jade
posible dar vida a ambientes que reflejan el                                         25x28,5 cm | 97/8"x111/4"

gusto de quienes los ha ideado. El efecto
                                                                                     -                                         BOOST WORLD
                                                                                     Marvel Edge Red Luxury
cemento crea el escenario perfecto para exponer                                      Polished/Lappato 75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"
objetos de estilo.                                                                   Marvel Edge Royal Calacatta
                                                                                     Polished/Lappato 75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"

Универсальная нейтральность поверхности                                              Marvel Edge Agata Azul
                                                                                     Polished/Lappato 75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"
дает возможность с легкостью отразить в                                                                                        SUSTAINABILITY
интерьерах вкус того, кто их задумал. Фактура
цемента может стать идеальным фоном для
выставления стильных предметов.                         © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                               THE BENEFITS OF
44                                                                                                                        45   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde      Boost                                                   Image Gallery   Showroom



                                                                                                       IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                       LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                       HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                       SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                       LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                       RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                       OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                       INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                       PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                       HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                       INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                       LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                       RANGE &
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                                                            TECHNICAL

Boost Tarmac Matte/Matt
75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"

Boost Tarmac Matte/Matt
75x150 cm | 29 1/2"x59"
                                                                                                       BOOST WORLD
Marvel Edge Agata Azul Polished/Lappato
75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"

Marvel Edge Red Luxury Polished/Lappato
75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"                                                                                 SUSTAINABILITY
Marvel Edge Royal Calacatta Polished/Lappato
                                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"

                                                                                                       THE BENEFITS OF
46                                                                                                47   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde     Boost                                                          Image Gallery   Showroom



                                                                                                             IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                             LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                             HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                             SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                             LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                             RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                             OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                             INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                             PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                             HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                             INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                             LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                             RANGE &
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                             BOOST WORLD

FLOOR                      WALL
Boost Tarmac Matte/Matt    Boost Tarmac Matte/Matt
75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"     75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"                                                            SUSTAINABILITY

                           Boost Grey Matte/Matt     © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                           75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"

                                                                                                             THE BENEFITS OF
48                                                                                                      49   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                  Image Gallery   Showroom



                                                                                                                   IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                   LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                   HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                   SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                   LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                   RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                   OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                   INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                   PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                   HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                   INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                   LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                   RANGE &
                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                 Boost Tarmac M
                                                                                                                   BOOST      WORLD
                                                                                                                                 75x150 cm | 29 1
                              FLOOR                     WALL
                              Boost Tarmac Matte/Matt   Boost Tarmac Matte/Matt
                              75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"    75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"

                                                        Boost Grey Matte/Matt
                                                        75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"                                     SUSTAINABILITY

 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                             Boost Tarmac Mosaico Hex Jade
                                                        25x28,5 cm | 97/8"x11 1/4"

                                                                                                                   THE BENEFITS OF
50                                                                                                            51   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                                                                 Image Gallery   Showroom



                                                                                                                                                                  IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                                                  LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                                                  HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                                  SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                                                  LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                                                  RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                                  OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                                                  INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                                                  PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                                                  HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                                                  INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                                                  LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                                                  RANGE &
                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                                  BOOST WORLD

                              FLOOR                     WALL                            FURNITURE
                              Boost Tarmac Matte/Matt   Boost Tarmac Matte/Matt         Marvel Edge Royal Calacatta Polished/Lappato
                              75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"    75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"          75x150 cm | 29 1/2"x59"                                                   SUSTAINABILITY
                                                        Boost Tarmac Mosaico Hex Jade
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                                        25x28,5 cm | 97/8"x11 1/4"

                                                                                                                                                                  THE BENEFITS OF
52                                                                                                                                                           53   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                        Image Gallery   Lounge Bar

