Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office

Page created by Bruce Maxwell
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office

                          By Dyana Carmella, Joseph Chianese and Brendon Tom

           When hunting for filmable locations, producers are focused on several key
     elements, such as landscape, infrastructure, crew and travel/lodging logistics, but
     the biggest factor always revolves around the bottom line. Just as producers are
     keenly aware of the budget for their film, TV, animation and new media projects,
     film commissions around the world are striving to offer high incentive packages to
     keep filmmakers happy.
           There are currently 42 U.S. jurisdictions and 31 foreign jurisdictions offering
     strong film/TV incentives, but the most attractive perks involve consistent laws,
     processing, funding, infrastructure and favorable exchange rates. To explore the
     best offerings worldwide, P3 Update aliened with the Entertainment Partners divi-
     sion EP Financial Solutions, which provides production finance/incentive advice
     and services to film, TV, commercial and new media producers around the world.
     The alphabetical lists below explores the U.S. and international jurisdictions offer-
     ing the most lucrative and reliable incentives along with a jaw-dropping buffet of
     cinematic scenery.

16       FALL 2014
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office
“The Big Bang Theory” shot in Los Angeles, Calif.

                                 U.S. LOCATIONS
                            CALIFORNIA                                                       FLORIDA

              First, the big news: California is back. Skeptics                 From the big cities of Miami and Orlando to small
     were taken aback by the recent signing of legislation AB        beach towns and suburbs, Florida offers quite a range
     1839 by California Governor Jerry Brown, which assured          of spectacular locations to meet the needs of upcoming
     that the California Film and Television Incentive will re-      film and TV projects. The state also offers an impressive
     ceive an additional $230 million to its existing $100 mil-      list of film commissions that all work together to ensure
     lion. The new program will also receive $330 million in         that each production runs smoothly, such as Dolphin Tale
     funding each following financial year, which is easing the      2. Florida’s 20-to-30-percent transferable tax-credit pro-
     worries of the studios currently sending one-hour dra-          gram was so successful that the $296 million allocation is
     mas and TV movies out of state. Eligibility of the credit       already gone. An economic study released by the MPAA
     has also been expanded by removing budget caps for              indicates a 4.7 ROI for the program, with the expectation
     studio and independent feature films, while TV series are       of more money being added to the Florida program in
     eligible regardless of distribution medium. This last point     2015. www.filminflorida.com
     opens the door for online series, such as those offered by
     Netflix, to take advantage of the credit. And that’s not all:                           GEORGIA
     the program offers an additional 5-percent break for vis-
     ual-effects and music scoring work incurred in the state.               Without a doubt, one of the standout states of
     Meanwhile, California still retains an impressive lineup of     2014 has been the Peach State. Georgia’s booming film
     top productions, including the TV series “Extant,” “The Big     economy is growing at a rapid speed, hosting a steady
     Bang Theory” and “Modern Family,” and feature films like        stream of film productions like Dumb and Dumber To,
     Need for Speed and Christopher Nolan’s much-anticipated         The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part I, The Good Lie and
     Interstellar. www.film.ca.gov                                   No Good Deed and TV shows like “The Walking Dead” and
                                                                     “Tyler Perry’s Single Mom’s Club.” And it was recently an-
     18      FALL 2014
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office
film                                                          in the world

 all in one

                            The Florida Office of Film & Entertainment

Florida Office of Film and Entertainment | www.filminflorida.com | Follow us: www.facebook.com/filminflorida
             Contact the Florida Office of Film and Entertainment: (877) FLA-FILM or 310-241-0116
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office
Film Tax Credit


    State of Illinois
    Department of Commerce
    & Economic Opportunity
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office
nounced that Chris Evans will head south to shoot the
 Marvel sequel Captain America 3 in the state. Georgia
 currently offers producers a 20-percent (and added
 10-percent logo uplift) transferable tax credit as well
 as a strong crew base. And Pinewood Studios is build-
 ing state-of-the-art soundstages to take advantage of
 the influx of productions. www.georgia.org


