LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity

Page created by Phyllis Freeman
LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
for economic diversity
LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
At Economic Development Lethbridge, we are in the
business of building community.

Together with our 25-member volunteer Board of Directors, we serve as
stewards of the economic strategy for the city. We connect, support and
promote Lethbridge as a place for enterprise, but also as a place where
businesses and citizens can thrive within a welcoming community.

As a rallying voice for Lethbridge, we’re here to help you succeed!

                       With quality market data, a network of partners and
                        a dedicated team, we work on projects to support:

                        • business retention and growth
                         • investment attraction and business development
                         • entrepreneur training and development
                         • marketing and advocacy

                          We believe that together, we can
                           build bright opportunities.

LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
Vibrant Economy ............................................................................... 2
Business ............................................................................................... 4
 Entrepreneurship ............................................................................. 8
  Bright People ...................................................................................12
   Living Here ..................................................................................... 16

              Contact us at 403-331-0022
              or visit chooselethbridge.ca
               for more information.

                                                                                               A BRIGHT CHOICE:   for economic
LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
     If there is any community in Alberta that can make
     the claim of balanced growth, it is Lethbridge. And we
     continue to see this claim supported through tracked
     economic indicators in areas related to business,
     entrepreneurship, population and quality of life.

     As a mid-sized city of close to 100,000 people with a trading area nearing
     350,000, we continue to see how the stability in traditional sectors, growth
     of emerging industries and strength in the public sector creates a positive
     environment for continued diversification and bright opportunities.

                               In 2016 Lethbridge had a GDP of $5.5 billion,
                                representing growth of 2.6 per cent from 2015.
                                At the same time, according to the Alberta
                                 government, the province saw its economy
                                 contract by 3.6 per cent.

2   chooselethbridge.ca
LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
Lethbridge GDP by Sector (2016)                                                      16.8%
  16.8%   Non-Commercial Services
  15.4%   Primary & Utilities                                                                                            4.0%

  15.2%   Finance, Insurance, Real Estate
  13.4%   Wholesale & Retail Trade                              15.4%                                                           5.0%

  11.5%   Manufacturing
  6.7%    Business Services
  5.9%    Construction
  5.0%    Personal Services
  4.0%    Public Administration
  3.8%    Transportation & Warehousing
  2.4%    Information & Cultural Industries                          15.2%



   $5.5 B                                                  Lethbridge GDP by Sector (2012-2016)

  in 2016 Lethbridge had a GDP of                $5.5 B
  $5.5 billion, representing growth              $5.0 B
      of 2.6 per cent from 2015.                 $4.5 B
                                                 $4.0 B
                                                 $3.5 B
                                                 $3.0 B

                                                 $2.5 B
                                                 $2.0 B
                                                  $1.5 B
                                                  $1.0 B
   The percentage of Lethbridge’s                $0.5 B
    GDP driven by the Agriculture                     0
     (Primary & Utilities) Sector.                             2012          2013            2014           2015                 2016

                                                           Lethbridge GDP (2016)
                                                           Largest Increases/Declines by Sector

                                Non-Commercial Services                                                                     7.4%

                       Information & Cultural Industries                                                            6.6%

                                       Personal Services     -1.5%

                                   Public Administration     -1.5%

                                                       -2%    -1%       0%   1%     2%      3%      4%     5%       6%           7%        8%

                                                                                                         A BRIGHT CHOICE:                 for economic
LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
     A bright spot in the province, Lethbridge is the
     southern Alberta hub for both traditional industries and
     emerging technologies. Lethbridge thinkers, makers and
     doers are leading change in Agriculture, Food Sciences
     and Manufacturing within a community that is propelled by
     innovative research and a spirit of entrepreneurship.
     The stability of our business and economic environment
     can be attributed to industry diversity, strength in the public
     sector and a robust group of major employers who continue
     to expand and develop within the region.

     With a healthy balance between employment opportunities and a talented
     labour force, the Lethbridge unemployment rate remained the lowest among
     mid-to-large sized cities in Alberta in 2017. With a traditionally lower than
     average participation rate than other cities in Alberta (primarily due to the
     lower cost of living and larger family size), the Lethbridge labour market also
     has capacity to expand which is good news for employers looking to locate in
     Lethbridge or expand their existing business.

