Long-Read Genome Sequencing Provides Molecular Insights into Scavenging and Societal Complexity in Spotted Hyena Crocuta crocuta

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Long-Read Genome Sequencing Provides Molecular Insights into Scavenging and Societal Complexity in Spotted Hyena Crocuta crocuta
Long-Read Genome Sequencing Provides Molecular Insights
into Scavenging and Societal Complexity in Spotted Hyena
Crocuta crocuta
Yong Shao,*,†,1 Xiao-Bo Wang,†,2,3 Mei-Ling Zhang,†,4 Yan Liu,†,5 Sheng Wang,1 Bao-Lin Zhang,1
Min-Min Yang,1 Ming-Hai Yang,5 Ting Jia,5 Tian-Chun Pu,5 Yan Lu,5 He Liu,5 Zhe Xu,5 Bo Li,5 Ning Liu,5
Violet Magoma Onsongo,1 Dong-Dong Wu ,1 Cheng-Lin Zhang,*,5 Jue Ruan,*,2 and Yan Li*,6
 State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming,
 Agricultural Genomics Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenzhen, China
 State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-Bioresources, Guangxi University, Nanning, China

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 Department of Acute Infectious Diseases Control and Prevention, Yunnan Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention,
Kunming, China
 Beijing Zoo, Beijing, China
 State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Bio-resource in Yunnan, School of Life Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming,
 These authors contributed equally to this work.
*Corresponding authors: E-mails: shaoyong@mail.kiz.ac.cn; zhch6465@263.net; ruanjue@caas.cn; liyan0910@ynu.edu.cn.
Associate editor: Jian Lu

The spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) is a large and unique terrestrial carnivore. It is a particularly fascinating species due
to its distinct phenotypic traits, especially its complex social structure and scavenging lifestyle, with associated high
dietary exposure to microbial pathogens. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms related to these phenotypes
remain elusive. Here, we sequenced and assembled a high-quality long-read genome of the spotted hyena, with a contig
N50 length of 13.75 Mb. Based on comparative genomics, immunoglobulin family members (e.g., IGKV4-1) showed
significant adaptive duplications in the spotted hyena and striped hyena. Furthermore, immune-related genes (e.g.,
CD8A, LAG3, and TLR3) experienced species-specific positive selection in the spotted hyena lineage. These results suggest
that immune tolerance between the spotted hyena and closely related striped hyena has undergone adaptive divergence
to cope with prolonged dietary exposure to microbial pathogens from scavenging. Furthermore, we provided the

potential genetic insights underlying social complexity, hinting at social behavior and cognition. Specifically, the
RECNE-associated genes (e.g., UGP2 and ACTR2) in the spotted hyena genome are involved in regulation of social
communication. Taken together, our genomic analyses provide molecular insights into the scavenging lifestyle and
societal complexity of spotted hyenas.
Key words: spotted hyena, long-read genome, social complexity, immune tolerance.

Background                                                                          diseases, such as anthrax, and reducing fly populations and
Although Hyaenidae comprised only four extant species                               fetid odors by quickly devouring carcasses (Koenig 2006;
(aardwolf, spotted hyena, striped hyena, and brown hyena),                          Benbow and Tarone 2015). In contrast to the aardwolf
representing the last remnants of this family, it possesses a                       (Proteles cristata), a termite-feeding specialist, striped hyenas
remarkable ecological diversity (Werdelin and Solounias 1991;                       (Hyaena hyaena) and brown hyenas (Parahyaena brunnea)
Koepfli et al. 2006; Watts and Holekamp 2007). For example,                         are scavengers that forage primarily on the carcasses of large
the modern hyenas occupy diverse habitats (i.e., deserts, mon-                      vertebrates (Watts and Holekamp 2007), wheras spotted hye-
tane forests, savannas) and distinct dietary niches, including                      nas (Crocuta crocuta) occupy both a scavenging niche and
specialized insectivores, predators, and, most intriguingly,                        predatory position at the top of the food chain (Gade 2006;
scavengers (Gusset and Burgener 2005; Watts and                                     Hayward 2006; Koepfli et al. 2006).
Holekamp 2007). Scavengers serve as important carrion con-                             Compared with other vertebrates, scavengers possess a
sumers in ecosystem food chains, impacting the spread of                            strong immune defense system because of their feeding

ß The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.
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Mol. Biol. Evol. 39(3):msac011 doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011 Advance Access publication January 17, 2022                                              1
Shao et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                                                                MBE
lifestyles, suggesting that they have evolved specific adaptive      synteny of genomes was observed between the spotted hyena
mechanisms to prevent infection from microbes in their               and cat (http://asia.ensembl.org/) (fig. 1B). These analyses
food (de la Lastra and de la Fuente 2007; Chung et al.               supported the high base accuracy of our genome assembly.
2015). Although a previous study has examined the immune             In contrast to the previous short-read assembly of the spotted
system of scavenging vultures (Chung et al. 2015), little is         hyena (Yang et al. 2020), our assembly showed improved
known about the genetic variations and molecular mecha-              quality (fig. 1C and supplementary fig. 2, Supplementary
nisms involved in the regulation of immune responses in              Material online). Additionally, Core Eukaryotic Genes
hyaenids, which represent a rare branch of mammalian scav-           Mapping Approach (CEGMA) and Benchmarking Universal
engers. To date, most studies on hyaenid species have focused        Single-Copy Orthologs (BUSCO) were applied to evaluate the
on their evolutionary history, conservation biology, and social      completeness of our assembly. Both analyses (96.4% in
structure (Holekamp et al. 2012; Westbury et al. 2018; 2020).        CEGMA and 95.4% in BUSCO) suggested high-quality assem-
    In addition to immune system evolution in hyaenids, stud-        bly and genomic completeness (supplementary tables 4 and
ies have indicated that spotted hyenas possess a more com-           5, Supplementary Material online). Based on de novo

