Low-energy plasma spray (LEPS) deposition of hydroxyapatite/poly-e-caprolactone biocomposite coatings

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Low-energy plasma spray (LEPS) deposition of
hydroxyapatite/poly-e-caprolactone biocomposite coatings
Citation for published version (APA):
Garcia - Alonso, D., Parco, M., Stokes, J., & Looney, L. (2012). Low-energy plasma spray (LEPS) deposition of
hydroxyapatite/poly-e-caprolactone biocomposite coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 21(1), 132-
134. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11666-011-9695-0


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JTTEE5 21:132–143
                DOI: 10.1007/s11666-011-9695-0
                1059-9630/$19.00  ASM International
Peer Reviewed

                          Low-Energy Plasma Spray (LEPS)
                            Deposition of Hydroxyapatite/
                     Poly-e-Caprolactone Biocomposite Coatings
                                           Diana Garcia-Alonso, Maria Parco, Joseph Stokes, and Lisa Looney

                                                    (Submitted May 9, 2011; in revised form August 11, 2011)

                            Thermal spraying is widely employed to deposit hydroxyapatite (HA) and HA-based biocomposites on
                            hip and dental implants. For thick HA coatings (>150 lm), problems are generally associated with the
                            build-up of residual stresses and lack of control of coating crystallinity. HA/polymer composite coatings
                            are especially interesting to improve the pure HA coatings’ mechanical properties. For instance, the
                            polymer may help in releasing the residual stresses in the thick HA coatings. In addition, the selection of
                            a bioresorbable polymer may enhance the coatings’ biological behavior. However, there are major
                            challenges associated with spraying ceramic and polymeric materials together because of their very
                            different thermal properties. In this study, pure HA and HA/poly-e-caprolactone (PCL) thick coatings
                            were deposited without significant thermal degradation by low-energy plasma spraying (LEPS). PCL has
                            never been processed by thermal spraying, and its processing is a major achievement of this study. The
                            influence of selected process parameters on microstructure, composition, and mechanical properties of
                            HA and HA/PCL coatings was studied using statistical design of experiments (DOE). The HA depo-
                            sition rate was significantly increased by the addition of PCL. The average porosity of biocomposite
                            coatings was slightly increased, while retaining or even improving in some cases their fracture toughness
                            and microhardness. Surface roughness of biocomposites was enhanced compared with HA pure coatings.
                            Cell culture experiments showed that murine osteoblast-like cells attach and proliferate well on HA/PCL
                            biocomposite deposits.

                 Keywords    biocomposite coatings, cell attachment, hydroxy-
                                                                                    to promote the fixation of host bone cells and enhance
                             apatite, plasma spraying, poly-e-caprolactone,         the bonding strength to the metallic implant. In addition to
                             statistical design of experiments                      the intrinsic HA bioceramic properties (bioactivity and
                                                                                    chemical resemblance to mineral bone), process-dependent
                                                                                    coating properties, such as purity, crystallinity, porosity,
                                                                                    thickness, microtopography, and adhesive strength also
                                                                                    play an important role in achieving a homogeneous
                1. Introduction                                                     bone ingrowth, which guarantees in vivo long-term sta-
                                                                                    bility (Ref 2, 3). Although APS is approved for depo-
                  Atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) is widely                       sition of HA coatings on femoral implants by the U.S.
                employed to deposit osteoconductive hydroxyapatite                  Food and Drug Administration (FDA), alternative
                (HA) coatings on femoral stems for hip endoprostheses               thermal spray technologies, such as high-velocity oxy-
                and dental implants (Ref 1, 2). The HA coating function is          fuel (HVOF) (Ref 4, 5), vacuum plasma spraying (VPS),
                                                                                    detonation spray (DS) (Ref 6), and micro-plasma spray
                                                                                    (MPS) (Ref 7, 8) have been explored to process HA
                                                                                    coatings with improved structural morphologies and
                This article is based on an oral presentation at the 2009
                International Thermal Spray Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada,              The content of crystalline HA in the coating is generally
                USA, May 4-7, 2009, and has been expanded from the original         attributed to the retention of original unmelted HA parti-
                presentation. Proceedings of the ITSC 2009: Basil R. Marple,        cles (Ref 1), which negatively affect the coating cohesion
                Margaret M. Hyland, Yuk-Chiu Lau, Chang-Jiu Li, Rogerio S.          (Ref 9). Controlling the degree of melting of the powder
                Lima, and Ghislain Montavon, Ed., ASM International,                particles during spraying allows the control of the amor-
                Materials Park, OH, 2009.                                           phous/crystalline phases ratio in the coating. It is well
                Diana Garcia-Alonso, Joseph Stokes, and Lisa Looney, National       known that the high temperature of the plasma jet in con-
                Centre for Plasma Science & Technology (NCPST), Dublin City         ventional high-energy APS induces undesirable phase
                University, Dublin 9, Ireland; and Materials Processing Research    changes of the HA feedstock. This results in severe powder
                Centre (MPRC), Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland;
                Maria Parco, INASMET-Tecnalia, Mikeletegi Pasealekua 2, CP:
                                                                                    decomposition and formation of a mixture of amorphous
                20009 San Sebastián, Spain. Contact e-mail: diana.garcia.alonso    calcium phosphate (ACP), tricalcium phosphate (TCP),
                @gmail.com, garciad2@mail.dcu.ie, and maria.parco@tecnalia.         tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP), calcium oxide (CaO), and
                com.                                                                dehydroxylation products such as oxyhydroxyapatite

                132—Volume 21(1) January 2012                                                              Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
(OHA) and oxyapatite (OA) (Ref 10-12). Crystallinity of            injected at different thermal locations of the plasma jet,

