Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh

Page created by Leslie Douglas
Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
Learning in Retirement
Spring 2021 Program Catalog
     LIR in the virtual world
  Join a community of lifelong learners
            at uwosh.edu/lir
Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
Learning in Retirement
                  2020 - 2021 Steering Committee

     Jim Krueger, President                          Jerry Lang, Vice President
         920-385-4939                                       920-836-1978

     Kathi Sawall, Secretary                       Terrie Kragenbrink, Treasurer
          920-231-4153                                     920-426-2697
                              Committee Chairs


                                                             We Need YOU!

                                                 If you are willing to help with this
                                                     committee, please contact
                                                            Jim Krueger.
       Administrative / Finance
           Jerry Lang

                             Curriculum Co-Chairs
                   Barb Schmitz            Kathy Larson
                   920-233-6569            920-426-2161

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Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
From the President
To the members of LIR:
We are now at the end of the first semester of LIR performed under “unprecedented” (one of the
Oxford English Dictionary’s Words of the Year) circumstances. The result has been one of steady
progress, new skills, and confidence.
Our presenters have soldiered on with this new technique of virtual learning. They miss you, as much
as you miss them, but they persist in educating and entertaining, as usual. This semester contains
more of the quality content that you expect to see from them.
The Steering Committee appreciates the staff absorbing new skills far outside their normal purview.
Their production skills are now quite impressive. When you have the opportunity, let them know that
you appreciate their extra effort.
None of us can anticipate the timeline of control and resolution of Covid-19. At present, there is no
plan to perform in-person presentations for this semester. As was the case in the fall semester, your
safety, and the safety of our presentation venues, is paramount.
When conditions improve, we can return to a more socially satisfying routine, while remaining flexible
to changing conditions. The Steering Committee will continue to stay in contact regularly as the
situation develops.
Thank you all for your support and efforts to learn communication skills that you never dreamed
would be needed. Please continue to support the program and our loyal presenters.
“See” you online.
Jim Krueger

                        LIR’s connection to the UW Oshkosh campus is through the
                             Division of Online and Continuing Education office.
        Staff are working remotely through the spring semester and our building is closed to visitors.
        You may contact us through e-mail at lir@uwosh.edu or leave a message at 920/424-0876.
                             Phone calls may not be returned on the same day.

                                              Learning in Retirement
                                   Division of Online and Continuing Education
                                         University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
                                              800 Algoma Boulevard
                                               Oshkosh, WI 54901

           This publication was produced by UW Oshkosh. Please do not duplicate.

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Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
About Learning in Retirement & Membership

The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Learning in Retirement (LIR) is a self-directed, membership-
based association, offering learning opportunities to its members.

Membership: The annual membership fee for LIR is $100. Membership year is July 1 thru June 30.
You will receive a new catalog and membership renewal information in July each year.

Your LIR Membership fee of $100 includes attendance at unlimited programs for one academic
year July 1 – June 30, including:
       Learning sessions led by experts in their fields;
       Member-led interest/study groups;
       Member taught learning sessions;
New members may join at any time. New members joining for the Spring semester pay $50.

You may register on-line and pay at www.uwosh.edu/lir. Click on “Become a Member or Renew Your
Membership” or mail your completed membership form along with a check to the LIR office. Credit /
Debit card payments can only be accepted electronically. You may only use this payment method
when submitting your registration on-line. The LIR office is not able to process credit / debit card
payments over the phone.

                                    How to Register for Programs

ON–LINE: Register on-line day or night by going to: www.uwosh.edu/lir. Under “Curriculum
Offerings” click on the “Register” button. You will be redirected to the online registration site.

MAIL: Complete the registration form and mail it to the Learning in Retirement office.

                            Virtual Course Information & Directions

All courses are offered virtually using Microsoft Teams Live Events program. The presentations will
be done in real time using live stream video conferencing. This allows participants to log in and watch
on internet enabled devises (computer, smart phone or tablet). Participants are muted and cameras
are off. Participate from anywhere you have WIFI, while you are doing anything.

Closed captioning is available, and we recommend you turn it on for every program. Participants
interact with the presenter by typing questions in the Q & A box. You may also ask questions of staff
who are moderating the event.

