Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting

Page created by Scott Bryant
Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting
The Little Peoples Paper
On the side of truth
and the common                                              Thursday                            www.LampasasRadio.com
Lampasan.                                                August 26th, 2021

The Weather                                                           Lometa ISD School Board
The high yesterday 97° This morning’s low 73°
                                                                      Special Meeting
                                                                      A special meeting of the Lometa ISD School Board will be held on
Today: A slight chance of showers throughout the day. Look for        August 26th at 6:30pm in the Lometa School Library. The agenda
sunny skies and a high temperature near 95° with a heat index of      includes community input, a public hearing regarding the
99°. E winds at 5-10 mph.                                             2021-2022 budget and tax rate, consideration of the budget and tax
Tonight: Look for mostly clear skies with a low temperature near      rate, consideration of a resolution regarding extended leave during
74°. Wind will be light from the S-SE.                                the Covid-19 Pandemic, filing for English Second Language
Friday: Look for partly sunny skies and a 30% chance of               Waiver, LEA Self-Certification increase of Federal Grant Micro
precipitation after noon. The high temperature will be near           Purchasing Limits including consideration to amend CH Policy,
91°.Winds will become E-SE at 5-10 mph in the morning.                administrative and personnel reports.
Friday Night: Partly cloudy skies with a low temperature near
72°. Wind will be SE at 5-15 mph gusting to 20 mph.
                                                                      Executive Order GA-39 From
Saturday: Mostly sunny with a high temperature near 91° and a
slight chance of showers and storms in the afternoon. Wind will
                                                                      the Governor
                                                                      Governor Abbott yesterday issued an Executive Order maintaining
be E-SE at 5-10 mph.                                                  the current policy prohibiting the mandating of any COVID-19
Saturday Night: Partly cloudy skies with a low dropping to near       vaccinations by any government entity in the State of Texas.
73°. Winds will be light from the SE                                  Additionally, the Governor added to the Special Session agenda the
                                                                      issue of whether any state or local governmental entities in Texas
Public Tax Hearing for                                                can mandate that an individual receive a COVID-19 vaccine and, if
                                                                      so, what exemptions should apply to such mandate.
City of Lampasas                                                      "Vaccine requirements and exemptions have historically been
The City of Lampasas will have a Public Hearing on the tax            determined by the legislature, and their involvement is particularly
increase for the 2021 tax year. The proposed new tax rate is          important to avoid a patchwork of vaccine mandates across Texas,"
$0.3370 per $100, up from the $0.3217 per $100 of last year.          said Governor Abbott.
A Public Hearing will be held on September 7th at 5:30pm in the
City Council Chambers 302 E. 3rd St. Lampasas.                        Coronavirus Update
The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter-approval tax      Statewide, according to the DSHS, statewide there were 18,826
rate ($0.3530 per $100). As a result, the City of Lampasas is not     new and 5,289 probable new cases on August 25th, along with 233
required to hold an election at which votes may accept or reject      deaths, and 13,928 in the hospital.
the proposed tax rate. However, you may express your support for      Locally, the DSHS dashboard for cases shows 22 new confirmed
or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members      cases yesterday with the 14 day total at 184 cases. The DSHS
of the City of Lampasas at their offices or by attending the public
                                                                      website estimates Lampasas at 236 active cases.
The Mayor, TJ Monroe, as well as Randy Clark, Chuck
Williamson, Herb Pearce, Zachary Morris and Bob Goodart voted
for the proposal. Cathy Kuehne was absent.
Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting
Personal Classifieds
 Miscellaneous                     Farm/Ranch                                                             Upcoming Events
                                                                                                          Friday August 27th:
Ventoso red leather reclining      Fertilized Round Bales                                                 St. Mary’s Food Pantry
sofa & reclining loveseat with     no Johnson grass. $65 Call                                             10:30am to noon
console. (Google it) Excellent     512.734.2072 to make
                                   arrangements.                                                          Wednesday September 8th:
condition. $800. Call or text                        8.27
                                                                         15 Goldman Lane Sat &
512.608.3859   8.31                                                      Sun 8am-? Clothing, an-          CAPS classes start @ 1st United
                                   Horse Quality Coastal round           tiques, dolls, furniture, home   Methodist Church. 3:30-6pm
For Sale: Sentinel 10 Gun          bales 4' x 51/2' $70.
Safety Cabinet. 17”x13 1/2”x                                             décor.
                                   512.734.5000 or 512.734.3906
53”. Steel with key lock.          Cow Hay $65. Delivery
Black with gold trim. Like         available.8.26
new condition. $100 cash.
Call or text Don at                Smith Ranch Services
512.608.3859  8.26
                                   Land Management /
                                   Landscaping. Services
22 lbs DELICIOUS                   include: tree mulching, land
PEACHES, $50/box. Kiwanis          clearing; driveways, dirt work,
Club Local Scholarship Fund-       backhoe, tractor & skid steer
raiser! Order deadline 9/3,        services; tree trimming, removal
pickup 9/11, Hostess House.        & stump grinding & More! Call
512.556.6220   8.31
                                   Fred at 334.235.2428 or check
                                   us out on facebook.com          tfn

