LIFE SCIENCES 2022 - World ...

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LIFE SCIENCES 2022 - World ...

                                       M O R E D I G I TA L P R O D U C T S O N W O R L D S C I N E T
LIFE SCIENCES 2022 - World ...
Highlights                                                         Life Sciences Catalogue 2022

           page   4                        page   4                       page   4                         page   6

  by Don Kulasiri (Lincoln      edited by Thomas Ming Swi         edited by Kurt Wüthrich          by Zheng Rong Yang
 University, New Zealand)        Chang (McGill University,        (ETH Zürich, Switzerland       (University of Exeter, UK)
       & Jingyi Liang               Canada & Shenzhen             & The Scripps Research
(UiT The Arctic University of   University, China & Shantou            Institute, USA)
      Norway, Norway)             University, China), et. al.

           page   7                        page   7                       page   9                        page   11

     by Mark I M Noble                by Benoit Roux            edited by Stephen S Hecht            by Dianliang Wang
(University of Aberdeen, UK)         (The University of           (University of Minnesota,    (China Association for Science
                                       Chicago, USA)            Twin Cities, USA) & Dorothy      and Technology, China) &
                                                                 K Hatsukami (University of      Haijia Chen (Guangzhou
                                                                Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA)    Saliai Stem Cell Science and
                                                                                                Technology Co., Ltd., China)

          page    11                      page   14                       page   14                       page   15

     by Charles DeLisi                by Dunne Fong             edited by Adrien A Eshraghi         by Thomas R Platt
  (Boston University, USA)          (Rutgers, The State          (University of Miami, USA)        (Saint Mary’s College,
                                 University of New Jersey,                                           Notre Dame, USA)
                                  USA) & Marion M Chan
                                 (Temple University, USA)
LIFE SCIENCES 2022 - World ...
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LIFE SCIENCES 2022 - World ...
Life Sciences Catalogue 2022


    ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE                                                            WATER AND LIFE
    Biology, Biophysics and Computational                                          Life in Water and Water in Life
    Models                                                                         by Arieh Ben-Naim (The Hebrew University
    by Don Kulasiri (Lincoln University,                                           of Jerusalem, Israel), Zvi Kirson (The Hebrew
    New Zealand) & Jingyi Liang (UiT                                               University of Jerusalem, Israel) &
    The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)                                       Jose Angel Sordo (University of Oveido,
    Alzheimer’s Disease: Biology, Biophysics
    and Computational Models help the reader                                       This book is unique in presenting all aspects
    to understand AD from mechanistic and                                          of water. It includes discussion of the theory
    biochemical perspectives at intra- and inter-                                  of a water molecule, its properties, both in
    cellular levels. It focuses on biochemical                                     the pure state and as a solvent. In particular,
    pathways and modeling associated with AD. Some of the recent research          it emphasizes the relevance of water to life.
    on biophysics and computational models related to AD are explained using       Water is the most important liquid. It is also a vital component of all living
    context-driven computational and mathematical modeling and essential           systems. It has very unusual properties which makes it the most interesting
    biology is discussed to understand the modeling research.                      for research and study.
    480pp                           Aug 2021                                       284pp                             Mar 2021
    978-1-80061-011-8               US$158 £140                                    978-981-122-550-5                 US$88    £75

    Regenerative Medicine, Artificial Cells and
    Nanomedicine – Volume 6                                                        UNTANGLING
    NANOBIOTHERAPEUTIC                                                             MOLECULAR DIVERSITY
                                                                                   Explaining Unity and Diversity Principles
    BASED BLOOD                                                                    of Organization with Molecular Structure
    SUBSTITUES                                                                     and Evolutionary Genomics
    edited by Thomas Ming Swi Chang (McGill                                        edited by Gustavo Caetano-Anolles
    University, Canada & Shenzhen University,                                      (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
    China & Shantou University, China), et. al.                                    USA)
    This definitive volume will provide the reader                                 Untangling Molecular Biodiversity presents a
    with up to date information and the most recent                                unique global framework to explain molecular
    science of the fast-evolving area of nanobiotherapeutic-based blood            and organismal biodiversity that is grounded in
    substitutes. Long studied, there are recent updates that make their use in     evolutionary genomics. This book will tackle important questions such as
    patients more promising, and with one product approved for human use,          the origin of life, the emergence of biochemistry, the origin of viruses, the
    many more in the pipeline. These include 2nd generations and even third        nature of the last universal common ancestor responsible for diversified
    generation ones, the later with enhancement of red blood cell functions. In    life, the role of information and thermodynamics in evolution, the reason for
    addition, there are carefully written and referenced updates on the recent     having three cellular domains in life, and the centrality of modules in biology.
    history and products in the field, complete with pathophysiologic and
                                                                                   672pp                             Nov 2020
    pharmacologic studies to validate and verify the efficacy and safety of many
                                                                                   978-981-4656-61-0                 US$188 £165
    of these new products.

    650pp                           Aug 2021
    978-981-122-868-1               US$178 £155                                    Series in Structural Biology – Volume 12
                                                                                   STRUCTURAL INSIGHTS
                                                                                   INTO GENE EXPRESSION
                                                                                   AND PROTEIN SYNTHESIS
    MACROMOLECULES IN                                                              by Thomas A Steitz (Yale University, USA)
    SOLUTION                                                                       Thomas Steitz is best known for the work he and
    A Selection of Papers Published from
                                                                                   his coworkers did to elucidate the biochemical
    1996 to 2020 by Kurt Wüthrich
                                                                                   basis of gene expression. The structures of a
    edited by Kurt Wüthrich (ETH Zürich,
    Switzerland & The Scripps Research                                             large number of the macromolecules involved in
    Institute, USA)                                                                transcription and translation emerged from his
                                                                                   laboratory over the course of his career. This book includes reprints of the
    The book provides insights into the research of                                most important papers he had published, grouped according to the structures
    the Kurt Wüthrich laboratories from 1996–2020.                                 they relate to, and commentaries written by the scientists who collaborated
    During this time period, the technique of                                      with him to solve each of them. It thus summarizes the achievements of one
    nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in solution went through         of the most distinguished biochemists of the second half of the 20th century.
    several breakthroughs, while maturing into a standard method of structural
    biology. With the introduction of TROSY (transverse relaxation-optimized       640pp                             Aug 2020
    spectroscopy), the range of accessible molecular sizes was extended about      978-981-121-585-8                 US$198 £175
    thirty-fold, and efficient protein structure determination resulted from the
    demands of the structural genomics initiative.

