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    D O N G R E E N P  A  R  T Y
LON       MAYOR & A ESTO 2016
                    S S E M B LY M A N IF
co-operatives and smaller companies not
                                                       big developers, funding experts to help
                                                       communities defend their estates and
                                                       helping private tenants with rent controls
                                                       and a renters’ union so they can organise
                                                       and stand together.
                                                       We will create better jobs by supporting
                                                       new, green and small businesses and make
                                                       sure more workers win fair wages. We
                                                       will save lives and set an example to the
                                                       world by cleaning up our air and creating
                                                       a network of better green spaces, and by
                                                       reducing our waste and impact on climate
                                                       We will make London a better place to live
                                                       by reducing traffic, improving public trans-
                                                       port and helping people walk and cycle on
                                                       safe streets to nearby shops and services.
                                                       We will restore trust in the police by
The power of good ideas                                working with citizens to rethink their prior-
                                                       ities, and we will work to protect London’s
For the first time in history over half the
                                                       health services from privatisation and cuts.
world lives in cities, and there is no better
city to start changing the world than                  Above all we will make sure City Hall listens
London.                                                to Londoners and involves them more
                                                       directly in the decisions that affect our city.
We have a rich history of change and
invention and our eight million people are             The new Mayor and Assembly elected in
bursting with ideas to solve our problems.             2016 must take the first important steps
This Green Party manifesto sets out plans              towards a better future for all our people.
for the Mayor and Assembly that build on               We can do that, and build on sixteen years
these ideas.                                           of effective work by Green Assembly
                                                       Members in City Hall, if you help elect more
Greens put fairness at the heart of all
                                                       Greens on 5th May.
our policies: building more homes with

                                                                                      SIAN BERRY,
                                                                      GREEN CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR
1. Action on housing			                          4
2. Transport that works			                       8
3. Air pollution and public health		            12
4. Jobs and businesses			                       16
5. Policing and communities		                   20
6. Equality and diversity			                    26
7. Our city’s environment		                     30
8. Energy and climate change		                  34
9. Giving Londoners a voice		                   36

Cover: Sian Berry, Green candidate for Mayor of London, with Shahrar Ali and Caroline Russell, candidates for the London Assembly
Real Action On Housing                                   Transport that works
200,000 new homes, half of them built affordably         Fair fares for commuters, with lower costs for
by councils, smaller developers, communities and         outer London, flat fares by 2025 and change
housing associations.                                    between buses, tubes and trains at no extra cost.
Renters’ rights supported, with a London Renters         Fair charges for motoring, to reduce congestion
Union and a push for rent controls.                      and pollution and help pay for improvements to
                                                         public transport.
No more estate demolitions, with practical help for
residents to make alternative plans.                     People-friendly streets, with big ticket projects in
                                                         every borough to support walking and cycling.
End rough sleeping, with places for at least 2,000
former rough sleepers and people moving on from          Bring privatised trains back into public hands
hostels in our housing plans.                            under the wing of Transport for London.

Cut Deadly Air Pollution                                 A Greener London
End the crisis of filthy air, bringing pollution below
                                                         No new runways at Heathrow or Gatwick and
legal limits by 2020 at the latest.
                                                         close City Airport to build a new quarter for London.
Get the most polluting vehicles off the road, and
                                                         A not-for-profit London Energy Company to
switch all buses and taxis to zero emissions.
                                                         compete with the ‘Big 6’ and power Crossrail.
Tell Londoners the truth, with clear, consistent
                                                         More than half of London to be green space, to
warnings about polluted air days.
                                                         support access to nature, growing food locally and
                                                         reduce flood risks.

Stronger businesses and more jobs
Create a Bank for London to support small                Education, Skills And The Arts
businesses and the local economy.
                                                         Stop the loss of arts and music venues, particu-
Fight for the London Living Wage for the one in          larly through the use of planning powers.
five working Londoners who are still paid less.
                                                         Rewrite the London Curriculum to support a
Protect independent businesses, particularly from        broader range of subjects including arts and tech
soaring rents and unchecked regeneration.                skills.
Better part-time jobs, with 1,000 new employers          Create at least 150,000 high-quality apprentice-
signing up to truly flexible working.                    ships.

Policing AND The Community
Focus more police time on community policing,            Giving Londoners A Voice
tackling hate crime and supporting young people.         Bring Londoners into City Hall’s decision making
                                                         and kick out big business lobbyists.
Involve communities in addressing extremism,
rethinking the flawed and discriminatory Prevent         Gain more powers for London to decide its own
strategy.                                                taxes, policies and services.
Achieve ambitious diversity targets and gender           Campaign to keep the UK in the European Union.
equality in the police, and introduce name-blind
recruitment across London.
action on
 H o u s i n g
                                                  Greens on the London Assembly have already:
 A decent, affordable home is a basic
                                                  • Helped establish the first major community-led housing
 human right and should be at the                   project at St Clement’s in Tower Hamlets, ensuring the
 heart of any civilised city. However,              Mayor provided them with the land.
 London’s housing is in crisis.                   • Supported council tenants in stopping or changing plans to
 Most young people can’t buy their                  demolish their homes, including residents of the Heygate
                                                    estate in Southwark, the West Kensington and Gibbs Green
 own home and millions of us pay a                  estates in Earls Court, North Tottenham estates in Haringey
 huge proportion of our wages in rent.              and Cressingham Gardens in Lambeth.

 A city that is affordable only for the           • Secured £5 million for community groups to bring empty
                                                    homes back into use, helping homeless people learn new
 very well off is a broken city.                    skills and develop homes at affordable rents.
 The Green Party will set up a not-for-profit
 housing company to help Londoners take
 the lead on building affordable homes and
 regenerating our estates.                       Greens in City Hall will:
 We will use City Hall money and public land
 to support residents in planning their own      CREATE a not-for-profit housing company
 regeneration projects and to create a more      Leaving housing to the big developers
 diverse, public, private and co-operative       and investors clearly isn’t working. Our
 sector for new homes on smaller sites.          plans will enable a wider range of smaller
 We will make sure new housing is built          companies, co-ops, community land trusts
 to the highest environmental standards,         and individual self-builders to be involved
 making them warmer and cheaper to run.          in the development of the vast amount of
 And we will insulate older homes to the         public land under City Hall’s control. This
 same standards.                                 will improve the speed of delivery of new
                                                 homes as well as pioneering new ways of
 We will shake up the private rented sector      providing real affordability.
 by setting up a renters’ union to help
 tenants help themselves against rogue           We will set up a not-for-profit housing
 landlords and lettings agents, and we’ll set    company for London.
 annual figures for a living rent for students   The housing company will:
 and private tenants to help us all campaign
 for the power to control rents.                 • Create a new People’s Housing Precept,
                                                   replacing the existing Olympic Precept

