Long run relationship between oil prices and aggregate oil investment: Empirical Evidence
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Long run relationship between oil prices and aggregate oil investment: Empirical Evidence* Sergio Guerra1 This version May 2007 Abstract Using the aggregate number of oil rigs as a proxy of oil investment, I evaluate the bidirectional relationship between oil prices and oil investment in OPEC and Non-OPEC countries. We take advantage of Bayesian estimation techniques and innovation accounting to incorporate the long run dynamics of the oil market without imposing strong restrictions on its structural form. Our results suggest that aggregate oil investment reacts to oil price changes as predicted in the traditional Hotteling model, but the response of oil price to shocks in oil investment (when controlling for world oil demand and oil production in both groups) is barely significant and usually transitory. JEL classification: C11, C32, C53, L71, Q41, Q43 Key Words: Energy Prices, Oil Investments, Vector autoregression, Bayesian methods. * The author would like to thank Osmel Manzano, Francisco Monaldi, Rodolfo Mendez, Giovanni DiPlácido, Daniel Ortega, Pablo Acosta, José Pineda and Alejandro Puente for their helpful ideas and comments. All remaining errors are mine. 1 Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) and Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. The ideas and views expressed on this paper are the solely responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the ideas and views of the Corporacion Andina de Fomento. Comments are welcome at: sguerra@caf.com
I. INTRODUCTION Investment theory, its consequences and determinants, will always be a relevant topic in the economic literature. Recent contributions situate oil investment in a prominent position on that literature. This observation may reflect the role of oil as the main source of energy, its exhaustibility condition, the relevance of market failures, its relationship with oil price volatility, and the non-competitive behavior of the market. Our work seeks to group those characteristics that highlight the importance of oil investment to study and measure both its aggregate response to shocks in oil prices, and its influence on the long run behavior of oil prices. In order to do this, we used the standard Hotelling (1931) approach distinguishing between OPEC and Non- OPEC groups, and contemporary Bayesian techniques for estimation purposes. Using the aggregate number of oil rigs as a proxy of oil investment, I evaluate the bidirectional relationship between oil prices and oil investment. The estimation follows those suggestion made by Sims (1980), Doan (2004), and partially Enders (1995), for studying several endogenous variables when its long run comovements face data restrictions. A Bayesian Vector Autoregressive analysis (BVAR) is then proposed in order to estimate the model without imposing strong restrictions on the structural form of the oil market. One of the basic findings of Hotteling’s approach is that an unexpected temporary change in oil prices today will not have an impact on investment decisions. This conclusion allow us to work with an approximation of the long term evolution of oil price, and as suggested by Pindick (1999), such and approach could be modeled because prices seem to follow a mean reverting process2. Additionally, as suggested by Christiano et al. (2006), VAR-based confidence intervals accurately reflect the actual degree of sampling uncertainty associated with impulse response functions. This complements one of the main advantages of VAR technique, which is to impose the minimum amount of restrictions over a specific structural approximation. On the other hand, Bayesian estimation allow us not just to improve the accuracy of forecast (Sims et al. 1990), but to deal with the lack of long periods of data, as well as with potential non-stationary problems. This empirical approximation is relevant because: (1) we incorporate one of the basic assumptions of the aggregate oil market, which is that investment decisions have an impact on oil prices due to its influence in future oil supply and, (2) we examine a bidirectional dynamic behavior rather than estimate an specific parameter, allowing us to delimit the uncertainty level surrounding its magnitude. To capture the actual behavior of oil investment, we used quarterly3 aggregate oil rig data4, which is a good proxy for countries effort to discover and develop new and 2 Although the rate of mean reversion is slow. 3 Three month average 4 Available at www.bakerhughes.com 2