                             Investment in the construction of new and revitalized
                              buildings is also a key leading indicator that can provide
                               insights into the state of the economy in the near future.
                               In 2017, Total Building Permit Value in Lethbridge was
                               $313.5 million, the second highest annual total on record.
                                And with more than $1 billion in major development
                                projects either planned or underway in the next three
                                 years, there is reason to be optimistic about a bright future.

4   chooselethbridge.ca
LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
Lethbridge Building Permit Value: Market Share
                  Institutional       Residential          Commercial           Industrial

    $350 M

    $300 M
                                                                                                             $89.7 M

    $250 M
                                                                                                             $11.3 M                 $168.3 M
                                                                                     $59.1 M
                          $50.9 M
    $200 M
                                                          $85.7 M
                          $28.7 M                                                    $23.4 M
                                                                                                             $137.3 M
     $150 M
                                                          $23.5 M                    $71.8 M                                          $14.8 M
                          $83.5 M
                                                          $39.2 M                                                                    $35.5 M
    $100 M

     $50 M                 $84.1 M                        $89.8 M                    $95.5 M                 $98.8 M                 $94.9 M

                           2013                             2014                     2015                    2016                     2017

               Per Capita Building Permit Value Comparison (2017)
               Alberta Cities                                                                                                54%
                                                                                                                        The institutional sector accounts
   Red Deer                          $1,523                                                                              for 54% of total Building Permit
Medicine Hat                                  $1,799                                                                    Value which is primarily driven by
                                                                                                                           construction activity at the
 Lethbridge                                                            $3,192                                                University of Lethbridge.
    Calgary                                                                        $3,674

                                                                                                                        $360 M
  Edmonton                                                                              $3,816

           $0      $500     $1000       $1500          $2000   $2500    $3000       $3500 $4000

                                                                                                                            At $360 million, Cavendish
               Lethbridge Building Permit Values by Sector (2017)                                                         Farms new Potato Processing
                                                                                                                           Facility is the largest private
                                                                                                                         investment in the city’s history.
                                                                                 $168.3 M Institutional
                                                                                 $94.9 M       Residential

                                               $168.3 M
                                                                                 $35.5 M       Commercial
                                                                                 $14.8 M       Industrial
                $14.8 M

                                                                                                                           Major Employers (business
               $35.5 M
                                                                                                                           that employ 100+ people)
                                                                                                                             account for 35% of the
                                                                                                                                local workforce.

                                  $94.9 M

                                                                                                                              A BRIGHT CHOICE:         for economic
LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
Annual Comparison of Unemployment Rates: Alberta Cities




                  Lethbridge        Medicine Hat         Red Deer       Edmonton                  Calgary

        Unemployment Rate Comparison (2017): Alberta Cities

    Lethbridge                                                           5.9%

Medicine Hat                                                             6.1%

     Red Deer                                                                                     8.0%

    Edmonton                                                                                       8.1%

       Calgary                                                                                        8.5%

                 0%    1%           2%    3%            4%    5%        6%        7%          8%           9%

        Annual Comparison of Participation Rates: Alberta Cities





                   Medicine Hat Lethbridge               Red Deer       Edmonton              Calgary

        Participation Rate Comparison (2017): Alberta Cities

Medicine Hat                                66.4%

    Lethbridge                                                 69.7%

     Red Deer                                                             71.4%

    Edmonton                                                                              73.0%
       Calgary                                                                                    74.2%

                 62%    64%           66%              68%    70%         72%              74%            76%

6      chooselethbridge.ca
LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
Lethbridge & Region Major Development Projects: 2018-2021
 PROJECT NAME                                                         COST (IN MILLIONS)      TIMELINE          SECTOR

 Cavendish Farms -Frozen Potato Plant                                            $360.0       2017-2019         Industrial

 University of Lethbridge - Destination Project                                  $280.0       2018-2019         Education, Training & Research

 ATB Centres - Phase 2 Leisure Complex                                            $109.5      2017-2019         Recreation & Leisure

