Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt

Page created by Joseph Mann
Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
- live the innovation -

Corporate Dossier 2021

    Scene®    Kromat®

Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
Hidrobox at Cevisama Fair↑

Our Company
A complete view of the bathroom to look for the
best solution.
Hidrobox is an enterprise dedicated to manufacturing and commerciali-
sing bathroom fixtures (showertrays, wall panels, washbasins, counterto-
p,bathtub, accessories). Our manufacturing plant includes 30,000 m2 of
surface area, distributed among offices, laboratories, exhibition spaces,
manufacturing area and warehouses. Included is a machine shop at the
cutting-edge, both in regards to areas of investigation as well as to pro-

The strong industrial character of the organisation allows homogeneous,
reliable production processes, giving definition to aspects such as tech-
nical solutions for the product, standardisation of raw materials, logistics,
environment, investments, and above all, aesthetic and design contribu-
tions, all of which we understand to be inherent determining factors of the
Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
"Sustainable products focused on people

Company Vision                                                                                                                                                                                                         and the life cycle"

Knowing to learn and produce from new
perspectives and new ideas is our business
Absara Industrial is presented under the Hidrobox brand, where our tech-
nological investment, production capacity, innovation and qualification
                                                                                                                           At Hidrobox we have joined the “Green is the new Black” trend, to create a connection
form the pillars of our operation as an entity. Our vision is to complete the
                                                                                                                           between architectural spaces and the natural environment.
bathroom space with both quality and individualized solutions adapted to
people's “lifestyle”, as well as facilitating the work of designers, builders,                                             Everything makes sense when joining it to our efforts to be an environmentally responsi-
architects and interior designers with Ad-hoc solutions.                                                                   ble company, using raw materials with less impact on the environment, generating fewer
                                                                                                                           emissions and making durable quality products to significantly reduce the impact on the

                                                                                                                           The main principles that govern our operations
Our commitment to innovation and constant development leads us to
implement innovative designs, products and materials to offer the market                                                   We relate to other people and the environment in a broad sense, through what we do and
distinguished elements, which are ideal for each situation. Our central                                                    what we manufacture. That's why at Absara Industrial we focus our efforts on both the
facilities and laboratories, the optimization of our production processes                                                  health and well-being of those who work for the company, as well as on partners, hand-
and the exhaustive quality controls that we carry out allow us to study                                                    lers and customers who place their trust in our products.
andimprove the performance of new materials.
                                                                                                                           We concern ourselves with ensuring that the materials supplied have the best
                                                                                 “At hidrobox we pay special attention     integration in terms of people's health, such as guaranteeing the absence of
                                                                                 to quickly detect new trends and social   silica. It is also important to us that our products have durable, user-friendly
                                                                                 habits that make products develop”        life cycles that respect their environment.

                                                                                                                           To this end we take into consideration everything from how we source raw materials to
                                                                                                                           our product manufacturing, finishing and transport processes, and we want this life cycle
                                                                                                                           to be integrated with the planet in the best possible way.

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Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
The Keys to                                                                                            Our Products                                        As specialists in bathroom equipment, Hidrobox
                                                                                                                                                                              offers a wide range of products

Materials and hight quality processes
Our developments have managed to position us as a benchmark within the construction
industry. We are manufacturers of materials ranging from thermoforming processes, to
highly specialized leaders in the world of solid surface and other resin based variants.

The materials that we present are consolidated by their suitability for use in the ba-
throom environment, given their lack of porosity as well as their hygienic properties,
chemical resistance, low maintenance and easy cleaning.

    Scene                                           Kromat
                      ®                                                  ®

                                                                                                  ®      Shower Trays & Panels   Washbasin, Countertops &     Bathtubs, Totems &
                                                                                           SPOT2 SLIM                                     Sinks                  Accessories

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Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
Shower trays                                    With the wide range of series of Shower trays, all kinds of
                                                 solutions are offered, from the individualized level to each

 & Panels
                                                 shower space with unique designs, to the standard models
                                                 that guarantee an express service, passing through a multitu-
                                                 de of formats with different manufacturing materials and the
                                                 versatility provided by the variety of customization options.
                                                 We also have large-format panels according to the shower
 Neo Plus . Line . Twins . Quadro                trays.
 One . Arq . Unique

                           Neo Plus Collection                      One Collection

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Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
ARQ            UNIQUE
     Collection + Panels   Collection

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Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
Whasbasins, countertops                           Continuing with the line of innovation and adaptation to the

  & sinks
                                                    needs of our clients, we offer a wide variety of sinks ma-
                                                    nufactured in Scene® & Kromat® and in full color. We can
                                                    find customizable countertop basins in terms of design and
                                                    complements, countertop or basins with 37 different models
                                                    and free-standing floor-standing basins with exclusive and
  Program . Program Colour . Artop . Opera . Spot   elegant designs. All this with the possibility of complementa-
                                                    tion by countertops and shelves manufactured with the same
  & Spot Colour . Fs                                quality and material.

