Page created by Juan Patel
Short Course Series 2018 A


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+ Career
+ Opportunity

                 SHORT COURSE SERIES
B   Short Course Series 2018                                 B


     Monday 7-9pm                    Thursday 7-9pm
     Introduction to Genealogy       Bees and Beekeeping
     Introduction to                 Brush up your Italian
     Western Philosophy              Improvers Russian
     Introduction to Herbs           Creative Writing
     and Nutrition
                                     Archaeology of
                                     Prehistoric Ireland

     Tuesday 7-9pm
     Introduction to Russian
                                     Saturday 10-4pm
     Beginners Italian               Mindfulness in Action
     Introduction to Astronomy       Community Development
     Appreciation of Poetry
     Introduction to Screenwriting
     Decoding Irish Place Names

     Wednesday 7-9pm
     Brush up your German
     Brush up your French
     Brush up your Spanish
     Europe between the Wars
     Irish Literature
     World Cinema
Short Course Series 2018   1

The Centre for Adult Learning               You are encouraged to browse          enrolments. Courses that do
and Professional Development                through the short courses on offer    not reach this will be cancelled.
continues to offer its Short Course         and to contact the Centre for         Applicants will be offered an
Series commencing October                   Adult Learning and Professional       alternative course or will be
2018. Courses consist of 8 weeks            Development at the number             refunded the course fee. To avoid
of lectures in a number of general          provided if you require any further   not being able to enrol on a
interest areas including Literature,        details.                              course through oversubscription
Writing, Film Studies, Philosophy,                                                or cancellation please apply as
History, Languages, Astronomy               COURSE FEE                            early as possible.
and many others. These courses
are particularly suitable for               €125 per course
candidates who have never had an            If you are a full time student,
opportunity to study a particular                                                 Refunds are normally only
                                            senior citizen or unemployed you      available if we have to cancel a
subject area before and wish                may apply for the discounted
to gain a deeper insight into a                                                   course. It is in this regard that you
                                            fee of €85. You must provide          are requested to inform yourself of
discipline that already interests           supporting documentation with
them. Whatever your motivation,                                                   the content of the course before
                                            your application.
you are sure to meet interesting                                                  enrolment.
people to discuss your ideas
with, find out more about your              CANCELLATIONS
subject area and also experience            Please note that our courses
the world of lifelong learning.             require a minimum number of

Online                                            from the website and return it with a
Book and pay for a course online with             cheque for the fee, made payable to
your credit or debit card. Full fee only.         NUI Galway (including your supporting
                                                  documentation for discounted fee).
                                                  Application closing date Wednesday
By Post                                           26th September 2018
Complete the Application form at the
end of the brochure or download it
2   Short Course Series 2018