Authenticity                                                                                                   INDEX

that creates an


                                                                                                               IMAGE GALLERY
The stylistic fusion that derives from the
combination of surfaces, volumes, and furnishings                                                              LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
inspired by other materials like wood and                                                                      HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
marble shift the essential character of pure                                                                   SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
industrial style towards a more welcoming and                                                                  LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
sophisticated aesthetic.                                                                                       RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                               OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
Le contaminazioni stilistiche che derivano dagli
                                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
accostamenti con superfici, volumi e arredi
                                                                                                               PRIVATE POOL - White
ispirati ad altri materiali come legno e marmo
evolvono l’essenzialità del puro stile industriale                                                             HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
verso un’estetica più accogliente e sofisticata.                                                               INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                               LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
Les contaminations de style dérivant de
l'association de surfaces, de volumes et de
décors qui s'inspirent à d'autres matériaux
comme le bois ou le marbre, transposent la
sobriété du plus pur industriel vers un esthétisme
plus accueillant et plus sophistiqué.
Stilkontaminationen, die aus dem Mix                                                                           RANGE &
verschiedener Oberflächen, Volumen und                                                                         TECHNICAL
Einrichtungen mit anderen als Vorbild dienenden                                                                SPECS.
Materialien wie Holz und Marmor entstehen,
entwickeln den an sich schlichten, puren
Industriestil weiter zu einer behaglicheren und
edleren Ästhetik.

Las contaminaciones estilísticas que traen su
origen de las combinaciones con superficies,
volúmenes y decoraciones inspirados en
otros materiales como la madera y el mármol,                                                                   BOOST WORLD
evolucionan la esencia del estilo industrial hacia
una estética más acogedora y elegante.

Сочетание с поверхностями, формами,
предметами из других материалов, таких как                                                                     SUSTAINABILITY
дерево и мрамор, переносят индустриальный
стиль в новое эстетическое измерение, более
уютное и изысканное.                                 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                               THE BENEFITS OF
54                                                                                                       55    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                        Image Gallery   Lounge Bar



                                                                                                                           IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                           LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                           HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                           SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                           LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                           RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                           OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                           INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                           PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                           HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                           INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                           LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                           RANGE &
                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                           BOOST WORLD

                              FLOOR                          WALL
                              Boost Smoke Matte/Matt         Boost Smoke Mosaico Hex Yellow
                              120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"   25x28,5 cm | 97/8"x11 1/4"                                    SUSTAINABILITY
                                                             Boost Smoke Mosaico Hex Black
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                                             25x28,5 cm | 97/8"x11 1/4"

                                                                                                                           THE BENEFITS OF
56                                                                                                                    57   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde          Boost                                 Image Gallery   Lounge Bar

                                                                                                    Home Kitchen


                                                                                           IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                           LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                           HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                           SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                           LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                           RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                           OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                           INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                           PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                           HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                           INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                           LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                           RANGE &

Boost Smoke Matte/Matt
120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"
                                                                                           BOOST WORLD
Arbor Cognac Matte/Matt
18,5x150 cm | 7 1/4"x59"

Boost Smoke Mosaico Hex Yellow
25x28,5 cm | 97/8"x11 1/4"                                                                 SUSTAINABILITY

Boost Smoke Mosaico Hex Black    © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
25x28,5 cm | 97/8"x11 1/4"

                                                                                           THE BENEFITS OF
58                                                                                   59    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                        Image Gallery   Lounge Bar




                                                                                                                           IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                           LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                           HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                           SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                           LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                           RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                           OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                           INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                           PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                           HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                           INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                           LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                           RANGE &
                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                           BOOST WORLD

                              FLOOR                          WALL
                              Boost Smoke Matte/Matt         Boost Smoke Mosaico Hex Yellow
                              120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"   25x28,5 cm | 97/8"x11 1/4"                                    SUSTAINABILITY

 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                  Boost Smoke Mosaico Hex Black
                                                             25x28,5 cm | 97/8"x11 1/4"

                                                                                                                           THE BENEFITS OF
60                                                                                                                    61   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                         Image Gallery   Restroom


A warm

                                                                                                              IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                              LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                              HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                              SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                              LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                              RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                              OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                              INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                              PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                              HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                              INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
A functional space enriched by a touch of color.                                                              LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
In hospitality spaces, the concrete effect creates
environments where it is easy to feel at ease.

Uno spazio funzionale arricchito da un tocco
di colore. Negli ambienti dell’ospitalità l’effetto
cemento crea scenografie dove è facile sentirsi a
proprio agio.                                                                                                 PRODUCT
                                                                                                              RANGE &
Un espace fonctionnel enrichi d'une touche de                                                                 TECHNICAL
couleur. Dans les lieux de l'hospitalité, l'effet                                                             SPECS.
ciment crée des scénographies où il est facile de
se sentir à l'aise.

Ein funktioneller, durch eine farbige Note
bereicherter Raum. Im Gastgewerbe erzeugt
Zementoptik ein Ambiente, in dem man sich
schnell zu Hause fühlt.