 4       London Green Party Manifesto 2016
from 2017, using an increase in council
   tax to create a fund to invest in new        EXPOSED: PLANS
   homes and community-led housing              TO CUT 7,000
                                                COUNCIL HOMES
• Establish a People’s Land Commission,
  making more public land available to          Darren Johnson AM
  community-led housing projects and            has exposed that
  using compulsory purchase powers to           plans to regenerate
  help them assemble other sites ready          estates across
  for development.                              London will lead to
                                                the loss of more than
• Provide a Community Homes Unit of             7,000 council homes.
  experts in planning and project devel-
  opment in City Hall to help communities       Figures from the
  and small builders develop their plans.       Mayor obtained by       Assembly candidate Jennifer Nadal supporting
                                                Darren show that        residents of the threatened Silchester Esttate
• Offer residents a ‘Right to Regenerate’,      estate regeneration
  giving them the chance to take                schemes will result in the loss of 1,389 affordable homes and
  control of regeneration in their area by      7,326 social rented homes. These are all plans to demolish
  developing their own Neighbourhood            and redevelop estates that have been given planning permis-
  Plan and establishing a community-led         sion already by councils and the Mayor.
  company to realise their plans.
                                                Darren says: “Under the cover of tired stereotypes about sink
• Aim to provide 200,000 homes by 2020,         estates, the Mayor is whittling away homes that are affordable
  with 50,000 new homes a year created          to Londoners. He talks up the new homes being built, without
  through a combination of new-build and        mentioning all those he is knocking down at the same time.
  redeveloping empty properties.
                                                “Almost without exception, estate regeneration has been a
SET UP A London Renters Union                   complete disaster in London and made our housing crisis
More than two million Londoners are
private renters and they currently get a raw   • Support renters taking legal action
deal. High rents, insecure tenancies and         against private landlords with advice
poor conditions are a normal part of life        services, a guide to their rights and
for far too many. We will comprehensively        signposting to other agencies that can
reform the private rental sector to reduce       help them.
rents, make renters more secure in their
homes and protect them from exploitation.      • Establish and support local groups
                                                 exposing wrongdoing and prompting
We will support renters’ organisations           local authority enforcement action, for
by helping to establish a London Renters         example undertaking ‘secret shopping’
Union with core costs and office space           exercises to identify those lettings
funded by City Hall but with the union           agents not complying with laws relating
operating entirely independently of the          to fees or uncovering racial discrimina-
GLA, which it will also need to lobby and        tion against tenants.
                                               • Set up a Londonwide landlord register,
The union could:                                 working with accreditation schemes,
• Work with the Mayor and London                 borough licensing schemes and tenants
  Assembly to lobby for radical reforms,         to establish a database of landlords and
  giving the Mayor the power to bring in         campaign for mandatory licensing of
  rent controls and require more stable          all landlords. The database could also
  tenancy agreements.                            include a blacklist of rogue landlords.

                                                                                 Chapter 1 Action on housing             5
Plan for genuinely affordable homes                an adequate Statement of Community
We will bring Londoners into City Hall             Involvement, giving residents a genuine
to rewrite the London Plan, which has              opportunity to co-produce any plans. No
become a charter for bad developers. This          estate will be demolished without the
will give citizens’ groups a real opportunity      genuine consent of its current residents,
to shape the future of development.                and the Community Homes Unit will
                                                   provide support to residents who wish
We will:                                           to take over their estate through their
                                                   Right to Regenerate.
• Set targets for new homes of different
  tenures based on need, supporting             • Introduce new policies on taller build-
  our aim of building 50,000 homes a              ings, which can provide new homes and
  year and include at least 16,000 social         office space but must be located in the
  rented homes and 10,000 low-cost                right places. Stronger planning rules are
  rented and ownership homes in the               needed so that they play a positive role,
  target.                                         both practically and visually, in London’s
                                                  development and include street level
• Produce a usable definition of London
                                                  amenities in their plans.
  affordable housing, ensuring that no
  ‘affordable’ home costs more than             • Make sure the new London Plan
  a renter’s or buyer’s income can                includes affordable homes for people
  realistically support. This will include a      at all stages of their lives, including
  definition of a ‘living rent’.                  Lifetime Homes so older people can
                                                  stay in their homes as their needs
• Publish detailed supplementary
                                                  change and making sure 10 per cent of
  guidance on viability, which includes
                                                  new homes are wheelchair accessible.
  measuring the value of land at its
  existing use and accounting for exces-
  sive land prices; removing any default        Eliminate homelessness
  or minimum profit level; requiring devel-     The Government’s policies mean more and
  opers to publish their assessments in         more people in London are living without
  full and with a non-technical summary;        proper homes in temporary accommoda-
  and setting up an expert unit in City Hall    tion or on the streets. Rough sleeping has
  to scrutinise applications and support        unacceptably doubled in London in recent
  borough planners.                             years. We have policies to help deal with
                                                the causes of homelessness and we will
• Develop better policies for major             also provide greater direct support to deal
  regeneration projects by supporting           with this immediate and growing crisis.
  neighbourhood plans, providing the
  community with financial support              We will:
  and giving expert advice through our
                                                • Make sure London has a ‘housing first’
  not-for-profit housing company and
                                                  approach to end rough sleeping and
  Community Homes Unit.
                                                  include places for at least 2,000 former
• Introduce planning policy requiring any         rough sleepers and people moving
  regeneration of council or housing asso-        on from hostels in our housing plans,
  ciation estates to have a comprehen-            together with support for the private
  sive, independent analysis carried out          rental sector with deposits and advice.
  of the social, environmental (including
                                                • Offer the services of our not-for-profit
  embodied carbon) and economic
                                                  housing company to self-help co-oper-
  benefits of all possible options, which
                                                  atives, which can work with homeless
  will always include refurbishment and
                                                  people to bring empty homes back into
  regeneration. Landlords must set out
                                                  use and help them house themselves.