                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/39/3/msac011/6509522 by guest on 01 July 2022
plex social structure than their close relatives (i.e., striped      (Augustus, Genscan, SNAP, and GlimmerHMM) and homol-
hyena, brown hyena, and aardwolf) and other carnivores.              ogy (cat, dog, tiger, panda, and human) annotations, we re-
This complexity is comparable with that of primates (i.e.,           trieved 21,468 protein-coding genes (supplementary fig. 3 and
baboons and macaques) (Holekamp et al. 2012). The social             supplementary table 6, Supplementary Material online).
complexity of spotted hyenas is embodied by communica-
tion signals (e.g., a rich repertoire of olfactory, acoustic, and    Evolution and Functional Roles of Transposable
visual signals), large group sizes (i.e., 9–70 individuals in each   Elements
clan), matriarchal and hierarchical organization, and high so-       In animals, transposable elements (TEs) play important roles
cial intelligence (Holekamp et al. 2007; Arsznov et al. 2010;        in shaping genomic and phenotypic evolution (Chuong et al.
Holekamp et al. 2012). In clans, female spotted hyenas are           2017). Here, we profiled evolutionary characteristics of TEs in
more socially dominant than males and more aggressive in             the spotted hyena genome. Long interspersed nuclear
aspects of behavior (Holekamp 2006). Morphologically,                element-1 (LINE-1) accounted for the highest proportion
females are 10% larger than males in body size and have             (22.12%) of the genome, closely approaching that of cat
masculinized external genitalia (Holekamp 2006), the forma-          (20.42%) and dog (20.22%) (fig. 2A and supplementary fig.
tion of which may involve hormone system balance of andro-           4 and supplementary table 7, Supplementary Material on-
gens and estrogens (Cunha et al. 2014). At present, however,         line). Intriguingly, we found that the top-three TE subclass
the genetic and molecular factors involved in social structure       LTR/ERVL-MaLR (2.31%) in the spotted hyena genome was
complexity in spotted hyenas remain unclear.                         at least 1.5 times as long as those of closely related non-
    Here, in contrast to a previous short-read assembly (Yang        Hyaenidae species, that is, cat (1.43%) and dog (1.51%).
et al. 2020), we assembled a high-quality long-read genome           The contents of another TE subclass (top five) (fig. 2A), DNA/
for the spotted hyena and used comparative genomics to               hAT-Charlie, accounted for 1.41% of the spotted hyena
gain molecular insights into social complexity and immune            genome, which was at least 1.8 times higher than that of
tolerance in the spotted hyena. Furthermore, our improved            the cat (0.77%) and dog (0.78%) (fig. 2A).
genome assembly offers insight into the potential molecular              For extant Hyaenidae species, genomes of the aardwolf,
mechanisms underlying the unique phenotypes of this                  spotted hyena (this study), and striped hyena have been re-
species.                                                             leased (Allio et al. 2021; Westbury et al. 2018). To compare
Results                                                              potential expansion of the two types of TEs, we downloaded
                                                                     the genomes of the aardwolf and striped hyena and analyzed
Sequencing, Assembly, and Annotation of Spotted                      TE content across diverse species. In addition to integrating
Hyena Genome                                                         genomes of the cat and dog, we also analyzed LTR/ERVL-
Utilizing 64.49 coverage data (155.57 Gb) from a single-          MaLR and DNA/hAT-Charlie in the cow as a contrasting
molecule real-time genome sequencing platform (PacBio                background species. We identified a potential pattern,
Sequel) (supplementary table 1, Supplementary Material on-           whereby Hyaenidae species exhibited significantly higher ex-
line), we obtained a high-quality de novo genome of the              panded TEs than the closely related non-Hyaenidae species
spotted hyena with a contig N50 of 13.75 Mb using                   (i.e., cat, dog, and cow), for example, LTR/ERVL-MaLR
FALCON (Chin et al. 2016) (fig. 1A and supplementary table           (P ¼ 0.0296, unpaired one-tailed t-test) and DNA/hAT-
2, Supplementary Material online). The genome assembly was           Charlie (P ¼ 0.008, unpaired one-tailed t-test) (fig. 2B). We
2.39 Gb in size, approaching the 2.41 Gb obtained from K-           concluded that the two types of TEs in the Hyaenidae species
mer analysis (supplementary fig. 1 and supplementary table 3,        genomes experienced a burst insertion in 11–13 Ma
Supplementary Material online).                                      (fig. 2C). The burst dating of LTR/ERVL-MaLR and DNA/
    We mapped 50 Illumina short reads representing                 hAT-Charlie approximated the divergence time (13 Ma)
123 Gb to this assembly, with a relatively high mapping             of the most recent common ancestor of Hyaenidae species
rate (99.3%) and homozygous single nucleotide polymor-              (Westbury et al. 2021), suggesting that the two types of TEs
phism (SNP) ratio approximating 4.37  106. Conserved               underwent expansion in Hyaenidae.

Long-Read Genome Sequencing in Spotted Hyena . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                                                                  MBE
  A                                                                                    B
                                                                                                0    5   10    15    20   25   30    35   40    45    50 Mbp
                            108                                                            0
                            107                                                            2
   Length of contigs (bp)

                            106                                                             4
                            105                                                            6
                                                                                           7                                        A1 A2 A3
                            104                                                            8
                                      Spotted hyena                                         9                                       B1 B2 B3 B4
                            103       Lion                                                 10
                                      Leopard                                              11                                       C1 C2
                            102                                                            12
                                      Tiger                                                13                                       D1 D2 D3 D4
                            10        Panda                                                14
                                      Red fox                                              15                                       E1 E2 E3
                             1                                                             16

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                                                                                                                                     F1 F2 X



  C                                                                            N
                                               Long read assembly                                         Short read assembly

                                                                                                                                               Contig length (Mbp)

FIG. 1. Contiguity and completeness of spotted hyena genome assembly. (A) Assembly N (x) plot shows percentage of genome (x-axis) containing
contigs of at least x kb (y-axis). The contig N50 was highlighted by the gray dotted line. (B) Syntenic relationship between spotted hyena and cat
genomes. Bars represent top 20 longest contigs of spotted hyena genome from top to bottom. Bar colors represent different cat chromosomes
(legend on right). (C) Treemaps of long-read and short-read spotted hyena assemblies, respectively. Rectangles represent longest contigs,
accounting for 255 Mb (10%) of assembly.

