Lessons from Chimpanzee-based Research on Human Disease: The Implications of Genetic Differences

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ATLA 39, 527–540, 2011                                                                                                527

Lessons from Chimpanzee-based Research on Human
Disease: The Implications of Genetic Differences

Jarrod Bailey

New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS), Boston, USA and British Union for the Abolition of
Vivisection (BUAV), London, UK

      Summary — Assertions that the use of chimpanzees to investigate human diseases is valid scientifically are
      frequently based on a reported 98–99% genetic similarity between the species. Critical analyses of the rel-
      evance of chimpanzee studies to human biology, however, indicate that this genetic similarity does not
      result in sufficient physiological similarity for the chimpanzee to constitute a good model for research, and
      furthermore, that chimpanzee data do not translate well to progress in clinical practice for humans.
      Leading examples include the minimal citations of chimpanzee research that is relevant to human medi-
      cine, the highly different pathology of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C virus infection in the two species, the lack
      of correlation in the efficacy of vaccines and treatments between chimpanzees and humans, and the fact
      that chimpanzees are not useful for research on human cancer. The major molecular differences underly-
      ing these inter-species phenotypic disparities have been revealed by comparative genomics and molecular
      biology — there are key differences in all aspects of gene expression and protein function, from chromo-
      some and chromatin structure to post-translational modification. The collective effects of these differences
      are striking, extensive and widespread, and they show that the superficial similarity between human and
      chimpanzee genetic sequences is of little consequence for biomedical research. The extrapolation of bio-
      medical data from the chimpanzee to the human is therefore highly unreliable, and the use of the chim-
      panzee must be considered of little value, particularly given the breadth and potential of alternative
      methods of enquiry that are currently available to science.

      Key words: animal model, chimpanzee, genetics, Pan troglodytes.

      Address for correspondence: Jarrod Bailey, NEAVS, 333 Washington Street, Suite 850 Boston, MA
      02108-5100, USA; BUAV, 16a Crane Grove, London N7 8NN, UK.
      E-mail: jarrod.bailey@mac.com

Introduction                                                   research for the animals involved (5, 6), profound
                                                               ethical considerations have always been the foun-
The validity of using chimpanzees (Pan                         dation for strong opposition to chimpanzee
troglodytes) in research to investigate the diseases           research (7, 8). In addition, in recent years a bur-
that affect humans is frequently based on the                  geoning scientific case has been made against the
reported genetic similarity of the two species. It is          use of chimpanzees in research, which seriously
often noted that chimpanzees are 98–99% geneti-                questions the usefulness and human relevance of
cally identical to humans — a figure that was ini-             chimpanzee data (9–13; and see http://www.
tially derived 40 years ago (1, 2) and was confirmed           releasechimps.org/pdfs/chimp-efficacy-paper-main.
more recently by using superior technologies (3).              pdf and http://www.releasechimps.org/pdfs/Chimp-
Advocates of experimentation with chimpanzees                  CA-suppl.pdf). Furthermore, it is apparent that
claim it is axiomatic that this genetic similarity             the claimed 98–99% genetic similarity between
leads to equivalent biological and physiological               humans and chimpanzees is superficial and decep-
similarity, and that because chimpanzees are the               tive. The overall similarity, when all relevant fac-
closest relatives of humans, they must constitute a            tors are taken into account, is likely to be nearer to
good — indeed the best — animal species to use for             95% (14, 15), or even approaching 93% (16, 17). As
the study of human disease (4). Thus, the use of               elaborated in this paper, important differences at
chimpanzees in biomedical research is justified by             all levels of gene expression and protein function,
its proponents, alongside claims of the crucial role           from chromosome structure to post-translational
played by such research in fighting many grave                 modification, combine to generate significant and
human diseases.                                                widespread biological and physiological differ-
   However, this justification has become increas-             ences.
ingly controversial. Given the cognitive and emo-                 In recent years, such concerns have led to legis-
tional capacities of chimpanzees, and the harmful              lation that bans, or at least very severely restricts,
consequences of laboratory life and invasive                   chimpanzee experimentation in the relatively few
528                                                                                                J. Bailey

countries where it was ever practised (see http://     Results
research/country-bans/). The exception is the USA,
where approximately 1,000 chimpanzees remain in        Cytogenetic differences: Fusions, inversions
laboratories (see http://www.releasechimps.org/        and translocations
mission/end-chimpanzee-research/), many of them
the last survivors of an intensive breeding pro-       There are numerous well-known structural differ-
gramme for HIV/AIDS research that began in 1986        ences between the human and chimpanzee
(18). The ethical and scientific concerns that have    genomes. For example, human chromosome 2
been raised have been reflected in substantial pub-    results from a fusion of ancestral chromosomes cor-
lic opposition to chimpanzee experimentation (see      responding to chimpanzee chromosomes 12 and 13
http://www.releasechimps.org/mission/end-              (28). Compared to chimpanzees, human chromo-
chimpanzee-research/public-opinion/), which has        somes 1 and 18, as well as others, contain large
translated into some degree of legal protection: the   inverted stretches, and many human chromosomes
passage of the Chimpanzee Health, Improvement,         contain large translocated or rearranged segments
Maintenance and Protection (CHIMP) Act in 2000         (26). These rearrangements exert a significant
(19, 20), and the more-recent legislative efforts in   influence on the expression of the affected genes
both the US House of Representatives and the US        via the ‘position effect’, which results from an
Senate in the form of the Great Ape Protection Act     alteration in the location of a gene. The relocation
(GAPA) in 2009 (21, 22), which was reintroduced        of a gene can influence its expression via changes
in 2011 as the Great Ape Protection and Cost           in the proximity and/or nature of cis-acting pro-
Savings Act (GAPCSA; H.R.1513/S.810; 23, 24).          moters and enhancers. Furthermore, the local
This act would end invasive experimentation on         structural environment of chromatin can alter the
captive chimpanzees in the USA, bringing the           accessibility of transcriptional proteins, and can
country into line with the rest of the world, and      exert gene-silencing effects via the influence of
would facilitate the retirement of all federally       nearby heterochromatic DNA (29). One study
owned chimpanzees into permanent sanctuaries.          ‘conservatively estimated’ that 18% of genes —
   The aim of the present review is to aid the         numbering some 3,200 — have genomic neigh-
debate and discussion surrounding the use of           bourhoods that differ between humans and chim-
chimpanzees in US laboratories, by examining           panzees, and may therefore be subject to gene
the ‘genetic similarity’ argument in the light of      expression changes due to position effects (30).
current knowledge regarding the comparative               Another major difference is found between the Y
molecular biology of humans and chimpanzees            chromosomes of humans and chimpanzees. The
and their inter-species differences. Salient infor-    male-specific region (MSY) of each of these chro-
mation from recent years, along with a consider-       mosomes has evolved rapidly over the past six mil-
ation of the performance and human relevance of        lion years, and as a result, the chromosomes now
the chimpanzee model, is synthesised, in order to      ‘differ radically in sequence, structure and gene
illuminate and critically evaluate this argument.      content’ (31). The chimpanzee MSY contains twice
                                                       as many massive palindromes as its human coun-
                                                       terpart and has lost genes, while the human MSY
Methods                                                has gained genes. X-degenerate regions of the
                                                       chimpanzee Y chromosome have lost four out of 16
Papers describing important genetic differences        genes, due to inactivating mutations. In total, the
between humans and chimpanzees, which have             chimpanzee MSY contains only two-thirds of the
significant or potentially significant functional      number of genes/gene families in the human MSY,
biological consequences, were located via the          and just 50% of the protein-coding transcription
GoPubMed database (25). Other salient reports          units (31).
were located in two exceptional reviews of
human/chimpanzee comparative genomics that
were published in 2001 (26) and 2006 (27). A total     Mobile DNA elements and copy number
of 178 papers, dating from the past decade             variation
(2001–2010), were examined to form the basis of
a review, the aim of which is to illustrate, with a    The position effect can also be invoked by the
sound and comprehensive basis, that there are          action of ‘mobile elements’ or ‘transposable ele-
crucial inter-species differences with extensive       ments’ in the genome — sections of DNA that can
and far-reaching effects. These differences per-       move or ‘transpose’ themselves to other genomic
meate all aspects of gene expression and protein       locations. One subclass of these elements can be
function, from chromosome and chromatin struc-         classified as long interspersed nuclear elements
ture all the way through to post-translational         (LINEs) and short interspersed nuclear elements
modification.                                          (SINEs; 26); these vary between humans and
Chimpanzee-based research on human disease                                                                529