    264pp                           Jul 2021
    978-981-123-578-8               US$128      £115
    978-981-123-913-7(pbk)          US$58       £50
LIFE SCIENCES 2022 - World ...
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                      BIOENGINEERING                                                                        BIOSTATISTICS

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE                                                              MEDICAL STATISTICS
PLATFORM FOR                                                                         A Practical Approach
                                                                                     by Tze-San Lee (Western Illinois University,
MOLECULAR TARGETED                                                                   USA)
THEORY                                                                               This book is more modern than the current
A Translational Science Appraoch                                                     textbook in medical statistics. In this book,
by Ariel Fernandez (Former Hassleman                                                 biostatistics and epidemiologic concepts are
Professor of Bioengineering, Rice University,                                        nicely blended. In contrast to the fallacy of
USA & CONICET, National Research                                                     the p-value, it introduces the Bayes factor
Council, Argentina)                                                                  as a measure of the evidence hidden in the
“This is an excellent book. AI is taking the                                         sample data. It illustrates the application of
world by storm, and this book will help to pave the way for serious                  the regression to the mean in medicine. Many epidemiologic concepts
applications of AI in drug design. Fernandez has extensive experience                such as sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic test, classification and
in the field including multiple patents based on his work on wrapping                discrimination, types of bias, etc. are discussed in the book.
technology. He proposes to integrate this experience with leading AI                 In addition, advanced techniques in comparing two survival curves are
platforms to show how they can be used in drug design. I think the                   included in the book such as Armitage’s preference method, Armitage’s
book will be very popular with anyone involved in drug design and in                 restricted sequential test and Wald’s sequential sign test. Also, inference on
biochemistry more broadly.”                                                          contingency tables are treated in more detail than other books.
             Ridgway Scott, The University of Chicago, USA
                                                                                     428pp                            Jan 2021
468pp                              Mar 2021                                          978-981-121-751-7                US$118 £105
978-981-123-230-5                  US$148 £130                                       978-981-121-842-2(pbk)           US$58    £50

MEDICINE                                                                             STATISTICAL METHODS
The Life of Joshua Lederberg                                                         FOR BIOMEDICAL
by Jan Sapp (York University, Canada)                                                RESEARCH
Joshua Lederberg was a scientific renaissance                                        by Jiqian Fang (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
man. He and his collaborators founded the                                            This book consists of four parts with 32 chapters
field of bacterial genetics, and he was awarded                                      adapted for four short courses, from the basic
the Nobel Prize at the age of 33 (the second                                         to the advanced levels of medical statistics
youngest in history). He helped to lay the                                           (biostatistics), ideal for biomedical students.
foundations for genetic engineering, made                                            Part 1 is a compulsory course of Basic Statistics
fundamental revisions to immunological and                                           with descriptive statistics, parameter estimation
evolutionary theory, and developed medical genetics. He initiated the                and hypothesis test, simple correlation and
search for extraterrestrial microbial life, developed artificial intelligence, and   regression. Part 2 is a selective course on Study Design and Implementation
was a visionary of the Digital Age. Lederberg coined some of the central             with sampling survey, interventional study, observational study, diagnosis
terms of modern biology: plasmid, transduction, exobiology, euphenics                study, data sorting and article writing. Part 3 is a specially curated course
and microbiome.                                                                      of Multivariate Analyses with complex analyses of variance, variety of
                                                                                     regressions and classical multivariate analyses. Part 4 is a seminar course
424pp                              Feb 2021
                                                                                     on Introduction to Advanced Statistical Methods with meta-analysis, time
978-981-122-547-5                  US$98    £85
                                                                                     series, item response theory, structure equation model, multi-level model,
978-981-123-598-6(pbk)             US$38    £35                                      bio-informatics, genetic statistics and data mining.

                                                                                     1160pp                           Mar 2021
     Submit your paper to this journal.                                              978-981-122-886-5                US$238 £210
  Recommend this journal to your librarian!
      For a free institutional trial or subscribe to this journal,
              please contact us at                                                           CROP SCIENCE                                              5

  MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY (JMMB)                                                        THE NINTH REVOLUTION
  The first Journal to Publish Original Research Articles                            Transforming Food Systems for Good
                                                                                     by Sayed Nader Azam-Ali (Crops for the
  in ALL Fields of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology
                                                                                     Future, UK)
                                                                                     We are at a critical point in human history and
  Impact Factor: 0.897                                                               that of the planet. In this book, a world leader
  This journal has as its objective the publication                                  in agricultural research, the author proposes a
  and dissemination of original research (even                                       radical transformation of our agrifood system.
  for “revolutionary concepts that contrast with                                     He argues that agriculture must be understood
  existing theories” & “hypothesis”) in all fields
  of engineering-mechanics that includes                                             as part of global biodiversity and that food
  mechanisms, processes, bio-sensors and bio-                                        systems have cultural, nutritional, and social
  devices in medicine, biology and healthcare.                                       values beyond market price alone. The book concludes with a call to
  The journal publishes original papers in                                           action in which diversification of species, systems, knowledge, cultures,
  English which contribute to an understanding                                       and products all contribute to The Ninth Revolution that will transform food
  of biomedical engineering and science at                                           systems for good.
  a nano- to macro-scale or an improvement
  of the methods and techniques of medical,                                          400pp                            Jun 2021
  biological and clinical treatment by the                                           978-981-123-644-0                US$128         £115
  application of advanced high technology.
                                                                                     978-981-125-010-1(pbk)           US$34.95       £30
Life Sciences Catalogue 2022