                                                                                                                                  Peer Reviewed
APS HA coatings typically varies in the range of 65-80%            very challenging. For this, the optimization of the depo-
(Ref 13, 14). Highly crystalline HA coatings (~92%) have           sition process is required to sufficiently melt the HA
been deposited using the MPS process (Ref 15), the lower           powder without degrading excessively the PCL powder.
thermal input of which enables the reduction of the over-              In this study, novel HA/PCL biocomposites were
heating of powder particles and substrate. However, it must        deposited successfully using an experimental low-energy
be said that the optimal phase composition of HA coatings          plasma spray (LEPS) system, enabling the thermal deg-
remains open to discussion: crystalline HA is seen as a            radation of the polymer to be minimized. Separated
crucial factor for coatings’ in vivo stability (Ref 16, 17), but   injection of the two feedstock powders (HA and PCL)
the presence of easily soluble ACP, TCP, or TTCP has been          into different zones of the plasma plume was necessary for
found to accelerate the bone attachment rate (Ref 18).             that purpose. The aim of this research is to examine the
   Customary APS HA coatings are relatively dense                  effect of the most influential LEPS process parameters on
(porosity 2-10%), and their thicknesses are limited to             selected properties of thick HA coatings (>500 lm) and
approximately 150 lm (Ref 10), as thicker coatings                 to determine the optimum set of process variables to
become too brittle because of the accumulation of residual         subsequently produce HA/PCL biocomposite coatings
stresses. Tensile stresses, generally induced in APS HA            with improved properties. Finally, a salient feature of this
coatings, should be avoided as they accelerate in vivo             research is also to prove the feasibility of processing low-
dissolution and promote multiple cracking of the coatings          melting temperature polymers by LEPS without major
(Ref 19). Fracture toughness values for APS HA coatings            degradation.
range between 0.39 and 0.55 MPa m1/2, well below the
value of bulk HA (~1 MPa m1/2) (Ref 15, 20). In the case
of the MPS process, the lower thermal input allows for the         2. Materials and Methods
production of 230-lm-thick HA coatings, with a porosity
as high as 20% and without negatively affecting the
                                                                   2.1 Materials
mechanical properties of the coatings (fracture toughness:
0.6 MPa m1/2) (Ref 15).                                                A commercially available hydroxyapatite powder
   In order to improve HA coatings’ performance and to             (CAPTAL 60-1, Plasma Biotal Ltd) with an average par-
counteract the well-known brittle behavior of HA,                  ticle size of 52.1 lm, a purity of 100%, and a crystallinity
extensive research on composite coatings has been con-             greater than 99% was used as matrix material. A biore-
ducted (Ref 21-25). The selection of bioresorbable poly-           sorbable polymer, poly-e-caprolactone (PCL) from Sigma-
meric second phases can be beneficial for both the                 Aldrich Co. (Product No. 440744), was employed as a sec-
mechanical and biological properties. First of all, flexible       ond phase. PCL was cryogenically milled and sieved to
polymeric second phases may favor the release of residual          yield an average particle size of 85.3 lm. Thick deposits
stresses in HA coatings, allowing for thicker coatings with        (>500 lm) sprayed onto mild steel substrates
enhanced stability. Second, bioresorbable polymers could           (19 9 42 9 2 mm3) were used for process development
eventually be employed to encapsulate drugs and play an            studies. Biological testing was carried out on coatings
important role as in situ drug delivery systems (Ref 26).          sprayed onto titanium (grade 4) substrates (U = 12 mm;
Among the bioresorbable synthetic polymers, poly-e-cap-            2 mm thick). All substrates were cleaned with alcohol to
rolactone (PCL) is a good candidate as a second phase due          remove grease and dust, and subsequently grit blasted with
to its relatively high toughness at body temperature               alumina (Al2O3 F24, 600-850 mm) at a blasting pressure of
(~37 C) and because it does not produce an acidic envi-           6 bar to ensure oxides removal and to roughen the surfaces.
ronment during biodegradation (Ref 27). PCL is a biore-
sorbable, anti-inflammatory, and non-mutagenic polymer.
                                                                   2.2 Low-Energy Plasma Spray (LEPS) System
It has a low melting temperature (Tm = 60 C), but it does
not undergo degradation below Td = 360 C (Ref 28). The               The plasma spray system used in this study is an
relatively good thermal stability of PCL may thus allow its        experimental low-energy version (max. 15 kW power) of a
deposition by thermal spraying without major degrada-              conventional plasma spray system, which was designed by
tion, providing that the process and the injection of the          INASMET-Tecnalia (Spain) to deposit osteoconductive
polymer are optimized.                                             coatings on small-sized bone implants. The special parts of
   HA/PCL biocomposites have been extensively                      the system are the power supply (a standard DC power
researched for tissue engineering applications (Ref 29-31),        source from a TIG-welding system) with electronic
including drug delivery coatings (Ref 32). However, HA/            autoignition control (Praxair, Triton 400) and the plasma
PCL have never been employed to coat metallic femoral              gun that works with just one plasma gas (Argon). The gun
stems or dental implants. Furthermore, the deposition of           design allows the system to work in a turbulent plasma gas
HA/PCL, or even PCL, via thermal spraying has never                jet flow using a low-energy input without becoming
been reported in the literature. The difference between            unstable. A more detailed description of the system has
the thermal characteristics of PCL (Tm = 60 C; Td =               been provided elsewhere (Ref 34). The powder injector
 360 C) and HA (dehydroxylation temperature: 800-                 was modified to facilitate the polymer feeding at different
900 C; incongruent melting temperature: 1500 C;                  thermal locations into the plasma plume. Powder feeding
Ref 33) renders thermal spraying of both materials,                rates were chosen so as to supply 0.5-1.3 wt.%

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology                                                           Volume 21(1) January 2012—133
(1.2-3.7 vol.%) of PCL to the plume. The process                    deposits with a load of 0.5 N following the procedure
Peer Reviewed