chimpanzees and cause variations in gene expres-         the speciation process of humans and chim-
sion between them. Mobile elements comprise              panzees, and to have contributed greatly to genetic
almost half of the entire human genome (26, 32),         variation between the two species (33). A signifi-
and significantly affect gene function by physically     cant proportion of these inversions, as well as of
disrupting genes, by generating alternative sites        other chromosomal rearrangements, such as the
for the splicing of RNA molecules during gene            segmental duplications mentioned earlier, are
transcription, or by interfering with gene promoter      caused by the actions of the aforementioned mobile
and enhancer regions (33). Among other things,           (transposable) elements. Together, these elements
they are responsible for an as yet undefined pro-        have acted dynamically to generate numerous, and
portion of large duplicated regions of DNA called        often substantial, chromosomal rearrangements,
segmental duplications, which in total comprise a        which are the basis of many of the genetic differ-
significant 5% of the human genome. While                ences between humans and chimpanzees, includ-
approximately two-thirds of these duplications are       ing gene gain and gene loss (33).
common to humans and chimpanzees, one-third                 In 2005, Feuk and colleagues compared the
are species-specific and have contributed greatly to     genomes of the two species and identified almost
the biological differences between humans and            1,600 inverted regions, which are equivalent to
chimpanzees (34).                                        approximately 5% of the human genome (39). They
   These duplications, in a phenomenon known as          noted that 151 of these inversions contained either
copy number variation, are responsible for signifi-      entire or partial genes, or a breakpoint that inter-
cant disparities in gene expression and subsequent       sected a gene. Furthermore, they found 140 genes
biological consequences, such as susceptibility to       with human-specific CNDs and 15 genes with
disease (35). They are known to be one of the most       chimpanzee-specific CNDs, of which some were
significant causes of genetic variation among pri-       important immunologically. A more-recent study
mates (36), and are at the root of many aspects of       identified 252 inversion loci between human and
intra-species and inter-species diversity, differen-     chimpanzee lineages, the junctions of which could
tially affecting many human and chimpanzee               be easily characterised. Analysis of these junctions
genes involved in critical processes, such as            directly implicated the aforementioned LINEs and
immune and inflammatory responses, cell prolifer-        an abundant class of SINEs, known as Alu ele-
ation and tumour formation (37). Clearly, copy           ments, in the inversion process (33). This study
number variation greatly affects the appropriate-        also revealed a novel mechanism for some inver-
ness of chimpanzee use in the study of human dis-        sions that was responsible for 27 human-specific
eases.                                                   events and for 22 chimpanzee-specific events.
   In 2006, Bailey and Eichler reported that over 76     These events affected exonic and intronic regions,
million base pairs of DNA are differentially dupli-      and had an impact on gene function via gene dis-
cated between chimpanzees and humans (35).               ruption, the generation of alternative splice sites,
More recently, Armengol and co-workers examined          and effects on gene regulatory regions. There are
over 16,000 genes and identified 23 human-specific       approximately one million Alu elements in the
copy number differences (CNDs) versus chim-              human genome with the power to effect these out-
panzees, and 26 chimpanzee-specific CNDs versus          comes (40), and thereby greatly influence gene
humans, with some of the affected genes having           expression (41).
neuronal functions (36). An earlier analysis                Alu elements can also give rise to completely
revealed 177 complete and partial gene duplica-          new exons, often in existing functional genes, with
tions in humans, but not in chimpanzees; the oppo-       diverse splicing patterns (40). One such Alu-
site was true for another 94 genes (34). Half of the     derived exon has been implicated in a form of mus-
271 genes showed differences in expression — in          cular dystrophy (42). More generally, Alu elements
fact, genes in duplicated regions are often up to 10     have been associated with a number of diseases
times more likely to show differences in expression      that arise from disrupted gene function, including
levels than those in other regions (35). It is           various cancers, haemophilia, neurofibromatosis,
axiomatic that many genes with important func-           type-2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease (43).
tions would be affected: the multi-organ cancer          Interestingly, the chimpanzee genome has 100,000
susceptibility gene CHEK2, for example, is present       fewer Alu elements than the human genome, and
in nine copies in chimpanzees, but there are 13–16       although 572 evolutionarily young Alu elements
copies in a typical human genome (38).                   have been identified in the human genome, just
   Inversions of genetic material are also highly        160 such elements have been found in the chim-
prevalent, and are different, in the human and           panzee genome (43). These great differences speak
chimpanzee genomes. They are important because           once again to the inappropriateness of equating
of their effects on gene expression in the vicinity of   research on chimpanzees to investigations based
the DNA breakpoints where they occur, as well as         on human subjects.
their direct interruption of some genes. Such inver-        Large insertions and deletions of genetic mate-
sions are considered to have been major drivers in       rial, or indels, are another source of significant
530                                                                                                 J. Bailey