6       London Green Party Manifesto 2016
• Set up a Homelessness Board in City
  Hall, bringing in public services such as      community homes
  the NHS, London Councils, the Metro-
                                                 Both Ken Livingstone
  politan Police and specialist services to
                                                 and Boris Johnson
  ensure a more joined-up approach is
                                                 promised to provide
  offered for pathways out of homeless-
                                                 land for a Community
  ness, particularly for those with multiple
                                                 Land Trust. But both
  needs to make sure they do not slip
                                                 dodged this commit-
  through the cracks.
                                                 ment, preferring to
                                                 sell land to the highest   Residents on the West Kensington and
• Make sure our housing policies
                                                                            Gibbs Green estates putting together plans.
  form part of an integrated London              bidder. That usually
  strategy for improved mental health.           meant big developers.
  Overcrowding and poor or precarious
                                                 So Green Assembly Member Jenny Jones worked closely with
  living conditions can lead to illness, and
                                                 London Citizens over several years to force Boris Johnson to
  people with mental health problems are
                                                 honour his promise. She lobbied the Mayor to ensure the East
  too often left to fall into homelessness.
                                                 London Community Land Trust could establish itself at the St
• Back a new law to prevent people               Clements site in Tower Hamlets. Jenny also pursued Boris over
  on the streets being turned away by            his promise for a Community Land Trust on the Olympic Park.
  councils and extending the City Hall ‘No
                                                 Our idea of a Community Homes Unit comes from Jenny and
  First Night Out’ scheme, with more GLA
                                                 Darren Johnson working with groups like West Kensington and
  buildings and land used for emergency
                                                 Gibbs Green Community Homes, who want to take over their
  shelters particularly in the winter
                                                 estate, and Self-help housing, who help homeless people bring
                                                 empty homes back into use and rent them.
• Lobby London boroughs and the
                                                 With a Green Mayor, this unit would help transform the way we
  Government to protect homelessness
                                                 build homes and communities in London.
  funding and press for the London
  Councils grant scheme to be taken over
                                               • Set up a task force to review the impact
  by City Hall to protect essential services
                                                 of the Immigration Bill on Londoners.
  that operate across multiple boroughs.
                                               • Petition the government to recognise
• Increase support for asylum seekers
                                                 the unique needs of housing in London
  and EU migrants at risk of destitution
                                                 and reverse the harmful measures in
  and homelessness who have very little
                                                 the Immigration Bill.
  access to statutory help with housing or
  benefits, campaigning for more devolu-
  tion of funds and increased aid via the
                                               GIVE A fair start TO students in London
  European Union.                              Eight out of ten students worry about
                                               making ends meet. Student rents are
guarantee housing for all communities          soaring with London by far the most expen-
                                               sive region of the UK. We are not serving
The impact of the Immigration Bill risks
                                               our valuable young citizens well when they
severely constraining access to housing for
                                               are faced with such a high cost of living.
people receiving benefits and for migrants
and their children. We must avoid creating     We will:
an underclass of renters based on employ-
                                               • Commission work to produce an annual
ment status, nationality or ethnicity.
                                                 London figure for a ‘Student Living Rent’
We will:                                         and then work with universities and
                                                 colleges to make sure at least 50 per
• Create an anonymous hotline for renters
                                                 cent of rooms in their halls of residence
  to report discrimination.
                                                 are available at that rate or lower.

                                                                               Chapter 1 Action on housing                7

       W O R KS
   Londoners need to be able to get
   around easily on a transport system               Greens on the London Assembly have already:
   that is fairly priced and works for               • Tripled the cycling budget and introduced plans for cycle
                                                       hire and cycle superhighways.
   everyone. Our streets are not just for
   travelling on but for spending time               • Provided crucial support to campaigns that scrapped a
                                                       motorway bridge over the Thames and a third runway at
   in, visiting shops, sitting, playing and            Heathrow.
   getting exercise.
                                                     • Started a smarter travel unit to support people swapping
   Greens will prioritise investment in walking,       their car for the bus or bike.
   cycling and public transport to help people
                                                     • Worked with bus campaigners to force Transport for London
   out of car dependency. Our policies won’t
                                                       to publish a comprehensive bus safety plan, including a
   create new traffic or make air pollution and
                                                       whistleblower scheme.
   congestion worse.
   Cities such as Copenhagen and Amsterdam
                                                   • Achieve flat fares by 2025. By freezing
   chose to take a more liveable path many
                                                     and cutting outer London fares and
   years ago and have reaped the benefits.
                                                     letting other fares rise in line with
   Their leaders had the vision to make funda-
                                                     inflation we can achieve flat fares and a
   mental changes and now these cities have
                                                     single zone for all of London.
   healthier streets and people, backed by
   huge public support.                            • Create a new ‘ONE Ticket’ so you pay to
                                                     get where you are going, not each stage
   We can do the same in London by having
                                                     of the journey, changing between any
   the courage to make the right choices now.
                                                     buses, trains and tubes along the way.
   Greens in City Hall will:                       • Ensure fair treatment of part-time
                                                     workers with a lower rate for daily
   Bring in fair fares for everyone                  pay-as-you-go caps to match the
   It’s not fair that people in outer London pay     savings made on monthly travelcards.
   so much more to get to work or that part-       • Integrate payments for bike hire and
   time workers pay more per day than those          car clubs with public transport to
   using monthly travelcards. And it’s not           make registration an automatic part
   fair that if you need to take two buses, or       of the system. Bike hire will be free
   change from a bus to the tube on the way          with a Freedom Pass or 60+ card and
   you pay more than one fare for one journey.       discounted with Zip cards.
   We will:
                                                   Reduce traffic and pollution
   • Cut the number of zones to four next
     year, with savings for everyone currently     We need to renew the creaking 13-year-old
     in zones 3-6.                                 Congestion Charge. Experts and industry

