Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation for Southern African Languages
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Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation for Southern African Languages Evander Nyoni a and Bruce A. Bassetta,b,c a African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 6 Melrose Road, Muizenberg, 7945, South Africa b Department of Maths and Applied Maths, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa c South African Astronomical Observatory, Observatory, Cape Town, 7925, South Africa Abstract Unfortunately, most African languages fall un- der the low-resourced group and as a result, MT Low-resource African languages have not fully benefited from the progress in neural ma- of these languages has seen little progress. Irre- spective the great strategies (or techniques) that arXiv:2104.00366v2 [cs.CL] 3 Apr 2021 chine translation because of a lack of data. Motivated by this challenge we compare zero- have been developed to help alleviate the low re- shot learning, transfer learning and multilin- source problem, African languages still have not gual learning on three Bantu languages (Shona, seen any substantial research or application of these isiXhosa and isiZulu) and English. Our strategies (Orife et al., 2020). With a considerable main target is English-to-isiZulu translation number of African languages being endangered for which we have just 30,000 sentence pairs, 28% of the average size of our other cor- (Eberhard et al., 2019), this shows that these lan- pora. We show the importance of language guages are in dire need of MT translation tools to similarity on the performance of English-to- help save them from disappearing. In other words, isiZulu transfer learning based on English-to- this poses a challenge to the African community of isiXhosa and English-to-Shona parent mod- NLP practitioners. els whose BLEU scores differ by 5.2. We This paper examines the application of low- then demonstrate that multilingual learning resource learning techniques on African languages surpasses both transfer learning and zero-shot of the Bantu family. Of the three Bantu languages learning on our dataset, with BLEU score im- provements relative to the baseline English-to- under consideration, isiZulu, isiXhosa and Shona, isiZulu model of 9.9, 6.1 and 2.0 respectively. the first two fall under the Nguni language sub- Our best model also improves the previous class indicating a close relationship between the SOTA BLEU score by more than 10. two, as shown in Figure 1. Shona is not closely re- lated to the Nguni language sub-class (Holden and 1 Introduction Mace, 2003). Comparing MT on these three gives Machine translation (MT) is the automation of text us the opportunity to explore the effect of correla- (or speech) translations from one language to an- tions and similarities between languages. We give other, by a software. The rise of MT commenced a comparative analysis of three learning protocols, sometime in the mid-twentieth century (Weaver, namely, transfer learning, zero-shot learning and 1955) and has since the early 1900s experienced multilingual modeling. rapid growth due to the increase in the availabil- Our experiments indicate the tremendous oppor- ity of parallel corpora and computational power tunity of leveraging the inter-relations in the Bantu (Marino et al., 2006). Subject to the inception of language sub-classes, to build translation systems. neural machine translation (NMT) (Sutskever et al., We show that with the availability of data, multilin- 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2014), MT has seen substan- gual modeling provides significant improvements tial advancements in translation quality as mod- on baseline models. In the case of transfer learn- ern MT systems draw closer and closer to human ing, we show that language sub-class inter-relations translation quality. Notwithstanding the progress play a major role in translation quality. Further- achieved in the domain of MT, the idea of NMT more, we demonstrate that zero-shot learning only system development being data-hungry remains a manages to surpass transfer learning when we em- significant challenge in expanding this work to low ploy a parent model that is distantly related to the resource languages. task of interest.