   Expansion of LTR/ERVL-MaLR and DNA/hAT-Charlie may                                               Fisher’s exact test), cervix uteri (P ¼ 0.02, Fisher’s exact test),
hold important biological implications for shaping pheno-                                           nerve (P ¼ 0.01, Fisher’s exact test), pituitary (P ¼ 0.02,
typic evolution in Hyaenidae species. To test this, we down-                                        Fisher’s exact test), testis (P ¼ 4.00E-06, Fisher’s exact test),
loaded the expression matrices of 30 normal human tissues                                           and thyroid (P ¼ 3.10e-03, Fisher’s exact test). Furthermore,
from the Genotype-Tissue Expression project (GTEx, https://                                         genes with DNA/hAT-Charlie insertions in the spotted hyena
commonfund.nih.gov/GTEx/) to obtain tissue-specific                                                 showed a significant overlap with tissue-specific expressed
expressed genes in each tissue according to t-statistics (sup-                                      genes from three tissues, including the bladder (P ¼ 0.01,
plementary fig. 5, Supplementary Material online) (Finucane                                         Fisher’s exact test), blood vessel (P ¼ 0.03, Fisher’s exact
et al. 2018). Based on in silico analysis (Fang et al. 2020), tissue-                               test), and testis (P ¼ 2.90e-03, Fisher’s exact test) (fig. 2D).
specific expressed genes are highly correlated across diverse                                       We also observed a similar enrichment pattern overlap in
species (e.g., humans and cattle). Therefore, we utilized tissue-                                   the two other Hyaenidae species (e.g., striped hyena and
specific expressed genes in humans to determine whether                                             aardwolf) (fig. 2D), with tissues showing significant TE enrich-
there was significant overlap between genes with LTR/                                               ment mainly involved in the urinary system, reproduction,
ERVL-MaLR and DNA/hAT-Charlie insertions in each                                                    and hormone regulation (fig. 2D). We ranked the top 5% of
Hyaenidae species and tissue-specific expressed genes across                                        genes based on TE insertion length in each gene locus and
diverse tissues. We used the OrthoMCL algorithm (Li et al.                                          overlapped the tissue-specific expressed genes for each
2003) to identify pairwise single-copy orthologous genes be-                                        Hyaenidae species, and still found a similar LTR/ERVL-MaLR
tween each Hyaenidae species and humans. Interestingly,                                             enrichment pattern in the pituitary across Hyaenidae
genes with LTR/ERVL-MaLR insertions in the spotted hyena                                            (fig. 2D).
showed a significant overlap with tissue-specific expressed                                             Our analysis suggests that the expanded TEs (e.g., LTR/
genes from six tissues, including the bladder (P ¼ 0.02,                                            ERVL-MaLR and DNA/hAT-Charlie) in Hyaenidae species
Shao et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MBE
        A                                                                                                                                                                                                                          B                                                P=0.0296

                             Proportion of top 10 sub-categories in genomes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 spotted hyena
                                                                               20                                                                                                                                cat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 dog                                                                                                                    DNA/hAT-Charlie

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Contents of TEs (%)
                                                                               15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Common name
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    spotted hyena
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1.5                                                                        P=0.0088                    striped hyena
                                                                               10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   dog

                                                                               5                                                                                                                                                                             1.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ae           ne e           ae                                      ne e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                No nida

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         No nida

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         nid                           nid






                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ae                              ae




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Hy                                Hy
















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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 13 Mya                                                                                                                       13 Mya
                                                                                                                            12 Mya
                   0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

                                                                                                                                                                    0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
                                                                               spotted hyena                                                                                                     striped hyena                                                                                                           aardwolf

                                                                                                                                    LRT/ERVL-MaLR                                                                                    LRT/ERVL-MaLR                                                                                                               LRT/ERVL-MaLR

                                                                                   0            5             10           15            20        25          30                                0       5          10     15         20                           25               30                                   0          5          10        15       20       25       30
                                                                                                                           11 Mya                                                                                          11 Mya
                   0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         11 Mya
                                                                                                                                                                      0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

                                                                               spotted hyena

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
                                                                                                                                                                                                 striped hyena                                                                                                           aardwolf

                                                                                                                                    DNA/hAT-Charlie                                                                                DNA/hAT-Charlie                                                                                                               DNA/hAT-Charlie

                                                                                   0            5        10      15     20                         25          30                                0       5        10      15     20                                25               30                                   0          5      10     15       20               25      30
                                                                                                    Divergence time (Mya)                                                                                    Divergence time (Mya)                                                                                                       Divergence time (Mya)

        D                                                                          spotted hyena               striped hyena                    aardwolf                                                                     spotted hyena                              striped hyena                                         aardwolf
                                                                                                                                                                                                             1                                                                                                                                                         1
                                                                                0.63     0.95     0.26   0.50     0.01   0.93   adipose                                                                                     0.97                  0.95                  0.94             0.97                                0.90       0.97        adipose
                                                                                0.56     0.92     0.04   0.58     0.17   0.92   adrenal gland                                                                               0.50                  0.47                  0.24             0.82                                0.49       0.68        adrenal gland
                                                                                0.02     0.01     0.01 1.10e-03 0.04 3.50e-03 bladder                                                                                       0.97                  0.85                  0.88             0.23                                0.98       0.19        bladder
                                                                                0.98     0.89     0.46   0.96     0.84   0.57   blood                                                                                       0.62                  0.99                  0.23             0.82                                0.08       0.82        blood
                                                                                0.10     0.03 6.40e-04 6.80e-04 3.90e-03 0.03   blood vessel                                                                                0.97                  0.58                  0.69             0.97                                0.89       0.83        blood vessel
                                                                                0.69     1.00     0.01   0.70     0.40   0.94   brain                                                                                       0.28                  0.68                  0.24             0.53                                0.31       0.39        brain
                                                                                                                                                                                                             P value                                                                                                                                                   P value
                                                                                0.87     0.97     0.34   0.66     0.20   0.87   breast                                                                                      1.00                  0.97                  0.80             0.99                                0.90       0.99        breast
                                                                                0.02     0.12     0.08   0.10     0.05   0.25   cervix uteri                                                                                0.50                  0.77                  0.88             0.89                                0.36       0.67        cervix uteri
                                                                                1.00     1.00     0.85   1.00     0.65   1.00   colon                                                                                       0.73                  0.95                  0.01             0.06                                0.22       0.94        colon
                                                                                0.97     0.75     0.51   0.45     0.39   0.63   esophagus                                                                                   0.50                  0.91                  0.03             0.33                                0.35       0.95        esophagus
                                                                                0.63     0.72     0.79   0.62     0.48   0.95   fallopian tube                                                                              0.73                  0.91                  0.70             0.89                                0.90       0.95        fallopian tube
                                                                                0.22     0.54     0.02   0.63     0.13   0.32   heart                                                                                       0.50                  0.97                  0.88             0.93                                0.59       0.90        heart
                                                                                0.85     0.98     0.89   0.99     0.71   0.99   kidney                                                                       0              0.62                  0.77                  0.54             0.49                                0.95       0.90        kidney             0
                                                                                0.85     1.00     0.59   0.99     0.48   1.00   liver                                                                                       0.20                  0.68                  0.06             0.89                                0.09       0.99        liver
                                                                                0.56     0.83     0.59   0.95     0.27   0.60   lung                                                                                        0.82                  0.77                  0.45             0.63                                0.46       0.83        lung
                                                                                0.97     0.89     0.96   0.77     1.00   0.86   muscle                                                                                      0.20                  0.68                  0.45             0.42                                0.72       0.25        muscle
                                                                                0.01     0.21 2.60e-05 7.90e-04 2.90e-03 0.30   nerve                                                                                       0.73                  0.91                  0.09             0.93                                0.35       0.91        nerve
                                                                                0.63     0.99     0.48   0.83     0.41   0.99   ovary                                                                                       0.73                  1.00                  0.55             0.99                                0.43       0.94        ovary
                                                                                0.96     0.97     0.57   0.94     0.89   0.97   pancreas                                                                                    0.82                  0.85                  0.03             0.72                                0.60       0.76        pancreas
                                                                                0.02     0.58 1.90e-03 0.16       0.02   0.66   pituitary                                                                                 1.90e-03                0.97                  0.03             0.63                                0.04       0.88        pituitary
                                                                                1.00     0.99     0.97   0.93     0.99   0.99   prostate                                                                                    0.13                  0.99                  0.24             0.64                                0.25       1.00        prostate
                                                                                0.83     0.43     0.41   0.13     0.45   0.14   salivary gland                                                                              0.82                  0.99                  0.93             0.99                                0.16       1.00        salivary gland
                                                                                1.00     0.90     1.00   0.81     1.00   0.56   skin                                                                                        0.99                  0.28                  0.89             0.75                                0.95       0.55        skin
                                                                                1.00     1.00     1.00   1.00     0.75   1.00   small intestine                                                                             0.73                  0.85                  0.09             0.87                                0.67       0.88        small intestine
                                                                                1.00     1.00     0.97   1.00     0.94   1.00   spleen                                                                                      0.82                  0.28                  0.23             0.41                                0.42       0.49        spleen
                                                                                0.98     0.93     0.95   0.95     0.66   0.92   stomach                                                                                     0.73                  0.77                  0.10             0.43                                0.43       0.72        stomach
                                                                              4.00e-06 2.90e-03 3.50e-03 0.07 1.10e-03 9.60e-03 testis                                                                                      0.62                  0.68                  0.97             0.71                                0.94       0.81        testis
                                                                              3.10e-03 0.21 6.30e-06 0.01 7.00e-04 0.70         thyroid                                                                                     0.73                  0.99                  0.67             0.98                                0.83       1.00        thyroid
                                                                                0.11     0.21     0.01 1.40e-03 0.02     0.30   uterus                                                                                      0.82                  0.95                  0.80             0.97                                0.90       1.00        uterus
                                                                                1.00     1.00     1.00   1.00     1.00   1.00   vagina                                                                                      0.62                  0.97                  0.97             0.81                                0.56       0.89        vagina