variation between human and chimpanzee gen-            implicated in immunity to viral infection and sur-
omes. Volfovsky and colleagues compared two-           veillance for cancer, differs between the two
thirds of human chromosome 21 and its equivalent       species (52).
in chimpanzees, chromosome 22 (there is an alter-
native chromosome nomenclature, in which
human and chimpanzee chromosomes are num-              Gene expression
bered similarly; based on this alternative nomen-
clature, the comparison involved human and             Even in the majority of cases in which genes are
chimpanzee chromosome 22). This comparison             common to humans and chimpanzees, there are
revealed 683 indels in the proximity of known          substantial and widespread differences in their
human genes, which potentially affected their          expression. For example, a study examining the
expression (44). Twenty-three of these indels were     expression of around 12,000 genes in the pre-
within exons, or within splice-site regions, and ten   frontal cortex of the brain found that almost 1,000
altered the sequence of the corresponding protein.     were expressed in the human, but not in the chim-
Indels have also been shown to affect major histo-     panzee, while the reverse occurred for 344 genes.
compatibility complex (MHC) genes, which are           In addition, of the genes that were expressed in
critical for immune responses. Indeed, indels are      both species, 20% showed a different expression
responsible for a large 95kb deletion in the MHC       profile — for example, 19 genes linked to
locus that resulted in a virtual fusion of the MICA    Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s dis-
and MICB human genes into the single hybrid            eases in humans were found to be expressed dif-
chimpanzee MIC gene (45). An additional 64 indels      ferently in chimpanzees (53). In the cerebral
of 100bp were identified in this locus, which is       cortex, at least 169 genes are expressed differently
genetically linked to differences in the handling of   — many of which are involved in neuroprotection
various infections, including HIV, hepatitis B and     and synaptic transport (54) — and 916 genes are
C viruses, and the malarial parasite, Plasmodium       expressed at least two-fold differently in the cere-
falciparum, as well as susceptibility to autoim-       bellum (55). Furthermore, many genes involved in
mune diseases.                                         oxidative metabolism and mitochondrial function
                                                       are expressed to a higher degree in the human
                                                       brain than in the chimpanzee brain (56–58).
Gene complement                                           Not surprisingly, such differences are not con-
                                                       fined to the brain. One study analysed an average
Many genes are present in humans but entirely          of approximately 10,500 genes in various human
absent in chimpanzees, or vice versa, largely due to   and chimpanzee organs, and found that a striking
the duplication and deletion of large genomic          34% showed differential expression in the brain,
regions already noted. It has been reported that,      25% in the liver, 33% in the kidney, 35% in the
since the evolutionary split of humans and chim-       heart, and 62% in the testes (59). Another study,
panzees, humans have gained 689 genes and lost         which analysed even more genes (17,231), identi-
86, while chimpanzees have gained 26 genes and         fied 16.3% of genes in the liver, 19.5% in the kid-
lost 729 that are still present in humans (46). This   ney, and 18.5% in the heart, that were expressed
means that humans differ by 6.4% in terms of their     at different levels within the two species (57).
gene complement alone (1,418 genes out of 22,000),     These percentages amount to many thousands of
which has significant consequences. An example is      genes differentially expressed in various organs.
the golgin gene subfamily, which has been linked       Notably, differences in the expression of a single
to systemic autoimmune diseases such as lupus          gene can have crucially important consequences:
erythematosus (47). In humans, this subfamily          the natural cytotoxicity receptor gene (NKp44), for
comprises 49 genes, but only 23 genes in chim-         example, shows five-fold higher expression in
panzees.                                               chimpanzees than in humans, and it exhibits dif-
  A comparison of protease genes, which encode         ferential increases upon activation. Its protein
enzymes important in a wide variety of cellular        product is involved in the recognition of HIV-1, and
processes, showed that five genes had been com-        in the sensing and killing of virus-infected and
pletely deleted in the human genome, while the         cancerous cells. It is thought that these differences
corresponding number of deletions in the chim-         could be at least partly responsible for the more
panzee genome was just two (48, 49). Other stud-       benign course of HIV infection in chimpanzees
ies have suggested: that 27% of human kinase           (60).
genes might not have a close homologue in chim-           It is highly likely that species variation in the
panzees (50); that 23% of human genes encoding         expression of just one gene, which encodes a mem-
zinc-finger proteins, many of which modulate gene      ber of the inhibitory sialic acid-recognising Ig-
transcription, might be absent in chimpanzees          superfamily lectins (Siglecs), has a major effect on
(51); and that the presence of genes encoding cell-    comparative general immune responses to many
surface receptors of natural-killer cells, which are   and varied pathogens. For example, Soto and co-
Chimpanzee-based research on human disease                                                                 531