Figure 1: The language family tree of the South-Eastern Bantu languages including Shona. This tree demonstrates the relationship between languages with languages of the same subclass being closely related (Doke et al., 2014). The following sections of this paper are pre- of an encoder-decoder mechanism with attention sented as follows: in Section 2 we briefly review (Bahdanau et al., 2014) has produced significant im- NMT and the main architecture we use in this work. provements on translation quality. The Bahdanau Section 3 then gives a brief outline of the training et al. (2014) architecture modifies the factorized protocols employed in this paper. Thereafter, we conditional probability as follows: discuss the work that is related to this paper in Section 4. Section 6 discusses our experiments on T Y the translation of English-to-Shona (E-S), English- p(y|x) = p(yt |y1:t−1 , x1:S ) to-isiXhosa (E-X), English-to-isiZulu (E-Z) and t=1 (3) T isiXhosa-to-isiZulu (X-Z). Finally, the results and Y = g(yt |y1:t−1 , st , c(x)) conclusion of this work are outlined in Sections 7 t=1 and 8 respectively. 2 Background where g(·) denotes the decoder which gener- ates the target output in auto-regressive fashion, Modern NMT models have the encoder-decoder and st denotes decoder recurrent neural network mechanism (Sutskever et al., 2014) as the vanilla (RNN) hidden state. The widely used RNN vari- architecture. Given an input sequence x = ants are the gated recurrent units (GRU) and the (x1 , ..., xS ) and target sequence y = (y1 , ..., yT ). long term short term memory (LSTM) networks A NMT model decomposes the conditional prob- as these help mitigate the vanishing gradient prob- ability distribution over the output sentences as lem (Pouget-Abadie et al., 2014). The encoder follows: compresses the input sequence into a fixed length T Y vector c(x), which is widely known as the context p(y|x) = p(yt |y1:t−1 , x1:S ) (1) vector. This vector is then relayed to the decoder, t=1 where it is taken in as input. Attention-based models (Bahdanau et al., 2014; Jointly trained, the encoder-decoder mechanism Chorowski et al., 2015; Luong et al., 2015b) have learns to maximize the conditional log-likelihood become the conventional architectures of most se- 1 X quence to sequence transduction tasks. In the do- max log pθ (y|x), (2) θ |x| main of NMT, the transformer model introduced (x,y)∈D by Vaswani et al. (2017) has become the vanilla where D denotes the set of training pairs and θ the architecture of NMT and has produced remarkable set of parameters to be learned. results on several translation tasks. In this work, we Several encoder-decoder architectures have been employ the transformer model in all our training developed and they each model the probability dis- protocols. The transformer architecture’s funda- tribution P (yi |y1:i−1 , x) differently. For example, mental unit is the multi-head attention mechanism appertaining to the general encoder-decoder archi- that is solely based on learning different sequence tecture by Sutskever et al. (2014), the introduction representations with its multiple attention heads.
The key aspect of the transformer architecture T = {Y, f (·)} where Y denotes the target feature is its ability to jointly pay attention to or learn space with f (·) the denoting the target predictive different sequence representations that belong to function, for example the conditional distribution different sub-spaces of distinct positions. In other P (y|x). words, the transformer model focuses on learning Definition 1 Accorded with a source and target pair relation representations which in turn are em- domain DS and DT respectively, along with their ployed to learn the relations amongst each other. respective tasks TS and TT . Provided that either The multi-head attention mechanism consists of N DS 6= DT or TS 6= TT , transfer learning intends to attention layers such that for each head, the query better the predictive function fT (·) by leveraging and key-value pairs are first projected to some sub- the learned representations in domain DS and task space with some dense layers of sizes hq , hk , and TS . hv respectively. Suppose the query, key and value have dimensions nq , nk and nv respectively, each The transfer learning definition above is condi- attention head then maps the query and key-value tioned on one of two scenarios: the first being that pairs to some output o(j) as follows the source domain DS and target domain DT are not equal, DS 6= DT , which implies that either (j) o(j) = σ(Wq(j) q, Wk k, Wv(j) v) (4) the source task input feature space and target task (j) input feature space are dissimilar ,XS 6= XT , or the where σ is a dot-product attention function, Wq ∈ (j) (j) source and target domain’s marginal probability Rhq ×nq , Wk ∈ Rhk ×nk and Wv ∈ Rhv ×nv . distributions are dissimilar PS (X) 6= PT (X). The Thereafter, the N outputs of length hq = hv = hk second condition states that the source and target each, are then concatenated and fed to a dense tasks are not similar, TS 6= TT , which suggests layer of no hidden units, to produce a multi-head that either the two target feature spaces are dissim- attention output ilar YS 6= YT or it could be that the two target (1) o predictive functions are dissimilar P (YS |XS ) 6= .. P (YT |XT ). In simple terms, transfer learning is an o = Wo . (5) ingenious performance improvement technique of o(N ) training models by transferring knowledge gained on one task to a related task, especially those with where Wo ∈ Rno ×N hv . In all our training protocols low-resources. (Torrey and Shavlik, 2010). (or experiments), we employ the transformer archi- tecture with 6 encoder-decoder blocks, 8 attention 3.2 Multilingual learning heads, a 256-dimensional word representations, a dropout rate of 0.1 and positional feed-forward lay- Multilingual NMT is a quintessential method of ers of 1024 inner dimension. Both learning rate