                                      area, and to be able to decode
                                      the meaning and structure of
                                      names from their anglicised forms.
                                      The course also seeks to develop       Thursday: Dr Noel McCarthy
Monday: Bríd Higgins
                                      the research skills of participants,
                                      presenting information on              The Artefacts and
Introduction to Genealogy                                                    Archaeology of Prehistoric
                                      historical sources, mapping and
Many of us are now interested         field-work, while engaging with        Ireland
in starting our own family tree.      major scholarly works on names
                                      and naming practices which have        Spanning the millennia from
There is nothing more rewarding                                              c.8000 BC to AD 500, this course
than finally stumbling upon those     been published over the past
                                      150 years. A visit to the Special      will identify and discuss the
elusive ancestors, or discovering                                            developments in society and
you have additional branches          Collections Reading Room at
                                      James Hardiman Library will            technology that occurred through
to your family that you did not                                              the prehistoric period of Ireland’s
know existed. There is a sense of     feature as part of the course.
                                                                             past. Using the artefacts and
excitement attached to this ever                                             archaeology of the time a range
increasing interest and hobby. It                                            of subjects will be discussed.
is almost a compulsion of sorts to    Wednesday: Dr Mark Phelan
want to continue on your quest                                               The course will begin with the
to find more and more family          Europe between the World               arrival of people into Ireland
relatives. This course is aimed       Wars, 1919-1939                        after the last Ice Age and their
at the beginner in family history                                            use of early stone tools, through
research and will introduce the       This course examines European          to the construction and use of
fundamental steps you need to         developments between the First         megalithic monuments. Metal
undertake your family tree. It will   and Second World Wars. Towards         will be with regard to the use
guide you to sources that you         assessing the ‘inevitability’ of       of these new materials, the
need to research to start your        the latter conflict, lectures will     development of particular artefact
own tree. It begins by defining       examine the Versailles peace           styles, as well as the changing
primary and secondary sources         settlement in detail, and account      role of objects and individuals in
and explains administrative           for the rise of the inter-war          society. The masterworks of the
divisions used in the past that       European dictatorships. Toward         Bronze Age goldsmiths will be
most primary sources were             explaining the inner-workings          viewed in light of their form and
based upon. The different             of the Nazi, Soviet, and Fascist       function, as will the monuments
primary genealogical sources          dictatorships, classes will focus on   constructed during the period.
are then examined: Census             the peculiar personalities of the      Changes in society throughout
Records, Church Records, Civil        key individuals – Hitler, Mussolini,   prehistory will also be analysed;
Records, Land Records, Folklore       and Stalin – synonymous with           particularly regarding attitudes
/ Oral History and Newspapers.        the ‘Age of Totalitarianism’.          toward the physical landscape,
The course will also include          Additionally, lectures will
information on researching online                                            the construction of spectacular
                                      summarise developments in
and documenting your research.        the so-called ‘Successor States’       ritual monuments and the rise of
                                      (Poland, Czechoslovakia,               powerful elites.
                                      Yugoslavia, et al); investigate
Tuesday: Dr Liam Ó hAisibéil          the pressures affecting the
                                      established ‘Great Power’
Decoding Irish                        democracies of Great Britain
Place-names                           and France; and reflect upon the
                                      tragedy that was the Spanish Civil
This course provides an               War (1936-39).
introduction to the study of Irish
place-names, focusing on the
origins, functions, meanings
and linguistic development of
place-names on this island. The
course will outline the various
social and cultural influences that
                                          These short courses provide a
can be evidenced by names and             wonderful way to get into a new
naming patterns, in both historical
and contemporary contexts. The            subject or deepen your existing
aim of this course is to enable
students to engage with the
                                          knowledge of the area.
onomastic heritage of their own
Short Course Series 2018    3


LANGUAGES                              your vocabulary and develop your
                                       communication skills. A variety of
                                                                             tense, pronouns, prepositions,
                                                                             adjectives, adverbs etc.
                                       exercises and situations will be      Participants will be encouraged
Tuesday: Ludmila Snigireva             used in each class which will help    to engage in various dynamic
                                       you to communicate simple and         activities such as role plays,
Introduction to Russian                routine tasks requiring you to use    discussions, writing compositions,
                                       vocabulary and phrases already        reading comprehensions, pair or
This course is suitable for            learned by you in active, real-life   group work. A comfortable and
students who may have some or          situations.                           enjoyable learning experience is
no knowledge of Russian. It will
focus on the Russian alphabet, the                                           guaranteed!
ability to read simple texts, and
asking and answering questions         Tuesday: Anastasia Beltramell
based on everyday situations. A                                              BRUSH UP YOUR ....
variety of learning activities will    Italian for Beginners
be used throughout the course                                                German-Wednesday
which will expand your vocabulary      This informal course is intended
                                       for those who are learning the        French-Wednesday
and develop your communication
skills. If you plan a trip to Russia   Italian language for the first        Spanish-Wednesday
for business or pleasure, you will     time, allowing you to start to        Italian-Thursday
not be lost! You’ll be able to ask     communicate. None or little
for directions, order a meal and       previous knowledge of Italian is      These informal courses taught
engage in basic conversation.          required. The aim of this course      by native tutors are for you if you
                                       is to enable students to feel         have an advanced beginner/
                                       confident in communicating            intermediate level (A2/B1) in
                                       in everyday situations with           French, German, Italian or Spanish
Thursday: Ludmila Snigireva
                                       Italian native speakers and to        and if you want to improve your
                                       give insights into the Italian        communicative skills, expand your
Improvers Russian                      culture and way of life. Among        vocabulary and if you want to
                                       the main topics covered are           learn and talk about the country’s
This is a course for those who         greetings/introducing oneself,
have a basic knowledge of                                                    lifestyle, culture, history, politics,
                                       giving and asking for personal        literature, art or music. Each week
Russian including the Russian          information, talking about work,
alphabet, the ability to read                                                will focus on a different topic that
                                       daily routine, asking and giving      you will prepare beforehand. A
simple texts, and asking and           directions, talking about events
answering questions based on                                                 variety of tasks will be employed
                                       in the past and in the future etc.    to revise and consolidate your
everyday situations. A variety         The course will also cover the
of tasks will be employed to                                                 prior knowledge of the language
                                       main grammatical points which         and each lesson incorporates
revive and revise your prior basic     include the alphabet, nouns
knowledge of the language. This                                              sufficient time for feedback on
                                       and gender, articles, regular         grammar and pronunciation.
short course will further enhance      and irregular verbs, present
4   Short Course Series 2018

