Literature and Cultural Studies - catalog 2020/2021 - Jacek Lewinson Scientific ...
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L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Cultural Transfer Joseph Conrad and Modern Ecopoetry Reconsidered Ford Madox Ford Reading the Palimpsest of the Transnational Perspectives, A Study in Collaboration More-Than-Human World Translation Processes, John Hope Morey Edited by Leonor María Martínez Scandinavian and Edited by Gene M. Moore, Serrano, University of Córdoba, University of Amsterdam, The and Cristina M. Gámez- Postcolonial Challenges Fernández, University of Córdoba Netherlands Edited by Steen Bille Jørgensen, Aarhus University, and Hans- Jürgen Lüsebrink, Saarland University Examining the cultural dy- Ford Madox Ford’s literary rela- Modern Ecopoetry: Reading the 3 namics of translation and tions with Joseph Conrad are Palimpsest of the More-Than- transfer, Cultural Transfer closely and systematically exam- Human World explores the fruit- RECENT PUBLICATIONS Reconsideredproposes new in- ined in this volume in order to ful dialogue between poetry and sights into both epistemological determine the nature of the vari- the more-than-human world and analytical questions. With ous kinds of help Ford claimed to from various critical standpoints its focus on the North, the book have given his famous friend and in modern English-writing poets opens perspectives mainly im- collaborator. from diverse backgrounds such plying textual, intertextual and as the USA, the UK, Canada, artistic practices and postcolo- India, and Pakistan. nial interrelatedness. R E AD E R S H I P: Scholars interested READERSHIP: This detailed ac- REA D ERS HI P : Scholars, students in the theory of cultural transfer, count of the collaborations of and general public interested in cultural encounters and intercul- Joseph Conrad and Ford Madox the dialogue between poetry and tural communication. Anyone Ford is accessible to readers at the more-than-human world, interested in literature and liter- all levels, from literary students and in fields like Ecocriticism, ary translation or in questions of and interested lay readers to aca- Environmental Studies, Cultural the nation, Scandinavian culture demic specialists. Studies and contemporary po- and postcolonial issues. etry written in English. March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 Hardback (viii, 230 pp.) Hardback (approx. 195 pp.) Hardback (viii, 190 pp.) ISBN 9789004443679 ISBN 9789004449701 ISBN 9789004445260 Price € 110 / US$ 132 Price € 70 / US$ 84 Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-ISBN 9789004443693 E-ISBN 9789004449718 E-ISBN 9789004445277 E-Price € 110 / US$ 132 E-Price € 70 / US$ 84 E-Price € 99 / US$ 119 Approaches to Translation Studies, 47 Conrad Studies, 12 Nature, Culture and Literature, 16 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Romanciers fin-de-siècle Guilt and Extenuation Transgression(s) in Édité par Edyta Kociubińska, in Tragedy Twenty-First-Century Université Catholique de Lublin Variations on Women’s Writing in French Jean-Paul II Racinian Excuses Edited by / édité par Kate Averis, Universidad de Antioquia, Edward Forman, Eglė Kačkutė, Vilniaus Bristol University Universitetas, and/et Catherine Mao 4 The work offers a reflection on This comparative literary study Transgression(s) in Twenty- the richness of the novels creat- re-evaluates French tragedy’s First-Century Women’s Writing ed in the fin-de-siècle period by impact on current approaches to in French analyses the literary RECENT PUBLICATIONS bringing together fourteen con- guilt and extenuation. Focussing transgressions of women’s writ- tributions devoted both to the on Racine but ranging widely, ing in French since the turn of classics and to the rarely studied it sheds original light on tragic the twenty-first century in the authors (Casanova, Darien, archetypes through the lenses of works of both established figures d’Herdy, Tinan, Bloy, Céard, performance theory and modern and the most exciting and in- Mirbeau, Lorrain, Louÿs, Vivien, attitudes towards blame. novative authors from across the Rachilde, Mendès, Huysmans, francosphère. Fleischmann). R E AD E R S H IP : Le livre est destiné READERSHIP: University librar- REA D ERS HI P : This book will be of aux enseignants-chercheurs, ies, students and researchers in great interest for both research- étudiants et amateurs de la litté- French and comparative litera- ers and students in the fields of rature française de la fin du XIXe ture, drama/theatre studies, clas- French and Francophone studies, siècle, surtout des romanciers fin sics and reception theory, and women’s writing, literary criti- de siècle – classiques, rarement philosophy. cism, and feminist studies. étudiés et méconnus. December 2020 December 2020 December 2020 Hardback Hardback Hardback ISBN 9789004443716 ISBN 9789004442771 ISBN 9789004435698 Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 94 / US$ 113 Price € 116 / US$ 140 E-ISBN 9789004443808 E-ISBN 9789004442788 E-ISBN 9789004442719 