Lista de publicaciones del Think Tank del PE

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Lista de publicaciones del Think Tank del PE
Lista de publicaciones del Think Tank del PE

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                        94 Resultado(s) encontrado(s)

                       Fecha de creación : 21-05-2022
Erasmus 2021-2027: The Union programme for education, training, youth and sport
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    05-07-2021
                   Autor   CHIRCOP Denise
         Ámbito político   Educación
           Palabra clave   agencia ejecutiva | cooperación en materia de educación | deporte | educación | estudio de impacto | formación
                           profesional | informe | política de la juventud | política educativa | programa de la UE | propuesta (UE)
                 Resumen The Erasmus 2021-2027 proposal was published on 30 May 2018. Establishing a new programme ensures the
                           continuation of the Erasmus+ funding programme for education, training, youth and sport. While Erasmus+ 2014-2020
                           offered mobility opportunities to more than 4 million people, the new programming period aims to reach up to 12 million
                           participants. The new generation programme maintains a lifelong learning approach and works towards the adoption of
                           a European Education Area by 2025. Flagship initiatives include the European University Networks and the European
                           Student Card. The new regulation also focuses on inclusion and aims at greater simplification for end-users. It
                           incorporates sports in the main structure of the programme, expands the use of digitalisation, supports new areas of
                           knowledge and introduces DiscoverEU, a new mobility initiative. Stakeholders agree that the previous programme has
                           been highly beneficial but lessons need to be learnt to help the next generation programme run more efficiently and
                           effectively. The Parliament and Council reached agreement on the proposal following the overall agreement on the
                           2021-2027 multiannual financial framework, and it was adopted in May 2021. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in
                           Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
                  Briefing EN

Horizon Europe: Framework programme for research and innovation 2021–2027
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    02-07-2021
                   Autor   WILSON Alex Benjamin
         Ámbito político   Política de investigación
             Palabra clave CEEA | cooperación científica | difusión de las innovaciones | elaboración del Derecho de la UE | estudio de impacto |
                           formación profesional | innovación | investigación nuclear | política de investigación de la UE | programa marco de IDT
                           | propuesta (UE) | reparto de la financiación de la UE | seguridad nuclear
                 Resumen In June 2018, the European Commission proposed a total budget allocation of €100 billion to finance science, research
                           and innovation projects during the 2021-2027 period, of which the vast majority, €94.1 billion in current prices, would
                           be allocated to the Horizon Europe framework programme. The main aims are to strengthen science and technology,
                           to foster industrial competiveness, and to implement the sustainable development goals in the EU. Horizon Europe
                           introduces new features such as the European Innovation Council, missions to promote research results, and new
                           forms of partnerships. Horizon Europe also aims at reducing administrative burdens and promoting the concept of
                           open science. More operational synergies are expected through better linkage with other EU programmes. In March
                           2019, Parliament and Council reached a partial agreement on most aspects of Horizon Europe. However, the financial
                           aspects were only settled in December 2020 as part of the broader MFF negotiations, together with the sensitive issue
                           of third-country association. The final text was adopted in April 2021 and entered into force retroactively from 1
                           January 2021. Third edition of a briefing originally drafted by Cemal Karakas. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings
                           are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
                  Briefing EN

The European Education Area and the 2030 strategic framework for education and training
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    28-05-2021
                   Autor   CHIRCOP Denise
         Ámbito político   Educación
           Palabra clave   competencias de los Estados miembros | cooperación en materia de educación | cooperación transfronteriza |
                           educación de adultos | educación preescolar | enseñanza profesional | enseñanza superior | formación profesional |
                           informe | política educativa | primera infancia | programa de la UE
                 Resumen European Union cooperation in the field of education and training has developed in a number of areas that now have
                           well-established roots. The best-known example is possibly the Bologna Process that led to the establishment of the
                           European higher education area. The Copenhagen Declaration lent impetus to a process of cooperation in vocational
                           education and training. This was accompanied by two strategic framework agreements for European cooperation in
                           education and training (ET2010 and ET2020). The stocktaking on the expiry of the second framework for cooperation –
                           ET 2020 – revealed some positive trends as the numbers of both young children in early childhood education and of
                           graduates rose. However, the number of underachieving 15 year-olds remains high and the participation of adults in
                           learning is low. The European Commission, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament seem to concur that
                           cooperation in education and training needs to be reinforced. The Commission has set out its vision for a European
                           education area in three communications, which show that this is still work in progress. The Council, on the other hand,
                           has endorsed another framework for cooperation up to 2030, which is clearly aimed at supporting the implementation
                           of such an area. The May 2021 Education Council conclusions give pointers as to how aspects of this area are to be
                           addressed. The debate in the European Parliament is in its initial phase with the rapporteur noting that, while there is
                           agreement on the need for a European education area and ongoing cooperation, the European institutions have yet to
                           adopt a single approach.
                  Briefing EN
               Multimedia The European Education Area and the 2030 strategic framework for education and training

21-05-2022                                        Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                              1
Erasmus+ 2021-2027
     Tipo de publicación   De un vistazo
                  Fecha    12-05-2021
                   Autor   CHIRCOP Denise
         Ámbito político   Educación
           Palabra clave   cooperación en materia de educación | educación | formación profesional | movilidad escolar | política de la juventud |
                           programa de la UE | reparto de la financiación de la UE
                Resumen The new Erasmus+ programme as proposed by the Commission aims to reach up to 12 million participants. It will
                           maintain a lifelong learning approach and will work towards the goals of the strategic framework for cooperation in
                           education and training 2021-2030, the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, the EU work plan for sport 2021-2024, and the
                           implementation of a European Education Area by 2025. Among its flagship initiatives are the European University
                           networks and the European Student Card. The European Parliament is expected to vote at second reading during its
                           May plenary session on the agreed text resulting from interinstitutional negotiations.
             De un vistazo EN