Log-in links for the presentations are on the LIR website. The broadcast is live so please sign in
10-15 minutes in advance of each session. Depending on your internet and strength of
connection, you may experience a 30-60 second delay in the broadcast view. That is the length of
time it takes for you to receive the live broadcast.

Joining the Live Event
Locate the program link by going to the LIR Website: www.uwosh.edu/lir. On the home page there is
a box right after the “History of Learning” video labeled “Spring 2021 Virtual Course Lineup;” click
on that box to find all upcoming programs. Next click on the “Register” button by the program you
wish to join. After you click on the name of the program, you will be redirected to the Microsoft Teams
program and this screen will appear in your browser.

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Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
Your screen may look a little different, but there are three
options. We recommend Option 2:

   (1) Download the Windows app - You can download the app
       and have it installed on your computer. We do not
       recommend this.

   (2) Watch on the web instead - You can just watch the
       meeting on your internet browser. We recommend this!                                1
   (3) Launch it now- If you already have MS Teams                                     3
       downloaded, you can launch the application now.

                                  After selecting your viewing
                                  option, you will be logged into the event and see the following screen
                                  until the event is live. Once the event is live, the presenter will appear
                                  on the screen along with the presentation.

Using the Playbar on the bottom of the screen to Control the Video Broadcast.
There are controls at the bottom of your screen to adjust the volume, turn on closed captions, adjust
the video quality and pause the broadcast.

To Adjust volume: click on the volume control (speaker image), slide the vertical bar to adjust.

Use Live Captions and Subtitles: To turn on live captions and subtitles,
go to the lower left corner and select Captions/Subtitles On      in your
video controls. To change the caption language, select Settings       >
Captions / Subtitles, and choose the language you want. The available
languages are set by the live event organizer. Subtitles will override the
captions, so be sure to have captions turned on.

To pause the broadcast: If you need to pause the live broadcast, you can
do so by clicking on the “Pause” bottom. The “Pause” button will turn to a “Play” button (a triangle
pointing right). When you are ready to resume, select the “Play” button. You can resume where you
left off or rejoin the live action. To go to the live action, select the small circle and slide it to the right
as far as it will go. If you click on the play button and do not forward to the live action, your viewing of
the broadcast will be behind the live broadcast and will end later than the actual event.

Q&A Option: You can interact with the presenters
through a Q&A. Your microphone and camera will be
turned off, so you need to type in your questions or
comments. You can ask questions during the
presentation which will be answered following the
presentation. To open the Q&A panel, go to the upper
right side of the screen; click on the Q&A icon

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Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
To ask a question, type your question in the “Ask a Question” box (located
                            at the bottom of the panel), and then select the “Send” button or icon. When
                            you ask a question, you can identify yourself by entering your first and last
                            name or ask your question anonymously by selecting ask/post

                            Leave the MS Teams Live Event: If you wish to leave the event at any
                            time during the program or after the program has ended, you will end the
                            session by selecting the “Leave” button in the upper right side of the screen,
                            next to the “Q&A” button.

                                        Special Interest Groups

1) Readers’ Choice
Love books and reading? Group participants decide on the selection of books to read and discuss.
       Dates: Wednesdays, February 3, March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2
       Time: 2:00 - 3:30 pm
       Coordinator: Lee Prellwitz
Note: This group meets virtually and is separate from the Evergreen resident’s group.

2) Garden Group
Experts will present on a variety of gardening and landscape topics. Field trips to area nurseries and
gardens are a favorite activity. Group participants decide on the programming and activities.
      Dates: Fridays, February 5, March 5, April 9, May 7, June 4
      Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
      Coordinators: Debby Butch

3) Life Story Writing Group
Learn how to write your autobiography. The focus of this group is to provide resources, share your
autobiographical writings and offer feedback to one another. You will be given writing prompts or
themes to focus on, but participants are free to write on any topic.
       Dates: Tuesdays, February 23, March 23, April 27, May 25
       Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
       Coordinator: Helen Adams and Marsha Rossiter
       Limit: 15 Participants