                         BIOINFORMATICS                                              FROM FRACTCAL AND
                                                                                     CELLULAR AUTOMATA
                                                                                     TO BIOLOGY
    BIOLOGICAL PATTERN                                                               Information as Order Hidden with Chance
    DISCOVERY WITH R                                                                 by Alberto Strumia (Isituto Nazionale di
    Machine Learning Approaches                                                      Alta Matematica “Francesco Severi”, Italy)
    by Zheng Rong Yang (University of Exeter, UK)
                                                                                     The didactical level of exposition, together
    This book provides the research directions for                                   with many astonishing images and animations,
    new or junior researchers who are going to use                                   accompanied by the related simple computer
    machine learning approaches for biological                                       programming codes (in Python and POV-Ray
    pattern discovery. The book was written based                                    languages) make this book an extremely and unique useful tool to test the
    on the research experience of the author’s                                       power of algorithmic information in generating ordered structure models (2D
    several research projects in collaboration with                                  and 3D) like regular geometric shapes, complex shapes like fractals and
    biologists worldwide. The chapters are organised                                 cellular automata, and biological systems as the organs of a living body.
    to address individual biological pattern discovery problems. For each subject,
    the research methodologies and the machine learning algorithms which             328pp                             Jul 2020
    can be employed are introduced and compared. Importantly, each chapter           978-981-121-715-9                 US$138       £120
    was written with the aim to help the readers to transfer their knowledge in
    theory to practical implementation smoothly.
                                                                                     PROTEIN INTERACTIONS
    400pp                            Nov 2021                                        Computational Methods, Analysis and
    978-981-124-011-9                US$118 £105                                     Applications
                                                                                     edited by M Michael Gromiha
                                                                                     (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)
                                                                                     “This book provides a wide coverage of the
    APPLICATIONS IN HUMAN                                                            recent advances in the protein interactions
    PATHOLOGY                                                                        analysis and their applications. It brings
    edited by Ralf Huss (University Hospital                                         together the descriptions of the state-of-the-
    Augsburg, Germany) & Michael Grunkin                                             art computational tools available to solve
    (Visiopharm, Denmark)                                                            biological research problems. It is a valuable
    Advances in machine learning and AI in general                                   resource for the researchers, postgraduate students and others
    have propelled computational and general                                         working in the field of Bioinformatics.”
    pathology research. Today, computer systems                                                                               Professor K Ramanathan
    approach the diagnostic levels achieved                                                                                 SBST, VIT University, India
    by humans for certain well-defined tasks in                                      424pp                             Mar 2020
    pathology. The book deals with the latest topics in biomedical research and      978-981-121-186-7                 US$148 £130
    clinical cancer diagnostics. With chapters provided by true international
    experts in the field, this book gives real examples of the implementation of
    AI and machine learning in human pathology.                                          Submit your paper to this journal.
                                                                                      Recommend this journal to your librarian!
    216pp                            Dec 2021
    978-1-80061-138-2                US$78    £70                                          For a free institutional trial or subscribe to this journal,
                                                                                                   please contact us at

    A TEXTBOOK OF                                                                      JOURNAL OF BIOINFORMATICS AND
    BIOINFORMATICS                                                                     COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY (JBCB)
    Information-theoretic Perspectives of                                    
    Bioengineering and Biological Complexes
    by Perambur S Neelakanta
                                                                                       Impact Factor: 1.122
6   (Florida Atlantic University, USA)                                                 This journal aims to publish high quality,
                                                                                       original research articles, expository tutorial
    This book on bioinformatics is designed as
                                                                                       papers and review papers as well as short,
    an introduction to the conventional details of                                     critical comments on technical issues
    genomics and proteomics as well as a practical                                     associated with the analysis of cellular
    comprehension text with an extended scope on                                       information.                                                              Check out the
    the state-of-the-art bioinformatic details pertinent                                                                                                         FREE articles
    to next-generation sequencing, translational/clinical bioinformatics and           The research papers will be technical
    vaccine-design related viral informatics. The book is aimed at students,           presentations of new assertions, discoveries
                                                                                       and tools, intended for a narrower specialist
    faculty and researchers in biology, health/medical sciences, veterinary/
                                                                                       community. The tutorials, reviews and critical
    agricultural sciences, bioengineering, biotechnology and genetic
                                                                                       commentary will be targeted at a broader
    engineering. It will be a useful companion for managerial personnel in the
                                                                                       readership of biologists who are interested in
    biotechnology and bioengineering industries as well as in health/medical
                                                                                       using computers but are not knowledgeable about scientific computing,
    science.                                                                           and equally, computer scientists who have an interest in biology but
    684pp                            Aug 2020                                          are not familiar with current thrusts nor the language of biology. Such
    978-981-121-288-8                US$168 £150                                       carefully chosen tutorials and articles should greatly accelerate the rate
                                                                                       of entry of these new creative scientists into the field.
                                                                                       From June 2021, the Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational
     Textbook: Request Inspection                                                      Biology also considers in silico studies of exceptional merits.
     Copy at                                                                *Please log in to your existing account or register for a
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For more information, visit:                                                                                  WORLD SCIENTIFIC

               BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES                                                                          BIOPHYSICS

CELL-FREE CIRCULATING DNA                                                          CHAOTIC DNA DYNAMICS
Purification and Analysis Techniques                                               by Amujuri Mary Selvam (Indian Institute
by Daniel Branton (Harvard University, USA) &                                      of Tropical Meterology, India)
David Deamer (University of California Santa Cruz, USA)
                                                                                   A general systems theory model predicts
Cell-free circulating DNA is found in blood plasma, and is not associated with     quasiperiodic Penrose tiling pattern for the
any cell fraction. While the origin and biological function of cell-free DNA is    nested coiled structure of the DNA molecule
poorly understood, it has many potential clinical applications. In pregnant        in the chromosome resulting in maximum
women, a fraction of the cell-free DNA is of fetal origin and forms the basis of   packing efficiency and unified whole fuzzy logic
Non-Invasive Pre-natal Testing (NIPT). NIPT has been a tremendous clinical         network architecture with ordered two-way
and commercial success, replacing previously established diagnostic tests          signal transmission between the coding and
and decreasing the number of unnecessary invasive procedures.                      non-coding (junk DNA) regions.
The aims of the book are to bring together expertise in working with               Junk DNA are not redundant. Modification of the DNA base sequence
circulating DNA from blood, and systematically address technical aspects           structure at any location may have significant noticeable effects on the
of each step from blood collection through DNA purification and analysis, as       function of the DNA molecule as a whole. This book helps us understand the
well as commercial considerations for circulating DNA-based diagnostics.           cooperative existence of individual components for optimum performance
Since circulating DNA offers non-invasive ‘liquid biopsy’ access to the cancer     of the system.
genome, there has been a great deal of excitement in both academic and
commercial spheres about its use it for diagnostic applications in cancer.         200pp                           Dec 2021
                                                                                   978-981-124-285-4               US$88    £75
300pp                               Jan 2022
978-981-124-467-4                   US$118 £105
                                                                                   QUANTA, AND
EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES                                                              ELECTRON FLOW IN THE
IN BIOPHYSICAL SCIENCES:                                                           ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY
A WORLD SCIENTIFIC                                                                 OF LIVING CELLS
REFERENCE                                                                          by Mark I M Noble (University of Aberdeen, UK)
(In 3 Volumes)                                                                     “Mark Noble has had a long and distinguished
Volume 1: Emerging Technologies for                                                career in academic and cardiac medicine
Biofabrication and Biomanufacturing                                                ... much of which has focussed on
Volume 2: Emerging Technologies                                                    electrophysiological mechanisms controlling
for Fertility Volume 3: Emerging                                                   rate, rhythm and contractile behaviour in the heart. This book, which
Technologies for Diagnostics                                                       draws on reflections in his retirement, is a fascinating and iconoclastic
Volume editors: Utkan Demirci (Stanford University, USA),                          survey of electrophysiological processes in both cardiac and many other
Rami El Assal (Stanford University, USA), Pu Chen (Wuhan                           excitable tissues in the animal kingdom which will interest and alter the
University, China) & Waseem Asghar                                                 understanding of both clinicians and basic scientists in many disciplines.”
Editor-in-chief: Utkan Demirci (Stanford University, USA)                                                                                   Anthony Seed
                                                                                             Emeritus Professor, Imperial College London, UK
Biofabrication aims to produce artificially manufactured tissues and organs,
potentially revolutionizing conventional paradigm of clinical practice in          200pp                           Nov 2021
treating diseases and extending the life span and quality of human beings.         978-981-123-494-1               US$88    £75
In this volume, we invite notable experts in the field of biofabrication and
biomanufacturing to summarize recent rapid progress in this field from
multifaceted aspects covering biofabrication techniques and building               COMPUTATIONAL
materials such as scaffold and living cells.                                       MODELING AND                                                                   7
1050pp                               Nov 2021                                      SIMULATIONS OF
978-981-122-565-9 (SET)              US$1200          £1055                        BIOMOLECULAR SYSTEMS
Introductory Offer till              US$880           £775                         Simulations of Biomolecular Systems
Mar 31, 2022                                                                       by Benoit Roux (The University of
                                                                                   Chicago, USA)