Un espacio funcional enriquecido con un toque de                                                              BOOST WORLD
color. En las zonas dedicadas a la hospitalidad el
efecto cemento crea escenografías en las
que es fácil sentirse siempre a gusto.

Функциональное пространство с оригинальным                                                                    SUSTAINABILITY
цветовым акцентом. Фактура цемента создает
теплую обстановку, дарящую ощущение
комфорта.                                             © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                              THE BENEFITS OF
62                                                                                                       63   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde        Boost                                                                         Image Gallery   Restroom



                                                                                                                               IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                               LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                               HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                               SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                               LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                               RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                               OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                               PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                               HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                               INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                               LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                               RANGE &
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                               BOOST WORLD

FLOOR                                 WALL
Boost Grey                            Boost Red Matte/Matt
Matte / Matt 75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"   40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"                                                                SUSTAINABILITY
                                      Boost 3D Urban Grey Matte/Matt
                                                                       © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                      40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"

                                                                                                                               THE BENEFITS OF
64                                                                                                                        65   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                               Image Gallery   Restroom



                                                                                                                                IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                RANGE &

                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                                                       BOOST WORLD

                              FLOOR                                 WALL
                              Boost Grey                            Boost Red Matte/Matt
                              Matte / Matt 75x150 cm | 291/2"x59"   40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"                                   SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                    Boost 3D Urban Grey Matte/Matt
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                                                    40x80 cm | 153/4"x31 1/2"

                                                                                                                                THE BENEFITS OF
66                                                                                                                         67   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                        Image Gallery   Open Space


style for
chic living.

                                                                                                               IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                               LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                               HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                               SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                               LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                               RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                               OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                               INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                               PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                               HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                               INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                               LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

Large formats on the floor and walls during
renovations allow you to update the interior
design without changing the existing architecture.

Il grande formato applicato a pavimento e a                                                                    PRODUCT
rivestimento nella ristrutturazione consente                                                                   RANGE &
di attualizzare il progetto degli interni senza                                                                TECHNICAL
stravolgere l’architettura esistente.                                                                          SPECS.
Le grand format posé au sol et au mur pour
la rénovation permet d'actualiser les projets
d'intérieur sans dénaturer l'existant.

Das Großformat an Boden und Wand erlaubt bei
Renovierungen eine aktuelle Umgestaltung der
Innenräume ohne invasive Umbauten.
                                                                                                               BOOST WORLD
Cuando se lleva a cabo una reestructuración,
con el formato grande colocado tanto en el
suelo como en la pared es posible actualizar los
interiores sin cambiar la arquitectura existente.
Большой формат на полах и стенах дает
возможность переделать интерьеры, не
нарушая внешней архитектуры здания.                  © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                               THE BENEFITS OF
68                                                                                                        69   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                      Image Gallery   Open Space



                                                                                                                         IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                         LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                         HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                         SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                         LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                         RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                         OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                         INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                         PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                         HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                         INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                         LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                                                PRODUCT
                                                                                                                         RANGE &

                                                                                                                         BOOST WORLD

                              FLOOR                          WALL
                              Boost Grey Matte/Matt          Boost White Matte/Matt
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                              120x278 cm | 47 1/4"x1091/2"   120x278 cm | 47 1/4"x1091/2"

                                                                                                                         THE BENEFITS OF
70                                                                                                                  71   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde         Boost                                                                                                    Image Gallery   Open Space



                                                                                                                                                             IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                                             LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                                             HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                             SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                                             LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                                             RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                             OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                                             INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                                             PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                                             HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                                             INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                                             LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                                             RANGE &
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                             BOOST WORLD

FLOOR                          WALL                           COUNTERTOP
Boost Grey Matte/Matt          Boost White Matte/Matt         AtlasPlan Boost White Silk           © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
120x278 cm | 47 1/4"x1091/2"   120x278 cm | 47 1/4"x1091/2"   162x324 cm | 633/4"x 127 1/2"

