LOGISTICS AND E-COMMERCE - The impact of E-commerce on logistics real estate

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LOGISTICS AND E-COMMERCE - The impact of E-commerce on logistics real estate
            The impact of E-commerce
                 on logistics real estate   May 2013
LOGISTICS AND E-COMMERCE - The impact of E-commerce on logistics real estate
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LOGISTICS AND E-COMMERCE - The impact of E-commerce on logistics real estate
LOGISTICS AND E-COMMERCE - The impact of E-commerce on logistics real estate
Introduction                                              is the physical result of the functioning of supply
                             The stormy growth of online retail sales has              chains. More specifically: imperfections in supply
                             received ample attention, but its impact on the           chains lead to the creation of logistics property.
                             logistics behind it is to a large extent still unclear.   The demand and supply of goods need to be
                             Although e-commerce is recognised as a driver             coordinated and geared towards each other in
                             of demand for distribution space, it cannot be            terms of location, time, and quantity. Imperfections
                             matched with the fact that retail sales volumes are       in these factors result in the need for storage and
                             not growing. This implies that the functioning of the     distribution processes. Storage and distribution are
                             logistics property market is not well understood.         the two basic functions of logistics property and to
                             Reason for CBRE’s Dutch Industrial & Logistics            accommodate these processes, logistics property is
                             team to conduct in-depth research into the topic          developed and used.
                             of e-commerce logistics. This report provides
                             an overview of the research and its conclusions,          In a traditional supply chain, the physical and
                             explaining the way logistics property functions and       commercial channels are equal. The end of
                             how e-commerce is changing the requirements               the chain is formed by the retail store, where
                             for warehousing. The results provide essential            consumers can make their choice out of the
                             information for all parties involved in logistics         available products. Consumer behaviour is,
                             warehousing, with a focus on investors and                therefore, partly determined by the available
                             developers.                                               product range. These traditional supply chains
                                                                                       have a hierarchical structure in which one or more
                             Why logistics property?                                   central distribution centres supply the stores with
                             To be able to explain the impact of e-commerce,           products. These distribution centres, in turn, receive
                             the nature and purpose of logistics property need         the products from wholesalers, who also have their
                             to be understood first. In contrast to general            own distribution centres. A final step back in the
                             belief, logistics property is not a clearly marked        chain is the distribution centre of the producer.
                             category that ‘ticks boxes’ in terms of building          Following the chain ‘downstream’ both stock size
                             specifications, such as loading docks, free height        and shipment size are reduced.
                             and floor load capacity. Logistics property, in fact,

                             Classification logistics real estate                      The interaction of the two basic functions of
                                                                                       storage and distribution determine the role of the
                                                                                       logistics property that results from it. If we display
                                  PARCEL HUB                                           the two basic functions on an X and Y axis, we
                                                                                       get a simplified matrix that allows us to determine
                                    X-DOCK               DISTRIBUTION
             YES                                            CENTRE                     basic types of logistics property.
                                    1ST LINE
                                                                                       The different combinations of distribution
 Basic function
                                                                                       and storage provide us with different types
                                                                                       of property. Cross docks or cargo terminals
                                                                                       are, for example, sites where no storage takes
                                  PRODUCTION             COMMIDITY                     place. Goods enter the site, are rearranged and
            NO                       DATA                                              repacked in different shipments, and leave again,
                                                                                       often in a short period of time. The other side
                                                                                       of the spectrum offers facilities which are only
                                                                                       meant for storage. Goods only occasionally enter
                                                                                       or leave these sites, and little staff is needed.
                                                                                       In a distribution centre, both the storage and
                                                                                       distribution function are combined on a high-
                                     NO                     YES                        grade level. This requires a high degree of
                                           Basic function                              organisation and an efficient building lay-out.

