Learning from Every Patient - 6-10 May 2022 ONSITE IN COPENHAGEN & ONLINE WWW.ESTRO.ORG

Page created by Richard Fleming

Learning from
Every Patient
6-10 May 2022

DEADLINES                            It is my privilege and great pleasure to invite you to ESTRO 2022
                                               which will take place from 6 to 10 May in Copenhagen, Denmark.
          Late-breaking abstract submission:
          From 3 to 19 January 2022
                                               The ambition of ESTRO to further reinforce radiation oncology as a core partner in
                                               multidisciplinary cancer care, and to guarantee accessible and high-value radiation
          Early registration:                  therapy for all cancer patients who need it, is expressed in the society’s vision
          8 February 2022                      statement for 2030: ‘Radiation Oncology. Optimal Health for All, Together.’. After a
                                               difficult couple of years, this is more poignant than ever as, in 2022, we expect to
                                               again be able to freely get together and connect.
          Late registration:
          6 April 2022                         The conference theme is “Learning from every patient”, from the individual to
                                               large cohorts, and will be incorporated throughout the programme. Additionally,
          Desk registration:                   two over-arching topics will be tackled in the six programme tracks. These are
                                               Squamous Cell Carcinomas - what makes them special - and Time - the importance
          As of 7 April 2022
                                               of it in radiotherapy.

                                               This year we will optimise the contributions from submitted abstracts. Sessions with
                                               highlights of proffered papers will take place in a plenary setting, offering maximum
                                               visibility to your work. Furthermore, we will give more visibility to quality abstracts by
                                               introducing mini-oral sessions. Taking place in dedicated theatres in the exhibition
                                               area, these sessions will offer you a platform to showcase your achievements. The
                                               interdisciplinary track will also have mini-oral sessions to highlight abstracts which
                                               are of interest to a broad range of disciplines. We will have a Young Scientists Track
                                               encompassing relevant lectures and other activities.

                                               Networking with corporate partners is always invaluable. ESTRO 2022 will host
                                               Europe’s largest industry exhibition in radiation oncology. It will offer you a unique
                                               opportunity to interact with industry leaders and to find out about the latest

                                               developments in technology, techniques and oncology products.

                                               We look forward to welcoming you in Copenhagen.