 Someone to work around                     Pets
  the ranch. Must have
    transportation, and            German Shepherd Puppies.
   references required.            Born 3/7/21. AKC Papers. 1st
                                   shots given. $300. Text or call
        Call or text               Dave at 254.223.2306     826

     (512) 734-4748

FREE Moving boxes and
packing. After 2p.m. 1209
East Avenue F., Lampasas.   8.26

For Sale Electric powered
hospital bed includes some
linens $1000. EZee Life
shower/commode wheelchair
$700. Lumex Power Hoyer
with slings $1000. In
Lampasas. Call number
580-821-2544   826

                                   For Sale: used vehicle 1993
                                   Chevy Conversion van with
                                   handicap lift. Runs good.
                                   $2,900. 512.917.7371     8.23

                                   For Sale 2001 Dodge Ram
                                   Pickup 1500 Sport 4X4. 6,000
                                   miles on new engine, clean.
                                   512-734-0061      8.24
Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting
Business Classifieds

      Business                            Business                         Help Wanted
Clock Repair for over 35 yrs.                                           Worker Needed for day labor
                                    Neely Roofing: Proudly serving
vintage clock sales. We keep                                            on ranch. Doing a little of
                                    homeowners in the Hill Country.
you ticking. We also buy old        www.neelyroofing.com                everything. Call 512-734-4748
gold and silver!! Great Escape-     512.756.ROOF            TFN         Now Hiring!
ments, LLC, 1305 Key Ave,                                                                                      BearRealEstateSevices.com
                                                                        Clerical afternoon help. Must be       Selling or Buying? Call our
Suite 101-A, 254.394.4393           Walters Moving Company
                                    Locally Owned & Operated.           computer proficient in Micro-          Central Texas Realtor
jpsclocks@gmail.com    tfn
                                                                        soft excel, word and publisher.
                                    Call or Text for your next move.                                           Experts! We can help you
K&G Gutters                         512.734.2314. Fully licensed        Apply in person at 505 N. Key          arrange financing too!
5” & 6” seamless gutters,           and insured. Good Move              or send your resume to manage-         405 E 3rd St. 512.556.9321
commercial & residential.           Guaranteed!  12.31.21
                                                                        ment@lampasasradio.com           tfn

                                                                                                               Metalsmith Seek to lease at
Call for FREE estimate!                                                 Lampasas Tire & Automotive
                                    Will pick up                                                               least a 1000 Sq feet shop space.
Russell Gibson 512.525.3458   tfn
                                                                        is looking for a tire technician.
                                    unwanted appliances, AC’s,                                                 Call 830-613.7404           9/1

ABSOLUTE GARAGE                                                         No experience necessary. Apply
                                    batteries & all types of metal.
DOORS: Repairs, service and                                             in person. 3005 E. Hwy 190             The Kuker Company- Real
                                    Darrell Stone 512.734.4707    tfn
                                                                                                               Estate. Voted Best Real Estate
installation, garage doors and                                          Lampasas 8.30
                                    Jo’s yards For all your mow-                                               Agency 4 years in a row Our
openers. Located in Lampasas                                            Help Wanted: General Ranch/
                                    ing, weed eating and edging                                                clients are #1 with us!
512.525.8050  tfn
                                                                        construction work. Some bob-
                                    needs. Call Jose at                                                        512.556.4600        tfn
                                                                        cat/backhoe experience helpful.
                                    512-540-0180     8/26
                                                                        Call 830.708.7167 or
                                                                        830.660.5495       8.30

                                                                        Stoney’s Liquor now hiring.
                                                                        Apply in person 609 S. Key.
                                                                        Ask for Jeff or Kim        9.1

                                                                        Immediate Openings for FT
                                                                        LVN or RN. $3000 sign on bo-
                                                                        nus for Fri 2-10pm & Sat/Sun
                                                                        6a-6p. $1500 sign-on bonus for
                                                                        fulltime CNA 6a-2p . PT Social
                                                                        Services Director. Please visit
                                                                        www.lampasasnursing.com to

                                                                        Help Wanted: Ranch Help
                                                                        needed in Lometa. Animal &
                                                                        Equipment operation experience
                                                                        is recommended. Call Jordon
                                                                        254.290.8882       9.2

                                                                        Hoffpauir Chevrolet
                                                                        Immediate opening for
                                                                        Porter / Quick Service                             We are hiring!
                                                                        Consultant, experience a plus.
                                                                        Call 512.556.3631                             The position is full time.
                                                                        or ask for Rick      tfn
                                                                                                                    Applicants must be able to
                                                                                                                   pass a credit and background
                                                                        Fence work needed must have                 check. Applications may be
                                                                        own transportation and refer-                picked up at 501 E 3rd St.
                                                                        ences. 512-734-4748 No calls                   No phone calls please.
                                                                        after 9pm    tfn                                        Member FDIC
                                                                                                                        First Texas Bank is EEO employer
                                                                                                                 Veterans/Disabled and other protected categories

Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting
The Blotter
The Lampasas Police blotter for Wednesday shows a
reported harassment in the 300 block of N Summer St. at 12:21am.                     Clara Lundy 69
A suspicious person was reported in the 200 block of N. Key at
5:24am. At 9:10am, Joe Mares Garza, 51, of Lampasas was arrested                      David Sawyer
in the 500 block of S Hackberry St. for Possession of Controlled                  Charlie Thompson –25
Substance PG1 over 1 gram under 4 grams and Lampasas County
Warrant (Tamper/Fabricate Evidence). An assault was reported in
the 100 block of S. Chestnut at 10:15pm.                                  Cattle Market Report
Lampasas Sheriff’s Dept. Blotter for Wednesday shows Lometa          Lampasas Cattle Auction’s weekly sale took place
with reports of suspicious activity and an animal issue. Kempner had Wednesday and 586 head were on hand, down from the 648 head
                                                                     of the last sale a week ago, and down from the 797 head a year
a fish & game call, civil matters, medical calls, reports of suspicious
activity, a reported trespassing, animal issues, and a house watch.  ago at this time.
                                                                     Feeders steers and heifers were $5-$7 higher
Out in the county there were animal/livestock issues, a reported theft,
alarm calls, civil matters, a suicidal person and a medical call.    Slaughter cows were steady to $3 lower, and
Deputies went into Cove on an animal issue.                          slaughter bulls were $42-$4 lower.
The Jail Log shows the arrest of 18 year old Autumn Owens for        Feeder Steers Feeder Heifers
resisting arrest, and evading arrest.                                200-300lbs No Test            200-300lbs     No Test
                                                                     300-400lbs $1.86-$2.28/lb 300-400lbs $1.49-$1.76/lb
 The Burn Ban is in effect !                                         400-500lbs $1.65-$2.125/lb 400-500lbs $1.43-$1.63/lb
                                                                     500-600lbs $1.40-$1.72/lb 500-600lbs $1.40-$1.47/lb
                                                                     600-700lbs $1.39-$1.66/lb 600-700lbs $1.32-$1.46/lb
Upcoming Vaccine Clinic                                              700-800lbs $1.28-$1.58/lb 700-800lbs $1.22-$1.35/lb
There is a vaccination clinic scheduled Wednesday, September 1st at Slaughter Cows Slaughter Bulls
the Lampasas Fire Dept. This will be done by the Texas Army          Under 800lbs .25 -.55/lb      1000-1300lbs No Test
National Guard, and they will have the Pfizer vaccination for        800-1100lb .45 -.72/lb        1300-2100lbs .75-.97/lb
those 12 years of age and older.                                     1100-1300lbs .62-.78/lb       Replacements $2250
                                                                     Bred Replacement Cows
Sports                                                               Baby Tooth to 5yr old- $850-$1400
                                                                     Solid Mouth – $750-$1200
Badger Football
                                                                     Cow/Calf Pairs -
 Tomorrow the 1st varsity game of the season will be in Brownwood Young to Middle Age w/baby-300 lb calf– $1235-$1600
with kickoff at 7:30pm at Gordon Wood Stadium in Brownwood as        Aged Cows w/baby-300 lb calf– No Test
the Badgers take on the Brownwood Lions. The KCYL broadcast
team of Darrell and Kenny will be there bringing us the play by play
on KCYL 1450am or streaming on the web. Tickets will be purchased
                                                                          Death Notice
                                                                     LaDonna Marie Sapien Melendez, 50, of Terrell, Texas died on
at the entrance in Brownwood.
                                                                     August 22nd at Lake Pointe Medical Center in Rowlett, Texas.
Be sure to tune in to the Badger Coaches Show Friday morning at      She was born on December 31, 1970, in Dallas, Texas to Daniel
7:45am to get up-to-date with all the new information.               Sapien and Ramona Hartsell Sapien. The visitation for Mrs.
Sub Varsity Football                                                 Melendez will be from 5-7 pm on Saturday, August 28th at
                                                                     Heritage Funeral Home in Lampasas, Texas. The graveside
Basger Freshman and JV Teams will play Brownwood on
                                                                     service will be at 1pm on Sunday, August 29th, at
tonight at Badger Field. Tickets will be purchased online through
lisdtx.org.                                                          Oak Hill Cemetery in Lampasas.

Badger Cross Country
Badger Cross Country travels to the Belton Invitational this Friday
at Wildflower Country Club in Temple. The meet begins at 8:30am.
Badger Tennis
Badger Tennis hosts Killeen High here tomorrow and travel to Liberty
Hill on Saturday
Lady Badger Volleyball
Lady Badger Varsity & JV will be in Dublin at a tournament today
through Saturday.
                                                                            The Country Blend
Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting Lometa ISD School Board Special Meeting
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