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FIG. 2. Expansion of TEs in Hyaenidae species genomes. (A) Top ten TE subclasses in spotted hyena genome. Subclasses were compared with those
of cat and dog. Red dashed box indicates candidate expanded TE subcategories in the spotted hyena genome. (B) Comparative analyses of genome
contents of LTR/ERVL-MaLR and DNA/hAT-Charlie between Hyaenidae and non-Hyaenidae closely related species. Significance test (P < 0.05)
was performed using unpaired one-tailed t-test. (C) Divergence time of LTR/ERVL-MaLR and DNA/hAT-Charlie in Hyaenidae species genomes.
The TE burst divergence time is highlighted by the black arrow. Kimura nucleotide distance of masked regions against consensus sequences were
automatically estimated by RepeatMasker, and TE ages were inferred under a mutation rate of 1.1  108 per generation (human) (Roach et al.
2010). (D) Significance of gene overlap between genes with expanded TE insertions in each Hyaenidae species and tissue-specific genes. Top 5% of
genes were ranked by LTR/ERVLMaLR and DNA/hAT-Charlie insertion length in each gene locus. P-values of Fisher’s exact test are shown in box.

Long-Read Genome Sequencing in Spotted Hyena . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                              MBE
may have played roles in the development and evolution            the evolution of immune-related gene families diverged dur-
of the urinary system, reproduction, and hormone                  ing Hyaenidae species evolution. Additionally, we observed
regulation.                                                       five expanded gene families, including IGKV4-1 (immunoglob-
                                                                  ulin kappa variable 4-1), with 17 and 16 copies in the two
Expansion of Immune-Related Gene Families in                      scavengers compared with that in the termite-feeding aard-
Spotted Hyena Genome                                              wolf (fig. 3E), implying important functional roles in regulating
Changes in gene family size potentially contribute to impor-      immune system evolution in the spotted and striped hyenas.
tant genetic factors in phenotypic evolution (Qiu et al. 2012).   In addition, IGKV4-1 and other genes (e.g., IFITM1, IGLV1-40,
Using the OrthoMCL algorithm (Li et al. 2003), we identified      IGHV3-48, and HLA-A) in the segmental duplications of the
11,753 homologous gene families that were shared by four          spotted hyena genome (supplementary fig. 7 and supplemen-
species (cat, tiger, leopard, and spotted hyena) (fig. 3A).       tary table 12, Supplementary Material online) were also sig-
Furthermore, compared with other species (i.e., cat, tiger,       nificantly enriched in immune-related functional terms,
leopard, dog, fox, panda, horse, and cow), 69 gene families       especially immunoglobulins (supplementary table 13,