                                               With warm regards,

                                                                    Ben Slotman
                                                                    ESTRO 2022 Chair
                                                                                                               PROGRAMME SPOTLIGHT
Ben Slotman (NL) - Chair of the congress                  Daniela Thorwarth (DE) - Chair
Anna Kirby (UK) - Chair, Interdisciplinary track          Marianne Aznar (UK), Jenny Bertholet (CH),           In addition to the congress theme of “Learning From Every Patient’,
Ina Jürgenliemk-Schulz (NL) - Chair, SAG Brachytherapy    Catharine Clark (UK), Ben Heijmen (NL), Núria
                                                          Jornet (ES), Stine Korreman (DK), Guillaume
                                                                                                               the two over-arching topics of “Squamous Cell Carcinomas” and
Hans Langendijk (NL) - Chair, SAG Clinical Radiotherapy
Daniela Thorwarth (DE) - Chair, SAG Radiation Physics
                                                          Landry (DE), Tufve Nyholm (SE), Christian Richter    “Time” will be showcased throughout the programme. The following
                                                          (DE), Charlotte Robert (FR), Kathrine Røe Redalen
Maddalena Rossi (NL) - Chair, SAG Radiation Therapy                                                            sessions will expand on these topics.
                                                          (NO), Marco Schwarz (IT), Kari Tanderup (DK),
Ludwig Dubois (NL) - Chair, SAG Radiobiology
                                                          Uulke van der Heide (NL), Wouter van Elmpt
Anne Gasnier (FR) & Laura Mullaney (IE) - Chairs,         (NL), Ivan Vogelius (DK)
Young track                                                                                                    LEARNING FROM EVERY PATIENT
Umberto Ricardi (IT), Bradley Pieters (NL), Brita
                                                                                                               • The Presidential symposium - Learning from every patient
                                                                                                               • Education in 2022: Does the patient know better?
Singers Sørensen (DK), Wouter van Elmpt (NL),             SAG FOR RADIATION THERAPY
Maria Antonietta Gambacorta (IT), Yat Man                                                                      • Learning about the patients we do not see: A focus on inequities in radiotherapy
Tsang (UK), Jenny Bertholet (UK), Sophie Perryck          Maddalena Rossi (NL) - Chair                           access and provision
(CH), Jesper Eriksen (DK), Michael Baumann                Nigel Anderson (AU), Monica Buijs (NL), Colleen
(DE), Jens Overgaard (DK), Pierre Blanchard               Dickie (CA), Aileen Duffton (UK), Maeve Kearney
(FR), Ludvig Muren (DK), Michelle Leech (IE)              (IE), Ingrid Kristensen (SE), Michelle Leech (IE),   TIME
                                                          Sophie Perryck (CH), Yat Man Tsang (UK), Ludwig      • MR-guided radiotherapy: How to acquire and interpret imaging data for online
                                                          Van den Berghe (BE), Bernd Wisgrill (AT)               adaption
SAG FOR BRACHYTHERAPY                                                                                          • Radiation-induced cardiac and vascular toxicity
                                                                                                               • Management of radio-recurrent prostate cancer
Ina Jürgenliemk-Schulz (NL) - Chair                       SAG FOR RADIOBIOLOGY                                 • The radiobiological clock in 2022
Cyrus Chargari (FR), Marisol De Brandere (BE),
                                                                                                               • Adapting to changes on different time scales
Peter Hoskin (UK), Nicole Nesvacil (AT), Bradley          Ludwig Dubois (NL) - Chair
Pieters (NL), Csaba Polgár (HU), Agata Rembielak          Lara Barazzuol (NL), Anna Dubrovska (DE),
(UK), Carl Salembier (BE), Frank-André Siebert            Ester Hammond (UK), Fernando Lopez Campos
(DE), Vratislav Strnad (DE), Luca Tagliaferri (IT)        (ES), Heidi Lyng (NO), Monica Mangoni (IT),
                                                                                                               SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMAS
                                                          Laure Marignol (IE), Francois Paris (FR), Martin     •   Toxicity vs tumour control: What makes a good plan?'
                                                          Pruschy (CH), Brita Singers Sørensen (DK),           •   Anal cancer
                                                          Marie-Catherine Vozenin (CH)                         •   Changes in disease pattern after the pandemic
                                                                                                               •   HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma: Is it time for de-intensification?
Hans Langendijk (NL) - Chair
Eric Deutsch (FR), Dorota Gabryś (PL), Maria              YESTRO
Antoniet ta Gambacor ta (IT ), Mat thias                                                                       OTHER TOPICS TO BE COVERED IN THE INTERDISCIPLINARY TRACK
Guckenberger (CH), Karin Haustermans (BE),                Anne Gasnier (FR) & Laura Mullaney (IE) - Chairs     •   How can omics lead to personalised radiation oncology?
Peter Hoskin (UK), Florence Huguet (FR), Pedro            Jenny Bertholet (CH), Jean-Emmanuel Bibault          •   Imaging biomarkers for personalised radiotherapy
Lara (ES), Icro Meattini (IT), Marianne Nordsmark         (FR), Martin-Immanuel Bittner (DE), Cyrus            •   Adaptation and automation: The new frontier in radiotherapy
(DK), Remi Nout (NL), Piet Ost (BE), Esther               Chargari (FR), Ludwig Dubois (NL), Pierfrancesco     •   Protons
Troost (DE), Birgitte Vrou Offersen (DK), Joachim         Franco (IT), Jolien Heukelom (NL), Sophie Perryck
                                                                                                               •   Automation in radiotherapy
Widder (AT)                                               (CH), Steven Petit (NL), Kathrine Røe Redalen
                                                                                                               •   Lethal DNA double strand breaks production: Quality over quantity?
                                                          (NO), Mateusz Spałek (PL)
                                                                                                               •   The role of microbiota in radiotherapy efficacy
                                                                                                               •   Education in radiation oncology: Advances and opportunities
                                                                                                               •   Is integration with immunotherapy the new challenge for radiation oncologists?

