LUNENBURG CONSERVATION COMMISSION LAND USE REGULATIONS - Conservation Commission 960 Massachusetts Avenue Lunenburg, Massachusetts 01462 ...

Page created by Clyde Owens


        Conservation Commission
       960 Massachusetts Avenue
     Lunenburg, Massachusetts 01462

           Police Department

      Approved As Amended (date)
The lands under the care, custody and control of the Lunenburg Conservation Commission (the
“Commission”) are public lands (the “Conservation Lands”) owned by the Town of Lunenburg for
the enjoyment of all.

All properties for taken or acquired for conservation purposes are permanently protected open
space under Article 97 of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, dedicated to conservation and passive recreation purposes in accordance with
M.G.L. Chapter 40, § 8C. All properties are open to the public for appropriate passive outdoor
recreation use.

The Commission, under M.G.L. Chapter 40, § 8C, may adopt rules and regulations governing
the use of the land and waters under its control. When adopting land use rules and regulations,
the Commission will establish a draft of proposed changes during regular, properly posted open
meetings. Once there is consensus on the proposed changes, a formal hearing will be
scheduled, and the hearing will be televised.

Please notify the Conservation Administrator or Lunenburg Police to report violations to these

1.0    Permitted Uses

Unless restricted further in these regulations, all lands under the care, custody and control of the
Commission shall be open to the general public for “Passive Outdoor Recreation,” defined in
301 CMR 5.02 and for the purposes of these regulations as follows:

       Passive Outdoor Recreation. Any outdoor activity that occurs in a natural setting
       with minimum disturbance of the natural and cultural resources and that is
       consistent with quiet enjoyment of the land including but not limited to hiking,
       nature study, outdoor education, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, horseback
       riding, trail bicycling, hunting, fishing, picnicking, canoeing, ice-skating, community
       gardening in existing fields, swimming in a natural water body with minimal site
       development, or informal sports activities on an open natural field. For the purpose
       of eligibility and reimbursement under these regulations snowmobiling may be
       considered passive outdoor recreation if the municipality determines that it is
       compatible with other activities. Facilities necessary to support passive recreation
       with a minimum of disturbance to the natural and cultural resources such as natural
       surface trails and wood roads, and appropriately-scaled parking areas, bathrooms,
       and nature centers are considered consistent with passive outdoor recreation.
       Passive outdoor recreation areas may also be managed for sustainable forestry
       and farming including community farms and forests.

1.1    Hours of Operation – Everyone is welcome to enjoy the Conservation Lands at no
charge at any time, subject to all other provisions of these regulations.
1.2      No alteration or disturbance of these properties is allowed. Geocaching or letterboxing is
allowed. There is to be no digging, planting, excavation, installation or placement of signage,
littering, dumping of any material, trail creation/maintenance or cutting/removal of vegetation,
unless exempted elsewhere in these regulations.

1.3    No motorized vehicles are allowed on these properties, (with the exception of
municipally owned vehicles, authorized maintenance vehicles, and emergency vehicles), unless
exempted elsewhere in these regulations.

1.4    The use of firearms, pellet guns, paint guns, or similar non-lethal weapons is not allowed
on these properties, unless exempted elsewhere in these regulations.

1.5    No activities which charge fees or collects funds for any purpose shall take place on
these properties, unless exempted elsewhere in these regulations.

1.6    No dogs shall be allowed that are not under direct control of their owners or designees.
The person accompanying the dog shall promptly remove feces deposited by the dog on
Conservation Lands.

1.7    Smoking is prohibited.

1.8   No activities are allowed that are not in full compliance with all local, state and federal

1.9    The Commission expressly reserves the right to amend, restrict or otherwise alter the
permitted and prohibited uses set forth above in accordance with change process as outlined

2.0    Exemptions

The Commission reserves the right to permit any passive recreation activity on a case by case

2.1    Overnight Camping must have prior written approval by the Commission using the form
in Appendix A. If open fires are to be requested, written approval by the Fire Department must
be obtained prior to review for approval by the Commission.

2.2   Any request to alter, disturb, maintain or improve these properties must be reviewed by
the Commission prior to such activity.

       2.2.1   See Section 3.0, Conservation Land and Trail Stewardship
2.2.2 For the purposes of these regulations, the storage of geocaching or letterboxing
       materials is allowed.

