LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly

Page created by Ray Caldwell
LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Directory of
Massachusetts    LOBBYISTS 2023
LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly

         18 Tremont Street, Suite 600, Boston, Massachusetts 02108 T: 617 646 1000

LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Anthony Arthur Abdelahad              Allison Alaimo                         Oamshri Amarasingham                    Rafael Antigua
Ventry Associates LLP                 Veterans Inc.                          Massachusetts Public Health Associ-     JPMorgan Chase Bank NA
1 Walnut Street 4th Floor             69 Grove Street                        ation                                   383 Madison Ave. Floor 22
Boston, MA 02108                      Worcester, MA 01605                    50 Federal St. 8th Floor                New York, NY 10179
(617) 423-0028                        (508) 791-1213                         Boston, MA 02119                        (212) 499-1401
                                                                             (617) 584-6721
Brendan Abel                          David Albright                                                                 Tim Appleton
Massachusetts Medical Society         Jewish Alliance for Law and Social     Robert J Ambrogi                        Compassion & Choices Action Network
860 Winter St.                        Action, Inc.                           Law Office of Robert Ambrogi            8156 S. Wadsworth Ave. E-162
Waltham, MA 02451                     11 Beacon St Suite 722                 128 Main Street                         Littleton, CO 80128
(781) 434-7682                        Boston, MA 02108                       Gloucester, MA 01930                    (561) 445-1921
                                      (617) 227-3000                         (978) 317-0972
Nicholas Acquavito                                                                                                   Chelsea Elizabeth Aquino-
Bardin Hill Investment Partners LP    Theodore J Aleixo, Jr.                 Toney Anaya                             Fenstermaker
299 Park Avenue 24th Floor            Theodore J Aleixo, Jr., Esq.           DoorDash, Inc.                          Museum of Science
New York, NY 10171                    One State Street Suite 1050            303 2nd Street, South Tower Suite 800   1 Science Park
(212) 303-9400                        Boston, MA 02109                       San Francisco, CA 94107                 Boston, MA 02114
                                      (617) 899-9000                         (415) 903-2800                          (617) 589-3101
Katherine Daria Afshar
CMBG3 Law, LLC                        Raza Ali                               Christopher Anderson                    Derek Armstrong
265 Franklin Street Suite 601         American Chemistry Council             Massachusetts High Technology           Bank of America, N.A.
Boston, MA 02110                      11 North Pearl Street, Suite 1400      Council, Inc.                           100 Federal Street
(978) 844-1624                        Albany, NY 12207                       2400 District Ave. Suite 110            Boston, MA 02110
                                      (518) 432-7835                         Burlington, MA 01803                    (617) 434-8613
Aaron Agulnek                                                                (781) 786-2662
27 South Strategies, LLC              Nancy Leah Allen Scannell                                                      Paul C. Armstrong
21 Magnolia Rd.                       MSPCC a Division of Eliot Community    Kathleen R. Anderson                    Northeast Gas Association
Sharon, MA 02067                      Human Services                         The Walden Woods Project                75 Second Ave. Suite 510
(781) 504-6725                        125 Hartwell Ave                       44 Baker Farm                           Needham, MA 02494
                                      Lexington, MA 02421                    Lincoln, MA 01773                       (781) 455-6800
Josie Ahlberg                         (617) 308-2063                         (781) 259-4701
Massachusetts Municipal Association                                                                                  Matthew Paul Arsenault
3 Center Plaza Suite 610              Travis Allen                           Leda Anderson                           Ventry Associates, LLP
Boston, MA 02108                      Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company of       Massachusetts Medical Society           1 Walnut Street 4th Floor
(617) 426-7272                        Boston, LLC                            860 Winter Street                       Boston, MA 02108
                                      10 2nd Avenue                          Waltham, MA 02451                       (617) 423-0028
Khadeejah Ahmad                       Boston, MA 01803                       (781) 434-7668
SEIU Local 509                                                                                                       Robert Ash, Jr.
                                      (781) 852-0865
293                                                                          Samuel Anderson                         Massachusetts Competitive Partner-
Boston Post Road West 4th floor       La-Brina Almeida                       Mass Audubon                            ship
Marlborough, MA 01752                 Massachusetts Budget & Policy Center   208 South Great Rd.                     535 Boylston Street Top Floor
(617) 893-3890                        1 State Street Suite 1250              Lincoln, MA 01773                       Boston, MA 02116
                                      Boston, MA 02109                       (781) 572-1610                          (617) 236-4099
Kola Akindele                         (401) 648-5018
Worcester Polytechnic Institute                                              Lisa Marie Andoscia                     Chet Atkins
100 Institute Road                    Jason A. Aluia                         Rosewood Consulting Inc.                Tremont Strategies Group
Worcester, MA 01609                   Mass. Assoc of Health Plans            1 Rosewood Drive                        One Beacon Street Suite 16300
(508) 353-0836                        328 Commercial Street 25               North Providence RI 02904               Boston, MA 02108
                                      Boston, MA 02109                       (413) 575-3400                          (617) 236-5830
Charles Thomas Alagero                (617) 447-4987
Massachusetts Medical Society                                                Holly Andreozzi                         Ellen Attaliades
860 Winter Street                     Joseph Dennis Alviani                  Banc of America Public Capital Corp     Association of Developmental Disabili-
Waltham, MA 02451                     Alviani Associates                     100 Federal Street                      ties Providers
(781) 434-7001                        8 Holbeck Corner                       Boston, MA 02110                        1671 Worcester Road Suite 201
                                      Plymouth, MA 02360                     (617) 434-7760                          Framingham, MA 01701
                                      (617) 645-5628                                                                 (508) 422-7156

                                                                                                          MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2023 | 1
LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Carlo Basile                                          Mission Statement:
                                                              Smith, Costello & Crawford is a regulatory and
                                                              legislative policy firm dedicated to helping our
        Smith, Costello & Crawford                            clients achieve success through consulting, lobbying,
        One State Street, 15th Floor                          and legal services. Our team brings proven strategic
        Boston, MA 02109                                      expertise, first-hand public service experience, and political acumen
        (617) 523-0600                                        to frame the advocacy agenda specific to your needs. We represent
                                                              clients in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, energy, cannabis,
        Email: cbasile@publicpolicylaw.com                    and financial services.
        Website: www.publicpolicylaw.com                      Areas of Expertise:
                                                              Executive and legislative lobbying, public policy development, business to
                                                              business, procurement, and government relations.

Patrick James Atwell                         Steven Baddour                                Kim Barber                                      Carlo Basile
SEIU Local 888                               ML Strategies                                 Automobile Insurers Bureau                      Smith, Costello & Crawford
25 Braintree Hill Office Park 306            One Financial Center                          101 Arch Street                                 One State Street, 15th Floor
Braintree, MA 02184                          Boston, MA 02111                              Boston, MA 02110                                Boston, MA 02109
(617) 241-3306                               (617) 542-6000                                (617) 439-4542                                  (617) 523-0600
                                                                                                                                                 (See box on this page
Kathryn M. Audette                           Omaira Badillo                                Karsten Barde                                          for more information)
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc.           1199SEIU                                      National Grid
450 Brookline Avenue, BP 101                 109 Myrtle Street 4th Floor                   40 Sylvan Road                                  Jill Batty
Boston, MA 02215                             Quincy, MA 02171                              Waltham, MA 02451                               Cambridge Health Alliance
(617) 632-4433                               (617) 512-1147                                (781) 907-1820                                  250 Main Street 5th Floor
                                                                                                                                           Malden, MA 02148
Melissa Kraus Augenbraun                     Patricia J. Baker                             Thomas Barnett                                  (781) 338-0301
Anti-Defamation League New England           Massachusetts Law Reform Institute            Roche Diagnostics Corporation
40 Court Street 12th Floor                   40 Court Street Suite 800                     9115 Hague Road P.O. Box 50457                  Patricia Baumer
Boston, MA 02108                             Boston, MA 02108                              Indianapolis IN 46250                           Greater
(617) 406-6300                               (617) 357-0700                                (317) 502-6620                                  Boston Real Estate Board
                                                                                                                                           3 Center Plaza Mezzanine Suite
John Augustine                               Matthew Balanda                               Paul Barrett                                    Boston, MA 02108
Barclays Capital, Inc.                       Schroders Investment Management               Straights Pond Advisors                         (617) 423-8700
745 Seventh Avenue                           7 Bryant Park 17th Floor                      738 Jerusalem Road
New York, NY 10019                           New York, NY 10018                            Cohasset, MA 02025                              Phineas Baxandall
(212) 526-5436                               (212) 641-3869                                (508) 397-9750                                  Massachusetts Budget and Policy
Karley Jude Ausiello                         Kelly Balavender                              Katherine Barry                                 1 State Street Suite 1250
United Way of Massachusetts Bay, Inc.        Graticule Asset Management Asia               Novo Nordisk Inc.                               Boston, MA 02109
9 Channel Center                             800 Third Avenue                              23 Surfside Road                                (617) 426-1228
Boston, MA 02210                             New York, NY 10022                            Scituate, MA 02066
(617) 921-1840                               (212) 485-8121                                (609) 897-5800                                  Kaitlyn A Bean
                                                                                                                                           The Boston Foundation
Michael Avitzur                              Donald Baldini                                Paul Barry                                      75 Arlington Street 3rd Floor
Boston Bar Association                       Liberty Mutual Insurance                      Boston Scientific Corp                          Boston, MA 02116
16 Beacon Street                             175 Berkeley Street                           1455 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite 925             (617) 338-4834
Boston, MA 02108                             Boston, MA 02116                              Washington DC 20004
(617) 778-1942                               (617) 654-5679                                (202) 637-8020                                  Elizabeth Becker
                                                                                                                                           Massachusetts Association of Chapter
Amara Azubuike                               Michael Raymond Banville                      John Bartley                                    766 Approved Private Special Educa-
Children’s Hospital                          Mass Home Care                                Beacon Hill Consulting Group                    tion Schools
Boston                                       350 Granite Street c/o South Shore Elder      20 Ashburton Place                              92 Montvale Ave Suite 4150 Box 18
300 Longwood Avenue                          Services, Suite 2303                          Boston, MA 02108                                Stoneham, MA 02180
Boston, MA 02115                             Braintree, MA 02184                           (617) 216-2060                                  (781) 640-9454
(617) 919-3055                               (781) 930-0258

LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Kathy Bell                                         issues research & drafting; permitting & approvals;
                                                               public policy; real estate & project development;
            Vice President                                     regulatory advocacy & consulting; technology
            Issues Management Group Public Affairs             Mission Statement:
            30 Winter St.                                       Issues Management Group Public Affairs is a fully
            Boston, MA 02109                                   integrated public affairs firm, providing our clients with government
            (617) 733-1327                                     relations, strategic communications counsel, and digital strategies
            Email: kbell@issuesgroup.com                       to achieve their goals. We thrive at the intersection of policy and
            Website: https://issuesgroup.com                   business, and advocate for our clients at City Hall, the State House,
            Areas of Expertise:                                and the ballot box.
            Appropriations & funding; construction;            Representative Clients:
            coalition building; lobbying & campaign            Labor Relations Division of Construction Industries of Massachusetts,
            finance reporting; government relations;           MA Health and Hospital Association (MHA), Waymo, Turo, NECTA and
                                                               Universal Health Services (UHS).