Research for CULT Committee - Approaches of the Council and the Commission to the European
Education Area
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    20-04-2021
                   Autor   HERIARD PIERRE MARIE
         Ámbito político   Cultura | Educación
           Palabra clave   alfabetización digital | competitividad | cooperación en materia de educación | formación profesional | nivel de
                           enseñanza | política educativa | reforma de la enseñanza | sistema de enseñanza
                 Resumen In September 2020, the Commission published a communication on achieving the European Education Area by 2025
                           with an ambitious strategy revolving around six key dimensions (European Commission, 2020a). In February 2021, in
                           its resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European
                           Education Area and beyond (2021-2030), the Council welcome the Commission’s proposal (Council of the European
                           Union, 2021). It set out a series of ‘strategic priorities’ bearing some similarities with the key dimensions mentioned
                           above but giving less prominence to inclusion and the geopolitical dimension while putting a stronger focus on lifelong
                           learning and mobility.
                  Briefing EN

Skills and Jobs for future labour markets: European policies and Skills Agendas 2010 - 2020
     Tipo de publicación    Briefing
                  Fecha     26-10-2020
                   Autor    KRAATZ Susanne
         Ámbito político    Educación | Empleo | Politica social
           Palabra clave    cualificación obsoleta | formación profesional | mercado laboral | obrero cualificado | política de empleo de la UE
               Resumen      The briefing presents an overview of sklls challenges, European and international policy responses. Further, it
                            analyses the three European skills agendas 2010, 2016 and 2020 from a lifelong learning perspective. The note covers
                            aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                   Briefing EN

Commitments made at the hearing of Margaritis SCHINAS, Vice-President-designate - Promoting the
European Way of Life
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    22-11-2019
                   Autor   HERIARD PIERRE MARIE | ISKRA Katarzyna Anna | SOKOLSKA INA
         Ámbito político   Asuntos exteriores | Cultura | Democracia | Democracia en la UE, Derecho institucional y parlamentario | Derechos
                           humanos | Educación | Empleo | Espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia | Planificación prospectiva | Politica social |
                           Seguridad y defensa
             Palabra clave comisario europeo | formación profesional | integración de los migrantes | nombramiento (de miembros) | Parlamento
                           Europeo | pluralismo cultural | política común de seguridad y defensa | política educativa | política migratoria de la UE |
                           pregunta oral | programa de la UE | sesión pública
                 Resumen The Vice President-designate, Margaritis Schinas, appeared before the European Parliament on 03 October 2019 to
                           answer questions from MEPs in the Committees on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Culture and Education,
                           Employment and Social Affairs. During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this
                           document. These commitments refer to his portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to him by Ursula von der
                           Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission, including:
                           - Skills, education and integration;
                           - Finding common ground on migration; and
                           - Security Union.
                  Briefing EN

21-05-2022                                        Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                2
Employment and Social Affairs: Achievements and challenges ahead
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    08-10-2019
                   Autor   KENNEDY AOIFE | KRAATZ Susanne
         Ámbito político   Educación | Empleo | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Planificación prospectiva | Valor
                           añadido europeo
             Palabra clave ayuda a los necesitados | condición de trabajo | formación profesional | pobreza | política de empleo de la UE | política
                           social europea
                 Resumen This report summarises presentations and discussions from a workshop held on 24 September 2019 as part of the
                           EMPL Committee meeting. The workshop brought together views from international organisations and experts on a
                           broad range of topics: ILO and OECD strategies for the future of work, EU policies for skills development and for
                           combating child poverty, potential gaps in European labour law and in European law on health and safety at
                           workplaces of the future.
                  Briefing EN

Skills for the labour market: EU policies for VET and upskilling
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    16-09-2019
           Autor externo   Terence Hogarth, Fondazione G. Brodolino
         Ámbito político   Educación | Empleo | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Planificación prospectiva | Politica
             Palabra clave cualificación profesional | enseñanza profesional | formación profesional | política de empleo de la UE | política
                 Resumen The note analyses changing skills demands on the labour market and their implications for vocational education and
                           training (VET) policies as well as for upskilling of adults in the EU.
                   Briefing EN

EU cooperation with Greenland
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    11-04-2019
                   Autor   BENTZEN Naja | D'ALFONSO Alessandro
         Ámbito político   Asuntos exteriores
           Palabra clave   abandono escolar | acuerdo bilateral | calidad de la enseñanza | cooperación financiera | decisión (UE) | educación |
                           educación preescolar | enseñanza primaria | formación profesional | Groenlandia | países y territorios de ultramar
                 Resumen The overall aim of the European Union-Greenland Partnership Agreement is to boost ties and cooperation between the
                           EU and Greenland, with education and training as one of several key areas of cooperation. As part of the partnership,
                           and taking Greenland's needs into account, the focal point of EU-Greenland financial cooperation is education and
                           training, with a special emphasis on boosting the pre-school and elementary school system, as well as on providing
                           support for vocational education and post-elementary education.
                  Briefing EN

How the EU budget is spent: Euratom research and training programme
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    03-04-2019
                   Autor   SZCZEPANSKI Marcin
         Ámbito político   Política de investigación | Presupuesto
           Palabra clave   CEEA | difusión de la información de la UE | energía nuclear | formación profesional | gasto de la UE | investigación
                           nuclear | investigación y desarrollo | marco financiero plurianual | presupuesto de la UE | programa de la UE | resumen
                 Resumen The Euratom research and training programme is an important tool that implements the European Union's nuclear
                           policy. Its main aim is to enhance the role of the European Union as a global leader in nuclear research, while
                           efficiently managing its nuclear market.
                  Briefing EN

21-05-2022                                        Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                3
European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) 2021-2027
     Tipo de publicaciónBriefing
                  Fecha 29-03-2019
                   AutorLECERF Marie
         Ámbito políticoAdopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Politica social
           Palabra claveacceso a la educación | acceso al empleo | criterio de elegibilidad | Fondo Social Europeo | formación profesional |
                        innovación | integración social | organización sanitaria | pobreza | política social europea | Semestre Europeo
              Resumen In preparation for the upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027, the European Commission published
                        a proposal for a regulation on the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) on 30 May 2018. In the same spirit as the current
                        European Social Fund 2014-2020, the ESF+ will provide the main EU financial instrument for improving workers'
                        mobility and employment opportunities and strengthening social cohesion, improving social fairness and increasing
                        competitiveness across Europe for the 2021-2027 period. With a provisional budget of €101.2 billion (current prices),
                        the ESF+ should merge the existing European Social Fund (ESF), the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI), and the Fund
                        for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD), the Employment and Social Innovation Programme (EaSI) and the EU
                        Health Programme. The new fund will concentrate its investment in three main areas: education, employment and
                        social inclusion. At the European Parliament, the file was assigned to the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
                        (EMPL), which adopted its report on 3 December, 2018. On 16 January 2019, the committee’s amendments to
                        increase the funding and make youth and children the main beneficiaries were approved by plenary. No trilogue
                        meetings have taken place, and so Parliament is now due to conclude the first reading during the April I plenary
                        session. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative
               Briefing EN