workers (61) showed that inhibitory Siglecs gener-       ated with genes involved in the development and
ally, but in particular Siglec-5, are expressed at a     maintenance of this organ.
much lower level in humans than in chimpanzees.             Species differences in transcription factors cre-
The greater abundance of inhibitory Siglecs in           ate variations in gene expression, and thus gener-
chimpanzees serves to dampen excessive immune            ate physiological changes between humans and
responses relative to humans, leaving human T-           chimpanzees. In addition, the role of transcription
lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes, in comparison to          factors in differential gene expression is aug-
those of chimpanzees, over reactive to a variety of      mented by variations in transcription factor bind-
stimuli. This may explain species differences in         ing sites between species. DNA sequence
diseases that involve immunopathology, including         variability at transcription factor binding sites is
HIV, hepatitis C, asthma, psoriasis and rheuma-          normal between individuals of the same species:
toid arthritis (61).                                     for example, 25% of binding sites for RNA poly-
   In addition, terminal sialic acids are produced in    merase II vary between individual humans.
larger amounts in the hearts of chimpanzees than         However, a statistically significant 32% of these
they are in those of humans (62). As these mole-         binding sites were found to have meaningful dif-
cules are frequently the targets of viral pathogens      ferences between humans and chimpanzees (67).
that can initiate fibrosis, their greater abundance      Differences in conserved non-coding sequences
in chimpanzees makes myocardial fibrosis more            flanking genes have been shown to have serious
common in that species (63). Indeed, this type of        implications for gene expression, as they may
heart disease is the major cause of cardiac arrest       affect three-quarters of human autosomal genes
and progressive heart failure in chimpanzees, but        (75.4% in one particular study; 68).
it is very different from the main cause of heart           As an example of species-specific variability in
disease in humans, which is coronary artery ather-       the influence of neighbouring non-coding regions, a
osclerosis (63). In common with the apparent             comparative analysis of 100 representative DNA
genetic factors underlying a greater incidence of        repair-associated genes in humans and chim-
myocardial fibrosis in chimpanzees, it seems that        panzees revealed that 13% and 32%, respectively,
the increased incidence of atherosclerosis in            exhibited evidence of accelerated evolution in their
humans might also have a genetic cause — the             promoter and intronic regions (69). Some of those
lack of Neu5Gc sialic acid (described further in the     genes also showed inter-species differences in
Differences in Genetic Sequences section). A theory      expression, which are thought to affect DNA repair
is that humans ingest Neu5Gc sialic acid (as part        mechanisms. A faster rate of DNA repair in chim-
of their diet), and that this ‘foreign’ molecule trig-   panzee cells than in human cells, might contribute
gers an immune response, causing inflammation            to the different incidences of cancer between the
and exacerbating atherosclerosis. This chain of          species.
events is augmented by the increased reactivity of          Gene expression is also affected by DNA methy-
human T-cells caused by their lower expression of        lation patterns, which act epigenetically through
inhibitory Siglecs, as noted above (61). In sum-         histone modification and chromatin remodelling to
mary, it appears that a few differences in genetic       mediate transcription (70). In common with all
sequence and gene expression may be responsible          alterations to cis-acting sequences, minor varia-
for very different pathologies of heart disease in       tions, or differences, in DNA methylation can
humans and chimpanzees (63).                             affect the expression of many genes. It has been
                                                         discovered that over 12% of methylation sites, cov-
                                                         ering one-third of all genes, might be differentially
Factors affecting gene expression                        methylated in humans and chimpanzees (71).
                                                            There are major differences in other factors that
It is significant that many of the genes that are dif-   control gene expression. For example, in recent
ferentially expressed, often at a higher level in        years microRNAs — small, 21–22 nucleotide RNA
humans, encode transcription factors, as these pro-      molecules that can negatively regulate gene
teins can affect the regulation of many hundreds of      expression by interfering with mRNA molecules,
genes and can result in significant phenotypic           either causing them to degrade or by blocking tran-
effects (64). Despite their understandably strict        scription — have received increasing attention (72,
evolutionary conservation, many transcription fac-       73). There are thought to be over 1,000 miRNAs,
tors have evolved under directional selection in         each of which can repress the expression of hun-
humans (57, 65). A study by Nowick et al. illus-         dreds of genes in highly complex regulatory net-
trates this elegantly, as they identified 90 tran-       works (74). They play crucial roles in cell
scription factor genes with significantly different      development, e.g. in signalling and differentiation,
expression levels in human and chimpanzee brains         and in cell fate, e.g. in apoptosis. As miRNAs regu-
(66). These gene networks were enriched for pri-         late many oncogenes, perturbation of their func-
mate-specific KRAB-ZNF genes, which are central          tion can induce the initiation and progression of
to human and chimpanzee brains and are associ-           tumours (75). Interestingly, comparisons of human
532                                                                                                   J. Bailey

and chimpanzee precursor miRNAs have shown              throughout evolution. However, 20 of the 333
that only 60% are identical, and that just 73%          genes, some of which are definitively involved in
show no change in their secondary structure (76).       tumour formation, had some level of difference.
In addition, around 10% of mature miRNAs are            This may help to explain why chimpanzees have
different to some degree, and there are at least 39     an extraordinarily low incidence of cancers, espe-
miRNAs that are present in the human but not in         cially those of the breast, prostate and lung, can-
the chimpanzee (75). As a result of the fast evolu-     cers that account for over 20% of human deaths in
tion of miRNA binding sites (76), there are             modern populations (12). Another analysis, this
undoubtedly species differences in the expression       one of human and chimpanzee protease genes
levels of miRNAs (and in the selection and expres-      (which are involved in many essential biological
sion of target genes). At least 10% of miRNAs in        processes), revealed important differences: a high
embryonic stem cells, which can differentiate into      degree of similarity was discovered between the
over 200 different types of cell during develop-        559 chimpanzee and 561 human protease genes,
ment, differ between humans and chimpanzees             but seven genes were deleted entirely (i.e. two
(77).                                                   genes present in chimpanzees were absent in
   Adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing, another            humans, and the opposite was true for five genes;
important factor that affects gene expression, is       48). Many other genes contained small insertions,
catalysed by an enzyme that post-transcriptionally      deletions or sequence changes that can lead to
converts adenosine to inosine in RNA molecules,         gene inactivation, and several of these genes were
resulting in RNA sequences in which inosines, in        involved in the function of the immune system
place of the genomically-encoded adenosines, are        (48).
read as guanosine residues by the cell’s transla-          Another study identified 54 genes in humans
tional and splicing machinery. This process has         and 162 genes in chimpanzees that had undergone
obvious consequences for any gene that is affected,     positive selection since the evolutionary split
but importantly the process of editing is consider-     between the species. Just 17 genes had been posi-
ably more prominent in humans than in chim-             tively selected in both species (80). Notably, the
panzees (78). In humans, it occurs predominantly        genes positively selected in humans have been
in the previously described Alu elements, and it        implicated in epithelial cancers, schizophrenia and
affects myriad loci across tens of thousands of         other cognitive disorders, ataxia and migraine,
genes. When Alu elements in non-coding regions          autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheuma-
are edited, gene expression can be altered; when        toid arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease, all of which
coding regions are edited, the amino acid               differ in prevalence and symptoms between
sequences, properties and functions of the encoded      humans and chimpanzees (80). The positively
proteins are changed. Because the brain is most         selected genes included those involved in: DNA
affected in this way, many of the targets of editing    repair, general tumour progression, gastric and
are associated with the genes involved in neuroge-      breast cancers, susceptibility to and progression of
nesis. Altered editing is therefore associated with a   melanoma, neurological development, various
number of neuropathological disorders. The differ-      ataxias, migraine, dystonia, epilepsy, bipolar dis-
ential editing between humans and chimpanzees           order and cognitive impairment. Differences in
has distinct effects on gene expression and func-       transcription factor genes were also found, includ-
tion via alternative splicing and differences in        ing the HIVEP3 gene, which activates gene expres-
mRNA stability, nuclear retention and miRNA bio-        sion in HIV and which may account for some of the
genesis and targeting (78).                             species differences in HIV/AIDS, and other genes
                                                        involved in regulating gene expression such as
                                                        MOV10, which is involved in the silencing of
Differences in genetic sequences                        mRNA molecules.
                                                           Although Volfovsky et al. (44), in the study pre-
In addition to the large-scale genomic rearrange-       viously reported, identified 683 large indels
ments, such as inversions, indels, duplications,        between chimpanzee chromosome 22 and its
and so forth already discussed, as well as the dis-     human counterpart chromosome 21, an earlier,
parities in gene complement, there are smaller          more-detailed analysis of these chromosomes
apparent differences that can have a considerable       revealed a total of around 68,000 indels of all sizes,
impact on human and chimpanzee physiology and           resulting in genetic differences in the 231 genes
that are responsible for notable inter-species dif-     therein, leading to differences between humans
ferences.                                               and chimpanzees in 83% of the protein products
  A recent analysis of chimpanzee genes ‘equiva-        (81). In addition, around 1 in 10 of these genes
lent’ to 333 human genes implicated in cancer (79)      showed significant differences in their expression
found that the genes shared a high degree of simi-      levels. Another study found that about 8%
larity. This would be expected, because genes con-      (1,109/13,487) of the human/chimpanzee gene
trolling cell growth are often tightly conserved        pairs analysed were affected by premature stop
Chimpanzee-based research on human disease                                                                  533