                                                                                             OPERA                   PROGRAM       ARTOP
                                                                                            Collection               Collection   Collection

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Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
       Collection    Collection       Collection

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Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
Bathtub, Totems                                      In the extensive Hidrobox catalog we offer exclusive bathtubs

  & Accessories                                        made of Scene®, elegantly shaped models for free-standing
                                                       or recessed installation with customization options and
                                                       hydromassage equipment. The freestanding bathtubs are
                                                       complemented by the wide range of Totems, shelves and
                                                       auxiliary wall elements designed to faucetery, towel rail, etc.
  Space . Beta . Beta Fusion . Alfa . Alfa Essential
  Deco . Alfa Fusion .Totems . Accesories



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Live the innovation - Corporate Dossier 2021 Scene Kromat - Messe Frankfurt
                      London . Barcelona. Milano . Ibiza .
                      Berlin . Paris . Caribbean ...

                      Our engagement to be the leading option in
                      the hotel space..
                      Hotel chains from all over the world have trusted Hidrobox's
                      service, quality and design from the beginning, positioning
                      the brand as a benchmark in this channel.

                      Our products have taken the world by storm, chosen by ho-
                      tels of all kinds thanks to their versatility and cohesion with
                      spaces, making any Hidrobox collection a sure hit.

18                                                                                      19
  Customer Support
 Our know how in all the departments of our brand, is to keep a fluid com-
 munication with all the agents that participate in the day by day of our
 activity (suppliers, clients, specifiers, etc.), by collecting information which
 is analysed and interpreted, and it serves as support for present and future
 From the installations of Absara Industrial in Castellón, the customer ser-
 vice, together with the commercial network, dedicates all its efforts to the
 management and logistic coordination of the orders, guaranteeing a fast
 and efficient service.

                                                                                               - live the innovation -
 Technical assistance service
 All products supplied by Hidrobox by Absara contain their warranty with
 identification serial number, pre-installation manual and user manual.
                                                                                         Rufen Sie uns an unter unsere           
 The strategic geographical situation of our technical assistance bases                  Kunden Hotline: +49 01 807 808 777
 distributed in the national and international territory, allows us an agile and         Erste 30 sekunden kostenlos; Vom Festnetz
                                                                                         0.14 cent/Minute; Vom Mobilnetz 0.42cent/Minute
 quick response coordinated from our
 main offices. The technical assistance service manages the supply of the
                                                                                         +34 964 657 272                         
 spare parts and refills necessaries for the maintenance or repairing of the
 product.                                                                           FR



                                                                                         +34 964 105 176                         

                                                                                    ABSARA INDUSTRIAL S.L.
                                                                                    Partida Saloni, s/n | 12130 San Juan de Moró | Castellón (Spain)
                                                                                    Tel. +34 964 657 272 | Fax +34 964 691 922
                                                                           | |

20                                                                                                                                                                            21
- live the innovation -

Press release 2021

   Scene®    Kromat®

Hidrobox, Live the innovation                                                                                                                                                                              HIDROBOX ÜBERRASCHT MIT SEINEM NEUEN MATERIAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                               KROMAT®, DAS MEHR QUALITÄT, HALTBARKEIT UND
    Eine neue Vision des heutigen Badezimmers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      DE       FARBE IN DAS BADEZIMMER BRINGT.                                                                                                                                                                  DE
    Absara Industrial ist der führende Spezialist im Bereich der Badausstattung und entwirft und fertigt Produkte wie Waschbecken, Badewannen und Duschwannen aus Solid Surface und anderen                    Die Spanische Firma Hidrobox by Absara mit Sitz in Sant Joan de Moró präsentiert die neuen Kollektionen in der neuen Ausgabe der ISH - Frankfurt, die wichtigste internationale Messe für die

    matten Materialien, die aus hochwertigen, selbstentwickelten Harzen und mineralischen Füllstoffen bestehen.                                                                                                Badbranche. In diesem Jahr wird die Veranstaltung in einem digitalem Format präsentiert, wo das Hidrobox-Team ein neues Konzept für einen virtuellen Stand vorbereitet hat, bei dem das neue