 Electric Distribution Expension & Improvement - Annual Program                   $40.0       2018-2021         Electric Utility

 Waterbridge Middle School                                                         $20.4            2018        Education, Training & Research

 Cargill Rail Expansion                                                            $20.0            2018        Industrial

 All Saints Parish *                                                               $20.0      2017-2020         Community Supports

 Transit Terminal & Regional Park N’ Ride                                          $17.0      2017-2018         Transportation

 Curbside Recycling                                                                $16.3            2018        Waste & Recycling

 Water Treatment Plant - Residuals Management                                      $15.0      2017-2018         Water & Wastewater

 Yates Renewal                                                                     $13.4      2017-2018         Arts & Culture

 Distribution Renewal - Annual Program                                             $13.0      2018-2021         Electric Utility

 Annual Overlay Program                                                            $12.8      2018-2021         Transportation

 Water Treatment Plant - Process Redundancy                                         $12.1     2017-2021         Water & Wastewater

 University of Lethbridge - Kanai Residence Exterior Upgrades                      $12.0            2018        Education, Training & Research

 Substation 13.8 kV Switchgear Upgrades                                             $11.8     2017-2019         Electric Utility

 Waste & Recycling Centre - Disposal Cell Development & Closure                     $11.6     2017-2020         Waste & Recycling

 Wastewater Treatment Plant - Headworks & Clarifier Upgrades                        $11.4     2017-2018         Water & Wastewater

 University Drive - Community Stadium to Sunridge Blvd W                           $10.9     2019-2020          Transportation

 Wastewater Treatment Plant - Primary Clarifier Replacement                        $10.8      2018-2019         Water & Wastewater

 New Fire Station #5 - West                                                        $10.3     2018-2020          Community Supports

 3rd Avenue South (4th-8th St) - Reconstruction                                    $10.0      2017-2020         Transportation

 Water Reservoir Upgrades                                                           $9.4      2017-2021         Water & Wastewater

 Metis Trail - Temple Blvd to Coalbrook Gate                                        $6.9            2020        Transportation

 Bridge Rehabilitation Program                                                      $6.5      2018-2021         Transportation

 Landfill - Gas & Leachate Management System                                        $6.1      2017-2020         Waste & Recycling

 TOTAL                                                                          $1,067.2

 1.   This list includes major projects identified as of April 2018
 2.   Major projects are valued at $5.0m or higher
 3. Project costs are calculated for the 2017-2021 period and do not including funding allocated outside of this time
      period with the exception of ATB Centre – Phase 2 Leisure Complex and University of Lethbridge – Destination Project
 4. Projects with an * have been proposed
 4.   Projects with an * have been proposed

                                                                                                                 A BRIGHT CHOICE:      for economic
LETHBRIDGE. THIS IS for economic diversity
     Small business is a key driver of the local economy. The most
     recent data from Industry Canada shows small businesses in Alberta
     contributed 32% of provincial GDP and communities with incubator
     support have a leg up over those that don’t. In fact, Alberta small
     businesses with incubator support have an average 25 per cent
     growth rate, compared to the national average of five per cent.

     Through programs and services available at the Tecconnect centre for entrepreneurship
     and innovation, the University of Lethbridge’s AGILITY program and the Regional
     Innovation Network of Southern Alberta (RINSA), there is tremendous opportunity
     for businesses here to embrace innovation, grow and expand.

     With industry and institutional support within the community, Lethbridge is
     fostering an environment where companies can take root and thrive. In fact,
     local entrepreneurs are leading the way in industries including geospatial imaging,
     cloud-based accounting, automotive industry software, biotechnologies
     and the health industries along with new media and VR.

                                     Since opening in 2011, the companies in
                                     Tecconnect have created 165 new jobs with
                                      a combined incremental payroll of just over
                                      $5 million. Of those employed, 57% are
                                       Lethbridge post-secondary graduates.