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were potentially specific to the spotted hyena. These specific    Supplementary Material online). The immune systems of an-
gene families comprised 148 genes, 71 of which were identi-       imal scavengers are likely to have been molded by selective
fied by known InterPro domains (supplementary tables 8 and        pressures associated with surviving microbial assaults from
9, Supplementary Material online). The spotted hyena-             their food (Flies et al. 2012).
specific gene families were significantly over-represented in
certain functional categories: that is, alternative splicing
                                                                  Adaptive Evolution of DNA Damage/Repair and
(UP_KEYWORDS,            P ¼ 0.003),     synapse     assembly
(GO:0007416, P ¼ 0.007), neuron projection development
                                                                  Immune Genes in the Spotted Hyena Genome
                                                                  Positive selection of genes plays important roles in pheno-
(GO:0031175, P ¼ 0.018), and cell adhesion molecules
                                                                  typic evolution of species (Bakewell et al. 2007; Shao et al.
(CAMs) (hsa04514, P ¼ 0.021) (supplementary table 10,
                                                                  2015). We identified 7,562 high-confidence single-copy one-
Supplementary Material online). Thus, these spotted hyena-
                                                                  to-one orthologous genes in 11 species, including the cat,
specific gene families appear to be primarily involved in the
                                                                  tiger, leopard, spotted hyena, striped hyena, aardwolf, dog,
nervous system.
                                                                  fox, panda, horse, and cow (supplementary fig. 8,
    We next identified 333 gene families that were substan-
                                                                  Supplementary Material online). We utilized the branch-site
tially expanded in the spotted hyena compared with the most
                                                                  model under a likelihood ratio test to identify positively se-
recent common ancestor of the spotted hyena and (cat [tiger,
                                                                  lected genes (PSGs) in the spotted hyena lineage. Compared
leopard]) (fig. 3B). Functional enrichment analyses revealed
                                                                  with the striped hyena and aardwolf (56 and 143 PSGs, re-
that expanded gene families in the spotted hyena were sig-        spectively) (supplementary tables 14 and 15, Supplementary
nificantly related to immune categories: that is, immunoglob-     Material online), we identified 70 PSGs in the spotted hyena
ulin domain (UP_KEYWORDS, P ¼ 7.28E-17), viral capsid             (supplementary fig. 9 and supplementary table 16,
(GO:0019028, P ¼ 2.46E-06), viral envelope protein                Supplementary Material online). We compared the percent-
(UP_KEYWORDS, P ¼ 1.33E-04), regulation of immune re-             age distribution of tissue-specific expressed genes in the spot-
sponse          (GO:0050776,         P ¼ 3.22E-04),      virion   ted hyena PSGs across 30 normal human tissues. The PSGs in
(UP_KEYWORDS, P ¼ 0.0018), negative regulation of lym-            the spotted hyena showed higher biased expression in eight
phocyte activation (GO:0051250, P ¼ 0.0027), viral process        tissues (fig. 4A), with digestion-related organs (e.g., pancreas
(GO:0016032, P ¼ 0.0042), immunity (UP_KEYWORDS,                  and small intestine), immune-related organs (e.g., spleen), and
P ¼ 0.0123), and natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity        metabolic organs (e.g., liver) preferentially expressing spotted
(GO:0042267, P ¼ 0.0158) (fig. 3C and supplementary table         hyena PSGs (fig. 4A). These results suggest potential molecu-
11, Supplementary Material online).                               lar factors of adaptive evolution underlying digestion, metab-
    Moreover, we identified 380 and 362 substantially ex-         olism, and immune systems in spotted hyenas (fig. 4B).
panded gene families in striped hyena and aardwolf, respec-           We also observed a significant PSG overlap (SHPRH, TLE6,
tively (supplementary fig. 6, Supplementary Material online).     ZC3H18, CEP126, MILR1, and CORO7) between the spotted
For these expanded gene families in three Hyaenidae species,      and striped hyenas (P ¼ 1.1e-05, Fisher’s exact test) (fig. 4C),
we found that 47 (in spotted hyena), 41 (in striped hyena),       which participate in DNA repair [e.g., SHPRH (GO:0006281)],
and 50 (in aardwolf) expanded gene families were involved in      disease mutation (e.g., TLE6; UP_KEYWORDS), and immune
immune-related functional categories identified by the            processes (e.g., MILR1; immunoglobulin domain) (fig. 4D and
DAVID Functional Annotation Bioinformatics Microarray             supplementary table 17, Supplementary Material online).
Analysis (Huang da et al. 2009a, 2009b) (fig. 3D). Further,       Indeed, due to their specific feeding behavior, spotted and
we noticed that 62% of the immune-related expanded               striped hyenas are repeatedly exposed to pathogens from the
gene families in the Hyaenidae species were species-specific      carcasses they scavenge (Flies et al. 2014; Zhou et al. 2020).
(i.e., 62% of 47 immune-related expanded gene families in         Chronic exposure to pathogens may have resulted in adaptive
spotted hyena, 71% of 41 immune-related expanded gene             changes in various pathways, including DNA damage and
families in striped hyena, and 62% of 50 immune-related ex-       repair, disease resistance, and immunity. Although congruent
panded gene families in aardwolf) (fig. 3D), suggesting that      genes (e.g., SHPRH and TLE6) showed positive selection in the
Shao et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                                                                                                                                             MBE
    A                                                                                                                    B
                                                                                                                                                                                Cat             +212 / -712
                                                                           Leopard               Tiger                         Gene families
                                                                                                                             expansion/contraction                              Tiger            +79 / -1910
                                                                             96                   63
                                                                                         289                                                                                    Leopard         +224 / -386
                                                                          46                           124
                                                               Spotted hyena                                 Cat                                                                Spotted hyena +333 / -3530

                                                                                                1882         147                                                                Dog             +373 / -996
                                                                   444          102
                                                                                                                                                                                Red fox         +324 / -600
                                                                                                                         (17558)                                                Panda           +310 / -1167
                                                                                                                                                                                Horse           +536 / -1203
                                                                           49                          652
                                                                                                                                                                                Cow             +639 / -911
                                                                                   92           820
                                                                                                                                   66 58 48             35        1813 8       0 Million years ago

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    C                                                                                                     Virion
                                                                                        Viral envelope protein
                                                                                    Immunoglobulin V region
                                                                                     Immunoglobulin domain
                                                                                         Host-virus interaction
                                                                                           Blood microparticle
                                                                Negative regulation of lymphocyte activation
                                                                            Regulation of immune response
                                                                         Positive regulation of phagocytosis
                                                                        Negative regulation of viral process
                                                  Platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling pathway
        Negative regulation of single stranded viral RNA replication via double stranded DNA intermediate
                                                                                     Apoptotic cell clearance
                                                                     Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity
                                                                                            Platelet activation
                                                                                                Viral envelope
                                                                                                   Viral capsid
                                                                                                 Viral process
                                                                                               Antigen binding
                                                                             Natural killer cell differentiation
                                                                          Immunological synapse formation
                                                                                            Adaptive immunity
                                                                                                                                                        0               5          10                15
                                                                                                                                                                  -Log (adjusted pvalue, 10)
    D                                                                                                                        E                  Gene copy number
        Number of Immune-related expanded gene families

                                                                     Unique immune-related expanded gene families
                                                                     Co–shared immune-related expanded gene families               0        3       6   9    12      15    18

                                                                                                                                       1    1       2   0    5      1      2      1 17 16        1 IGKV4-1

                                                                                                                                       4    4       4   5    4      4      4     4      5   6   4 NDST1

                                                                                                              31 (62%)
                                                                     29 (62%)                                                          2    2       2   2    2      2      2     2      3   3   2 TIE1

                                                                                          29 (71%)
                                                                                                                                       1    1       1   1    3      1      1      1     3   2    1 PNP

                                                                                                                                       1    1       2   1    1      2      1     2      3   2    1 RPS24

                                                                     18 (38%)                                19 (38%)
                                                                                          12 (29%)
                                                                                                                                                          ed g

                                                                                                                                                       ed na

                                                                                                                                                       A a na

                                                                                                                                                       L e se

                                                                                                                                                 St d h r


                                                                                                                                                      te ge




                                                                                                                                                   rip ye


                                                                                                                                                    ot Ti



                                                                   spotted hyena        striped hyena        aardwolf


FIG. 3. Evolution of gene families in spotted hyena genome. (A) Venny plot of gene families across four species. (B) Expansion and contraction of
gene families among nine species (cat, tiger, leopard, spotted hyena, dog, red fox, panda, horse, and cow). (C) Functional enrichment analysis of
expanded gene families in the spotted hyena genome. The immune-related functional categories are shown in this barplot. (D) Comparative
genomics analyses of immune-related expanded gene families in three Hyaenidae species. Light blue represents species-specific expanded gene
families, and dark blue represents co-shared expanded gene families with at least one species. Number or proportion of unique immune-related
expanded gene families or co-shared immune-related expanded gene families in all immune-related expanded gene families for each species is
shown in red. (E) Five common immune-related expanded gene families in both scavenger genomes. Copy numbers in spotted hyena and striped
hyena are highlighted in yellow.