mapping to and from multiple languages and was schedules and optimization parameters are adopted first suggested by Dong et al. (2015) with a one- from the work of Vaswani et al. (2017). to-many model. Thereafter, this technique was extended to performing many-to-many translations 3 Training Protocols contingent of a task-specific encoder-decoder pair (Luong et al., 2015a; Firat et al., 2016b). After- All the training protocols employed in this paper wards, a single encoder-decoder architecture for are discussed in this section. For all our baseline performing many-to-many translations was devel- models, we employ the conventional NMT training oped (Johnson et al., 2017; Ha et al., 2017) by protocol as introduced by Sutskever et al. (2014). adding a target language specific token at the be- 3.1 Transfer learning ginning of each input sequence. In this paper we employ this many-to-many translation technique. To formally define transfer learning we begin by introducing the nomenclature used in the definition. Definition 2 Given a training tuple (xi , yj ) where We define our pair D = {X , P (X)} as the “do- i, j ∈ {1, .., T }, the multilingual model’s task is to main”, where the input feature space is denoted by translate source language i to target language j. It X and the marginal probability distribution over then follows that the model’s objective is to max- X ∈ X is denoted P (X). Considering the do- imize the log-likelihood over all the training sets main D, we define our learning “task” as the pair Di,j appertaining to all the accessible language
pairs S: with phrase-based SMT to translate English to Afrikaans, Northern-Sotho, Tsonga and isiZulu. In 1 X ∗ max log pθ (yj |xi , j ), their final analysis, the authors found their experi- θ |S| · |Di,j | ment to be efficient only for Afrikaans and isiZulu (xi ,yj )∈Di,j ,(i,j)∈S (6) datasets, with a SOTA BLEU of 7.9 for the isiZulu ∗ where j denotes the target language ID. translations of none biblical corpora. The main advantage of a multilingual model is Abbott and Martinus (2018) adopted NMT to that it leverages the learned representations from the translation of English to Setswana where they individual translation pairs. In other words, the demonstrated that NMT outperformed the previ- model learns a universal representation space for ous SMT (Wilken et al., 2012) model by 5.33 all the accessible language pairs, which promotes BLEU. The findings of Abbott and Martinus (2018) translation of low-resource pairs (Firat et al., 2016a; prompted opportunities of extending NMT to other Gu et al., 2018). African languages. Martinus and Abbott (2019) proposed a benchmark of NMT for translating En- 3.3 Zero-shot learning glish to four of South Africa’s official languages, In addition to facilitating low-resource translations, namely isiZulu, Northern Sotho, Setswana and the universal representation space in multilingual Afrikaans. models also facilitates zero-shot learning, an ex- Transfer learning has been widely used on non treme variant of transfer learning. First proposed African languages. Zoph et al. (2016) investigate by Johnson et al. (2017) and Ha et al. (2017), who the effects of transfer learning in a scenario where demonstrated that multilingual models can translate the source task (or parent model) is based on a high between untrained language pairs by leverage the resource language. This source model is then used universal representations learned during the train- to train the target task (or child model). Closely ing process. Adopting the definitions of a task and related to the work of Zoph et al. (2016) is Nguyen domain described in Section 3.1, we give a formal and Chiang (2017) who perform transfer learning definition of zero-shot learning as follows: on closely related languages. Furthermore, in the work of Nguyen and Chiang (2017), the authors Definition 3 Accorded with source domain DS = use a low resource languages as a source model {XS , P (XS )} and the respective task TS = which makes their work closely related to this pa- {YS , P (YS |XS )} where XS and YS denote the per. The main difference being that our work is on input and label feature spaces respectively. The African languages. objective of zero-shot learning is to estimate the predictive function or conditional probability dis- tribution P (YS |XT ), where XT is the target task input feature space on which the source model has not been trained. Similarly, zero-shot learning and multilingual modeling have largely been applied on non African 4 Related work languages. For example, both Johnson et al. (2017) Notwithstanding the tremendous achievements in and Ha et al. (2017) applied zero shot learning the domain of MT, the few publications on MT of on languages that are not from Africa. In their African languages bears testament to little growth work (Johnson et al. (2017) and Ha et al. (2017)), of this area. The earliest notable work on MT they show that multilingual systems can perform of African languages was done by Wilken et al. translation between language pairs that have not (2012), where they demonstrated that phrase-based been encountered during training. In this work, SMT was a promising technique of translating we seek to leverage these techniques (multilingual African languages using a English-Setswana lan- and zero-shot learning) on South-Eastern Bantu guage pair. Wolff and Kotzé (2014) extended this languages. The applications of zero-shot learning technique to a E-Z pair, however they employed and transfer multilingual learning in this work are isiZulu syllables as their source tokens and this closely related to the work of Lakew et al. (2018) modification proved to be efficient as it improved and Johnson et al. (2017), with the major difference the results by 12.9%. van Niekerk (2014) em- being that this work applies these techniques to ployed unsupervised word segmentation coupled low-resource south-eastern Bantu languages.