Sarah Becker                                Boston, MA 02108                             (972) 310-0542                                (617) 878-8700
40 Lewis St. Apt. 2                         (240) 587-8394
                                                                                         Cassandra Bensahih                            Erika Berglund
Boston, MA 02113
                                            Anne Marie Belrose                           UU Mass Action                                Boston Strategic Consulting, LLC
(301) 332-5988
                                            Regional Housing Network                     P.O. Box 300159 655 Centre Street             100 Cambridge Street 14th Floor
Lindsey Beckett                             One Beacon Street 5th Floor                  Boston, MA 02130                              Boston, MA 02114
DoorDash, Inc.                              Boston, MA 02108                             (617) 356-7737                                (617) 671-5813
303 2nd Street, South Tower Suite 800       (781) 608-5692
                                                                                         Jennifer Benson                               Leslie Bernal
San Francisco, CA 94107
                                            Laurene Belsito                              Alliance for Business Leadership              Stop Predatory Gambling
(415) 903-2800
                                            Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance                One Beacon Street 15th Floor                  100 Maryland Avenue NE Room 310
Andrew Beckwith                             18 Tremont St. Suite 527                     Boston, MA 02108                              Washington DC 20002
Massachusetts Family Institute, Inc         Boston, MA 02108                             (617) 401-2395                                (2026) 567-6996
401 Edgewater Place Ste 580                 (617) 553-4115
                                                                                         Luke Benson                                   Arthur Bernard
Wakefield, MA 01880
                                            Brian Joseph Belz                            Massachusetts Coalition for the               Travaglini Scorzoni Kiley LLC
(781) 569-0400
                                            Health Management Systems, Inc.              Homeless                                      One International Place Suite 1820
Geoffrey Clifton Beckwith                   55 Victor Dr. East                           73 Buffum St.                                 Boston, MA 02110
Massachusetts Municipal Association         Northport, NY 11731                          St Lynn, MA 01902                             (617) 439-7775
3 Center Plaza Suite 610                    (631) 796-1949                               (781) 595-7570
                                                                                                                                       Lynda Bernard
Boston, MA 02108
                                            Patrick James Bench                          Harris E Berenson                             The Brennan Group, Inc.
(617) 426-7272
                                            Benchmark Strategies                         The Hanover Insurance Group                   3rd Floor
Gregory Francis Beeman                      1 Boston Place Suite 2600                    440 Lincoln Street N430                       Boston, MA 02108
Associated Builders and Contractors,        Boston, MA 02108                             Worcester, MA 01653                           (617) 305-4120
MA Chapter                                  (617) 733-1290                               (508) 855-2399
                                                                                                                                       Robert Bernstein
100 Unicorn Park Drive Suite 1
                                            Daniel Bennett                               Caitlin Beresin                               Bay State Strategies Group, LLC
Woburn, MA 01801
                                            Liberty Forensics LLC                        Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.              6 Beacon Street Suite 312
(781) 273-0123
                                            148 South Main Street                        1350 I Street, NW Suite 1210                  Boston, MA 02108
Kathy Bell                                  Sherborn, MA 01770                           Washington D.C. 20005                         (617) 367-1004
Issues Management Group Public              (508) 314-6505                               (202) 589-1000
                                                                                                                                       Michael Thomas Best
                                            Raymond Bennett                              Michael Bergan                                National Consumer Law Center
30 Winter St.
                                            Shawmut Strategies Group, LLC                Tremont Strategies Group                      7 Winthrop Square
Boston, MA 02109
                                            11 Beacon Street Suite 914                   One Beacon Street Suite 16300                 Boston, MA 02110
(617) 733-1327
                                            Boston, MA 02108                             Boston, MA 02108                              (617) 283-0278
       (See box on this page
                                            (617) 302-9474                               (617) 236-5830
     for more information)                                                                                                             Sunindiya Bhalla
                                            Jill Benoit                                  Noah Berger                                   Roca, Inc.
Michaela Irene Bellis
                                            Holcim Participations (US) Inc.              Massachusetts Teachers Association            Roca, Inc., 101 Park St.
                                            15900 Dooley Rd.                             2 Heritage Drive 8th Floor                    Chelsea, MA 02150
294 Washington St. Suite 500
                                            Addison, TX 75001                            Quincy, MA 02171                              (978) 760-0625

                                                                                                                      MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2023 | 3
LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Laura Bickel                            Allison Blanck                        Katherine Bourque                      Catherine Camp Boyle
National Grid                           Animal Rescue League of               Unitil Resources, Inc.                 Autism Housing Pathways, Inc.
40 Sylvan Road                          Boston                                6 Liberty Lane                         22 Willowdale Rd
Waltham, MA 02451                       10 Anna’s Place                       West Hampton , NH 03842                Winchester, MA 01890
(781) 907-2126                          Dedham, MA 02026                      (603) 770-3215                         (617) 893-8217
                                        (617) 426-9170
Victor Bieger                                                                 Kevin Bourque                          James M Bradford
DoorDash, Inc.                          Brianna Rene-Lyn Blastick             Pharmaceutical Research and Manu-      JMB Strategies Group LLC
303 2nd Street, South Tower Suite 800   MASSPIRG Students                     facturers of America Corporation       76 Court Street Unit 7
San Francisco , CA 94107                294 Washington St. Suite 500          125 Washington Street Suite 1          Plymouth, MA 02360
(415) 903-2800                          Boston, MA 02108                      Foxboro, MA 02035                      (617) 694-2853
                                        (850) 532-2603                        (508) 698-4994
Christienne Killeen Bik                                                                                              Leah Marie Bradley
Fallon Health                           William L Boffi                       Mary Bourque                           Central Massachusetts Housing
10 Chestnut Street                      Nichols College                       Massachusetts Association of School    Alliance
Worcester, MA 01609                     123 Center Road PO Box 5000           Superintendents, Inc.                  6 Insitute Road
(508) 981-3981                          Dudley, MA 01571                      36 Middlesex Turnpike                  Worcester, MA 01609
                                        (508) 213-2215                        Bedford, MA 01730                      (508) 688-7375
Katherine Andrews Bilotas                                                     (781) 541-5098
Eli Lilly and Company                   Ashley Bogle                                                                 Rick Branca
28 Beechwood Road                       Health New England inc                Casey Bowers                           The Malloy Group,Inc.
Braintree, MA 02184                     One Monarch Place Suite 1500          Environmental League of Massachu-      47 Winter Street
(617) 285-6512                          Springfield, MA 01144                 setts Action Fund, Inc.                Boston, MA 02113
                                        (413) 233-3348                        15 Court Square Suite 1000             (781) 733-3869
Bruce Loring Bird                                                             Boston, MA 02108
Vinfen Corporation                      Susanna Bohme                         (617) 742-2553                         Maryanne Bray
40 Gannett Rd                           Community Labor United                                                       Massachusetts Nurses Association
Scituate, MA 02066                      8 Beacon St., 5th floor               Julianne Bowler                        340 Turnpike Street
(617) 653-6073                          Boston, MA 02108                      Atlantic Charter Insurance Company     Canton, MA 02021
                                        (617) 510-3261                        25 New Chardon St.                     (781) 249-9581
Jaclyn Lavender Bird                                                          Boston, MA 02114
Massachusetts Municipal Association     Stephen A Boksanski                   (617) 488-6500                         Edward J. Brennan, Jr.
3 Center Plaza Suite 610                BCB Government Relations, Inc.                                               Law Office of edward J. Brennan, Jr.
Boston, MA 02108                        44 School St. Suite 710               Jacquelynne Jeanette Bowman            80 Washington Street Suite O-53
(617) 426-7272                          Boston, MA 02108                      Greater Boston Legal Services          Norwell, MA 02043
                                        (617) 423-6600                        197 Friend Street                      (781) 982-9143
Nick Black                                                                    Boston, MA 02114
The Trustees of Reservations            Thomas Bonarrigo                      (617) 603-1602                         John A. Brennan, III
200 High Street, 4th Floor              Retired State, County and Municipal                                          The Brennan Group, Inc.
Boston, MA 02110                        Employees Association of Mass.        Jessica Bowman                         1 Walnut Street 3rd Floor
(918) 870-1201                          11 Beacon Street 309                  RAI Services Company                   Boston, MA 02108
                                        Boston, MA 02108                      401 North Main Street                  (617) 305-4122
Matthew Blackbourn                      (671) 723-7283                        Winston-Salem, NC 27102
Massachusetts High Technology                                                 (3367) 412-6676                        John A. Brennan, Jr.
Council, Inc.                           Joseph Boncore                                                               The Brennan Group, Inc.
2400 District Ave Suite 110             Massachusetts Biotechnology Council   Amy E. Boyd                            1 Walnut Street 3rd Floor
Burlington, MA 01803                    700 Technology Square                 Acadia Center                          Boston, MA 02108
(781) 786-2662                          Cambridge, MA 02139                   198 Tremont Street Suite 415           (617) 305-4120
                                        (617) 674-5109                        Boston, MA 02111
Ashley Blackburn                                                              (940) 367-4992                         Peter A. Brennan
Health Care For All                     Daniel Edward Bosley                                                         Massachusetts State Automobile
One Federal Street                      Dan Bosley Consulting                 Brigid Ann Boyd                        Dealers Assn.
Boston, MA 02110                        3 Elmwood Ave                         United Way of Massachusetts Bay Inc.   1 McKinley Sq., 6th Floor
(937) 418-8599                          North Adams, MA 01247                 9 Channel Center Suite 500             Boston, MA 02109
                                        (413) 884-4100                        Boston, MA 02210                       (781) 901-9841
                                                                              (617) 624-8252

LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Timothy J. Brennan                        Douglas Scott Brown                  Stephen J. Buoniconti                   Kelly Buttiglieri
National Grid                             UMass Memorial Health Care           Buoniconti & McCary, LLC                Brain Injury Association of Massachu-
40 Sylvan Road                            365 Plantation Street 300            1 Boston Pl., Ste. 2600                 setts, Inc.
Waltham, MA 02451                         Worcester, MA 01605                  Boston, MA 02108                        30 Lyman Street Suite 10
(617) 543-2112                            (508) 334-0424                       (617) 933-7255                          Westborough, MA 01581
                                                                                                                       (508) 475-0032
Timothy Brennan                           Shawn Brown                          Stephen Paul Burgay
The Brennan Group, Inc.                   Youth Guidance                       Boston University                       Steve Byrne
1 Walnut Street 3rd Floor                 50 Milk Street 16th Floor            One Silber Way 8th Floor                Tremont Strategies Group
Boston, MA 02108                          Boston, MA 02109                     Boston, MA 02215                        One Beacon Street Suite 16300
(617) 305-4120                            (617) 935-5791                       (617) 353-1168                          Boston, MA 02108
                                                                                                                       (617) 236-5830
Kristen Breton                            Karyn Brownell                       John P. Burke
Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (EBSI)         Bank of America, N.A.                Burke Strategies, Inc.                  Bill Cabral
100 Matsonford Rd. Building 4, Ste. 201   100 Federal Street                   20 Ashburton Place                      Professional Fire Fighters of Massa-
Radnor, PA 19087                          Boston, MA 02110                     Boston, MA 02108                        chusetts
(610) 613-2566                            (617) 434-7141                       (617) 308-4418                          2 Center Plaza Suite 4M
                                                                                                                       Boston, MA 02108
Robert Brink                              Charlotte Olivia Bruce               Richard Patrick Burke                   (617) 523-4506
Social Law Library                        BMC Health System, Inc               Fallon Health
John Adams Courthouse 1 Pemberton         One Boston Medical Center Place      10 Chestnut Street                      David D Cahill
Square                                    Boston, MA 02118                     Worcester, MA 01609                     BCB Government Relations, Inc.
Boston, MA 02108-1792                     (617) 733-9760                       (508) 368-9050                          44 School St. Suite 710
(617) 226-1307                                                                                                         Boston, MA 02108
                                          Francisco Brugueras                  Sean William Burke                      (617) 423-6600
Kerry Britland                            Barclays Capital, Inc.               BlueWave Solar
Eversource Energy                         745 Seventh Avenue 19th Floor        116 Huntington Ave. 6th Floor           Maria Cahill
247 Station Drive SW-380                  New York, NY 10019                   Boston, MA 02116                        Abbott Laboratories
Westwood, MA 02090                        (212) 526-1190                       (978) 846-0269                          2 Kathys Path
(339) 987-7516                                                                                                         Scituate, MA 02066
                                          Zachary Brunnert                     Stephen Burm                            (617) 872-1259
Elizabeth Bailey Brodeur                  RAYUS Radiology                      Anheuser-Busch Companies, LLC
Safety Insurance Company                  5775 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 400         One Busch Place                         Joseph P. Caiazzo
20 Custom House Street                    St. Louis Park, MN 55416             St. Louis, MO 63118                     JCN Group
Boston, MA 02110                          (612) 270-8787                       (314) 577-2000                          103 Sylvan St Unit 2
(877) 951-6432                                                                                                         Danvers, MA 01923
                                          Nathan Bryce                         Robert Burns                            (617) 872-6650
Caitlin Brosseau                          Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.       Massachusetts Brewers Guild
Tripadvisor Inc.                          One Main Street Unit 700             87 Santilli HWY                         Ashley Calabrese
400 1ST Avenue                            Cambridge, MA 02142                  Everett, MA 02149                       Novartis Services, Inc.
Needham, MA 02492                         (618) 616-0655                       (617) 294-4233                          1176 North Main St
(701) 269-9909                                                                                                         West Hartford, CT 06117
                                          Tao Bu                               William A Burns                         (203) 410-7936
Kevin Mark Brousseau                      Blackstone Administrative Services   Southcost Health
Massachusetts AFL-CIO                     Partnership LP                       101 Page Street                         Michelle Caldeira
8 Beacon Street 3rd Floor                 345 Park Ave                         New Bedford, MA 02740                   College Bound Dorchester
Boston, MA 02108                          New York, NY 10154                   (508) 973-5885                          222 Bowdoin Street
(508) 335-2560                            (646) 482-8953                                                               Dorchester, MA 02122
                                                                               Katherine Bridget Butler                (917) 279-8867
Donna Brown                               Christopher Buchanan                 Cooperative Credit Union Association,
Massachusetts Chapter NAHRO               Walmart Inc.                         Inc.                                    Lawrence Anthony Calderone
990 Washington Street Suite 209           31 Home Depot Drive PMB 295          845 Donald Lynch Boulevard              Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
Dedham, MA 02026                          Plymouth, MA 02360                   Marlborough, MA 01752                   295 Freeport St.
(617) 367-0008                            (617) 997-2971                       (508) 683-1040                          Boston, MA 02122
                                                                                                                       (781) 424-6222

                                                                                                           MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2023 | 5
LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Daniel Cence                                           building; government relations; healthcare reform advo-
                                                               cacy; political navigation; professional licensure; business
        Chief Executive Officer
                                                               and economic development; regulatory advocacy.
        Issues Management Group Public Affairs
                                                               Mission Statement:
        30 Winter St.
                                                               Issues Management Group Public Affairs is a fully
        Boston, MA 02109                                       integrated public affairs firm, providing our clients with government rela-
        (617) 695-9555                                         tions, strategic communications counsel, and digital strategies to achieve
        Email: dcence@issuesgroup.com                          their goals. We thrive at the intersection of policy and business, and
        Website: https://issuesgroup.com                       advocate for our clients at City Hall, the State House, and the ballot box.
        Areas of Expertise:                                    Representative Clients:
        Legislative and executive lobbying; appropriations     Boston Beer, Massachusetts Brewers Guild, Commonwealth Care Alliance,
        & funding; real estate development, due diligence      MA Health and Hospital Association (MHA), Forsyth Dental Infirmary for
        through lease up; business strategies & position-      Children, Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) of Suffolk County, CIC Health, LLC,
        ing; cannabis permitting and approvals, coalition      WIN Waste Innovations

