Lupus spectrum ambiguity has long- term negative implications for patients

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Meeting report

                                                                                                                                                         Lupus Sci Med: first published as 10.1136/lupus-2022-000856 on 11 January 2023. Downloaded from on November 14, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                      Lupus spectrum ambiguity has long-­
                                      term negative implications for patients
                                      Ian N Bruce ‍ ‍,1 Joy Buie ‍ ‍,2 Lauren Bloch,3 Sang-­Cheol Bae ‍ ‍,4
                                      Karen Costenbader,5,6 Roger A Levy ‍ ‍,7 Victoria P Werth ‍ ‍,8 Ashley Marion,2
                                      Sanjyot Sangodkar,9 Susan Manzi ‍ ‍10

To cite: Bruce IN, Buie J,            ABSTRACT                                                         deliberations held by members of the GAC
Bloch L, et al. Lupus                 Lupus is a complex disease that is often difficult to            as an important first step to operationalise
spectrum ambiguity                    diagnose. Risks of diagnostic delays include non-­specific
has long-­term negative
                                                                                                       the highest priority solution for addressing
                                      signs and symptoms that mimic other diseases and                 barriers to clinical care: defining the lupus
implications for patients.
                                      a lack of diagnostic criteria and referral pathways for          spectrum.
Lupus Science & Medicine
2023;10:e000856. doi:10.1136/         non-­specialists. To address these issues, we convened a
lupus-2022-000856                     series of virtual meetings with members of our Addressing
                                      Lupus Pillars for Health Advancement clinical care team.
                                                                                                       OVERVIEW OF THE JOURNEY TO DIAGNOSIS OF
                                      Meeting participants included lupus physicians, treatment
►  Additional supplemental
                                      developers from biotechnology, patient advocacy group
                                                                                                       PATIENTS WITH LUPUS
material is published online only.                                                                     Lupus is a complex disease with interper-
                                      representatives from the Lupus Foundation of America
To view, please visit the journal                                                                      sonal and intrapersonal symptom variability
online (http://​dx.d​ oi.​org/​10.​   and advocacy/government consultants. Causes and
1136/l​ upus-​2022-0​ 00856).         consequences of ambiguity in diagnosis and diagnostic            across a patient’s lifespan. In addition, clin-
                                      delays were evaluated through historical, experiential           ical presentation with non-­specific signs and
                                      and evidence-­based accounts (survey data, literature            symptoms that mimic other diseases such
Received 4 November 2022              reviews and patient testimonials). Discussions highlighted       as rheumatoid arthritis or undifferentiated
Accepted 29 December 2022             the need for a clearer understanding of the definition of        connective tissue disease complicates the
                                      lupus, the natural history of the disease and the need for
                                                                                                       diagnostic journey for many patients. This, in
                                      advancements in biotechnology to support an accurate and
                                      timely diagnosis with the potential development of a lupus
                                                                                                       turn, can lead to a delay in access to health-
                                      spectrum.                                                        care providers well versed in lupus and subse-
                                                                                                       quent access to appropriate lupus treatments.
                                                                                                       At present, there are no clear, validated diag-
                                                                                                       nostic criteria for lupus, and SLE classifica-
                                      THE ADDRESSING LUPUS PILLARS FOR HEALTH                          tion criteria are often used as a reference to
                                      ADVANCEMENT PROJECT                                              determine if a patient is indeed presenting
                                      The Addressing Lupus Pillars for Health                          with SLE. In this meeting report, we outline
                                      Advancement (ALPHA) Project is a global                          the patient perspective on barriers to diag-
                                      initiative spearheaded by the Lupus Founda-                      nosis, how they impact patients, and provide
                                      tion of America (LFA) to identify and address                    recommendations for reducing time to diag-
                                      the most pressing barriers to improving lupus                    nosis by recognising and defining lupus as a
                                      outcomes. The ALPHA Project is led by a                          spectrum disorder.
                                      Global Advisory Committee (GAC) of lupus                            Reports from a global patient-­    reported
                                      experts from around the globe (see list in                       survey found that 27%–37% of people with
                                      online supplemental file 1). In the first phase                  lupus were diagnosed within 1 year from the
                                      of the project, completed in 2019, the GAC                       onset of their symptoms, while an average
                                      identified key barriers to improving lupus                       one-­third of patients were diagnosed after
                                      outcomes through a series of interviews                          5 years, with the median reported delay being
                                      and an online survey of lupus clinicians and                     2 years.3 4 Even more striking are results from
© Author(s) (or their
                                      researchers from around the world.1 In phase                     a study of 2527 patients with lupus in the UK
employer(s)) 2023. Re-­use
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No         II, completed in 2020, the GAC identified                        that showed an average delay in diagnosis of
commercial re-­use. See rights        and prioritised actionable solutions for three                   over 6 years, and that 47% of respondents
and permissions. Published by         different types of barriers: those to clinical                   were originally misdiagnosed.5
                                      care, drug development and access to care.2
For numbered affiliations see         This report is the first of a series of reports
end of article.
                                      and toolkits in phase III, the solution imple-                   DIAGNOSTIC DELAYS
Correspondence to                     mentation phase, of the ALPHA Project. This                      Diagnosing lupus is considerably challenging,
Dr Joy Buie; b​ uie@​lupus.​org       report summarises a series of meetings and                       particularly early in the disease process