4) Let’s Video Chat
Learn about the options available to video chat with your friends and families. Learn the basics of
how to use the different technologies and platforms that are available.
       Date: Tuesday, February 2
       Time: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
       Presenter: Stephanie Carlin, Oshkosh Healthy Neighborhoods and Anne Schaefer, Oshkosh
       Seniors Center
       Coordinator: Julie Kiefer

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Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
5) B17 The Final Mission
EAA Staffer Chris Henry takes a trip back to the 1940's as we discuss the men and women who are
behind the most famous bomber of World War ll - the Boeing B17 “Flying Fortress.” This discussion
covers the human side of the airplane through never before seen photos from the wartime photo
albums of the veterans who have shared their stories, as well as the interactions they had with
modern day restored examples of this mighty aircraft. This lecture is not about airspeed and
technical figures, but one about what life was like aboard the famous “Flying Fortress” during the war,
and the bond that exists between the people and the machine.
       Date: Thursday, February 4
       Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
       Presenter: Chris Henry, EAA Aviation Museum Programs Coordinator
       Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

6) Am I Watching Fake News?
According to a September 2020 study from the Pew research Center 26% of US adults get their news
from YouTube. How do we know if our media sources are providing accurate information?
      Date: Monday, February 8
      Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
      Presenter: Sara Steffes Hansen PH-D, Chair and Associate Professor of Journalism,
      UW Oshkosh
      Coordinator: Trudy Jones

7) Immune Support Strategies
Dr. JJ Allen will discuss lifestyle modifications to improve your immune system and answer questions
regarding conflicting information on whether or not to take certain medications, over the counter
products, dietary supplements, and more!
       Date: Thursday, February 11
       Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
       Presenter: Dr. JJ Allen, Hometown Pharmacy
       Coordinator: Mary Bayorgeon

8) US-Russian Relations in the Biden Era
US-Russian relations in the past have run the gamut between close alliance and outright
warfare. After a decade of good relations after the end of the Cold War, they have deteriorated once
again. However, both countries have strong incentives to resume cooperation on a wide variety of
issues; even the original Cold War was punctuated by thaws and détentes. Eisenhower, Nixon, and
the Reagan administration had major successes in that area. Will Biden?
       Date: Friday, February 12
       Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
       Presenter: Michael Jasinski, Professor Political Science, UW Oshkosh
       Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

9) How Simple Moral Principles Might Lead to Uncomfortable Conclusions
It is well known that some of our most controversial ethical issues - for example, poverty relief, animal
rights, and euthanasia - involve a host of complexities. But some ethicists have argued that, contrary
to appearances, moral conclusions about how we ought to react to these issues can be derived from
simple and uncontroversial moral principles. The talk addresses some famous moral issues through
the lens of these simple ethical principles.
        Date: Tuesday, February 16
        Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
        Presenter: Dr. Laurence Carlin, Dean, UW Oshkosh Honors Program
        Coordinator: Nathalie Moore

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Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
10) Why Don't People Trust Science?
From climate change to COVID 19 - why don’t people accept the sciences that could save lives?
Explore that question through an evolutionary and academic lens, as it’s a complex issue that crosses
several fields of study - psychology, political science and sociology. We hear numerous varieties of
denials of the science but doing nothing has moral implications. These scientific realities have severe
consequences for our population.
       Date: Friday, February 19
       Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
       Presenter: M. Elsbeth McPhee, Assoc. Professor Environmental Studies
       and Biology, UW Oshkosh
       Coordinator: Kathryn Larson

11) What’s New at Oshkosh Public Museum
OPM has a full 2021 calendar of events including traveling exhibits The Nostalgia Awakens (a
collection of Star Wars toys and memorabilia) and Titanic: The Wisconsin Connection, as well as
programs like the popular cemetery tours, downtown historic walking tours, and a virtual event for
seniors. Learn about these offerings and more, and how to get involved at the museum.
        Date: Monday, February 22
        Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
        Presenter: Emily Rock, Registrar, Oshkosh Public Museum
        Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

12) Three Cities That Helped Build the Bible
Here's a perennial question: Where did the Bible come from? In this series we will explore three
ancient cities that had a profound influence on the development of the Bible: the Canaanite city of
Ugarit and two cities that were capitals of great empires, Nineveh and Babylon. Helping to guide our
adventure through time will be archaeologist Robert Cargill's The Cities That Built the Bible (2016).
       Dates: Monday, March 1
                Monday, March 8
                Tuesday, March 16
       Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
       Presenter: Bill Urbrock
       Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