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126 E-Price € 94 / US$ 113 E-Price € 116 / US$ 140 Faux Titre, 446 Faux Titre, 445 Faux Titre, 444 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES The Politics of Print Geographies of Affect Site-Seeing Aesthetics During the French Wars in Contemporary California Sojourns of Religion Literature and in Five Installations Literature and History in an Visual Culture Lene M. Johannessen, Age of “Nothing Said Too Soon” Central Europe and the West University of Bergen, Norway Gregory P. Haake, Edited by Ágnes Györke, University of Notre Dame Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, and Imola Bülgözdi, University of Debrecen In The Politics of Print During Opening a dialogue between the Site-Seeing Aesthetics: California 5 the French Wars of Religion, literary and filmic works pro- Sojourns in Five Installations Gregory Haake examines how, duced in Central Europe and in draws on multiple disciplines RECENT PUBLICATIONS in late sixteenth-century France, the Anglophone world, this vol- for a regional deep mapping and authors and publishers used the ume explores the role of affects aesthetic analyses that in a kind printed text to control the terms and emotions such as shame, of “literary chorography” read of public discourse and deter- fascination and withdrawal in and write sites as multilayered mine history, or at least their nar- contemporary literature and scripts and performances. rative of it. culture. R E A DE R S H I P : All interested in READERSHI P: All researching REA D ERS HI P : This book is rel- the French wars of religion and or interested in contemporary evant to anyone with an interest in the influence of literary dis- Central European visual and in the study of place and region course on politics. literary culture, comparative and the role they play in how we literature, representations of the see the world, particularly schol- urban experience from a translo- ars and students of cultural stud- cal perspective. ies in dialogue with aesthetics. December 2020 December 2020 December 2020 Hardback Hardback Hardback ISBN 9789004440807 ISBN 9789004440883 ISBN 9789004437999 Price € 127 / US$ 153 Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-ISBN 9789004440814 E-ISBN 9789004442559 E-ISBN 9789004438002 E-Price € 127 / US$ 153 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126 E-Price € 99 / US$ 119 Faux Titre, 443 Spatial Practices, 35 Spatial Practices, 34 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Places and Forms Neo-Victorian Biofiction Proust et le rire of Encounter in Reimagining Nineteenth- Sous la direction de Jewish Literatures Century Historical Subjects Sjef Houppermans, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Transfer, Mediality Edited by Marie-Louise Kohlke, Nordholt, Sabine van Wesemael, and Situativity Swansea University, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar and Christian Gutleben, Edited by Olaf Terpitz, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis University of Graz, and Marianne Windsperger, University of Vienna 6 Places and Forms of Encounter Highlighting neo-Victorian bio- This volume includes a special in Jewish Literatures. Transfer, fiction’s crucial role in reimagin- on the functions of laughter in Mediality and Situativity brings ing and augmenting the histori- the Recherche: its sociological, RECENT PUBLICATIONS together contributions on cal archive, this volume explores aesthetic, imaginary and affec- Jewish literatures with method- the complex ethical conse- tive functions; otherwise there ologies and theories discussed quences of a creative movement are articles on Proust and Gracq, in Comparative and World of historiographic revisionism, Proust’s sleepless nights, on Literature Studies. The contribu- combining biography and fiction power and its emblems and on tions highlight dynamic literary in a dialectic tension of empathy genetic readings combined with processes in various historical and voyeuristic spectacle. astrophysics. and cultural contexts. R E ADE R S H IP : All interested in READERSHI P: All interested in REA D ERS HI P : All readers inter- Jewish literatures, Comparative neo-Victorianism; literary and ested in the life and work of and World Literature Studies, cultural studies; life-writing; the- Marcel Proust. Academics, re- and anyone concerned with atre, film, gender, and adaptation searchers, post-graduate and un- questions of cultural encoun- studies; memory studies; and his- dergraduate students interested ters, transformation processes, torians and Victorianists working in Proust’s work and literary memory. on the legacies of the nineteenth modernism more generally. century. September 2020 September 2020 September 2020 Hardback (xii, 281 pp.) Hardback (x, 393 pp.) Paperback (xviii, 222 pp.) ISBN 9789004434936 ISBN 9789004434134 ISBN 9789004439610 Price € 110 / US$ 132 Price € 132 / US$ 159 Price € 77 / US$ 93 E-ISBN 9789004435285 E-ISBN 9789004434356 E-ISBN 9789004439627 E-Price € 110 / US$ 132 E-Price € 132 / US$ 159 E-Price € 77 / US$ 