                                         Bruce IN, et al. Lupus Science & Medicine 2023;10:e000856. doi:10.1136/lupus-2022-000856                   1
Lupus Science & Medicine

                                                                                                                                                    Lupus Sci Med: first published as 10.1136/lupus-2022-000856 on 11 January 2023. Downloaded from on November 14, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
where patients present with inadequate or non-­specific            fatigue and/or joint pain/swelling also occur in other
sequelae. Moreover, pathognomonic diagnostic tools are             autoimmune conditions.12 As a result, people with lupus
lacking the molecular prowess necessary to support diag-           are frequently misdiagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis,
nosticians in clinical decision-­making. We recognise that         fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, skin disorders, psycholog-
when patients present clinically without cardinal features         ical disorders such as anxiety and depression or receive
of lupus (ie, ANA positivity, photosensitivity, etc), incom-       no answers at all.12 13 Patients rely heavily on medical
plete SLE or probable lupus, making a clear diagnosis              providers for medical interpretation of symptoms and
might prove challenging, even for the more skilled and             appropriate treatment. Misdiagnosis and diagnostic
experienced specialist. Still, consequences of diagnostic          ambiguity cause patients to second guess themselves, alter
delays, especially in patients with major organ involve-           healthcare-­seeking behaviours and reduce trust in physi-
ment, are vast and include higher disease activity, higher         cians.14 Hundreds of inquiries to LFA’s health education
rates of damage accrual, fatigue and a lower quality of            specialists reflect patients’ needs for further support,
life over the long term.6 An in-­depth understanding of            guidance and information.
causes for delays in diagnosis may drive the development           Shown below is one example of a recent patient inquiry:
of solutions that promote earlier diagnosis, intervention
                                                                     Need information on LUPUS, Sjogren and
and better long-­term outcomes.7
                                                                     Antithrombin 3 deficiency. I’ve gone through dif-
                                                                     ferent treatments and drugs, and they aggravate the
Limited exposure and experience among primary care
                                                                     diseases instead of calming it down. 1993 was first di-
                                                                     agnosis of LUPUS due to a severe stroke. In 2019 [a
Primary care physicians (PCPs) and emergency room
                                                                     hospital provider] added the Sjogren and AT3 [defi-
doctors are the gatekeepers to specialty care and often
                                                                     ciency]. Tried to get care through my local doctors,
the first providers to encounter a patient with lupus.8
                                                                     but I am a woman and ethnic, I’ve been accused of
However, non-­specialists often have difficulty interpreting
                                                                     wanting drugs or I’m mentally ill. Need info, to ed-
non-­specific symptoms and signs of potential lupus that
                                                                     ucate myself, been worse this year not sure who to
should, but often do not, result in referral to dermatol-
                                                                     trust! (anonymous patient)
ogists, nephrologists or other physicians specialising in
rheumatological care.9 LFA global patient survey data                 Risk factors for poor health communication include
demonstrated that only 20% of respondents who initially            limited health literacy, limited English proficiency and
reported their symptoms to a PCP recall any mention                provider–patient language discordance, race/ethnicity
of lupus from the doctor at the first visit.8 Respondents          discordance and provider implicit bias. These factors
reported that a probable lupus diagnosis was mentioned             might explain findings in one LFA study which demon-
among rheumatologists and dermatologists at a higher               strated that out of 3156 patients, 50% described symp-
rate (58% and 49%, respectively) compared with a PCP.8             toms to their physician as being less severe than they really
These findings support observations in a community-­               were. When asked, ‘In your opinion, is there anything your
based survey showing that rheumatologists are four times           doctor(s) could’ve done differently to reach an accurate
as likely to accurately diagnose lupus compared with               lupus diagnosis sooner?’, 42% of patient survey respon-
primary care providers.10 Short of conducting exhaustive           dents believed their doctor did everything they could,
lupus education for PCPs, there may be opportunities to            while 22% of them believed they could have received
develop an acronym or other resource outlining subtle              an accurate lupus diagnosis faster if their doctor(s) had
features of lupus to help the public and non-­specialists          listened to them and ‘taken them seriously’. One-­fourth
identify ‘red flag’ symptoms that indicate possible or             of patients said at least one of their doctors told them
incomplete lupus. Marketing and advocacy campaigns                 their condition was psychological or ‘all in their head’.8
that raise awareness about ‘red flag’ lupus symptoms               Accordingly, patients communicating with LFA health
would be instrumental in improving quality of care.                educators suggested they have often been labelled as drug
The development of risk prediction models that identify            seekers. A clearer definition of the lupus spectrum-­based
people at risk of lupus may also be useful for reducing            signs and symptoms along with molecular biomarkers
delays in diagnosis and treatment.11                               may reduce diagnostic ambiguity in medical decision-­
                                                                   making among physicians and ease the psychological
Misdiagnosis and provider mistrust                                 toll and physical burden of the journey to diagnosis for
Even when patients have access to experts in rheumato-             patients.
logical diseases, misattribution of symptoms to a different
disease may occur because initial signs and symptoms of            Lupus diagnosis and SLE classification criteria: a conundrum
lupus, particularly of SLE, are like those of other diseases.      that delays diagnosis?
In some cases, it may take years for patients to display           Diagnostic criteria are used to make a diagnosis in variety
enough symptoms for their providers to clearly diagnose            of conditions. In a heterogeneous disease like SLE, that
them with lupus. Recent patient survey data collected              has not been possible to date because diagnostic criteria
by the LFA from 1313 patients with lupus in the USA                are quite difficult to develop given the complexity of
noted that the most common lupus symptoms such as                  SLE that often evades conventional formularies. Instead,