13) How We Lost To COVID: BS, Bluster, and Bullying Barack Obama's Rhetorical Legacy
Covid-19 has taken a terrible toll in the U.S. The trauma unleashed on the nation will take generations
to overcome. Dr. Palmeri argues that our response to COVID was hampered by our leaders' addiction
to three destructive communication styles: BS, Bluster, and Bullying. These styles are bipartisan and
can be found in reactions to most crises. Until we learn to communicate in a more enlightened
manner, we will continue be unable to confront the serious problems facing the nation and world.
       Date: Thursday, March 4
       Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
       Presenter: Tony Palmeri, Professor, Communications Department, UW Oshkosh
       Coordinator: Nathalie Moore

14) Non-Surgical Treatment of Knee and Hip Arthritis
Learn about non-surgical treatment of a variety of orthopedic and muscular-skeletal conditions,
including injuries, arthritis, and joint and back pain.
       Date: Tuesday, March 9
       Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
       Presenter: Dr. Willa Fornetti, DO, MS, Primary Care Sports Medicine at Oshkosh Aurora
       Coordinator: Kathryn Larson

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Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
15) Food and Sustainability at UW Oshkosh
Food insecurity is an issue for many in our community and our students at UWO. The University has
established itself as a leader in sustainability; food access is a part of our efforts. Kevin Crawford
helped start the Sustainability Institute at UWO and led its first three years. He will discuss some of
the ongoing efforts at UWO to help provide food for everyone. He will also talk about other important
sustainability projects at UWO.
       Date: Thursday, March 18
       Time: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
       Presenter: Kevin Crawford, Professor of Chemistry, UW Oshkosh
       Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

16) Fall Prevention in Winnebago County
In 2019 a work group on Fall Prevention researched the problem in the City of Oshkosh, expecting to
find a significant issue. The State of Wisconsin has a higher rate of falls compared to national
rates. This was an initiative of the Fire Department along with multiple other groups. Mike Stanley,
Fire Chief, and Jennifer Skolaski, the consultant who coordinated on the study, will present an
overview of this significant and threatening problem. Come to understand the results of this work,
and how it pertains to your life.
        Date: Monday, March 22
        Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
        Presenter: Mike Stanley, Oshkosh Fire Chief and Jennifer Skolaski, Owner of Community &
        Nonprofit Leadership Consulting
        Coordinator: Jim Krueger

17) Oshkosh Area Community Pantry
The Oshkosh Area Community Pantry is a unique hunger relief organization serving southern
Winnebago County. Our history reflects the foresight and kindness of seven Oshkosh parishes that
came together to form the largest food pantry in Oshkosh. Learn about how the OACP serves our
community through collaborative relationships with dozens of organizations and programs. You may
be surprised at the depth and reach of our efforts. The COVID pandemic has highlighted the
importance of services like ours during times of uncertainty and stress. Learn how our response to a
basic human need has evolved with the rest of the world during a most unusual set of circumstances.
       Date: Friday, March 26
       Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
       Presenter: Tom Fojtik, OACP Executive Director
       Coordinator: Jim Krueger

18) Venom Production and Conservation
M-Toxins' Venom Lab is a high-volume venom production facility formed in 2011 in Oshkosh. In 2020
it opened to the public to allow visitors to see a variety of animals on display, as well as watch venom
operations from behind glass. This is a unique opportunity to learn about high volume venom farming
as well as to learn more about these animals which, repulsive to some, save lives around the
world. Join us for a presentation into the world of venom production and conservation.
       Date: Tuesday, March 30
       Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
       Presenter: Nathaniel Frank, Owner and CEO
       Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