                parameters employed to produce the HA and the HA/                   reported by Mohammadi et al. (Ref 38). The average
                PCL biocomposite series are presented in Table 1.                   microhardness (HV0.5) was given as an average of 10
                                                                                    indentations. These indentations were also employed to
                2.3 Coating Characterization                                        measure the indentation fracture toughness using the
                                                                                    equation reported by Bolelli et al. (Ref 39). The crack and
                    2.3.1 Thickness and Surface Roughness. The coating              half-diagonal lengths were measured using a Reichert Me
                thickness was calculated as the average of 10 measure-              F2 Universal Camera optical microscope at a magnifica-
                ments made with a DualscopeMP0R-FP (Fisher Instru-                 tion of x500 with at least 10 indentations per sample. The
                ments) based on the magnetic induction and eddy current             porosity of the components was measured by digital image
                methods. The layer thickness (equivalent to the growth              analysis (Matlab Image Processing Toolbox) as the
                rate in thin film processing) was calculated dividing the           average of 10 SEM micrographs (91000) on sample cross
                total deposit thickness by the number of sprayed layers             sections (Ref 40).
                (i.e., the number of gun passes). The coating surfaces and              2.3.4 Biological Characterization. MC3T3 murine cal-
                cross sections were studied by scanning electron micros-            varial osteoblast-like cells were cultured under standard
                copy (SEM EVO LS15, Zeiss). The average roughness                   tissue culture conditions in a-MEM medium (Gibco Ltd.)
                (Ra) was calculated using a Surftest-402 profiler (Mitutoyo)        with 10 vol.% foetal bovine serum and 1% penicillin/
                as the average of 10 measurements, each one over a line of          streptomycin added. The samples were sterilized by
                5-mm length.                                                        immersion into 70 vol.% ethyl alcohol for 2 h, rinsed with
                    2.3.2 Crystallinity and Chemical Composition. X-ray             sterile phosphate buffer saline (PBS), and stored in culture
                diffraction (Bruker AXS D8 Advance, Bragg-Brentano                  medium inside a CO2 incubator overnight to promote pro-
                geometry, Cu Ka, 2h: 20-60, 5 s/step, and step size of 0.2)        tein adsorption. The cells were seeded onto the selected
                was conducted on HA coatings to determine their crys-               coatings at a density of 105 cells/cm2 suspended in 20 lL of
                tallinity and phase purity following the methods indicated          medium. After an initial attachment period, the medium
                elsewhere (Ref 35, 36). Fourier transform infrared spec-            was completed to 500 lL. Seeded samples were stained with
                troscopy (FTIR Spectrum GX, Perkin-Elmer) was em-                   DAPI and FITC-labeled phalloidin to assess cell morphol-
                ployed to further assess the coatings composition by                ogy. Cell proliferation was quantified by an Alamar Blue
                qualitative analysis of the HA dehydroxylation and PCL              cell proliferation assay (AbBiotech Ltd.) at 7 days and
                degradation. The samples were prepared following the                14 days post-seeding as described elsewhere (Ref 41).
                procedure reported by Baji et al. (Ref 37). X-ray photo-
                electron spectroscopy (XPS Thermo Scientific K-Alpha,
                                                                                    2.4 Statistical Design of Experiments (DOE)
                monochromatic Al Ka (hm = 1486.6 eV), x-ray spot:
                                                                                        for Process Development
                100 lm) was employed to verify the presence of PCL in
                the HA/PCL coatings. Samples were neutralized using a                   The experimental approach followed in this study con-
                flood gun to correct the differential or non-uniform                sisted of two steps: 1) examining the effects of the most
                charging. XPS high-resolution scans were performed for              influential LEPS process parameters on selected properties
                the C 1s at pass energy of 50 eV.                                   of thick pure HA coatings to determine the optimum set of
                    2.3.3 Mechanical Properties and Porosity. The                   HA deposition parameters to be used for the production of
                microhardness and fracture toughness measurements were              HA/PCL biocomposite series; 2) assessing the effects of the
                carried out using a Vickers indenter (Miniload 2, Leitz).           PCL-related process parameters on the quality of HA/PCL
                The indentations were made on the cross sections of the             coatings. Statistical DOE allows for correlating the variation

                Table 1 LEPS parameters for HA and HA/PCL coatings deposition, and DOE-coded factors and levels for statistical
                studies of HA (xi) and HA/PCL (xi ) deposition processes (i = 1, 2, 3)
                                                                                                                   DOE factor code

                Parameter                                   HA                 HA/PCL              Factor           21            0            1

                Current, A                               390                   390                   …              …            …            …
                Power, kW                                12                    12
                Plasma gas flow rate (Ar), slpm          30-42                 36                    x1             30           36           42
                HA feeding rate, g/min                   5-9                   9                     x3             5            7            9
                PCL feeding rate, mg/min                 …                     40-120                x1            40           80           120
                Carrier gas 1 flow rate (Ar), slpm       4.6                   4.6                   …              …            …            …
                Carrier gas 2 flow rate(N2), slpm        …                     10-14                 x3            10           12           14
                Stand-off distance (s.d.), cm            3.5-4.5               3.8                   x2             3.5          4.0          4.5
                Relative gun velocity, cm/s              20                    20                    …              …            …            …
                Increment y-direction (Dy), mm           3                    3                    …              …            …            …
                Injector 1 position                      Gun barrel            Gun barrel            …              …            …            …
                Injector 2 position (d), mm              …                     17-27                 x2            17           22           27
                Cooling system (compress air), bar       None                  6                     …              …            …            …

                134—Volume 21(1) January 2012                                                               Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
of targeted coating properties (called responses) with            which represent the quadratic effect of the factor xi2; and e