codons in the chimpanzee version, resulting in           mutation, is further reflected in the array of
truncated mRNA transcriptional products that are         human diseases with which they are associated,
either degraded, or that give rise to truncated pro-     including: cancer, arthritis, neurodegenerative and
teins with altered or ablated functions (17).            cardiovascular disorders, haemophilia, Alzheimer’s
Elsewhere, an analysis of all human and chim-            disease, hereditary pancreatitis, and progeroid
panzee exons showed that humans have 1,931 dis-          syndromes (49).
rupted exons (there are more than 500,000 in                A deletion of two base pairs in the human
total), while the chimpanzee has 3,742 disrupted         MYH16 gene resulted in a frameshift that reduced
exons (82). In humans, functional consequences of        the sizes of jaw muscles in humans and allowed a
these disruptions identified to date include             larger brain to develop (85). A single base pair sub-
melanoma, breast cancer, neuroblastoma, some             stitution caused an inactivating, premature stop
inflammatory diseases, problems of immune and            codon in the human type I hair keratin gene, which
cardiovascular development, lupus and stress             resulted in smooth, hairless skin in humans, in
responses.                                               contrast to the very hairy skin of chimpanzees (86).
   Specific examples of small genetic changes with       Sequence differences in the FOXP2 gene, resulting
major, or at least potentially major, consequences       in just two amino acids that are different in the
are commonplace. For example, the CMP-sialic             protein product, have been linked with a species
acid hydroxylase gene in humans contains a small         difference of almost immeasurable magnitude and
deletion of a 92bp exon that is not found in the         consequence — the acquisition of human language
chimpanzee gene. This deletion causes a frame-           (87).
shift that results in loss of function of the protein.      While inter-species sequence disparities for any
Deficiency of this enzyme activity means that            particular gene may have obvious direct conse-
humans, unlike chimpanzees, do not have a partic-        quences due to the potential variability of that
ular sialic acid residue (N-glycolyl-neuraminic          gene’s protein products and their immediate func-
acid, or Neu5Gc) on the surface of almost all of the     tional activities, it must also be appreciated that
cells in their bodies. The absence of this residue       indirect effects may be significant as well. The
has implications for intercellular interactions and      aforementioned FOXP2 gene, for example, in addi-
many other biological processes, as well as for sus-     tion to its own structural and functional differ-
ceptibility (and resistance) to microbial pathogens      ences between humans and chimpanzees,
(83). The CDR4 gene, which encodes the CDR4 cell         differentially and significantly affects the expres-
receptor that is a major part of the receptor com-       sion of a further 116 genes. In humans, but not in
plex for HIV and thus its route of infection of          chimpanzees, 61 genes are up-regulated and
immune cells, differs between humans and chim-           another 55 are down-regulated by the FOXP2 pro-
panzees significantly. This difference affects CDR4      tein (88). The genes involved are important for
regulation, expression, density on the cell surface      brain development and function (for example,
and glycosylation — factors that influence its           those involved in craniofacial formation and in
structure, stability, and ability to interact with       establishing the neural circuitry and physical
other immune cells. These small genetic differ-          structures needed for spoken language via cerebel-
ences between humans and chimpanzees therefore           lar motor function), and in the formation of carti-
have serious consequences for HIV infection and          lage and connective tissue.
pathology, and underlie some of the differences
seen in HIV/AIDS between the species (84).
   The differences in the genomic complement of          Differences in RNA splicing
protease genes (48), which were discussed earlier,
may be significant, despite the overall similarity of    Splicing factors are complexes of proteins and RNA
the human and chimpanzee degradomes and their            that bind to specific sequences in pre-mRNA inter-
constituent genes. Important differences also exist      mediates during transcription, and splice out
in protease genes that are common to the two             intronic sequences to generate multiple mRNA
species, particularly in those genes related to host     molecules from one gene. Their presence, nature,
defence, such as neutrophil granule proteases and        function and repertoire, therefore have far-reach-
processors of pro-inflammatory cytokines (49).           ing consequences for the expression of many other
These differences are notable, because of the wide       genes. They greatly increase the complexity of the
variety of critical functions in which the enzymes       genome and proteome, and over 80% of human
are involved, such as: cell cycle progression; cellu-    genes are subject to their action (89). It is critical
lar proliferation, differentiation and migration;        to note that many splicing factors are differentially
embryonic development; tissue remodelling; angio-        expressed in humans and chimpanzees; for exam-
genesis; apoptosis, autophagy and senescence; fer-       ple, 43 in the testes and 20 in the brain (90). This
tilisation; immunity; wound healing; and                 alone will result in many protein variants, which
haemostasis (49). The importance of proteases, and       may have distinct functions in the tissues and
of the effects of their differential regulation or       organs of humans and chimpanzees. As previously
534                                                                                                  J. Bailey