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Learning in Retirement - Spring 2021 Program Catalog Join a community of lifelong learners - UW Oshkosh
19) Importance of Tourism to our Local Economy
Join Amy Albright of the Oshkosh Convention & Visitors Bureau for an inspiring presentation about
the importance of tourism to our local economy and the impact that Covid-19 has had on our local
tourism economy. She will share stories of success, challenges and lessons learned during the
pandemic and how our community needed to pivot in response to the pandemic. This is an
opportunity to gain new perspectives as we continue to move forward in the wake of Covid-19 and
learn about the role that individuals can take in helping support the local economy.
       Date: Thursday, April 1
       Time: 2:00 - 3:30 pm
       Presenter: Amy Albright, Executive Director, Oshkosh Convention &
       Visitors Bureau
       Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

20) The Most Trusted Profession
Why is nursing considered the most trusted profession? What inspires an individual to become a
nurse? How do nurses contribute during a pandemic? What do nurses really do? Explore the heritage
of nursing history and the development of a nursing program at UW Oshkosh.
       Date: Tuesday, April 6
       Time: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
       Presenters: Judy Westphal PhD, RN, Dean, College of Nursing, UW Oshkosh
                     Wendy Bauer PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, UW Oshkosh
       Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

21) Oshkosh State of the City Recap
Mr. Rohloff will review the state of city projects started in 2020 and what to expect during 2021. What
unexpected challenges did the City face with the onslaught of the COVID virus?
      Date: Thursday, April 8
      Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
      Presenter: Mark Rohloff, Oshkosh City Manager
      Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

22) The Role Emergency Management Plays in the Community
Eric will present an overview of the role Emergency Management plays in the community. He will
also discuss ways you can prepare yourselves and your families for some of the most common
emergencies in our area.
       Date: Tuesday, April 13
       Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
       Presenter: Eric Rasmussen, Deputy Director, Winnebago County Emergency Management
       Coordinator: Kathryn Larson

23) Maple Syrup Magic
Spring may be the most important season of the year because it means it is time to make maple
syrup. Naturalist Adam Brandt will give a virtual tour of the syrup making process from start to
finish. You will swear that you can taste and smell the sweet goodness.
        Date: Thursday, April 15
        Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
        Presenter: Adam Brandt, Naturalist, Mosquito Hill Nature Center
        Coordinator: Mary Shepard

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24) What’s New at the Oshkosh Public Library?
Get caught up on what changes have happened at the library in the last year. Find out about new
resources, programs and events for 2021.
      Date: Tuesday, April 20
      Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
      Presenters: Michael McArthur and Justine Elliot, Local Historian and Genealogy Librarians,
      Oshkosh Public Library
      Coordinator: Dixie Laehn

25) Greater Oshkosh Economic Development Corporation (GO-EDC)
Greater Oshkosh EDC was established in 2015 and exists to preserve the health of existing
companies, foster a positive entrepreneurial environment, connect companies to workforce and talent
development resources, enhance the business climate and promote the quality of life in the greater
Oshkosh area. Hear how they have been active during the unprecedented environment of the Covid-
19 pandemic.
      Date: Monday, April 26
      Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
      Presenter: Jason White, CEO
      Coordinator: Jim Krueger

26) Oshkosh Food Co-op
The Oshkosh Food Co-op's mission is to open a member-owned, full-service grocery store in the
heart of Oshkosh. A cooperative is a member-owned and member-controlled business that operates
for the mutual benefit of all members (in this case, great local food, and a healthy community) as a
unique resource for Oshkosh. Learn about the principles whereby the Co-op stays connected to the
member-owners, to the community, and to the global cooperative movement.
        Date: Thursday, April 29
        Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
        Presenter: TBD (soon to be hired manager or current board member)
        Coordinator: Jim Krueger

27) More Historic Tales from Oshkosh's Past
Randy Domer is a local author and historian who has written numerous books about Oshkosh's past.
He will be giving a preview of stories from his new book, due to come out sometime this year.
       Date: Wednesday, May 5
       Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am
       Presenter: Randy Domer, Author
       Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

28) Not Your Typical Fungi
The word “mushroom” likely conjures up images of sliced morsels atop a pizza, but fungi - a blanket
term which includes your typical mushroom fruiting bodies - come in all shapes, sizes, colors and
textures. Naturalist Jessica Miller, who has become fascinated with fungi over the years, will
introduce you to those not so common fungi of Wisconsin that are sure to delight and disgust!
        Date: Thursday, May 13
        Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
        Presenter: Jessica Miller, Naturalist, Mosquito Hill Nature Center
        Coordinator: Mary Shepard