Non-formal learning: Access and validation
     Tipo de publicación Briefing
                  Fecha 10-12-2018
                   Autor CHIRCOP Denise | CLAROS GIMENO Eulalia
         Ámbito político Educación | Empleo
          Palabra clave cooperación en materia de educación | educación | educación de adultos | educación no formal | educación
                         permanente | estadística | formación profesional | política de la juventud | política educativa
              Resumen Learning happens in different contexts, over the course of a lifetime, following various possible educational paths, as
                         shown in Figure 1. In adult life, learning ranges from programmes that impart basic skills, learning groups engaged in
                         raising awareness on various issues, mature students at university, open and distance learning, on-the-job training,
                         courses that combine theory with practice, and classes or other learning activities taken in pursuit of a special interest.
                         This infographic explains the modalities that non-formal learning takes across Member States.
               Briefing EN

The Horizon Europe framework programme for research and innovation 2021-2027
     Tipo de publicaciónBriefing
                  Fecha 22-11-2018
                   AutorDALLI HUBERT
         Ámbito políticoPolítica de investigación | Presupuesto
           Palabra claveCEEA | cooperación científica | difusión de las innovaciones | estudio de impacto | formación profesional | innovación |
                        investigación nuclear | política de investigación de la UE | programa marco de IDT | propuesta (UE) | reparto de la
                        financiación de la UE | seguridad nuclear
              Resumen Within the context of the multiannual financial framework the Commission is proposing Horizon Europe as the
                        framework programme for research and innovation to succeed Horizon 2020. This initial appraisal of the Commission’s
                        impact assessment on the proposal acknowledges the necessity for impact assessments in relation to financial
                        framework programmes to have a simplified format and scope differing from standard impact assessments and that the
                        document in question sets out the rationale for the new programme and explains the choices made in its design rather
                        effectively. It however questions the extent of the departure from the standard methodology and format of impact
                        assessments set in the Commission’s better regulation guidelines.
               Briefing EN

Erasmus 2021-2027
     Tipo de publicaciónBriefing
                  Fecha 15-11-2018
                   AutorZANDERSONE Laura
         Ámbito políticoCultura | Educación
           Palabra claveagencia ejecutiva | cooperación en materia de educación | deporte | educación | estudio de impacto | formación
                        profesional | política de la juventud | política educativa | programa de la UE | propuesta (UE)
              Resumen The focus of the new Erasmus programme 2021-2027 is on inclusiveness and on better reach of young people with
                        fewer opportunities. The priorities and action steps of the new programme are described in the impact assessment in
                        detail, however, no description is given on the actual operation of these actions in practice.
               Briefing EN

21-05-2022                                      Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                    4
Employment, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Social Policies in Italy
     Tipo de publicación Estudio
                  Fecha 15-10-2018
           Autor externo Manuela Samek Lodovici, Chiara Crepaldi, Nicola Orlando, IRS Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale ; Gianluigi Nico,
                         University of Rome Tor Vergata ; Davide Romaniello, University of Rome Tre
         Ámbito político Asuntos económicos y monetarios | Educación | Empleo | Politica social
           Palabra clave ayuda a los necesitados | ayuda al empleo | enseñanza profesional | formación profesional | Italia | mercado laboral |
               Resumen This document presents recent developments in the social, employment and VET situation and policies in Italy. The
                         report provides an assessment of the recent evolution of key economic, social, and labour market trends in Italy, and
                         an overview of current employment, VET and social policies.
                         The document was prepared at the request of the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social
                         Affairs (EMPL).
                 Estudio EN

European Social Fund Plus and European Globalisation Adjustment Fund
     Tipo de publicación Briefing
                  Fecha  08-10-2018
                   Autor TUOMINEN ULLA-MARI
         Ámbito político Empleo | Politica social | Salud pública
           Palabra clave acceso a la educación | acceso al empleo | ayuda al empleo | Fondo Europeo de Adaptacion a la Globalizacion |
                         Fondo Social Europeo | formación profesional | globalización | innovación | integración social | pobreza | política social
                         europea | reinserción profesional | Semestre Europeo
               Resumen The Commission proposes to establish a European Social Plus (ESF+) by merging different funds and programmes,
                         and a strengthened European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). These proposals would contribute to implement
                         the European Pillar of Social Rights and enhance social Europe. The impact assessment report (IA) concerning the
                         proposals explains the challenges of funding and the defined objectives of the proposals. In relation to the proposed
                         measures, risks and mitigating measures have also been discussed. It can be noted that the IA essentially
                         concentrates in providing a thorough assessment of the selected measures, rather than discussing possible
                         alternatives and comparing and assessing them. In addition, it would have benefited the analysis, if the link with the
                         specific objectives had been elaborated more, as the description of social impacts is quite limited, and health impacts
                         are not discussed although the Health Programme is merged into the ESF+. It would have been useful to have further
                         explanation on the merger of the Health Programme into the ESF+ and its expected synergy impacts. A more detailed
                         description would have been welcome concerning the results of the targeted stakeholder consultations.
                Briefing EN

Research for PECH Committee - Training of Fishers
     Tipo de publicación Estudio
                  Fecha 03-07-2018
           Autor externo Blomeyer & Sanz: Roderick Ackermann, Nicolò Franceschelli, Marga Sanz, George Maridis, Veronika Kubenova, Elsa
                         ProSea: Bopp van Dessel, Tim Haasnoot
                         Secoterg, France: Yvon Le Roy
                         FishFix: Lisa Borges
         Ámbito político Pesca | Planificación prospectiva
           Palabra clave accidente de transporte | buque | condición de trabajo | Estado miembro UE | formación profesional | industria
                         pesquera | libre circulación de trabajadores | pescador | reciclaje profesional | transporte marítimo
               Resumen Unlike the maritime transport sector, there is no single EU standard for the training and certification of fishers relating
                         to health and safety on board. Member State safety training and certification requirements for fishers are complicated
                         and vary significantly between Member States. This complexity is an obstacle to the free movement of fishers and it
                         makes it harder to comply with statutory training and certification requirements. It may be contributing to illegal labour,
                         and worker exploitation in the fishing sector.
                 Estudio EN