                         PRE-MEETING COURSE                           PRE-MEETING COURSE                        PRE-MEETING COURSE                      PRE-MEETING COURSE                           PRE-MEETING COURSE                             PRE-MEETING COURSE
08:30-17:00    Professional well-being and burn-out          Innovative models to assess efficacy        Integration of radiotherapy into     Real-world implementation of adaptive           Time to adapt: Future roles of RTT        Skin/cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
                            prevention                       and toxicity treatment combinations           targeted or immunotherapy             radiotherapy in clinical practice
                                                                      with radiotherapy

17:15-17:45   OPENING CEREMONY

                     TEACHING LECTURE                  TEACHING LECTURE               TEACHING LECTURE                TEACHING LECTURE              TEACHING LECTURE                  TEACHING LECTURE                  TEACHING LECTURE                   TEACHING LECTURE

08:00-08:40      The role of microbiota in       The radiobiological clock in    Stereotactic radiotherapy:       Palliative radiotherapy:      Improving radiotherapy           Commissioning and quality       Monte Carlo dose calculation in     Education in 2022: Does the
                  radiotherapy efficacy                    2022                      Recent advances             Established standards and   outcomes for vaginal tumours      assurance of commercial in vivo     modern day radiotherapy              patient know better?
                                                                                                                     emerging concepts        using a joint target concept           dosimetry systems

                             DEBATE                         DEBATE                         SYMPOSIUM                    SYMPOSIUM                        DEBATE                       JOINT SYMPOSIUM                      SYMPOSIUM                          SYMPOSIUM
                  Education in radiation           This house believes that      New developments in the             All the hassle with          Soft tissue sarcoma:                 "ESTRO-EFOMP                Real-time dose calculation       Learning about the patients we
08:45-10:00      oncology: Advances and         FLASH radiotherapy is a more     treatment of oesophageal          hematopoietic systems     Brachytherapy and/or EBRT or         CT innovations: DECT and                                         do not see: A focus on inequities
                      opportunities                promising avenue for the              cancer                                                 IORT: Current evidence                    beyond"                                                     in radiotherapy access and
                                                 future of radiation oncology                                                                                                                                                                                  provision
                                                  than particle radiotherapy

10:00-10:30   COFFEE BREAK
10:30-11:30          PROFFERED PAPERS                 PROFFERED PAPERS                PROFFERED PAPERS               PROFFERED PAPERS              PROFFERED PAPERS                   PROFFERED PAPERS                  PROFFERED PAPERS                  PROFFERED PAPERS

                                                                                   PRESIDENTIAL SYMPOSIUM
                                                                                 Learning from every patient

12:45-14:15   LUNCH AND INDUSTRY SYMPOSIA                                                                                                         GEC-ESTRO ASSEMBLY
                        SYMPOSIUM                         SYMPOSIUM                        SYMPOSIUM                    SYMPOSIUM                      SYMPOSIUM                      JOINT SYMPOSIUM                      SYMPOSIUM                          SYMPOSIUM
                   Is integration with            Emerging radiobiological        Large-scale collection of            Lymphopenia           Preserving brachytherapy skills            ESTRO-AAPM               Automatic planning: Towards a       What’s new in RTT advanced
14:15-15:30     immunotherapy the new                   modifiers                PROs for clinical use during                                         for the future              50 shades of FLASH: From            sustainable future                      practice?
                 challenge for radiation                                                 follow-up                                                                               experimental beam lines to
                       oncologists?                                                                                                                                                       the clinic