8   chooselethbridge.ca
New Business Licenses in Lethbridge
           Home-Based                    Regular

2013                                       208                              106         314

2014                                     195                                       139        334

2015                                                   256                                                 155         411

2016                                                 239                                            150          389

2017                                                 240                                        143             383

       0     50         100        150         200          250             300               350           400              450   500

       New Regular Business Licenses in Lethbridge

2013                                                                  106

2014                                                                                                139

2015                                                                                                                  155

2016                                                                                                            150

2017                                                                                                      143

       0          20          40           60              80           100               120              140               160    180

       New Home-Based Business Licenses in Lethbridge

2013                                                                                208

2014                                                                              195

2015                                                                                                            256

2016                                                                                                 239

2017                                                                                                  240

       0               50                100                    150                      200                      250              300

                                                                                                          A BRIGHT CHOICE:           for economic
% of Total Lethbridge Businesses by Employee Count

            1-4                                                                51%

            5-9                                   20%

          10-19                           14%

         20-49                      10%

         50-99           3%

          100+         2%

                  0%              10%           20%         30%         40%     50%           60%

        383                                       51%                         $9 M
       There were 383 new                         51% of Lethbridge             In 2017, Total Revenue
     business licenses in 2017.                  businesses have 4 or          reported by Tecconnect
                                                   less employees.            companies was $9 million.

10      chooselethbridge.ca
Lethbridge Small Business by Industry & Employee Size
                                                                                              % OF SMALL BUSINESSES
 							  # OF EMPLOYEES PER BUSINESS: 1-4 5-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 TOTAL                                  BY INDUSTRY

 Construction                                       382     134    59   40    16     636                       14%

 Retail Trade                                        167    205   140    55   25     606                       14%

 Professional, Scientific and Technical Services     317     59   34    20     3     440                       10%

 Health Care & Social Assistance                    239      76   49     25    11     417                       9%

 Other Services                                     225      85    42    29    3     386                        9%

 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting            179    46     37    16    2     282                        6%

 Accommodation & Food Services                       23     48    69     91   16     249                        6%

 Wholesale Trade                                     89      53   48    34     3     228                        5%

 Transportation & Warehousing                        133     28   20     19    4     207                        5%

 Real Estate & Rental and Leasing                    168    20     10    6      1    206                        5%

 Finance & Insurance                                  111    26    27    18     1     184                       4%

 Manufacturing                                       49      33   30     27   14      170                       4%

 Administrative and Support, Waste                   68     44     31    17    7      169                       4%
 Management and Remediation Services

 Arts, Entertainment & Recreation                     21     10    12    14    6      65                        1%

 Educational Services                                 13      8     3    8     0      38                        1%

 Mining, Quarrying, & Oil and Gas Extraction         24       7    4      1    0      38                        1%

 Management of Companies and Enterprises              17      3     5     5     1     33                        1%

 Information & Cultural Industries                     7      3    4     9     3      27                        1%

 Public Administration                                 2      1    4      2     1      12                       0%

 Utilities                                             2      2    0      1    0       5                        0%

 TOTAL                                             2,236    891   628   437   117   4,398                     100%

                                                                                            A BRIGHT CHOICE:    for economic
     One of Lethbridge’s greatest assets is its diverse
     and dynamic population. Over the past five years, our
     population has grown by an average of 2.0% a year.
     That’s nearly 150 new arrivals each month! With more
     than a quarter of the adult population under the age of 34,
     Lethbridge brims with a youthful energy.

     Overall, Lethbridge has a well-balanced demographic profile and
     a healthy mix of youth, workforce and seniors in the community.
     Lethbridge is also a welcoming community that continues to support
     and embrace diversity as evidenced in the increase of newcomers over
     the past five years.

                              As home to two post-secondary institutions
                              (a rarity for a city of its size), Lethbridge is a
                              true campus community with more than 3,200
                               students who graduate from Lethbridge College
                               and the University of Lethbridge each year.