           Hawaii is the leading tropical filming destina-
 tion in the U.S. Featuring a diverse natural environ-          Actress Shailene Woodley in Divergent, shot on location in Illinois
 ment, the state is made up of eight main islands with                                              © 2013 - Summit Entertainment
 each offering uniquely mind-blowing characteristics.
 Hawaii is also home to a slew of reefs, shoals, moun-
                                                                to come out,” adds Matsuoka. “[Just look at] the endless
 tains, volcanos, rainforests, small towns, beach commu-
                                                                stream of guest talent that has appeared on the new it-
 nities and cities, some of which served as hosts for the
                                                                eration of ‘Hawaii Five-0.’” www.filmoffice.hawaii.gov
 popular TV series “Hawaii Five-0” and the blockbuster film
 Godzilla. “Hawaii has long been a favorite location for Hol-
 lywood due to its distinctly ‘not in America’ looks while
 still being part of the U.S., with all of the benefits and se-
                                                                          When you’ve got the city of Chicago at bat on
 curity that offers,” says Location Manager Kent Matsuoka.
                                                                your team, it can be pretty easy to entice producers to
 “[Benefits include] the U.S. dollar, English language, no
                                                                suit up and join the game. The city and the entire state of
 passport/customs requirements, and first world infra-
                                                                Illinois boast some of the most breathtaking modern and
 structure. [And] the best reason for shooting in Hawaii is
                                                                historical locations. Recent productions shot in Illinois in-
 that it’s close enough to fly an actor out for a couple of
                                                                clude the films Divergent, Transformers: Age of Extinction
 days, with many flights and carriers making the run every
                                                                and Jupiter Ascending and the hit TV shows “Shameless”
 day out of LAX and most major west coast cities.”
                                                                and “Chicago Fire.” The state’s 30-percent transferable tax
           Hawaii currently has a 20- or 25-percent refund-
                                                                credit has once again been renewed, pushing the sunset
 able tax credit as well as a 5-percent increase in an ef-
                                                                date all the way to May 2021. There’s an additional bo-
 fort to compete with other state offerings. There are also
                                                                nus of up to 15 percent on labor expenditures for the
 plenty of first-class accommodations easily accessible
                                                                employment of residents from geographic areas of high
 to Hawaii’s popular locations. “Just the excuse of going
                                                                poverty or unemployment, so the credit can actually
 to Hawaii can be reason [enough] to convince someone
                                                                reach           a whopping total of 45 percent. Illinois is
                                                                                  also the only state with a production in-
                                                                                   centive program that includes a diver-
                                                                                   sity provision.