15:30-16:00   COFFEE BREAK
16:00-16:25                                                                      E. VAN DER SCHUEREN AWARD
                                                                                   JENS OVERGAARD LEGACY
                     PROFFERED PAPERS                 PROFFERED PAPERS                PROFFERED PAPERS                                             PROFFERED PAPERS                   PROFFERED PAPERS                  PROFFERED PAPERS                  PROFFERED PAPERS
16:55-17:55                                                                                                           TUMOUR BOARD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BEST PRESENTATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          AWARD CEREMONY

 INTERDISCIPLINARY SESSION                                RADIOBIOLOGY SESSION                           CLINICAL SESSION                                          PHYSICS SESSION                RTT SESSION                 BRACHYTHERAPY SESSION                  YESTRO SESSION
                     TEACHING LECTURE             TEACHING LECTURE              TEACHING LECTURE               TEACHING LECTURE                 TEACHING LECTURE                 TEACHING LECTURE                    TEACHING LECTURE                 TEACHING LECTURE
               MR-guided radiotherapy:       Mitochondria in tumour and       Breast cancer-related       Fractionation and biology in      Artificial intelligence and    Robust treatment planning in       Essentials for risk management   Less is more: The increasing use
08:00-08:40   How to acquire and interpret   normal tissue radiobiology          lymphoedema                     bladder cancer          brachytherapy: Current reality           particle therapy:               of a radiation oncology       of hypofractionation in routine
                imaging data for online                                                                                                         and perspectives            Clinical implementation and                 department              clinical practice and its impact
                       adaption                                                                                                                                                    potential pitfalls                                                    on patient care

                        SYMPOSIUM                    SYMPOSIUM                     SYMPOSIUM                      SYMPOSIUM                        SYMPOSIUM                        SYMPOSIUM                         PITCH SESSION                       SYMPOSIUM
                Radiation-induced cardiac    Beyond the nucleus: The role     Radiotherapy in head         2020 - Losing ground for      The use of imaging in prostate     Image guidance in particle         Every radiotherapy physicist      Personalised radiotherapy:
08:45-10:00       and vascular toxicity      of mitochondria in radiation   and neck advanced disease           radiotherapy?                   brachytherapy              therapy: Status and outlook        should know about AI/ML... but    Improving standards of care
                                                      response                   in surgery with                                                                                                                       how much?                with personalised treatments
                                                                               reconstruction area
10:00-10:30   COFFEE BREAK
10:30-11:30          PROFFERED PAPERS             PROFFERED PAPERS              PROFFERED PAPERS               PROFFERED PAPERS                PROFFERED PAPERS                  PROFFERED PAPERS                   PROFFERED PAPERS                  PROFFERED PAPERS

                                                                                    HIGHLIGHTS                                           MULTIDISCIPLINARY TUMOUR BOARD
                                                                               OF PROFFERED PAPERS                                            Oesophageal Cancer

12:45-14:15   LUNCH AND INDUSTRY SYMPOSIA                                                                                                                                        PHYSICS ASSEMBLY
                        SYMPOSIUM                    SYMPOSIUM                     SYMPOSIUM                   JOINT SYMPOSIUM                     SYMPOSIUM                           DEBATE                       PROFFERED PAPERS                      SYMPOSIUM
14:15-15:30       Management of radio-           The hypoxic tumour          Oligometastatic disease           ESTRO-IASLC                Ocular plaque brachytherapy      This house believes that in 10                                        RTTs and AI: Changing roles
                recurrent prostate cancer         microenvironment                  (OMD)                Advances in radiotherapy for                                     years particle therapy will be in
                                                                                                                lung cancer                                                  a better place than now!