2                                                        Bruce IN, et al. Lupus Science & Medicine 2023;10:e000856. doi:10.1136/lupus-2022-000856
Meeting report

                                                                                                                                                  Lupus Sci Med: first published as 10.1136/lupus-2022-000856 on 11 January 2023. Downloaded from on November 14, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
diagnosis of SLE relies heavily on the adaptation of SLE                           of estimates of incidence of lupus has important implica-
classification criteria, clinical judgement and probabilistic                      tions for dollars earmarked for government-­funded lupus
diagnostic reasoning.15 16 However, there are differing                            research as well as decisions made by the pharmaceutical
views on the legitimacy of using SLE classification criteria                       industry about where to make investments for develop-
in diagnostic scenarios. Large rheumatology organisa-                              ment of new, more powerful drugs.
tions including the American College of Rheumatology                                  Recognising the diagnostic challenges of lupus and the
(ACR) and the European Alliance of Associations for                                limitations of classification criteria as diagnostic tools,
Rheumatology (EULAR) do NOT support application of                                 ALPHA GAC members agreed that it would be useful to
diagnostic criteria, only classification criteria. However,                        consider defining lupus spectrum or umbrella of related
other experts suggest that SLE classification criteria                             immune-­  mediated inflammatory disorders.2 Immune-­
should not be used for making a diagnosis but can be                               mediated mechanisms connect a wide spectrum of inflam-
used as a reference.15 17 We agree that development of                             matory diseases with lupus. Previously published data
diagnostic criteria for a disease with evasive heterogeneity                       from the ALPHA GAC demonstrated that lupus nephritis,
is an arduous task and propose that a cadre of molecular                           cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE), antiphospholipid
and diagnostic tools are necessary to expand our under-                            antibody syndrome, mild or early ANA+ syndromes and
standing of lupus as a spectrum disease.                                           secondary Sjogren’s syndrome fall under this umbrella of
   Recent studies suggest that Systemic Lupus Interna-                             diseases.5 Defining lupus as an immune-­mediated spec-
tional Collaborating Clinical (SLICC) 2012 and EULAR/                              trum involving persistent and shared inflammatory mech-
ACR 2019 criteria have superior specificity in classifying                         anisms that can result in varied clinical phenotypes across
SLE at 93.8% and 97.3%, respectively.18 Still, these criteria                      several lupus endotypes may be reasonable and limit
have lower sensitivity for classifying early lupus, probable                       delays in diagnosis.
lupus, incomplete lupus or other lupus endotypes.19 In
general, application and subsequent underperformance
of SLE classification criteria can have devastating long-­                         PROS AND CONS OF AMBIGUITY IN THE SPECTRUM
term consequences for patients.20 Patients who do not                              Adopting a spectrum definition of lupus could help
meet the threshold for conventional SLE classification                             address diagnosis-­ related challenges to support earlier
criteria often suffer longer and must manage their disease                         diagnosis and improve access to care. A simplified and
while simultaneously encountering physicians who may                               more inclusive construct may also be easier for non-­