                                                                                                                                  Peer Reviewed
selected process parameters (called factors), maximizing          is the experimental error.
the amount of information that can be obtained from a                 The accuracy of the statistical models to predict the
given amount of experimental tests. The range of variation        experimental results was assessed for a confidence interval
of each factor is described by its lower and upper limits,        of 95% considering several key statistical parameters
which are respectively coded as ‘‘1’’ and ‘‘+1’’, while the      including lack of fit (p > 0.1), signal-to-noise ratio (ade-
level ‘‘0’’ represents the interval center. Extended infor-       quate precision >4), regression coefficient (0.6 < R2
mation about DOE is available in the NIST/SEMATECH                < 1), and accuracy ([adjusted R2  predicted R2] < 0.2).
e-Handbook of Statistical Methods (Ref 42).
    In this study, six coating properties were selected to
evaluate the deposition processes: average layer thick-
ness deposited per spray pass (L), average surface
                                                                  3. Results and Discussion
roughness (Ra), crystallinity (C), porosity (P), Vickers
microhardness (H), and fracture toughness (K). The layer          3.1 Hydroxyapatite Coatings
thickness deposited per spray pass, which is related to the          The effect of three LEPS process parameters (x1,
deposition rate and the process time efficiency, was stud-        plasma gas flow rate; x2, stand-off distance; and x3, HA
ied with the aim of reducing the manufacturing time and           feed rate) on the selected properties of thick HA coating
material consumption. The surface roughness, the coating          (>500 lm) is reported in this section. The characteriza-
crystallinity, porosity, and mechanical properties were           tion of pure HA coatings sets the reference for compari-
included in the analysis because of their critical role for       son with the HA/PCL biocomposite coating properties,
the coating in vivo behavior.                                     which are reported in next section. The average layer
    A three-factor Box-Behnken design consisting of 17            thickness deposited per spray pass (subsequently referred
experimental runs (12 design points and 5 center points)          to as Ôlayer thicknessÕ), average surface roughness, coating
was used for the deposition of pure HA powder. Based on           crystallinity, porosity, microhardness, and fracture tough-
screening tests carried out previously (Ref 34), three fac-       ness of pure HA coatings are presented in Table 2.
tors were selected (plasma gas flow rate (x1), stand-off             The phase purity of the coatings was also analyzed. The
distance (x2), and powder feeding rate (x3)), and their           only statistically significant dependencies found were for
levels (-1, 0, +1) were chosen. Table 1 shows the LEPS            the layer thickness (L) and coating crystallinity (C). The
parameters employed to produce the pure HA series, the            statistical models for these two responses in terms of the
three selected factors, and their respective levels. Once         actual factors can be obtained by substituting the coeffi-
the optimum set of process parameters for pure HA                 cients bij and the statistical power transformation expo-
deposition was determined, the effect of the PCL addition         nent k listed in Table 3 in Eq 1:
on the responses was studied.
    A full two-level factorial design was selected, using the     L ðlmÞ1:59 ¼ 1:23  103 þ 8:6x1 þ 5:19  102 x2
PCL feeding rate (x1 ), PCL injector distance to the gun                      þ 72x3  2:4x1 x3  68:5x22 þ 3:2x23     (Eq 2)
exit (x2 ), and PCL carrier gas flow rate (x3 ) as the main
factors. The design consisted of 12 experimental runs, 8 of       C ð%Þ3 ¼ 7:9  1:07  104 x1  1:80  105 x2 þ 8:92  104 x3
which were design points and 4 center points. The LEPS
parameters employed to produce the HA/PCL composite                         þ 4:95  103 x1 x2  6:43  103 x23         (Eq 3)
series, the selected factors, and their respective levels are
listed in Table 1. The parameters related to the HA
                                                                     The regression coefficients and the precision of fit ob-
powder feeding and processing were set to the values
                                                                  tained from ANOVA are also shown in Table 3. The
previously optimized for pure HA deposition.
                                                                  statistical models of the four other responses (Ra, P, H,
    The statistical evaluation was conducted using Design-
                                                                  and K) were non-significant; and therefore, the mean va-
Expert 7.0 (Stat-Ease Inc.). The significance of each
                                                                  lue of the series was adopted for the results discussion.
factor was analyzed with ANOVA (analysis of variance)
                                                                     3.1.1 Thickness and Surface Roughness. The layer
using a stepwise automatic reduction algorithm. The sta-
                                                                  thickness (L), which is a measure of the HA deposition
tistical models resulting from the ANOVA study were
                                                                  rate, varied from 4.8 to 33.0 lm/spray pass for different
expressed by second-order quadratic polynomial equa-
                                                                  factor combinations (Table 2). The ANOVA shows that L
             X          X             X                           depends linearly on the plasma gas flow rate (x1) but
yk ¼ b 0 þ      bi xi þ   bij xi xj þ   bii x2i þ e    ðEq 1Þ     quadratically on the stand-off distance (x2) and the HA
                                                                  feed rate (x3). The interaction x1x3 was also found to be
where y is the response; k the statistical power transfor-        significant (Table 3). The layer thickness is strongly re-
mation exponent (used in some cases to optimize model             lated to the degree of melting of the impinging particles,
fitting); i, j vary from 1 to the number of process factors;      because large unmelted particle cores are more likely to
coefficient b0 is the mean of responses of the series, bi         bounce off the substrate. Increasing the plasma gas flow
coefficients represent the linear effect of the factor xi; bij,   rate (x1) causes a proportional increase of the in-flight HA
are the coefficients of regression representing the xixj          particles velocity, which decreases their residence time
interaction effects; bii, are the coefficients of regression      inside the plasma plume and thus, reduces their degree of

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology                                                           Volume 21(1) January 2012—135
Table 2 Properties of LEP-sprayed HA coatings (average (standard deviation))
Peer Reviewed

                                   DOE factor
                                                            Layer           Roughness        Crystallinity,    Porosity,        Micro                Fracture
                Sample        x1      x2        x3      thickness, lm        Ra, lm               %               %         hardness, HV0.5     toughness, MPa m1/2

                HA1          1       1      0              24.3 (0.6)     6.47(0.21)           84.2 (3.5)    3.8 (0.5)       334 (50)             0.66 (0.10)
                HA2           1       1      0              13.8 (0.5)     5.49 (0.30)          89.1 (1.7)    2.8 (0.4)       279 (43)             0.56 (0.07)
                HA3          1        1      0              20.2 (0.7)     6.30 (0.45)          84.5 (1.4)    3.7 (0.3)       329 (47)             0.66 (0.07)
                HA4           1        1      0               4.8 (0.2)     6.07 (0.47)          89.7 (1.9)    2.5 (0.4)       244 (24)             0.52 (0.04)
                HA5          1        0     1              15.9 (0.9)     6.23 (0.31)          83.9 (0.8)    3.5 (0.7)       332 (48)             0.68 (0.07)
                HA6           1        0     1               9.6 (0.3)     5.50 (0.31)          89.2 (2.3)    3.3 (0.3)       275 (47)             0.64 (0.08)
                HA7          1        0      1              33.0 (1.8)     6.46 (0.60)          82.8 (0.4)    3.9 (0.7)       351 (38)             0.70 (0.06)
                HA8           1        0      1              17.9 (1.1)     5.75 (0.18)          89.1 (2.2)    2.9 (0.4)       292 (46)             0.57 (0.08)
                HA9           0       1     1              11.7 (0.8)     5.84 (0.30)          86.9 (2.3)    5.0 (0.7)       260 (42)             0.53 (0.08)
                HA10          0        1     1               9.9 (0.3)     5.90 (0.41)          86.0 (1.5)    6.0 (0.5)       271 (34)             0.55 (0.05)
                HA11          0       1      1              24.4 (0.8)     5.83 (0.35)          86.6 (1.7)    4.2 (0.6)       307 (66)             0.69 (0.11)
                HA12          0        1      1              23.5 (0.8)     5.82 (0.30)          86.8 (2.2)    4.2 (0.4)       337 (41)             0.71 (0.07)
                HA13          0        0      0              17.4 (0.9)     6.09 (0.56)          88.0 (1.8)    5.0 (0.2)       332 (52)             0.66 (0.09)
                HA14          0        0      0              19.6 (1.0)     5.90 (0.57)          87.5 (1.2)    4.8 (0.4)       331 (54)             0.68 (0.11)
                HA15          0        0      0              18.2 (1.0)     6.06 (0.37)          87.8 (1.3)    4.7 (0.6)       339 (49)             0.68 (0.08)
                HA16          0        0      0              18.5 (0.8)     5.79 (0.53)          88.0 (0.7)    5.7 (0.4)       278 (40)             0.55 (0.09)
                HA17          0        0      0              19.2 (0.8)     6.03 (0.27)          87.1 (0.8)    4.8 (0.8)       322 (42)             0.64 (0.06)
                HAopt(a)     36        9      3.8            26.1*          6.00+                86.5*         4.2+            307+                 0.63+
                (a) HAopt sample was calculated using the DOE optimization tool, and thus the parameters are given in actual factor. The responses are:
                *predicted values by statistical models; +HA series mean values