21-05-2022                                       Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                   5
Investigación para la Comisión CULT - Los Fondos EIE y la cultura, la educación, la juventud y el
deporte: la utilización de los Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión Europeos en ámbitos políticos de la
      Tipo de publicación Estudio
                   Fecha 15-05-2018
            Autor externo The Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services LLP (CSES): Mike Coyne, Malin Carlberg, Caroline Chandler, Eugenie
          Ámbito político Cultura | Educación | Planificación prospectiva
            Palabra clave cultura | deporte | educación | estadística de la UE | Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional | Fondo Social Europeo |
                          Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión Europeos | formación profesional | política de la juventud | política de la UE
                Resumen El presente estudio examina la naturaleza y el alcance de la financiación de los Fondos EIE para la educación y la
                          formación, la cultura, el deporte y la juventud, incluida la base jurídica de dicho apoyo. Gran parte de la actividad en
                          estos ámbitos está oculta bajo otras rúbricas en los datos oficiales, pero todos ellos ya están contribuyendo de
                          manera significativa al desarrollo económico y social. El estudio concluye con una recomendación de que, en el futuro,
                          se conceda un mayor reconocimiento a la contribución humana de estos ámbitos a la política de cohesión.
                  Estudio EN
      Resumen ejecutivo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL, PT

EU Youth Strategy
      Tipo de publicación   Estudio
                   Fecha    20-02-2018
                    Autor   TYMOWSKI Jan Mikolaj
          Ámbito político   Cultura | Educación | Empleo | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Transposición y aplicación de
                            la legislación
             Palabra clave aplicación del Derecho de la UE | Estado miembro UE | estrategia de la UE | formación profesional | iniciativa de la UE
                           | integración social | intercambio de estudiantes | método abierto de coordinación | política de la juventud | reparto de
                           la financiación de la UE | voluntario internacional
                 Resumen This study provides an analysis of the EU Youth Strategy, established through the Council Resolution adopted in
                           November 2009 on a renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field for the period 2010-2018. The
                           EU Youth Strategy is, first and foremost, an instrument created to facilitate the coordination of Member States' youth
                           policies, with the additional possibility of supporting actions taken at the European level and managed by the European
                           Commission and other bodies and organisations. Using the data available in various documents and sources on the
                           implementation of the Youth Strategy, this study follows the structure of the Council Resolution, covering all fields of
                           actions listed, as well as the types of measures introduced at the national level by Member States (strategy/policy/
                           regulation/guidelines/programme/other) in order to assess the relation between its parts and their take-up to date by
                           the main actors in EU youth policy. It presents a compilation of findings allowing the reader to understand how much
                           has been done so far, and shows substantial evolution in the activity of the European Union and individual Member
                           States, particularly in learning from best practices and undertaking joint projects.
                   Estudio EN

Bulgaria: Recent Developments in Employment and Social Affairs
      Tipo de publicación Análisis en profundidad
                   Fecha  31-10-2017
                    Autor SCHULZ STEFAN
          Ámbito político Empleo | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica
            Palabra clave Bulgaria | formación profesional | integración social | pobreza | política de empleo | política de la juventud | política
                          social | Presidencia del Consejo de la Unión Europea | programa de la UE | reciclaje profesional | relación laboral |
                          reparto de la financiación de la UE
                Resumen This paper has been prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on
                          Employment and Social Affairs. It presents recent developments and challenges related to employment and
                          unemployment; income inequality and poverty in Bulgaria, comparing them to the trends for the European Union. The
                          paper also provides an overview and analysis of the most impactful policies designed and implemented to address the
                          above, in view of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the Bulgarian Presidency Priorities.
  Análisis en profundidad EN

21-05-2022                                        Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                 6
Agricultural education and lifelong training in the EU
     Tipo de publicación Briefing
                  Fecha  24-10-2017
                   Autor AUGÈRE-GRANIER Marie-Laure
         Ámbito político Agricultura y desarrollo rural
           Palabra clave agricultor | ciencias aplicadas | desarrollo rural | empresario | enseñanza agrícola | envejecimiento de la población |
                         Estado miembro UE | estadística de la UE | formación profesional | intercambio de estudiantes | joven | nivel de
                         enseñanza | plan de desarrollo agrícola | política agrícola común | reparto de la financiación de la UE
               Resumen European farmers fulfil a vital role in providing safe and affordable food to nearly 500 million European citizens, and
                         maintaining their countries' landscapes. However, the farming population is ageing and generational renewal has
                         become a crucial issue. The farming sector needs to attract a new generation of farmers with the necessary skills to
                         live and work in a challenging context. They will have to produce more efficiently while protecting the environment;
                         contribute to the fight against climate change; meet society's demands regarding healthy and balanced diets; and keep
                         up with increasingly rapid scientific and technological progress.
                         It is therefore essential that farmers benefit from adequate agricultural education and training and acquire the various
                         skills needed to adapt to a changing environment. On average, only 8.5 % of the present generation of European
                         farmers have received full agricultural training, and 70 % have only practical experience. Initial training is a national
                         competence and agricultural education systems vary widely throughout the EU. They provide the path to a wide range
                         of careers in agriculture and forestry and deliver degrees in a number of disciplines, from diploma courses with a
                         vocational orientation to bachelor degrees or doctorates in applied sciences.
                         The current common agricultural policy places strong emphasis on knowledge sharing and innovation. It provides for
                         specific measures to help farmers access advice and training throughout their working lives. Support is also provided
                         for innovation via the European innovation partnership network for agricultural productivity and sustainability (EIP-Agri).
                         In several recent resolutions, the European Parliament has stressed the importance of education and training for
                         farmers, in particular as a way to foster their ability to work in an ever-evolving sector.
                Briefing EN