93 Textxet: Studies in Comparative Neo-Victorian Series, 6 Marcel Proust Aujourd’hui, 16 Literature, 94 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Klabund: Sämtliche Werke, Images of China “The Turk” in the Czech Band III: Dramen, in Polish and Serbian Imagination (1870s-1923) Dritter Teil Travel Writings (1720-1949) Jitka Malečková, Charles University Prague Cromwell, Johann Fust, Tomasz Ewertowski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Der Fächer (Libretto) and Shanghai International Edited by Hans-Gert Roloff Studies University This text edition is the third In Images of China in Polish and In “The Turk” in the Czech 7 part on drama in the Klabund - Serbian Travel Writings (1720- Imagination (1870s-1923) Jitka Complete Works series. The series 1949), Tomasz Ewertowski exam- Malečková examines Czechs’ RECENT PUBLICATIONS deals with the works of German ines how Polish and Serbian trav- views of the Turks in the last half author Klabund (1890, Poland elers from the 18th to the mid- century of the existence of the -1928, Switzerland). This volume, 20th century described China, Ottoman Empire and shows that focuses on Cromwell, Johann showing various factors which they were significantly affected Fust, and Der Fächer (Libretto). influenced their representations by nationalism and Pan-Slavism. It forms an indispensable basis of the Middle Kingdom. for any further involvement with the author and his plays. R E A DE R S H I P : All The Klabund - READERSHI P: Scholars, students, Complete Works series deals with and general readers interested the works of German author in the history of travel writing, Klabund (1890, Poland -1928, comparative literature, Slavic Switzerland). This volume, fo- literature, European presence in cuses on Cromwell, Johann Fust, East Asia in the 18th to mid-20th and Der Fächer (Libretto). century, postcolonialism, images of non-European cultures. December 2020 November 2020 December 2020 Hardback Hardback (approx. 322 pp.) Hardback (x, 240 pp.) ISBN 9789004393318 ISBN 9789004434561 ISBN 9789004440777 Price € 129 / US$ 155 Price € 128 / US$ 154 Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-ISBN 97890044393356 E-ISBN 9789004435445 E-ISBN 9789004440791 E-Price € 129 / US$ 155 E-Price € 128 / US$ 154 E-Price OPEN ACCESS Klabund - Sämtliche Werke, Studia Imagologica, 28 Studia Imagologica, 26 Volume: 3/3 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Lire l’Histoire générale des Transcultural Migration Des notes et des textes; Antilles de J.-B. Du Tertre in the Novels of études sur l’annotation Exotisme et établissement Hédi Bouraoui dossier réuni et présenté par Franc Schuerewegen, français aux Îles (1625-1671) A New Ulysses Université d’Anvers Christina Kullberg, Elizabeth Sabiston, Uppsala University York University, Toronto 8 In Lire l’Histoire générale In Transcultural Migration in The purpose of Des notes et des des Antilles de J.-B. Du Tertre, the Novels of Hédi Bouraoui: A textes is to consider the annota- Christina Kullberg offers a study New Ulysses, Elizabeth Sabiston tion process, by authors, by read- RECENT PUBLICATIONS of the French early colonization analyses the dominant theme of ers, in a total new way, and with in the Caribbean and a theoreti- transcultural migration, or im- a strong focus on French and cal analysis of exoticism through migration, in the experimental francophone literature. a critical reading of Dominican fiction of Hédi Bouraoui. His missionary Du Tertre’s natural protagonists are seen as Ulysses- and moral history of the region. figures for the postmodern age, crossing boundaries of language as well as geography. R E AD E R S HIP : The book appeals READERSHIP: Of interest to schol- REA D ERS HI P : All interested in to researchers and students of ars, graduate students, students, the study of literature, more spe- French literatures and of travel general readers in the fields of cially French and francophone writing. Anthropologists and his- immigration, Transculturalism, literature, with a focus on meth- torians concerned with the early poetic fiction, francophone stud- odological and theoretical ques- modern Caribbean will also be ies, postcolonialism, postmod- tions. Readers that read foot- interested in this interdisciplin- ernism. notes and find them important. ary study. September 2020 December 2020 September 2020 Hardback (viii, 210 pp.) Hardback Paperback (xii, 168 pp.) ISBN 9789004434547 ISBN 9789004440852 ISBN 9789004437838 Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 99 / US$ 119 Price € 69 / US$ 83 E-ISBN 9789004434967 E-ISBN 9789004441415 E-ISBN 9789004437845 E-Price OPEN ACCESS E-Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-Price € 69 / US$ 83 Francopolyphonies, 31 Francopolyphonies, 30 C.R.I.N.: Cahiers de recherche Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi des instituts néerlandais de langue et de littérature française, 67 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Women and Crime in Ideology in Postcolonial Territoires Post-Transitional South Texts and Contexts de la