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Kromat®-Material vorgestellt wird. Kromat® besteht aus Harzen und Mineralfüllstoffen und basiert dessen Außenfläche auf Innovationen auf dem höchsten Niveau von Iso-Gelcoat-NPG

    Die Design-, Konstruktions-, Labor.-und Fertigungseinrichtungen befinden sich in der Umgebung von Castellón in Spanien, in einem Geschäftskomplex, der sich über 30.000 Quadratmeter in                    Qualität, wodurch dem Material für den Einsatz im Badezimmer eine hohe Härte und hervorragende Eigenschaften verliehen werden.

    einer natürlichen Umgebung erstreckt. Sie vereinen alle Techniken zur Herstellung von Solid Surface Produkten und anderen Zusammensetzungen.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Kromat® ist das Ergebnis kontinuierlicher Forschung und der Erfahrung des Unternehmens. Ein fortschrittliches Material, das neue Oberflächen, Farben und Eigenschaften bietet und eines

    Der Stil von Hidrobox drückt sich in der Sprache seiner Kreationen aus.                                                                                                                                    der inhomogenen kompakten Materialien ist. Als Material ist es ideal für die Entwicklung von Farben und erreicht eine hervorragende Erhaltung seiner Oberflächeneigenschaften. Es hat eine

    Hidrobox steht für Zeitlosigkeit und repräsentiert einen globalen Stil mit ausgeprägter, europäischer Herkunft. Die Eleganz ist ein wesentlicher und unverzichtbarer Aspekt. Die Designs sollen            ausgezeichnete Beständigkeit gegen gängige Hygieneprodukte und ist leicht zu reinigen und weist eine hervorragende Haltbarkeit auf.

    eine Wohlfühlatmosphäre schaffen, denn das ist die Sprache, die überall auf

    der Welt triumphiert, die Sprache der Produkte, die wir lieben und die bestehen bleibt.                                                                                                                    Von glatten bis zu fühlbaren Texturen wie Schiefer oder Zement ist Kromat® als vielseitiges Material einsetzbar. Darüber hinaus wird die neue Textur Hidrobox Microtex® vorgestellt, die das

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ergebnis einer ausgeklügelten Entwicklung ist, um eine reine und homogene Oberfläche zu erhalten. Die neue Textur zeichnet sich durch ein glattes Erscheinungsbild aus, das auf kurze Distanz

    Know-How, gemischt mit neuen Perspektiven und Ideen                                                                                                                                                        ein geringes Relief aufweist, das die Funktionalität des Produkts verbessert, wie z. B. hohe Beständigkeit, rutschfeste Eigenschaften und ein ausgezeichnetes mattes Finish. Kromat® bietet 20

    Uns zeichnet das ständige Streben nach Qualität kombiniert mit der Suche nach Schönheit in jedem Detail aus. Diesen Wunsch charakterisiert Absara Industrial, zusammen mit der Fähigkeit,                  Standardfarben und die Möglichkeit, das RAL- und NCS-Farbkarte abzudecken, und bietet den Erstellern von Badezimmern eine hohe Anpassungsfähigkeit.

    innovativ zu sein und sich an die Entwicklung der Welt und der modernen Raumgestaltung anzupassen.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               In dieser Ausgabe von ISH digital stellt Hidrobox uns unter anderem die neuen Kollektionen NEO PLUS, TWINS, PROGRAM & PROGRAM COLOR und ARTOP vor. Darüber hinaus hat das Un-

    Die Kreativität unseres Designstudios und die Zusammenarbeit mit Fachleuten ermöglichen es Hidrobox, individuelle Projekte auf Bestellung zu entwickeln oder auf Mengenanfragen und                        ternehmen in diesem Jahr eine wichtige Auswahl an Zubehör wie Wandregale mit unterschiedlichen Größen und Verwendungsoptionen oder neue Wandverkleidungen und Totem-Regale dem

    Bedürfnisse überaus schnell zu reagieren. Jede neue Kollektion geht auf die Art und Weise ein, wie wir als das zeitgenössische Leben verstehen, auf vielseitige Räume, die eine Anpassung                  Produktumfang hinzugefügt.

    erfordern oder individualisiert für bestimmte Personen notwendig sind.