2.3    Snowmobile use is permitted only on trails specifically marked for use by snowmobiles, as
approved by the Commission. Snowmobiles are not allowed on Hunting Hills in accordance with
that property’s Conservation Restriction. Snowmobiles must have a valid registration in the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

2.4    Tree stands must be removed by the end of the applicable hunting season. Traditional
bow hunting is allowed on all Conservation Lands, if in accordance with Massachusetts law. Field
dressing of animals must occur out of sight of established trails.

2.5 Hunting with firearms is allowed by licensed individuals. Field dressing of animals must occur
out of sight of established trails. FIREARM HUNTING IS ALLOWED ONLY ON THE
       Small Town Forest, Mulpus Road
       Northwest Town Forest, currently accessed through land owned by the Mass Department
       of Conservation Resources, New West Townsend Rd


       2.5.1 Hunting with firearms is allowed on the Hunting Hill Wildlife Management
       Area. In an agreement with the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife,
       the Town of Lunenburg and the Lunenburg Conservation Commission have
       agreed to allow the use of firearms for the purpose of hunting on this specific
       property without further permission needed assuming the hunter is acting in
       accordance with all other local, state and federal law.

2.6    Any activities which charge fees or collects funds for any purpose that are to take place
on these properties must be approved by the Commission using the form noted in Appendix B

3.0    Conservation Land and Trail Stewardship

3.1 The Commission encourages thoughtful and responsible help by the public in the
maintenance of our Conservation Lands and our trail system.

       3.1.1 Downed trees or limbs and vegetation encroaching into the trails may be removed
from existing trails by hand, using hand pruners or a hand saw. No powered tools may be used
and no digging or excavation of roots or stumps may occur. For approval to maintain trails further,
please contact the Conservation Administrator.
3.1.2 The Commission encourages the removal of invasive plant species by hand or
using non powered hand tools. Contact the Conservation Administrator for direction and

3.1.3   Approval to re-route trails or maintain bridges is required from the Commission in advance.

4.0     Enforcement

4.1   Each violation of these regulations may be punished by a fine of $100.00, under M.G.L.
Chapter 40, § 8C. Each day on which a violation exists shall be deemed a separate violation.

4.2     Enforcement of these regulations shall be by the Commission or its agents, expressly
including but not limited to the Lunenburg Police and Fire Departments. The Conservation
Administrator will be the primary contact for reporting violations and will be responsible for follow
up reporting
APPENDIX A                                            Office Use Only:

                                            DAY & OVERNIGHT CAMPING PERMIT                                          Permit approval.

                                                                                                                    Date Issued

                                Town of Lunenburg Conservation Commission
                                MAILING ADDRESS: 960 Mass Ave Lunenburg, MA 978-582-4147 ext. 431

Permit requests must be received by the Commission no less than three business days before date of use requested.

                      All requests must be remitted back to the Lunenburg Conservation Commission via in-person or mail.

Please print:

NAME                                                                  GROUP (if applicable)

ADDRESS                                                               E-MAIL (required)

Please fill out the following information as it pertains to all members of your party, including children, attach
additional sheet if necessary.

NAME                                     ADDRESS                                AGE                     VEHICLE PLATE # & STATE

Date of Arrival: _________________                                    Date of Departure:                                           _
Time of Arrival:   9:00 AM (earliest)                                 Conservation Parcel Requested
Time of Departure: 10:00 AM (latest)                                  Maximum Number of Campers Per Site = 10 total

Comments/Special Requests _____________________________________________________________

Conservation Lands are public facilities protected by the Lunenburg Police Department:
      In case of emergency dial 911
      For non-emergency calls, dial (978) 978-582-4531 Police Business line.


I/we hereby release and forever discharge the Town of Lunenburg, the said Conservation Commission, its members, officers,
and instructors, their heirs, assigns, and the administrators/employees from any and all actions, claims, demands, damages,
judgments, executions, cost and any and all other claims or damages whatsoever, both in law or in equity, on accentuate of,
growing out of, or resulting from all known or unknown personal injuries, conscious suffering, or any damages from my/my
group’s participating actively or as spectators.