15:30-16:00   COFFEE BREAK
16:00-16:25                                                                 HONORARY PHYSICIST AWARD
                                                                                  IRIDIUM AWARD
16:25-16:50                                                                 In memoriam of Professor
                                                                                Janusz Skowronek

16:55-17:55          PROFFERED PAPERS             PROFFERED PAPERS              PROFFERED PAPERS               PROFFERED PAPERS                PROFFERED PAPERS                  PROFFERED PAPERS                   PROFFERED PAPERS                  PROFFERED PAPERS

 INTERDISCIPLINARY SESSION                           RADIOBIOLOGY SESSION                          CLINICAL SESSION                                            PHYSICS SESSION                  RTT SESSION               BRACHYTHERAPY SESSION                  YESTRO SESSION
                             TEACHING LECTURE                        TEACHING LECTURE                            TEACHING LECTURE                     TEACHING LECTURE                    TEACHING LECTURE                   TEACHING LECTURE                    TEACHING LECTURE
08:00-08:40                    Protons (tbc)               Leadership is an action not a position     Modern imaging in radiation oncology      Biomarkers guiding dose de-              U-Net for dummies            MRI: From basic to state-of-the-    Immobilisation in the rapidly
                                                                                                                                                    escalation in HNSCC                                                  art acquisition protocols       changing world of radiotherapy:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Now and into the future
                                SYMPOSIUM                               SYMPOSIUM                                  JOINT DEBATE                           SYMPOSIUM                          SYMPOSIUM                          SYMPOSIUM                            SYMPOSIUM
                     Automation in radiotherapy            The postive impact of good leadership                  ESTRO-PROS                       New era of personalised         Deep learning for target auto-      Online management of target        Online adaptive radiotherapy:
08:45-10:00                                                                                          This house believes that proton therapy      radiotherapy in soft tissue             segmentation                           motion                        The future is near!
                                                                                                      is the standard of care for paediatric              sarcomas
                                                                                                     patients, adolescents and young adults
                                                                                                              requiring radiotherapy
10:00-10:30   COFFEE BREAK
                             PROFFERED PAPERS                          SPEED DATING                             PROFFERED PAPERS                      PROFFERED PAPERS                    PROFFERED PAPERS                   PROFFERED PAPERS                    PROFFERED PAPERS
                                                                  Growing your network

                                                                                                          HIGHLIGHTS OF PROFFERED PAPERS                                           MULTIDISCIPLINARY TUMOUR BOARD
                                                                                                                                                                                   Paediatric oncology (non-brain)
                                                                  YOUNG LUNCH SYMPOSIUM
                                                          Increasing the impact of your research
                                SYMPOSIUM                               SYMPOSIUM                                JOINT YMPOSIUM                             DEBATE                           SYMPOSIUM                          SYMPOSIUM                              DEBATE
                 Lethal DNA double strand breaks              Mobility for radiation oncology                     ESTRO-EANO                       This house believes that          Challenging the traditional      Adapting to changes on different       This house believes that
                 production: Quality over quantity?                    professionals                   Twists and turns of brain irradiation      an intensive follow up for          margins for microscopic                   time scales                brachytherapy is a dying art
                                                                                                                                               high-risk breast cancer patients               diseases
                                                                                                                                                    should be considered
15:30-16:00   COFFEE BREAK
16:00-16:25                                                                                                      K. BREUR AWARD
16:25-16:40                                                                                                  DONAL HOLLYWOOD AWARD
16:45-17:45                  PROFFERED PAPERS                       YOUNG NETWORKING                            PROFFERED PAPERS                      PROFFERED PAPERS                    PROFFERED PAPERS                   PROFFERED PAPERS                    PROFFERED PAPERS
18:00-19:00                                                                                                                                           GENERAL ASSEMBLY