current petroleum reserves levels5. Other variables used in the system where oil production levels and OECD activity index as proxies for controlling both oil supply and world oil demand respectively, and deflated Brent crude oil price. Our results suggest that aggregate oil investment reacts to oil price changes as predicted by the traditional Hotteling model, which states that only permanent or expected increases in oil price can affect investment decisions, while the response of oil price to shocks in oil investment (when controlling for world oil demand and oil production in both groups) is barely significant and usually transitory. One possible explanation for this result is that, on aggregate, oil investment is being directed to less productive phases of the oil fields, limiting the potential increase in supply, although we do not test for this hypothesis. The rest of the study is organized as follows; section II briefly describes the Hotteling model as well as recent theoretical and empirical developments of oil investment theory. Section III describes the methodological approach suggested and include the assumptions concerning with the prior used in the Bayesian estimation. Section V presents the results obtained. Section VI concludes with brief comments. The data set used it’s explained with detail in the annex A II. THE THEORY OF OIL INVESTMENT The purpose of this section is to briefly describe some of the standard contributions in oil investment theory as well as recent empirical approaches. We begin describing an extension of the Hotelling (1931) model that incorporate investment decision, based on a producer maximizing the net present value of a set of cash flows in a competitive environment. Then we present some considerations about the non- competitive behavior of oil market and finally present recent empirical approaches. The standard model of resource extraction was first introduced in Hotteling (1931). In that approach, each producer has an amount (R) of an exhaustible resource and faces the decision of extracting a quantity (q) of those reserves, and sells it at a fixed price (p). The extraction of (q) involves a cost (c), and investment decision involves cost i(d) for the development of new reserves (d). The amount of reserves evolves positively with new discoveries and negatively with the amount extracted. This scheme is presented in the next system of equations and follows Manzano & Guerra (2006). 5 This data set only exclude the rig count of Russia and Kazakhstan 3
The producer faces the following maximization problem T . . max ∫ [ p * q − c(q ) − i(d )]e − rt Subject to R = d − q (1) , D = d (2) q ,d 0 Leading to the next FOCs: ( p − cq )e −rt = λ (1) . λ =0 (2) id e −rt = λ +ϕ (3) . ϕ =0 (4) With transversality conditions H t = 0 , λt = 0 , Rt = 0 (5) (1) Is the Hotelling’s main postulate which states that oil price will grow at a positive real rate “r”, named the scarcity rent, (2) implicates that oil reserves do not depreciates, (3) states that investment value will equal the shadow value of actual and new reserves, (4) new reserves do not depreciates, and (5) imposes that when all oil is extracted or if reserves are left, the shadow value of them is zero. In this setting, we are assuming a constant price. In this case, an unexpected temporary change in oil price today will not have an impact on investment. What will happen is that oil production will increase today to the point where the FOC is met. However, given that the permanent and final price will not change, the shadow value of a reserve barrel will not change and because of that, investment will not change. Therefore, the only way that prices will change investment is that for the firm to face a permanent increase or an expected temporary increase that will induce investment before the increase. A non-competitive extension of this model is presented in Cremer y Salehi-Isfahani (1991). This extension allows us to incorporate two important implications: (a) The extraction pattern of the exhaustible resource will be biased towards conservationism (Q non-competitive < Q competitive up to a certain point in which the pattern will reverse). (b) When the number of participants growth to infinite, the situation evolves to the competitive case. Aside from the different believes about any particular market situation, this extension is important because geographic distribution of oil reserves is not homogeneous. Up 4