FILM STUDIES                            LITERATURE                             POETRY
Wednesday: Dr Veronica                  Wednesday: Martin Keaveney             Tuesday: Dr Emily Cullen
                                        Introduction to Irish                  Appreciation of Poetry
Introduction to World                   Literature
Cinema                                                                         Luxuriate in the power of poetic
                                        This carefully structured course is    language and imagery while
This course will examine films by       a general introduction to critically   engaging with some of the finest
some of the best directors in world     reading some of Ireland’s best         poetry written since the start of
cinema. It will explore the context     known literature in the context        the twentieth century up to the
of making films in various parts of     of a progressing Ireland and also      present day. This course offers an
the world including Russia, Africa,     focussing on the locations of the      appreciation of modernist and
America and various European            novels. We will begin at the turn      contemporary poetry through the
countries with a great tradition        of the 20th century with Mayoman       close reading and enjoyment of
of film making including France,        George Moore’s The Untilled            the written word. Students will
Sweden, Germany, Italy, Poland          Field, then proceed through            learn ways to approach poems
and Spain. Directors whose films        the next century with Joyce’s          with confidence and to attune to
we will explore in this course          Dubliners, McGahern’s Amongst          their rich insights. In so doing they
include Ingmar Bergman, Pedro           Women, set in the midlands,            will gain a foundational knowledge
Almodovar, Jean-Luc Godard,             and Pat McCabe’s The Butcher           of modern poetry in its cultural
Andrei Tarkovsky and Wim                Boy as a representative of Ulster.     and historical contexts. Works by
Wenders amongst others. As well         We conclude with newer works           a variety of Irish and international
as analysing the great films from       in Claire Keegan’s Foster, set in      writers, including Louis MacNiece,
these directors, we will also look at   Wexford, Ann Enright’s Limerick in     William Carlos Williams, Pablo
the history surrounding the making      The Green Road, Eimear McBride’s       Neruda, Frank O’Hara, Elizabeth
of the films and the directors’         west of Ireland background of          Bishop, Paula Meehan and others
personal vision.                        A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing,         will be explored in a lively and
                                        and Galway’s Mary Costello who         informal atmosphere. Some of
                                        provides an Irish narrator in New      the themes addressed include:
                                        York. By the end of the course,        how poetry is made; the sonnet;
                                        participants will have read and        the villanelle and forms of rhyme;
                                        discussed a number of Ireland’s        poetry in free verse; language and
                                        best known authors and critically      vision in ekphrasis; image, nature
                                        analysed their geographical            and description in the haiku;
                                        settings and foundations. An           poetry of common things and the
                                        exciting new course which would        antipoetic and spoken word. Led
                                        be ideal for the literary enthusiast   by acclaimed poet, Emily Cullen,
                                        or anyone preparing to study           the course is aimed at anyone
                                        English at third level.                who would like to learn how to
                                                                               appreciate poetic imagery, rhythm,
                                                                               form and meaning more fully.