                        TEACHING LECTURE                       TEACHING LECTURE                             TEACHING LECTURE                          TEACHING LECTURE                    TEACHING LECTURE                   TEACHING LECTURE                    TEACHING LECTURE
08:30-09:10     Toxicity vs tumour control: What      How can omics lead to personalised        Is endometrial cancer ready for treatment       Hypofractionation for the           Deformable registration for             Immunotherapy and             Calculating margins correctly:
                      makes a good plan?'                    radiation oncology?                 individualisation based on molecular risk     management of postoperative          dose accumulation: Current            radiotherapy: Basics for        Abracadabra with numbers?
                                                                                                                  factors?                                PCa                       status and future challenges                 physicists
                              SYMPOSIUM                        JOINT SYMPOSIUM                               JOINT SYMPOSIUM                              SYMPOSIUM                          SYMPOSIUM                          SYMPOSIUM                            SYMPOSIUM
                             Anal cancer                        ESTRO-ESR                                    ESTRO-ESGO                        Fractionation for external beam      Medical physicists should be       Modelling of complex systems       Artificial Intelligence: Friend or
                                                           Imaging biomarkers for                       Joint guidelines on the                radiation therapy in early breast   directly involved in the design,          and interactions                      foe of the RTT?
                                                          personalised radiotherapy                  management of vaginal cancer                   cancer: State-of-the-art       execution and interpretation of
                                                                                                                                                                                             clinical trials
10:30-11:00   COFFEE BREAK
                              SYMPOSIUM                           SYMPOSIUM                                    SYMPOSIUM                                    DEBATE                           SYMPOSIUM                          SYMPOSIUM                            SYMPOSIUM
                Changes in disease pattern after       Adaptation and automation: The      HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma: Is it time     This house believes that short-      Spatial and spatio-temporal        Modelling at the voxel level:     Changing the radiation medicine
11:00-12:15             the pandemic                     new frontier in radiotherapy                  for de-intensification?                    course radiotherapy is the                fractionation              Dose and image-data mining                   paradigm
                                                                                                                                                ideal schedule as part of total
                                                                                                                                               neoadjuvant therapy programs
                                                                                                                                                       for rectal cancer
                                                                                                                                                                                           CLOSING SESSION
                                                                                                                                                                                   Which innovations will have the
12:20-13:25                                                                                                                                                                        greatest impact in radiotherapy
                                                                                                                                                                                              by 2030?
                                                                                                                                                                                          CLOSING REMARKS
EMMANUEL VAN DER SCHUEREN AWARD                      HONORARY PHYSICIST AWARD                             BREUR AWARD LECTURE                                  DONAL HOLLYWOOD AWARD
The Emmanuel van der Schueren Award                  This award is given at the ESTRO Annual              The Breur Award is named after                       The Hollywood Award is given in the
is given in honour of the founding father            Meeting. Previous recipients have been               Prof. Klaas Breur one of the founding                memory of ESTRO President-Elect
of ESTRO and in recognition of excellent             people who, although not physicists,                 fathers of ESTRO. If he had not died                 Donal Hollywood, who passed away
scientific work, enormous contribution               have made an outstanding contribution                prematurely in 1981 he would probably                from cancer before taking on the
within ESTRO to the field of education               to the cause of physics in ESTRO, by                 have become ESTRO's first president.                 duties of President. This annual award
and promotion of radiation oncology as               raising the profile of physicists in the             Professor Breur was the head of the                  is given to the best abstract selected
a discipline. The ESTRO Board decides                radiation oncology community or to the               Radiotherapy Department of the                       for presentation at an ESTRO congress.
on the recipient of the award.                       development of the field of physics in               Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis van Amsterdam                  The Scientific Programme Committee
                                                     clinical radiotherapy.                               (Universiteit van Amsterdam) and                     decides on the recipient of the award