to 78% of proven crude oil reserves belongs to 11 countries that groups OPEC6, and among those countries, 7 are located in the Middle East. Additionally, as presented in Lin (2006), if sequential investments are made in neighboring tracts located over a common pool, firms might interact strategically because of the presence of information and extraction externalities. There is no academical consensus about the actual behavior of oil market7. The discussion was left aside on early 90’s when oil prices went down. But, whatever be the actual model, the empirical approach that we suggest is flexible enough to reflect some of the insights concerning any particular market situation. Recent empirical estimations focus only on the effect of oil prices in investment decisions. Ringlund et al. (2004), estimates the elasticity of oil rig investment demand to changes in oil prices in different countries and regions. Their empirical approximation incorporates unexpected technological changes using a state-space framework8. In particular, they argue that technological changes follow a stochastic process similar to a random walk with drift. Results suggest that oil rig investment respond positively to changes in oil prices, although it varies in speed and magnitude around the region studied. According to Ringlund et al. (2004), US will have the large price-elasticity to capital investment in the oil sector in both the short and the long run. Our principal concern with this work is that, however they consider regions that include OPEC countries, this result could be biased due to the omission of a potential double causality between oil prices and aggregate oil investment. Another approximation is presented in Casassus et al. (2005) in which the authors replicate the behavior of future and spot oil price in a DGE environment estimated using Simulated Method of Moments. They modeled oil prices as a regime-switching process in where investments are used as a proximity indicator. In this model, there are two investment “regions”. In other words, investment will not react to every price move. Only changes big enough will imply a “switch” of sate that will affect price. Additionally, this work suggests the existence of a risk prime in oil prices that depends on the distance between the decision to invest and the actual realization of that investment. Our principal concern with this work is that the investment cycle basically involves short run periods, and it can be argued that those cycles are typically larger. It is clear that oil investments are deeply conditioned on oil price behavior –i.e. the price that receives a producer for his production. It determinates the future profitability of those investments that are used in the oil production process, though, higher prices should lead to larger investments. 6 http://www.opec.org/home/PowerPoint/Reserves/OPEC%20share.htm 7 See Cremer y Salehi-Isfahani (1991) for a literature review 8 Estimated through Kalman filter. See Durbin y Koopman (2001) for a detailed explanation. 5
On the other hand, oil investment are in fact the previous phase in oil production –i.e. it condition the future supply of the exhaustible resource9, which means that aggregate oil investment (or that made by non-competitive actors) should affect oil prices using the future supply of the resource as a transmition channel. In other words, it is necessary to incorporate a bidirectional relation between oil prices and oil investment when studying aggregate markets. That’s why our work focuses on a multiequational approximation that allow us to study and evaluate, qualitatively and quantitatively, the effects that may exist when oil prices and aggregate oil investment are treated simultaneously. This will be explicitly explained in the next section. III. OUR METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH As exposed previously, there are theoretical justifications to consider aggregate oil investment as endogenous when studying oil price behavior. Sims (1980) proposes a non-structural approach to analyze this kind of situation in order to avoid a large number of restrictions. This is particularly useful when it is not whether variables are exogenous, and a natural use for a vector autoregressive analysis (VAR). Given that our work focuses on the study of a particular dynamic behavior, rather than a parameter estimation, this approach results adequate and optimal. Additionally, as suggested in Sims et al. (1990) and Mendez (2002), Bayesian estimation allows to incorporate in a flexible and transparent way additional information to the relatively scarce time series. We are going to estimate the following VAR model presented on its reduced form: 5 xt = A0 + ∑ Ai xt −i + et (1) i =1 Where xt is a (6x1) vector with observables variables such as: OPEC oil production, Non-OPEC oil production, oil rigs in OPEC countries, oil rig in Non-OPEC countries, OECD industrial activity index and Brent oil price in real terms. A0 is a constant (6x1) vector, Ai is a coefficient matrix (6x6) for lagged values of xt , and et is a vector of error terms. All variables are expressed in logs. Lag selection follows Doan (2004a), who suggests the use of at least one year and an additional period for quarterly data in VAR estimations. Regarding the stationarity condition of the data and the decision to include them in logs, Sims (1980), Sims et al. (1990), and Doan (2004), recommend against differentiating non-stationary variables. They argue that the purpose of a VAR is to determine the interrelationship among the variables, not to determine the parameter estimates. Besides, they suggest 9 Although this relation is not contemporary. 6