   8       London Green Party Manifesto 2016
agree that London needs a new, smart
road-charging system covering the whole           FAIR FARES AND
city, which rewards drivers who avoid rush        ONE ZONE FOR
hour and the busiest roads. We also need
much faster ways of reducing air pollution.       LONDON
This means extending plans for the new            London’s transport
Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).                   isn’t serving everyone
We will start consulting on the develop-          equally. At stations
ment of these new measures straight after         across London, hard-
the election in May. Meanwhile we will take       pressed commuters
immediate steps to improve our existing           are backing our plan to
efforts to reduce traffic and pollution. With     flatten the fare zones and let everyone change between buses,
new policies to discourage unnecessary            trains and tubes without paying extra.
journeys, particularly commuting by car, we       Our fares plan is fully costed and will be a better deal for
will also raise funds to pay for lower fares      Londoners across our city, helping people on low pay and part-
and investment in better alternatives.            time workers as well as everyone in outer London.
We will:                                          Read more about our fares policy and see how much you
                                                  would save here:
• Begin consultation on a replacement
  for the Congestion Charge to cover the
                                                   rate for outer London, to help reduce
  whole of London and based on three
                                                   the impact of car commuting and
  key principles: levels of pollution from
                                                   encourage workplace travel plans and
  the vehicle, the distance driven and the
                                                   car-sharing schemes.
  time of day and type of road used.
                                                • Recognising that taxis help fill the gaps
• Clean up our air with a stronger,
                                                  in public transport and reduce the need
  Londonwide ULEZ, developed alongside
                                                  to own a car., we value London’s black
  the new congestion charging scheme
                                                  taxis, which provide a well-regulated,
  to start in 2019 at the latest. The two
                                                  quality service. We will take steps to
  schemes could be merged or imple-
                                                  regulate the growing number of private
  mented separately, and it is likely we
                                                  hire vehicles, while promoting ways for
  shall need to exclude the most polluting
                                                  people to make shared journeys and
  vehicles from our city entirely, not
                                                  more efficient use of those vehicles.
  simply charge them more. This issue
  will be a key part of our consultation
  with the public and public health             Invest in transport for a better future
  experts.                                      We will cancel plans for new road-building
                                                schemes, including river crossings and new
• Work with London boroughs to increase         road tunnels. Instead, our investment plans
  car club parking to match the potential       will be for new river crossings for people
  for these services. We will aim for one       on foot, bikes and public transport. We will
  million car club members by 2020.             reduce the impact of traffic by investing in
• Push for more freight and waste to be         Londonwide improvements in walking and
  shipped on rivers and canals, protecting      cycling, buses, trams, tubes and trains.
  them from property development and
  creating a strategy for carrying more         People-friendly streets                         See more of our
  deliveries, parcels and post by bike.         We will:                                        comprehensive
• By 2018, introduce a levy on workplace                                                        policies to reduce
                                                • Ensure we have people-friendly street
  parking spaces, with higher rates for                                                         air pollution in
                                                  projects in every London borough to
  central and inner London and a lower                                                          Chapter 3.
                                                  support better local town and village

                                                                            Chapter 2 Transport that works         9
centres. These will be led by local        • Incentivise City Hall and Transport for
     communities who want to see the              London staff to walk and cycle to work
     benefits of reduced traffic levels. Each     as often as possible.
     borough would receive a similar level of
     funding to the current ‘mini-Hollands’.    Public transport
• Fully implement Healthy Streets and           We will:
  Lifetime Neighbourhoods principles            • Review the long-term infrastructure
  in all aspects of London’s spatial              plan to 2050, ensuring more investment
  and transport planning. This includes           is made in new rail links, trams, light
  making sure streets have places to stop         rail services and rapid bus routes to
  and rest, find shade and enjoy pleasant         improve connectivity.
  surroundings, as well as providing good
  access on foot and by bike.                   • Increase bus capacity on overcrowded
                                                  routes and ensure capacity on the wider
• Introduce funding for better street play        network grows to meet demand. Use
  areas for young people, with rat-running        detailed data, working with bus, taxi and
  reduced by closing off roads, and               technology firms to explore where new
  parklets and play streets for communi-          routes are needed.
  ties that want them.
                                                • Support new public transport projects
Cycling and walking infrastructure                with strong local campaigns behind
                                                  them, including the Sutton tram exten-
• Complete Transport for London’s current
                                                  sion, the Bakerloo line extension and an
  cycling vision and superhighway plans.
                                                  Overground link from Barking to Abbey
• Increase funding for major cycling              Wood.
  projects and ensure they are all of a
                                                • Support Crossrail 2 in principle but
  high quality, with safe junctions and
                                                  work to ensure that the route and new
  segregated space, so that Londoners of
                                                  stations are in the best position for as
  all ages can cycle safely.
                                                  many Londoners as possible to benefit.
• Support major walking and cycling
                                                • Take all privatised commuter rail
  infrastructure projects, such as the
                                                  services under Transport for London’s
  planned pedestrian/cycle bridge from
                                                  wing, running them for the public
  Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf.
                                                  good not private profit. Increase the
• Bring in ‘Car-Free Sundays’, starting           frequency and quality of services with
  with an expanding area of the West End,         new investment, particularly on orbital
  and encourage all London boroughs to            routes to help reduce the need to travel
  follow suit in their town centres.              by car in outer London.
• Permanently remove motor vehicles
                                                Better access for all
  from Oxford Street as soon as possible.
• Expand the Cycle Hire scheme and test         We will:
  the viability of expanding it into outer      • Immediately review bus driver training
  London boroughs or creating new town            with the involvement of older and
  centre hubs.                                    disabled people’s groups to address
                                                  issues of poor driving and behaviour
• Expand cycle training in schools and            towards people with disabilities.
  prioritise improvements to the road
  network around them to enable 100,000         • Ensure all buses have the best possible
  more children to cycle to school.               access, including working with bus
                                                  manufacturers and making procurement