12   chooselethbridge.ca
% of Population 25-64 with Apprenticeship                                              Lethbridge College
                      or Trades Certification                                                                Graduates By Program

          Kelowna                                                                    12%
                                                                                                             Business                                          162

        Edmonton                                                               11%
                                                                                                             Education                                            38

       Lethbridge                                                                                            Health Services                                   313

        Saskatoon                                                       10%
                                                                                                             Languages, Social Sciences,
                                                                                                             Arts & Humanities                                 187
Abbotsford-Mission                                                      10%
                                                                                                             Legal & Security                                   212
           Regina                                                       10%
                                                                                                             Recreation                                           20
          Victoria                                                 9%
                                                                                                             Physical, Natural &
                                                                                                             Applied Sciences                                  192
          Calgary                                  7%

         Winnipeg                                  7%                                                        Trades & Technologists                            378

        Vancouver                                  7%                                                        TOTAL                                          1,502

                      0%     2%        4%         6%          8%          10%              12%         14%   Sources: Lethbridge College,
                                                                                                             Institutional Planning & Reporting, September 2017

                      % of Population 25-64 with a University                                                University Of Lethbridge
                      Certification, Diploma, or Degree                                                      Graduates By Faculty

           Calgary                                                                               38%         Arts & Science                                   654

        Vancouver                                                                           37%              Education                                         207
           Victoria                                                                  34%
                                                                                                             Fine Arts                                            111
         Winnipeg                                                             32%
                                                                                                             Health Sciences                                   218
        Saskatoon                                                             31%

           Regina                                                        30%                                 Management                                        478

        Edmonton                                                        29%                                  Graduate Studies                                  160
        Lethbridge                                           23%                                             TOTAL                                          1,828
          Kelowna                                      21%
                                                                                                             Notes: Students awarded combined degrees are included in
Abbotsford-Mission                                19%                                                        the count of both degrees. School of Graduate Studies
                                                                                                             includes all PH.D., Master and Graduate Certificate Programs.
                                                                                                             Sources: University of Lethbridge, Department of
                      0%   5%      10%      15%         20%        25%         30%         35%         40%   Institutional Analysis, August 2017

                           60%                                          3200                                                  22%
                       60% of the city’s population                 More than 3,200 students who                          Approximately 22% of
                       (ages 25-64) have furthered                   graduate from Lethbridge                           post-secondary graduates
                          their post-secondary                      College and the University of                      stay and work in Lethbridge
                                education.                              Lethbridge each year.                                after graduation.

                                                                                                                             A BRIGHT CHOICE:                      for business
                                                                                                                                                                   and investment

                                                                                                                             A BRIGHT CHOICE:                      for economic
Demographic Growth as a Proportion of Population Growth: Lethbridge (2012 vs 2017)






      5%                                                        4%
                                                                                                                                  2%       2%

                0-9        10-19   20-29      30-39          40-49               50-59             60-69           70-79      80-89        90+

     30-39                                              Annual Population Growth (2017): Alberta Cities

      This age demographic is
        the fastest growing                Edmonton                                                                                            3.7%
          proportion of the                Lethbridge                                              1.4%
       Lethbridge population.
                                              Calgary                                0.9%

                                            Red Deer                      0.6%

                                         Medicine Hat               0.4%

        22%                                             0%         0.5%          1.0%          1.5%
                                                        Source: Alberta Municipal Affairs Population List
                                                                                                            2.0%     2.5%     3.0%      3.5%     4.0%

       22% of the total number
        of immigrants living in
     Lethbridge arrived between

                                                        % of Overall Immigrant Population by
                                                        Year of Arrival: Lethbridge CMA

       24%                                  2011-2016
                                           2006-2010                                                                        17%

     Of those immigrants who
       arrived in Lethbridge               2001-2005                                         8%
     between 2011 – 2016, 24%
     were from the Philippines.                         0%                  5%                 10%                 15%            20%            25%

14      chooselethbridge.ca
Annual Population Growth Rate in Alberta Cities

                                                 EDMONTON                  LETHBRIDGE         CALGARY              RED DEER

                       2013                           0.0%                    1.5%             2.6%                   5.7%

                       2014                           7.4%                    2.9%             4.0%                   1.5%

                       2015                           0.0%                    1.9%             3.0%                   2.3%

                       2016                           2.5%                    2.1%             0.3%                   -1.0%

                       2017                           3.7%                    1.4%             0.9%                   0.6%