Long-Read Genome Sequencing in Spotted Hyena . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                                                                                                                                                                        MBE

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Percentage of tissue-specific expressed genes in PSGs
        Number of tissue-specific expressed genes in PSGs





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                                                                                                                          4.94                                                                                                                                FGGY
                                                                                                                          1.71                                                                                                                                GPR37      10
                                                                                                                          5.45                                                                                                                                EHHADH
                                                                                                                          0.00                                             -2.39                                                                              FCAMR
                                                                                                                                                   3.48                            4.49                                                                       TMEM131L   5
                                                                                                                                                   3.79                     3.45                                                                              STXBP6
                                                                                                                                                  -2.94                                                                                                       CALHM3     0
                                                                                                                                                  13.68                                                                                                       CPB1
                                                                                                                                                                           2.99    6.04                                                                       CD8A
                                                                                                                                                                           2.38    3.76                                                                       LAG3       −5
                                                                                                                                                                           3.64                                                                               MEP1B
                                                                                                                                                                                   5.14                                                                       SETX





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                                                                                                                                             SHPRH                   TEL6            TLR3   MEP1B                                              GM2A
  C                                                                                                                 D                     171    356           198       406          495    361                                                80
                                                                                 Overlapping P=1.1e−05                                   V S I       G C I    Q T R V P E          N V D    R E Y                               L T S Tiger
                                                                                  (Fisher's exact test)
                                                                                                                                         V S I       G C I    Q T R V P E          N V D    R E Y                               L T S Leopard
                                                                                                                                         V S I       G C I    Q T R V P E          N V D    R E Y                               L T S Cat
                                                                                                                                         I S I       G N M    Q T R V S E          N T D    R N Y                               L L S Spotted hyena
                                                             spotted hyena                 SHPRH    striped hyena
                                                                                            TLE6                                         I D I       G C M    Q V R V P E          N V D    R E Y                               L I S Striped hyena
                                                                                           ZC3H18                                        I S I       G C M    Q T R V P E          N V D    R E Y                               L T S Aardwolf
                                                                  64                       CEP126             50
                                                                                                                                         I S I       G C I    Q T R V P E          N V D    R E Y                               L S S Panda
                                                                                           CORO7                                         I S T       G C I    Q T R V P E          N V D    R E Y                               L N D Dog
                                                                                                                                         I S T       G C I    Q T H V P E          N V D    R E Y                               L T D Red fox

                                                                                                                                         V S I       G C I    E T P    V P E       N V D    R E Y                               L S D Cow

                                                                                                                                         V S V       G C I    Q T Q     I P E      N V D    R E Y                               L S A Horse

                                                                                                                        PROVEAN score:   -0.217      -1.336   -3.278    -3.308     -0.771   -3.278                               -3.194

FIG. 4. Comparative analysis of PSGs in spotted hyena lineage. (A) Statistical analysis of tissue-specific expressed PSGs in spotted hyena genome.
Yellow dotted line represents a percentage (5%) of tissue-specific expressed genes in PSGs in spotted hyena. In total, eight tissues showed a higher
percentage of tissue-specific expressed genes in the spotted hyena PSGs. Digestion/immune/metabolism organs are highlighted in red. (B)
Expression heatmap of tissue-specific expressed genes (in liver, spleen, small intestine, and pancreas) across 30 human tissues. Gene expression
level was normalized by log2(expression). (C) Overlapping analysis of PSGs between spotted hyena and striped hyena. Overlapping P-value was
calculated by Fisher’ exact test (P < 0.05). (D) Sequence alignments of candidate PSGs in spotted hyena and striped hyena. Genes SHPRH and TEL6
were co-shared as PSGs in spotted hyena and striped hyena with different positively selected sites. Examples of unique PSGs in spotted hyena
include TLR3, MEP1B, and GM2A. PROVEAN score is also shown for each positively selected site. PROVEAN scores with
Shao et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                                                                 MBE
18, Supplementary Material online). Among these candidates,         UGP2, ACTR2, ARL6, NSD1). Of note, from the Human
CD8A, LAG3, and MEP1B were specifically expressed in im-            Phenotype Database, UGP2 is involved in impaired social inter-
mune or digestion-related organs (spleen and small intestine)       actions (supplementary table 28, Supplementary Material on-
(fig. 4B). As ingested carrion contains large amounts of toxic      line) and its loss in the human brain can lead to severe
metabolites and pathogens (Tanner et al. 2010), these               epileptic encephalopathy (Perenthaler et al. 2020). Another
species-specific PSGs in the spotted hyena may help them            lineage-specific RECNE in the spotted hyena harbored a 10-
deal with toxic substance metabolism during digestion and           bp deletion compared with other two Hyaenidae species and
improve immunity for pathogen resistance. Thus, we con-             nine outgroup species without complex social behaviors
cluded that spotted and striped hyenas may have evolved             (fig. 5D) and the RECNE-associated gene, ACTR2, involving
different adaptive evolutionary strategies in response to their     in synaptic plasticity is related to improved learning
common scavenging lifestyles, which are continually exposed         (Gonzalez-Martın et al. 2021). Furthermore, Illumina short-
to pathogenic microorganisms.                                       read mapping demonstrated the accuracy of this RECNE
                                                                    and excluded the possibility of genome assembly error (sup-