non-fiction African Crime Fiction Edited by Katja Sarkowsky, Cartographie d’un Augsburg University, A Study of Female Victims, and Mark U. Stein, WWU Münster genre émergent Perpetrators and Detectives Textes édités et introduits par Sabine Binder, Alexandre Gefen, CNRS Zurich University of Teacher Education In Women and Crime in Post- An effective tool for reading The literature of the 21st century 9 Transitional South African Crime postcolonial con/texts, ideology begins with the triumph of the Fiction, Sabine Binder offers also provides a matrix to grasp document, the investigative and RECENT PUBLICATIONS a feminist analysis of female the world, enabling collective informative writings that reject victims, perpetrators and detec- political action. This interdis- fiction. The aim of this volume is tives in 21 post-transitional South ciplinary volume reflects that to inventory and understand the African crime novels and of the each position is subject to asym- territories of non-fiction, which ways in which they resonate with metrical power relations, with has now become an essential widespread and persistent real critiques of ideological manifes- literary genre. crimes against women. tations occurring in intersecting cultural, social, and political configurations. R E A DE R S H I P : All interested in READERSHIP: All interested in the REA D ERS HI P : This book will be of crime fiction and its gender/ study of ideology, postcolonial- interest to all students, teachers racial political potential, its ism, and globalisation in cultural and those curious about contem- cultural relevance, its ethics and production, from critiques of porary French literature. aesthetics, in South Africa and global capitalism to literary priz- beyond. es; from censorship and crime fiction to language standards. December 2020 November 2020 September 2020 Hardback Hardback Hardback (xvi, 377 pp.) ISBN 9789004437432 ISBN 9789004428058 ISBN 9789004363199 Price € 99 / US$ 120 Price € 99 / US$ 119 Price € 110 / US$ 132 E-ISBN 9789004437449 E-ISBN 9789004437456 E-ISBN 9789004439313 E-Price OPEN ACCESS E-Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-Price € 110 / US$ 132 Costerus New Series, 230 Cross/Cultures Chiasma, 46 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES T. S. Eliot’s Ascetic Ideal Unverfügbares Verinnerlichen Joshua Richards Figuren der Einverleibung zwischen Eucharistie und Anthropophagie Herausgegeben von Yvonne Al-Taie, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, und Marta Famula, Universität Paderborn 10 In T. S. Eliot’s Ascetic Ideal, Joshua Richards charts Unverfügabres Verinnerlichen. Figuren der an intellectual history of T. S. Eliot’s interaction Einverleibung zwischen Eucharistie und with asceticism. This history is drawn from Eliot’s Anthropophagie offers a new approach to the liter- RECENT PUBLICATIONS own education in the topic with the texts he read ary history of incorporation as cultural expression integrated into detailed textual analysis. Eliot’s of contingency in exemplary readings from the early encounters with the ascetic ideal began a life- Middle Ages to Present. time of interplay and reflection upon self-denial, purgation, and self-surrender. In 1909, he began a study of mysticism, likely, in George Santayana’s seminar, and thereafter showed the influence of this education. R E ADE R S HIP : T. S. Eliot specialists, academic librar- READERSHIP : Scholars and students of literary and ies, Evelyn Underhill researchers, and anyone inter- cultural studies as well as of similar fields who are ested in the intersection of religion and literature interested in the symbolism of incorporation in in Britain and American in the early 20th century. literary and cultural history. September 2020 September 2020 Hardback (182 pp.) Hardback (iv, 334 pp.) ISBN 978904372580 ISBN 9789004439122 Price € 90 / US$ 108 Price € 127 / US$ 153 E-ISBN 9789004375826 E-ISBN 9789004439146 E-Price € 90 / US$ 108 E-Price € 127 / US$ 153 Costerus New Series, 225 Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik, 92 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Women Writing Le retentissant destin Témoignage et littérature on the French Riviera de Georges Darien d’après Auschwitz Travellers and à la Belle Époque Fransiska Louwagie, University of Leicester Trendsetters, 1870-1970 Vie et oeuvre d’un Rosemary Lancaster, écrivain réfractaire University of Western Australia Aurélien Lorig, Université de Lorraine In Women Writing on the French In Le retentissant destin de In Témoignage et littérature 11 Riviera Rosemary Lancaster Georges Darien à la Belle Époque, d’après Auschwitz, Fransiska examines the varied literary and Aurélien Lorig studies the life Louwagie brings together two RECENT PUBLICATIONS artistic works of nine women and the work of a little known, key areas of Holocaust literature, visitors and their unique contri- refractory author. His essay al- offering a rich panorama of both butions to the cultural identity lows us to rediscover the event- testimony and second generation of the Riviera in its