described, the inter-species consequences of differ-    ceived and actual importance of chimpanzee
ential alternative splicing are further amplified by    research, amid claims from its advocates that it is
the differential action of mobile elements and          crucial and takes place only when absolutely nec-
adenosine-inosine RNA editing in generating and         essary (as expressed, for example, by VandeBerg
deleting alternative splice sites (33, 40, 44, 78).     and Zola [4]). If these claims were actually well-
                                                        founded, papers reporting chimpanzee research
                                                        should be heavily cited in the literature describing
Post-translational differences                          advances in human medicine, but the 2007 analy-
                                                        sis found this not to be the case. By using a statis-
The genomic and transcriptomic differences              tically representative sample of almost 100
described earlier obviously translate into pro-         published papers, the analysis revealed that more
teomic differences, with consequent inter-species       than 85% of the chimpanzee studies had not been
diversity in protein function, biochemistry and         cited at all in papers relevant to human medicine.
physiology. In addition, there are comparative pro-     Furthermore, a thorough and detailed analysis of
teomic studies that directly inform our knowledge       the papers cited in a human medical context, and
of human/chimpanzee differences at the protein          of those that had cited them, revealed that the
level. For example, 80% of orthologous proteins         chimpanzee studies had contributed little, if any-
were found to differ in their amino acid sequences      thing, to the outcome of the human studies. Often,
(91) by an average of two amino acids per protein       the results from research involving chimpanzees
(92), which has clear implications for evaluating       were duplications of human outcomes that had
the applicability of data from chimpanzees.             already been reported in earlier papers, or the con-
Furthermore, a comparative analysis of proteins         clusions were inconsistent with data on humans or
that interact with HIV-1 revealed that, of 1,447        other non-human primates. In contrast, the analy-
such human proteins, 77 had no orthologue in non-       sis found it demonstrable that in vitro research,
humans, including chimpanzees (93). The same            human clinical and epidemiological investigations,
study revealed significant differences between          and molecular and genomic methods had con-
humans and chimpanzees in the group of                  tributed most to the findings of the 95 papers in
APOBEC3 proteins, which are involved in host            the sample.
defence against retroviruses. Of the 1,370 human           A review that examined the use of chimpanzees
and chimpanzee orthologous proteins that were           in HIV/AIDS research (11) found that the number
compared, each species had more than 600 species-       of AIDS-related chimpanzee studies fell by nearly
specific phosphorylation sites, potentially affecting   90% between 1998 and 2005, apparently because of
thousands of protein–protein interactions, enzyme       the poor clinical translation of, and need for, that
activities and protein stabilities (93).                line of research. Responses to HIV vaccines were
                                                        highly discordant in humans and chimpanzees, so
                                                        the review concluded that responses to vaccination
The consequences of genetic differences:                in chimpanzees could not be considered predictive
Evaluation of the translation of data from              of responses in humans. In fact, according to the
chimpanzee research to humans                           same review, 85 diverse HIV vaccines that were
                                                        developed by using chimpanzees and other pri-
Several critical analyses have reflected serious        mates and shown to have protective, or therapeu-
concerns about the human relevance of chim-             tic effects, were evaluated in 197 human clinical
panzee research and the capacity of chimpanzee          trials. Yet, protection and/or significant therapeu-
data to produce tangible clinical benefits. While       tic effects in humans have still not been demon-
each of these representative studies set out with       strated by any HIV vaccine, despite decades of
the hypothesis that chimpanzee experimentation          effort and many millions of dollars of research
was not a productive, or necessary, research            funding. Thus, contrary to claims that chim-
methodology, their conclusions are supported by         panzees “are still important for testing vaccines
substantial data. Furthermore, it must be noted         aimed at preventing HIV-1 infection or reducing
that each study provides numerous peer-reviewed         the virus load in infected individuals”, for example
publications, as well as professional opinion and       (4), it was concluded that neither claim has any sci-
comment to substantiate its conclusions. Caveats        entific foundation, and that a return to the use of
surrounding the efficacy of chimpanzee research         chimpanzees in AIDS research/vaccine develop-
are indeed widespread, and they emanate from            ment would be without scientific justification.
many and varied qualified sources.                         Chimpanzees have scarcely been used in any
  In 2007, a citation analysis by Knight (13) and       form of cancer research, which may be surprising
Bailey and colleagues (see http://www.release           when one considers that cancer is one of the great-
chimps.org/pdfs/chimp-efficacy-paper-main.pdf           est killers of human beings. A review of the subject
and http://www.releasechimps.org/pdfs/Chimp-CA-         showed that there have been very few scientific
suppl.pdf) provided a general overview of the per-      publications relevant to human cancer that used
Chimpanzee-based research on human disease                                                                 535