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Rapidly Evolving Conserved Noncoding Elements                       plementary fig. 13, Supplementary Material online). Our
Potentially Contributed to Evolution Relating to Social             results suggest that these lineage-specific RECNEs possibly har-
Behavior in Spotted Hyena                                           bor a revised functional role in the spotted hyena, differenti-
The evolution of regulatory elements, such as conserved non-        ated from that of other species, and contribute to the
coding elements (CNEs), has played a crucial role in the phe-       regulatory roles of those genes in social behaviors, for example,
notypic adaptations of animals to specific environments (Leal       EFNA3, UGP2, and ACTR2. The functional implications of these
and Cohn 2016; Peng et al. 2020). Here, based on a previous         candidates suggest that at least some RECNEs likely regulate
comparative genomics methodology (Roscito et al. 2018)              the complexity of social behavior in spotted hyena commu-
(fig. 5A and supplementary fig. 10, Supplementary Material          nities. However, further experiments are needed to validate
online), we identified rapidly evolving CNEs (RECNEs) in the        the functional roles of these rapidly evolving CNEs in regulat-
Hyaenidae species with a mean RECNE length of 26 bp                ing societal complexity.
(fig. 5B and supplementary fig. 11 and supplementary tables
19–21, Supplementary Material online). In total, 324, 329, and      Discussion
583 lineage-specific RECNEs were obtained in the spotted            In this study, we sequenced and assembled a high-quality
hyena, striped hyena, and aardwolf, respectively (fig. 5C),         spotted hyena genome. Compared with previous spotted
and we retrieved 65 lineage-specific RECNE-associated genes         hyena genome assembly, with a contig N50 of 21.301 kb
with a distance of 5kb to the RECNEs in the spotted hyena          (Yang et al. 2020), our genome assembly was improved by
(supplementary table 22, Supplementary Material online)             long-read sequencing (PacBio Sequel), resulting in a contig
compared with the striped hyena and aardwolf (supplemen-            N50 length of 13.75 Mb. The improved spotted hyena ge-
tary tables 23 and 24, Supplementary Material online).              nome permits further discovery of the evolutionary features
    Functional enrichment analyses indicated that the lineage-      of the genome and better understanding of the genetic
specific RECNE-associated genes in Hyaenidae species evolu-         underpinnings of specific phenotypic evolution.
tion were mainly involved in gene transcription and regulation
(supplementary tables 25–27, Supplementary Material online).        Evolution of Immune Tolerance in Spotted Hyena
Intriguingly, for the spotted hyena lineage-specific RECNE-as-      Scavenging animals play key roles in various ecosystems by
sociated genes, the most significantly enriched category “GO:       the removal of carcasses, thus preventing the spread of dis-
0007411axon guidance” (P ¼ 0.001), which included five             ease (Chung et al. 2015). The scavenging lifestyle also suggests
genes (EFNA3, DCC, FEZ2, NRXN3, and ATOH1) related to               immune system tolerance, indicating that these animals have
neural system functions involving migration of axon growth          potentially undergone adaptive evolution in response to
cones, did not emerge in the enrichment analyses of the             chronic exposure to pathogens. For example, studies on ob-
striped hyena or aardwolf (supplementary tables 25–27,              ligate scavenging birds (i.e., turkey and cinereous vultures)
Supplementary Material online). Typically, the EFNA3 gene is        have explored the potential genetic mechanisms related to
involved in autism (Marchese et al. 2016), which is character-      the prevention of infection from microbes that exist in their
ized by impaired social communication (Fernandez and                diet, and several immune genes have been reported to be
Scherer 2017; Galvez-Contreras et al. 2017; Szoko et al. 2017).     under positive selection (i.e., AHSG and BCL6) (Chung et al.
Compared with the striped hyena and aardwolf, we observed a         2015; Zhou et al. 2019).
short distance (504 bp) between EFNA3 and RECNE (scaf-                  However, compared with scavenging birds, the underlying
fold486: 168,079–168,129; length ¼ 50 bp) in the spotted hy-        molecular mechanisms related to immune tolerance to
ena lineage and high sequence divergence in RECNE with eight        pathogens in mammalian scavengers remain unclear.
mutations (supplementary fig. 12, Supplementary Material on-        Hyaenidae species, especially brown, striped, and spotted hye-
line). Based on the GO and Human Phenotype Database (sup-           nas, are excellent models for testing the potential evolution-
plementary table 28, Supplementary Material online), we             ary mechanisms underlying their immune systems. Although
identified a series of RECNE-associated genes in the spotted        striped and spotted hyenas have undergone next-generation
hyena involved in social behavior, learning, and cognition (e.g.,   (short-read) genomic sequencing, details on the genetic

Long-Read Genome Sequencing in Spotted Hyena . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                                               MBE
  A                                                                 B

             1.5                                                             60

                                                                                                                                                spotted hyena


             1.0                                                             20

                                                                                                                                                striped hyena

                                                                                                                                                                    Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/mbe/article/39/3/msac011/6509522 by guest on 01 July 2022
             0.0                                                              0
                   −12        −8               −4          0                       0                50            100                        150
                                       Score                                                        Length of RECNEs
  C                                                            D
                                                                        human          T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                         spotted hyena                                aardwolf         T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                                   324                          striped hyena          T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                                                               spotted hyena           T T T – – – – – – – – – – GT T T T CT T C
                                                                             cat       T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                         76               17                               tiger       T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                                                                       leopard         T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                                   4                                        dog        T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                    329                         583                     red fox        T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
             striped hyena         12           aardwolf                 panda         T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                                                                          horse        T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                                                                            cow        T T T G A T T T GGC A G G T T T T C T T C
                                                                        mouse          T C T G A C T T GG T A – G T T T T C T T –

FIG. 5. Identification and functional analysis of RECNEs in spotted hyena lineage. (A) Identification of RECNEs in spotted hyena lineage using global
Z-score method. Dotted line represents the top 1% of global Z-scores. (B) Length distribution of RECNEs for three Hyaenidae species.
(C) Comparative genomics analysis of RECNEs in three Hyaenidae species. (D) Multiple species sequence alignment of RECNEs with the neigh-
boring gene ACTR2 in the spotted hyena genome. RECNE is located at the region (scaffold33: 8,759,259–8759271; length ¼ 12 bp) in the spotted
hyena genome. The 10-bp deletion sequence in the spotted hyena genome is highlighted in yellow.

mechanisms of adaptive evolution, especially for the immune                       FCAMR encodes a receptor for lgA and lgM and can modu-
system, are still incomplete (Westbury et al. 2018; Yang et al.                   late antigen-driven immune responses in mice (Choi et al.
2020; Zhou et al. 2020). In this study, we constructed an                         2013). These analyses suggest that immunoglobulin genes
improved long-read genome assembly for the spotted hyena                          have undergone adaptive evolution in the spotted hyena
to explore the potential genetic basis of immune system evo-                      immune system. Significantly, other immune-related genes
lution. Our analyses hint that the evolution of immune tol-                       have also experienced positive selection in the spotted hyena,
erance to pathogenic microorganisms in spotted hyenas may                         such as TLR3 (Toll-like receptor 3), which evolved under
be involved in multiple strategies functioning on immune-                         strong purifying selection throughout human history and
related genes, such as gene duplications and adaptive se-                         plays a fundamental role in pathogen recognition and acti-
quence changes.                                                                   vation of innate immunity (Muzio et al. 2000; Zhang et al.
   Immunoglobulins play important roles in recognizing an                         2013), suggesting a vital role in the evolution of immune
immense variety of different pathogens and responding dy-                         tolerance in the spotted hyena. Additionally, we found that
namically as pathogens evolve during infection (Maizels                           certain PSGs, especially MEP1B (Van Spaendonk et al. 2017)
2005). Here, gene family analyses indicated that immunoglob-                      with high tissue-specific expression in the small intestine and
ulin family members (e.g., IGKV4-1) have undergone signifi-                       with potential functional changes in the positively selected
cant adaptive duplications in the spotted hyena and striped                       site (PROVEAN < 2.5), are associated with toxin transport,
hyena genomes. We also detected that another immunoglob-                          which is important for detoxification and metabolism of toxic
ulin gene, FCAMR, experienced positive selection in the spot-                     substances. We also found a series of PSGs involved in the
ted hyena lineage with high expression in the liver (fig. 4B).                    biological processes of DNA damage and repair. These results