have clinical reasoning flaws or experiential biases that                          specialists to operationalise in routine practice settings.
lead to a lack of agreement on the medical interpreta-                             This could limit the time to a lupus spectrum diagnosis
tion of their symptoms. Hypothetically, if a ‘spectrum’                            experienced by those whose symptoms do not fit into the
definition of lupus were developed, disseminated and                               narrower definition of SLE used today. These individuals
adopted, it could prompt providers to refer patients to                            may have difficulty accessing specialty care, as illustrated
rheumatological experts even if their symptoms were not                            by a study that found that over half of patients diagnosed
as common or completely typical of lupus. This approach                            after a year cited long wait times for specialist appoint-
might, in turn, accelerate the diagnostic journey and                              ments, compared with 39.4% of those diagnosed within
decrease the time to diagnosis and at the very least give                          a year.12 This suggests that earlier diagnosis is associated
specialists the opportunity to provide treatment directed                          with more prompt access to a specialist and more appro-
to a symptom or sign without absolute certainty of the                             priate clinical care from someone familiar with lupus.
diagnosis.                                                                            Although a spectrum definition of lupus could improve
                                                                                   access to care, it could also lead to overdiagnosis, which
                                                                                   can be just as psychologically, emotionally and physi-
HARMONISING AND SIMPLIFYING: THE CASE FOR DEFINING                                 cally harmful as diagnostic delays. Widening definitions
THE LUPUS SPECTRUM                                                                 of disease and decreases in treatment thresholds could
The disagreement across the rheumatological profession                             put patients at risk of exposure to toxic treatments that
about what constitutes lupus has been pervasive, even in                           are costly and can have consequential side effects. Thus,
epidemiological studies. For example, data from the US                             caution must be applied when examining and making
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-­funded lupus                           clinical judgements about patients with indeterminate
registry suggest that cases of SLE in the US population                            symptoms common across immune-­mediated diseases not
include roughly 161 000 with definite SLE and 322 000 with                         conceptually unique to lupus. Moynihan and colleagues
definite or probable SLE.21 Case definitions were based                            caution that technological advancements often leave
on ACR 1997 and SLICC 2012 classification criteria. By                             people with permanent labels and decrease the likeli-
contrast, the LFA estimates that 1.5 million people in the                         hood of receiving appropriate care for their condition if
USA are living with lupus based on patient self-­reported                          misdiagnosed.22 For lupus in particular, a diagnosis can
data. The truth may lie somewhere in between, but it is                            lead to the patient feeling stigmatised, overwhelmed or
difficult to determine because there is no comprehensive                           even afraid. As described above, misdiagnosis can lead to
definition of lupus erythematosus that captures the full                           a mistrust in the healthcare system and alter care-­seeking
spectrum observed in all cases. The resulting wide range                           patterns. If there is a move to define lupus as a spectrum,