                Table 3 Factors coefficients bij, statistical power transformation exponent k, and regression coefficients of polynomial
                equations of HA and HA/PCL composite coatings
                                                                    HA coatings                                                        HA/PCL coatings

                                                     L, lm                                C, %                             L, lm                           Ra, lm
                                                              3                                                                    4
                b0                              1.23 9 10                         +7.9                                +2.82 9 10                        +2.58 9 101
                b1                              +8.6                               1.07 9 104                         1.25 9 102                       0.7
                b2                              +5.19 9 102                        1.80 9 105                         1.02 9 103                       1.9
                b3                              +72.0                              +8.92 9 104                         …                                 …
                b12                             …                                  +4.95 9 103                         +6.1                              3.3 9 103
                b13                             2.4                               …                                   …                                 …5.2 9 103
                b23                             …                                  …                                   …                                 +0.1
                b11                             …                                  …                                   …                                 …
                b22                             68.5                              …                                   …                                 …
                b33                             +3.2                               6.43 9 103                         …                                 …
                k                               1.59                               3.00                                2.09                              1.00
                R2                              0.983                              0.946                               0.827                             0.862
                Adj. R2                         0.973                              0.922                               0.807                             0.826
                Pred. R2                        0.951                              0.818                               0.731                             0.689
                Precision                       37.3                               20.6                                14.4                              12.4
                L layer thickness, C crystallinity, Ra average surface roughness

                melting. This is why the deposition rate decreased when                            as a representative average roughness for the series. This
                the plasma gas flow rate was too high and the melting of                           value is in the lower part of the range reported for plasma-
                particles insufficient. The deposition rate was also reduced                       sprayed HA coatings using H2 secondary plasma (Ref 9).
                when the stand-off distance (x2) deviated from an opti-                               3.1.2 Crystallinity and Chemical Composition. The
                mum value found around 4 cm. Finally, as expected, the                             coating crystallinity (C) varied between 82.8 and 89.7%
                layer thickness increased with the HA feeding rate (x3).                           for different factor combinations, which in any case was
                Figure 1 shows the cross section of deposits produced with                         greater than the minimum of 45% required by the ISO
                the factor combinations resulting in the lowest (9.6 ±                             13779-2: 2000 standard (Ref 43). These values are also
                0.3 lm; sample HA6) and the highest (33.0 ± 1.8 lm;                                higher than the common 65-80% crystallinity values of
                sample HA7) layer thickness values.                                                APS HA coatings for biomedical applications (Ref 13, 14,
                   The average surface roughness (Ra) ranged from 5.49 to                          35), but lower than the values reported for MPS HA
                6.47 lm for different factor combinations. Owing to the                            coatings (Ref 15). The XRD diffraction patterns of the
                small range of variation together with the large standard                          HA coatings with the lowest (HA7) and the highest
                deviations (0.50 lm) the series mean (6.00 lm) was selected                        crystallinity (HA4) are shown in Fig. 2.

                136—Volume 21(1) January 2012                                                                              Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
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Fig. 1 Cross sections of HA samples LEP-sprayed at different factor combinations: (a) lowest layer thickness HA6 (x1 = 42 slpm,
x2 = 4 cm, x3 = 5 g/min); and (b) highest layer thickness HA7 (x1 = 30 slpm, x2 = 4 cm, x3 = 9 g/min)

                                                                     Fig. 3 SEM image of Vickers indentation employed to evaluate
Fig. 2 XRD patterns of HA samples LEP-sprayed at different           the fracture toughness of sample HA12
factor combinations leading to the lowest crystallinity 82.8%
(HA7: x1 = 30 slpm, x2 = 4 cm, and x3 = 9 g/min); and the highest
crystallinity 89.7% (HA4: x1 = 42 slpm, x2 = 4.5 cm, and x3 = 7 g/   Therefore, it can be said that the purity of LEPS coatings
min), as compared to the HA raw powder                               is close to 100%, which is above the 95% required by the
                                                                     ASTM standard ISO 13779-1:2000 (Ref 44). The loss of
    The ANOVA shows that the crystallinity depends lin-              OH groups was further studied by FTIR. Only the
early on the plasma gas flow rate (x1) and quadratically on          samples which received the largest in-flight thermal input
the HA feeding rate (x3). The interaction between x1 and             (plasma gas flow rate = 30 slpm) showed a small degree of
x2 was also found to be significant (Table 3). The crys-             dehydroxylation. For these samples, a major decrease of
tallinity increased with increasing plasma gas flow rate             the OH flexural vibration band intensity at 635 cm1 and
(x1), which confirms that the main source of crystallinity is        a minor decrease of the stretching vibration band intensity
the incorporation of unmelted powder particles into the              at 3571 cm1 were noticed. An outstanding HA purity was
deposit. As explained above, particles traveling faster              observed in samples produced with the highest plasma gas
through the plume (due to greater plasma gas flow rate)              flow rate (42 slpm), which led to the shortest particle
melt to a lesser degree, thus maintaining a higher crys-             residence time inside the plume.
tallinity. The variation of crystallinity in response to dif-            3.1.3 Mechanical Properties and Porosity. The Vick-
ferent feeding rates (x3) was non-significant compared to            ers microhardness (H) and the fracture toughness (K) of
the standard deviations (0.5-2%) when the other factors              HA coatings ranged from 244 to 351 HV0.5 and from 0.52
were kept constant. Also, the effect of the stand-off dis-           to 0.71 MPa m1/2, respectively (Table 2). A SEM image of
tance (x2) on the crystallinity for a fixed plasma gas flow          a sample indentation used for the evaluation of these
rate (x1) was minimal (0.5%), well within the range of the           properties is presented in Fig. 3. Both properties have
standard deviation.                                                  large standard deviations due to the typical anisotropic
    Calcium phosphates other than hydroxyapatite (JCPDS              structure and porosity of thermally sprayed coatings. The
9-0432) were not found in any sample of the HA series,               ANOVA results suggest that, owing to the large standard
even though detailed XRD scans were performed around                 deviations of the measurements, the average values
the principal peaks of b-TCP (2h = 31.8 C; JCPDS 9-0169)            (308 HV0.5 and 0.63 MPa m1/2) are representative of the
and oxyapatite (OA) (2h = 53.2 C; JCPDS 89-6495).                   series. The measured values are similar to those reported