seminal rise ful fate of a combative man of writing. to fame. letters. R E AD E R S H I P: All interested in READERSHI P: This essay is meant REA D ERS HI P : Researchers work- women’s travels and travel lit- for anyone who would like to ing on Holocaust literature eratures of the nineteenth and discover Georges Darien’s unique and testimony within French twentieth centuries, especially universe and the ideological and Francophone Studies and feminine writings and the so- struggles of the Belle Époque. comparative literature, and sub- cial and cultural history of the disciplines such as Jewish litera- French Riviera. ture, memory, autobiography and critical theory. June 2020 June 2020 June 2020 Hardback (xii, 275 pp.) Hardback (xii, 256 pp.) Hardback (x, 383 pp.) ISBN 9789004428751 ISBN 9789004422483 ISBN 9789004426092 Price € 116 / US$ 140 Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 127 / US$ 153 E-ISBN 9789004433922 E-ISBN 9789004431836 E-ISBN 9789004430686 E-Price € 116 / US$ 140 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126 E-Price € 127 / US$ 153 Faux Titre, 442 Faux Titre, 441 Faux Titre, 440 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
Now also in Paperback L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Man’yōshū (Book 2) The Thousand and One A New English Translation Containing the Original Text, Nights and Twentieth- Kana Transliteration, Romanization, Glossing and Commentary Century Fiction Alexander Vovin, EHESS/CRLAO, Paris, France Intertextual Readings Richard van Leeuwen, University of Amsterdam 12 Book two of the Man’yōshū (‘Anthology of Myriad Leaves’) continues In The Thousand and One Nights Alexander Vovin’s new English translation of this 20-volume work and Twentieth-Century Fiction, originally compiled between c.759 and 785 AD. It is the earliest Richard van Leeuwen challenges RECENT PUBLICATIONS Japanese poetic anthology in existence and thus the most important conventional perceptions of the compendium of Japanese culture of the Asuka and Nara periods. development of 20th-century Book two is the ninth volume of the Man’yōshū to be published to prose by arguing that Thousand date (following books fifteen (2009), five (2011), fourteen (2012), twen- and One Nights, as an intertex- ty (2013), seventeen (2016), eighteen (2016), one (2017), and nineteen tual model, has been a crucial (2018). Each volume of the Vovin translation contains the original influence on authors who have text, kana transliteration, romanization, glossing and commentary. contributed to shaping the main literary currents in 20th-century world literature. R E ADE R S HIP : All those interested in Ancient Japanese Literature, REA D ERS HI P : All those interested Japanese poetry, History of the Japanese language, Ancient Japan, in literary studies and literary and students of Old Japanese. history; students and scholars in the fields of literary history, narratology, comparative literature, world literature. August 2020 June 2020 Hardback (approx. 300 pp.) Paperback (x, 832 pp.) ISBN 9789004431850 ISBN 9789004438668 Price € 160 / US$ 192 Price € 49 / US$ 59 E-ISBN 9789004433335 E-ISBN 9789004362697 E-Price € 160 / US$ 192 E-Price 182 / US$ 210 Man’yōshū, 2
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES World Political Theatre Theatre Scandals A Generic History of Travel and Performance Social Dynamics of Turbulent Writing in Anglophone Theories, Histories, Practices Theatrical Events and Polish Literature Edited by Mireia Aragay, Edited by Vicki Ann Cremona, Grzegorz Moroz, Universitat de Barcelona, University of Malta, Peter University of Białystok, Poland Paola Botham, Birmingham Eversmann, University of City University, and José Ramón Amsterdam, Bess Rowen, Prado-Pérez, Universitat Jaume I. Villanova University, Anneli Saro, University of Tartu, Henri Schoenmakers, Utrecht University World Political Theatre and Theatre scandals may cause A Generic History of Travel 13 Performance brings together dynamic changes within cultural Writing in Anglophone and Polish scholars and practitioners from systems. The case studies in this Literature offers a comprehen- RECENT PUBLICATIONS multiple locations to analyse volume present a wide cultural sive, comparative and generic counter-hegemonic theatre and and chronological variety of such analysis of developments of performance. International case scandals, illustrating the various travel writing in Anglophone and studies are framed by a com- causes, processes and interac- Polish literature from the Late mon reflection on the meaning tions that characterize these Medieval Period to the twenty- of radical practice in the face of shocking moments in theatre first century. These develop- global neoliberalism. history. ments are depicted in a wider context of travel narratives writ- ten in other European languages. R E A D E R S H I P: Academics and READERSHI P: All interested in REA D ERS HI P : All interested in students with an interest in the theatre scandals, their theo- travel writing, in developments intersection between theatre/ retical mapping and their role in of literary genres in a trans- performance and politics, as well theatre history. Especially theatre national context, and anyone as theatre practitioners. and performance scholars, deal- concerned with the comparative ing theoretically or historically approach to literature written in with the function of theatre in English and in Polish. society. July 2020 July 2020 September 2020 Hardback (xii, 242 pp.) Hardback (xvi, 296 pp.) Hardback (approx. 