chimpanzees, and that tumours in chimpanzees            area of hepatitis C research, the arguments are
are extremely rare, especially of the types that are    strongly against a scientifically based requirement
responsible for most of the deaths from cancer          for the use of chimpanzees and very much in
among humans (12). The review found that chim-          favour of concentrating research in human-specific
panzee tumours are biologically different from          clinical and in vitro technologies.
those of humans, and this includes the tumour ini-
tiation and progression phases. These observations
demonstrate that, despite their overall apparent        Discussion and Conclusions
genetic similarity to humans, chimpanzees consti-
tute a poor research model for human cancer.            The conduct of invasive research on captive chim-
Furthermore, these animals are not essential for        panzees may never have been more controversial
the development of therapeutic monoclonal anti-         than it is today. In recent years, experimentation on
bodies for cancer treatment. Finally, the review        chimpanzees has been outlawed, or at least severely
found that published papers describing potential        restricted, in the relatively few scientifically
new cancer therapies tested in chimpanzees often        advanced nations where it was ever practised (see
included significant caveats concerning differences     http://www.releasechimps.org/mission/end-chim-
in the species, acknowledged that research with         panzee-research/country-bans/). Nevertheless, some
chimpanzees was no better than research with            observers still insist that such restriction is a mis-
other animals, and described interventions that         take (4). Legislation banning experimentation on
had not been pursued clinically, presumably due to      chimpanzees has been implemented largely due to
adverse preclinical results (12). These conclusions     ethical concerns — namely, that research with
are supported by many of the genetic differences        chimpanzees causes extreme pain and suffering to
between humans and chimpanzees described in             animals with very highly developed cognitive and
the present paper.                                      emotional capacities. This rationale is being
   Finally, two in-depth reviews by the author of       increasingly augmented by a burgeoning scientific
the present paper have recently been completed.         argument — that data from chimpanzee experi-
These address claims that research with chim-           ments are flawed and invalid with regard to human
panzees must continue in order to provide a better      medicine, and that superior alternatives, with
understanding of hepatitis C, and to realise treat-     greater human relevance, do exist. This argument,
ments and cures for this devastating disease that       in turn, is bolstered by our increasing knowledge of
affects millions of people worldwide (9, 10). This is   the genetic differences between humans and chim-
important, not only due to the impact of hepatitis      panzees, as was summarised in this review, which
C on the human population, but also because it          serve to explain the negative results and conclu-
represents the area of greatest use of chimpanzees      sions reached in critical assessments of the rele-
in laboratories at present. These two reviews           vance of the chimpanzee for many areas of research
demonstrate that researchers have, for many             on human disease. These negative results and con-
years, cited numerous serious caveats and prob-         clusions, briefly summarised above, also give value
lems with the chimpanzee model. They have also          and meaning to those genetic differences, showing
stressed the urgent need for in vitro viral culture     that they do indeed matter and that they combine to
systems to accelerate progress, which occurred          make the chimpanzee a very different species from
much earlier for other viruses, such as polio and       the human.
measles. Paralleling the case of HIV/AIDS, these           Yet, in spite of this substantial and compelling
caveats, and the need for in vitro culture systems,     knowledge, the ostensibly extreme genetic similar-
are due to major pathological differences between       ity of chimpanzees and humans is frequently used
human and chimpanzee hepatitis C virus infection.       to assert the validity and indispensability of chim-
The reviews show that in vitro and clinical             panzee research. An example from 2005 is a high-
approaches, rather than chimpanzee experiments,         profile opinion piece by two prominent chimpanzee
have provided the most substantial, comprehen-          researchers, from two institutions housing hun-
sive and important data. It is now possible to          dreds of research chimpanzees, in which they
investigate the entire life cycle of the hepatitis C    make a plea for increased research on captive
virus, immune responses and host factors, identify      chimpanzees (4). It is conceded that the chim-
therapeutic targets, and test new therapies and         panzee is the species most genetically similar to
vaccines, in a human, and therefore completely rel-     humans, although the complexity of aligning such
evant, context. The reviews show that chimpanzee        huge genomes makes it difficult, if not impossible,
use is declining markedly in research on hepatitis      to measure this similarity in a truly precise way.
C; indeed, it has fallen by over 60% in the last 20     Initial estimates suggested this similarity was
years and is now at a historical low of just one-       around 98.5% to 99% (King and Wilson [94],
third of its 1985 peak level. In contrast, non-ani-     reviewed by Varki [95]), a figure that has been con-
mal research on hepatitis C has increased 80-fold       firmed more recently, although with certain
over the same time period. In summary, in the           caveats (reviewed by Volfovsky et al. [44],
536                                                                                                  J. Bailey

Watanabe et al. [81], and the Chimpanzee                for example, are more susceptible to a variety of
Sequencing and Analysis Consortium [92], among          “infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, obe-
others). For instance, the figure of 98.5–99% takes     sity, type II diabetes, autoimmune diseases, major
into account nucleotide substitutions only. When        psychoses, and neurodegenerative diseases” (69),
genomic insertions and deletions are considered,        are more prone to developing cancer (12, 59), and
the overall similarity decreases to approximately       are differently susceptible to malarial parasites
95–96% (14, 15), or to as low as 93.5% (16). Even       when they are compared to chimpanzees (97).
when repeat-sequence and low-complexity DNA             Experimentation with chimpanzees has failed to
are excluded, the overall difference is still thought   translate to meaningful progress in HIV/AIDS
to be approaching 2.5%, which is double the origi-      (11), hepatitis C (9, 10) and cancer (12), as well as
nal and highly cited estimate (16).                     more generally for other diseases (13; see also
   It has been widely acknowledged for some years       http://www.releasechimps.org/pdfs/chimp-efficacy-
that a genetic difference of only 1–2% is actually a    paper-main.pdf and http://www.releasechimps.
‘myth’, but its fragile underpinnings have appar-       org/pdfs/Chimp-CA-suppl.pdf).
ently been overlooked by advocates of chimpanzee           The use of chimpanzees has declined greatly in
research in their defence of the practice. Their        all areas of research, and it cannot be shown to be
assertion of a high genetic similarity and of only a    necessary in any current field of biomedical
1–2% difference is even more surprising when one        research. It has been falsely credited with major
appreciates the extent of the awareness within the      breakthroughs in the past, where human-specific
scientific community of other important inter-          methods were the true contributors, while modern
species disparities and their phenotypic effects,       technologies and cutting-edge alternative methods
and for how long this awareness has existed. As         negate any value it may have had historically. The
long ago as 1975, the authors of a seminal study        presumed benefits are arguable in themselves. It
(94) that indicated a 1% difference between             must therefore be concluded that any justification
humans and chimpanzees insisted that ‘‘the              of chimpanzee research based on genetic similarity
genetic distance between humans and the chim-           is superficial and incorrect. And, based on a deeper
panzee is probably too small to account for their       and more thorough appreciation of profound inter-
substantial organismal differences’’. In other          species differences in gene expression, rather than
words, differences in gene regulation and expres-       simple genetic similarity, it must be concluded
sion, rather than protein-coding mutations, must        that the chimpanzee does not, and can never, con-
play a major role (46, 94, 96). Knowledge of other      stitute a crucial and indispensable model for
factors with a great influence on gene expression       human biomedical research.
and human/chimpanzee phenotypes also precedes              When the scientific case against chimpanzee
and surrounds such claims. As this review demon-        experimentation is considered alongside the
strates, various phenomena — including genomic          numerous and varied concerns about animal wel-
rearrangements, mobile DNA elements (e.g.               fare, ethical issues and financial concerns (7, 8),
LINEs and SINEs), gene duplications and dele-           the argument becomes even more compelling and
tions, copy number variation, differences in tran-      formidable. Studies have revealed post-traumatic
scription factors and binding sites, DNA                stress disorder in ex-research chimpanzees now in
methylation, miRNAs and binding sites, gene edit-       sanctuary (5, 98), and have detailed physical and
ing and splicing and protein phosphorylation —          psychological trauma suffered by chimpanzees
contribute to human/chimpanzee biological differ-       that have been raised in various human/chim-
ences. Many of these factors affect gene expression     panzee contexts and then used in research, as well
and function, and are deemed to have played a           as the chimpanzees’ ability to recover from such
greater role than simple nucleotide substitutions       trauma once in sanctuary (6). Tens of millions of
in the evolution of species-specific phenotypes. As     taxpayer dollars could be saved each year by trans-
opined in a review outlining significant gene gain      ferring all federally owned and supported chim-
and loss in humans and chimpanzees: “Without            panzees from laboratories to sanctuaries, where
accounting for differences in the total DNA unique      they would receive superior care and enjoy a
to each species, we cannot hope to take a proper        higher quality of life (Capaldo and Owens, submit-
accounting of the meaningful genetic divergence         ted). Public opinion polls show that twice as many
between humans and chimpanzees” (46).                   Americans support a ban on chimpanzee research
   As the recent analyses summarised in this            as oppose one, and that 71% of the American pub-
review show, the divergence between humans and          lic think chimpanzees used in research for more
chimpanzees is considerable, and it translates to       than 10 years should be retired (this figure would
major differences in susceptibility to disease, in      now include over 90% of all chimpanzees in US lab-
symptoms and in pathologies. These differences          oratories; see http://www.releasechimps.org/mis-
have “eluded any molecular explanation within           sion/end-chimpanzee-research/public-opinion/).
this supposedly 1% diversity range” (45), a diver-      Finally, chimpanzee experimentation is a ‘special
sity which “is clearly misleading” (91). Humans,        case’. This is evidenced not only by public opinion,
Chimpanzee-based research on human disease                                                                    537