Michael Caljouw                                 Joseph Capuano                                  Paul E Caron                                    Heather Cascone
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachu-             Government Insight Group, LLC                   Paul E Caron Associates                         Pharmaceutical Care Management
setts                                           1 Beacon St. 25th Floor                         15 Crestview Road                               Association
101 Huntington Avenue                           Boston, MA 02108                                East Longmeadow, MA 01028                       325 7th Street NW, 9th Fl
Boston, MA 02199                                (617) 788-3105                                  (413) 427-7630                                  Washington DC 20004
                                                                                                                                                (202) 744-8416
(617) 246-3499
                                                Lisette Carbajal                                James J Carroll
Francis X. Callahan, Jr.                        Capital One Services, LLC                       Carroll Associates                              John Cashwell
                                                                                                                                                Bardin Hill Investment Partners LP
Massachusetts Building Trades Council           1717 E. Cary Street                             51 Evans Street
                                                                                                                                                299 Park Avenue 24th Floor
35 Highland Avenue                              Richmond , VA 23223                             Medford, MA 02155                               New York, NY 10171
Malden, MA 02148                                (804) 217-1190                                  (617) 686-2239                                  (212) 303-9400
(781) 321-6282
                                                Allen Bradford Card                             Jeniffer Carson                                 William Cass
Kevin Callahan                                  Card and Associates, LLC                        CMBG3 Law LLC                                   The Suffolk Group, LLC
ebay, Inc.                                      300 M Street, SE Suite 402                      265 Franklin St Suite 601                       24 School Street 501
1250 I Street Suite 1200                        Washington DC 20003                             Boston, MA 02110                                Boston, MA 02108
Washington DC 20005                             (202) 599-8448                                  (617) 279-8200                                  (617) 733-4427
(202) 572-1700
                                                Christopher Carlozzi                            Andrea Carter                                   Scott Cassel
Kerry L Calnan                                  National Federation of Independent              Delaney Policy Group                            Product Stewardship Institute, Inc.
Nichols College                                 Business                                        11 Beacon St, Ste 431                           One Beacon Street #14B161
123 Center Road                                 6 Beacon Street Suite 625                       Boston, MA 02108                                Boston, MA 02108
Dudley, MA 01571                                Boston, MA 02108                                (214) 450-3081                                  (617) 236-4833
(508) 213-2207                                  (617) 482-1327
                                                                                                Nicholas Carton                                 Louis Anthony Cassis
Matthew Campion                                 John Carlson                                    Juul Labs, Inc                                  Louis Cassis
The Home Depot, Inc.                            Ceres, Inc.                                     1000 F Street NW Suite 800                      35 Braintree Hill Office Park Suite 103
1155 F Street, N.W. Suite 400                   99 Chauncy St                                   Washington DC 20004                             Braintree, MA 02184
                                                                                                                                                (617) 770-9999
Washington DC 20004                             Boston, MA 02111                                (781) 974-9022
(302) 598-0796                                  (617) 247-0700                                                                                  Alexandra E. Cataldo
                                                                                                Raymond Matthew Carville
                                                                                                                                                Massachusetts Health & Hospital
Michael F. Canavan                              Amy Carnevale                                   Veterans Inc.
                                                                                                                                                Association, Inc.
AFT Massachusetts                               K&L Gates LLP                                   69 Grove Street                                 500 District Avenue
38 Chauncy St., Suite 402                       One State Street                                Worcester, MA 01605                             Burlington, MA 01803
Boston, MA 02111                                Boston, MA 02111                                (508) 688-2326                                  (781) 262-6059
(617) 423-3342                                  (617) 261-3100
                                                                                                Paulina Casasola                                Dan Cence
Robert W Capstick                               Thomas Patrick Carney                           Clean Water Action                              Issues Management Group Public
Yankee Atomic Electric Company                  Thomas P Carney Associates                      88 Broad St.                                    Affairs
49 Yankee Road                                  PO Box 129                                      Boston, MA 02110                                30 Winter St.
Rowe, MA 01367                                  South Easton, MA 02375                          (617) 338-8131                                  Boston, MA 02109
(617) 699-4262                                  (508) 577-0820                                                                                  (617) 695-9555
                                                                                                                                                      (See box on this page
                                                                                                                                                     for more information)
LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Pat A Cerundolo                       Courtney Brooke Chelo                   Mary Ann Bourke Clancy                  Miriam Cohen
Foley Hoag LLP                        Massachusetts Society for the Preven-   Cooperative Credit Union Association,   Massachusetts Interfaith Power and
155 Seaport Boulevard                 tion of Cruelty to Children             Inc.                                    Light
Boston, MA 02210                      125 Hartwell Avenue                     845 Donald Lynch Boulevard              126 Hudson St Apt 2
(617) 832-1252                        Leixngton, MA 02421                     Marlborough, MA 01752                   Somerville, MA 02144
                                      (617) 587-1513                          (617) 296-1128                          (207) 860-0482
Timothy Ceurvels
Eversource Energy                     Karen Y Chen                            Rory Bagwell Clark                      Nadine Cohen
247 Station Drive SW-380              Chinese Progressive Political Action    Reproductive Equity Now                 Greater
Westwood, MA 02090                    28 Ash Street                           15 Court Square Suite 900               Boston Legal Services
(617) 541-7026                        Boston, MA 02111                        Boston, MA 02108                        197 Friend Street
                                      (617) 953-3669                          (857) 231-1596                          Boston, MA 02114
Kim Chamberlain                                                                                                       (617) 603-1734
Securities Industry and Financial     Michael F Cherven                       Stephen J. Clark
Markets Association, The              State Police Association of Massachu-   Massachusetts Restaurant Association    Jonathan Cohn
1099 New York Avenue, NW 6th Floor    setts                                   160 East Main St, Suite 2               Progressive Massachusetts, Inc.
Washington DC 20005                   11 Beacon St 700                        Westborough, MA 01581                   PO Box 920654
(202) 962-7411                        Boston, MA 02108                        (508) 303-9905                          Needham, MA 02492
                                      (508) 404-0612                                                                  (215) 630-2633
Alandra Champion                                                              Marie Clarke
Massachusetts Municipal Association   Jondavid Chesloff                       International Sleep Products Associ-    Caroline Paula Cohn
3 Center Plaza Suite 610              Massachusetts Business Roundtable       ation                                   National Consumer Law Center
Boston, MA 02108                      40 Court Street 11th Floor              501 Wythe Street                        7 Winthrop Square Floor 4
(617) 426-7272                        Boston, MA 02108                        Alexandria , VA 22314                   Boston, MA 02110
                                      (617) 728-0881                          (571) 482-5428                          (617) 542-8010
Ben Chandhok
Biotechnology Innovation Organiza-    Sarah Chiaramida                        Nick M. Clemons                         John Jay T. Colbert
tion (BIO)                            Massachusetts Association of Health     The JCN Group                           Professional Fire Fighters of Massa-
1201 Maryland Avenue SW Suite 900     Plans                                   443 Clapboardtree St.                   chusetts
Washington DC 20024                   40 Court Street 5th Floor               Westwood, MA 02090                      2 Center Plaza Suite 4M
(202) 962-6656                        Boston, MA 02108                        (617) 785-9751                          Boston, MA 02108
                                      (617) 338-2244                                                                  (617) 523-4506
Katherine R. Chang                                                            Thomas James Clinton
Pine Street Inn                       Jennifer Childs-Roshak                  NAGE                                    Sonya G Coleman
444 Harrison Ave                      Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund        159 Bergin Parkway                      Stop Handgun Violence Inc.
Boston, MA 02118                      1055 Commonwealth Ave                   Quincy, MA 02169                        12 Broadway
(617) 608-7472                        Boston, MA 02215                        (617) 376-0220                          Beverly, MA 01915
                                      (617) 616-1653                                                                  (781) 646-3324
Steven G Changaris                                                            Heather A. Clish
MA Chapter National Waste and         Colin Chiles                            Appalachian Mountain Club               Daniel Collins
Recycling Association                 Viatris, Inc.                           10 City Square 2nd floor                Preti Strategies
482 Southbridge Street Ste # 373      660 North Capitol Street NW             Boston, MA 02129                        60 State Street Suite 1100
Auburn, MA 01501                      Suite 600                               (617) 391-6580                          Boston, MA 02019
(508) 868-4523                        Washington DC 20001                                                             (339) 236-0433
                                      (202) 507-5318                          Andrew Paul Cohen
Christopher J. Chapman                                                        Health Law Advocates                    Harrison Collins
Pilgrim Strategies, LLC               Jaspreet Chowdhary                      1 Federal St. 5th Floor                 Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts
20 Ashburton Place 2nd Floor          Compassion & Choices Action Network     Boston, MA 02110                        75 Kneeland St. Suite 709
Boston, MA 02108                      (CCAN)                                  (617) 275-2891                          Boston, MA 02111
(413) 519-7212                        8156 S. Wadsworth Boulevard E162                                                (914) 522-7650
                                      Littleton, CO 80128
Douglas Chavez                        (561) 445-1921                          Kathryn Cohen                           Megan Marie Collins
The Chavez Group                                                              Massachusetts League of Community       Massachusetts Nurses Association
99 NEPONSET AVENUE                    Lawrence F. Chretien                    Health Centers                          340 Turnpike
Hyde Park, MA 02136                   Green Energy Consumers Alliance, Inc.   40 Court Street                         St Canton, MA 02021
(978) 267-7850                        284 Amory Street                        Boston, MA 02108                        (781) 548-0768
                                      Boston, MA 02130                        (617) 515-8066
                                      (617) 524-3950

                                                                                                          MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2023 | 7
LOBBYISTS 2023 - Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly
Michael Costello                                  Mission Statement:
                                                        Smith, Costello & Crawford is a regulatory and
                                                        legislative policy firm dedicated to helping our
      Smith, Costello & Crawford                        clients achieve success through consulting, lobbying,
      One State Street, 15th Floor                      and legal services. Our team brings proven strategic
      Boston, MA 02109                                  expertise, first-hand public service experience, and political acumen
      (617) 523-0600                                    to frame the advocacy agenda specific to your needs. We represent
                                                        clients in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, energy, cannabis,
      Email: mcostello@publicpolicylaw.com              and financial services.
      Website: www.publicpolicylaw.com                  Areas of Expertise:
                                                        Government relations, executive and legislative policy, energy, healthcare
                                                        and financial services, and public policy advocacy.

Shaela McNulty Collins                   Daniel Conley                                 Aimee Coolidge                                Jose M. Costa
Shell Oil Company                        ML Strategies                                 Pine Street Inn                               Northeast Gas Association
567 Sweetwater Drive                     One Financial Center                          444 Harrison Ave.                             75 2nd Ave Suite 510
Palmyra, PA 17078                        Boston, MA 02111                              Boston, MA 02118                              Needham, MA 02494
(717) 202-7169                           (617) 542-6000                                (617) 892-9107                                (781) 455-6800
Iris Eileen Coloma-Gaines                Lydia Conley                                  Christine M Cooney                            Jessica Costantino
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute       Association for Behavioral Healthcare         Cigna Corporate Services LLC                  AARP
40 Court Street Suite 800                251 W. Central Street #21                                                                   1 Beacon Street Suite 2301
                                                                                       900 Cottage Grove Road, B6LPA
Boston, MA 02108                         Natick, MA 01760                                                                            Boston, MA 02108
                                                                                       Bloomfield, CT 06002
(617) 357-0700                           (508) 647-8385                                                                              (617) 305-0538
                                                                                       (804) 904-3473
Daniel Combs                             Daniel Connelly                                                                             Michael Costello
DCI Group AZ, L.L.C.                                                                   Joseph Michael Corazzini                      Smith, Costello & Crawford
                                         ML Strategies                                 Clark University
1828 L. Street NW Suite 400              One Financial Center                                                                        One State Street, 15th Floor
Washington DC 20006                                                                    950 Main Street                               Boston, MA 02109
                                         Boston, MA 02111                              Worcester, MA 01610
(202) 546-4242                                                                                                                       (617) 523-0600
                                         (617) 348-1685
                                                                                       (508) 793-7711                                       (See box on this page
Patricia Comfort                         Molly Connors                                                                                    for more information)
League of Women Voters of Massa-                                                       Lillian Corman Penzel
                                         New England Power Generators Associ-
chusetts                                                                               Charles Group Consulting                      Karen G Courtney
                                         ation (NEPGA)
90 Canal Street Suite 414                                                              128A Tremont St 4th floor                     k Courtney and Associates Inc.
                                         110 Turnpike Road Suite 212                                                                 6 Beacon St. 210
Boston, MA 02114                                                                       Boston, MA 02108
                                         Westborough, MA 01581                                                                       Boston, MA 02108
(857) 452-1712                                                                         (617) 990-6874
                                         (617) 902-2354                                                                              (617) 283-9925
Chris Condon                                                                           Martin G. Corry
The CinCon Group                         Michelle Consalvo                                                                           George Coutros
                                         Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc           Corry Associates, LLC
23 Cresthill Road                                                                                                                    Sanofi US Services Inc.
                                         95 Hayden Ave                                 6 Beacon Street Suite 312
Boston, MA 02135                                                                                                                     55 Corporate Drive Mailstop: 55A-500A
                                         Lexington, MA 02421                           Boston, MA 02108
(508) 243-9001                                                                                                                       Bridgewater , NJ 08807
                                         (617) 679-7000                                (617) 227-2345
                                                                                                                                     (908) 981-6317
Travis Condon
                                         Kevin M. Considine                            Thomas A. Cosmer                              Nicholas Covino
North Central Massachusetts Chamber
                                         Considine & Furey, LLP                        PineBridge Investments LLC                    William James College, Inc.
of Commerce
860 South Street                         One Beacon Street 22nd Floor                  65 East 55th Street Park Avenue Tower         1 Wells Avenue
Fitchburg, MA 01420                      Boston, MA 02108                              New York, NY 10022                            Newton, MA 02459
(978) 353-7600                           (617) 723-7200                                (646) 857-8331                                (617) 327-6777