                                                                                                                                                             THE BENEFITS OF
72                                                                                                                                                      73   CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                         Image Gallery   International restroom


basin Top

A rectangular porcelain tile sink. The basin of the
sink can be accessed, facilitating daily cleaning.
It can be customized with the desired finish to                                                                             IMAGE GALLERY
create a matching solution to the porcelain vanity
top, floor and wall tiles.                                                                                                  LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                            HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
Un lavabo d’appoggio rettangolare in gres                                                                                   SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
porcellanato. La vasca ispezionabile facilita le                                                                            LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
operazioni di pulizia quotidiane. Può essere                                                                                RESTROOM - 3D Urban
personalizzato con la finitura desiderata per                                                                               OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
creare una soluzione coordinata al top in gres
                                                                                                                            INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
porcellanato, ai pavimenti e alle pareti.
                                                                                                                            PRIVATE POOL - White

Une cuve à poser rectangulaire en grès cérame.                                                                              HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
Le fond de cuve inspectable facilite les                                                                                    INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
opérations de nettoyage quotidien. Elle peut être                                                                           LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
personnalisée avec la finition souhaitée afin de
créer une solution coordonnée au plan en grès
cérame, aux sols et aux murs.

Ein rechteckiges Aufsatzbecken aus
Feinsteinzeug. Das Becken ist inspizierbar,
was die tägliche Reinigung erleichtert. Zur                                                                                 PRODUCT
Gewährleistung einer perfekten Abstimmung                                                                                   RANGE &
mit den anderen Einrichtungsgegenständen wie                                                                                TECHNICAL
Platte, Boden- und Wandbelägen im Bad, kann                                                                                 SPECS.
die Fertigbearbeitung frei gewählt werden.

Un lavabo sobre encimera rectangular de
porcelánico. El seno inspeccionable facilita
las operaciones de limpieza diaria. Se puede
personalizar con el acabado deseado para
crear una solución a juego con la encimera de
porcelánico, los pavimentos y los revestimientos.
                                                                                                                            BOOST WORLD
Накладная раковина из керамогранита
прямоугольной формы. Чаша с доступом для
обслуживания облегчает ежедневную чистку.
Может быть выполнена по индивидуальному
заказу в отделке на выбор, обеспечивая,                                                                                     SUSTAINABILITY
таким образом, решение, гармонирующее с
керамогранитной столешницей, а также с
                                                      © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
напольной и настенной плиткой.

                                                                                                                            THE BENEFITS OF
74                                                                                                                    75    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde         Boost                                                                        Image Gallery   International restroom



                                                                                                                                             IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                             LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                             HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                             SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                             LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                             RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                             OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                             INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                             PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                             HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                             INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                             LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                             RANGE &
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                             BOOST WORLD
FLOOR                          FURNITURE
Boost Pearl Matte/Matt         Sit-on basin
120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"   65x50x15 cm | 25 5/8"x19 5/8"x5 7/8"
                               Boost White Matte/Matt
WALL                                                                                                                                         SUSTAINABILITY
Boost Smoke Matte/Matt         Top
60x120 cm | 23 5/8"x47 1/4"    120x50x15 cm | 47 1/4"x19 5/8"x5 7/8"   © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                               Boost White Matte/Matt

                                                                                                                                             THE BENEFITS OF
76                                                                                                                                     77    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                            Image Gallery   Private Pool

Special                                                                                                              INDEX

for exclusive

The concrete effect extends to all spaces of
everyday life, from the most intimate to the most
sociable, from the interior to the exterior. The
non-slip Grip finish and the 20 mm thickness
allow you to project your own style in safety and
continuity, extending the design possibilities.                                                                      IMAGE GALLERY
L’effetto cemento si estende a tutti gli spazi del                                                                   LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
vivere quotidiano, dai più intimi ai più conviviali,                                                                 HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
dagli interni agli esterni. La finitura antiscivolo                                                                  SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
Grip e lo spessore 20 mm permettono di                                                                               LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
proiettare all’esterno il proprio stile in sicurezza e                                                               RESTROOM - 3D Urban
continuità, ampliando le possibilità progettuali.
                                                                                                                     OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                     INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
L'effet ciment gagne tous les espaces de la vie
                                                                                                                     PRIVATE POOL - White
quotidienne, des plus intimes aux plus conviviaux,
de l'intérieur à l'extérieur. La finition Grip                                                                       HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
antiglisse et l'épaisseur de 20 mm permettent de                                                                     INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
projeter chaque style vers l'extérieur, en toute                                                                     LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
sécurité et en continuité, en élargissant ainsi les
possibilités de conception.