Skills development and employment: The role of career management skills
     Tipo de publicación Briefing
                  Fecha  16-10-2017
                   Autor KRAATZ Susanne
         Ámbito político Educación | Empleo | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Planificación prospectiva
           Palabra clave carrera profesional | Estado miembro UE | formación profesional | política de empleo | política educativa | reciclaje
               Resumen This note analyses the concept 'career management skills' (also called career competencies) in the context of the New
                         Skills Agenda nd the undergoing review of the European key competences framework. It gives an overview of policy
                         developments in this area at European and at national level including good practices in the fields of education and
                         employment. Further, the note summarises results from evaluations with a view to evidence of impact. It has been
                         prepared by Policy Department A to support the work of the Committees on Employment and Social Affairs, Culture
                         and Education.
                Briefing EN

El transporte marítimo: orientaciones estratégicas
     Tipo de publicación Fichas temáticas sobre la EU
                  Fecha  01-06-2017
                   Autor RATCLIFF Christina
         Ámbito político Transporte
           Palabra clave contaminación por barcos | Derecho de la competencia | formación profesional | jornada de trabajo | lucha contra la
                         contaminación | política común de transportes | política portuaria común | red transeuropea | seguridad en el trabajo |
                         transporte marítimo | tripulación
               Resumen Las disposiciones europeas relativas al transporte marítimo abarcan principalmente la aplicación del principio de libre
                         prestación de servicios y la correcta aplicación de las normas de competencia, al tiempo que velan por un elevado
                         nivel de seguridad, buenas condiciones de trabajo y del medio ambiente.
  Fichas temáticas sobre ES, DA, EN, IT, HU, MT, NL, RO, SK, FI, SV
                   la EU

El Fondo Social Europeo
     Tipo de publicación Fichas temáticas sobre la EU
                  Fecha  01-06-2017
                   Autor SCHULZ STEFAN
         Ámbito político Politica social
           Palabra clave coordinación de financiaciones | educación permanente | Fondo Europeo de Adaptacion a la Globalizacion | Fondo
                         Social Europeo | formación profesional | igualdad de trato | inserción profesional | integración social | lucha contra el
                         paro | régimen de financiación de la UE | trabajo de jóvenes
               Resumen El Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) fue establecido en virtud del Tratado de Roma con el fin de mejorar las posibilidades
                         de movilidad y empleo de los trabajadores en el mercado común. Sus funciones y normas operativas fueron revisadas
                         posteriormente para reflejar los cambios en la situación económica y laboral de los Estados miembros, así como la
                         evolución de las prioridades políticas definidas a escala de la Unión.
  Fichas temáticas sobre BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV
                   la EU

21-05-2022                                      Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                7
La política de empleo
     Tipo de publicación Fichas temáticas sobre la EU
                  Fecha  01-06-2017
                   Autor KRAATZ Susanne
         Ámbito político Empleo
           Palabra clave estrategia de crecimiento de la UE | Estrategia Europea de Empleo | formación profesional | inserción profesional |
                         lucha contra el paro | mercado laboral | método abierto de coordinación | política social europea
               Resumen La creación de más y mejores puestos de trabajo es uno de los principales objetivos de la Estrategia Europa 2020. La
                         Estrategia Europea de Empleo, con sus orientaciones y programas en materia de empleo, como el Programa para el
                         Empleo y la Innovación Social (EaSI), está concebida para contribuir al crecimiento y a la creación de empleo, a la
                         movilidad laboral y al progreso social.
  Fichas temáticas sobre BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV
                   la EU

La digitalización de la industria europea
     Tipo de publicación   De un vistazo
                  Fecha    24-05-2017
                   Autor   SZCZEPANSKI Marcin
         Ámbito político   Industria
           Palabra clave   agrupación de empresas | alfabetización digital | cambio tecnológico | competitividad | flujo transfronterizo de datos |
                           Fondo Europeo para Inversiones Estratégicas | formación profesional | Internet de las cosas | modernización industrial
                           | normalización | política industrial de la UE | protección de datos | red de transmisión de datos | seguridad informática
                           | tecnología digital
                Resumen A raíz de los recientes esfuerzos de la Comisión Europea por sacar adelante la digitalización de la industria de la
                           Unión, la Comisión de Industria, Investigación y Energía (ITRE) redactó un informe de propia iniciativa sobre el
                           asunto, que se debatirá en la sesión plenaria de mayo. En el informe se propone la elaboración de una estrategia
                           integrada con objeto de crear las condiciones propicias para la reindustrialización de la economía europea, de manera
                           que pueda aprovechar plenamente las oportunidades que brinda la digitalización.
             De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL

The Employment and Social situation in the US Labour Market
     Tipo de publicación  Estudio
                  Fecha   10-04-2017
                   Autor  SCHMID-DRÜNER Marion
           Autor externo  Chris FORDE
         Ámbito político  Empleo | Planificación prospectiva | Politica social | Presupuesto
           Palabra clave  actividad no asalariada | cohesión económica y social | crecimiento económico | Estados Unidos | estadística social |
                          formación profesional | indicador social | mercado laboral | paro | pobreza | prestación familiar | sistema sanitario
                 Resumen This study provides an overview of the social and employment situation in the US. The paper has been put together to
                          inform the Delegation of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee in view of their visit to Washington, USA in April
                          2017. The paper looks at the labour market situation in the USA over the last decade, social protection in the USA, and
                          recent developments in the labor market and social protection.
                  Estudio EN

EU support for education: Improving young people's chances on the job market
     Tipo de publicación   Briefing
                  Fecha    07-04-2017
                   Autor   KLUGMAN-VUTZ Cornelia | SALM Christian
         Ámbito político   Educación | Empleo | Valor añadido europeo
           Palabra clave   acceso al empleo | cooperación en materia de educación | educación | enseñanza de idiomas | formación profesional |
                           política de la juventud | programa de la UE
                 Resumen • The EU's ERASMUS+ programme is investing €14.7 billion in education (2014-2019). • ERASMUS+ will enable 4
                           million young Europeans to study or learn abroad. • Experience abroad increases young people's chances on the job
                           market and reduces their risk of unemployment.
                  Briefing EN