Bruce IN, et al. Lupus Science & Medicine 2023;10:e000856. doi:10.1136/lupus-2022-000856                                                    3
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                                                                                                                                                   Lupus Sci Med: first published as 10.1136/lupus-2022-000856 on 11 January 2023. Downloaded from on November 14, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
it will be important to identify strategies to reduce the         hand, for industry, drug discovery, biomarker develop-
likelihood of overdiagnosis to avoid such challenges.             ment and treatment decisions, the specific ‘type’ of lupus
   In working to avoid overdiagnosis, some patients may           (based on clinical, genetic and molecular signatures)
have an uncertain diagnosis, at least temporarily. Diag-          becomes more relevant.
nostic delays are, in part, attributed to the heteroge-
neity of lupus, which means a patient may need to have            Diagnostic developments
multiple lupus symptoms before their clinical care team           In parallel with consideration of a spectrum definition
can be confident in a diagnosis. Embracing a lupus spec-          of lupus, biomarker multiomic research aimed at earlier
trum concept may improve the quality of communica-                identification of disease and its subsets should continue.
tion between healthcare providers and their patients              Such diagnostic developments would aid early and
about necessary diagnostic uncertainty and ambiguity. A           accurate diagnosis, monitoring disease progression and
spectrum definition would also disentangle issues with            ‘personalised medicine’ for people with lupus. Efforts
patient trust in the physicians’ technical judgement when         to identify and validate such biomarkers are currently
presenting with indiscriminate sequelae that may be               underway.24–26 Multiomics, or the comparison of various
lupus or lupus related, without assigning a firm and irre-        data sets from different ‘-omics’ groups (eg, genomics,
vocable diagnosis. A spectrum definition would serve as a         epigenetics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolo-
conduit for a collaborative process between patients and          mics), will likely contribute to a comprehensive under-
providers for developing follow-­up visits and subsequent         standing of the pathogenic mechanisms and are currently
treatment plans that address the patient’s medical needs          being tested to identify biomarkers in SLE.27
even in the absence of a definitive diagnosis.                      Using patient-­ reported data, which can capture the
   In the context of drug development and research,               patients’ experience with lupus, will also be important
a lupus spectrum definition would have advantages                 when considering a move to a spectrum definition of lupus
and disadvantages. Identifying outcome measures that              and when developing biomarkers or multiomics anal-
address the full heterogeneity is already difficult, given        ysis. Such data may include information on the patients’
that the variability is so great that two individuals with        symptoms, function, well-­being and the overall burden of
active disease may have non-­overlapping manifestations.2         lupus.27 Digital health tools, such as mobile applications
These challenges may be exacerbated by expanding the              and wearable medical devices, can collect these data from
definition of lupus to include a spectrum of closely related      patients with lupus in real time and longitudinally broad-
conditions. At the same time, current approaches to drug          ening the current understanding of the disease and of
development may result in overly narrow indications,              what is most important to patients. This expanded wealth
inhibiting clinicians from prescribing medications to all         of information may support the concept of lupus as a
who might benefit. If the field were to move to a spectrum        spectrum and must be factored into the development of a
definition for lupus, this should be done with consider-          lupus spectrum definition.
ation for the impacts—both positive and negative—on
drug development efforts. For example, a spectrum defi-           Educating providers on communications about diagnostic
nition of lupus may expand the research pool from which           ambiguity
molecular subsets for precision medicine approaches are           Although a spectrum definition may lead to more prompt
derived.23 This might promote clinical trial design based         diagnosis for some individuals, many are likely to still
on molecular subsets, similar to basket trials already used       experience diagnostic uncertainty. In such situations, it is
in oncology, as opposed to relying on organ system-­based         important for clinicians to help patients understand and
and serology-­based classification criteria.                      navigate the ambiguity of their diagnosis. For example,
                                                                  clinicians should help patients understand why their
                                                                  phenotype may be indicative of lupus and what additional
STRATEGIES FOR DEFINING THE LUPUS SPECTRUM                        monitoring or treatment steps will need to occur before
Surveillance of the natural history of disease                    a diagnosis can be confirmed or an alternative diagnosis
To develop a comprehensive definition of the clinical             made. The use of a spectrum definition may ultimately be
lupus spectrum, the field will need detailed data about           helpful in these conversations, as patients with possible
the pathology, epidemiology, molecular signatures and             lupus come to understand that they are near the end
symptoms of the related disorders that may fall within            of the spectrum but may eventually have symptoms that
the lupus spectrum. Such research is ongoing and should           are clearly indicative of lupus. It will be important for
continue. These data can guide development of diag-               providers to be educated on how to have conversations
nostic criteria that capture the full spectrum of clinical        with patients whose diagnosis may be unclear even if they
lupus, including isolated CLE. Moreover, concept models           fall within the lupus spectrum.
that split or clump the definition depending on the audi-
ence will be important to consider. For example, poli-            Recommendations for next steps
cymakers or others in the public domain may gravitate             Determining whether it would be appropriate to move to
towards using the term ‘lupus’ due to its simplicity and          a definition of lupus as a spectrum will require consul-
sensibility, similar to cancer and autism. On the other           tation with and consensus from stakeholders across the