                                                                                   This textbook originated from the course
                                                                                   “Simulation, Modeling, and Computations in
                                                                                   Biophysics” that I have taught at the University

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                                                                                   of Chicago since 2011. The students typically came from a wide range
                                                                                   of backgrounds, including biology, physics, chemistry, biochemistry,
                                                                                   and mathematics, and the course was intentionally adapted for senior
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                    •   Subscriber Discount
                                                                                   undergraduate students and graduate students. This is not a highly technical
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                    •   Podcasts and videos of author interviews                   fundamental level, to the type of phenomenological models commonly used
                    •   Useful tips in research
                                                                                   to represent the function of large biological macromolecular machines.
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                        200pp                           Aug 2021
                                                                                   978-981-123-275-6               US$88    £75
Life Sciences Catalogue 2022

    THE PHYSICS OF CANCER                                                              MACROALGAL
    Research Advances                                                                  BIOREFINERIES FOR THE
    edited by Bernard S Gerstman
    (Florida International Univeristy, USA)                                            BLUE ECONOMY
                                                                                       by Alexander Golberg (Tel Aviv University,
    In the case of cancer, controlling the system’s                                    Israel), Arthur Nils Robin (Tel Aviv University,
    behavior will mean the ability to treat and cure                                   Israel), Meiron Zollmann (Tel Aviv University,
    the disease. Physicists have been studying                                         Israel), Hadar Traugott (Tel Aviv University,
    various complex, nonlinear systems for many                                        Israel), Ruslana Rachel Palatnik (University
    years using a variety of techniques. These                                         of Haifa, Israel) & Alvaro Israel (Israel
                                                                                       Oceanographic & Limnological Research
    investigations have provided insights that
                                                                                       Institute, Israel)
    allow physicists to make unique contributions
    towards the treatment of cancer. This interdisciplinary book presents recent       This unique compendium provides an insight into the role of emerging
    advancements in physicists’ research on cancer. The work presented in this         marine biorefineries based on macroalgae (seaweeds) in the development
    volume uses a variety of physical, biochemical, mathematical, theoretical,         of a sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth-blue economy.
    and computational techniques to gain a deeper molecular and cellular
                                                                                       The useful reference text shows a complete picture on the motivation
    understanding of the horrific disease that is cancer.
                                                                                       to develop seaweed technologies, and how the combination of biology,
    280pp                             Dec 2020                                         cultivation technologies and downstream processing with economics can
    978-981-122-348-8                 US$88    £75                                     address the social challenges through the blue growth.

                                                                                       304pp                           Nov 2020
                                                                                       978-981-122-428-7               US$108 £95
    Basic Principles and Applications in
    Biomedical Research
    (3rd Edition)                                                                          Submit your paper to this journal.
    by Markus Rudin (University of Zurich,
    Switzerland & ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
                                                                                        Recommend this journal to your librarian!
    This volume familiarizes the reader with the                                             For a free institutional trial or subscribe to this journal,
    concepts of imaging and molecular imaging                                                        please contact us at
    in particular. Basic principles of imaging
    technologies, reporter moieties for the various                                      JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL
    imaging modalities, and the design of targeted                                       BIOPHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY (JCBC)
    probes are described in the first part. The second part illustrates how              Formerly known as Journal of Theoretical and
    these tools can be used to visualize relevant molecular events in the living         Computational Chemistry
    organism. Topics covered include the studies of the biodistribution of reporter
    probes and drugs, visualization of the expression of biomolecules such     
    as receptors and enzymes, and how imaging can be used for analyzing
    consequences of the interaction of a ligand or a drug with its molecular target      Impact Factor: increased 11% to 0.939
    by visualizing signal transduction, or assessing the metabolic, physiological,
                                                                                         The journal publishes original contributions
    or structural response of the organism studied.
                                                                                         on broad aspects: from both the develop-
    800pp                             Apr 2020                                           ment of fundamental theoretical methodolo-
    978-1-78634-684-1                 US$178 £155                                        gy and computational algorithm to extensive
                                                                                         numerical applications to specific scientific
                                                                                         problems ranging from gas-phase to con-
                                                                                         densed phase, and to biological systems.
                        BIOTECHNOLOGY                                                    It covers general research areas broadly
                                                                                         defined as quantum chemistry, chemical
                                                                                         dynamics, statistical mechanics, and chemi-

    ORCHID BIOTEHCNOLOGY IV                                                              cal biology.
    edited by Wen-Huei Chen (National Cheng
    Kung University, Taiwan) & Hong-Hwa Chen                                                 *Please log in to your existing account or register for a
    (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)                                               FREE account to enjoy FREE access to the selected articles.
    Orchid Biotechnology IV presents a series
    of recent work on both basic and applied
    researches in biotechnology progress for
    Phalaenopsis, Oncidium and Erycina pusila
    orchids. These include breeding of Phalaenopsis
    orchids of black flower, big-white flower and
    small and floriferous flowers, physiology for
    shipping and photosynthesis, SSR markers and mitochondrial DNA markers,
    virus detection and antiviral immunity, embyogenesis and relationship with
    mycorrhiza symbiosis, transposon and retrotransposon, orchid genome
    and evolution, regulation of orchid floral scent, floral color modification, and
    abiotic stress tolerance.