2                                                                                                                                                                                                          2                                                                                                                                                                                                         3
Hidrobox, Live the innovation                                                                                                                                                                             HIDROBOX REVOLUTIONIZES THE SECTOR WITH ITS NEW
                                                                                                                                                                                                              MATERIAL, KROMAT®, BRINGING MORE QUALITY, DURA-
    A complete vision of the bathroom in order to find the best solution
                                                                                                                                                                                                     EN       BILITY AND COLOR TO THE BATHROOM SPACE.                                                                                                                                                               EN
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Spanish firm Hidrobox by Absara, based in Sant Joan de Moró, presents its new collections in the new edition of ISH - Frankfurt, the quintessential international fair for the bathroom sector.
    Hidrobox is a company which is focused on production and distribution of elements for bathroom equipment, such as shower trays, pannels, washbasins and countertops, bathtubs and acces-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              This year, the event is presented in digital format where the Hidrobox team has prepared a new concept of virtual stand introducing its new Kromat® material, manufactured based on resins
    sories. Production facilities are set up with more than 30.000 sqm of area, including office spaces, laboratories, show room, factory and warehouse. The company has last generation machinery
                                                                                                                                                                                                              and mineral fillers with an outer surface based on innovations on iso gelcoat npg of the highest quality, thus giving a high hardness and excellent characteristics to the material for use in the
    at its disposal, both for investigation and manufacturing purposes.

    Hidrobox’ highly industrial and organizational personality allows a homogeneous and reliable production process, where different aspects are defined, like technical solutions concerning
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Kromat® is the result of continuous research and the company's experience. An advanced material that provides new finishes, colors and properties and is one of non-homogeneous compact
    product, standardization of raw materials, logistics, environment, investments and specially, all aesthetic and design contributions, which are understood at Hidrobox as a determining factor
                                                                                                                                                                                                              materials. As a material it is ideal for the development of colors, achieving a great maintenance of its surface characteristics. It has excellent resistance to common hygiene products and
    inherent to the product.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              is easy to clean with excellent durability.

    Get to know in order to learn and producing from new perspectives and ideas is a company’s key principle
                                                                                                                                                                                                              From smooth to more obvious textures such as slate or cement, Kromat® is positioned as a versatile material. In addition, it presents the new texture of Hidrobox Microtex ™, the result of a

                                                                                                                                                                                                              sophisticated development to obtain a pure and homogeneous surface. The new texture is distinguished by its smooth appearance that, at a short distance, shows a low relief enhancing the
    Our values state a serious commitment with quality and development – concepts which we intend to bring forward over the creation of a product itself. Technology, production capacity, in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              functionalities of the product such as its high resistance, non-slip properties and an excellent matte finish. Kromat® introduces 20 standard colors and the possibility of covering the RAL and
    novation, investment and qualification are the foundation of our operations as a company. Creation is a logic result of the sum of all our values. We are sure that a company which is able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                              NCS charts, offering high customization to creators of bathroom spaces.
    communicate with its environment is a company that grows stronger, consolidates its personality and makes the difference.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              In this edition of ISH digital, Hidrobox will introduce us to its new collections, NEO PLUS, TWINS, PROGRAM & PROGRAM COLOR and ARTOP, among others. In addition, this year the firm incor-
    At HIDROBOX, we pay special attention to quickly detect new trends and social habits that make products evolve or emerge new creations. Hidrobox takes a chance on innovation and constant
                                                                                                                                                                                                              porates an important range of accessories such as shelves with different sizes and use options or new panels and totems.
    development which brings to implement designs, introduce products and add innovative materials to offer differentiating and appropriate items in every moment. Our central facilities are

    set up with high-end technology, optimization of production processes and exhaustive quality controls that our technical team carries out in order to study and improve the behavior of new

    materials that we launch onto the market.