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29) “Inside Out” Transformative Teaching Program with Woman at Taycheedah Correctional
Institutional in Fond du Lac
Learn about the “Inside Out Exchange Program” which brings together incarcerated women with
university students who learn together as peers throughout the semester. Taycheedah was
established in 1921 as a Home for Women. In 1975, it became a maximum and medium security
facility for approximately 752 females.
         Date: Friday, May 14
         Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm
         Presenter: Dr. Carmen Heider, Professor, Communications Department, UW Oshkosh
         Coordinator: Dixie Laehn

30) Top Myths About Planning for Death or Disability
Julie Maslowski will explore the common myths about planning for death or disability. This will
include information about gifting, nursing home and estate planning, and strategies for getting your
affairs in order. She will explore traps for the unwary and share valuable information for those
planning for themselves or their loved ones.
        Date: Wednesday, May 19
        Time: 10:30 am - 12 noon
        Presenter: Julie Maslowski, Attorney, Young & Maslowski
        Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

31) Women's Urinary Problems
This talk will address issues of frequent bladder infections; urinary frequency, needing to go to the
bathroom multiple times at night and leakage. Tips and behaviors that women can try themselves at
home will be discussed along with medical evaluation and treatments and how to advocate for
yourself within the medical system. This talk will be focused on the patient’s perspective including
some self-care and treatment options that she often taught her patients.
       Date: Thursday, May 20
       Time: 1:00 - 2:30 pm
       Presenter: Dr. Betty Amuzu, Retired Associate Professor of Gynecology, UW Milwaukee
       Coordinator: Barb Schmitz

32) Supper with the Chef
Even in this pandemic, our Supper with the Chef will go on--with a change. Chef Jason will give a
virtual presentation of a supper prepared especially for us. We will then be able to pick up the take-
out meal from Evergreen and enjoy the food in our own homes. Details will follow closer to the
presentation date.
        Date: Thursday, June 3
        Time: 1:30 - 3:00 pm; Meal Pick-up from Evergreen: 4:00 - 5:00 pm
        Meal Cost: $15
        Presenter: Chef Jason, Evergreen Retirement Community
        Coordinator: Kathryn Larson
        Maximum Meals: 60

33) LIR Annual Meeting 2020-2021
Save the date for our annual meeting. Our officers and committee chairs will review the year and
update us on what is coming in 2021-2022. This event will be virtual, so more details and meeting
materials will be mailed to you in advance. Grab a cup of coffee and join us!
       Date: Tuesday, June 8
       Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am

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UW Oshkosh Theater Virtual Spring Plays
    Date: View on-line April 24 – May 2
    Cost for both shows: $8.50 for the General Public and $2 for UWO Alumni
    Tickets on sale: April 1
    To purchase a ticket visit: https://uwosh.universitytickets.com

UWO Theatre will broadcast two plays this spring, on the Theatre YouTube channel utilizing a Pay-to-
View ticket. Your Pay-to-View ticket will permit you to access for both shows during that timeframe.
To purchase, register as “General Public.” If you are UWO Alumni, you will have the opportunity to
purchase an Alumni ticket at Checkout. Please email any requests, comments or questions to
boxoffice@uwosh.edu. Additional fees or service charges may apply to online purchases.

      Karaoke Night with Gilbert and Sullivan
      By Merlaine Angwall
      Directed by Merlaine Angwall
      Desperate Wisconsin tavern owners come up with a scheme to save their business; a Gilbert
      and Sullivan musical revue. Everything is Swiss-watch working until surprise guests show up.