Apply online or complete the               These short courses provide a
application form at the end of             wonderful way to get into a new
the brochure
                                           subject or deepen your existing
                                           knowledge of the area.
Short Course Series 2018   5

                                                                                 Thursday: Fred Johnston
PHILOSOPHY                             WRITING
                                                                                 Creative Writing
Monday: Dr Miles Kennedy               Tuesday: Tim Kearney
                                                                                 This course in creative writing
Introduction to Western                Introduction to                           will focus on writing fiction and
                                                                                 prose, with an emphasis on
Philosophy                             Screenwriting                             creating a short story from idea to
Since its inception in ancient         This course offers an introduction        conception. Students will learn a
Greece, philosophy has pursued         to the principles and practice of         number of practical writing skills
fundamental questions: Why             screenwriting. In it, students will       including editing, restructuring
is there something rather than         explore the craft of screenwriting        of first manuscripts, exploring
nothing? How do we know what           and be able to express their own          theme-making and plotting,
we know? What is the right             story ideas in a supportive and           settings, background and research.
way to live? This introductory         encouraging environment. Over             The course will also explore the
course which explores the birth        the eight weeks, the classes will         question of “what is style” and
of ideas, takes participants on        explore the basic principles of           “what are the various genres”?
a quest through the centuries          screenwriting as a creative practice      The development of these writing
from ancient to modern times           and examine screen narrative              skills will be accompanied by an
and across Europe from Greece          as a visual medium. Student               in-tandem exploration of several
to France, Germany, Britain and        understanding of the form, and            eminent writers, with an emphasis
Ireland. Each great era of Western     the craft involved in its practice will   on reading. Students will be
philosophy presented different         be developed and expressed in             encouraged to explore questions
views on these questions and           practical ways through screening          such as “can we write a solid piece
their possible answers. These          analysis and discussion, in-class         of fiction without reading” and
views will be investigated in turn     exercises and weekly assignments.         “who are the writers that appeal to
through readings and discussions       This course is aimed both at those        us, and why”.
so that class participants can         with a specific interest in film and
gain a sense of the history of         television writing as well as those
philosophy. This short course          seeking a broader understanding
provides a foundation upon which       of how screen stories work.
the participants can formulate and
discuss their own conceptions of
existence, knowledge and ethics.
The first step in this adventure is
to realise that, as Socrates said,
“The unexamined life is not worth
living!” Come along and begin
examining it, after all it’s all you

Centre for Adult Learning and Professional
Development, NUI Galway
   (091) 494 055

6   Short Course Series 2018

                                        Examining the evolution of stars       are being made to understand the
SCIENCE                                 as they form and are destroyed         causes and reverse their decline to
                                        will help us understand the origin     prevent the potentially dramatic
Tuesday: Dr Matt Redman                 and destiny of the solar system,       consequences of further losses.
                                        and also show how galaxies, made       This short course will introduce
Introduction to Astronomy               up of billions of stars, change        you to Ireland’s wild and managed
                                        over time. After considering the       bee species, provide basic
Astronomy is the oldest science         big bang and the universe as a         knowledge of their biology and
and yet is still making new and         whole, we return to the Earth and      ecology, their importance in plant
fundamental discoveries. This           consider the likelihood of life on     pollination, the threats they face
course will form a comprehensive        planets around other stars. This       and their conservation including
introduction to astronomy and           course is ideal for those with an      how you can get involved. Finally
requires no previous experience         interest in space, the night sky and   we will introduce students to the
in science or maths. The format         our place in the universe.             fundamentals of beekeeping
each week will be a lecture, richly                                            practice. Visits to the NUI Galway
illustrated by the latest spectacular                                          apiary will be included, weather
images from the Hubble Space
Telescope and other research
                                        ENVIRONMENT                            permitting, to allow students to
                                                                               view inside a working beehive.
telescopes. This is followed by a       Thursday: Dr Grace McCormack
question and answer session in
which the theme of the lecture,
or any other topic of interest
                                        Bees and Beekeeping
to the audience is developed            Bees are of vital importance for
further. Starting with the history      pollination of crops and wild plants
of astronomy and the discovery          as well as providing much sought
of the solar system, the inner          after natural products for food
planets and the gas giant planets       and health such as honey, wax and
will be examined. Then, the sun         propolis. Bees have been in serious
is considered and compared to           decline globally and many efforts
the other stars we see in space.
Short Course Series 2018   7