200 pp.) ISBN 9789004425804 ISBN 9789004433250 ISBN 9789004429598 Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 121 / US$ 146 Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-ISBN 9789004430990 E-ISBN 9789004433984 E-ISBN 9789004429611 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126 E-Price € 121 / US$ 146 E-Price € 99 / US$ 119 Themes in Theatre, 11 Themes in Theatre, 10 Textxet: Studies in Comparative Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Literature, 93 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Haunted Childhoods Imperial Middlebrow Retranslating Joyce in George MacDonald Edited by Christoph Ehland for the 21st Century John Patrick Pazdziora and Jana Gohrisch Edited by Jolanta Wawrzycka and Erika Mihálycsa 14 Haunted Childhoods in George The collection Imperial Retranslating Joyce for the 21st MacDonald reconsiders the na- Middlebrow, edited by Christoph Century offers multi-angled ture of death and divine love in Ehland and Jana Gohrisch, sur- critical attention to recent RECENT PUBLICATIONS the stories of one of Scotland’s veys colonial middlebrow texts retranslations of Joyce’s works most slyly subversive writers for concentrating on Britain, India, into Italian, Portuguese, French, children. South Africa, the West Indies, Dutch, Turkish, German, South and so on, and uses the concept Slavic and many other languages, as a tool to read contemporary and reflects the newest scholarly writing from Britain and Nigeria. developments in Joyce and trans- lation studies. R E ADE R S HIP : Along with schol- READERSHI P: Scholars in middle- REA D ERS HI P : All interested in ars and enthusiasts of George brow and (post)colonial studies, recent translations and retrans- MacDonald, the book will inter- those concerned with gender- lations of James Joyce’s works, est students and researchers sensitive and race-sensitive ap- especially in the light of the new- of nineteenth-century Scottish proaches in literary and cultural est scholarship in Joyce studies, literature, children’s literature, studies as well as historians of translation studies, and transla- fairy tales, and the interrelation Britain’s colonial past and global tion theory. between literature and theology. postcolonial present. September 2020 May 2020 May 2020 Hardback (approx. 230 pp.) Hardback (xii, 246 pp.) Paperback (xx, 328 pp.) ISBN 9789004420595 ISBN 9789004426559 ISBN 9789004427396 Price € 99 / US$ 119 Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 80 / US$ 96 E-ISBN 9789004420618 E-ISBN 9789004426566 E-ISBN 9789004427419 E-Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126 E-Price € 80 / US$ 96 SCROLL: Scottish Cultural Review of Literary Modernism, 7 European Joyce Studies, 30 Language and Literature, 29 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES An Chunggŭn The Poetics and Politics Vorstufen des Exils / His Life and Thought of Hospitality in U.S. Early Stages of Exile in His Own Words Literature and Culture Edited by / Herausgegeben Edited by Amanda Ellen Gerke, von Reinhard Andress, Jieun Han, Sungkyunkwan Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero- Loyola University Chicago University, and Franklin Rausch, Lander University Strachan, and Patricia San José Rico In An Chunggŭn: His Life and The Poetics and Politics of Exile is usually defined as the 15 Thought in his own Words, Jieun Hospitality in U.S. Literature and time one lives elsewhere, invol- Han and Franklin Rausch pro- Culture explores hospitality in untarily separated from home. RECENT PUBLICATIONS vide a complete English transla- literature, language and cinema However, exile can also be con- tion, with annotations, of all of from a variety of methodological ceptualized more broadly as a An’s writings, as well as excerpts perspectives that illustrate the process already starting at home, from his trial and appeal. richness of American hospitality. while traveling into exile and/ or before arriving in the place of exile. This volume sheds detailed light on those early stages of exile. R E ADE R S H I P : All interested in An READERSHI P: Scholars and REA D ERS HI P : All institutes of Chunggŭn, the history of East graduate students interested in higher learning, libraries, special- Asia, particularly Korea, and the theories of hospitality, migration, ists, students and general readers relationship between nation, American literature, American interested in exile studies. state, religion, and violence, will culture and language, film and find this work of interest. literary analysis. August 2020 July 2020 July 2020 Hardback (approx.250 pp.) Hardback (approx. 