4 Logistics and E-commerce
LOGISTICS AND E-COMMERCE - The impact of E-commerce on logistics real estate
LOGISTICS AND E-COMMERCE - The impact of E-commerce on logistics real estate
E-commerce logistics                                      we will find a large range of products and low
                             The growth of e-commerce has a profound                   stock levels per product. The products can no
                             impact on traditional supply chains, where the            longer be stored on pallets, but are mostly kept in
                             commercial and physical channels are combined             crates or boxes, or on shelves. The products must
                             in the retail stores. In the case of e-commerce           be readily accessible for order picking, so a floor
                             operations, the commercial and physical channels          location is preferred above storage in racks. The
                             are split and operate independently. An important         result is a strong reduction in the stock density (the
                             consequence is that consumer behaviour is not             amount of products per square metre), compared
                             restricted by the physically available range of           to traditional storage solutions.
                             goods anymore. Consumers can order virtually
                             any product they require, in every quantity and at        E-fulfilment
                             any time. This changes the supply chain from a            It may be argued that the handling of e-commerce
                             “push” (to the store) to a “pull” process (by the final   orders is not only about logistics, but also about
                             consumer). The physical spot where this change is         marketing. In e-commerce, the distribution process
                             implemented is the distribution centre. Previously        is no longer just an efficient logistics operation, but
                             structured to arrange large shipments (fully loaded       also, and perhaps especially, a means to live up to
                             trucks) at fixed times to fixed delivery addresses,       the expectations of the customer. If the service of
                             the key factor now becomes the direct delivery to         a web shop is not reliable, consumers can switch
                             consumers (B2C) and, as such, the fulfilment of           to the competition ‘by just one click’. E-commerce,
                             consumer requirements.                                    therefore, is moving the commercial channel into
                                                                                       the distribution centre. This is why reliable logistics
                             Consumers, who before convened in a store to              services are more important than ever. Errors in the
                             make their purchase, are now separately placing           logistics process will have a direct impact on the
                             their orders which have to be processed directly          consumer and hence on any (follow-up) purchase.
                             by the distribution centre. Due to this change,           In order to meet consumer expectations, many
                             the number of orders in the distribution centre           supporting activities have to be implemented.
                             increases substantially. Moreover, each order only        These include services that add value to the
                             has a few products (order lines) - usually between        products, control shipments or fulfil administrative
                             one and five, and the number of units per order           duties. These services, generally referred to as
                             line is limited to one or two pieces.                     “Value Added Logistics” (VAL) and “Value Added
                                                                                       Services” (VAS) have already increasingly been
                             This process change is the driver of new demand           implemented in traditional distribution centres,
                             for logistics space. In an e-commerce operation,

        E-fulfilment                                                                          Consumer

6 Logistics and E-commerce
LOGISTICS AND E-COMMERCE - The impact of E-commerce on logistics real estate
particularly when it concerns international            The table shows that the e-fulfilment centre in
operations. Such a distribution centre with a high     fact hardly distinguishes any ‘new’ activities
level of VAL/VAS activities has been coined a          compared to traditional solutions. The intensity
Logistics Service Centre. In e-commerce, however,      with which the processes occur, however, makes
the scope and intensity with which VAL and VAS         it necessary to structure the operation differently
are needed are of a different magnitude. The           and, therefore, adjust the lay-out of the warehouse.
direct impact on customer satisfaction and sales       Most importantly, the handling of returns can be
performance is the main reason. The result is the      appointed as a new, e-commerce specific activity,
emergence of an enhanced type of logistics service     due to the nature and size of this process in an
operation, called e-fulfilment. Below figure shows     e-fulfilment center. The taking of product photos,
to what extent the e-fulfilment center distinguishes   in order to be able to market them on the website
such additional processes in comparison to a basic     within the shortest possible time, can also be seen
distribution centre and the traditional logistics      as a new activity.
service centre, where VAL and VAS have already
been implemented.

   Basic distribution             Traditional distribution center           E-fulfilment

   Core activities:               Core activities:                          Core activities:
   • Storage                      • Storage                                 • Storage
   • Distribution                 • Distribution                            • Distribution

                                  + VAL-activities:                         + VAL-activities:
                                  • packing & `labelling´                   • packing & `labelling´
                                  • customising                             • customising
                                  • assembly                                • assembly
                                  • quality control                         • quality control

                                  + VAS-activities:                         + VAS-activities:
                                  • order management                        • order management
                                  • inventory management                    • inventory management
                                  • customer service                        • customer service
                                  • financial services                      • financial services

                                                                            + e-commerce activities
                                                                            • return handling
                                                                            • photography