                       *Source: Alberta Municipal Affairs Population List

                  % of Total Recent Immigrants (2011-2016)
                  by Place of Birth: Alberta

                                                                                                            There are more than
    Philippines                                                                         29%                  70 parks and 200
                                                                                                         kilometres of walking and
          India                                          14%
                                                                                                          running trails in the city.
         China                  5%

      Pakistan             3%

United Kingdom             3%

                  0%            5%         10%          15%          20%       25%      30%

                  % of Total Recent Immigrants (2011-2016)
                  by Place of Birth: Lethbridge CMA

                                                                                                         On average, Lethbridge
    Philippines                                                                         24%             has more than 320 days of
         Nepal                                   9%                                                        sunshine each year.

United Kingdom                        6%

          Syria                  4%

          India                  4%

                  0%             5%          10%               15%           20%        25%

                                                                                                        A BRIGHT CHOICE:        for economic
     There are many concrete reasons Lethbridge is a great
     location to start, grow or expand your business.

                                                      But what makes our community really shine
                                                      is the combination of city amenities and
                                                       small-town charm, the easy lifestyle it
                                                        affords and the sense of community
                                                        it fosters. With its low cost of living,
                                                         mild climate, short commute times and
                                                          wide range of recreation and cultural
                                                          opportunities, Lethbridge has something
                                                           for everyone to achieve a perfect
                                                            balance of work and life.

     New Infrastructure Adding to Lethbridge Quality of Life
                                                                                                   VALUE    EXPECTED
     			                                                                                    (IN MILLIONS) COMPLETION

     Arts & Culture                  Yates Memorial Centre         Performing Arts Centre Upgrades    $13.40    2018

     Education, Training, & Research University of Lethbridge      Destination Project               $280.00    2019

     Education, Training, & Research West Lethbridge Middle School Construction                       $22.90    2018

     Education, Training, & Research Coalbanks Elementary School   Construction                       $16.20    2017

     Education, Training, & Research Wilson Middle School          Modernization                      $14.80    2017

     Education, Training, & Research University of Lethbridge      Student Residence Upgrades         $12.00    2018

     Recreation & Leisure            City of Lethbridge            ATB Centre - Phase 2               $64.80    2019

     Recreation & Leisure            City of Lethbridge            Legacy Park                         $9.00   2020

16   chooselethbridge.ca
Daily Commuting Duration of Less Than 15 Minutes:
                     Western Canadian CMAs

       Lethbridge                                                                                                 48%

        Red Deer                                                                                   42%

         Kelowna                                                                             36%

          Regina                                                                        35%

       Saskatoon                                                                      33%

          Victoria                                                        30%

        Winnipeg                                              22%

       Edmonton                                             21%

       Vancouver                                    18%

          Calgary                                   18%

                     0%               10%                    20%                30%                40%                   50%

                     Median Value of Dwellings to Income
                     Ratio: Western Canadian CMAs

                                                                                                           Lethbridge has the highest
       Lethbridge                    3.97                                                                proportion of people reporting
           Regina                         4.13                                                            a daily commute time of less
        Saskatoon                          4.22
                                                                                                          than 15 minutes of any CMA
                                                                                                               in Western Canada.
         Winnipeg                           4.23

        Edmonton                            4.23

          Calgary                            4.52

          Kelowna                                   6.66
Abbotsford-Mission                                  6.79
          Victoria                                                8.40
        Vancouver                                                             11.01
                                                                                                           Lethbridge has the lowest
                     0      2                4       6              8    10             12                  dwelling-to-income ratio
                                                                                                            of comparable CMA’s in
                                                                                                            Western Canada making
                                                                                                             it an affordable choice.
                     Median Value of Dwellings to Income Ratio:
                     Alberta Cities

     Medicine Hat           3.81

       Lethbridge                  3.97
        Red Deer                          4.06

       Edmonton                                      4.32
                                                                                                             Lethbridge is home to
          Calgary                                                 4.52                                      more than 40 residential
                     3.5                   4.0                    4.5                  5.0

                                                                                                     A BRIGHT CHOICE:          for economic
                           A BRIGHT CHOICE   for economic


for economic diversity
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