E-S E-Z E-X X-Z Sentence count 77 500 30 253 128 342 125 098 Source token count 7 588 4 649 10 657 27 144 Target token count 16 408 9 424 33 947 25 465 Table 1: Summary statistics for our four language pairs. The number of examples in each language is denoted by the sentence count. The number of words in the discrete source languages is denoted by the source sentence token count. Likewise, the word count in the respective target languages is denoted by the target token count. E-S E-Z E-X X-Z guage, though still a Bantu language like the other Train 54 250 21 177 88 192 87 570 two. We start of by training the base model or Valid 11 625 4 538 20 075 18 765 source model on a large data-set, for example the Test 11 625 4 538 20 075 18 763 E-X pairs. Thereafter we initialize our target model with the source model, whereby the target model Table 2: Summary statistics for the number of exam- is to be trained on a low resourced pair. In other ples per partition. We split our data into validation, test and set based on a ratio of 3:3:14 respectively. The words, instead of starting the target model’s train- sum of examples per language pair can be obtained by ing procedure from scratch we leverage the source adding the train, validation and test set examples count, model’s weights to initialize the target model with- respectively. out freezing any of the architecture’s layers. The rationale behind this knowledge transfer technique being that in a case where one is faced 5 Our data with few training examples, they can make the Our datasets comprise of parallel texts obtained most of a prior probability distribution over the from orpus corpus (2019), omniglot encyclopedia model space. Taking the base model (trained on (2020), linguanaut phrases center (2019) and the the larger data-set) as the anchor point, the apex wild coast xhosa phrase book (2019). As in the of the prior probability distribution belonging to case of most machine learning problems, this work the model space. In setting the base model as the included data cleaning, a crucial part of develop- anchor point, the model adapts all the parameters ing machine learning algorithms. The cleaning that are useful in both tasks. For example, in the involved decomposition of contractions, shorten- E-S and E-Z tasks, all the source task input lan- ing the sequences, manually verifying some of the guage embeddings are adopted to the target task randomly selected alignments and dropping all du- while target language embeddings are modified at plicate pairs to curb data leakage. We also decom- training. posed contractions and performed subword level To compare the performance of transfer learn- tokenization. The datasets comprise of four lan- ing, multilingual leaning and zero-shot learning guage pairs, namely E-S, E-X, E-Z and X-Z. Table we train a many-to-many multilingual model that 1 gives a summary of the data-set sizes and token translates E-X, X-Z and E-Z language pairs. The count per language pair. We split our data-sets into zero-short learning model is trained on E-X and train, validation and test sets at a ratio of 14 : 3 : 3 X-Z language pairs. respectively, as shown in Table 2. 7 Results 6 Experiments Our experimental findings are summarized in Ta- For all our training pairs, we train ten transformer ble 3. We obtain the highest baseline BLEU of models with unique initialization parameters each 34.9 ± 2.5 on the X-Z model, followed by the E- and take the mean BLEU along with its standard de- X model with 20.9 ± 1.4 BLEU. On the E-S and viation as the final result. We examine the effects E-Z baseline models, we obtained 16.5 ± 0.8 and of language similarity when performing transfer 8.7 ± 0.3 BLEU, respectively. As expected, the learning by using E-X and E-S source models to X-Z language pair had the highest score, mainly perform on transfer learning on a E-Z task. In this owing to the vocabulary overlap between the source case the similar languages are isiXhosa and isiZulu language and target language, evidenced by both while on the other hand Shona is the distant lan- languages falling under the Nguni sub-class. All