                                                                                                              Logistics and E-commerce 7
Returns                                                   Peak traffic
                             Returns of purchased products are often mentioned         E-commerce operations experience strong
                             as one of the key processes of an e-commerce              fluctuations in the amount of orders that
                             operation, and rightfully so. The scope of returns        consumers place. There are seasonal effects
                             in an e-fulfilment center is such that it can be          and differences within a day. In general, the
                             considered a new, e-commerce-specific activity.           seasonal effects are similar to what is common
                             A wide array of return types can be distinguished         in the traditional retail market. The daily pattern
                             in e-commerce: items that could not be delivered,         shows low volumes in the morning and a sharp
                             defective or damaged products, incorrectly                increase in the afternoon and evening, when
                             delivered products, products that do not fit the          consumers return from work or school.
                             purchaser’s requirements and products that were
                             deliberately ordered in excess to allow a product         Both effects have a different pattern frequency
                             comparison at home.                                       and different peaks and troughs in volume. The
                                                                                       general trend is a deviation of -50% to +100%
                             The purchasing behaviour of consumers and the             compared to the average order volumes. Both
                             service of web shops, therefore, cause substantial        effects can strengthen each other, for example
                             additional return flows. As explained, the                in the month of December, leading to even
                             consumer’s choice is traditionally limited to the         greater peak traffic.
                             stock in the physical store and the amount of items
                             that can, or may, be carried into the fitting room.
                             Nowadays, customers of mail order companies              E-fulfilment requirements
                             or web stores can order much more items than             It is now clear that the roles of the two basic
                             they need, to try them extensively at home and to        functions of logistics proper ty (storage and
                             subsequently send the products back that they do         distribution) are changing profoundly by
                             not require.                                             e-commerce handling. This requires a different
                                                                                      physical solution and, therefore, different
                             Research has shown that the percentage of                requirements to the lay-out of the warehouse.
                             products that is returned differs by product type        The impact is visualised in the following table.
                             and web store. A percentage between 10% and
                             20%, however, can be considered standard. As             The changing nature of the storage and
                             studies show, rates of even 40% to 50% can be            distribution functions are drivers of the specific
                             seen for women’s fashion. The pan-European               requirements regarding location and building
                             retailer Zalando, for example, has reported              specifications. These requirements can be
                             comparable figures. Returns are therefore an             captured under “Location”, “Quantity of space”
                             extensive and costly process. Besides double             and “Quality of space”. The effects, and their
                             transport costs, most companies have to set up a         comparison to traditional distribution, are
                             separate process for the return flows.                   displayed in the following table.

                              Making pictures of the products immediately
                              after arrival in the e-fulfilment center is essential
                              for marketing. In-house photography has a
                              positive effect on the time-to-market: this way
                              new products received by the e-fulfilment center
                              can be made available for online purchase
                              within 48 hours. A second important aspect is
                              the accurate visualisation of the products. This
                              is decisive for site visits and successful sales. In
                              this way e-fulfillment and marketing have close
                              links with each other, whereas the amount of
                              space required for separate photo studios in the
                              e-fulfilment center is limited.

8 Logistics and E-commerce
What does this mean for the real estate                          Pick-up points
                                 market?                                                          Pick-up points are not a new phenomenon as
                                 The most important aspect for the real estate                    such, but the business-to-consumer character
                                 markets is the extra demand for space. In order                  of e-commerce is changing their nature.
                                 to facilitate the wide product range and the large               Initially, existing industrial property will be used
                                 flow of returns, significantly more space is needed              to establish Pick-up Points (PUP) or Pick-Up
                                 than in a traditional operation with a comparable                Drop-Off (PUDO) sites. Consumers can collect
                                 volume of goods. Mezzanine floors are very well                  their products here, and in order to cater for
                                 equipped to satisfy this extra need for space, as                them, the property needs to have retail-like
                                 the requirements in terms of free height and floor               features. Above all, the strength of the location
                                 load capacity are much lower than in case for                    is determined by the number of operators
                                 traditional distribution. Immediate access to a                  using the PUP or PUDO, as this determines the
                                 sufficiently large pool of labour is also essential, as          amount of customers.
                                 are the facilities required to provide efficient and
                                 comfortable working conditions for the warehouse
                                 staff.                                                           Mechanisation
                                                                                                  Another difference with traditional distribution
                                 As can be seen from the table, the requirements                  is the extent to which e-fulfilment processes are,
                                 for an e-fulfilment (Multichannel/ Single channel)               or can be, mechanised. Virtually no e-fulfilment
                                 centre are more complex than for a traditional                   process can operate efficiently without a degree
                                 solution. In order to place the e-fulfilment centre in           of mechanisation. For combining orders and
                                 a similar scheme as our basic storage/ distribution              packaging shipments, conveyors and sorting
                                 matrix, a different and more elaborate definition                systems are frequently used installations.
                                 of the axes is necessary. This can be seen in below              This requires changes to the accommodation
                                 figure where the classification of logistics property            in terms of fire safety and climate control. This
                                 is based on the complexity of the processes and                  means that for e-fulfillment solutions a high level
                                 the stocking functions, rather than on a binary                  of investment is necessary. It is relevant to note
                                 “yes/no” division.                                               that investments have to be recovered through
                                                                                                  high volumes (many orders) and a
                                                                                                  long-term use.