    452pp                             Mar 2021
    978-981-121-776-0                 US$168 £150
For more information, visit:                                                                                      WORLD SCIENTIFIC

                  CANCER RESEARCH                                                    TRIPLE-NEGATIVE BREAST
                                                                                     edited by Xiyun Deng (Hunan Normal
CIRCULATING TUMOR CELLS                                                              University School of Medicine, China),
by Gary A Clawson (Pennsylvania State University, USA)                               Faqing Tang (Hunan Cancer Hospital, China),
                                                                                     Thomas J Rosol (Ohio University Heritage
This book is designed to give a comprehensive overview of the field of               College of Osteopathic Medicine, USA)
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs), which are found in blood of patients with
cancer. It includes descriptions of basic techniques used to capture and             Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) represents
quantify CTCs, and methods employed to propagate them after capture for              a challenge clinically due to the lack of actionable
downstream study. An overview of various molecular approaches for CTC                targets coupled with an aggressive disease
analysis and characterizations is provided, including their applicability as a       course and a worse prognosis compared to other
“liquid biopsy” and their potential utility for predicting therapeutic response to   breast cancer subtypes. This book covers aspects of TNBC ranging from
treatments. A number of aspects involved in the metastatic spread of cancer          epidemiology, biology, molecular classification, to currently available and
are also discussed, as well as how quantitation and characteristics of CTCs          potentially new therapeutic options for TNBC. This book contains a range of
relate to what is known about the metastatic cascade.                                recommended resources, including recent reviews, schematic illustrations,
                                                                                     and information for patients with TNBC. Individuals including researchers
300pp                             Dec 2022                                           and educators, practitioners, pharmaceutical professionals, patients as well
978-981-120-665-8                 US$118 £105                                        as their family members will find this book useful.

                                                                                     248pp                            Oct 2020
TOBACCO AND CANCER                                                                   978-981-3277-75-5                US$88    £75
The Science and the Story
edited by Stephen S Hecht (University of
Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA) & Dorothy K                                                  Submit your paper to these journals.
Hatsukami (University of Minnesota,
Twin Cities, USA)
                                                                                          Recommend them to your librarian!
                                                                                          For a free institutional trial or subscribe to these journals,
This book tells the fascinating story of the
                                                                                                   please contact us at
relationship of tobacco products to cancer,
from the first discoveries to the present day
cancer pandemic and regulatory activities.
                                                                                        BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING:
Although there are already excellent books and                                          APPLICATIONS, BASIS AND
monographs on this topic, both in the popular press and as government                   COMMUNICATIONS (BME)
summaries, none relate the scientific story at the level of non-specialist    
graduate and medical students, researchers, or educated popular science
readers. In this book, with a primary focus on the United States, the editors           Biomedical Engineering: Applications,
— Stephen S Hecht and Dorothy K Hatsukami — bring together 24 renowned                  Basis and Communications is an inter-
                                                                                        national, interdisciplinary journal aiming
experts on the subject of tobacco and cancer to summarize specific aspects
                                                                                        at publishing up-to-date contributions
of this critical topic in relatively non-technical terms while also incorporating
                                                                                        on original clinical and basic research in
some personal insights related to the story of the discovery process. This                                                                               Check out the
                                                                                        the biomedical engineering. Research of
highly authoritative book is also expected to be an excellent teaching tool and                                                                          FREE articles
                                                                                        biomedical engineering has grown tremen-
basis for a course for graduate and medical students on this important topic.                                                                               online!
                                                                                        dously in the past few decades. Meanwhile,
400pp                             Oct 2021                                              several outstanding journals in the field
978-981-123-952-6                 US$118 £105                                           have emerged, with different emphases
                                                                                        and objectives. We hope this journal will
                                                                                        serve as a new forum for both scientists
                                                                                        and clinicians to share their ideas and the results of their studies.
by Ronald L Huston                                                                      INNOVATION
(University of Cincinnati, USA)                                                         AND EMERGING                                                                     9
The focus of this book is on centrioles — small                                         TECHNOLOGIES
organelles adjacent to the nucleus in all human                                         An International Journal on Innovative
and animal (eucaryotic) cells. It provides the                                          Applied Sciences, Engineering and
findings and critical analyses of over 750 articles                                     Biomedical Research
written in this century.                                                                Formerly known as TECHNOLOGY
In addition to centrioles, the topics include:                                
centrosomes, chromosomes, microtubules and kinetochores, cell division
                                                                                        Fashioned as a high-impact, high-visibility,
and duplication, and tumor development. The book also includes discussions
                                                                                        top-echelon publication, this new ground-breaking journal - Innovation
on centriole dynamics and electromagnetics effects. It concludes with a                 and Emerging Technologies - will feature the development of cutting-
chapter on centriole errors — particularly cells with supernumerary centrioles.         edge new technologies in a broad array of emerging fields of science
The book is intended for students, scholars, and researchers studying and               and engineering. The content will have an applied science and
working in the field of nuclear mechanics. In addition to the book content, it          technological slant with a focus on both innovation and application
provides a guide for literature investigation.                                          to daily lives. It will cover diverse disciplines such as health and life
                                                                                        science, energy and environment, advanced materials, technology-
460pp                             Feb 2020                                              based manufacturing, information science and technology, and marine
978-981-120-894-2                 US$148 £130                                           and transportations technologies.
                                                                                           *Please log in to your existing account or register for a
                                                                                         FREE account to enjoy FREE access to the selected articles.
Life Sciences Catalogue 2022

                                                      CELL / MOLECULAR BIOLOGY

     NON-COVALENT                                                                      WALTER GILBERT
     INTERACTIONS IN                                                                   Selected Works
                                                                                       by Walter Gilbert (Harvard university, USA)
     PROTEINS                                                                          edited by Manyuan Long (The University of
     (2nd Edition)                                                                     Chicago, USA)
     by Andrey Karshikoff (Bulgarian Academy
     of Sciences, Bulgaria)                                                            This book commemorates the eclectic
                                                                                       intellectual life of scientist and artist Walter
     This second edition includes new chapters on
     intrinsically disordered proteins, microcalorimetry                               Gilbert. It presents all of his most influential
     of proteins, cold denaturation, thermodynamic                                     works throughout his scientific career. His
     stability and thermal adaptability of proteins. The                               scientific explorations covered a broad spectrum
     ideal aid for students of physics or chemistry, with interests in biology and     of fields: theoretical physics; molecular biology,
     biophysics, the book can also be useful for students of biology, biochemistry,    from finding messenger RNA to elucidating the regulation of the lac operon
     or biomedicine who want to extend their knowledge of how protein properties       to understanding DNA replication; gene evolution and origin of life; genomics;
     are described at the molecular level.                                             bioinformatics; and beyond. He created widely used concepts such as
                                                                                       “Exon”, “Intron” and “RNA World”. Eleven reflective essays by Gilbert are
     400pp                            Aug 2021
                                                                                       included for the first time, discussing both his scientific studies and anecdotes
     978-981-122-808-7                US$148 £130
                                                                                       from his own life.