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology                                                             Volume 21(1) January 2012—137
by Mohammadi et al. (Ref 38) for conventional HA                    crystallinity statistical models (Eq 2, 3) predict values of
Peer Reviewed

                plasma-sprayed coatings.                                            26.1 lm and 86.5%, respectively. The low value of desir-
                    The average closed porosity (P) ranged between 2.5              ability of this solution (0.56) is related to the opposite
                and 6.0% (Table 2). The ANOVA results suggest adopt-                trends of crystallinity and layer thickness. It should be
                ing the mean value 4.2% as representative of the series.            stressed that attainment of optimum deposit properties
                However, by looking carefully at the porosity data, it can          generally requires parameter tradeoffs (Ref 47); opposite
                be observed that the samples sprayed with the highest               parameter settings may be called for different deposit
                plasma gas flow rate have the lowest porosity. This fact            properties. The mean values obtained for the HA series
                contradicts the results reported in the literature for con-         roughness, porosity, micro hardness, and fracture tough-
                ventional plasma spraying (Ref 45, 46). A possible                  ness were used for reference (HAopt in Table 2).
                explanation for this discrepancy is the significant differ-
                ence of supplied thermal energy by the different spraying           3.2 HA/PCL Composite Coatings
                systems. With a conventional APS system (higher energy),
                increasing the plasma gas flow rate results in a reduced                The LEPS parameters employed to produce HA/PCL
                melting of in-flight HA particles. As a result, the flattening      series, the selected factors, and their respective levels are
                of impinging particles on the coating is reduced, and               listed in Table 1. The parameters related to the HA
                therefore, porosity and roughness are increased. Owing to           feeding and the process itself were set to the values pre-
                the reduced thermal input provided by the LEPS system,              viously optimized for pure HA deposition (section 3.1.4).
                achieving sufficient melting of in-flight HA particles gen-         For this reason, no changes in the HA crystallinity
                erally requires a low plasma gas flow rate. As the plasma           (86.5%) and HA phase content (~100% pure HA) are
                gas flow rate increases, the thermal input becomes insuf-           expected in the HA/PCL coatings. The layer thickness,
                ficient and particles bounce off the substrate, leading to          surface roughness, porosity, microhardness, and fracture
                thinner and more compact coatings, with lower porosity              toughness of HA/PCL composite coatings are presented in
                and surface roughness. The SEM images of the cross                  Table 4. The degradation of the polymer was also
                sections of two samples with different degrees of porosity          assessed. Layer thickness and average surface roughness
                are shown in Fig. 4.                                                models (Eq 4, 5) were expressed by polynomial equations
                    3.1.4 Statistical Optimization. The statistical optimi-         obtained from the statistical DOE (Eq 1). The coefficients
                zation of the selected responses indicates that the best            bij, the statistical power transformation exponent k, the
                factor combination for deposition of HA coatings with               regression coefficients, and the precision of fit obtained
                high crystallinity and high layer thickness is: x1 = 36 slpm,       from ANOVA are shown in Table 3.
                x2 = 3.8 cm, and x3 = 9 g/min. Plasma gas flow rates lower
                                                                                    L ðlmÞ2:09 ¼ 2:82  104  1:25  102 x1  1:02  103 x2
                than 36 slpm have been shown to result in slight HA
                dehydroxylation, while higher plasma gas flow rates were                         þ 6:1x1 x2                               (Eq 4)
                found to decrease the layer thickness and deposition effi-
                ciency. The highest powder feed rate (x3) was selected to           Ra ðlmÞ ¼ 2:58  101  0:7x1  1:9x2  3:3  103 x1 x2
                allow for faster deposition. The stand-off distance (x2) was                    5:2  103 x1 x3 þ 0:1x2 x3              (Eq 5)
                calculated using the optimization tool included in the
                Design-Expert software while fixing the plasma gas flow
                rate and powder feed rate to 36 slpm and 9 g/min,                      3.2.1 Thickness and Surface Roughness. The layer
                respectively. This optimum set of parameters was                    thickness (L) was found to vary from 34.0 to 84.4 lm/layer
                employed to produce the HA/PCL composite coating                    for different factor combinations (Table 4), which means a
                series. Therefore, the responses for this set of parameters         significant increase with respect to the HA reference
                were calculated to assess the impact of PCL addition on             (L(HAopt) = 26.1 lm). The ANOVA showed that the
                the coatings (HAopt in Table 2). The layer thickness and            layer thickness depends linearly on the PCL feeding rate

                Fig. 4 Porosity of HA samples LEP-sprayed at different factor combinations: (a) low porosity 3.7% (HA3: x1 = 30 slpm, x2 = 4.5 cm,
                x3 = 7 g/min); and (b) high porosity 6.0% (HA10: x1 = 36 slpm, x2 = 4.5 cm, x3 = 7 g/min)

                138—Volume 21(1) January 2012                                                              Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
Table 4 Properties of LEP-sprayed HA/PCL coatings (average (standard deviation))