                                                                                                                       E-fulfilment center

                                                                     PARCEL HUB

                                                                      X-DOCK             DISTRIBUTION      E-fulfilment center                  E-fulfilment center
                                                                                            CENTER            Multichannel                         Multichannel
                                                                      1ST LINE
                                                         PARCEL HUB
                                                                           PARCEL HUB                                     E-fulfilment center
                                                           X-DOCK            DISTRIBUTION                                   Single channel
                                                                              X-DOCK               DISTRIBUTION
                                                          1ST LINE                                    CENTER
                                                                           1ST LINE COMMIDITY
                                         Complexity of
                                                                     DATA BUILDING    STOCK
                                         the processes              CENTRES                                E-fulfilment center
                                                                                                             Single channel
                                                                                                                                                E-fulfilment center
                                                                                                                                                  Single channel
                                                            DATA                 STOCK
                                                           CENTRES                                  COMMIDITY
                                                                                DATA                  STOCK

         New Classification
         logistics real estate                                                                    Bulk stock                center

  Essentially, a multichannel                                          No                                      Pick-stock
    e-fulfilment centre is the                                         Stock                                                       Virtual/ return
  most complex form of the                                             keeping                            Storage
 storage/distribution matrix.


10 Logistics and E-commerce
Logistics and E-commerce 11
12 Logistics and E-commerce
New development                                          contracts with the end user. The risks are limited as
The requirements of e-fulfilment are creating a          the fundamental change in consumer behaviour
challenge for the property market. On the one            means that demand for this type of space will
hand, end users desire modern, high-grade                remain. This provides the opportunity to create a
facilities that are customised to their own specific     long-term investment product with a committed
e-commerce processes. On the other hand, they            end user and an attractive direct return.
are very sensitive for occupation costs and are
generally only willing to commit to short-term           Other real estate effects
lease contracts. Most existing properties are not        Besides the emergence of e-fulfilment centres and
able to bridge this gap, leading to opportunities        the consequences this will have for investors and
for developers. The limited availability of finance,     developers, e-commerce is expected to have a
however, poses a severe threat.                          number of other effects on real estate markets. The
                                                         emergence of pick-up points is one of them.
Conceptual development might prove to be a
solution. Conceptual development involves the            The impact on the retail real estate market itself
creation of a ‘concept’, or a vision on future market    is much discussed and not the subject of this
developments. Conceptual development means the           paper. The general conclusion is that the impact
realisation of this vision in a spatial context. The     differs by type of retailer or product. Some shops
developer will have to take the initiative to work out   will definitely disappear from the streets, as their
the e-fulfilment concept in close cooperation with       products are easier purchased online. For products
his partners, the end user and the investor. They        where the ‘look and feel’ are important features
will have to be involved in the early stages of the      in attracting consumers, the online and physical
development process.                                     retail channels appear to strengthen each other.
                                                         This is also displayed by the fact that e-commerce
Investment opportunity                                   retailers are opening physical shops. Such
Although there is no “one size fits all” when it         multichannel retailing is becoming a new standard,
comes to the real estate solution for e-commerce,        but the demands on the location and type of retail
e-fulfilment is a property segment that in terms         unit are becoming more strict.
of location, quantity and quality has to meet a
number of basic requirements.
                                                          Labour market
This has implications for the marketability of the        The availability of labour is an essential factor for the location
object. Property that was previously regarded as          of an e-fulfilment centre. The immediate availability of flexible
obsolete, for example because the free height             workers is necessary due to the typical peak traffic in e-fulfilment
was too low or the mezzanine floors were too              processes. An additional requirement is good access by public
large, might again come into favour because               transport, also in the evenings. Such locations are to be found
of its location. On the other hand, built-to-suit         directly near cities and in the western ‘Randstad’ conurbation.
e-commerce warehouses might prove to be only              Established logistics hubs that are more access to labour, such
workable for one specific user and can become             as for example Maasvlakte or Moerdijk, are therefore less
obsolete very rapidly. One should bear in mind            suitable for an e-fulfillment center.
that e-fulfilment centers are not user-specific, but
                                                          Type of distribution centre		          Staff per sq m floor space
Investors should understand that a new standard           Low volume distribution centre              ~ 1 per 1,000 sq m
for logistics property is created. E-commerce             Traditional distribution centre             ~ 1 per 500 sq m
is a separate process, with a growing need for            High volume retail distribution centre      ~ 1 per 300 sq m
space in the middle and long term. There is also          E-fulfilment (peak)			                      ~ 1 per 100 sq m
a strong need for higher property quality, which
requires a higher investment, but also provides
the opportunity to engage into long-term lease