10       London Green Party Manifesto 2016
decisions by working closely with older
   people, parents and disabled people’s          REDUCING BUS DANGER
   organisations to maximise access for
                                                  Assembly Members achieve more
   people of all ages and needs.
                                                  by working with communities and
• Commission an independent audit                 campaigners. Darren Johnson
  of ways to improve accessibility on             AM has worked closely with
  the tube and rail networks. Too many            campaigners like crash survivor
  projects to provide step-free access at         Tom Kearney to improve the safety
  stations are currently on hold simply           of buses for pedestrians and
  due to cost. We will make the case for          passengers.                       Bus safety campaigner Tom
  the social value of these schemes and                                               Kearney with Green Assembly
                                                  Their first small victory was        candidate Caroline Russell
  build a new investment programme.
                                                  persuading Transport for London to
                                                  open the bus fleet up to a whistleblower scheme called CIRAS,
Reduce danger on our streets                      already used by train operators. It will let bus drivers raise
We will:                                          safety concerns anonymously.
• Introduce a 20mph default speed limit           In February, a comprehensive bus safety plan followed. This
  on all Transport for London roads,              includes new technology to improve braking and limit bus
  including red routes where people live,         speeds on 20mph roads. Bus contracts will include incentives
  work and shop. The new speed limit              to improve safety. TfL will also be much more transparent
  will be properly enforced with average          about safety statistics, and about collision investigations.
  speed cameras.
• Reinstate the road user hierarchy,            • Install countdown signals at all major
  putting pedestrians and those with disa-        junctions and review traffic lights to
  bilities at the top and private car travel      ensure pedestrians and cyclists have
  at the bottom of priorities for schemes         enough time to cross.
  such as junction improvements.                • Introduce a rush hour construction lorry
• Update and improve London’s Transport           ban (as a condition of planning and
  Health Action Plan and ensure that safe         effectively enforced), and a rush hour
  and healthy travel is a key goal of all our     HGV ban, implemented by amending
  transport plans.                                existing planning restrictions on delivery
                                                  times working with businesses, local
• Support the extension of the Confiden-          communities and the boroughs.
  tial Incident Reporting and Analysis
  System (CIRAS) to coaches and heavy           • From 2016 ensure all GLA Group
  goods vehicles in London (see box).             procurement insists on direct vision
                                                  cabs and HGV safety technology,
• Develop the use of speed limiters and           extending this by 2018 to all lorries
  journey data recorders on all vehicles          operating in London.
  working for Transport for London.
                                                • Risk assess regulated routes for HGVs
• Increase and improve traffic law                in London to minimise danger on side
  enforcement, including training of police       roads and back streets.
  and TfL staff and monitor the impact of
  transport law enforcement on people           • Support the London Freight Enforce-
  walking and cycling. Work to treat              ment Partnership to take dangerous
  dangerous and careless driving offences         lorries off our streets. All HGV operators
  that kill and injure as seriously as            and drivers in London will have to
  violent crimes, seeking devolved powers         undergo cycle awareness training and
  to address this directly.                       register with the official safety schemes
                                                  FORS and CLOCS.

                                                                             Chapter 2 Transport that works         11
p u b l i c h e a lt h a N d

        c l e a n a i r
   The Mayor and City Hall have a clear
   responsibility to make sure London
                                                       Greens in City Hall have already:
                                                       • Secured cross-party support for the Low Emission Zone and
   is a healthy environment in which to
                                                         other policies to keep the most polluting vehicles off our
   live, work and enjoy life.                            streets.
   Air pollution causes more than 9,500                • Set up London Food, which has gone on to train almost
   premature deaths in London every year.                2,000 school and hospital catering staff to provide healthy
   Sixty years after the Clean Air Act helped            food.
   put an end to the deadly smogs that came
   from coal fires and power stations we need          • Supported local campaigns against NHS privatisation and
   a similar level of urgent action now.                 hospital closures.

   Greens will stop the half-hearted efforts to        • Consistently been the only party to promote traffic reduction
   clean up our air and make comprehensive               as a way of reducing pollution.
   plans to bring pollution below legal limits
   by 2020 at the latest. We will develop plans
                                                        enforcement of the existing ban on
   to meet this commitment whether the
                                                        idling for parked vehicles.
   Government plays its part or not.
                                                     • Introduce a higher congestion charge
   The public health responsibilities of the
                                                       for all but the cleanest vehicles in
   Mayor also include promoting physical
                                                       central London, to create a Very Low
   activity for daily trips with great streets for
                                                       Emission Zone. This will ensure that
   walking and cycling, making sure healthy
                                                       where drivers have a choice of vehicle
   food is widely available, supporting good
                                                       they never bring polluting cars into
   mental health and wellbeing and reducing
                                                       London and will provide a strong
   the risk of disease at all stages of our lives.
                                                       incentive for London’s car owners either
                                                       to give up their vehicles or to change
                                                       from diesel to petrol, hybrid or electric
   Greens in City Hall will:                           cars as quickly as possible. We will
                                                       invite boroughs to opt in to expand this
   Take Immediate action on polluting                  zone into illegally polluted parts of inner
   vehicles                                            and outer London.

   We will:                                          • Accelerate the programme of replacing
                                                       diesel buses with hybrids and electric
   • Tighten up the standards on the current
                                                       vehicles, ensuring the entire fleet is
     Londonwide Low Emission Zone for
                                                       moved to these technologies by 2020
     vans and make sure they are properly
                                                       at the latest and that the Ultra Low
     enforced through vehicle checks, with

   12      London Green Party Manifesto 2016
Emission Zone can be extended to all of         policies in the London Plan to support        Find more policies
   London without affecting bus services.          the trend for lower car ownership in          for cleaner ways of
                                                   both inner and outer London. This will        getting around our
• Maintain and extend scrappage grants
                                                   be supported by our transport policies        city in Chapter 2.
  and loan schemes for black cab drivers
                                                   to improve public transport and make
  so that all their vehicles are zero-emis-
                                                   living without a car easier in all parts of
  sions capable by 2018, ensuring there
                                                   our city.
  is a suitable charging infrastructure
  for them to run on electric power in all      • Ensure all planning applications are air
  areas of inner London at least.                 quality neutral, requiring new devel-
                                                  opments to reduce air pollution in the
• Join car owners and those affected by
                                                  most heavily polluted areas.
  high air pollution in bringing legal action
  against car makers for cheating on their      • Oppose all road and airport expansion
  emissions tests and misleading all of           and put together proposals for City
  us about the pollution caused by our            Airport to be closed and replaced with
  vehicles.                                       a new quarter for homes and busi-
                                                  nesses, working with local authorities,
• Begin consultation immediately on
                                                  businesses, smaller developers and
  introducing emergency traffic-reduction
                                                  academic and cultural institutions.
  measures to protect Londoners from
  the worst air pollution days we currently     • Revisit plans for the ‘New Bus for
  experience.                                     London’ to explore a number of newer,
                                                  more accessible, higher-capacity and
• Lobby Government for a scrappage
                                                  cleaner versions of the new design,
  scheme for diesel vehicles, and for
                                                  more suitable for Londoners’ varied
  changes to Vehicle Excise Duty and the
  new Roads Fund to encourage reduced
  car ownership or a switch to low- or          • Ensure the electric car charging
  zero-emission vehicles.                         network is properly maintained and
                                                  funded and aim to expand it to provide
Make Longer-term, comprehensive plans             25,000 charging points across London.
to reduce traffic and pollution                 • Develop more electric vehicle charging
To do everything we can to reduce pollu-          networks for vans, car clubs and private
tion, we also need effective planning and         cars in local areas in collaboration with
traffic-reduction policies.The planned Ultra      local councils.
Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) starting in 2020
is too small and has standards and charges      Improve Monitoring and health
for polluting vehicles that will be too slow    information
in bringing pollution below legal limits.
                                                We will:
We will:
                                                • Ensure that air pollution is monitored
• Begin consultation immediately on a             and properly publicise the data so that
  scheme to replace the ULEZ that will            people can better protect their health,
  protect all Londoners and be effective          for example by cutting car use and
  in complying with the law. It could be          avoiding outdoor exercise when there is
  combined with the new Londonwide                high pollution.
  traffic demand management scheme
  we will develop to replace the Conges-        • Provide support through air quality
  tion Charge.                                    funds for local communities to carry out
                                                  their own monitoring exercises, helping
• Put much stronger car-free housing              improving public understanding and