Die Zementoptik erstreckt sich über alle
Räume des täglichen Lebens, vom Wohn- bis
zum Schlafbereich, von innen nach außen. Die
Oberfläche Grip und die Stärke 20 mm erlauben                                                                        PRODUCT
die Fortsetzung Ihres Stils auch im Freien, in                                                                       RANGE &
absoluter Sicherheit und Kontinuität, und bieten                                                                     TECHNICAL
vielfältige Planungsmöglichkeiten.                                                                                   SPECS.
El efecto cemento llega a todos los espacios de
la vida cotidiana, desde los más íntimos hasta los
más convencionales, desde los interiores hasta
los exteriores. Gracias al acabado antideslizante
Grip y el grosor de 20 mm es posible proyectar
al exterior el proprio estilo en total seguridad y
continuidad visual, ampliando las posibilidades
de diseño.                                                                                                           BOOST WORLD

Рисунок цемента охватывает все пространства
дома, от самых интимных до гостиных, от
внутренних до наружных. Поверхность Grip
с высоким сопротивлением скольжению и                                                                                SUSTAINABILITY
толщина 20 мм позволяют перенести свой
стиль на улицу, где покрытия будут столь же
красивы и безопасны, как и в доме.                       © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                                                                                                     THE BENEFITS OF
78                                                                                                            79     CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                       Image Gallery   Private Pool




                                                                                                 IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                 LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                 HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                 SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                 LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                 RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                 OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                 INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                 PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                 HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                 INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                 LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                    © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
                                                                                                 RANGE &

                                                                                                 BOOST WORLD

      © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde   Boost White 20mm
                                   120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"

                                                                                                 THE BENEFITS OF
     80                                                                                   81     CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde   Boost                                                                                  Image Gallery      Private Pool




                                                                                                                                             IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                             LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                             HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                             SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                             LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                             RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                             OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                             INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                             PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                                                             HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                             INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                             LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                             RANGE &

                                                                                                                                             BOOST WORLD

                              FLOOR                          Boost White 20mm               Boost White Round Angolare Dx/Sx   20mm
                              Boost White Grip               120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"   33x120 cm | 13"x47 1/4"
                              120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"
                              Boost White Matte/Matt         Boost White Round 20mm
                              120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"   33x120 cm | 13"x47 1/4"
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                             THE BENEFITS OF
82                                                                                                                                 83        CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde           Boost                         Image Gallery   Living



                                                                                IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                RANGE &

     Boost White Grip                                                           BOOST WORLD
     120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"

     Boost White Matte/Matt
     120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"

     WALL                                                                       SUSTAINABILITY
     Marvel Edge Red Luxury Polished/Lappato
     75x150 cm | 29 1/2"x59"
                                               © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                THE BENEFITS OF
84                                                                        85    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde          Boost                                          Image Gallery   Living



                                                                                                IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                PRIVATE POOL - White
                                                                                                HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                RANGE &
  © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

FLOOR                                                                                           BOOST WORLD
Boost White Grip
120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"

Boost White Matte/Matt
120x120 cm | 47 1/4"x47 1/4"
Marvel Edge Red Luxury Polished/Lappato   © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde
75x150 cm | 29 1/2"x59"

                                                                                                THE BENEFITS OF
86                                                                                        87    CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde       Boost                                                         Image Gallery   Home Kitchen


The new
of beauty.

The concrete effect opens the doors to                                                                            IMAGE GALLERY
contemporary style: the large porcelain tiles
measuring 120x278 cm stand out for their                                                                          LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
technical potential and compositional versatility,                                                                HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
furnishing kitchen and living spaces where visual                                                                 SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
impact goes hand in hand with design.                                                                             LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                  RESTROOM - 3D Urban
L’effetto cemento apre le porte al                                                                                OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
contemporaneo: il grande formato 120x278 cm
                                                                                                                  INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
in gres porcellanato si distingue per potenzialità
                                                                                                                  PRIVATE POOL - White
tecniche e versatilità compositiva, arredando
spazi cucina e living in cui l’impatto visivo va di                                                               HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
pari passo con il design.                                                                                         INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                  LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
L'effet ciment ouvre la porte au contemporain
: le grand format 120x278 cm en grès cérame
se distingue par son potentiel technique et sa
versatilité de composition, décorant ainsi les
cuisines et les espaces de vie où l'impact visuel
va de pair avec le design.
Zementoptik als zeitgemäßes Element: Das                                                                          RANGE &
Großformat 120x278 cm aus Feinsteinzeug                                                                           TECHNICAL
zeichnet sich durch technisches Potenzial und                                                                     SPECS.
große Kombinationsvielfalt aus. Sie gestaltet
Küchen und Wohnräume, in denen die optische
Wirkung mit dem Design Schritt hält.