                                                                                       616pp                             Feb 2020
     REPLICATING AND                                                                   978-981-120-329-9                 US$198 £175
     From Basic Mechanisms to Modern
     Genetic Technologies                                                              CAUGHT BY VIRUSES
     by Kenneth N Kreuzer (Duke Univ., USA)                                            by Michael G Rossmann

     Replicating and Repairing the Genome provides                                     The current book attempts to give a glimpse
     a concise overview of the fields of DNA                                           of the scientific life of Michael Rossmann. The
     replication and repair. The book is particularly                                  book begins with his very interesting and moving
     appropriate for graduate students and advanced                                    autobiography.
     undergraduates, and scientists entering the                                       With an interest in symmetry, viruses became
     field or working in related fields. The breadth of                                obvious objects to study. Rossmann attacked
     information regarding DNA replication and repair is vast and often difficult to   these monstrously large molecular assemblies
     absorb, with terminology that differs between experimental systems and with       with his unfailing energy and his appetite for
     complex interconnections of these processes with other cellular pathways.         real challenges. The amazing variation of molecular arrangements with
     This book provides simple conceptual descriptions of replication and repair       icosahedral symmetry is truly amazing. This book includes a selection
     pathways using mostly generic protein names, laying out the logic for how         of reports of the structures of some giant viruses. As always, knowing
     the pathways function and highlighting fascinating aspects of the underlying      the structure enhances the understanding of function greatly, in the case
     biochemical mechanisms and biology.                                               of viruses the mechanism of infection is a key problem. Rossmann has
     400pp                            Mar 2020                                         contributed many central insights in this area.
     978-981-121-569-8                US$118 £105                                      275pp                             Oct 2021
                                                                                       978-981-124-619-7                 US$88    £75
     Heme Acts as a Versatile Signaling
     Molecule Regulating Diverse Biological                                                              COGNITIVE SCIENCE
     Processes (2nd Edition)
10   edited by Li Zhang (The University of
     Texas at Dallas, USA)
                                                                                       FINDING PLACES
                                                                                       The Search for the Brain’s GPS
     This invaluable book provides the first description                               by Unni Eikeseth (Norwegian University of
     of the diverse and fascinating functions of heme                                  Science and Technology, Norway)
     in life processes for a broad audience. It begins                                 translated by Lucy Moffatt
     with an introduction of the intricate chemical
     properties of heme and the history of early                                       Finding Places tells the story of the ground-
     observations of human diseases associated with heme. It then proceeds             breaking discovery of the cells that constitute the
     to describe the versatile roles of heme in controlling diverse molecular and      brain’s positioning system — its GPS. The book
     cellular processes germane to human life and disease processes.                   takes you into the lab of neuroscientists May-
                                                                                       Britt and Edvard Moser and lets you experience
     Heme Biology is unified and logical in presentation. It is well suited for        the work of the many researchers who revealed
     students and professionals in life sciences who wish to know about the            how certain incredible cells help rats and humans find their way. It details
     fascinating biology of heme and its usefulness in health and diseases. It may     the discovery of the mind-boggling “grid cells”, which generate a hexagonal
     also be used as a reference book for advanced readers and researchers who         coordinate system and enable precise positioning and pathfinding.
     are interested in heme biology. The explanations in the book are detailed
     enough to capture the interest of the curious reader, and complete enough         136pp                             Mar 2020
     to provide the necessary information for researchers to have an in-depth          978-981-121-691-6                 US$28    £25
     molecular understanding of heme biology and further their studies in this
     fascinating realm.

     280pp                            Feb 2020
     978-981-121-128-7                US$108 £95
For more information, visit:                                                                                       WORLD SCIENTIFIC

                 EVOLUTION BIOLOGY                                                   CORRUPT CULTURES
                                                                                     “Fake News” and Cheating in Science
                                                                                     by Roy Y Calne (University of Cambridge, UK)
HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS                                                                  This book is concerned with cheating in Science
The Evolution of Our Sensor of Society                                               and the harm that it does, concentrating on
by Irving C Statler (NASA Ames Research Centre, USA)
                                                                                     three disasters in cell culture, which caused
The book provides a consistent rationale for the evolutionary progression            international concern and personal tragedy
from the simple, primitive, isolated organism to the complex, intelligent,           for the perpetrators. There is an overview of
and social primates. A coherent explanation of why and how human                     plant, animal and human cheating, providing
consciousness evolved from elaboration of primary consciousness is                   a background to the focus on Science. This
given. The question, “What does human consciousness do and why does                  demands a special form of truth in that claims
it do it?” is answered. The book also offers a solution to the dilemma, “How         need to be substantiated by repetition in independent laboratories to confirm
can anything material be conscious?” from my evolutionary approach to                that the claims work. The nature of originality is examined in art and Science.
understanding human consciousness.
                                                                                     140pp                             Aug 2021
260pp                              Oct 2021                                          978-1-78634-560-8                 US$48    £40
978-981-121-832-3                  US$88    £75

                                                                                     THE MYSTERIOUS
DAWRIN: A COMPANION                                                                  COMMONPLACE
With Iconographies by John van Wyhe
by Paul van Helvert (Wageningen                                                      A Life in Science
University & Research in Wageningen,                                                 by Charles DeLisi (Boston University, USA)
The Netherlands) & John van Wyhe                                                     “Charles DeLisi’s description of his life’s
(National University of Singapore)                                                   meanderings within science makes for
“This ‘Companion’ is magnificent, there is                                           fascinating reading. Here is a true intellectual
no other word for it.”                                                               describing incidents within his life that
                       Gordon Chancellor                                             many of us lesser mortals can immediately
            Editor of Darwin’s Beagle                                                appreciate. Life’s path is rarely smooth and
      Notebooks from the Voyage of                                                   whether dealing with mundane teachers or
                              the Beagle                                             individuals of the highest intellect one can both learn and be humbled
                                                                                     by the experience. ... I would recommend this to anyone looking for
This is the ultimate guide to the life and work of Charles Darwin. The result
of decades of research through a vast and daunting literature which is               inspiration in their career choice and wondering when or if they should
hard for beginners and experts alike to navigate, it brings together widely          change direction.”
scattered facts including very many unknown to even the most ardent                                                    Sir Richard J Roberts, PhD FRS
Darwin aficionados. It includes hundreds of new discoveries and corrections                      Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, 1993
to the existing literature. It provides the most complete summaries of his                                                        Chief Scientific Officer
publications, manuscripts, lifetime itinerary, finances, personal library, friends                                                  New England Biolabs
and colleagues, opponents, visitors to his home, anniversaries, hundreds                                                              Massachusetts, USA
of flora, fauna, monuments and places named after him and a host of other
                                                                                     180pp                             Aug 2021
topics. Also included are the most complete lists (iconographies) ever created
                                                                                     978-981-123-845-1                 US$58    £50
of illustrations of the Beagle, over 1000 portraits of Darwin, his wife and
home as well as all known Darwin photographs, stamps and caricatures.                978-981-123-933-5(pbk)            US$28    £25
The book is richly illustrated with 350 images, most previously unknown.