225 pp.) Hardback (xxviii, 219 pp.) ISBN 9789004430907 ISBN 9789004407930 ISBN 9789004424708 Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 94 / US$ 113 E-ISBN 9789004431034 E-ISBN 9789004408043 E-ISBN 9789004424715 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126 E-Price € 94 / US$ 113 Brill’s Korean Studies Library, 5 Critical Approaches to Ethnic Amsterdamer Beiträge zur American Literature, 7 neueren Germanistik, 91 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES American History James Joyce and the Arts Mathias Énard et in Transition Edited by Emma-Louise Silva, l’érudition du roman Sam Slote and Dirk Van Hulle From Religion to Science Sous la direction de Markus Messling, Universität des Yoshinari Yamaguchi Saarlandes, Cornelia Ruhe,Universität Mannheim, Lena Seauve, Humboldt Universität Berlin, et Vanessa de Senarclens, Humboldt Universität Berlin 16 In American History in Transition, Joyce’s prismatic art reverber- Les romans de Mathias Énard Yoshinari Yamaguchi provides ates within and across multiple connaissent un succès qui ne se fresh insights into early efforts genres. The essays in this volume dément pas. Ce volume cherche RECENT PUBLICATIONS in American history writing, reflect on Joycean re-tailorings, à éclairer les modalités narra- ranging from Jeremy Belknap’s Joycean reception, and on the tives qui permettent à l’auteur Massachusetts Historical Society Joycean aesthetic metamorpho- de transformer l’érudition en to Emma Willard’s geographic sis in visual-textual imagery, vi- roman, mais aussi à situer son history, and Francis Parkman’s sual art, music, TV and film. œuvre dans le contexte littéraire history of deep time to Henry actuel. Adams’s thermodynamic history. R E ADE R S HIP : Professional schol- READERSHIP: All interested in REA D ERS HI P : Le livre s’adresse ars and graduate students in the hybridity of the Joycean aux universitaires, mais aussi à American literature and culture, aesthetic metamorphosis in a tous ceux intéressés par l’œuvre especially from the late eigh- variety of media across multiple de Mathias Énard et par les dis- teenth century through the late artistic domains. cussions sur le roman français nineteenth century, and scholars contemporain. in the field of historiography. March 2020 May 2020 February 2020 Hardback (x, 238 pp.) Paperback (236 pp.) Hardback (xvi, 298 pp.) ISBN 9789004424302 ISBN 9789004426184 ISBN 9789004423961 Price € 109 / US$ 132 Price € 80 / US$ 96 Price € 110 / US$ 132 E-ISBN 9789004424319 E-ISBN 9789004426191 E-ISBN 9789004425507 E-Price € 109 / US$ 131 E-Price € 80 / US$ 96 E-Price € 110 / US$ 132 Costerus New Series, 229 European Joyce Studies, 29 Faux Titre, 439
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES La mémoire des conflits Reading(s) / Across / Sydney Goodsir Smith, dans la fiction française Borders Poet contemporaine Studies in Anglophone Essays on His Life and Work Cornelia Ruhe, Borders Criticism Edited by Richie McCaffery Universität Mannheim Edited by Ciaran Ross, University of Strasbourg La littérature française contem- These inter-disciplinary es- Sydney Goodsir Smith, Poet: 17 poraine porte un vif intérêt à says explore the foundational Essays on His Life and Work offers l’histoire des conflits du XXe ambiguity of borders, their the first substantial, academic RECENT PUBLICATIONS siècle et de leurs séquelles pour roles, functions and place in the work to assess the many strands la vie civile. La monographie ex- Anglophone world, whether it be of the life and work of this im- plore les modalités narratives qui in history, politics, literature, art portant, if presently overlooked, permettent d’adresser les trau- or music or, theoretically, in the Scottish poet who died prema- matismes et d’entamer le travail critical relations between space, turely in 1975. de mémoire. discourse and representation. R E A DE R S H I P : Le livre s’adresse READERSHIP: All interested in REA D ERS HI P : Anyone employed, aux universitaires, mais aussi border studies and, in particular, interested, and involved in the à tous ceux intéressés par les the history and critical signifi- burgeoning field of Scottish liter- discussions sur le roman français cance of borders in the contem- ature, and of twentieth-century contemporain ainsi que par porary Anglophone world: poli- British poetry, will appreciate the l’œuvre des auteurs analysés. tics, history, geography, culture, significance of this book. literature, art and music. June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 Hardback Hardback Hardback (xvi, 294 pp.) ISBN 9789004426917 ISBN 9789004417878 ISBN 9789004425101 Price € 99 / US$ 119 Price € 105 / US$ 126 Price € 110 / US$ 133 E-ISBN 9789004429024 E-ISBN 9789004417885 E-ISBN 9789004426498 E-Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-Price € 105 / US$ 126 E-Price € 110 / US$ 132 Francopolyphonies, 29 Spatial Practices, 33 SCROLL: Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature, 30