Brian Condron                            Lee Constantine                               Andrea M. Costa                               Amanda Cox
In-House Alternatives, LLC               Massachusetts Bar Association                 Preti Strategies                              Liberty Square Group
2 Ninth Street                           20 West Street                                60 State Street Suite 1100                    90 Sherman Street
Hull, MA 02045                           Boston, MA 02111                              Boston, MA 02109                              Cambridge, MA 02140
(781) 258-7659                           (617) 338-0692                                (617) 226-3869                                (617) 702-2975
George F. Cronin                                        Mission Statement: Rasky Partners, Inc. is one of the
                                                                    most recognized public affairs firms in the country,
            Principal                                               offering government relations services on the local, state
                                                                    and federal levels. Our seasoned experts have years of
            Rasky Partners, Inc.                                    experience in legislative and executive branch lobbying,
            14 Beacon St., 4th Floor                                coalition building, procurement, regulatory tracking, permitting and
            Boston, MA 02108                                        licensing, digital advocacy, community relations, public sector business
            (617) 391-9628 • (617) 443-9944 fax                     development and ballot campaign management. Rasky Partners, Inc.
                                                                    also has a highly respected issues management, crisis and litigation
            Email: gcronin@rasky.com                                communications practice. We deliver the results that matter to our clients.
            Website: www.rasky.com

Julie Cox                                 Nancy Frey Creed                                     Gregg W. Croteau                                   Deirdre Cummings
Astellas Pharma US, Inc.                  Springfield Regional Chamber of                      UTEC                                               MASSPIRG
1120 G Street, NW Suite 950               Commerce                                             35 Warren St.                                      294 Washington St., Suite 500
Washington DC 20005                       1441 Main Street                                     Lowell, MA 01854                                   Boston, MA 02108
(339) 222-8664                            Springfield, MA 01103                                (978) 856-3990                                     (617) 747-4319
                                          (413) 755-1309
Kathryn Cox-Arslan                                                                             John Crowley                                       Jennifer Cunningham
New Leaf Energy, Inc                      Charles Christopher Crews                            Compassion & Choices Action Network                Banc of America Public Capital Corp.
                                          Northeast Gas Association                            8156 S. Wadsworth Blvd. E-162                      100 Federal Street
55 Technology Drive
                                          75 Second Avenue Suite 510                           Littleton, CO 80128                                Boston, MA 02110
Lowell, MA 01851                          Needham, MA 02494                                    (561) 445-1921                                     (617) 413-9331
(617) 510-3360                            (614) 560-0902
                                                                                               Patience Crozier                                   William J. Cunningham
Stefanie Savery Coxe                      Victoria Criado                                      GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders,                 Ameresco, Inc.
Regional Housing Network of Massa-        Massachusetts Charter Public School                  Inc.                                               111 Speen Street Suite 410
chusetts                                  Association, Inc.                                    18 Tremont Street, Ste. 950                        Framingham, MA 01701
One Beacon Street 5th Floor               43 Broad Street, C401                                Boston, MA 02108                                   (508) 661-2200
Boston, MA 02108                          Hudson, MA 01749                                     (617) 426-1350
(508) 360-9074                            (917) 805-9682                                                                                          James Gerard Curley
                                                                                               Victor Cruz                                        Boston University
William F. Coyne, Jr.                     Alastair E. Cribb                                    Latinos for Education                              888 Commonwealth Avenue, South
William F. Coyne., Jr., Esq. P.C.         Cummings School of Veterinary Medi-                  10 Whalers Lane Unit 10                            Entrance Suite 310
6 Beacon Street Suite 505                 cine at Tufts University                             Salem, MA 01970                                    Boston, MA 02215
Boston, MA 02108                          200 Westboro Road                                    (978) 304-6870                                     (617) 353-2078
(617) 367-1610                            North Grafton, MA 01536
                                          (508) 887-4700                                       Kristen Cullen                                     Sean Curran
Carmel Anne Craig                                                                              Commonwealth Fusion Systems, LLC                   Waterville Consulting
Association for Behavioral Healthcare     Kade Crockford                                       148 Sidney Street                                  84 State Street, Suite 900
251 West Central Street Suite 21          ACLU of Massachusetts                                Cambridge, MA 02139                                Boston, MA 02109
                                          211 Congress St 3rd Floor
Natick, MA 01760                                                                               (781) 583-3100                                     (617) 335-7744
                                          Boston, MA 02110
(857) 919-1183                            (617) 482-3170                                       Daniel R. Cullinane                                Sean F. Curran
Cheryl Crawford                                                                                Kearney Donovan & McGee, LLC                       Law Office of Sean F. Curran
                                          Timothy Joseph Cronin
MassVOTE                                                                                       40 Court Street, 11th Floor                        470 Carew Street
                                          Health Care Without Harm
41 West Street., Ste 700                  12110 Sunset Hills Road Suite 600                    Boston, MA 02108                                   Springfield, MA 01104
Boston, MA 02121                          Reston , VA 20190                                    (617) 263-3389                                     (413) 636-1614
(302) 750-8804                            (781) 534-9436                                              (See box on page 16
                                                                                                     for more information)                        Eugene R. Curry
Jennifer Crawford                         George Cronin                                                                                           Law Office of Eugene R. Curry
Smith, Costello & Crawford                Rasky Partners, Inc.                                 Mark Culliton                                      3010 Main Street
One State Street ,15th Floor              14 Beacon Street, Suite 401                          College Bound Dorchester                           Barnstable, MA 02630
Boston, MA 02109                          Boston, MA 02108                                     222 Bowdoin Street                                 (508) 375-0070
(617) 523-0600                            (617) 443-9933                                       Dorchester, MA 02122
                                                    (See box on this page
                                                                                               (617) 596-2624
       (See box on page 10
       for more information)                      for more information)
                                                                                                                                MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2023 | 9
Jennifer Crawford                                 Mission Statement:
                                                         Smith, Costello & Crawford is a regulatory and
                                                         legislative policy firm dedicated to helping our
       Smith, Costello & Crawford                        clients achieve success through consulting, lobbying,
       One State Street, 15th Floor                      and legal services. Our team brings proven strategic
       Boston, MA 02109                                  expertise, first-hand public service experience, and political acumen
       (617) 523-0600                                    to frame the advocacy agenda specific to your needs. We represent
                                                         clients in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, energy, cannabis,
       Email: jcrawford@publicpolicylaw.com              and financial services.
       Website: www.publicpolicylaw.com                  Areas of Expertise:
                                                         Energy and environmental policy, cannabis licensing and regulation,
                                                         legislative research and drafting, financial services, and public safety.

Michael A Curry                           Omar Daghestani                                 William Daley                              Andrew DeAngelo
Massachusetts League of Community         Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorpo-            Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC                    Greater
Health Centers                            rated                                           71 South Wacker Drive Suite 1200           Boston Plumbing Contractors Associ-
40 Court Street 10th floor                1 North Wacker Drive 34th Floor                 Chicago, IL 60606                          ation, Inc.
Boston, MA 02108                          Chicago, IL 60606                               (312) 655-4600                             35 Braintree Hill Office Park Suite 108
                                                                                                                                     Braintree, MA 02184
(617) 988-2262                            (213) 443-5210
                                                                                          Noa Dalzell                                (617) 905-0603
Suzanne Curry                             Gregory Michael Dagostino                       Food Solutions Action
                                                                                                                                     Megan DeGrass
Health Care For All                       Tenax Strategies, Inc.                          P.O. Box 34024                             Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC
1 Federal Street 5th Floor                12 Post Office Square 6th Floor                 Washington DC 20043                        125 High Street 20th Floor
Boston, MA 02110                          Boston, MA 02109                                (415) 903-2800                             Boston, MA 02110
(617) 335-3898                            (617) 388-6477                                                                             (617) 204-2000
                                                                                          Leah Dart
Joseph A Curtatone                        Matthew J. Dailida                              Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachu-        Marissa del Rosario
Northeast Clean Energy Council            Motorola Solutions                              setts                                      MA Advocates for Children
31 Milk Street PO Box 961390              75 Overlook Drive West                          101 Huntington Avenue                      25 Kingston Street 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02196                          Framingham, MA 01701                            Boston, MA 02199                           Boston, MA 02111
(617) 500-9990                            (617) 797-5984                                  (401) 632-6775                             (617) 357-8431