484pp                              Jan 2021                                          BRAIN FEVER
978-981-120-820-1                  US$78    £70                                      How Vaccines Prevent Meningitis and
978-981-122-927-5(pbk)             US$38    £35                                      Other Killer Diseases
                                                                                     by Richard Moxon (University of Oxford, UK)

             GENERAL LIFE SCIENCES                                                   In Brain Fever, the internationally renowned
                                                                                     medical scientist, Richard Moxon FRS, shares                                      11
                                                                                     his experiences of bacterial meningitis, a fearful
CELLS AND STEM CELLS                                                                 and devastating infection of the brain. In a clear,
The Myth of Life Sciences                                                            non-technical style, he explains what meningitis
by Dianliang Wang (China Association for                                             is, what causes it, who gets it and how research
Science and Technology, China) & Haijia                                              has come up with vaccines that can prevent it.
Chen (Guangzhou Saliai Stem Cell Science
                                                                                     In this must-read book, Brain Fever provides expert insight into what it takes
and Technology Co., Ltd., China)
                                                                                     to develop a vaccine. As we are learning from the COVID-19 pandemic, it
This popular science book systematically                                             is vaccines that we rely on to fight and overcome the devastation caused
introduces major scientific and technological                                        by virulent pathogens. His message is clear and challenging: no other
achievements in the field of cells and stem cells,                                   intervention in the history of medicine confers a greater public health benefit
and the conveniences they bring to human life.                                       than immunisation.
It covers plant cloning, animal cloning, human
                                                                                     264pp                             Jun 2021
cloning, biological missiles, biological drugs, immunocytotherapy, stem cell
                                                                                     978-1-78634-987-3                 US$58    £50
therapy, stem cell bank, 4D printing, 5D printing, CAR-T technology, and
other frontier fields, which reflect the latest progresses and development           978-1-80061-001-9(pbk)            US$28    £19.99
trends of life sciences. The book is both interesting and rich in information,
revealing the magic and mystery of life sciences.

230pp                              Oct 2021
978-981-123-877-2                  US$58    £50
978-981-123-978-6(pbk)             US$28    £25
Life Sciences Catalogue 2022

     MATHEMATICAL                                                                      THE ABCS OF CANCER
     MODELING OF VIRUS                                                                 Separating the Facts from the Myths
                                                                                       by Meshach Asare-Werehene
     INFECTION                                                                         (The University of Ottawa, Canada)
     ODE/PDE Analysis in R
     by William E Schiesser (Lehigh University,                                        This exciting reader-friendly book addresses the
     USA)                                                                              general perspectives of cancer in diverse ways
                                                                                       — everyday lifestyle, nutrition, environmental
     Two models for the spread and control of
                                                                                       factors as well as genetics. The author, an
     a virus are detailed in this book: The Lung/
                                                                                       expert in Immuno-Oncology, makes conscious
     Respiratory System Model (LSM) and the SVIR
                                                                                       efforts to break down the complexities of cancer
                                                                                       development through the use of scientific
                                                                                       evidences and everyday activities. There are so many myths about cancer
     Principal outputs from the ODE/PDE models are the levels of vaccinations          out there. This book employs scientific basis to separate the facts from the
     and infections. For the latter, the efficacy of the vaccine is a parameter that   myths while making it comprehensible to all readers irrespective of their
     can be varied in a computer-based analysis of a vaccine therapy.                  scientific background. Readers are also introduced to the modern trends
                                                                                       in cancer therapeutics.
     The coding of the models is in R, a quality, open-source scientific computing
     system, and can be executed on modest computers. The R routines are               200pp                           Jun 2020
     available from a download link so that the example models can be executed         978-981-121-225-3               US$58    £50
     without having to first study numerical methods and computer coding. The
     routines can then be applied to variations and extensions of the ODE/PDE
     models, such as changes in the parameters and the form of the model               REVOLUTIONARY
     equations.                                                                        THERAPIES
                                                                                       How the California Stem Cell Program
     180pp                            Mar 2021
                                                                                       Saved Lives, Eased Suffering — and
     978-981-123-663-1                US$78    £70
                                                                                       Changed the Face of Medicine Forever
                                                                                       by Don C Reed (Americans for Cures
                                                                                       Foundation, USA)
     UNIQUE?                                                                           “Even for those of us who are familiar with
     The Secrets of Genes and Heredity                                                 the science and progress of the clinical
     by Lin He (Chinese Academy of Sciences,                                           research, reading Don’s account provides
     China), Bo Hai (Shanghai Media Group,                                             such rich perspective and reminds us that all
     China) & Chang Qin (Shanghai Media                                                the datasets, graphs and lingo sometimes get in the way of conveying
     Group, China)                                                                     information in a way that addresses what matters most to the public
                                                                                       and patients ... With humility and respect, he discusses policy and
     Why do twins look alike? How are we similar                                       controversial issues such as the importance of fetal research and he
     to our parents? What is the genetic code?                                         does so in such a lucid and understandable way. The world has recently
     Professor Lin He, an Academician of the                                           changed because of stem cell research and Don’s book captures this
     Chinese Academy of Sciences, shares his                                           transformational time in history.”
     childhood stories and knowledge of genetics in this vividly illustrated                                                              Maria T Millan,
     popular science book.                                                                                            M D, President and CEO of CIRM
     104pp                            Feb 2021                                         368pp                           Mar 2020
     978-981-123-248-0                US$19.95         £20                             978-981-121-328-1               US$98    £85