4                                                       Bruce IN, et al. Lupus Science & Medicine 2023;10:e000856. doi:10.1136/lupus-2022-000856
Meeting report

                                                                                                                                                                                  Lupus Sci Med: first published as 10.1136/lupus-2022-000856 on 11 January 2023. Downloaded from on November 14, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
lupus global landscape, including professional medical                                 Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
societies, regulatory health agencies and sponsors in clin-                            Strategy and Consulting, Faegre Drinker Consulting, Washington, District of
                                                                                      Columbia, USA
ical research. These stakeholders will be crucial to driving                          10
                                                                                        Lupus Center of Excellence, Autoimmunity Institute, Allegheny Health Network,
the development and acceptance of a new definition and                                Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
ensuring that all patients who experience symptoms of
lupus are diagnosed accurately and in a timely manner.                                Twitter Ian N Bruce @Lupusdoc
Before developing a spectrum definition, however, there                               Contributors JB and LB were responsible for drafting the article. AM was
are other foundational steps the global lupus community                               responsible for data collection. All authors contributed to the conception of the
must take. ALPHA GAC recommendations for next steps                                   work, critical revision of the article and final approval of the version to be published.
include the following:                                                                Funding This study was funded by EMD Serono Research & Development Institute,
► Conduct additional research into the natural history                                AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, and Lupus and Allied Diseases Association.
    of disease and studies on environmental and modifi-                               Disclaimer The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and
                                                                                      not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
    able lifestyle triggers that initiate and cause progres-
    sion of lupus.                                                                    Competing interests None declared.
                                                                                      Patient consent for publication Not required.
► Continue to improve definitions of lupus endotypes
                                                                                      Ethics approval Not applicable.
    with clinical and molecular signatures, including
                                                                                      Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.
    additional research on biomarkers.
                                                                                      Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has
► Conduct prevention trials to advance understanding
                                                                                      not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been
    of whether predictive biomarkers can contribute to                                peer-­reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those
    earlier diagnosis, possible prevention, likely treatment                          of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
    response and impact of lifestyle changes on disease                               responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content
                                                                                      includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability
    course.                                                                           of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines,
► Leverage the professional networks of medical asso-                                 terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error
    ciations to:                                                                      and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.
    Implement provider training and tools to improve                                  Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
    patient care, including in cases where there is diag-                             Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which
    nostic uncertainty.                                                               permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-­commercially,
                                                                                      and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
    Send alerts and resources on the latest developments                              properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
    in the field.                                                                     is non-­commercial. See:
    Develop a clear pathway for referral from primary
                                                                                      ORCID iDs
    care practitioner to specialist.                                                  Ian N Bruce
► Leverage emerging research and work with the US                                     Joy Buie
    Food and Drug Administration and other global regu-                               Sang-­Cheol Bae
    latory health agencies to consider the expansion of                               Roger A Levy
                                                                                      Victoria P Werth
    the definition of lupus for drug development efforts.                             Susan Manzi

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                                                                                                                                                                   Lupus Sci Med: first published as 10.1136/lupus-2022-000856 on 11 January 2023. Downloaded from on November 14, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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6                                                                       Bruce IN, et al. Lupus Science & Medicine 2023;10:e000856. doi:10.1136/lupus-2022-000856
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