but also by various policies and laws in the USA,      on 26 August, 2010. Sincere gratitude is expressed
such as: the CHIMP Act passed in 2000 (99); the        to the New England Anti-Vivisection Society
extension, in 2007, of a moratorium in place since     (NEAVS) and the British Union for the Abolition of
1995 on breeding chimpanzees which applies to          Vivisection (BUAV) for funding this work. There
federally supported chimpanzees in US laborato-        are no financial conflicts of interest. The author is
ries (see http://www.releasechimps.org/2007/05/        supported by these two not-for-profit groups,
22/breeding-moratorium-decision-good-news/); the       which campaign against animal experimentation.
many countries that have recently banned or
severely limited the use of great apes (see http://
www.releasechimps.org/mission/end-chimpanzee-          Received 30.06.11; received in final form 14.09.11;
                                                       accepted for publication 14.09.11.
research/country-bans/); and the considerable leg-
islative support in both the US House of
Representatives and the US Senate for GAPCSA
(the Great Ape Protection and Cost Savings Act),
which seeks to end invasive chimpanzee research        1.    Kohne, D.E. (1970). Evolution of higher-organism
and retire all federally owned chimpanzees in US             DNA. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 3, 327–375.
laboratories to permanent sanctuary (23, 24).          2.    Sibley, C.G. & Ahlquist, J.E. (1984). The phylogeny
   To the best available knowledge, the USA is the           of the hominoid primates, as indicated by
only country in the world that actively conducts             DNA–DNA hybridization. Journal of Molecular
invasive research on captive chimpanzees to any              Evolution 20, 2–15.
                                                       3.    Ebersberger, I., Metzler, D., Schwarz, C. & Pääbo, S.
significant degree. For the sake of the approxi-             (2002). Genomewide comparison of DNA sequences
mately 1,000 chimpanzees in US laboratories, who             between humans and chimpanzees. American
almost without exception are elderly and have suf-           Journal of Human Genetics 70, 1490–1497.
fered greatly, there is a strong argument for the      4.    VandeBerg, J.L. & Zola, S.M. (2005). A unique bio-
USA to join the rest of the world and end this               medical resource at risk. Nature, London 437,
research. There is also a strong argument to end             30–32.
                                                       5.    Bradshaw, G.A., Capaldo, T., Lindner, L. & Grow,
this research for the sake of humanity, which                G. (2008). Building an inner sanctuary: Complex
stands to benefit from superior, more humane, and            PTSD in chimpanzees. Journal of Trauma &
more human-relevant scientific inquiry, should the           Dissociation 9, 9–34.
use of chimpanzees cease. The evidence reviewed        6.    Bradshaw, G.A., Capaldo, T., Lindner, L. & Grow,
here shows that chimpanzees are simply not                   G. (2009). Developmental context effects on bi-cul-
‘human enough’ to constitute valuable models for             tural post-trauma self repair in chimpanzees.
                                                             Developmental Psychology 45, 1376–1388.
research on human diseases: important differ-          7.    Sauer, U.G. (2000). Reasons for not using primates
ences, with serious biological consequences, run             in research. ALTEX 17, 217–220. [In German.]
right through each level of gene expression and        8.    Thew, M. (2002). Are results of primate research
protein function, from chromosome and chromatin              worth the suffering it causes? Nature, London 418,
structure to post-translational modification. This           273.
results in non-predictive data of poor relevance to    9.    Bailey, J. (2010). An assessment of the use of chim-
                                                             panzees in hepatitis C research past, present and
humans, that rarely translate to the clinic and that
                                                             future: 1. Validity of the chimpanzee model. ATLA
actually impede progress in human medicine. The              38, 387–418.
argument that chimpanzees must constitute a            10.   Bailey, J. (2010). An assessment of the use of chim-
good model for research on human diseases, based             panzees in hepatitis C research past, present and
on their ostensible genetic similarity to humans, is         future: 2. Alternative replacement methods. ATLA
specious and should be dismissed. Only by moving             38, 471–494.
                                                       11.   Bailey, J. (2008). An assessment of the role of chim-
away from chimpanzee research, and by fully
                                                             panzees in AIDS vaccine research. ATLA 36,
embracing and adopting superior human-specific               381–428.
alternatives, can treatments or cures for the many     12.   Bailey, J. (2009). An examination of chimpanzee
diseases that blight the lives of hundreds of mil-           use in human cancer research. ATLA 37, 399–416.
lions of people be realised quickly and safely.        13.   Knight, A. (2007). The poor contribution of chim-
                                                             panzee experiments to biomedical progress. Journal
                                                             of Applied Animal Welfare Science 10, 281–308.
                                                       14.   Britten, R.J. (2002). Divergence between samples of
Acknowledgements                                             chimpanzee and human DNA sequences is 5%,
                                                             counting indels. Proceedings of the National
Jarrod Bailey was the sole author of this manu-              Academy of Sciences of the USA 99, 13,633–13,635.
script and was responsible for its conception,         15.   Varki, A. & Altheide, T.K. (2005). Comparing the
research, and preparation. The work herein has               human and chimpanzee genomes: Searching for
                                                             needles in a haystack. Genome Research 15,
not been presented anywhere else in print prior to
this publication, and is based on an oral presenta-    16.   Wetterbom, A., Sevov, M., Cavelier, L. & Berg-
tion given at the ‘Animals, Research and                     strom, T.F. (2006). Comparative genomic analysis
Alternatives’ conference in Washington, DC, USA,             of human and chimpanzee indicates a key role for
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