                                                                        Chapter 3 Public health and clean air     13
identifying hotspots that need urgent     • Complete TfL’s current cycling vision
     action.                                     and superhighway plans, and increase
                                                 funding for major cycling projects,
• Help to develop and install more
                                                 ensuring they are all of a high quality,
  continuous monitoring equipment, and
                                                 with safe junctions and segregated
  innovative ways of providing public
                                                 space, so that people of all ages can
  displays of real-time air pollution data
                                                 cycle safely.
  on the streets.
• Make sure all schools, retirement            Healthy food
  homes and day-care centres are able          We know that the challenges people face
  to develop air pollution action plans to     in accessing healthy, affordable food and
  respond to high pollution episodes.          doing so in a sustainable way are as great
                                               as ever in London in 2016, with more than
Bring in Integrated policies to support        100,000 Londoners turning to food banks
public health                                  last year for help.

Healthy streets and neighbourhoods             Rising inequality and poverty, small shops
                                               under threat from development into
Our transport policies are integrated:         housing, and markets under threat from
focused on promoting walking and cycling       squeezed local authority budgets all add
and public transport, and helping people       to the pressures on land use that reduce
leave their cars at home. Car use is asso-     our ability to grow our own food and afford
ciated with low levels of physical activity,   what is in the shops.
which increases the risk of obesity and
poor health.                                   Greens in City Hall will follow in the foot-
                                               steps of Jenny Jones AM, whose pressure
A recent study for TfL found that if the       on the Mayor helped lead to the formation
potential for converting short car trips to    of London Food and make her its first
walking and cycling was realised, there        Commissioner. We will strengthen this role,
would be a net gain for Londoners of           and integrate it closely with the public
around 61,500 years of healthy life and        health work of the Mayor and boroughs.
economic benefits of £2 billion.
                                               We will:
We will:
                                               • Develop a co-ordinated and strategic
• Reduce fares on public transport for           response to food poverty in London,
  all of outer London, let people change         working with boroughs to help protect
  between buses, trains and the Tube             and extend meals on wheels and free
  without paying more than once for their        school meals, and deal with problems
  journey, and abolish unfair zones by           such as ‘holiday hunger’ when school
  2025.                                          meals are not available. Charities and
• Ensure we have people-friendly street          voluntary groups are a vital part of the
  projects in every London borough to            picture, as are monitoring the impact
  support better local town and village          of welfare refore and strong policies to
  centres.                                       promote the London Living Wage.
• Fully implement Healthy Streets and          • Work with boroughs to map food
  Lifetime Neighbourhoods principles             poverty and identify opportunities to
  in all aspects of spatial and transport        improve access to affordable healthy
  planning, and make London a demen-             food by introducing new street markets
  tia-friendly city through training for         and allotments in areas where it is hard
  public staff as well as better planning.       to buy or grow food.

14       London Green Party Manifesto 2016
• In the London Plan, require boroughs to
  create exclusion zones around schools      GREENS TAKING THE LEAD
  where fast food shops aren’t allowed       ON AIR POLLUTION
  and to resist a saturation of fast food
  shops in any part of their borough.        Across London, Greens have
                                             been monitoring pollution levels
• Support and significantly expand           through citizen science projects,
  London’s street markets, provide for       working with local community
  them in major regeneration projects,       groups to measure the pollution
  and drive forward the recommendations      we are forced to breathe.
  of recent reviews by trade associations,                                        Sian Berry and Caroline Russell join
  the Government, Parliament, City Hall      Dee Searle, Green London         Islington Greens to put up air pollution
  and the London First Retail Commission.    Assembly candidate, has been monitoring tubes
                                             co-ordinating a Camden-wide
• End the sponsorship of sporting events     monitoring project. She says: “Scientific studies have shown that
  by junk food companies, and ensure all     9,500 Londoners die prematurely each year because of air pollu-
  events given support by the GLA group      tion. We need to know what that means for our neighbourhoods.
  offer healthy food options.
                                             “Our community pollution monitoring has shown hotspots on
• Back the introduction of a sugary drink    main roads, rat-runs, near schools and health centres, and even
  tax.                                       on residential streets. Greens in City Hall will use information
• Support schools, hospitals, prisons        like this to draw up effective Londonwide and local measures to
  and care homes to grow their own           reduce polluting traffic and prioritise people over cars.”
  food, offer more healthy food including    Find out more about Camden Green Party’s work here:
  organic vegetarian and vegan options,
  and remove all junk food and drinks
  vending machines.
                                                in Personal, Social and Health Education
• Introduce standards in the London Plan        (PSHE) classes in all London’s schools,
  so that every new home has space to           and support efforts by Greens nationally
  grow food, whether on a large balcony         to make it a statutory requirement.
  or roof garden or in a garden or allot-
  ment plot.                                 Drugs as a health issue
Harm reduction in sexual health              We will:
We will:                                     • Treat drug addiction as a health issue
                                               instead of waiting for it to become
• Support key services such as sexual          a crime issue, supporting changes
  health clinics and domestic violence         to the priorities used by the police
  refuges as vital Londonwide services.        and ensuring that services are better
  Instead of a clinic or refuge being          integrated in order to bring a greater
  dependent on one local council’s over-       number of addicts into health care
  stretched budget we will ensure that         rather than the courts
  these services are adequately funded at
  a London level.                            • Support the evidence and consensus
                                               among health workers, the police and
• Oppose cuts to local government’s            educators against the blanket national
  public health budget.                        prohibition of less dangerous drugs, a
• We will lead the fight on sexually           policy that pushes people into greater
  transmitted disease prevention and sex       danger and underpins a lot of organised
  education, working to make sure sex          crime.
  and relationship education is included