21-05-2022                                        Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                               8
The Training of Judges and Legal Practitioners - Ensuring the Full Application of EU Law
     Tipo de publicación Análisis en profundidad
                   Fecha 31-03-2017
            Autor externo Tatiana TERMACIC, Eva PASTRANA, EJTN, Pier Giovanni TRAVERSA, Sieglinde GAMSJÄGER, Roberta RIBEIRO
                           OERTEL, Peter I.B. GOLDSCHMIDT
           Ámbito político Adopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Derecho de la UE: sistema jurídico y actos legislativos | Espacio de
                           libertad, seguridad y justicia | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica
            Palabra clave Agencia de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea | Balcanes Occidentales | Consejo de Europa |
                           cooperación judicial | derechos humanos | Estado miembro UE | formación profesional | juez | reciclaje profesional |
                Resumen The workshop, organised by the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs upon request by the
                           Committees on Legal Affairs and on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament, provides an
                           opportunity to discuss about the training of judges and of other legal professionals in EU law and in the law of other
                           Member States. The European Commission, in its 2011 Communication on "Building trust in EU-wide justice", set the
                           objective of enabling half of the legal practitioners in the EU to participate in European judicial training activities by
                           2020. The workshop will be an forum to discuss to what extent this objective is being attained, as well as to understand
                           the existing challenges and good practices that have been developed in the training of several categories of legal
  Análisis en profundidad EN

NEETs: who are they? Being young and not in employment, education or training today
      Tipo de publicación Briefing
                   Fecha  23-03-2017
                    Autor LECERF Marie
          Ámbito político Educación | Empleo
            Palabra clave abandono escolar | acceso al empleo | análisis sociológico | estrategia de la UE | formación profesional | inserción
                          profesional | integración social | lucha contra el paro | paro juvenil | política de la juventud
                Resumen 'NEET' is an acronym used to refer to young people who are not in education, employment or training. The expression,
                          which first emerged in the mid-90s in the United Kingdom, has been eagerly adopted by the media, policy makers and
                          researchers due to its usefulness in describing the disproportionate effects of the economic crisis on the education,
                          training and employability of young Europeans and, in the long term, on their social inclusion. In 2015 in the European
                          Union, 12 % of 15- to 24-year-olds (6.6 million people) were not in a job, training or an internship. If we include young
                          people up to the age of 29, the number of NEETs increases to almost 14 million, or 14.8 % of that age group. This
                          social group is highly diverse, including short- and long-term unemployed people, young people in transition, young
                          people with family responsibilities and people with disabilities or medical conditions. Statistically, young women are
                          over-represented and the probability of being a NEET increases with age; that figure is also inversely proportional to
                          the level of education reached and varies widely from one Member State to another. In response to the worsening of
                          the NEET situation following the crisis, the European Commission drew up an EU Youth Strategy for the 2010-2018
                          period, whilst the European Parliament defended the NEET cause. The Youth Guarantee scheme created as a result
                          is the European Union's key measure to provide support to NEETs.
                 Briefing EN, FR

Risk of Precariousness: Results from European Working Conditions Survey 2010 and 2015
      Tipo de publicación Análisis en profundidad
                   Fecha  13-03-2017
            Autor externo Werner Eichhorst and Verena Tobsch
          Ámbito político Empleo | Planificación prospectiva | Politica social
            Palabra clave condición de trabajo | Estado miembro UE | estadística de la UE | estudio comparativo | formación profesional |
                          profesión independiente | sanidad laboral | seguridad en el empleo | tensión psíquica | trabajo a tiempo completo |
                          trabajo a tiempo parcial | trabajo temporal
                Resumen This note analyses patterns of job quality across types of employment as regards the dimensions of working conditions
                          reported in the European Working Conditions Surveys from 2010 and 2015.
                          Job quality in Europe did not change significantly between 2010 and 2015 - this is the main result referring to reported
                          objective, rather objective and subjective perceptions of working conditions in this dataset. Full-time and part-time
                          open-ended contracts as well as self-employment with employees continue to be associated with the lowest risk of
                          precariousness whereas marginal-part-time work, fixed-term contracts and freelance work exhibit by a medium level of
                          precariousness risks. The risk of precariousness is highest and tends to increase for temporary agency workers.
                          The note has been prepared by Policy Department A at request of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.
  Análisis en profundidad EN

21-05-2022                                       Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                9
European Lifelong Guidance Policies, New Skills Agenda and Europass Revision: State of Play
     Tipo de publicación  Briefing
                  Fecha   06-03-2017
                   Autor  KRAATZ Susanne
         Ámbito político  Adopción de legislación por el PE y el Consejo | Educación | Empleo
           Palabra clave  cooperación en materia de educación | cualificación profesional | difusión de la información | estrategia de la UE |
                          formación profesional | mercado laboral | paro juvenil | política de empleo de la UE | política de la juventud | política
                          educativa | reciclaje profesional
                Resumen This note gives an overview of the concept of lifelong guidance and the role of career guidance in relevant Council
                          Recommendations and Resolutions adopted by the European Parliament in the fields of education and employment
                          policies. It presents cooperation structures in the field of guidance (European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network,
                          Euroguidance). Further, it discusses possible implications of the New Skills Agenda for future European cooperation in
                          lifelong guidance policies with a particular view to the revision of the Europass framework.
                          The note has been prepared by Policy Department A for the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.
                 Briefing EN

Justice programme (2014-2020)
     Tipo de publicación  Briefing
                  Fecha   15-02-2017
                   Autor  MAŃKO Rafał
         Ámbito político  Espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia | Presupuesto
           Palabra clave  cooperación judicial civil en la Unión Europea | cooperación judicial penal (UE) | farmacovigilancia | formación
                          profesional | programa de la UE | reglamento (UE) | reparto de la financiación de la UE | seguridad europea | Tratado
                          de Funcionamiento de la UE | violencia sexual
                Resumen The Justice programme aims at contributing to the development of the European area of justice based on mutual
                          recognition of judicial decisions from the Member States and mutual trust between their national judiciaries. It promotes
                          in particular judicial cooperation, judicial training, as well as effective access to justice in Europe, including rights of
                          crime victims. The programme has been established by Regulation No 1382/2013 for the 2014-2020 period. All
                          Member States except the United Kingdom and Denmark participate.
                 Briefing EN