                                                                                                                                               Peer Reviewed
                     DOE factor
                                                 Layer             Roughness        Porosity,         Micro                 Fracture
Sample         x1       x2       x3       Thickness, lm          Ra, lm             %          hardness, HV0.5      toughness, MPa m1/2

HP1           1        1        1           84.4   (1.5)        8.28 (0.95)      4.2 (0.6)        269 (65)               0.66 (0.10)
HP2            1        1        1           74.7   (1.9)       13.51 (0.94)      4.9 (0.9)        300 (83)               0.63 (0.14)
HP3           1         1        1           34.0   (0.9)        8.23 (0.90)      7.6 (1.4)        264 (43)               0.55 (0.10)
HP4            1         1        1           71.2   (3.9)        8.28 (0.91)      5.0 (0.6)        331 (33)               0.63 (0.14)
HP5           1        1         1           79.7   (1.2)        7.76 (0.74)      5.8 (0.7)        308 (28)               0.65 (0.18)
HP5            1        1         1           75.8   (2.0)       11.89 (0.89)      5.7 (1.0)        346 (28)               0.72 (0.11)
HP7           1         1         1           45.5   (0.8)        7.93 (0.68)      5.8 (0.5)        261 (19)               0.54 (0.06)
HP8            1         1         1           49.9   (3.3)       12.20 (0.67)      7.5 (1.4)        273 (35)               0.62 (0.07)
HP9(a)         0         0         0           30.8   (2.1)            …               …                …                       …
HP10           0         0         0           71.2   (2.0)        9.12 (1.08)      5.8 (0.6)        362 (34)               0.78 (0.11)
HP11           0         0         0           78.6   (2.4)        9.74 (0.85)      5.7 (0.8)        302 (65)               0.59 (0.12)
HP12           0         0         0           64.2   (2.3)        9.53 (0.96)      5.6 (0.6)        339 (58)               0.62 (0.19)
(a) Sample HP9 is much thinner than the other center points samples. Possibly the injector nozzle was partially clogged by polymer particles
during the deposition process. As this sample was likely the product of an experimental error, it was discarded

                                                                            PCL particles on the coating. The ANOVA showed that
                                                                            Ra is linearly dependent on all factors as well as their
                                                                            interactions (Table 3). The roughness increased as the
                                                                            PCL feed rate (x1 ) increased, whatever the value of the
                                                                            other factors. This trend supports the previous statement,
                                                                            since a higher amount of polymer splats will leave more
                                                                            surface defects when impacted by HA particles, leading to
                                                                            a higher surface roughness. At a fixed PCL carrier gas flow
                                                                            rate (x3 ), the greater the PCL feeding rate the greater the
                                                                            influence of the injector distance (x2 ) on the final surface
                                                                            roughness. The roughness decreased with increasing
Fig. 5 Effect of injector distance on PCL trajectories (s.d. =              injection distance, attributed mainly to the turbulence
stand-off distance)                                                         close to the substrate as explained previously.
                                                                                3.2.2 Polymer Degradation. FTIR spectra of HA/PCL
(x1 ), the injector distance (x2 ), and their interaction (x1 x2 )      composite coatings were evaluated taking as a reference
(Table 3). The layer thickness decreased linearly with                      the FTIR spectra of the PCL and HA feedstock powders,
increasing injector distance. The minimum thickness oc-                     the characteristic FTIR bands of which can be found
curred for the lower PCL feeding rate (x1 = 40 mg/min)                     elsewhere (Ref 48-50). The FTIR spectra of all the
when the injector was placed at x2 = 27 mm from the                        HA/PCL coatings revealed the presence of the carbonyl
nozzle of the plasmatron, i.e., 11 mm from the substrate. If                (C=O) group at 1735 cm1 and the -CH2- stretching bands
the injector was too close to the substrate, the turbulences                at 2866 and 2940 cm1 characteristic of PCL (with dif-
near the substrate prevented the polymer particles from                     ferent intensities), regardless of the small quantities of
entering the plume (see Fig. 5 for a schematic represen-                    PCL (feeding rate of 0.5-1.3 wt.%). The stretching bands
tation of this effect). A shorter injector distance from the                corresponding to the PCL C-O and C-C (crystalline at
gun nozzle (x2 = 17 mm; i.e., 21 mm from the substrate)                    1293 cm1; amorphous at 1157 cm1), COC (1240 and
allowed for most of the polymer particles entering the                      1170 cm1), and OC-O (1190 cm1) overlapped with the
plume, thus increasing the thickness per spray pass. Using                  mPO43 bands of HA in the HA/PCL composite coatings
this shorter injector distance, the maximum layer thick-                    which makes the interpretation of the spectra difficult. As
ness was obtained for the minimum PCL feeding rate                          expected, no significant dehydroxylation of hydroxyapa-
(x1 = 40 mg/min). This counterintuitive effect may have                    tite occurred, as the characteristic OH band at 3572 cm1
been caused by an insufficient carrier gas flow rate to                     is present in all spectra. This attests for the low thermal
sustain a higher feeding rate (up to 120 mg/min). Partial                   energy input during spraying that prevented dehydroxy-
clogging of the feeding line by polymer particles at higher                 lation of hydroxyapatite toward oxyapatite and decom-
feeding rates may be the reason behind this.                                position towards tri- and tetracalcium phosphate,
     The average surface roughness (Ra) ranged from 7.76                    respectively. The spectra of the feedstock powders and
to 13.51 lm for different factor combinations (Table 4),                    composite coating HP8 are shown in Fig. 6(a). PCL bands
showing a significant increase with respect to the rough-                   in the range 1490-1200 cm1 can be hardly seen in the
ness of HA samples (Ra(HAopt) = 6.00 lm). This could be                     coating HP8 (Fig. 6b). Therefore, further assessment was
attributed to the vaporization of polymer or the ejection                   conducted by XPS to ensure that PCL did not undergo
of polymer (splashing) when HA particles impinging the                      significant degradation during LEPS deposition.