     Applicant Signature Required                                        Printed Name                            Date
Pending availability. Approval granted by the Town of Lunenburg Conservation Commission. For questions/comments, please contact
the Town of Lunenburg Conservation Administrator (978) 582-4147 ext. 431. All items are carry-in, carry-out.
Land use regulations accompanying this permit are also available at
All debris/refuse and pet waste must be picked up and disposed properly off site – Campfires are prohibited Applicants Initials: __________

Office Use Only: Permit has been approved on                                  Permit has been denied on

Police Notified on:                         Fire Dept. Notified on

Administrator’s initials & date:

Rev. 2.4.21 msm
Appendix B (New Form for activities which charge fees or collects funds for any purpose to be
drafted by Conservation Administrator.
Appendix C
          Selected Excerpts from Massachusetts Fishing and Hunting Guide
      Provided as a service to non‐hunters to identify some of the hunting safety laws and limits

                 Please consult the current Massachusetts Fishing and Hunting Guide
                      for complete information at

                                        Hunting/Sporting License

Hunting: Licenses are required for anyone 15 years of age and over for hunting any game bird or
mammal. No person under the age of 12 may hunt. Youth ages 12‐14 may hunt only when accompanied
by a licensed adult hunter 18 or older.

First ever hunting and sporting licenses for anyone aged 18 years or older can be purchased only if the
buyer has successfully completed a Basic Hunter Education course from any jurisdiction or held a
hunting license from any jurisdiction prior to 2007.

                                    Selected Hunting Prohibitions
Hunting on Sunday.

Possession of a loaded firearm, discharge of a firearm, or hunting on the land of another within 500 feet
of any dwelling or building in use, unless permitted by the owner or occupant.

Discharge of any firearm or release of any arrow upon or across any state or hard‐surfaced highway, or
within 150 feet of any such highway.

Loaded shotgun or rifle in or on any motor vehicle, recreational vehicle (including snowmobiles), aircraft
or motorboat, except as stated in the Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations.

Machine guns, fully‐automatic firearms, any tracer or incendiary ammunition.

Hunter harassment is illegal.

                                 Selected Massachusetts Gun Laws
For hunting, resident citizens ages 15 and over must have a Firearms Identification Card (FID) to possess
a low‐capacity rifle or shotgun. A License To Carry (LTC) (age 21 and over) is needed to possess large
capacity rifles and shotguns and all handguns.

Rifles, shotguns, and muzzleloaders may not be carried on public ways unless the person is lawfully
engaged in hunting.
2021 Hunting Season Summary For Lunenburg (Wildlife Management Zone 9)
       Note: The most popular game seasons are White‐Tailed Deer and Wild Turkey
  (This page to be updated from Massachusetts Fishing and Hunting Guide each January)

        Deer                  Youth Deer Hunt Day                           Oct. 2
                                Paraplegic Hunt                       Oct. 28 – Oct. 30
                                    Shotgun                          Nov. 29 – Dec. 11
                                    Archery                          Oct. 18 – Nov. 27
                               Primitive Firearms                     Dec. 13 – Dec. 31
     Black Bear                                                      Sept. 7 – Sept. 25
                                                                      Nov. 1 – Nov. 20
                                                                     Nov. 29 – Dec. 11
 Upland Game Birds                    Crow                             Jan. 1 – Apr. 10
                                                                    July 1 – Apr. 9, 2022
 (Upland game bird                                                     (M, F, Sat only)
  hunting is closed          Pheasant Youth Hunt               Sept. 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9
during shotgun deer                Pheasant                           Oct. 16 – Nov. 27
      season)                   Ruffed Grouse                         Oct. 16 – Nov. 27
                            Wild Turkey Youth Hunt                         April 24
                                  Wild Turkey                         Oct. 18 – Nov. 27
                                                                     April 26 – May 22
   Rabbit, Hare, &              Cottontail Rabbit           Jan 1. – Feb. 27; Oct. 16 – Feb. 28,
      Squirrel                                                               2022

  (Rabbit, hare, and
 squirrel hunting are
    closed during                Snowshoe Hare               Jan. 1 – Feb. 5; Oct. 16 – Feb. 5,
shotgun deer season)                                                        2022
                                 Gray Squirrel                    Sept. 13 – Jan. 1, 2022
       Furbearers                    Coyote                           Jan. 1 – Mar. 8
                                                                  Oct. 16 – Mar. 8, 2022
(All furbearer hunting          Fox (red or gray)                     Jan. 1 – Feb. 27
  seasons are closed                                              Nov. 1 – Feb. 28, 2022
 during shotgun deer                Opossum                           Jan. 1 – Jan. 30
   season except for                                              Oct. 1 – Jan. 31, 2022
        coyotes)                    Raccoon                           Jan. 1 – Jan. 30
                                                                  Oct. 1 – Jan. 31, 2022
The following species may be taken year‐round (except during shotgun deer season) by
licensed hunters with no daily or seasonal bag limit: English sparrow, flying squirrel, red
squirrel, chipmunk, porcupine, skunk, starling, weasel, woodchuck.
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