                                                                      Chapter 3 Public health and clean air              15
 B U S I N E S S E S
  London’s economy brings prosperity
  for London and for the whole of the
                                                   Greens on the London Assembly have already:
  UK. But the benefits are not felt by             • Introduced planning protections for small shops , as a
                                                     consequence of two major investigations.
  every Londoner and we still depend
                                                   • Held two Mayors to account on the number of jobs and
  too much on financial services and
                                                     apprenticeships for young people.
  the undue influence of the biggest of
                                                   • Exposed the loss of space and rising costs faced by small
  big businesses.                                    businesses and creative industries, forcing the Mayor and
  We will ensure that smaller firms and              Transport for London to rethink policies around redevel-
  co-operatives, alongside creative venues           oping light industrial sites.
  and businesses, receive the support they
  need to flourish.
  Small and medium-sized firms are at            Greens in City Hall will:
  the heart of our communities, providing
  tmost of our jobs and helping to make our      Back local economies and small
  neighbourhoods distinctive and our city        businesses
  somewhere people want to live and work.
                                                 The Federation of Small Businesses reports
  We will back the firms creating the high-      that the availability of affordable premises
  quality jobs of the near future: our rapidly   and difficulties in securing finance are key
  growing digital and technology sector and      problems facing these crucial businesses.
  new jobs in green energy.
                                                 Support and financial services
  London’s young people will get the skills
  and training they need for a wide range of     We will:
  fulfilling opportunities, and our support of
  workers in their efforts to win fair wages     • Create a Bank for London specifically        See more
  and decent working conditions will also          tasked with providing loans and finance      policies to
  continue.                                        to small businesses. It would also be
                                                   an ethical choice for London’s savers.       reduce inequality
                                                   Regional banks of this kind are a            and support
                                                   common feature around the world and          workers in
                                                   this idea is long overdue for London.
                                                                                                Chapter 6.

 16       London Green Party Manifesto 2016
• Help local authorities create town
  centre rejuvenation funds financed by          PROTECTING OUR LIVE
  the business rates paid by large retail        MUSIC INDUSTRY
  developers and contributions they will
  be required to make as a part of gaining       The number of live music
  planning permission. The funds would           venues across London has
  be run by boards of local businesses,          dropped more than third in
  residents and community groups.                the past eight years alone.
• Make a small business owner chair              This is why Darren           Greens will help protect music venues.
  of the London Enterprise Panel and             Johnson AM called on         Pictured: Orphan Colours performing
  focus the GLA’s economic development           the Mayor of London to       recently at The Borderline.
  budget on support for small businesses         convene a Music Venues
  and co-operatives.                             Roundtable, and this has now produced an action plan to
                                                 protect an important part of London’s economy.
• Establish at least one Community
  Enterprise Zone on the GLA’s land bank,        Darren says: “London’s music venues are facing a crisis, not
  with the infrastructure to support small       through lack of popularity, but from rapidly rising property
  and social enterprises.                        values which have led to landowners increasing rents and
                                                 new development projects that have cost us some very long
• Create a strategic appointment in City         established venues.
  Hall to oversee the continued devel-
  opment of London’s digital industries,         “Greens in City Hall will bring in stronger planning policies and
  supporting the development of ultra-fast       new rules for when new homes are built next door, putting
  broadband, protecting premises and             responsibility for dealing with sound-proofing on the new
  helping start-ups and smaller firms gain       development, rather than threatening the existing venue with
  access to promotion abroad.                    complaints about noise.”
• Put the GLA’s banking services out to        • Ensure all businesses displaced in City Hall
  tender and include each bank’s track           and Council regeneration plans are able to
  record in lending to micro and small           return to those sites at reasonable rents
  businesses as an important factor as
  well as whether they have divested           • Protect London’s vital remaining high street
  from fossil fuels                              launderettes, by exempting them from any
                                                 new permitted development rights.
Planning policy and protecting
                                               • Use planning policy to ensure that all local
premises                                         neighbourhoods have a range of essential
We will:                                         local services and shops.
• Protect existing employment and small        Tenders and contracts
  business space. The Government’s
  permitted development rights, allowing       We will:
  offices to be converted into residences,     • Procure a larger portion of GLA services
  are not right for much of London. We           from smaller firms, using duties to consider
  will support local authorities in creating     social value when spending public funds.
  permanent exemptions where needed.
                                               • Promote the Fair Tax Mark by encouraging
• Define and protect areas where groups          firms tendering for contracts to become
  of businesses are of particular heritage       certified.
  and cultural significance to the city as a
  whole, such as the musical instrument        • Maintain and improve the CompeteFor
  cluster on Denmark Street’s ‘Tin Pan           system helping micro and small enterprises
  Alley’ or the restaurants on Brick Lane.       bid for public sector contracts.

                                                                             Chapter 4 Jobs and businesses             17
Support arts and culture                       Drive improvements in wages, skills and
We will:                                       education
• Include in planning rules a requirement      We will:
  for a range of cultural spaces, including    • Extend City Hall’s London Living
  arts and music venues, to be built in          Wage requirements to include all the
  new developments.                              purchasing contracts within the GLA
• Protect our grassroots music venues,           group, not just direct contractors.
  which are being lost at an alarming rate,    • Incentivise small firms via contracts
  by supporting their listing as assets of       and advertising discounts to sign up to
  community value and with planning              be accredited Living Wage Employers.
  rules and a new approach to licensing,         (Currently more than 60 per cent of
  working with the boroughs to ensure            small firms in the city pay the London
  that existing venues are not threatened        Living Wage but very few are signed up
  by noise complaints from new residen-          to the scheme.)
  tial developments around them.
                                               • Introduce anonymised CVs in all GLA
• Set up a register of ‘meanwhile’               Group recruitment and work with
  temporary spaces available to help             employers to use them more widely.
  arts and cultural organisations where          This will help to ensure any conscious
  rising property prices threaten rehearsal      or unconscious biases are removed
  spaces and artists studios. Many small         from the job application process.
  and medium-sized organisations are
  seeking creative solutions to rising         • Create at least 150,000 high-quality
  prices by looking to take over – either        apprenticeships aimed at young people
  temporarily or permanently – ware-             under 25, all paying at least the London
  houses and other industrial spaces             Living Wage and with half a day’s
  and we will find ways to support such          off-the-job learning per week.
  ventures.                                    • Continue to oppose tuition fees for
• Help small arts organisations and              further and higher education and the
  existing and emerging artists to benefit       cuts to the Education Maintenance
  from our new advertising policies for          Allowance and university grants, all
  London’s transport network. Local arts         of which limit opportunities for young
  venues will get discounted advertising         Londoners.
  space at their nearest Tube station and      • Lobby the Government strategic educa-
  at local bus stops.                            tion priorities to be devolved to the GLA,
• On a permanent basis ensure that               in co-operation with local authorities in
  existing digital advertising space in Tube     London, and for control of the Mayor’s
  stations will be dedicated to art projects     academy schools to be returned to local
  for one minute every hour.                     boroughs.
                                               • Create a Deputy Mayor for education
                                                 and assign staff in City Hall to work with
                                                 schools and colleges to improve the
                                                 co-ordination of education in the capital.
                                                 A second post will help coordinate and
                                                 improve further education, which has
                                                 faced damaging cuts, putting at risk the
                                                 ability of Londoners of all ages to train
                                                 and improve their skills.