Model type E-Z E-X X-Z E-S E-Z Gain Baseline 8.7 ±0.3 20.9 ±1.4 34.9 ±2.5 16.5 ±0.8 - MultilingualA 18.6 ±1.0 18.5 ±1.2 30.4 ±1.5 - 9.9 ± 1.0 MultilingualB 6.0 ±0.3 - - 14.3 ±0.2 - 2.7 ±0.4 MultilingualC 14.6±0.2 18.7 ±0.8 - - 5.9 ±0.3 Transfer learning E-Xparent 14.8 ±0.2 - - - 6.1 ±0.4 Transfer learning E-Sparent 9.6 ±0.7 - - - 0.9 ±0.8 Zero-shot learning 10.6 ±0.2 18.1 ±1.5 34.0 ±2.4 - 2.0 ±0.4 Table 3: BLEU scores for the baseline, transfer learning, multilingual and zero-shot learning for the language pairs built from English (E), Shona (S), isiXhosa (X), isiZulu (Z). The gains are calculated only for English-to-isiZulu (E-Z), our target pair. Error bars are given by the standard deviations from ten separate re-training of the models in each case. Zero-shot learning applies only to E-Z, built from a multilingual E-X & X-Z model. three Nguni languages have a lot of vocabulary in many multilingual modeling is the favourable trans- common. lation technique. Especially in the case of Southern From the multilingual results, we note that African languages that have sub-classes with a lot though with some loss in performance, the mul- of vocabulary in common. For example, the Nguni, tilingual model closely resembles the E-X and X-Z Sotho and Tsonga language sub-classes as shown baseline model results. The average BLEU loss for in Figure 1. the E-X and X-Z pairs is approximately 2.4 ± 1.8 To perform zero-shot learning, we train our mul- and 4.5 ± 3, respectively. This loss is perhaps due tilingual model on the E-X and X-Z language to the complexity of learning shared representa- pairs. The E-X zero-shot preliminary results were tions across all language pairs. On the other hand, 18.1 ± 1.5 BLEU, which indicates a 2.8 ± 2.1 loss the E-Z pair obtained a BLEU gain of 9.9 ± 1.0, in BLEU. Similarly, this model produced a BLEU which is probably a consequence of isiZulu and of 34.0±2.4 on the X-Z language pair, indicating a isiXhosa target languages having significant over- 0.9 ± 3.5 loss in BLEU. On the zero-shot learning lap in vocabulary. As a result, the model’s decoder task, we recorded a score of 10.6 ± 0.2, which is utilizes the learned representations from the target approximately 2.0 ± 0.4 BLEU greater than the language with more training examples (isiXhosa baseline model. Overall, multilingual learning per- in this case) to improve the translations with lower forms better than transfer learning and zero-shot training examples (isiZulu in this case). learning. Second to multilingual learning, transfer We train the two transfer learning models on a learning proved to be an efficient technique only E-Z task, one with the E-X model as the source when we employ a parent model with a target lan- model and the other with the E-S source model. guage of the same sub-class as the target language The transfer learning results show that both source in the target task. This is evidenced by the zero-shot models do improve the BLEU for the E-Z target learning model obtaining 1.0 ± 0.7 BLEU more task, with the greatest improvement coming from than the transfer learning model with E-S model as the source task that is more closely related to the the parent model. target task. In our experiments, the E-X task is more closely related to the target task E-Z. The E-S 8 Conclusion and E-X parent (or source) models had 6.6 and 0.9 BLEU improvements, respectively. These results This work examines the opportunities in leveraging indicate that the E-X parent model surpassed the low resource translation techniques in developing E-S model by a significant margin. To be precise, translation models for Southern African languages. the E-X gain was 5.2 ± 0.7 BLEU higher than the We focus on English-to-isiZulu (E-Z) as it is the E-S model. smallest of our corpora with just 30,000 sentence Compared to the multilingual model, the E-X pairs. Using multilingual English-isiXhosa-isiZulu parent model had 3.8 ± 1.1 less BLEU. The E-S learning we achieve a BLEU score for English-to- parent model on the other hand had 9 ± 1.3 less isiZulu of 18.6 ±1.0, more than doubling the pre- BLEU than multilingual model. These results sug- vious state-of-the-art and yielding significant gains gest that with the necessary data available, many to (9.9 in BLEU score) over the baseline English-to-
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