that differentiating the series throws away relevant information concerning with the common long run behavior of the data. Having identifying preliminary transformations of the data and the number of lags in the VAR system, we proceed to estimate it. As it is going to be described in the next lines, we propose to do it following Bayesian methods. The discussion follows Mendez (2002). The main difference between the Bayesian and classic estimation is the use of prior information. An illustrative example could be when we exclude a variable in a VAR system based in own beliefs about the relevance of that variable for the estimation. In that case, we are implicitly assuming prior information, -i.e. we are absolutely certain that the parameter associated with that variable equal zero. On the other hand, Bayesian approach incorporates available a priori information about the probability distribution associated to that parameter within the system. Sims (1980, 1990), Litterman, Sims & Doan (1986) and Doan (2004) are pioneers in the use of Bayesian methods in VAR estimation. Prior information in BVAR synthesizes all the knowledge within the time series used in a standard presentation. Common priors include the following general statistical ideas: • Aggregate time series usually have a near to one root on its autoregressive representation. • Lagged coefficient have a larger probability to be close to zero when the lagged period is longest (it could be associated with a decaying pattern) • Own lagged terms of a particular variable tend to be more useful for forecasting proposes than other explicative variables. These assumptions on the data generating process of the variables are restrictions that can be contradicted with the contribution of the data behavior. Standard Litterman prior extensively incorporates this accepted information about economic time series, and its variations are known called Minnesota priors. See Doan (2004a) for a detailed explanation concerning the estimation. In Litterman prior construction, we can identify three basic conclusions: • The priors put on the deterministic variables in each equation are non- informative (flat). • It is centered on the hypothesis that variables follow a random walk process with drift. • It is independent about the number of parameter. 7
Based on the next stationary test result, we construct our variation of the Litterman prior10. Table 1. Stationary condition of the variables11. Integration order (ADF) Variable Label Level First Difference Non-OPEC oil production LPNO I(1) I(0) OPEC oil production LPO I(1) I(0) Non-OPEC oil rigs LTNO I(1) I(0) OPEC rigs LTGO I(0) I(0) OECD Industrial Activity Index LIPIC I(1) I(0) Brent Real Price LBR I(1) I(0) • For each equation, first lag of the dependent variable has a prior mean of one, except OPEC oil rigs cause it reject null-hypothesis of non-stationarity. We then propose a fuzzy prior distribution with a coefficient near to 0.5. • Uncertainty associated to the standard deviation of each coefficient, different from that of first lagged value of dependent variable, was centered in 0.4 (instead of its standard value 0.5) as suggested by Doan (2004) when VAR systems contains more than five variables. • Lag decaying pattern used was harmonic with a 2.0 value, as suggested in Doan (2004a). • Also as suggested in Doan (2004), global uncertainty parameter (Overall tightness) was fixed at 0.2. Table II. The Prior Overall Tightness 0.2 Harmonic Lag decay 2.0 Type: Symmetric S.D. LPO LPNO LTGO LTNO LIPIC LBR LPO 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 LPNO 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 LTGO 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 LTNO 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.4 LIPIC 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.4 LBR 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0 First own lag 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 Preceding the estimation, we also need to define an orthogonalization method for the system in order to examinee shocks across variables, To take advantage of innovation accounting12, we need error terms to be uncorrelated both across time and equations. We used Choleski factorization methodology13 with 10 See Doan (2004) for a detailed explanation 11 See annex C for a detailed explanation. 12 Impulse-Response functions and Variance Decomposition See Enders (1996). That imposes a number of ( n − n) / 2 restrictions to the reduced form of the 13 2 model 8