     COMPUTATIONAL                                                                     ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE
     MODELING OF THE                                                                   DECODED
     COVID-19 DISEASE                                                                  The History, Present, and Future of
     Numerical ODE Analysis with R                                                     Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
12   Programming                                                                       (2nd Edition)
     by William E Schiesser (Lehigh University,                                        by Ronald Sahyouni (University of
     USA)                                                                              California, San Diego, USA)

     The book is intended for readers who are                                          This book aims to present, educate and inform
     interested in learning about the use of computer-                                 individuals about Alzheimer’s disease in a
     based modelling of the COVID-19 disease. It                                       comprehensive manner. Its scope ranges from
     provides a basic introduction to a five-ordinary                                  the discovery of the disease, epidemiology and
     differential equation (ODE) model by providing a complete statement of the        basic biological principles underlying it, to advanced stem cell therapies
     model, including a detailed discussion of the ODEs, initial conditions and        used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s. It adopts a “global” perspective on
     parameters, followed by a line-by-line explanation of a set of R routines (R is   Alzheimer’s disease, and include epidemiological data and science from
     a quality, scientific programming system readily available from the Internet).    countries around the world.
     The reader can access and execute these routines without having to first
                                                                                       280pp                           Oct 2021
     study numerical algorithms and computer coding (programming) and can
                                                                                       978-981-123-510-8               US$58    £50
     perform numerical experimentation with the model on modest computers.

     108pp                            Jun 2020
     978-981-122-287-0                US$48    £40

                                                                                                  For more information,
For more information, visit:                                                                              WORLD SCIENTIFIC

MEMORY MAKES THE                                                               ANDROCENTRISM
BRAIN                                                                          The Ascendancy of Man
                                                                               by Charles Pasternack (Oxford
The Biological Machinery that Uses
                                                                               International Biomedical Centre, UK)
Experiences to Shape Individual Brains
by Christian Hansel (The University of                                         Since time immemorial, men have assumed
Chicago, USA)                                                                  superior innate qualities which have justified
The development of the young brain after birth                                 them in exerting power over the other sex right
and the emergence of cognitive capacities,                                     up to the twentieth century. The last few years
mind, and individuality rest on the maturation                                 have seen the emergence of a new literary
of a dense net of synaptic connections between                                 genre: to show that despite this, women have
neurons. Memory Makes the Brain describes                                      managed to become outstanding writers, artists,
the dramatic, competitive elimination of surplus synapses that occur in        scientists, explorers, rulers and politicians. Of such books, none discusses
the young, maturing brain — in a process called synaptic pruning that was      a fundamental question: is the supposed male superiority biological, or has
discovered by pediatric neurologist Peter Huttenlocher in the 1970’s at        it arisen for some other reason over the course of time?
the University of Chicago. Explaining similarities between developmental       200pp                           Oct 2021
pruning and learning processes in the adult brain, neurobiologist Christian    978-981-124-083-6               US$58    £50
Hansel offers a unique perspective on brain adaptation and plasticity          978-981-124-184-0(pbk)\         US$28    £25
throughout lifetime, at times weaving in personal accounts and memories.

192pp                            Jan 2021
978-981-122-880-3                US$78    £70                                             GENETICS AND GENOMICS

STRATEGIC LEARNING                                                             INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL
A Holistic Approach to Studying                                                METAGENOMICS
by Robert K Kamei (National University of                                      by Zhong Wang (DOE Joint Genome Institute, USA &
Singapore, Singapore & Duke University, USA)                                   Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA)

“Learning scientists have done a good job                                      Breakthroughs in high-throughput genome sequencing and high-performance
of getting their findings to instructors to help                               computing technologies have enabled scientists to decode many genomes
them improve their teaching. But so much of                                    including our own. Now there is a bigger ambition: to get a holistic view
learning is under the student’s — and only the                                 of microbial communities within us and around us, gaining insights that
student’s — control. Strategic Learning fills a                                could revolutionize the view about our health and our environment. In
critical need to educate students on what the                                  metagenomics, the DNAs of a microbial community are sequenced directly
field knows about how to learn productively.                                   from the habitats without lab cultivation. This creates an enormous data
We should be getting it into the hands of every university student.”           challenge, as metagenomics projects can generate tens of tera bases of
                                                       Lori Breslow            sequences, equivalent to tens of thousands of human genomes.
         Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan School of Management                       This interdisciplinary book is essential reading for those who are interested
 Founding Director, MIT Teaching & Learning Laboratory                         in beginning their own journey in metagenomics data science. It is a prism
                                                                               to look through various intricate computational metagenomics problems and
200pp                            Jul 2021
                                                                               understand their three distinctive aspects: metagenomics, data engineering,
978-981-122-663-2                US$58       £50
                                                                               and algorithms. It is specially tailored for graduate students and advanced
978-981-122-777-6(pbk)           US$28       £25
                                                                               undergraduates from genomics science or computer science fields, but
                                                                               beginner researchers from similar disciplines may also find it very useful.

STEM CELLS                                                                     300pp                           Apr 2022
From Hype to Hope                                                              978-981-124-246-5               US$108 £95
edited by Khawaja Husnain Haider
(Sulaiman AlRajhi University, Saudi Arabia)
                                                                               HOW TO CONSTRUCT
During the last two decades, stem cells have
progressed from merely a concept to a vibrant                                  YOUR INTELLECTUAL                                                               13
field of regenerative medicine which is aimed at                               PEDIGREE
addressing the root cause of the problem rather                                A History of Mentoring in Science
than conventional methods of intervention that                                 by Elof Axel Carlson (Stony Brook
mostly provide symptomatic relief.                                             University, New York, USA)

Given the significance of the field, the proposed book will be a compilation   This is a handbook that shows the reader how
of the bench experience of experts from various research labs involved in      to construct an intellectual pedigree. It is also
the cutting edge area of stem cell research.                                   a history of science monograph because the
                                                                               completed intellectual pedigrees can be used
280pp                           Mar 2020                                       individually or collectively to trace the influences of mentoring in the life
978-981-120-552-1               US$98    £85                                   sciences. The author uses Hermann Joseph Muller (1890–1967) (which
                                                                               includes his own intellectual pedigree) to show how knowledge was shifted
                                                                               from Italy to Germany and England, to France, and then to the American
                                                                               Colonies. Through Muller, the author goes in two directions, one leading to

          eTextbooks Available!                                                Huxley, Darwin, and Newton. The second leads to Agassiz, Malpighi, Borelli,
                                                                               and Galileo. The author also shows, from comparing 60 additional intellectual
         Digital resources made convenient                                     pedigrees, that about one third go to Newton, one third to Galileo and the
          for your students at a lower cost.                                   rest to other icons of the past.

                                                                               348pp                           Aug 2020
                                                                               978-981-121-582-7               US$98    £85
You can also read