                                                                                        Louisiana has been a production
                                                                                 giant for much of 2014 with a stream of
                                                                                 star-powered blockbusters lining up to
                                                                                 take advantage of the state’s incentives.
                                                                                 Louisiana’s up-to-35-percent transfer-
                                                                                 able tax credit consistently attracts
L-R: Actors Robert Downey Jr., Vera Farmiga and Director David Dobkin on         TV shows like “American Horror Story:
the set of the Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Village Roadshow Pictures’ drama       Freak Show” and slew of studio fea-
The Judge, shot on location in Massachusetts                                     tures, such as Dawn of the Planet of the
Photo Credit: Claire Folger ©2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
                                                                                                WWW.P3UPDATE.COM         21
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office
Apes, 22 Jump Street, The Fantastic Four, Pirates of the Car-                         NEW MEXICO
ibbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales and the recently released
Left Behind, starring Nicolas Cage and Lea Thompson. It                  New Mexico remains a film hotspot, thanks to its
was also just announced that Sylvester Stallone will shoot      25- or 30-percent film production tax credit (the 5-percent
some intense action sequences in Louisiana for the fifth        bump is for TV series and resident labor) and a standalone
installment of his Rambo film franchise. For a complete         25-percent postproduction tax credit, both of which are
list of film commissions visit:                                 refundable. Big budget features, like Transcendence and
http://www.louisianaentertainment.gov                           The Lone Ranger, and TV projects alike have utilized New
                                                                Mexico’s cinematic locales as a backdrop. AMC’s “Break-
                                                                ing Bad” just ended its six-year run of filming five seasons
                    MASSACHUSETTS                               in the state just in time to start shooting its spinoff show
                                                                “Better Call Saul” in New Mexico. In a recent conversation,
         Massachusetts currently still offers its reliable      Albuquerque’s Director of Communications in the Office
25-percent transferable tax credit, which has attracted         of the Mayor Dayna Gardner spoke about the financial
the film productions for the sequel Ted 2 (directed by Seth     impact high-profile productions have had on the city.
MacFarlane and starring Mark Wahlberg), R.I.P.D. (starring      “The industry provides jobs for our citizens that are high-
Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges) and the Oscar contender         paying and creative,” she states. “Local companies also
The Judge (starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Robert Duvall).      benefit from having a production here, like lumber com-
The state is not only known for featuring a wide array of       panies, hotels and restaurants, travel agencies [and] sign
period locations that range as far back as the 1600s. With      companies.… In fact, almost all local businesses profit in
its vast architectural options and a supportive incentive,      some way. When ‘Breaking Bad’ was filming, the direct-
it’s no surprise why Massachusetts continues to make the        spend-per-episode shot over eight days was approxi-
cut year after year. www.mafilm.org                             mately a million dollars to the city.” www.nmfilm.com
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office
Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould and Bob Odenkirk in
                     NEW YORK
                                                            “Better Call Saul,” shot on location in New Mexico
                                                            © 2014 AMC
         The Big Apple takes enticing productions to
a whole new level, as New York Governor Andrew
Cuomo has just extended the state’s incentive pro-
gram to 2019 along with an additional $2.1 billion
in film funding. New York currently offers a 30-per-
cent fully refundable tax credit on qualified produc-
tion and postproduction expenses incurred in the
state, as well as a 30- to 35-percent postproduction
credit on qualified post expenses incurred in-state
(for projects not eligible for the film production tax
credit program). There’s also a commercial produc-
tion credit of 5 percent, a 20-percent annual growth
credit (with applications submitted annually), and
sales-tax exemptions.
         Cuomo’s dedication to keep productions
happy has led to further enhancements, most nota-
bly a 10-percent BTL cost uplift to film outside the
metro area in specified Upstate New York counties
(beyond Albany) — and this can extend the 30-per-
cent New York metro credit up to 40 percent on
film-production costs. TV variety and talk shows can
also qualify, much like NBC’s “The Tonight Show” and
“America’s Got Talent.” Other New York productions
include Steven Soderbergh’s new Cinemax series
“The Knick,” Jenji Kohan’s “Orange Is the New Black”
and the feature films A Walk Among the Tombstones
(starring Liam Neeson), St. Vincent (starring Bill Mur-
ray, Naomi Watts and Melissa McCarthy), the star-
studded comedy This Is Where I Leave You and Bird-
man staring Michael Keaton. And to serve upstate             L-R: Actors Tina Fey, Jason Bateman and Director Shawn Levy
productions, Empire Visual Effects will create 150           on the set of Warner Bros. Pictures’ dramatic comedy
new visual effects and other postproduction jobs in          This is Where I leave You shot in New York
Buffalo within five years. www.nylovesfilm.com               Photo Credit: Jessica Miglio
                                                             © 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

         As the home of sprawling cities like Hou-
ston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin, it’s no surprise
why the Lone Star State rounds out our top ten for
the U.S. The sheer size of the state is enough to lure
productions, with its diverse array of landscapes and
geological features. Texas also boasts an up-to-22.5-
percent grant program for film and television pro-
jects that has kept new Film Commissioner Heather
Page busy with nonstop applications. Recent pro-
jects utilizing everything Texas has to offer include
the newly released Men, Women & Children (starring
Adam Sandler and Jennifer Garner), Paramount’s
summer blockbuster Transformers: Age of Extinction
and the NBC sci-fi series “Revolution.”
                                                          Actors Adam Sandler, David Denman and Dean Norris in
                                                          Men, Women & Children, shot on location in Texas
                                                          Photo by Photo credit: Dale Robinette - © 2014 Paramount
                                                          Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office
Locations worldwide - THE - Massachusetts Film Office
                       ABU DHABI                                centives are the Location Offset at 16.5 percent; the Post,
                                                                Digital and Visual Effects Offset (PDV) at 30 percent; and a
        Abu Dhabi really is like no place on Earth. The city    Producer Offset of 40 percent for qualifying feature films
is vibrant and alive, with its Arab heritage inspiring the      and 20 percent for qualifying TV productions and docu-
sprawling architecture, and the fantastically hot desert cli-   mentaries (which include official co-production treaties).
mate produces the sunniest of blue skies throughout the         www.ausfilm.com.au
year. Abu Dhabi also offers a highly attractive 30-percent
cash rebate, the likes of which is enough to entice much-                               CANADA
anticipated franchise productions like Disney’s Star Wars:
Episode VII and Universal’s Fast and Furious 7. Since 2012,              Canada continues to thrive. With an army of film
Abu Dhabi’s incentive program has functioned without a          offices working overtime in Alberta, British Columbia,
funding cap and continues to offer additional bonuses,          Manitoba, Ontario, Québec and Yukon, just to name a
such as free international travel (when booking with Eti-       few, Canada is more than ready to exceed expectations.
had Airways), free scouting assistance and no sales tax.        The country is known for its stunning locations, highly
www.film.gov.ae                                                 skilled crews, production service companies and incen-
                                                                tives that will put a smile on producers’ faces. Recent
                       AUSTRALIA                                films shot in Canada include Christopher Nolan’s Inter-
                                                                stellar (which utilized Alberta) and X-Men: Days of Future
         A filmmaker’s dream locale, Australia is a country     Past (Québec). And the upcoming drama The Revenant,
that exudes scenic beauty in every direction, and there         which stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy, will shoot
are a host of film commissions ready help productions           in British Columbia and Alberta in 2015. Canada’s gener-
with any and all requests. Recent Aussie productions in-        ous film incentives vary depending on each region. For a
clude Warner Bros. The Great Gatsby and Fox’s The Wolver-       complete list of incentives and commissions,
ine, and it was recently announced that Disney’s Pirates        visit www.ep.com/canada/.
of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales will send its stars
and pirates to film in Queensland.
“Disney is pleased to be working
with both the Australian govern-
ment and Queensland government
as we prepare to set sail on our next
Pirates adventure,” says Philip Steuer,
senior VP of physical production at
Walt Disney Studios. “Queensland
has an incredibly diverse landscape
and Australia’s robust entertainment
industry, and many accomplished
craftsmen will provide a fantastic
home base for our production.”
         Australia’s Screen Produc-
tion incentive program currently
offers tax-based incentives and pro-
vides a cash rebate to producers on      Actor Michael Fassbender in X-Men: Days of Future Past, shot on location in Canada
Qualifying Australian Production         Photo by Photo: Alan Markfield - © TM and © 2013 Marvel and Subs. TM and © 2013
Expenditures (QAPE). The three in-       Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                WWW.P3UPDATE.COM         25
financial incentive offers a healthy 20 percent
                                                                               of qualifying local spends, and the country
                                                                               takes pride in having reimbursements be an
                                                                               easy and straightforward procedure.