Monday: Dr Margaret O Brien              Saturday 13th & 20th October
                                         (10am – 4pm)
Introduction to Irish
Herbal medicine, Food                    Mindfulness in Action:
fermentation and Nutrition               Richard Brennan
Herbalism is the oldest form of          This practical course is based on the
medicine, ancient writings describe      Alexander Technique and will help
the medicinal uses of herbs which        you to become more aware in all
were and still are used here. This       your everyday activities. It will show
course will consist of an introduction   you how to move with greater ease
to some of the herbs that grow           while sitting, standing, walking and
in Ireland, identification of such       bending and how to avoid common
herbs, their history and folklore,       ailments such as back, neck, hip
and associated health benefits.          knee and shoulder pain. It will help
There will be demonstrations and         you to improve performance and
you will learn how to make several       avoid injury during yoga and Pilates
easy herbal preparations, with some      and all sporting activities and also
hands-on experience. Examples will       reduce stress by improving your
include herbal teas, syrups, extracts    breathing and posture. The tutor
and tinctures, as well as non-toxic,     Richard Brennan is the author of 8
environmentally-friendly natural         books on the technique including
beauty and household products.           Change your Posture – Change your
As the saying goes “Let food be          Life.
thy medicine and medicine thy
food”. Aspects of nutrition and
the health benefits of fermented
probiotic foods and drinks (which
you can taste and then try at home),
other natural foods, and plants
which grow in the countryside
that provide nutrients and healing
will be discussed. There will be
demonstrations and samples to take
home, and recipes will be provided.
8   Short Course Series 2018


Saturday 6th & 13th October

Community Development
Helen Casey
This taster course in Community
Development will offer learners
an opportunity to gain an insight
into the meaning and context of
what ‘community’, ‘development’
and ‘community development’
mean in a national context. It
will guide learners through the
core principles which inform
and underpin community work
practice. The course will provide
learners with a historical overview
of the processes and dynamics of
community development within a
national context. The programme
content will demonstrate
the diversity of the roles and
responsibilities of community
workers within a national context.
Therefore, the course will provide
an understanding of the key
developments in the social,
political, cultural and economic
structures within Irish society
that shape one’s experience of
community development.

Apply online or complete the application form opposite.   CONNECT WITH
                                                          US ON TWITTER
Short Course Series 2018   9

1. APPLICANT DETAILS                                       2. CHOICE OF PROGRAMME
                                                           Please indicate which short course(s) you
Surname: _____________________________________________     would like to register for
                                                               1.The Artefacts & Archaeology of
First Name(s): _________________________________________         Prehistoric Ireland
                                                               2. Introduction to World Cinema
Address for correspondence (BLOCK CAPITALS)                    3. Introduction to Herbs, Nutrition and
                                                                   Fermented Foods
_______________________________________________________        4. Mindfulness in Action
                                                               5. Introduction to Genealogy
_______________________________________________________        6. Europe between the Wars
                                                               7. Decoding Irish Place Names
                                                               8. Bees and Bee Keeping
                                                               9. Introduction to Russian
Telephone No: _________________________________________
                                                               10. Improvers Russian
                                                               11. Beginners Italian
E-mail: ________________________________________________       12. Brush up your Italian
(correspondence will be to your email address)
                                                               13. Brush up your French
                                                               14. Brush up your German
Signature: ____________________________________________        15. Brush up your Spanish
                                                               16. Introduction to Irish Literature
Date: _________________________________________________        17. Appreciation of Poetry
                                                               18. Introduction to Western Philosophy
Application forms and fee payment (cheques/bank drafts/
postal orders made payable to NUI Galway) and supporting       19. Introduction to Astronomy
documentation for fee discount should be returned to Ms.       20. Creative Writing
Berna Morgan, Short Course Series 2018, Centre for Adult
Learning and Professional Development, NUI Galway on or        21. Introduction to Screenwriting
before Wednesday 26th September 2018.                          22. Community Development

3. For Office Use Only                   Cash         Cheque        P.O.         B.D.
Form of Payment (please tick):

Centre for Adult Learning and Professional
Development, NUI Galway
   (091) 494 055

10 Short Course Series 2018


National University of Ireland, Galway
Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh
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