      The Imaginary Invalid
      By Molière
      Directed by Jane Purse-Wiedenhoeft
      The extremely wealthy and eccentric hypochondriac Argan spends his time summoning doctors
      to care for his “imaginary” ills as he is convinced that germs are out to get him. He demands that
      his daughter Angélique marry a doctor so that Argan will always have unlimited access to a
      personal physician but at no cost of course! But Angélique will play no part in her father's
      ridiculous plan and this leads to mayhem and fabulous fun! First produced in 17th-century
      France, this play was intended to poke fun at the newly emerging medical profession. Our
      adaptation will celebrate Molière’s crowd-pleasing play along with some surprising twists and

Don’t Forget to Join the remaining Fall Semester Programs in January 2021:
      Thursday, January 14, Member Meet-up, 1:30-2:30 pm
      Wednesday, January 20, Celebrating UWO’s Sesquicentennial, 1-2:30 pm
      Monday, January 25, Election Round-Up, 1-2:30 pm
      Tuesday, January 26, Arachnids, 1-2:30 pm

New Semester Starts February 2, 2021

            LIR is affiliated with UW Oshkosh Division of Online and Continuing Education - P a g e | 12
Sunday     Monday              Tuesday             Wednesday         Thursday                Friday         Saturday
                        1                      2                 3                   4                  5          6
                                 4)Let’s            1)Reader’s         5)B17 The           2)Garden
                              Video-Chat              Choice         Final Mission           Group
                                 1-2:30               2-3:30            10-11:30            10-11:30

     7                  8                      9             10                 11                     12         13
            6)Am I                                 Membership         7)Immune            8)US-Russian
         Watching Fake                             Committee           Support           Relations in the
            News?                                   Meeting           Strategies            Biden Era
            1:30-3                                   10-11             10-11:30              10-11:30

    14                15                      16             17                 18                     19         20
                             9)How Simple                                                10)Why Don’t
                            Moral Principles                                              People Trust
                            Might Lead to                                                  Science?
                            Uncomfortable                                                    1:30-3

    21                22                      23             24                 25                     26         27
         11)What’s New         3)Life Story        Curriculum         Steering
           at Oshkosh            Writing           Committee         Committee
         Public Museum          10-11:30            Meeting           Meeting
            10-11:30                                10-noon           10-noon


         LIR is affiliated with UW Oshkosh Division of Online and Continuing Education - P a g e | 13
MARCH 2021
Sunday       Monday               Tuesday             Wednesday           Thursday           Friday         Saturday
                           1                      2                 3                  4                5          6
           12)Three Cities                             1)Reader’s        13)How We          2)Garden
         That Helped Build                               Choice         Lost To COVID         Group
              the Bible                                  2-3:30              1:30-3          10-11:30

     7                     8                      9             10                    11              12          13
           12)Three Cities     14)Non-Surgical        Membership
         That Helped Build      Treatment for         Committee
              the Bible            Arthritis           Meeting
                1:30-3              1:30-3              10-11

    14                   15                      16             17                    18              19          20
          Admin/Finance         12)Three Cities                          15)Food and
           Committee             That Helped                            Sustainability at
            Meeting                  Build                               UW Oshkosh
            10-noon                the Bible                               1-2:30 pm

    21                   22                      23             24                    25              26          27
         16)Fall Prevention       3)Life Story        Curriculum           Steering         17)Oshkosh
           in Winnebago             Writing           Committee           Committee            Area
               County              10-11:30            Meeting             Meeting          Community
               1:30-3                                  10-noon             10-noon            Pantry

    28                   29                      30             31
                               Production and

         LIR is affiliated with UW Oshkosh Division of Online and Continuing Education - P a g e | 14
APRIL 2021
Sunday      Monday             Tuesday           Wednesday            Thursday            Friday         Saturday
                                                                                    1                2             3
                                                                   of Tourism to our
                                                                   Local Economy

     4                  5                    6                 7                    8                9            10
                             20)The Most          1)Reader’s       21)Oshkosh State      2)Garden
                               Trusted           Choice 2-3:30        of the City          Group
                              Profession                                Recap             10-11:30
                                1-2:30                                 10-11:30

    11                12                  13                 14                   15               16             17
                             22)The Role         Membership        23)Maple Syrup
                             Emergency           Committee             Magic
                            Management            Meeting              1:30-3
                             Plays in the          10-11

    18                19                  20                 21                   22               23             24
                            24)What’s New                             Steering                            Tickets go
                            at the Oshkosh                           Committee                            on sale for
                                 Library                              Meeting                                UWO
                                 1:30-3                               10-noon                               Theater
                                                                                                         Spring Plays