                                                                                                             Logistics and E-commerce 13
Conclusion                                                  As e-commerce has changed the traditional
                         E-commerce logistics is a growth market which               standard for logistics processes, in-depth
                         only stands at the beginning of its development             specialist knowledge is required to determine the
                         cycle. Most likely, there will be a long-term               appropriate logistics solution for a specific product
                         and increasing need for real estate solutions               or user group. The realisation of e-fulfilment
                         that handle the processing of consumer orders               centres depends on this knowledge, both from
                         in distribution centres. This does not mean                 the side of the logistics and e-commerce parties
                         that traditional distribution solutions are set to          as from real estate parties such as investors,
                         disappear. Rather, e-commerce has created a                 developers and lenders.
                         new segment that will exist next to traditional
                         operations, albeit with an increasing market share.         There is a long-term interest which brings these
                                                                                     parties together. High-grade sites and e-fulfilment
                         E-commerce involves more and, particularly, more            solutions with a mechanised lay-out require a high
                         complex processes than traditional distribution, as         level of investment. This commits the end-user
                         the split of the commercial and physical channels is        to the project for the longer term. Although the
                         leading to profound challenges in the supply chain.         project is use-specific the risk is limited, as on the
                         These have to be matched by the e-fulfilment                one hand the end user is known and involved in
                         centre, which is essentially the most complex form          an early stage, and on the other hand the need
                         of warehousing available.                                   for e-fulfilment solutions will increase due to the
                                                                                     further growth in e-commerce. This long-term
                         This means that building specifications are no              perspective makes it possible to achieve a solid
                         longer a sufficient tool for identifying logistics          return on investment. For real estate investors,
                         property. It is firstly necessary to understand and         this provides an opportunity and a valuable
                         measure the interaction of the basic functions of           diversification of the portfolio.
                         storage and distribution. Although there is no “one
                         size fits all” when it comes to e-fulfilment, it is a
                         property segment that in terms of location, quantity
                         and quality of space has to meet a number of basic
                         requirements. E-fulfilment centres are, therefore,
                         use-specific but not user-specific. The extra
                         demand for space is a very important requirement,
                         which to a large extent can be met by mezzanine
                         floors. The access to a sufficiently large pool of
                         flexible labour is also essential.

                         Research findings e-fulfilment centers

                              Location factors

                              1. In the consumer market.
                              2. Proximity network hubs and/ or depots.
                              3. Proximity workforce that is sufficient, flexible and employable.

                              Quantitative space

                              1. Larger space requirements in floor area of ​​warehouse space.
                              2. Larger office space requirements.

                              Qualitative space

                              1. Lower requirements regarding the constructive object specifications.
                              2. Higher requirements regarding the quality of the space, installations and facilities.

14 Logistics and E-commerce
Logistics and E-commerce 15
For more information about this publication please contact:

                                                 CBRE B.V.
                                        +31 (0)20 626 26 91

                                            Dries Castelein
                        Senior Director Industrial & Logistics

                                           Machiel Wolters
                           Director Research & Consultancy
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