Lawrence H Curtis                         James Michael Daiute                            Justin Davidson                            Daniel Joseph Delaney
WinnDevelopment Company Limited           Massachusetts Association of Approved           Mass. Association of Realtors              Delaney Policy Group
Partnership                               Special Education Schools                       18 Washington Street                       11 Beacon Street Suite 431
                                                                                                                                     Boston, MA 02108
One Washington Mall, Suite 500            92 Montvale Ave. Suite 4150                     Foxborough, MA 02035
                                                                                                                                     (617) 251-6774
Boston, MA 02108                          Stoneham, MA 02180                              (413) 822-9528
(617) 742-4500                            (339) 235-0139                                                                             Mark J. Delaney
                                                                                          Rebecca Pelz Davis                         Delaney & Associates, Inc.
Michael Cuzzi                             William Dal Col                                 Massachusetts Competitive Partner-         6 Beacon St. Suite 915
Cornerstone Government Affairs, Inc.      Potamac Communications Strategies               ship                                       Boston, MA 02108
800 Maine Avenue SW 7th Floor             2850 Eisenhower Avenue Suite 100                535 Boylston Street Top Floor              (617) 723-4080
Washington DC 20024                       Alevandria , VA 22314                           Boston, MA 02116
(202) 370-1015                            (703) 373-0635                                  (617) 236-4099                             Scott J. Delaney
                                                                                                                                     Delaney & Associates, Inc.
Peter D’Agostino                          Jeffrey Daley                                   Stephen Jeffrey Davis                      6 Beacon St. Suite 915
Tenax Strategies, Inc.                    Westmass Area Development Corpo-                Daedalus Software, Inc. (DSI)              Boston, MA 02108
12 Post Office Sq. 6th Floor              ration                                          One Broadway Street 14th Floor             (617) 723-4080
Boston, MA 02109                          One Monarch Place Suite 1350                    Cambridge, MA 02142                        Brian Delburn
(617) 416-5344                            Springfield, MA 01144                           (617) 674-8173                             Tenet Business Services Corporation
                                          (413) 593-6421                                                                             14201 Dallas Parkway
                                                                                                                                     Dallas, TX 75254
                                                                                                                                     (954) 415-9358
Daniel R. Cullinane                             Email: dcullinane@kdmpc.com
                                                         Website: www.kdmpc.com
         Kearney Donovan & McGee LLC                     Areas of Expertise:
         40 Court Street, 11th Floor                     Public policy, procurement, strategy development,
         Boston, MA 02108                                regulatory affairs, health care, public construction, organized labor,
         (617) 263-3389 phone                            community development, stakeholder engagement, coalition
         (617) 263-1401 fax                              building, government and community relations

Elma Delic                             Erin DeSantis                                Eric W. Dickson                               Ryan Dobson
K&L Gates LLP                          American Chemistry Council                   UMass Memorial Health Care                    Ernst & Young LLP
One State Street                       11 North Pearl Street, Suite 1400            365 Plantation Street 300                     200 Clarendon Street
Boston, MA 02111                       Albany, NY 12207                             Worcester, MA 01605                           Boston, MA 02116
(617) 261-3100                         (518) 432-7835                               (508) 334-3330                                (617) 375-1404
Henry Delima                           Ted Dever                                    Luke A. Dillon                                Carolyn Doctoroff
1199SEIU                               Brian S. Hickey Associates                   Life Insurance Association of Massa-          The Greater
108 Myrtle Street 4th Floor            9 Park Street Suite 00                       chusetts Inc.                                 Boston Chamber of Commerce
Quincy, MA 02171                       Boston, MA 02108                             20 Park Plaza Suite 630                       265 Franklin Street Suite 1701
(617) 284-1288                         (617) 248-9772                               Boston, MA 02116                              Boston, MA 02110
                                                                                    (617) 375-9200
Adam Delmolino                                                                                                                    (617) 557-7316
                                       Thomas DeVito
Massachusetts Health & Hospital        Lyft, Inc.                                   Salvatore Francis DiMasi                      Brian Doherty
Association                            185 Berry St Suite 5000                      Salvatore F DiMasi
                                                                                                                                  Massachusetts Assisted Living Associ-
500 District Avenue                    San Francisco, CA 94107                      585 Main Street # 414
                                                                                                                                  ation, Inc.
Burlington, MA 01803                   (415) 903-2800                               Melrose, MA 02176
                                                                                                                                  465 Waverley Oaks Road Suite 300
(781) 262-6030                                                                      (781) 462-8844
                                       Daniel Joseph Dew                                                                          Waltham, MA 02452
Alicia DelVento                        Pacific Legal Foundation                     Ali Thayer DiMatteo                           (781) 622-5999
Sanchez Strategies, LLC                3100 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 610               Massachusetts Municipal Association
                                                                                    3 Center Plaza Suite 610                      Nicholas Doherty
41 Malcolm Road                        Arlington, VA 22201                                                                        Pharmaceutical Research and Manu-
Boston, MA 02130                       (330) 980-0083                               Boston, MA 02108
                                                                                    (617) 426-7272                                facturers of America Corporation
(617) 543-6545                                                                                                                    5 Eileen Road
                                       Veena Dharmaraj
Catherine DelVento                     Sierra Club                                  Richard Dimino                                Milton, MA 02186
Catherine Delvento                                                                  A Better City                                 (508) 698-4994
                                       50 Federal Street 3rd Floor
                                                                                    33 Broad Street Suite 300
46 Harborview Ave                      Boston, MA 02110                                                                           Dan Dolan
Winthrop, MA 02152                     (404) 626-2847                               Boston, MA 02109
                                                                                    (617) 502-6240                                New England Power Generators
(617) 763-4962
                                       Joseph Paul Diamond                                                                        Association
Stefan Demopoulos                      Massachusetts Association for Com-           Kate Dineen                                   110 Turnpike Road Suite 212
Brian S. Hickey & Associates           munity Action (MASSCAP)                      A Better City                                 Westborough, MA 01581
9 Park Street Suite 200                105 Chauncy Street 3rd Floor                 33 Broad Street Suite 300                     (617) 902-2354
Boston, MA 02108                       Boston, MA 02111                             Boston, MA 02109
                                                                                    (617) 502-6240                                Janet Domenitz
(617) 248-9772                         (617) 357-6086
Brian S. Dempsey                       Diego Diaz                                   Daniel F. DiTullio                            294 Washington St. Suite 500
Dempsey Associates                     Uber Technologies, Inc.                      Assumption University                         Boston, MA 02108
11 Beacon Street, Suite 1120           1455 Market Street                           500 Salisbury Street                          (617) 308-9109
Boston, MA 02108                       San Francisco, CA 94103                      Worcester, MA 01609
(617) 742-2000                         (929) 282-2130                               (508) 767-7478
      (See box on page 12
      for more information)                                                                                      MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2023 | 11
Brian S. Dempsey                                Areas of Expertise:
        Dempsey Associates                              Legislative and executive lobbying; regulatory
        11 Beacon Street, Suite 1120                    advocacy and consulting; appropriations and
        Boston, MA 02108                                funding; government relations; public policy
        (617) 742-2000                                  development and political strategy; coalition
                                                        building and negotiation; and detailed knowledge
        Email: Brian@dempseyassociates.com
                                                        of public policy issues including health care,
        Website: www.dempseyassociates.com              business and economic development, utilities and
                                                        energy, environment, and gaming.

Alexandra Dominguez                     Joseph Donovan                             Nancy Lynn Downes                       Margaret Driscoll
The College Board                       Nelson Mullins                             OCEANA                                  Massachusetts Association of School
1919 M St NW 300                        One Financial Center Suite 3500            1025 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite #200   Business Officials, Inc.
Washington DC 20036                     Boston, MA 02111                           Washington DC 20036                     11 Grove St. 3rd Floor
(202) 306-6944                          (617) 217-4739                             (310) 995-7873                          Hopkinton, MA 01748
                                                                                                                           (774) 278-7118
Kate Donaghey                           Paul T. Donovan                            Allyson Perron Drag
LearnLaunch                             Kearney, Donovan & McGee, LLC              American Heart Association              Evan Dube
                                        40 Court Street, 11th Floor                                                        Sunrun, Inc.
1 Lincoln Street                                                                   300 5th Avenue Suite 6
                                        Boston, MA 02108                                                                   225 Bush Street Suite 1400
Boston, MA 02108                                                                   Waltham, MA 02451
                                        (617) 263-3320                                                                     San Francisco, CA 94101
(508) 330-0318                                                                     (857) 540-9686                          (415) 580-6900
                                              (See box on page 14
Zachary M Donah                              for more information)                 Jeffrey Drago                           Lewis Andre Dubuque
Massachusetts Society of CPAs           Laura Dooley                               Drago + Toscano, LLP                    National Waste & Recycling Associa-
105 Chauncy Street Floor 10             StubHub                                    11 Beacon Street Suite 615              tion
Boston, MA 02111                        1450 G Street, NW                          Boston, MA 02108                        2719 Doelner Circle
(617) 303-2411                          Washington DC 20003                        (617) 391-9024                          Castleton, NY 12033
                                        (202) 841-9099                                                                     (518) 961-2587
Patrick Donges                                                                     David Dreher
Compassion & Choices Action Network     Nikki Dostoomian                           Ernst & Young LLP                       Benjamin F. Dudley
8156 S. Wadsworth Ave. E-162            The Brennan Group, Inc.                    4 Callaway Drive                        HQUS
Littleton, CO 80128                     1 Walnut Street 3rd Floor                  Danvers, MA 01923                       225 Asylum Street 27th Floor
(561) 445-1921                          Boston, MA 02108                           (202) 371-7559                          Hartford , CT 06103
                                        (617) 305-4123                                                                     (207) 712-2808
Edmund Donnelly                                                                    Andrew Dreyfus
AT&T Services, Inc.                                                                Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachu-     Zoe Duffield
                                        Michael Doty
160 Federal Street 17th Floor                                                      setts                                   MASSPIRG Students
                                        Greenworks Lending LLC
Boston, MA 02110                                                                   101 Huntington Avenue                   294 Washington St. #500
                                        28 Thorndale Circle
(617) 283-0210                                                                     Boston, MA 02199                        Boston, MA 02108
                                        Darien, CT 06820                           (617) 246-3319
                                        (203) 379-6306                                                                     (978) 332-4374
Stephanie Donner
Inspire Energy Holdings, LLC                                                       John Matthew Drinkwater                 Taryn Duffy
                                        Brianne Doura-Schawohl                     Massachusetts AFL-CIO
3402 Pico Blvd. Suite 300               Doura-Schawohl Consulting LLC                                                      MGM Resorts International
                                                                                   8 Beacon St. 3rd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90405                  1775 Wiehle Avenue Suite 400                                                       3600 Las Vegas Boulevard South
                                                                                   Boston, MA 02108
(720) 838-5993                          Reston, VA 20190                                                                   Las Vegas, NV 89109
                                                                                   (978) 766-0705
                                        (774) 571-9451                                                                     (914) 457-2431
Roger Donoghue
                                                                                   James F. Driscoll
Murphy Donoghue Partners                Amy Dow                                    Massachusetts Catholic Conference,      Shawn Duhamel
100 Cambridge Street, 14th Floor        New Brighton Landing LLC                   Inc.                                    Retired State, County and Municipal
Boston, MA 02114                        100 Guest Street                           66 Brooks Drive                         Employees Association of Massachu-
(617) 720-1900                          Boston, MA 02135                           Braintree, MA 02184                     setts
       (See box on page 13              (617) 746-2214                             (617) 746-5620                          11 Beacon Street 309
      for more information)