the following order of the variables14: OPEC production, Non-OPEC production, OPEC oil rigs, Non-OPEC oil rigs, OECD industrial activity index, and real oil price. Synthesized as follows, we will present four principal ideas for the use of VAR methodology, and three more for its Bayesian estimation. Why a VAR analysis? • We intend to determine the interrelationships among variables, not to determine the parameter estimates. • Oil price is needed to be treated endogenously when aggregate information about supply and investment are considered. • The remaining variables could be endogenous among themselves. • It’s possible to identify and evaluate empirical effects as well as transmission mechanism. Why Bayesian Estimation? • It permits to minimize the associated sacrifice in model estimation with both a high number of parameters and scarce of data availability. • Allow us not to differentiate and then to retain log run comovements of the data. • Allow us to incorporate well accepted assumption about time series. III. ESTIMATION RESULTS In this section we will present the main findings of the estimation focusing on impulse-response functions as well as in variance decomposition15 for the selected variables. Figure I Oil Investment response to shocks in oil price. (OPEC-continuous line; Non-OPEC-dotted line) 0.05 0.04 0.03 Var.% 0.02 0.01 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Note: Confidence interval suggest noisy behavior, however trends are clear. 14 Contemporary order of the variables where studied through or causality test which are presented in annex B 15 See annex D for details. 9
As evidenced in Figures I, aggregate oil investment for OPEC and Non-OPEC groups respond positively to shocks in oil price. Both reach a maximum response near to 6th to 7th quarter, however, Non-OPEC oil response at this point surpass OPEC investment by 2,5 percentage points, basically doubling it. Those results are completely related with that of Hotteling (1931). Additionally, variance decomposition shows that in the long run (30 quarters) OPEC oil investment would be explained by oil prices by 47,0%, and Non-OPEC oil investment by 39,7%. Oil production variables for both groups positively respond to shocks in oil investment, but again Non-OPEC behavior is higher in magnitude. Maximum response occurs around the 10th quarter. Figure II shows that Non-OPEC average response to Non-OPEC investment is around 0,6% (which represent 250 thousand bbl/d of crude oil), meanwhile OPEC variation is around 0,4% (an additional production of 190 thousand bb/d). Variance decomposition suggest a long term behavior of OPEC oil production explained around 8% by its own investments, while for Non-OPEC oil production, this estimate is near to 22,7%. Figure II. Response of oil production to shocks in oil investment (OPEP-continuous; No-OPEP-dotted) 0.006 0.005 0.004 Var.% 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Note: Confidence interval suggest the same patter n as explained On the other hand, oil production response to shocks in oil prices suggests an interesting pattern. First of all, Figure III shows that OPEC has a larger capacity to respond in the short term to a permanent oil price variation than Non-OPEC producers as a group. Second, the latter has a slow growing but persistent pattern, contrary to the OPEC group, which seems to react with an overshooting of oil production in the short term (first 5 quarters) to then permanently reduce its production level. This kind of response is consistent with a cartel behavior. Variance decomposition suggest that long term OPEC oil production is explained in a 75% by its own production capacity and only in a 4% by oil prices. Contrary, Non-OPEC production seems to be explained in a 33% by its own capacity and a 13% by oil prices. 10
Figure III. Oil production response to shocks in oil price. (OPEP-continuous; No-OPEP-dotted) 0.0050 0.0025 Var.% 0.0000 -0.0025 -0.0050 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Note: Confidence interval suggest the same patter n. as explained. The response of Industrialized Activity Index to shocks in oil price (Not presented), initially seems to decrease up to the 6th quarter, then shows a recovery patter to initial levels reaching it at the 12th quarter. This behavior, however, its lower in magnitude than the others presented, and confidence intervals suggest the noisiest behavior. It can be argued that the activity index of industrialized countries is rather inelastic to oil price shocks. Variance decomposition suggest that this index is explained by self variation in a 66,36% and by OPEC oil production in a 14,36%. The same patter is followed by oil prices when an oil investment shock occurs, even when considering short run or long run movements in both groups. This can be appreciated in Figure IV and V. Variance decomposition suggest that long term oil price its explained only by 8% to OPEC changes in oil investment and 12% in case of Non-OPEC group. Figure IV. Figure V. Oil price response to shocks in Oil price response to shocks in OPEC oil investments Non-OPEC oil investments 0.20 0.04 0.15 0.03 0.10 -2 SD -2 SD LBR 0.02 LBR +2 SD +2 SD 0.05 0.01 Var. % Var. % 0.00 0.00 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 -0.05 Quarters -0.01 Quarters -0.10 -0.02 -0.15 -0.03 -0.20 -0.04 11