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES The Culture of Boredom Edited by Josefa Ros Velasco, Harvard University and Complutense University of Madrid Culture of Boredom is a collection of essays by well- its representation through forgotten cross-cutting 19 known specialists reflecting from philosophical, lit- narratives beyond the typical approaches, i.e. those erary, and artistic perspectives, in which the reader of psychology or psychiatry. For the first time this RECENT PUBLICATIONS will learn how different disciplines can throw experienced group of scholars gathers to promote light on such an appealing, challenging, yet still a cross-border dialogue from a multidisciplinary not fully understood, phenomenon. The goal is to perspective. clarify the background of boredom, and to explore R E A DE R S H I P : Researchers on boredom from a wide variety of approaches including cultural and social ones, even specialists in mental health and cognitive psychology, and anyone interested in human experiences. June 2020 Hardback ISBN 9789004427228 Price € 116 / US$ 140 E-ISBN 9789004427495 E-Price € 116 / US$ 139 Critical Studies, 40
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Global Healing Silence, Implicite et Literature, Advocacy, Care Non-Dit chez Rousseau / Karen Laura Thornber Silence, the Implicit and the Unspoken in Rousseau Edited by Brigitte Weltman-Aron, University of Florida, Ourida Mostefai, Brown University, and Peter Westmoreland, University of Florida 20 In Global Healing: Literature, Advocacy, Care, Karen Laura Thornber Silence, Implicite et Non-Dit chez analyzes how narratives from diverse communities globally engage Rousseau/Silence, the Implicit, with a broad variety of serious health conditions and advocate for and the Unspoken in Rousseau RECENT PUBLICATIONS empathic, compassionate, and respectful care that facilitates healing explores the role of silence and enables wellbeing. in Rousseau’s work, the ways silence operates, and different approaches to it that Rousseau takes. R E ADE R S HIP : Students and scholars of comparative literature, world REA D ERS HI P : All interested in literature, medical humanities, and health humanities; health profes- Rousseau, philosophy of lan- sionals, students, and others interested in arts/literature and medi- guage, political science, pedago- cine; anyone interested in literature promoting healing care. gy, autobiography, music theory in the eighteenth century. March 2020 March 2020 Hardback (Approx. 715 pp.) Hardback ISBN 9789004420175 ISBN 9789004411388 Price € 190 / US$ 228 Price € 99 / US$ 119 E-ISBN 9789004420182 E-ISBN 9789004411418 E-Price € 190 / US$ 228 E-Price € 99 / US$ 119 Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature, 92 Faux Titre, 438 Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi
L I TER ATURE AND CULTUR AL S TUDIES Paul Muldoon and Biblical Women in Contemporary the Language of Poetry Contemporary Novels Fairy-Tale Magic Ruben Moi in English Subverting Gender and Genre From Margaret Atwood Lydia Brugué, Universitat de Vic - to Jenny Diski Universitat Central de Catalunya, Auba Llompart, Universitat de Vic Ingrid Bertrand, Université - Universitat Central de Catalunya Saint-Louis, Bruxelles / Université catholique de Louvain This book interprets the How are well-known female Contemporary Fairy-Tale Magic 21 multifarious writing of the characters from the Bible repre- studies the impact of fairy tales Irish-American word wizard, sented in late 20th-century nov- on contemporary cultures from RECENT PUBLICATIONS Paul Muldoon, who has been els? Bertrand shows how biblical an interdisciplinary perspective, described by The Times Literary women in contemporary litera- with special emphasis on how Supplement as ‘the most signifi- ture are given a voice that rests literature and film are retelling cant English-language poet born not only on words but also on classic fairy tales for modern since the second World War’. silences. She explores the many audiences. forms that silence can take. R E A DE R S H I P : All interested in READERSHI P: All interested in REA D ERS HI P : Academics and poetry and writing from Ireland silence and voice in literature post-graduate students interest- and the English-speaking world, or the Bible, reconfigurations ed in Fairy-Tale Studies, particu- and in the enigma of language. of biblical myths and charac- larly fairy-tale retellings in film ters, and the fictional work of and literature, subversive and Atwood, Roberts, Diski, Tennant postmodern fairy tales, and fairy or Diamant. tales and gender. January 2020 March 2020 January 2020 Hardback (Approx. 450 pp.) Hardback (Approx. 425 pp.) Paperback ISBN 9789004355101 ISBN 9789004390300 ISBN 9789004418981 Price € 130 / US$ 156 Price € 113 / US$ 136 Price € 85 / US$ 103 E-ISBN 9789004355118 E-ISBN 9789004390317 E-ISBN 9789004418998 E-Price OPEN ACCESS E-Price € 113 / US$ 136 E-Price € 85 / US$ 103 Costerus New Series, 228 Costerus New Series, 226 At the Interface / Probing the Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Imprint: Brill | Rodopi Boundaries, 129
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