La educación y la formación profesional
     Tipo de publicación Fichas temáticas sobre la EU
                  Fecha  01-02-2017
                   Autor FRANKE Michaela
         Ámbito político Educación
           Palabra clave acceso a la educación | formación profesional | inserción profesional | intercambio de estudiantes | movilidad de la
                         mano de obra | política de la juventud
               Resumen La toma de decisiones en la política de educación y formación profesional se lleva a cabo mediante el procedimiento
                         legislativo ordinario. De conformidad con el principio de subsidiariedad, las políticas de educación y formación son
                         competencia de cada Estado miembro de la Unión Europea (UE). Así pues, la Unión desempeña en esta materia un
                         papel de apoyo. Sin embargo, algunos retos son comunes a todos los Estados miembros —como el envejecimiento
                         de las sociedades, la competencia mundial y las carencias de los trabajadores en cuanto a destrezas— y, por lo tanto,
                         es necesario hallar respuestas conjuntas y que los países trabajen juntos y aprendan unos de otros[1].
  Fichas temáticas sobre BG, ES, CS, DA, DE, ET, EL, EN, FR, HR, IT, LV, LT, HU, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, FI, SV
                   la EU

Aplicación de Erasmus+
     Tipo de publicación   De un vistazo
                  Fecha    26-01-2017
                   Autor   CHIRCOP Denise
         Ámbito político   Educación
           Palabra clave   cooperación en materia de educación | deporte | educación | financiación de la UE | formación profesional | movilidad
                           escolar | política de la juventud | programa de la UE
                Resumen Tras dos años y medio de aplicación, la Comisión Europea presentará una evaluación intermedia del nuevo programa
                           general Erasmus+ a finales de 2017. El Parlamento está preparando su contribución, con un informe de propia
                           iniciativa sobre la aplicación de Erasmus+, que se someterá a debate en el Pleno en febrero.
             De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL

21-05-2022                                       Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                                10
Establecimiento de la Garantía de Capacidades
     Tipo de publicación   De un vistazo
                  Fecha    15-11-2016
                   Autor   KISS Monika
         Ámbito político   Empleo
           Palabra clave   cualificación obsoleta | formación profesional | mercado laboral | OCDE | política educativa | reciclaje profesional
               Resumen     Setenta millones de adultos, según los sondeos, carecen de competencias básicas, algo que puede ocasionar
                           problemas a nivel individual y social. La Garantía tiene por objeto fomentar el desarrollo de itinerarios de actualización
                           de las capacidades a nivel nacional, con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea para su aplicación y seguimiento. El
                           Parlamento Europeo hace hincapié en la importancia de la participación de los interlocutores sociales, el
                           reconocimiento de los resultados del aprendizaje informal, la eficacia del uso de los recursos, las sinergias con otros
                           instrumentos y una mayor actuación a escala europea.
             De un vistazo ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL
               Multimedia Establishing a Skills Guarantee

Turkey: Labour Market Integration and Social Inclusion of Refugees
     Tipo de publicación Estudio
                  Fecha  15-09-2016
           Autor externo Ahmet İçduygu
         Ámbito político Asuntos exteriores | Desarrollo y ayuda humanitaria | Empleo | Planificación prospectiva
           Palabra clave Derecho del trabajo | extranjero | formación profesional | integración de los migrantes | mercado laboral | permiso de
                         trabajo | política educativa | refugiado | Turquía
                Resumen This Policy Department A note produced at request of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee provides a review
                         of integration policies at the national level. It identifies the challenges and opportunities that both immigrants and local
                         communities face. Various aspects of the Labour Market Integration and Social Inclusion of Refugees are elaborated
                         by the presentation of legal framework and practices from Turkey.
                         The note depicts that Turkey has taken significant steps on the regulations which aim to create an attractive economic
                         environment and to facilitate the application process of work permissions for foreigners as part of integration policies.
                         Furthermore, social integration policies are rather weak and started to develop since the recent immigration flow from
                         Syria. Even though there have been improvements in the integration policies, policy makers should focus on the
                         implementation of more stable and long term policies and practices.
                 Estudio EN

Research for CULT Committee - Erasmus+: Decentralised Implementation - First Experiences
     Tipo de publicación Estudio
                  Fecha  07-07-2016
           Autor externo Irina Ferencz, Marija Mitic and Bernd Wächter (ACA)
         Ámbito político Cultura | Planificación prospectiva
           Palabra clave cooperación en materia de educación | descentralización | evaluación de proyectos | financiación de la UE | formación
                         profesional | formalidad administrativa | gestión financiera | intercambio de estudiantes | programa de la UE
                Resumen Erasmus+ is the Union programme in the field of education, training, youth and sport for the financial period from 2014
                         to 2020. This study looks into the implementation of the decentralised actions of the Erasmus+ programme by National
                         Agencies, two and a half years into the programme period. Its aim is to map the opportunities and challenges
                         encountered in the implementation of these actions and to formulate recommendations for improvement.
                 Estudio EN