These results could be taking place for several reasons, and we will suggest two of them that could initiate a future research agenda. (1) As suggested in Hotteling (1931), the price evolution of an exhaustible resource is explained by both, technology and relative scarcity, not by investments. (2) Oil investments do not necessarily traduce in oil production. IV. CONCLUSIONS I have tested the theoretical relation between oil price and aggregate oil investment. In order to do this, we consider oil production and OECD industrial activity index as proxies of both, supply and demand behavior of the market as well as oil rigs used in exploratory and production phases of oil extraction as a proxy of oil investment. We argue that it is necessary to distinct OPEC and Non-OPEC countries in order to evaluate net effects of oil investment in future oil supply and then over oil price. The estimation follows a Bayesian vector autoregressive analysis with prior information suggested in Litterman (1986), Doan (2004) and stationarity test of the variables. Primary tools for evaluate this relation was impulse-response function and variance decomposition. Our findings follow the traditional Hotteling model in sense that oil investment seems to be explained by oil prices in the long term by 47% for OPEC group and 40% for Non-OPEC group. Their response to a permanent shock in oil price are at its highest level of 2,5% and 4,9% respectively, reached out around the 6th to 7th quarter. Additionally, in the long run OPEC crude oil production seems to be explained 8% by self investment decision and 73% by its own production capacity. For Non-OPEC countries, 22.3% of its production is explained by self investment decision, 30.2% by its own production capacity, 22,5% by OECD activity and 13.5% by real oil prices. However, contrary to common intuition, our result suggests that the oil price response to shocks in oil investment seems to be barely significant and usually transitory. This kind of response for oil price should arise in a model when a BVAR with 5 lags and 92 usable observations is run on the data from it. We do not claim about to discovered any particular robust response. This result is against any particular risk-prime on oil prices such as that suggested in Casassus et al. (2006). We suggest that this result could have two different explanations. First, as expressed in Hotelling (1931), long term determinants of an exhaustible resource price are technology and scarcity, not investment, which means that the theory of scarcity rent are in fact a relevant issue. Second, as frequently expressed by analysts16, more oil investment does not necessarily imply a greater oil production. Instead, a greater secondary extraction could be taking place suggesting that new oil findings aren’t in quantity and quality similar to those in the past. This mean that, on aggregate, oil investment is being directed to less productive phases of the oil fields, limiting the potential increase in supply 16 See for example http://www.iea.org/Textbase/press/pressdetail.asp?PRESS_REL_ID=159, and UBS (2007)
The framework presented here could be extended. One possible extension could be to incorporate oil stock information, which up to day isn’t available for the period studied. Additionally, a detailed research agenda about the quality of oil investment in OPEC and Non-OPEC groups is required in order to completely understand the former results. REFERENCES Abel, Andrew, Avinash K. Dixit, Janice C. Eberly and Robert S. Pyndick (1995). “Options, the value of Capital, and Investment” NBER Working Paper 5227, National Bureau of Economic Research. Cambridge MA. Aune Finn Roar, Solveig Glomsrod, Lars Lindholt and Knut Einar Rosondahl. (2005) “Are high oil prices profitable for OPEC in the long run?” Discussion Paper No. 416. Statistics Norway, Research Department. Casassus, Jaime, Pierre Collin-Dufresne y Brian R. Routledge. (2005) “Equilibrium Commodity Prices with Irreversible Investment and Non-Linear Technology” NBER Working Paper 11864, National Bureau of Economic Research. Cambridge MA. Cremer, J. y Salehi-Isfahani, D. (1991) Models of the oil market. Harwood Academic Publishers. Christiano, Lawrence J., Martin Eichenbaum, and Robert Vigfusson. (2006). “Assessing Structural VARs.” NBER Working paper 12353,. Forthcoming NBER Macroannual. Dees, S., Pavlos Karadeloglou, Robert K. Kaufmann y Marcelo Sanchez. (2004) “Does OPEC Matter? An Econometric Analysis of Oil Prices” Forthcoming in The Energy Journal. Dixit, Avinash K., y Pindyck, Robert S. (1994) Investment under uncertainty. Princenton, NJ. Princeton University Press. Doan, Thomas A. (2004) RATS User’s Guide Version and RATS Reference Manual, Version 6.0. Estima. Evanston IL. Elder, John y Peter E. Kennedy (2001), “Testing for Unit Roots: What Should Students Be Taught?” Journal of Economic Education. Vol. 31, No. 2, p. 137-146. Enders, Walter. (1995) Applied Econometric Time-Series. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Second edition: 2004. Enders, Walter (1996). RATS Handbook for Econometric Time Series. John Wiley Sons Ltd. USA 13