Shao et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                                                                 MBE
imply metabolism/repair-associated genes also underwent             20-kb library was constructed and further sequenced by
adaptive evolution to cope with the scavenging lifestyle.           PacBio Sequel.
Our analyses further suggest that evolutionary mechanisms
of immune tolerance in spotted and striped hyenas have              Long-Read Genome Assembly of Spotted Hyena
experienced adaptive divergences at the molecular level.            The 64.49 PacBio Sequel subreads were applied to pro-
                                                                    duce a de novo assembly using FALCON (Chin et al. 2016).
Societal Complexity of Spotted Hyena                                The assembled genome was further polished by mapping the
Spotted hyenas are large terrestrial carnivores that occur          subreads to the contigs of the assembly using Quiver (Chin
throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The complexity of spotted            et al. 2013). Base accuracy of the assembly was evaluated by
hyena societies is comparable with that of cercopithecine           paired-end short reads from the Illumina platform. Assembly
primates, particularly in regard to group size, structure, and      completeness was estimated using CEGMA (https://github.-
patterns of competition and cooperation, and far exceeds            com/KorfLab/CEGMA_v2) and BUSCO (http://busco.ezlab.
that of any other carnivore (Holekamp et al. 2007).                 org/). Genome size was estimated by the k-mer algorithm.

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Computed tomography has also indicated that the anatomy
of the spotted hyena brain resembles that of primates with a        Genome Annotation of Spotted Hyena
large frontal cortex, which is involved in the regulation of        The de novo and homology strategies were utilized to pro-
social behavior (Dunbar and Bever 2010; Adolphs 2001;               duce repetitive sequences for the spotted hyena genome. We
Amodio and Frith 2006; Holekamp et al. 2007). This suggests         constructed a de novo repeat library using RepeatModeler
that spotted hyenas may possess a relatively high social cog-       (v1.0.8) (http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/) and
nitive ability. Based on RECNE analysis, we unexpectedly            ran RepeatMasker (v4.0.7) (http://www.repeatmasker.org/)
found that adjacent genes (e.g., EFNA3, UGP2, and ACTR2)            for the spotted hyena assembly using the constructed de
of certain RECNEs in the spotted hyena lineage were strongly        novo library. To obtain homologous repeat annotations, we
related to neural system function, especially social communi-       ran RepeatMasker against RepBase (v20170127) (https://
cation, learning, and cognition. For example, the learning-         www.girinst.org/repbase/), and the repeat annotations of
related gene, ACTR2, was also adjacent to the RECNE with            spotted hyena were combined from the two strategies.
a 10-bp deletion in the spotted hyena genome, hinting at its        Similarly, we also used de novo and homology-based algo-
potential functional role in regulating social behaviors.           rithms to annotate the protein-coding genes of the spotted
However, further functional experiments are needed to vali-         hyena genome, and the last annotation version was obtained
date this possibility. Our analyses hint at the potential genetic   from their integrations. In brief, Augustus (v3.0.3) (Stanke and
factors regulating social complexity in spotted hyenas.             Waack 2003) and SNAP (Korf 2004) were applied to predict
                                                                    genes in the repeat-masked spotted hyena genome, and
Conclusions                                                         PASA (v2014-04-17) (Haas et al. 2003) was utilized to train
                                                                    gene model parameters. For homology-based annotations,
In this study, we produced a high-quality long-read genome
                                                                    protein sequences from five species (cat, tiger, dog, panda,
assembly for the spotted hyena. Furthermore, we unraveled
                                                                    and human) were downloaded from the Ensembl genome
the evolutionary features of its genome and potential molec-
                                                                    browser (http://asia.ensembl.org/index.html) and were
ular/genetic mechanisms of several unique phenotypes,
                                                                    aligned to the spotted hyena assembly using tblastn with
namely complex societal structure and immune system tol-
                                                                    an e-value < 105. GenBlastA (v1.0.138) (She et al. 2009)
erance, in the spotted hyena lineage. We also highlighted
                                                                    was used to cluster adjacent HSPs from the same protein
specific functions of TEs (e.g., LTR/ERVL-MaLR and DNA/
                                                                    alignments, and GeneWise (v2.4.1) (Birney et al. 2004) was
hAT-Charlie) with high content in Hyaenidae species
                                                                    used to identify the precise gene structures. EvidenceModeler
genomes. This study provides an excellent basis for future
                                                                    (v2012-06-25) (Haas et al. 2008) was applied to integrate all
functional experiments as well as phenotypic and evolution-
                                                                    predicted genes of different strategies and form a high-
ary biology studies on spotted hyenas.
                                                                    confidence gene set. The functional annotations were
                                                                    assigned and integrated using diverse databases including
Materials and Methods                                               Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG, https://
Sample Collection and Single-Molecule Real-Time                     www.genome.jp/kegg/), SwissProt, TrEMBL (https://www.uni-
Sequencing                                                          prot.org/), GO (http://geneontology.org/), and InterPro
All animal experiments were approved by the Ethics and              (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/).
Experimental Animal Committee of the Kunming Institute
of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Approval            Identification of Gene Families and Evaluation of
ID: SMKX-20200120-27). Genomic DNA was isolated from                Divergence Time
blood samples of a male spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in          Coding sequences of eight species (cat, tiger, leopard, dog, fox,
Beijing Zoo, China. The large-insert PacBio library preparation     panda, horse, and cow) were downloaded from the Ensembl
was conducted following the Pacific Biosciences recom-              genome browser and, together with that of the spotted hyena,
mended protocols. In brief, high-quality DNA was fragmented         were used to construct gene families. Briefly, we removed CDS
randomly, then purified and further repaired. The sequencing        sequences with fewer than 30 encoded amino acids, prema-
adapters were ligated, and failed fragments were removed. A         ture stop codons, and nontriplet lengths. OrthoMCL (v2.0.9)
Long-Read Genome Sequencing in Spotted Hyena . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                               MBE
(Li et al. 2003) was used to produce gene family categories.         drive5.com/muscle5/), and low-quality aligned regions were
Cafe (https://hahnlab.sitehost.iu.edu/software.html) was used        further trimmed by Gblocks (v0.91b) with default parameters.
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Shao et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msac011                                                                                                   MBE
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