Roger Donoghue, Esq.                               relations; healthcare reform advocacy; political
                                                             navigation; professional licensure; business and
                                                             economic development; regulatory advocacy.
          Issues Management Group Public Affairs
                                                             Mission Statement:
          30 Winter St.
                                                             Issues Management Group Public Affairs is a fully
          Boston, MA 02109                                   integrated public affairs firm, providing our clients with government
          (617) 827-5998                                     relations, strategic communications counsel, and digital strategies
          Email: rdonoghue@issuesgroup.com                   to achieve their goals. We thrive at the intersection of policy and
          Website: https://issuesgroup.com                   business, and advocate for our clients at City Hall, the State House,
          Areas of Expertise:                                and the ballot box.
          Legislative and executive lobbying;                Representative Clients:
          appropriations & funding; business strategies      MassMutual, Pfizer, Mass Dental Society (MDS), McDonalds, Cannabis
          & positioning; cannabis permitting and             Clients, FedEx and Mass Hospital Association
          approvals, coalition building; government

Boston, MA 02108                           Brant James Duncan                          Cabell T. Eames                               Sara Elkins
(617) 723-7283                             AFT Massachusetts                           Better Future Project                         Compassion & Choices Action Network
                                           38 Chauncy Street 401                       30 Bow St.                                    8156 S. Wadsworth Avenue E-162
Shawn Duhamel                              Boston, MA 02111                                                                          Littleton, CO 80128
                                                                                       Cambridge, MA 02138
Shawmut Strategies Group, LLC              (781) 405-9557                                                                            (561) 445-1921
                                                                                       (978) 994-9014
11 Beacon Street Suite 914
Boston, MA 02108                           Brian Dunn                                  Ryan Earle                                    Sandra Ann Ellis
(617) 302-9474                             Massachusetts AFL-CIO                                                                     Massachusetts Nurses Association
                                                                                       Eversource Energy
                                           8 Beacon St 3rd Floor                                                                     340 Turnpike
                                                                                       247 Station Drive SW-380
Kellie Duhr                                Boston, MA 02108                                                                          St Canton, MA 02021
                                                                                       Westwood, MA 02090
Sazerac Company, Inc.                      (508) 333-9759
                                                                                       (781) 974-5162                                (781) 821-4625
1101 West 34th Street #302
Austin, TX 78705
                                           Ryan Dunn                                                                                 Susan Rachel Elsen
                                           Massachusetts Teachers Association          Zach Effron
(512) 484-3208                                                                         J.P. Morgan Securities LLC                    Massachusetts Law Reform Institute
                                           2 Heritage Drive 8th Floor
                                           Quincy, MA 02171                            383 Madison Ave                               40 Court St.
Annette Duke                                                                           New York, NY 10179                            Boston, MA 02111
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute,        (617) 878-8700
                                                                                       (212) 834-2437                                (617) 357-0700
Inc.                                       Joseph Duque
40 Court Street #800                       Valtir, LLC                                 Christopher Eicher                            Ritchard Engelhardt
Boston, MA 02108                           15601 Dallas Parkway Suite 525              The Greater                                   Ancestry.com Operations Inc.
(978) 337-6383                             Addison, TX 75001                           Boston Chamber of Commerce                    1300 West Traverse Parkway
                                           (207) 404-6621                              265 Franklin Street Suite 1701                Lehi, UT 84043
Paul Dullea                                                                            Boston, MA 02110                              (801) 705-7020
Mass. Academy of                           Matthew Durand                              (617) 557-7312
Trial Attorneys                            Cumberland Farms, Inc.                                                                    Erin Engstrom
561 Virginia Road Suite 218                165 Flanders Road                           James C. Eisenberg                            Eversource Energy
Concord, MA 01742                          Westborough, MA 01581                       Preti Strategies                              1165 Massachusetts Avenue
(781) 425-5040                             (508) 270-1400                              60 State Street, Suite 1100                   Dorchester, MA 02125
                                                                                       Boston, MA 02109                              (617) 541-6272
Emily Dulong                               Robert A. Durand
Massachusetts Health & Hospital                                                        (617) 456-8600
                                           Durand & Anastas Environmental                                                            Johannes Hubert Epke
Association                                                                            Anne Eisner                                   Conservation Law Foundation
500 District Avenue
                                           27 Prospect Street                          Massachusetts Advocates for Children          62 Summer St.
Burlington, MA 01803
                                           Marlborough, MA 01752                       25 Kingston St.                               Boston, MA 02110
(781) 262-6025
                                           (774) 249-8199                              Boston, MA 02111                              (415) 717-5049
James Dunbar                                                                           (617) 913-4731
O’Neill and Associates                     James William Durkin                                                                      Christopher Ercoli
18 Tremont St., Suite 600                  AFSCME Council 93                           Melissa Anne Ekvall                           Retail Energy Advancement League
Boston, MA 02108                           8 Beacon Street 9th Floor                   Massachusetts Society for the Preven-         213 Market Street 8th Floor
(617) 646-1000                             Boston, MA 02108                            tion of Cruelty to Animals                    Harrisburg, PA 17101
                                           (978) 866-2283                              350 South Huntington Ave                      (585) 451-6103
      (See box on page 15                                                              Boston, MA 02130
      for more information)                                                            (617) 524-5615

                                                                                                                     MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2023 | 13
Paul T. Donovan                                 Email: pdonovan@kdmpc.com
                                                       Website: www.kdmpc.com
       Kearney Donovan & McGee LLC                     Areas of Expertise: Public policy, procurement,
       40 Court Street, 11th Floor                     strategy development, government and community
       Boston, MA 02108                                relations
       (617) 263-3320
       (617) 263-1401 fax

Jenny Ann Erickson                     Catherine L. Falvey                          Calvin Feliciano                        Michael Festa
Life Insurance Association of Massa-   Tenax Strategies                             Massachusetts Teachers Association      AARP
chusetts Inc.                          12 Post Office Square, 6th Floor             2 Heritage Drive 8th Floor              1 Beacon Street Suite 2301
20 Park Plaza Suite 630                Boston, MA 02109                             Quincy, MA 02171                        Boston, MA 02108
Boston, MA 02116                       (781) 630-1120                               (617) 878-8700                          (617) 305-0561
(617) 375-9200
                                       Patrick Farrell                              Marcus Wayne Ferguson                   R. Gweneth Feynman
Kris Erickson                          Fallon Health                                The Hartford                            Disability Policy Consortium
Preti Strategies                       10 Chestnut St.                              One Hartford Plaza                      71 Aldie Street 1
60 State Street Suite 1100             Worcester, MA 01608                          Hartford, CT 06155                      Boston, MA 02134
Boston, MA 02109                       (508) 368-9057                               (860) 547-4187                          (617) 993-6021
(617) 451-8600
                                       Steven Farrell                               John V. Fernandes                       Lisa M. Field
Anna Elizabeth Esten                   Metro Housing|                               John V. Fernandes                       Massachusetts Nurses Association
Conference of                          Boston                                       320 Purchase St.                        340 Turnpike Street
Boston Teaching Hospitals              1411 Tremont St.                             Milford, MA 01757                       Canton, MA 02021
11 Beacon Street Suite 710             Boston, MA 02120                             (508) 935-7625                          (781) 571-9731
Boston, MA 02108                       (617) 425-6673
(617) 723-6100                                                                      Lauren Ashley Fernandez                 Benjamin Fierro
                                       Debra Ann Fastino                            Conservation Law Foundation             Lynch & Fierro LLP, Counsellors At Law
Brett Ewer                             Coalition for Social Justice                 62 Summer St.                           6 Beacon Street Suite 700
CrossFit, LLC                          56 N Main St. 403                            Boston, MA 02110                        Boston, MA 02108
2617 Broadway                          Fall River, MA 02720                         (617) 850-1748                          (617) 350-4088
Boulder, CO 80304                      (508) 982-3108
(508) 560-2738                                                                      John Scanlan Ferrante                   Lewis Finfer
                                       Matthew Feehan                               Associated General Contractors of, MA   MA Communities Action Network
Sana Fadel                             Feehan, LLC                                  888 Worcester St. Suite 40              1119 Adams Street 1
Citizens for Juvenile Justice          73 Barrett St. Apt. 1049                     Wellesley, MA 02482                     Dorchester, MA 02124
44 School Street Suite 415             Northampton, MA 01060                        (781) 786-8914                          (617) 298-8678
Boston, MA 02108                       (512) 660-1488
(617) 338-1050                                                                      Michael Ferrari                         Italo Paula Fini
                                       Amy Feinman                                  Northeastern University                 SEIU 509
Keith Fairey                           Anti-Defamation League New England           716 Columbus Place                      1064 Pleasant St.
Way Finders, Inc.
                                       40 Court Street 12th Floor                   Boston, MA 02120                        Worcester, MA 01602
1780 Main Street
Springfield, MA 01103                  Boston, MA 02108                             (617) 823-2785                          (774) 232-8550
(413) 233-1661                         (617) 406-6303
                                                                                    Michael Joseph Ferrrante                Stephen J. Finnegan
Emiliano Falcon                        James Feinstein                              Massachusetts Energy Marketers          Finnegan & Bearse
American Civil Liberties Union of      Arcadia Power, Inc.                          Association, Inc.                       One State Street Suite 1050
Massachusetts, Inc.                    555 11th Street NW 4th Floor                 36 Jonspin Road Suite 231               Boston, MA 02109
One Center Plaza 850                   Washington DC 20004                          Wilmington, MA 01887                    (617) 523-5433
Boston, MA 02108                       (866) 526-0083                               (781) 365-0844
(347) 407-3791
James B. Dunbar                                     Mission Statement:
                                                            O’Neill and Associates is New England’s largest
        O’Neill and Associates                              full-service public affairs consulting firm, offering
        18 Tremont St., Suite 600                           government relations services on the local, state
        Boston, MA 02108                                    and federal levels. Our government relations services
        (413) 239-1055                                      include legislative and executive branch lobbying, coalition building,
        Email: jdunbar@oneillandassoc.com                   appropriations, procurements, permitting and licensing. O’Neill
        Website: www.oneillandassoc.com                     and Associates also offers litigation support, crisis management,
        Areas of Expertise:                                 community relations and public relations services.
        Federal and state executive and legislative         Representative Clients:
        lobbying, government procurement,                   Massachusetts Chemistry and Technology Alliance, Covestro, Ernst and
        regulatory affairs, B2B relationship                Young, TossC3, Transcor, Pega Systems and Conduent