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ANNEX A: THE DATA17 Variable Label Scale / Units Range Frequency Source Energy Information NON-OPEC oil Jan-73 to Quarterly LPNO 000’ bbl/d Administration production Jun-06 Average (EIA) Note: The series was seasonally adjusted using TRAMO-SEATS procedure. Quarterly averages were constructed from monthly data. Source: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/mer/inter.html Energy Information Jan-73 to Quarterly OPEC oil production LPO 000’ bbl/d Administration Mar-06 Average (EIA) Note: Quarterly averages were constructed from monthly data. Source: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/mer/inter.html Baker Hughes Number of Jan-82 to Quarterly NON-OPEC rigs LTNO Incorporated rigs Jun-06 Average Oilfield Services Note: The series was seasonally adjusted using TRAMO-SEATS procedure. Quarterly averages were constructed from monthly data. Source: http://www.bakerhughes.com/investor/rig/index.htm Baker Hughes Number of Jan-82 to Quarterly OPEC rigs LTGO Incorporated rigs Jun-06 Average Oilfield Services Note: Quarterly averages were constructed from monthly data. Source: http://www.bakerhughes.com/investor/rig/index.htm OECD Industrial Index Jan-73 to LIPIC Quarterly IMF Activity Index 2000=100 Mar-06 Note: Seasonally adjusted from the source. Source: http://www.imfstatistics.org Constant Jan-73 to Quarterly Brent Real price LBR IMF 1997 USD Mar-06 Average Note: Quarterly averages were constructed from monthly BRENT data. Previously the series was deflated using EE.UU. CPI 1997=100. Source: http://www.imfstatistics.org, http://www.bls.org ANNEX B: BLOCK EXOGENEITY TEST Multivariate generalization of Granger-Causality tests Null: The Variables are exogenous to the remain variables Label Chi-sq Significance Level ÅExogenousÆ LPO 11,36 0.0034 LPNO 14.75 0.0006 LTGO 18,90 0.0001 LTGNO 21,03 0.0003 LIPIC 29,49 0.0000 LBR 59,19 0.0000 17 Capital L preceding labels suggest logarithmic transformation. 15
ANNEX C: INTEGRATED ORDER OF THE VARIABLES Producción Petróleo OPEP 35000 10.5 32500 10.4 10.3 30000 10.2 Thousand bbl/d Thosand bbl/d 27500 10.1 25000 10.0 22500 9.9 20000 9.8 17500 9.7 15000 9.6 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 PO LPO ADF Joint Test Label Det Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notes LPO T AIC=12 -3.43 -3.13 -1.73 6.34 5.39 2.10 La serie no es estacionaria. BIC=0 Perron Unit Root and Structural Change Æ No puede rechazar la presencia de una raíz unitaria. Log Producción Petróleo OPEP S.A. Primeras diferencias 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 -0.00 Var% -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 -0.25 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 DLPO ADF Joint Test Label Det. Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas DLPO None AIC=2 -1.95 -1.62 -10.24 - - - Estacionaria BIC=1 Producción Petróleo No-OPEP Seasonally Adjusted 45000 10.7 42500 10.6 40000 Log Thosand bbl/d 37500 10.5 Thousand bbl/d 35000 10.4 32500 30000 10.3 27500 10.2 25000 22500 10.1 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 PNO LPNO ADF Joint Test Label Det. Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas LPNO Trend AIC=3 -3.43 -3.13 -2.38 6.34 5.39 3.54 Raíz unitaria con drift. BIC=3 16
Log Producción Petróleo No-OPEP S.A. Primeras diferencias 0.03 0.02 0.01 Var% 0.00 -0.01 -0.02 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 DLPNO ADF Joint Test Label Det. Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas DLPNO None AIC=2 -1.95 -1.62 -2.67 - - - Estacionaria BIC=2 Taladros OPEP 450 6.12 6.00 400 5.88 350 5.76 Log # taladros # taladros 5.64 300 5.52 250 5.40 5.28 200 5.16 150 5.04 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 TGO LTGO ADF Joint Test Label Det Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas LTGO C AIC=18 -2.89 -2.58 -3.76 4.71 3.86 7.23 Estacionaria alrededor de BIC=2 una media Nota: Con el criterio de selección de rezagos AIC la conclusión se mantiene. Log Taladros OPEP Primeras diferencias 0.10 0.05 0.00 Var% -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 DLTGO ADF Joint Test Label Det Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas DLTGO non AIC=11 -1.95 -1.61 -6.12 - - - Estacionaria BIC=0 Nota: Con el criterio de selección de rezagos AIC la conclusión se mantiene. 17