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Hidrobox, Live the innovation                                                                                                                                                                         HIDROBOX REVOLUCIONA EL SECTOR CON SU NUEVO
                                                                                                                                                                                                          MATERIAL, KROMAT®, APORTANDO MÁS CALIDAD, DU-
    Una visión completa del baño para buscar la mejor solución.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ES       RABILIDAD Y COLOR AL ESPACIO DE BAÑO.                                                                                                                                                               ES
    Una visión completa del baño para buscar la mejor solución.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          La firma española Hidrobox by Absara, con sede en Sant Joan de Moró, presenta sus nuevas colecciones en la nueva edición de ISH - Frankfurt, feria internacional por excelencia del sector
    Hidrobox es una empresa dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de elementos para el equipamiento de baño entre los cuales se encuentran platos de ducha, paneles, lavabos y enci-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          del baño. Este año, el evento se presenta en formato digital donde el equipo de Hidrobox ha preparado un nuevo concepto de stand virtual introduciendo su nuevo material Kromat®, fabricado
    meras, bañeras y accesorios. La planta de fabricación cuenta con 30.000 m2 de superficie distribuidas entre oficinas, laboratorios, exposición, fábrica y almacenes. La empresa dispone de
                                                                                                                                                                                                          en base a resinas y cargas minerales contando con una superficie exterior en base a innovaciones sobre gelcoat iso npg de máxima calidad otorgando así una elevada dureza y excelentes
    maquinaria de última generación tanto en el ámbito de la investigación como en el de la producción.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          características al material para su uso en el baño.
    El marcado carácter industrial de la organización permite procesos de producción homogéneos y fiables donde se definen aspectos como los niveles de soluciones técnicas referentes a

    producto, la homologación de materias primas, logística, medioambiente, inversiones y sobre todo las aportaciones estéticas y de diseño, entendidas en nuestra empresa como factor deter-

    minante inherente al producto.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kromat®, es fruto de la continua investigación y la experiencia de la compañía. Un avanzado material que concede nuevos acabados, colores y propiedades y que se sitúa dentro de los mate-

                                                                                                                                                                                                          riales compactos no homogéneos. Como material es idóneo para el desarrollo de colores, consiguiendo un gran mantenimiento de sus características superficiales. Presenta una excelente
    Conocer para aprender y producir desde nuevas perspectivas y nuevas ideas es una máxima empresarial
                                                                                                                                                                                                          resistencia a productos de higiene habituales y facilidad de limpieza con magnifica durabilidad.
    Nuestros valores manifiestan un serio compromiso con la calidad y la evolución, conceptos que pretendemos vayan más allá de la propia creación de producto.

    Tecnología, capacidad de producción, innovación, inversión y cualificación son los pilares de nuestro funcionamiento como entidad. La creación es una consecuencia lógica de la suma de

    nuestros valores. Entendemos que una empresa capaz de comunicarse con su entorno es una empresa que consolida su personalidad y marca las diferencias.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Desde lisos pasando por texturas más evidentes como la pizarra o el cemento, Kromat® se posiciona como un material polivalente. Además, presenta la nueva textura de Hidrobox Microtex™,

                                                                                                                                                                                                          resultado de un sofisticado desarrollo para la obtención de una superficie pura y homogénea. La nueva textura se distingue por su apariencia lisa que, a corta distancia, muestra un bajo relieve
    En HIDROBOX prestamos especial atención a detectar rápidamente las nuevas tendencias y los hábitos sociales que hacen que los productos evolucionen o surjan otros de nueva creación.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          potenciando las funcionalidades del producto tales como su alta resistencia, propiedades antideslizantes y un óptimo acabado en mate. Kromat® introduce 20 colores estándar y la posibilidad

                                                                                                                                                                                                          de abarcar la carta RAL y NCS, ofreciendo una alta personalización a los creadores de espacios de baño.
    La apuesta por la innovación y el desarrollo constante nos conduce a implementar diseños, introducir productos e incorporar materiales innovadores para ofrecer al mercado elementos dife-

    renciadores idóneos en cada momento y mercado. Nuestras instalaciones centrales equipadas con tecnología avanzada, la optimización de nuestros procesos productivos y los exhaustivos

    controles de calidad que realizamos desde el equipo técnico nos permiten el estudio y mejora del comportamiento de los nuevos materiales que lanzamos a la venta.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          En esta edición de ISH digital, Hidrobox nos dará a conocer sus nuevas colecciones, NEO PLUS, TWINS, PROGRAM & PROGRAM COLOUR y ARTOP entre otras. Además, este año la firma incor-

                                                                                                                                                                                                          pora una importante gama de complementos tales como estantes con diferentes medidas y opciones de uso o nuevos paneles y tótems.

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- live the innovation -

         Rufen Sie uns an unter unsere           
         Kunden Hotline: +49 01 807 808 777
         Erste 30 sekunden kostenlos; Vom Festnetz
         0.14 cent/Minute; Vom Mobilnetz 0.42cent/Minute


         +34 964 657 272                         



         +34 964 105 176                         

    Partida Saloni, s/n | 12130 San Juan de Moró | Castellón (Spain)
    Tel. +34 964 657 272 | Fax +34 964 691 922 | |

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