El efecto cemento abre las puertas a lo
contemporáneo: el formato grande 120x278
cm de gres porcelánico se distingue por sus
potencialidades técnicas y versatilidad de
composición, decorando los espacios de la                                                                         BOOST WORLD
cocina y el living cuyo impacto visual va de la
mano con el diseño.

Рисунок цемента необыкновенно современен:
большой формат 120x278 см в силу своего                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY
высокого технического и композиционного
потенциала украшает интерьер кухни и
гостиной стильно, эффектно и функционально.           © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                  THE BENEFITS OF
88                                                                                                         89     CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde         Boost                                                                                                     Image Gallery   Home Kitchen




                                                                                                                                                                IMAGE GALLERY
                                                                                                                                                                LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
                                                                                                                                                                HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                                SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
                                                                                                                                                                LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
                                                                                                                                                                RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                                                                OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
                                                                                                                                                                INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
                                                                                                                                                                PRIVATE POOL - White
 © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde                                                                                                                                     HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
                                                                                                                                                                INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
                                                                                                                                                                LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

                                                                                                                                                                RANGE &

                                                                                                                                                                BOOST WORLD

FLOOR                          WALL                           COUNTERTOP
Boost White Matte/Matt         Boost Tarmac Matte/Matt        AtlasPlan Boost White Hammered
120x278 cm | 47 1/4"x1091/2"   120x278 cm | 47 1/4"x1091/2"   162x324 cm | 633/4"x 127 1/2"    © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                                                                THE BENEFITS OF
90                                                                                                                                                       91     CERAMIC TILES
Atlas Concorde      Boost                                                          Image Gallery   Industrial Kitchen

Feeling                                                                                                                 INDEX


                                                                                                                        IMAGE GALLERY
The concrete effect makes the kitchen space
modern and welcoming, perfect in every detail.                                                                          LIVING ROOM - Pearl, White
The sophisticated look of the material expands                                                                          HOME BATHROOM - 3D Urban
to tiles measuring 120x278 cm with a thickness                                                                          SHOWROOM - Tarmac, Grey
of 6 mm, furnishing walls and floors throughout                                                                         LOUNGE BAR - Smoke
the house.                                                                                                              RESTROOM - 3D Urban
                                                                                                                        OPEN SPACE - Grey, White
L’effetto cemento rende lo spazio cucina
                                                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL RESTROOM - Pearl
moderno e accogliente, perfetto in ogni
                                                                                                                        PRIVATE POOL - White
dettaglio. L’estetica sofisticata della materia si
espande nelle grandi lastre 120x278 cm in 6 mm                                                                          HOME KITCHEN - Tarmac, White
di spessore vestendo le pareti e i pavimenti                                                                            INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl
della casa.                                                                                                             LOFT KITCHEN - Tarmac, Pearl

L'effet ciment rend l'espace cuisine moderne
et accueillant, parfait dans les moindres détails.
L'esthétisme sophistiqué de la matière gagne
les grandes plaques 120x278 cm de 6 mm
d'épaisseur pour habiller les murs et les sols
de la maison.                                                                                                           PRODUCT
                                                                                                                        RANGE &
Zementoptik als zeitgemäßes Element: Das                                                                                TECHNICAL
Großformat 120x278 cm aus Feinsteinzeug                                                                                 SPECS.
zeichnet sich durch technisches Potenzial und
große Kombinationsvielfalt aus. Sie gestaltet
Küchen und Wohnräume, in denen die optische
Wirkung mit dem Design Schritt hält.

El efecto cemento hace que el espacio de la
cocina sea moderno y acogedor, perfecto en
cada detalle. La estética sofisticada de la materia
se intensifica en las placas grandes 120x278 cm                                                                         BOOST WORLD
de 6 mm de grosor vistiendo las paredes y los
suelos de cada estancia de la casa.

Рисунок цемента необыкновенно современен:
большой формат 120x278 см в силу своего                                                                                 SUSTAINABILITY
высокого технического и композиционного
потенциала украшает интерьер кухни и
гостиной стильно, эффектно и функционально.           © Ceramiche Atlas Concorde

                                                                                                                        THE BENEFITS OF
92                                                                                                              93      CERAMIC TILES
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