18     London Green Party Manifesto 2016
“We have to think about values other than profit in this great capital of ours, otherwise
we are in danger of losing the cultural richness that helped make it great in the first
“I was involved in the sadly unsuccessful campaign to save the Cass art faculty – a
creative powerhouse on the edge of the City – from being redeveloped. Just because it
stands in a place where land values are rocketing off the scale, it is now being sold off,
with courses disbanded and so much staff and student skill lost.”
London Assembly candidate Caroline Russell, pictured with Sian Berry and Patrick
Brill (better known as artist Bob & Roberta Smith), an associate professor at the

                                                                           Chapter 4 Jobs and businesses   19
policing and
 com m u n i t i e s
  An effective police force is one that
  truly represents the people it serves.
                                                      Greens on the London Assembly have already:
  In a city as complex and diverse                    • Exposed the loss of lower-cost community support officers
                                                        and civilian staff that will ultimately result in more police
  as London it’s essential that police                  officers being back behind their desks and off the streets.
  officers get out from behind their
                                                      • Reversed cuts to road safety policing, resulting in big falls
  desks and onto the streets to help                    in casualties from collisions.
  build trust with local residents and                • Been at the forefront of defending Londoners’ civil liberties
  business owners.                                      by helping to constrain the use of Tasers, leading cross-
  We will ensure the Metropolitan Police                party opposition to water cannon, reforming stop and
  service (commonly known as the Met) gets              search and the policing of protests, and forcing the Met
  the resources it needs to tackle crime and            to delete thousands of peaceful campaigners from their
  increase community cohesion and safety                database of ‘domestic extremists’.
  in the most effective ways. We will set new
  priorities in collaboration with the commu-       and mental health service cuts have left
  nity and ensure that safeguards for civil         the police dealing with the consequences
  liberties and fair treatment of all sections of   in often tragic ways.
  the population are preserved.
                                                    We will:
  Working together we will do everything we
  can to keep all Londoners safe from harm.         • Replace arbitrary officer targets with
                                                      more sophisticated frontline capacity
  Greens in City Hall will:                           targets, with a particular focus on
                                                      neighbourhood and community policing.
  Review budget cuts                                • Undertake a review of council service
  An investigation by the London Assembly             and funding cuts since 2010 and
  concluded that officer numbers are a bad            explore ways of using more of the Met’s
  way to measure whether the police have              budget to support community organisa-
  the resources they need.                            tions that are a vital part of their work
                                                      of tackling issues such as knife crime,
  Cuts to other public and community-led
                                                      mental health and domestic violence.
  services can also have a significant impact:
  cuts to youth services have undermined            • Lobby Government for a fairer settle-
  the police’s ability to tackle knife crime,         ment on costs incurred from national

  20      London Green Party Manifesto 2016
and ‘capital city status’ duties and for
   the power to recover all policing costs        Challenging the
   from commercial venues and events              government on
   such as airports and football matches.
                                                  Prevent in Islington
Improve community policing                        Green Councillor Caroline
                                                  Russell proposed a motion
We will:
                                                  calling on Islington Council    Caroline Russell backs the commu-
• Work with Londoners to develop new              to work with communities        nity cohesion work of Mohammed
  approaches to policing, and a model             and faith groups to ensure      Kozbar at Finsbury Park Mosque.
  of policing by consent, extending to            that extremism is challenged
  community policing, preserving public           collaboratively not driven underground.
  order while maintaining free speech and
  the right to protest, and the use of force.     She tabled it in response to an incident in 2015 that saw a
                                                  Muslim pupil at an Islington school questioned about links to
• Protect and expand Safer Neighbour-             Isis after using the word ‘eco-terrorism’ in a French class.
  hood Teams with a new drive to recruit
  community support officers from their           Caroline says “Islington faith communities and schools are
  local communities, making the teams             doing amazing work to promote community cohesion and
  more representative in order to increase        challenge extremism. We need only look to Finsbury Park
  levels of trust.                                Mosque for an excellent local example of a faith community
                                                  leading the way. What no one should be doing is treating
• Get more police officers out of their           a young person as a potential extremist for talking about
  cars and onto the streets either on foot        protecting trees in a French class.”
  or on bicycles, providing a more visible
  presence locally.                                Shield. Police, community members and
• Promote more inter-agency cooperation            family members would confront young
  between the police, social services,             people at risk of exploitation by violent
  physical and mental health organisa-             criminals with the impact of violent
  tions and youth services, for example            crime on their local area.
  by placing youth workers in A&E               • Offer those who are willing the
  departments and increasing the number           opportunity to participate in intensive
  of school visits by local police officers.      programmes of mentoring, training and
• Create a fund within the Met budget             job support, together with access to a
  for voluntary and community groups              one-stop-shop for housing advice and
  that help reduce the causes of criminal         other local services. Make clear the
  behaviour, for example youth groups             alternative of tough law enforcement.
  that address knife crime.                     • Help undermine the criminal drug trade
                                                  that sustains gangs by campaigning for
Address youth violence effectively                the decriminalisation of all drugs and
Too many young people full of potential find      the legalisation of less harmful drugs
themselves exploited by gangs. We need to         such as cannabis. We need a drugs
work harder to help people escape violence        policy that is evidence based.
and find a place in everyday society.           • End the arbitrary and discriminatory
                                                  blanket use of stop and search and
We will:
                                                  other tactics that alienate the very
• Work with boroughs and community                communities the police most need to
  organisations to roll out a ‘community          work with, creating a new, strongly
  initiative’ response to gangs as a              independent organisation to oversee
  replacement for the flawed Operation            stop and search powers.

                                                                        Chapter 5 Policing and communities            21
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