                                                                                       Over the past few years, Ireland has de-
                                                                                veloped a well-deserved reputation as one
                                                                                of the top places to shoot. It now stands out
                                                                                on the global production map, courtesy of its
                                                                                high-profile filming locations that have well
                                                                                served projects like the HBO adventure/fantasy
Actors Adrien Brody and Tony Revolori in The Grand                              series “Game of Thrones.” With its breathtaking
Budapest Hotel, shot in Germany                                                 scenery, experienced crews and outstanding
Photo by Martin Scali                                                           studios, Ireland is more than equipped to tack-
                                                                                le any film of TV project. The country’s current
                                                                                incentive program has been extended to 2020,
                                                                     with the benefit increasing from 28 percent to 32 percent
                             GERMANY                                 in 2015. In addition, up-front production funding is paid
                                                                     in cash on the first day of shooting or on financial closing.
             Germany boasts an extraordinary history in cin-         The program is capped at 80-percent global spend of up
     ema that serves as a foundation for its capabilities as a       to 50 million euros, and the amount spent on the Ireland
     modern production hub. Fox Searchlight’s Grand Bu-              production must at least equal the amount of investment
     dapest Hotel and Sony/Columbia’s The Monuments Men              eligible for tax relief.
     recently chose Germany as a filming destination, as the         www.irishfilmboard.ie
     country offers professionally
     trained English-speaking crews
     and studios that meet the high-
     est standards in film technology.
     Germany is also cherished for its
     timber-frame old towns and con-
     temporary architecture. Mean-
     while, the country stays busy by
     offering film and TV productions
     a 20-percent cash grant.


              Scenic clouds, sunsets
                                                                                         Actors Rory McCann and Maisie Williams in
     and falling snow all make Iceland
                                                                                                  “Game of Thrones,” shot in Ireland
     the place where filmmakers can
                                                                                                              Photo by Helen Sloan
     attain shots never thought pos-
     sible. This daring land mass south
     of the Arctic Circle is packed with
     lava fields, mountains, glaciers,
     rivers, oceans, fjords and towns of all shapes and sizes.                               MALAYSIA
     Offering a wealth of cinematic possibilities, Iceland can
     double as a faraway fantasyland as well as a distant plan-               Malaysia features coastal plains, forested hills
     et. Recent productions shot in Iceland include the studio       and mountains as well as ideally warm tropical weather
     films Ben Stiller’s The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Noah and   year-round, making it one of the most utilized film locales
     Oblivion and the hit TV series “Game of Thrones.” Iceland’s     in Asia. It also offers producers state-of-the-art studios,