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology                                                                     Volume 21(1) January 2012—139
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                Fig. 6 (a) Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra of the PCL/HA composite sample HP8 (x1 = 120 mg/min, x2 = 27 mm,
                x3 = 14 slpm) and the original PCL and HA powders; and (b) detail of the PCL and HP8 spectra in the range of 1490-1200 cm1

                Fig. 7 XPS deconvoluted C 1s spectra of PCL powder, HP1 (x1 = 40 mg/min, x2 = 17 mm, x3 = 10 slpm), HP3 (x1 = 40 mg/min,
                x2 = 27 mm, x3 = 10 slpm), and HP8 (x1 = 120 mg/min, x2 = 27 mm, x3 = 14 slpm) samples

                   XPS confirms the presence of PCL in the HA/PCL               shown in the inset of Fig. 7. The assignments of the C 1s
                coatings. Moreover, no signal of polymer degradation was        components with the following binding energies: C 1sA,
                detected. Figure 7 shows the XPS C 1s spectra of the PCL        284.5 eV; C 1sB, 286.1 eV; C 1sC, 288.2 eV; and C 1sD,
                powder and three coatings of the HA/PCL series (HP1,            289.8 eV are shown in Fig. 7.
                HP3 and HP8). All the spectra were corrected for sample            3.2.3 Mechanical Properties and Porosity. Vickers
                charging using as an internal reference the C 1s peak for       microhardness (261-362 HV0.5) and fracture toughness
                adventitious carbon at a binding energy of 284.5 ± 0.2 eV,      (0.54-0.78 MPa m1/2) for HA/PCL series are presented in
                C 1sA (Ref 51). The C 1s spectra of the PCL powder and          Table 4. ANOVA results for microhardness and fracture
                HA/PCL coatings were deconvoluted into four compo-              toughness suggest that the use of average values
                nents related to the chemical structure of PCL (Ref 52)         (305 HV0.5 and 0.66 MPa m1/2) provides a more accurate

                140—Volume 21(1) January 2012                                                         Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
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Fig. 8 Cross-sectional micrographs of optimized thick layers produced with the low-energy plasma system at a plasma gas flow rate of
36 slpm: (a) pure hydroxyapatite HA11 (x1 = 36 slpm, x2 = 3.5 cm, x3 = 9 g/min); and (b) HA/PCL composite layer HP1 (x1 = 40 mg/min,
x2 = 17 mm, x3 = 10 slpm)

Fig. 9 Attachment of MC3T3 murine calvarial osteoblast-like cells on rough and highly porous PCL/HA composite coating surfaces

data fit than the respective statistical models. An initial          (Ref 54). However, the mechanical properties measured
analysis of these properties can lead to the conclusion that         for HA/PCL coatings indicated that the presence of PCL
the addition of PCL did not significantly improve the                counteracts this effect. In addition, the overall structure of
mechanical properties of the HA coatings (similar range              the remaining deposit seems to be denser with smaller
of variation and mean values of these 3 properties).                 volume defects than found in HA deposits, when using
However, it must be highlighted that the HA/PCL coat-                equivalent processing conditions (Fig. 8).
ings were deposited at a much higher thickness per spray
pass (layer thickness) leading to thicker composite coat-
                                                                     3.3 Biocompatibility Testing
ings. Deposition of pure HA coatings of similar thickness
(700 lm) at relative high deposition rates (34.0-84.4 lm/              Cell attachment was studied in representative samples
layer) without adding PCL would have led to the building             of each series. The HA deposit was sprayed at the opti-
up of residual stresses, resulting in significantly decreased        mized parameters described in section 3.1 (x1 = 36 slpm,
coatingÕs mechanical properties. In fact, depositions of             x2 = 3.8 cm and x3 = 9 g/min). The HA/PCL deposit eval-
pure HA coatings with layer thicknesses over 30 lm have              uated was HP8 with high surface roughness and porosity.
been reported to generate high residual stresses (Ref 53).              MC3T3 murine calvarial osteoblast-like cells were able
   The porosity ranged between 4.2 and 7.6% (Table 4),               to attach well to both HA and HA/PCL composite
therefore the addition of PCL did not significantly                  deposits. Spread cells on the deposits and their extensions
increase the average porosity of the deposits compared to            within pore areas were observed (Fig. 9).
the HA reference. Owing to the large standard deviations                After 7 days, the cell numbers were only slightly lower
(up to 1.5%), the porosity statistical model generated did           compared to the positive control tissue culture polystyrene
not properly fit the experimental data, showing significant          (Fig. 10). Cells continued to proliferate up until 14 days
lack of fit (p = 0.0028), regression coefficient (R2 = 0.58)         toward confluence at the deposit surface but at a slower rate
lower than recommended, and an unsatisfactory accuracy               compared with the TCPS. The cell number on the HA/PCL
([adjusted R2  predicted R2] = 0.23). The composite                 deposit is lower than that on the HA deposit, which is
coatings porosity was not homogeneously distributed, and             consistent with similar previous studies where HA presence
larger pores were observed. Larger pores in a pure HA                improved attachment and proliferation. It is hypothesized
coating would lead to a decrease in mechanical properties            that the difference in the concentration of phosphate ions in

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology                                                               Volume 21(1) January 2012—141
which is particularly important to ensure good coating
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                                                                                 biological behavior. Attachment and proliferation of well-
                                                                                 spread MC3T3 murine calvarial osteoblast-like cells was
                                                                                 confirmed on HA/PCL biocomposite coatings, evidencing
                                                                                 their biocompatibility.

                                                                                    The authors would like to thank Dr N.E. Vrana
                                                                                 (MPRC, DCU, Ireland) for his help during biological
                                                                                 testing and interpretation of cellular response results,
                                                                                 T. Fernández Landaluce (TU Eindhoven, The Nether-
                                                                                 lands) for her help with the XPS measurements and data
                                                                                 interpretation, and Prof. R. Heimann (TU Bergakademie,
                Fig. 10 MC3T3 murine calvarial osteoblast-like cell number       Germany) for his advice during the elaboration of this
                after 7 and 14 days (average of n = 6 samples)                   article. This research was supported by a Marie Curie
                                                                                 Early Stage Research Training Fellowship of the
                the vicinity of the material could be playing a major role:
                                                                                 European CommunityÕs Sixth Framework Programme
                either due to an enhanced dissolution of the HA coating (as
                a result of the accumulation of tensile stresses) or the lower
                amount of HA available for dissolution on the surface of
                the HA/PCL deposit (Ref 55).
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Journal of Thermal Spray Technology                                                                      Volume 21(1) January 2012—143
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