The recipient of this prestigious award delivers a
                                                                                                          participated in founding the EORTC. As               from all the submitted/accepted
lecture at the ESTRO Annual Meeting.                 The recipient of this prestigious award delivers a
The Emmanuel van der Schueren Award is
                                                                                                          a tribute to Professor Breur’s pioneering            abstracts. Selection criteria are based
                                                     lecture at the ESTRO Annual Meeting.
published in the Abstract Book of the ESTRO          The Honorary Physicist Award is published in
                                                                                                          work, ESTRO created this annual “Gold                on clarity, supporting data, scientific
Annual Meeting where it is presented.                the Abstract Book of the ESTRO Annual Meeting        Medal“ award lecture in his name. The                rigour, potential significance, interest
                                                     where it is presented.                               Breur Award is the highest honour that               in the topic chosen and innovation or
                                                                                                          can be conferred on an ESTRO member                  usefulness, as well as translational work
                                                                                                          and is awarded in recognition of the                 and interdisciplinarity.
JENS OVERGAARD LEGACY AWARD                                                                               major contribution made by the winner
                                                                                                                                                               The recipient of this prestigious award delivers a
                                                     GEC-ESTRO IRIDIUM 192 AWARD                          to European Radiotherapy.
                                                                                                                                                               lecture at the ESTRO congress where it is presented
The Jens Overgaard legacy award
                                                     The "GEC-ESTRO Iridium Award" is                     The recipient of this prestigious award delivers a   and the lecture is published in the abstract book
recognises his outstanding contribution
                                                     presented to the brachytherapist or                  lecture at the ESTRO Annual Meeting.                 of the said ESTRO congress.
to promoting scholarly science in
                                                     physicist who, in the opinion of the GEC-            The Breur Award is published in the Abstract Book
radiation oncology during his 25-year
                                                     ESTRO Committee members, has made                    of the ESTRO Annual Meeting where it is presented.
tenure as Editor-in-Chief of Radiotherapy
& Oncology.                                          a major contribution to the development
                                                     of the Brachytherapy speciality.
The recipient of this award delivers a lecture at
the ESTRO annual Meeting. The Jens Overgaard         The recipient of this prestigious award delivers a
award is published in the Abstract Book of the       lecture at the ESTRO Annual Meeting.                 LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS                          HONORARY MEMBERS AWARDS
ESTRO Annual Meeting where it is presented.          The GEC-ESTRO Iridium Award is published in
                                                                                                          The Lifetime Achievement Awards are                  The Honorary Members Awards are
                                                     the Abstract Book of the ESTRO Annual Meeting
                                                     where it is presented.                               awarded to an ESTRO member who is                    awarded to outstanding scientific
                                                                                                          at the end of their active career and has            contributors in the field of oncology. The
                                                                                                          contributed tremendously to ESTRO                    residence of the nominee is worldwide
                                                                                                          activities.                                          and not restricted to Europe.
Join the community
The ESTRO membership gives you the tools to improve your daily practice,
develop your career and contribute actively to the progress of radiotherapy,
for the benefit of all cancer patients. Join our ESTRO community and share
our Vision: Radiation Oncology. Optimal Health For All, Together.

  As a member of ESTRO and according to your membership category, you will
  benefit from many advantages, amongst others:

  • Conferences and courses: Access to webcasts, valuable discounts on
    registration fees
  • Education: Access to ESTRO E-Library, ESTRO publications and guidelines
  • Journals: Access to Radiotherapy & Oncology (Green Journal) and open access
    journals (ctRO, phiRO, tipsRO), discount on publication fees
  • News and networks: Access to ESTRO newsletters, eligibility
    for ESTRO mentorship programme
  • Societies: Voting rights, eligibility to be part of the Board
    of Directors , eligibility for grants and awards                       To find the
                                                                      ESTRO membership
  ESTRO offers several levels of membership, individual               that suits you best,
  and collective, with benefits tailored to the needs of each
  member and their level of involvement within the Society.
                                                                    have a look at our ESTRO
                                                                      Membership Tree on

6-10 May 2022

Bella Center
Entrance 6
Center Boulevard 5,
DK-2300 Copenhagen

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