Thomas M. Finneran                          Roberta Fitzpatrick                        Chris Flynn                                   Kimya Forouzan
Finneran Global Strategies                  Arbella Mutual Insurance Company           Massachusetts Food Association                Compassion & Choices Action Network
7 Countryside Drive                         101 Arch Strett Suite 1761                 31 Milk Street Suite 518                      8156 S. Wadsworth Blvd. E-162
Boston, MA 02126                            Boston, MA 02110                           Boston, MA 02109                              Littleton, CO 80128
(617) 593-4401                              (617) 769-3500                             (617) 542-3085                                (561) 445-1921
Robert C Finneran                           Charles F. Flaherty                        Brendan M. Fogarty                            Stephen Fortino
Robert Finneran Consulting Services         Capitol Consulting                         Horizons for Homeless Children                Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC
                                                                                       1785 Columbus Ave
42 Eighth Street Suite 1410                 130 Bowdoin Street Suite 1801                                                            71 South Wacker Drive Suite 1200
                                                                                       Roxbury, MA 02119
Charlestown, MA 02129                       Boston, MA 02108                                                                         Chicago, IL 60606
                                                                                       (978) 877-3021
(617) 241-3841                              (617) 227-9940                                                                           (312) 655-4600
                                                                                       Elizabeth-Ann S. Foley
Christina Fisher                            Jennifer Flanagan                          Massachusetts Association of Health           Geoff Foster
Amazon.com Services LLC                     VS Strategies                              Plans (, MAHP)                                Common Cause Massachusetts
27 Melcher St.                              455 Sherman St Suite 390                   40 Court Street Suite 550                     11 Beacon St 620
Boston, MA 02210                            Denver, CO 80203                           Boston, MA 02108                              Boston, MA 02108
(508) 397-4358                              (857) 315-7366                             (617) 338-2244                                (978) 930-9436
FayeRuth Fisher                             Kevin Flanagan                             Timothy Foley                                 Donna K. Fox
Jewish Community Relations Council of       Massachusetts Corrections Officers         1199SEIU                                      Compass Consulting LLC
Greater Boston                              Federated Union                            108 Myrtle Street 4th Floor                   10 Court Street, Box 205
126 High Street                             159 South Main Street                      Quincy, MA 02171                              Arlington, MA 02476
Boston, MA 02110                            Milford, MA 01757                          (617) 283-1103                                (617) 645-5215
(617) 512-6092                              (774) 396-6477
                                                                                       Robert Clark Fonda                            Sara Fraim
Charles Fiske                               Neil Flanagan                              Senné                                         Massachusetts Technology Leadership
The Arc of Massachusetts                    Jefferies LLC                              One Lewis Wharf                               Council
271 South Street                            520 Madison Ave 4th Floor                  Boston, MA 02110                              420 Bedford St.
Waltham, MA 02453                           New York, NY 10022                         (202) 503-9276                                Lexington, MA 02420
(781) 859-7667                              (212) 336-7022                             Jocelyn Forbush                               (781) 993-9000
Colleen Fitzgerald                          Danielle Fleury                            The Trustees of Reservations                  Katie Franger
                                                                                       200 High Street Suite 400
The Brennan Group, Inc.                     Massachusetts Nonprofit Network                                                          Uber Technologies, Inc.
                                                                                       Boston, MA 02110
1 Walnut Street 3rd Floor                   2 Atlantic Avenue 1st Floor                                                              175 Greenwich Street
                                                                                       (617) 360-1857
Boston, MA 02108                            Boston, MA 02110                                                                         New York, NY 10007
(617) 305-4120                              (617) 391-9175                             Benjamin Forman                               (646) 430-4210
                                                                                       Massachusetts Institute for a New
John F. Fitzgerald                          Kia Floyd                                  Commonwealth Inc
New Boston Strategies Group Ltd.            Meta Platforms, Inc.                       11 Beacon St Ste 500
1208 VFW Parkway Suite 301                  575 7th St. NW                             Boston, MA 02108
West Roxbury, MA 02132                      Washington DC 20004                        (617) 224-1645
(617) 512-7431                              (202) 368-7469

                                                                                                                     MASSACHUSETTS LOBBYISTS 2023 | 15
Sira Grant                                         Mission Statement:
                                                         Smith, Costello & Crawford is a regulatory and
                                                         legislative policy firm dedicated to helping our
      Smith, Costello & Crawford                         clients achieve success through consulting, lobbying,
      One State Street, 15th Floor                       and legal services. Our team brings proven strategic
      Boston, MA 02109                                   expertise, first-hand public service experience, and political acumen
      (617) 523-0600                                     to frame the advocacy agenda specific to your needs. We represent
                                                         clients in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, energy, cannabis,
      Email: sgrant@publicpolicylaw.com                  and financial services.
      Website: www.publicpolicylaw.com                   Areas of Expertise:
                                                         Cannabis licensing and regulations, municipal and zoning law, regulatory
                                                         affairs, state legislative lobbying, and real estate transactions.

Eugenia Frank                             Shaya French                                 David M Gahl                                 Michael Galvan
SEIU Local 509                            Boston Center for Independent Living         Solar Energy Industries Association,         Breaktime United, Inc.
293                                       60 Temple Place, 5th Floor                   Inc.                                         170 Portland Street
Boston Post Road W, 4th Floor             Boston, MA 02111                             1425 K Street Suite 1000                     Boston, MA 02114
Marlborough, MA 01752                     (617) 338-6665                               Washington DC 20005                          (214) 336-1683
(617) 777-0506                                                                         (518) 487-1744
                                          Heather Lynn Friedmann                                                                    Nomita Ganguly
Emily Frankel                             Point32Health                                Stephanie Galica                             Gregory & Associates
Nurse-Family Partnership                  One Wellness Way                             Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (EBSI)            193 Orchard Street
1900 Grant Street 4th Floor               Canton, MA 02021                             100 Matsonford Rd. Building 4, Ste. 201      Belmont, MA 02478
Denver, CO 80203                          (617) 763-9690                               Radnor, PA 19087                             (617) 932-1943
(718) 736-4275                                                                         (610) 613-2566
                                          Hannah Dyer Frigand                                                                       Joseph Garba
Virginia Fraser                           Health Care For All                          Mark J Gallagher                             Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Deloitte Consulting LLP                   One Federal St. 5th Floor                    United HealthCare Services, Inc.             3 Wall Street, Apt. 1212
One PPG Place                             Boston, MA 02110                             9900 Bren Road                               New York, NY 10005
Pittsburgh PA 15222                       (617) 275-2901                               East Minnetonka MN 55343                     (347) 556-8898
(412) 841-8200                                                                         (617) 347-1917
                                          Julianna Fritz                                                                            Nathan Ferreira Garcia
Samantha Rae Freedman                     Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.                       Maureen T. Gallagher                         MASSPIRG Students
GEI, CO                                   755 B Quinnipiac Lane                        Massachusetts Down Syndrome                  294 Washington St Suite 500
1 GEI, CO Plaza 5T                        Stratford , CT 06614                         Congress, Inc.                               Boston, MA 02108
Washington DC 200076                      (203) 225-5894                               20 Burlington Mall Road Suite 261            (774) 400-7033
(301) 718-5796                                                                         Burlington, MA 01803
                                          Gretchen Fuhr                                (781) 221-0024                               Marisol Garcia
Rosemarie Freeland                        Constellation Energy Generation, LLC                                                      Health Law Advocates Inc.
Massachusetts Community College           545 Boylston Street Suite 700                Lisa Gallatin                                One Federal Street Suite 5th Floor
Council                                   Boston, MA 02116                             Massachusetts Teachers Association           Boston, MA 02110
41 Cleveland St. Suite 104                (617) 717-7945                               2 Heritage Drive 8th Floor                   (617) 275-2917
Greenfield, MA 01301                                                                   Quincy, MA 02171
(413) 883-0020                            Alexander Furey                              (617) 878-8700                               Paula Garcia
                                          Considine & Furey, LLP                                                                    Union of Concerned Scientists, Inc.
Bradley Freeman                           One Beacon Street 22nd Floor                 Geoffrey Gallo                               Two Brattle Square
AICU Mass                                 Boston, MA 02108                             AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP              Cambridge, MA 02138
5 Brighton Street                         (617) 723-7200                               3 Merles Lane                                (617) 301-8082
Belmont, MA 02478                                                                      Stratham , NH 03885
(617) 742-5147                            Nicholas A Fyntrilakis                       (603) 770-9000                               Hilary Jones Garivaltis
                                          Massachusetts Association of Insur-                                                       Ayurvedic Health Education Services
                                          ance Agents, Inc.                                                                         LLC
                                          91 Cedar Street                                                                           20 Moores Rd.
                                          Milford, MA 01757                                                                         Florida, MA 01247
                                          (508) 634-7352                                                                            (413) 441-6534

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