    25                26                  27                 28                   29               30
           25)Greater         3)Life Story        Curriculum       26)Oshkosh Food
             Oshkosh            Writing           Committee             Co-op
            Economic           10-11:30            Meeting              1:30-3
          Development                              10-noon

         LIR is affiliated with UW Oshkosh Division of Online and Continuing Education - P a g e | 15
MAY 2021
Sunday      Monday             Tuesday            Wednesday           Thursday            Friday            Saturday

     2                   3                   4                   5                6                     7          8
                                                 27)More Historic                       2)Garden
                                                    Tales from                            Group
                                                  Oshkosh's Past                         10-11:30

     9                 10                11                     12              13                  14            15
                                                  Membership          28)Not Your     29)“Inside Out”
                                                  Committee          Typical Fungi      Program at
                                                   Meeting               1:30-3        Taycheetah
                                                    10-11                              Correctional

    16                 17                18                     19              20                  21            22
         Admin/Finance                            30)Top Myths       31)Women’s
          Committee                              About Planning         Urinary
           Meeting                                for Death or        Problems
           10 - noon                                Disability          1-2:30

    23                 24                25                     26              27                  28            29
                              3)Life Story         Curriculum         Steering
                                Writing            Committee         Committee
                               10-11:30             Meeting           Meeting
                                                    10-noon           10-noon

    30                 31
          Memorial Day

         LIR is affiliated with UW Oshkosh Division of Online and Continuing Education - P a g e | 16
JUNE 2021
Sunday     Monday             Tuesday           Wednesday            Thursday            Friday         Saturday
                                            1                 2                  3                  4          5
                                                 1)Reader’s       32)Supper with        2)Garden
                                                   Choice            the Chef             Group
                                                   2-3:30              1:30-3            10-11:30
                                                                   Meal Pick up

     6                 7                    8                 9                 10                11          12
                            33)LIR Annual

    13               14                   15                 16                 17                18          19

    20               21                   22                 23                 24                25          26

    27               28                   29                 30

         LIR is affiliated with UW Oshkosh Division of Online and Continuing Education - P a g e | 17
Learning in Retirement extends its thanks and appreciation to the individuals and organizations
listed below who have given their time, shared and added their wealth of knowledge and skill to
the enrichment of the programs from which our members benefited greatly this past semester.

                                      Fall 2020 Guest Presenters

Dr. Dale Feinhauer, Assistant Dean and Professor,              Randy Domer, Local Historian and Author
UW Oshkosh
                                                               Pam Ruder and Stephanie Carlin, Oshkosh
Dr. Tony Palmeri, Professor, UW Oshkosh                        Healthy Neighborhoods

Dr. Warren Vaz, Professor, UW Oshkosh, Fox Cities              Michael McArthur and Justine Elliott,
                                                               Oshkosh Public Library
George Waller, Emeritus Professor, UW Oshkosh,
Fox Cities                                                     Dr. J.J. Allen, Hometown Pharmacy

Dr. Michael Jasinski, Professor, UW Oshkosh                    Mary Ann Offer, American Field Service
Dr. Arnold Shober, Professor, Lawrence University
                                                               Jessica Miller and Mike Hibbard, Mosquito Hill
Joy Perry, Emeritus Professor, UW Oshkosh, Fox                 Nature Center
                                                               Joe McCleer, Attorney, McCleer Law
Joshua Ranger, Archivist, UW Oshkosh
                                                               Steve Sorenson, Attorney, Von Briesen &
Julie Kiefer, Program Manager, UW Oshkosh                      Roper, S.C.

Gordon Hintz, WI State Assembly Legislator                     Tom Boldt, CEO, Boldt Construction

Michael Schraa, WI State Assembly Legislator                   Darrin Wasniewski, AARP Wisconsin

Christian Gossett, District Attorney,                          Karen Schneider and Dan Roherty, Oshkosh
Winnebago County                                               Herald

Sue Ertmer, County Clerk, Winnebago County                     Miles Maguire, Oshkosh Examiner

Anthony Neumann, Manager IT Division, City of

             LIR is affiliated with UW Oshkosh Division of Online and Continuing Education - P a g e | 18
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