     26      FALL 2014
the latest production equipment, green-screen facilities,                           NEW ZEALAND
broadcast studios, VFX and digital postproduction fa-
cilities, and there are more than 70 production-centered               Mainland New Zealand features North and South
companies ready to assist filmmakers. Incentives-wise,        Islands to create one of the greatest filmic backdrops in
Malaysia offers a 30-percent cash rebate and low produc-      cinematic history. With jaw-dropping landscapes and an
tion costs. Additional perks include the recent opening of    experienced crew base, it’s clear why this Southwestern
Pinewood Iskandar Malaysia Studios (PIMS), whose name         Pacific gem makes our list every year. In April 2014, the
alone guarantees top-quality production values. The           Screen Production Incentive Fund and Large-Budget
Weinstein Company is already booked to shoot its new          Screen Production Grant was replaced by the New Zea-
Netflix series “Marco Polo” at PIMS.                          land Screen Production Grant (NZSPG), which offers cash
www.filminmalaysia.com                                        grants to key film, TV and animation projects that achieve
                                                              a certain level of qualifying NZ expenditures (QNZPE).
                                                                                    Productions with significant New
                                                                                     Zealand content are eligible for a
                                                                                     cash grant of 40 percent, while in-
                 Peter Jackson (left) of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
                                                                                     ternational productions are eligible
                                            shot on location in New Zealand
                                                                                     for 20 percent (with a 5-percent up-
                  Photo by James Fisher - © 2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment
                                                                                     lift for productions that can demon-
                                 Inc. and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc.
                                                                                     strate significant economic benefits
                                                                                     to New Zealand). And the revamped
                                                                                     Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV)
                                                                                     Grant offers eligible productions
                                                                                     a 20-percent cash grant of QNZPE
                                                                                     with a 5-percent uplift for economic
                                                                                     NZ benefits).
                                                                                        The presence of Peter Jackson’s
                                                                                     acclaimed visual-effects house
                                                                                     Weta Digital in Wellington remains
                                                                                     a big draw for local and visiting pro-
                                                                                     ducers, as the facility offers a full
                                                                                     suite of digital production services
                                                                                     for feature films and commercials.
                                                                                     Not only did Weta Digital play a
                                                                                     large postproduction role in The

                                                 Zoe Saldana, Bradley Cooper, Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel and Dave Bautista’s
                                                      characters in Guardians of the Galaxy shot in the United Kingdom
                                                                                                   © 2013 - Marvel Studio
matic locations, including lush green hills, crystal
                                                                                 blue waters and the sprawling city of Cape Town.
                                                                                 Cape Town Film Studios is backed by national,
                                                                                 provisional and local governments as it lures big-
                                                                                 budget Hollywood productions like the Nelson
                                                                                 Mandela biopic Long Walk to Freedom, the Adam
                                                                                 Sandler comedy Blended, The Giver (starring Jeff
                                                                                 Bridges and Meryl Streep) and the Reese Wither-
                                                                                 spoon drama The Good Lie.
L-R: Actor Okwar Jale, Director Philippe Falardeau and Actor Kon Akoue
Auok on the set of the drama The Good Lie , shot on location in South Africa                    UNITED KINGDOM
Photo Credit: Kelly Walsh
Copyright: ©2014 Black Label Media, LLC                                                   Across the pond, the United Kingdom
                                                                                  has built a film empire that continually attracts
      Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit film franchises, but it also              films like Guardians of the Galaxy, Fast & Furious 6,
      provided work for Hollywood blockbusters like X-Men:              Star Wars: Episode VII and the upcoming Brad Pitt war flick
      The Last Stand and Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer.        Fury, as well as the new Starz TV series “Outlander.” The UK
      www.nzfilm.co.nz                                                  touts an extensive crew base of highly skilled technicians
                                                                        and an impressive lineup of film studios, including Pine-
                            SOUTH AFRICA                                wood, Shepperton and Warner Bros./Leavesden just to
                                                                        name a few. The UK also offers a 20- or 25-percent refund-
              South Africa has received notable attention in            able tax credit that has been so successful with features
      2014 for its stunning landscapes, professional studios            that it now also serves high-end television and animation
      and a 20-to-25-percent cash rebate. Its coastline stretch-        projects. www.britishfilmcommission.org.uk
      es over 1,500 miles while offering a wide range of cine-
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