21-05-2022                                       Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                               11
The Erasmus+ Programme (Regulation EU No. 1288/2013): European Implementation Assessment
     Tipo de publicación Estudio
                  Fecha  06-07-2016
                   Autor ZYGIEREWICZ Anna
           Autor externo - Research paper analysing the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme –
                         Learning mobility of individuals in the field of education, training and youth
                         (Key Action 1), written by Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler from the Technical
                         University of Dresden and Prof. Dr. Daniel Apollon from the University
                         of Bergen
                         - Research paper analysing the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme –
                         Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices in the field
                         of education, training and youth (Key Action 2), written by Dr. Juha Kettunen
                         from the Turku University of Applied Sciences
         Ámbito político Cultura | Educación | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Transposición y aplicación de la
          Palabra clave cooperación en materia de educación | deporte | educación de adultos | ejecución de proyectos | estadística de
                         educación | evaluación de proyectos | financiación de la UE | formación del profesorado | formación profesional |
                         intercambio de estudiantes | plurilingüismo | programa de la UE
              Resumen This European Implementation Assessment has been provided to accompany the work of the European Parliament’s
                         Committee on Culture and Education in scrutinising the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme. The Erasmus+
                         programme for Union action in the field of education, training, youth and sport was launched on 1 January 2014 and
                         will run until 31 December 2020. It brings together seven successful programmes which operated separately between
                         2007 and 2013 (the Lifelong Learning Programme, five international cooperation programmes and the Youth in Action
                         programme), and also adds the area of sports activities. The opening analysis of this Assessment, prepared in-house
                         by the Ex-Post Impact Assessment Unit within EPRS, situates the programme within the context of educationpolicy,
                         explains its legal framework and provides key information on its implementation. The presentation is followed by
                         opinions and recommendations of selected stakeholders. A separate chapter is dedicated to the sport, which is the
                         new element of the Erasmus+ programme. Input to the EIA was also received from two independent groups of experts
                         representing the Technical University of Dresden and the University of Bergen, and the Turku University of Applied
                         Sciences.- The first research paper presents implementation of Key Action 1 (KA1) – Learning mobility of individuals in
                         the field of education, training and youth.- The second research paper presents implementation of Key Action 2 (KA2)–
                         Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices in the field of education, training and youth. The two
                         research papers, containing key findings and recommendations, are includedin full as annexes to the in-house opening
                Estudio EN

The Social and Employment Situation in Slovakia and Outlook on the Slovak EU Presidency 2016
     Tipo de publicación Estudio
                  Fecha 13-05-2016
           Autor externo Martin KAHANEC (Central European Labour Studies Institute, CEU, EUBA, POP UNU, IZA) and Mária SEDLÁKOVÁ
                         (Central European Labour Studies Institute)
         Ámbito político Empleo
           Palabra clave Derecho nacional | Eslovaquia | estadística nacional | estructura del empleo | exclusión social | formación profesional |
                         mercado laboral | paro | pobreza | política de empleo | política educativa | política salarial | Presidencia del Consejo de
                         la Unión Europea | relación laboral | romaní | seguridad social | situación social | trabajador migrante
               Resumen This study, commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy at the
                         request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament, presents key indicators on
                         employment and poverty, reviews existing social and employment policies, and discusses the current issues relevant
                         to this field. It also provides an outlook on the priorities of the Slovak EU presidency 2016.
                 Estudio EN

21-05-2022                                      Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                               12
The EU's youth initiatives: Closing the gap between education and employment
      Tipo de publicación
                       KATSAROVA Ivana
          Ámbito político
                       Educación | Empleo
            Palabra clave
                       acceso al empleo | cualificación profesional | estrategia de crecimiento de la UE | formación profesional | iniciativa de
                       la UE | lucha contra el paro | paro juvenil | política de la juventud | programa de la UE | trabajo de jóvenes
               Resumen Currently nearly 20% of young people (aged 15-24) in the EU-28 are unemployed. This represents one in five young
                       Europeans; and nearly one in two in Spain and Greece, where youth unemployment rates are particularly high.

                            Although the most promising way of providing opportunities for young people is through restoring growth and
                            employment, specific measures focused on youth are essential. In this context, different EU initiatives have been put in
                            place to improve the learning paths, mobility, and employability of young people.

                            The Europe 2020 Strategy (launched in 2010) has a strong focus on young adults, with a headline target of reducing
                            early school-leaving from 15% to 10%, and increasing the share of higher education graduates from 31% to at least
                            40% by 2020. The Youth Employment Package (2012) triggered the creation of a Youth Guarantee to ensure that all
                            young people under the age of 25 receive a good-quality offer of employment, education, an apprenticeship or a
                            traineeship within a period of four months of becoming unemployed or leaving education. To help Member States step
                            up national policies in combating youth unemployment, the Council established a Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) in
                            2013. The more than €6 billion available under this initiative will be used to reinforce and accelerate measures outlined
                            in the Youth Employment Package and in particular, in the Youth Guarantee. All operational programmes funded
                            through the YEI are currently being implemented. However, recent reviews reveal some common drawbacks with
                            regard to conceptual design, the nature of the envisaged measures, and the sustainability of the schemes.

                          This briefing substantially updates an earlier one of October 2014, PE 538.949.
                 Briefing EN

Research for CULT Committee - Qualifications/Dual Careers in Sports
      Tipo de publicación
            Autor externo
                        Capranica Laura and Guidotti Flavia (University of Rome Foro Italico, Italy)
          Ámbito político
                        Cultura | Planificación prospectiva
            Palabra clave
                        acceso a la educación | Alemania | Austria | deporte profesional | Dinamarca | enseñanza superior | España |
                        financiación de la UE | formación profesional | Francia | inserción profesional | Italia | movilidad escolar | organización
                        de la enseñanza | Reino Unido | Suecia
               Resumen The aim of this briefing note is to provide background information on the current situation of the combination of elite
                        sports and education/work (i.e., dual career) commitments of European athletes.
                        Based on the analysis of the scientific literature on several dimensions of European student-athletes, the EU-funded
                        projects, policy systems and best practices of dual career across eight European Member States, this note highlights
                        challenges and recommendations for implementing policy actions to integrate university and sports in dual career
                Estudio EN

Assessment of Youth Employment Initiative
     Tipo de publicación Análisis en profundidad
                   Fecha 03-02-2016
            Autor externo Jorge Núñez Ferrer (CEPS), Niccolo Durazzi (LSE Enterprise), Leonard Geyer (Bamberg Graduate School of Social
                           Sciences - BAGSS) and Gilles Thirion (CEPS)
           Ámbito político Control presupuestario | Empleo | Evaluación de la legislación y las políticas en la práctica | Presupuesto
            Palabra clave acceso al empleo | Estado miembro UE | Fondo Social Europeo | formación profesional | iniciativa de la UE | inserción
                           profesional | lucha contra el paro | paro juvenil | política de empleo de la UE | reparto de la financiación de la UE |
                           trabajo de jóvenes
                Resumen This in-depth analysis assesses the budgetary implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) and analyses
                           the impacts of the frontloading and pre-financing of the YEI budget. The analysis is based on the results of a survey
                           and interviews, as well as background research.
  Análisis en profundidad EN

21-05-2022                                        Fuente : © Unión Europea, 2022 - PE                                                              13
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