Taladros No-OPEP Seasonally Adjusterd 5500 8.75 5000 8.50 4500 8.25 4000 Log # taladros # taladros 3500 8.00 3000 7.75 2500 7.50 2000 7.25 1500 1000 7.00 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 TNO LTNO ADF Joint Test Label Det Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas LTNO T AIC=8 -3.45 -3.15 -2.40 6.49 5.47 3.69 La serie no es estacionaria BIC=1 LTNO C AIC=8 -2.89 -2.58 -2.73 4.71 3.86 3.74 La serie no es estacionaria BIC=1 Nota: Æ(Componente deterministico: Trend) Con el criterio de selección de rezagos AIC la conclusión del test conjunto se modifica. El valor F calculado es de 7.92, sugiriendo una comportamiento estacionario en tendencia. Æ(Componente deterministico: Constant) Con el criterio de selección de rezagos AIC la conclusión del ADF se modifica. El valor T calculado es de -2.57 sugiriendo un comportamiento no estacionario. Log Taladros No-OPEP Primeras diferencias 0.16 0.08 0.00 -0.08 Var% -0.16 -0.24 -0.32 -0.40 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 DLTNO ADF Joint Test Label Det Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas DLTNO non AIC=3 -1.95 -1.61 -5.33 - - - Estacionaria BIC=3 Indice de Actividad Industrial de los países Industrializados 2000=100 S.A. 110 4.75 100 4.50 90 80 L o g In d e x 4.25 In d e x 70 60 4.00 50 40 3.75 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 IPIC LIPIC ADF Joint Test Label Det. Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas LIPIC Trend AIC=6 -3.43 -3.13 -2.82 6.34 5.39 4.44 Raíz unitaria con drift. BIC=1 Nota: Utilizando el criterio de selección de rezagos AIC la conclusión sobre la estacionalidad de la serie no se modifica. 18
Log Indice de Actividad Industrial de los países Industrializados Primeras diferencias 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 Var% -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 DLIPIC ADF Joint Test Label Det. Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas DLIPIC None AIC=5 -1.95 -1.62 -7.77 - - - Estacionaria BIC=0 Nota: Utilizando el criterio de selección de rezagos AIC la conclusión sobre la estacionalidad de la serie no se modifica. Brent Real 1997 constant USD 90 4.50 80 4.25 4.00 70 3.75 Log 1997 USD 60 1997 USD 3.50 50 3.25 40 3.00 30 2.75 20 2.50 10 2.25 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 BR LBR ADF Joint Test Label Det Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas LBR T AIC=6 -3.43 -3.13 -2.60 6.34 5.39 3.40 La serie no es estacionaria BIC=1 Perron Unit Root and Structural Change Æ No puede rechazar la presencia de una raíz unitaria. Log Brent Real Primeras diferencias 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 Var% 0.25 0.00 -0.25 -0.50 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 DLBR ADF Joint Test Label Det Lags 5% 10% T-calc 5% 10% F-calc Notas DLBR none AIC=2 -1.95 -1.62 -10.68 - - - Estacionaria BIC=1 19
ANNEXE D: VARIANCE DECOMPOSITION LPO Variance Decomposition (%) Quarters S. D. LPO LPNO LTGO LTNO LIPIC LBR 1 0,040 100,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 5 0,066 96,293 0,186 0,362 0,818 0,989 1,352 10 0,076 89,619 0,356 2,015 3,973 2,604 1,434 20 0,086 80,410 0,534 5,410 6,309 4,645 2,692 30 0,092 75,756 0,919 7,231 6,362 5,960 3,771 40 0,096 73,025 1,391 8,344 6,479 6,570 4,192 LPNO Variance Decomposition (%) Quarters S. D. LPO LPNO LTGO LTNO LIPIC LBR 1 0,006 0,066 99,934 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 5 0,015 5,701 82,554 1,567 7,397 2,146 0,634 10 0,023 12,297 58,075 2,747 17,499 6,274 3,108 20 0,034 13,728 39,187 2,298 23,202 12,612 8,973 30 0,041 11,685 33,193 1,654 23,415 17,775 12,278 40 0,046 9,751 30,196 1,409 22,674 22,506 13,464 LTGO Variance Decomposition (%) Quarters S. D. LPO LPNO LTGO LTNO LIPIC LBR 1 0,043 2,101 0,043 97,856 0,000 0,000 0,000 5 0,083 5,303 0,493 76,147 6,661 0,524 10,873 10 0,108 5,312 0,852 47,926 9,398 1,755 34,757 20 0,124 5,206 0,780 36,711 7,540 2,696 47,067 30 0,126 5,237 1,167 35,886 7,384 3,372 46,954 40 0,127 5,172 1,453 35,393 7,422 4,246 46,315 LTNO Variance Decomposition (%) Quarters S. D. LPO LPNO LTGO LTNO LIPIC LBR 1 0,051 4,663 5,684 0,415 89,238 0,000 0,000 5 0,141 6,854 3,475 1,315 70,255 1,043 17,058 10 0,203 7,810 3,009 2,626 49,771 1,999 34,784 20 0,247 9,071 5,421 2,906 38,006 2,923 41,673 30 0,267 9,952 8,073 2,823 35,250 4,180 39,723 40 0,282 10,045 9,602 2,618 34,019 5,994 37,722 LPIC Variance Decomposition (%) Quarters S. D. LPO LPNO LTGO LTNO LIPIC LBR 1 0,010 0,026 5,520 0,672 10,978 82,804 0,000 5 0,024 1,102 6,603 1,479 7,452 83,019 0,345 10 0,034 3,917 5,823 6,006 5,389 78,254 0,612 20 0,049 9,706 3,802 11,105 3,824 71,204 0,358 30 0,060 14,367 2,663 13,608 2,700 66,366 0,297 40 0,068 17,952 2,046 15,230 2,078 62,462 0,233 LBR Variance Decomposition (%) Quarters S. D. LPO LPNO LTGO LTNO LIPIC LBR 1 0,134 2,210 2,067 1,495 8,844 1,553 83,832 5 0,266 3,249 2,722 1,344 4,347 1,712 86,626 10 0,316 4,289 4,578 1,267 2,269 1,788 85,808 20 0,355 6,763 9,086 1,347 2,573 2,388 77,842 30 0,383 8,280 11,666 1,246 2,476 3,819 72,513 40 0,405 8,540 12,941 0,988 0,832 5,794 70,905 20
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